Monash University Occupational Health & Safety Cyclic Events 2016 for…………………. Items Reporting Mandatory Actions Progress (% Complete) Provide Plan by 31st March 2016 Finalise and endorse actions for Faculty/Division OHS plan: Key Faculty/Divisional stakeholders to meet to determine higher risk/priority focus areas for 2016 (and beyond) 1 OHS planning and implementation Meeting to be held with Occupational Health and Safety Team to disccuss and agree on key focus initiatives and implementation plan Regular reporting to OHS Consultant/Advisor on progress 2 Management meetings Senior Management meet twice per year with the Manager, OH&S to discuss their Faculty/Division's occupational health and safety performance and other OHS related issues. 3 OHS Committee meetings Ensure each local OHS Committee meets at least four times per year and minutes are recorded. Ensure that two emergency evacuations are conducted in areas occupied by your staff, one in each semester (with at least one of the two to be a planned trial). 4 Emergency Evacuation Ensure debrief sessions are conducted immediately following emergency evacuations to assess performance and identify actions for improvement. Report to the OH&S team that the evacuation has been undertaken together with the findings and actions to be implemented (via 'Record of Building Evacuation and Debrief' form ). Ensure all new staff complete the online and local OHS induction within 4 weeks of commencement 5 OHS Induction Training Ensure staff requiring induction refresher training are identified and those staff undertake the training 6 S.A.R.A.H. Ensure all OHS hazards and incidents reported via SARAH have appropriate action plans developed and completed within agreed timeframes Items Reporting Desirable Actions % Complete By July 2016 Undertake a self-audit for your Faculty/Division worksites (or individual departments/buildings). 7 Self-Audit Questionnaire Provide report on findings and any corrective action requirements to OH&S Team Ensure all agreed corrective actions are implemented within timeframes Identify mandatory OH&S training needs for staff and students OHS Training Matrix - 9 Specialised OHS training Ensure identified training courses are completed 10 Occupational injury and illness Identify any health surveillance requirements or other occupational health issues e.g. lab animal allergies, hearing tests where appropriate and notify OH&S 11 Health and wellbeing Promote health and wellbeing programs (Organisational or local) to staff and students to achieve minimum 30% participation in programs Progress Key Actions Director/Dean signature: OHS Consultant/Advisor signature: ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. Date: Date: Progress Percentage Planning stage commenced 10% Planning completed and actions identified 20% Actions commenced 30% Substantial progress on actions 60% Actions mostly complete 80% Completed all actions identified 100% ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………