AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global PROCEDURES FOR THE PROVISION OF EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS May 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................2 2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................2 3. ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................2 4. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. BUILDING TYPE .............................................................................................................................................. 2 CAMPUS EMERGENCY PHONE (CEP) ................................................................................................................2 EMERGENCY.................................................................................................................................................. 3 EMERGENCY WARNING AND INTERCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM (EWIS) ...................................................................3 MONASH (INTERNAL) PHONES .........................................................................................................................3 RED EMERGENCY PHONES (REP) ..................................................................................................................... 3 SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES ...........................................................................................................................3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 FACILITIES & SERVICES DIVISION (F&S) ...................................................................................................................... 3 ESOLUTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 HEADS OF ACADEMIC/ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS AND CONTROLLED ENTITIES .................................................................. 3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S)................................................................................................................. 4 6. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................4 7. ADDITIONAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION ...................................................................................................4 8. PRIORITISING INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................................5 9. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................5 9.1 9.2 9.3 LEGISLATION AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS .................................................................................................................. 5 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................................... 5 AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Procedures for the provision of emergency communication systems V2 Date of first issue: Sept 2009 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: May 2012 Page 1 of 5 Date of next review: 2015 18/04/12 1. PURPOSE The purpose of these procedures is to clearly outline the requirements relating to the provision of an effective emergency communication system for all Monash University controlled buildings. As part of fulfilling its obligation to provide a safe workplace, the University must ensure that an effective, reliable and uniform emergency communication system is available in all buildings for which the University has control. 2. SCOPE These guidelines apply to all buildings owned and/or under the control of Monash University within Australia. Instances whereby buildings fall outside the scope of these guidelines should be referred to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) for consideration. 3. 4. ABBREVIATIONS CEP Campus Emergency Phones EWIS Emergency Warden Intercommunication System OH&S Occupational Health & Safety WIP Warden Intercommunication Points VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol DEFINITIONS 4.1 BUILDING TYPE The University has determined that the number of evacuation exercises should be based on the level of risk associated with the use and occupancy of its owned and/or controlled buildings. Type A buildings are owned and/or controlled by the University with permanent staff/student spaces Type B buildings include buildings owned and/or controlled by the University but which are used on an occasional or irregular basis (eg religious centre, lecture theatres) This approach is consistent with Australian Standard AS 3745: 2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities Based on the risk associated with both research and teaching intensive periods and the variation in staff and student numbers coinciding with these periods, the University has determined that the following regime for evacuations will operate: One (1) evacuation in both the first and second half of the year for type A buildings and; one (1) evacuation per year for type B buildings is required. 4.2 CAMPUS EMERGENCY PHONE (CEP) A red or white wall mounted handset, distinctly different in intended function to WIP phones, connected to Security and with the functionality to enable emergency services to be called on (0) 000. These are maintained by Facilities & Services but may be Procedures for the provision of emergency communication systems V2 Date of first issue: Sept 2009 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: May 2012 Page 2 of 5 Date of next review: 2015 23/04/12 periodically tested by individual organizational units or Facilities & Services. Also known as an emergency phone. 4.3 EMERGENCY A sudden state of danger that requires immediate attention or an event or condition that threatens life, property or products. 4.4 EMERGENCY WARNING AND INTERCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM (EWIS) The EWIS is used to warn building occupants of an emergency and then advise them to evacuate. It is usually located on the ground floor near the Fire Indicator Panel. In an alarm it makes a very loud “beep'' (alert) sound which then changes to a “whoop whoop'' (evacuate) sound. In most EWIS systems a recorded evacuation message is used to instruct occupants to evacuate. The EWIS system has two components: the public address system, which also generates the evacuation signals; and the warden intercommunication point (WIP) phones. 4.5 MONASH (INTERNAL) PHONES Monash phones are the general purpose (VoIP) phones available throughout the university. Almost all desk phones are considered Monash phones. These are provided and maintained by eSolutions for all general communication purposes and in most instances can be used to dial 333 or (0)000 during an emergency. 4.6 RED EMERGENCY PHONES (REP) Strategically located and readily accessible red wall mounted handsets connected directly to the EWIS panel and to Security. These are distinct from CEP and may also be referred to as WIP phones. 5. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES A comprehensive list of OHS responsibilities is provided in the document OHS management at Monash University: Structure, functions, roles and responsibilities. Specific responsibilities relating to the provision of emergency communication are detailed below. 5.1 FACILITIES & SERVICES DIVISION (F&S) The Facilities and Services Division is responsible for: 5.2 the installation and maintenance of the EWIS; the provision of specialist advice on the positioning of REP; co-ordinating the installation of CEP and any other additional modes of emergency communication following consultation with OH&S and eSolutions and; providing and erecting appropriate signage and instruction adjacent to all CEP ESOLUTIONS eSolutions is responsible for; 5.3 maintaining the Monash University telephone service; and installing all additional modes of communication including CEP with the exception of REP. HEADS OF ACADEMIC/ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS AND CONTROLLED ENTITIES Procedures for the provision of emergency communication systems V2 Date of first issue: Sept 2009 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: May 2012 Page 3 of 5 Date of next review: 2015 23/04/12 Heads of academic/administrative units and controlled entities are responsible for ensuring; that Facilities & Services are notified of any areas not meeting the minimum requirements as set out in this document; that any additional communication requirements within their area of responsibility are discussed with the appropriate OHS&E committees; that all CEP, not currently tested by Facilities & Services, are tested once or twice per year (according to building type) in conjunction with the undertaking of evacuation drills and; that all staff and students are familiar with the University’s emergency procedures. 5.4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) OH&S is responsible for; 6. providing specialist advice on the provision and positioning of CEP and any other modes of emergency communication. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 6.1 The minimum requirements for the provision of emergency communication systems within a building are that: 6.1.1 all new EWIS installations should be commissioned in accordance with AS 1670.4:2004 6.1.2 where present and/or possible, REP should be connected to the campus security office in addition to the EWIS panel. 6.1.3 where 6.1.2 cannot be achieved; Type A buildings should be fitted with a designated CEP adjacent to the emergency exit/s on each floor with a minimum of 2 phones on each floor. 6.1.4 6.2 In addition; 6.2.1 7. Type B buildings e.g. lecture theaters should be fitted with at least one CEP in the adjacent foyer area. appropriate signage and operating instructions must be placed adjacent to all CEP. all Monash (internal) telephones must have the facility whereby by the user can report emergencies to their local campus security office by dialling 333 and emergency services by dialling (0)000. ADDITIONAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION In addition to the minimum requirements stated in section 6, individual organisational units may elect to install additional modes of communication by lodging a BEIMS request after discussing the matter with the the appropriate OHS&E committee. Facilities & Services will in turn liaise with OH&S when considering the request. Additional modes of communication are provided by eSolutions and further information can be found at Procedures for the provision of emergency communication systems V2 Date of first issue: Sept 2009 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: May 2012 Page 4 of 5 Date of next review: 2015 23/04/12 8. PRIORITISING INSTALLATION When implementing these procedures, it is recommended that the priority be given to: 9. High risk areas: which include laboratories, workshops and studios where radioactive substances and radiation apparatus, hazardous chemicals or hazardous activities are in use followed by; Low risk areas: which includes office based areas, lecture theatres, student service areas, passive activity areas, sporting or recreational areas. REFERENCES 9.1 LEGISLATION AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) Building Code of Australia 2009 9.2 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS DOCUMENTS OHS Management at Monash University: Structure, Functions, Roles and Responsibilities 9.3 AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS AS/NZS 1670: 2004 Fire Detection, Warning, Control and Intercom systems- System Design, Installation and Commissioning AS/NZS 1670.4-2004 and AS/NZS 4428.4-2004 Emergency Warning & Intercommunication Systems in Buildings AS 3745-2010: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities Procedures for the provision of emergency communication systems V2 Date of first issue: Sept 2009 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: May 2012 Page 5 of 5 Date of next review: 2015 23/04/12