AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS AUDIT PROGRAM 2016 January 2016 A representative sample of academic/administrative units has been selected for Faculty, Division, and Portfolio and School level audits. 1. OHS SELF AUDITS Each year, each unit/entity is responsible for completing the self-audit questionnaire to provide a guide to the OHS compliance of their unit/entity and to the continual improvement of their OHS compliance status. 2. INTERNAL OHS AUDITS Areas to be audited by OH&S staff in 2016 include the following: Area Faculty/Division/ Type of audit Portfolio Monash University Museum of Art Office of the VC & President General OHS Management Monash Center for Electron Microscopy Office of the Provost and Senior VP General OHS Management Monash Student Organisations Monash Student Organisations (Caulfield) General OHS Management Physiology Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Chemical , OHS Management Monash MicroImaging Office of the Provost and Senior VP General OHS Management Civil Engineering Engineering Chemical, OHS Management AMREP ( Alfred Hospital) Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Ionizing Radiation School of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science Chemical, OHS Management Center for Drug Candidate Optimisation Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Parkville) Chemical, OHS Management Chief Operating Officer & Senior VP, Marketing, Communications& Student Recruitment Vice –President Services General OHS Management 3. EXTERNAL OHS AUDITS External OHS audits will be conducted to provide a check of hazardous activities by field experts and to provide a quality check for the internal OHS audit program. Areas to be externally audited in 2016 include: Area Faculty/Division/Portfolio Type of audit To be determined Audit program 2016 .doc Reviewed: March2016 Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Page 1 of 3 4. OHSAS 18001 & AS 4801 CERTIFICATION AUDIT A Surveillance audit is scheduled in 2016. Areas to be audited in 2016 include: Area Faculty/Division/ Portfolio Type of audit Maintenance and Grounds (Caulfield) Contractor Management Office of VP Services, Buildings and Properties Division OHS Management Residential services Campus Community Division OHS Management ( incorporating new Building) MIGR ( Monash Institute of Graduate Research) MIGR ( Monash Institute of Graduate Research) OHS Management Team Monash Campus Community Division OHS Management Eastern Health Clinical School Faculty of Medicine OHS Management Office of VP Services, Buildings and Properties Division OHS Management (Box Hill) Plant and equipment safety (OHS in Procurement) Project Management for Building Renovation Buildings and Properties Division OHS Management Offsite and international work Sciences and Education- School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment Faculty of Science OHS Management Chief Operating Officer and Office of COO Office of the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President OHS Management Monash Oakleigh Legal Services Faculty of Law OHS Management Nutrition and Dietetics (Notting Hill) Faculty of Medicine OHS Management OHS Buildings and Properties Division OHS Management 5. TYPES OF OHS AUDITS AUDITS WILL BE CONDUCTED TO: 5.1 5.2 THE AUDIT PROGRAM WILL REFLECT: 5.3 Assess compliance of the Monash University OHS management system with the requirements OHSAS 18001:2007 and AS 4801:2001; Assess the extent of implementation of the Monash University OHS management system in the university's operations and activities; and, Verify the implementation and effectiveness of OHS policies and procedures. The level of risk associated with the activity, policy or procedure; The OHS importance of the specific element of the Monash University OHS management system; The results of previous audits; and The significance of problems encountered in the areas to be audited. The audit procedure is outlined in the Monash University OHS Audit Procedure Audit program 2016 .doc Reviewed: March2016 Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Page 2 of 3 Audit program 2016 .doc Reviewed: March2016 Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Page 3 of 3