NIH Peer Review Challenges and Opportunities in Peer Review The Strategic National Importance of Peer Review A Vision for Ensuring Its Strategic National Value toni scarpa NIH and Peer Review 440 991 6022 NIH Center for Scientific Review The Drivers for Change Enhancing Peer Review Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH April 12, 2013 The Strategic National Importance of Peer Review NIH Support to Scientists Who Later Received Nobel Prizes in Physiology/Medicine or Chemistry 30 Years of Medical Innovation • • • • • • • • • MRI and CT Imaging ACE inhibitors Angioplasty Statins Mammography Coronary Interventions H inhibitors and H2 Blockers Antidepressants Cataract and Lens Replacement • Ultrasound Imaging • Asthma Treatment • • • • • • • • • • Cardiac Enzymes Fluoroquinolones Hypoglycemic Agents HIV Testing and Intervention Tamoxifen PSA H. Pylori Test and Treatment Bone Densitometry Cephalosporins Calcium Blockers Fuchs and Sox, Health Affairs, 20, 30-42 Why Has The U.S. Biomedical-Behavioral Research Been So Successful? Major Differences Between Europe and U.S. In Funding Biomedical Research It is not the money but the way it is spent Nobel Prizes and Major Discoveries Others Global Federal Expenditure for Biomedical Research in Developed Countries USA 9% USA 87% U.S. Organization Ministry of university, science/research/education Department Health and Human Services Goal Promote biomedical research Provide employment for scientists Promote cures Reengineer medicine How funds Large entitlement to are allocated universities, research centers Small fraction through peer review to researchers 100% through peer review to researchers The Rest 91% 1 The Rules and the Results of the Process Funding Longevity of NIH Investigators • Researchers are “Contractors” who bid in an open competition • Peer Review is the judge of the competition • Universities and Research Institutions receive funds only to the extent they have competitive Faculty How a Mosquito Helped Creating the NIH (and the USA) NIH Peer Review Yellow Fever and the Decline of French America Memphis: Death and Exodus United States Louisiana Purchase 1803 2 Carlos Finley and Walter Read The First Peer Review Responses to Yellow Fever • A $30,000 bid (RFA) from the US Army for Universities • 1st peer-reviewed applications for research. 1879 Penicillin and World War II The Fundamental Tenets for NIH (1946) 1. The only possible source for adequate support of our medical research is the taxing power of the federal government. 2. The federal government and politicians must assure complete freedom for individual scientists in developing and conducting their research work. 1940 • President Roosevelt set up the National Defense Research Committee. Awarded contracts for rapid production projects Identified 700 universities for future contracts 1942 • Medical Research funding grew from $2.3 million to $7.5 million, rating applications with an “A”, “B”, or “C”. • 21 penicillin production plants (led to a 97% survival rate for wounded soldiers.) 3. Reviews should be conducted by outside experts essentially without compensation. 4. Program management and review functions should be separated. Surgeon General Thomas Parran, Jr. Department of Health and Human Services Total = $592 Billion Total = $52.6 HRSA 11% CDC 8% The National Institutes of Health Medicare 58% Medicaid 33% FDA 3% Discretionary Programs 9% NIH 54% ` Other 24 % 3 FY 2012 NIH Budget Distribution of Funding 24 NIH Institutes and Centers Fund Grants NINDSNIGMSNCRR NIA NIAID NIAAA NIDCR NEI NIH Center For Scientific Review NINR NCI NIEHS NIDCD NLM NCCAM Types of NIH Grants • Research Project Grant NIAMS Center for Scientific Review FIC NIBIB NIDA NIMH NHLBI NHGRI NICHD NIDDK NCMHD The Operating Principles of NIH Peer Review NIH has ownership of the process • The Scientific Review Officer , a full time federal employee, nominates the review panel, assigns applications and is responsible for the meeting • Small Business Grants • Training and Career Development Grants • Exploratory/Development Grants The study section (review panel) has ownership of the science. • Shared Instrumentation Grants • • • Resource Grants Is composed by experienced scientists in the field. Hundreds of study sections reviewing different biomedical behavioral science 4 This is CSR The Drivers for Change September 2009 1st Driver: The NIH Budget 2nd Driver: Number of Applications 120 40 100 35 Thousands $, Billion 30 25 20 15 80 60 40 10 20 5 0 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1996 70 12.00 60 6.00 Applications Per Reviewer 4.00 2.00 $ Millions 14.00 8.00 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 4th Driver: CSR Budget 3rd Driver: Reviewer’s Load 10.00 1998 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 0.00 CSR Reviewer Cost Constant $ 5 Annual Savings in Reviewers’ Expense Budget • Sending application electronically $3.8 million • Non-refundable tickets with one possible change $15 million • 3,000 fewer reviewers $3 million • 15% reviews using electronic platforms $5 million • One meeting a year on the West Coast $1.8 million 5th Driver: The World Is Changing • The way research is done has changed • The diseases of Americans have changed The Land of the Free, The Home of the Fries Major Complaints About NIH Peer Review • The process was too slow Enhancing Peer Review • There were not enough senior/experienced reviewers • The process favored predictable research instead of significant, innovative, or transformative research • The time and effort required to write and review were a heavy burden on applicants and reviewers 2005 Enhancing Peer Review: The Overall Goal 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, Divisions, IRG 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 4. Funding the Most Promising Research Earlier 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting and Maintaining the Best Reviewers 7. Others 6 NIH Review Changes The Process Diagnostic June 2007 – Feb. 2008 The Process Design Implementation Plan March 2008 – June 2008 Begin Phased Implementation of Selected Actions September 2008 • Input from the community • Open Houses • PRAC (Peer Review Advisory Committee) • NIH Intramural and NIH IC Directors • Department Health and Human Services • OMB and White House 2 1: Processing Applications Enhancing Peer Review 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others July 1, 2005 CSR: February 1, 2007 1. One Review Platform for 63 years The First NIH Study Section 1946 60 years later 2005 1. Advancing Additional Review Platforms • Electronic Reviews Video Assisted Meeting Internet Assisted Meeting • Editorial Board Review Complex Science Small Business Transformative R01 ARRA, IRS, FDA applications 7 1. The First Telepresence Study Section Enhancing Peer Review 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others 2. CSR Organization Divisions Integrated Review Groups Scientific Review Officers 2. Redesign Study Sections Positional Map of Membrane Biology and Protein Processing Study Section 2. Redesign Study Sections Positional Map of Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Study Section Enhancing Peer Review 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others 8 3. Projection of Age Distribution of NIH RPG Investigators: 2020 3. Early Stage Career Investigators 7% PIs in 1980 Definition of New Investigator: • Not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a significant NIH independent research award. 6% Percent of PIs 5% Definition of Early Stage Investigator: • Within 10 years of completing terminal research degree or within 10 years of completing medical residency (or the equivalent). 4% 3% • The NIH corporate policy is to fund R01s of New Investigators and ESIs at different paylines • • 3 Paylines for R01s Applies only to R01 applications 2% 1% 0% 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Age 19 3. Funding New Investigators Enhancing Peer Review 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 4. Funding the Most Promising Research Earlier 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others 4. Funding the Best Research Earlier 4. Shortening the Review Time • Abolish A2 applications 2005 2007 2009 0 2 4 6 Months: Submission to Posting Critiques To enable resubmission, when doable and desirable, 4 months earlier than in the past. 9 4. Percent of R01 Awards by Amendment 4. Investigators’ time-to-award. New R01 applications, by year of original A0 application. 70% Percent of Total Awards 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Enhancing Peer Review 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance • Shorter Applications • Template Based Review • Score on Impact and Significance • Training of Reviewers 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others Enhancing Peer Review 6.Attracting the Best Reviewers 16000 1. Modernizing the Process 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 4000 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 2000 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others 0 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Chartered Temporary 10 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers Academic Rank of ALL CSR Reviewers 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers Some Successful Strategies 80% •Move a meeting a year to the West Coast 70% •Additional review platforms 60% •Develop a national registry of volunteer reviewers •Searchable database with 5,000 reviewers 50% •Provide tangible rewards for reviewers •No submission deadlines for chartered members of study sections and frequent reviewers 40% 30% 20% •Provide flexible time for reviewers •Choice of 3 times/year for 4 years or •2 times/year for 6 years 10% 0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PROFESSOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Enhancing Peer Review 7. Others 1. Modernizing the Process 1. Reviewing Transformative Research 2. Realigning Study Sections, CSR Divisions and IRGs 2. Reviewing for ARRA (The Stimulus), FDA, Treasury Department and Various Countries 3. Investing in the Future: Young Investigators 3. Changing Scoring 4. Reviewing Expeditiously 4. Changing the Order of Reviews 5. Focusing More on Impact and Significance 5. Training of Reviewers and SS Chairs 6. Attracting the Best Reviewers 7. Others 7. Training Study Section Chairs Clouds at the Horizon Clouds on the Horizon • The Business Model of Many Universities and Medical Schools is not sustainable • The NIH is Becoming a Faculty Employment Agency • Intra and Extramural mandates and Bureaucracy are Mushrooming • Too Many Institutes, not Aligned with Today’s Science • Leadership Unwilling to Make Strategic Decisions 11 Coronary Heart Disease Age-Adjusted Death Rates in U.S.: Actual (blue) vs. Expected (yellow) National International Hope Deaths per 100,000 500 400 300 200 100 0 1950 Average annual investment per American ~ 1,329,000 Projected Deaths in 2000 ~$3.70 815,000 Deaths Prevented in 2000 World Video.mpg ~ 514,000 Actual Deaths in 2000 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year 12