2011 CASNR E-NEWSLETTER VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9 RESEARCH IN FOCUS Texas Tech researchers dig into biodegradable mulch Each year more than a million feet of black plastic is used to cut back-breaking weeding costs in high-value crops like lettuce, strawberry and tomatoes. Now, Texas Tech agriculture scientists are part of a national research team developing and testing biodegradable mulches that could provide an alternative to the pricey polyethylene plastic. more » STUDENT SPOTLIGHT AFS’s Bradley Skinner takes reins as 50th Masked Rider A junior animal science major from Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources accepted the reins to Midnight Matador Friday, becoming Texas Tech University’s 50th Masked Rider. more » CLICK: CASNR IN PHOTOS GALLERY: Inside The Science Of Women’s rodeo team has 'Top 5' finish at Wyoming’s National Finals Rodeo Texas-tested rodeo skills helped guide the Texas Tech Women’s Rodeo Team to a fourth place national ranking on Saturday (June 18) at the College National Finals Rodeo in Casper, Wyoming. “All four of our members gained points during the week,” said Chris Guay, Tech’s rodeo coach and an instructor with Tech’s Department of Animal and Food Sciences. more » PSS doctoral student receives grant to investigate High Plains irrigation A Texas Tech graduate student received a $5,000 grant from the Texas Water Resources Institute, which will help fund the first year of her research investigating irrigation on the Texas High Plains. Cora Lea Emerson, doctoral candidate in the Department of Plant and Soil Science, will investigate possible solutions to the decline in available water resources. more » Scott Cooksey receives NAADA Founders Distinguished Service Award The past director of development and external relations for Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources was presented the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association’s Founders Distinguished Service Award today (June 15) during the organization’s annual meeting here in Lubbock. more » Akers Named CASNR’s Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Programs Nationally-recognized agricultural communications educator Cindy Akers has been selected as assistant dean for academic and student programs with Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Her new appointment, as well as her promotion to full professor, will take effect Sept. 1. more » Winemaking Texas Wine Business Is Booming. Texas Tech introduced the state’s first degree specialization in viticulture and enology. Take a walk though Brent Trela’s laboratories as he conducts research, teaching, and extension programs in enology in support of the grape and wine industry. His classes introduce students to wines, wine business, winemaking, and the science, processing, quality control and analysis of winemaking. Photos: N. Martin. Learn More >> CASNR, NAADA host national agricultural alumni and development conference More than 130 agricultural alumni and development professionals from across the nation are in the Hub City this week as part of the 36th Annual NAADA Conference. Held June 12-15 at the Overton Hotel and Conference Center, the program features educational sessions, speakers and tours of the Texas Tech campus. more » In Profile: Bank Executive Stan Ray Is An Ambassador for Agriculture A career in agriculture has taken Stan Ray (‘88, B.S., Agricultural Education) from humble roots in Robert Lee, Texas (pop. 1,150) to the halls of Congress in Washington, and later an executive boardroom for a multi-billion dollar financial institution in Austin. Today, Ray is chief administrative officer for Farm Credit Bank of Texas, based in Austin. more » Noted agroecosystem research scientist Vivien Allen announces retirement UPCOMING EVENTS State FFA Convention July 12-15, 2011 United Spirit Arena Lubbock, Texas Sorghum ResearchExtension Symposium July 21-22, 2011 Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources announced today (June 7) that longtime professor and leading agroecosystem research scientist Vivien Allen, the university’s Thornton Distinguished Professor of Forages since 1995, would retire on Aug. 31. more » Spring commencement caps semester for CASNR faculty, students More than 3,275 Texas Tech students, including 151 from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, received diplomas at the university’s commencement ceremonies Saturday (May 13) at the United Spirit Arena in Lubbock. more » Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas Annual Conference CASNR Alumni Reception & Fajita Dinner July 26, 2011 at 6 p.m. Tierra Verde Golf Club 7005 Golf Club Drive Arlington, TX http://bit.ly/l9QyAN The Thread: CASNR caps and tees crank up style; updated AEC shirt unveiled International Cotton School August 8-19, 2011 Lubbock, Texas The broad diversity of student organizations within Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources can be seen in its eclectic variety of specialty T-shirts. From blazing reds to subdued beige, the shirts reflect in interests, pride and deep down belief that, “From Here, It’s Possible.” Photos: N. Martin. Learn More >> AJ NewsLink: NRM grad student lays ground work for prairie-chicken study In the dim light before sunrise, a loud bubbling sound fills the air over the expanse of sand and tall grasses in northern Yoakum County. It is the familiar springtime sound - booming - when male lesser prairie-chickens appear in the open and display their colorful features to attract females for mating. more » Administrative Council DR. JOHN BURNS Dean john.burns@ttu.edu DR. STEVE FRAZE Agricultural Education & Communications steven.fraze@ttu.edu DR. NORMAN HOPPER Executive Associate Dean for Academic & Student Programs DR. LESLIE THOMPSON Animal & Food Sciences DR. RICHARD ZARTMAN Plant & Soil Science richard.zartman@ttu.edu DR. CINDY AKERS Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center cindy.akers@ttu.edu n.hopper@ttu.edu leslie.thompson@ttu.edu DR. SUKANT MISRA Associate Dean for Research sukant.misra@ttu.edu DR. ALON KVASHNY Landscape Architecture alon.kvashny@ttu.edu DR. EDUARDO SEGARRA Agricultural & Applied Economics eduardo.segarra@ttu.edu DR. MARK WALLACE Natural Resources Management mark.wallace@ttu.edu College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources PO Box 42123 Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123 806.742.2808 phone 806.742.2836 fax norman.martin@ttu.edu JANE PIERCY Development & Alumni Relations jane.piercy@ttu.edu NORMAN MARTIN Marketing & Communications norman.martin@ttu.edu