2011 CASNR E-NEWSLETTER VOLUME 6, ISSUE 14 RESEARCH UPDATE AEC researchers secure $600k marketing grant to assist farmers, ranchers A group of Texas Tech researchers is part of a larger compilation of institutions receiving a grant to help beginning farmers and ranchers market their products and businesses. Erica Irlbeck, an assistant professor of agricultural communications in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communications, has secured the $600,000 grant from USDA as part of its Beginning Farmer and Rancher Initiative. more » PIG ROAST HONORS CASNR presents ‘Outstanding Agriculturalist’ awards to three area leaders Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will honor three area residents with Outstanding Agriculturalist awards on Thursday (Nov. 10) during its annual Pig Roast at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Banquet Hall. The Pig Roast also features scholarship donors, Landscape architecture students unveil plans for African-American museum An ambitious class of Texas Tech landscape architecture students hopes to take their design concepts for the first African-American museum in West Texas from the drawing table to an actual East Lubbock landmark. more » Exceptional; Eleven CASNR students selected for ‘Who’s Who’ recognition Eleven outstanding students from Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will be included in latest edition of ‘Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.’ The university hosted a special ‘2011 Who’s Who Recognition Reception’ on Nov. 13 at the university’s Merket Alumni Center. more » In Profile: Masi Mejia matches love of wildlife with environmental conservation Growing up, Masi Mejia was always fascinated by the hunting stories her greatgrandfather told. When she joined the Texas Youth Hunting Program and was able to go on her very first hunt on the King Ranch, her guide took the time to explain all the different anatomical parts of her first buck. more » Texas Tech meat judging team walks away with national championship title recipients and intercollegiate judging teams. more » Texas Tech’s powerhouse meat judging team took first place this weekend, claiming the national championship title at the American Meat Science Association’s International Meat Judging Contest held Nov. 13 in Dakota City, Neb. more » STUDENT SPOTLIGHT All-Americans; Tech livestock judging leaders honored as the nation’s best In an overwhelming show of academic strength, six outstanding seniors from Texas Tech University received AllAmerican Livestock Judging Team Award honors on Tuesday (Nov. 15) at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville. Only 10 all-American slots were available to competitors. more » CASNR IN PHOTOS Slideshow: Lubbock AfricanAmerican Museum gets boost from LA class An ambitious class of Texas Tech landscape architecture students hopes to take their design concepts for the first African-American museum in West Texas from the drawing table to an actual East Lubbock landmark. They presented their plans to the Lubbock Roots Historical Arts Council. Highlights include openair theaters, winding tree-shaded paths. more >> UPCOMING EVENTS CASNR Christmas Open House December 7, 2011 10-11:30 a.m., Goddard Bldg. Lubbock, Texas Commencement Texas Tech research institute releases online foreign subsidies database Texas Tech’s Cotton Economics Research Institute unveiled a new online database today (Oct. 31) that compiles, organizes and presents information on domestic subsidies and trade restrictions on key agricultural product-producing countries around the world. more » Career Expo; CASNR recruiters take home ‘Outstanding Booth Award’ Members of Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources AgriTechsans recruiting team and the Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center won the ‘Outstanding Booth Award for the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Division’ on Tuesday (Oct. 25) at the South Plains Career Expo in Lubbock’s Memorial Civic Center. more » Texas Tech livestock judging team wins seventh national championship Texas Tech’s livestock judging team was crowned national champions Tuesday (Nov. 15) at the 2011 North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville. The team won the contest by a thirty-one point margin, posting a total team score of 4,677 points. more » Spiess, Hunger selected as TSSRM outstanding range management students A sophomore and junior from Texas Tech’s Department of Natural Resources Management were recognized as ‘outstanding range management students’ at the annual meeting of the Texas Section of the Society for Range Management at San Angelo’s McNease Convention Center. Tech’s Jonathan Spiess and Kaitlin Hunger were nominated by the faculty members from their department. more » Wallace named chairman of Department of Natural Resources Management A noted wildlife and habitat management expert has been named the new chairman of Texas Tech University’s Department of Natural Resources Management, according to officials with the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource. Mark Wallace, who currently serves as interim chairman for the department, steps into his new post on Nov. 1. more » Texas Tech rodeo teams wrap up fall season with flair at equestrian center Texas Tech’s rodeo teams ended their fall season with a strong finish this weekend at the Texas Tech Rodeo in Lubbock. Held at the university’s equestrian center indoor arena, the meeting was the Red Raiders fifth Southwest Region National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association event of the season. more » The Thread: CASNR caps and tees crank up style; updated AEC shirt unveiled The broad diversity of student organizations within Texas Tech’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources can be seen in its eclectic variety of specialty T-shirts. From blazing reds to subdued beige, the shirts reflect in interests, pride and deep down belief that, “From Here, It’s Possible.” Photos: December 16-17, 2011 N. Martin. Learn More >> Administrative Council DR. EDUARDO SEGARRA Agricultural & Applied Economics eduardo.segarra@ttu.edu DR. MARK WALLACE Natural Resources Management mark.wallace@ttu.edu DR. SUKANT MISRA Associate Dean for Research sukant.misra@ttu.edu DR. STEVE FRAZE Agricultural Education & Communications steven.fraze@ttu.edu DR. RICHARD ZARTMAN Plant & Soil Science richard.zartman@ttu.edu DR. CINDY AKERS Assistant Dean for Academic & Student Programs cindy.akers@ttu.edu DR. LESLIE THOMPSON Animal & Food Sciences leslie.thompson@ttu.edu DR. MICHAEL GALYEAN Interim Dean michael.galyean@ttu.edu DR. NORMAN HOPPER Coordinator of Special Projects and Piper Professor n.hopper@ttu.edu DR. ALON KVASHNY Landscape Architecture alon.kvashny@ttu.edu College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources PO Box 42123 Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123 806.742.2808 phone 806.742.2836 fax JANE PIERCY Development & Alumni Relations jane.piercy@ttu.edu NORMAN MARTIN Marketing & Communications norman.martin@ttu.edu