!" #$% &#$ && '( AZ (Arizona) Incident:2010012101-Severe Winter Storm-AZ )' !*"& '( &*#' $#! 01/25/2010 13:50 3307EM-AZ: SEVERE WINTER STORM &&$+! #&"$ , &! Provide trasportation resources to move cargo and/or passengers in support of operations in response to Winter Severe Storms EM-3307-AZ. Delivery locations to be designated by FEMA and the State of Arizona. %#- $&#" Arizona DEM, 5636 e McDowell Road Phoenix, AZ 85008 "&"% "&% '( &*#' , #! 01/24/2010 "#&#&*, & ' ./ +" '( '#% !! & #& ' ./ +" '( '#% !! & Chuch McHugh (602) 464-6242 BRYSON, STEPHEN W (510) 627-7119 chuck,mchugh@azdema.gov Steve.Bryson@dhs.gov 01/25/2010 01/25/2010 0 && #") #$#% 1, #! "! 2 & !" ! " !!3 4 X 43 55555555555555555 &+3 5555555555555555 &*#' 01/25/2010 13:30 # ! 67 ##") 87 #)+ /7 !# ' X .7 # &#"#") X &&$+! $ # %&%"" !'' " &&'"& 9 As directed by, and in coordination with FEMA and the State of Arizona, the USFS will provide transportation support for cargo and/or personnel for disaster response activities in the State of AZ associated with 3307-EM-AZ. )"$- # "#(% ('#&&#") ##" #)"'"& : &%- ) & & & #"$% ! $& !& +" ##" #)"'"& & ' &+" ;< !- & $'%&= #"$% !#") (#%%#")7 + ##" #)"'"& : &%- ) & $" ( $$! "! ('#&&! ">%#" & 7'7 )*')7 #)"! )"$- ?$&! && & ?$&! "! & USFS (U.S. FOREST SERVICE) X 01/24/2010 &% & &#'& $100,000.00 +" 7 '"!'"& & 43 * $&#" #$ GINGER BRUDEVOLD BLACK (505) 301-0929 02/03/2010 '#% gbrudevold@fs.fed.us $ #$& !% #&"$ !'( X && & + 1<@= 6<@= .A@2 $+"#$% #&"$ && + 1<@2 !% &#" & && + 1<@2 25.0 && & + $"& @ && & + ' "&3 B 25,000.00 "! #&&#"3 #&#" $!3 C<DC<. 2010-06-3307EM-9094-XXXX-2508-D ##" #)"'"& ") 12 & DORSEY HUGHES 01/25/2010 00 ?$& ")*"$+ #$& 1)' %2 & STEPHEN BRYSON 01/25/2010 00 '&%%* "! "&% 1 "! #2 & ATWOOD, LAWRENCE E. 01/25/2010 $##$ & 0&& #") #$#% 1, #! "! 23 & 00!% #") #$#% 1, #! %%23 EDWARD HENRY 01/25/2010 $) 3307EM-AZ-USFS-01 ##" #)"'"& '( 555555555555555555555 100,000.00 ' "& +# $&#" B 5555555555555555555555555 &*#' (%#)&! 00 '"!'"& '( 555555555555555555555 100,000.00 ' %&# ' "& B 5555555555555555555555555 "#&#% * %+,+ &'! "& "&"- " " %+,+ &'! Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126095 (IFMIS Closed) as of 01/25/2010 Print Time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(- #""$#% $#%#& ##" #)"'"& 73 #)"! #" #""$#% -&' $+"%)#$%%- #") #)"! )"$- $"-' "! & !#)#& " '(7 '"!'"& 73 & %'"& " '(7 E'%3 3 ><6= 7 6= ><F= 7 87 ' "& &+# $&#"3 " ' &&% $& &#'& (7 ' %&# ' "&3 ' %&# ' "& &+# = #"$% !#") '"!'"&7 Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126095 (IFMIS Closed) as of 01/25/2010 Print Time: 01/25/2010 23:31 RFA #1509-126095 Financial Program: 3307EM Additional Mission Statement USFS will provide requested support within capabilities and will determine most effective means of transportation based on available assets, delivery location, and required delivery timeline. Crews are understood to be able to work a varying number of hours, depending on individual unit policies and aircraft type. Air crews have final decision-making authority for the management of all cargo and/or personnel transported by USFS. Crews and equipment must be able to operate in heavy snow. Mission Assignment Task Orders will be issued for specific cargo and/or personnel requirements, location(s), dates, and duration of assignment(s) as needed. All equipment and supply purchases must be coordinated with FEMA. Prior FEMA approval is necessary to ensure reimbursement. USFS aircrews will indicate fueling and runway requirements. 24 hours support required: Yes Fuel and maintenance required: Yes, USFS to provide Beginning Date: 01/24/2010; Completion Date:02/24/2010 Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126095 (IFMIS Closed) as of 01/25/2010 Print Time: 01/25/2010 23:31