1 A SIMULATION STUDY OF TIME-CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION BY Charles Joseph Corley B.S.E.E. UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY (1968) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE FOR THE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December, FP-6 rttr F Signature 1974 14_7 of Author Department of Electrica Engineerikg, December, 1974 Certified by / Accepted ~ Supervisor y artmental Chairman-Graduate Committee ARCHIVES 3U42 5D1975 t~anR R1v- 2 A SIMULATION STUDY OF TIME-CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION by Charles Joseph Corley Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on December 18, 1974 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. ABSTRACT A technique has been developed, simulated, and tested which assists an aircraft pilot in navigating along threedimensional routes and in complying with times of arrival This technique specified by air traffic control agencies. utilizes an on-board computer to determine the airspeeds required to arrive on time and the descent rates required to In this maintain the specified routes in the vertical plane. closed-loop system, the pilot determines the control inputs required to match his measured airspeed to a computer-controlled bug on the airspeed indicator; the required descent rate is shown as a bug on the vertical velocity indicator. The computer requires the aircraft's position in three dimensions, current true airspeed, present time, and the assigned route-time profile to compute command airspeed and command descent rate. The navigation system was tested by professional pilots in a cockpit mockup of a Boeing 707 interfaced with an Adage An aircraft simulation which accurAGT-30 digital computer. ately models a Boeing 707-320B over the full operating range of airspeeds and altitudes was developed specifically for The accuracy of the time these tests and is described here. of arrival at an initial approach fix was measured for a linear descent of three degrees from cruise altitude to 10,000 Tests were conducted under zero wind conditions and the feet. airspeed at the initial approach fix was constrained to 250 The resulting error in arrival times, chosen from the knots. achievable times, had a mean of +19 seconds and a of range about the mean error of 5 seconds. deviation standard THESIS SUPERVISOR: TITLE: Assistant Alan A. Professor Willsky of Electrical Engineering 3 FOREWORD NEVER JUDGE THE HEIGHT OF A MOUNTAIN UNTIL YOU HAVE REACHED THE TOP; THEN YOU WILL SEE HOW SMALL IT WAS. DAG HAMMERSKJOLD A word of explanation... in the as a documented appendix were mulation. any air that The assembly tion, is of this luated cient few their to Caryn, and the a valuable without of the adequate have counsel encouragement. Mr. and Bud invaluable Vietor of important, Christopher who for shown documenta- American Mark Con- Airlines insight all eva- into effi- supervised my sincere make assisted guidance and organi- Professor Alan Willsky but most tool si- researchers. people who Captain and aircraft the engineer, provided last, to serve however, experience has successive the the appreciation sacrifices and rewards. This work was supported reement, itself but language aircraft model and provided much And Linda, assembly has proven study; add bulk, contained acknowledge flight management. thesis. reap to support. the the to language programming, effort by zational control like nelly, project to aircraft small value I would computer programs included, not reference to traffic the under DOT-FA71 WAI-242, between Federal Aviation Task the F of United Administration. an interagency ag- States Air Force 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS page ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION 2 . . . . . . . . . - - 3 . . . . . . . . . . - 4 . . - - . . . . . . . 6 7 . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 16 1.1 STRATEGIC CONTROL...... 1.1.1 THE DESCENT PROFILE 1.1.2 ASSIGNMENT OF ARRIVAL TIMES . . 20 1.3 THE NAVIGATION CONTROLLER . 21 . 24 1.2 THE NAVIGATION CONCEPT 1.4 THE AIRCRAFT CHAPTER II 8 SIMULATION . THE AIRCRAFT MODEL . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 30 30 30 30 2.1.3 VEHICLE AXES . 2.1.4 EARTH AXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.3 THE AERODYNAMIC ANGLES . . . . . . . . 33 2.4 EQUATIONS OF MOTION . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . . . . - 38 39 . . . - 46 2.1 REFERENCE FRAMES 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 WIND BODY AXES AXES THE EULER ANGLES . . . . . 2.5 AERODYNAMIC FORCES . . . . 2.5.1 LIFT . . . . 2.5.2 DRAG . 2.5.3 SIDE FORCE 2.6 AERODYNAMIC 2.6.1 ROLL 2.6.2 PITCH 2.6.3 YAW . MOMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 THE ENGINE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 47 47 48 49 . . . . . 51 5 page CHAPTER III . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 . . . . . . . . . 3.3 AIRSPEED CALCULATIONS 3.3.1 INDICATED AIRSPEED . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 COCKPIT MACH INDICATION . . . . . 63 63 65 . . . . . . . . . . . 70 THE ATMOSPHERE MODEL 3.1 DENSITY 3.2 SPEED OF SOUND CHAPTER IV THE NAVIGATION CONCEPT . 72 . . . 76 78 79 83 . . 85 86 . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . . . . . . . 5.1 AIRCRAFT MODEL EVALUATION ..... 5.1.1 DECELERATION PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 CLIMB PERFORMANCE 88 89 91 5.2 TIME-CONTROLLED NAVIGATION EVALUATION. 5.2.1 TEST RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 ACCURACY ACHIEVED 5.2.3 FAILURE TO OPTIMIZE FLEXIBILITY. . 94 99 100 101 ACCOMPLISHMENTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.2 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 108 . . . . . . 110 4.1 THE VERTICAL NAVIGATION CONTROLLER . . 4.2 TIME-CONTROLLED NAVIGATION . . . . . . 4.2.1 FEEDBACK CONTROL . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 COMPUTATION OF EPTA AND LPTA . . 4.2.3 AVERAGE AIRSPEED DURING DESCENT. 4.2.4 COMPUTATION OF COMMANDED AIRSPEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.5 EFFECT OF WIND DISTURBANCES CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS APPENDIX A THE AIRCRAFT SIMULATION PROGRAM APPENDIX B THE FOUR-DIMENSIONAL NAVIGATION PROBLEM REFERENCES . . 157 173 6 LIST OF FIGURES . . AIRCRAFT VELOCITY PROFILE . NORMAL DELAY SPREAD . . . . . . . OPTIMUM DELAY SPREAD . . . PROFILE . . . . . 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 DESCENT 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 . . . . . WIND AND BODY AXES VEHICLE AXES AND EULER ANGLES . . NOTATION FOR BODY AXES HIGH SPEED LIFT COEFFICIENT LOW SPEED LIFT COEFFICIENT 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 DENSITY AND SIMULATOR COCKPIT . . SEA LEVEL THRUST . . . . . . . . . COEFFICIENT . . . LOW SPEED DRAG POLAR HIGH SPEED DRAG POLAR PITCHING MOMENT . . . . . . 14 18 22 22 25 31 32 34 40 42 44 45 50 52 56 57 59 MAXIMUM THRUST VARIATION IDLE THRUST VARIATION . . THRUST RELATED TO THROTTLE POSITION . . . SPEED-OF-SOUND RATIOS 61 66 67 69 . MACH TO CALIBRATED AIRSPEED CONVERSION BOEING 707 AIRSPEED/MACH INDICATOR . . . . . . SIMULATOR INSTRUMENT PANEL 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 VERTICAL 5-1 MAP OF ROUTES FLOWN NAVIGATION CONTROLLER . . . . . . TIME DIFFERENCES . CONTROLLER TIMED NAVIGATION . . 707-320B VELOCITY PROFILE . * . TIME HISTORY 5-2 DELAY SPREAD A-1 FUNCTION SWITCH ASSIGNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 77 73 80 96 103 . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 7 LIST OF TABLES page ROUTE-TIME PROFILE . . . . . . . . . . .. . 19 1-1 SAMPLE 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DATA . . . AIRCRAFT IN THE 707 FAMILY . . . CONTROL DEFLECTIONS 707-320B . NORMAL OPERATING RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 28 41 53 5-1 5-2 5-3 DECELERATION CAPABILITY RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . SIMULATOR CLIMB PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEST RESULTS 90 93 97 A-1 ANTICIPATED MAXIMUM CONTROL VALUES . . . . . . . . 116 .. . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION control The is responsibility of the Since increasing numbers One in changes revolutionary increased offers flicting craft permit any in strategic and space arrivals airport permit of arrival at times waypoints, safer space and - airport to at be control in the the scheduled can at and more efficient lower to a sequence fourth runway of the ground. and dimension the a saturation (4D) aircraft[l] strategic several other three-dimensional - ultimate time. between airThis would "bottleneck" at a maximum rate. utilization of aircraft operating expenses in- aircraft non-con- each of these attained without achieve separation system of heading and/or speed changes on reach to controlling capacity By assigning important advantages. recent years cannot be ever- flow of four-dimensional as States United tasked with pro- been airports major the methods known proposed concept, control, Within increased capacity condition where the and expeditious of aircraft. caused several have creases has it 1930's, the in Aviation Administration. Federal the orderly, safe, the for viding in inception its operating traffic air of It would available than also air- the present sent from a controller 9 While here, must all ling pilot assignment of a "route-time profile", as the of necessity be done by a controversy arrivals, ground facility controlover exists role of the a totally centralized management concept with an automatic monitoring system on the ground aberration and issue traffic control process and advocate that he be provided correct for deviations from The Boeing Aircraft Company adopted in which they ter position in a recent study[2] time assignment algorithm for use by report any pilot should participate in the an on-board capability to sense and the 4D schedule. to detect Those favoring "distributed corrections. management" believe that the This the in the execution of this schedule. The FAA favors air described the lat- develop a route- the controlling agency. states: "The pilot has the responsibility to maintain adherence to a detailed route-time profile and has with airborne equipment to make this an airplane acts in a controller traffic The air possible. surveillance and advisory capacity when the pilot maintains conformance to the route-time profile and has the equipment necessary to quickly generate new route-time profiles for airplanes, re[2: p.3] scheduling them when necessary". To aid the pilot in discharging this responsibility, an on-board navigation method has been designed, simulated, tested Systems This at M.I.T. on the simulation Laboratory technique assists and the Flight the pilot facilities of the Electronic Transportation in and Laboratory. complying with assigned 10 times of arrival at three-dimensional waypoints. jective was incorporated into commanded that the event that the aircraft's time. This flexibility was that the controlling considered agency had to majority of this appeared that both a objectives had At the last minute, new evidence revealed that present approach is - only suitable task which it performs for navigating admirably. concept of optimizing flexibility is the discussion is to sional air routes tem of Nevertheless, the final design, considered worthwhile and and assigning times of and beyond. for the air traffic Irrespective of the requirements control sys- the source of are universal; the route and capabilities of each aircraft and must not conflict with the routes and to other aircraft. since it is undeniably however, dimen- arrival at intermediate times assigned must be within the performance assigned the retained here. a logical candidate the 1980's the the assigned The precise control of aircraft by specifying three points is aircraft. and the preparation of the concept report, it later desirable in reschedule testing of this time the airspeeds capacity to arrive earlier or Through the been met. second ob- for meeting the assigned time at a waypoint would al- so maximize than the design so A The latter aspect is a responsibility of the times ignored here controlling agency; the relationship between aircraft performances and route-time profile is central to the on-board navigation the concept. 11 Therefore in the remainder of this assignment will be discussed chapter, and the and tion The concept are discussed, is explained, a logical extension of the models for the aircraft the implementation of the naviga- and the test results are summarized. computer programs for the aircraft model and navigation con- troller are tion 1.1 In succeeding chapters, atmosphere time on-board navigation concept designed and tested here will appear as these ideas. the route and of contained their in component the Appendix along with a brief explana- parts. STRATEGIC CONTROL While licable to the generalized concept of strategic control any phase of flight discussion most often tude into the centers terminal area. from departure on the descent It is this to is app- landing, the from cruise alti- descent phase, and par- ticularly the descent to congested airports, where the greatest benefits are Under rive foreseen. the present system of radar vectoring, randomly at the boundaries of the terminal area within approximately 40 nautical miles be sequenced and spaced speed when commands. These for landing by performance aircraft to possible (airspace of the airport) and must a series of heading and/or "path stretching" maneuvers performed at low altitudes aircraft ar- and prolong are costly the exposure of high collision with lighter aircraft 12 operating in the same airspace. aircraft may be asked to "hold" tern until In extreme cases, by flying arriving in a racetrack pat- they can be assured separation from other aircraft in the landing stream. Strategic control, on arrivals the other hand, would "derandomize" in the terminal area by assigning an "initial approach fix" area boundary. (IAF) or waypoint on the terminal Aircraft would then adjust descent from cruise altitude to Aircraft entering separated way. at the times of arrival at speed during arrive at the assigned time. same IAF would fly a common path in time) and proceed in an orderly stream to Aircraft the from other IAFs would assume (but the run- their position in the stream by merging with the common path at an intermediate waypoint and at a non-conflicting The ability of arrival to adjust speed while descending times that an aircraft can achieve by alone are functions of times and the range speed control the route geometry chosen and aircraft performance limits. fied before time. Because can be calculated, the route must individual be speci- the descent profile to be flown must be chosen first. 1.1.1 to THE DESCENT PROFILE The etymology of many terms unique aviation has been lost, but descent profile at least logical basis. the descent The three-dimensional route to be to the terminal area can be plotted as has a flown during a function 13 of altitude and distance Here 1-1. or - in profile as shown in Figure the path in the horizontal plane is assumed to sist of straight-line segments with each turning point fied as an additional The Boeing con- identi- four-dimensional waypoint. study points out that "airplane performance is probably the single most important criterion in the design of the The available terminal area descent drag, minimum thrust, mit the angle due to profile". and weight of (y) at which it gravity. [2: p. 63] the aircraft combine to li- can descend without The rate of descent accelerating (dh/dt) required to main- tain that angle is a function of speed and is limited by Boeing, with bin repressurization schedule. ledge of current jet transports, feet per nautical mile 300 ft/n.mi. below that altitude bility of all aircraft. "clean" airplane portant their intimate know- chose a vertical gradient of for descents above 10,000 250 the ca- feet and as being well within the capa- Although their analysis was based on a (landing gear and flaps to the present discussion that retracted), it is im- they considered spoiler deployment to be an acceptable method of increasing drag in order to decelerate or to maintain the clean aircraft drag is Other proponents choice slope when insufficient. of linear, commended other slopes with 300 an oft-quoted the required descent [3,4,5]. fixed descent profiles have reft/n.mi. at all altitudes being The navigation concept to be 40- 30 uj u.J Lu 20- 2318 FEET/NAUTICAL MILE 10 DECELERATION REGION 318 FEET/NAUTICAL MILE TH OM - THRESHOLD OUTER MARKER TF IAF - TURN FIX INITIAL APPROACH FIX -EF - ENTRY FIX SL 0 EF TF IAF TH OM 25 50 75 100 125 DISTANCE FROM THRESHOLD (NAUTICAL MILES) Fig. 1-1 Descent Profile 150 175 15 described here (Y= 3 0). slope vary was uses testing with values other level flight ft/n.mi. than 318 to facilitate segment at 10,000 feet shown transition found a 10 nautical mile level for present day ded a 15 mile segment mance 318 to in the simulator cockpit ft/n.mi. [2]. purposes The of Using in Figure 1-1 from high-speed descent to speed below 250 knots as required by quate a undertaken. The exists restricted to) Provision was made the slope but not (but is not flight the FAA. The Boeing segment commercial transports, a study to be just adeand they recommen- to insure reliable deceleration perfor- fifteen mile segment was also adopted for the this study. this descent now be specified. profile, the strategic control It is described by the route can geographical position (in some convenient coordinate system) of each waypoint and the altitude required actual route direction of at that point chosen would depend flight to maintain upon an and would have the profile. individual to include, The aircraft's as a minimum, the following points: 1. The entry fix where strategic control commences. This point is fixed so that the assignment algorithm can compute times over a known distance. 2. The initial approach fix where aircraft join the common path to the runway. 16 At this 3. The outer marker of the runway. point aircraft must adjust speed and assume the proper configuration for landing. 4. The runway threshold. 5. Any turning points line segments. required between straight 6. Additional points as required, particularly along the common path to insure that time separation is maintained. Having specified the route of to specify appropriate times terize flight, of arrival is only necessary completely charac- the route-time profile. To increase airport 1.1.2 ASSIGNMENT OF ARRIVAL TIMES all to it times assigned must be based on the runway threshold. queried prior to the roach airspeed the desired arrival time at the Boeing design, aircraft would be entry fix as to their expected final app- In (which varies with landing weight pheric conditions) in order to relate and atmos- runway arrival times the arrival time required at the outer market. are assumed to fly a common airspeed along this is used to capacity, to The aircraft the common path and compute required arrival time at the initial approach fix. To separate and sequence several aircraft arriving simul- taneously, there must be a range of arrival aircraft can achieve. This range times which each is bounded on the lower side 17 This is the by the earliest possible time of arrival (EPTA). time the aircraft would arrive mum airspeed, if it accelerated to its maxi- flew the prescribed route at that maximum, and then decelerated to comply with any the assigned waypoint. The time of arrival is (LPTA), airspeed constraints at upper bound, or latest possible achieved by minimum speed, and then accelerating point constraints, if any. flight-times is The often called decelerating, flying at to comply with the end- difference between the two the "delay spread" available, and the relative position of the assigned time of arrival ween these bounds is bility". a measure of the aircraft's EPTA has no flexibility with respect have "time flexi- arrive For example, an aircraft assigned to assigned. The maximum true airspeed that an aircraft can available feet, by 10,000 also a function of altitude and g maneuver without buffeting aircraft velocity profile is [2]. shown The conflict in order is usually can perform a A general view of an in Figure 1-2. gic control scheduling algorithm would store aircraft type The FAA directives. defined as the airspeed at which the aircraft 1.3 fly varies defined by structural limits, by maximum thrust, or below minimum airspeed is at the to arriving sooner but may great flexibility in arriving later than with altitude and is (ATA) bet- The strate- this data for each to compute EPTA and LPTA for each arrival. detection function would then sequence the aircraft 18 CABIN PRESSURE LIMIT' .;t-:TRUTLII I MU ....................... / . ..~...................... STANDA RDDAY 40 ...* .......................... e........ .... .... ese ... . . . . ... ...... .............. F LGH - - 30 21.... 5 .. .. .. .............................. IE GC) ............................................ . ................ ................................. . .. .... .... ... Mt I U . . ................... 0~............. ............ ... .... 25 00....... MACH NUMBER ......... ***00000 0 00* 90 ......... . o.............. 300.. 354 cm ... .(..TsTRo Fig.1-2 Moo*.0 .. . VEL- CI y.0. 50 450 0 *$ vo.,% . A.. I..~ sPEED) Aircraft Velocity Profile imp"! 19 and assign a unique route-time profile the time to each aircraft with at the initial approach fix within the bounds of EPTA and LPTA. (A sample route time profile -- gests sending via data-link to the pilot such as Boeing sug-- shown in Table is 1-1.) Distance Index number Altitude (feet) (nautical mHes) Gon Groud (knots) lc oto Clock Control (seconds) indicator 1 (entry fix) 1 32,681 0 455 18 32,681 27,340 22.000 16.000 10,000 39 61 82 106 130 423 427 432 392 356 340 521 700 910 1141 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 10,000 10.000 4,800 2,400 1,600 1 0 140 145 161 16 172 177 267 273 238 185 179 131 1253 1326 1541 1685 1757 2 (initial approach fix) 3 (turn fix) 4 (merge fix) 5 (final approach fix) 6 (outer-marker) 7 (thrshold) 2 3 4 5 6 Table 1-1 The from entry Sample Route-Time Profile flexibility inherent in this later than the assigned 1877 capacity to arrive earlier or time suggests a navigation concept which not only complies with the assigned time, but some sense this flexibility. also optimizes in 20 1.2 THE NAVIGATION determined order not sample the In route-time a-priori at a constant cated airspeed or cause of wind, temperature, These relationships it possible to is cations by culation the using for ror took not a the and are airspeed if winds only the route-time profile. offers the This as could groundspeed 3. cockpit indi- the an iterative done could be of forecast current or it by an airspeed, to requirement. 2. A feedback control system allowing continuous corrections to schedule. 3. Continued operation system failure. 4. A reduction in controller workload by making the pilot an active participant in air traffic control. of or er- is on-board Reduced communications event on pilot 1. the cal- speed-up advantages: in be- Nevertheless, Shifting the responsibility following an indi- at atmosphere. performed position, in does pilot the other hand, On be required flies a series from different aircraft the performing schedules. and he airspeed to off schedule. complex calculation of in Chapter and is from differs aircraft to the aircraft computer knowing craft required that fact, density discussed forecast winds commands In Boeing has 1-1, However, the time. that schedule Table schedule groundspeed. relate ground and sent slow-down groundspeed Mach trial of profile the assigned comply with to fly an CONCEPT ground and the air- 21 While an on-board navigation system was contemplated by Boeing, the method of implementation was not specified Collins Radio Company has [2]. conducted tests of a four-dimension- al navigation computer which performs the iterative selection of an appropriate airspeed schedule However, the concept to be described [4]. here uses a modified approach to the computa- tion and arrives at an airspeed schedule which incorporates flexibility in an innovative way. 1.3 THE NAVIGATION CONTROLLER spread available on any descent profile decreases The delay monotonically with descreasing distance to is the waypoint. (Variations of maximum shown schematically in Figure 1-3. and minimum airspeed with altitude would determine for purposes of and LPTA would wind, illustration.) Under perfect conditions the EPTA converge to the assigned time as the waypoint. the aircraft In the presence of disturbances pilot error, or inaccuracies a perfect controller has the aircraft can than it should ATC be forced to point it earlier. the ATA. time, but note that, this particular example, rival time. such as In computed an airspeed sche- dule such that the aircraft arrives on can be advanced, ap- in observing position and speed, the delay spread may converge to a value other than Figure 1-3, the actual the values shown in Figure 1-3 decrease linearly delay spread; proaches This For example, at a distance of could arrive 3 minutes later, always be in delayed more change the ar- 50 miles from the way- but only one half minute Let us hypothesize an example in which this would be 22 TIME 44g OP DEL AY SPREAD - ATA+3 49 !4t ASSIGNED TIME OF ARRIVAL = dn OF ARRIVAL TIME EARLIEST POSSIBLE 100 25 50 75 DISTANCE TO WAYPOINT (MILES) Fig. 1-3 - ATA+2 - ATA +1 ATA ATA- ATA-1 - ATA- 2 0 Normal Delay Spread TIME ATA+3 ATA+2 -ATA+1 ATA ----------------- 100 EPTA ATA- ATA-1 INCREASED FLEXIBILITY - ATA-2 25 50 75 DISTANCE TO WAYPOINT (MILES) Fig. 1-4 Optimum Delay Spread 0 23 undesirable. Suppose two aircraft, A and B, are 50 miles from the tial approach fix (on separate route-time profiles). A arrive one minute is scheduled to rors in the wind forecast, the delay is going prior to B, to be Aircraft due to time far enough to occupy A's easily delay one minute and time slot to A. If no gaps arrivals, air traffic relinquish its control is now faced with re-scheduling succeeding aircraft to arrive one minute later and way arrival time originally assigned to A goes unused. Several alternatives appear in avoided forces all aircraft net operating costs. to fly scheduling algorithm because it longer than necessary and increases Instead, they strive to this cient cruise and descent time of arrival. second alternative would be schedule corresponds to to the EPTA, traffic permitting; The the mid- Boeing has logically delay spreads. this approach in their the run- this hypothetical situation. choose the ATA for each aircraft near their respective own are available in the sequence of all point of advance assigned time slot. It can, however, The first is to er- Aircraft B has It is unable to spread shown in Figure 1-3. its arrival late. but ini- to closer an effi- fly an airspeed sche- dule which equalizes the flexibility on either side of the ATA. This is depicted in Figure 1-4. here and a sub-optimum control This is the approach adopted law was developed and tested for 24 the no-wind ly since cable 1.4 case. It will be argued, at least heuristical- tests were not completed, that this approach is appli- in the presence of unknown winds. THE AIRCRAFT SIMULATION A consortium of three M.I.T. laboratories nics -- the Electro- Systems Laboratory, Flight Transportation Laboratory and the Man-Vehicle Laboratory -tor resembling a Boeing 707. been used for several years have a fixed-base cockpit simula(see Figure to study borne Traffic Situation Display to tem.[6] While this device has minal and enroute environment, 1-5) The cockpit has of an Air- the applications the air traffic potential uses control sys- in both the ter- its applications have been studied exclusively in the near-terminal area at low altitude. reason the aircraft dynamics were simplified and are resentative of a general range of area.* this only rep- large jet transport over the narrow airspeeds and altitudes required for Its For the near-terminal performance was woefully inadequate for the range of airspeeds and altitudes contemplated for time-controlled navigation. It thus was necessary to create an accurate aircraft model which would provide representative performance for the contemplated studies. * A more accurate model has since been developed [7] but again it is only valid in the lower altitudes of the terminal area. I PO Fig.1-5 Simulator Cockpit 26 The aerodynamic data required for full simulation is closely held by individual aircraft manufacturers. less, a model of a Boeing Neverthe- 707-320B with Pratt and Whitney JT3D-1 turbofan engines has been developed from data obtained, deduced or derived model development represents effort and air from various aircraft a major part of this research the results are now available traffic control research as well as navigation studies. This sources.* The model for other advanced the current is discussed time in detail in the following chapter. *Link Division of General Precision, Inc., American Airlines, the U.S. Air Force, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, the Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics at M.I.T. and a Boeing publication, Jet Transport Performance Methods [8], each contributed pieces which, when combined, provided most of the important aerodynamic parameters. 27 CHAPTER II THE AIRCRAFT MODEL There are many similarities among jet transport aircraft manufactured today because function - similar passengers fast, and cargo. they are all designed to perform a efficient, and economical While configurations ferrying of and intended uses may dictate varied landing speeds and maximum ranges, the op- erating airspeed range and cruising altitudes for many types aircraft are 2-1 is As an illustration a sampling of aircraft operating the Boeing that quite similar. the Company study [2]. of this, limits as The conclusion airspeed flexibility which will be of Table contained in to be drawn is required for controlled navigation could be found in any modern jet time- trans- port. The due to Boeing 707-320B was selected for modeling primarily the availability of aerodynamic data. However, it an advanced member of the Boeing 707 family and is widely for intercontinental and transcontinental routes. shows that a total of 862 Boeing 707's these, 167 bear 707's but the designation (-320s, -320Cs, different engines not all of airlines, -420s) 707-320B but there are used 2-2 Of 409 more that have the same wing structure, related aircraft are the number might be transports owned by have been built. or fuselage configurations the 707-320B or Table is compared with the domestic air carriers - [9]. While flown by U.S. total number of approximately 2500 - 28 TABLE 2-1 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DATA* MIN.SPEED(KTAS) AIRCRAFT TYPE ALTITUDE AT MAX.WEIGHT 707 10,000 21,600 10,000 24,000 10,000 22, 500 10,000 22,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 22,000 229 275 231 304 243 295 255 315 262 330 200 240 727 737 747 DC-10 720-B *SOURCE: [2 pp. 212-213] TABLE 2-2 AIRCRAFT IN THE 707 TYPE 707-120 -120B -220 -320 -320B -320C -420 KC-135 & OTHERS TOTAL *SOURCE: [9] FAMILY* NUMBER 20 121 5 90 167 283 36 140 862 MAX. SPEED (KTAS) AT MAX.WEIGHT 435 527 452 530 407 495 436 532 430 526 420 530 29 to show that data for a Boeing 707-320B is applicable to a significant percentage of the aircraft in use today. In this chapter, are presented. from numerous dynamic the equations governing aircraft motion The derivation references (see for example, forces and moments but the terms is standard and is ted specifically to from the sources listed in Chapter 1. tions [10,11]). calculations as available Boeing 707-320B by they bear on the validity of is the data obtained Therefore, the assump- the model. an important parameter and is The in thrust discussed along with the relationship between thrust and throttle position. REFERENCE FRAMES Four reference frames known as the "flat is aero- are rela- and linearizations based on that data are discussed detail 2.1 The are based on a standard derivation, and values used in their the available generally 1. are used here in what earth" approximation. valid under the This is commonly simplification following conditions: The earth's rotation is small compared to the rotation of the vehicle. (o, =7 x 10-5 rad/sec which is smaller than any vehicle rotation of interest.) 2. Vehicle velocity does not exceed Mach 3.0 (Certainly true for subsonic transports.) 3. The vehicle is a rigid body. (Certainly not true, in fact, but aeroelastic effects are unlikely to influence the results of the present study.) 30 2.1.1 The wind axes system in a right-handed, ortho- WIND AXES the aircraft gonal set of vectors with the origin fixed at ter of gravity. (and hence opposite is important This in Figure 2-1. is depicted This tive wind"). coincident with the total The +x wind axis is velocity vector of the aircraft cen- to the "relaaxes system forces acting on the in computing the aerodynamic aircraft. gonal and The x axis in Figure body The body axes BODY AXES 2.1.2 also right-handed is 2-1. fixed along The z axis the fuselage reference line as shown is "downward" taken as a plane of rotated into VEHICLE AXES gonal The aerodynamic the body axes from the wind axes and The vehicle for- all frame. frame is a right-handed, ortho- reference system with origin at vity. and the x-z plane in the symmetry. forces and moments are computed in this 2.1.3 and ortho- center of gravity. have their origin at the aircraft frame is ces are are The x-y plane is parallel to the aircraft center of our "flat" gra- earth with the +x axis pointing to magnetic north (assuming a fixed magnetic decli- 0 nation of approximately 15 W). The z vehicle axis is with the gravity vector as 2.1.4 ted for EARTH AXES shown in Figure coincident 2-2. The earth axes reference is arbitrarily loca- the simulation to be conducted. For the present work, the 31 Fig.2-1 Wind and Body Axes 32 IB north -v -B -w g or kv Fig. 2-2 Vehicle Axes and Euler Angles 33 origin is southwest of Massachusetts, at the Logan International Airport, Boston, approximately 71 0 11'W, 42 0 12'N. vehicle axes, +x to east because of an anomaly of the axis play. 2.2 the +y Altitude earth axis points to magnetic north the and the computer map dis- above sea level is then positive. THE EULER ANGLES Euler angles are used to designate the orientation of the body axes system with respect to the vehicle axes. tions are performed in the conventional order; about the z vehicle 0 about 3) Unlike 2.3 are "azimuth" about the angle; is a rotation 2) 9 a rotation the "elevation" angle resulting x axis is the "bank" angle. shown in Figure 2-2. angles are fundamental in determining the aerodynamic forces that lage angle ao 0- the 1) THE AERODYNAMIC ANGLES Two gle is the now rotated y vehicle axis a rotation $ These axis The rota- act on the vehicle. of attack, and of attack is used by a constant and sideslip the sideslip that of the zero lift in 20, the lift the fuse- A second an- line or wing chord plane, calculations, angle angle. the but of incidence. the two differ The angle only of attack angle rotate the wind axes system into the body axes in Thus in terms of gure 2-3, the 8, These angles are a, order (-83,a,o) analogously the body axes to the Euler angles velocity components above. shown in Fi- 0 w w w w w U~ w w w Y X,u" PL,p YJ v .1s- F2 Fig. 2-3 Notation for Body Axes 35 = at tan -1 w - - f<< (2-1) - ff<r<7r (2-2) -1 v21 S where 2.4 = V + v2 =-p1 V 1 sin + w 2 EQUATIONS OF MOTION The classic equations of motion from Newtonian mechanics they are summarized here as The iented as are written in the body force equations locity components are used in the simulation. (u,v,w) and angular velocities The ve- axes. (p,q,r) are or- shown in Figure 2-3 -sin SAx + Ay M g Az 0 cos Osin cos Ocos i+ 0 r r o q -p u -q o TRS v 0 w 0 (2-3) Ax, Ay where forces and Az are resultant aerodynamic after ro- tation into the body frame. the body axes The moment equations are also written in tem. sys- (2-4) Ixx o - Ixz o Iyy o o Izz -Ixz where L, M, and N are L q M N the rolling 0 + -r q -p r -q p moment, 0 Ixx o o 0 Iyy 0 Ixz o Izz pitching -Ixz moment, p q Lr and 36 a plane of symmetry thus eliminating all cross taken as The equations of inertia except Ixz. ducts neglecting the Ixz p and Ixz r Ixz is small (a are pro- decoupled by common practice where the other inertia terms). compared to The Euler angle rates lar terms is that the x-z plane Note here yawing moment respectively. are computed from body axes angu- velocities. r= Cos 0 cos coso o - Since only the functions pAt has n+l = cos n sin 1n+l = sin 1n increment, an optimum value of ! The correction term, s E = , is cos2 sin$ cosO q of the Euler angles computations [12] sin + cos p is is used cosine of for the is illustrated here - (2-5) r to obtain the sine and This approach cos the time p cos$ azi- is used for pitch and roll. muth angle and an identical approach Here At is sino Gilbert-Howe algorithm Euler angle rates angles. cose are required for all themselves and displays, the discrete the Euler - cO sin sine and cosine and not the angles to integrate sin$ sinO ipn n- n- At -pAt e cos n (2-6) n- At -pAt sinrn (2-7) a constant, and 6 the product for any At>o. computed by 2p-l 2-+sin (2-8) 37 frame Earth is integrating the sum Vehicle frame ve- frame velocity and wind velocity. of vehicle locity obtained by position is following series of axis computed by performing the rotations Vx o 1 L: Vy 1 -sine o cosO sinj cosj o -sind Vz 0 c.os sin o u o -sin9 cos o y cos6 o o 1 'w sin cose o o 1 (2-9) The are parameters of several and cosine their sine coefficients and mic to aerodynamic angles rotate the wind axes aerodynamic forces The Here sine are and cosine sin a ~ cos a ~ V as ~ v cos 1 ~ a frame. the body (2-10) (2-11) ~ (2-12) 2, (2-13) approximation is used to determine The maximum angle of attack 16 degrees. At this point Sideslip angle, approximation is into follows: in radians. than 4%. used functions are V sin the small angle computed aerodyna- the approximation is , seldom gets even better. for the 707 as is a and about in error by large as 160 6 so less the 38 as previously mentioned, are The aerodynamic forces, tated into in the order ( ,a,o). LiL IL ]L ] cosa Ay o = Az o -sina cos3 1 sin o -sine o cos3 o o 1 cosa~ o sina~o -Drag Side Force (2-14) -Lift AERODYNAMIC FORCES The previous equations are applicable to other atmospheric vehicle' with six degrees of ject to the previously stated assumptions. force and moment equations, dimensionless aerodynamic ticular aircraft. on coefficients Since the validity the accuracy of these steady several texts flight condition. [e.g 10,11 The aerodynamic of the present are heavily simulation dependent discussed in In all cases the co - series expansion about a The derivation is available in ] and is omitted here in favor of an explanation of the particular for modeling. freedom and sub- coefficients, they are are the result of a Taylor state aircraft or associated with a par- some detail in the following paragraphs. efficients any the other hand, are based on and its potential in future applications on r the body axes by utilizing the aerodynamic angles Ax 2.5 ro- Where possible terms in the expansion selected used to the approximations the available data are contrasted with that data. Where fit data was not available or where median values were picked for highly non-linear effects, the model was pilots to confirm the values chosen. model will be discussed in chapter tested by professional The final five. tests of the 39 2.5.1 LIFT All of mic pressure the aerodynamic (1/2pV ), the dimensionless coefficients, priate geometric terms The lift 4pV C = L 2 S [CL C The (M)a in this simulation is: + CL 66E + CL (6F-6 0 -a )+C L 6F<6 0 0 0 .0143/degree L 6F-a and appro- .0055/degree CL 6F dyna- to satisfy the dimensional requirements.* equation as implemented Lift = forces are products of 6F<6' =(0 1.081/degree term CL (M) (2-15) 6F>6 6F>6 0 the slope of is the lift coefficient curve as 0 a function of Mach number. tio of aircraft velocity to (Mach number is the local speed of sound.) ticular approximation used is CL = 4.584 - 2.220 the dimensionless ra- The par- a second order polynomial, - MACH + 5.387 - (MACH) 2 (2-16) 0 for a This is in radians. plotted in Figure 2-4 along with the 0 actual curves for a Boeing 707-320B. that sample points It is important to note for this approximation (and those that low) were obtained by iteration of the actual program. as well as Therefore, it serves a measure of as a check of assembly language the program logic the approximation's accuracy. WING AREA (S)= * For the 707-320B: WING SPAN (b)=145.75 FT; MEAN CHORD fol- 3010 FT2 (c) = 22.69 FT LA a a kA 4 _r_ 0 Fig.2-4 High Speed Lift Coefficient 41 The CL6F term is an incremental increase in lift flap for deployment. flap angles with C The particular approximation (SF) over 6 degrees. (an addition to the due to used is linear This correction, along slope of the force lift co- 6 F-a efficient for flaps The C term represents vator deflection term and is over 6 degrees), (63). are shown in Figure the variation in 2-5. lift with ele- This is a relatively small corrective taken as a constant .0055/degree. flection has the sign and maximum magnitude Elevator de- shown in Table 2-3. TABLE 2-3 CONTROL DEFLECTIONS 707-320B Positive Control Elevator (6e) Sign Convention Maximum Trailing +250 edge Rudder (6R) Aileron Spoiler Flaps (6A) (6B) (6F) -150 down Trailing edge left yaws Remarks +26.50 (Nose left) Rt trailing edge up (Aircraft rolls right) +18+200 inboard Outboard availoutboard able only in conjunction with flaps Positive deployment 600 Maximum limited with indicated airspeed Positive deployment 500 Deploy fully in 30 seconds 42 2.8 MACH :0 AIRPLANE RIGID GEAR UP 2 CL 2.0 1.6 1.2 4 8 12 16 a (DEGREES) Fig. 2-5 Low Speed Lift Coefficient 20 43 2.5.2 DRAG Drag Aircraft drag pv 2S[ C = is modeled by (M)+k(M)C the following equation: +CD 2+AC min gear (6F-60)+C -6B] 6F 6B (2-17) .012 .01233 + .014 + .014 + _ CD min (.0524 .063 .063 = k ACD + + .0033(H-.8) .0371(M-.845) .1455(M-.845) M<.7 .7<M<.8 .8<M<.845 .845<M (.2356)(M-.8) .8333(M-.845) M<.8 .Z<M<.845 .845<M .0105 = gear CD 0 0 .0026/degree 6F>6 0 6F CD = .00083/degree 2 The is common lift-drag relationship contained and in This gures is there quired for efficient changes good. .3. linear term is brackets of for 2-7 flight. level flight altitude. .84 The Over 2-15). drag at of the For range By varying this lift actual drag in Figure 2-6 and min curves is In both fi- values which will at Mach from about .7, .15 the to .46 approximation for the speed coefficients k. high Above as .84 range be lift the too low Mach for range is (as CD the of example varies .82 Mach CDmin to shown can be made case Mach where variation equation for high Mach numbers. only a limited similar the is CD + kCL min total lift coefficient an approximation approximation level in A to CL and in Figure numbers Mach the k with Mach, obtained. and The used here. CD = of result is very from Mach the of co- with vary between a re- .80 .1 the inaccura- 1.8 - 1.6 - C~ 1.2 CL .8 .4 - 0 ACD LANDING GEARz.0105 .04 .08 .12 .16 CD Fig. 2-6 Low Speed Drag Polar .20 .24 .28 45 .65 .60 .55 - .50- .45 CL .40 .35 - .30 - .25 - .20 .15 - .10 .012 I .014 .018 .022 .026 CD Fig.2-7 High Speed Drag Polar .030 .034 46 cies are deemed less significant since this is on of the normal operating range and more the fringe accurate values would require significantly more computation time. The additional drag due CD6F term. to flaps is represented by the Here an increment proportional shown The drag due to the spoilers, CD 6B, However, the is blowdown effect is incorporated by limiting maximum spoiler in the where KIAS is is max =(2-18) of the spoilers deflection as 60 KIAS<188 knots -. 283(KIAS-188) the indicated airspeed defined 2.5.3 SIDE FORCE important taken as a constant following equation: 600 6B speed effect of this in Figure 2-6. .00083/degree. shown flap deployment The over 60 is added to the drag coefficient. is to KIAS>188 knots in knots. (Indicated air- in Chapter 3.) The y body axis force was in this simulation and is considered less modeled by the following simplified equation: Side Force = The 2pV S[ C coefficient due to -S + C *6R] 6 6SR side slip is (2-19) taken as a constant -. 917/ radian which is accurate to within approximately 10% full range of Mach numbers. The coefficient due over the to rudder de- 47 approximation of a very non-linear effect by flight 2.6 and was confirmed test. AERODYNAMIC MOMENTS The aerodynamic moments determine and yaw characteristics of or Mach variation because the pitch, roll, studied. the particular aircraft are modeled here without They correction for non-linearities the present concerned with steady state flight aircraft moments sum to zero. due a rough which is at best taken as +.004/degree flection is simulation is conditions, primarily i.e. when the Variations in transient effects to varied Mach numbers or altitude are therefore omitted in favor of simplified computation. The roll equation used is: ROLL 2.6.1 L = 2pV C Sc[ = 1 CA= C -6A+C - +C 1 S 6A (2-20) -p 6R]+4pVSb2C 6R p -. 1719/radian .00113/degree C C1 = C1 = .0002/degree -. 38/radian p The coefficient of roll due to ailerons, C1 accurate in this case. model the A, is the least Insufficient data was available inboard aileron, outboard aileron, and flection variations which command rolls in the to spoiler de- 707. The 48 outboard ailerons, which operate only when the inboard ailerons were ployed, and de- combined into a single The value term (6A). aileron deflection the flaps are for C16A was chosen to give a reasonable roll rate for a clean aircraft at airspeeds near the midpoint of the normal operating p ance to roll and is inherent the aircraft's term represents The C accurate to within 35% range. resist- in the flight en- C1 R, is highly velope. The roll coefficient due to the rudder, non-linear and was finally chosen from representative values by trial and error. The pitching moment PITCH 2.6.2 is computed by the follow- equation: ing M = o C = Cm = C m 6= C C C a+Cm +Cm Sc[C -pV a q m. m6 F -. 955/radian -. 009/degree = -16/radian = -3.7/radian [ Cm +CM. ]-q a q (2-21) .048 0 m6F =.0033/degree m -(6F-14)]+1pVSC -6E+C 6 6F<14 0 6F>140 49 The basic pitch coefficient is a funtion of Mach number, but for the present study such variations are result in level ferent from the real aircraft. flight pitch attitudes that However, such effects are aircraft are usually obtained by repositioning the flight pitch reference. plotted The line determined by C changes in pitching moment with , m6 F in m level and C 0 m is a in Figure 2-8 for comparison with the pitching moment coefficient of the actual aircraft at Mach C are slightly dif- the pilot since relative attitudes rarely noticeable to the This may ignored. .6. To simulate flap deployment, an increment, for each degree of flaps over 140. m While the actual aircraft uses stabilizer trim rather than was added to C elevator trim to of the preserve the aerodynamic effectiveness elevator, elevator trim is used in this simulation. This is justified because the sampled control-input voltages are not subject to aerodynamic losses and this approach permits the elevator to be positioned so that neutral column position represents level flight elevator deflection. and C terms are combined on the assumption of m. q a This holds true for the majority of zero side slip angle. The C m flight operations. by up to 32% While used here YAW they increase at high mach numbers and high altitudes. effects have been neglected. 2.6. 3 as constants The yaw equation is: These 50 -.13 / -.12 -.10 / / 0 -.08 1/ Cm I-.--, -.06 -. 04 -.02 -2 4 6 8 GFRL (DEGREES) 10 .02 ACTUAL .04 APPROXIMATION ,A' Fig. 2-8 Pitching Moment Coefficient 51 N 2 pV Sb = C C C Yaw m [C -*+C m m -6R]+4pVSb 6R (2-22) -r r m 6 R= -. 0011/degree m = -. 15/radian r forces and moments and C C m .115/radian = like the side force - 2 are - is less in the simulation. accurate to within 34% than the important other Therefore, while C and 22% respectively, the m6 R variation of Cm with changes in angle of attack have been r neglected. 2.7 THE ENGINE MODEL For time-controlled navigation, it was decided that the most significant engine parameters were maximum and mini- mum thrust. sures that Knowing that these extremes are the simulated aircraft can airspeeds and achieve realistic achievable in- fly maximum and minimum acceleration and deceleration rates. The net thrust of a turbofan engine is function of many factors. these Rather than attempt a complex to take all of factors into consideration, the engine manufacturers per- formance data was used to determine maximum and idle thrust over the altitude Figure 2-9 shows and Mach ranges normally flown by the 707. one such performance graph for sea level. 52 PRATT AND WHITNEY JT3D-1 TURBOFAN ENGINE W a = AIRFLOW 20000 16000 Un 12000 II-- w 8000 z 4000 00 0.4 0.2 MACH Fig. 2-9 0.6 NUMBER Sea Level Thrust 0.8 1.0 53 The operating boundary considered for each altitude is in Table 2-4. At sea level, takeoffs were neglected TABLE shown to give 2-4 NORMAL OPERATING RANGE MAXIMUM MACH 2 MINIMUM MACH' ALTITUDE .51 .57 .63 .71 .79 .88 .88 .88 .88 .17 .17 .33 .37 .42 .47 .53 .61 .75 Sea Level 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 1 Vref or initial buffet for 1.3g maneuver 2 Indicated airspeed structural limit converted to Mach below 25000ft. Mach limit above 25000. to Mach a range of Mach .17 from Figure 2-9 that it is thrust variation with Mach. .51. can see relatively easy to approximate the The inspection of similar charts for other altitudes lead to the imating the variation of Over this range one following equation for approx- the thrust extremes with altitude and Mach: T(h,M)=T(h o ,0) M+ (h-ho)+ DT aM h=ho Mh m=o To calculate maximum thrust let 3h3m (h-ho)-M m~o h=ho (2-23) 54 Maximum Thrust = T(hM) (2-24) following values: using the 0 0<h<15 ,000 ft. 0 h=( 15 ,000 T(ho,o) = 13,800 .281 m=o 3T 3M lh=ho 32T Dh3M m=o h=ho h>15,000 ft. lbs. lbs/ft -7800 -3125 lbs/Mach lbs/Mach +.312 +.185 lbs/Mach-ft lbs/Mach-ft ho=o ho=15000 ho=o ho=15000 let For idle thrust, (2-25) Idle Thrust = Max[T(h,M), o] using following values: the ho = 0 0<h<15 ,000 ft. h>15 ,000 ft. 15,000 T (h 0,o) = 1,000 M m=o = 0 DM h=ho = -2,000 lbs all h lbs/Mach all ho ho=0 D2 T(0 3h3M m=o h=ho 0 + 07 lbs/Mach-ft. ho=15 ,000 55 approximation, the manufac- this check the accuracy of To turers maximum thrust values versus Mach for are dotted lines idle thrust values. In each figure the represent values obtained from the actual simu- lation logic over tude ranges of interest the speed for that alti- Table 2-4). (cf. While the computed values are very close to the actual there appears to be maximum thrust at all altitudes, error in the idle thrust approximation shown it actual idle thrust data is no more accurate extracted from Figure 2-9. In particular, of zero idle thrust above conclusion .5 Mach to warrant 2-11. that the than what can be the unlikely value in Figure 2-9 that the solid lines of Figure some in Figure is important to note In examining these curves, accurate a similar Figure 2-11 shows consolidated in Figure 2-10. compilation of the several altitudes led to the 2-11 were too in- approximation. a better With the two extremes of maximum and idle thrust established it is only necessary to relate intermediate throttle thrust value. positions to a representative generally command engine control. Engine speed and, hence, The speed by regulating the engine engine speed and thrust are not flow through the engine in Figure 2-9) fuel throttle position variations with altitude are small enough to be neglected. air throttles linearly related. Unfortunately, However, (labeled Wa and measured in lbs/sec may be considered proportional to engine speed 56 15000 ACTUAL 14000 APPROXIMATION 12000- 100000 8000 I 40000 z 40000 40000 2000 I 0 0.2 Fig. 2-10 I 0.6 0.4 MACH NUMBER i 0.8 Maximum Thrust Variation 1.0 57 1200 -ACTUAL -- APPROXIMATION 1000 _ 0000 Go 800600-f 400- 3400 3 0 f 6000 -j 400 20 0. 09% 0.8 0.9 200 -0 0.2 0.3 0.4 Fig. 2-11 0.5 0.6 MACH NUMBER 0.7 Idle Thrust Variation 58 Then by normalizing the airflow for a given altitude [13]. and Mach, throttle position can be related to Poly- thrust. on this nomial approximations of various orders were attempted basis the for a representative altitude and Mach. In each case So coefficient of the second order term dominated. ease of computation without significant loss in pilot the thrust was equated to throttle position by the for "feel" following relationship: Idle + Max =hrust ThrustThrust Idle Throttle)2 0 Throttle < -PositionPosition (2-26) where Idle Thrust This and 2-25. 70% RPM yields actual al tests. to engine and Max Thrust are defined by equations relationship obeys 50% thrust old cockpit adage found quite and was that. acceptable in Using the assumption that airflow is proportionspeed and engine speed to throttle position, the thrust data of Figure 2-9 the solid an 2-24 is related to curve in Figure 2-12. throttle position by Equation 2-26 is the same figure as a dashed curve. depicted in 59 14000 -12000 =-MAX z 10000r 80000. c 16000 6ACTUAL rx 4000 - BASED ON AIRFLOW/ APPROXIMATION z W 2000 o IDLE 0.0 IDLE Fig.2-12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 FULL NORMALIZED THROTTLE POSITION Thrust Related to Throttle Position 60 CHAPTER III THE ATMOSPHERE MODEL of The variations aircraft density of are terms (p) This temperature. a factor in all Many Mach number which of functions is simulation very much above and moments. forces aerodynamic atmosphere are for altitudes simulations atmospheric the of 5000 the in feet. The calculations the individual varies with performed is important ambient entirely under the * assumption of the tions used to approximate sound are in outlined indications, ables, standard because are also atmosphere ICAO of variations this functions The density and The cockpit chapter. are they [14]. of equa- speed of airspeed atmospheric vari- explained here. DENSITY 3.1 The ratio of local to density sea density level (P ) P0 in the standard atmosphere actual relationship P (1 P0 h - (from [11]) as can shown be in Figure expressed = temperature R = universal m = equivalent International Congress The (3-1) 0O altitude 3-1. as Mg1 -)cR = where varies lapse gas rate constant molecular weight of Aeronautical for air Organizations 61 a 00.6 o .e 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 ALTITUDE(h) FEET Fig. 3-1 Density and Speed of Sound Ratios 50,000 62 g = acceleration of gravity T = sea level temperature sea level density (.002378 P9 = For fast real-time simulation, it this the precise equation and is more slugs/cu.ft.) efficient to avoid instead to approximate the curve by following polynomial: 1 - - 1.835 (h/65536) + 1.0 (h/65536) 2 (3-2) P0 where 65536 is a power of stant. 2 (216) used as a normalization con- This approximation does not cause below 40,000 feet appear in Figure 3-1 be- the approximation lies precisely on the actual curve. SPEED OF SOUND 3.2 Mach number air speed as of (from a/a where defined to the ambient true velocity local is sound to sea as the ratio speed of level sound. speed of the aircraft's The ratio of sound varies, in [11]) - o-h h<36,089 i/XgR VT 0-(36,089) h>36,089 X = adiabatic constant for air a = sea level speed of sound Because temperature remains standard atmosphere, Once again of constant (1116.4 ft. ft. ft/sec) above 36,089 the speed of sound is (3-3) feet in the constant as well. this function was approximated in order to increase 63 the speed of computation. 1 a/a = The relationship chosen was: ft. ft. h<36,089 h>36,089 (3.683x10-6 )-h .867 (3-4) The actual curve and the approximation are indistinguishable 3-1. in Figure AIRSPEED CALCULATIONS 3.3 3.3.1 INDICATED AIRSPEED Because of atmospheric variations several airspeeds besides there are city relative to the air) and Mach that The airspeed read (IAS) and in the cockpit is proportional to is airspeed true (true velo- are used in aviation. termed indicated airspeed the dynamic pressure caused by the aircraft's forward velocity [8]. But to measure the dyna- mic pressure, the ambient static pressure must be subtracted error due (position error) involved in determining to static pressure to the disturbed airflow around the aircraft. is measured experimentally for each aircraft correct (CAS). neglected so mously. that calibrated Because it 1% This error type and is the indicated airspeed to a calibrated However, the error seldom exceeds and and indicated are some There is from the total pressure at the airspeed sensor. used airspeed is usually used synony- is proportional to dynamic pressure, calireference to the pilot in brated airspeed is an invaluable avoiding a stall. The constant of proportionality is chosen 64 so that calibrated airspeed and true airspeed are equal at sea level. If the atmosphere were incompressible and, constant density, calibrated airspeed and true always be that forward velocity increases, airspeed reading must be (EAS) airspeed would However, the true nature of air as the aircraft's brated speed equal. hence had a by a suitable requires the cali- corrected to equivalent compressibility factor. air- And then, because the proportionality constant was valid only at sea level the equivalent airspeed variations of equation 3-1 equation for true airspeed TAS = is corrected or 3-2 to find true airspeed. EAS//p/p requires a cockpit The is (3-5) An accurate simulation over a wide thus for the density range of altitudes readout of calibrated assuming no position error) airspeed (or indicated rather than true airspeed. The non-linear nature of the compressibility correction makes it more desirable to relate calibrated airspeed to Mach by an approximation of the precise equation M 2 =5 where ( M = 6 = P/P VC = Mach 1+0.2(661.5 2 3.5- (from [8]): +1)0.2861] (3-6) number = pressure ratio in standard atmosphere calibrated airspeed in knots 65 This function is plotted in Figure 3-2 and the following equation was derived by inspection: VC -(h) V -C M where M h=o + d( ) h dh (3-7) C M h=o d(VC ) d dh - 656 knots/Mach .0091 knots/Mach-ft = This approximation is shown as the 3.3.2 COCKPIT MACH INDICATION dotted lines in Figure 3-2. Besides indicated airspeed, the pilot uses a Mach indicator at high altitude to maintain efficient cruise conditions. A combination indicated airspeed and Mach meter as employed in the Boeing 707 ure 3-3. Note that the Mach indicator has rotates with altitude changes indicated airspeed. relationship indicator fixed By the tion is a fixed scale which to align with the corresponding The linearized Mach-to-indicated-airspeed for the present simulation. is proportional .7 Mach and 300 knots on the shown in Fig- of Equation 3-6 was used to create a similar Mach of the Mach scale between is The angular rotation to the difference indicated. face of the display at The 300 knots that the .7 Mach indica- at the 9 o'clock position at approximately .7 VC - - 300 = is the nine o'clock position. following formula one can see Mach Angle = in knots 159.2- .0064-h 26,000 feet. (3-8) 66 4P4) .9 /- .8 -, / 2I .5- /APPROXIMA - ---- ACTUAL VAL UE --TION .3 .2 I ,.1 100 200 Fig. 3-2 I I 500 400 300 CALIBRATED AIRSPEED VC (KNOTS) Mach to Calibrated Airspeed Conversion 600 67 MACH -INDICATOR Fig. 3-3 Boeing 707 Airspeed/Mach Indicator 68 where is M defined by Equation 3-7. shown in the The displayed airspeed-Mach indicator is upper left-hand corner of Figure inherent There is some error in this approach because the airspeed tween successive Mach graduations tudes. 3-4. However, in this respect, difference be- is not constant at it is no all alti- different from the fixed scale employed in the actual aircraft. I> ao Fig. 3-4 Simulator Instrument Panel 70 CHAPTER IV THE NAVIGATION CONCEPT The accurate models described in provide realistic basis acy of a any Chapters of the II and III were airplane. In developed and During their tested feasible solution. ployment was in the pilots VOR, quickly in the using separated DME, RNAV, in horizontal a variety of *VHF omnirange, tion equipment, ly. by inertial, is the of systems necessary make to at arrive testing the a and assump- computation- linearizations for the justification solution their em- the in simulation. three in four parts the vertical plane on-board etc.* I described. assumptions into four- Chapter to to accur- research are order These The control to navigate accurately horizontal plane, Navigation was developed aircraft The requirement sions in also but was demonstrated independently it this the capabilities the navigation during development, presented here are chapter and linearizations tions ally this in in order of system. introduced the performance on atmosphere developed time-controlled navigation dependent and the measurement for dimensional navigation concept highly aircraft is - plane, performed dimen- navigating and in time. every day navigation equipment Using the cockpit by - simulator distance measuring equipment, area navigaand inertial navigation equipment respective- 71 in Chapter I, described ulate any of But VOR and DME were judged common horizontal navigation aids most pit these. it would have been possible to controls for using to be simthe and cock- and programs There- them were already available. this was the horizontal navigation method used. fore, second part of the navigation Vertical navigation, the descent profile described in fixed, be may not to the linear, Chapter I. While this is relatively simple if restricted problem, example, the most efficient descent for aircraft [3] a simple feedback system for an alternative), was designed and simulated to assist this profile. the pilot Vertical navigation devices are available which perform the same function same way quired in (see, for in maintaining commercially in the possibly but are not widely used because they are not The particular approach the present ATC system. used here will re- be described primarily as a reference. Accurate navigation in time was the ultimate objective of this research and, because of the many atmospheric variables which affect and alter during climbs and descents, task. As explained sumes that there is the flight path, it was in Chapter considered a simple I, the present approach as- an advantage attendant to being arrive at the waypoint able to earlier or later than the assigned time by an equal amount. An example was formulated in which one aircraft was asked to arrive would be late. not particularly earlier because another Even if the on-board navigation systems used 72 become so arrival the precise times, that all their assigned aircraft meet circumstances will occasional arise reschedule aircraft. controlling agency will have to the terminal area, runway Emergencies, weather in or blunders might necessitate a schedule change. circumstances it to this the time of its range of achievable times. craft will generally arrive close be scheduled but not at, late.) traffic to not only meet the - permitting to the earliest possible arrival the likelihood of being chapter in this Therefore, the design described assigned time of arrival but preserve flexibility as it is will - of the midpoint is unlikely since air- This (Assigning the EPTA increases time. seeks to, arrive at scheduled to arrival without in one direction flexibility aspect loses or the other unless these Under As was shown in Figure 1-4, delay. an airspeed schedule which meets concern for changes, that an aircraft would be seems as likely asked to advance as in which defined here. include an intuitive argument as The to description to why this may be a good approach in the presence of unknown winds. 4.1 THE VERTICAL NAVIGATION CONTROLLER descent profile is shown pilot in Figure 4-1. is shown in the closed loop. Note here that This could a monitor. In the also be the aircraft autopilot in which case the pilot would the loop and would act as fixed to maintain the The feedback system designed be outside either case, the 73 DISTURBANCES 3-D ROUTE Fig. 4-1 Vertical Navigation Controller DISTURBANCES 3-D ROUTE I DESIRED AIRSPEED AT WAYPOINT Fig. 4-3 Timed Navigation Controller 74 tion set by the pilot (8e) error between his measured descent rate manded descent rate requires computer (hC) as to determine h (h ) and and is the comThe computer. the dimen- three (in position three-dimensional route the The computation . by pilots. often used (Vm), pilot seeks to minimize the determined by only aircraft true airspeed sions), The (or autopilot). the controller and he actually part of posi- the elevator the aircraft consists of control input to is based on a technique The technique consists of making cor- to a required altitude at a vertical velocity rate rections which will put the aircraft at the altitude in 30 seconds. changed to 32 This was seconds for ease of computation and the following formula was derived: h where h m (t) C = h P(t+32)-h M(t) 32 32 required onds of flight. where altitude and h is the current measured the altitude h (4-1) ft/sec (t+32) by the descent in the This is calculated = (D-d-Vm-32)-tany after profile + (ft) d = 15 mile deceleration segment if = measured true airspeed y = altitude assigned at = angle of descent sec- h WP-2) distance to waypoint h 32 following manner: D = V (t+32) is applicable (ft/sec) the waypoint (ft) (ft) 75 subroutine PROFL in These computations are performed in the the FOURD computer program of Appendix B. This approach is beset with It assumed here. component of velocity as the horizontal true airspeed is not is always in error ity vector and tangent of 0 by the the aircraft veloc- the.angular difference between where 0 is The measured inaccuracies. this However, the horizontal plane. angle equals y when the aircraft is on the profile and won't exceed 5* about greater due to (9% error) corrections. when making than about 50 will cause the effect of gravity the aircraft In any [2].) (Pitch angles to accelerate case, Vm is not the the aircraft groundspeed which would accurately predict aircraft position after 32 Nevertheless, the posi- seconds. tion predicted using instantaneous airspeed was true suffi- ciently accurate to determine the required altitude, h for the tests conducted here. Many of offset by the feedback nature of that the inaccuracies the design and command descent rate is updated three times The commanded descents are very stable easy to maintain the it is Wind would probably for this area required the fact per second. reason and induce a bias in the deviation such the profile a to wind speed. Whether or not winds would be strong enough to cause deviations buffer are required profile. that the average flight path would be off distance proportional (t+32), for pilot error was outside the normal not studied. 76 However, could these inaccuracies all be eliminated by sub- stituting for Vm the present groundspeed based on last position and time between position updates. speed is unlikely to vary quickly interest (32 seconds), it Because ground- over the time is more easily applied in vertical navigation than in time control where the time interest is generally far interval of interval of larger. TIME-CONTROLLED NAVIGATION 4.2 Several design objectives for follow naturally the time-controller from the discussion in Chapter I: 1. The system should be closed-loop so that in the presence of wind, inaccurate equations, or pilot error it issues continuous corrections to A feedback system will the required airspeed. compensate for inaccuracies in the equations by not permitting errors to propagate. 2. The system should optimize the flexibility of the aircraft to arrive earlier or later than the assigned time by equal amounts. The latter objective implies cally that the system will periodi- possible time of arrival compute the earliest Using these, latest possible time of arrival. the time differences T I and T = ATA - 12 = LPTA This is shown T 2 in - let us define the following manner: EPTA (4-3) ATA (4-4) schematically for the waypoint in Figure 4-2. and the some arbitrary distance from 77 TU T22 1 I 0 EPTA ~ Fig. 4-2 Using these jT 1 -T 2 I by to change airspeed to one speed, will not airspeed. should be aircraft extreme, minimum or maximum air- change until T 1 = T2 time bound, (i.e. maintain the same value of T1). if T 2 > LPTA or U1 , we to decrease T 2 and to fast as possible in order fly as It initially requires the that the corresponding in order EPTA, does system is required to minimize an appropriate that this objective obvious LPTA Time Differences terms, the choosing t ATA This process was shown in Figure 1-4. A controller but, based on these objectives is sometimes the as quantity, it was constructed, case when striving to optimize a type of control which produced a "bang-bang" commanded either minimum or maximum airspeed for any tion other than equality of TU relative size of nored; and 1c2* the difference between the controller In other words, T and r2 was the ig- responded identically to a difference in the'time flexibilities of one minute or one repetitive acceleration or deceleration was table as condi- a method of controlling the second. This totally unaccep- aircraft. Therefore, a 78 third objective was added: 3. The airspeed changes commanded to optimize flexibility should be sensitive to the magnitude of the error. A controller described designed to meet these three objectives is in Section 4.2.4 following the discussion of the feedback nature of the system and the method of computation of EPTA and LPTA. The time FEEDBACK CONTROL 4.2.1 in Figure 4-3. control system is shown The feedback loop has been broken into parts labeled A and B to designate the separate functions performed at each stage. In block A using distance to position), waypoint if and present the EPTA and LPTA are the waypoint (determined from aircraft airspeed, and the desired airspeed at the specified. Block B uses the ATA to as required for determining the command T2 using present position and airspeed to the system corrects for pilot which enter in the tion or computed compute T1 airspeed. By compute EPTA and LPTA error or wind disturbances forward loop. Errors in measuring posi- airspeed are in the feedback path and will affect the accuracy of the solution. The two feedback loops of Figure 4-1 vertical navigation controller and troller, have common inputs to the and 4-3, the time navigation con- the feedback path of three- dimensional position and measured true airspeed. Increased airspeeds commanded for time control purposes are sensed as 79 changes in both position and measured airspeed by the vertical These require greater command navigation controller. rates of and result in new altitude values for tions are accomplished three times per ing subroutine FORD1 in Appendix B) command indications feet; that transition smoothly. the altitude changes speed by 4.2.2 so second the horizontal position changes by second, less computa- (see the callin the changes In one third of a less than 300 less than 30 feet; and the air- than 1 ft/sec. COMPUTATION OF EPTA AND LPTA the commanded the next cycle Both controller command airspeed computations. descent Figure 4-3 shows that airspeed is a function of EPTA and LPTA; therefore errors in their determination directly influence the time accuracy achieved. The ATC scheduling algorithm described in Chapter I performs a one-time computation is at a large distance EPTA and LPTA while the aircraft from the waypoint. The on-board computation, on hand, is the other performed repetitively for shorter and shorter dis- tances as the aircraft approaches the waypoint. the method Therefore, of computation varies with the remaining distance. This will be illustrated the same of logic applies and deceleration for the computation of EPTA, but in computing LPTA with acceleration interchanged and minimum airspeed substi- tuted for maximum. Figure 4-4 depicts the velocity profile for a Boeing 40 Standard day JT3D.3B engines - - - Nonlimiting values Limiting values Initial buffet speed 35 / -Thrust limit / / 30 0 6 I *6 25 Q/,// 00 20 15 Minimum maneuver sp- 10 0 200 I 250 I 300 350 I 400 I 450 Velocity (knots true airspeed} Fig. 4-4 Velocity Profile 707-320B 1 500 550 81 707-320B. permitted indicate the extremes of The heavy lines in the present simulation. permissible operating (or LPTA). EPTA (or minimum) temporarily the effect of a change in altitude, the computation has 1. data is This available for the computation of altitude is Ignoring error.) so that maximum in the on-board computer airspeed at any inside the range for a 225,000 pound aircraft, allowing a buffer zone for pilot stored (These are airspeed three stages: At large distances from the waypoint, the aircraft can accelerate to maximum airspeed for that altitude (VMAX (h 0 )), cruise at that maximum and then deceierate to comply with airspeed However, restrictions at the waypoint (V(hWP)). at some point the distances required to accelerate and decelerate leave no distance to cruise. 2. After this point the aircraft can only accelX (h0) and erate to some airspeed less than V is t ance. still decelerate in the remaining 3. Finally the aircraft reaches a point where it can only decelerate (or accelerate if below airspeed) in the remaining the required final distance to achieve the desired airspeed at the waypoint. The computation of EPTA is performed MXASP in the subroutine in Appendix B. In the present study, the acceleration and deceleration values used in computing EPTA and LPTA are assumed to equal and invariant with altitude. 1.75 ft/sec2 and was based makes chosen was on some experimental measurements done with the aircraft model [2] The value be of Chapter II. the same assumptions The Boeing study and chooses a value of .125 g 82 (4 ft/sec 2) which was not achievable Victor measured Capt. [3], In his studies described here. in the aircraft model deceleration values for the actual Boeing 707-323 aircraft and simulator at various alti- the American Airlines 707-323 The tudes. deceleration decreased with altitude and varies with airspeed but he obtained feet of 1.4 knots/sec an average value at 10,000 (2.37 ft/sec2 ). The acceleration and deceleration values chosen could be made unequal without any additional programming of simulation. They could be made a function of altitude anything other than constant for one computation intractable. solution is that corrected for by tion and It is only when very close to acceleration and deceleration accuracy. For the feedback or acceleration other sensed as an changing they were altitude would make the The beauty of actual deceleration than the assumed value will be that To assume with some increased complexity. present the the error in posi- commanded airspeed. the waypoint that the rates may affect example, in stage 3 of the the assumed time computation de- scribed above, an actual deceleration greater than the 1.75 ft/sec2 value used in predicting EPTA would put the aircraft into stage 2 and the commanded airspeed would adjust accordingly. stage An actual deceleration 3 would not meet the waypoint, but this less than 1.75 ft/sec2 in time or airspeed desired at the is a conservative value and could be attained by deploying the spoilers. Actual acceleration at 83 maximum thrust which is below the more difficult problem. being below 250 knots generally suffer There is no penalty associated with the time accuracy would but if the chosen value of acceleration appear to here, but could not be achieved be a factor in any the assumption that be achieved at high altitude tests conducted led to errors in computing EPTA AVERAGE AIRSPEED DURING DESCENT 1.) the waypoint If includes a descent (or LPTA) is adjusted for the remaining the computation the variation in maximum (or minimum) airspeed with altitude. As shown in Figure can fly at its greatest true airspeed at approximately 25,000 feet. mance window of spread (This ft/sec2 acceleration could 4.2.3 the aircraft in practice. 1.75 stage of EPTA for stage 3 used of the during distance to is a (the waypoint airspeed restriction considered here), in the calculations did not assumed 1.75 ft/sec2 To exploit 4-4 (VMAX( 2 5K)) the full perfor- the aircraft and gain the maximum delay the computation must include the variation of maxi- mum airspeed at each altitude. Because the descent profile of Figure 1-1, is confined to the linear descent the rate of descent required to main- tain the profile is greater for higher true airspeeds. the aircraft speed and spends less time at this factor must be altitudes of high included when average true airspeed during the descent. Thus true air- computing the The average true 84 to airspeed for a descent from current be determined by summing the increments of altitude final altitude can small times required to traverse (Ah) during the descent and dividing into the horizontal distance travelled: the result (4-5) horiz slope distance n Ah-coty V AVE VMAX (h i) n = number of altitude increments. where In the present descent was simulation, this variation in rate of ignored in favor of a computationally simple approximation. As it is presently computed in the subroutine MXAVR of Appendix B, average airspeed is determined by the following weighted average: VVAVE =V =L2+ VMAX(h 0 )+V max( 2 5 K) a 2 MA (h 0-25,000) (hh VMAX(25K)+VMAX(hWP) MAX 2 MA + WP , 000-hg P-(25 (0-hWP) (4-6) for h 0 > 25,000 ft. And, V AVE VMAX (h0 )+VMAX (hWP) 2 for Although this was originally felt h 0< 25,000 ft. to be the source of (4-7) some 85 error in the computation of value of VAVE EPTA prior to computed for 1,000 feet the descent, the altitude increments in Equation 4-5 differs from this approximation by a maximum of for h0 1.4% 35,000 ft and h P = = 10,000 ft. The relationship COMPUTATION OF COMMANDED AIRSPEED 4.2.4 governing commanded airspeed (VC) was of the design objectives and is chosen by inspection expressed by the following equation: 2 C = 1 MIN Ty T1 In and this + T2 +T1 2 expression T 1 and 4-4 and mined 2 ' ' (4-8) MAX 22 T2 are defined by the airspeed extremes VMAX equations and VMIN are 4-3 deter- as follows: 1. During stage 1 of the computation of EPTA and LPTA as described above, the airspeed extremes I' are the aircraft's maximum and V ' and V 11AZ . MIN minimum airspeeds for the current altitude (VMAX(h0) and VMIN(h0)) as shown in Figure 4-4. 2. During stage 2 of that computation, the airspeed extremes are the maximum or minimum airspeed which can be achieved in the remaining distance and still decelerate or accelerate to the desired airspeed at the waypoint. 3. During stage set equal to the aircraft achieve that Thus the values of MNASP V MAX' 3, the airspeed extremes are both the desired final airspeed so that will decelerate or accelerate to airspeed. and V MIN' subroutines of Appendix B and are set in the MXASP and the commanded airspeed 86 is computed in the CMSPC The relationship of subroutine. equation 4-8 was all the design objectives. The true airspeeds commanded (converted to Mach above 25,000 feet and below 25,000) are very stable and change required is minimum airspeed when the quantity in the next 4.2.5 the indicated airspeed only large airspeed the initial change to experimental results using expected to meet |T 1 -T near maximum or 2 is large. this approach will be presented chapter. EFFECT OF WIND DISTURBANCES This control scheme was tested under zero wind conditions and subsequent might reveal that some modifications effects are included. algorithm 4-4 [2] For studies are required when wind example, the Boeing scheduling converts the true airspeed profile of Figure to a groundspeed This is profile by applying forecast winds. necessary because any along-track winds or tailwinds) will alter the achievable (headwinds EPTA and LPTA. the controller design contemplated here will attempt the time differences T 1 and T 2 equal available estimate of EPTA and LPTA. by this approach and the closed suggest well for The that it might to hold based on its best The flexibility loop nature of have the capacity to any along-track wind disturbances the EPTA or LPTA. But the implied solution correct very that would alter 87 CHAPTER V EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS as puter, the computer and the to used radar tal position. immediate an commanded pilot's would align lots as the airspeed needle it was This was easily instruments the flight The testing which has the algorithm which in this to chapter. judged quite (known as been done positions into the on these the to airspeed Chapter and IV). inputs which descent needle with acceptable their by the normal scan instrument the added in control or vertical 1-5) horizon- were described making incorporated but Figure (cf. commanded as hC and reduced task was command bug. the (VC rate descent display to indicator velocity vertical devel- the weather aircraft's "bugs" study, present the For the to reference occupies copilot and information Situation Display Traffic the pilot the by (which was display information) traffic position between provides moving map an Airborne here without and The the Also, tested as and oped is pilot. drawn are the in described present new to at will changed may be instruments flight The chapter. previous scheme on-board navigation ideal is Appendix A, in and com- digital the Adage interfaced with Chapter I described in testing for mockup cockpit The aircraft command bugs piof crosscheck). model are and of summarized 88 AIRCRAFT MODEL EVALUATION 5.1 designed closely to approximate Boeing 707-320B. evaluations consisted of a the performance of the real tests was to compare these and coefficients (C tively) were chosen - 1 and 6A C m of acceleration, descent, pitch the of that to real response 2-20 and aircraft. control col- to because Equations of primary purpose The considered possible were not inputs umn roll the of tests Unbiased simulation the deceleration of familiar with by pilots aircraft. climb, first performance the of one tests flight of characteristics aerodynamic the Therefore, aircraft model was the Chapter II, described in As these control and 2-21 respec- d for accurate lack of data - by trying * is There of formance less than consensus in the Carl W. until values various of aircraft model but satisfactory by was response was quantitative way no the the desired that parameters it anyone adequately required for in measuring no engaged in present the the total per- the case was simulated the obtained. it rated testing. real study. The aircraft Captain Vietor of American Airlines, who has 26,000 hours of It must be pointed out here that, while the aircraft model was designed to be accurate over all altitudes, airspeeds, and configurations normally flown by the 707, the final value chosen for C1 6 A was judged by the pilots in these tests to be insufIn the actual aircraft, ficient in the landing configuration. additional aileron surfaces (the outboard ailerons) become opThese may need to be erative when the flaps are extended. modeled by anyone employing this simulation in the landing phase. 89 time and 6,000 hours flying of that in the Boeing 707-320B this comment: offered "The aircraft is accurate in its inertial functions, power functions, and control functions so that it is an acceptable base In short, for extracting the data needed. the simulation is quite realistic." available for the time required to tor in Airlines 707-323 simulator by Capt. ments [3] 225,000 pounds. effect have shown 5-1. Note for longer at simulation Vietor's experi- differences have only a small For example, in one 247,000 of that the weight a deceleration from 365 knots to only 5 seconds The basis supplied by him. Vietor and However, Capt. that weight on deceleration time. 10,000 feet, fac- simulator varies while the MIT the American Airlines fixed at concept. a crucial tests made in the American data from flight The results are shown in Table is decelerate - the time-controlled navigation comparison is evaluation is A quantitative DECELERATION PERFORMANCE 5.1.1 pounds test at took 200 knots than at 190,000 pounds [3]. The 14% results shown in Table at 10,000 feet tion segment). altitudes, as much as (an important altitude due to The results are but are consistently for comparison. 5-1 are in error by as generally better greater than A mitigating factor is 10 seconds that much as the deceleraat higher the times used times may differ from test to test because of pilot error 90 TABLE 5-1 DECELERATION CAPABILITY RESULTS WEIGHT* (lbs) TRUE AIRSPEED (KNOTS) ALTITUDE 35000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 * 247,000 247,000 250,000 228,000 210,000 194,000 TIME (SECS.) MIT AMER. AIRL. SIMULATOR SIMULATOR ERROR 509 447 402 358 0 60 120 157 0 54 120 168 7% 513 435 371 326 297 0 60 120 165 198 0 61 123 178 213 8% 520 407 343 302 275 0 82 142 184 214 0 78 148 198 230 7% 462 376 313 280 250 0 66 125 158 180 0 68 133 165 205 14% 433 348 258 240 0 55 135 155 0 62 159 176 14% 270 238 220 0 33 53 0 35 59 11% MIT SIMULATOR WEIGHT 225,000 lbs IN ALL CASES 91 were (all tests flight to level in correcting flown manually Neverthe- Table 5-1 is an average over several trials). and to shown the model was less, decelerate slower than the commer- cially-produced simulator. force due to idle thrust and The difference between the the opposing level flight. nearly force to drag due the Because matches the Equation data thrust (shown if anything, greater than the actual aircraft, are, error advanced as an explanation. .7 The slightly high above this at 35,000 feet the time to decelerate to 447 knots Whereas, the time The times in (see Equation 2-17). For example, 509 knots fast. and 2-7 the aircraft changes drag on Table 5-1 indicate that the drag is too Figure in drag can be proved correct and only an error in the low speed value. so The program logic and scaling have been is surprising. at a Mach number of 2-25 in Figures 2-6 and the drag approximations shown 2-11) of approximation idle available in the deceleration determines or .78 Mach the deceleration from (358 knots) is 11 seconds too .88 Mach and is is (402 knots) .7 Mach slow. 6 seconds Therefore, it to .62 Mach is supposed that the low speed drag of Figure 2-6 is not used in the American Airlines drag terms which the MIT 5.1.2 CLIMB PERFORMANCE simulator or that simulation has there are significant failed to model. The most difficult be imposed on this simulation is probably test that could to compare time and 92 flight manual values. distance climb performance to the tests but not only the variation of maximum thrust with altitude as well. The climb flight manual [15] as schedule used a constant Mach to .78 complied with below 10,000 feet or climb was measured if the schedule was flown as Therefore, the climb For example, to 25,000 (11-3) for feet. The MIT minute over the flight manual value. puted in the same manner. The (13-6) minute or one flight manual values imprecise times. be considered exact com- are obvious- distance values were computed by the author using the published average these to climb Distance errors are ly rounded to the nearest minute and the speed and sche- simulation requires 8 min- The error is +1 the same climb. the climb the the flight manual indicates 7 minutes the actual aircraft requires from 11,000 doubt about is no value where there dule being followed. utes computed difference between each successive altitude and 11,000 feet that until cruise alti- stated and the error values shown in Table 5-2 are from the 707 250 knot FAA restriction was It was not clear if the from takeoff. in the is stated 320 knots indicated Mach and then a constant reaching .78 tude. and airspeed conver- linearized atmospheric variables the sions This climb air- The error obtained is not to for these reasons but the general climb performance shown in Table 5-2 was considered very good. There was no data available for or descent performance of comparing accelerations the model to the real aircraft. But TABLE 5-2 SIMULATOR CLIMB ALTITUDE (1000 f t) AIRCRAFT* TIME (MINS.) SIMULATOR TIME (MIN S.) ERROR** (MINS.) PERFORMANCE AIRCRAFT* DISTANCE (N. Mi. ) ERROR** SIMULATOR (N. Mi.) DISTANCE (N.i.) 26 20 0 32 26 0 5 0 38 30 -2 9 6 0 45 36 -3 19 10 7 0 52 41 -5 21 10 8 +1 54 49 +1 23 12 9 0 67 56 -5 25 13 11 +1 75 66 -3 27 14 12 +1 84 74 -4 29 15 13 +1 92 89 +3 31 16 15 +2 100 102 +8 33 17 17 +3 108 113 35 19 18 +2 129 123 11 6 3 13 7 4 15 8 17 * AT 230,000 lbs ** SEE TEXT FOR METHOD OF COMPUTATION (FROM 707-300 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL[15]) +11 0 94 acceleration is thrust a measure of the difference between maximum aircraft drag and these and for small angles performance same forces determine climb Descent performance is of climb. four results were considered applicable to the tions of interest. expected to maintain the same angle of in a clean configuration descent as the real aircraft (gear, spoilers retracted). TIME-CONTROLLED NAVIGATION EVALUATION 5.2 Because accurate navigation goal of this pilot and copilot to to For communicate the solution which example, thumbwheel the ATC assigned route-time the simulated on-board computer. was entered by the test evaluator and the But speed, or only to enter any assigned evaluated. altitude, air- time of arrival at one of four waypoints. two waypoints were used and airspeed were 10,000 feet and assigned time of achievable this data increased pilot workload which might have been required was not Programming was provided the primary throttle quadrant between the switches were installed on the profile in time was research, many aspects of might have been tested were not. of flight condi- Because of the error in deceleration, the aircraft model was not flaps and so the previous the same way, related to deceleration in much arrival was and descents were 25,000 and 35,000 feet. However, the assigned altitude and 250 knots varied over in all cases. the range of The times conducted from cruise altitudes The routes flown are shown in 95 Figure 5-1. The 35,000 foot cruise along J152 (the air route from Hampton to Providence) was initiated approximately 30 miles prior are the 120+ 25,000 to foot to intercepting initial distance values shown in Table 5-3. cruise along V-2-14 (the air route descent point. the distances of achievable arrival Gardner. would Note aircraft have little This fix was to should be made the time accur- effect on large distance remaining for the feedback control to were tested first column of Table and are designated 5-3. line captain with 26,000 hours of 2 is along V-2-14, correct the to the time schedule. Four pilots in the that, change that achieved here because of the after Griswoldville the pilots flew directly from Albany The 11 degree heading at Griswoldville acies traveled influence intermediate fix at Griswoldville. emphasized and most to the but not the accuracy of times time-controlled navigation. there is an not The total The from Albany 30 miles prior Gardner) also began approximately range These the descent profile. Pilot the numbers Number 1 is flying time. an airline pilot with 2,000 hours of by an air- Pilot Number flying time. Pilot Number 3 is a military Senior Pilot with 5,000 hours. The fourth pilot is the author, a military pilot with 2,000 hours. Two of the pilots tested, Numbers experience performing unrecorded 1 and 4, had previous time control tests during II W qW W 1W w CRUISE ALT. 25,000 ft. ARRIVAL FIX 10,000ft. 250 KIAS UP.~l ACTON GDM 110.6 mo0o IN ALLDISTANCES ARENAUTICAL ~L7IO~ ON' MILLIS BOIS 112.7 CRUISE ALT. 35,000 ft. Fig. 5-1 Map of Routes Flown ARRIVAL FIX 10, 000 ft. 250 KIAS 97 TABLE EXPERIMENTAL (TIMES IN MINUTES 5-3 RESULTS PLUS SECONDS) INITIAL CONDITIONS TEST NO. DIST(N.Mi.) EPTA LPTA ATA ARRIVAL TIME ERROR (SECS.) AIRSPEED ERROR (KTS) lA 125.4 17+10 26+10 22+00 26 6 1B 95.4 12+41 21+04 18+00 22 3 iC 124.8 17+12 26+11 18+30 53 6 1D 95.2 12+43 21+06 20+00 20 5 2A 86.5 12+52 20+26 15+00 26 2 2B 121.5 17+16 26+07 19+30 25 2 2C 122.8 17+16 26+12 25+00 16 3 2D 93.5 12+45 20+59 20+00 14 6 2E 92. 5 12+48 21+01 16+00 21 5 3A 94.8 12+45 21+10 17+00 20 11 3B 123.2 17+14 26+09 22+00 14 9 3C 93.2 12+47 21+10 18+00 12 6 4A 90.9 12+54 21+22 18+00 12 7 4B 93.0 12+46 20+52 15+00 17 21 4C 94.1 12+45 20+59 15+00 + 21 - 1 98 flown the aircraft Pilot Number 2 had not development. simulation described in Chapter II but were permitted one unrecorded practice test before simulator and Number experience in this with only 2 hours of commencing Number 3 significant that is considered It recorded runs. 2 and 3 Both Numbers the cockpit mockup. tests using other participated in has 2 with no experience flying this particular aircraft tion achieved comparable results to bugs. is a measure of the This of communicating the rates by bugs on the 2D are than greater of T T, = In all cases, . time-control mode was teristics. A a commanded airspeed ferences smaller large require the 3A, and less T lD, 1 being and 4B are examples 3B are examples of the commanded airspeed, when the reflected the desired charac- difference between commanded mediate value. 2A, 2B, selected, of Tests number time difference Tests number Tests number lA, 2 > T T command airspeed and descent arrival were chosen at various examples of the T 2. the simplicity of to in the range of achievable times. and 2C, actual instruments. The assigned times of points navigation command similarity between the aircraft and the simulation and attests the method who were more the pilots and the familiar with the aircraft model simula- one of the correction. airspeed T and extremes As adjusts the IT T2 results in small dif- while - smoothly T 2 1 gets to an inter- 99 tests performed here were flown under no-wind condi- The The number of tions. significant performed tests required to obtain statistically data under various wind Nevertheless, in the time available. are a necessary step results could not be conditions in confirming the present the validity of the navigation concept. TEST RESULTS 5.2.1 The results achieved shown in Table 5-3 tests during and in numerous in the formal unrecorded tests the final stages of development show in principle that the navigation controller assists the pilot in navigating along four-dimensional routes. Unfortunately, refinement of the logic is necessary for The tion to work perfectly. at cruise altitude is not the present simula- initial value of EPTA computed actually achievable because the as discussed assumed rate of acceleration at high altitude, in Chapter IV, is unattainable. was not included reason. test the 1C, Test number in the accuracy calculations Shortly after 1C in Table 5-3 for this descending through 25,000 feet during the EPTA displayed on the moving map time assigned was not the route was some achievable and flown in such a manner indicated that the remainder of that the actual time of arrival has no significance. Deviation from the assigned descent profile was not measured but was judged to be within zone allotted to pilot error. In all the bounds cases, of any buffer the vertical 100 controller "flared" descent rate of descent intercepted in the last the aircraft by decreasing the the final altitude approximately 14 miles the waypoint. in However, no Pilot reaction to Pilots the final airspeed. the control system was generally familiar with the 2 and 3, who were not find that to navigation concept described here, were upset the initial commanded airspeed might be far different finite acceleration and decelerations and the pilots changes would initial airspeed change but 5.2.2 ACCURACY ACHIEVED listed in Table 5-3, mean of +19 The overall excluding test MNASP 1C, It is tests described by a (la) is believed that the bias of the logic Many of the subroutines ing this research were tested off-line by puts. the error for about the could be for computing (These are computed in subroutines MXASP and of Appendix B.) assembly speed. considered necessary. this was not eliminated with further refinement LPTA. the bug smoothly command the seconds and a standard deviation mean of 5 seconds. EPTA and to compu- smooth airspeed soon discovered that could be modified in the are used catch and subsequently maintain The program logic from However, only the cruise airspeed they were maintaining. tations from 14 miles entire case were the required to decelerate or accelerate to favorable. the aircraft Thus 1,000 feet. developed dur- iterating the language logic through a wide range of possible in- This should also have been done for the subroutines 101 which compute EPTA and LPTA, but in plished the time available. EPTA and LPTA presented to check was not this accom- The alphanumeric readout of three discontin- the pilot shows uous jumps at distances from the waypoint which are known decision points in the discontinuous jump in the flexibility. optimize This, logic. of course, commanded airspeed as Refining the discontinuities might eliminate causes a to tries it logic to eliminate these result in a the bias and more accurate determination of EPTA and LPTA at cruise altitude as well. The merit of closed-loop continuous corrections was particularly noticeable during to the waypoint. The pilot's diligence in flying manded airspeed during the final minutes largely determined 5.2.3 of approach last stages the the arrival FAILURE TO OPTIMIZE of the accuracy in seconds. FLEXIBILITY The time navigation bility. From early November when Equation 4-8 was derived, through the testing, this report, been met. flexifinally and through the writing of the it was assumed that this objective had The EPTA and LPTA displayed in the cockpit both changed with time but the airspeeds commanded appeared to equalize the flexibility. the com- approach controller was designed to optimize the aircraft's bulk of the It was considered unlikely that idealistic form of the delay spread shown in Figure (with EPTA remaining constant) would be 1-4 achieved in practice. 102 The flexibility of times the approach was demonstrated numerous The commanded airspeed would descent. and the EPTA and LPTA would begin to was thought) to obtain an analog plot of the most of The result for It is now obvious that been made time history of EPTA and LPTA Finally, after completed, a digital program was the testing was test. (optimally, it converge was not accomplished. written to save EPTA and the the immediately change Several attempts had to the new ATA. during a test but this during time of arrival changing the assigned by LPTA at 30 second test 4C is shown intervals during in Figure 5-2. the controller will navigate quite consistently to any achievable assigned time of arrival (plus a 19 second bias), bility but is is not optimizing the flexi- in the manner desired. One possible explanation for the bang-bang this failure system type of control could be that described in Chapter IV with its undesirable qualities was actually the optimal solution. The commanded airspeeds of Equation 4-8 stable and easier to defined here. and sacrifice flexibility However, a complete analysis of the source of 5-2, must fly but the bias, so await further study. are more as it is this failure clearly demonstrated in Figure 103 0 TIME TEST 4C 0 -20+00 -19+00 0 eL -18+00 P 4 Goo 0-16+00 . .. . .--. . -. 0** 0 '--. 100 25 50 75 DISTANCE TO WAYPOINT (MILES) Fig. 5-2 Delay Spread Time History * - ATA -14+00 0 Goo $ 13+00 12+00 104 CHAPTER VI ACCOMPLISHMENTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONCLUSION the course of this research, the following In objectives have been achieved: 1. The creation of an aircraft model which closely approximates the available aerodynamic design data for the Boeing 707-320B for altitudes from sea level to above 35,000 feet and airspeeds within the 707's operating range (excluding takeoff). 2. The creation of an atmosphere model in which density and the speed of sound (a function of temperature) vary in accordance with the ICAO standard atmosphere. 3. The development of analytic relationships and display programs which permit cockpit indications of indicated airspeed and Mach. 4. The design of a feedback control system which assists the pilot in maintaining a fixed, linear descent profile in space. design of a feedback controller which 5. The assists the pilot in meeting assigned times of arrival at three dimensional waypoints subject also to a speed constraint at the destination. An additional objective, that the airspeeds commanded would delayed optimize the amount the aircraft can be advanced or around the assigned time of arrival, was not achieved. The aircraft model and navigation controller were simulated base on an Adage AGT-30 computer 707 cockpit mockup. interfaced with a The simulation was coded efficient assembly language programs which: fixed- in highly- 105 1. Solve the aircraft equations of motion 15 times per second using sampled pilot control inputs. 2. Solve the navigation equations 3 times per second and display a command airspeed bug and a command descent bug on the corresponding In addition, an alphacockpit instruments. numeric readout of the earliest possible time of arrival and the latest possible time of arrival are presented to the pilot. 3. Update the flight instrument readings (7.5 times/sec), translate and rotate a moving map (15 times/sec), and draw all cockpit displays (The flight instruat 30 frames per second. ment and map programs were modified and adapted for this study, but are not the original work of the author.) The aircraft simulation was sional pilots troller. to flown manually by profes- test the accuracy of the Simulated approaches from cruise altitude to initial approach fixes for Logan International Airport were flown under no-wind conditions. The aircraft was be a very realistic model of the Boeing found the initial approach fix. times In a total of accuracy was achieved the controller in meeting (or bias) 2. A standard deviation of 5 seconds. explained in Chapter V, 14 tests the specified arrival of 19 seconds. (la) about the mean error the bias value can be reduced or eliminated by further refinement of the program logic. variation about fol- see Chapter V): (for complete results 1. A mean error As 707 and to judged to be helpful in complying with assigned times at was lowing navigation con- the mean was The considered to be well within 106 the accuracy requirements of an air assigned times value is primarily a measure of influence of pilot system control However, of arrival. based on under the traffic the five second the navigation controller errors in position If error. and airspeed are introduced and wind errors are included, number will increase. this During the development of the controller, the following on the simplifying assumption was made which bears directly results: 1. The acceleration and deceleration capabilities of the aircraft were assumed to be constant, equal, and invariant with altitude. The assumption of constant acceleration and deceleration between any two airspeeds was felt effect on the accuracy of the value of deceleration. the flight is (see Chapter V) computed earliest possible time of 35,000 lower than because arrival was based on acceleration of 1.75 ft/sec2 at feet. could be more Both acceleration and deceleration ately generally the the reduced thrust available. test result an unattainable level-flight However, Also, acceleration decreases with altitude because of led to one invalid This (especially consid- the system). value of acceleration in level increasing have only a minor the controller the feedback nature of ering to specified by further study. veloped here was felt The accur- aircraft model de- to be sufficiently accurate to provide 107 meaningful time data, but achieved accuracy The time investigation. experimental cursory for accelera- in the tests, using a constant value to tion and deceleration, may be due flown at the error-correcting Also the last nature of the feedback control. all tests were than a constraints precluded more 14 miles of 10,000 feet where the value of acceleration and deceleration chosen (1.75 ft/sec 2) was approximately correct. RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 The next step in gation require 15 to 30 minutes each. It was accuracies design. system and should this obtained under ibility? the The the command airspeed time flexibility, chosen to achieve such in the time of arrival without equalizing The answer may lie If then a major question commande& airspedes, which are equalize the aircraft's accuracy be tested. in the presence of wind. can be confirmed experimentally, How do in the feedback nature of the of determining achieve similar results arises. in decided that this condition reflect the merit Conceptually, the the method condi- these obtain statistically significant results time available, only the no-wind case would the test the navi- The particular approach routes flown for order to of to concept described here under a variety of wind tions. tests this research is the flex- in the mathematical analysis of optimization problem which was not performed here. 108 Along this line of reasoning, the for further research are tions 1. following recommenda- offered: Compare the results cited here to tests conducted in the presence of wind and in the presence of uncertainty in observation of position and airspeed. This 2. Perform the mathematical optimization. might provide insight into why the flexibility was not equalized; it might suggest alternate designs in the presence of wind or position errors; and it might provide a benchmark of the best obtainable performance. It is felt that the present approach could be improved and extended in the following ways: 1. Study and define the acceleration and deceleramodel over tion capabilities of the aircraft the full range of airspeeds and altitudes for inclusion in the calculations. 2. Modify the program logic so that the 15 mile deceleration segment can be varied or eliminated for time-controlled navigation inside the terminal area - possibly to the runway threshold. 6.2 CONCLUSIONS This report summarizes the design, testing of an on-board navigation concept employed in the air traffic control routes and waypoints, pilot to meet assigned The the future. three dimensional times of arrival at intermediate then this "navigation controller" would in complying with minimal assistance concept was tested by and that might be system of If aircraft are required to navigate along simulation, from the aid the ground. professional pilots on a 109 simulated Boeing 707-320B described herein. for no-wind conditions during descents to 10,000 feet. aircraft's argued that route Because of the way flexibility in computing it will correct of flight. The to be applicable from cruise altitude command airspeeds, concept, adjusted or cruise profiles, to any phase of the the controller uses for unforecast winds along time-control particular descent, climb, Tests were run flight. is it is the for considered 110 APPENDIX A THE AIRCRAFT SIMULATION PROGRAM The aircraft programmed specifically for simulation was the program, see The basic [16].) structure the coding of was created for a VTOL aircraft by Gordon Kemp in 1969 Robert Anderson adapted Kemp's of (For an explanation the Adage AGT-30 digital computer. [17]. program to a Boeing-supplied, fixed-base simulator using simplified jet transport dynamics, sophisticated flight Traffic instrument displays, and extensively in the current ment displays are A Mach is the included and traffic several not included here. mance of a Boeing conditions. the full dynamperfor- range of operating This program is included and explained here that it is sufficiently accurate to serve under the premise as a basis for effort. The aircraft to accurately model the 707-320B over the al- were only modified included here. ics were extensively revised Likewise, "MMAP2", and situation display program, rescaled and are not instruments were but the basic program phanumerics display program, "CRGD2", and instru- program titled "FNST2". the present simulation, relatively unchanged and is been used The flight simulation. contained in the indicator was rescaled for This work has [18]. Situation Display the Airborne research beyond the scope of the present 111 The program, "ACSM2", of alternates between under the control of a ("SIM11" and "SIM2") subroutines line-frequency, These sequences are shown clock-interrupt. and documented on two sequences the third page of the computer program. in the paragraphs The subroutines are briefly described which follow. The INIT INIT starts The clock the clock. the program variables, specifies interrupt pivots, control input biases, establishes and subroutine initializes then assumes the program by periodic interrupts. Although the instrument display programs are not discussed here, it note that the command "DIALS" must to the command puter prior tion routine in the CRGD2 "INIT" control of be entered since it important is is into the to com- an initializa- program which creates several of the vector display lists. The first ASPD1 is ASPD1. and this routine is is actually the first called after the clock-interrupt common of the call the displays proceed program load This subroutine interrupting display routines. independently of initiate a new vector The AGT-30 computer has in nature as only to opposed described under RDISC. list. a set of function switches which are used to input program commands trative After the main the foreground computations another vector or to FNSW to both program sequences that are adminis- to the cockpit discrete inputs The function switch assignment is 112 The large geographical shown in Figure A-1. area and alti- tude ranges used in the simulation dictated the fast move capability indicated on switches 6, and of cycles Switch number the unused Function switch 5 per- execute a programmatically set number then "freezes" the aircraft is a useful feature for debugging new until the next clock interrupt. RDISC One 30-bit register of the AGT-30 is A novel The sequence in the FNSW routine cockpit discrete inputs. This dynamics. subroutines. dynamics are frozen by trapping the SIM1 mits the 15. 14 and count representing computation time in each sequence. the simulation to 11, time-control studies. 8 displays a spare instruction mits 10, the aircraft clock and displays The clock switch, number 4, strobed time used in the 7, shared by the switching arrangement per- continuously monitored inputs to be temporarily replaced with up to represents 4 alternate frequencies The remaining selected on the navigation radios. three are used to communicate One of these 30-bit sources. in the four dimensional studies the selected waypoint, assigned time of arrival, assigned altitude, board computer. The RDISC register or normally and desired airspeed subroutine converts connected source It also for the program. the aircraft dynamics. traps the on- to the selected to flags or variables the SIM2 sequence to freeze 113 0 INITIAL CONDITIONS FRAME BY FRAME DATA OUTPUT 00 0 START FREEZE CLOCK TIME FAST WEST FAST EAST SPARE TIME FAST NORTH FAST UP TIME CLEAR FAST SOUTH FAST DOWN Fig. A-1 Function Switch Assignment 114 VCD1 and VCD2 cockpit inputs analog blowdown, flap in the aircraft dynamic equa- for use deployment Spoiler displays. the instrument tions or for manipulating sample control dial subroutines The variable and in 30 seconds), (50 degrees throttle normalization are computed in VCDl. The AERO subroutine computes total velocity, indi- AERO cated airspeed, Mach number, the aerodynamic angles. and Total velocity is determined by an approximation discussed [17]. in Gordon Kemp's original work The aerodynamic angles through 2-13. Indi- are computed as shown in Equations 2-10 airspeed is determined cated from Mach number by the rela- tionship of Equation 3-7. TRNSL The TRNSL dynamic forces 2-17, 2-15, subroutine computes and (lift, drag, and 2-18. and the physical dimensions of The forward it computes thrust the dynamic pressure (from the ATMOS subroutine), in the terms using true velocity, the 707-320B. remaining aircraft dynamics subroutines solutions of the equations of Chapter II. accelerations are integrated using cases aero- translational side force) of Equations In addition, manner of Equation 2-26 and ambient density the are straight- In all the trapezoidal rule: V n = V n-1 + At ' (3V n - V n-1 )/2 (A-1-1) 115 integra- The earth frame position is obtained by rectangular tion of the vehicle frame velocities: X = tion of variables and their is performed using "B" of an imaginary binary point first bit, or sign bit, also be For example, shown in the comments being 10 or B number may two used as a normaliza- the aircraft velocity, VT, to be a B10 number. is implies that This located to A "B" the right of number followed by an "R" the number is represented by the right 15 would be a BOR number if means 15 bits of word, hence a number with its binary point to bit position (=1024 ft/sec) was used as a normaliza- that 2 tion constant. The zero. the imaginary binary point would be bit the in a 30-bit computer word with thought of as the power of tion constant. numbers where represents the number associated with the "B" the the com- as a signed binary number between zero The scaling and one. defini- through the scaling is available Scaling is necessary because comments. puter stores values the thoroughly documented so that The program is associated (A-1-2) + At Vn Xn its most the that the 30-bit right of significant bits were only in the right half word. The control input using coefficients are difficult the documented program alone. to decode Rather than convert sampled pilot inputs to the associated control deflections 116 in degrees, the maximum anticipated sample voltages were related to the maximum control deflection times control coefficient. ality The resulting constant of proportion- is the value used in the program. deflections for the 707-320B were shown anticipated maximum voltages the associated The maximum control in Table (as normalized by 2-3 TABLE A-1 ANTICIPATED MAXIMUM CONTROL VALUES Absolute Value .3197 FLAPS .3984 ELEVATOR .4820 AILERON .2290 RUDDER .4490 the the computer) are shown in Table A-1. SPOILER and 117 EXPUNGE;OCTAL TITLE ACSM2 [THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS THE BASIC INITIALIZATION OF FLIGHT VARIABLES.[ AND THE SIMULATION OF THE AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS, [ AND THE REQUIRED NAVIGATIONAL ROUTINES. [SUFFICIENT EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE HOPEFULLY SPECIFIED THAT [ IT CAN BE USED AS A WORKING BASE FOR ANY FORM OF INSTRUMENTATION [ AND FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS, [THE BASIC STRUCTURE IS FROM GORDON KEMP'S VTOL SIMULATION OF 6/69 6/70 C AND WAS ORIG, ADAPTED FOR MORE GENERAL USE BY BOB ANDERSON [ REVISED 7/74 TO ACCURATELY MODEL THE BOEING 707-3208 WITH [ P&W JT3D EINGINES AT ALL ALTITUDES AND MACH NOS BY CHUCK CORLEY NOCARRET ENTRY DIRCSCLCK,RETRN.MTIM1,MTIM2.KIAS.. TTIME..CLIFT.QS.,VT..VDOTGSPDALPHASIM1. INIT.,VCD1 OVERF.,SOUND.,SSIXOM2IASO.SPDSN. PFQRVX VYV2,UBRSLDRCLD.ESLDYSLD YCLD.RB16.. SICOSEULER..DIRCSSIMID[THRO.CARRET -([ELEVATOR TRIM DEFINED TRINC=25 IXZIZ=27346 [INERTIA CROSS PRODUCTS IXZIX=30736. IXZIY=23505; [INERTIA QUOTIENTS IZMIY=3:3310 IXMIZ=43513; IYMIX=20203 [AIRCRAFT INERTIAS IZZ=36763 IYY=22400. IXX=35111; [1/2 WING AREA B11R SAREA"27410 [1/2 AREA TIMES SPAN B18R SSPAN=32615 [1/2 AREA TIMES CHORD B16R SCORD=20531 [1/4 AREA * SPAN SQRD B24R SSPN2=36372 [1/4 AREA * CHORD SORD B19R SCRD2=27512 MASS=3:3230 CLFLA=16:300 CLELE=22204 CDFLP=3473 CDSPL=2401 CYBET=42517 CYRUD=17070 CBETA=51776 CRUDD=14446 CPRT=47534 CMELE=64417 CMFLP =63746 CMQRT=54231 CNRRT=54631 CNRUD=56536 CNBET=35341 DFLP6=1417 DFL14=3443 DT15=21042 RHO0=23360 [MASS OF AIRCRAFT [INCREMENTAL C SUB L W/ FLAPS B2R DUE TO ELEVATOR B-1R [LIFT COEF, [DELTA CDMIN DUE FLAPS B1R DUE SPOILERS BIR BOR [SIDE FORCE DUE TO RUDDER B-1R SIDE SLIP B-2R [ROLL COEF. W../ [ ROLL COEF. DUE TO RUDDER B- 5R [ROLL COEF. DUE TO ROLL RATE B-IR DUE ELEVATOR BOR [PITCH COEF. DUE FLAPS BO) R [PITCH COEF. [DUE PITCH RATE AND ALPHA DOT B5R [YAW COEF, DUE TO YAW RATE B-2R [YAW C:OEF, DUE TO RUDDER B- 3R C'AW COEF, DUE TO SIDE SLIP B-3R [6 DEGREES OF FLAPS BO [14 DEGREES OF FLAPS B0 [DELTA T /2 15X'S PER SEC B-4R [SEA LEVEL DENSITY E:-8R [DRAG COEF. [SIDE SLIP ANGLE COEF, 118 EXPUNGE;OCTAL TITLE ACSM2 [THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS THE BASIC INITIALIZATION OF FLIGHT VARIABLES.[ AND THE SIMULATION OF THE AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS, [ AND THE REQUIRED NAVIGATIONAL ROUTINES. [SUFFICIENT EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE HOPEFULLY SPECIFIED THAT [ IT CAN BE USED AS A WORKING BASE FOR ANY FORM OF INSTRUMENTATION C AND FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS. [THE BASIC STRUCTURE IS FROM GORDON KEMP'S VTOL SIMULATION OF 6/69 [ AND WAS ORIG, ADAPTED FOR MORE GENERAL USE BY BOB ANDERSON 6/70 E REVISED 7/74 TO ACCURATELY MODEL THE BOEING 707-320B WITH E P&W JT3D EINGINES AT ALL ALTITUDES AND MACH NO.S BY CHUCK CORLEY NOCARRET ENTRY DIRCSCLCK,RETRN..MTIM1.MTIM2..KIAS, TTIMECLIFTQSVTVDOTGSPD.ALPHAS1.M1, INITVCD1,OVERF.,SOUND, SSIXOM2IAS..SPDSN, P.,QRVXVY.VZUBRSLDRCLDESLDYSLDYCLDRB16, SICOS,EULERDIRCSSIM1 .,DTHRO CARRET TRINC=25 [ELEVATOR TRIM DEFINED IXZIX=30736; IXZIY=23505; IXZIZ=27346 [INERTIA CROSS PRODUCTS [INERTIA QUOTIENTS IZMIY=33310 IXMIZ=43513J IYMIX=20203; IXX=35111. IY'22400. IZ=36763 [AIRCRAFT INERTIAS SAREA-27410 [1/2 WING AREA BlIR SSPAN=32615 [1/2 AREA TIMES SPAN B18R [1/2 AREA TIMES CHORD B16R SCORD=20531 [1/4 AREA * SPAN SQRD B24R SSPN2=36372 [1/4 AREA * CHOR[D SQRD B19R SCRD2=27512 [MASS OF AIRCRAFT MASS=33230 [INCREMENTAL C: SUB L W/FLAPS B2R CLFLA=16300 [LIFT COEF. DUE TO ELEVATOR B-1R CLELE=22204 [DELTA CDMIN DUE FLAPS BIR CDFLP=3473 [DRAG COEF, DUE SPOILERS BIR CDSPL=2401 [SI 'DE SLIP ANGLE COEF. BOR CYBET=42517 [SIDE FORCE DUE TO RUDDER B-1R CYRUD=17070 [ROLL COEF. L/S[:'IDE SLIP B-2R CBETA=51776 [ROLL COEF, DUE TO RUDDER B-5R CRUDD=14446 [ROLL COEF, DUE TO ROLL RATE B-IR CPRT=47534 [PITCH COEF. DUE ELEVATOR BOR CMELE=64417 [PITC:H COEF. DUE FLAPS BOR CMFLP=63746 [DUE PITCH RATE AND ALPHA DOT B5R CMQRT=54231 [YAW COEF, DUE TO YAW RATE B-2R CNRRT=54631 [YAW C7OEF. DUE TO RUDDER B--3R CNRUD=56536 [YAW COEF. DUE TO SIDE SLIP B-3R CNBET=35341 [6 DEGREES OF FLAPS BO DFLP6=1417 [14 DEGREES OF FLAPS B0 DFL14=3443 [DELTA T /2 15X'S PER SEC: 7-4R DT15=21042 [SEA LEVEL DENSITY B-8R RHO0=23060 119 MD10 'H'F ARXO'F ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD AR4D ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD MD07'L; ARMD'O MDAR'L; ARMD ARMD MD07'Lj NOOP o ARXO'F S5AS*F MD07 'L: ARMD NOOP ARX0I 'F S5AS'F MD07'LJ ARMD NOOP ARXO'F SSAS'F ARMD'N MDAR ARMD JPSR MDAR'L JPSR ARMD MDAR'F ARMD MD10 'H'F NOCP 0 RRLD ERLD YRLD RRNW ERN4W YRNW RSLD ESLD WVEL WVX WVY READY CLK1 CLK2 0 FLIPS 17777! H RCLD ECLD I! H10 NOOP CENTER HERE TO START AIRCRAFT [MAKE SURE CLOCK IS OFF [2ERO FOLLOWING VARIABLES [TURN OFF MPX 0 [SET FLIPS = -O [COS PHI = 1 Bl [COS THETA =1 [SAMPLE RUDDER 1 ! H4 RUDB [ SAMPLE A ILERON [SET CURRENT RUDDER 1! H2 ABIAS [SAMPLE ELEVATOR [SET CURRENT AIL ERON BIAS EBIAS SCALE $SS C [SET CURRENT $INIFI [INITIAL.I2E FLIGHT INST. [RETURN TO MONITOR IN THE [ EVENT OF OVERFLOW BUT SAVE:: [LOCATION AND VALUES OVER F 77771 CLCK 77755 1000 CST ART CLOC BIAS ELEVATOR BIAS 120 CLCK ARMD MDAR'X MDAS'N'F JPAN ARMD MDAR ARMD'N JPAN' I JUMP' I BACK: CLKI: HOLD: FLIPS: MDAR JUMP' I 0 0 -0 HOLD1 CLK1 4 BACK CLK 1 FLIPS FLIPS ,2 ,2 SIMi 1 SIM2 1 HOLD I CLCK [COUNT SPARE CONTI: MDAR MDBR BRAE'F'N ANBR BRMD NGOP ARXO'F ARMD ARAR'X JUMP MTIM1 TIME1 MDAR MDBR BRAE'N'F ANBR BRMD NOOP ARXO'F ARMD ARAR'X JUMP MTIM2 TIME2 INSTRUCTIONS [SAVE LEAST OF LAST COUNT [OR MINIMUM COUNT MTIMl MTIM1 TIME1 TIME1 .- 1 [ZERO COUNTER [NOW ADD ONE AND JUMP [BACK UNTIL CLOCK INTER, [SPARE COUNT IN SIM2 CONT2: MTIM1: MTIM2: TIME 1: TIME2: [STORE AR [INCREMENT CLK1 [SUBTRACT 4 [IF NOT 4TH INTERRUPT [RETURN ELSE ZERO [FLAG TO ALTERNATE [EETWEEN SEQUENCES [WHEN FLIPS = [DO SIMi [ELSE EDO SIM2 [RESTORE AR [GO TO INTERRUPTED S/R 9999, 9999, 9998, 9998, MTIM2 MTIM2 TIME2 TIME2 , -1 [LARGE INITIAL [SLIGHTLY SMALLER 121 FNSW: ST ATS: JUMP , MDIC'O'L; S5MD MDAR ARBR 'K 'F JPAN ARAR'B'F .JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN BRAR' B'F JPAN BRAR'K'F JPAN MDAR' A'F JPLS MDAR MDAR'H'A' F ARAR' H 'F JPLS MDAR JPAN MDAR'X JPLS 'F ARMD'N ARMD MDAR JPAN'I NOOP NOOP 40 !H FNSWS FNSWS IC START FREEZ TIMED FBF SPARE RETRN TMCLR F NS 10S 1463 RETRN' KILL: [CHECK FOR FAST MOVE [FNSW 6,7.. 10, 11. 14,15 F MO'V E FBFFL , 6 FRCNT , 4 FBFFL RE AD READY FNS W JUNMP FREEZI [READ FUNCTION SWITCHES [READ FNS 1-15 [STORE FUNCTION SWITCH STATUS [EXAMINE STATUS [S5(6) FIRST IN BR [SET INITIAL CONDITIONS [S5(1) FIRST IN AR [START DYNAMICS FNSW 2 [35(2) FIRST IN AR [FREEZE DYNAMICS FNS41 3 [55(3) FIRST IN AR [DISPLAY CLOCK FNSW 4 [S5(4::) FIRST IN AR [E::<ECUTE FRAME BY FRAME [55(7) FIRST IN AR [SPARE TIME DISPLAY FNSW 8 [35(1 2) FIRST IN AR [RETURN TO CALLING PGRM FNSW 13 [S5(11) IN AR(29' [KILL TIME DISPLAYS FNSW 12 AR:,'0'F ARMD SUJUM P PE AD'( ST A~T.'- MD1O 'H'F MDAP'F ARMD ARMD JUMP 'I KILL 77755 7757 I NIT [+0 -IF BY F, MODE [ADD UNTIL... +0 [THEN FREEZE [EXECUTE REST OF SIMI [IF DISPLAY IS NOT FROZEN [ELSE PREVENT DYNAMIC: UPDATE [AT THIS POINT IN SIMI AND [AT END OF RDISC IN SIM2 [SET FREEZ MODE [FREEZE IS READY [RETURN JUMP' II F. TO THE = +0 MONITOR [CHANGE CLOCK PIVOT CCHANGE EOL P I VOT CRETLRF.N TO CALLING PGRM 122 FNSW: STATS: JUMP , MD IiC'O'L' S5MD MDAR ARBR'K'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN BRAR'B'F . JPAN BRAR'K'F JPAN MDAR'A'F JPLS MDAR MDAR'H'A' F ARAR ' H 'F JPLS MDAR JPAN MDAR'X JPLS 40 ! H FNSWS FNSWS IC START FREEZ TIMED FBF SPARE RETRN I TMC:LR FNSWIiS 1463 [READ FUNCTION SWITCHES [READ FNS 1-15 [STORE FUNCTION SWITCH STATUS [EXAMINE STATUS [35(6) FIRST IN BR [SET INITIAL CONDITIONS [S5(1) FIRST IN AR [START DYNAMICS FNSW 2 [S5(2) FIRST IN AR [FREEZE DYNAMICS FNSW 3 [S5(3) FIRST IN AR [DISPLAY CLOCK FNSIJ 4 [S5(4):' FIRST IN AR [EXECUTE FRAME B' FRAME [55(7) FIRST IN AR [SPARE TIME DISPLAY FNSW 8 [85(12) FIRST IN AR [RETURN TO CALLING PGRM FNSW 13 IN AR(29) [S5(11) [KILL TIME DISPLAYS FNSW 12 [CHECK FOR FAST MOVE [FNSW 6. 7. 10,11, 14, 15 FMOVE FBFFL , 6 FRCNT . 4 (+0 IF F. BY F, MODE [ADD UNTIL +0 [THEN FREEZE RX'F ARMD'N ARMD MDAR JPAN 'I NOOP NOOP JUMP FREEZ: RETRN: KILL: FBFFL RE ADY READY FNS1.1 [EXECUTE REST OF SIMI [IF DISPLAY IS NOT FROZEN [ELSE PREVENT DYNAMIC: UPDATE [AT THIS POINT IN SIMI AND [AT END OF RDISC IN SIM2 A RX0 ' F ARMD JUMP READY STATS [SET FREEZ MODE [FREEZE IS READY MD10 'H'F MDAR'F ARMD ARMD JUMP 'I 0 KILL 77755 77757 INIT [RETURN TO THE MONITOR 'I IL.JUMP = +0 [ CH AN GE CLOCK:I( P I VOT [CHANGE EOL PIVOT [ RETURN Ti1 CALL I NiG PGRM . -1 123 FMOVE: FUP: FDOWN FNORT FSOUT: FEAST: FWEST: MDAR' A ARAR' H'F ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS JUMP MSK 1 FDOWN 1 FSOUT 3 FUP 1 FNORT :3 FEAS1T 1 FWEST STATS [ENTER IF ANY FAST MOVE (FUNCTION SWITCH IS ON EFNSW 15 [FNSW 14 (FNSW 11 (FNSW 10 [FNSW 7 [FNSW 6 [INSURED RETURN MDAR MDAE ARBR'F MDAE'N JPAN MDAR ARMD JUMP BRMD JUMP R FRINC [GET ALTITUDE 823 [ADD ALTITUDE INCREMENT RLIM , 4 RLIM R FFNSH R FFNSH [SUBTRACT MDAR MDAE'N ANAR ARMD JUMP R FRINC ZERO R FFNSH MDAR MDAE ARMD JUMP 0 FHINC Q FFNSH MDAR MDAE'N ARMD JUMP FH I NIC MAX ALTITUDE [IF GRT THAN LIMIT [STORE LIMIT [IF LESS THAN LIMIT (STORE NEW ALTITUDE [SUBTRACT R INCREMENT [IF NEGATIVE SET = 0 [ADD HORIZ [SUBTRACT INCREMENT INCREMENT FFNSH MDAR MDAE ARMD JUMP P FHINC P FFNSH MDAR MDAE'N ARMD JUMP P FH I NC P FFNSH [ADD INCREMENT ESUBTRACT INCREMENT 124 FMOVE I FUP I FDOWN' FNORTI FSOUTI FEAST FWEST MDAR 'A ARAR'H'F ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS ARRS JPLS JUMP MSK 1 FDOWN 1 FSOUT 3 FUP 1 FNORT 3 FEAST 1 FWEST STATS CENTER IF ANY FAST MOVE [FUNCTION SWITCH IS ON [FNSW 15 CFNSW 14 CFNSW 11 EFNSW 10 EFNSW 7 CFNSW 6 CINSURED RETURN MDAR MDAE ARBR'F MDAE'N JPAN MDAR ARMD JUMP BRMD JUMP R FRINC [GET ALTITUDE 923 CADD ALTITUDE INCREMENT RLIM ESUBTRACT MAX ALTITUDE MDAR MDAE'N ANAR ARMD JUMP R FRINC ZERO R FFNSH MDAR MDAE ARMD JUMP 0 FHINC 0 FFNSH MDA P MDAE'N ARMD JUMP 0 MDAR MDAE ARMD JUMP P MDAR MDAE 'N ARMD JUMP P FHINC ' 4 RLIM R FFNSH R FFNSH FHINC CIF GRT THAN LIMIT ESTORE LIMIT [IF LESS THAN LIMIT [STORE NEW ALTITUDE ESUBTRACT R INCREMENT CIF NEGAT IVE SET = 0 CADD HORI2 INCREMENT [SUBTRACT INCREMENT 0 FFNSH FHINC CADD INCREMENT P FFNSH P FFNSH [ SUBT RAC T INCREMENT 125 FFNSH: MDAR JPAN'I MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD JPSR JUMP ARXO'F ARMD JUMP ARXO'F ARMD'N JUMP ARXO'F ARMD 'N ARMD'N ARMD JUMP READY FNSW P $XP Q $YP $INIFI STATS START: ARMD'O JUMPI'I READY FNSW [START DYNAMICS [READY = - FBFI MDAR'H JPAN MDAR'F'N ARMD ARMD'0 ARXO'F ARMD JUMP 0 0 FRCNT STATS 2 FRCNT READY [IF NEG THEN ALREADY [COUNTING SO DISREGARD [COUNT ONE FRAME FBFFL STATS [FLAG +0 FOR F, TIMED: SPARE: TMCLR: FBFFL: FRCNT: $CLCKF STATS $STIMF STATS $CLCKF $SDISF $STIMF [READY = - IS DYNAMICS [READY = + IS STATIC [SO THAT MAP WILL [INDICATE FAST MOVE [CORRECT FLT INSTMTS [FLAG TO DISPLAY [CLOCK FROM "CRGD2" [+0 TO DISPLAY [FLAG TO DISPLAY SPARE [TIME FROM "CRGD2" [-0 TO DISPLAY [TURN OFF CLOCK, [STROBE TIME, [AND SPARE TIME STATS [READY = -0 (UNFREEZE) BY F, 126 RDISC: EOFRD: S6MD MDAR'H JPLS JUMP MDAR'A'F JPLS JPSR JPSR JPSR JPSR SSIX0 SSIX0 , 2 EOFRD 70000 CHKS6 SSCL SCLUT ACDIS $S60 lip MDAR JPAN'I JUMP READY RDISC MDBR'B MDAR'H JPAN MDAR MDAR MDAR JUMP MDAR MDAR BRAR'H'F JPAN ARMD'N MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD MDBR 'B BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS JUMP MDAR ARMD'N BRBR'B'F ARX0 ' F ARMD BRAR'N'K'F JPAN ARMD'O BRAR'H'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS JUMP'I I SSIX0 SSIX0 NAVI SVROP SVROP1 SVROQ. ' 5 $PVORPJ $PVORQ; ACDIS: NAVI DNEDS: ACDI1 RDIS1: ADFSS $ADFFL SVR2P $ADFP SVR2Q $ADFQ SSIX0 4000 , 2 ACDI 1 DAILE ABIAS GFLG . 2 GFLG TRIMU [READ DISCREAT CHANNELS [SAMPLE SOURCE 6 [PREVENT TRANSIENTS BY [IGNORING IF L,H. IS [ALL O'S (GEAR UP/DOWN) [IF NOT REGISTER 0 [OF SOURCE 6 GO CHECK ESET TSD SCALE [CHOOSE DATA FOR DISPLAY [AIRCRAFT EQUIP DISCRETES [DISCRETE 4D INPUTS [IF DISPLAY IS FROZEN [STOP SIM2 SEQUENCE HERE [ELSE DO DYNAMICS [READ AIRCRAFT INPUTS [56(1) FIRST IN BR [S6(15) IST IN AR [- IF CAPTAINS SW IN VOR [OUTER MARKER ON $SVORP ARMD $SVORQ ARMD [OUTER MARKER ON 4R HAS BEEN SELECTED $SVORP ARMD $SVORQ ARMD [SAME STATION AS HSI HAS BEEN SELECTED [- IF 1ST OFF SW IN VOR [- GARBAGE FOR 1ST OFF [SW IN ADF CAUSING [DISPLAY$OF LYNNFIELD [BEACON ON FAT NEEDLE [RETURN FROM ADFSS [36(2) IST IN AR [MASK FOR BIT 19 [IN BIT 18 OF AR [GIVE CURRENT AILERON [TO ABIAS [36(2) IST IN BR [+ 0 IF UP [36(8) IST IN AR [IF GEAR DOWN GFLG [S6(17) 1ST IN AR [TRIM NOSE UP [S6(18) IST IN AR = -0 TRIMD 4000 STROT ACDIS [86(2) STILL IST IN BR [MASK FOR S6(20) [SET TIME TO BE STROBED 127 RDISC: EOFRD: S6MD MDAR'H JPLS JUMP MDAR'A'F JPLS JPSR JPSR JPSR JPSR SSIX0 SSIX0 . 2 EOFRD 70000 CHKS6 SSCL SCLUT ACDIS $S60OP MDAR JPAN'I JUMP READY RDISC MDBR'B MDAR'H JPAN MDAR MDAR MDAR JUMP MDAR MDAR BRAR'H'F JPAN ARMD'N MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD MDBR'B BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS JUMP MDAR ARMD'N BRBR'B'F ARXO'F ARMD BRAR'N'K'F JPAN ARMD'O BRAR'H'F JPAN ARAR'B'F JPAN BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPL S JUMP 'I SSIX0 SSIX0 NAV I SVROP SVROP; SVRO 0 , 5 $PVORP; $PVORQ; ACDIS: NAV1: DNEDS ACDI1: RDIS1: ADFSS $ADFFL SVR2P $ADFP SVR2Q $ADFQ SS1 1 4000 , 2 ACDI1 DA ILE ABIAS GFLG [READ DISCREAT CHANNELS [SAMPLE SOURCE 6 [PREVENT TRANSIENTS BY [-IGNORING IF L,H, IS CALL O'S (GEAR UP/DOWN) (IF NOT REGISTER 0 [OF SOURCE 6 GO CHECK [SET TSD SCALE [CHOOSE DATA FOR DISPLAY (AIRCRAFT EQUIP DISCRETES [DISCRETE 4D INPUTS [IF DISPLAY IS FROZEN [STOP SIM2 SEQUENCE HERE [ELSE DO DYNAMICS [READ AIRCRAFT INPUTS (36(1) FIRST IN BR (S6(15) IST IN AR [- IF CAPTAINS SW IN VOR [OUTER MARKER ON $SVORP ARMD $SVORQ ARMD [OUTER MARKER ON 4R HAS BEEN SELECTED $SVORP ARMD $SVORQ ARMD [SAME STATION AS HSI HAS BEEN SELECTED [- IF IST OFF SW IN VOR [- GARBAGE FOR 1ST OFF [SW IN ADF CAUSING (DISPLAY$OF LYNNFIELD [BEACON ON FAT NEEDLE [RETURN FROM ADFSS [S6(2) IST IN AR [MASK FOR BIT 19 [IN BIT 18 OF AR [GIVE CURRENT AILERON [TO ABIAS [S6(2) 1ST IN BR [+ 0 IF (36(8) , 2 GFLG TRIMU UP IST IN AR [IF GEAR DOWN GFLG = -0 (36(17) IST IN AR [TRIM NOSE UP [36(18) 1ST IN AR TRIMD 4000 STROT ACDIS [36(2) STILL 1ST IN BR [MASK FOR S6(20) [SET TIME TO BE STROBED 128 GDM [ILS - 4R BOS SMK00=2454; SMK0t=2445; SMK10=3203; [ PVD HTO ALB SMK02=2305; SMK20=2605; SMK22=2162 PYRSS: $PVRFL ARMD'O SSIX1 MDBR'H 3777 MDBR'A'F IREPEAT NN,(00,01,10,11,02,20,22) BRAR'F SMK\NNN MDXO'F JPLS , 2 PVR\NN JUMP ENDI ARXO'F $PVRFL ARMD PVRSS JUMP 'I PVRO0: VRPO0; MDAR VRQOO MDAR $HSIS MDAR $APPRM JSAN JUMP 'I PVRSS IREPEAT PVR\NN: ENDI ADFSS: IREPEAT NN, (01 10, 11,02,20,22) VRP\NN MDAR VRQxNN. MDAR $HSIS MDAR'N JSAN $VORLM JUMP 'I PVRSS ARMD ''O MDBR MDBR'A'F NN (00,01, BRAR'F MDX0' ' F JPLS JUMP $ADFFL SSIX1 3777( 10,11 ,02, 20. 22) SMK \NN , 2 ADF\NN HTM SMK11=1051 [PRIMARY VOR STATION SELECTION [COMPARE EACH MASK TO [SAMPLED FREQ SETTING ARMD ARMD [SET HSI SENSITIVITY ARMD ARMD IREPEAT ADF\NN: ENDI NN. (00..01, MDiR MDAR JUMP [USE SAME MASKS AS PVRSS $ADFFL DNEDS 10,11, 02.20,22) VRP\NN:N VRQ'NN:' DNEDS $PVORP $PVORQ [DOUBLE NEEDLE STATION SELECTION ON NAV2 [REGISTER 1 FOR COMM/NAV ENDI ARXO'F ARMD JUMP $PVORP $PVORQ ARMD ARMD 129 MDAR'N MDAS'F ARMD'N JUMP MDAR MDAS'F ARMD JUMP ARXO'F ARMD JUMP 'I EBIAS TRINC EBIAS RDIS1 EBIAS TRINC EBIAS RDISI $STRBF ACDIS (EBIAS ESTABLISHED [INITIALLY IN INIT [SET STROBE FLAG [FOR COMPUTING [STROBE DISPLAY VRPOO VRPO 1: VRP10: VRP11 VRP02: VRP20 : VRP22: 166277; -195520.; 177700; 40000.; -110908.; -416616.; -643350.; VRQ00 VRQ0 1: VRQ10 VRQ1 1: VRQ02: VRQ20 1 VRQ22: 116300 180140, 116300 -62345. -153054. -383421. 334342, (ILS [GDM [SOS [HTM SVROP: SVRIP: SVR2P: SVR3P: 122400; 777716400; 237660; 7920.; SVROQ: SVR1iQ: SVR2Q: SVR3Q: 33076 343720 211120 -31680. (SO [BE [SEW CHKS6: MDAR'K MDAR'A'F ARRS ARBR'F MDAR' L; BRAS'F ARIR'F JUMP SSIX0O 70 3 [S6(0-2) NOW IN AR(24-26) [EXTRACT S6(0--2) [PUT IN AR(27-29) [ADD REGISTER NUMGER CHK6L [TO GET LOCATION CHK6L [EXECUTE SUBROUTINE TRIMD: TRINU STROT: CHK6L: SET60 SET61; KILL [TRIM STABILIZER BY [CHANGING ELEVATOR POSITION (ASSOCIATED WITH NEUTRAL [COLUMN POSITION JPSR'I (PVD [HTO [ALB [OWD EOFRD SET62; SET63; SET60: JUMP' I SET 60 MDAR ARMD JPSR JUMP ' I SSIX0) SSIX1 PVRSS SET61 MDAR ARMD JPSR JUMP' I ssIX0 SSIX2 $S62WP SET62 MDAR ARMD JPSR JUMP ' I SSIXO SSIX3 $S63WP SET63 [REGISTER 0, ETC. KILL KILL; SE T64; [ERROR HAS OCCURRED [ERROR HAS OCCURRED SET61: SET62: SET63: ----------------------- [CHANGE VOR STATION [SELECTED 130 SET64: , MDAR ARMD JUMP 'I SSIX0 SSIX4 SET64 MDAR'H MDAR'A MDAS'F ARMD ARMD JUMP 'I SSI :Io SEVEN 1 SCALE $SSC SSCL MDAR'H'N ARBR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS ARXO'F JUMP MDAR'LU ARMD BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS ARXO'F JUMP MDAR'L; ARMD BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS ARXO'F JUMP MDAR'LU ARMD BRAR'F MDAR'A'F JPLS ARXO'F JUMP MDAR'L; ARMD JUMP 'I SSIX0 SSCL: SCLUT : 1000 . 3 [SOURCE 6 FOR RANGE [SET CLUTTER LEVEL, OR CA/N DATA FOR WAYPOINTS [ID MASK . 3 JUMP $TDP 4000 [ALTITUDE MASK JUMP $TAP $TDS 2000 .3 [SPEED .3 JUMP $TSP 400 .3 .3 JUMP $TTP SCLUT MASK $TDT [TRACER MASK $TD2 131 IC: ICL1; ICL2: MDAR'H'X JPAN MDAR'F ARMD'N ARXO'F ARMD ARMD'N ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD ARMD MDAR'I'X JPAN ARMD MDBR'H'F ARLS BRMD ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD MDAR'I'X ARMD TTIME $SDISF RSLD PRATE QRATE RRATE VZ GFLG VB ATCNT READY ICPTR ICL2 R 17777 7 RCLD RB16 ICPTR P $XP ICPTR 0 $YP ICPTR UB VT ICPTR WB ICPTR ESLD ICPTR ECLD ICPTR YSLD ICPTR YCLD JPSR MDAR JPLS JPSR JPSR JUMP MDAR'F ARMD JUMP ATMOS ATCNT -2 AERO $INIFI STATS ICLST-1 ICPTR ICL1 ICCNT STATS 15 ICCNT [COUNT ONE SECOND BEFORE [ENTERING NEXT INITIAL CONDITION [LEVEL FLIGHT INITIAL CONDITIONS [ZERO CLOCK [AND KILL STROBE DISPLAY [SIN PHI = 0 (WINGS LEVEL) CANGULAR VELOCITIES [+0 FOR GEAR UP [Y BODY VELOCITY [FORCE ATMOS TO DO ATMO1 [FREEZE ON RETURN [LAST ENTRY LEG [INITIAL ALTITUDE B23 (COS PHI = +1 [ALTITUDE B16 CINITIAL X POSITION 823 [IN FEET [FOR "MMAP2" [INITIAL Y POSITION B23 (INITIAL X BODY [TO PREVENT DIV [TOTAL VELOCITY [INITIAL Z BODY [SIN THETA VELOCITY BY ZERO THE SAME VELOCITY (PITCH) [COS THETA [SIN PSI [COS (HEADING) PSI [INITIALIZE ATMOSPHERE (RECALL UNTIL COMPLETE [INITIALIZE A IRSPEED [INITIALIZE FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS [RETURN TO FUNCTION SWITCHES [RECYCLE I. CS 132 ICCNT: 0 ICPTR: ICLST-1 [62 N.M. SW, OF HAMPTON AT .82 MACH (476 KTAS) (289 KIAS) [ALTITUDE B23 ICLST: 35000. iK [X POSITION B23 -720215, 1K [Y POSITION 823 -611023, !K CX BODY VELOCITY 804 FT/SEC B10 31100 !H (2 BODY VELOCITY B9 77471 !H [SIN PITCH 61 10! H [COS PITCH B1 20000 !H [SIN HEADING BI 14616! H 11501 H [COS HEADING 81 (17 N.M, W OF ALBANY AT .82 MACH (494 KTAS) (359 KIAS) 25000.!K -742359.!K 364611,1K [835 FT/SEC 32060!H 77471!H 10!H 20000 !H 17232!H 732441H [10 N.MI, W. OF GRISWOLDVILLE (SHORT TEST CASE) 15000., K -445793. !K 273942.!K 14360!H 13111H 711!H 17763!H 172321H 73244!H (20 NM. S.W. OF MILLIS AT 236 KTAS (220 KIAS) 6000, !K -142655.!K --88683.!K (400 FT/SEC 14360!H 1311! H 711!H 1776: 3!H 15442! H 10:364! H [ASSURED RECYCLE -0 133 [FOLLOWING SUBROUTINE EMPLOYS THE ANALOG - DIGITAL CONVERTER [TO SAMPLE ANALOG CONTROL INPUTS FROM THE COCKPIT KIAS L.T. 188 [SPOILER BLOWDOWN: MAX SPOILER = 60 DEG 60 - .283(KIAS - 188) G.T. 188 [ VCD1: NODEC: FPRI MDG07'L; NOOP MD07'L; MDAR'B UPRI MDAE'N'H'F JPAN ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP MDAE'H'N'F ARBR'N'F 76560 1H JPAN BRMD'H JUMP S5MD FPRI MD07'L; NOOP MDAR'N'H'F 76560 IH MD07'LU ANAR UPRI ARAR'H'F MPYI MDBR'H ARMD'B MDAR'B JPAN ARMD JUMP BRMD FPRI MD07'L; MDAR'N'H MDBR S5AS'F MD07'LU UPRI JPAN BRAR'F MDAE ARMD JUMP 11 H NOOP 0 10 KIAS [TURN OFF MPX 8-15 13600 NODEC (188 KTS 89 30446 E.283(1 12135 [ANTICIPATED MAX SPOILER [SAMPLE MPX 3 (SPEED BRAKE) [KIAS TO S'9 DEG SPOILER) B-9R [S5AE'H'F NODEC DSPOL . 2 DSPOL [STORE DECREASED MAX BOR [STORE ACTUAL SPOILER 240 [MPX 4-7 (THROTTLES) 11574 [EXPECTED IDLE THROTTLE [S5AE'H'F [TURN OFF MPX 0-7 0 ZERO 25012 FS DTHRO DTHRO '3 DTHRO . 2 DTHRO 11H 1 DFLAP FRATE 1!H 2 . 5 DFLAP DFLAP . 4 [INVERSE EXPECTED MAX B2 [I.E. NORMALIZE [STORE TEMP 81 [RECALL BO [IF L.T. 1 [STORE B0 [ELSE STORE 1 BO [SAMPLE MPX 8 (FLAPS) [CURRENT FLAP POSITION [EXTEND/RETRACT RATE [COMMANDED FLAP POSITION [SAMPLE MPX 9 (ELEVATOR) [IF COMMAND FLAP POSITION [G.T. CURRENT FLAP POSITION [ADD INCREMENT TO CURRENT [ELSE SUBTRACT INCREMENT [FROM CURRENT 134 BRAR'N'F MDAE ARMD MDAR'L EBIAS: 0 S5AS'F FPRI MD07'L; ARMD MDAR'L ABIAS: 0 SSAS'N'F MD07'LU ARMD UPRI MDAR'L RUDB: 0 S5AS'N'F ARMD JUMP'I I [FOLLOWING SAMPLES CCJURSE VCD2: FPRI MD07'LU NOOPJ' MD07'L NOOP; DFLAP DFLAP [COMPUTED DFLAP BO [ELEVATOR BIAS FROM INIT [HAS CONVENTIONAL SIGN 1!H 4 DELEV i!H 10 DAILE [SAMPLE MPX 10 (AILERON) [AILERON BIAS FROM INIT [CHANGE TO CONVENTIONAL SIGN [SAMPLE MPX 11 (RUDDER) [RUDDER BIAS [CHANGE TO CONVENTIONAL SIGN DRUDD VCD1 SETS HEADING BUG AND SPEED SET BUG 1!H NOOP 2!H 10 NOOP [TURN OFF MPX 8-15 14400 2!H 20 $SPSET [400 KTS B10 [MPX 20 VERT GRADIENT [SPEED BUG SETTING B10 $PTCHT 2!H NOOP 1!H 20 NOOP [PITCH TRIM FOR ADI [TURN OFF MPX 16-23 [MPX 19 SPEED BUG SSAR'F MPYI MDO7'L; ARMD NOOP S5MD MD07'L; NOOP; MD07'LU NOOP; [MPX 12 HDING SIN S5AR'H'N'F MD07'L NOOP, I!H 40 NOOP [MPX 13 HDING COS 1!H200 [MPX S5BR'H'F MD07'LU UPRI JPSR 15 COURSE COS $SCINV S5BR'H'F FPRI MD07'L ARMD NOOP UPRI SSAR'H'N'F JPSR ARMD JUMPI I 1 H100 $DHANG $SCINV $PVORA VCD 2 [MPX 14 COURSE SIN 135 AERO . [AIRSPEED AND ALPHA CALC. [FOLLOWING IS AN APPROXIMATE SQ ROOT SEE KEMP'S THESIS [VT(N) = 1/2 (VT(N-1) + (U*U + V*V + W*W)/VT(N-1) ) MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARMD MDAR'H MPYU MDBR ARRS ARMD BRAR'H'F MPYU MDBR ARRS ARMD BRAE'F MDAE ARBR'F MDAE'N ANIR ARLS NOOP MDAE'N ARAR'N'F JPAN BRAR'F ARRS DIVU NOOP ARBR'H'F MDAR ARRS BRAE'F ARMD ARAR'H'F AERO1: MPYU NOOP ARMD ULSQ V8 VB We 2 VBSQ WB UBSQ 2 WBSQ VBSQ VSQR NEGAT 3 VSQR SQRRT 1 VT MDAR DIVU MDBR ARAR'H'F ARMD ARRS CVB FROM FORCE TO B9R [SQUARED B18 [STORE B20 [WB TO 89R (SQUARED B18 (STORE B20 [NEW VSQR=U**2+V**2+ [W**2 TO BR B20 [IF OLD VSQR G.T. NEW [THEN DV= -(NEW-OLD) [ELSE DV = NEW-OLD [SUBTRACT 1/8TH OLD [IF DV L.T. 1/8TH OLD [THEN TAKE SQR RT OF NEW [ELSE DIVIDE (NEW * 1/2) [BY OLD [QUOTIENT BlOR [BR= .5(VSQR'VT) AS B10 VT 1 [VT TIMES 1/2 CVT/2 + (VSQR/VT)/2 [NEW VT AS 810 VT VT VSQR [RETURN FROM SQRRT [NOTE: IF SQRRT USED [IT UPDATES VT ASSUMES COSB = 1 [SINA = WB/VT = ALPHA [COSA = UB/VT (SINB = VB/VT = BETA (COSB = 1 - BETA SQRED/2 ATACK: [UB FROM FORCE TO B1OR [SQUARED B20 UB UB WB VT US ALPHA 2 [WB AS 89 [DIVIDE BT VT [QUOTIENT TO B-2 [ANGLE OF ATTACK B-1 136 ARMD BRAR'F ARRS DIVU MDBR ARAR'H'F ARMD BRAR'F DIVU MDBR ARAR'H'F ARMD ARRS ARMD ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP MDAE'H'F ARMD'N BRAR'F ARRS DIVU' NOOP ARMD'H MPYU NOOP ARMD JUMP'I SQRRT: BRAR'F JPSR ARMD'H JUMP SINA (UB TO B1OR 1 VT VB [DIVIDE BY VT B10 COSA [RESULT TO 80 (COS ALPHA (YB AS 69 VT VT BETA 2 SINB [QUOTIENT TO B-2 (BETA B-1 [SIN BETA 81 SINB [BETA SQRED B2/2'= B1 57777 COSB 1 SPDSN (-1 AS 61 [COSB B1 [TRUE VELOCITY FT/SEC [TO B11 [SPEED OF SOUND 811 MACH M2IAS [MACH 60 [CONVERSION FROM ATMOS KIAS AERO [INDICATED AIRSPED 810 [NEW VSQR IN BR $SQRT VT AERO1 (UPDATE VT 137 (-LIFT) + THRST) (CACB(-DRAG) -CASB(YAERO) -SA EXBM = (1/MASS) (-DRAG) +CB (YAERO) + 0 (SB [YBM = (1/MASS) ) (-LIFT) (SACB(-DRAG) -SASB(YAERO) +CA (ZBM = (1/MASS) [WIND TO BODY AXES , WTOB: [NEC DRAG TO B17R DRAG MDAR'N'H (TIMES COS BETA 81 COSB MPYU NOOP CHOLD C8*DRAG B18 ARBR'F (YAW FORCES 816 YAERO MDAR'N'H [TIMES SIN BETA 61 SINE MPYU NOOP 1 ARRS 818 [-CB*DRAG-SB*YAERO BRAE'F [USING BR SAVES 1 MI.SEC' ARBR'F (NEG DRAG TO B17R DRAG MDAR'H'N [TIMES SIN BETA B1 SINS MPYU B18 [STORE ABOVE SCALAR DTEM BRMD [-SB*DRAG ARBR'F YAERO MDAR'H [TIMES COS BETA COsB MPYU NOOP ARRS 1 B18 [-SB*DRAG+CB*YAERO BRAE'F [DEFINED MASS B13R MASS DIVI [QUOTIENT 85R NOOP ARAR'H'F 4 ARRS [TO 89 ARBR'F B18R [RECALL ABOVE SCALAR DTEM MDAR'H [TIMES COS ALPHA 81 COSA MPYU [(-SB*DRAG+CB*YAERO)/M 84 YBM BRMD [PRODUCT TO B22 3 ARRS [CAC-CB*DRAG-SB*YAERO) ARBR'F [LIFT FROM AERO TO B21R LIFT MDAR'H [TIMES SIN ALPHA SINA MPYU NOOP [(CA(-CB*DRAB-SB*YAERO)+ BRAE'F [SA*LIFT + THRST) B22 THRST MDAE [DIVIDED BY MASS 813R MASS DIVI NOOP [QUOTIENT TO 85 ARBR 'H' F [SAME SCALAR DTEM MDAR'H SINA MPYU [STORE AS 88 XBM BRMD'B [PRODUCT TO B22 3 ARRS ARBR'F (NEG LIFT TO B21R LIFT MDAR'N'H [TIMES COS ALPHA COSA MPYU [PRODUCT B22 NOOP B22 [ADD SA(SCALAR) BRAE'F [(SA(-CB*DRAG-SB*YAERO) MASS DIVI [-CA*LIFT)/MASS NOOP [STORE 89 ZBM ARMD'H WTOB JUMP'I 822 138 [PDOT [QDOT ERDOT EQPM: = = L/IX M/IY N/IZ -RQ(IZ-IY)/IX +PQ IX2/IX -PR(IX-IZ)/IY -(PSQR-RSQR)IXZ/IY -PQ(IY-IX)/IZ -RQ IXZ/IZ . MDAR'H MP'YU NOOP ARBR'H'F BRAR'F MPYI BRMD'N ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'H'N MPYU NOOP ARAR'H'F ARMD MPYI NOOP BRAE'F ARRS MDAE PRATE QRATE IXZIX PQ 2 RRATE QRATE RQ IZMIY 3 LMOM [MOMENT EQUATIONS [OLD P TO BOR [TIMES OLD Q BO tPRODUCT IS S0 LMOVE MOST SIGNI[FIGANT TO R.H. BtR [DEFINED QUOTIENT [STORE PQ PRODUCT ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'B'F ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARBR'N'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARRS BRAE'F ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'H'N MPYU NOOP ARAR'H'F B2 [HOLD PQ*IXZIX [- OLD R TO B-iR [TIMES OLD Q B0 [MOST SIGNIFIGANT [STORED NEG AS B-1R [DEFINED BOR [PRODUCT B-1 [ADD -RQ(IZ-IY)/IX B-1 [TO PQ*IXZ/IX + L/IX B2 [INTEGRATION RULE: X(N)=X(N-1) + H/2 (3XDOT(N) - XDOT(N-1) INTPD: B-3R NEG. ) PDOT [HOLD NEW PDOT B2 [SUBTRACT OLD PDOT 82 [ADD TWO MORE NEW PDOTS DT15 [(DELTA T)/2 B-4R 2 PRATE PRANW PRATE PRATE PDOT RRATE RRATE 2 IXZIY [ADD OLD P 80 [STORE [OLD P TO BOR [SQUARE IT BO [UPDATE PDOT B2 [HOLD - P SQUARED BC [OLD R TO B-iR [SQUARE IT B-2 [ADD R SQUARED [AS BC [TO -P SQUARED 80 [RESULT TO BOR [TIMES QUOTIENT IXZ/IY 4 PRATE RRATE [HOLD RESULT 81 [- OLD P TO BOR [TIMES OLD R B-1 [PRODUCT IS B-1 [TO B-iR 139 MPYI NOOP ARRS IXMIZ 2 [ADD (-P**2+R**2)IXZ/IY BRAE'F MDAE INTOR: INTRR: ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'B'F ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR MPYI BRMD ARRS ARBR'F MDAR MPYI NOOP ARRS BRAE'F MDAE ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'B'F ARAR'H'F MPYI BRMD ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR ARMD JUMP' I OVERF: , ARS: BRS: ARMD MDAR'L MD1O'H'F ARMD ARIR'F BRMD JUMP JUMP 0 0 [QUOTIENT (IX-IZ)/IY MM04 QDOT [HOLD FOR INTEGRATION [SUBTRACT OLD QDOT BI [ADD TWO MORE NEW ODOTS DT15 [DEFINED AS B-4R 3 QRATE QRATE PQ IYMIX QDOT 2 [ADD OLD 0 [UPDATE Q [SAVED ABOVE AS NEG BOR [QUOTIENT (IY-IX)/IZ B-2R [UPDATE Q DOT RQ IXZIZ [HOLD PQ(IY-IX)/IZ Bo [SAVED ABOVE AS NEG B-IR [QUOTIENT IXZ/I2 B-4R 5 NMOM RDOT DT15 RDOT 3 RRATE RRATE PRANW PRATE EQMM ARS [ADD PQ(IY-IX)/IZ 80 [ADD N/IZ B0 [HOLD FOR INTEGRATION [SUBTRACT OLD RDOT 80 [ADD TWO MORE RDOTS [UPDATE RDOT [ADD OLD R B-1 [UPDATE R [NOW YOU CAN UPDATE [P AS WELL [JUMP HERE ON OVERFLOW [SAVE AR [STOP [7756 CLOCK AND DISPLAYS BRS IMON9 [SAVE BR [RETURN TO MONITOR 140 -SE [UDOT [VDOT = G ECRS ECRC [WDOT G=20063 0 -R Q R -Q P 0 -P 0 INTUD: + XBM YBM ZBM [GRAVITATIONAL ACC. B6R G ECLD [FORCE EQUATIONS [GRAVITY B6R [TIMES COS THETA B1 RSLD [RESULT TO 17 [RESULT TO B7R [TIMES SIN PHI 81 FORCE: MDAR'F MPYU NOOP ARBR'F BRAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARRS ARMD BRAR'H'F MPYU MDBR ARRS ARMD BRAR'H'F MPYU NOOP MDAE ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'N'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'N'F MPYU NOOP ARRS BRAE'F ARLS NOOP ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'F'B ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR'N'H MPYU BRMD MDAE ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU UB VS WB 1 GECRS RCLD RRATE 1 GECRC VB [TEMP STORE 89 [G*COS THETA 87R [TIMES COS PHI [R FROM S/R EQMM B-1 [G*CTHETA*CPHI B9 [RRATE TO B-IR [Y VELOCITY COMP B9 XBM I [FROM WTOB S/R 88 ORATE WB ENEGQ FROM EQ.MM TO BOR [2 VELOCITY COMP 89 [A = -R*VB-Q*WB+XBM B9 G ESLD [NEG GRAVITY [TIMES SIN THETA 81 2 [B = G*STHETA + A 3 UDOT [SUBTRACT OLD UDOT 86 [ADD TWO MORE NEW UDOTS DT15 [DELTA T OVER 2 B-4R 8. Us UBN RRATE UB UDOT YBM PRATE We [ADD X COMP 810 [STORE UNTIL END [-R FROM EQMM S/R B-1 [TIMES X COMP B10 [UDOT = B [ADD YBM FROM WTOB [C = -R*UB + YBM [P TO BOR [TIMES 2 COMP B9 141 INTVD: INTWD: NOOP BRAE'F MDAE ARLS NOOP ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'B'F ARAR'H'F MPY I NOOP ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARBR'F'B MDAR'N'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F MDAE MDAE ARBR'F MDAE'N BRAE'B'F ARAR'H'F MPYI BRMD ARRS MDAE ARMD MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD JUMP ' I GECRS 2 [ADD C AS B9 [ADD G EFFECT VDOT ED = P*WB+GECRS+C [SUBTRACT OLD VDOT B7 [ADD TWO MORE NEW VDOTS DT15 [DELTA T FOR 15X'S /SEC 6 VB VBN QRATE UB VDOT PRATE VB [STORE EQ FROM EQMM 80 [TIMES X COMP B10 [UPDATE VDOT B7 [E = Q*UB [NEG P TO BOR [F = P*VB + E ZBM GECRC WDOT DT15 WDOT 4 WB WB UBN UB VBN VB FORCE [G = GECRC+F+ZBM [ADD NEG OLD WDOT [ADD TWO NEW WDOTS EWDOT = G [UPDATE WB 89 [NOW CHANGE UB [AND VB 142 [REQUIRES ANGULAR RATE IN RADIANS PER SECOND (82) [PREVIOUS SINCOS [SOLVES SIN(N+1) = SIN(N) + HR COS(N) - EMH SIN(N) COS(N+1) = COS(N) - HR SIN(N) - EMH COS(N) ( & (E = SIN2(N) + COS2(N) - 1 [WHERE R IS ANGULAR RATE, H IS TIME INCREMENT, M IS [A CONSTANT SUCH THAT MH = 1/2, AND E IS ERROR TERM SICOS: . IREPEAT NN,(R,EY) MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F MDAE'N'H'F ARRS NOOP MPYI NOOP ARAR'H'F ARBR'F MPYU NN\COS: BRMD MDAE'N ARMD MDAR MDAE ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARAR'H'F ARMD MPYU NOOP ARRS MDAE ARMD'N NN\SIN: MDAR MPYU NOOP ARBR'F MDAR MPYUL NOOP ARRS BRAE'N'F MDAE ARMD NN\CLD NN\CLD (OLD COS TO BR [SQUARED GIVES B2 NN\SLD NN\SLD [OLD SIN TO BIR (SQUARED GIVES B2 ONEB2 15 [SUBRTRACT 1 AS B2 [SHIFT TO B15 OR BOR 17777 [M*H (JUST UNDER 1/2) BOR NN\CLD MEH NN\CLD NN\CNW NN\RLD NN\RNW [FORM EMH COSCN) 81 [STORE ERROR TERM BOR [SUBTRACT COS(N) (TEMP STORAGE B1 [ANGULAR VELOCITY (N-1) B2 [AVGERAGED WITH AV.(N) 82 DT15 [DELTA T NN'MHR NN\SLD [PRODUCT TO B-2R [SAVE H*R B-2R [FORM HR SIN(N) AS 81 2 NN\CNW NN\CNW (HR SIN(N) +(EMH COSCN) [- COS(N) ) NEGATED 81 MEH NN\SLD [RECALL ERROR COEF. [TIMES SIN(N) NN\HR NN\CLD [RECALL HR AS B-2R (HR COS(N) / 2 FOR AVG. B-4R BOR 2 NN\SLD NN\SLD [HR COS(N) - EMH SIN(N) [PLUS SIN(N) [EQUALS SIN(N+1) 81 143 MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD NN\CNW NN\CLD NN\RNW NN\RLD JUMP 'I SICOS [NOW UPDATE COS [UPDATE ANGULAR RATE [FOR EULER S/R ENDI IREPEAT NN,<REY) ENTRY NN\CLD,NNNSLD,NN\CNI,NN\SNW, NW\RLD,NMtRNW 20000!H NN\CLDi NN\SLDi 0 200001H NN\CNWI NN\SNW: 0 NN\HR: 0 [IN RADIANS PER SECOND B2 0 NN\RLD: [GARBAGE IN LHS 0 NN\RNW: ENDI 0 MEH: [COMPUTES EULER ANGLE RATES [NEEDS PQ,R RATES [GIVES RRERYR (RATES MUST BE UNDER 1B1 WHEN ANGLES ARE 45 DEGREES [RR (ER = (YR EULER: RR: 1 0 0 SIN PHI TAN THETA COS PHI SIN PHI SEC THETA MDAR'H MPYU NOOP DI VU NOOP ARBR'F MPYU BRMD ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP DIVU NOOP ARMD MPYU NOOP ARRS BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR ARRS BRAE'F ARBR'F RSLD ORATE ECLD COS PHI TAN THETA - SIN PHI COS PHI SEC THETA P Q R (OLD SIN PHI TO BIR [TIMES Q BO [PRODUCT 81 (OLD COS THETA 81 [QUOTIENT BOR ESLD RSECQ [OLD SIN THETA B1 [(SPHI*Q)/CTHETA BOR RCL D RRATE [PRODUCT [OLD COS [TIMES R [PRODUCT AS B2 PHI TO B1R B-1 80 ECLD RCECR ESLD [QUOTIENT B-IR [(CPHI*R)/CTHETA B-1R [OLD SIN THETA [PRODUCT 80 2 PRATE 2 [(STHETA*RCECR)+ [(STHETA*RSECQ) (P AS 80 [TO 82 [ADDED TO ABOVE 144 ER: MDAR'N'H MPYU BRMD ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP RSLD RRATE RRNW 1 COLD SIN PHI TO BIR [TIMES R B-1 [STORE PHI DOT B2 RCLD ORATE COLD COS PHI TO BiR [TIMES 0 80 BRAE'F YR: C(-SPHI*R)+(CPHI*Q) ARRS ARMD 1 ERNW MDAR'H ARRS MDAE'H ARRS ARMD JUMP'I RCECR 1 RSECQ 2 YRNW EULER (NEW THETA DOT 82 [FROM ABOVE B-1R [TO 80 (SHIFT TO 82 [NEW PSI DOT [CONVERTS BODY VELOCITY COMPONENTS TO VEHICLE FRAME UB 0 0 1 0 ES EC 0 -YS YC CVX VB -RS 0 RC 0 1 0 0 YC [VY = YS WB RC 0 RS EC -ES 0 1 0 0 [VZ DIRCS: ROLTP: ELVTRI MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'N'H MPYU NOOP 8RAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F BRAR'H'F MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'H'N MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARLS NOOP yB RCLD CY COMPONENT TO B9R [TIMES COS PHI B1 (PRODUCT B10 WB RSLD [NEG Z COMPONET TO 89R. [TIMES SIN PHI B1 [810 [A=(VB*CPHI)-(WB*SPHI) VB RSLD YTEM (VB TO B9R [TIMES SIN PHI 81 CYTEM = A 810 CVB*SPHI B10 EWB TO B9R [TIMES COS PHI B1 WB RCLD [B = (VB*SPHI)+(WB*CPHI) [B TO B10 ECLD ZTEM [B TO B1OR [TIMES COS THETA 81 [zEM = B 810 UB ESLD [UB TO BiOR [TIMES SIN THETA B1 (ADD ZTEM*STHETA B11 2 145 ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F'B YAWTR: BRAR'H'F MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'H'N MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARMD JUMPI ZTEM ESLD VZ [C = (UB*STHETA)+ZTEM*STHETA [ZTEM TO B1OR [TIMES SIN THETA [VZ = C 89 uB ECLD CUB TO BIOR [TIMES C-5 THETA 81 (ADD STHETA*ZTEM ED = UB*CTHETA + ZTEM*CTHETA YCLD XTEM ID TO B1OR (TIMES COS PSI B1 [XTEM = D B10 YTEM YSLD [YTEM TO B1OR [TIMES SIN PSI 81 XTEM YSLD VX [ADD D*CPSI CE= CPSI*ZTEM + SPSI*YTEM EXTEM TO B1OR [TIMES SIN PSI B1 [VX = E 811 YTEM YCLD [YTEM TO B1OR [TIMES COS PSI 81 VY DIRCS [F = XTEM*SPSI (VY = F 811 + YTEM*CPSI [FOLLOWING SUBROUTINE COMPUTES DYNAMIC FORCES FROM VELOCITY AND [AIRCRAFT DIMENSIONS AS WELL AS TRANSLATIONAL AERODYNAMIC FORCES TRNSL: MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARBR'H'F BRAR'F MPYI NOOP ARMD BRAR'F MPYI NOOP ARMD BRAR'F MPYU NOOP ARLS NOOP ARAR'H'F ARBR'F RHO VT [FROM ATMOS TO B-SR [FROM AERO TO 810 (BR SCRD2 QSCSQ IS B2R [1/4 * S * C * C B19R .25*V*S*C*C 821 B24R SSPN2 [.25*S*B*B QS8SQ [TIMES V VT [FORM V SQUARED (PROD 812 (NEVER G.T. B10) (DUE TO VARIATION OF MAX 2 B26 [AIRSPEED & DENSITY WITH [ALTITUDE SO SHIFT TO 810 146 MPYI NOOP ARMD BRAR*F MPYI NOOP ARMD BRAR'F MPYI NOOP ARMD 816R SCORD [1/2*S*C QSC [TIMES V SQRED SSPAN [1/2 * S * 8 B18R QSB [1/2 *S*B* VSQR B28 SAREA [1/2 * S B1IR QS [1/2 * S * VSQR B21 826 [THRUST COMPUTATION: (MACH VARIATION HERE, ALTITUDE IN ATMOS) [THRUST = IDLE + (MAX-IDLE)(DELTA THROTTLE NORMALIZED SQRED) THR: /S. MACH 812 MDAR'H MPYU MDBR BRAE'F ANAR ARRS ARMD ITHVM MACH ITHMO (IDLE ZERO 3 IDTHR [ZERO IF NEGATIVE MDAR'H MPYU MDBR ARPS BRAE'F MDAE'N ARBR'F MTHVM MACH MTHMO [MAX VS. MDAR'H MPYU BRMD ARAR'H'F MPYU MDBR BRAE'F ARRS ARMD DTHRO DTHRO MXTHR CIDLE(M=O) B12 [STORE IDLE B15 [MAX(M=0) MACH 813 815 IDTHR [NORMALIZED THROTTLE [SQURRED 80 MXTHR IDTHR 5 THRST [THRUST ONE ENGINE B15 [SHIFT TO 820 [USE AS 822 (FOUR ENGINES) 147 (FOLLOWING VARIATION WITH MACH IS APPLIED TO C SUB L-ALPHA [CLALP = 4,584 - 2,22 MACH + 5.378 MACH SQRED (IN RADIANS) [ALPHA HERE IS FOR X BODY AXIS PLUS 1.9 DEG. INCIDENCE ANGLE [ALSO FOR DFLAP GT. 6 DEG, ADD INCREMENT OF 1.081 / RADIAN LCORR: LFT: NOFLP: MDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'N'F MPYU NOOP BRAE'F MDAE ARMD MACH MACH MDAR MDAE'H'N'F JPAN ARBR'H'F MDAR'H'F MDAE ARMD BRAR'F MPY I NOOP ANAR ARMD MDAR MDAE'H'F ARBR'F MDAE'H'N'F JPAN ARLS ARAR'H'N'F BRAS'H'F JUMP BRAR'H'F MPYU MDBR BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR 'F MPYL NOOP ARRS BRAE'F ARBR'F ARAR'H'F MPYU BRMD DFLAP DFLP6 NOFLP 25430 (5,387 83R 10703 MACH (2. 22 B3R CLO CLALP (4.584 83 [LIFT SLOPE VS. ALPHA 83 4246 CLALP CLALP CLFLA ZERO CLFL.P ALPHA 2076 23774 ,5 ,2 [IF FLAPS G.T, 6 DEG [THEN ADD INCREMENT [OF 1.081 TO CLALP B3 [AND (FLAPS - 6) 80 [TIMES C SUB L-FLAPS B2R POS, [ANSWER SHOULD BE [UNLESS JUMP FROM ABOVE [THEN ZERO CLFLP 82 [ADD 1.9 DEG INCIDENCE [IN RADIANS B-1 [SUBTRACT 17.9 DEG. STALL [IF STALLED DECREASE [ALPHA BY AMOUNT ABOVE [CRITICAL THUS DECREASING [CLIFT LINEARLY CLALP CLFLP [FROM ABOVE B3 [FLAP CONTRIBUTION 82 CLELE DELEV [C SUB L-DELTA E B-1R [DELTA ELEVATOR BOR 3 QS CLI FT [DYNAMIC FORCE 821 [TOTAL C SUB L 82 148 [LIFT TO B21 2 ARLS LIFT ARMD (FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ARE APPLIED FOR DRAG VARIATION WITH MACH MACH L.T, .7 .012 CDMIN= CKDRAG= .0524 .01233+.0033(M-.8) LT. .8 = .0524 [ L.T. .845 = .014+.0371(M-,8) = .063+.2356(M-.8) [ .014+.1455(M-.845) G,T. .845 = = .063 +.8333(M-,845) [ DCORR: "DAR MDAE'H'N'F MGT84 MLT84: MLT80: MLT70: JPAN MbAE'H'N'F JPAN MpAE'H'N'F JPAN ARAR'H'F ARBR'F MPY I NOOP ARLS MDAE'H'F ARMD BRAR'F MPY I NOOP ARRS MDAE'H'F ARBR'F JUMP ARAR'H'F ARBR'F MPY I NOOP MDAE'H'F ARMD'B BRAR'F MPYI NOOP MDAE'H'F ARRS ARBR'F JUMP ARAR'H'F MPY I MDBR'LJ MDAE'H'F ARRS BRMD ARBR'F JUMP MDAR'H'F ARMD MDBR'H'F MACH 26314 MLT70 3146 MLT80 1341 MLT84 (.7 MACH 80 [.1 MACH B0 (.045 MACH 80 32524 [.8333 B0 3 20101 KDRAG (.063 B-3 [USED LATER B-3 22477 [,1455 B-2 3 162 E.014 B1 [CDMIN B1 DRG 36120 (.2356 B-2 10015 KDRAG (.063 22773 (.0327 B-4 7162 5 [.014 B-4 (HOLD CDMIN IN BR DRG 6604 15324 1H 31200 7 KDRAG DRG 15324 KDR AG 142 (.0033 B-6 (.0524 B-3 (.01233 8-6 (.0524 (.012 B-3 B1 149 DRG: NOFL: SDFOR: PDAR'H MPYU NOOP ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'H'F MDAR MDAE'H'N'F JPAN ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP BRAE'H'F ARBR'H'F MDAR ANAR BRAS'F MPYU NOOP ARLS NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARLS NOOP ARMD JUMP 'I CLIFT CLIFT [FORM C SUB L SQRD 84 KDRAG [CURVE COEFFICIENT 8-3 [ADD MINIMUM DRAG COEF. CDSPL DSPOL [SPOILER COEF. BIR DFLAP DFLP6 NOFL [ADD EXTRA DRAG FOR FLAPS [OVER 6 DEGREES CDFLP [DELTA CDMIN DUE FLAPS 81R GFLG CDGER [SUM TO B1R (-0 IF DOWN +0 IF UP (C SUB D-GEAR BiR [ADD R.H. BiR QS 5 [DRAG AS B22 [DRAG TO 617 CYBET BETA DRAG (C SUB Y-BETA BOR CYRUD DRUDD (C SUB Y-RUDDER B-IR 4 [SIDE FORCE TO B16 YAERO TRNSL [SIDE FORCE FOR WTOB [DRAG FOR WTOB B17 150 [THE FOLLOWING SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE AIRCRAFT MOMENTS FROM [AERODYNAMIC FORCES ROTAT: RLL: PTCH: MDAR'H MPYI NOOP ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP ARRS BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYI NOOP ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARRS BRAE'F DIVI MDBR 'H ARLS NOOP ARMD'H BRAR'F MPYU MDBR BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR MDAE'H'N'F JPAN ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP BRAE'F BETA CBETA [SIDE SLIP ANGLE TO B-1R [ROLL COEF. DUE TO BETA B-2R 1 CRUDDDRUDD (COEF. DUE TO RUDDER B-5R [DELTA RUDDER FROM YCI'1 BOR 3 CAILE DAILE (COEF. DUE TO AILERONS TO B-2R BOR [DELTA AILERON [FROM TRNSL B28 [PROD B26 PRATE CPRT [ROLL RATE TO B0 (COEF DEFINED B-1R QSBSQ [PROD TO B-IR [FROM TRNSL 826 1 Ixx CMALP 2 LMOM ALPHA CMO CMELE DELEV DFLAP DFL14 NFLP CMFLP [TOTAL ROLL MOMENT 826 (DIVIDED BY INERTIA B22R [STORE AS B2 FOR EQMM (C SUB M-ALPHA TO BiR [ANGLE OF ATTACK B-IR (COEF. DUE TO ELEY. BOR [DELTA ELEVATOR BOR [IF FLAPS G.T. 14 DEG [THE FLAPS -14 [TIMES C SUB M-FLAP BOR 151 ARBR'F NFLP: YAW: BRAR'M'F MPYU NOOP AR9R'F MDAR'F MPYU NOOP ARAR'F'H MPYU NOOP BRAE'F DIVI MDBR ARLS NOOP ARMD'H BRAR'H'F MPYI NOOP ARRS ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARAR 'H'F MPYU NOOP ARBR'F MDAR'H MPYI NOOP ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARRS BRAE'F DIVI NOOP ARLS NOOP ARMD'H JUMP 'I QSc [DYNAMIC FORCE B26 CMQRT QRATE [C SUB M-Q B5R [80 QSCSQ (821 [PRODUCT B26 [SUM AS B26 [INERTIA B23R IYY BETA 2 MMOM CNBET [STORE AS B1 FOR EQMM [SIDESLIP ANGLE TO B-1R [YAW COEF. DUE TO BETA B-3R I CNRUD DRUDD [YAW COEF. DUE RUDDER B-3R [DELTA RUDDER BOR QSB [SUM TO B-3R [DYNAMIC FORCE B28 RRATE CNRRT [YAW RATE TO B-iR (COEF. DUE TO YAW RATE B-2R QSBSQ [DYNAMIC FORCE P26 2 IZZ [SUM AS B25 [YAW INERTIA B23R 2 NMOM ROTAT [FOR EQMM 60 152 [FOLLOWING SUBROUTINES COMPUTES ATMOSPHERIC VARIABLES. [COMPUTATION PROCEEDS ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT QUANTITIES VARY [SLOWLY WITH ALTITUDE. ATMOS: [COUNT 15X'S /SEC CLK2 MDAR'X 15 MDAS'N'F [IF FIFTEENTH ACONT JPAN CLK2 ARMD [INCREMENT CLOCK SECS TTIME MDAR'X $CLCKF MDAR ACONT JPAN [FORM CLOCK DISPLAY STMDSP JPSR ATMOS JUMP I [CREATE JUMP ATCNT ACONr: MDAR'X [NEXT ROUTINE MDAE'L ATLST-1 JUMP'I [JUMP THERE ARIR'F [IF ALTITUDE L.T. 5000 $R MDAR -5000.!K MDAE'L [DO MKLTS $MKLTS JSAN ATMOS JUMP'I ATLST: ATMO1JATM02ATM03)ATMO4;ATM05 [RHO/RHOO = 1 - 1.835(R/65536) + 1 (R/2**16)**2 [DIVIDE BY 65536 RB16 ATMOl: MDAR'H [I.E. NOW NORMALIZED 80 RB16 MPYU [SQUARED IS 80 RB16 MDBR'H'N ARRS 1 [STORE SQUARE AS 81 RSQR ARMD [RECALL R816 AS B16R BRAR'F [1.835 AS 81 35270 MPYI [+1 TO BR AS B0 FS MDBR'H RSQR MDAE [SHIFT SUM TO B0 1 ARLS [ADD +1 BRAE'F ARAR'H'F [RHO ZERO B-SR RHO0 MPYI NOOP [STORE RHO B-8R RHO ARMD ATMOS JUMP'I [FOLLOWING SUBROUTINE IS USED HERE AND IN 4D COMPUTATIONS BELOW 36.089 FT [A/AO = 1 - (3,6825*10**-6)(ALTITUDE IN FEET) ABOVE 36,089 [A/AO = .867 [COMP, SPEED OF SOUND , SOUND: [HOLD ALTITUDE ARBR'F [SUBTRACT 36,089 FT B16 21476 MDAE'H'N'F [SPEED OF SOUND ABOVE . 3 JPAN [36,089 IS CONSTANT 17074 MDAR'H'F [USE 967.6 FT/SEC B11 SOUND JUMP'I [LAPSE RATE FOR A/AO IS BRAR'N'H'F P ER FT AS B-16 [3,6826*10**-6 7562 MPYI [PRODUCT IS B0 FS MDBR'H [ADD +1 AS 80 BRAE'F ARAR'H'F [TIMES 1116.4 FT/SEC B11 21343 MPYI 153 NOOP JUMP'! SOUND ATM02: MDAR RB16 [ALTITUDE B16 JPSR SOUND ARMD SPDSN [LOCAL SPEED OF SOUND 811 JUMP'I ATMOS [FOLLOWING COMPUTES A LINEARIZED CONVERSION FACTOR FOR [CONVERTING MACH TO INDICATED AIRSPEED [WHERE KIAS = M21iAS * MACH (KIAS IN KNOTS 810) [AND M2IAS = 656 - c,0091)(ALTITUDE IN FEET) [ALSO THE ANGULAR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 7 MACH AND 300 KNOTS [FOR ROTATION OF THE MACH INDICATOR ATM03: MDAR'H'N RB16 [ALTITUDE AS 816 MPYI 22506 [TIMES .0086 AS B-6R NOOP MDAE'H'F 24400 ARMD M2IAS [CONVERSION IN KNOTS B10 ARAR'H'F MPYI 1205 .9 DEGREES PER KNOT NOOP [.7 MACH = .63 AS 84 MDAE'N'H'F 416 [.9 * 300 KNOTS AS B14 ARMD'H $MHANG [ANGLE FOR MACH SCALE JUMP'I ATMOS ATM04: JPSR $MACHC [SET UP MACH SCALE JUMP'I ATMOS (IN. "FNST2" [FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ARE APPLIED TO THRUST/ ENGINE VS, ALTITUDE [MAX CONTINUOUS (M=O) =13800 - .28125 (ALT IN FT) [MAX THRUST DEC. WITH MACH = -7800 +.3117(ALT IN FT) ALT L.T. 15000 [ -3125 +.185(ALT - 15000) ALT G.T. 15000 [IDLE THRUST(M=0) = 1000 LBS. ALL ALTITUDES [IDLE THRUST DEC. WITH MACH = -2000 ALT L.T 15000 [ = -2000+.07(H-15000) G.T.15000 ATMOS: MDAR RB16 MDAE'H'N'F 7246 [15000 FT B16 JPAN BLW15 ARBR'F ARAR'H'F MPYI 27534 (.185 B-2R NOOP MDAE'H'F 71712 [-3125 814 ARMD'B MTHVM [MAX THRUST VS MACH B15 BRAR'H'F MPYI 21727 (.07 B-3R NOOP MDAE'H'F 70137 (-2000 B13 ARMD'8 ITHVM (IDLE THRUST VS MACH 612 JUMP MTCOM BLW15: MDAR'B R816 ARAR'H'F (.3117 B-IR MPYI 23745 MDBR'L; 60277!H (-2000 812 MDAE'H'F 60607 (-7800 814 BRMD ITHVM ARMD'B MTHVM 154 MTCOM: [-.28125 B-IR MDAR'F 55777 MPYU RB16 NOOP MDAE'H'F [13800 815 15364 ARMD MTHMO [MAX (M=0) 815 ARXO'F ARMD ATCNT ATMOS JUMP'I I ATCNT: 0 RB 16: 0 RSQR: 0 [FOLLOWING SUBROUTINE INTEGRATES VEHICLE FRAME VELOCITIES TO [OBTAIN EARTH FRAME POSITION. NOTE THE CHANGE OF COORDINATE AS [DISPLAY +Y AXIS POINTS NORTH AND +X EAST WHILE THE [OPPOSITE IS TRUE IN VEHICLE FRAME [INTEGRATION RULE: X(N) = X(N-1) + H/2 (2 VX(N)) INTGV: , MDAR 'B VX [2X'S VEHICLE X VEL. B11 MDAE'B WVX [PLUS X WIND VELOCITY ARAR'H'F MPY I DT15 [DELTA T/2 B-4R NOOP ARRS 16. [SHIFT TO B23 MDBR'B VY ARMD GVX Q MDAE Q ARMD (EARTH Y POSITION 823 ARMD $YP [Y POSITION FOR "MMAP2" BRAR'F [2X'S Y VEHICLE VEL B11 MDAE'B WVY [Y WIND VELOCITY ARAR'H'F MPYI DT15 NOOP ARRS 16. MDBR'N'B VZ ARMD GVY MDAE P ARMD [EARTH X POSITION 823 P [X POSITION FOR "MMAP2" ARMD DP1 BRAR'F'H MPY I NOOP ARRS MDBR BRAE'F ANAR ARMD ARLS NOOP ARMD MDAR MPYL NOOP [2X'S NEG VZ 89 DT15 18. R [ALTITUDE B23 ZERO R 7 [PREVENT ALTITUDE FROM (GOING NEGATIVE R816 GVX GVX (STORE AS B16 ALSO [CALCULATE GND SPEED (FT PER UPDATE BSR ARBR'F MDAR MPYL NOOP BRAE'F JPSR MPYI NOOP MDAR'H'A ARRS ARMD'H JUMP'I I FRINC: FHINC: RLIM: QS: 0; QSBSQ: 0; RHO: SPDSN: MACH: KIAS: M2IAS: THRST: IDTHR:0; MTHVM: MTHMO: ITHVM: ITHM0: WVEL: 0; GSPD: 0; VX: 0; P:0; ALPHA: 0; BETA: 0; LIFT:0; XTEM: 0; UBN: 0; GECRS: 0; PRANW : 0; DTEM : 0 RSECQ: a; UB: 1500 1H; UBSQ: 0; VT:12240!H; PRATE: 0; PDOT: 0; LMOM: 0 ; UDOT:0; XBM: 0; DELEV:0; DSPOL: DFLAP: 0 FRATE': DTHRO: 100, !K 3038. K 50000.! K QSB: 0; QSCSQ: 0 23360 ! H 21227! H 0 0 23610! H 5442000 MXTHR: 0 60607!H 15364!H 60277!H 7640!H GVX:0 Q:0) SINA:0; SINB:0; DRAG:0; YTEM:0. VBN: 0 GECRC: 0 PQ:0; RCECQ:0; VB: 0; VBSQ:0; QRATE:0; QDOT: 0; MMOM:0; VDOT: 0; YBM:0; DAILE:0; 0 16!H 0 155 GVY GVY [DELTA DIST SQRED 816 $SQRT 10706 [DELTA T X'S KTS/FT B5R FS GSPD INTGV QSC: 0 WVt: 0 GV : 0 VZ: 0 R:500. !K COSA: 0 COSB:200001H YAERO:0 ZTEM: 0 RQ:0 RCECRI:0 WB:0 WBSQ: 0 VSQR:O0 RRATE:0 RDOT:0 NMOM:0 WDOT:O0 ZBM:0 DRUDD:O0 [DROP BIT 29 [KNOTS B14R [ALTITUDE INCREMENT [HORIZ INCREMENT [ALTITUDE LIMIT [DYNAMIC FORCE TERMS [FROM TRNSL [ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY B-8R [SPEED OF SOUND 811 [MACH NUMBER [INDICATED AIRSPEED B10 [CONVERSION FACTOR BIG [THRUST [IDLE AND MAX [MAX VS. MACH 813 [MAX CONTINUOUS(M=0) 815 [IDLE VS, MACH B12 [IDLE(M=0) 812 [WIND AND COMPONENTS [GROUNDSPEED AND COMPS [VEHICLE VELOCITY [VEHICLE POSITION [ANGLE OF ATTACK [SIDESLIP ANGLE [WIND AXIS FORCES [USED IN DIRCS [TEMP STORAGE IN FORCE [RESOLVE G IN FORCE [TEMP STORAGE IN EQMM [TEMP STORAGE IN WTOB [TEMP STORAGE IN EULER [BODY AXIS VELOCITIES [SQUARE IN AERO [TOTAL VELOCITY [ANGULAR RATES [ANGULAR ACCELERATIONS [MOMENTS DIVIDED BY MASS [BODY AXIS ACCELERATIONS [AERO FORCES BY MASS [CONTROL DEFLECTIONS BOR [SPOILER DEFLECTIONS BOR [COMPUTED FLAP POSITION 80 [FLAP RATE 50 DEG, IN 30 SEC [COMMANDED THROTTLE POSITION 156 CLALP: CLOt CLFLP: KDRAG: CDGER: CAILE: CM0 : CMALP: SSIX0 :0; SSIX3 :0; NZERO: GFLG: SCALE MSK : MK1: ZERO: SEVEN: READY: FNSWS: CLK2: TTIME: NFS: FS: NEGAT: NEGB: ONE62=10000 TERMINATE 22254! H 22254! H 0 15324! H 126 137021H 1422 !H 60560 !H SSIX1 :0; SSIX4 :0 -0 0 2 77777 77776 SSIX2: 0 [SLOPE OF LIFT COEF, B3 [MIN SLOPE OF LIFT COEF. 63 [C SUB L DUE TO FLAPS 82 [DRAG CURVE COEF. B-3 [DRAG COEF. DUE TO GEAR BiR [ROLL COEF. DUE AILERONS B-2 [MINIMUM PITCH COEF. B0 [PITCH COEF. DUE TO ALPHA 61 [SHARED SOURCE SIX [REGISTER STORAGE [GEAR FLAP -O=DOWN [MOVING MAP SCALE 0 7 0 0 0 0 40000 37777 ARAR'N'F BRBR'N'F [MASK [FREEZE FLAG [15 COUNTS/SEC [PROGRAM CLOCK TIME [NEG FULL SCALE [POS FULL SCALE [INSTRUCTION TO CHANGE [SIGN OF AR AND BR 157 APPENDIX B THE FOUR-DIMENSIONAL NAVIGATION PROGRAM A portion of the assembly language program which solves the time-controlled navigation equations is included here. The logic of the various subroutines is shown in the ciated comments. asso- The omitted portions of the program are uniquely associated with the Adage computer's graphic display or the moving map used in this simulation. 158 TITLE FOURD EXPUNGE [THIS PROGRAM DISPLAYS ASSIGNED TIME, ALTITUDE, AND SPEED [FOR FOUR DIMENSIONAL WAYPOINTS. THE DISPLAY AND MOVEMENT [OF WAYPOINT DATA HAS BEEN ADAPTED FROM ANDERSON'S TRFFL [ROUTINES FOR TRAFFIC MOVEMENT. C.J. CORLEY 9/74 [IT ALSO CONTAINS THE COMPLETE MIN TIME - MAX TIME [CONTROLLER COMPUTATION FOR MEETING ASSIGNED TIMES [AND FOLLOWING A FOUR DIMENSIONAL ROUTE, C.J.C. 11/74 ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY WDRAW,WMOVE,SIDL,FORD1.,MXDRW,MNDRW TDP,TDA,TAP,TDS,TSP,TDT,TTP,TD2,TX TY,TTDRW,STDRW,TIME1,TIME2,SDISF S60WP,S62WP,S63WPSTRBF,CLCKF, TMDSP SPSET.,VERGR,SBUGD,DBUGD,CMSPCSVLST WPSELSELST.,WPIDO.STG3L,MXTIMMNTIM ACCEL,DECEL,PROFL,MXASPMNASPPTAFL STAGE,WPX,MXTA,MNTA,FINZFINAS FINTM,SUM [4D NAV CALLED BY ACSM2 FORDI: MDAR'L JPSR'I MDAS'X ARIR'F JUMPI FDPTR: FDLST: 16 PROFL MXASP MNASP CMSPC PROFL MXASP MNASP CMSPC MXDSP MNDSP PROFL MXASP MNASP CMSPC FDESR FDLST-1 FDPTR [EACH CALL DO NEXT IN FDLST FORDI [VERTICAL GRADIENT AND SEGMENT [TIME TO DESCEND AT MAX SPEED [TIME TO DESCEND AT MIN SPEED [COMMAND SPEED BUG [CREATE EARLIEST ETA DISPLAY LIST [CREATE LATEST ETA DISPLAY LIST [INITIALIZE SUBROUTINE LIST FDESR: MDAR JPAN MDBR'F MDAR'H MPYI BPMD ARBR'F MDAR MDAE'H'F SELST FDES1 16 SPSET 3462 FDPTR [SELECT NEG [STORE POSITIVE [COME HERE ON NEXT PASS [IN STORE MOVE SPEED [BUG WITH COCKPIT KNOB $R816 63625 [IF ALTITUDE 816 [G.T. 25000 159 FDES1: JPAN MDAR'H BRAE'F ARBR'F BRMD'H JPSR ARMD'O ARMD'O JUMP 'I MDAR'F ARMD JUMP 'I . 4 $MHANG [TO SET CONSTANT MACH SBUGA SBUGC $SAVIF $SAV3F FDESR 0 FDPTR FDESR [NEG FOR NEXT SELECT CYCLE [IN SELECT BEGIN S/R LIST [WITH PROFL [FOLLOWING CODING FORMS TWO ROUTINES MXASP AND MNASP WHICH COMPUTE [TIMES OF ARRIVAL BASED ON MAX SPEED AND MIN SPEED AA=MXASO BB=ASO CC=ACCEL DD=DECEL EE=MXAS3 FF=FINAS GG=ASO HH=FINAS IREPEAT NNCMXMN) NN\ASP: NN\L1: MDAR'F ARMD'N ARMD'O 6 ITERC ITERF [COUNTER TO LIMIT (NO, OF ITERATIONS [ITERATION FLAG MDAR ARMD MDAR MDAE'N ARBR'F ARRS ANAR DIVU NOOP ARMD BRAR'F ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'F MPYL MDBR ARMD BRAE'N'F JPAN ARRS MDBR MPYU'N BRMD STG3 DCDST AA BB [INITIALIZE ASP CHANGE [DISTANCE FROM PROFL 6 ZERO CC [TO B16 [PREVENT GOING NEG [RATE OF CHANGE B3 NN\TM0 [TIME REQ. IN SECS B13R [COMPUTE AVE ASP [DURING CHANGE (FT/SEC) 610 1 BB NNNTMO STG1 NNNDO NN\L2 10. ZERO TANSL NN\TM1 [AIRSPEED DIFFERENCE 610 [TIMES TIME 813R (DIST TO CHANGE B23 [MINUS DIST AT INIT ALT (NEG IF STG 1 GREATER (USE AS B1SR [DIST TO ALT BY TAN B-2 [ZERO TIME IN LEV FLT 160 NN\L2: MDAE ARMD JUMP INITZ NN\SLZ NN\L3 [SUB FROM INIT ALT 816 [SLOPE ENTRY ALT. 816 DIVU NN\ASO INITZ NN\TM1 NN\SLZ NN\AVR NNNSL Z FINZ (DIST AT NEW ASP B10 COTSL [COT SLOPE B7 MDBR NN\L3: NNAL4: ARMD'N BRMD JPSR MDAR MDAE'N ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP ARBR'F JPAN JUMP MDAE ARMD BRAR'F ANAR DIVU MDBR ARMD MDAR BRAE'N'F ARBR'F ARRS ANAR DIVU NOOP ARMD BRAR'F ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'N'F MPYL MDBR ARMD'N BRAE'F ANAE JPAN ARMD'O JUMP MDAR'H'N'X JPAN MDAR ARMD ARXO'F ARMD MDAR ARMD , 2 NN\L4 STG3 DCDST ZERO NN\AVE FF NN\TM2 EE [LV, FLT TIME AT NEW B13R [SLOPE ENTRY 816 [AVE SLOPE AIRSPEED [SLOPE ENTRY TO B16R [MINUS FINAL AS B16R [SLOPE HORIZONTAL DIST 823 [IF NEGATIVE [DECREASE DECELERATION [DIST BY THIS AMOUNT [DIST OR ZERO 823 [AVE ASP FOR SLOPE 810 [SLOPE TIME 813R [AIRSPEED DIFF. 810 6 ZERO DD [TO 816 NNNTM3 [FINAL ACC/DEC TIME B13R [DIFF. FAST - SLOW [DIVIDE BY 2 [PLUS SLOW [GIVES AVE ASP TO B1OR 1 FF NN\TM3 DCDST NN\D3 TOLER , 3 ITERF NN\L6 ITERC NN\LS FINAS LOBND ITERF NN\AS3 HIBND [RATE OF CHANGE 83 [CHANGE DIST B23 [IF DISTANCE LEFT [PLUS TOLERANCE [L.T, CHANGE DIST ITERATE [ELSE SKIP [COUNT ITERATIONS [NOT FOUND BY ITERATION [SET UP ITERATION BOUNDS [CHANGE FLAG 161 NN\L5: NN'L6: NN\L7: MDAE'N ARRS ARBR'N'F MDAE'N ARMD'N MDAR BRAE'F ARMD MDAR BRAE'F ARMD JUMP LOBND 1 [JUMP HERE WITH HIBND (IN AR. DIVIDE BY 2 NN\ASO NN\ASO NN\AS2 [CHANGE EACH ASP [BY (HIBND-LOBND)/2 DIVU MDBR ARMD BRAR'F JPAN MDAR'H'N'X JPAN MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD JUMP MDAR MDAS MDAS MDAS MDAS MDAR'A ARRS ARMD JUMP 'I NN\AS3 ITERF NN\TM4 NN\AS2 NN'AS3 NN\AS3 NN\L1 NN\L7 ITERC NN\L7 HIBND LOBND NN\AS3 HIBND NN\L5 NN\TMO NN\TM1 NN\TM2 NN\TM3 NN\TM4 MSK 1 NN\TIM NN\ASP [START OVER WITH NEW [TIME BEFORE CHANGE B1:sR [IS ITERATION IN PROGRESS? [NO, EXIT EYES CHANGE BOUNDS (LAST PASS [SUM ALL TIMES [DROP LEFT HALF [SHIFT TO B-29 [STORE [JUMP TO HERE WHEN ITERATION HAS PRECLUDED POSSIBILITY [OF TWO AIRSPEED CHANGES IN REMAINING DISTANCE NN\LS: MDAR MDAE'N ARBR'F ARRS JPAN DIVU NOOP ARMD BRAR'F ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'N 'F MPYL MDBR BRAE'F JPAN ASO FINAS (IS CURRENT AIRSPEED [GREATER THAN- FINAL? 6 NN\L9 DECEL [SHIFT TO B16 [FINAL G.T. CURRENT JUMP [ELSE DECEL TIME NN\TM3 [STORE B13R 1 FINAS [COMPUTE AVE ASP (DURING DECEL NN\TM3 STG3 [COMPUTE DIST TO DECEL [REMAINING DIST TO W.P. [SUM B23 [NOT ENOUGH DIST JUMP NN\L1O ARBR'F DIVU NOOP ARMD MDAR ARMD MDAR'N BRAE'F JPAN JUMP NN\L9 NN\LIO: NN\L11 NN\L12: DIVU'N NOOP ARMD BRAR'N'F ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'N MPYL MDBR BRAE'F JPAN ARBR'F DIVU NOOP ARMD MDAR ARMD MDAR'N BRAE'F JPAN JUMP ARXO'F ARMD MDAR ARMD ARMD'O MDAR MDAS MDAR'A ARRS ARMD JUMP ' I AA=ASO BB=MNASO CC=DECEL DD=ACCEL EE=FINAS FF=MNAS3 GG=FINAS HH=ASO END I 162 GG NN\TM4 GG NN\ASO RE1ICT [REMAINING DIST AT FAST (OR SLOW GIVES TIME B13R [LIMIT EXTREME TO [FAST OR SLOW [IS DIST REMAINING [L.T. REACTION DIST NN\L11 NN\L12 ACCEL (ACCEL TIME NN\TM3 ASO NN\TM3 STG3 [COMPUTE DIST TO ACCEL NN\L 10 [NOT ENOUGH DIST JUMP HH [REMAINING DIST AT FAST NN\TM4 HH NN\ASO REACT [LIMIT EXTREME TO FAST [OR SLOW L.T. (IS DIST REMAINING [REACTION DIST NN\L11 NN\L12 [NOT ENOUGHT TIME NN\TM4 FINAS NN\ASO NN\ASF NN\TM3 NN\NTM4 MSK [OR INSIDE REACTION [DISTANCE [SET FLAG FOR CMSPC [SUM TIMES B13R [TO 814R NNNTIM NN\ASP 163 MNAVR: MDAR MDAE'N ARRS MDAE ARMD JUMP 'I MNASO (SIMPLE AVE AIRSPEED ZDURING DESCENT MNAS3 MNAS3 MNAVE MNAVR [RUDIMENTARY LINEARIZED AVERAGE AIRSPEED DURING DESCENT MXAVR: MDAR MDAE'L 50000. !K!K JPAN MDAR MDAE'N JPAN ARMD BRAE'F ARMD MDAR MDAE'N ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'F MPYU BRMD ARBR'F MDAR MDAE'N ARRS MDAE ARAR'H'F MPYU NOOP BRAE'F DIVU NOOP ARMD'H MXAV1: MDAR MDAE'N ARRS MDAE ARMD JUMP 'I MXSLZ MXAV1 .-2 FINZ MXAVI DF2 DFT MXAS2 MXAS3 1 MXAS3 DF2 DF1 [ENTRY ALTITUDE 616 [SUBTRACT [25000 FT B16 [BELOW 25000 SIMPLE AVE [OR IF FINAL ALT 616 [ABOVE 25000, SIMPLE AVE [ELSE 25000-FINZ=DF2 [MXSLZ-FINZ =DFT (TOTAL) [AVE BELOW 25K TO BOR [TIMES DF2 816 [MXSLZ-25000 = DF1 [HOLD B26 MXASO MXAS2 1 MXAS2 [AVE ABOVE 25K TO B1OR DF1 DFT [SUM B26 [TOTAL DIFF B16 MXAVE [AVE AIRSPEED 610 MXASO MXAS3 I MXAS3 MXAVE MXAVR [COMPUTE SIMPLE AVE B10 164 [SET UP WAYPOINT AND ASSIGNED TIME FOR DISPLAY AND COMPUTATION CENTER WITH SOURCE SIX REGISTER TWO IN AR 862WP: , ARMD MDAR'H'A ARBR'H'F MDAE'H'N'F JPAN JUMP 'I MDAR JPAN'I MDAR MDAS'F ARMD ARMD BRAR'F MPYI BRMD 'I ARRS MDAS'F ARMD MDBR'F MDAR ARBR'A'F ARRS BRMD MDBR'F ARBR'A'F ARRS BRMD MDBR'F ARBR'A'F MDAR'F MPYL BRMD ARBR'H'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP ARRS MDAS ARBR'O'F MDAR BRXO'F ARAR'H'O'F JPLS JUMP 'I BRAR' F MPYI* BRMZ BRAS'H'F ARRS ARMD'I 'X WPTEM MSK17 WPMUM , 2 S62WP SELST S62WP WPSEL WPIDO WPTR1 WPTR2 7 WPTR1 1 DLST WPTR3 17 WPTEM [NO OF WAYPOINTS [INVALID WAYPOINT ID [SELECT/STORE IN SELECT [0,4,8,,,, [1ST & 2ND POINTER [TO TOP OF VALUE LIST [1ST LABEL LIST LOCA [CONTAINS ID NUMBER [CONTAINS ASSOCIATED [W.P. ID 4 ATA3 17 4 ATA2 17 6 ATA3 ATAl (6 SECONDS 814R [THIRD DIGIT B14R (BR HOLDS SECONDS B13 10, (10'S OF MINS, B14R ATA2 WPATA , 2 S62WP 60, WPATA I WPTR1 (ADD UNIT MINUTES (HOLD SECS L.H. B13 (MINS R.H. B14R [RETURN IF SAME ATA (MINS, B14R (60 SECS B14R [UPDATE ATA (ADD SECS B28 (SHIFT SUM TO B29 (STORE IN VALUE LIST TION 165 MDAR MDAS'F ARMD MDAR'I ARMD MD&R MDAR JPSR WPTR3 5 POINT POINT S621 TItXY WPATA TIMEC JUMP'I S62WP 5621: [SET UP WAYPOINT ALTITUDE AND AIRSPEED FOR DISPLAY AND COMPUTATION CENTER WITH SOURCE SIX REGISTER THREE IN AR S63WP: ARMD ARRS MDBR ARBR'A'H'F MDAR'A ARMD ARMD BRMD BRMD MDAR JPAN 'I MDAR ARRS MDBR ARBR'A'H'F MDAR ' A ARMD MDAR'O'K ARMD BRMD MDBR'0'K BRMD MDAR ARBR'H'F MDAR'A ARMD MDAR'O'K ARMD MDBR'A BRMD MDBR'O'K BRMD MDAR MDAS'F ARMD MDAS'F ARMD WPTEM 8. MSK3 MSK3 ASP I WPASP ALTD1 WPALT SELST S631IP WPTEM 4 MSK17 [LIMIT ALTITUDE TO 39,900 FT [LIMIT AIRSPEED TO 399 KNOTS [1ST AIRSPEED DIGIT [IST ALTITUDE DIGIT [SELECT/STORE IN SELECT MSK17 ASP2 WPASP WPASP ALTD2 WPALT WPALT WPTEM MSK 17 ASP3 WPASP WPASP MSK17 ALTD3 WPALT WPALT WPSEL WPIDO WIPTR2 2 WPTR1 [SKIP ID AND ATA 166 MOAR BRXO'F JPLS MDAR WDXO JPLS JUMP'I I NWALT: MDAR'F MPYL BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARLS NOOP ARMD'I ARMD MDAR MDAS'F ARMD MDAR 'I ARMD MDAR MDBR JPSR LDALT (OLD ALTI.LABEL NWALT LDASP WPASP NWASP S63WP [NEW ALTITUDE (OLD AIRSPEED LABEL 100. ALTD3 LDALT [NEW AIRSPEED [STORE TEST ALT LABEL 1000. ALTD2 10000, ALTD'1 12, WPTR1 WPR16 WPTR3 3 POINT POINT S631 LDALT ALTXY [STORE ALT IN FT B16 (STORE ALT 816 $LABRT S631: NWASP: JUMP 'I S63WP MDBR MDAR'F MPYL BRMD ARBR'F MDAR'F MPYL NOOP BRAE'F ARRS MDAE ARLS MDBR ARMD BRAR'H'N'F MPYI NOOP MDAE'H'F WPASP 10. ASP2 LDASP [CHANGE TEST AIRSPEED LABEL 100. ASPI 1 ASP3 19. WPR16 WPTEM 21471 24340 [AIRSPEED IN KNOTS B29 [SHIFT TO B10 [ALT TO B16R CIAS TO MACH CONVERSION [SEE "ACSM2" 167 ARMD MDAR DIVU NOOP ARMD BRAR'F JPSR ARAR'H'F MPYL NOOP ARMD'B'I'X MDAR MDAS'F ARMD MDAR'I ARMD MDAR MDBR JPSR WPTR1 WPTR3 4 POINT POINT S632 LDASP SPDXY $LABRT JUMP 'I S63WP WPI2M WPTEM WPI2M [IAS IN KNOTS B10 [CONVERSION 810 WPTEM [MACH BOR $SOUND (SPD OF SOUND TO Bl1R WPTEM (STORE TAS FT/SEC B10 S632: POINT: [READ DI SCRETE 4/D INPUTS FROM "ACSM2" S60WP: MDAR ARBR 'H'F ARRS BRBR'B'F MDAR'A ARLS ARMD BRAR'K'F ARMD ANAR JPAN MDAR 'N ARMD JUMP 'I SELEC: ARMD'N MDAR MDAS'F ARMD MDAR' I JPAN'I ARAR'B'F MDAS'F ARMD MDAR' I ARMD MDAR' I'X ARMD $SSIXO (S6(15) 1ST IN BR [S6(25) LAST IN AR [S6(16) 1ST IN BR MSK3 2 WPSEL SELST FLAG SELEC SELST FLAG S60 WP FLAG WUPSEL UP IDo SLPTR SLPTR S60 UP VLST POINT POINT WPX POINT WPY [MULTIPLY BY 4 [0..4,8,... (36(22) 1ST IN AR [STORE = +GARGAGE, [SELECT = -, 1ST PASS? (YES., COMPUTE [NO, THEN FLAG = NEG [FOR STORINGPOS FOR [NEXT SELECT [FLAG POS 2ND PASS [POINTER TO STORED VALUES [SELECTED STORED WAYPOINT [RETURN IF NONE STORED [ELSE 2X'S WAYPOINT [PLUS VLST [GIVES POINTER TO [WAYPOINT X.Y VALUES 168 MDAR'I'X ARMD MDAR'H'I'X JPLS MEAR'H 4RAR'H'F ARMD JPSR BRMD ARMD MDAR' I'X JPLS MDAR ARMD MDAR ARMD MDAE'N ARAR'H'F MPYU MDBR ARMD BRMD ARMD'O JUMP 'I SLPTR FINTM SLPTR , 2 $RB16 FINZ MIMAS FINMX F INMN SLPTR , 2 $VT FINAS $RB16 INITZ FIN Z COTSL $VT SLOPE CMDSP $SAV2F S60WP [STORED ASSIGNED TIME [STORED ALTITUDE [ELSE CURRENT AS 816 R (SET EXTREMES AT FINAt ALT [STORED AIRSPEED [ELSE CURRENT (INITIAL ALTITUDE 816 [MINUS FINAL [COT OF SLOPE B7 (SLOPE DIST IN FT 823 [SAVE INITIAL VALUES (FOLLOWING S/R DOES ENTIRE VERTICAL SLOPE CONTROL AND SETS VALUES (TO BE USED IN MXASP AND MNASP PROFL: . ARXO'F ARMD STG1 [LEV FLT AT INITZ ZERO SEGIF [SEGMENT FLAGS ARMD ARMD SEG2F ARMD SEG3F [INITIALIZE STG3 MDAR .STG3L ARMD'N STG3 [MAKE TRUE AIRSPEED LOCAL $VT MDAR ARMD ASO [RESET EXTREMES AFTER ITERATION MDAR'H'F 34124 MXAS2 (25000 FT ARMD MDAR'H'F 17021 ARMD MNAS2 [FINAL ALTITUDE MDAR FINMX MXAS3 ARMD FINMN MDAR ARMD MNAS3 [ESTABLISH EXTREMES MDAR $RB 16 [FOR THIS ALTITUDE JPSR MIMAS BRMD MXASO ARMD MNASO [SELECTED WAYPOINT X VALUE MDAR WPX PRO1 [MUST BE OTHER THAN ZERO JPLS MDAR'F 16 [TO DO PREDICTION SEQUENCE ARMD FDPTR PROFL JUMP 'I 169 PRO!: STG3L: SEG1: ARtD MDAR ARMD JPSR ARMD MDAE'L -91940.!K JPAN MDAE'N JPAN ARMD ARMD'O JUMPI $PPP wY $QQQ $DISTC STAGE SEG3 SLOPE SEG2 STG1 SEGIF PROFL IWAYPOINT Y VALUE [IN "FNST2" [DISTANCE TO W.P. 823 [SUBTRACT DECELERATION (DISTANCE [LENGTH OF DESCENT PATH [DIST TO GO IN LEVEL FLT (IN SEG 2 COMPUTE THE DESCENT REQUIRED TO PLACE AIRCRAFT ON SLOPE [AFTER 32 SECONDS OF TRAVEL (NO WIND) SEG2: SEG3: MDAE ARLS ARBR'F MDAR'N ARRS BRAE'F ANAR ARAR'H'N'F MPYU MDBR ARLS BRMD MDAE'N BRAE'F ARLS ANAR ARMD ARMD'O JPSR JUMP'I MDAR ARMD ARMD'O MDAR ARMD JUMP'I SLOPE 3 $VT 5 ZERO TANSL $RB16 2 INITZ FINZ 2 ZERO VERGR SEG2F VBUGC PROFL STAGE STG3 SEG3F FINZ INITZ PROFL [SLOPE DISTANCE 823 [TO B20R [COMPUTE REQUIRED ALTITUDE [32X'S VEL,810 = B15 (SHIFT TO B20 [SLOPE DIST REMAINING [OR ZERO IF NONE [AFTER 32 SECS [COMPUTE ALT REQ AT THAT TIME [SHIFT TO B16 [CHANGE INITIAL ALTITUDE [+(-FINAL) = -REQ IN 32 SEC (ADD CURRENT =ALT TO LOSE [IN 32 SECS TO B14/32 = B9 [PREVENT CLIMB INDICATION [COMMAND DESCENT FT/SEC 89 [REMAINING DISTANCE IN [WHICH TO CHANGE SPEED [FIX INITIAL ALTITUDE 170 [LINEARIZED MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM AIRSPEED CALCULATION [FOR ANY ALTITUDE IN AR (B16) MIN = 155 + .0055 H H ABOVE 25K [MAX = 517 - .1124 H = 517 + .0084 (H-25K) BELOW 25K [ ALL H MI[WAS: MIMA : MIMA2: ARMD MDAE'H'F JPAN ARAR'H'F MPY I JUMP ARAR'H'F MPYI NOOP MDAE'H'F ARBR'F MDAR'H MPY I NOOP MDAE'H'F JUMP 'I 4MMAL T 63625 MIMAI (ALTITUDE 67551 MIMA2 [-.0024 36700 (.0089 KTS = 33243 [517 KTS = 874 FT/SEC B10 [RETURN MAXIMUM IN BR MDBR BRAR'F MDAE'H'N'F JPAN MDAE'H'N'F JPAN MDAR'F ARMD JUMP BRAR'H'N'F MPYI NOOP ARMD'H JUMP BRAR'N'F MDBR'H'N'F ANIR BRAE'F ARAR'H'F MPY I MDBR ANIR BRAE'F ARMD'H JPSR 0 0 37777 JUMP 'II IN AR B16 E-25000 FT 816 KTS = -.004 FT/SEC .015 FT/SEC B-6R MMALT 22712 (,0055 KTS = .0092 FT/SEC B-6 10137 MIMAS [155 KTS = 262 FT/SEC 610 [RETURN MINIMUM IN AR VERGR [COMMAND DESCENT 2052 LEVL1 4125 LEVL2 180. VBANG FINVB (LESS THAN 2000 FT/MIN? ((33.33 FT/SEC) B9 [L.T. 2000+4000 FT/MIN [(66.64 FT/SEC) [ELSE LIMIT ROTATION [TO 180 (METER PEGGED) VBUGC: LEVL1: LEVL2: FINVB: VBANG: VBSIN: VBCOS 2546 (2.7 DEG ROTATION [PER FT/SEC VBANG FINVB 2052 NEGBR [ADD OR SUBTRACT [33.3 FT/SEC [DEPENDING ON SIGN [OF V2 126:3 90DEG NEGBR (1.35 DEG ROTATION [LIKEWISE ADD OR SUB. (90 DEGREES VBANG $SNCSR VBUGC 171 NEGBR: NEGAR: ZERO: NZERO FLAG i PTAFL: ITERf: ITERC: SEG IF: SEG2F: SEG3F: PROTT: STRBF CLCKF: SDISF: MINS: WPTEM: WPTRI: WPTR2: WPTR3: WPTR4: WPASP: WPALT: WPATA i ASPI 0; ALTD1 :0; ATA1 :0; WPR 16: WPI2M: LDALT: LDASP: WPSEL: SELST: TANSL: COTSL: INITZ: FINZ: FINTM: FINAL: FINAS: WPX: WPY: STAGE: STG1: STG3: SLOPE: DCDST : TOLER: REACT: ACCEL: DECEL: SPSET: CMDSP: ASO: BRBR'N'F ARAR'N'F 0 -0 0 -0 -0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASP2 : 0: ALTD2:10; ATA2: a; 0 0 0 0 0 0 6552 1H 4612! H 800. !K 2000.lK 7000 H 7000! H 0 0 0 ASP3: 0 ALTD3: 0 ATA3: 0 [TAN 3 DEG B-2 [COT 3 DEG 87 [TOLERANCE WITHOUT ITERATION [REACTION DISTANCE [ACCELERATION RATE FT/SEC**2 [DECELERATION RATE 172 VERGR: VERRT: CHNGR' ERROR: 90DEG: DFI:0; NMALT: SUM: TAUl: TAU2: SIZE: NN\TM\MM: NN\AS\MM: NN\D\MM: NN\AS2: NN\AVE: NN\SLZ: NN\TIM: NN\TA: NN\ASF: FIN\NN: HIBND: LOBND: [DATA BLOCKS VLST: 0 401H 11IH 25252 0 90,!H DF2:G; 0 0 0; 0; 0 IREPEAT IREPEAT 0 ENDI IREPEAT 0 0 ENDI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENDI 0 0 DFT:0 TALUSI TAU2S: -110908, -153054, 0 0 NN, (MX, MN) MM,(0,1,2,3,4) MM..(0,3) -195520.!K 180140,!K DLST: [VERTICAL BUG RATE OF CHANGE [SPEED BUG RATE OF CHANGE B10 !K !K EWAYPOINT DATA [X LOCATION (GARDNER) EY LOCATION [(PROVIDENCE) -25344. IK 114816, K [(ACTON) 40000, !K -62:345. !K [(WHITMAN) IREPEAT -0 16!1H 0 MDOS MD05 MD05 MD05 MD05 ENDI NN. (0, 1) CX OFFSET (15!H XXXXX) [Y OFFSET ID\NN ALT\NN SP\NN TIM\NN TRNGL 173 REFERENCES 1. -2. 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