 Rape Aggression Defense R.A.D. R.A.D. Basic Physical Defense is a twelve hour self-defense class designed
specifically for women.
Radically challenging defense for women
 Awareness , prevention, risk-reduction
 No-nonsense, practical techniques of defense
 Hands on training
 No experience necessary
1355 West 70th Street, Cleveland OH 44102 Sunday, May 15, 2016: 1pm-5pm
Saturday, May 21, 2016: 1pm-5pm
Sunday, May 22, 2016: 1pm-5pm
Make the commitment–
the time is NOW!
 You need a plan to
defend yourself against
an attack
 Your daughter, sister, and
mother need a plan in
case they are attacked
 Develop your plan in a
safe, secure, all-female
To register please contact PO James F. Rivera by calling
(216) 687-9323 or send an email to j.f.rivera@csuohio.edu