Rules for for Numbers Numbers Rules Thereal realnumbers numbersare aregoverned governedfor collection rulesthat thathave havetotododowith with The bybya acollection ofofrules Rules Numbers Rules addition,multiplication, multiplication,and andinequalities. inequalities. InInthe therules rulesbelow, below,x,x,y,y,z zCCJR.JR. (In (In addition, The real are by other words, and arereal realnumbers.) numbers.) The real numbers numbers are governed by aa collection collection of of rules rules that that have have to to do do with with other words, .x,.x,y,y,and z zgoverned are addition, multiplication, and inequalities. In the rules below, x, y, z ⇥ R. addition, multiplication, and inequalities. In the rules below, x, y, z 2 R. (In (In Rules of addition. Rules of addition. other other words, words, x, x, y, y, and and zz are are real real numbers.) numbers.) (Lawofofassociativity) associativity) • •(x(x++y)y)++z z==xx++(y(y++z)z) (Law Rules of addition. Rules of addition. (Lawofofcommutativity) commutativity) • •xx++yy==y y++xx(Law •• (x + y) + zz = xx + (y + z) (x + y) + = + (y + z) (Law (Law of of associativity) associativity) (Lawofofidentity) identity) • •.x.x++0 0==xx(Law • x—x y ===yy0+ x of commutativity) x+ + x (Law (Law of commutativity) 0+(Law (Law inverses) • ••—x ++yii= ofofinverses) •• xx + + 00 = = xx (Law (Law of of identity) identity) Rules•of Rules xmultiplication. •ofmultiplication. x+ + xx = = 00 (Law (Law of of inverses) inverses) (xy)z==x(yz) x(yz) (Law (Lawofofassociativity) associativity) • •(xy)z Rules of multiplication. Rules of multiplication. xy==yx yx(Law (Lawofofcommutativity) commutativity) • •xy •• (xy)z = x(yz) (Law of (xy)z = x(yz) (Law of associativity) associativity) (Lawofofidentity) identity) • •xlxl==xx(Law •• xy (Law of xy = = yx yx then (Law~x of commutativity) commutativity) (Lawofofinverses) inverses) • •IfIfxx~~0 0then ~x ==1 1 (Law •• x1 x1 = = xx (Law (Law of of identity) identity) 11 Distributive Law. There arule ruleof that combinesaddition additionand andmultiplica multiplica Distributive There that combines •• IfIf xx ⇤= 00 then inverses) 6=Law. then x= =is11isa(Law (Law of inverses) xxx tion: the thedistributive distributivelaw. law. Of Ofallallthe therules ruleslisted listedsosofar, far,it’s it’sarguably arguablythe themost most tion: Distributive Distributive Law. Law. There There isis aa rule rule that that combines combines addition addition and and multiplicamultiplicaimportant. important. tion: tion: the the distributive distributive law. law. Of Of all all the the rules rules listed listed so so far, far, it’s it’s arguably arguably the the most most important. important. x(y++z)z)==xy xy++xz xz(Distributive (DistributiveLaw) Law) • •x(y •• x(y x(y + + z) z) = = xy xy + + xz xz (Distributive (Distributive Law) Law) 44 46 Here are some other forms of the distributive law that you will have to be comfortable with: • • • • • (y + z)x = yx + zx x(y z) = xy xz (x + y)(z + w) = xz + xw + yz + yw x(y + z + w) = xy + xz + xw x(y1 + y2 + y3 + · · · + yn ) = xy1 + xy2 + xy3 + · · · + xyn Examples. Sometimes you’ll have to use the distributive law in the “forwards” direction, as in the following three examples: • 3(y + z) = 3y + 3z • ( 2)(4y 5z) = ( 2)4y ( 2)5z = 8y + 10z • 2(3x 2y + 4z) = 6x 4y + 8z Sometimes you’ll have to use the distributive law in “reverse”. This process is sometimes called factoring out a term. The three equations below are examples of factoring out a 4, factoring out a 3, and factoring out a 2. • 4y 4z = 4(y + z) • 3x + 6y = 3(x + 2y) • 10x 8y + 4z = 2(5x 4y + 2z) * * * * * * * * * * * * * In addition to the algebra rules above, the real numbers are governed by laws of inequalities. Rules of inequalities. • If x > 0 and y > 0 then x + y > 0 • If x > 0 and y > 0 then xy > 0 • If x 2 R, then either x > 0, or x < 0, or x = 0 * * * * * * * 7 * * * * * * Intervals The following chart lists 8 important types of subsets of R. Any set of one of these types is called an interval. Name of interval Those x 2 R contained in the interval drawing of interval [a,[a, b] {a,b] a bxx x bb }}b } ( [a, b] = = {= { xx{x 2aR R|RI | xaa b] 2 Q b a xx x bb }}b } ( [a,{a,b] b] = = {= { xx{x 2R R |RI | aa [a, b] 2 Q b a xx x bb }}b } ( [a,{a,b] b] = = {= { xx{x 2R R |RI | aa [a, b] 2 Q b a xx x bb }}b } ( [a,{a,b] b] = = {= { xx{x 2R R |RI | aa [a, b] 2 Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO a xxx<x {x (a,(a,b) b)= ={= 2R R|RI |aaaa x (a, b) = {{xxxx{x 2 R < < Q b {a,b] a< x<bbb<b }}}}bb}} .(( [a, b] = {= 2 R ||RI b] 2 (a,[a, b) a < x < b Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO (a,b) a <x = {x (a, b) = { x 2 R | a < x < b } 0.. < b} (a, b) = { x 2 R | a < x < b } .( Q RI b {a,b] {x x bbb}}}b} [a,b) b] = = {{= 2R R |RI | aa }b } ( [a, b] xx{x 2 xxx < Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO aaa x <x (a, b) = {{{x 2 R < < (a, 2 0..Q {a,b] bb x b< [a,(a,b) b] = == x{x 2R R |RI x [a, b] = {= xx 2 R ||| aaaa < x bb }}b } .(( Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO (a,b) a <x = {x (a, b) = { x 2 R | a < x < b } < b} Q (a, b) = { x 2 R | a < x < b } .( 0.. RI bb {a,b] ax x bbb}}}}b } (( [a,[a,b)={xERIa<x<b} b] = = {= {x x{x 2R R ||RI | aa x< [a, b] 2 411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a, b) = xx 2 R xx < [a, b) 2 Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO (a,b) a xx<x {x (a, b) = = {= 2R R ||RI | aaaa < < bb< b }}b} .( (a, b) = {{{xx 2 R < < 0..Q bb 0..411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a, b) = { x 2 R | a x < b } ( [a, b) = { x 2 R | a x < b } [a,b)={xERIa<x<b} b Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO 0.. (a,b) ab x<x (a,b) b)= == R |x | aa< < x< < b< b }}b} .( (a, b) = {{ xx{x 2 R < < bb RI [a, [a, b) a2R 411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O 0.. [a, b) 22 2 Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO (a,b) axxx<x (a,[a,b)={xERIa<x<b} b)= ={{= 2R R|||RI |aaaa < x< <bbb< b}}}}b} (.( (a, b) = {{xxxx{x R < < 0.. 0.. 411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a, b) = {= xxx{x 22 R ||RI xx < [a, b) 2 x < [a,b)={xERIa<x<b} bbb Oj.rn1u,imuwsvemO (a,b) ax <x (a,(a,b] b)= ={= 2R R||RI |aaaaaa < x <bbbbb< b}}}}}}b} b} (.( (a, b) = {{x R < < 0.. {x a <x (a, b] = { x 2 R | < x (a, b] = { x 2 R < 0..411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a,[a,b)={xERIa<x<b} b) = = {{ xx 2 2R R || aa xx < < bb }} ( [a, b) bbb a. 0.. (a,b] = {x a <x (a, b] = { x 2 R | a < x b } b} (a, b] = { x 2 R | a < x b } RI 0.. 411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a, b) = { x 2 R | a x < b } ( [a, b) = { x 2 R | a x < b } [a,b)={xERIa<x<b} b a.0..411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O {x ax<x (a, b] = 2 R |||aaaa< < xxx (a, b] {{{{xxxx 2 R bb [a,(a,b] b)= == 2 R|RI <bbbb}}}}b} ( [a, b) = 2 R < [a,b)={xERIa<x<b} (a,(a, b] a < x b a. (a,b] = {x a <x (a, b] = { x 2 R | a < x b } b} b] = { x 2 R | a < x b } RI b 0..411.IJIL.*1L_1*_O [a,[a,oo)={x b) = =={{{{xxxx2 22R RERI < bb }} ( [a, b) || aa xx < [a,b)={xERIa<x<b} ax<x [a, 1) R|RI [a, 1) a.0.. (a,b] = a (a, b] = == 22 RR | a|a| aa< < xxx }}x} (a, b] {{ xx{x 2 R bb }}b} M$W4*W bbb M$W4*W [a,oo)={x a [a, 1) = { x 2 R | a x } x} [a, 1) = { x 2 R | a x } ERI a. (a,b] b = a <x (a,1) b] = = 22R RR | aa < < x (a, b] {{ xx{x 2 |RI bb }}b} axx<x [a, 1) == x2 [a, = }}x} ERI (a,b] a. {x a (a,[a,oo)={x b] = = 22 RR |||aaaa< < xxx (a, b] {{{{xxx R |RI bb }}b} M$W4*W b [a,oo)={x ax<x [a, 1) == x2 2R R|RI [a, 1) = {{xxx 2 R ||aaaa|< xx }}bx} a. ERI (a,b] {x ax (a,(-oo,b]={xERIxb} b] = = {= 2 R |R < x (a, b] {= bb }}b} M$W4*W b (1) 1, b] { x 2 x } [a,[a, a x ([a, 1, b] { x 2 R | b } M$W4*W [a,oo)={x a xx }}x} 1) = = {{ xx 2 2R R || aa 1) a. ERI 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } (([a, 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } (-oo,b]={xERIxb} bb M$W4*W [a,oo)={x a [a, 1) = { x 2 R | a x } x} 1) = { x 2 R | a x } ERI 1, b]= ={{{{xxxx2 2R R|| |a|axx xxbb}}x} (([a, 1, }} M$W4*W [a,oo)={x a [a,(-oo,b]={xERIxb} 1)b] == 22 RR b 1) ERI 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } (((a, 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } (-oo,b]={xERIxb} M$W4*W [a,oo)={x b a [a, 1) = { x 2 R | a x } x} [a, 1) = { x 2 R | a x } ERI 1)b] == 22 RR < 1) (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} ( (-oo,b]={xERIxb} 1, b]= ={{{x {xxx2 2R R|| |a|axx< xxb}b}}} ((a, 1, b 0 ( (a, 1, b] x b (a, 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} ( 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } ( 1, b] = { x 2 R | x b } (-oo,b]={xERIxb} b (a, 1) == 22 RR (a, 1) = {{ xx 2 R || aa|| < xx }}bb }} 0 (_ 1, b] b] = x 2 R x (( (a,oo)={XERIa<x} 1, {{ x x< (-oo,b]={xERIxb} b (a, 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } 0 (a, 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} 1,b) b] = = {{{{xx x2 2R R |||| xx x< bbbb}}}} (( (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} 1, b] = 2 R (-oo,b]={xERIxb} ((a, 1, b) = x 2 R x < b ((a, 1, 1) = = {{ xx 2 2R R || aa < < xx }} 0 1) (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} b 1, b)= ={{{{xxxx2 2R R|| |a|axx< <xxbb}}}} (((a, 1, b) = 2 R < (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} 0 (a, 1) = 2 R < 1) (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b } (a,(((a, 1) a < x 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b } (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} (a,(a,oo)={XERIa<x} 1) = = {{ xx 2 2R R || aa < < xx }} 1) (_ 0 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b } (((a, 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b } * * * * * * * * 0 (a,(—oo,b)={XERIX<b} 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } 1) = { x 2 R | a < x } (_ (a,oo)={XERIa<x} * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < } (( (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} 1, = x 2 | < *b) *{ * R *x *bb } * * * 0 **1, ** = {**x 2 **R | x**< b**} ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * b) * b) (( *(—oo,b)={XERIX<b} 1, =* {**x *2 **R *| x**<* b**} * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * *1, ** = 1, b) = { xx*2 2R R*|| xx < <* bb }} * (( (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} * b) * { * * * * * * * * * * *}*} ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ( 1, b) x < b ( 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b ( 1, b) = { x 2 R | x < b (—oo,b)={XERIX<b} * * * * * TheEmpty The Empty Set Empty The ** ** Set **Set ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The The Empty Set Set Empty The Empty Set *that * the **{4, **9} ** is **set *that **contains ** ** the *the * numbers * 4,* 4, * and * 9. The set {4, 7, 9} is the set contains numbers 7, and 9. The setset The set {4, the set that contains 7, 9} The set 7, is the numbers 7, and The set The * * * * * * * * * * 4, * 7, * 9. * The The Empty Set Set Empty The Empty Set * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is The set {4, 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. The The set 8 * {4} the that 7, 9} The set {4,*{4, 7,**only 9} is set that contains the numbers 4,**4, 7, and 9. the numbers 4, 7, and The 9.The * * set *the *contains * * * *only * 4, * the * {4, {4, 7}7} contains only 4* and 7, set {4} contains only 4, and the set {set only 4and and contains {4, 7} contains 4the 7, set {4} contains only and set }}set the set contains 7,the and the set{set The The Empty Set Set Empty The Empty Set * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {} is The set {4, 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. The set The set {4, the set that contains 7, 9} The set {4, 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. The set the numbers 4, 7, and The 9. set {4, {4, 7} contains only 4 and 7, the set {4} contains only 4, and the set { } only 7} 4 and contains The The Empty Set Set {4, 7} contains only 4 and 7, the set {4} contains only 4, and the set { } the set Empty {4} contains 7, only The Empty Set 4, and the set contains, well, nothing. contains, nothing. well, contains, well, {} is The set {4, 7,nothing. 9} isSet set that contains the numbers 4,4, 7,4,and and 9.the The The set {4, the set that contains 7, 9} The {4, 7, 9} is set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. set the numbers 4, 7, and The 9.The {4, {4, 7} contains only 4the 7, the set {4} contains only 4, and the set { }}set only 7}set 4and and contains {4, 7} contains only 4the and 7, set contains only the set {set the set{4} {4} contains 7,the only and set The The Empty Set Empty The Empty Set contains, well, nothing. { } contains, nothing. well, contains, well, nothing. It probably seems silly to you now, but the set that has nothing inthe it, that It seems silly to now, It probably seems silly to you now, but the set that has nothing in it, that is you The set {4,{4, 7, 9} isSet set that contains the numbers 4, 7,4, and 9. The The set but the set that set has that contains nothing 7, 9} in it, The set {4, 7, 9} is set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. set the numbers 4, 7, and The 9.The The The Empty Set {4, Empty {4, 7} contains only 4the and 7, the set {4} contains only 4, and the set {that only 7}probably 4the and contains The Empty Set {4, 7} contains only 4the and 7, set {4} contains only 4, and the set {set }}set the set {4} contains 7,the only and set contains, well, nothing. contains, nothing. well, contains, well, nothing. { } It probably seems silly to you now, but set that has nothing in it, that It probably seems silly to now, It probably seems to you now, but the set that has nothing in it, that you but the set that in that is The set {4, 7, 9} issilly the set that contains the numbers 4,4, 7,4,nothing and 9. The set The set {4, the set that contains 7, 9} The set 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 7, and 9. The set the numbers 7, and The 9. set is the set {{4, }, is an important example of acontains set, and it’s a4, set that comes is the set is an important is the set {well, }, is an important example of athe set, and it’s ahas set that comes example {4, of The {4, 7} contains only 7, the set {4} contains only 4, and the setit, {up only set, The Empty Set 7} 4and and it’s Set contains a contains Empty and a4, set that {4, 7} contains only 44is and 7, the set {4} only and the set {up }}{up the set comes The Empty Set {4} 7, only and the set { }, contains, nothing. contains, nothing. well, contains, well, nothing. } The set {4, 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. The set The set {4, the set that contains 7, 9} The set {4, 7, 9} is the set that contains the numbers 4, 7, and 9. The set the numbers It probably seems silly to you now, but the set that has nothing in it, that It probably seems 4, 7, and silly to The now, It probably seems silly to you now, but the set that has nothing in it, that 9. you set but the set that has nothing in it, that is the set { }, is an important example of a set, and it’s a set that comes up is the set is an is the set {in }, isnothing. an important of aenough set, and it’s a set that comes up example of it’s a set, and agiven set that comes {4, {4, 7}7} contains only 4 Itcomes 7,example the set {4} contains only 4, and the setset only 4and and7, contains {4, 7} contains only 4important and set {4} contains only 4, the set {{ }}up the set {4} contains 7,the only 4,and and frequently in It comes up often enough that we’ve given it name. math. frequently comes frequently It up often enough that we’ve it aathe name. { inmath. },math. contains, well, up often contains, nothing. that we’ve well, given it tt ttt ttt Notice that for every interval listed in the chart on the previous page, the least of the two numbers written in the interval is always written on the left, just as they appear in the real number line. For example, 3 < 7, so 3 is drawn on the left of 7 in the real number line, and the following intervals are legitimate intervals to write: [3, 7], (3, 7), [3, 7), and (3, 7]. You must not write an interval such as (7, 3), because the least of the two numbers used in an interval must be written on the left. Similarly, (1, 2) or [5, 1) are not proper ways of writing intervals. Notice that in all of the examples of intervals, round parentheses next to numbers correspond to less-than symbols < and are drawn with little circles. Squared parentheses next to numbers correspond to less-than-orequal-to symbols and are drawn with giant dots. A little circle drawn on a number means that number is not part of the interval. A giant dot drawn on a number means that number is part of the interval. 9 Exercises Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1.) 5x + 5y = 5(x + y) 2.) 3x + y = 3(x + y) 3.) 4x 6y = 2(2x 3y) 4.) x + 7y = 7(x + y) 5.) 36x 9y + 81z = 3(12x 3y + 9z) 6.) 2 2 (2, 5] 7.) 0 2 ( 4, 0] 8.) 3 2 [ 3, 1) 9.) 156, 345, 678 2 ( 1, 1) 10.) 2 2 ( 1, 3] 11.) [7, 10) ✓ [7, 10] 12.) [ 17, 1) ✓ ( 17, 1) 13.) ( 4, 0] ✓ [ 4, 0) 14.) ( 1, 20] ✓ ( 1, 7] 15.) [0, 1) ✓ R {⇡} 16.) { 3, 10, 7 } ✓ (2, 8) 17.) { 0, 2, 45 , p 2 } ✓ [0, 1) 10 For #18-21, match the numbered interval with its lettered picture. 19.) 0 (3, 5] 20.) [3, 5) 21.) (3, 5) : [3, 5] a 18.) 0 0 - (nJ B.) a A.) D.) 1 Ill 4: (A) I 41 1 : 0 a C.) 0 UI 25.) ( 1, 4) 41 (nJ B.) ( 1, 4] 4: U’ 24.) w (4, 1) U’ 4: 4: - w w 23.) 7%). A.) [4, 1) 7%). 22.) 0 a For #22-25, match the numbered interval with its lettered picture. D.) 11 UI 4: w Ill 4: (A) I C.)