
Sets (1)
Write a word description of the set.
1) {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,
List the elements in the set.
2) The set of the days of the week
Determine if the set is the empty set.
3) {0, ∅}
{x|x is the number of living U.S presidents born before 1700}
{x|x < 12 and x > 16}
Determine whether the statement is true or false.
6) 1 ∈ {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
4 ∈ {1, 2, 3, ..., 15}
19 ∈ {2, 4, 6, ..., 20}
Fill in the blank with either ∈ or ∉ to make the statement true.
9) Saskatchewan _____ the set of states in the United States
Express the set using set-builder notation. Use inequality notation to express the consition x must meet in
order to be a member of the set.
10) A = {18, 19, 20, 21, 22,...}
Find the cardinal number for the set.
11) {27, 29, 31, 33, 35}
12) {x
| x is a day of the week that begins with the letter N}
Are the sets equivalent?
13) A is the set of residents age 70 or older living in the United States
B is the set of residents age 70 or older registered to vote in the United States
14) A
= {23, 25, 27, 29, 31}
B = {24, 26, 28, 30, 32}
15) A
= {Larry, Moe, Curly. Shemp}
B = {Posh, Sporty, Baby, Scary}
Determine whether the set is finite or infinite.
16) {x | x ∈ N and x ≥ 1000}
17) {x
| x ∈ N and x ≤ 100}
Are the sets equal?
18) {e, f, g, h} = {f, h, g, e}
19) {50,
52, 54, 56, 58} = {52, 54, 56, 58}
Write ⊆ or ⊈ in the blank so that the resulting statement is true.
20) {2, 4, 6}
{1, 2, 3, 4, 6}
21) {red,
blue, green} _____ {blue, green, yellow, black}
Determine whether the statement is true or false.
22) Bob ⊆ {Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice}
Use ⊆, ⊈, ⊂, or both ⊂ and ⊆ to make a true statement.
23) {a, b}
{z, a, y, b, x, c}
24) {11,
12, 13}
{11, 12, 13}
List all the subsets of the given set.
25) {8}
Calculate the number of subsets and the number of proper subsets for the set.
26) {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
Answer Key
Testname: 1_SETS(1)
1) months of the year
2) {Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday,
Tuesday, Wednesday}
3) No, it is not the empty set.
4) No, it is not the empty set.
5) Yes, it is the empty set.
6) True
7) True
8) False
9) ∉
10) {x | x ∈ N and x ≥ 18}
11) 5
12) 0
13) No
14) Yes
15) Yes
16) Infinite
17) Finite
18) Yes
19) No
20) ⊆
21) ⊈
22) False
23) ⊂ and ⊆
24) ⊆
25) {8}, { }
26) 64; 63