MATH 2270-1 PRACTICE EXAM 2-SP12 to be invertible.

MATH 2270-1
1. Describe all conditions necessary for A ∈ Mm×n to be invertible.
2. List as many different ways as you can that will force a square matrix to be
3. Give all conditions necessary for a linear transformation T : V 7→ W to be
4. Give at least two different examples of a mappings from M2×3 to P2 that are
linear and two which are not linear.
5. Describe how to attach a matrix to a linear transformation T : V 7→ W given
bases BV = {v1 , . . . , vn } and BW = {w1 , . . . , wm }.
6. With the notation of the last exercise, if [T ]BV ,BW = A and [v]BV = X with
X ∈ Rn then how does one find the vector w = T (v)?
7. Given A ∈ Mm×n and RREF(A) how does one find bases for COL(A), ROW(A),
N(A), and N(AT )?
8. With the notation of the last example find basis for Rn and a basis for
R for
B 0
which the matrix A relative to the two bases is a partitioned matrix
0 0
where B ∈ Mk×k and k =Rk(A)?
9. With the notation of the last exercise, use the bases for Col(A) and N(AT ) to
show how you find the orthogonal projection of X ∈ Rm onto Col(A).
10. With the notation of the last exercise if Rk(A) = k < m < n then describe how
you find the least squares solution to AX = Y if Y ∈Col(A).
Is there a unique
solution in this case?