College of Graduate Studies The Newsletter October 2012

College of Graduate Studies
The Newsletter
October 2012
Issue 2
Special Announcement
CSU Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund (GSCT)
CSU College of Graduate Studies
Open application Amount: Up to $500
The CSU College of Graduate Studies offers support to all CSU Master’s and Doctoral
candidates who need assistance in order to travel to professional conferences at which they
will be making presentations or presenting posters. The program will help to cover the
costs of travel, room and board as well as conference fees. There is not an announced
deadline for this program which runs during the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) but
the program will cease funding for a fiscal year when funding dollars have been expended.
Students wishing to apply must meet the following criteria:
1. The applicant must be enrolled in a CSU Graduate degree program
2. The applicant must be in good academic standing during the semester the
conference is held;
3. The applicant must be a presentor, or a co-presentor, of a paper or a poster at the
4. The applicant must not have received Graduate Student Conference Travel funds
during the current fiscal
year; and
5. The applicant must follow all CSU travel regulations.
A. The College of Graduate Studies will cover 1/3 of the travel cost up to a maximum of
B. Potential applicants should be aware that before submitting this application to the
College of Graduate Studies, the applicant must secure support from his/her College
and Department, respectively, to match the funds requested from the College of
Graduate Studies. (For example, if a student plans to request $300 from the
Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund, he/she should have a commitment of
$300 from his/her College and a commitment of $300 from his/her Department.)
C. Before completing the GSCT form, applicants from STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) disciplines and other disciplines as well should check the
conference web site or contact the organizers to see if the conference offers
graduate student travel support.
D. All applicants are required to fill out and submit the GSCT application form.
Send the form via e-mail to with the subject heading: Graduate
Student Conference Travel Fund Request. If you have questions, please contact the
Graduate Grant Writing Center (, Ext. 3536 or 3625.
Notices and Announcements
MD in Urban Health 2013 Information Session
NEOMED-CSU M.D. Partnership for Urban Health
Date: November 13, 2012
Time: 12:00M
Place: 313 Student Center
Deadline to RSVP (respond): November 9, 2012
MD Application:
CSU and Northeastern Ohio Medical University jointly offer a med school program of study
leading to a medical doctor degree. The program specializes in addressing the health care
needs within urban metropolitan areas. CSU students, staff, faculty, and guests are
welcome to attend an information session to learn more about the partnership and program.
The program will explain the 2013 application cycle for the Baccalaureate/M.D. and PostBaccalaureate/M.D. Pathways. Attendees will learn about the program, application
processes, eligibility requirements, deadlines for applying, and curriculum. If you are
interested in attending this program, please RSVP (respond) to the College of Sciences and
Health Professions Advising Center at 216-687-9321 by the above announced deadline date.
Learn Something!
Graduate Grant Writing Center
URL: (Click on GGWC Workshops in the right-hand
Call: 216-687-3635
You can learn for free marketable skills right here at CSU. Learning how to find and write
grants that will pay for your education and research imparts the skills of the grant writing
industry to you – and that makes you more marketable when you go to look for
employment. You need to learn about how to find and write grants, how to avoid the traps
of mediocre writing (i.e. plagiarism), and how to use various search engines to find the
funds you need, then you need to sign up for workshops – all free – through the Graduate
Grant Writing Center. Not only will we teach you how to find the money, but also we will
guide you through the writing and application process. Visit us via the web, via telephone,
via e-mail, or come to the center located in PH300 (Parker Hannifin Hall third floor). The
Graduate Grant Writing Center is open for your use M – F from 10:00AM – 3:00PM and on
Tue-Wed: 5:00PM to 7:00PM (By Appointment). Members of the staff are there to assist
you. Give us a call, sign up for a workshop, drop in and visit.
Remaining Fall Classes
Sign-up Now, Seating is Limited
Writing Grant Proposals. October 22, Monday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab-Back:
5:30 – 6:30PM. Learn how to write effective proposals to granting agencies.
Language in Grantwriting. October 23, Tuesday. Library 1st Floor Lab- Back: 4:00PM –
5:00PM. This workshop offered by Dr. Mary Murray McDonald, CSU Writing Lab, will help
you to learn how to write clearly and concisely and to identify and avoid common errors in
writing, such as plagiarism.
Writing Grant Proposals. October 24, Monday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab-Back:
5:30 – 6:30PM. Learn how to write effective proposals to granting agencies.
Language in Grantwriting. October 25, Thursday. Library 1st Floor Lab- Back: 4:00PM –
5:00PM. This workshop offered by Dr. Mary Murray McDonald, CSU Writing Lab, will help
you to learn how to write clearly and concisely and to identify and avoid common errors in
writing, such as plagiarism.
Using the GGWC Web Site. Nov 7th Wednesday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab – Back.
2:00 – 3:00PM.
Using the GGWC Web Site. Nov 8th, Thursday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab - Back.
5:30 – 6:30PM.
CSU at the Foundation Center! Nov 14th: 2:00PM – 4:00PM. Euclid & 14th St, the Hanna
Bldg, 16th Floor Visit the Foundation Center’s Cleveland Office and learn how to use their
library, online database and more. This is a DON’T MISS IT class – make time in your
schedule to attend. The Foundation Center has a library open to you, a staff that is most
helpful, and online databases that offers you access to over 110,00 sources – for institutions
and individuals. Besides that, FC offer our community, through GrantSpace, notices about
and access to free or fee-based classes (in-person and online), advice and assistance to
students seeking funding, and much more. Join us as we learn how to use this community
resource. Cleveland is only one of five locations nationally where the Foundation Center has
an office. Don’t miss out on this unparalleled resource – sign up for the class as soon as
you can – seating is limited.
Federal v. Private: Funding Differences. Nov 15th: 2:00-3:00PM: Library 1st Floor
Computer Lab – Back. Which one is right for you?
Upcoming Deadlines. Nov 28th, Wednesday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab – Back.
2:00-3:00PM AND 5:30 – 6:30PM. What competitions are open? Proposal Deadlines?
International Students Funding. Nov 29th, Thursday. Library 1st Floor Computer Lab –
Back. 2:00 – 3:00PM. Is there funding to help international students pay for education and
research costs? Join us and learn what we’ve discovered.
CSU at the Foundation Center. Nov 14th: 2:00PM – 4:00PM. Euclid & 14th St, the Hanna
Bldg, 16th Floor Visit the Foundation Center’s Cleveland Office and learn how to use their
library, online database and more.
Meet Someone!
Graduate Student Association
Telephone: 216-687-3536
URL: http://www.csuoihio/research/ggwc (Click on Graduate Student Association in the
right hand column)
The graduate students of CSU, your peers, are getting organized. Through the College of
Graduate Studies and the Graduate Grant Writing Center, you now have access to a campus
organization that belongs to you. The Graduate Student Association represents you,
provides you with an on-campus network, and with a change to find research partners and
to share with others the experiences of graduate education at this university. Why not join
up? Give yourself a chance to meet your fellow students and socialize a bit at meetings and
events. The GSA holds meetings monthly, offers social gatherings for grads, and is
planning to host events, outside speakers, and workshops/seminars/symposiums that are
tailored to grad students. Events and Meetings for the remainder of the semester include:
October 23, Tuesday. PHH – Graduate Student Association meeting at
3:00PM in PH. Please RSVP to the above email address with your name and contact
 Holiday Reception.
December 5th: Parker Hannifin Hall. 4:00 – 5:30PM. Meeting &
Party – come and celebrate the holidays and the end of the semester!
CSU goes to the Foundation Center
Why not join us on November 14, 2012 when we visit the Foundation Center Cleveland to
learn about their online databases, their extensive library, and all the ways in which FC can
help you to find grants for research and education. If you know how to find grants, come
and sharpen your skills. If you have never looked for foundation and corporate grants, or
any grant funds at all, join us and learn a new and valuable skill – all for free. We will meet
at the Foundation Center, Cleveland from 2:00PM – 4:00PM. The Center is located on the
16th Floor of the Hanna Building which is on the corner of E. 14 th Street and Euclid Avenue.
Seats are limited so please send us an email and let us know (you name and contact
information) that you will attend. Classes, faculty, staff, grad/u-grad students are welcome.
The Foundation Center is very interested in helping students to fund their education
and manage their financial arrangements. You can visit FC on line and learn about financing
your education, writing applications, and much more:
Getting a Grip on Your Student Loans
Finding and Winning Scholarships and Fellowships
International Students
If you are an International Student who is seeking funding for your studies, please
contact the Graduate Grant Writing Center. We don’t have funds to give you but we may be
able to help you locate funds and jobs. Email:
The Berkeley PostDoc Grants List
University of California Berkeley offers on its website a comprehensive list of grants that are
available to fund the postdoctoral experience and research in science. Visit the above URL if
postdoctoral/science grants are of interest to you.
Membership in the Associate Member Council
American Association for Cancer Research
615 Chestnut St., 17th Floor,
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Ms. Elizabeth M. Martin, Program Coordinator
Telephone: (215) 446-7190
Deadline: October 31, 2012
The AACR Associate Member Council invites applications from young investigators, graduate
students, medical students or residents, and clinical or postdoctoral fellows with
demonstrated leadership potential to apply as candidates for the AACR Associate Member
Council. The council will chose four members. The members will be selected to serve threeyear terms, starting at the AACR Annual Meeting 2013 and concluding at the AACR Annual
Meeting 2016. The Council serves as an advisory body to the AACR, helping to develop
programs and services to address the needs of young investigators in cancer research. It
also provides a venue for collegial discussion about the challenges of a cancer research
career and seeks solutions to sustain this important workforce. In recognition of the
extraordinary time commitments of early-career scientists, obligations related to Council
service are manageable. Council members are asked to participate in periodic conference
calls, attend an annual planning meeting in Philadelphia (with expenses fully covered by
AACR), and attend the AACR Annual Meeting where various Council-sponsored events are
produced (the registration fee is waived, but expenses are not provided for the Annual
Meeting). Candidates must be recommended by their mentors and submit a complete
Application for Candidacy. The application, full eligibility criteria, and detailed information
about the AACR Associate Member Council may be found at the above URL.
If you have any questions, please direct your queries to the contact person listed at the
start of this announcement.
Doctoral Students Fellowships for the Promotion of Child Well-Being
Doris Duke Foundation (
University of Chicago/Chapin Hall (
December 15, 2012
$25,000 per year
Up to two years
Number of Awards: 15
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago invite
outstanding doctoral students to apply for the Doris Duke Fellowships for the Promotion of
Child Well-Being (formerly called the Doris Duke Fellowships for the Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect).
The fellowships are designed to identify and develop a new generation of leaders interested
in and capable of creating practice and policy initiatives that will enhance child development
and improve the nation's ability to prevent all forms of child maltreatment.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Fellows can be
based at any academic institution in the United States and are selected from a range of
academic disciplines, including but not limited to social work, public health, medicine, public
policy, education, economics, psychology, and epidemiology.
Visit the University of Chicago/Chapin Hall Web site for complete program guidelines and
application procedures.
Undergraduate seniors and enrolled graduate students may wish to know about this
NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships (NSTRF) – Fall 2013
Funding Opportunity Number:
Current Closing Date for Applications:
Dec 04, 2012
Funding Instrument Type:
Category of Funding Activity:
Science and Technology and other Research
and Development
CFDA Number:
43.009 - Cross Agency Support
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:
Graduate Students who are US Citizens or
permanent residents pursuing degrees in STEM disciplines
New fellowship applications ONLY
(renewal applications are handled separately)
Phase A applications: On or before December
4, 2012 must be submitted electronically
Phase B: Universities may only submit
Packages on behalf of students who were
selected in Phase A
Submission Mechanism:
Select "Solicitations"
Then select "Open Solicitations"
Then select solicitation number "NSTRF13"
NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist seeks to sponsor US citizen and permanent resident
graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s goal of
creating innovative new space technologies for our Nation’s science, exploration and
economic future. This call for graduate student fellowship applications solicits applications
from individuals pursuing or planning to pursue master’s (e.g., M.S.) or doctoral (e.g.,
Ph.D.) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at accredited US universities.
The goal of NSTRF is to provide the Nation with a pipeline of highly skilled researchers and
technologists to improve America's technological competitiveness. NASA Space Technology
Fellows will perform innovative space technology research while building the skills necessary
to become future technological leaders. Selected candidates will perform graduate student
research at their respective campuses and at NASA Centers and/or at nonprofit U.S.
Research and Development (R&D) laboratories. In addition to his or her faculty advisor,
each student will be matched with a technically relevant and community engaged researcher
who will serve as the student’s professional mentor. Through this experience, students will
advance their STEM education, gain relevant research experience, and enhance their
understanding of the research process.
Awards resulting from this competitive selection will be made in the form of training grants
to accredited US universities. The financial and programmatic support for NSTRF comes
from the Space Technology Program within NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist. The
fellowships are a component of the Space Technology Research Grants Program. Awards are
planned to coincide with the start of the 2013 academic year and are subject to the
availability of appropriated funds. This solicitation has two phases.
Phase A:
Application submission by the student:
The student will be enrolled for the fall 2013 term as a full-time graduate
The student must submit a package (as specified in the NSTRF13 solicitation).
Detailed submission instructions for the student applicant are provided under
"Other Documents" on the NSPIRES webpage associated with the NSTRF13 solicitation.
Phase B:
The university submission
The university, if awarded, will receive a training grant award
Comments and questions:
Claudia Meyer, Space Technology Research Grants Program Executive
Responses to inquiries will be answered by e-mail and may also be included in the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document located on the NSPIRES page associated with
the solicitation. Anonymity of individuals/institutions who submit questions will be
National Institutes of Health
Postdoctoral and Graduate
NIH post-doctoral and graduate fellowships provide generous funding for research at US
research universities (see also the career development grants). You can apply for funding
for your own project at potentially multiple institutions: These fellowships are also available to nonUS citizens. Most of these fellowships do, however, have a strong focus on life and health
International PostDoc Students & US Students
International Science Funding – Travel and Research
Human Frontier Science (HFS)
Regular Research Awards: Up to $450,000/yr USD
HFS is focused on funding research in the life sciences (including e.g. chemistry, physics,
computer science, and engineering). HFS post-doctoral fellowships for international
collaborations and for post-doc from other countries coming to the US (for at least part of
their post-doc) or US citizens going abroad are eligible to apply. HFS also provides career
development and young faculty grants, as well as regular research grants. Visit the above
URL for complete details
Union Plus Scholarship
Provided by: Union Privilege
Award: $4000
Deadline: January 31, 2013
The Union Plus Scholarship is available to union members and their spouses and dependent
children. You must be accepted into an accredited college, university, community college,
technical, or trade school; and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to qualify for this award.
Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.
Since 1992, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $3.4 million to
students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education.
Over 2,200 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union
Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation.
Cancer Awareness Scholarship
Provided by : Do Something
Award: $5000
Deadline: November 15, 2012
Every 4 minutes someone in America is diagnosed with blood cancer, and for most finding a
donor is the difference between life and death. Currently, 10,000 blood cancer patients are
looking for a match. Tragically, less than half of them will find one. and Be
the Match have partnered up to help you change the odds: the more people that join the
registry, the more lives that will be saved. It’s that simple. Visit the above URL and send
facts about blood cancer to 5 of your friends and you will be instantly entered to win a
$5,000 scholarship. Want to join the national registry? It takes only 5 minutes and all you
need to do is swab the inside of your cheek. Go to to get the
free swabbing kit you might just save a life!
CKSF Scholarship Competition
Provided by : Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
Award: $2500
Deadline: Varies
The CKSF Scholarships are available to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students
in the US. You must register to participate in scholarship quizzes that test your knowledge
of topics ranging from general "common knowledge" to specific academic subjects, books,
websites, and even movies. You will be scored based on a combination of time and
accuracy. Students with the highest scores at the end of each competition win.
Boren Fellowships and Scholarships
Provided by: National Security Education Program
Deadlines: see below
Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide funding opportunities for US undergraduate and
graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US
interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern
Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Graduate Fellowships
Award: $30000
Deadline: January 31, 2013
Boren Fellowships help US graduate students to add an important international and
language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study,
language study, or increased language proficiency. The fellowship supports study and
research in areas of the world that are critical to US interests, including Africa, Asia, Central
& Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Boren Fellows represent a
variety of academic and professional disciplines, but all are interested in studying less
commonly taught languages, including but not limited to Arabic, Chinese, Korean,
Portuguese, Russian and Swahili. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and
New Zealand are excluded. For a complete list of countries and a complete list of languages,
visit the above URL. To view the basic requirements and provisions visit
Undergraduate Scholarships
Award: $20000
Deadline: February 13, 2013
Boren Scholarships help US undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world
that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia,
Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of
Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. Boren Scholars
represent a variety of academic backgrounds, but all are interested in studying less
commonly taught languages, including but not limited to Arabic, Chinese, Korean,
Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili. For a complete list of countries and languages visit the
above URL and follow the links. Applicants should identify how their study abroad program,
as well as their future academic and career goals, will contribute to US national security,
broadly defined. NSEP draws on a broad definition of national security, recognizing that the
scope of national security has expanded to include not only the traditional concerns of
protecting and promoting American well-being, but also the challenges of global society,
including sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger,
population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness. To view Program Basics
for the Boren Scholarship visit
Fall 2013 STAR Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study
Environmental Protection Agency
(Science to Achieve Results)
Program URL:
Deadline: Nov 15, 2012 by 11:59:59PM
Number of awards: 80 new fellowships
Amount: Up to $42K per fellowship
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results
(STAR) program, is offering Graduate Fellowships for master and doctoral level students in
environmental fields of study. The STAR Fellowship program is consistent with the mission
of EPA, which is to provide leadership in the nation’s environmental science, research,
education, assessment, restoration, preservation, pollution prevention and sustainability
efforts. The STAR Fellowship program has proven to be beneficial to the public by providing
a steady stream of well trained environmental specialists to meet society’s environmental
challenges (National Research Council 2003). It has also provided new environmental
research in engineering and in the physical, biological, health, and social sciences.
Subject to availability of funding and other applicable considerations, EPA will award
approximately 80 new fellowships in the late summer of 2013. Master's level students may
receive support for a maximum of two years. Doctoral students may be supported for a
maximum of three years, usable over a period of five years. The fellowship program
provides up to $42,000 per year of support per fellowship.
This solicitation does not provide the opportunity for the submission of applications for
projects that involve human subjects research. Human subjects research supported by the
EPA is governed by EPA Regulation 40 CFR Part 26 (Protection of Human Subjects).
Applications proposing human subjects research will not be considered for funding and will
be deemed ineligible.
S.R.C. Education Alliance
P.O. Box 12053
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2053
Telephone: (919) 941-9400
Deadline(s): Mid-Feb for fellowships and scholarships
Application e-mail for fellowships and scholarships:
S.R.C. Education Alliance comprises funding from Microelectonics Advanced Research Corp.;
Semiconductor Research Corp.; Intel Foundation; IBM; Semiconductor Industry Association
to promote science and engineering education and the semiconductor industry through
university research grants, scholarships, and fellowships. SRC gives awards in the following
Company-Named Fellowships: The foundation awards company-named fellowships to
student applicants from the Graduate Fellowship Program whose proposed research
matches a cosponsoring company's research interests. The fellowships are named after the
companies who provide matching funding for the program. Fellowship recipients are
mentored by an industry advisor and are awarded an internship from the cosponsoring
company. Fellowships include the AMD/Mahboob Khan/GRC Fellowship, the Robert M.
Burger Fellowship, the Peter Verhofstadt Fellowship, and the International Fellowship.
Company-Named Scholarships: The foundation awards company-named scholarships to
student applicants whose proposed research matches a cosponsoring company's research
interests. The scholarships are named after the companies who provide matching funding
for the program. Scholarship recipients are mentored by an industry advisor and are
awarded an internship from the cosponsoring company.
GRC Graduate Fellowship Program: The foundation awards graduate fellowships to
encourage academically gifted students to pursue graduate degrees in research areas
related to SRC, with emphasis on microelectronics; and to develop a pool of high quality
doctoral graduates for member companies and universities. Fellowships provide full tuition,
a stipend for up to five years of doctoral study, and a $2,000 annual gift for the student's
faculty advisor in support of the student.
GRC Master's Scholarship Program: The foundation awards scholarships to encourage
academically gifted minority students, including women, African-American, Hispanic, and
Native American students, to pursue graduate research related to Global Research
Collaboration (GRC), with emphasis on microelectronics; and to develop a pool of high
quality minority candidates for doctoral study and hire by GRC companies. The scholarship
provides full tuition for up to two years of master's level study and a $2,000 unrestricted
gift for use by the student's faculty advisor.
SRC NRI/Hans J. Coufal Fellowship: The foundation awards a fellowship to a graduate
student for doctoral study in nanoelectronics-related disciplines, with preference given to
nanoelectronic device, technologies, physics, and materials. The fellowship is designed to
encourage high-risk research leading to solutions for challenges faced by the semiconductor
industry. The fellowship provides full tuition for up to five years of study and a $2,000
annual unrestricted gift for recipient's faculty advisor. The program is administered by the
Nanoelectronics Research Initiative.
An application form is required and can be downloaded from the web site. Applications
should include official transcripts, 3 reference report forms from scientists, engineers, or
faculty members, and Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test results.
2012 Northeast Ohio Entrepreneur Expo & JumpStart
Community Meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Location: Cleveland State University Wolstein Center, Cleveland, OH
Cost: FREE
The 2012 Northeast Ohio Entrepreneur Expo & JumpStart Community Meeting exposes its
audience to a wide display of the various inventions, businesses, and entrepreneurial
support organizations that taken together are providing NEOhio with the potential to
transform the region's economy. The meeting includes an afternoon showcase presenting
young, innovative NEOhio entrepreneurs and technologies. For the first time, the Expo will
host a student business competition and a moderated panel discussion focused on NEOhio
startup success stories. Be sure to attend this free event.
1:00 - 4:00 pm Entrepreneur Expo
4:10 - 5:10 pm Success Stories, moderated panel discussion with Q+A
5:10 - 5:25 pm Award presentation, winner of college/university student business
5:25 pm Recap of JumpStart's results with Ray Leach, CEO
The newsletter is compiled and published each year from September through April by The CSU Graduate Grant
Writing Center. Visit us on the web: or visit us on Facebook
Parker Hannifin Hall, PHH-300
2121 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216-687-3625
Office Hours
M-F: 10:00 AM – 3:00PM
Tue-Wed: 5:00PM to 7:00PM (By Appointment)
Visit the Web site for workshop and event announcements