STATISTICS 401B Fall 2014 Laboratory Assignment 9 1. An experiment was performed to study the effect of two variables, reaction temperature and reactant concentration, on the percent conversion of a chemical process. The data appear below and in the file You may use the JMP output to perform as much of the computation as you can. Temperature ◦ C(x1 ) 200 200 200 225 225 225 225 225 225 250 250 250 Concentration % (x2 ) 15 20 25 15 20 20 20 20 25 15 20 25 Percent Conversion(y) 45 54 60 65 74 70 73 72 74 76 73 78 (a) The first order model y = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + was fitted to the data. Using the JMP output, construct an analysis of variance table and test the hypothesis of H0 : β1 = β2 = 0 vs. Ha : at least one of β1 or β2 6= 0. Give the R2 value. Should we accept the first order model and not proceed further because R2 is fairly high? Why or why not? (b) Use the residual plots to detect possible violations of the model assumptions. By examining the residual plots, are there reasons to believe that the first order model is not adequate? Also is there evidence that interaction exists between the two factors? As a result of your anallysis what other terms would you consider adding to the model. Explain why? (c) Based on the above residual analysis, the model y = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + β3 x21 + β4 x1 x2 + β5 x21 x2 + was fitted to the data. Using the sums of squares from the JMP output, construct an F statistic to test the hypothesis H0 : β4 = β5 = 0. Use a percentile from the F table to test this hypothesis at α = .05. What does the result of this test tell you ? (d) Use the residual plots to verify the assumptions needed to fit the model in part (c). What improvements do these show over those from the first order model? 1 2. Asphalt pavements undergo water associated deteriorations such as cracking, potholes, and surface raveling. Research is directed to find improved asphalt pavement mixes more resistant to deterioration. An experiment is performed to compare the effects of the aggregate type used in the asphalt mixture and the compaction methods used during construction. Combinations of two compaction methods (Static, Kneading) and two aggregate types (Silicious Rock, Basalt) are assigned to the test specimens completely at random and tensile bond strength (psi) measured. The four combinations (labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, below) are tested on 20 specimens in random order so that each combination is replicated 5 times. The model yij = µi + ij , i = 1, . . . , 4; j = 1, . . . , 5 was used to analyze the resulting data: Mix (Aggregate Type, Compaction Method) 1 (Silicious, Static) 2 (Silicious, Kneading) 3 (Basalt, Static) 4 (Basalt, Kneading) 58 70 72 70 Tensile Strength (psi) 62 61 64 62 65 64 75 68 70 77 75 78 66 66 67 73 In Problem 2, compute answers to parts (b), (c), and (d), using hand calculations showing work. You may use the JMP output obtained using the file from the coursepage to check your answers to these parts. Turn in your JMP output. (a) Construct an analysis of variance using numbers from the JMP output. Test H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 vs. Ha : at least one µi is different from the others, using α = .05. Use the p-value from the JMP output to make a decision. (Note: Use s2 and its degrees of freedom from this table in the following parts.) (b) Use the LSD procedure to test all possible differences H0 : µi − µj = 0 vs. Ha : µi − µj 6= 0 using α = .05. Report the results using the underlining display. Summarize your conclusions from this procedure. (c) Use the TUKEY procedure to test all possible differences H0 : µi − µj = 0 vs. Ha : µi − µj 6= 0 using α = .05. Report the results using the underlining display. Point out any conclusions that are different from those made using the LSD procedure. (d) It would be more useful to test pre-planned comparisons than testing pairwise differences among the 4 treatment means. In this experiment the investigator could have planned to (i) compare the average tensile strength of pavement made with silicious aggregate type with the average tensile strength of pavement made with basalt aggregate type, (µ1 +µ2 ) 2 4) − (µ3 +µ 2 (ii) compare the average tensile strength of pavement made using static compaction method with the average tensile strength of pavement made using kneading compaction method, (µ1 +µ3 ) 2 4) − (µ2 +µ 2 (iii) compare the difference between the average tensile strength of pavement made with silicious aggregate type using each of the two compaction methods, µ1 − µ2 (iv) compare the difference between the average tensile strength of pavement made with basalt aggregate type using each of the two compaction methods, µ3 − µ4 Compute appropriate t-statistics to test the corresponding comparisons given, assuming that controlling the individual Type I error rate at α = .05 was only of interest. Write a statement in words of your conclusion in each case. You must not use any model parameters (µ’s) in any discussion of your results. Due Thursday, December 11, 2014 (turn-in during lab) 2