DE 2 91966 COMPUTER AIDED STATIC AND TRANSIENT D;ESIGN OF A CLA$S1OF 1ULTIVIBRATORS: THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT by VICTOR KWOK-KING FUNG S.B., massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1966 Signature of Author Signature Redacted Departmdnt of Electrical 4igifieerin, August 22, 166 Signature Redacted Certified by A Thesis SuDervisor Signature Redacted Accepted by Chairman, DepartmentalCoinmittee on Graduate Students MITLibraries 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 DISCLAIMER NOTICE Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain text that runs off the edge of the page. COMPUTER AIDED STATIC AND TRANSIENT DESIGN OF A CLASS OF MULTIVIBRATORS: THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT by VICTOR KWOK-KING FUNG Submitted to the Department of. Electrical Engineering on August 22, 1966 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the static and transient design of the Parallel Schmitt circuit. Particular emphasis is given to methods which can be developed into a systematic procudures for the analysis of all classes of multivibrators and which can be mechanized on the digital computer. The static design calcul.tes the value of the four unknown resistances subject tb four input constraints. The first two constraints are supplied by analytic expressions for the circuit at its breakpoints, while the latter two are chosen arbitrarily for their convenience and usefulness in the transient analysis and the optimization. The correlation between the VF and VK is almost prefect, showing deviations less than 5% and oftentimes less than 1%. The incremental D.C. loop gain is derived and used to find the conditions for a regenerative circuit. These are found to be consistent with the conditions obtained by treating the circuit as a device with a particular V-I characteristic. The power consumption of the circuit i investigated and the conditions and proof given for its minimization. The system of non-linear first order simultaneous eqlations used to describe the transient behaviour was obtained by substituting simple charge control models for the transistors. Their coefficients, which changed with current levels, were assumed to be constants in a linear approximation to the actual solution. Instead of the usual "IS" shaped curve of output collector current versus time, the linearized system possesses*'growing exponential* and (decaying exponential#, which can be neglected. The boundary conditions are obtained by requiring the collector currents to be continuous across the origin, t=0. The results predicted by this linear method are consistently low, as much of the inertia (base collector capacitance, stray capacitance) of the circuit has been neglected, but are mostly within 50% of the measured value. The final part presents a method for the numerical integration of the non-linear transient equations. Using this programtwo ways are suggested for the minimazation of the power consumption and the hysteresis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his gratitude and appreciation to his thesis advisor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor Paul E. Gray, and his supervisors at General Radio Company, Mr. James K. Skilling and Mr. Robert E. Owen for their constant guidance and encouragement. Table of Contents PART I CHAPTER T I. II. INTRODUCTION..................................1 1 1.1 Multivibrators,.....,................. 1.2 A Summary of Each Chapter...............4 1.3 The Parallel Schmitt Circuit ............ S STATIC ANALYSIS*........... .. 2.1 ..... .. ......... 12 Breakpoint analyses of the Parallel.....12 Schmitt Circuit 2.11 Analytis Expression for VF ........ 16 2.12 Analytic Expression for VH ........ 2.2 16 iq the Allowable error in firing voltage for maximium variations in transistor current gains 2.3 .19 The fourth constraint: emitter current at firing III. ....................... ...... 2.4 Output Requirements .................... 22 2.5 Solution for Unknowns .................. 24 THE TERMINAL V-I CHARACTERISTIC..............27 oiodes of Operation........27 3.1 The Different 3.2 Waveforms of non-zero rise time...,.....29 3.21 Single lumped reactance outside'....30 the device 3.22 Analysis of the Active Elements inside the device ------------. CHAPTER 3.3 IV .32 The Hysteresis ...................... .35 L OOP GAIN ANALYSIS ............................. 4.1 Deriation of the Loop Gain .35 4.2 -Properties of the Loop Gain 4.3 .35 Relationship of Loop Gain to Other Circuit Functions ....................... V P OWER CONSUMPTION ................... 5.1 .42 ..... 0 .44 Analytic Expressions for the Power at the Breakpoints......................... .44 5.2 Power Dissipation in the Circuit .46 5.3 Minimum Power Conditions ................. .46 PART II CHAPTER VI TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 6.1 ,........50 ..................... The Charge Control Theory ................. 50 6.11 Relationships with other transistor parameters . 6.12 ...................... Changes in time constahts with colletor currents ................... 6.2 .51 52 Derivation of a Set of Simultaneous Differential Equions......................60 6.3 The Two Methods of Transient Analysis ..... 63 6.31 Analysis involving total variables .. 63 6.32 Analysis involving incremental quantities . . ... 6.4 Boundary Conditions.................66 6.5 Transient Solution by Linear Approximation.70 6.6 Stability of the Transient System...73 6.61 Conditions for imaginary roots.74 6.62 Condition for two positive roots....75 6.63 Condition for one positive and one negative root.............76 6.64 6.7 Condition for two negative roots....76 Numerical Example...................79 CHAPTER VII THE SPEED UP CAPACITOR. 83 .................... 7.1 New Equations including CX**---.-*-'.. 7.2 Effects of the Speed Up Capacitor.....86 83 PART III CHAPTER VIIILITHEB STATIC SYSTEM.............. .88 8.1 The Static Program........ 000000000 .88 8.2 The Subroutines... . .. 0... 8.: Verification of D.C. Progranuspredi ct ions .88 with actual resultsa...... 00 . THE TRANSIENT SYSTEN............ 9.1 General Remarks.. 0. 0 0..0 . IX 0.... .95 .. ........ 9.2 The Transient Program..... .93 .. ... .. .95 g.. .95 X XI THE SYSTEM FOR OPTIMIZATION Power..........................98 10.1 Minimum 10.2 Minimum Hysteresis.....................99 CONCLUSION.. ... ...... ..... .... . . ......... ... .. .. *. ...... e 102 102 11.1 The Conclusion..**. 11.2 Suggestions for further study.......... 104 APPENDIX 1 Fairchild 2N708 Specifications...... .... 105 APPENDIX 2 Comparison of Errors for APPENDIX 3 D.C. solution neglecting junction drop..113 APPENDIX 4 D.C. program Results....................114 APPENDIX 5 Computer Programs.......................123 BIBLIOGRAPHY................... ................... . 112 129 DESCRIPTION OF VARIABLES USED IN SCHMITT CIRCUIT DESIGN PROGRAM INPUT VARIABLES VS (Volts) Supply voltage VO (Volts) Ou jatVoltage VF (Volts) Firing voltage specifieddby user VH (Volts) Holding voltage specified by user XIL (Ma) Current drawn by output load INPUT CONSTANTS .M* BETAX Maximum C Betan Minimum C VBEI (Volts) Base-emitter junction voltage at Cutoff of Q VBE2 (Volts) Base emitter junction voltage at Cutoff of Q2 VG1 (Volts) Base emitter junction voltage at Cutin of Qi VG2 (Volts) Taul (nsec) Base emitter junction voltage at Cutin of Q2 Base diffusion time constant of Q1 Tau2 (nsec) Base diffusion time constant of '2 TAUB1 (nsec) Base recombination time constant of Q TAUB2 (nsec) Base recombination time constant of Q2 ERR % tolerance on resistors ERV) % tolerance on supply voltage VS SYSTEM VARIABLES BETAT Typical VF1 (Volts) Voltage on base of Q2 at firing (VF used by system) VH1 (Volts) Voltage on base of Q2 at holding (VH used by system) DELTA Normalized Parameter ALPHA Normalized Parameter SIGMA Normalized Parameter Q Beta quotient ETA Allowable variation in Vf as hfe of Q changes from max to (min XIEF (mA) Emitter current at firing XIEH (mA) Emitter current at holding XIE Change in emitter current Zs Transient normalized parameter Z Transient normalized parameter Zi Transient normalized parameter G2- v OUTPUT VARIABEES RN (ksLY Absolute value of Negative resistance of Schmitt GMAX Maximum incremental D.C. loop gain PF (mW) Power dissipated at firing PH (mW) Power dissipated at holdingri.r PS (mW) Power dissipated at saturation VFA (Volts) Actual Vf after resistance standardized VHA (Voh)i) Actual Vh after resistances standardized XI1 Collector current of Q2 at which D.C. open loop gain just becomes greater than one (mA) X12 (mA) Collector current of Q at which D.C. open loop gain just begomes less than one VFNAX (Volts) Maximum possible Vf for extreme,. ance on circuit variables VFMIN (Volts) Minimum possible Vf for extreme tolerance on circuit variables VHMAX ( Volts) Maximum possible Vh for extreme tolerances on circuit variables VHMIN (Volts) Minimum possible Vh for extreme tolerances on circuit variables UNKNOWS RE (k Rt) Emitter resistance toler- RX (k -n-) Collector retistance of Q1 Collector of Q to base of Q RB (kL) Base (of Q 2 ) to Ground RO (k.S) Output resistance - Collector re- RC (k SL) resistance sistance of Q2 Input transistor current Matrixcollector current of Q as a function of time XII (JC) ) XIO (J (mA) Output transistor current Matrix - Col- lector current of Q2 as a function of time T ( J ) (nsec) Time matrix - times at which XII and XIO are calculated -1- PART 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 MULTIVIBRATORS Multivibrators .are two stage amplifiers in which the output of the second stage supplies regenerative feed1 The circuit, back to the input of the first amplifier. with resistive and reactive elements connecting the amplifier stages, possesses a number of active and passive states, between which switching behaviour is possible. An alternate approach to analyzing the circuit~s operation is to regard it as a two terminal device with a non-linear V-I characteristics in which there is always a negative resistance (active) region bounded bygresistance (passive) regions. Using transistors as the amplifier device, there are four possible configurations in which transistors can be connected in regenerative feedback. They are shown in Figs. 1 through 4 together with the resistive circuit representative of each class. 1. The V-I characteristics at the terminals See Reference (1) -2- CLASSES OF MJLTIVIBRATORS CLASS A CLASS B Identical pair Identical pair C - b, c -b, -b e- e CLASS C CLASS D Complementary pair Compldmentary pair SC - b , c - b c-b , e - e -3-- SA' LES -JORDAN Ckt. ( CLASS A ) E A T AALEL SCHMITT Ckt.A( CLASS B ) A' A- SERIEA S CHMIT T Ckt. ( CLASS C) A'c -4- AA' are either single valued in current (current controlled devices, Fig. 5) or are single valued in voltage (voltage controlled devices, Fig. 6). The object of this thesis is to develop a general method of analysis for these multivibrators by considering the Parallel Schmitt circuit of class B as a typical example. A procedure involving first the static and then the dynamic design and finally optimization of important circuit functions is developed and mechanized on the digital computer. The two complementary approaches of regarding the multivibrator as two active devices connected in regenerative feedback ('active device approach') and as a device with a negative resistance V-I characteristic ('V-I characteristics approach') is presented and reconciled at each point. In general, the former method is employed in the transient analysis of Part II and the latter is mainly used in the static analysis of Part I. 1.2 A SUMMARY OF EACH CHAPTER Part I contains the full static design of the Parallel Schmitt circuit. The details of the circuit are presented in the last section of Chapter I. In Chapter II four con- straints for the static design are introduced with the reasons for their choice. The unknowns are related to these constraints by analytic expressions, and finally, a step by step procedure is presented for their complete -5- i'D N ec~c~1\v~ Re I CURRENT CONTROLLED DEVICE ~c~ciVive i / 1~ t U- I V VOLTAGE CONTROLLED DEVICE c,~wce~ toS c~ve -6- solution. Chapter III treats the Parallel Schmitt circuit simply as a device with the V-I characteristics of Fig. 7 and considers the behaviour of the circuit under different The second section presents the biasing conditions. different ways in which the "V-I characteristics approach" and the "active devices approach" account for the 'inertial of the circuit. In Chapter IV, the expression for the loop gain is derived and some of its properties discussed. Chapter V presents analytic expressions for the power consumption and states the conditions and a proof for minimum power consumption. Part II deals with the transient response of the circuit. Chapter VI starts off with a summary of the Charge Control Theory, presenting the basic charge relationships used in the analysis. With this model, a set of non-linear simultaneous differential equations, with coefficients which vary with the collector current levels in the transistors, is found to describe the transient behaviour. In thefext setion, an approximate linear solution to these equations -the is obtained using boundary conditions derived from eee4 ck't t=0 roi~~ ~cavo Wnus cre~ n lop cf"n tin 4halto iV. Finally, the accuracy of the prediction for the rise time is correlated with empirical results. Chapter VII introduces a speed up capacitor and analyses its effects on the rise time. In Part III, computer programs are written for the static and transient methods developed in the previous -7.. 0) \.; ,% :lj4 N , ) 31L Ci, V-I CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT xI. duc 1V 0A, ie1c.)o Ac e- chapters and in addition, the computer is used to optimize useful functions of the system. Chapter VIII contains the organization of the static design program and describes its three subroutines, STAND, for standardizing resistance values, VLMIT, for calculating the limits on VF and V and GAIN, for calculating the collector currents at which thegain exceeds one. The transient design program is presented in Chapter IX, where numerical methods are used to solve exactly the set of non-linear differential equations derived in Chapter VI. Using these programs, Chapter X develops an overall system for minimizing the power or the hysteresis subject to a set of static requirements and a minimum rise time. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Chapter XI. 1.3 THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT The Parallel Schmitt circuit (Fig. 8) is represen- tative of the multivibrators of Class B. Since its in- vention by O.H. Schmitt in 1938,2 it has gained widespread use in many pulse circuit design applications. its V-I characteristics of Fig. 7,3 As shown in the Parallel Schmitt circuit has four clearly defined regions. There are three positive resistance regions where Q1 or-Q 2 * is either active 2. See Reference (2) 3. See Reference (3) -9- Vs SOutf't 66 1E 'F % C Q V- c. THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT -10- or saturated and an active negative resistance region where are in the active state. and Q both Q 1 The usual opera- 2 tion of the circuit is confined to regions I, II, and III. An alternative mode of operation with V-I characteristics shown in Fig. 9, contains a region in which the second transistor is s&turated. It is rarely used and so only the first mode of operation shown in Fig. 7 is considered in this paper. It may be appropriate to note here that whenever experimental verification is done in the paper, the transistors used are Fairchild 2N70P npn silicon transistors. Their complete characteristics are shown in Appendix I. -11- I u ~o.i) I LL0 )S IF 9 re AN ALTERNATIVE MODE OF OPERATION o V\Q, I G(% -- -I 11 1 CQgto C~v~ Qz 6kc ~C~Xve.. -12- CHAPTER II STATIC ANALYSIS 2.1 BREAKPOINT ANALYSIS OF THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT Based on a plot of the input V-I characteristics of the Parallel Schmitt circuit (see Fig. 7), breakpoint analyses can be done at the holding and firing voltages, A simple transistor model, VH and VF. (see Fig. 10) which includes only the current gain characteristic (1 c is used. IB ) and a base-emitter junction voltage drop, The junction voltage is assumed to be that of a typical diode, varying exponentially with collector current as shown in Fig. 11. VG denotes the base-emitter junction voltage drop at Cutin, where the transistor is on the denotes the junction voltage BE well into the active region. In the examples chosen in this threshold of conduction and V paper, the Cutin current (IG) is approximately 0.125 ma. and the active region current (IA) is 10 ma. with a deviation of not more t~hn .02 volts along the whole range of current as shown in Graph I. Because of the steepness of the slopes of these curves, these two values are used for VG and VBE throughoutregardless of the collector current level. The variation of D.C. current gain, A, with collector current for 2N708's is shown in Graph II. (Compare Fairchild 2N708 Specifications, Appendix 1). with -13- fIla C C- 10 Flqur'ee TRANSISTOR MODEL - - - I - -- I- 'FC\Qve. - ------- - I - A Vc, I V 9Z BASE-EMITTER JUNCTION CHARATERISTICS -~ Tcc~s~ to~ 'Jv~6t~or\ ~tv -4-t~j~ ~1i~ 4 4 ... . ... . . tt4-Hlr4 I I+i-44-f]44-41-++4+H 4+4-1+4tH-- 14 q'4'~ 1$17 4144 4114 444 4 ' Ll Aii jf IT 1+44-444+4 1!; '-4 1 ,1- 1:, 1: NA ON'': '71 114 4-414 4414 1141 TTT11TT1TTY~~~41TT ~ 0 YT1 tl4- ~THVTTIIi11 4411 'i* 1 -1.;14-144- 7111145 i I71A INA,4 iI l~l t 44 ~ 4-44 <44+4++4 f4~ - 4 -Is o A 1Th1144 41 4 IVMTh IttIl4 IltH44t1 5t1 1 444Tht I T 14111141+$4414 3 41111 4$+t+H-I-I+4--4++--14-l -44H-t4-P 4-1-4 -4 + .....-H4-t--4+ A k A-,- ,44 I Jfij~~j ~p4f+fljp 44 '~rtii Y4ITI IV4'1 141 ;rluuITI"4vu4uTl ~ru'i; 1'4'1' 4444 }4-4~44 4111 hTlilP4si bill 14+-4-1 tt--44-41TT-4+-4+4 I-- 14 i- H-H T,-+41- A41-44-- I ILLL4- PIT' tttI 4' 1 j 1-iT 4-~ :F1:4- 44 :t < - Tj~p 1 ' M t 4 *i 7 ~ ~P > 14 17. 4 j t-~I1~ 1 '1 + - 77 [4 -4-4 4+44-444 - 4-4+414+4 I I L I t44h444tTh 44- A I ~ Y... +4+ -4-144 144 4-441-41411+41144- 15$ I- 4 -4 y , + 4>~ 4 4';;:~~ 4 1~ 't~~ttt~r11 4 r;4 44 r 44 1:11-t 7 : -T-.- AK177+- 14-4-T4-11-1--44--1-14-1 111141411111441 541~T1hJhi1I {44 41111 14-f- -4It- 1-14 4 4 44 -'--4 4444 1-Il, 444 II 1iI~~1I 14'14 11-114 'fl -4: lr_ 0~ Vas ~j~ (VW &) 4031 01 - - - - -- - - - - - 1 __ - - ir T~ T# t IIf IIITIIIII 0-0 -16- 2111 EXPRESSIONS FOR VF .I At the firing point, F , Q is on the threshold of conduction with a junction voltage of VG and negligible collector current flow, IG; Q2 is active with VBE and IEF (See Fig. 12). Using the equivalent circuit of Fig. 13 the following expressions are derived. VF'- VF -VG -+VBEzZ) =VS +VJ E 2 ( VF +.x) Rc Ae (g) C-Yg 1E R8~ Where VBE2 and (I? +/ are the values of these variables at the operating colleqtor current level, IEF. The analysis is done in terms of VF the voltage at the base of Q2, after it has been transformed from the input firing voltage, VFV because of its convenience. 2.11 ANALYTIC EXPRESSION FOR VH Similartly, at the holding point, H, by assuming Q is active and Q2 is at cutin, the following expressions are found (See Fig. 14 and 15). terms of VH Again the analysis is done in the voltage at the base of Q2 at holding. VH' ZVH - VBI +VGZ '=V z4 + ( c/E ) Rec+ r'x+Re + RC(4 Rs R ~ 3 -17- a 1 7. *1~ V&l VfI a PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT AT FIRING 1131 -f VFVsr1 go VF V k 0 a v, e. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AT FIRING I + 44 VGa VBE, Ro iz E I. PARALLEL SCHMITT CICUIT AT HOLDING ai cu~ z zc_ 1441 xI4 VBE, I Ft c Q r e 1137 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AT HOLDING VHA -19- The Input terminal current at holding,IH, is given by (4,+)4) .1 THE ALLOWABLE ERROR IN FIRING VOLTAGE FOR MAXIMUM 2.2 VARIATIONS IN TRANSISTOR CURRENT GAINS Detailed examination of the Schmitt circuit (Fig. 8) shows that. R 0 is completely decoupled (except that Q2 cannot be saturated)from the rest of the network and is simply determined by the desired output voltage swing. expression for RO is given in Section 2.4 The exact Hence there are only four unknowns RE, RC, RX and RB involved in the circuit. By specifying the nominal firing and holding voltages and through the use of Equations (2) and (4), two constraints are specified. The two additional constraints required to solve for the four unknowns are given by , the error in VF for maximum variations in the transistor current'gain of Q2 and IEF , the emitter current at the firing point. It should be made clear at this point that the choice of constraints is completely arbitrary. The above constraints were selected because they were felt to be the ones most useful to the designer and because thoy ;crz folt te bo the 91qcs mest k~ef-lto easily specified. 7h to e s ' gg r ant b c Ethey can be As it turns out, this choice proves to -20- be very suitable for the optimization in Part III. variation in is defined as the allowable percentage VF as the D.C. current gain of Q2 varies from 6"/1Y7Ito /My. It is obtained by taking the partial derivative of V with respect toPin Equation (2) and setting VBE to zero. - Re-R In principle a method of partial derivatives is not valid for finding I because there are as much as 400% changes in . 1 should really be found by considering the differences between VF at,/nAxand at/>"v. However, in practize, the difference between the two methods is so small as* to make the simplicity of taking partial derivatives desirable.-' A comparison of the two methods and the errors involved in choosing the derivative is shown in Appendix 2. * This method yields an n' _E__.U_= as follows /)'eex -21- Furthermore, the1 in Equation (5) is defined in terms of a typical Ot which is -fl7na and the geometric mean of '1flAx. Graph II shows that for any reasonable value of collector current (: than 25%. to Ze7//'n4) #zL-E vO- t' with a variation of no more Henceforth, for simplicity, all Se will be equal - regardless of collector current level. The two limits onq are also derived by imposing the and RC be non-negative. condition that R VIC- I-Viv~ 2.3 THE FOURTH CONSTRAINT: (7) THE EMITTER CURRENT AT FIRING The set of necessary constraints is completed by assuming a certain value of IEF' the current in the emitter branch (RE branch) at the firing point. 7yc _ _-_V ___V' __.. ( 9) e The selection of IEF is governed by four conditions. First, the transistors must be operating in a region of appreciable current gain ( =40 or more), which means thd, typically,IEF has to be greater than a milliamp. Second, the size of IEF -22- determines the current available at the collector of Q2 and hence the load that can be connected to that point. Third, the power consummed in the circuit is inversely proportional to IF EF This property is treated in greater detail in Part III. a.VL S.3) in which IEF is adjusted for a minimum power optimization. Finally, as will be apparent in the transient analysis of Part II, the cutoff frequency, fT, decreases with collector current. (See Graph V) Thus a low current level, IEF, will slow the response of the circuit. 2.4 OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS The Parallel Schmitt circuit is commonly used to drive a device e.g. a diode gate, which draws current only when the ciruit is in one state. The two possible situations are illustrated in Fig. 16 and 17. They show in Case 1, a load which draws a current, IL, when the output is high (circuit in state (10) and in Case 2 one which delivers a current, IL' when the output is low (circuit in state (01) ). Thus the output voltage at the collector of Q2 varies from VS to V0 for holding and firing respectively where V0 is the minimum output voltage. In the following discussion, Case 2 is chosen for the output load condition. The output resistance is given by 2:,CF -g in order not to saturate Q2, Z.< - v -23- tL u tomae4 -& '*Fl uve. t C C 0, sr I ) 0 Q A-V \Jt L 0 Ck C '4- P\O - OF kjvej(2 11 vooaeck -24- The minimum value for IEF 2.5 is given by SOLUTION FOR UNKNOWNS With the four Equations (2), (4), (5), and (8), a unique set of values for the unknowns RE , RC found. , RX and RB can be To facilitate calculations a set of normalized parameters is introduced: eE(qf No physical significance can be attached to S but c,. is the inverse of the value of the resistive divider ratio on the is the unloaded voltage gain of Q2 ' base of Q2 and The static design procedure is as follows: Pick the desired values of VF' VH and V ii) Find the value of the circuit constants . i) 44/A VG and VBE from data sheets (See Appendix 1) or by actual measurement. Pick the value of IEH governed by the considerations in Section 2.3 iv) Find the limits on ' , iii) by Equations (6), and (7). Et. -25- v) vi) Pick the desired value ofaIbetween these limits. Determine the value of VO and IL as dictated by the output requirements. vii) Calculate the required output resistance by: .74F - IL. checking to see that Q2 is not saturated (Equation 11). Solve for the normalized parameters, V4's - V91 ZI 4 -'.-.. VA'f- ( viii) e -26- Solve for unknowns. x) V tee 4 -- VSE, = te /9 (782 (z.,') The above is an outline of a procedure for the sequential solution of the resistance unknowns, .At no point is a simultaneous solution necessary if the unknowns are calculated in this order. An approximate set of equations which neglects the effects of base emitter junction voltage drops are given in Appendix 3. While they are quite in- accurate, their great simplicity makes them useful in applications where only rough solutions are required. -27- CHAPTER III THE TERMINAL V-I CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 THE DIFFERENT MODES OF OPERATION The Schmitt circuit can be considered simply as a device with the V-I characteristics shown in Fig. 18. Boundary conditions, imposed in the form of a source voltage and a source resistance connected at the input terminals, appear as a load line on the V-I characteristics curve (Fig. 18, 19). The most important factor which affects the operation of the circuit is whether the magnitude of the source resistance is greater or smaller than the magnitude of the negative resistance of the device., From expressions for VF, VH and IH the absolute value of the negative resistance is found feN to be, (-f &e (% The three possible modes.-of operation are considered below. The first is the astable mode with the value of the RS greater than the value of the negative resistance (RS >RNI) the load line intersecting the V-I characteristic at only one point in the (11) region. With purely resistive elements connected across its terminals, the circuit is stable in this condition. However,any energy storage elements, whether they are introduced purposely or as a result of -28- rt )I )I 604) k1l Astable operation (2) Bistable Operation (3) Monostable Operation L- I -29- strays, appearing in the form of parallel capacitance across the terminalsAwill cause the circuit to oscillate. It is the potential for this behavior which allows this mode of operation to be called astable. The circuit 'free runs' with its own characteristic frequency through the limit cycle F-F 1 -H-H1 (shown in Fig. 18) Generating what is known as relaxation oscillations at it terminals. The second is the bistable mode with Rs less than the absolute value of the negative resistance (Rs <IRD. 'The load line intersects the V-I characteris ic at three points, two of which are unstable with a stable point in the middle. This mode is characterized by a switching behaviour between the two stable states even in the absence of any energy storage. The Circuit changes state- whenever the input voltage increases to the firing or decreases to the holding voltages regardless of the input wave shape. The third way ;is the monostable mode which is equivalent to the bistable mode ( Rs.<N except that the load line intersects the V-I characteristics at only one stable point. With a R-C timing circuit at its input terminals, the circuit can be made to traverse a full limit cycle and return to its single point of equilibrium. Every input pulse regard- less of shape produces an output pulse of constant shape and duration 3.2 as preset by the circuit and the R-C time constant. WAVEFORMS OF NON-ZERO RISE TIME For any given device, with V-I char,3cteristics as -30- shown in Fig. 18, biased in ;the bistable mode, the circuit switches instantaneously between the two stable states. In an ideal circuit where no reactive elements are present, the terminal variables can change instantaneously. However, in reality, each transition from F to F1 and from H to H1 has associated with it a finite rise time, which is accounted for by postulating some energy storage. This can be done in two ways. 3.21 ANALYSIS WITH A LUMPED REACTANCE OUTSIDE THE DEVICE In a device such as the Parallel Schmitt circuit, this "inertia" can be introduced in the form of a series inductance at the input terminals 4 (Note: in a device with a voltage controlled V-I characteristic, it can be done by introducing a parallel capacitance). The method assumes that during transistions, the circuit actually follows the V-I characteristic in the negative resistance region. The discrepancy between the voltage on the load line and the device terminal voltage, is taken up by the energy storage element. Based on this assumption, one can arrive at a prediction for the rise time.5 4. See Refernce (4) 5. See Reference (5) However, the main disadvantage -31- of this approach is that the value of this lumped series inductance reflects the inertia of the device as well as the stray reactances in the contacts and the leads. In the absence of any theoretical basis for picking the value of this energy storage, an appropriate value is usually chosen from experience or by trial and error. 3.22 ANALYSIS OF THE DEVICE AS A REGERNERATIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER This second method treats the device as a regernative feedback network containing.,two blements, the transistors. The "inertia" of the device is manifested in the diffusion and recombination time consants in the base of these transistors. Hence, by assuming a 'Charge Control model' for the transistors, the rise time is found in terms of physically measurable parameters of the circuit. While the first method is by far the/simpler, its difficulty lies in the fact that it trIds to pick a reactance which will give the correct rise time without first knowing that rise time. The accuracy of the solntion is entirely dependent on the value of this energy storage element. The second method has the advantage of being based on physically measurabIe quantities. However, the analysis, even in its simplest form is formidable and at points relies heavily on a numerical solution on the -32- computer. The latter method is chosen for Part II of this project. 3.3 THE HYSTERESIS Assuming again that the circuit is biased in the bistable mode, a phenomenon is observed, as the circuit is switched from one state to the other by changing Vg. (Fig. 19) UsingEFigi 18, consider a case in which the circuit starts off in (01), it switches to (10) as V reaches VF and continues along the load line in the (10) state for increasing V-. However, as Vi is decreased, it is found that the circuit no longer triggers, i.e. changes state, at VF, but is returned to the (01) state only when VH is reached. If the output waveform at the collector of Q2 ( See Fig. 7) is plotted for a sine wave input, the above phenomenon is immediately apparent, (see Fig. 20). This difference between the trigger voltages for the positive and negative going transitions is known as the hysteresis, H , of the circuit. From the V-I characteristic curve it is equal to VF - VH. It should be made clear that a hysteresis is inherent in any device with a negative resistance region. In fact, the value of the negative resistance is directly proportional to the hysteresis as. shown in Equation (22). In some applications in which a distinct trigger level is -33- - VF - N a' I I' I I I I I I Il -'_ __ i/f 1- I vlll, j I I I of. 01 I. 61I Z7A'PcT 4ki4' 6C77/cJ1-rf1 .s 24r4 6~ee V.H -34- required for both the upward and downward transitions, it may be desirable to minimize the hysteresis. However, as will be seen in the following chapters, the switching speed is faster for a larger value of hysteresis and so, a choice must be made to decide between a fast transient response or a smaIl hysteresis. In any case the hysteresis is both an important static characteristic and a measure of the dynamic behaviour of the circuit. -35- CHAPTER IV LOOP GAIN :ANALYSIS 4.1 DERIVATION OF THE LOOP GAIN The transistor model used to derive the incremental D.C. loop gain is shown in Fig. 21. The effects of the which is inversely proportional to base resistanceW the collector current, is included because it can vary from 0.1 to 10 -ohms over a range of IC from 10 to 0.1 ma. The frequency dependence of p is not accounted for and so the expressions derived are only valid for D.C. conditions. Substituting the model into the circuit of Fig. 7 (see also Fig. 22), and conveniently opening the loop at the collector of Q, (no equivalent loading is necessary as the resistance of the collector current source of Q, appears to be infinite) the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 23 results. into the node where the Introducing the current I loop is opened4i the gain is given by, e9- _ Assuming that /7f/ _ _ _ _ _ and that /'6 _ _ 77 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -36- f~B p tAA* r go C. I' 0 E TRANSISTOR MODEL USED IN LOOP GAIN ANALYSIS (fl*~ ~ ~ow% 'zC- silo Y.~ 16 t~ a P. j THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR LOOP GIAN ANALYSIS ( LOOP OPENED AT COLLECTOR OF QZ ) Li. L -37- L mxtl-Isr 1. ~J'c. p I I liz ~~2;i e3 I * kE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR CALCULATING THE GAIN -38- R~X where the and 4c 7P , r4lf I)e are dependent on the total collector current levels IC, and IC2 of the circuit. 4.2 PROPERTIES OF THE LOOP GAIN The D.C. loop gain of the circuit is intimately related to the transient performance. Although the exact relation can be found by putting the frequency dependence of into the model for the transistors, it is not done because a more direct approach can be used (see Part III). The exact relationship can be determined by empirical methods, if desired, but, in any case, one can be certain that a circuit with a higher loop gain provides a faster rise time. In fact, the circuit is not regenerative and will not show switching behaviour if the gain is at no point greater than one. Hence the loop gain provides a figure of merit, for transient performance, from purely static considerations. Also, the gain expression is important in calculating the range of collector current over which the gain exceeds one. The collector current I,, at which the gain just exceeds one indicates the point where the circuit is going into the adtive region (11). It corresponds to the current, IG at cutin, where the transistor is on the threshold of conduction in the D.C. sense or just beginning to switch regeneratively in the transient sense. By assuming the following relationships, the gain as a function of IC2, the collector current of Q2 is II -C.= F le.-+ The exact dependence of but for most purposes et ( obtained. (--7,) on IC is given in Graph II, can be assumed to be equal to a constant. Relation (27) implies that RE is large enough so that the emitter branch is assumed to be a current source. Setting R = 0 and substituting in Equation (24), which is the maximum gain at each collector current level. It can be seen from Equation (24) that any positive value of Rs will tend to decrease the gain. -40- A plot of loop gain versus IC2 is shown in Graph III for some typical examples. It is observed that increasing hysteresis implies higher gain and larger ranges of collector current for which the circuit is in the active state. ___ - ~ - ___ - ___----------- - -- 124 r 0 S 7 T +r CeA\ec* 4 !~,- a~e?~ -42- 4.3. RELATIONSHIP OF LOOP GAIN TO OTHER CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS To show that the loop gain is consistent with the other static circuit functions, conditions for a regenerative circuit are rederived using that expression. The upper limit on RS for the circuit to be regenerative from the"V-I characteristic Approach" in Chapter III, is given by Equation (22). Setting the loop gain greater than one in Equatidnh (24) results in the same expression. (The slight discrepancy between Equations (22) and (29) is because some terms were neglected in the gain expressA ionbut since can be disregarded.) in typical circuits the difference Applying this result to the discussion in Chapter III, the gain is found to be greater than one for circuits biased in the bistabl6 or monostable mode and less than one for those in the astable mode. Furthermore, for the circuitto be regenerative the hysteresis must be greater than zero. Setting the junction voltages to zero in Equations (2) and (4) and using the above condition, Z> ex (p1)3 Again an identical constraint is obtained by setting all base resistance to zero and the gain equal to br greater than one in Equation (23). (3z) Hence it can be seen that conditions for a regenerative circuit derived from the expression for the loop gain is completely consistent with those derived from the "V-I Characteristics Approach" and the hysteresis. Further- more, the above shows that when the circuit is regenerative in the bistable and monostable modes, it's loop gain is greater than one and when it is non-regeneratile-lin, astable mode, it's loop gain is less than one. the -44- CHAPTER V POWER CONSUMPTION 5.1 ANALYTIC EXPRESSIONS FOR THE POWER AT THE BREAKPOINTS From a consideration of the equivalent circuits at the break points F and G of fitgures 12 and 14 and neglecting all voltages, the following analytic expressions for the power consumption at firing, PF , at holding PH PCe - + are obtained. 2(x'*' )~ (3) Using the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 25 at saturation, S , can be derived. (defined in Fig. 7) the power at saturation, -45- EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AT SATURATION -46- 5.2 POWER DISSIPATION IN THE CIRCUIT For a typical case in the bistable mode of operation the load line sweeps out a limit cycle as marked in Fig. 25. The power dissipated in the (01) region is given by PF However, PH provides only the minimum and PS the maximum power consumped in the (10) state. The power distipated in the active region (11), is negligible because of the comparatively short times spent in that region. circuit is given by a linear combination PF , PH and P , Hence, the total power consumed in the order of 50 ns.) the values of al (of the a 2 and a3 being determined by the driving function (e.g. duty cycle of a pulsed input.) 5.3 MINIMUM POWER CONDITIONS Careful observation of Equations (33) and (34) shows that the PF and PH can each be separated into two components. Considering Fig. 26, the power at firing can be rewritten: _ ' '8& (( :?7 ) 46 -47- p LooAd Vt~e --. ow1. A a Li '4.a I Limit cycle H : 0 - F - F S - F1 -H -H1 - 0 I I + LIMIT CYCLE FOR BISTABLE MODE OF OPERATION DEVICE Vs p() PC,6) tE THE TWO COMPONENTS OF POWER FLOW IN THE PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT -48- Therefore, to minimize each component of PF the values , of the resistances RE and RB must be at a maximum. From Equation (18), Picking a maximum value of RE corresponds to a minimum value Alsofrom Equation (5), a partial derivative of/It of IEF. with respect to RB is taken, + d ie (c (A'c,'L'x) The fact that it is always positive implies that a maximum RB corresponds to a maximum q . The arguments are entirely Hence, a minimum power consumption at. analagous for P holding and at firing results for a minimum IEF and maximum . Finally, considering PS as a function of RB and and R is also minimized for maximum R E2 B S _ ' show that P _ _ _ [ ~ Ae _ _ _ _ X~6 ?'~J ~ VL ( [~~74 Aup - . RE in Equation (35), partial derivatives are obtained which 7 -49- Thus, to minimized each component PF f H and P and hence the total power consumption, IEF must be a minimim and 4 a maximum. The implications of making IEF small, but within the limits set by Equations (Ii) and (10), is that the current gain small. of Q, and Q2 drop off as the currents become too It will be seen in Part 3 that this lowers the value of the cutoff frequency, fT and hence slows the rise time. The effect of increasing t in VF caused by variations in is to increase the error of and so, in this case there is a tradeoff between the accuracy of VF and the power consumption. -50- PART II CHAPTER VI TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 6.1 THE CHARGE CONTROL THEORY Observing the one-to-one correspondence- between the dperating state, as given by the terminal currents, and the interqal charge distributions in a transistor, Beaufoy and Sparks proposed, in 1957, 6,7 as a charge-control device. to study the transistor The dynamic behaviour of a transistor can be conveniently explained in terms of the transient charges in the minority carrier distributions in the base. Based on the following assumptions: I) uniform base region-disregarding the properties of the space chwt e layer, ii) iii) iv) v) Low-level injection in the base a one dimensional model lifetimes in the emitter and collector regions negligible as compared to those in the base because of high impurity concentrations, recombination takes place in the base only, 6. See Reference (6) 7. See Reference (7) - -51 and considering only forward injection, the following charge relations are derived: Tg where dt 1B = Base current I C = Collector current Q, = stored base charge = Recombination time constant in the base = Diffusion time constant in the base The first term in Equation (42) models the component of base current necessary to replenish minority carriers lost by recombination in the base. The second reflects any transient changes in the current levels. In Equation t43), the collector current is assummed to be proportional to the stored base charge. These two equations form the basis for the simple charge control model used in the transient analysis. 6A'11 Relationships with other transistor parameters Ze~ ___(~ -52- The current gain-bandwidth product 6.;r is given by: Changes in Time Constants with Collector Currents 6.12 The diffusion and recombination time constants are directly related to the D.C. current gain band-width product f . From Equation (45). I fT and and the gain (467 as a function of Collector current is readily available in most transistor specification sheets (See Appendix 1) or can easily be measured. An experimental can be used setup for measuring high frequency current gains and 8 The results of both methods hence fT ( fT = f of deriving Z and Tg are also included. Graphs V i through VII show curves derived from Fairchild 2N708 8. See Reference (8) 7 gOT 'u- 9.-- 7- 6- 4- 3 - 98. 76 4- 3- 7-fi :44!~f - 4 ---------- T447-I-I'' 44H 1 .1 'U- 9- 7- 3 2- 1- I-- - 4 - +44 A *1---- I - - 4 4 ~ ~.. 2~ ii4 I I Lit~ Z1~ p I Tril iTVT -4- w ~f1 ~>: 1- I I - 1 -t '-'1 I ---7J 1 t 1 I I 4 T'4 I-; t~ 'Ii~T-~-4 4~j- L) H I Ii I I ~ -IL I~' II IT 71,-2 j j ~ ~ T VTI -4-- ----I I -~ ~ liII 2- ____I 42 v -~ i&LKIt 1-41 ~ 4-,- ALl.: iI~i J II 71 1111 --I TVT ~7'T 711t-14 i~1jii 4:V~ JH1112.. 114 I4~ I ~vft 4' IlL I I~-~ T~~7 Lt~i '1~ ti ~~ -4' I :ri' -- - - Th 7 ~~ 9 II N T 7 I. a F' 6_ I 7 14--- mw -~-TIT -7 IA~~~ 0 2-r ~ 0 .0 4T--. -- fli I I- I 17~ ~ ~ ID 17~ 41-4 I ~J + + j ------ -- 111li qe -- r r i 4--- _ _ / I a ITIFT!A a - rt I1 -Tt I - I~~~ ~ I if9 4 41,11 ilI n ;,I j- I-I-- 14 f4 I T ' Ellr It 1l I i 111 i ll I] 111 1i 1K 11 1I !rIIIII 11 il ill~ HIT I-!- OH 14T t C)tl cn0tr- tit___ 00 Ii0 -l----- T -1 F--t t,--- - 4 - -- tf i~I] I iAI I~t rr,~~~L~ Af A A~'IFF ~~ ,,~ -4 ow 4 _oo~ i TL1 -r __ _ rf~- 40 -- 444 H~f~j+ ni-tv '-r-rrrr-rrtw ti-i-Tm- 'ri--rrrrr-'i-rr-ttrnrt -ii-tt -rn-rn r ri-i-i ii I' Ti t i--ii-i--tiui-r1--ti-ri- 1 2Ld2iEddThdR2tZ21L2>~ . ..j . . . , ; .I - - - f - I I. f - T ~44 frjt 4 77 t-t-~a ~~II If -- 't- U I I~iI -VI I ~': J>: 1- 444- YTiJ U -V !I~ iju7i1t- I I I J I h~1,I ;ili 4-~-~ hi T f I -Ll- -A Olt -- 4 t T nil +4- II + LI i i i - - -- ''~ij~ t'd 4 g'~j {2; LAIR L.Z ~1u [V L11 ~Th ---- J--VL TI 7 frLJ IT cs-%v la -60- Specification sheets (Appendix I). Graphs VIII through XI are derived by actual measurement with the above method. Alternatively r andN can be measured directly 9 by methods well covered in the literature. 6.2 DERIVATION OF A SET OF SIMULTANEOUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUAT IONS Substituting the above model into the Parallel Schmitt Circuit, the following equivalent circuit results. (See Fig. 27). Below is a set of simultaneous differ- ential equations derived by using Equations (42) and (43) for both Q and Q2 29 d 9. See Reference (9) W e4 - FIGURE 27 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR TRANSIENT ANALYSIS c- -62- Where: (4?) *___R (') )(53 -r7 The two equations (48) and (49 ) model the tran- sition process through the active region (11). (See Fig. 8). They correspond physically to a case in which the input voltage is taken up to either VF or VH and then the regenerative action of the circuit is allowed to take over to switch the circuit into the other state. It will be seen that a very small incrementadrive, .s e-cr noe 4oth auren cxcodecr~~ ih ,ecry to a is ~-~tnn i. ),is necessary to accomplish -63- this transition. The difficulty of solution of Equation (48) and (49) lies in the fact that conditions. 2.=fk), 77 and T8 change with operating yhese functions of the life times can be derived from plots of fT and versus IC or can be measured directly. 6.3 THE TWO METHODS OF TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Most analyses of time varying linear or piecewise linear systems can be perfoemed in terms of total quantities or incremental quantities which are perturbations from some fixed operating level. The Parallel Schmitt circuit is no exception and is amenable to both these types of analyses if we are to assume that the diffusion and recombination time constants do not depend on collector current levels. If the non-linear system is analysed, with these depedences included, then the total variables approach is found to be more convenient. 6.31 Analysis involving total variables The transient behaviour can best be described in terms of total collector current levels ICl and IC2 -64- of Q, and Q2 . Turning back to Equations (48) and (49), it is observed that these equations are derived from Fig. 27 (which has source and input voltages) and hence involve the total quantities IC1 and IC 2 . These equations, are characterized by a driving function on the right hand side, to account for the fact that switching always occurs at some finite operating level i.e. at VH or VF, and non-linear coefficients 2a and 7B which are func- tions of IC1 and IC2* However, for a linear approximation 7" and ? 8 are assumed to be constant with current. A solution of Equations (48) and (49) will yield Icit) and IC 2 (t), which contain a homogeneous and a particular solution. This method, when the full non-linearity of the and ?- are accounted for, is particularly adaptable to numerical integration on the computer, because 2' and ?'S are given in terms of changes in total currents. 6.32 Analysis involving incremental quantities The transient solution can also be obtained by considering the incremental changes in collector current levels iC 1 and iC2. Again, for a linear solution the and ?'g can be assumed to be constant with small perturbations in total ICIs. If the equations below -65- are substituted into Equations (48) and (49), Ze: = a C( where Io and I' are E.C. current levels when the circuit is excited by VH and VS, )thefollowing equations are obtained to describe the transient behaviour, in terms of incremental quantities, 1 . Z 7/ It is seen that in the quiescent state the incremental currents are zero as expected. linear as it implies that a linearization (of 2 ,f ) The "incremental method" of analysis is inherently has been performed around the operating points (I0 and I.'). When the non-linearities are introduced, the functional dependence of 21 and 2B on the incremental -66- currents iC1 and iC2 can be obtained by transforming the origin of the coordinates to the operating points. These methods are at best troublesome and are not preferred to the "total variables approach" in non-linear analysis. 6.4 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The boundary condition in the transient analysis is 3provided by the constraint that the collector currents -e.~ wme, ontq6, have to be continuous across t=O. For the analysis involving total variables, the exbitation needed for switching is provided by a change in VH, defined as A . However, notice that the excitation is applied in the form of a negative change in VHrA., rather than an"intuitively obvious" positive excitation. This is immediately obvious if one considers a case in ) which the load line sweeps down towards VH (See Fig. 25 At holding, any positive change in VH will drive the circuit rapidly back into the (10) state while only a decrease in VH can accomplish the transition. Using the consttaint of continuous collector current at t=O, the currents at t=0- are obtained by solving, c 1 k CS I LeiAK 2., k~k -67LJ-1 and using the continuity condition, Resubstituting into Equation (48) and (49) with the excitation -A, Hence the boundary conditions, the slopes of the collector current at t=0, are obtained. In a linear approximation method, which will be developed fully in Section 6.5, there are well defined complex frequencies and the currents as functions of time are in the form of growing and decaying exponentials. The tetminating condition, for switching from (10) to the (01) state at VH, is reached when either IC, or IC 2 becomes i&e-t zero or equal to IEF respectively. (See Fig. 28). The rise time is given by the time th6A10% to the time it takes t6 reach the 90% of the final value. The boundary conditions for the incremental analyses -68C II C 0I ~'o4 I "F% \4ckm e\Jrkov 11 A I.- v eo, ATV c62..R s) to 4.1 ,, I r kz NUk \Q AppOXA.cC~t I%~* %~k~L Vh~ e~~A ~ -69- are exactly the same as those derived for the total quantities, except that the total quantities are replaced by incremental ones. Using the fact that before and just after the excitation,-A, is applied at t=0, the currents iC1 and iC2 are zero, the equivalents of Equations (58) and (59) are rederived. It may be well to point out that the magnitude of A in this and the "total variables analysis", is immaterial as long as it is finite. Although the rise time on the absolute time scale depends critically on A of the rise time is independent of A , the value if it is taken as the time difference between the "90% and 10% points". (See Fig. 30). Unlike the total variable analysis, a plot of the incremental currents versus time starts off at the origin as shown in Fig. 29. One exponential growing in the positive direction and one going in the negative direction. The tetminating condition is reached when the -70- total incremental change i.e. the sum of iC1 and i C2' has reached IEF* The method involving'total quantities are used throughathe rest of the paper because, in the opinion of the author, it is conceptually easier and has more relationship with the J.C. conditions. 6.5 TRANSIENT SOLUTION BY LINEAR APPROXIMATION The fact that the diffusion and recombination time constants, 27 and Z8 , vary with collector current, introduces non-linearities int Equations (48) and (49). Their exact solution, which will be completed in Part III, is only possible by humerical techniques on the digital computer. When completed, the solution to the output waveform at the collector of Q2, will show an "S" shaped curve, in which the rise time is given by the 10% and 90% points (Fig. 30). However, for the average designer who desires only a rough prediction of the rise time, a linear approximation can be readily performed by hand. current and for convenience For this linear, to be constant with and 'b : . The method assums 27 and time-invariant system, a unique complex -71- go 10 I0 IWIJJ /,-,/~et ;.7~ma- )~6/2/F1/-6/f AR -4 4/Q/ a 6/7?2A/MA. -72- frequency, S, can be defined. The associated homogeneous equations of Equations (48) and (49) are: A, $1f 4 6.s ., -L) C ?061 ,A---- [ .5 1 ===0 0-46.) c16[6s?/ - ~7#k .'iel. ez-fz -; -,L-2 Zez 4 .I (T3) The characteristic equation is given by: -tl -) [(s $81 + -'I .+-L~ F'65 _. 4 -_1_ .0 ..---02 (4) i Setting /- z:5'> - S2--.5 -:- .. ee2-t - "7 -0.' Z-z J and letting (a6) 74 a"7) /-- 24z -73- the result is -.4A*# ~Zo 6.6 Zti- STABILITY OF THE TRANSIENT SYSTEN The homogeneous solution to the transient system assuies the form, z <f I 0( where S+ and S X= C:f Ie 0 > It ,L&z are given by the solution to Equation (68) The transient behaviour of the system is entirely dependent on the values of S+ and S_. An imaginary part of S+ andthus S_ also (complex conjugates),will result in an oscillat6ry type of behaviour, while the sign of the real part will determine whether the solution is a decaying or a growing exponential. 6.61 Conditions for imaginary roots Writing equation (65) in a simpler form: 07 5 24(=h _ / where ) (75 Assuming that there are imaginary roots the following inequality must be true, This results in the condition (737) ,42<"Xq and by substitution for A and B, The normalized parameters c4 , , ,and (T~-- (7a) e, -75- all positive numbers, as given in Equations (12),(13), (14) and (50). Hence the above equation shows a contra- diction and Equation (68) can only contain real roots. 6.62 Condition, for two positive roots The condition for both roots to be real and positive is given by (77) (70) By substitution and extensive manipulation, condition (77) yields, (17,q) ) 4s _r and condition (78) yields (69) (c>< *') It is obvious that Equation (79) and (80) cannot be satisfied simultaneously and so the case of two real positive roots is also impossible. -76- 6.63 Condition for one positive and one negative root The condition for one positive root is supplied by, S-< 0 (78) This condition implies the opposite of Equation(80), 2s < f & (C-') (0 /) which can physically be imposed on the circuit. 6,64 Condition for two negative roots Two negative roots require that I :, 0 a >--(z) (78) which results in the conditions , respectively, ( g /.,) e~ -_______ It may be noticed that Equation (83) is automatically -77- satisfied if EQuation (81) is satisfied because the right hand side of the latter dominates the right hand side of the former. The above analysis >shows that there are only two possible cases for the solution to Equation (68). The first is shown in Fig. 30%)in which one root is positive (S+) and one root is negative (S-). The condition for this mode of operation is given by Equation (81). Considering ag&in Section 4.3 it is observed that the bistable mode of operation, with loop gain greater than one and source resistance smaller than the magnitude of the negative resistance, corresponds exactly to the case of one positive and one negative pole in the transient analysis. The condition for this mode of operation, Equation (22) is rederived in Equation (81), The second case of two poles in the left half plane (See Fig. 30 )is given by Equation (79). Also, from Section 4.3 it can be seen that this describes the astble mode of operation with loop gain less than one and non-regenerative behaviour. -78- L)to I- I' X1(5:- : ;ao) A POLE ZERO PLOT OF A REGENERATIVE CIRCUIT WITH ONE POLE IN THE RIGHT HALF PLANE 4~ ) F7145; qo cj A POLE ZERO PLOT OF9A NON-REGENERATIVE CIRCUIT WITH BOTH POLES IN THE LEFT HALF PLANE -79- 6.7 CALCULATION OF RISE TIMES AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION Using the method developed in the previous section the following procedure can be used to find ]he rise time of a given circuit: and then , ,and , L , , , 1) Find the &ormalized parameters S 2) Calculate the roots S+ and S_ by solving Equation (68) 3) Find the particular solutions IC1(0) and 1 C2(O) by equation (54) and (55). 4) Find the boudary conditions( and using Equation (58) and (59). 5) The solution is of the form Resubstitute IC1(t) and IC2(t) into Equations (48) and (49) to find C3 and C4 6) Use the bourdary conditions of step (4) to solve for . the unknowns C1 and C2 In Equations (69) 4nd (70) there is, in each of them, a term with a positive exponent and one with a negative -80- and C are of the same order of 1 C2 .L S magnitude, the ratio of these two terms is equal to exponent.Assuming that C For practical examples (e.g. S +=0.1, S =2, t=50), the terms with the positve exponent is found to be very much greater than the other (e.g. k0::"\' 00") and hence the negative exponential term is neglected. The collector current is then given by, QrI 0 0') - - I t (_0 ) Tc t ct) = C-\ el Considering Fig. 20, which illustrates how the rise time is measured, the time for the waveform to reach the 90% point is given by (noVe C is always negative) -1 tCo (3 ~ 2-- 6 ) and the time to reach the 10% point is given by, hence, -t (-Ci Q~c)) Thus, if the rise time is taken to be the time between the 90% and the 10% points, then. it is completely independent -81- of the constants of the circuit and is given by Equation (93c). The rise times for the numerical examples shown in Table I were actually measured in the Laboratory. g%= 4ri '1nt TI;: p to 4 -G;5:r in 16 rph-4-4 XII E. Using Example #1 as a point of comparison, the following ob- servations are made: 1) A larger hysteresis results in a faster rise time (#2 and #3) 2) A smaller current IEF resulats in slower rise time (#4) 3) A larger#\ also results in a slower rise time (/5). 4) A coupling resistance results in a slower rise time (/6) It is clear that the above observations bear out all that is mentioned in the previous chapters. A fast switching speed corresponds to a high hysteresis and a high current. Increasing R and / will reduce the transient responde. The experimental results show that the rise time can be predicted to within 100% of the true value quite comfortably. The times are consistently low because much of the capacitance in the transistor (e.g. collector base capacitance) has been neglected in the simple charge control model used. -82TABLE I RE Rx RS 3 4 5 0.91 0.91 1.8 0.91 0.91 0.51 0.3 2.7 1.0 0.68 0.51 5.1 o 3 3.0 10.0 15 15.0 15.0 30.0 82.0 15.0 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 1 2 0.91 5.1 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 4 8 8 8 0.1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 10 5 10 10 ) 18 t'(C4ll): 16.0 6 12.2 10 13 KSL \j G M 10 60 100 40 42 V\S. -83- CHAPTER 7 THE SPEED UP CAPACITOR In practical application of the Parallel Schmitt circuit use is always made of a speed up capacitor Cy across RX . (See fig. 31) provides extra base t off' The added capacitance drive for Q 2 during the 'on' and transitions and so improves both the rise and fall times of the circuit. Alternatively, CX can be regarded as a short circuit for RX for high frequencies and so helps to increase the loop gain during transitions. In short, faster rise and fall times can be had for almost nothing. The two minor drawbacks of the speed up capacitor are: 7.1 i) it puts a heavier A.C. load on the collector of Q. ii) inoz the highest repetition rate VMA it :zr' which the circuitcan be driven as time must be allowed for CX to discharge over each cycle. NEW EQUATIONS INCLUDING CX Another analysis is performed with the speed up capacitor CX , added in parallel across RX in the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 32. With the assump- -84- vs +R E El- 1. 1. -F% ( Q r -e PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT WITH SPEED UP CAPACITOR CX -85I X1 Y. % Lc RE 4- Figure 32 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT WITH SPEED-UP CAPACITOR CX *1 -86- tion that <:/= a new third order characteristic equat- ion is obtained. +~ ~ --t. z Zs2 7.2 EFFECTS OF THE SPEED UP CAPACITOR Numerical solution of the third order polynomial show that i) A pole is introduced at the origin (S ii) The pole in the left half plane (S_) remains unchanged iii) The pole in the right half p3anme(S+) is moved further out to the right. ) of Equation (69) ( as compared with S+ and S_ before CX is added) The results prove that the rise time is increased as was expected but in addition an extra pole S is 0 introduced near the origin. In the limit as C becomes X infinitely large, S0 moves into the origin. No special significance is attached to S as it is a constant term in an expression involving positive exponentials. In actual practice, C X is often determined empirically by selecting a value which makes the output at the collector of Q a square wave for a step input. 2 Figure 32A POLE ZERO PLOT BEFORE ADDING CX jet) .5+ Figure 32B POLE ZERO PLOT AFTER ADDING CX -88- CHAPTER VIII STATIC PROGRAM 8.1 THE STATIC SYSTEM A program is written in FORTRAN to solve for the four unknowns RE , RC , RX , and RB by the method While the computer is used illustrated in Chapter II. here simply as a computational aid, valuable subroutines are added for convenience and to provide more information. A brief description of the Subroutines: ardize resistance values. STAND, to stand- VLIMIT, to calculate the maximum and minimum VF and V and GAIN, to calculate the range of collector current over which the gain exceeds one, are given in the next section. the system is illustrated in Fig 8.2 A block diagram of 33. THE SUBROUTINES Subroutine STAND is used to convert the resistance values calculated in the program into standard resistances (either the 10%, the user.) 5% or 1% set to be determined by The first step in the prodedure is testing to see if the unknown resistance is within the range from one to ten. If it is larger than ten, it is divided down, -R9PROGRAM TO DIMENSION A PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT k/ 4 , i~P 00#"Aw$7- -1 'mto 7'M6 .5/T46 zufrriz 6'vP 4,ng CAIICO&MAMAl 7 Ot V~fcefndV .Sureo7v No ~4~6eQ~t- Alb 44W"fAf%1 Nk. V I V/// 007*P(17. 1 -iq\3ve 2la -90SUBROUTINE STAND E%/7 &L TANP roAwP 6e r) 6 I I No TEMA% .. AeC-) I 4p Af o7l 7eMPA K~I -1 TEMP, /0 7~MP~ ~ .1 Mzbl#/ = I avv, Mo )(k d?$Av Vt A/0 ~d43 f -1 a6 e/) ");eM _I "V--k C 0111- v 7-m I SUBROUTINE VLIMIT 3TAeT A4AVt ,E~4' Aff C4C V4 A7d MAIC VC and tAl/ /'*I.C A/~f AIA I_____ A~~t'V6 k Yt Qr e -92- and if it is smaller than one it is multiplied up, to that range. Thevalue of the resistance is then compared with a standard array and is converted to the nearest standard value. The final answer is given after the unknown is transformed back to its original decimal range. Subroutine VLIMIT calculates the absolute minimum and maximum values of VF and VH by assuming that the circuit parameters are at the limits of their tolerances. specified The right combination to produce a maximum or minimum, e.g. whether Rc should be +5% or -5% for a maximum VF, is determined by a series of partial derivatives of VH and VF with respect to the R's. of limits are useful for Such a set Worst-C.ase designs in which the designer has to know and allow for a maximum variation in each circuit function. Subroutine GAIN is used to findli and 12 the collector currents at which the gain is equal to one, by simply solving a quadractic equation derived from Equation (29). trpaiiznt;-olt cT t~~. -93- 8.3 VERIFICATION OF *D.C. PROCRAN PREDECTIONS WITH ACTUAL RESULTS The Static Program was used to generate a series of Schmitt circuit designs for the following variations in the four input constraints VT VH and IEH , (See Appendix III) 1.) VF held constant at 10 volts 2.) VH varied from I to 10 volts 3.) Al varied from 10 to 30% 4.) IEH varied from 1 to 10 ma The other circuit constants were picked to be: 5.) Vs = 15 Volts 6.) t 7.) VBE1 VBE2 = 0.62 Volts 8.) VG1 G2 = 0.53 Volts 9.) VO = 13 Volts 10.) = 60 IL = 1 ma The computer designs were tested at low frequency, 1 KC , on a bread board which contained decade resistance The firing and holding , R and R . , B 0 B X E voltages were found for each design and plotted in Graph XII. boxes for R The results show an amazingly accurate prediction with mean deviations of 0.05 Volts for for 4\;z-20% and .38 Volts for a VF above the 5% error line. \=10% (=\30%. , 0.35% Volts Yo design gave OlAtm-) \I.t\ 01 -L IF 0I _q ---------- I I ---- -I .... ... . a: q q: : p 7 T . . ......... p .. ...... . ..... ... .. : _ . , : ... .... ," . .. .. .. ...... ......... .. ... ... . ..... ..... ... =-7-7 7 7' 7 ---- --........ 1 -.11 11 ......... q 77 T: r : : : : : :: :: '' : . .. . . . .. . .. . .. : ............ 1: . -- - ... ...... . ..... . ... --- --- ......... ... ....... . .. fl 4 ..... .... ..... .... ............... . 7; . ..... ...... -.7 -:7'- TT:7 i q . ......... . .... ... p :s' _77 ....... ...... .............. . .......... 001 o j, IMP ...... .... 7T. w : 11Ir Ir I.......... p . ........ ........ . ---------- - -- .. ... ! -A p ... -77777777 t- 7 7 7 ... ......... .... . ........ . .... ... 4- IF, I - - I lwvp: I I I I L ly \A 0 Vl 'D fqz li 'I n 4% *% -4A .......... A -95- CHAPTER IX THE TRANSIENT SYSTEM 9.1 GENERAL REMARKS As was mentioned in Section 6.2 the coefficients of the simultaneous differential equations of the transient analysis, Equations (45) and (46), are functions of the currents 1.1 and Ic2 . Hence any closed form solutions are almost impossible to attain and the only recourse left is to adopt a numerical integration, technique. A program in FORTRAN is written for the num- erical integration procedure illustrated in the next section. 9.2 THE TRANSIENT PROGRAM For the Transient Program one requires functions describing the changes of the diffusion and recombination time constants (1 i c . and Te ) with collector current, The information necessary to find these are supplied as data p6ints from the cutoff frequency f gain and current , versus collector current, curves which are readily obtainable from specification sheets or by actual -96- experiment. A least squared error polynomial is generated - for each set of data and analytic functions of and in terms of Ic are then found by Equations (43) and (44). With these expressions and assuming the boundry conditions of Section 6.4 (p.69). Equations (45) and (46) are inte- grated numerically by the Runge Kutta technique (See Appendix 6). Three output matrices giving the values of I., and Ic2 at the different time increments will yield an exact plot of current versus time. Due to a lack of time the methods preented above to solve the full non-linear transient problem were not implemented in a computer program. However, the block diagram for the numerical integration is given in Fig. 36, and the program for finding the least squared error polynomial is presented in Appendix 5. Successuf com*- pletion of the transient program will give the non-linear "1St shaped curve of Fig. 30 for a final solution. -97TRANSIENT PROGRAM F . . ---. . . ( , . -. 6 - e. . . .- w,, Xg ed ,. AMM+M.+e a= e8,ee - ----. I - ex .4 N A/No '4A1,'N CA4Cc.4A4d oed r x(r .:Tf) Y0 +0m* 7 c r = TC.v.> + X/O 4fJ'.-=Vo f- Al-t Te..): ro Xi(1o).= O slo xC/oo>= ,f44-*z4AT $Z.WNe 4O, ."p AEvep4 'e4 i d &- .. e 4C %O&Wd$ FC~rtVovA-0 e-.r-ft y- e.7 -)o ,n.,i 'fr ex~t AJE 5s4*Je Ftc~ut e 6'A te'4 ATE 5!oM L,. r-*4v&7tov NP4f tc- I a -98- CHAPTER X THE SYSTEM FOR OPTITIZATION 10.1 POWER MINIMIZATION It was stated in Section 5.3 that the power con- sumption in the circuit can minimized by minizing IEH and/'\. The latter variable, which is a measure of how closely output VF zorresponds to the specified VF , is usually determined by the particular application and cannot be changed. However, the conditions on IEH is much less restrictive and it can be adjusted for a minimum power design. It was mentioned before that a small IEH results in a lower i and a slower rise time. In this system a simple loop is used to find an optimized circuit with minimum power consumption subject tgo a given rise time. current I EH Starting with a minimum possible (from Equation (90 ) as the fourth boundary condition, the D.C. program is used to find the unknown resistances. These are then supplied as input to the Tran- sient program to calculate the rise time. If this rise time is greater than the one required, the loop is repeated for a larger value of IEH, if it is smaller the computation is terminated and a minimum power circuit subject to -99- a set of criteria, results, 10.2 r input conditions, minimum rise time. The block is illustrated in I HYSTERESIS MINIMIZATION As was pointed out in both Part I and Part II the hysteresis is a measure of the transient performance.of the circuit as well as an important D.C. quantity. A large hysteresis design corresponds to a circuit to high loop gain and fast switching speeds. However in certain D.C. applications the hysteresis may be a hindrance if, for example, the -tserwants to trigger at one particular voltage both for the upward and downward transitions. The following system minimizes the hysteresis subject to a certain rise time. V It starts of by picking the smallest possible and increases from that value in small incre- H ments until the rise time criterion is satisfied. other three constraints VF as , The EH are left untouched their values are assumed to be determined by other criteria. A flow chart is shown in the next page. 'v -100POWER OPTIMIZATION SYSTEM xN PoT PATA c/twr~tw--low = TE- 1 T p. e4 ewA4 Pc. PaoeAA1 Ye uuv 37 -101- ZoI"'.7-/,47 EffM/ /V/\ 70 ZAA [le t. ripr /c 7Av F~ , ce CHAPTER XI CONCLUSION 11.1 THE CONCLUSION This thesis presents a complete method for the static and transient design of the Parallel Schmitt circuit. The four unknowns of the circuit are calculated subject to four input constraints and the rise time for the dimensioned circuit is found by a method of linear approximations. These procedures are mechanized on the digital computer and results are obtained for experimental verification. Methods for a complete transeint analysis, which includes all the non-linearities of the system, and for optimization of important circuit functions were presented byt were not implemented. A summary of each chapter is given in Section 1.2. The predictions of the static system proved to be extremely accurate. The error in VF is less than 1% for an tY\ design of 10% and less than5% when ft is 30%. Conditions for a regenerative circuit were obtained separately by considering the gain, the V-I characteristics the hysteresis and the stability of the transient system, Thet were all found to give consistent results. The transient analysis was based on a linear -103- approximation-using the charge control model for the transistor. They power of this model is clearly demonstrated by the simplicity of the form of the two simultaneous differential equations and the ease with which the non-linearities of the system are accounted for. The rise time predicted by this linearized approach were found to be consistently low as one would expect, because base collector capacitance in the transistors and stray capacitance in the circuit leads were neglected. There were some fluctuations in the measured and calculated rise times but for most part, the latter was within 50% of the former. The computer was found to be a powerful aid to circuit design as, in addition to being a computational tool, it allowed the numerical integration of the nonlinear differential equation for a complete transient analysis and the implementation of a closed loop for finding circuits of minimum power and hysteresis subject to a minimum rise time requirement. While the thesis was concerned only with the details of the Parallel Schmitt circuit, the methods of analysis that it has developed is by no means limited to that circuit alone, Based on these methods, a general scheme for designing multivibrator circuits can be evolved and eventually used to build up a library of different classes of multivibrators on the digital computer. 11.2 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY There are many problems that arose in the course of this thesis which warrant further investigation. Some of these are: 1) The full non-linear transient solution should be completed by the numerical integration technique suggested in Chapter 9. A more realistic "S" shaped waveform can be obtained. 2) Using this transient program the closed loop systems for designing circuits with minimum power and minimum hysteresis subject to a certain rise time can be implemented. 3) The transient analysis can be investigated in terms of a frequency dependent loop gain obtained by including a frequency depeddence in the transistor model used to derive the gain expression. The results of the an&lysis should be consistent with the one derived in this thesis. 4) The static and transient design procibdures can be extended to other classes of multivibrators such as the Eccles-Jourdan circuit and the Series Schmitt circuit. tcr designed specifica!!y as a high-speed suturatotIcoic switch to repiace s . In addition \2N70" is oriented toward Satellita and Conventional smal- ctL uads the rang- , useful currant gain down to the microampere region. Otr ;.increased maximum ratcngs, reduced s::rage time, higher beta, and lower 'S to .s *:decassors. TA and SATURATE D V0C ore includLd to completely characterize the design over a wiuc family of operating conditions. These transistors are derements of MlL-S-19503. s on S. -65 No Time Limit) , Ln C .a j Vo S age (R6 < 10 2) .6 Wa t .135 Wat . Voits N 20 Volts [Note 41 [Note 41 15 Volts 5.0 Volts CHARAOTERIST!CS V irrnt vN. G:2i [ Note 51 LD ..t Gain [Note 51 S VC s C In Resistance [Note 61( C f Current .L o1 'C -. .40 = 6.0 50 25 15 300 mc) if Currer se Brea!cdown Voltage r tr Sustaining Vcltage [Note 4 & 51 (12>0 S L-u of tinc Vo!ts Volts Volts Volts I uA 40 20 Volts Vo ts 5 Volts nsec 40 r.sec LSee circuit on page 4] 75 2955., 297.159, 2981877, 7 S 13 pf 0.1 10 25 fnts: Ie ohms cr.Ldown re Voltage uCurrant r Cuooff Currant ' of page 5] nSee circuit on page 41 .c3w~nI- . JS K 3.0 . 2 .20 .40 Voltage (-550C) itance s UN!TS 15 .72 tion Voitzge (-550C to +1251C) y Current Gain f = 100 mc E K:AX. 120 15 _-_'t*ion V\2tage Satu.'rtion Voltaga -'s /. ro ar tornouroture uless otherwise note> L za3 C to +300C 2000 0 Maximum / 300 CMaximum [Noce 2 &' [Note 2 [Nota 2 &3] 25'C 10c 25'C perature fu. -Iprature 0 & -. 2i2tter Sustaining Voltage [Note 45]& Tme Lonstar.u [Note 71 -_'on 0 Volts 3 2 30 22525, CE= 1 I,A 3034205. other pazcnts erCding. V SE 14 ]. , 2: .N A , 0 I LJCT0FR CAM'PA A PC r-asch*~IdN INSTRUY A"T fT COP TYP CAL CC LE nTr1 CME2 CRAT! ON TERSTICS* VE 50 E GE - 10 i"T C2'4IuSen PUL.E 2C __ 2 _ _ _ __I 20 301 051 20 -C A - 6 z a COLLECTOR VOLTAGE - C1 5 mA ' VCE I ---- F 02 A----.-.--.- -- - --- 10 VOLTS - IC T-25 C 40 CCLLECTOR CURRENT - IV0. mA - 50 5 1 03 -5--- T~ T' C 01 Ic 30k- 1 s 40 20 4 Im 05, 03 - ---- -' - - 2^ -2 0 - - - - - - 0 mA I a VC - COLLECTOR VOLTAGE - 01 0 0 01 C- VO LTS COLLECTCR CUORE' 5 'nA - 50 CC CCLLrl-IA - -C tO 0 - __ ; 14n 25C T - 30 = s Ic - ; 40 -55 C IT ____ - - -- r . ; .--.-----.--- - 50 * ---- - I II - 1 02 .A 20 3C -0 - 0. 0 02 -77 S4 V- COLLEC'OR E ViCLT - V0 8 LTS ;0 0 05 - V. 0 50 5 COLL C71 CuRE14 -IA 4,-~ 7 0 7 A 0301 / 0 7D 0 1 25 V - 0'I _ -7 10K 040 - P ' 1 m - 045 --A. c '---o r 0 1C Y", - aTe -* 75 * S ;-i --- 'fmly2 - ,hra-i - -. f- S iyiCs 5 LTS on Trans;sor Curve Tracer. -10%. .~cor- .- -- Type F~req Lienoyow-Sctora9e .1%4 0,~ c$~-, 2; r U,h T-1 l2.' RI5-1 2K~ 202r '00 A 0 1'0 -2- Z2 30 100 4A 20 02230V 01 a, TURN ON. BASE CURRO.1 - mA TO ~1 --7 -. c - ic! '.33 -30 200' 100 'o --. 4 40 - - -----1 30{ -. 23 rn 0. 0., 30 5 0 V-C 5,VI~ ~~7I 400 ot, T 50 23 :0 5 I - TUR3 N CS8000 C.IOREN -MA 500 .~ Lm A 33 4, 200 0 -J m A 50 20 50 744. 4- 23 1 3 2 4 3 Ol 1 005 30 4050 5" 0 1 al - TLKN ON 6ASE CL;kkL.iT - m. 630 :400 20 0 20.0 4' 2Q .3 -4 TA I %RN~0%. BASE 0C040KT -X1.. "3 ,-% - 1, _______ - .2 4 Fairchild N LK> A D7iCused Silicon Pra -- ~c' High 7requ ercy a.nd Low Storage T7 MF. P-RCPrAWT7rc": 27-1-0 -rV2.2iN T 601.0 vV 0P-IT p. PULSE T2 1 7 uI77~ OffA,' V Vp-p V, 2l) V;-~ 70Irsec / .c.-stAA Tyoica! 25A V T7 LC-IECT0C-T VEJ 7M?; C"* TET~STICS VS. F E~+3 I T1 I. o2* 271 LV 1b. 7r""' [Meast:Ted in t~ne circuit above! 5 5K0 b,^V~ o2'-400,uA - 200 -7 50- 18 - 1 .2 -* 1 VV,/2-07-. 20 Re- 0 0 -2 -A-r ... I 0 V. "' 02 V 0 IV - VCLLCC0 200 0 5 CUUAO.V 1 ' 0 z I - -A 5 DEFIN77;i01 C." P.Or-TPI'M ?: "LAY 00 N" 1 '2~~~ t2_____ I 3 .OjA I I PT - - -Aver --- age Propcgcfion De~oy cer 7rcnsis' or * V- CO',LECC00 TC E'0T7ER -C V' VCL7S ':2. CC'' C.7 A ~~ ~ ~ lf 1-0-.-,...-.-.volt 5 ','Ott%----..~* VF - V~~~ 4 '-----V.,, 'V 71; A7, I -1 T CiMAGE CTG - xT:sT cCim'I wA ya0 T;Au0 9 "A" Lu n rcury nl uso vnt. Ud 30 < r 500QQ11 .0025 pf 610 h !mpcdrcE Pr- podonc4 ) 10 ;J iE LES: -f HAN 1 +6 10141 Vdc I 0-- - - int"A" -- 4 Vdc t 11Vdc AO. -LD ASSURED CUSTOM TEST ER PRO AM Mo .0025 uf V V 2SE Sarnpdnn Ciioscope Qq Ui v L1int. rnat-on Ml ddl a Sourc no 68 Goneralor 12-Au de! 50o, Vcc10 Vdc - -- t-- I nSec. Vc 0% -_____ I :-'s document is a complete procurement specification which can be referred to a, a purchase contract. It the Jlowv-ng options for procurement purpoces. Ali requirements of pa-es 1, 5, 6, and 7 apply except paragraph -3.3 belcw (Power burn-in). All requirements of pages 1, 5, 6, and 7 apply. 5.0 QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ASS7UAN' non covers detailed requirements for high y. transistors suitale for use in space Vxtreme environments. 31 100% Processing Steps -P -cssin L-De In early faiiures are described 3.2 Normal Lot Acceptance -Each iri G sall meet the requ4:emen, acceptcance condiions for operation lfe, stcrage e rirunmn-ie sts are assurcd by acuLW iet, r a ure rate In conserv-wily designcd S re ar ved at by engi 1ing jul dmenn ' .c to :vioes actually tested by Fairchild xv an shown to have a failure rate of .002% -.s. The vendor 3not required tooemoni rte devices shipped. C PRCVI:0 steso e L A :e I ILL U! 0- tion. Parts sold as 2N703-1 or 2.70L',-2 sl a cco- panied by variables data on the latest comid i cf conuincous production submitted to TLble Ii - &rouo S '. inspection. DEFINiTIONS 3.1 LTD (Lot Tolerance Percent D ctive)- Thi ar of a sarmpdng pln is he rmnaimm c! which wil be aoccoted by tne :ornwi 7&NS con idence. r- - Test procedures e o conform to 1... osign Tests -Tosts -D( -.- Q- pc ,ng procod -es used are Der - OS shad, be pockEd in the vondor'c; ao ervw'ise specifEad on the po:- r. fT a:d Ere r.u.3c y bas by the buy r's roEw by recuest. L u 2.2 Surn In-Do- n s ;o cn ces which hrve br operated for . Yl.,iU10 7 100h (30mW) :or to Group A 7nsp~c'iOn. a t __ pon Fairchild NPN Diffuzed Silon --.--- X7 C2-' Temprctures Operation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature . 200*C Maximum -651C to +3001C [/ximum Voitages Maximum Cocector to Ease Voltage Colector to Emitter Sustaining Voltage [Note 4 (SE 20 Volts VCEO (sutl Collector to Emitter Sustaining Voltage [Note 41 15 Volts Emitter to Base Voltage : Tota! Dissipation at Case T7T rC 2 at Case Tc e'a)rature :Nte 2 & 3' 2 at Ambient emperaure 25% L linoto 70re2.e 25"] [ 2 1 40 Volts VCE (sust) V1o ~Th RATINCS 1,-te 11 Maxum V so0 ~ . .*BSC!UTE M XI1J F nr. 5.0 Volts AILURE PATES Estimated Maximum Failue Rate in Conservatively Designed Equipment 'in %/1000 hours) = .01 :ECTRiCAL CHAfkCTE[STICS '5*c free air temperature unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL TABLE I - CIHARACTERISTIC BVCCO BVo (sat) Vn (sat) VCE Collector to Emitter Sustaining Voltage [Note 4 E 5] Collector to Base Breakdown Voltage Emitter to Base Breakdown Volta7e DC Fuise Current Gain fNote 51 Collector Saturation Voltage Base Saturation Voltage 60U Mm.LIMITSMax. !NSP units 15 Volts 41 5.0 SC Volts 120 0.72 0.4 0.3 Volts Volts 25 -1 nA nA 25 nsco 7CT0N Som LT% -o i g TEST CONITION 1C = 30 mA lau sed) = -.0 /A IE Volts I c= 1 I0 = 1c V = = 7A 1, = V 10 13 7= CU 25 nAI 7 C- '~! oCofector Cutoff Current Emitter Cutoff Current Charze '*rage Time Constant [See circuit on page 51 IE 20 cC !c = 0 Ic = , 2 V = 10 mA - VCEO (sust GRCUP A EUDE~DLOP III Cb Vc (susL) 0 har (-55 C) har ICex Coficotor Cutoff Current Hi7h Fr-ecncy Current Gain (f = 100 mc) C'"Put Capacitance Co!;ctcr to Emitter Sustaining Voltage Nte 4 & E DC Pulse Crr-nt Gain [Note 5] D" (125*C) Curren 15 = 3.0 5.0 2 pf Volts 15 20 20 20 20 Gain VC (sat) Collector-Em tter Cutoff Current Turn On Time ISee circuit on page 4] Turn Off Tim- [See circuit on page 41 Coliector Spfuration Voltece V' (sat) rK 10 pA 20 20 7 nsec nsoc C.A Ease ;dura-ion Votags (-55 C) r.9 Bass 50P-ms 20 10 5AVC (-55'C o + 125,C) istance '> -f= jc i~ote 131 A '= /2 I c 0 V ve A I ursd ic = 10 V V Ic = 0.5 PA ,c, = 1. V V = V V, = C y Volts 20 20 Ic= 1 . ICZ5 1r , Ic = 7.0 mA W's 20 Ic = 7.0 mA . Ic (HOOC) :.- 2? a,- T2LE S yp e - ~100% 0I GR Examination or Test 759 Con6itions (TA = 25"C Hih Temperature S abilization 2 - psi 2% detergu-t solu (In- pressure6 k'& test) Conditions (TA = 25*C unless otherwise specified) 25 cck Test 'ibration Fatigue 200 .,73 C,C2 100-2000-100 cps, 20 Constent Acceleration -herrnal Shock 40,000 ,, 2 orentations -65'C to +1251C, 5 cycles -65C to +200'C, 10 cycles, MIL-STD-2026 Method 106A ,,oisture Resistunce g peak acceleration, 3 END PCINTS Emitter Cutoff Current Jollector Saturat'on Voltage 2:: Saturation Voltae 2305A S'J200UP Il 1 2^13 2 20'6 Shock Test Vibretion Fatigue Vihreion, V/ariable Frepuency .corsant Acceleration Thermal Shock : o .porature Cycling -'sture Resistance Stor-a Life 1000 hours 02 !c = 10 mA, VCE = 1.0 V i = 0 VCS = 20 V I 0 , s=4.0 Ic = 10 mA, L = 1.0 mA Ic = 10 mA, 1 = 1.0 mA orientations hr. at each temp. extreme per cycle Symbol DC Pulse Current Gain [Note 51 Collector Cutoff Current 11 iW 2000 g, 0.2 ms-c, 5 blows in each of 6 orientations 20 1, 40 cps, 95 nours, 3 orientations Pc = 30 Vibration, Variable Frequency Temperature Cycling 1021 ,n mir tes - SOSOROUP Gperating Life (1000 hours) . E iNSPECTIoN I1IAIL2 GR U? Examination or Test .pe 200^C (min), for 24 hours (min) 3 cycles -65C to +200 0 C 25,000 r (min), Pulsz Widtin 20 L c (mri 10- co/sec (max) Temperature Cycing riih Impact Shcck ( ax.: on>y) ..rme Li Sea' Lek' Test (Radiflo) Gross Hermetic, Scal LoTest , g t70 - urleso otr'erwise . r . -L.-W Units hFE ICEO iao E= VcE (set) Vs (sat) nA rA Vcts Voits LIM)TS Min. Max. 22 150 50 200 0.44 0.65 0.83 25 300 , 0.2 m sec, 5 b!cws in each of 6 orientations 20 g, 40 cps, 3 hours, $ orientations 100-2000-.00 ops, 20 g peak acceleration, 3 orientations , 2 o rietti ns 40,C +12500, 5 cyc'os -CC -65 0 0 . +20-00, 10 cyces, hr. at each temp. axtrer- par cycle M!L STO-2023 Method 106A 2000C D~NTS for Subgroup I :- osphere SPV END PO Merings or Destructive Corrosion 10 or ,'3.-CP V *~y 20'. S pp,. plor or No !!M~ibe END PC;NTS -LA!ure !1 .ne . Leobs Break SEiue e '- D'o oadout of End -j END PC0.TS-?Er .:d 20o Mi-37-202 (No ectrical Er, ?oi:ts Are ApD o-L, Points irnrnediotely after test wnon y. 7 of -. ;group I and test 7 of subgroup H. O,.r :ess .n tio-- suroups AfjVeNP1X - - II ,r oP ~e2oe~ V1!; - , /: - A 41klpl -.. AO 22 . og "E, cx. 4!Fel2 tVAT -.. = X-e Te V: Ap "2 0, oA 1 r,, tAR-ZN C -Z::5 jg i L&2!)ou)5~4l - 6/V (c7t. -1.43. /7 >LeP, .- 077o. ,IA7XA'1 1 gl, -6- 740 P7 P/~A~fe~/v6-g~. 70 -",L 12761 721 723 % 2 ke~(~ 7' -lWb,4~ 1P1 2/~A/p/X IL'. ~7iWC7e2A/ /V6&z~C7A/c~ J6-& ) I- -lgoft - 2c V/I ~70L (Or~ / Ici -=r ~ aq lAglmaq- IE" TD IYxTW08/30 C 1050.3 PROGRAM TO DIMENSION A PARALLEL SCHMITT CIRCUIT (D.C) C PKCOMMON REtRCRXRB VSERRERVBETAXBETANBETATI IVBE1,VBE2,VG1,VG2,TAUlTAU2,TAUB1,TAUB2,XIEFALPHA VS=15.0 BETAX=120.0 BETAN=3.0_ VO=13.0 XIL=1.0 VF=1.0 0*._VE1O62 VBE2=0.62 VG2=0.53 TA=0.0 DO 77 K=193 1 __ETA=ETA+0. _ XIEF=11.0 D 0884J=1_91,00 XIEF=XIEF-1.0 VH=0.0 DO 99 1=1,100 VH=VH1.0-----------C C NORMALIZED PARAMETERS C -------------- VE1=VF+VBE2-VG1 ------------------------------------ VH1=VH-VBE1+VG2 R0=(VS-VO)/(XIEF-XIL) BETAT=SQRTF( BETAX*BETAN) Q=(BETAX-BETAN)/BETAT DELTA=(VS*ETA)/((VF1*Q)-(VBE2*ETA)) ALPHA= C(VS+ CDELTA *VBE2) 3VF1 )DELTA--------------GAMMA=((VS/VHI)-ALPHA)/(1.0-(VG2/VH1)) -- C TEST TO SEE-IF ETA IS TOO SMALL---------- 101 IF(DELTA*(BETAT+1.0)-GAMMA) 101,100,100 PRINT 102 102 FORMAT (14H ETA TOO SMALL) - GO TO 99 C C TEST TO_ SEE 100 201 202 IF ETA IS TOO LARGE __ IF(Q*(VS-VF1)/(VS-VBE2)) 201, 200,200 PRINT 202 FORMAT (14H ETA TOO LARGE) GO TO 98 C C TEST TO SEE IF CIRCUIT IS REGENERATIVE 200 301 302 IF (VF1-VH1) 301,300,300 PRINT 302 FO RMA t19H VF SMALLER THAN VH) GO TO 88 _____ - - - C PAGE 1 -5 ) - \ PAGE 2 ) 08/30 1050.3 C C TEST TO SEE IF IEF IS TOO SMALL 300 IF(XIEF-XIL) 4019400t,o 401 PRINT 402 402 FORMAT (17H IEF IS TOO SMALL) GO C C TO 77 TEST TO SEE IF VH IS TOO SMALL 400 IF( VH1) 601 602 PRINT 602 FORMAT (45H VH SMALLER THAN DIFFERENCE GO TO 98 601, 600 , 600 - --- IN JUNCTION DROPS) CALCULATE UNKNOWN RESISTANCE VALUES 600 RE=(VF1-VBE2)/XIEF RC=GAMMA*RE RX=(DELTA*RE*(BETAT+1.0))-RC RB=CRC+RX)/(ALPHA-l.0) C GMAX=(BETAT*RC)/(RC+RX+U(ALPHA/40.0).(4.0/XIEFf) CALL GAIN(XIlXI2) C PRINT OUTPUT - C PRINT 2 ,RERCRXRBROGMAXXII,XI2 FORMAT (F1O.5,5X-F1O.5-5XFIQ.5,5XF1O.5,5XFLO.5,5XF1O.5 1,5XFl0.5,5XF10.5) 99 CONTINUE 88 77 98 CONTINUE CONTINUE CALL EXIT END (1,0, TIME = 0.38 MIN. ----- - ---- -- -- -- --- - -- --- - - - - - - - - - JOB 0 10 r0 90 iv0 q0 90 v1 t0,000 - 2 ) 08/30 1050.3 C C PAGE 1 SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE ICi AND IC2 AT WHICH GAIN = 1 --SUBROUTINE GAIN(X11,X2 12) _ ) COMMON RERCRXRBVSERRERVBETAXBETANBETAT, VB2VBE,VV, VGG2 ,.TAU 2,TAUUB1 TAUB2,XIEFALPHA A=-XIEF B=(ALPHA*BETAT*XIEF)/((40.0*(BETAT-1.0)*RCLRX)___ Xll =(-A-SQRTF((A**2.0)-(4.0*8)))/2.0 (4.0*B)/2.0 X12 =(-A+SQRTF.( (A* 2.0 RETURN END(1,0,0-,O,0,,0,0 0,0, ,-,-, 0) __.04_MIN.____________________ ----------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ) JOBTIME__ ) ,I ) ) }7jk NAME ORIGIN ENTRY GAIN 00144 00152 (F2EF) 01052 01242 RSTRTN_07042 07333 JOBTM 07042 07101 EXITM 07436_07444 .READ 07555 07630 (-C-SH ) 07555_07617 (IOH) 10300 10543 DCEXIT_15172_15335 (TEF) 15345 15450 (BSR)_ 15345-15443 (EXE) 15510 15517 .PRINT_16403_16507 (STHM) 16403 16416 .SETUP (SPHM) (FIL) NAME ORIGIN ENTRY MAIN 00266 00274 FTNPM 01052 01100 TIMLFT 07042 07117 TIMER 07042 07157 EXIT 07436 07470 .TAPRD 07555 07625 IOHSIZ 10300 13642 .03311 15153 15155 DFMP 15172 15227 (RCH) 15345 15447 _(WRS)_ 15345 15442 (IOU) 16350 16355 A.TAPWR 16403_16502 (STH) 16403 16417 (SCHM)_16403_16425 .FOUT 16403 17343 ERROR 17603 17607 (WTC) 17777 20066 (RDC) 20163 20242 (RER) 20163 20176 LDUMP 20634 20637 MOVIE) 20643 20643 PROGRAM LENGTH = 21204. LOWEST COMMON = 77435 _ _ EXIT NAME ORIGIN (RCPM) 01052 (FPT) 06544 STOPCL 07042 ENDJOB 07436 .SCRDS 07555 (CSHM) 07555 (FIL)__ 10300 SFDP 15172 DFAD 15172 (REW) 15345 (1OS) 15345 RECOUP 16375 (SCH)_ 16403 (SPH) 16403 .COMNT 16403 (BST) 20123 SQRT 20266 NAME ORIGIN ENTR .SETUP 01034 01041 (F2PM) 01052 01067 KILLTR_07042_07301 (TIME) 07042 07045 .LOOK 07555 07770 (TSHM) 07555 07574 CR TN) 10300 13512 .03310 15153 15155 DFSB 15172 15212 (ETT) 15345 15446 (RDS) 15345 15441 (TES) 16372 16374 .PUNCH 16403 16463 (SPHM) 16403 16415 .CLOUT 16403 17340 (WER) 17777 20013 SQR 20266 20272 .- .- . ENTRY 02351 06553 07141 07522 07772 07573 13475 15255 15175 15445 15352 16400 16430 16454 16507 20134 20272 NAME ORIGIN ENTRY FTNBP 01052 01077 (FRM7). 07042 07347 RSCLCK CLKOUT .READL (TSH) 07042 07134 07436 07470 07555 07630 07555 07604 10300 10540 STQUO DFDP 15172 15261 (TCO 15345 15451 (WEF) 15345 15444 (TRC) 15345 15452 .SPRNT 16403 16627 (STHD) 16403 16446 (PRNT) 16403 17026 .PNCHL 16403 16463 (RDPM) 20163 20257 EXP(3 20376 20402 ) LIBRARY ENTRY POINTS, SQRT EXP(3 -.--- .96 MINUTES ELAPSED SINCE START OF JOB W-01 F) 4.95122 5.23806 5.45644 -- -- -----14.61962 14.61962 14.61962 14.61962 14.61962 14.61962 14.61962 5.62826 14.61962 1.54825 16.24402 3.41369 4.42734 5.06416 5.50135 5.82006 6.06271 6.25362 16.24402 16.24402 16.24402 16.24402 16.24402 16.24402 1.74178 3.84041 4.98075 5.69718 6.18902 6.54757 6.82055 18.27453 18.27453 18.27453 18.27453 18.27453 18.27453 18.27453 7.03532 18.27453 1.39343 3.07232 3.98460 16.24402 __ .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 45.34677.00814 27.86631 18.36779 12.40032 8.30353 5.31698 3.04321 1.25426 . 30956 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 45.34677 .00733 .01193 .01812 .02689 .28571 .28571 .28571 .28571 .28571 .28571 .28571 .28571 45.34677 27.86631 18.36779 12.40032 8.30353 5.31698 3.04321 .00651 .01061 .01611 .02390 .03579 .05613 .09895 1.25426 .24765 27.86631 18.36779 12.40032 8.30353 5.31698 3.04321 1.25426 .01326 .02014 .02988 .04473 .07016 .12368 9.99186 9.98674 9. 97986 9.97012 9.95527 9. 92984 9.87632 9. 69044 8.99267 .04026 8.98807 8.98188 8.97311 8.95974 .06314 .11131 .27860' 8.88869 8.72140 8.93686 VJFSMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL ETA TOO SMALL-.-1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 1.18375 5.44412 3.34550 2.20515 1.48872_ .99688 .63833 .36535 .15058 ) ETA TOO SMALL SETA- TOO SMALL .94700.---4,35530 _.b .94700 2.67640 S.D .94700 1.76412 b-* .94700-.19098-4.55774 'V .94700 .79751 2:D .94700 .51067 clotD .94700 .29228 to-lb .94700_.12046 -IVFSMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL ETA TOO SMALL 1.05222 4.83922 1.05222 2.97378 1.05222 1.96013 1.05222 1.32331 1.05222 .88612 1.05222 .56741 1.05222 .32476 1.05222 .13385 7.99349 7.98939 7.98389 7.97610 7.96421 7.94387 7.90105 7.75235 ) 'n- ! EXECUTION 2. 5.95490 3.98753 2.55333 1.46142 .60232.VH 22.78872 73.09811 2.00000_-, 24.75608 26.19029 27.28220 28.14129 73.09811 73.09811 73.09811 73.09811 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 12.40032 8.30353 5.31698 3.04321 1.25426 .00598 .00895 .01403 .02474 .06191 1.99402 1.99105 1.98597 1.97526 1.93809 - 'T- 43.55297 26.76399 17.64121 11.90979 13.93426 30.72324 39.84602 45.57743 146.19621 146.19621 146.19621 146.19621 9.47000 7.97506 49.51216 - 146.19621 9.47000 9.47000 9.47000 5.10666 2.92283 1.20464 52.38057 54.56440 56.28259 146.19621 146.19621 146.19621 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 45.34677 27.86631 18.36779 12.40032 8.30353 5.31698 3.04321 1.25426 44.59700 23.17546 14.42939 .00081 .00133 .00201 .00299 .99919 .99867 .99799 .99701 .00447 .99553 .00702 .01237 .03096 .99298 .98763 .96904 .00385 .00741 .01191 9.99615 9.99259 9.98809 VF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOOSMALL - -- - - - - - ETA TOO SMALL IEF IS TOO SMALL 8.59081 4.46434 2.77956 .94700 .94700 .94700 2.95412 7.08060 8.76537 38.60570 38.60570 38.60570 .22222 .22222 .22222 9.68084 38.60570 .22222 9.67696 .01779 9.98221 1.28895 .94700 .89410 .94700 .60625 .94700 .38710 .94700 .21468 .94700 VF SMALLERTHAN VH_ ETA TOO SMALL 10.25599 10.65084 10.93868 38.60570 38.60570 38.60570 .22222 .22222 .22222 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 .02578 .03727 .05520 9.97422 9.96273 9.94480 11.15783 38.60570 .22222 2.00955 .08713 9.91287 11.33025 38.60570 .22222 1.11448 .15991 9.84009 9.54535 3.28236 42.89522 .25000 44.59700 .00346 8.99654 8.99333 9.67696 .00667 .01072 .01601 6.69123 .02320 8.97680 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 .03354 .04968 .07842 .14392 8.96646 8.95032 8.92158 8.85608 .4 .28571 . 59700 4.570.00 00308 48.25712 7.99692 .99 7.99407 .94700 1.05222 .1.05222 _ _-1.86409 1.05222 -- 1.05222 1.05222 __ 4.96038 7.86733 42.89522 .25000 23.17547 3.08840 9.73930-- 4-42.89522 .25000 --- 14.42939 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 8.98928 8.98399 2.07121 10.75649 42.89522 1.43216 11.39554 42.89522 .99344 .67361 .43012 .23854 11.83426 12.15409 12.39759 12.58917 42.89522 42.89522 42.89522 42.89522 3.69265 8.85074 10.95671 12.10105 12.81998 13.31355 13.67335 48.25713 .28571 23.17547 48.25712 48.25712 48.25712 48.25712 48.25712 .28571 .285711 .28571 .28571 .28571 14.42939 9.67696 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 13.94729 48.25712 .28571 2.00955 14.16281 48.25712 .28571 1.11448 .00593 .00953 .01423 .02062 .02981 .04416 .06971 .12793 4.22017 10.11514 55.15100 55.15100 .33333 .33333 44.59700 23.17547 .00269 .00519 6.99731 6.99481 1.05222 1.05222 1.05222 1.05222 VF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMAL L 1.1 -8375 1.18375 ) 4.73500 4.73500 4.73500 4.73500 4.73500 VF SMALLER THAN ETA TOO SMALL ETA TOO SMALL 9.47000 9.47000 9.47000 9.47000 10*73852 5.58042 3.47445 1.18375 2.33012 1.18375 1.61118 1.18375 1.11762 1.18375 .75781 1.18375 __.48388 1.18375 .26836 1.18375 VF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL 12.27259 1.35286 6.37763 1.35286 -- 7.99047 7.98577 7.97938 7.97019 7.95584 7.93029 7.87207 1.35286 3.97081 12.52196 55.15100 .33333 14.42939 .00834 6.99166 1.35286 1.35286 1.35286 2.66299 1.84135 1.27728 13.82977 14.65141 15.21548 55.15100 55.15100 55.15100 .33333 .33333 .33333 9.67696 6.69123 4.64147 .01245 .01804 .02609 6.98755 6.98196 6.97391 1.35286 .86607 15.62669 55.15100 .33333 3.14720 .03864 6.96136 0 ) .55301 .30669 MALLER_ THANVH_ VF__ ETA TOO SMALL __1.57833 16.18607 - __14.31802 . 1.57833 1.57833 1.57833 1.57833 1.57833 18.23114-- 1.57833 ------64.34283 -- .40000 1.57833 1.57833 55.15100 55.15100 15.93976 64.34283 -4.92353 7.44056 4.63261 11.80099 14.60895 64.34283 64.34283 3.10682 16.13473 64.34283 2.14824 1.49016 17.09331 17.75140 64.34283 64.34283 _.33333 2.00955 .33333 1.11448 -44.59700 _ _.40000 .40000 .40000 .40000 .40000 .40000 23.17547 14.42939 9.67696 8 1.01042 .64517 .35781 18.59638 64.34283 18.88375 64.34283 .40000 .40000 6.93901 6.88806 .00231 .00445 .00715 .01067 5.99769 5.99555 5.99285 5.98933 .0-1547 5.98453 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 .02236 .03312 .05228 .09595 5.97764 5.96688 5.94772 5.90405 44.59700 23.17546 14.42939 9.67696 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 .00192 .00370.00596 .00889 .01289 .01863 .02760 .04357 .07996 4.99808 4.99630 4.99404 4.99111 44.59700 23.17547 14.42939 9.67696 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 .00154 .00296 .00476 .00712 .01031 .01491 .02208 .03485 .063971 3. 99846 3. 99704 3.99524 .00115 .00222 .00357 .00534 .00773 .01118 .01656 2.99885 2.99778 2.99643 6.69123 -- .06099 .11194 3 ) 1.35286 1.35286 VF SMALLER THAN VH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 77.21140 96.51425 96.51425 - _ _ _ _ .66667 .66667 .66667 .66667 .66667 .66667 .66667 .66667 96.51425 96.51425 96.51425 96.51425 96.51425 96.51425 96.51425 _ .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 .50000 77.21140 - _.66 667 128.68566 1.00000 128.68566 128.68566 128.68566 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 193.02850 193.02850 2.00000 2.00000 193.02850 2.00000 193.02850 193.02850 193.02850 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 1.00000 128.68566 1.00000 128.68567 128.68566 128.68566 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.03126 54.69341 193.02850 2.00000 4.73500 1.93552 55.78914 56.65125 193.02850 193.02850 2.00000 2.00000 85.90813 29.54121 386.05700 0. 44.64338 70.80596 386.05700 0. 9.47000 9.47000 -- 44.59700 23.17547 14.42939 9.67696 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 128.68567 -. 4.73500 4.73500 1.07342 VF SMALLER THAN VH -ETA TOO SMALL __ 4.98711 4.98 137 4.97240 4. 95643 4.92004 3.99288 3.98969 3.98509 3.97792 3.96515 3.93603 2.99466 2.99227 .04797 2.98882 2.98344 2.97386 2.95203 44.59700 23.17547 .00077 .00148 1.99923 1.99852 14.42939 1.00238 9.67696 .00356 _.02614 ) _ )) TOOSMALL 1.89400 17.18163 5.90824 1.89400 8.92868 14.16119 1.89400 5.55913 17.53074 1.89400-3.72819 19.36168 1.89400 2.57789 20.51197 1._89400 1.78819 21.30168 1.89400 1.21250 21.87736 - - 1.89400 .77421 22. 31566 1.89400 .42937 22.66050 -F _SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO-SMALL S2.36150 21.47703 7.38530 2.36750 11.16084 17.70149 -2.3675.0_ 6.94891------- 21*91342 2.36750 4.66023 24.20210 2.36750 3.22237 25.63997 2.36750 2.23524 26.62709 2.36750 1.51563 27.34671 2.36750 .96776 27.89457 2.36750 .536711 28032562 VF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL 3.15667 28.63604 9.84707 ___3.15667_ 14.88113 3.4199 3.15667 9.26521 29.21790 32.26947 3.15667 6.21364 3.15667 4.29649 34.18662 35.50279 3.15667 _ 2.98032 3.15667 2.02084 36.46227 3.15667 1.29035 37.19276 3.15667 .71561 37.76750 yF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL 4.73500 42.95406 14.77060 4.73500 22.32169 35.40298 4.73500 13.89782 43.82685 9.32047 48.40420 4.73500 4.73500 6.44473 51.27994 4.73500 4.47048 53.25419 1.99762 1.99644 1.99484 6.69123 4.64147 3.14720 2.00955 1.11448 .00516 .00745 .01104 .01743 .03198 1.98896 44.59700 23.17547- .00038 .00074- .99962 .99926 1.99255 1.98257 1.96802 ) SETA 9.47000 9.47000 S 9.47000 9.47000 -9.47000 9.47000 27.79564 18.64093 12.88946 8.94096 6.06251 3.87105 9.47000 2.14684 87.65370 96.80840 102.55987 106.50838 109.38682 111.57829 386.05700 386.05700 386.05700 386.05700 386.05700 386.05700 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 14 2939 9 7696 6 9123 4 4147 3 4720 2.0955 .00119 .00178 .00258 .00373 .00552 .00871 .99881 .99822 .99742 .99627 .99448 .99129 113.30249 386.05700 0. 1. 1448 .01599 .98401 VF SMALLER THAN VH SETA _ TOO_ SMALL IEF IS TOO SMALL ~ ETA TOO SMALL .94700 .94700 .94700 .94700 -.94700 .94700 J.94700 .94700 -- VF _SMALLERTHAN ETA TOO SMALL 1.05222 1.05222 1.05222 1.05222 8.71527 - 4.57428 8.67395 12.81494 2.88358 1.96489 1.38773 .99149 .70263 .48271 .30969 H H-_ 9.68363 5.08254 3.20398 2.18322 S11.05222 1.54192 1.05222 1.10165 -- 1.05222 ---------8070 1.05222 .53635 * 05222 ------34108.9726 VF SMALLER THAN VH __ ETATOOSMALL__ _ _ .00352 .00671 9.99648 9.99329 14.50564 85.20206 15.42433 85.20205 16.00150 85.20205 85.20205 16.68659 85.20205 16.90651 .01065 .01566 02222 .03119 .04421 85.20205 9.1 267 6 i 501 4 1 491 3 867 2 4 269 1&6441 t6781 9.98935 9.98434 9.97778 16.39774 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 .22222 _ _ _ 85.20205 _ _ _ _ _ 9.63773 14.23882 16.11738 17.13814 17.77944 18.21971 18.54066-------18.78501 ___ - 30.0 047 15.! 224 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ .06479 .10226 9.96881 9.95579 9.93521 9.89774 ____ 94.66895 94.66895 94.66895 94.66895 94.66895 94.66895 .25000 .25000 -. 25000 .25000 .25000 .25000 94.66895 . 25000 .42269 94.66895 .25000 .66441 94.66895 .25000 .06781 3 .05047 1 .77224 .94267 .77501 .78491 .41867 .00316 .00603 .00959 .01409 .02000 .02807 .03979 .05831 .09204 8.99684 8.99397 8.99041 8.98591 8.98000 8.97193 8.96021 8.94169 8.90796 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10.84244 16.01867------18.13205 19.28041 20.00187 20.49717 20.85824 106.50257 .28571 106.50257 ----------. 28571-1 106.50257 .28571 21.13314 106.50257 21.34942 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 .05047 .77224 .94267 .00281 .00852 7.99719 7.99464 7.99148 106.50257 .28571 .77501 .01253 7.98747 106.50257 .28571 .78491 .01777 7.98223 106.50257 .28571 41867 .02495 106.50257 7.97505 .42269 .66441 1.06781 .03537 7.96463 .05183 7.94817 106.50257 .28571 .28571 .28571 .08181 7.91819 12.39136 18.30706 121.71723 .33333 30.05047 .33333 15.77224 .00246 .00469 6.99754 121.71722 121.71723 .33333 i9.94267 .00746 6.99254 -. .00536 6.99531 1.35286 4.11941 20.72234 1.35286 1.35286 1.35286 2.80699 1.98246 1.41641 22.03475 121.71723 .33333 6.77501 .01096 6.98904 22.85928 121.71722 .33333 4.78491 .01555 6.98445 23.42534 121.71722 .33333 6.97817 1.00376 23.83799 121.71722 .33333 .03095 6.96905 1.35286 .68959 1.35286 .44241 VF SMALLER THAN VH ETA TOO SMALL 1.57833 14.52545 1.57833 7.62381 1.57833 4.80597 1.57833 3.27482 1.57833 2.31288 24.15216 24.39934 121.71722 121.71722 *33333 .33333 3.41867 2.42269 1.66441 1.06781 .02183 1.35286 04556 .07158 6.95464 6.92842 14.45659 142.0O0343 .40 30.05047 .00211 5.99789 21.35823 142.00343 _40000 15.77224 .00402 5.99598 24.17606 25.70721 26.66916 142.00343 142.00343 142.00343 9.94267 6.77501 4.78491 .00639 .00939 .01333 5.99061 5.98667 27.32956 142.00343 .40000 .40000 .400 .40000 3.41867 .01871 5.98129 1.57833 - 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