New Instructional Computer Lab Request Form For Instruction Sheet

New Instructional Computer Lab Request Form
For Fall/Spring (circle one) __________
Instruction Sheet
The purpose of this form is to provide the college community with a fair and equitable system for
expanding the number and availability of computer labs throughout the college district.
The New Instructional Computer Lab Committee, a subset of the Computer Lab Task Force
created in 2005 by President Shirley Reed, has developed the attached intake form to begin the
formal process of needs assessment, planning and resource allocation.
Review all parts of the form prior to filling it out. Some answers will require a bit of research.
An informal assessment of need at the departmental level is recommended to assist you in
answering all questions on the form. Consider alternative solutions, such as sharing of an existing
lab or utilizing a portable lab, to avoid a substantial cost in capital investment and to avoid
removing an existing classroom from the scheduling inventory.
Determine a funding source. Keep in mind that some new labs can cost as much as $105,000 if
one considers the cost of PCs, furniture, multimedia, software, specialized equipment,
connectivity and facility renovation.
The form must be completed and signed by a department chair or dean.
After collecting the chair and dean signatures, submit the completed form to Vice President José
Cruz, co-chair of the New Instructional Computer Lab Committee, at the Pecan administrative
annex, room X-155 no later than October 15 of the preceeding year. Notification of
receipt will be emailed to you.
Lab requests must be submitted for consideration in early Fall during the PRECEEDING
academic year. This window of time is necessary to allow requestors and evaluators time to
allocate resources and funding necessary to process approved requests. For example, labs required
for the Fall of 2013, therefore, request forms must be submitted no later than October 15, 2012.
Submitting a request does NOT guarantee approval; all requests will be evaluated by a committee
of faculty and staff on a case-by-case basis.
All requestors will be notified by email of the status of their requests. Emails to the chair of the
sub-committee are also encouraged to solicit periodic updates. Requestors and their deans will be
notified of final approval no later than December 14th of the request year.
All requests are presented to the sub-committee and site coordinators (serving ex-officio) for
consideration. The departments of Facilities and Planning, Maintenance and Operations,
Information Services and Planning, and the Instructional Project Manager are asked to evaluate
and approve the request with regard to air conditioning, power support, network service and
scheduling impact. Final approval is required from the Vice President of Instruction.
Submit any questions or comments about the process or the attached form to Vice President José Cruz at
872-3598 or email
Remove and keep this information sheet prior to submitting the form to the sub-committee.
New Instructional Computer Lab Request Form
Part A: Requestor Information (to be completed by a Chair or Dean)
Name: ___________________________ Title: _______________ Dept/Program: _________________
Office: ____________________ Phone #: ___________________ Email: _____________________
Part B: Lab Information
Campus/Center: _____________________ Building/Room Preferences: _______ ________ ________
List the courses and # of sections expected to use this lab: _____________________________________
Identify all the times when this lab will be in use: Mornings
Is funding available to purchase the computers and equipment?
Has the department of division allocated a classroom for the lab?
Will funding be committed for the maintenance and upkeep of the lab?
Have the appropriate IE Plans been modified to support this request?
Would other departments or divisions be allowed to schedule in this lab?
Have I.T. and Facilities staff evaluated A/C, electrical or data line needs?
Has Instructional Technologies been consulted to evaluate the use of a portable lab?
Lab Components Needed:
 Sympodium / PC Podium
 Document Camera
 VCR/DVD/Sound System
# of Student PCs Needed:
 20
PC Hardware Needed:
 Standard PCs 2
 25
 30
 Data Projector
 Standard Printer x_____
 Other: ___________________
 35
 __________
 Specialized PCs
List any special PC hardware and accessories needed for this lab (e.g., 26” monitor, scanner):
Will the use of specialized hardware prohibit the use of this lab by other departments? Y
Software Needed:
 Standard Software 3  Internet Access
 Curriculum-Specific Software
List any additional, curriculum-specific software needs (e.g., Bookkeeping, Plato, SAS):
If additional software is needed, have the necessary licenses been purchased?
Part C: Justification Information 4
Reason for Request:
 Enrollment Growth
 Master Syllabus Curriculum Change
 New Course Offering
 Other _____________________
Were existing labs or portable labs considered as a solution? Why is a new lab necessary?
What are the curricular and instructional concerns driving this request?
How will the computers be used? What percentage of class time will the computers be used?
How will the department ensure the lab is effective in achieving student learning outcomes?
How will the creation of this lab affect the availability of classrooms at your campus or site?
Requestor’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Dean’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Submit this form to the Computer Lab Committee, Pecan Campus, Administrative Annex, X-155.
Deadline is October 15th of the preceding year.
Lab requests for a given term should be submitted at least a year in advance to allow time for budgeting and scheduling of labs once approved. Submissions issued
for terms already budgeted and/or scheduled will be considered for subsequent terms or returned to the requestor for resubmission.
Standard PC hardware includes a mini-tower, 17” flat screen monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, DVD-RW, USB ports and Internet access-ready.
Standard PC software includes Windows XP/7 OS, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook), Internet Explorer, Media Player, Adobe Acrobat
Reader, and Network Associates Internet Security Suite.
Submittal of a request form does not guarantee approval. Requestors will be notified of the status of their request. Final approval requires the signatures of the Dean,
the Director of Facilities Planning, the Chief Information Officer, the Instructional Project Manager and the Vice President for Instructional Services.
New Instructional Computer Lab Request Form
COMMITTEE CHAIR APPROVAL: _____________________________
Date: ________________
Committee Comments:
OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE APPROVAL: ______________________________
Date: ________
Facilities Notations (A/C, Electrical, Furniture and Fixtures, Capacity, & Fire Code): _________________
FACILITIES PLNG & CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL: ________________________ Date: ________
Facilities Notations (A/C, Electrical, Furniture and Fixtures, Capacity, & Fire Code): _________________
IT DESIGNEE’S APPROVAL: _____________________________________ Date: ________________
I.T. Notations (Ports and Outlets, Network, Equipment and Software, A/V): ________________________
ACADEMIC OFFICER’S APPROVAL: ______________________________ Date: _______________
Schedule and Curriculum Notations: _______________________________________________________
FINAL APPROVAL: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Approved ___________________________________________________________
Date: _________