DC to DC Power Conversion Module for the All-Electric Ship by Weston L. Gray B.S., Electrical Engineering University of Akron, 1999 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Naval Engineer and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the ARCHIVES SSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2011 JUL 2 9 2011 © 2011 Weston L. Gray All rights reserved LIE The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author........................................................... Center Certified By .... . .. Weston L. Gray r Ocean Engineyring, Department of Mechanical Engineering . .r. .................................... .......... Chryssostomidis oChrys P e Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Engineering L. Kirtley Jr. CertifiedJames Professor of Electrical Engingr ng and Com A ccepted By ............................................. t Science . .... av al Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students Department of Mechanical Engineering Accepted By... ............................ / C/ Leslie A. Kolodziejski Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 2 DC to DC Power Conversion Module for the All-Electric Ship by Weston L. Gray B.S., Electrical Engineering University of Akron, 1999 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Engineer in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT The MIT end to end electric ship model is being developed to study competing electric ship designs. This project produced a model of a Power Conversion Module (PCM)4, DC-to-DC converter which interfaces with the MIT model. The focus was on the Medium Voltage DC (MVDC) architecture, and therefore, the PCM-4 converts a MVDC bus voltage of 3.3, 6.5 or 10 kVDC to 1 kVDC. The design describes the transient and steady-state behavior, and investigates the naval architecture characteristics. A modular architecture, similar to SatCon Applied Technology's Modular Expandable Power Converters, was selected as the best balance for the wide variation in loads experienced. The model consists of a standard module that can be paralleled internally to provide for a wide range of system power requirements. Naval architecture parameters, such as weight, volume, efficiency, and heat load, were compiled into a parametric format allowing a reasonable approximation of actual weight and volume as a function of rating and efficiency and heat load as a function of loading. All of the parameters were evaluated for dependence on the MVDC bus voltage. Verification of the model was pursued through comparison to available simulations of similar power electronics to ensure that the model provided reasonable time response and shape. Finally, the model met all requirements with the exception of efficiency which was slightly lower than the requirement although several ideas were presented to improve efficiency. Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABST RACT ........................................................................................................................................ 3 TAB LE OF CO N TEN T S ................................................................................................................. 4 LIST OF TA BLES ............................................................................................................................. 6 ........................................................................................................................... LIST OF FIG URESS 7 LIST OF A BBR EV IA TIO NS ...................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 overview ...................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 background ................................................................................................................................ 11 1.3 Project Goals.............................................................................................................................. 12 Chapter 2 Model Specification .................................................................................................... 15 2.1 System Specifications............................................................................................................. 15 2.2 Basic m odel structure ......................................................................................................... 16 2.3 Pow er Conversion Module Control.............................................................................. 18 Chapter 3 Model Design .................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Base Ship Service Electrical Distribution System Layout ............... 20 3.2 PCM -4 functional block Diagram ................................................................................... 22 3.3 Pow er Converter...................................................................................................................... 23 3.3.1 Converter Module Size .............................................................................................. 24 3.3.2 Pow er Sw itch .................................................................................................................... 25 3.3.3 Converter Layout.......................................................................................................... 37 3.3.4 Converter Waveform s .............................................................................................. 38 3.3.5 Converter Efficiency .................................................................................................... 44 3.3.6 Filters ................................................................................................................................... 53 3.3.7 Capacitor Selection ...................................................................................................... 61 Page 4 3.3.8 W ire Selection................................................................................................................... 62 3.3.9 Inductor D esign................................................................................................................ 63 3.3.10 High Frequency Transform er .............................................................................. 66 3.3.11 Converter Sum m ary ................................................................................................. 72 3.4 Load Sharing..............................................................................................................................72 3.4.1 Droop ................................................................................................................................... 73 3.4.2 V oltage Regulator....................................................................................................... 74 3.4.3 Load Sharing Verification......................................................................................... 76 3.5 Power Control Module....................................................................................................... 79 3.5.1 power Control Module shipwide control and sensing.................................. 79 3.5.2 PCO N m odule PCM -4 Control................................................................................ 80 3.6 PCO N Module............................................................................................................................. 80 3.7 Model Verification ................................................................................................................... 82 Chapter 4 Naval Architecture Param etric Extraction......................................................... 83 4.1 Efficiency and Heat Load ................................................................................................. 83 4.2 Weight.......................................................................................................................................... 85 4.3 Volum e ......................................................................................................................................... 86 4.4 Naval A rchitecture Sum m ary......................................................................................... 88 Chapter 5 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 89 5.1 Recom m endations for future w ork .............................................................................. 89 BIBLIO GRA PHY ........................................................................................................................... 91 Appendix A: Model Detail......................................................................................... Page 5 A-1 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 EFFICIENCY AND POW ER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS [4] .................................................................... ....... 15 TABLE 2 POWER CONVERTER VARIANTS ................................................................................................................................ 17 TABLE 3 SWITCH PROPERTIES .............................................................................................................................................. 37 TABLE 4 TRANSFORMER INPUT W AVEFORM .......................................................................................................................... 39 TABLES CONVERTER SWITCHING MODES ............................................................................................................................... 40 TABLE 6 UPDATED SWITCHING SEQUENCE.............................................................................................................................42 TABLE 7 EFFICIENCY FOR 3.3 KV CONVERTER ......................................................................................................................... 45 TABLE 8 EFFICIENCY FOR 6.6 KV CONVERTER ......................................................................................................................... 46 TABLE 9 EFFICIENCY FOR 10KV CONVERTER ........................................................................................................................... 46 TABLE 10 SWITCH SUMMARIES ........................................................................................................................................... 51 TABLE 11 3.3KV POW ER CONVERTER EFFICIENCY...................................................................................................................52 TABLE 12 6.5 KV POW ER CONVERTER EFFICIENCY .................................................................................................................. 52 TABLE 13 10KV POW ER CONVERTER EFFICIENCY....................................................................................................................53 TABLE 14 CAPACITOR PROPERTIES....................................................................................................................................... 61 TABLE 15 W IRE SIZE FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY...............................................................................................................63 TABLE 16 INDUCTOR EQUATION SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................................. 64 TABLE 17 INDUCTOR DESIGN SUMMARY...............................................................................................................................66 TABLE 18 TURNS RATIOS .................................................................................................................................................... 71 TABLE 19 EFFICIENCY AND HEAT LOAD FOR A200 KW PCM AT VARIOUS LOADS AND VOLTAGES......................................................84 TABLE 20 W EIGHT............................................................................................................................................................86 TABLE 21 CONVERTER VOLUME HOUSED IN ENCLOSURE....................................................................................................... Page 6 87 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 FUTURE (POTENTIAL) IFTP IN-ZONE ARCHITECTURE [1]............................. ................ ...................................... 11 FIGURE 2 SATCON APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DISTRIBUTED POWER SYSTEMS [3] .......................................................................... 13 FIGURE 3 BASIC FORWARD CONVERTE RFROM [11] ................................................................................................................ 18 FIGURE 4 BASELINE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM............................................................................................................21 FIGURE 5 BASELINE ZONAL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM................................................................................................21 FIGURE 6 PCM -4 M ODEL BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 22 FIGURE 7 SIMULINK MODEL OF CONVERTER M ODULE..............................................................................................................23 FIGURE 8 3.3KV IGBT FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP [12]............................................................................................................27 FIGURE 9 3.3KV IGBT TURN ON LOSS [12]...........................................................................................................................28 FIGURE 10 3.3KV IGBT TURN OFF LOSS [12 ........................................................................................................................ 29 FIGURE 11 3.3KV IGBT REVERSE RECOVERY LOSS [12] .......................................................................................................... 30 FIGURE 12 3.3KV IG BT SW ITCHING TIMES [12] .................................................................................................................... 31 FIGURE 13 6.5KV IGBT FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP [13]..........................................................................................................32 FIGURE 14 6.5KV IGBT TURN-ON LOSS [13].........................................................................................................................33 FIGURE 15 6.5KV IGBT TURN-OFF LOSS [13]........................................................................................................................34 FIGURE 16 6.5KV IGBT REVERSE RECOVERY LOSS [13]............................................................................................................35 FIGURE 17 6.5KV iGBT SW ITCHING TIMES [13] .................................................................................................................... 36 FIGURE 18 SECOND ITERATION OF CONVERTER LAYOUT............................................................................................................37 FIGURE 19 BASE TRANSFORMER INPUT W AVEFORM ............................................................................................................... FIGURE 20 VOLTAGE CONTROL CIRCUIT WITH ZVS DELAY FACTOR (F) ........................................... 39 41 FIGURE 21 SECOND ITERATION OF VOLTAGE CONTROLLER........................................................................................................43 FIGURE 22 FINAL VOLTAGE CONTROL CIRCUIT ....................................................................................................................... 44 FIGURE 23 3300V SW ITCH FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP [17] ..................................................................................................... 48 FIGURE 24 3300V SW ITCHING ENERGY [17] ......................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE 25 6500V FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP [16].................................................................................................................49 FIGURE 26 6500V SWITCH TURN-ON LOSS [16] .................................................................................................................... 50 FIGURE 27 POW EREx 6500V TURN-OFF LOSS [16].................................................................................................................50 FIGURE 28 POW EREx 6500V REVERSE RECOVERY [16] ........................................................................................................... 51 FIGURE 29 INITIAL TEST OF OUTPUT FILTER ............................................................................................................................ 55 FIGURE 30 SHUNT CIRCUIT ................................................................................................................................................. 57 FIGURE 31 SHUNT CONTROL CIRCUIT ................................................................................................................................... 58 FIGURE 32 FULL LOAD STEADY STATE RIPPLE..........................................................................................................................59 FIGURE 33 TRANSIENT RESPONSE 33% TO 100% AT 0.04 SECONDS .......................................................................................... 60 FIGURE 34 TRANSIENT RESPONSE 0% TO 50% AT 0.04 SECONDS ............................................................................................ 60 Page 7 FIGURE 35 LIFE EXPECTANCY M ULTIPLIER FOR GENERAL ATOMICS TYPE C CAPACITOR [20]........................................................ 62 FIGURE 36 SANDW ICH W INDINGS SHOW ING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY [6] .............................................................................. 67 FIGURE 37 SIMULATION W ITH 3000V SECONDARY VOLTAGE ................................................................................................. 68 FIGURE 38 SIMULATION W ITH 2000V SECONDARY VOLTAGE ................................................................................................. 69 FIGURE 39 SIMULATION W ITH 1500V SECONDARY VOLTAGE ................................................................................................. 69 FIGURE 40 SIMULATION W ITH 4000V ON THE SECONDARY SIDE ............................................................................................. 70 FIGURE 41 GENERATORS IN PARALLEL OPERATION...................................................................................................................73 FIGURE 42 VOLTAGE REGULATOR ........................................................................................................................................ 75 FIGURE 43 REGULATOR FUNCTIONAL TEST.............................................................................................................................76 FIGURE 44 PARALLEL MODULE OPERATIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................... 77 FIGURE 45 PARALLEL OPERATION AT HALF LOAD ..................................................................................................................... 78 FIGURE 46 PARALLEL OPERATION AT FULL LOAD......................................................................................................................78 FIGUR E 47 BASIC PCON MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... Page 8 81 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BJT Bipolar power Junction Transistors D Duty Ratio GTO Gate Turn-Off Thyristors HFAC High Frequency AC IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors IPS Integrated Propulsion System MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors MVDC Medium Voltage DC NGIPS Next Generation Integrated Power System PCM Power Conversion Module PGM Power Generation Module PCON Power Control Module SSCM Ship Service Converter Module SSIM Ship Service Inverter Modules ZCS Zero Current Switching ZVS Zero Voltage Switching Page 9 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW The early stage ship design requires analysis and comparison of many different ship variants. The ships that are designed and then built based on these early studies are a huge capital investment for the country. Many ship designs have a life of 50 or more years by the time the initial design, the construction, and then the service life of the last constructed ship is taken into account. All of these factors add up to the conclusion, the right decisions need to be made early in the design of a ship. The early stage designer is usually working his designs to meet a set of requirements which are outside his control. Additionally, they have to produce affordable designs that are the convergence of maximum durability, mission capability and survivability all at a minimum cost. Ship designs are the definition of a systems engineering problem with many designs rivaling the complex integrations of the world's most complicated systems. Much of the early stage design is completed by wise individuals with multiple decades of experience. They have developed artful techniques and gut feelings that produce very good results. The purpose of the "MIT End-to-End All-Electric Ship" model is to supplement these talented individuals by providing a tool which can show higher level simulations of a ship system with a minimum amount of set-up time. The design tool was set up to allow these early-stage designers to make good choices with better information. The end goal was to provide system wide modeling of a new ship design. This project designed a model of one of modules in the ship's electrical distribution system. This module, a Power Conversion Module (PCM)-4, converts the main bus voltage, 3kV to 10kV, to 1kV DC to supply loads and other power conversions modules throughout the ship. The model provides transient responses for evaluation. The Naval architect also needs data on the efficiency, heat load, weight and volume of the component. The physicsPage 10 based model was used to develop a set of parametric relationships to answer these questions. 1.2 BACKGROUND The Navy has produced a roadmap of its view of technology development in the area of electric ships utilizing an integrated power system. Published in the Navy's Next Generation Integrated Power System (NGIPS) roadmap [1], the roadmap was used extensively to produce the high-level characteristics of the PCM-4. The roadmap also projects a more compact integrated propulsion system (IPS) layout. This next IPS layout was utilized in this model, and the operation and major components are outlined below. Figure 1 shows a notional electrical distribution system architecture. load oad load Emerge ncy -oad xia CBT V C1 a- MVAC HFAC -> > 1 1000 VDC MVAC Cod od FAC dH HVDC or 0 gL loa HVDC load Emerency _oad - J0dJVi -or 1000 d3iJ3:-1 lydidt VDC via PCM-4 via PCM-4 n interupib an in uple P CM-2A Un inter-utble U -nem ll load load lod load Variable eed aiabl *Otag Spenial Freq uerty Load Figure 1 Future (potential) IFTP in-zone architecture [1] The PCM-4 is used to convert the main generation voltage to 1000 VDC which is supplied to the PCM-1A. In this specific application, the PCM-4 will also contain the control center which will coordinate the power available and the amount of loading that is allowed to run downstream. The NGIPS refers to this unit as the Power Control Module (PCON). Page 11 "The PCON module consists of the software necessary to coordinate the behavior of the other modules [2]." The PCM-1A is made up of a variety of Ship Service Converter Modules (SSCMs) and Ship Service Inverter Modules (SSIMs) which supply power to the individual DC and AC loads. These loads can be powered from more than one PCM for reliability via auctioneering diodes or a bus transfer switch. The individual modules can be paralleled together to supply larger loads. Additionally, the modules would ideally be available in a number of different power ratings to allow for the maximum efficiency and minimum cost to power any additional load added to the ship. The PCM-2A is a smaller Converter that could even power and be located with a single load. The PCM-2A would replace large motor drives and be able to output variable frequency AC as well as supply smaller uninterruptable loads with redundant power. The redundancy would be achieved by powering the PCM-2A from both buses in a given zone. However, the PCM-2A would not be a redundant component; although, redundant modules could be included in a PCM-2A for the most critical loads. In general, this next step in IPS architecture would minimize cabling by only requiring the main distribution system lines to cross zones to power each zone's PCM-4. For certain loads, it would also reduce the number of power stages required to supply power to a load, specifically DC loads. Finally, this architecture allows the reduction of the number of motor drives throughout the ship by supplying a common method to drive large motors which could easily be integrated into the electrical distribution system's control network. 1.3 PROJECT GOALS There are nearly as many power conversion designs as there are power supply designers. Nevertheless, there are a limited number of different power converter structures which can then be implemented with a variety of components and different options. For this project, the concern is not only the power converter design, but also the PCM-4 design which must be able to take power from a variety of input voltages and output, efficiently, to a variety of load sizes. Page 12 The PCM-4 for this design must include variations for 3kV to 10kV input with power rating variable between 1 and 5MW. The PCM-4 was divided up between the controller and the modules. The PCM contains one controller which performs several critical functions. These functions include maintaining the voltage setting of the individual power modules to maintain 1000V DC output. In addition, the controller would ensure smooth operation of the ship's electrical distribution system. Main Propulson Zonal Distribution ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE N 800 VDC - 4SO VAC nyerter w PMRDC DC- DCCONVERTER DC- DCCONVERTER DC-DCCONVERTIR 0 350 - 800 Vdc 4SVac 30 45 100 Vd DC- ACINVERTER 1000 vde 1 DC- DOCONVERTE DC- ACINVERTER DC- ACIN , 350 - 800 Vdc 1000 Vde DC - DCCONERTR WC - Dr. 8ON1R"E 1000-800 VDC 4160 Vaw 3+ Converter Figur e 2 SatCon Applied Technology Distributed Power Systems [3] Early on the power conversion strategy from SatCon Applied Technology was selected. These PCMs use small modules which can be connected together to supply larger loads. Using these ideas, the PCM-4 could be made up of a small number of modules where the number var ies depending on the total load the PCM-4 is expected to supply. A key co mponent of any power converter is the solid state switch. The power converter envis ioned here is a switching type of power supply using Silicon based switches . The switches m ust be able to survive the maximum current and voltage difference they will experience in t he converter design. Additionally, the switches must be kept cool enough to avoid damagin gthe switching structure. Finally, the switches must be set up to allow the switching to oc cur when there is no voltage and current on or through the switch. Page 13 Depending on the specific component used, there are various other losses which must be minimized. From a technology point of view, the other components of the PCM, inductors, transformer, computer control, are all very well established. The technology of the switches is the component that is still being improved. This continuing improvement offers a chance for future capability in terms of voltage limits, current capacity, and efficiency improvements, but it also supplies a host of unknowns which must be dealt with in the modeling process. Page 14 CHAPTER 2 MODEL SPECIFICATION 2.1 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS The model will have to conform to the same transient limits and other specifications as a shipboard PCM. This will allow the model to provide useful results when coupled with the other systems of the all-electric ship model. The specifications to be met are outlined in this section along with the basis used to determine these specifications. The Navy's NGIPS Roadmap indicates that the PCM-4 and PCM-1 will likely be replaced by a PCM-1A which performs both tasks. With this in mind, this project will attempt to make the PCM-4 modules such that they can be easily combined with a future PCM-1 to maintain a consistent architecture with the Navy. While Navy Specifications for their systems are not available in open literature, a reference was found in the SBIR Program. The Navy is requesting design work on power conversion devices that meet the requirements shown in Table 1. From the description, these requirements are perhaps a bit conservative, but they should be representative of what will be expected of future naval combatants. Only the threshold values were used in the table below to simplify the design process. Parameter Threshold SS Voltage Regulation Transient Voltage Regulation +/- 3.5% +8.5%/-16.5% Conversion Efficiency Conversion Efficiency Conversion Efficiency Steady State Ripple Voltage 75% 96% 96.5% 2% Condition 0 to 50%, 33 to 100% and 100 to 0% at 70 MW/sec 20% rated load 35% rated load 40 to 100% rated load Table 1 Efficiency and Power Quality requirements [4] The controller and converter circuitry work together to produce an easily controllable output voltage. In addition, the output from the PCM-4 will be used to drive another power conversion stage which will produce a particular voltage required by a load. Page 15 2.2 BASIC MODEL STRUCTURE Selecting the structure of the model is a much more complex question than simply selecting the best of several options. Like the rest of ship design, the converter design is a complex systems engineering problem. This implies that many of the parameters for the converter depend on each other, and an optimal converter for one use is a poor choice for another use. This selection is being made for a converter operated in the all-electric ship as explained above. Efficiency, reliability, size and weight are all important considerations which must be traded off against each other to select the best converter structure. On a circuit level, there are more specific concerns that must be optimized. The size of the energy storage components should be minimized. Additionally, minimizing the stresses applied to the switching components will allow smaller and/or cheaper components to be used and/or will increase the operational life of the converter. Losses must also be minimized to increase the converter's efficiency. Switching losses, conduction losses, and field losses must all be analyzed and minimized. After the model has been completed, details such as the power capacity of each module and component selection will be determined. Some level of optimization will be performed for the output power level based on number of units for given maximum power and efficiency. Finally, the components will be selected and/or designed. The actual component parameters will be input into the model and used to validate all component assumptions made during the design phase. The different types of power converters have their relative advantages [5]. The Direct Converter has significantly lower switch stresses than the indirect converter topology. Additionally, the Direct Converter requires about half or less of the energy storage that an indirect converter requires during reasonable operation. Therefore, the direct topology will be utilized in this model. Page 16 Bus voltage 1 module modules Multiple Multiple modules 3.3 kV Al B1 6.5 kV A2 B2 10 kV A3 B3 Table 2 Power Converter Variants As shown in Table 2, the conversion ratios will be from 0.1 (10kV input) to 0.3 (3kV input). While 0.3 might produce reasonable switch stresses, the reduction in voltage from 10kV produces too much switch stress for a single stage design. One possible method to reduce the switch stresses is to add a transformer to the direct converter. This type of converter is called a forward converter. In addition to reducing the switch stresses, the transformer also provides electrical isolation between the input and output. This feature could be significant for the high voltage system, especially during a fault induced transient. The basic forward converter is shown in Figure 3 below. The operation of this forward converter really only draws power from the source for half of the cycle. When the switch is on, the source supplies current to the transformer which charges up the filter elements on the secondary side. For the second half of the cycle, the filter elements solely supply the load. This type of converter works well, but it requires a mechanism to reset the transformer on the primary side. Resetting the transformer refers to reducing the flux to zero during each cycle to prevent a buildup of flux and saturation of the core. Additionally, the basic forward converter also requires relatively large filter components to maintain a constant voltage on the secondary side, especially at low switching frequencies. Page 17 Figure 3 Basic Forward Converter from [11] To minimize both of these limitations, a different approach was tried. The high power switches have a relatively low switching frequency; this characteristic will tend to increase the size of the energy storage components. As a result, full wave rectification was chosen for the secondary side. To utilize a full wave rectifier, it was realized that the transformer flux must not only be reset, but it must be reversed. This was accomplished on the primary side of the transformer by modifying the inverter. Using a different switching configuration, it was hoped that the transformer primary could be reversed yielding an AC voltage on the secondary which would be suitable for full wave rectification. Based on the above considerations and research, the Forward Converter was selected for converter topology. This topology should minimize the switch stresses allowing a larger input voltage and longer component life. Also, the lower voltage switches are easier to develop if they are not already commercially available. The forward converter also limits the amount of stored energy required which will minimize the size and weight of the required inductors and capacitors in the filtering of the converter. 2.3 POWER CONVERSION MODULE CONTROL The desire to enable the ship to reconfigure itself in response to damage or system failures requires a networked power system. In addition to the reconfiguration options, the networked controllers enable the different electrical distribution components to respond very quickly. The reconfiguration options included in this design are the ability to select a different power source. This feature allows a PCM-4 to draw power from either the port or Page 18 starboard bus. The switch is an electrically controlled bus transfer switch. With the size of the filters required in the power supply, the assumption is that the switching of source voltage could be done with loads energized. A quick controller allows the system to respond many times faster than the cycle speed of the machines at the sources or loads. For example, if a power generation module (PGM) powering the PCM-4 was tripped on a fault, the PCM could instantly determine to switch its source to another bus. An additional option is the PCM-4, working with the other PCM-4's, could determine that the loading is too much for the remaining PGM, and the PCM-4 could initiate load shedding through the PCM-1 and 2 modules. A fast controller and efficient control codes could enable these changes to occur before the bus voltage has had a chance to drop appreciably or a circuit breaker is tripped. The PCM-4 power conversion modules must operate in parallel to supply the total PCM-4 loads. In addition, the PCM-4 power conversion modules will have to share loads with other PCM-4's. These features will have to be included in the control system. Page 19 CHAPTER 3 MODEL DESIGN To meet the specifications determined in chapter 2, the converter will have to be carefully designed. The input and output filters will be designed and tuned to result in a high efficiency while meeting the input and output requirements. Additionally, the switching losses must be reduced to allow the converter to function at a higher efficiency. Finally, the components required to perform these functions must be selected and/or designed. It is recognized that some of the components may not exist, especially for the higher bus voltage, but projected values will be used for components not commercially available. 3.1 BASE SHIP SERVICE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LAYOUT Using the general guidance developed in Chapters 1 and 2, a baseline electrical distribution system layout was developed as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. This baseline attempts to demonstrate the reliability features and general configuration that is envisioned to operate around the PCM-4 designed herein. A simple 3-zone ship is shown for emphasis only. Page 20 MVDC Figure 4 Baseline Electrical Distribution System MVDC P PCM-1 1000 VDC PCM - 4 PCM-1 MVDC 1000 VDC Figure 5 Baseline Zonal Electrical Distribution System Page 21 The baseline configuration has a port and starboard MVDC bus which feeds the PCM-4's. This provides reliability in that all the PCM-4's can be supplied with power independent of which set of generators in online. Likewise, the PCM-4's output of 1000 VDC is fed to a port and starboard ship service bus. Typically, the port and starboard ship service buses will be fed by half of the PCM-4's to increase redundancy. Inside each zone, the PCM-1's will be supplied by the opposite bus. Individual loads will then be supplied from the PCM-1 or PCM-2's with vital and redundant loads powered from multiple sources. The net effect of these reliability considerations is an electrical distribution system that can get electrical power from any available source to any available load through any available PCM configuration. It should be noted that there are multiple configurations that the PCMs can be arranged in. For example, the PCM-4 could be combined with the PCM-1 to form a PCM-1A. There could be 2 PCM-1A's per zone to produce a redundant system with, perhaps, a different survivability characteristic. 3.2 PCM-4 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Simulink is the primary modeling tool utilized for this project. As such, the PCM-4 is made up of subsystems: PCON and converter modules. The converter modules are further broken down later. The overall PCM is shown below in Figure 6. More converter modules can be added in parallel to supply larger loads. Enuous po we rgul Figure 6 PCM-4 Model Block Diagram Page 22 The minimum control signal is a voltage control signal from PCON that sets the operating voltage of the modules. Sensing lines were also required to determine the actual operating voltage of the PCM. These minimum signals are expanded in later sections as the system design is expanded. 3.3 POWER CONVERTER The first piece to explore is the Power Converter stage. The Power Converter stage is made up of a switch, transformer, and diode as the major components. The power converter stage produces an average output voltage at 1000 VDC. The input and output filters work with the Power Converter to produce a voltage with a limited amount of ripple, 2% of steady state voltage. The converter is shown in Figure 7 below. D1 N:1 Continuous D2 out gnd D3 powergui D4 Switch Control Figure 7 Simulink model of Converter Module The forward converter consists of a direct converter and a transformer. The direct converter produces an AC voltage with four switches. Therefore, even though the input and output of the converter are DC voltages, the switched AC voltage allows the use of a transformer in the middle of the converter, which transforms the voltage to the level Page 23 required to produce the desired output voltage at the ideal duty ratio (D). The ideal duty ratio value depends on the switch used and the circuit, but in general the ideal duty ratio reduces stress on the switch and maximizes efficiency. Typically a 50% duty ratio or D of 0.5 is a good tradeoff. The type of converter shown above is sometimes referred to as a double-ended isolated forward converter. In addition to the advantages mentioned above, this converter also reduces the voltage ratings required for the switches. Based on the current level of switch technology, it is still expected that the higher MVDC bus voltages will require circuit modification to achieve a realizable switch voltage rating. 3.3.1 CONVERTER MODULE SIZE The PCM-4 high level architecture decided on earlier was a Converter made up of a control module and the needed number of converter modules. To complete the design of the PCM-4, the size of the individual converter modules had to be determined. This size was bounded on both the lower and upper ends by physical considerations inherent in the ship and the electrical distribution system The size of the converter modules was determined to be large enough that the design for paralleling the multiple modules was not overly complex. Too many modules operating in parallel could have led to unexpected interactions. Additionally, it was believed that having too many modules would decrease the overall efficiency of the PCM-4. On the other hand, having too few modules would also impact efficiency by ensuring that an individual module would rarely be operated at its ideal loading. The requirement to have an installed spare module would also become cumbersome if the modules were too large. Initially, an in-depth optimization was planned for the module size. However, it quickly became apparent that the number of variables from zone loading to ship type made the prospect of optimizing the module size for any one configuration unproductive. As a result, the possibility of multiple module sizes was introduced, but a 200 kW module size was selected as the initial offering. This size was intended as a compromise between the Page 24 previously mentioned parameters as well as trying, in advance, to limit the size of the filtering components. 3.3.2 POWER SWITCH The type of switch selected for this design affected all of the other components and even influenced the converter layout. As a result, after exploring the basic transformer frequency ranges, the switch selection was the next step. The proper switch selection was critical to the efficiency and durability of the converter. There are several types of switches to choose from. Common designs include variations of Gate Turn-Off Thyristors (GTOs), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs), Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), and Bipolar power Junction Transistors (BJTs). Each of these devices has advantages and disadvantages that were explored to select the best device for the PCM-4. Silicon-Carbide (SiC) devices were not seriously considered due to the lack of established devices. As larger SiC devices are produced and tested, their advantages should be reviewed for inclusion in this type of converter. GTOs can handle high currents and high voltages, but they require commutation or high turn off currents [7]. As a result, they were placed at the bottom of the component selection. Barkhordarian [8] provides a comparison of BJT and MOSFET devices as follows. BJTs are current driven devices, and as a result, as much as 20% of the collector current is required to keep the device on which drives up the cost and complexity of the switching circuit. In addition, BJTs have a relatively slow switching period and are difficult to operate in parallel. MOSFETs by comparison are faster switching and can be paralleled easily due to the forward voltage decrease with temperature increases which helps to evenly distribute the current to each parallel device. However, the forward voltage drop at high voltages becomes worse than BJTs which limits the effectiveness of MOSFETs. IGBTs are a combination of a FET and BJT. As a result, IGBTs are voltage controlled devices that do not require a snubber circuit. IGBTs can also be combined in parallel to provide added current capability [7]. The IGBT also has the low on resistance of a BJT and Page 25 higher current capability than a MOSFET [9]. As a result, IGBTs have become "the switching element of choice" in high voltage applications. Although the IGBTs have a lower frequency range than MOSFETs, recent advances have increased the frequency range of IGBTs while minimizing switching losses. As a result of these characteristics, the IGBT was the first choice for a switch for the PCM-4 model. To provide a safety margin for survivability, a factor of 2 was used for the switch rating. For example, if 6 kV was expected across the switch during normal operation, the switch or switches must be rated at 12 kV. Not only does this provide an inherent capability to survive voltage transients, but it also improves the switch life. The highest rating IGBTs commercially produced were rated at 6500 VDC. Of course, this voltage rating would not support the 10 kV model variant and provide the safety factor of 2. As a result, two options were considered. The first option was to assume that eventually a higher voltage rating IGBT would be produced. The second option was to use the IGBTs in a scheme that would allow an effective voltage splitting between multiple IGBTs. The first option appeared to be low risk. Based on the literature review, a 10 kV switch appears to be the next iteration of the IGBT design. The second option evaluated allowed for operating IGBTs in series. Ju Won Baek [10] presents a simple and efficient series connection which was used as a starting design for series switch connection. He uses an RC circuit to balance the voltage across 2 switches and allow for a higher operating voltage. The variants shown in Table 2 will be analyzed individually starting with variant Al which is a single module operated at 3.3kV input voltage. In order to achieve the 2 times rated voltage, at least a 3kV switch must be used since 2 switches are in series. As estimated in Equation (1) below [5], the switch current is approximately 128 A. P= 2 pf - Pf= I, = P Vppf 2(200kW) =2P 128A -3300V(0.9S) (1) The Hitachi 3.3kV switch referenced for this paper has a current rating of 1500A providing a comfortable current margin. The higher current and voltage rating will also Page 26 allow the converter module to absorb a rather large transient without damage to the switches. As shown below in Figure 8, the forward voltage drop is approximately 1.3V at a worst case 125"C. Figure 9 indicates that the turn on loss will be approximately 0.4 J/pulse, and Figure 10 indicates an approximately 0.35 J/Pulse turn off loss. Finally, the reverse recovery losses will be approximately 0.35 J/Pulse as shown in Figure 11. The turn on time is approximately 1.9[tsec with a turn off time of about 5.8 psec as shown in Figure 12. TYPICAL| 3000 - VGE=OV 2500 Tc=25 'C 2000 LL 3 1500 -o - --- 12 0 1000 Tol -- TG 25 C50 150C C_ 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 Forward Voltage, VF(V) Figure 8 3.3kV IGBT forward voltage drop [12] Page 27 TYPICAL 4.0 -[EConditional Ls=10-nH 3.5 -va-t Eon(full) av Eon(fu--0 R13=2.79 (10C) CGE=330nF Tc=125"O 3.0 Eon(1 0%) 2.5 We- I aS! 0 (n 2.0 (P2 0 ' 0 0 a- 1.5 PR- t Eon(0) -7 Eon(full) = 0 200 400 600 800 1000 7t3 4 12 dt (exC)- (lex VcE)- dt 1200 1400 Collector Current, IC(A) Figure 9 3.3kV IGBT Turn on loss [12] Page 28 1600 T YPICALI 4.0 [Conditions] Vow= IIIOV 3.5 v-*15v -CGE=330nIF d0V Ven _ TU=t25te = PICA vee .of(tA) 3.0 a E-off(full)=((k - VCE Q. Eoff(full) S2.5 Eoff(ful) (150 c) CL U S2.0 0 C Eoff(10% 1.5 1- F :z 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Collector Current, Ic(A) Figure 10 3.3kV IGBT Turn off loss [12] Page 29 1600 TYPICAL 3.0 [Conditions) _eaI lH VeeGt 650V VG=*1 5V 2.5 RG=2.7Q CGE=330nF Te125%C UD Err(full) -(150 C) Err(full) 0 - Err(1 0%) 1.0 0.5 t11 110 Err(10%.)= cl Err(full)= (1,x VCE)-d xVe) .dt -- - 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Forward Current, IF(A) Figure 11 3.3kV IGBT Reverse Recovery Loss [12] Page 30 TYPICA L 6.0 1 1 Lon dition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ALa100fnM - c=1UUIIV - - VG-*I5V G=2.70 5.0 0-E- 330oF 4 Ta=12 T toff 4.0 ~~ - 0 ~ ton -- E 1.0 trr - 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Collector Current, IC(A) Figure 12 3.3kV IGBT switching times [12] A larger switch was required for variant A2. In order to achieve the 2 times rated voltage, at least a 6kV switch must be used since, again, 2 switches are in series. As estimated in Equation (2) below, the peak switch current is approximately 65 A. I = 2 2P P Vppf _ 2(200kW) - 65A (2) 6500V(0.95) The Hitachi 6.5kV switch referenced for this paper has a current rating of 750 A providing a comfortable margin. As with the 3.3 kV switch, it is believed that using the larger switch at a lower than rated power increases the operational life and reliability. As shown below in Figure 13, the forward voltage drop is approximately 1.4V at 125"C. Figure 14 indicates that the turn on loss will be approximately 0.8 J/pulse, and Figure 15 indicates an approximately 0.6 J/Pulse turn off loss. Finally, the reverse recovery losses will be Page 31 approximately 0.55 J/Pulse as shown in Figure 16. The turn-on time is approximately 2.3 ptsec with a turn off time of about 5.8 iisec as shown in Figure 17. TYPICAL I I 1400 I I II i=ll Tc=-1251C 1200 I till -- ~| I -1- -LLLL .. L WL l-_IJJ ii i i i II Ilti i iii -4---- -4--4-4- -4-4-4-4--4111 i i i i ~1 J J I iii i ii 1I000 i Sil i till - i ii ilt i ii ilt F l i i iIi i ill -L-LL ii i i Itii Ilil ilt I I LLLL LLL LL- t-r-r-t- I - i-- I-i-i-i I LLL I -l WJ _L fi 1111 II I - I i ti LLA. ii i 1Lii 1. 1 J j - - -t -4 - iiil LJ.Jr. 4T i itl it -t-| i| JJ..l I i i L li rLiiii I -- 1 |-| | T TT T T + - + + ++ ---- - F F F 0 i-t- 11 -11111 __LL-U--JJ . I + 1-1-1-1- J.14l . I I -T--1 - TT T TTTT' .L.LL I I lI 2 3 4 5 6 Forward Voltage, VF(V) Figure 13 6.5kV IGBT forward voltage drop [13] 0 + -+ + + - -+ + ill Iill t i ii _L t l 4444 - - I - i ii - J.-4.4. J 1-1- - -4 -- 4 - -4 - FFFrr r- 1111 -4-4 -4 i JJ i--i--ii FFFiI Iill i I i-i-i-i--ii 4 i l T -+- --i - -- + + +1--I-i1l lilt ilt 1 fill ~-1 77 -1i1 T~TT T T TT' IL-L fIll i i till 1 iii liltl f LLLLP I-i-i--I-I- -- J.JJ lilt T~TT T 1.. tiltlltl I til JJ. I-- - F - I---1-1----iI i l l 11li t ii ~lFrFF -rrl-~--~~ -- _LL_ Iit iI t - 1 - I t I ill T T T T j1iLL i i liii lt i1 4 lilt~_ til til I i i i iltI . i iii liii I ~- -T-T-T-r-mTTtil Ill iii ill t iill -Li-t---i------1 l 1 T TT T Ill JJ. JJ t1 T iI i lilt i ii -in~-T Tr ii ilt i I Ill l1 -E - - - ii i L. i ii| i I ilt I ii 1 1 -11 t liii T T T T I -T ii fill i ii I fill l-1-4_ I II 800 fil Ii i l I 1 t1ill LLLL -LLL.WtJ- 6T4 -t TT T T - J.J ~ fi ii i lllt lilt i -4-4-4-i- -4-4-4-4- F~rFr ~t-i-Fl----l" lilt i ii I 1 Page 32 I I I ++. 14.0 I TYPICAL II~~~ I VGE=±15V, Rg on'g 2Q Vcc-3600V, L4200nH, Tj-I 25 C _ T Inductive load -4--4- 12.0 I - 4-F - I I I I 4-r- We L I I F F -I - . L I I I I i I I II r T I_ J SI II I 0 -4 .1 - I- .L L. 10.0 tVa. U n I I I I II- [ I I I I -FT _jI 12 I I Eon(Flil 8.0 I I- I-- I- -I ~T-i-1-1- 0I i i i I FF TT I I T-T - L. 6.0 I -I -Frrr TT I I I I --1-1-1-7 I T-I I T i~ - T SI 'L L.Li 'I ' I -1 IJ I I I II ii Li 4.0 - I I l I i ii I -- l+- I | F J I IL I i I I I : :: : : : l i I i ii I I I 1 7' F Ly~ILL. -L lii i ii i-+- - -r Tr TT~ II I I II Il l|i IIi WIWLWL LJ '±LLL II I IJW 2.0 | | fiii | | I| |I|I I| | 0.0 250 I : : I I ! I I ----- iI I I I I I l- LL. -lJ.JJ_ L Ili - -- i-I- rrr -1 -1I I lii LW IhIli iJ I WI WL 11 --I--I T-1-1 jill JI| || T ~l Tl~~ lT T~ 7r1r lI I I ~F 0 I II I-, I 10i &(0 jJi til lilii - 11-1-- - -FT T-r- -- lI ii I I I' I L L. _I- I I I I I I I II I . -1...-1 1 We cd J I I 1 Tr 1 L_ | 500 750 1000 Collector Current , Ic (A) 1250 Turn-on Loss vs. Collector Current Figure 14 6.5kV IGBT turn-on loss [13] Page 33 1500 TYPICAL 12.0 -F-Ft L - -- ----- LL ' L1 J- J -- J - J-i 11.0 L . Vcc 3600VL-2OOnH. 125'C Ti - L L - -I -i-I- J. -4.4 -1- - - - 9.0 D D -- Inductive load - 10.0 .-- ±15Vgffh2 VGE -L w--F - t L L -+444-4 --+ _ -1 -1 - - -1- 4-.- - L .. L L L 0 1 LLL L4 J J-ILL .. .. LLLI L L . .~ - aT E L .4 ___ E 1E11 L-LL-A. - - -4-4-1- - 4-4 - -- 1- -44-4-4- :ii-j:- 4- 4- -1-1 -4-4-1--1I- 1-- ~-rr -L-1++ 1 - L.L -t4-I I :11 i t+ - - EETI - L.LJ.- -i-- : - --4-4-1-J44--- I-- -t LLL L JJJ-I-LL -4t-4-1--1 - -I- [E' i i 4 D ~- - Eoffi0%)' -i 4 44L -4-4-4-Id .1 4i - -j|Eo MRFull) - L L -L! -44- LE I .-C -LL L 4-IL4 -4- E E 1-4 -L A - -1- - - I - 4-i Ii I4- J.J-l-1 -i.- 4_ _ii_ loVce EoffiutjIfk -I II--- - - Ic-Voeid Eoff(1O%). - - J 1~ t -II a-1-- .1-r ii JJ - -JI L. -- I-44-1-1- :I[E 1111]] - -4~ 4 ----- E L L ] ---i - --i ]] - _214 I-~LEE -- ---- +-- -i- - r- -r- - -- 1D-I-Ii--A 4-~4-- -- - - JJ~CC~CEll JJJJ~~CE IE,-:I~[]]- -_----..LLL r- 4 -rvrr-TT JJ -7]]1 i lJ - - -4--1- -7-T-77 4 -t -1--1 7-T-i:r-F 0 0 ~ ~ ~ - --- r - r-r-------r-, r --r-r-r-r 0 - - -e - - L JJ -1j- 1--1- -. LLLJ L -4J J---...1L V -- +- 4-- 0 250 - - F-1-- 500 -- -4 - -4-1- 1- --- - - -+ L L -J.J.J e - + i 750 1000 1250 Colector Current , Ic (A) Turn-off Loss vs.Collector Current Figure 15 6.5kV IGBT turn-off loss [13] Page 34 + 1500 ~ -I~[- LMLL . J. J .1J TYPICAL I 5.0 ,, -r T VGE ±15VRgon, 32Q - T Vcc 36COVL-2OOnHTj 125C F-T ltduA ve luid FT I If F4.5-r-r-FT 4.0 3.5 -i---rrr -i--i-rrr -r ii- r 11 1eae' TT TT-TT - F -rTl ~FT -r1 F -I T L. F1 r T~ --- -r-r--FFr'r FT:t12 1-~l-1-~l-1-FFTTTTT FtT(1O4. f 11F-Vrodt 1 F~ 1--F 1- Ef It~Ful.f ID r veet Ir 7I T iI I -'-1~ F --- i-rrr T TTl~~ 1 T! ii "-r F TT -F - T TI Tr- - I -r - F.5r(1091 ). 1 1 F V1 1 r 1 TI hi FT TT T T- ~rr 1-1~l- T.1 I FTT7 I -i I - -1 Ir r - T ~- I I I I -l1 I -~1"TT I I I I I I I I T T~ rF ~T I I TI I I I .0 . II liii I I Ilii I F FT li liii ilI iT li lii I - I |TIii I I liii liii I I l i lii li ii I iiI IiI i iii ili ii II i i II ilt II I lii li | III iI i iii l II i I l I I l i iii iI I Iiii Iiii Ii i ii I Il Ii lii i i . i. .. iI _______ i tI IlI Ii i ilt iI i li ii i ii i ii l i I ii i i ilt I1 I iII I i Iiii ______ li i I iI I i i i I i ii I Il I Ii|I I i ii ii li li liii li ii l . iIi i ii i ii I i ii i i Ii i i ii I iii I I | lii - rT i i _____ iii i ii I i ii i ii i ii Ii i lIi i i ii III ii i I i i i Ill Ill 0.0) 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 IIIA) Figure 16 6.5kV IGBT reverse recovery loss [13] Forward Current, Page 35 TYPICA 10.0 L V L i- II 9.0 15V Rgo -. 11 4- L -L S i L L L-- Voc 360DV, L'.200nH, Ij-125"C11 Indtuctive load - - 7.0 IQ I iII I L-L-l -1 - 1- 1- I I I L |- | |L | -1 -I- | |1 I -L- .. . i lii __ - 1 - 1 i I -I I - 'I LI-LI i I -1 -1-1-1- I I I- - L|- - I| - | LL -- -J-1-1- I 1 - 4 -1I i I I I I 1 - .L.-1J J- I- L L -L |J -I-| 6.0 S. 1 11 -T -| C0 I | 1 I I iI 1 L - - -4 1 [-1- | I I | 1 1 1 1 I |J L- - 1|' | |I IT F FI I I I 0I 1[I 1I I I 1|7 0 ,* I - i L I I 3.0 I I 1 | 1 1| 1 1 1 11 |' 4l I 1I I | I-1 - - I - J4- I I I L I I tr l_ L i I I -1 -1- 4 4- -- 4-J4J4 - 2.0 T || I 1.0 - - 4 4 I I - i i I -4 -1 -1-1- IT-T - ||| I I - 4- tr I -4 -4-----4 I I | , 4 ' . I I 4 -1--4 0.0 0 250 500 750 CollectorCirmat .1I 1000 (A) 1250 1500 Figure 17 6.5kV IGBT switching times [13] In order to proceed with the design, the decision was made to assume that a 10kV switch will become available. Since no data is available, the parameters were extrapolated based on the differences from the 3.3kV to 6.5kV switches. This should provide a reasonable starting point for efficiency calculations. Future design work could investigate the methods of combining switches in series if the 10kV switches are not yet producible. The table below summarizes the switch parameters from above as well as the estimates of the 10kV switch parameters. These values will be used later in the analysis to determine the efficiency of the converter. Equation (3) below determines the value of peak current as 42A. Page 36 P2= pf2 f | * P Vppf f Load Design I SwitchI Current Al A2 A3 3.3 kV 6.5 kV 10.0 kV 2(200kW)= 42A (3) -10000V(0.95) Forward Voltage Drop 128 A 65 A 42A 1.3 V 1.4 V 1.4 V Turn-on Loss Turn-off Loss Reverse Recovery Turn-on Time Turn-off Time 0.40J/pulse 0.35J/pulse 0.35J/pulse 1.9 usec 5.8 usec 0.80J/pulse 0.60J/pulse 0.55J/pulse 2.3 usec 5.8 usec 1.10 J/pulse 0.75J/pulse 0.70J/pulse 2.6usec 5.8usec Table 3 Switch Properties 3.3.3 CONVERTER LAYOUT The second iteration of this converter layout is shown below in Figure 18. This circuit includes a Voltage Control block and a Voltage regulator block. In addition, because a relatively low switching frequency is expected, a block called, Shunt, was added as a placeholder for some active filtering components. This system provided the starting point for the design that follows. Figure 18 Second iteration of converter layout As the design progressed, it was expected that the Voltage Control block would be used to transform the control signal (duty ratio, D) into a control signal to actuate the Page 37 switches which take MVDC and produce a switched AC voltage at the input to the transformer. The voltage regulator block was intended to modify the output voltage as required to allow multiple modules to be operated in parallel. In addition, the voltage regulator would also help to minimize transients through providing the control signal to the voltage controller as well as controlling the active filtering components in the Shunt block. A maximum steady-state and transient input voltage variation of 3.5% of the MVDC bus voltage will be accepted while still producing 1000 VDC output voltage within the acceptable band. The final consideration for the converter layout will be the combining of switches in series. This will be done to ensure a safety factor of 2 above the normal operating voltage. 3.3.4 CONVERTER WAVEFORMS Some considerable energy was applied to developing an optimal waveform. As mentioned above, the input waveform to the transformer must reverse polarity to allow full wave rectification and decrease the size of the filtering components as well as eliminate the clamping circuit. Additionally, a waveform was chosen which would allow the output voltage to be increased or decreased without changing the switching frequency or input amplitude. A square sine-wave input to the transformer would allow the maximum energy transfer with the smallest energy storage. However, some allowance must be made for input voltage variation. In addition, a small period of zero input voltage will help the transformer transition to a reverse current. An initial waveform incorporating these factors is shown in Figure 19. The waveform variables are described in Table 4. Page 38 t (sec) OT Figure 19 Base Transformer Input Waveform Variable Description T OT D F Period of one cycle Off Time between positive and negative half-cycle Duty ratio between 0 and 1 with a base value of 0.5 Delay Factor for ZVS and ZCS initiation (smaller factor is more delay) Table 4 Transformer Input Waveform The transformer operation and design can be simplified if the input waveform approximates a sinusoidal waveform. While a multiple level waveform could be used to more closely approximate a sinusoid, it was decided that a simpler approach could be used for this application. The area under the square wave was set equal to the area of a sinusoid. This has the added advantage of producing the same Volt-sec, or flux, in the transformer as the sinusoid per cycle. Equation (4) shows the calculation of the area to be placed under the square wave and the value of the variables. f1 sin(" t) dt = 4 f 4 sin ( t) dt (4) = The area under the unit sinusoid is 2T/w. To mimic the same flux distribution, the square wave in Figure 19, the square wave must have a total area of 2/7r per cycle. This calculation is shown in Equation (5) below. This value of OT will be selected as the base value for the space between the square wave halves. When the frequency of the switching circuit is selected, the value of OT will be a constant value until a control signal, D, is applied to raise or lower the voltage. (T - 20T) * 1 = 2T iF = OT = f 2 T T 21r = 2 - ir T (5) The first run through the converter operation was made with an attempt to minimize the stresses on the switches. It is assumed that additional circuitry would have to Page 39 be added to achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) or Zero Current Switching (ZCS); however, efforts were made to reduce the switching stresses on average. The switching sequence shown in Table 5 has 4 unique modes of operation which are designed to produce ZVS switching for switches 2 and 4. This will help to minimize the size of the module as well as increase converter efficiency. The delay factor, F, was adjusted to provide the desired delay between the operation of the two switches in series. Mode Switch Time Comment 1 S4--C S1-C S1--O S4-+O S2->C S3-C S3-O OT(1-D)*F OT(1-D) 0.5T-OT(1-D) 0.5T-OT(1-D)*F O.5T+OT(1-D)*F 0.5T+OT(1-D) T-OT(1-D) ZVS S2-+O T-OT(1-D)*F ZVS 2 3 4 ZVS ZVS Table 5 Converter switching modes The converter control is realized using time delays as shown in Figure 20. A pulse circuit was used as a clock signal. The frequency of the clock was determined by the switching frequency of the switch. When the positive pulse is initiated, the delay timers are activated. As shown in Table 5, there are 8 timers. Each of the timers is used as an input signal which either shuts or opens the inverter switches S1-S4. The operating frequency, or clock, of the system is not adjusted after the system is constructed. This voltage control circuit is shown below in Figure 20. Page 40 Generator INV5 Figure 20 Voltage Control Circuit with ZVS Delay Factor (F) The control signal, D, from PCON is used to adjust the voltage of the inverter. As can be seen mathematically in Table 5, when D is increased, the total area under the volt-sec curve in Figure 19 will increase. This is equivalent to more flux being generated in the transformer and more power being transferred to the secondary side. As a result, more energy is stored in the secondary filtering components, and the average voltage increases. The converter is designed to operate in a steady state with D equal to 0.5. As the converter responds to transients on either the input or output side, D is adjusted to minimize the change in voltage on the output. As the design evolved, the delay factor was abandoned as a means to control the switches to achieve one switch operation under ZVS. It was acknowledged that a path must be provided to allow continuity of current in the windings of the transformer. As a result, two switches are always left shut. The switches will first shut to provide a path from the source to the transformer, and then the switches will operate to provide a path for the transformer primary current to coast down to zero. The revised converter switching is shown below in Table 6. Page 41 SwitchComment Time S1 S2 S3 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 OT(1-D) C C 0 O.5T-OT(1-D) 0 C C O.5T+0T(1-D) 0 0 C T-OT(1-D) Table 6 Updated S4 Carryover State C C O 0 C__ Switching Sequence Table 6 above takes into account the continuity of transformer primary current. In addition, the number of switching states was increased to equalize the switching stresses. The first task was accomplished by always leaving 2 switches closed across the transformer primary. These closed switches provide a current path for primary current to continue to flow during the OT periods while the input is not connected to the transformer. To balance out the heat loading and current stress on the switches, S1 and S3 would be shut one half cycle and then S2 and S4 during the other half cycle. This also requires that the delay factor (F) be removed and the switching order be modified from Table 5 as shown in Table 6. Eliminating the delay factor (F) provided some benefit but also added some complications. The benefit of eliminating F was that now the duty ratio (D) could be varied from 0 to 1 without additional circuitry being added. However, now, all four switches will be switched under full voltage. To minimize the switching losses, ZVS/ZCS needs to be addressed 4 times vice 2 times, adding to the circuitry, cost, and weight. These changes required the Voltage Control circuit to be redesigned. In addition to the above discussion, this redesign was brought on by early testing which showed that D might have to vary significantly in order to help minimize transients. The second iteration of the voltage control circuit is shown below in Figure 21. Page 42 (1 -D)2 Figure 21 Second Iteration of Voltage Controller After some initial testing of the operation, another variation was analyzed. If the transformer current was allowed to coast down on the secondary side, the primary switches would not have to be configured to provide an off-state conduction path. This approach also allows the duty ratio to be adjusted throughout a prescribed range that covers 0 to nearly 1. The upper limit is still based on giving the transformer time to reverse fields, but the voltage control circuit does not inherently limit these values. Page 43 Figure 22 Final Voltage Control Circuit Figure 22 above was also modified to allow greater flexibility in the control of PCM voltage. In addition to simplifying the circuit, timers were added to allow short cycling its operation. For example, if the requested duty ratio changes during the current cycle, the new duty ratio will modify the control signals in real time. The advantage is that the relatively slow switching frequencies can effectively be increased without increasing the actual frequency and therefore switching losses. The circuit's extra features were designed to allow a switch to be opened or shut at any time during its normal half-cycle. However, to limit the increases in switching losses, once the switch pairs are opened during a half cycle, they cannot be shut again until their next operation period. This allows the switch to be opened at any time, even if the requested duty ratio was 90% when the switch was shut. 3.3.5 CONVERTER EFFICIENCY After the switching schema was determined, a comparison analysis was performed to optimize the switching frequency and switch losses with the size of the transformer and filtering components. An initial calculation was performed in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9 below. This calculation was based on the manufacturer's data presented in the previous section and summarized in Table 3. The primary losses accounted for included the conduction loss calculated from the forward voltage drop and conduction current. Additionally, the turn-on and turn-off losses and reverse recovery losses were determined Page 44 from the manufacturer's data. These are typically the primary losses of concern. These losses were calculated based on the 2 series switches. The diode losses were based on a DYNEX rectifier diode with a voltage drop of approximately 0.8V with about 200A of average current. The losses are relatively small, but they are given their own category to differentiate them from the other losses involved. 3.3 kV 500 Hz 750 Hz Power 200 kW 200 kW power factor 0.95 0.95 Conduction Current 128A 128A Forward Drop 1.3V 1.3V D 0.50 0.50 F 1.00 1.00 T 2.OE-03 1.3E-03 Turn-on loss 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul Turn-off loss 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul Reverse recoveries 0.4J/pul 0.4 J/pul Non-ZVS On Trans 2000 3000 Non-ZVS Off Trans 2000 3000 Reverse recoveries 2000 3000 Cond. Time/cycle 1.OE-03 6.7E-04 Conduction diss. 0.2 kW 0.2 kW Switching Diss. 02.4 kW 03.6 kW Transformer Loss 04.0 kW 04.0 kW Filter Loss 02.0 kW 02.0 kW Diode Loss 00.3 kW 00.3 kW Power Loss 08.9 kW 10.1 kW Switching Efficiency 95.6% 95.0% 1000Hz 200 kW 0.95 128A 1.3V 0.50 1.00 1.OE-03 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 4000 4000 4000 5.OE-04 0.2 kW 04.8 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 11.3 kW 94.4% 1500 Hz2000Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 128A 128A 1.3V 1.3V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 6.7E-04 5.OE-04 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 6000 8000 6000 8000 6000 8000 3.3E-04 2.5E-04 0.2 kW 0.2 kW 07.2 kW 09.6 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 13.7 kW 16.1 kW 93.2% 92.0% 2500 Hz 200 kW 0.95 128A 1.3V 0.50 1.00 4.OE-04 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4 J/pul 10000 10000 10000 2.OE-04 0.2 kW 12.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 18.5 kW 90.8% Table 7 Efficiency for 3.3 kV converter Page 45 3000Hz_ 13500-Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 128A 128A 1.3V 1.3V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 3.3E-04 2.9E-04 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4J/pul 12000 14000 12000 14000 12000 14000 1.7E-04 1.4E-04 0.2 kW 0.2 kW 14.4 kW 16.8 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 20.9 kW 23.3 kW 89.6% 88.4% 40 z 200 kW 0.95 128A 1.3V 0.50 1.00 2.5E-04 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4J/pul 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.2 kW 19.2 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 25.7 kW 87.2% 6.5 kV 500 Hz Power power factor Conduction Current Forward Drop D F T Turn-on loss Turn-off loss Reverse recoveries Non-ZVS On Trans Non-ZVS Off Trans Reverse recoveries Cond. Time/cycle Conduction diss. Switching Diss. Transformer Loss Filter Loss Diode Loss Power Loss Switching Efficiency J 750 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 065 A 065 A 1.4V 1.4V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.OE-03 1.3E-03 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 2000 3000 2000 3000 2000 3000 1.OE-03 6.7E-04 0.09 kW 0.09 kW 04.0 kW 06.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 10.4 kW 12.4 kW 94.8% 93.8% 1000 Hz 1500 Hz 2000 Hz 2500 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 065 A 065 A 065 A 065 A 1.4V 1.4V 1.4V 1.4V 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.OE-03 6.7E-04 5.OE-04 4.OE-04 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 4000 6000 8000 10000 4000 6000 8000 10000 4000 6000 8000 10000 5.OE-04 3.3E-04 2.5E-04 2.OE-04 0.09 kW 0.09 kW 0.09 kW 0.09 kW 08.0 kW 12.0 kW 16.0 kW 20.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 14.4 kW 18.4 kW 22.4 kW 26.4 kW 92.8% 90.8% 88.8% 86.8% 3000 Hz 3500 Hz 14000 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 065 A 065 A 1.4V 1.4V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 3.3E-04 2.9E-04 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 12000 14000 12000 14000 12000 14000 1.7E-04 1.4E-04 0.09 kW 0.09 kW 24.0 kW 28.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 30.4 kW 34.4 kW 84.8% 82.8% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 2.5E-04 0.8 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 3000 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 3.3E-04 1.1J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 12000 12000 12000 1.7E-04 0.06 kW 31.2 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 37.6 kW 81.2% 4000Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 2.5E-04 1.1J/pul 0.8J/pul 0.7 J/pul 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.06 kW 41.6 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 48.0 kW 76.0% 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.09 kW 32.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 38.4 kW 80.8% Table 8 Efficiency for 6.6 kV converter 10.0 kV Powe r power factor Conduction Current Forward Drop D F T Turn-on loss Turn-off loss Reverse recoveries Non-ZVS On Trans Non-ZVS Off Trans Reverse recoveries Cond. Time/cycle Conduction diss. Switching Diss. Transformer Loss Filter Loss Diode Loss Power Loss Switching Efficiency 500 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 2.OE-03 1.1J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 2000 2000 2000 1.OE-03 0.06 kW 05.2 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 11.6 kW 94.2% 750 Hz 1_1000 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 042 A 042 A 1.4V 1.4V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.3E-03 1.OE-03 1.1J/pul 1.1J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 3000 4000 3000 4000 3000 4000 6.7E-04 5.OE-04 0.06 kW 0.06 kW 07.8 kW 10.4 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 14.2 kW 16.8 kW 92.9% 91.6% 1500 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 6.7E-04 1.1J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 6000 6000 6000 3.3E-04 0.06 kW 15.6 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 22.0 kW 89.0% 2000 Hz 12500 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 042 A 042 A 1.4V 1.4V 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 5.OE-04 4.OE-04 1.1J/pul 1.1J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.8 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 8000 10000 8000 10000 8000 10000 2.5E-04 2.OE-04 0.06 kW 0.06 kW 20.8 kW 26.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 27.2 kW 32.4 kW 86.4% 83.8% Table 9 Efficiency for 10kV converter Page 46 3500 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 1.4V 0.50 1.00 2.9E-04 1.1J/pul 0.8J/pul 0.7 J/pul 14000 14000 14000 1.4E-04 0.06 kW 36.4 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 42.8 kW 78.6% These calculations yielded an approximate efficiency of the switching circuit between 76% and 95.6% depending on the voltage and frequency variations. This is significantly below the requirement of 96.5% at full load for most configurations. The transformer efficiency of approximately 98% and an additional 1% loss in the filtering components was assumed for this calculation. Although the switches are less efficient at high frequencies, a higher frequency will allow a smaller transformer and filtering components. Therefore, ZVS and ZCS techniques should be investigated in a future study to determine their suitability in this application. A typical ship's service electrical loading is approximately 5-10 MW. A 3% efficiency increase would amount to as much as 150-300 kW in power savings as well as heat load on the ship's cooling systems. Based on the results above, the optimal switching frequency for these switches was 1500 to 2000 Hz. Above this frequency, the efficiency of the switch decreases rapidly without additional circuitry to limit the voltage and current at switching. After analyzing the efficiency results above, two factors became obvious. The conduction losses were approximately 0.3% of the switching losses. As a result, the type of switch used was investigated to determine if there were any better matches. The ideal switch for this application does not need to have a high current rating, and in fact, a lower current rating might allow the switch to be made such that the switching losses are lower. Also, because the conduction losses are so low, a switch's conduction losses are not really a controlling factor. MOSFETs are typically faster switching but have higher forward voltage drops than IGBTs. Initially, this last factor led to the selection of the IGBT. However, at this stage, MOSFETs were investigated more closely to determine if they could reduce the switching losses at the expense of increasing conduction losses. Additionally, the initial assumption was that using an IGBT that was overrated would significantly increase component durability. True as this may be, it was later realized that this could also increase the losses significantly more than expected. This also led to lower rated IGBTs being evaluated. The overall goal of the switch re-evaluation was to increase the efficiency of the converter to the required level. Page 47 A review of several power switch manufacturers such as Toshiba and Powerex did not reveal any MOSFET technologies that allowed even 3300 V switching. As a result, MOSFETs were once again removed from consideration. However, two lower rated IGBTs were located. One was a Powerex module, and the other was a Mitsubishi module. With a much lower rating of 400A and 200A for 3300V and 6500V respectively, these IGBTs more closely matched the required values. These switches were still overrated, so a factor was applied to the key characteristics. This factor was intended to approximate the change in these parameters for a switch that was rated for 2 times the current requirement. The key graphs for the new switches are shown in Figures 23 through 28 below. The values are summarized in Table 10. 800 Q z w 600 400 0 0 W 200 0 0L 0 2 4 6 8 10 COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE VCE (V) Figure 23 3300V Switch forward voltage drop [17] Page 48 2.0 Vcc = 1650V, VGE= +15V, RG = 7.52, Tj = 125*C, Inductive load 0L 1.5 0 z 0 1.0 -- Eon _ z 0.5 - __ __ Eoff _ C/) Erec - 0 0 200 600 400 800 CURRENT (A) Figure 24 3300V switching energy [17] 2000 r.. . . . - 4 8 12 16 1600 1200 800 400 20 COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE, VCE(sat, (VOLTS) Figure 25 6500V forward voltage drop [16] Page 49 4.0 , 3.5 Vcc = 3600V VGE=±15V G (f) = 3.0 - 72 0 RG(on) = 301 =200nH 2.5 L 2 .0 T1= 125*C -- - - - - - 1.5 1 .0 -_- - - -- - --- 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC,(AMPERES) Figure 26 6500V Switch turn-on loss [16] 4.0 I 3.5 Vcc = 3600V VGE = ±15V RG(ofUj = 7212 3.0 - RGoen' = 30L2 2.5 Ls = 200nH T = 125*C 2.0 - - -0 1.5 - - ,0 - - - - - - 1.0 0.5 0 100 200 300 400 COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC,(AMPERES) Figure 27 Powerex 6500V turn-off loss [16] Page 50 500 1.2 Vcc =3600V VGE=±15V 1.0 q RG(on) = 300 w :0.8- L= 200nH T = 125*C--- w0 Lp0.6 CE) cc a: 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 EMITTER CURRENT, 'E, (AMPERES) Figure 28 Powerex 6500V reverse recovery [16] Design Switch Al A2 A3 3.3 kV 6.5 kV 10.0 kV Load Current Forward Voltage Drop 128 A 65 A 42A 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V Turn-on Loss Turn-off Loss Reverse Recovery 0.20J/pulse 0.25J/pulse 0.12J/pulse 0.50J/pulse 0.40J/pulse 0.35J/pulse 0.65J/pulse 0.70J/pulse 0.60J/pulse Table 10 Switch summaries As can be seen from a comparison of Table 10 and Table 3, the switching losses are much lower for the lower rating switches. However, the forward voltage drop is significantly higher. The higher voltage intuitively makes sense because the lower current rating switch has a smaller conduction surface area. The tables below summarize the 3.3, 6.5, and 10kV power converter efficiencies using the smaller switches. Page 51 3.3 kV 500 Hz Power power factor Conduction Current Forward Drop D F T Turn-on loss Turn-off loss Reverse recoveries Non-ZVS On Trans Non-ZVS Off Trans Reverse recoveries Cond. Time/cycle Conduction diss. Switching Diss. Transformer Loss Filter Loss Diode Loss Power Loss Switching Efficiency 200 kW 0.95 128 A 3.OV 0.50 1.00 2.OE-03 0.2 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.1J/pul 2000 2000 2000 1.OE-03 0.4 kW 01.1kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 07.8 kW 96.1% 750 Hz 1000 Hz 1500 Hz 2000 Hz 200 kW 0.95 128A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 1.3E-03 0.2 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.1J/pul 3000 3000 3000 6.7E-04 0.4 kW 01.7 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 08.4 kW 95.8% 200 kW 0.95 128 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 1.OE-03 0.2 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.1J/pul 4000 4000 4000 5.OE-04 0.4 kW 02.3 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 09.0 kW 95.5% 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 128 A 128A 3.0 V 3.OV 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 6.7E-04 5.OE-04 0.2 J/pul 0.2 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.1J/pul 0.1J/pul 6000 8000 6000 8000 6000 8000 3.3E-04 2.5E-04 0.4 kW 0.4 kW 03.4 kW 04.6 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 10.1 kW 11.3 kW 94.9% 94.4% 2500 Hz 3000 Hz 3500Hz 4000 Hz 200 kW 200 kW 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 128 A 128A 128 A 128 A 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.OE-04 3.3E-04 2.9E-04 2.5E-04 0.2 J/pul 0.2 J/pul 0.2 J/pul 0.2 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.3 J/pul 0.1J/pul 0.1J/pul 0.1J/pul 0.1J/pul 10000 10000 10000 2.OE-04 0.4 kW 05.7 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 12.4 kW 93.8% 12000 12000 12000 1.7E-04 0.4 kW 06.8 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 13.5 kW 93.2% 14000 14000 14000 1.4E-04 0.4 kW 08.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 14.7 kW 92.7% 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.4 kW 09.1kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 15.8 kW 92.1% Table 11 3.3kV Power Converter Efficiency 6.5 kV 500 Hz Powe r 200 kW powerfactor 0.95 Conduction Current 065 A Forward Drop 3.OV D 0.50 F 1.00 T 2.OE-03 Turn-on loss 0.5 J/pul Turn-off loss 0.4J/pul Reverse recoveries 0.4J/pul Non-ZVS On Trans 2000 Non-ZVS Off Trans 2000 Reverse recoveries 2000 Cond. Time/cycle 1.OE-03 Conduction diss. 0.19 kW Switching Diss. 02.5 kW Transformer Loss 04.0 kW Filter Loss 02.0 kW Diode Loss 00.3 kW Power Loss 09.0 kW Switching Efficiency 95.5% 750 Hz 1 1000 Hz 1 1500 Hz 12000 Hz 12500 Hz 3000 Hz 3500 Hz 14000 Hz] 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 1.3E-03 0.5 J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 3000 3000 3000 6.7E-04 0.19 kW 03.8 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 10.3 kW 94.9% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 1.OE-03 0.5J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 4000 4000 4000 5.OE-04 0.19 kW 05.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 11.5 kW 94.2% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 6.7E-04 0.5 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 6000 6000 6000 3.3E-04 0.19 kW 07.5 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 14.0 kW 93.0% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 5.OE-04 0.5 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 0.4 J/pul 8000 8000 8000 2.5E-04 0.19 kW 10.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 16.5 kW 91.7% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 4.OE-04 0.5J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 10000 10000 10000 2.OE-04 0.19 kW 12.5 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 19.0 kW 90.5% Table 12 6.5 kV Power Converter Efficiency Page 52 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 3.3E-04 0.5J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 12000 12000 12000 1.7E-04 0.19 kW 15.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 21.5 kW 89.2% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 2.9E-04 0.5 J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 14000 14000 14000 1.4E-04 0.19 kW 17.5 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 24.0 kW 88.0% 200 kW 0.95 065 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 2.5E-04 0.5 J/pul 0.4J/pul 0.4J/pul 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.19 kW 20.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 26.5 kW 86.7% 10.0 kV Power power factor Conduction Current Forward Drop D F T Turn-on loss Turn-off loss Reverse recoveries Non-ZVS On Trans Non-ZVS Off Trans Reverse recoveries Cond. Time/cycle Conduction diss. Switching Diss. Transformer Loss Filter Loss Diode Loss Power Loss Switching Efficiency 500 Hz J 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.OV 0.50 1.00 2.OE-03 0.7J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 2000 2000 2000 1.0E-03 0.13 kW 03.9 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 10.3 kW 94.8% [ 1500 Hz 750 Hz 1000 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.OV 0.50 1.00 1.3E-03 0.7J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6J/pul 3000 3000 3000 6.7E-04 0.13 kW 05.9 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 12.3 kW 93.9% 200 kW 200 kW 200 kW 0.95 0.95 0.95 042 A 042 A 042 A 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.OE-03 6.7E-04 5.OE-04 0.7J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.7J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6J/pul 0.6 J/pul 4000 6000 8000 4000 6000 8000 4000 6000 8000 5.OE-04 3.3E-04 2.5E-04 0.13 kW 0.13 kW 0.13 kW 07.8 kW 11.7 kW 15.6 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 00.3 kW 14.2 kW 18.1 kW 22.0 kW 92.9% 90.9% 89.0% 2000 Hz 1_2500 Hz_[3000 Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 4.0E-04 0.7J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6 J/pul 10000 10000 10000 2.OE-04 0.13 kW 19.5 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 25.9 kW 87.0% J3500Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 3.3E-04 0.7 J/pul 0.7J/pul 0.6J/pul 12000 12000 12000 1.7E-04 0.13 kW 23.4 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 29.8 kW 85.1% 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 2.9E-04 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6J/pul 14000 14000 14000 1.4E-04 0.13 kW 27.3 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 33.7 kW 83.1% 4000Hz 200 kW 0.95 042 A 3.0 V 0.50 1.00 2.5E-04 0.7 J/pul 0.7 J/pul 0.6J/pul 16000 16000 16000 1.3E-04 0.13 kW 31.2 kW 04.0 kW 02.0 kW 00.3 kW 37.6 kW 81.2% Table 13 10kV Power Converter Efficiency These revised selections yield efficiencies of 94.4%, 91.7%, and 89% for the 3.3kV, 6.5kV, and 10kV power converters respectively. As a result, it appears unlikely that this type of power converter layout would be able to achieve 96.5% efficiency without adding circuitry to minimize the switching losses even further. 3.3.6 FILTERS After a working circuit was produced, the filters were designed and tested. The initial input and output filter were assumed to be second order LC filters. It was rationalized that a capacitor at the input and output would be required to maintain the voltage at the desired values. For space and reliability considerations, only a small capacitor was considered for this application. The use of small filtering components was also a very big concern for the transient response and required additional circuitry to limit the transients to the allowable values. The voltage ripple for this circuit was analyzed across half a cycle. The positive and negative half cycles are identical as far as the input and output filters are concerned. As a Page 53 result of the waveform developed for this circuit, the apparent frequency to the input and output filters was two times the actual switching frequency. This helped, as postulated previously, to decrease the size of the filtering components by minimizing the length of time between pulses to the output filter and load. Voltage and current ripple were used to determine the initial size of the inductors and capacitors in the filter circuits. For a first order approximation, all current ripple in the inductor was assumed to go into the capacitor [5]. The inductance, Loi, was calculated to be at least 31 mH to maintain the output current ripple less than 4A and thus keep the output voltage ripple to less than 20V for the largest load of 5Q. Equation (6) outlines the method used to arrive at the inductance, Loi. The larger duty ratio (smallest input voltage) was used for the set up below because this would give the larger variation in inductor current and capacitor voltage. di VL = L-dt 1 diL = -VLdt L ==> 1 (V L (Di A= 1 - DV 2 )T 1f - AiL =* DT V2 )dt L -V 2 )T - AiL ___ _______ =; L > T(1-D)V 2 = _ - 1 -(V L 1 - V 2 )(D)T 31mH (6) Using this same methodology, the minimum value of the capacitance was determined. The maximum load of 200kW was also used for the voltage ripple calculation to attain the worst case result. Equation (7) shows the calculation used to determine the starting value for the capacitance. dv IC = C-> dt Av C 1 dve C (D1, - DI )T 1 LDT = C - 12 )dt -> Ave 5 - (I C ve =-j(I1 C 0 )T =(-DC T(1-D)1 2 AVC Page 54 = 1. 25 mF -2)(D)T (7) 250 lll 2000 lout Overshoot 1500 1000 500 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 05 lime (sec) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 29 Initial test of output filter The testing screen adopted for this project shows the output voltage versus time, but it also shows a variety of control signals and other measurements as well. Starting from the top in Figure 29, the graph shows the output current going to the load shifted by 2500 to separate the graphs. Next is a digital indicator (ON or OFF) of whether the circuit has reached steady state as defined by the logic of the shunt control circuit. The curve at 2000 is the slope of the output voltage. Below that is the digital control signal for the shunt resistor to limit overshoot. The next curve offset at 1500 is the ON or OFF state for the switch to discharge the capacitor during load increases. At 1250 is the ON or OFF state for the switch which charges the capacitor through a 50 resistor. The dashed line is the shunt capacitor voltage which tracks the output voltage. The green line at 1000 is the desired voltage from the regulator. Finally, the red signal at the bottom is the rectified voltage at the output side of the rectifier. The output filter components from above were tested to determine the validity of the approximations. As can be seen from Figure 29, the transient response is slow and includes significant overshoot. In addition, due to the very low switching frequency, the Page 55 converter is not very controllable. In a typical low power converter, the switching frequency would be an order of magnitude greater or more. This would allow more fidelity in the control of the switched output. As a result, effort was made on shunt components to attempt to utilize smaller capacitors and inductors while increasing the speed of the transient response and controllability. Figure 30 shows the resulting shunt circuit. The shunt circuit is designed to minimize transient effects on the output voltage while minimizing the size of the filtering components and increasing response speed. The capacitor is initially charged during the module start-up. As the converter is run in steady state, the capacitor voltage will be checked periodically to ensure it remains at the regulated voltage. During a large load increase, the capacitor can be switched into the circuit and supply its energy to the load to maintain the output voltage while the output filter is charged to its new required value. During a large load decrease, the capacitor can also be charged slightly to help limit the increase in output voltage. The shunt circuit also contains a 5 Q resistor. This resistor can be switched in to limit the maximum increase in output voltage during transients from high to low loads. The resistor dissipates the stored energy in the output filter preventing exceeding the output voltage limits. Page 56 Charge QDis-Charge CP C D O ~Over-shoot - A a + Load +input S5 S6 S7 Ro Vcap Co2 Rol I measurement - A input -Load Figure 30 Shunt circuit Both of these shunt branches are designed to only be used during transients. As a result, it is expected that they will have a minimum effect on the overall efficiency of the converter. Additionally, through trial and error, this circuit allowed a drastic decrease in the size of the output filter inductor and capacitor; although, it required the addition of three switches, a capacitor and two resistors. The Shunt Control circuit is shown in Figure 31. This provides the logic sequences to control the shunt circuit to limit large transients to within the required specifications. Page 57 Figure 31 Shunt Control Circuit The output filter was adjusted to a value which resulted in an average steady state ripple of approximately 20V. This resulted in an inductor of 16mH and a capacitor of 100,pF. Another factor that allowed the inductance and capacitance to be much lower than predicted was the variable duty ratio, D. The approximation assumed a constant D, although the actual duty ratio varies dynamically to control the output voltage. Although these components are not small for the voltages under consideration, the components are available. The steady state ripple voltage is distorted by the adjustments of the PCON as shown in Figure 32. Page 58 1040- 10200 1000_ Vout Vrec Vreg Charge Vcap Slope Discharge ss lout Oershoot 980 960- 940- 920- 9008800.046 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.054 Time(sec) 0.056 0.058 0.06 Figure 32 Full Load Steady state ripple A 5 Q resistor was used for both of the resistors to ensure that the maximum output current would be limited to full load. The resistor was based on a Power Wire Wound Resistor from MF Power Resistor Ltd. A 20kW resistor was chosen to reduce the overall size of the resistor. The manufacturer stated that a 10 times rated power is acceptable for short periods less than 5 seconds. For the operation of this circuit, the resistor will be used for very short periods of time (much less than 1 second) and only during transients. The shunt circuit was then adjusted to limit the total voltage swing during transients as discussed above. The minimum capacitor value was determined to be 430ptF. A variety of transients were run, and a summary is shown below in Figure 33 and Figure 34. The transients were selected based on the limits given in Table 1. The first set of transients started with a 0% to 33% transient followed by the 33% to 100% transient and finally a 100% to 0% transient. The second transient set, started at 0.03sec, was a 0 to 50% transient. At 0.05sec, the load was increased to 100%, and then at 0.07sec, the load was decreased to 0%. During all of these transients, the output voltage was maintained between the limits of +8.5% and -16.5%. Page 59 lout SS Slope Owrshoot Discharge Charge Vreg Vout Vcap Vreg NNW 1000- III / I 500 0 0.01 0.04 Time (sec) 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.07 Figure 33 Transient response 33% to 100% at 0.04 seconds lout G9 SS Slope -Overshoot Discharge Charge Vreg Vout Vcap Vreg 2500;M1 - ~ mAD 2000 1- 1000 H- )0 0 0.01 002 003 0.04 lime (sec) 0.05 0.06 Figure 34 Transient response 0% to 50% at 0.04 seconds Page 60 007 008 The input filter was not designed because there was limited information about the electrical sources that would be seen in the systems. Instead, it was assumed that the same size capacitor would be used on the input as the output. For a specific supply system, an optimized input filter could be designed, but it is not expected to significantly affect the efficiency or operation of the converter. 3.3.7 CAPACITOR SELECTION The capacitors chosen for the converter come from the General Atomics Electronic Systems [20]. Three capacitors are required for this circuit: 1 input filter, 1 output filter, and 1 shunt circuit. The capacitor values and pertinent data are summarized in the table below. Weight H 1W IL Component Value 74.9 kg 1OOuF 203.2mm 355.6mm 612.1mm Cil 74.9 kg 100 uF 203.2 mm 355.6 mm 612.1 mm Col Cshunt 430uF 184.2mm 355.6mm 693.4 mm Table 14 Capacitor Properties 77.2 kg The capacitors selected are of a mixed dielectric type using either polyester or polypropylene film in combination with paper in the dielectric. This type of dielectric is designed for higher repetition rates based on the manufacturer's literature. Figure 35 shows the operational life of the capacitor versus the charge voltage [20]. On the secondary side of the power converter, we are running at less than 10% of the rated voltage which should yield a very large number of cycles. The figure shows greater than 104 times the 3x10 3 cycles the capacitors are rated for. Additionally, the capacitors are not cycled more than a small amount for the ripple voltage. While no more complex analysis was run on these capacitors, this amount of information satisfied the author that these capacitor specifications were representative of the actual type of capacitor that would be used in this type of power supply. Page 61 1ol' CHARGE VOLTAGE VS. LIFE S 2 103 10 2 15 .2 20% 30 40 So 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Charge Voltage % of Rated Voltage Figure 35 Life Expectancy Multiplier for General Atomics Type Ccapacitor [20] 3.3.8 WIRE SELECTION Due to the high voltages involved in this design, special care was taken to ensure that the wire for the inductors and capacitors was chosen correctly. Most wire is commonly rated to 600V. The voltages in this application are approximately 3kV to 10kV on the primary side and 1kV on the secondary side of the transformer. Also, to get a good estimate of the properties of the inductors and transformer, the size wire must be known to account for the size and weight of the windings and also core material. The 600V rating for wire is based on the insulation rating. Higher voltages have a chance of arcing through the insulation creating a hazard and causing damage to the equipment. Thicker materials provide better insulation, but the windings would then grow in size as well. A common means to insulate wire in magnetic windings is applying a special varnish to the wires. By searching available products, an insulation value of 3000 V/mil was used. This is for dry windings. If the winding is wetted, the insulation value drops to 1500 V/mil. These values came from Red Insulating Varnish 4228 on MG Page 62 Chemicals website. For this level of design analysis, these numbers were deemed sufficient. The conduction of the conductor is also critical for wire size. The primary effects analyzed were the skin depth of the conductor and the area required to carry current on the primary side and secondary side. The Skin effect causes the current to flow through an area of the conductor near the surface. As frequency increases, the area becomes smaller and smaller as the current flows only through an area nearer and nearer to the surface. Equation 8 was used to determine the skin depth, 6 eU [5]: Cu = (8) 2 , (LIcuOcu where w is the frequency, peU is the permeability of copper (1.256x10- 6 H/m), and ~cu is the conductivity of copper (5.69x10 7 s/n). This yields a skin depth of 1.5mm for the copper wire. Table 15 summarizes the size of the wire on the primary side of the transformer for the three converter variations as well as the secondary side which is common to all three. ZVotlage Primary Primary Primary Secondary ICurrent 3.3 kV 6.5 kV 10.0 kV 1.0 kV 128A 65A 42 A 200 A Area Req Cond. 0.256cm2 0.130cm2 0.084 cm2 0.400 cm2 Diam Final Diam [Insulation 2.9mm 2.0mm 1.6mm 3.6mm 2.9mm 2.0mm 1.6mm 3.6mmj 0.03mm 0.06mm 0.09mm 0.01mm Iwire 2.89mm 2.09mm 1.73mm 3.58mm jStandard Wire Diam 9 AWG 11AWG 13AWG 7AWG 2.94 mm 2.15mm 1.82mm 3.59mm Table 15 Wire size for Primary and Secondary As shown above, the only wire that showed an issue with the skin depth was the secondary side windings in the transformer and inductor filter. The electricity does not flow through the center portion of the conductor, so a tenth of a millimeter added to the conductor diameter alleviated this concern. The wire sizes used for these calculations were based on dry insulation as it is the expected choice for this type of installation. Additionally, the required wire size was rounded up to the nearest standard wire size which provides a small margin in addition to simplifying the construction. 3.3.9 INDUCTOR DESIGN This section details the design and selection of the filter inductors. The design of these components was completed for several reasons. First, having an actual design of the component would allow at least a first order estimation of the parasitic losses of the Page 63 component to increase the fidelity of the model. Second, to provide Naval Architecture parameters, the weight and volume for the components is required. An accurate weight estimate could only be found by referencing an actual component. Last, designing an actual component provided verification that the selected component parameters could actually be obtained. These inductors, as with most inductors, are custom designed for this application. The inductor design procedure from Fundamentals of Power Electronics [15] was referenced heavily to get a rough estimate of the inductor properties. To initiate the inductor design, we start by determining the size of wire which will be required for the windings. The calculations in the previous section show the wire sizes required for the primary and secondary side for the different variations. Iron was chosen as the core material and has a maximum allowable flux density of 1.2T. By calculating the saturation flux in the core by Equation (9), the minimum number of turns on the inductor can then be found to avoid saturating the core. The area of the toroid was calculated and the dimensions were adjusted so that the required number of turns of wire could be wound. No toroids could be found of this size which prevented the use of AL which is essentially a manufacturers specification for the inductance per turn. As a result, the core parameters were chosen as shown in the equations below. Table 16 lists the name and units for each variable used in the inductor calculations. Ac Aw Ka Core cross-sectional area [cm 2] Wire conductor area [cm 2] Maximum core flux density [T] Magnetic Core figure of merrit Ku Winding fill factor Bmax Imax L MLT p R WA K > Peak winding current [A] Inductance [H] Mean-length per turn [cm] Wire resistivity [Q/cm] Winding resistance [Q] Window area [cm 2] Table 16 Inductor equation symbols 108 [cm 5 ] (9) Page 64 Kg = AW l1 * = "104 2 1 A- AL A [M] (1 (12) [unpH] Bmax L = ALN N (10) [cmS] - A. ! R = 2 10- 9 (13) [H] Umax 10 4 (14) KuWA [Cm2] (15) pNMLT [l (16) Bmax Ac Aw,actual The summary of this iterative design process is shown in Table 17. The filter inductors are rather large at 16mH each, but a toroidal core with an air gap was initially tried. The equations above were stepped through. The core properties and the size of the wire required were calculated first. Then, the resistance of the winding was estimated. This resistance was used in Equation (9) above to give an estimate for the core parameter, Kg. Next a winding fill factor was chosen. In this case, 75% was used because of the relatively thin varnish insulation chosen. These parameters yielded a required core parameter. By adjusting the size of the core and the window area, the actual core parameter was adjusted to be approximately equal to the required value. Using the other relationships given in the equations, the gap length was calculated. This allowed a calculation of the inductance. At this stage, the primary inductor parameters were fairly accurately estimated. The weight and volume of the core were calculated as well as the actual resistance of the winding. Page 65 Voltage Power Current (max avg) Wire size (diameter) Resistivity Core Flux Density Inductance Winding Resistance Winding Fill Factor 3.2E-5 Ohm/cm 5.OE-5 Ohm/cm 8.OE-5 Ohm/cm 1.2T 16 mH 0.2 Ohm 0.75 1.2T 16 mH 0.2 Ohm 0.75 1.2 T 16 mH 0.2 Ohm 0.75 Kg required 13 756 cm5 05 644 cm5 03 788 cm5 Height Width MLT Cross Sectional Area Window Area (WA) 9.7 cm 7.0 cm 33.4 cm 67.9 cm2 100 cm2 8.0 cm 5.0 cm 26.0 cm 40.0 cm2 100 cm2 13 804 cm5 06 154 cm5 Kg of the core Length of Gap AL Turns Thickest Wire Required Window Diam DiameterofToroid InductorDiameter Inductor Height InductorVolume Core Weight 3.3 kV 6.5 kV 200 kW 200 kW 61 A 31 A 2.94 mm 2.15 mm 10.0 kV 200 kW 20 A 1.82 mm 1.0 kV 200 kW 200 A 3.59 mm 2.OE-5 Ohm/cm 1.2 T 16 mH 0.3 Ohm 0.75 62 894 cm5 7.5 cm 14.8 cm 4.0 cm 12.5 cm 23.0 cm 54.6 cm 30.0 cm2 185.0 cm2 100 cm2 100 cm2 03 913 cm5 62 683 cm5 Actual Winding Resistance 0.8 cm 0.3 cm 0.2 cm 3.0 cm 1130uH 1521uH 2025uH 770uH 119 turns 103 turns 89turns 144 turns 0.45 cm 0.48 cm 0.52 cm 0.41 cm 5.64 cm 5.64 cm 5.64 cm 5.64 cm 19.6cm 15.6cm 13.6cm 30.6cm 20.2cm 16.1cm 14.0cm 31.2cm 10.8 cm 8.9 cm 8.3 cm 15.9 cm 0.0139 m3 0.0072 m3 0.0051 m3 0.0485 m3 24.10 kg 11.56 kg 7.68 kg 99.24 kg 0.13 Ohm 0.13 Ohm 0.16 Ohm 0.16 Ohm Per Unit Wire Weight 5.9E-4 kg/cm 3.7 E-4 kg/cm 2.3 E-4 kg/cm 9.4E-4 kg/cm WindingWeight Total Weight 2.3 kg 26.4 kg 1.0 kg 12.5 kg 0.5 kg 8.2 kg 7.4 kg 106.6 kg Table 17 Inductor Design Summary 3.3.10 HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER Determining the practical frequency range of the transformer is the first priority of the power converter design. The design process will be iterative, but it is still important to start as near as possible to the ideal design point. The higher switching frequency of the converter will impact not only the size of the filter components, but it will also affect the size of the transformer. Both of these sets of components will decrease in size as the switching frequency increases. However, there are limits on the frequency such as the efficiency of the switch and even the maximum frequency capability of the switch. Page 66 It was initially expected that the transformer would be the limiting component on the switching frequency of the converter along with the efficiency tradeoffs. However, F. K. Wong showed that the development of new core materials and winding techniques have increased the switching frequency of high frequency transformers [6]. The data shows that operation through the megahertz range is possible although maybe not for the size range required in this project. This discovery moved the frequency limit to the power switch for the upper switching frequency. The eddy current losses of the core material transformer are not the only consideration as frequency increases. The windings also become a significant source of losses due to the skin effect and proximity effect. The skin effect can be minimized by using litz wire. Litz wire is made up of many strands vice a single conductor. The increased surface area tends to reduce the resistance increase due to the higher frequency. Wong presents a common approach called sandwich winding, shown in Figure 36, which can reduce the proximity effect. The principle is to eliminate large areas with a uniform magnetic field which can cause eddy-current losses in the conductors. Proximity losses are typically more significant than skin effect losses for high frequency transformers. PHs PSPPsPP Figure 36 Sandwich windings showing primary and secondary [6] After doing a quick review on the depth of information available for transformer design principles, it was decided that a more basic approach would be appropriate for this project. An entire thesis could be written on transformer design, but in this case, only a good approximation of the transformer's size, weight, and efficiency were required. As a result, a generic transformer design method was sought that would fit into the overall time constraints of this project. Page 67 The turns ratio of the transformer will be adjusted so that all of the voltage drop occurs across the transformer. This results in the direct converter having an equivalent conversion ratio of unity which reduces the switch stresses [5]. In this case, the transformer ratio was adjusted to determine not only the minimum switch stresses but also to allow maximum controllability. As can be seen from Figures 36-38, as the transformer lowers the secondary voltage, the controller cannot adequately minimize the load increase transients. As a result of these tests, a run with 4000 V on the secondary side was made. As can be seen in Figure 40, the transient response is a little better, but the steady state ripple is now made worse. This is likely due to the amount of energy that is required to be stored in the filter to maintain the output voltage with a very low duty ratio. fi Vout Vrec Vreg Charge 2500 -_-_Vcap Discharge s 2000- ut 1500 1000 500 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Time (sec) 0.05 0.06 Figure 37 Simulation with 3000V secondary voltage Page 68 0.07 0.08 Vout Vrec Vreg Charge Vcap Slope Discharge C'S lout Overshoot ,/""- ; - I - . 4" bI hF DHk II !] 0V 0 0.03 10.02 0.04 lime (sec) 0.05 0.06 Figure 38 Simulation with 2000V secondary voltage 19) Vout Vrec Vreg 9311IIIIINAM== Charge Vcap Slope Discharge SS lout Owrs hoot 500 0 F01 002 003 004 ime (sec) 005 006 Figure 39 Simulation with 1500V secondary voltage Page 69 007 008 Mlm Vout Vrec Vreg Charge -- Vcap Slope Discharge m oSS lout - -Owrshoot 1000 01IL 0 IL 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Time (sec) Figure 40 Simulation with 4000V on the secondary side As a result of the above experiments, 3000V was chosen for the peak secondary voltage. This adds further weight to the earlier supposition that the 3.3kV converter may not need a transformer since this value is close to the 3kV selected here. However, for this project, the transformers are being maintained as a means of electrical isolation. In practice for a 3.3kV system, the transformer might not be used to increase the efficiency by nearly 2%. To decrease the voltage per the above discussion, Table 18 below shows the required turns ratios. It should be kept in mind that a secondary voltage below 3kV might be advantageous if the switch stresses need to be reduced. The peak currents will be higher with the lower duty ratio required for a 3kV secondary. From the above experiments, it appears that a secondary voltage down to approximately 2kV will still produce an adequate transient response. Page 70 Voltage ITurns ratio for 3000 V secondary 1.1:1 3.3 kV 6.5:3 10:3 6.5 kV 10.0 kV Table 18 Turns ratios Several procedures were investigated for the design of the transformer. These procedures came from a Texas Instruments technical publication and Fundamentals of Power Electronics. However, after extensive experimentation, neither of these procedures was adequate to design a transformer of this size and a relatively low frequency of 2 kHz. On the other hand, typical power transformers were mostly designed to operate at 60Hz with a few for primarily aircraft operations at 400 Hz. Due to the wide breadth of subjects covered in this project, it was deemed that sufficient time was not available to attempt a transformer design from first principles. With these constraints, there were two thoughts on how to proceed. The first thought was to attempt to define a few constraints for the transformer design such as ensuring that the core did not saturate. However, the transformer must also be efficient, and there was not time to calculate the efficiency and refine the transformer design. The second approach required a re-examination of the overall purpose of the project. This project is intended to allow simulations of the system and to provide parametric data for an early stage ship-design tool. An early stage ship design has a fair margin of uncertainty, and it was decided that an estimation of the efficiency, weight, and volume would be close enough to satisfy these needs. As a result, the transformer weight and volume were assumed to be the same as the low voltage inductor at 0.0485 m 3 and 110 kg. It is expected that a custom-designed transformer would be slightly smaller and lighter. The efficiency of the transformer consists of some base core losses which are always present as long as the transformer windings are energized. Additionally, as the transformer power is increased, the losses in the windings increase. An amount of 0.5% of transformer rating was taken as the constant loss with an additional 1.5% of transformer power as the variable loss. This equates to 2% at full load yielding 98% efficiency. Page 71 3.3.11 CONVERTER SUMMARY The converter design worked very well and met all of the requirements from the SBIR referenced earlier except for efficiency. While the efficiency of this design is lower than desired, it is still functional. Additionally, this converter is only envisioned for use on the ship service side of the electrical distribution system which is a small fraction of the ship's total power. As a result, the inefficiency may be acceptable, especially as an early stage design comparison. As the design above progressed, it was noticed that the 3.3kV variant could have been designed without the transformer at an increased efficiency. Not only would this have saved the -2% loss of the transformer, but fewer switches and diodes would have been required. This likely would have resulted in an efficiency of 97% or higher for this converter variant. In addition, it would be worth investigating whether the 6.5kV version could be simplified as well. However, for the 6.5kV variant, it is much harder to estimate whether it would return a higher efficiency due to the much higher peak currents. As stated earlier, there are many different types of converter topologies, and this topology might not be the ideal method for this application. However, it is believed that the physical attributes and performance of this power converter would represent other power converter designs. This should allow the use of this one topology as a tool for analyzing the viability of different ship electrical distribution systems regardless of the exact configuration that might eventually be built for a future ship. It is expected that there will be some error, but that these errors will not be significant enough to sway a designer's choice in ship configuration selection. 3.4 LOAD SHARING The adopted PCM-4 design requires that the system be reconfigurable for many different size loads. The system concept from SatCon provides a versatile system which can be used in many different ship concepts without redesign and with enhanced reliability due to the redundant sub-modules. However, now the circuits must function so that not only do the PCM-4's have to be able to operate in parallel for some configuration, but also, the sub-modules have to operate in parallel within a single PCM-4. This section explains Page 72 the methodology used to share the loads, the voltage regulator, which realizes the load sharing methodology, and the load sharing operational verification. 3.4.1 DROOP A common method of sharing loads is a linear droop. For a DC application, a voltage versus real power, or more accurately, current, was chosen. The idea is loading is shared equally as a percentage of rating between multiple machines in parallel. If the load changes, each machine in parallel has a proportional change in its load. This leads to a predictable and usually small change in voltage without large fluctuations or other undesirable consequences. The figure below shows two generators in parallel. V VNL VoP Module 2 Module 1 VFL P [kW] < > - Load Figure 41 Generators in parallel operation The case shown above is for two modules of unequal power rating. The load is the total amount shown by the scope of the arrows around the load. By observing the geometry of the problem, one could imagine that if the no-load voltage, VNL' of module 1 is increased, module 1 will take on a larger portion of the load and module 2's load will decrease. In addition, the operating voltage would increase. The VNL of the module would be the typical parameter adjusted by a controller or an operator depending on the Page 73 operation. It can be imagined that by adjusting the VNL on multiple machines operating in parallel, the distribution of the load could be set as desired. Droop= vNLVNL X (17) % Voltage droop is the amount of voltage decrease with a change in real power as shown in Equation (17). A voltage droop of 5% was chosen for this application. This appeared to be a large enough value that the generators would be able to stably share the load. In addition, 5% was small enough to limit the amount of output voltage variation. 3.4.2 VOLTAGE REGULATOR The voltage regulator's purpose was to maintain the output voltage along the linear droop line as load changes. The voltage regulator takes an input, SS V from Figure 42, and uses this value as the no-load voltage. SS V comes from the PCON module which allows the voltage regulator's no-load voltage to be adjusted, but the voltage regulator's operation is independent of where no-load voltage is set. Implementation of the voltage regulator in Simulink required the use of voltage and current sensing blocks. A PID controller was used to translate the difference in regulated voltage and output voltage into a control signal, duty ratio D. The voltage sensing block was used to measure output voltage. The current sensing block measured output current which was multiplied by a factor of 'A. The factor of 'A changed the current into a voltage where the full load current of 200A then equaled 50V which is 5% of the operating voltage, providing the 5% voltage droop desired. Page 74 Vout To Workspace L-],- Vload Vm1 Vload - + lout 4PID D lout PID Charge Vreg oVreg Dis-Charge Vout To Workspace3 Charge Dis-Charge CD+- Gain Over-shoot Vcap Over-shoot SS V Shunt Controller Vcap_ To Workspace1 Vm2 Figure 42 Voltage Regulator By setting the no-load voltage to a constant 100OVDC, the voltage regulator was tested with several loads over the operating range. As can be seen in Figure 43, the regulator produces a very good droop curve. This graph was made by plotting only the regulator voltage from the main troubleshooting graph. The load was changed from 0 to 30% to 50% to 100% load. The plot is regulator voltage versus time, but the transients were initiated at the corresponding percentage of the simulation time to yield a correlated plot. The line shows where the set-points would be for all loading conditions. Page 75 995 Actual 990 Regulated Voltage Test 985 Points I 980 C)) 4-' o 975 970 965 960 - Regulated Voltage 955 950 Predicted - 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 30 50 0.01 100 Time[s] / Power[%] Figure 43 Regulator functional test 3.4.3 LOAD SHARING VERIFICATION The final test for the voltage regulator involved operating while sharing load. The initial set up to share loads between modules requires that the modules be connected to the same load. Additionally, each PCM-4 has only one PCON which controls all of the modules. All of the modules were driven by the same clock to control the timing of the power switches. The verification started with two modules connected to the load module. The individual modules contain their own voltage controllers and voltage regulators which control the converter operation as described above. The clock signal was moved external to the converter so that one clock could be used for multiple modules. Finally, the no-load voltage control signal was routed to both modules as shown in Figure 44. Page 76 Continuous -___SS po we rg u i V 1000VDC + 100OVDC PCON 0 SS V Conni Clock 1VDC CLK MVDC+ MVDC I_ - _ __ i 100OVDC- Can2 MVDCPower Converter Load Str cture SS V 100OVDC + CLK MVDC+ 100OVDC MVDCPower Converter1 Figure 44 Parallel module operational block diagram The circuit was run using the required transients. Initially, half loads were used to test that the converters shared power using 15%, 25% and 50% and the transients 0% to 50%, 30% to 100%, and 100% to 0%. Under half load conditions, Figure 45 demonstrates that the converter is stable. In fact, perhaps as expected, the smaller transients did not even require the use of the shunt circuit except for the start-up transient. Page 77 Vout Vrec Vreg Charge Vcap Slope Discharge 2500 0 SS [out Overshoot -I- 1000 | 500 Jill 01 0.05 0.04 Time (sec) 0 06 0.07 0.OE Figure 45 Parallel operation at half load Vout Vrec Vreg Charge Vcap 2500v. am - c~ - U m mSlope Discharge C 2000 SS lout Overshoot 1500 - 1000 [- 500 0 0.09 0 Time (sec) Figure 46 Parallel operation at full load Page 78 0.1 The operation under full loads as shown in Figure 46 was also stable. These tests were used to verify the operation of the converter for loads using more than one module. As the tests showed, the converter modules operated stably in parallel. However, another possible improvement to the overall design could come from driving the paralleled modules by an offset clock signal. If the offset is done correctly, this could result in the ripple from the two modules cancelling out at the load. As a result, it might be possible to reduce the filter component sizes. Another method that might result in a higher efficiency is to have a variable frequency drive for the power conversion switches. For example, during periods of constant and small loads the frequency could be lowered resulting in less switching losses. The output voltage ripple would increase during these periods, but the circuit would have to be designed to limit the output voltage ripple to an acceptable value. When combined with operating two modules in parallel, which would be the most likely operation, the output ripple could conceivably be limited at a much reduced frequency at lower loading levels. 3.5 POWER CONTROL MODULE The PCON module is the control center of the PCM-4 and even the ship's service electrical distribution system. As such, the PCON system must have inputs from across the ship to know the current state of electrical power loading and generation. The PCON module must also be able to control the PCM-4 to maintain 1000 VDC output and minimize the effects of transients on the MVDC distribution bus. 3.5.1 POWER CONTROL MODULE SHIPWIDE CONTROL AND SENSING The PCON must get information from across the ship's electrical power system. Then the PCON must use these inputs to determine the correct actions necessary to minimize the loss of power to ship service loads and especially vital loads. To accomplish this tasking, the PCON must also control the PCM-1A and PCM-2A modules which are fed from the PCM-4 output. Using a predetermined hierarchy, these output signals could force loads to be de-energized starting with the lowest importance load and moving up. The end Page 79 result is a power control system which is capable of quickly managing the loads for power generation module (PGM) fluctuations, propulsion motor power demands, and casualties. 3.5.2 PCON MODULE PCM-4 CONTROL The PCON is responsible for maintaining power to as many ship service loads as possible. This requires the regulation of PCM-4 1000 VDC output voltage as well as the coordination of the PCM-4 modules. Each of these modules can be activated as required by the expected loading, or deactivated when loading levels are low. Additionally, the activated modules must share load. The primary purpose of the PCON is to control the PCM-4. The PCON module has a single output to the PCM-4 power modules. This output signal is in the form of a control signal D or duty ratio. When D is increased, the PCM-4 will increase the output voltage and vice versa. A small logic circuit is included with each power module to translate the control signal D into the proper switch timing to increase or decrease the voltage as required. The electrical distribution system will have enough excess capacity to allow any ship service load to be started without overloading the distribution system. When a large load is started, the PCON will determine whether an additional sub-module should be started to maintain adequate excess capacity. The modules will have a voltage droop to share load. This voltage droop will be initiated within each module to allow PCON to provide a minimum number of control signals. 3.6 PCON MODULE Initially, it was planned to produce a control system which would take and evaluate the ship-wide input described above to control the ship service electrical distribution system. However, the scope of the project was narrowed to focus more on the power converter. As a result, the control module was designed with two goals in mind. These goals were basic functionality and expandability. As shown in Figure 47 below, the PCON module designed for this application was simplified compared to the previous discussion. Essentially a proportional controller, the Page 80 PCON's primary purpose was to maintain the desired operating voltage. This task was accomplished by measuring the difference between actual voltage and desired voltage. The difference was multiplied by 0.5 to limit the rate of change before modifying the converter control signal. Vavg To Workspace + Saturation .5Mean C+ Gain Vm1 Mean Value 1 z Unit Delay 0100VDCC3 100VC3 Figure 47 Basic PCON module The control signal in this case essentially adjusts the no-load voltage. The no-load voltage would be equivalent to what an operator would adjust on a manually controlled generator. In this situation, the controller adjusts no-load voltage to maintain a constant 1000 VDC output. The saturation output filter prevents too high or low of a no-load voltage from being produced. Therefore, if the no-load voltage is adjusted during a transient, the requested voltage cannot be above 1085V or below 835V which is the range of variation for a transient. To avoid interaction with the voltage regulator, the sampling rate for the PCON was set to 1/5 of the switching frequency. This allows the PCON to gradually fine tune the voltage after the initial transient has died down. The interaction was shown to be minimal during transient simulations. If interaction was shown between the controller and voltage regulator, an interlock could be placed in the controller to prevent changes to the no-load voltage during a transient. One final area for future work on PCON is the ability to bring additional modules online and shut off unused modules. By using the properties of the voltage regulator and adjusting no-load voltage, PCON would be able to parallel a module by matching its no-load Page 81 voltage to the operating voltage before connecting the new module to the bus. Then, the no-load voltage would be increased gradually until it matched the operating voltage. The process would work in reverse to shut down an unneeded module. This would eliminate any transient associated with starting or stopping modules. 3.7 MODEL VERIFICATION Ideally, as mentioned earlier, it would be best to compare the model to an actual system, or failing that, compare the model to a physical model to ensure adequate similarity. Unfortunately, no similar models were identified. However, although the size and voltage of this converter are not common, the general type of converter is common. As shown in the above description and analysis, many transients were run. These transients show a strong correlation to the expected output. At every step in the design of the converter, great care was taken to try and ensure that the model behaved as realistically as possible. This included an in-depth analysis of the model parameters to ensure that the expected values were in fact received. This review caught several problems such as an uncontrolled sample time. The sample time of one of the blocks was set at an arbitrarily high value, and the rest of the circuit did not limit its effects. As a result, the effective switching frequency of the circuit was increased several fold. The end effect drastically limited the magnitude of the output variations for both steady state and transient. Of course, this effect was not real, and the switching frequency was limited after this was noticed. This is just one of the examples of the errors that were found. The simulation runs presented earlier show expected and explainable results. When the load was varied, the resulting transients were consistent with this type of power converter. Despite the care taken to get to this point and the simulations run, it would still be desirable to compare the output of this power converter to a physical model should one be made available. Page 82 CHAPTER 4 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE PARAMETRIC EXTRACTION This portion of the project is focused on providing estimates of the key naval architecture parameters to aid in ship design configuration analysis. These values are used to compare ship variants and produce a gross approximation of a ship's performance in reliability and survivability. While the provided values are approximations based on an early stage design, it is believed that they are accurate enough to allow true comparisons and, therefore, provide useful analysis. The main parameters of concern are efficiency and heat load, weight, volume, and cost. While this design can provide useful data on the first three parameters, it is not refined enough to offer any cost information. Therefore, efficiency, weight, and volume will be determined in this section. The data is presented in an easily scalable format to allow application to a wide variety of ship designs. 4.1 EFFICIENCY AND HEAT LOAD The efficiencies shown in the table below were calculated based on the explanations in Section 3. The losses are shown in two groups based on whether they are on the primary or secondary side of the transformer. The secondary side of the transformer is the same for all three PCM voltage variations. The Transformer losses are made up of a constant and a proportional loss as shown in Equation (18). The rated power (Prated) and operating power (P) are used for this approximation. The filtering losses are proportional to the load. The Diode losses are also approximated as proportional to the load based on the low switching frequency. Transformer Loss = 0.005 X Prated + .015 P (18) The primary side losses depend on the switch ratings required for each configuration. The switch conduction loss is proportional to load, but the switching losses are primarily a function of the switching frequency. These losses are calculated in Section 3.3.4 Page 83 The heat load was estimated to be equal to the losses from the converter. This provides a slightly conservative estimate of the cooling requirements. Power Transformer Loss Filtering Losses Diode Losses 20 kW 1.3 kW 0.2 kW 0.03 kW 40 kW 1.6 kW 0.4 kW 0.06 kW 60 kW 1.9 kW 0.6 kW 0.10 kW 80 kW 2.2 kW 0.8 kW 0.13 kW 100 kW 120 kW 140 kW 2.5 kW 2.8 kW 3.1kW 1.0 kW 1.2 kW 1.4 kW 0.16 kW 0.19 kW 0.22 kW 0.04 kW 4.6 kW 6.7 kW 83% 6.7 kW 0.05 kW 4.6 kW 7.3 kW 88% 7.3 kW 0.07 kW 4.6 kW 7.8 kW 90% 7.8 kW 0.09 kW 0.11kW 4.6 kW 4.6 kW 8.4 kW 8.9 kW 92% 93% 8.4 kW 8.9 kW 0.13 kW 4.6 kW 9.5 kW 93% 9.5 kW 0.01 kW 0.02 kW 10.0 kW 10.0 kW 11.5 kW 12.1 kW 42% 70% 11.5kW 12.1kW 0.03 kW 10.0 kW 12.6 kW 79% 12.6kW 0.04 kW 10.0 kW 13.2 kW 84% 13.2 kW 0.01 kW 0.01 kW 15.6kW 15.6kW 17.1 kW 17.7 kW 14% 56% 17.1kW 17.7 kW 0.02 kW 15.6kW 18.2 kW 70% 18.2 kW 0.02 kW 15.6kW 18.8 kW 77% 18.8 kW 3.3kV 160 kW 3.4 kW 1.6 kW 0.26 kW 180 kW 200 kW 3.7 kW 4.0 kW 1.8 kW 2.0 kW 0.29 kW 0.32 kW 0.15 kW 4.6 kW 10.0 kW 94% 10.0 kW 0.16 kW 0.18 kW 4.6 kW 4.6 kW 10.6 kW 11.1kW 94% 94% 10.6 kW 11.1kW 0.05 kW 0.06 kW 10.0 kW 10.0 kW 13.7 kW 14.2 kW 86% 88% 13.7kW 14.2kW 0.06 kW 0.07 kW 10.0 kW 10.0 kW 14.8 kW 15.3 kW 89% 90% 14.8kW 15.3kW 0.08 kW 0.09 kW 10.0 kW 10.0 kW 15.9 kW 16.4 kW 91% 92% 15.9kW 16.4kW 0.03 kW 0.04kW 15.6kW 15.6kW 19.3 kW 19.8 kW 81% 83% 19.3 kW 19.8 kW 0.04 kW 15.6kW 20.4 kW 85% 20.4 kW 0.05 kW 15.6kW 21.4 kW 88% 21.4 kW I Switch conduction Switching Losses Total Losses Efficiency HeatLoad 0.02 kW 4.6 kW 6.2 kW 69% 6.2 kW I 6.6kV Switch Conduction Switching Losses Total Losses Efficiency HeatLoad 10kV Switch conduction SwitchingLosses Total Losses Efficiency HeatLoad 0.05 kW 15.6kW 20.9 kW 87% 20.9 kW 0.06 kW 15.6kW 22.0 kW 89% 22.0kW Table 19 Efficiency and Heat Load for a200 kW PCM at various loads and voltages When selecting the values to use from the table above, it is important to consider whether the module will be operating in parallel with other modules. The start-up time for the modules is relatively short at about 0.025 seconds, but this is still more than enough time to cause a voltage transient. The start-up transient could be significantly reduced by keeping the capacitors on an idle module charged, but it is still likely that there would be a large voltage transient in just charging the inductor. Operating two modules in parallel will result in lower efficiencies because each module would be under a lower load, but it would insure that the failure of a single module would not cause a voltage transient. When choosing the configuration for a particular ship zone, it is recommended that if a momentary interruption in power is significant, then the modules should be operated at such a load so that there is at least one module's worth (200 kW) of excess capacity. If the PCMs are connected such that power is shared between more than one PCM, this methodology could be extended across all of the modules between the multiple PCMs. Page 84 4.2 WEIGHT The weights were calculated based on the main components and the structural cabinets to house the equipment. Additionally, an additional weight percentage was added to account for items which were not included in the detail of this design. These items include wiring, shock absorption equipment, cooling tubes, etc. In future iterations of the design, this factor should be adjusted to increase the accuracy of the estimate. To use the weight table below, it is necessary to include one controller and at least one enclosure with the PCM. Two converter modules will fit in each enclosure with the exception of the first enclosure which also includes the controller. For example, if a 400 kW module with no redundancy is required, then two enclosures must be selected to house the controller and two converter modules. The enclosure cabinet weight was based on a commercial electrical enclosure from Austin Electrical Enclosures. This enclosure was approximately 0.45 m 3 and weighed 108kg. Extrapolating these characteristics to get an approximate weight for the 1.4 m 3 enclosure required in this example yields a weight of approximately 336kg. Additionally, 25% was added to the weight to approximate the requirements of mounting the cabinet shipboard. A weight factor was also added to the components which make up the converter module. The 20% weight factor was used to account for the connections and mounting brackets and hardware that would be required. As the design is refined, this 20% increase in weight could be tuned. Page 85 Weight Controller Enclosure 200kW Module Input Capacitor Output Capacitor Shunt Capacitor Shunt Resistors Output Inductor Transformer Rectifier Diodes Weight Factor 3300 V Switches Sub-Total 6500 V Switches Sub-Total 10000 V Switches Sub-Total 200.00 kg 420.00 kg 74.90 kg 74.90 kg 77.20 kg 10.00 kg 106.60 kg 106.60 kg 0.22 kg 20% 6.00 kg 547.70 kg 6.00 kg 547.70 kg 7.00 kg 548.90 kg Table 20 Weight The application of the weight estimation to the PCM design begins with adding the weight of the controller to the weight of the enclosure. The weight of each rating power converter is also shown in the table above. As with the other parameters, two modules fit in one enclosure with the exception of the enclosure with the controller which only holds one converter module. 4.3 VOLUME The volumes were calculated in a similar manner to the weights. The volume of the control module was based on the SatCon control module for their AC to DC power conversion equipment. A table was developed listing the sizes of each of the main components in the converter module, and then these volumes were summed up. A packing factor of 40% was used to estimate the volume required for the module. The 40% was based on visual Page 86 observations of the SatCon power converter pictures as well as similar types of power cabinets. There are two parts to the power converter that are required to arrive at an operational module. The first required piece is the controller. One controller is required for each PCM-4. The controller includes any switches required to connect the PCM to the supply and source lines. The next required part is a module for the rated voltage required. The sub-total listed in each variations list is the size of one module of 200kW. This value is multiplied by the number of modules required to achieve the required power. The enclosure size envisioned for the converter is 1220x610x1906 mm. This enclosure can house a control module and a converter module or two converter modules. [Depth Width Height Volume Controller 200kW Modu e Input Capacitor Output Capacitor Shunt Capacitor 1220mm 610mm 953mm 0. 7089 m3 203 mm 203 mm 185 mm 356 mm 356 mm 356 mm 612 mm 0.0442 m3 612 mm 0.0442 m3 694 mm 0.0457 m3 Shunt Resistors 1030 mm 300 mm Output Inductor Transforme r Recifer ioes 312 mm 312 mm 168 mm 312 mm 312 mm 42 mm 350 mm 0. 1082 m 3 159 mm 0.0155 m3 159 mm 0.0155 m3 Packing Factor 3300 V Switches Sub-Total 5500 V Switches 10000 V Switches 15 mm 0.0001 m3 40% 130 mm 140 mm 4mm 0. 0007 m3 0.6853 m3 140 mm Sub-Total0. 73 mm 50 mm 10.0005 m3 6847 m 3 150 mm 90 mm 60 mm 0.0008 m3 .65m3 Suib-Tota Table 21 Converter Volume housed in enclosure Based on the concept of this PCM, at least one enclosure is required with a volume of 1.4 m 3 . Up to two modules can fit in the enclosure, but a controller is required, so the first enclosure can only hold one converter module and the controller. Page 87 4.4 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY The recommended method to use for selecting a PCM's characteristics from the above data is to first determine the power required. Then, the level of redundancy required should be determined. For example, based on the electric plant configuration, determine whether there will be PCMs operating in parallel. Also, determine the number of redundant modules required. It should be assumed that the control module is a high-reliability unit and the most likely failure would be in the converter module. This information will allow the determination of the number of PCMs and the number of converter modules per PCM. Once the number of modules for a given PCM has been determined, the operation of the modules should be decided. The main choice in this design is whether a redundant module should be operated in parallel with the others. For example, a redundant module would be adding a 3rd module if the total load was under 400kW but above 200kW. This module would then be available to supply part of the load if one of the other modules failed. If the module must be able to pick up load instantly, then it should be operated in parallel which would reduce the loading on all three modules and affect their efficiency. However, if a momentary delay is acceptable, then the third module could be off until it is needed. This would not affect the efficiency of the two operating units. The cooling heat load can be estimated from the number of converter modules operating and the load on each module. This heat load must be removed by some kind of cooling plant. Most likely, water cooling would be utilized for shipboard applications where volume is at a premium. Now that the number of PCMs and modules has been selected, the number of enclosures can be determined. Each enclosure has a volume and weight as explained above, and the enclosure can hold either two modules or a module and a controller. Using the volume of the enclosures and the weight of the enclosures and converter or controller modules, the size and weight of the PCMs can be determined. Combining each of these factors allows an initial estimate of the impact of the electrical distribution system on the ship's design. Page 88 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS This project designed a DC to DC power converter for use in medium-voltage DC (MVDC) based ship electrical distribution system architecture. In addition, the naval architecture parameters of weight, volume, and heat load were estimated. While the DC to DC converter design was relatively straight forward, the low switching frequency proved to be a challenge. A shunt, active filtering circuit was designed to limit the converter transients. Also, the control circuits for the converter were designed to produce the desired operation while allowing simple control signals such as a duty ratio from 0 to 1 and the desired voltage. The simple control signals will allow future control system designs to easily control the converter module without extensive modification. The Naval architecture parameters described above allow the development of more accurate ship models. It is expected that future naval combatants will use MVDC distributions systems, and this model will allow more detailed exploration of those designs. 5.1 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK While as much rigor as possible was applied to this design, it is still an early-stage design. There are many more iterations that would have to be completed to arrive at a complete design. Several questions arose during the preceding design, but none of the issues were expected to invalidate the design. Barring these concerns, the converter design yields a perhaps innovate way to actively filter the output while minimizing the size of the filters and increasing the speed of the response. In this case, the early stage design definition is meant to indicate that there are ideal components in the final simulation model. Some of the ideal components were used to speed up the simulation while others were used to simplify the analysis. By using many ideal components in this early stage of the design, it was easier to determine operational and performance issues with the circuit. The outputs were also cleaner. These factors allowed the operation of the circuit to be understood without as much "noise" from leakages and parasitic effects that would alter the characteristics of the circuits. The next iteration of the design could work through the issues of adding these second and third Page 89 order effects. It is expected that the basic circuit will function after this second iteration although perhaps efficiency will drop slightly. One of the primary concerns is the transformer. A transformer design was not completed. A high-frequency transformer design would be another excellent place to concentrate future research. The efficiency of the actual transformer is expected to be close to the values used in this project, but the volume and weight might be quite different. The active filtering circuit presented here appears to have the desired effect. Another way to address the converter's ability to respond to a transient would be to use a variable frequency drive circuit. The frequency would be increased during a transient to ensure a quick response and minimal overshoot. Another improvement that might yield significant results is operating two converter modules in parallel with their switching frequencies out of phase by 180 degrees. It was surmised that the ripple from the two modules would cancel allowing a smaller filter. By combining these two effects, it seems likely the size and weight of the converter could be decreased. In addition, if the ripple was minimized, the variable frequency might be decreased below 2kHz in steady state particularly at low loads. This could significantly increase the efficiency of the converter especially when lightly loaded. A final issue concerns the switch stresses due to low duty ratio. The lower duty ratio was required to allow the low frequency converter to respond effectively to load increases. However, the lower duty ratio meant higher peak currents for the components in the converter. More analysis could be completed in this area to ensure the component ratings are sufficient. This project produced a first iteration design of a power converter. The issues and concerns raised here would require a more detailed design should this converter be constructed. Overall, the converter met the requirements with the exception of the efficiency. Page 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Doerry, Norbert. "Next Generation Integrated Power System (NGIPS) Technology Development Roadmap". Washington Navy Yard, DC, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2007. [2] CAPT Doerry, Norbert. Functions of PCON. NGIPS PCON Workshop. Annapolis, MD, Jun 2009. [3] SatCon Applied Technology. Distributed Power Systems Flier. Boston, MA. [4] Tannenbaum, Joseph, Dana Delisle, and Joseph Borraccini. High Efficiency and High Power Quality Electrical Conversion. SBIR Program Topic Submission. [5] Kassakian, John G., Martin F. Schlecht, and George C.Verghese. Principlesof Power Electronics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992. [6] Wong, Fu Keung, B. Eng, and M. Phil. High Frequency Transformer for Switching Mode Power Supplies. School of Microelectronic Engineering, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2004. [7] Johnson, C.Mark. 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MOSFET - Assisted Soft-Switching of IGBTs: A Re-Examination. Nov 2003. [15] Eriickson, Robert W. Fundamentals of Power Electronics. University of Colorado, Boulder. 2004 [16] POWEREX. Specification sheet Single IGBTMOD HVIBT Module 200 Amperes/6500 Volts. CM200HG-130H. [17] Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi HVIGBT Modules. High Power Switching Use Insulated Type. CM400DY-66H. [18] Dynex. Rectifier Diode. DS502ST. June 2002. [19] Marden, M. Milosevic, P. Prempraneerach, J.L. Kirtley, G.Karniadakis, C. Chryssostomidis. "An End-to-End Simulator for the All-Electric Ship MVDC Integrated Power System," in Proceedings of the Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation (GCMS10), Ottawa, Canada, 2010. [20] Series CHigh Voltage Energy Storage Capacitors. General Atomics website. http://www.ga-esi.com/EP/capacitors/series-c-high-voltage-capacitors.php [21] Limpeacher, Rudy. "Novel Converters for Electric Ship Propulsion System and Shipboard Power Distribution." Science Applications International Corporation. [22] Jovcic, D. "Step-up DC-DC converter for megawatt size applications." IET Power Electronics. Nov 2008. Page 92 Appendix A - Model Detail The purpose of this appendix is to provide all the necessary information for a third party to reconstruct this model and produce verifiable results. This appendix shows the details of the model blocks required to implement this design in Simulink. The figures and explanations below show the parameters of each component in the simulation model. The model was created using many components from SimPower Systems. This module must be added in addition to the Simulink software in MATLAB. The screen below shows the solvers settings. The model might work with other solver settings, but these were the settings which produced reasonable results for this project. .t64 Data .mport/Export Cptlrrization Diagnostics Sample Time Data Vaidity Type Conversion Connectivity Compatibility MrdAeRafarpn-Ing Saving Stateflow --Hardware Implementation Node Referencinc L Simulation Target Symbols Custom Code Real-ime Workshop Report i-Comments Symhnls Start time: 0.0 mi!ape SimMechanics Stop time: .001 Solver options Type: Solwr: Jod Max step size: auto Relative tolerance: le-5 Min step size: auto Absolute tolerance: auto IrtUal step size: auto Shape preservation: rq Solver reset rrethod: Fs n Number of corsecutive min steps: Solver / V 1 laablan method Tasidng and sample time options uto Tasidng mode for perodic sampe tines: Fl Automatically handle rate transitlon for data transfer l Higher prio y value indcates higher tast priority Zeross Custom Ccde Debug Interface Si AS Simulation time Select: Options Zero-crossing control: Use local selng Algorithm: Time tolerance: Signal threshold: auto 10*128*eps Number of consecutive zero crossings: in1p 11 1000 The following MATLAB code was used to run the simulation. While the code is not explicitly required to run the model, it does contain the values for some constants in the simulation blocks. clear all; sf = 0.9; %safety factor for over and undershoot A-1 shunting default 0.9 %SET to the MVDC bus voltage MVDC = 3000; %Used only if the load structure is used Rloadl = 1000; %starting load resistance Rload2 = 10; %transition to load Rload3 = 5; %transistionn 2 Rload4 = 5; %transistion 3 %The PID gains below are default = 1 kp = 1; %Proportional gain ki = kd = 1; 1; %Integral Gain %Derivative Gain ul = 0.95; %Upper limit of PID output for duty ratio Ttrans = .02; %Time when the first transient will occur if using load structure Ttrans2 = .04; %Time of second transient Ttrans3 = .06; %Time of third transient time = .1; %simulation time close all; f = 2e3; %frequency in Hz default 2kHz sim('Model 6500rev3',time) points = length(Vout); %number of data points t = (0:time/points:time*(1-1/points))'; %time for x axis scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); figure('Position', [5 5 scrsz(3)-75 scrsz(4)]) %[left bottom width height] hold on subplot (1,1,1) plot(t,Iout+2500,'mo', t,SS*100+2250,'ko',t,(Slope+4e6)/2000,'y',... t,Overshoot*100+1750,'k',t,Discharge*100+1500,'m',t,Charge*100+1250,... 'c',t,Vreg,'g',t,Vout,'b',t,Vcap,'k--',t,Vrec/5,'r') axis([0 time 0 2750]) xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('V') legend('Iout', 'SS','Slope','Overshoot','Discharge','Charge', 'Vreg',... 'Vout', 'Vcap','Vreg') %Determines the Steady State Ripple vt = 2/f;%time for 2 cycles pa = round(vt*points/time);%points added to get at least 1 full cycle m=Vout(round(3*points/4):round(3*points/4)+pa); Vout_min = min(Vout(round(points/4):points)) Voutmax = max(Vout) SSripple = max(m)-min(m) SSV=mean(m) V_reg = mean(Vreg) The diagram below is the structure for the power conversion module. The series of diagrams and tables below show the settings for each block to ensure that the model is reproducible without having access to the electronic content. The voltage source was set to 6500V for this example. If a different input voltage is desired, change the source voltage and also adjust the transformer accordingly. Unless otherwise shown throughout this appendix, the sampling time is inherited. A-2 g lockParaetI Soste Pulse type determines the computational technique used. Time-based is recommended for use with a variable step solver, while Sample-based is recommended for use with a fixed step solver or withi a discrete portion of a model using a variable step sover Parameters Pulse type: Trigbased Time (t): U|4ggpm ime Amplitude: Period (secs): Block Parameters: MVDC DC voltage Source (mask) (link) .1 Ideal DC voltage source. Pulse Width (%of period): so Parameters Phase delay (secs): Amplitude (V): 0 6500 C Interpret vector parameters as 1-D EIK Cnl Measurements N_ _e S E Cance L App 1000VDC + SS V Value 1000VDC Unit Delay PCON A-3 - Functir lck Parameters; Saturation Saturation ------------ ----- ,------------- Limit input signal to the upper and lower saturation vdlues. Function z Block Param Unit Delay Upper imit: Sample and hold with one sample period delay. 1060 Main State Attributes Lower limit: Initial conditions: 1000 1000 Treat as gain when linearizing Input processing: '1Enable zero-crossing detection Elements as channels (sample based) Sample time (1 for inerited): Sample time (-1 for inherited): O7k7 Cancel 17 Helpo OK pl Function Block Paameters Mean Value Mean value (mask) (link) This block computes the mean value of the input signal over a running window with specified averaging period. Parameters Averaging period (s): 2/f| ance Help pp A-4 Cancel Ip Ap Conn1 S6 Timer2 RL1 RL2 RL4 RL3 Conn2 Load Structure The switches are initially open except for the bottom two switches S1 and S3. A-5 Source Slock Parameters: Timer Tiner (mbsk) (kink) Generates a signal changing at OK Cancel H Sorce Block Parameters: Timer2 Timer (mask) (link) Generates a signal changing at specified times. if a signal value is not specified at time zero, the output is kept at 0 until the first specified transition time. Parameters Time (s): [Ttrans3] SAmplitude: OK cancei Help A-6 Power Converter Block Parameters: S1 Block ParmnetersLinear T m Ideal Switch (mask) (link) Unear Transformer (mask) (link) Switch controlled by a gate signal in parallel with a series RC snubber circuit. In on-state the Switch model has an internal resistance (Ron). In off-state this internal resistance is infinite The internal resistance must be greater than zero. The switch model is on-state when the gate signal (g) isset to 1. Implements a three windings linear transformer. Parameters Units [Pu Internal resistance Ron (Ohms): Nominal power and frequency [Pn(VA) fn(Hz)]: 0.01 Parameters [250e3 2000] Initial state (0 for 'open', 1 for 'closed'): Winding 1 parameters [Vi(Vrms) R1(pu) L1(pu)]: 0 [MVOC 0.002 0.08] Snubber resistance Rs (Ohms): Winding 2 parameters [V2(Vrms) R2(pu) L2(pu)]: 1e5 (3000 0.002 0.08] Snubber capacitance Cs (F): LJ Three windings transformer inf ] Click the Apply or the OK button after a change to the Units popup to confirm the conversion of parameters. Winding 3 parameters [V3(Vrms) R3(pu) L3(pu)]: 31503 0.002 0.08] Show measurement port Magnetization resistance and inductance [Rm(pu) Lm(pu)]: (500 500 1 Measurements [None K Applnpy A-7 Cance Help Apply BckParameters: D1 Implements a diode in parallel with a series RC snubber circuit. In on-state the Diode model has an internal resistance (Ron) and inductance (Lon). For most applications the internal inductance should be set to zero. The Diode impedance is infinite in off-state mode. Parameters Resistance Ron (Ohms) 0 01 Inductance Lon (J 0 Forward voltage Vf(V 0 8 Intiall current c (A) Snubber resistance Rs (Ohms) 500 Snubber capacitance Cs (F) Show measurement port O LCancel Help Ap A-8 +input + Load S5 S6 Ro Vcap Cshunt ~u*T I Rol I I measurement o A input SHUNT Voltage Control A-9 -Load 1RFunctn Block am rDelay Function Block Parameters: Delay2 Discrete variable transport delay (mask) (link) Apply a delay to the first input (In)signal. The second input (D)specifies the delay time. Discrete variable transport delay (mask) (link) Apply adelay to the first input (In)signal. The second input (D)specifies the delay time. Parameters Parameters Maximum delay (s): 1/40 Maximum delay (s)! Initial input: Initial input: 1/40 0 Sample time: Sample time; te-6 Cacl Help LApy OK A-10 Cancel Help Apply 11Functon Block Pake I Functin Block Pararnetem I I- Function Block PaaameterzM~ 3 Dtsaete Monoabe Rip-lop (mask) (lnk) ~ Block ParRieteri~41 U Function Flip-Rop (mask) (kink) Discrete Monotable After being triggered by the specified edge (Rising, Felng or EthIer), this block outputs a pulse (TRUE signal) for the tne specMed by parameter -Puise duraon. if the spedfied edge isdeteded while the output is TRUE, the monogable is not retriggered FaMng or Either), After being triggered by the specled edge (Ris this block outpts a pulse (TRUE signa) for the time specified by paramete 'Pulse duramon". I the specified edge is deteded while the output is TRUE, the nwotable Isnot retriggered The input value (0(1) at time step preceding t = 0 Isspecified by the parameter "input at t = -Ts. The input value (011) at Ome step preceding t = 0 isspecified by the parameter Input at t = -T. Parameters Parameters Edge detection Wing Edge Pulse duration (s): Pulse duraon (s): detection v1 - 1/(2-f) 1/(2-f) Input at t = -Ts:. 0 Input at t = -Ts: 0 sample time Ts: Sample time Ts: 1/(100-f) LI(100-f) Ix Apply Voltage Regulator A-11 7caoZ LIWp App y Discrete PID Control er (mask) (link) This block implements a discrete PID controller. Parameters Proportional gain (Kp): kp Integral gain (Ki): ki Derivative gain (Kd): kd Time constant for derivative (s): 1 Output limits: [ Upper Lower] [ul 0] Output initial value: .4 Sample time: 1/(100ef) _____ 7 Cane 1 271 A-12 Apply Shunt Controller A-13