ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN BASED ON 2004 – 2005 ASSESSMENT Goals Outcome Measures Research Methods Findings Goal #1: Students will learn basic processes of communication across the subdisciplines of the field. Students demonstrate mastery of basic communication processes in their work. Graded as exemplary, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory, according to faculty criteria. Yes. COM 101 instructors provided exams and project papers at the end of Fall semester, 2004 and Spring semester, 2005 to assessment committee. Course does well in terms of enrollment and is at least average in terms of performance, with students averaging 74-76% on three tests given in course. Students are given a thorough but not allinclusive exploration of communication practices. Students need more emphasis on general understanding of communication, social science, and daily life. Rated “satisfactory.” Review Actions COM 101 instructors analyzed exams by item analysis and provided exams and samples of major project papers to Assessment Committee. School will consider a study, perhaps to explore if Gen Ed students perform at different levels than COM students and if there are differences between non-first year students and first year students. Assessment Committee then reviewed and forwarded recommendations to School Curriculum Committee. Given its theoretically broad introductory nature, division directors recommended that faculty consider ways to encourage students to take 101 early in the major and how to increase course breadth. . Goals Outcome Measures Research Methods Findings Goal #2: Students will learn commonly-used communication research methods and their application. Students demonstrate knowledge of, and basic competence in, communication research methods in their papers. Yes. COM 303 faculty submitted samples of midterm and final exams and copies of final projects to Assessment Committee at the end of Fall semester, 2004 and Spring semester, 2005. Students were able to design and Conduct research, use appropriate statistical methods, understand research ethics, and write a research paper. Graded as exemplary, satisfactory or unsatisfactory according to faculty criteria. Review Actions Reviewed by COM 303 faculty and Division Directors. Continue with annual review of these materials. Rated “exemplary.” Goals Outcome Measures Research Methods Findings Goal #3: Students will demonstrate a theoretical understanding of communication processes. Students demonstrate theoretical understanding of communication processes in their papers. Yes. Faculty provided exams and projects to Assessment Committee at the end of Fall semester, 2004 and Spring semester, 2005. Com Mgt. students showed an understanding of most but not all major theories in interpersonal and organizational communication. Students did not fully understand assumptions underlying relevant communication theories. Graded as exemplary, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory according to faculty criteria. Media Arts & Technology students showed an excellent understanding of major processes and theories relevant to message production and context. Campaign portfolios from Journalism & PR capstone courses showed understanding of major components of a campaign and underlying theories. Rated “satisfactory.” Review Actions Reviewed by Division Directors and capstone faculty. Discussed with School Director and put on agenda to be discussed by School Curriculum Committee. Goals Outcome Measures Research Methods Findings Goal #4: Students can demonstrate competencies or applied communication skills needed for entry into relevant career fields. Students demonstrate knowledge of applied communication skills in their papers. Yes. Faculty provided final projects for Assessment Committee at the end of Fall semester, 2004 and Spring semester, 2005. Com Mgt. students showed skills through data collection and analysis in projects on recruitment and socialization. Media Arts & Technology students developed specific programs from conception to execution. They were more successful in planning and design than implementation. Journalism & PR students laid out campaigns and produced a lab newspaper. Graded as exemplary, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory according to faculty criteria. Split “exemplary-satisfactory.” Review Actions Reviewed by Division Directors and capstone faculty. Discussed with School director and suggestions put on agenda for discussion at School Curriculum Committee. ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN BASED ON 2003 – 2004 ASSESSMENT Goals Outcome Measures Research Completed Findings Goal #4: Students can demonstrate competencies or applied communication skills needed for entry into relevant career fields. Students demonstrate knowledge of applied communication skills. Yes. 2003 – 2004 assessment report concluded that internships should be revitalized (Note: This coincided with faculty recognition of problems in the internship program.) Review Actions Plan for internship revision gained faculty consensus at Fall, 2004 retreat. Proposal for revision was developed in fall and approved by faculty. Internship program was substantially revised, with expansion of internship director duties, strengthening academic rigor of the course, and increased emphasis placed on marketing of internships. Graded as exemplary, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. Focus group was coordinated by a faculty member.