Sub-trend : Guiltless Vices

Sub-trend : Guiltless Vices
Gym ties up with local
restaurants to give calorie
receipts, Germany
Superhero smoothie, GB
Sell back unused
purchases, GB
Sub-trend : Guiltless Vices
Help consumers to offset indulgence
With an indulgent festive period over, many consumers are looking for ways to redress the balance. Health and
fitness is a key concern, as is assuaging guilt around shopping in excess. Increasingly creative ways to help
consumers achieve this balance are proliferating.
Gym ties up with local restaurants to give calorie receipts, Germany
Fitness First in Berlin has teamed up with restaurants neighbouring their gyms to include calorie totals on
customers‟ receipts. Calories are listed alongside prices, then totaled at the bottom of the receipt along with a
message which indicates how many hours of working out is required to burn up those calories. Each receipt
also serves as a voucher for a free workout.
Superhero smoothie, GB
Innocent Smoothie‟s New Year campaign positions the drink as the saviour from temptation to eat and drink
unhealthy snacks after the Christmas break. The star of the campaign is a cloaked bottle of Innocent, which
flies in like a superhero to rescue those in danger of succumbing to temptation. Consumers shouldn‟t feel
guilty for over-indulging, as Innocent is there to guide them back to health.
Sell back unwanted books, GB
Amazon has recently introduced a sell-back service for books that customers have bought on the site and no
longer want or need, no matter how long ago they were purchased. The service complements their existing
sell-back service for DVDs. Consumers simply ship the items free of charge, and Amazon will pay them back
with gift card values which are deposited into the customer account - a great way to alleviate guilt around
How can you help consumers re-balance after the festive season? Are there partnerships
you could form to aid this?
Sub-trend : Conveniently There
Interflora brightens the
lives of Twitter users,
KLM spreads the
happiness, The
Warmth where you
need it most courtesy of
Kraft, USA
Sub-trend : Conveniently There
Delight consumers where they least expect it
As 2011 begins with financial worries around global markets, unemployment and the cost of living, consumers
are in more need than ever of small perks and lighter touches to lift the spirits. Brands are increasingly
moving into this space, providing small touches of happiness where consumers least expect it.
Interflora brightens the lives of Twitter users, GB
Interflora flower delivery service has launched a social media campaign designed to brighten the lives of
Twitter users by sending them flowers. Interflora monitors Twitter looking for customers who look like they
might need cheering up and sends them a bunch of flowers.
KLM spreads the happiness, The Netherlands
How Happiness Spreads is a Foursquare-based campaign that sees a „Surprise Team‟ sent out to give
passengers unexpected gifts at the airport. Throughout November 2010, as soon as someone checked-in
at a KLM Foursquare location, the Surprise Team went online to find out more about them to present them
with a tailored gift before they flew.
Warmth where you need it most courtesy of Kraft, USA
To promote its Stove Top Quick Cups, Kraft posted ads in 50 bus shelters around Chicago promoting the
products and also heated the bus shelters. The tagline reads „Cold, provided by winter. Warmth, provided
by us. It‟s a good night for Stove Top‟. In addition to heating the bus stop the company also gave out
samples of the product to warm chilly consumers.
How can you be ready to cheer your consumers up when and where they need it most?
Are there social technologies that could help you to do this?
Sub-trend : Peak Performance
Feel the Vitamin C
superpower, Spain
Natural hydration
crystals for peak
health, US
Fresh juices fortified
with energy boosters,
Sub-trend : Peak Performance
Maintaining your best throughout the day
In a strained and competitive work place, consumers increasingly feel the need to be on top of their game
at all times. More solutions are emerging that offer a way to achieve and maintain peak performance
throughout the day, often from natural sources.
Feel the Vitamin C superpower, Spain
Dagravit is a Vitamin C based food supplement that encourages consumers to „Feel the superpower!‟.
Interestingly the pack features a working man in a suit, suggesting that a vitamin boost is important for
professional men to improve their daily performance in the office.
Natural hydration crystals for peak health, US
YZ (pronounced Wise) is an all natural effervescent formulation that can be added to water to proactively
foster good health by boosting immunity, antioxidants and digestive health. The crystals are 100% natural
and provide a holistic way to maximise performance by eliminating common health problems.
Fresh juices fortified with energy boosters, Australia
Smart Juices is a range of fresh juices that have been fortified with today‟s modern “tonics” such as
Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Ginkgo Biloba, Wheatgrass and Ginseng. They target specific aspects of people‟s busy
lives, including: „Energise‟, „Brain Power‟ and „Body Fuel‟.
How can you help consumers to maintain their best at all times whilst avoiding the highs and
lows? Are there natural ingredients that can deliver this?