Hybrid Solar Thermoelectric Systems Utilizing Thermosyphons for Bottoming Cycles MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY by Nenad Miljkovic JUL 2 9 2011 BASc, Mechanical Engineering (2009) LIBRARIES University of Waterloo ARCHIVES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 2011 @2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of A uthor: ................... ................................................................. Department of Mechanical Engineering May 6, 2011 Certified by: .......... . . ................................. Evelyn N. Wang Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering - A ccepted by : .......................... Thesis Supervisor .......................................... David E. Hardt Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses Hybrid Solar Thermoelectric Systems Utilizing Thermosyphons for Bottoming Cycles by Nenad Miljkovic Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 6 th 2011, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Abstract Efficient renewable energy sources are in significant demand to replace diminishing and environmentally harmful fossil fuels. The combination of commercial and residential buildings as well as the industrial sector currently consumes 72% of the total energy in the US. The abundance of solar energy promises efficient methods to meet the current heating and electricity needs. In most cases, however, current systems are limited to providing either heat or electricity only. In this thesis, we present the modeling and optimization of a new hybrid solar thermoelectric (HSTE) system which uses a thermosyphon to passively and efficiently transfer heat to a bottoming cycle for various applications including residential hot water heating, solar air conditioning, chemical drying, and aluminum smelting. The concept utilizes a parabolic trough mirror to concentrate solar energy onto a selective surface coated thermoelectric to produce electrical power. Meanwhile, the thermosyphon adjacent to the back side of the thermoelectric is used to maintain the temperature of the cold junction and carry the remaining thermal energy to a bottoming cycle. HSTEs are advantageous compared to other approaches such as hybrid photovoltaics because electrical conversion efficiencies at high temperatures can be comparable or higher to that at room temperature. The thermoelectric materials bismuth telluride, lead telluride, and silicon germanium were combined with thermosyphon material-working fluids of copper-water, stainless steel-mercury, and nickel-liquid potassium for this work. We solved the energy equation at the evaporator with a thermal resistance model of the system to determine overall performance. In addition, the HSTE system efficiency, which included the electrical efficiency of the thermoelectric and the exergetic efficiency of the bottoming cycle waste heat, was investigated for temperatures of 300 K - 1200 K, solar concentrations of 1 - 100 Suns, and different thermosyphon and thermoelectric materials with a geometry resembling an evacuated tube solar collector. Optimization was performed showing system efficiencies as high as 52.6% can be achieved at solar concentrations of 100 Suns and bottoming cycle temperatures of 776 K. In addition, thermosyphons with low wall conductivities (> 1.2 W/mK) and low solar concentrations (< 4 Suns) have comparable system efficiencies which suggests that lower cost materials, including glass, can be used. Finally, five bottoming cycle applications with temperatures ranging from 360 K - 776 K are proposed for potential HSTE integration. This work provides guidelines for the design, as well as the optimization and selection of thermoelectric and thermosyphon components for future high performance HSTE systems. Future work will focus on experimental validation and prototype building of the HSTE system. Thesis Supervisor: Evelyn N. Wang Title: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Acknowledgements I would like to graciously thank my advisor, Professor Evelyn Wang, for her care and guidance over the past two years. I would not have been able to achieve the work in this thesis without her help and support. I would also like to express gratitude to my peers in the Device Research Lab for thoughtful discussions we shared at weekly group meetings. I would like to especially thank Dr. Ryan Enright, Dr. Shalabh Maroo, Dr. Anand Veeraragavan, Dr. Youngsuk Nam, Andrej Lenert, Ken McEnaney, Daniel Kraemer, Mandy Muto and Peter Bermel for their insightful advice. I would also like to thank the US Department of Energy for funding the reported research through the MIT S3TEC Center and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for additional funding support. Finally, I would like to thank my girlfriend, Mai Hoang, and my family. Without their unwavering love and support, I would not be where I am today. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made so I can achieve this dream of mine. 6 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................---.. 11 1. 1 M OTIVATION ...................................................................................................................................... 11 1.2 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 12 1.3 THESIS OBJECTIVES AND OUTLINE .................................................................................................. 15 2. HEAT PIPE AND THERMOSYPHON M ODELING ..................................................................................... 17 2.1 M ODEL FORM ULATION ...................................................................................................................... 17 2.2 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................................... 19 2.3 RESULTS AND D ISCUSSION ................................................................................................................ 20 2.4 SCALING ............................................................................................................................................. 24 2.5 LOW TEMPERATURE EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION ........................................................................... 25 2.6 SUM MARY .......................................................................................................................................... 29 1. 3. HYBRID SOLAR THERMOELECTRIC M ODELING ........................................................................................ 30 3.1 M ODEL FORM ULATION ...................................................................................................................... 30 3.2 GOVERNING EQUATIONS.................................................................................................................... 34 3.3 THERM OSYPHON M ODELING ............................................................................................................. 35 3.4 SOLUTION ALGORITHM ...................................................................................................................... 41 3.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................ 42 3.6 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................... 45 HSTE OPTIMIZATION ....................................................................................................................... 46 4.1 OPTIM IZATION EQUATIONS................................................................................................................ 46 4.2 RESULTS AND D ISCUSSION ................................................................................................................ 47 4.3 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................... 54 4. 5. 56 CONCLUSIONS AND ONGOING WORK................................................................................................ 5.1 ONGOING W ORK - EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN..................................................................................... 57 5.2 EXPERIM ENTAL PROTOCOL................................................................................................................ 59 5.3 FUTURE W ORK ................................................................................................................................... 60 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................................62 APPENDIX...........................................................................................................................66........ --... 66 HEAT PIPE CHARACTERIZATION ................................................................................................................. 66 H STE MATL AB CODE .................................................................................................................................. 68 EXPERIM ENTAL SECTION CAD DRAW INGS................................................................................................ 74 8 List of Figures FIGURE 1 - 2008 US ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR (A) RESIDENTIAL AND (B) INDUSTRIAL SECTORS [2] ........................ FIGURE 2 - SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS FOR (A) DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATING [22] AND (B) POWER PRODUCTION I [2 3].....................................................................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 3 - (A) HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC THERMAL (PVT) SYSTEM [25] AND (B) CROSS-SECTIONAL SCHEMATIC [25]. THE SYSTEM UTILIZES AN ELEVATED TEMPERATURE PV ARRAY TO GENERATE CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWER WHILE PRODUCING WASTE HEAT BY FLOWING AIR THROUGH THE UPPER AND LOWER CHANNELS. HOWEVER, DUE TO THE ELEVATED PV ARRAY TEMPERATURES, ELECTRICAL CONVERSION EFFICIENCY DEGRADES DUE TO 13 INCREASED INTERNAL CARRIER RECOMBINATION. .............................................................................................. FIGURE 4 - HYBRID SOLAR THERMOELECTRIC WATER HEATER [39]. EFFICIENCY DEGRADES DUE TO ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PUMP IN ORDER TO FLOW FLUID (WATER) THROUGH THE COPPER TUBES. ........ 14 FIGURE 5 - SCHEMATIC OF THE HYBRID SOLAR THERMOELECTRIC SYSTEM (HSTE). SOLAR ENERGY IS FOCUSED BY A PARABOLIC CONCENTRATOR ON THE EVAPORATOR SECTION OF THE EVACUATED TUBE ABSORBER (THERMOSYPHON), WHICH HEATS THE TE HOT SIDE. THE RESULTING TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TE HOT AND COLD SIDES PRODUCES ELECTRICAL POWER WHILE HEAT CARRIED AWAY (WASTE HEAT) BY THE THERMOSYPHON (ADJACENT TO THE COLD SIDE) IS TRANSFERRED TO THE CONDENSER SECTION FOR THE 15 BOTTO M IN G CY CLE. ............................................................................................................................................ FIGURE 6 - SCHEMATIC OF A HEAT PIPE (A) GEOMETRY OF A HEAT PIPE AND (B) THE ASSOCIATED THERMAL RESISTANCE NETWORK. THERMOSYPHON GEOMETRY IS IDENTICAL EXCEPT WICK STRUCTURE IS WORKING FLUID 17 FIL M .................................................................................................................................................................... FIGURE 7 - RESULTS OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS. (A) THREE-DIMENSIONAL PLOT SHOWING NON-DIMENSIONAL HEAT TRANSFER 1 AS A FUNCTION OF NON-DIMENSIONAL TEMPERATURE H2 AND VAPOR RESISTANCE f14. (B) TWO21 WITH NON-DIM ....................................... DIMENSIONAL PROJECT OF NON-DIMENSIONAL HEAT TRANSFER FIGURE 8 - NON-DIMENSIONAL HEAT TRANSFER 1 AS A FUNCTION OF NON-DIMENSIONAL TEMPERATURE H2 AND WICK RESISTANCE H3, FOR A HEAT PIPE OR THERMOSYPHON OF IDENTICAL GEOMETRY AS IN FIGURE 7. 22 PLANE. f5 IS CONSTANT. ....................................................................... CONTOURS ARE SHOWN IN THE H2 - H1 H3 H1 FIGURE 9 - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS FOR WALL CONDUCTIVITY OF (A) 400 W/MK, AND (B) 2 W/MK. ...................... 23 FIGURE 10 - (A) SCHEMATIC OF EXPERIMENTAL LAYOUT AND (B) EXPERIMENTAL SETUP SHOWING THE ROPE HEATER, THERMOSYPHON, COOLING SECTION AND CONSTANT TEMPERATURE BATH, THERMOCOUPLE ARRAY (TC) AND 26 DA TA A CQU ISITION SY STEM . ............................................................................................................................... FIGURE I1 - (A) MEASURED SURFACE TEMPERATURE (B) THERMOSYPHON HEAT TRANSFER AND (C) SYSTEM EFFICIENCY FOR VARYING CONDENSER TEMPERATURE AND SOLAR CONCENTRATION. AS CONDENSER TEMPERATURE INCREASES, SURFACE TEMPERATURE INCREASES WHILE THERMOSYPHON HEAT TRANSFER 28 DECREASES DUE TO INCREASED LOSSES. ............................................................................................................. FIGURE 12 - SPECTRALLY AVERAGED EMISSIVITY AS A FUNCTION OF SELECTIVE SURFACE TEMPERATURE (Ts) FOR FOUR COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SURFACE COATINGS [43]. ......................................................................... 31 FIGURE 13 - (A) SCHEMATIC CROSS-SECTION OF THE HSTE SYSTEM IN A HORIZONTAL ORIENTATION. SOLAR ENERGY (QSOLAR) HEATS THE SELECTIVE SURFACE LOCATED ON THE TE HOT SIDE, WHICH CREATES A TEMPERATURE GRADIENT ACROSS THE TE THAT PRODUCES ELECTRICAL POWER (PTE). THE REMAINING HEAT (QouT) IS TRANSFERRED AXIALLY BY THE THERMOSYPHON TO A BOTTOMING CYCLE APPLICATION AT TEMPERATURE Tc. (B) THERMAL RESISTANCE (TR) MODEL OF THE HSTE, WHERE RTE IS THE TE RADIAL TR, R, AND R 6 ARE THE THERMOSYPHON WALL RADIAL TR, R 2 AND R 3 ARE THE BOILING AND EVAPORATION TRS, RESPECTIVELY, Rs IS CONDENSATION TR, R 4 IS THE VAPOR TR, R 7 IS THE THERMOSYPHON WALL AXIAL TR, AND R 8 AND R 9 ARE 32 EVAPORATION AND CONDENSATION INTERFACIAL TRS, RESPECTIVELY. ............................................................ F IGURE 14 -................................................................................................................................................................... 33 FIGURE 15 - SCHEMATICS OF THE (A) TE SIDE SHOWING THE FILM EVAPORATION AND POOL BOILING REGION OF THE EVAPORATOR AND (B) CONDENSER SIDE SHOWING FILM CONDENSATION IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION. ............ 34 FIGURE 16 - FLOWCHART OF THE ITERATIVE ALGORITHM. [To] IS THE INITIALLY GUESSED TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION, [PO] ARE THE INITIAL CALCULATED FLUID AND THERMOELECTRIC PROPERTIES, I IS THE ITERATION NUMBER, [TI] IS THE ITH ITERATION TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION, AND TcoNTINUUM, QSONIC, VISCOUS, 42 QENTRAINMENT, QBOILING ARE THE THERMOSYPHON LIMITS. .................................................................................... FIGURE 17 - (A) THERMOSYPHON HEAT TRANSFER, (B) EMISSIVE LOSSES AND (C) TE POWER OF THE HSTE SYSTEM FOR VARYING SOLAR CONCENTRATIONS AND CONDENSER TEMPERATURES. AS THE CONDENSER TEMPERATURE (Tc) INCREASES, EMISSIVE LOSSES (QLoss) INCREASE WHILE TE POWER (PTE) AND THERMOSYPHON WASTE HEAT DECREASE DUE TO ELEVATED SURFACE TEMPERATURES (Tss). AS SOLAR CONCENTRATION (C) INCREASES, EMISSIVE LOSSES, TE POWER AND HEAT OUTPUT INCREASE. .......................................................................... 44 FIGURE 18 - EFFICIENCY OF THE HSTE SYSTEM FOR VARYING SOLAR CONCENTRATIONS (C) AND BOTTOMING CYCLE TEMPERATURES (TC). OPTIMAL SYSTEM EFFICIENCIES EXISTS WHICH BALANCE THE THERMAL EFFICIENCY AND EMISSIVE POWER. INCREASING THE SOLAR CONCENTRATION ALSO INCREASES EFFICIENCY DUE TO A HIGHER ENERGY INPUT AND THERM AL EFFICIENCY. ........................................................................................................ 48 FIGURE 19 - OPTIMIZATION RESULTS FOR A PBTE HSTE AT C= 50 AND TC = 700 K SHOWING A) SYSTEM EFFICIENCY AND B) TE POWER. AN INCREASE IN TE LEG LENGTH (LTE) DECREASES EFFICIENCY AND INCREASES TE POWER DUE TO A LARGER TE THERMAL GRADIENT. AS THE TE LEG LENGTH INCREASES, THE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE (776 K) IS REACHED, AT WHICH POINT THE PERFORMANCE DECREASES TO ZERO (GRAY AREA). IN ADDITION, FOR SMALL THERMOSYPHON RADII (BOTTOM WHITE AREA), HEAT PIPE LIMITATIONS (E.G., SONIC LIM IT) PROHIBIT OPERATION . .............................................................................................................................. 50 FIGURE 20 - OPTIMIZATION RESULTS FOR A BI2 TE3 HSTE AT Tc = 470 K AND C= 10 SHOWING A) SYSTEM EFFICIENCY, B) TE POWER, AND C) WASTE HEAT. AN INCREASE IN TE LEG LENGTH (LTE) RESULTS IN A DECREASE IN EFFICIENCY AND INCREASE IN TE POWER DUE TO A LARGER TE THERMAL GRADIENT. AS THE TE LEG LENGTH INCREASES, THE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS REACHED, AND THE PERFORMANCE DECREASES TO ZERO (GRAY AREA). IN ADDITION, FOR SMALL THERMOSYPHON RADII (BOTTOM WHITE AREA), HEAT PIPE LIMITATIONS (E.G., SONIC LIMIT) PROHIBIT OPERATION. ................................................................................. 51 FIGURE 21 - OPTIMIZATION RESULTS FOR A SIGE HSTE AT Tc = 776 K AND C= 50 SHOWING A) HSTE SYSTEM EFFICIENCY, B) TE POWER AND C) WASTE HEAT. AN INCREASE IN TE LEG LENGTH (LTE) RESULTS IN A DECREASE IN EFFICIENCY AND INCREASE IN TE POWER DUE TO A LARGER TE THERMAL GRADIENT. FOR SMALL THERMOSYPHON RADII (BOTTOM WHITE AREA), HEAT PIPE LIMITATIONS (E.G., SONIC LIMIT) PROHIBIT O PER AT IO N . ........................................................................................................................................................ 52 FIGURE 22 - HSTE SYSTEM EFFICIENCY FOR VARYING SOLAR CONCENTRATIONS (C) AND THERMOSYPHON WALL THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES (Kw) FOR A BI2TE3 TE AT Tc = 470 K. H* IS THE HSTE EFFICIENCY AT HIGH THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES (H* = HHSTE(Kw= 10 W/MK)), WHICH ASYMPTOTES TO A CONSTANT VALUE. FOR SOLAR CONCENTRATIONS BELOW 4 SUNS, MATERIALS WITH THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES LARGER THAN 1.2 W/MK HAVE (QouT) COMPARABLE SYSTEM EFFICIENCY (H* ~ HHSTE) -----------. . - -.................... .......... .................................. 53 FIGURE 23 - (A) SCHEMATIC OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN INCLUDING TEST SECTION, HEATER SECTION AND COOLING SECTION. (B) 3D CAD DRAWING AND (C) AS BUILT ASSEMBLY OF THE MAIN EXPERIMENTAL COMPONENTS. THE TEST SECTION IS MADE MODULAR FOR EASE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF DIFFERENT THERMOSYPHON MATERIALS SUCH A S COPPER OR GLA SS. ................................................................................................................................ 58 FIGURE 24 - THERMAL RESISTANCES OF THERMOSYPHON CONDENSER AND EVAPORATOR SECTIONS AS A FUNCTION OF CONDENSER LENGTH. THE TOTAL LENGTH OF THE THERMOSYPHON IS IM, Ro = 0.005M. EVAPORATION AND CONDENSATION HEAT TRANSFER ARE ASSUMED TO BE EQUAL MAGNITUDE (H 20000W/MK) [40,49]...........61 Chapter 1 1. Introduction 1.1 MOTIVATION Renewable energy is an area of increasing interest due to the scarcity and growing cost of fossil fuels and the negative impact of such energy sources on the environment. Building energy in particular accounts for 39% of the total US energy consumption, nearly equally split between residential (21%) and commercial (18%) [1]. Of this energy utilization, commercial and residential buildings consume 32.8% and 45.1% respectively in the form of heat [2]. A further 17.7% and 13% is used for space cooling, which can be offset with heat by utilizing well established technologies such as solar air conditioning [3-10]. Heat energy also forms a large fraction of the total energy consumption in the industrial sector as industrial process heat (IPH), Figure 1. Processes such as boiling, distillation and polymerization that require heat input are common in chemical industries. This heat is often supplied in the form of hot water or steam and sometimes involves the direct heating of components in the process. Figure 1 - 2008 US energy consumption for (a) residential and (b) industrial sectors [2]. Most of the IPH demand today is met by burning fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal or by using electric heating [11]. Low temperature IPH used in chemical drying and food processing requires temperatures ranging from 20 to 2600 C [12-15]. The demand for medium temperature IPH (200 - 350*C) is more considerable and is used in applications such as high efficiency industrial solar cooling and milk pasteurization [16, 17]. High temperature IPH used in recycling of hazardous wastes and processing of metals requires very high temperatures, often greater than 800*C [18, 19]. 1.2 BACKGROUND In order to offset the US energy demand with more renewable energy sources, development of solar thermal energy conversion systems has been a main topic of investigation. The most prevalent application for the utilization of solar thermal energy is solar water heating, which is greatly used in countries such as China and India [20-22] (Figure 2a). These solar heaters supply large amounts of low quality heat but lack both the electrical production capability and high temperature operation. In contrast, large scale solar thermal plants produce distributed electrical power [23, 24] but are limited to providing either heat or electricity (Figure 2b). Figure 2 - Solar thermal systems for (a) domestic hot water heating [221 and (b) power production [231. To meet the demand of high quality heat supply with electrical power production, researchers have extensively studied the concept of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) systems which utilize an elevated temperature photovoltaic (PV) to generate clean electrical power while producing waste heat by backside cooling [25-30]. However, due to the elevated PV cell temperatures, electrical conversion efficiency degrades due to increased internal carrier recombination [31, 32]. Glass cover a) PVaray Upper channel -TMS sheet Lower channel b) Figure 3 - (a) Hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system [251 and (b) cross-sectional schematic [251. The system utilizes an elevated temperature PV array to generate clean electrical power while producing waste heat by flowing air through the upper and lower channels. However, due to the elevated PV array temperatures, electrical conversion efficiency degrades due to increased internal carrier recombination. Thermoelectrics (TE), in contrast, promise higher electrical conversion efficiencies at elevated temperatures because thermal energy is directly converted to electrical energy via the Seebeck effect. When a temperature difference exists across the TE, power is produced with no moving parts. Solar TE energy conversion systems [33-38], where solar energy drives the temperature difference across the TE, have significant potential to produce electrical energy with abundant waste heat to meet building energy or IPH demands. Rockendorf et al. (1999) and Li et al. (2010) investigated hybrid solar TE water heaters and numerically determined that low radiative losses and efficient back side cooling are needed to attain electrical conversion efficiencies up to 30% of the Carnot efficiency. However, Lertsatitthanakorn et al. (2010) experimentally showed that hybrid solar TE water heaters with backside cooling have efficiencies limited to 0.87% due to electrical pumping requirements, Figure 4. Make-up water Outlet header bsorber plate ppA __J Inlet header late L t water supply Plow mecter TE modules Note ethermocouples positions Pump Figure 4 - Hybrid solar thermoelectric water heater [39]. Efficiency degrades due to electrical power requirements for the pump in order to flow fluid (water) through the copper tubes. The results of these studies suggest that the development of more efficient cooling methods for the TE back side is needed to realize the potential of hybrid TE systems. In addition, parametric optimizations could extend the utilization of waste heat from hot water systems to a variety of applications that require a larger range of temperatures. We investigate a hybrid solar thermoelectric energy conversion system utilizing a solar TE coupled to a thermosyphon to provide passive and efficient heat transfer to a bottoming cycle. Figure 5 shows a particular embodiment of this device. A solar parabolic concentrator focuses light on an evacuated tube absorber, which heats the thermoelectric hot junction located on the surface of the inner pipe. This heat diffuses radially through the thermoelectric junction to the thermoelectric cold side, which produces electrical power in the process. If the temperature difference is not maintained between the hot and cold side, the efficiency of the system suffers. Therefore a thermosyphon is incorporated adjacent to the cold side to receive heat from the thermoelectric module in the radial direction and transfer the heat away in the axial direction, which provides an energy source for co-generation, IPH, or more commonly, hot water heating. A thermosyphon is utilized as the heat transfer mechanism between the topping and bottoming cycles to take advantage of its passive nature, high efficiency and reliability as previously shown in many different applications including preservation of permafrost, deicing roadways, turbine blade cooling and applications in heat exchangers [40]. Additionally, the utilization of a thermosyphon does not require any electrical energy input to pump fluid for backside cooling as required by prior approaches. + Condenser Section Waste Heat Parabolic Thermosyphon Concentrator --- - -- Selective Absorber Vacuum Glass .-- Thermoelectric Thermosyphon Solar Energy LW Figure 5 - Schematic of the hybrid solar thermoelectric system (HSTE). Solar energy is focused by a parabolic concentrator on the evaporator section of the evacuated tube absorber (thermosyphon), which heats the TE hot side. The resulting temperature difference between the TE hot and cold sides produces electrical power while heat carried away (waste heat) by the thermosyphon (adjacent to the cold side) is transferred to the condenser section for the bottoming cycle. 1.3 THESIS OBJECTIVES AND OUTLINE The objective of this thesis is focused on the design and optimization of a hybrid solar thermoelectric energy conversion system. We aim to increase to operational temperature range of currently existing renewable hybrid energy conversion systems by using a novel approach of combining the solid state energy conversion of thermoelectrics with thermosyphons for heat transfer to secondary (bottoming) applications such as residential heating or higher temperature IPH. We model the HSTE system for temperatures of 300 K - 1200 K, solar concentrations of 1 - 100 Suns, and different thermosyphon and thermoelectric materials. The model will be used to i) optimize the HSTE efficiency and radial geometry, ii) investigate the effect of different thermosyphon wall thermal conductivities for potential material cost reduction, and iii) propose potential commercial applications for HSTE utilization. This thesis contributes in making solar thermal power a viable renewable alternative for applications requiring power and low or high temperature heat. The structure of this thesis is outlined below: In Chapter 1, the motivation for studying hybrid solar thermoelectrics utilizing thermosyphons was discussed. Previous approaches were discussed and the most significant contributions were discussed. In Chapter 2, we numerically compare the performance of thermosyphons and heat pipes and show that thermosyphons are advantageous for use in HSTE systems. In Chapter 3, we develop an energy-based model of the HSTE to investigate the effect of bottoming cycle temperature, solar concentration, TE and thermosyphon material and geometry and thermosyphon working fluid. In Chapter 4, we optimize the model based on HSTE efficiency and radial geometry, and investigate the effect of different thermosyphon wall thermal conductivities for potential cost reduction, and propose five potential commercial applications for HSTE utilization. In Chapter 5, we make concluding remarks and discuss ongoing work that includes the experimental design of the HSTE test rig. Chapter 2 Heat Pipe and Thermosyphon Modeling 2. One of the main bottlenecks in conventional lab scale thermoelectric generators is heat rejection from the cold side of the thermoelectric module. Currently, traditional fin-fan heat sinks are used, but are bulky and limited in performance. The incorporation of heat pipes or two-phase thermosyphons offer one promising solution to efficiently and isothermally transfer heat. A heat pipe typically utilizes phase-change of a saturated fluid in a closed loop to achieve high heat transfer, and a wick for liquid return. A two phase thermosyphon has no wick, relying on gravitational head to drive the liquid [40]. In order to select between heat pipes and thermosyphons for integration with the HSTEs, a quantitative performance comparison is required. 2.1 MODEL FORMULATION We developed a simple analytical system model using a thermal resistance network following Prasher [41] as shown in Figure 6. La Ft r* r ri R2 R5 R1 R Vapor Space Th Te a) QO Th qn Te b) ut Figure 6 - Schematic of a heat pipe (a) Geometry of a heat pipe and (b) the associated thermal resistance network. Thermosyphon geometry is identical except wick structure is working fluid film. 17 The equivalent thermal resistances are described below: R 21rLek ((2) In =21rLck R, and R6 represent the thermal resistances of the heat pipe wall, ro, and ri are the outer and inner radii, respectively, Le and Lc are the evaporator and condenser lengths, respectively, and k is the heat pipe or thermosyphon material thermal conductivity. In(ri (3) r-t Lekeff R2 = In rt (4) Rs = 21ckkeff 2 + k' 20 1 _k,\ k keff = k 2+ L+ 20 er (1 k ) (5) -k R 2 and R5 represent the thermal resistance of the wick structure saturated with liquid, keff is the effective thermal conductivity of the saturated wick, k, is the working fluid thermal conductivity, 0 and t are the wick porosity and thickness, respectively. The relation used for effective thermal conductivity keff is for sintered metal powdered wicks [40]. The wick material is assumed to be the same as the pipe material. For thermosyphons, the wick porosity is assumed to be 1. T2 pvpvri R= 8 L2 R 3gL (6) R3 represents the thermal resistance associated with the vapor temperature drop along the axial direction of the heat pipe or thermosyphon, where T is the fluid operating temperature, Py, PV, pv, and L are the vapor dynamic viscosity, density, pressure and latent heat of vaporization of the working fluid, respectively, and R is the gas constant per unit mass. R4 = (7) L___i2 7rk(r0z - r 2 ) R4 represents the thermal resistance of the axial heat pipe or thermosyphon wall, where Lo is the total length. The thermal resistances associated with the vapor liquid interfaces are not included in this model, since they can be considered to be negligible [41]. DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS 2.2 In order to study the effects of geometry and different material properties on heat pipe performance, dimensional analysis was performed on Eqns. 1 to 7, where initially the heat transfer Q, is dependent on 16 independent variables: , k, k 1, 0, t, pv, Pv, PV) Q = f(ro, ri,Le L , LoT, TfT Tc, (8) Through dimensional analysis, five non-dimensional parameters, 1 groups, can be obtained: H1i = f(M2, M3 ,H4, s) (9) where 11 k(r 2 QLo - r, 2 )(Th - Tc) is the non-dimensional heat transfer (Q-R4/(Th-Tc)), (10) Th -Tf (11) is the non-dimensional temperature, In (Frt)(r2 - f13=- r2) LoLe k (12) ke! 1 is the non-dimensional wick resistance (R 2/R4), and H14 2 - r, 2) RyoTk(r 2 L pp r 4 = is the non-dimensional vapor resistance (R/R 4) In (o) Hs = (r2 - r2) (14) LoLe The non-dimensional wall resistance, fls, is excluded from the subsequent analysis because it is a strict ratio of only geometric parameters, i.e., it will remain invariant with geometric scaling of the heat pipe. 2.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 7a shows a three-dimensional plot of the non-dimensional heat transfer fl as a function of the non-dimensional temperature H2 and the vapor resistance f14, with a constant Us. The non-dimensional temperature H2 ranges from 0 to 1, which implies that the bulk fluid temperature inside the heat pipe can vary between the condenser temperature and evaporator temperature. As U2 increases, the working fluid temperature T approaches the condenser temperature Te, and H, approaches zero. The drop in the working fluid temperature results in a pressure drop, which in turn increases the vapor thermal resistance, thereby reducing the heat flux transferred. 6000 5000 4000 3000- 2000 1000 ....... ... 0 0 00 0.5 0.5 21 nI( i 2 1 (a) 1000 900 800 700 600 - 5001 400 300 200 -L- 100 01 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 1I4 (b) Figure 7 - Results of dimensional analysis. (a) Three-dimensional plot showing non-dimensional heat transfer fl as a function of non-dimensional temperature H2 and vapor resistance 114. (b) Two-dimensional project of non-dimensional heat transfer Hi with non-dim Figure 7b, which is the projection of the results of Figure 7a in the 114-HI plane, shows that as the non-dimensional vapor resistance 114 is gradually increased from zero and approaches 0.01, the heat transfer abruptly diminishes to zero. The results suggest the order of magnitude difference required between vapor and axial thermal resistances for proper heat pipe operation. As 14 <0.01, Jj, no longer is a strong function of H4, which is representative of typical heat pipe operating conditions. In this case, the vapor thermal resistance becomes negligible when compared to the other thermal resistances, which agrees well with prior work and can be excluded from the analysis. This result has important consequences with respect to scaling, which will be discussed in greater detail in section 2.4. Figure 8 relates the non-dimensional heat transfer fl, to the non-dimensional temperature 12 and wick resistance flj, with a constant Us. The results agree with those of Figure 7, where an increase in f12 decreases 111. As 113 increases, the wick thermal resistance increases and heightens the overall thermal resistance of the heat pipe, causing fl, to decrease. The contours show that in order to maintain H, as a constant, 112 and which suggests that the same f, 11 must have inverse relationships, can be achieved with a high 112 value and a low fJ value, or vice versa. In order to maintain the same heat transfer, the overall thermal resistance must be kept constant, so the wick resistance and vapor resistance which are thermal resistances in series must have inverse relationships. 6000 5000 4000 2000 -3000 0. 1 H13 x 104 1.2 0.6 1.4 1 04 0.82 Figure 8 - Non-dimensional heat transfer ~1ias a function of non-dimensional temperature ]12 and wick resistance f13, for a heat pipe or thermosyphon of identical geometry as in Figure 7. ]lj contours are shown in the H2 - 113 plane. 115 is constant. The dimensionless analysis and results provide insight into the effect of various parameters. But, to optimize the design for a glass heat pipe or thermosyphon, a sensitivity analysis, where the change in ]H; with respect to change in the other non-dimensional parameters dll/dfl, where n denotes the varying non-dimensional parameter, was used to investigate the implications on performance with different thermal conductivity materials. 100 k=400W/mK 10- -e- dnI/drl 3 10~ - --- drI/dnI (a2 (a) (b) Figure 9 - Sensitivity analysis for wall conductivity of (a) 400 W/mK, and (b) 2 W/mK. For k = 400 W/mK, the change in Hi with respect to the change in the other three non-dimensional groups at low values of 12 is approximately equal. However, when H2 ranges from approximately 0.2 to 0.4, which is representative of the typical operating conditions for heat pipes and thermosyphons, dr 1/dH3 is increasingly more sensitive than dfl/dH4 or dH/dHs. In contrast, k = 2 W/mK, dfl/dfl and dl/drls are approximately equal. The results in Figure 9a shows that for the case of a copper wall material, where the thermal conductivity is high, the change in Jf, with respect to the change in the other three non- dimensional groups at low values of H2 is approximately equal. However, when H2 ranges from approximately 0.2 to 0.4, which is representative of the typical operating conditions for heat pipes and thermosyphons, dJ11/dfJ3 is increasingly more sensitive than dfjJ/dfl 4 or dHj/ dfJs. In contrast, for glass heat pipes, where the thermal conductivity is typically 2 W/m- K, as shown in Figure 9b, d1j/dfJ and dHJ/dfJs are approximately the same. The reason for this difference in the case of the glass heat pipe is that the wall and wick thermal resistance become major contributors to the overall thermal resistance of the system and are of the same order, whereas the vapor resistance is orders of magnitude smaller. In the case of the copper heat pipe, the wick is the major contributor to the overall thermal resistance, which is an order of magnitude larger than the wall and vapor resistances. The sensitivity analysis shows that for high thermal conductivity materials, the wick design is very important in maximizing heat transfer and becomes the critical bottleneck in heat pipe performance. A wickless heat pipe, (thermosyphon) would be the best configuration for heat transfer. However, for low thermal conductivity heat pipes made of materials such as glass; changing the wall or wick properties will yield an approximately equal change in heat transfer. Therefore, if glass heat pipes were to be used for HSTEs, it would be ideal to make the heat pipe wickless and thin walled, to lower the effective thermal resistance. These advantages make the thermosyphon the better heat transfer device for the HSTE system depicted in Figure 5. 2.4 SCALING The results of the dimensional analysis show that 17, is a weak function of the below 0.01. In this case, the non-dimensional vapor resistance f14 IT4 in regions can be removed from the analysis. QL k(r 2 - r,2)(Th -_Tc f( Th -Tf ln(rit)(ro2 T -_T'Loe" (15) 15 With constant temperature limits of Th, Te, and Tf, the dimensional analysis shows that with similarity, the remaining ]] groups must remain constant. Therefore, for geometric thermosyphon or heat pipe geometries 1 and 2, where 2 is scaled up from 1 by a factor of n: Q1 L0 j - ri 2 ) =__________ k(ro 2 - _ 2 ri2 2 ) Q 2 nL kn 2 (r 1 2 0 j - r,12) (16) (17) =2 Q1 Eqn. 17 show that the heat transfer scales proportionally with size, for the case where the ratio of vapor to the axial thermal resistance is approximately zero. However, this assumption is only valid for low thermal conductivity wall materials. 2.5 LOW TEMPERATURE EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION To verify the accuracy of the thermosyphon model described in the previous sections, a low temperature experimental study was performed. The goal of this study was not to replicate the environmental conditions and solar concentration levels that would be typical of a HSTE system, but to experimentally verify key assumptions and accuracy of the thermosyphon model developed in chapter 2. Two of these assumptions state that the evaporator and condenser operate with a uniform spatial temperature distribution at steady operation. Figure 1Oa illustrates the main components of the experimental setup, including the rope heater, thermosyphon, cooling section and constant temperature bath, thermocouple array and data acquisition system while Figure lOb shows the actual experimental setup. Figure 10 - (a) Schematic of experimental layout and (b) experimental setup showing the rope heater, thermosyphon, cooling section and constant temperature bath, thermocouple array (TC) and data acquisition system. A commercially available solar application copper-water thermosyphon was obtained (WK Solar Water Heater Co.) and characterized (see appendix) to obtain critical geometric parameters for the model (Le= 70 cm, Le = 5.1 cm, La = 67 cm, r, = 4 mm, ri = 2.5 mm). The heat supply to the evaporator side of the thermosyphon was accomplished by using a thin rope heater (HTC-120, OMEGA) wrapped around the evaporator section. The base of the evaporator was heavily insulated (9158T23, McMaster) to limit conduction or convection losses to the surroundings. A custom water jacket cooling section was built using copper due to its high thermal conductivity (398 W/mK) to ensure isothermal condenser temperatures. The cooling section was also insulated to minimize heat losses to the environment. Cooling deionized water was supplied from a temperature controlled bath with 0.05 K resolution (RE-207, Lauda-Brinkmann). The mass flow rate of the cooling water was measured by a liquid mass flow meter with ±1 CCM accuracy (L Series Mass Flow Meter, 0-50 CCM Alicat Scientific). Temperature measurements were obtained using type-K thermocouple probes (5TC-GG-K-36-36, Omega). Three thermocouples were located on the evaporator section, two on the adiabatic section and three on the condenser section. Two thermocouples were used in the cooling section to measure the average temperature of the inlet and outlet water streams. A data acquisition system (USB-TC, Measurement Computing) was used to record the temperature reading of each thermocouple at a rate of 2 samples per second. Three different heat transfer rates corresponding to solar concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 were supplied by the heater in the experimental study. To quantify the effect of condenser cooling temperature (Tsc), cooling water temperatures were varied in 10 degree increments from 293 K to 343 K. A higher range of condenser temperatures would have been optimal, but was not feasible due to the limits of the constant temperature bath; the fluid temperature should not approach the boiling point of the fluid. Figure 11 a shows the experimentally measured surface temperature as a function of the condenser cooling water temperature. The measured temperatures were obtained by averaging of the three surface temperature measurements. Averaging was appropriate since the spatial variability of the evaporator and condenser surface temperatures were ± 2.6 K and ± 0.3 K respectively. Figures 11 b and c depict the experimentally measured thermosyphon heat transfer and the system thermal efficiency respectively as a function of condenser temperature. The total uncertainty in the temperature measurements was estimated to be ± 0.5 K. The experiments show a linear increase in surface temperature with a linear decrease in thermosyphon heat transfer as a function of condenser temperature, indicating the thermosyphon has a finite conductance and can be approximated as an effective thermal resistance at low temperature ranges. As the concentration increases at a fixed condenser temperature, the surface temperature and the thermosyphon heat transfer increase due to the larger heat flux and temperature drop from the surface to condenser. As the condenser temperature increases at a constant heat flux, the surface temperature increases, decreasing thermosyphon heat transfer due to increased heat loss. This effect is shown in the thermal efficiency, which decreases non-linearly with increasing condenser temperatures. The numerically predicted results (lines) are shown for the same increments in solar concentration in Figure 11. To effectively model the experiment, a natural convection heat transfer coefficient was included to model the heat loss from the evaporator section. The calculation included variable properties of air with temperature and was added because the experiments were conducted at temperatures below 360 K, where the effects of natural convection cannot be neglected when compared to radiative loss. 360 C=1 C=2 C=3 350 340- 330 320 310- "14 300 300 100 310 320 330 340 Condenser Temperature, Tc [K] 350 - C= 1 --- C=3 80 - 60 40 20 0' 300 310 320 330 340 Condenser Temperature, Tc [K] 350 310 320 330 340 Condenser Temperature, Te [K] 350 C) 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 300 Figure 11 - (a) Measured surface temperature (b) thermosyphon heat transfer and (c) system efficiency for varying condenser temperature and solar concentration. As condenser temperature increases, surface temperature increases while thermosyphon heat transfer decreases due to increased losses. Minor discrepancies can be observed between the model and experimental results at elevated concentration ratios. The experimental surface temperatures were below the model predictions. This was indicative of the experimental evaporator section having greater losses to the environment than the model predicts. The higher loss was attributed to under predicting the natural convection heat loss due to the extra surface area of the evaporator created by the wrapping of the thin rope heater. However, the model predicts the experimental behavior reasonably well and shows that for low temperature ranges, the assumptions of spatially uniform evaporator and condenser temperatures under steady operation are valid and that the thermosyphon heat transfer behavior can be accurately modeled at low temperatures by the developed effective resistance model developed in this chapter. 2.6 SUMMARY In this chapter, we developed a non-dimensional thermal resistance model of heat pipes and thermosyphons to compare performance and identify which is better for integration with HSTEs. The wick was determined to be a significant resistance in high thermal conductivity heat pipes, while the wick and wall resistances were comparable for low thermal conductivities. In both cases, a wickless design would minimize temperature drop meaning thermosyphons are better options for integration with HSTEs. A low temperature experimental study was performed to validate the modeling results, which are in good agreement. In the following chapters, we modify and couple the thermosyphon model developed in this chapter with the thermoelectric element to develop a model of the complete HSTE system. Chapter 3 3. Hybrid Solar Thermoelectric Modeling In order to accurately model the HSTE, the thermosyphon model (Chapter 2) is incorporated with the TE. Additionally, the thermosyphon model requires modification to operate in the temperature regimes dictated by the TE (i.e. the model of chapter two is valid for low temperature operation, but fails to represent performance at elevated temperatures where liquid metals are used). The goal of this chapter is to develop the complete system model and analyze the results in terms of variable input parameters to gain an understanding of the physics behind the operation of the HSTE. 3.1 MODEL FORMULATION A cross-sectional schematic with the geometric parameters of the HSTE and the equivalent thermal resistance model [41, 42] are shown in Figures 13a and b, respectively. A solar parabolic concentrator (as shown in Figure 5) focuses sunlight (Qsoiar) on a selective surface (SS) with a low thermal emissivity and high solar absorbtivity. The surface also emits thermal radiation (Qloss) at a spectrally averaged emissivity (e) due to its elevated temperature (Tss). To accurately capture the absorptive and emissive properties, NREL data was used for four thermally and mechanically robust commercially available surface coatings [43]. The emissivity of the selective surface as a function of temperature is shown in Figure 12. For temperatures exceeding the maximum tabulated temperature, a sixth order polynomial was used to extrapolate the properties at the higher temperature. The absorbtivity of the selective surface is shown in Table 1. Table 1 - Spectrally averaged absorbtivity [431. Solar a Black Chrome Luz Cermet UVAC A UVAC B 0.916 0.938 0.954 0.935 0.2751 Black Chrome 0.25 0.25 00 Luz Cermet 0.225 3o UVAC A AA UVAC B 0.2 0.175 *2 AD o 0.15 H 0.125 0.1 0.075 A A 0 A 0 0 0.05 250 350 450 550 650 750 Selective Surface Temperature, T5s [K] Figure 12 - Spectrally averaged emissivity as a function of selective surface temperature (T,,) for four commercially available surface coatings [43]. The selective surface is assumed to be isothermal along its length, and the temperature drop from the SS to the TE hot side is across a thin film (< 500 pm) and therefore can be neglected. We also assume that in the evacuated concentric tube design there are only radiative losses from the selective surface. The net heat absorbed by the SS is conducted through the TE element with a radial conduction thermal resistance Rte, which leads to a temperature gradient between the TE hot (Tss) and cold (T,E) side to produce TE power (Pte). The temperature gradient is dependent on the TE leg geometry, material thermal conductivity (kte), and figure of merit (ZT). Due to the high sensitivity of these parameters on system performance, temperature dependent properties were used for the TE thermal conductivity (Figure 14a) and figure of merit (Figure 14b) [44-48]. a) rte Le La Thermoelectric 4. ro I t VaporSpace rI TS,E T S HIM|| Qos Qsoiar > QoUt Selective Surface Iar Figure 13 - (a) Schematic cross-section of the HSTE system in a horizontal orientation. Solar energy (Qsolar) heats the selective surface located on the TE hot side, which creates a temperature gradient across the TE that produces electrical power (Pte). The remaining heat (Q.,) is transferred axially by the thermosyphon to a bottoming cycle application at temperature Te. (b) Thermal resistance (TR) model of the HSTE, where R,, is the TE radial TR, R2 and R6 are the thermosyphon wall radial TR, R 2 and R3 are the boiling and evaporation TRs, respectively, R5 is condensation TR, R 4 is the vapor TR, R 7 is the thermosyphon wall axial TR, and R 8 and R, are evaporation and condensation interfacial TRs, respectively. 1.2 N E 3.6 3 ~ 0 0.8 p2.4 0.6 1.80 1.20.4 E 0.6 1l.2- 0 200 -a- Bi2Te3 (Poudel et at.,2008; Snyder et at.,2008) PbTe (Snyder et al. 2008; Morelli et al., 2008) -A- SiGe (Snyder et at. 2008) 400 600 800 1000 1200 E E 0.2 0.2 01 200 Bi2Te (Minnich et al 2009; Poudel et at 2008) PbTe (Minnich et al., 2009: Snyder et at., 2008) -Ar SiGe (Minnich et al., 2009; Snyder et al. 2008) '- 400 600 800 Temperature [K] Temperature [K] a) b) 1000 1200 Figure 14 - Thermoelectric (a) thermal conductivity (kte) and (b) figure of merit (ZT) as a function of temperature for three TE materials used for the model: bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3), lead telluride (PbTe) and silicon germanium (SiGe) [44-461. An inclined two-phase thermosyphon in contact with the TE cold side transfers heat (Q,,) axially to the bottoming cycle application at temperature Tc. The thermosyphon achieves efficient spreading via a working fluid that undergoes phase-change due to the heat supplied to the evaporator. The generated vapor axially transports to the condenser section at. As heat is transferred to the bottoming cycle application, the vapor condenses and returns back to the evaporator by gravity. The heat transfer processes in the thermosyphon are modeled as thermal resistances (Figure 13b): R, and R6 are the radial conduction wall resistances of the evaporator and condenser, respectively; R2 and R3 are the evaporation and boiling resistances, respectively; R4 is the saturated vapor resistance from the vapor flow pressure drop; R 5 is the condensation resistance at the condenser; R7 is the axial conduction thermal resistance; R8 and R9 are the evaporation and condensation liquid-vapor interfacial thermal resistances, respectively. For ideal thermosyphon operation, the temperature drop from the evaporator (Ts,E) to the bottoming cycle application (Tc) should be small. The TEs selected for HSTE analysis are bismuth telluride (Bi2 Te 3), lead telluride (PbTe), and silicon germanium (SiGe), which have a range of operating temperatures with moderate ZTs (Figure 14), relatively low cost, and commercial availability [44, 46]. Based on the TE and bottoming cycle application temperatures (T,), different combinations of thermosyphon wall materials and working fluids are considered that ensure working fluid compatibility and high effective thermal conductivity. Conventional water-copper (300 K -550 K), mercury-stainless steel (550 K - 875 K), and liquid potassium-nickel (885 K - 1273 K) thermosyphons were investigated for Bi 2 Te3 (300 K - 525 K), PbTe (525 K - 850 K), and SiGe (850 K - 1200 K) TEs, respectively. The PbTe and SiGe HSTEs are suitable for medium to high temperature IPH applications, while Bi 2Te 3 HSTEs can be used for low temperature IPH or residential heating. 3.2 GOVERNING EQUATIONS We solve the energy equation governing the thermoelectric and thermosyphon over a wide range of input parameters including solar concentration, TE and thermosyphon material and geometry, thermosyphon working fluid, and bottoming cycle temperature. All transport properties vary with temperature including the TE thermal conductivity (ke), figure of merit (ZT), thermosyphon wall thermal conductivity (k,), and fluid properties (k, k, P,y, P, P, Cp,, Cpi, hfg). Figures 15a and b show schematics of the thermosyphon evaporator and condenser, respectively, which include the energy inputs and outputs in the system. a) b) IILI -+ OLo +- Figure 15 - Schematics of the (a) TE side showing the film evaporation and pool boiling region of the evaporator and (b) condenser side showing film condensation in a vertical orientation. 34 At the TE side (Figure 15a), the energy gained from the solar heat input (Qsoiar) and lost from emissive loss (Q0u) is balanced by the generated TE power (Pe) and waste heat (Qou1) aAcsCG - -BEAE(Tss4 Solar Heat Input (Q.,,) - Too Radiative Loss (Q,,) = Pte + Qout TE Power (18) Waste Heat where C is the solar concentration ratio, Asc is the evaporator cross sectional area (2 reLe), AE is the evaporator surface area (2 7rrteLe), G is the average solar insolation (1000 W/m2 ), a and E are the selective surface spectrally averaged solar absorbtivity and thermal emissivity, respectively, 'Bis the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Ts is the selective surface and TE hot side temperature, and T is the ambient temperature (300 K). The TE power is defined as Ts - Ts' E Pte = (Qsolar - Qioss) - rte = (Qsolar - Qioss) ' 1 + 2 -- 1 (19) TSS where il, is the TE electrical generation efficiency, T,E is the TE cold side temperature, and ZT is the thermoelectric figure of merit. The TE material properties were averaged over the operating temperature interval [Tss, Ts,E]. At the thermosyphon condenser side (Figure 15b), the energy transferred from the evaporator (Qo 0 u) is transferred directly to the bottoming cycle application at the condenser temperature (T,). 3.3 THERMOSYPHON MODELING The thermosyphon is modeled using a thermal resistance network, R = AT/Q, where R is the thermal resistance, A T is the temperature difference across each thermal resistance, and Q is the heat transfer (Figure 13b). The resistances were determined for low (T < 500 K) and high (T > 500 K) temperature operating regimes ( - ). At low temperatures, classical Nusselt condensation/evaporation film theory [40, 49] was used. However, at high temperatures with liquid metals as the working fluid, high vapor velocities result in large interfacial shear stresses and additional interfacial heat transfer resistances (R8 and R 9) at the liquid vapor interface. Therefore, a modified Nusselt analysis with pool boiling and thin film evaporation [40, 50-52] more effectively captures the phase-change at the evaporator. In all cases, the ratio of condensate film thickness (6) and tube radius (r) was assumed to be very small (6/r, «1), such that the tube can be modeled as laminar film condensation on a flat inclined surface. Table 2 - Thermal Resistances for Low and High Temperature HSTE Models. Low Temperature Model (T < 500 K) High Temperature Model (T > 500 K) (20) Rte =27Lekte in (30) 27(Lekte (~ In00) (21) = R, In(r,) r Rte (31) R 2in 2T(Lekw 1-27nLekw 1 R2 = 2 hE rje i 1 - pv)hfgkl hE = 0.943 pigcosO(pi Mi(TW,E - Tsat,E)LE 3 ]4 (22) R2 = (23) R3 = [ 1 R3 = 0 Tsat,c) 8L0 Ri (TsatE R4 = R5 = (24) 1thfg 2 pvpvrs 8L0 Ryv (TsatE yTsatC (34) T hfg2 Pvpri, R5 = 2-nic 2hcirirLc 3 0.943 pigcos6(p - p)hfgki 4 L 0 i (Tsat,c - Tw,Lc (25) c= 0.943 in(r) R6 = (33)b (2nriL, + rri2)h,,p 2 2hc7riLc = (32)a 2hE,f nri(Le - L) (26) r 21nLck, (35) -pigcosO(pi - p)h1,i 1 (Tsat,c - Tw,c)Lc l In( (36) R6 = 2i 62nLek, 1 0(Le+Lc)+ La (27) 1(Le+ R = Lc)+ La (37) 2 3 R8 = 0 Re~ = 22- (28) M)2PsatE fg (38) Tsat,E2 R8 = R9 = 0 (29) (M)2Psatchf Tsatc a) See text for definition of hEf b) See text for definition of hEp (39) 3.3.1 Low Temperature Thermosyphon Model (Ts,E < 550 K) We considered Nusselt film condensation and evaporation for a specified condenser outer wall temperature (Tc) to obtain the temperature distribution of low temperature thermosyphons, where the thermal resistances are given by Eqns. 20 - 29. The thermosyphon tube is modeled as laminar film condensation on a flat inclined surface, where the condensed film returns to the evaporator by gravity and evaporates completely by the end of the evaporator section (i.e. no liquid pool exists at the base of the evaporator). The vapor is assumed to be at saturation conditions, and shear forces are negligible [40] resulting in thermal resistances of evaporation and condensation heat transfer described by Eqns. 22 and 25, respectively. To determine the difference in saturation temperature from the evaporator (Tsat,E) to condenser (Tsatc), the Clapeyron relation is used which accounts for the vapor flow thermal resistance (Eqn. 24). While previous works have found this resistance to be negligible [41], the moderate heat fluxes and temperatures in this analysis can make the temperature drops appreciable. 3.3.2 High Temperature Thermosyphon Model (T,,E > 550 K) At higher temperatures, the interfacial shear stresses can create significant error in the predicted film thickness profile using classical Nusselt theory. Therefore, a separate high temperature model is used to predict thermosyphon performance using a modified Nusselt model with pool boiling heat transfer, where the thermal resistances are given by Eqns. 30 - 39. For simplicity, we also assume that the evaporator and wall temperatures are uniform and use the modified Nusselt condensation model in the condenser section [50, 51] with the addition of liquid vapor interfacial resistances (R 8 and R9). To determine the liquid vapor interfacial resistances (Eqns. 38 and 39), we assume condensation and evaporation coefficients (a) of 0.1 which is appropriate for large engineering systems which typically are difficult to maintain in a pure environment [52]. The film evaporation heat transfer coefficient from the top of the evaporator section to the liquid pool is [51] kgESatE 3p, (Tsa t,E [ - L [( A(Lt - Ly ) + P,E)Le - LP) E)e Tw,c)Lc 4 gcos19j p(p1 - pv) hfg Lo - A(Lc + La)) - 0SL) 1 4 ki/pi(Tsat,c - where SL0 4ki pi(Tsat,E ' ~ w,E) gcos9pi(pi - pv)hfg is the film thickness at the end of the adiabatic section, L is the length of the pool region, Le is the evaporator length, Lc is the condenser length, and Lt is the total length of the thermosyphon. Eqn. 40 is combined with Eqn. 33 to determine the effective thermal resistance of the thin film liquid metal evaporation. To incorporate the effect of pool boiling of liquid metals, the heat transfer coefficient is determined by [53] hp,E Cq0r where P, = PI/Pe, C = 13.7, m (41) = 0.22 for Pr < 0.001, and C = 6.9, m = 0.12 for Pr > 0.001, q is the evaporator heat flux, Pc is the critical pressure of the liquid metal, and Pi is the liquid pressure in contact with the heated surface. This average heat transfer coefficient is used with Eqn. 33 to determine the effective thermal resistance due to liquid metal pool boiling (R3 ). For both low and high temperature thermosyphon models, we assume steady operation below limiting thermosyphon operating conditions. To verify this assumption, the continuum, sonic, viscous, entrainment, and boiling limits [40, 54] are calculated and compared with the corresponding operational performance. In addition, non-condensable gases are assumed to be in negligible amounts as to not affect the heat transfer characteristics. We also verified that the film condensation is laminar using the condensation Reynolds number (Re6 < 30). 3.3.3 Thermosyphon Heat Transfer Limits Although thermosyphons are efficient heat transfer devices, they are subject to operating limits that determine their maximum heat transfer. The limit that has the lowest value at a specific operating condition causes failure of the thermosyphon [40]. The results were all checked against the operating limits. The vapor continuum limit [54], applicable to high temperature liquid metal thermosyphons, occurs when the heat transfer is not high enough to form continuum flow conditions inside the thermosyphon. The vapor temperature associated with transition into continuum flow is 2VZrd 2 PKnr1 Tcontinuum = 1.051k (42) where d is the effective molecular diameter of the liquid metal atom, P, is the liquid metal vapor pressure, Kn is the Knudsen number, r, is the thermosyphon inner radius, and k is the Boltzmann constant. The effective molecular diameters for potassium and mercury are 4.44 A and 3.02 A, respectively [54, 55]. The vapor flow is considered to be continuum when Kn < 0.01. We determine the continuum temperature for each simulated result and ensure it is higher than the evaporator (Tsat,E) and condenser (Tsat,C) saturation temperatures. In all cases, the continuum limit temperature is well below saturated vapor temperatures in the system. The sonic limit occurs at the evaporator of the thermosyphon as a result of the pressure driven liquid metal vapor acceleration towards the evaporator end. The low downstream vapor pressure of the liquid metal thermosyphon during startup can lead to sonic vapor velocities at the evaporator exist [40]. The heat transfer corresponding to the sonic limit is 1 1 Qt Qsonic = 7ri2hr psat,E = jRTsat,E r (43) where Cp,g and C,g are the heat capacities of the liquid metal vapor at the evaporator conditions, and R is the working fluid gas constant. The viscous limit describes the maximum heat transfer that the thermosyphon can experience before the viscous forces of the vapor flow begin to overcome the inertial forces from the evaporator to the condenser. This limitation was checked using nr 4 hfgpsat,EPsat,E 16pLO s (44) where hjg is the latent heat of evaporation of the working fluid, psat,E and Psat,E are the evaporator vapor density and pressure, respectively, Lo is the effective thermosyphon length, and p is the evaporator vapor dynamic viscosity. The entrainment limit occurs when the vapor flow rate is high enough to entrain some of the back flowing liquid moving down the thermosyphon. This limitation is more predominant in thermosyphons containing wick structures; however, it was verified for both low and high temperature thermosyphon models using [40] Qentrainment = p .14 ) 1 tanh2 Boihgiri2 (g.(p _ p)) 1 1 4 (pv- 4+ p- 1\-2 4 (45) where Bo is the Bond number, o is the working fluid surface tension, pi and pv are the densities of the liquid and vapor, respectively. All properties were evaluated at the evaporator saturation temperature. The boiling limit describes when the evaporator surface temperature (TwE) exceeds the superheat corresponding to the critical heat flux (CHF), resulting in catastrophic failure of the thermosyphon. The boiling limit is determined by [56] Qboiling = aog(pi -p) pt, ( 2 wri Le)0.149pvhfg [YPi2 (46) where Le is the evaporator length, and ri is the thermosyphon inner radius. Equation 48 is applicable to liquid metals as a conservative estimate since the experimentally measured CHF for the boiling of liquid metal is 2 to 4 times higher than that predicted by the equation [56]. 3.4 SOLUTION ALGORITHM The HSTE model was solved iteratively where the solar concentration (C), bottoming cycle temperature (Tc), TE and thermosyphon geometry and materials and thermosyphon working fluid are input parameters to obtain the temperature distribution ([T]), thermoelectric power (Pe), waste heat (Q0 w), emissive loss (Qoss) and system efficiency. To determine the transport properties ([P]o), a guessed initial temperature distribution ([T]o) is used. Once initial properties are obtained, the model iterates to determine a new temperature distribution ([T]I) by solving the energy equation (Eqn. 20) with thermal resistances (Eqns. 22-41). The transport properties ([P]I) are recalculated with the new temperature distribution and used in the next iteration. The convergence criterion is defined as when the difference between successive temperatures for each point is less than 0.01 degrees (|T+j -Til < 0.01). The choice of materials for the thermosyphon and TE is made based on the calculated temperature distribution in each successive iteration. Figure 16 shows the flowchart of the iterative algorithm used in the model. [ T; - Ti-I I-: 0. 01 J1HSTE Qns 1 Pte 4 P fOUT vi7 FAM, 7IIHSTE= 0 Figure 16 - Flowchart of the iterative algorithm. [T.] is the initially guessed temperature distribution, [Po] are the initial calculated fluid and thermoelectric properties, i is the iteration number, [Ti] is the ith iteration temperature distribution, and Tc,,,d.um, Qsonc, Qvscous, Qenrainment, 3.5 Qboiling are the thermosyphon limits. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The modeling results were obtained for a particular solar collector resembling the glass tube evacuated design (Le= 50 cm, Le = 10 cm, La = 200 cm, r, = 2.25 cm, ri = 2 cm, rte = 3 cm, 0= 30*) with black chrome as the selective surface which is stable at high temperatures (300 K to 800 K). Also, the emissivity is relatively high (0.08 < e < 0.3) compared to the other selective surfaces, allowing for a conservative estimate of performance. Figure 17a shows the bottoming cycle heat transfer (Q, 1) as a function of bottoming cycle temperature (Tc) and solar concentration (C). Three distinct regimes for different TEs exist with Tc. When the TE or thermosyphon temperatures exceed 550 K, the PbTe TE with the mercury-stainless steel thermosyphon replaces the Bi 2 Te 3 TE with the water-copper thermosyphon, creating a discontinuity in the system performance. These discontinuities are larger at higher Cs because a larger temperature difference exists at higher heat fluxes. A similar shift occurs at T,E> 778 K to an SiGe TE with the liquid potassium-nickel thermosyphon. As the C increases, the shift occurs at a lower T, because the thermosyphon temperature drop is greater, leading to a higher cold side TE temperature. As a result, Bi 2Te 3 HSTE systems at high Cs have a very narrow operation window (300 K < T, < 340 K). Figure 17b shows the emissive loss (Qoss) as a function of Te, C, and TE material. As C increases, the selective surface temperature (Tss) increases, leading to higher emissive loss. Therefore, the decrease in Q,,, (Figure 17a) is more pronounced at Te > 500 K due to the fourth order dependence of emissive losses on temperature. Figure 17c shows the output TE power as a function of Te, C, and TE material. The TE efficiency is dependent on the temperature difference (Tss - Tw,E) across the TE module and figure of merit (ZT). As T, increases, P1e decreases due to a decrease in Q0u. With higher C, however, a higher temperature difference across the TE element can be attained due to the higher heat flux, leading to a higher power output (Pte). Inclination angles (0) up to 300 were examined and show a small effect on the performance of the HSTE system (<2%). Similarly, the thermosyphon adiabatic section length (La) shows minimal effect (< 0.1%) on performance at low condenser temperatures (T, < 550 K) and solar concentrations (C < 50), indicating that the saturation temperature drop associated with the vapor pressure drop in the thermosyphon is negligible in these regimes. However, as discussed in Section 3.4.2, the saturation temperature drop needs to be considered in liquid metal HSTE systems due to a significant vapor pressure drop at high solar concentration ratios. 4500 a) 3750 -C=1 PbTe Bi 2Te 3 c=10 CC=50 C = 100 3000 SiGe 2250 £ PbTe Bi2Te 3 1500 0 SiGe 7I.. r 0 . E I- ----PbTe Bi2 Te 3 0 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 Condenser Temperature, Tc [K] b) 4500 C =1 C =10 3750 C 50 Sie C = 100 / 3000 q 2250 SiGe / .- 5/ -E 1500 750 PbTe.B.2Te3 V 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 Condenser Temperature, Tc [K] -C -C 180 150 Bi2 Te 3 120 90 - =1 = 10 C = 100 PbTe Bi2Te 3 60 30 PbTe Bi2Te 3 - SiGe 0 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1;200 Condenser Temperature, Tc [K] Figure 17 - (a) Thermosyphon heat transfer, (b) emissive losses and (c) TE power of the HSTE system for varying solar concentrations and condenser temperatures. As the condenser temperature (Tc) increases, emissive losses (Qi,.) increase while TE power (P,)and thermosyphon waste heat (Q,,,)decrease due to elevated surface temperatures (T,). As solar concentration (C) increases, emissive losses, TE power and heat output increase. 3.6 SUMMARY In this chapter, we developed an energy-based model of a new hybrid solar thermoelectric (HSTE) system which uses a thermosyphon to passively and efficiently transfer heat to a bottoming cycle. The thermosyphon model in Chapter 2 was modified to better represent thermosyphons at elevated temperatures. The TE materials bismuth telluride, lead telluride, and silicon germanium were combined with thermosyphon material-working fluids of copper-water, stainless steel-mercury, and nickel-liquid potassium for the model simulations. System performance was investigated for temperatures of 300 K - 1200 K, concentrations 1 - 100 Suns, and different thermosyphon and thermoelectric materials with a geometry resembling an evacuated tube solar collector (Le = 50 cm, L, = 10 cm, La = 200 cm, r, = 2.25 cm, ri = 2 cm, re = 3 cm, 0 = 300). The results show as the condenser temperature (Tc) increases, emissive losses (Q0 ss) increase while TE power (Pte) and thermosyphon waste heat (Qur) decrease due to elevated surface temperatures (Tss). Additionally, as solar concentration (C) increases, emissive losses, TE power and heat output increase due to higher heat input. Chapter 4 4. HSTE Optimization To maximize electrical power and waste heat production while minimizing emissive heat loss, HSTE optimization is required. In order to optimize both power and heat, a combined hybrid efficiency is developed and optimized over a wide range of variables including: condenser temperature, solar concentration, thermosyphon and thermoelectric material properties, and system geometry. 4.1 OPTIMIZATION EQUATIONS The HSTE is optimized based on a combination of two efficiencies: 1) the electrical efficiency (lie) defined as the TE efficiency (Eqn. 19) and 2) the thermal efficiency (qe) from waste heat (Qoss) defined using an exergetic approach with the Carnot efficiency (Eqn. 47) [57]. T7cc (47) The defined thermal efficiency serves as an ideal upper limit to the amount of work obtained from the waste heat if a heat engine is used as the bottoming cycle. The overall system efficiency (qHSTE) is therefore defined as the ratio of useful energy extracted, including the thermal (Qow) and electrical components (Pte), compared to the total energy input. The ideal thermoelectric efficiency qte is used to determine the TE electrical power output, given by (T~~~ Pte = 1 te (Qsolar - -AE(ss 4 ~s -T V + ZT -S1i s,EA(Qsolar - s,E Z+ The electrical power from the waste heat (Wg) is given by T4)1SS rEAE(ss - ) (4 (48) Wg = 7c (Qsolar - Pte - UEAEss 4 - (49) where q, is the ideal Carnot efficiency (qe = 1-Tc/T.) and T, is the ambient temperature (300 K). To obtain the overall HSTE system efficiency, the two components of the useful energy output (Pte, Wcg) are combined and compared to the total energy input _ 1 7 HSTE - te + Weg (50) Qsolar Substituting Eqns. 48 and 49 into 50, we obtain nte (Qsoiar - 7EAE(T s 4 - Tw) + ?jc (Qsolar T1HSTE= - oEAE(TSs 4 - T ) 1 7te (Qsolar - UEAE(TS 4 - T 4) (51) Qsoar where C is the solar concentration, Gs is the solar heat flux (1000 W/m 2), AE is the absorber surface area, and e is the absorber emissivity. By simplifying Eqn. 51, the system efficiency is expressed as Useful Energy Out Incident Solar Energy = (ate + where Qoss = asAE(Ts 4.2 4 i/ - ltelc) QIOsS CG)) (2c - Th/) represents the radiative loss term. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 18 shows the HSTE efficiency as a function of bottoming cycle temperature and solar concentration. Similar to Figure 17, discontinuities due to temperature operation limits of the TE and thermosyphon exist. To obtain HSTE efficiency for a particular bottoming cycle application, the. end use temperature at which the thermal energy will be transferred to must be known. For example, if the HSTE system is to be used for space heating, the temperature is set to the condenser temperature (Tc), and the system performance can be obtained from Figure 18. 0.5 C1 PbTe S0.4~ Bi2Te 0. 0 Al e \ / .2 f Bi2Te3 0.11 0 300 C00 - 10 SiGe PbTe \ SiGe' Bi 2Te 3 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 Condenser Temperature, Te [K] Figure 18 - Efficiency of the HSTE system for varying solar concentrations (C) and bottoming cycle temperatures (Te). Optimal system efficiencies exists which balance the thermal efficiency and emissive power. Increasing the solar concentration also increases efficiency due to a higher energy input and thermal efficiency. 4.2.1 Effect of Bottoming Cycle Temperature (Tc) and Concentration (C) Figure 18 shows that the HSTE efficiency (qHSTE) has optimal values as a function of bottoming cycle temperature (Tc). The initial increase is due to the increase in thermal efficiency with increasing temperature. However, as Te continues to increase, the surface temperature (Tss) of the TE element reaches a point where the emissive losses (Q0 ss) begin to dominate. As a result, with any additional increase in Te, the efficiency decreases due to the fourth order temperature dependence of the emissive losses. At constant Te, the system efficiency (iHSTE) increases with increasing solar concentration (C) due to higher heat transfer (Qwt) through the thermosyphon and greater thermal efficiency. Concentrations beyond 100 Suns may be more advantageous but may have economic implications on the construction of the concentrator; and therefore were not considered here. 4.2.2 Effect of TE Leg Length (Lt,,) and Thermosyphon Size (r,/r,,) Figure 19a examines the HSTE system efficiency with TE leg length (L,,) and cross-sectional radii ratio (r/r,,) for a particular solar concentration (C = 50) and bottoming cycle temperature (T, = 700 K) determined from Figure 18. As L,, increases, the system efficiency decreases due to the additional thermal resistance of the TE leg, leading to an elevated surface temperature (T,,) and higher emissive loss (Q,0 ss). The TE leg length, however, has different effects on system performance depending on the bottoming cycle temperature (T,). At high T,, small increases in L,, result in larger decreases in system efficiency due to the higher emissive losses at increasing temperatures. However, Figure 19b shows that the TE power increases with increasing TE leg length because collector area increases and a higher TE temperature gradient exists. Depending on the power needs of the application, increasing TE leg length may have advantages. For example, if the application has larger electrical demands, it may be more favorable to sacrifice overall system efficiency for electrical production. Figure 19 also shows that as the radial ratio of the thermosyphon (r/rte) decreases for a constant LTE, the system efficiency decreases due to reduced area for heat transfer through the thermosyphon and the TE power decreases due to reduced selective surface area for solar input. As the TE leg length increases, the maximum operating temperature (776 K) is reached, and the performance decreases to zero (gray area). In addition, for small thermosyphon radii (bottom white area), heat pipe limitations (e.g., sonic limit) prohibit operation. Furthermore, as the thermosyphon radius becomes less than r0 ~ 2 mm, the model is no longer accurate because the thermosyphon pipe wall cannot be modeled as a flat plate. 'IHSTE 0.8 > 0.48 0.6 0.39 0.37 0.35 0.45 0.43 0.4 0.2 Qout > Qulmit 0 I0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Lt. [m] Pte [W] 37 0.8 > 55 46 129 0.6 0.4 0.2 Qout > Qglmit 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Lt, [M] Figure 19 - Optimization results for a PbTe HSTE at C= 50 and Te = 700 K showing a) system efficiency and b) TE power. An increase in TE leg length (Lt) decreases efficiency and increases TE power due to a larger TE thermal gradient. As the TE leg length increases, the maximum operating temperature (776 K) is reached, at which point the performance decreases to zero (gray area). In addition, for small thermosyphon radii (bottom white area), heat pipe limitations (e.g., sonic limit) prohibit operation. Figures 20 and 21 show the HSTE system performance for two other optimal bottoming cycle temperatures and solar concentrations (T, = 470 K, C = 10 and Te = 776 K, C = 50) determined from Figure 18. A gray area is not shown in Figure 21 because the optimum bottoming cycle temperature is at the low end of the operating temperature range and only exists at Lt, > 0.05. 0.8 7 IHSTE > 0.331 10.321 0.328 0.324 0.317 <0.314 0.2Qlimit out 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Lre [m] b) 1 0.8 Pte [W' 1 >10 8 6 2 0 Qout >Qlmit 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 L. [im) 0.8 - QoUt [W] > 1100 880 0.6 880 0.4 140220 0.2 0- - Qout > Qulmit 0 0 i I 0.01 0.02 Lt@ [m] 0.03 Figure 20 - Optimization results for a Bi 2Te3 HSTE at Te = 470 K and C = 10 showing a) system efficiency, b) TE power, and c) waste heat. An increase in TE leg length (Lt) results in a decrease in efficiency and increase in TE power due to a larger TE thermal gradient. As the TE leg length increases, the maximum operating temperature is reached, and the performance decreases to zero (gray area). In addition, for small thermosyphon radii (bottom white area), heat pipe limitations (e.g., sonic limit) prohibit operation. a) 1 , 0.8 - J7HSTE >0.33 0.6 - 0.24 0.20 0.15 4 0.10 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 Lt [m] 0.8 Pte [W] > 20 16 12 0.6 19 5 0.4 0 0 Q 0 2 .0 .0mi t. 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Lt [m] c) 1 0.8 Qo,, [W] l>2000 1640 I920 0.6 1280 560 < 200 0.4 0.2 0 m 0oUt > Qiim' ----- 0 -17.r --- r ----- r"II 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Lte [M] Figure 21 - Optimization results for a SiGe HSTE at Te = 776 K and C =50 showing a) HSTE system efficiency, b) TE power and c) waste heat. An increase in TE leg length (Le) results in a decrease in efficiency and increase in TE power due to a larger TE thermal gradient. For small thermosyphon radii (bottom white area), heat pipe limitations (e.g., sonic limit) prohibit operation. 4.2.3 Effect of Thermosyphon Material In an effort to broaden thermosyphon material selection, we investigated the effect of thermosyphon wall thermal conductivity (k,) on performance. Only the low temperature model was considered due to material compatibility issues for high temperature liquid metals. Figure 22 shows the HSTE system efficiency (QHSTE) as a function of solar concentration (C) and thermosyphon wall thermal conductivity (k.) for a Bi 2Te 3 TE at T, = 470 K. As k, decreases from 10 W/mK, the efficiency does not decrease appreciably, which indicates that the radial conduction resistance of the thermosyphon wall is not dominant. However, as the thermal conductivity decreases below approximately 1.2 W/mK, system efficiency begins to decrease more significantly from the efficiency at high k, values (r*). The results indicate that materials such as glass can be used for thermosyphons in HSTE systems when solar concentrations are below 4 Suns, which can reduce material costs [58]. 0.35 Ttec > 550 K C=5 0.3 0.25 C=2--i u 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 x 0.951* 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kw [W/mK] Figure 22 - HSTE system efficiency for varying solar concentrations (C) and thermosyphon wall thermal conductivities (k,) for a Bi 2Te3 TE at Te = 470 K. I* is the HSTE efficiency at high thermal conductivities (* = HSTE (k, = 10 W/mK)), which asymptotes to a constant value. For solar concentrations below 4 Suns, materials with thermal conductivities larger than 1.2 W/mK have comparable system efficiency (I * ~ '7sTE). To achieve the optimal HSTE system for a prescribed bottoming cycle using the framework described above, the following procedure should be followed: 1) an initial geometry should be specified for which an optimum solar concentration and bottoming cycle temperature can be determined (e.g., Figure 18). 2) The thermosyphon and TE geometry should be optimized based on results from step 1 (e.g., Figure 19). 3) A new geometry can then be selected that meets the power and heat requirements of the particular application. 4) Steps 1 to 3 need to be repeated until convergence is reached. In practice, system constraints such as the bottoming cycle temperature and solar concentration are specified, which simplifies the optimization routine to geometry only. Step 4 was not deeded for this study because the geometry of interest was specified. Five applications for HSTE systems are proposed in Table 3 showing applications requiring relatively high heat output compared to electrical power production, such as residential heating, solar AC, and industrial process heating, are ideal for HSTE integration. Additionally, HSTEs show great promise at high temperatures, where previous renewable hybrid technologies (PVT) were not applicable; for high quality heat applications such as aluminum smelting. The results also demonstrate the applicability of HSTEs for high temperature applications such as chemical drying and aluminum smelting, previously not possible with existing PVT systems. Table 3 - HSTE Potential Applications and Performance (Per Unit Length of Evaporator Section). HSTE Application TlHSTE Tc [K] C [%] Residential Heating Solar Air Conditioning [4, 6-9] Low temperature IPH - Chemical Drying [12, 15] Medium Temperature IPH [16, 17] High Temperature IPH - Aluminum Smelting [19] 4.3 15.2 25.4 34.4 48.1 52.6 360 400 500 700 776 50 50 100 100 100 Pte [W/m] 200 100 250 140 60 out [kW/m] 4 4 7.6 7 7.5 SUMMARY In this chapter, we developed an HSTE system efficiency that combines electrical (TE) and thermal (Camot) efficiency. Optimization was performed on the geometry examined in Chapter 3 showing system efficiencies as high as 52.6% can be achieved at solar concentrations of 100 Suns and bottoming cycle temperatures of 776 K. Geometric optimization of the TE leg length and the radii ratio shows that there is a competing effect between electrical power and efficiency. This result implies if the application has larger electrical demands, it may be more favorable to sacrifice overall system efficiency for electrical production. In addition, the effect of thermosyphons wall conductivity was investigated, showing thermosyphons with low wall conductivities (> 1.2 W/mK) at low solar concentrations (< 4 Suns) have comparable system efficiencies which suggests that lower cost materials, including glass, can be used. Finally, five bottoming cycle applications with temperatures ranging from 360 K - 776 K are proposed for potential HSTE integration. Chapter 5 5. Conclusions and Ongoing Work In this thesis, we numerically investigated a hybrid solar thermoelectric system using a thermosyphon to efficiently transport heat for a bottoming cycle (HSTE) over a wide range of temperatures (300 K - 1200 K), solar concentrations (1 - 100 Suns), as well as thermosyphon and TE materials and geometries. A simplified thermal resistance based model for heat pipes and thermosyphons was developed (Chapter 2) and used to identify thermosyphons as the better technology for integration into HSTEs due to smaller temperature drops and higher thermal efficiencies. In Chapter 3, a separate integrated thermoelectric and thermosyphon energy-based model was developed to predict the temperature distribution of the HSTE and to determine the performance of the overall system. The results show that HSTE system efficiency is a strong function of solar concentration and bottoming cycle temperature due to the coupling between temperature and thermosyphon performance, TE performance and selective surface properties. As the bottoming cycle temperature increases, the thermal efficiency increases up to an optimum critical temperature. Beyond this temperature, the emissive losses dominate, resulting in a decrease in HSTE efficiency. As solar concentration increases, both thermal and thermoelectric efficiencies increase due to higher heat fluxes to the HSTE. Geometric optimization of the HSTE (Chapter 4) also shows at higher TE leg lengths and radii ratios, higher levels of electrical power and waste heat could be obtained but with decreased efficiency. A range of optimum efficiencies were determined, the highest of which include: 34.4% (Tc= 500 K, C= 50), 48.1% (Tc= 700 K, C= 100), and 52.6% (Te = 776 K, C= 100). The results from varying the thermosyphon wall material show when wall thermal conductivities exceed 1.2 W/mK, system efficiency is approximately constant, indicating glass thermosyphons could be used at low temperature (T < 550 K) HSTEs to potentially reduce material cost. The outcomes of this study indicate a major benefit of using the HSTE system where unlike PVT systems, they can be utilized at high temperatures while maintaining electrical conversion efficiencies comparable to or greater than room temperature operation. The development of the HSTE system extends the applicability of hybrid solar thermal to higher temperature processes such as chemical drying and aluminum smelting, which mainly require mainly high quality heat. This study serves as a framework for selection and optimization of HSTE system configuration based on the end use application. 5.1 ONGOING WORK - EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN In order to verify the results of the HSTE model, an experimental setup was designed and is currently being built. The experimental was designed to allow for maximum versatility in input conditions, including temperature, heat flux and material. Figure 23a shows a schematic of the experimental setup, while Figures 23b and c show a 3D CAD drawing and physical assembly of the main components, respectively. A - Experimental System B- Fill Rig C- CoolingSection D- Calorimeter Bar E- Cartridge Heater Block "B :a (-)2 45 i System i Axquisition E -Cmputer c (a) 3 Section Condenser = I El 71 Adiabatic Evaporator Flux Measurement Thermoelectric Heater (b) (c) Figure 23 - (a) Schematic of experimental design including test section, heater section and cooling section. (b) 3D CAD drawing and (c) as built assembly of the main experimental components. The test section is made modular for ease of implementation of different thermosyphon materials such as copper or glass. A roughing pump (Alcatel 210SDMLAM), capable of achieving pressures as low as 10- torr will be used to evacuate the system. Heat will be supplied to the evaporator side of the thermosyphon with a 500 W cartridge heater (SS - 120 V, McMaster) located in a milled copper calorimeter bar instrumented with multiple thermocouples for measurement of heat flux. A custom water jacket cooling section was build out of clear polycarbonate sheets due to their low thermal conductivity (~ 1 W/mK) to limit heat transfer between the cooling water and the environment. Cooling deionized water is supplied from a temperature controlled bath with 0.05 K resolution (RE-207, Lauda-Brinkmann). The mass flow rate of the cooling water is measured by a liquid mass flow meter with ±1 CCM accuracy (L Series Mass Flow Meter, 0-50 CCM, Alicat Scientific). Temperature measurements are taken using type-K thermocouples (5TC-GG-K-36-36, Omega). Two thermocouples are placed in the cooling section to measure the average temperature of the inlet and outlet water streams. Internal pressure of the thermosyphon, and fill stations are measured with a vacuum pressure transducer (FP2000 Pressure Transducer, Honeywell) and a separate pressure gauge (MKS 925, MicroPirani Vacuum Transducer), respectively, due to the isolation between the two during filling. A data acquisition system (cDAQ-9174 CompactDAQ, National Instruments) is used to record the temperature and pressure readings at all times at a rate of 4 kHz. 5.2 EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOL The experiment setup is Figure 23 is designed to accommodate evacuation of the thermosyphon, degassing of the working fluid (water) and metering and filling of the working fluid while maintaining a vacuum level below 10-3 torr. To achieve these requirements, the following experimental procedure was developed 1) Make sure all components are thoroughly cleaned and properly assembled. 2) Fill the freeze pump thaw chamber with DI water, and freeze the water. 3) Close off valves 1, 2, and 3, and open 4 and 5. 4) Pull vacuum down to 10-3 torr (evacuation of thermosyphon chamber). 5) Close off valves 4, and open valve 2. 6) Pull vacuum down to 10-3 torr (evacuation of burette). 7) Close off valves 2 and 5 and open valve 3. 8) Pull vacuum down to 10~3 torr (evacuation of the freeze pump thaw chamber). 9) Close off valve 3, thaw the water, freeze the water, open valve 3. 10) Repeat steps 7 and 8 until sufficient degassing is achieved. 11) Close valve 3, open valve 1. 12) Heat the FTP chamber until water evaporates and builds pressure to move into the burette and condense on its sidewalls. Meter out the required amount of liquid. 13) Close valve 1, and open valves 2 and 4 (allow burette liquid to fill the thermosyphon). 14) Close valve 4. After the procedure is complete, the thermosyphon of the HSTE setup is filled, evacuated and ready for testing with the thermoelectric module. The constant temperature bath will simulate different bottoming cycle temperatures, while the cartridge heaters will simulate the solar heat flux for a range of concentrations. 5.3 FUTURE WORK The experimental rig will be used to verify the HSTE model; however, other investigations and experiments are planned for the setup. Experimental investigations of a glass thermosyphon design and operation has been a recent topic of interest by many companies [58] in an effort to reduce cost. The current HSTE model investigates the operation of low thermal conductivity thermosyphons on HSTE performance for low heat flux applications. However, integration of a glass thermosyphon with a high solar concentration solar collector has not been investigated due to modeling complexity and presents an interesting research direction for the future. By using glass, material and processing infrastructure cost decreases significantly over existing metal technologies, making solar thermal system such as the HSTE more affordable. A second topic of future investigation is thermosyphon condenser heat transfer enhancement. Solar thermal systems have the opposite problem encountered in thermal management of solid state devices such as microprocessors, diodes and transistors [59]. The evaporator area is the critical bottleneck for design of solid state devices due to the minimal area for heat spreading [41, 59-61]. Solar thermal systems, however, suffer from the opposite problem, since the condenser area is minimal when compared to the evaporator (Figure 24). 100 100 Thermosyphons 50 50 20 20 10 10 5 5 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 r,=5mm 0.2 h = I 20000 W/mK 0.1 0.1 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Condenser Length [m] 0.2 1 Figure 24 - Thermal resistances of thermosyphon condenser and evaporator sections as a function of condenser length. The total length of the thermosyphon is 1m, r, = 0.005m. Evaporation and condensation heat transfer are assumed to be equal magnitude (h = 20000W/mK) [40, 491. Efficient condensing surfaces are needed to minimize condensation resistance. Future investigation into the mechanism of condensation and heat transfer characteristics of different surfaces and surface modifications such as chemical oxidation [62], ion implantation [63] and nanostructuring [64, 65] will allow for better understanding and design of enhanced heat transfer surfaces for HSTE systems. 6. Bibliography 1. 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The 'heat pipes' were determined to be wickless thermosyphons, two of which contained small particles in the working fluid, while the others contained pure fluid. The fluid-particle combination was determined to be water-copper with the use of differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction (Figure A), respectively. Optical microscopy revealed the size of the particles to be 250pm in diameter. a) - 4.5 4.25 * 0X 0 4 - x x 3.75 3.5 3.25 3 0. o 2.75 2.5 * Sample 2.25 2 x Water ---10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Temperature [*C] b) Two - Theta (dog) Figure A - (a) DSC results for heat pipe fluid sample identifying water as the fluid. (b) XRD results on the powder material showing copper and copper oxide as the primary components. 66 The experimental setup (Figure 10) described in section 2.5 was used to characterize the heat transfer performance of both heat pipes (powder and no powder) for variable heat inputs. Overall thermal resistance was correlated to measured temperature difference (zT) from the evaporator to the condenser, the smaller the AT, the lower the thermal resistance. In all tests, AT of the particle heat pipe was smaller than the conventional fluid only heat pipe (Figure B). The effect of the particles was found to enhance heat transfer in the evaporator section by lowering the time constant for startup, decreasing evaporation thermal resistance through increased surface area for thin film evaporation, and lowering condensation heat transfer resistance through the entrainment of particles with the vapor flow from the evaporator to condenser. 18 16 14 12 0 10 6 4 + Particle ATHP U No 2 40 60 80 100 Particle ATHP 120 Heat Input [W] Figure B - Heat pipe temperature difference between evaporator and condenser for varying heat inputs. The thermal resistance of the powder heat pipe is lower for all heat inputs indicating performance enhancement due to the addition of Copper particles. The heat pipe model developed in section 2.1 does not include the effect of powders. All heat pipes used in the low temperature verification study of section 2.5 did not contain particles in order to avoid error between model and experiments. HSTE MATLAB CODE %--- Bi2Te3 ----------- --- clc T C = 300; C = 1; k w = 400; x = 50000; y = 5; A = zeros(x, y); t = 1; y=28; while y<226 %Counter on iteration for TE leg length W=1; %Counter on iteration for radius ratio %TE leg length while w<250 T c = y+299; C = 0.l*w; S=1; %SS material M=1; S=1 (%Black Chrome), %Thermosyphon material. M=1 S=2 (%Copper), (Luz Cermet), M=2 S=3 (Nickel), M=3 (UVAC A), (SS 304), S=4 M=4 (UVAC B) (Glass) VARIABLE DEFINITION ============= D_teo=0.06; D tei=0.045; D_wo=0.045; D_wi=0.04; L e=0.5; L_C=0.1; L_a=0.2; F=0.5; Theta=0; %Outer dia. of the TE & outer dia. of the thermosyphon %Inner diameter of the thermoelectric module %Outer diameter of the thermosyphon wall %Inner diameter of the thermosyphon wall %Length of the thermosyphon evaporator section %Length of the thermosyphon condenser section %Length of the thermosyphon adiabatic section %View factor from the mirror to the collector %Heat pipe inclination angle %========== Sigma=5.67E-8; g=9.81; GS=1000; T_inf=300; UNIVERSAL CONSTANTS ===== %Stefan Boltzmann Constant %Gravitational Constant %Solar Insolation %Ambient Temperature Calculation of thermal resistances - GUESSES %Thermoelectric material thermal conductivity R_te=log(D teo/D tei)/(2*pio*Le*kte); %Thermoelectric thermal resistance %Evaporator Wall thermal resistance R_we=log(D wo/D wi)/(2*pi(*L_e*k w); %Condenser Wall thermal resistance R_wc=log(D wo/Dwi)/(2*pi()*L_c*kw); %Thin liquid film thermal resistance R f=0.00449; %Thermosyphon thermal resistance R_hp=Rwe+Rwc+2*Rf; %Total thermal resistance R_tot=R_hp+Rte; %Initial k te=l; %System Efficiency Calculations ZT=l; e=0.05; a = 0.95; %Thermoelectric material ZT %Emissivity of the selective surface %Selective surface absorbtivity %Total heat input into the system Q_in=a*C*GS*pi(*Dteo*Le*F; %Initial guess for surface temperature T-sguess=Tc+2; %Initial guess for TE cold side temperature T-tecguess=Tc+1; %Calculation of emissive losses Q_loss=Sigma*e*pi()*Dteo*L-e*T-sguess^4; n_te=( (T-sguess-T_tecguess)/Tsguess)*( ((1+ZT)^0.5-1)/((1+ZT)^0.5+T-tecguess/Tsguess)); %TE eff. n_c=1-(Tinf/Tc); P te=n te*(Q in-Q loss); %Carnot Efficiency %Thermoelectric power T s=T c+(Q in-P te-Q loss)*R tot; %Calculation of surface temperature T tec=Tc+(Qin-Pte-Qloss)*R_hp;%Calculation of the TE cold side temperature %Heat pipe fluid volume %Condenser inner wall temperature %Condenser Side saturation temperature %Evaporator Side saturation temperature %Heat pipe heat transfer V t=0.05; T wc=T c+0.05; T satC=T c+0.1; T satE=T satC+0.1; Q_hp=Q in-Q_loss-Pte; % ITERATION guesses to a converged solution. The above were initial %Loops to iterate %Accuracy of +- 0.5 degrees while abs(Ttec-Ttecguess)>0.001 %If statement to check which direction to increment the iteration if Ttec>Ttecguess T_tecguess=T-tecguess+(T_tec-Ttecguess)/2; else T_tecguess=T-tecguess+(T_tec-Ttecguess)/2; end %Total heat input Q_in=a*C*GS*pi()*D teo*L e*F; %SS emissivity [a,e] = selectivesurface properties(S,T_sguess); Q_loss=Sigma*e*pi(*D teo*Le*(T-sguess^4-T-inf^4); %Radiative loss [ZT,k_te = thermoelectricpropertiesBi2Te3_GOOD(T-sguess,Ttecguess); %TE ZT %TE thermal resistance R-te=log(Dteo/D_tei)/(2*pi(*L e*k te); n_te=((T_sguess-T_tecguess)/Tsguess)*(((l+ZT)A0.5-1)/((l+ZT)^0.5+Ttecguess/Tsguess)); %TE power P_te=nte*(Qin-Qloss); %Thermosyphon heat Q_hp=Qin-Q_loss-Pte; [R wc, R we] = wall thermal resistancesV4(D wo,D wi,L c,L e,k w); transfer %TS wall resistance T wc = T c + Qhp*R_wc; [T_satC,Gamma,Redelta,dLaLc,hc,Repipe]=saturation temperaturecondenserBi2Te3(T c,T %Condenser saturation temperature wc,Q_hp,D_wi,L_c,Theta); T_satE=saturationtemperatureevaporatorBi2Te3(TsatC,Q_hp,Le,L c,La,Dwi);%Evap. Tsat T_we = thermoelectric-cold-side-temperature(TsatE,Qhp,D_wi,Lc,Theta); %Evap. Twall if Qhp==o T tec = T satE; T_s = Ttec; nS = 0; h c = 0; Re delta = 0; else n_s = (Pte+Q_hp*n-c)/(Qin); T tec = T we + Q-hp*R-we; T s = T tec+(Q in-Q loss)*R te; %Thermoelectric cold side temperature %Selective surface temperature end %Loop to iterate surface temperature %Accuracy of +- 0.5 degrees while abs(T s-T sguess)>0.001 %If statement to check which increment if Ts>T-sguess T_sguess=Tsguess+(T_s-Tsguess)/2; else T_sguess=Tsguess+(T_s-Tsguess)/2; end %Total heat input Q_in=a*C*GS*pio)*Dteo*Le*F; %SS emissivity [a,e] = selectivesurfaceproperties(S,Tsguess); Q_loss=Sigma*e*pio)*D teo*Le*(T_sguess^4-T inf^4);%Rad. loss %TE ZT [ZT,kte] = thermoelectricproperties_Bi2Te3_GOOD(Tsguess,T_tecguess); STE thermal resistance R_te=log(D_teo/D tei)/(2*pio)*L e*kte); n_te=((Tsguess-T_tecguess)/Tsguess)*(((l+ZT)^0.5-1)/((l+ZT)^0.5+T-tecguess/Tsguess)); %Carnot Efficiency n c=l-(T inf/T c); %Thermoelectric power P_te=nte*(Q_in-Qloss); Q hp=Qin-Qloss-Pte; %Thermosyphon heat transfer [R wc, R we] = wall thermal resistancesV4(D wo,D wi,L c,L e,k w); STS wall TR T_wc = Tc + Q-hp*R-wc; [T_satC,Gamma,Redelta,dLaLc,hc,Repipe]=saturationtemperature condenserBi2Te3(T_c,T-wc,Q_hp, %Condenser saturation temperature D wi,L c,Theta); T_satE=saturation temperatureevaporatorBi2Te3(T_satC,Qhp,L_e,L_c,La,Dwi); T_we = thermoelectriccold sidetemperature(T_satE,Qhp,D_wi,Lc,Theta); if Qhp==0 T tec = T satE; T s = T tec; n s = 0; h c = 0; Re delta = 0; else n_s = (Pte+Qhp*nc)/(Qin); T_tec = Twe + Q_hp*R-we; T_s = T_tec+(Qin-Qloss)*Rte; %TE cold side temperature %SS temperature end T_sat=(TsatE+-T_satC)/2; %Saturation temperature T_film = Tsat; %Film temperature V t = total fluid volume(Tfilm,Tsat,Le,La,Lc,Qin,Dwi); %Total volume end end if (T_s>525) || (T-tec>500) %If statement to control max temp. of the TE n s = 0; P te = 0; Q-hp = 0; h c = 0; Repipe = 0; end A(t,l) = T C; A(t,2) A(t,3) A(t,4) = A(t,5) = real(h c); = C; real(Q_hp); real(Repipe); t=t+l w=w+1 end y=y+l end name3 = num2str(C); %Converting the numerical value to a string for naming name4 = num2str(Tc); %Converting the numerical value to a string for naming string=['Repipe_1COMPILED RESULTS C' name3 'T c' name4 '.xls']; xlswrite(string,A,'RESULTS'); Bi2Te3 function (a,e] = selectivesurfaceproperties(S,T_sguess) %If statements to control which surface absorbtivity to report based on selective surface material if S==1 a=o.916; elseif S==2 a=0.938; elseif S==3 a=0.954; elseif S==4 a=0.935; elseif S==5 a=0.78; else a=0; end %Black Chrome absorbtivity %Luz Cermet absorbtivity %UVAC A absorbtivity %UVAC B absorbtivity %Matte Copper absorbtivity %If the material %If statements to control which surface if S==1 %Black Chrome specified doesn't make the absorbtivity emissivity to report based on selective e =(0.000370756573851)*(Tsguess)+(-0.0294499121865); elseif S==2 sense, is 0 surface material %Black Chrome %Luz Cermet e = (0.000244977195297)*(Tsguess)+(-0.01631980331); %Luz Cermet elseif S==3 %UVAC A e = (0.000235350947221)*(Tsguess)+(-0.0222601285472); %UVAC A elseif S==4 %UVAC A e = (0.000228258883363)*(Tsguess)+(-0.00203624283375); %UVAC B elseif S==5 %Matte Copper e = 0.22; else %Unknown Material = 1.00; end Copper loss term will be unusually %Matte - emissivity of I so the heat large function [ZT,kte] clc = thermoelectricpropertiesBi2Te3(T_sguess,Ttecguess) %Creating variables read in from the input file %Average TE temperature T_avg=(Tsguess+T_tecguess)/2; ZT = (7.30213424572E-16)*(Tavg)^6+(-8.10744406282E 13)*(T-avg)^5+(2.02282766099E10)*(Tavg)^4+(0.000000064274892335)*(T avg)^3+(0.0000564794376396)*(T avg)^2+(0.0185079361451)*(Tavg)+(-1.43467199937); k_te = (1.47346849132E-15)*(Tavg)^6+(-2.72551625379E-12)*(Tavg)^5+(1.35978302175E09)*(T_avg)^4+(0.000000316348272135)*(Tavg)^3+(0.000473687506427)*(Tavg)^2+(0.138800778626)*(Tavg)+(-11.9920635856); function [T_satC,Gamma,Redelta,dLaLc,hc,Repipe) = saturationtemperaturecondenserBi2Te3(Tc,Twc,Q-hp,Dwi,Lc,Theta) %Universal Constants g=9.81; T_satCguess = T wc + 15; T_film = (T_satCguess + T-wc)/2; %Using curve fits to get properties as a function of T sat and T film u vi = real((1.87495975484E-20)*(T film)^6+(-2.97467001087E-17)*(T film)^5+(1.21967979264E14)*(T film)^4+(3.7053350255E-12)*(T film)^3+(-4.27472054352E09)*(T film)^2+(0.00000121041162089)*(T film)+(-0.000108649900403)); p_li = real((-2.7972369118E-13)*(Tfilm)^6+(4.34835809239E-10)*(T_film)^5+(0.000000173163807888)*(T film)^4+(-0.0000548266717527)*(T film)^3+(0.0583648692187)*(T film)^2+(%Liquid Density 15.3786834405)*(Tfilm)+(2386.52021075)); h-fgi = real((-1.06388077522E-09)*(T-satCguess)^6+(0.00000169858874328)*(TsatCguess)A5+(0.000714769544192)*(TsatCguess)^4+(0.214959081371)*(TsatCguess)^ 3+(258.723262327)*(T satCguess)^2+(- %Latent heat of vaporization 75814.2921272)*(T satCguess)+(10135356.8597)); k li = real((2.18292141071E-16)*(T film)^6+(-4.0593408048E-13)*(T film)^5+(2.07115013809E10)*(T film)^4+(0.0000000476296098352)*(T film)^3+(0.0000848400723136)*(T film)^2+(0.0305967221022)*(T film)+(-3.06828231166)); %Liquid conductivity u li = real((-2.83321833095E-18)*(T film)^6+(5.3801747354E-15)*(T film)^ 5+(-2.69609559702E12)*(Tfilm)^4+(-9.14409736254E-10)*(T_film)^3+(0.00000134796515303)*(Tfilm)^2+(%Liquid Dynamic Viscosity 0.000465113955315)*(T film)+(0.0546328677998)); T satC = T wc + ((3/4)*Qhp*((4*uli)/(pIli^2*k-li^3*g*cos(Theta)*hfgi*(pi()^4)*(Dwi^4)*(L_c^3)))^(1/4))^(4/3); h_c = (4/3)*((pli^2*k-li^3*g*hfgi)/(4*uli*(TsatC-Twc)*L_c))^(1/4); dLaLc = ((4*k li*u li*(T satC-T wc)*(L c))/(g*(pli^2)*h fgi))^(1/4); Gamma = (g*(p_li^2)*(dLaLc^3))/(3*uli); Re-delta = (4*Gamma)/u li; Repipe = (4*(Q hp/hfgi))/(piO*Dwi*u_vi); %Transition Reynolds number if Re-delta > 30 Redelta = ((3.7*kli*Lc*(TsatC-Twc))/(u li*h fgi*(u_li^2/(pli^2*g))^(1/3))+4.8)^(0.82); h_c = (Redelta*uli*h fgi)/(4*L c*(T satC-T wc)); T satC = T wc + (Q-hp/(h-c*pio*L_c*Dwi)); Repipe = (4*(Q hp/hfgi))/(pio*D wi*u vi); end while abs(TsatCguess-T-satC)>0.001 %Accuracy of + %If statement if T satC>T satCguess T satCguess=TsatCguess+(TsatC-TsatCguess)/2; else T_satCguess=TsatCguess+(TsatC-TsatCguess)/2; end T film = (TsatCguess + Tc)/2; 0.1 degrees u_vi = real((1.87495975484E-20)*(Tfilm)^ 6+(-2.97467001087E17)*(Tfilm)^5+(1.21967979264E-14)*(Tfilm)^ 4+(3.7053350255E-12)*(Tfilm)^3+(-4.27472054352E09)*(Tfilm)^2+(0.00000121041162089)*(Tfilm)+(-0.000108649900403)); p_li = real((-2.7972369118E-13)*(Tfilm)6+(4.34835809239E-10)*(Tfilm)^ 5+(0.000000173163807888)*(Tfilm)^4+(-0.0000548266717527)*(Tfilm)^3+(0.0583648692187)*(Tfilm)^2+(15.3786834405)*(Tfilm)+(2386.52021075)); %Liquid Density h_fgi = real((-1.06388077522E09)*(T-satCguess)^6+(0.00000169858874328)*(T satCguess)^5+(-0.000714769544192)*(T-satCguess)^4+(0.214959081371)*(TsatCguess)^3+(258.723262327)*(TsatCguess)^2+(75814.2921272)*(T satCguess)+(10135356.8597)); %Latent heat of vaporization k_li = real((2.18292141071E-16)*(Tfilm)^6+(-4.0593408048E13)*(Tfilm)^5+(2.07115013809E-10)*(Tfilm)4+(0.0000000476296098352)*(T film)^3+(0.0000848400723136)*(Tfilm)^2+(0.0305967221022)*(Tfilm)+(-3.06828231166)); %Liquid conductivity u_li = real((-2.83321833095E-18)*(T_film) ^6+ (5.3801747354E-15)*(Tfilm)^5+(2.69609559702E-12)*(Tfilm)^ 4+(-9.14409736254E-10)*(Tfilm)^ 3+(0.00000134796515303)*(T film)^2+(0.000465113955315)*(Tfilm)+(0.0546328677998)); -Liquid Dynamic Viscosity d_LaLc = ((4*k-li*u-li*(T-satCguess-T_wc)*(L-c))/(g*(p li^2)*h-fgi))^(1/4); Gamma = (g*(pli^2)*(dLaLc^3))/(3*uli); Redelta = (4*Gamma)/uli; if Re delta < 30 T satC = T wc + ((3/4)*Qhp*((4*uhli)/(p_li^2*kli^3*g*cos(Theta)*h fgi*(pi(^4)*(D wi^4)*(L-c^3)))^(1/4))^(4/3); h_c = (4/3)*((p li^2*k li^3*g*h-fgi)/(4*uli*(TsatC-Twc)*L c))^(1/4); Repipe = (4*(Qhp/h fgi))/(pi() *D wi*uvi); else Redelta = ((3.7*kli*L_c*(TsatCT-wc))/(u-li*h_fgi*(u- li^2/ (p_li^ 2*g))^ (1/3))+4 .8)^ (0.82); h_c = (Redelta*u_li*h fgi)/(4*L_c*(TsatC-Twc)); T_satC = T_wc + (Q-hp/(hc*pio*L_c*D_wi)); Repipe = (4*(Qhp/hfgi))/(pi()*D-wi*uvi); end end function T satE = saturation temperature_evaporatorBi2Te3(TsatC,Qhp,Le,L_c,L_a,Dwi) clc %Universal Constants g=9.81; %Gravitational constant R=461.5; %Water vapor gas constant T_satEguess = TsatC + 20; T_film = (TsatEguess + TsatC)/2; %Using curve fits to get properties as a function of T sat and T film P = real(1000000*((4.3744037702E-16)*(Tfilm)^6+(9.69210557312E-14)*(Tfilm)^5+(-4.06519438079E11)*(T film)^ 4+(- 0.0000000970934845583)*(Tfilm)^3+(0.0000219974465825)*(Tfilm)^2+(0.00767630729786)*(Tfilm)+(1.87955921995))); IPressure p_vi = real(0.578419628557+0.000651616774107*exp(0.0194286357277*T film)); p_vi = real((2.72020154394E-13)*(Tfilm)^ 6+(-4.33952642858E10)*(Tfilm)^5+(0.000000181459954338)*(Tfilm)^4+(0.0000543146547257)*(Tfilm)^3+(0.065111547115)*(Tfilm)^2+(18.4573484974)*(Tfilm)+(-1756.57071271)); pli = real((-2.7972369118E-13)*(Tfilm)^6+(4.34835809239E-10)*(T film)^ 5+(0.000000173163807888)*(Tfilm)^4+(-0.0000548266717527)*(T film)^3+(0.0583648692187)*(T film)^2+(15.3786834405)*(Tfilm)+(2386.52021075)); %Liquid Density hfgi = real((-1.06388077522E-09)*(T satEguess)^6+(0.00000169858874328)*(TsatEguess)^5+(- 0.000714769544192)*(TsatEguess)^4+(0.214959081371)*(T satEguess)^3+(258.723262327)*(TsatEguess)^2+(75814.2921272)*(TsatEguess)+(10135356.8597)); %Latent heat of vaporization k_li = real((2.18292141071E-16)*(T film)^ 6+(-4.0593408048E-13)*(T film)^5+(2.07115013809E10)*(T film)^4+(0.0000000476296098352)*(Tfilm)^3+(0.0000848400723136)*(Tfilm)^2+(0.0305967221022)*(Tfilm)+(-3.06828231166)); %Liquid conductivity u li = real((-2.83321833095E-18)*(Tfilm)^6+(5.3801747354E-15)*(T film)^5+(-2.69609559702E12)*(Tfilm)^4+(-9.14409736254E-10)*(T film)^ 3+(0.00000134796515303)*(T film)^2+(0.000465113955315)*(Tfilm)+(0.0546328677998)); %Liquid Dynamic Viscosity u_vi = real((1.87495975484E-20)*(T film)^ 6+(-2.97467001087E-17)*(T film)^5+(1.21967979264E- 14)*(Tfilm)^4+(3.7053350255E-12)*(Tfilm)^3+(-4.27472054352E09)*(Tfilm)^2+(0.00000121041162089)*(Tfilm)+(-0.000108649900403)); T satE = T satC + (Q-hp)*((8*R*uvi*Tfilm^2)/(pi()*h fgi^2*pvi*P))*(((Le+L-c)/2+La)/(D-wi/2) 4); while abs(real(TsatEguess-TsatE))>0.001 if real(TsatE)>real(T-satEguess) %Accuracy of +- 0.5 degrees %If statement to check direction T_satEguess=TsatEguess+(TsatE-T_satEguess)/2; else T_satEguess=TsatEguess+(TsatE-T_satEguess)/2; end T film = (TsatEguess + TsatC)/2; P = real(1000000*((4.3744037702E-16)*(T film)^6+(9.69210557312E-14)*(T film)'5+(4.06519438079E-11)*(T film)^4+(0.0000000970934845583)*(T film)^3+(0.0000219974465825)*(T film)^2+(0.00767630729786)*(T film)+(1.87955921995))); %Pressure p_vi = real(0.578419628557+0.000651616774107*exp(O.0194286357277*Tfilm)); h fgi = real((-1.06388077522E09)*(TsatEguess)^6+(0.00000169858874328)*(T_satEguess)^5+(-0.000714769544192)*(T_satEguess)^4+(0.214959081371) * (T_satEguess) ^3+ (258. 723262327) * (T satEguess) ^2+ (75814.2921272)*(T_satEguess)+(10135356.8597)); %Latent heat of vaporization u-vi = real((1.87495975484E-20)*(T film)^6+(-2.97467001087E17)*(T film)^5+(1.21967979264E-14)*(T film)^4+(3.7053350255E-12)*(T film)^3+(-4.27472054352E09)*(T film)^2+(0.00000121041162089)*(T film)+(-0.000108649900403)); T satE = T satC + (Q-hp)*((8*R*uvi*Tfilm^2)/(pi()*h_fgiA2*pvi*P))*(((L e+L c)/2+L a)/(D wi/2)^4); end T satE = real(T satC + (Q_hp)*((8*R*u vi*T film^2)/(pi()*hfgi^2*pvi*P))*(((Le+Lc)/2+L-a)/(D-wi/2)^4)); = wall thermal resistancesV4(D wo,D wi,L c,L e,k w) %Evaporator Wall thermal resistance R_wc=log(Dwo/Dwi)/(2*pi()*L_c*kw); %Condenser Wall thermal resistance End function [R wc, R we] R_we=log(D wo/D-wi)/(2*pio)*Le*kw); EXPERIMENTAL SECTION CAD DRAWINGS 06.35 THRU O6.35 THRJ 15 PtOPMETfARY AND CoNfmENTAL Rf AD C O0t Tr.ED im -Vc X, THE303L PQCPE-*- Of MT. A PECOUCXA 0t i tI PA ~ 0iP A' It CQAAitf AT"B. A%Y"OLE W~HOW Ef PEPRA:310t i Of tAT : P;!C*&Bn 2 34.53 06.35~ H I Li 4.76 N 0 "~ N N. - $6.35 TH RJ 06.35 , .41 4 ~4. ~; L J 63 5 THRU \0 ~ \ \1 76.20 / I I 152.43 K - 038.50 THRJ 71.20 K 2 ~- S 0 6.35 PRCtrrEARY AND CONFDENTIAL !FCZ!"k-14 CC4.T~AI D 14 '1-r CQKIZA - Z T N 0EPOPEW? OF taY PICU "10 N PAZCPA tAT. A Nv-IC4E F-O FAE T "HE PEWCY OF MAT POTD 15 > \.__~; / ~./ f-I> 1 / 4.77 '5 / N 4.77 4 -7- TI-~- / ( / W> ~. .~N. 6.35T1 24.50 15 4.77 I 15 - 1(42 01 63 -- T15 ,; 6.3 5T 15 5I PROPVRIMITf AND CONFOeNTIAL Vol-C< V.r-01' i-E 4v'&i'E PEX^C . MT RH7D 1~2 4.77 I .N I- 4 9.53 2~ 2: Q0635-4 THRU .\ 6. .05 - - 34.53 I 4.77 69.05 UNLESS O~HERWISE ?ECIF ED: I ______________________ _____________________ PROPRIEFARY AND CONFIDENHAL -HE NFORMA' ON CON AINED IN13 DRAWNG T-E SOLE RDERTY OF ANY REPRODUCTIONN PARTOR AS A W-4C'E Ai1HOUTTHEWRI-FEN DEPVslCN OF MT s PROHETD DIMENSIONZARE IN rrrTO.ERANCES: FRACTIONAL. 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