Writers Workshop Policies University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Writers Workshop Policies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
What to expect from your Workshop session
Sessions are interactive. Through close reading and questions, your consultant will help you express
and articulate your ideas. Consultants will not proofread your paper for you but will help you learn
to find your grammatical and mechanical errors and correct them on your own.
About appointments
The Writers Workshop often fills all appointment times in advance. Therefore, these policies have
been written in order to accommodate as many writers as possible. Remember that if we are full
when you want to come, you can call and ask if we have cancellations or you can come to the
Workshop and see if a consultant becomes available.
No Shows and Cancellations
If you fail to come for two appointments in one semester at any location, the Workshop will not
make appointments for you at any location for the remaining days of the semester. You can only
work with a consultant on a walk-in basis.
If you must cancel a scheduled appointment, we request that you call us at least 4 hours
before. A cancellation in less than 4 hours will count as a “no show.”
If you are more than five minutes late for an appointment, that appointment will be given to anyone
who is waiting.
Number of Appointments
Writers can have only one visit a day and two visits a week.
Requesting Consultants
Writers are normally assigned randomly to consultants. You may ask to work with a particular
consultant when scheduling an appointment. However, if that consultant is unavailable, in order to
schedule an appointment you will need to agree to work with another consultant. For instructional
and practical reasons, writers who visit many times a semester will need to work with multiple
consultants. You are permitted a maximum of 10 consultations per semester with the same
consultant. After 10 consultations, you must work with other consultants for the remainder of the
I have read and understand the above policies and agree to abide by them when using the Writers
Workshop. Thank you for using the Writers Workshop!
__I agree