CONSTITUTION ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION Effective December 6, 2005 ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Cleveland State University Accounting Association (hereinafter referred to as “AA” or the “organization”). ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of the organization shall be to promote student awareness in the field of accounting. Students will develop and cultivate an ever deepening sense of responsibility for self-improvement, through study, networking, and personal initiative; thus broadening their awareness of the vast opportunities available in the accounting profession. The organization strives to foster active members who will strive diligently at obtaining employment with accounting and professional businesses. We have joint sponsorship meetings and activities with Beta Alpha Psi (BAP). We help plan Meet the Accountants Night. We are involved in sponsoring a wide variety of networking and social activities on and off campus. ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Membership in this organization shall be open to all registered students, faculty, and staff at Cleveland State University (CSU). Active (i.e. voting) members shall be currently enrolled CSU students and meet the criteria by payment of organizational dues every semester, and by attending at least half of the AA sponsored meetings and events. Section 2: It shall be stated as part of the policy of this organization that there shall be no form or type of discrimination in any project, program, or activity because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicap or disability, disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or other protected veteran status. Section 3: With active membership shall come full speaking and voting privileges on all items of organization business, including resolutions, items of legislation, bylaws, and elections. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1: The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be responsible for all administrative duties of the organization, while maintaining all rights associated with membership. The elected officers shall form the Executive Committee. Section 2: The President shall establish and maintain operation of the organization, call meetings, serve as official liaison to University Administration, and answer for all actions of other officers/members. Section 3: The Vice President shall assist the President with all administrative duties and assume those duties in the President’s absence. Coordinate all special projects and delegate duties as necessary. Section 4: The Secretary shall keep accurate and detailed records of all meetings and affairs, transmit all official organization correspondence, and coordinate preparation and distribution of information/materials. Record the minutes of all meetings. Report the progress of the organization at every meeting, as the organization strives to attain all explicit goals established by the executive committee. Section 5: The Treasurer shall receive and distribute organization funds upon authorization of the President in accordance with the financial regulations of the University and State of Ohio law, make financial reports at all appropriate meetings, and coordinate fund-raising activities. The Treasurer shall also prepare a forecasted budget at the beginning of every Fall semester for the upcoming calendar year. Section 6: The elected officers must meet all requirements for holding office as stated in the CSU “Student Organizations: Policies, Procedures and Guidelines” document. Section 7: The Faculty Advisor shall be a full-time member of the faculty of Accounting, Finance, or Information Systems. He or she must have a vital interest in the students and their activities within the Accounting Association. The Advisor shall provide counsel and assistance to the executive committee. ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS Section 1: Officers shall be elected by organization membership to serve a term of one year. Annual elections shall be held during the sixth week of spring semester. The term of office shall begin on the first day of the seventh week of spring semester and end on the same day of the following year. Section 2: Voting shall occur by means of a secret ballot at an official meeting after the close of nominations for each office. All nominations for elected officers must be made by an organization member. Nominees for officer positions must be AA or BAP members of one semester prior to establishing candidacy. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of active organization members present, provided quorum is met. Section 3: The order of succession shall be: (1) President, (2) Vice President, (3) Secretary, (4) Treasurer. Section 4: Vacancies occurring in any of the elected offices shall be filled within three weeks. The order of succession shall be followed in filling any vacant office, with the acknowledgement that and officer may decline the option to succeed. Subsequent to pursuing the order of succession, any vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by following the election procedure established in Article V, Sections 2. Section 5: Notice of an official meeting at which the election of officers will take place must be provided to all members no less than one week prior to said meeting. ARTICLE VI: APPOINTMENTS The president shall appoint, with a majority vote from active membership, such positions include committee chairs and committee membership, as may contribute to the successful operation of the organization. The establishment of new officer positions shall require constitutional revision per article X. ARTICLE VII: REMOVAL FROM OFFICE AND/OR MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Removal from office and/or membership may occur by a 2/3 vote of active membership. Removal can transpire for failure to carry out the prescribed duties of an office or for actions which violate the purposes of the organization. Written charges must be submitted to the Executive Committee who will notify the member in question within three days. All members must be notified of a pending removal vote at least one week prior to the meeting during which the decision will be made. Prior to the removal vote, the member in question shall be given an opportunity to respond to charges at a specified meeting of the membership. Voting for removal from office and/or membership is to be done by secret ballot at an official meeting held within two weeks from the date charges were received by the Executive Committee. The member in question must be notified of the outcome within two days after the meeting during which the vote took place. ARTICLE VIII: MEETINGS Section 1: General membership meetings shall be held every Spring and Fall semesters, with additional meetings called by the President as needed. At least one week of notice regarding additional meetings must be given to all organization members. The official means of notifying members shall be agreed upon at the first meeting of each semester. Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet when called by the President. Section 3: No formal/official business may be conducted at a meeting without quorum. Quorum shall be defined as 25% of the voting membership including two officers, with a minimum of five members present. ARTICLE IX: FUNDING Section 1: Dues shall be charged for membership in the organization. The amount of dues charged for each semester or year, as well as payment schedules/deadlines, will be determined at the first meeting of the Fall Semester. Membership will expire if dues have not been pain in accordance with the schedule deadline set at this 1st meeting. Membership dues are to b collected by the Treasurer. Section 2: The organization may undertake fundraisers for purposes that support the mission of the organization. All fund raising shall be conducted in accordance with University policies. ARTICLE X: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION Section 1: Any revision of this constitution – including amendments or bylaws – shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of active members present at an official meeting with quorum. Section 2: Once approved by the membership, any constitutional revision – amendment or bylaw – shall be submitted to the CSU Faculty Senate Student Life Committee for final approval. ARTICLE XI: JURISDICTION This organization is subject, as a recognized student organization, to the rules, regulations, and policies of Cleveland State University and the laws of the State of Ohio. The rules, regulations, and policies of Cleveland State University shall hold precedence over all rules, regulations, and policies applying to the organization, including those of national associations with which Cleveland State University Accounting Association is affiliated. Date of Approval by Faculty Senate Student Life Committee: ________