On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes Peter B¨urgisser †

Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 3, 1999, 73–94
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity
Peter Bürgisser†
Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland,
received 1st July 1998, revised 25th April 1999, accepted 27th April 1999.
In [26, 28] Valiant developed an algebraic analogue of the theory of NP-completeness for computations of polynomials over a field. We further develop this theory in the spirit of structural complexity and obtain analogues of
well-known results by Baker, Gill, and Solovay [1], Ladner [18], and Schöning [23, 24].
We show that if Valiant’s hypothesis is true, then there is a p-definable family, which is neither p-computable nor
VNP-complete. More generally, we define the posets of p-degrees and c-degrees of p-definable families and prove
that any countable poset can be embedded in either of them, provided Valiant’s hypothesis is true. Moreover, we
establish the existence of minimal pairs for VP in VNP.
Over finite fields, we give a specific example of a family of polynomials which is neither VNP-complete nor pcomputable, provided the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse.
We define relativized complexity classes VPh and VNPh and construct complete families in these classes. Moreover,
we prove that there is a p-family h satisfying VPh VNPh .
Keywords: Structural complexity, Algebraic theories of NP-completeness, diagonalization, Poset of degrees.
1 Introduction
One of the most important developments in theoretical computer science is the concept of NP-completeness.
Recently, initiated by a paper by Blum, Shub, and Smale [6] (BSS-model), there has been a growing interest in investigating such concepts over general algebraic structures, with the purpose of classifying the
complexity of continous problems. But already ten years earlier, Valiant [26, 28] had developed a convincing analogue of the theory of NP-completeness in an entirely algebraic framework, in connection with
his famous hardness result for the permanent [27]. In fact, the generating functions of many NP-complete
graph problems turn out to be complete in Valiant’s sense (cf. [7]). The major differences between the
BSS-model and Valiant’s model are the absence of uniformity conditions in the latter, and the fact that
only straight-line computations are considered (no branching). Both structured models are adapted to the
framework of polynomial computations, and we believe that they will be useful for classifing the intrinsic
† An
extended abstract of this work appeared in Proc. STACS’ 98, LNCS 1373, pp. 194–204.
1365–8050 c 1999 Maison de l’Informatique et des Mathématiques Discrètes (MIMD), Paris, France
Peter Bürgisser
complexity of problems in numerical analysis and in computer algebra (compare Smale [25], Heintz and
Morgenstern [16]).
Our goal is to further develop Valiant’s approach along the lines of discrete structural complexity theory.
We show that if Valiant’s hypothesis is true, then, over any field, there is a p-definable family which
is neither p-computable nor VNP-complete. A similar result due to Ladner [18] in the classical P-NPsetting is well-known. Ladner’s proof is a diagonalization argument based on an effective enumeration
of all polynomial time Turing machines. However, over uncountable structures, this approach causes
problems. Malajovich and Meer [20] carried over Ladner’s theorem to the setting of the BSS-model over
the complex numbers by employing a transfer principle due to Blum et al. [5], which allows a reduction
to the countable field of algebraic numbers. The corresponding question over the reals is still open, but
it is known to be true under a nonuniformity assumption, cf. Ben-David et al. [3]. One of the reasons
our proof works over any field is the nonuniformity of Valiant’s model. (For a detailed treatment of these
questions in a general model-theoretic context see Chapuis and Koiran [11].)
In [23] Schöning found a powerful and uniform technique for proving the existence of certain “diagonal” recursive sets. We develop a similar technique adapted to Valiant’s setting. In this framework, the
essence of enumeration and diagonalization arguments can be neatly captured by our notion of a σ-limit
set, which serves as a substitute for the recursively presentable classes in Schöning’s approach.
In Sect. 3 on page 76 we formalize this in a general abstract setting by studying certain compatible
quasi-orders on the set Ω of families in a quasi-ordered set Ω , and by proving an abstract diagonalization theorem. Based on this theorem, we proceed in Sect. 4 on page 78 by providing an elegant proof
that any countable poset can be embedded in the poset of degrees corresponding to a compatible quasiorder. This is applied in Sect. 5 on page 81 in Valiant’s setting to an analogue of the polynomial Turing
reduction (c-reduction), as well as to the p-projection. A similar result in the classical P-NP-setting for
polynomial Turing or polynomial many-one degrees was stated by Ladner [18]; however, he presented a
proof in a special case only. We further remark that the existence of minimal pairs for VP in VNP can
be easily guaranteed by our approach. (See Landweber et al. [19] and Schöning [24] for corresponding
results in the classical P-NP setting.)
A striking discovery is that we can describe specific families of polynomials which are neither VNPcomplete nor p-computable. In fact, the family of cut enumerators over a finite field of characteristic p
has this property, provided Mod p NP is not contained in P poly. (The latter condition is satisfied if the
polynomial hierarchy does not collapse at the second level.) In the classical, as well as in the BSS-setting,
only artificial problems are known to have such properties. This is discussed in Section 6 on page 83.
Finally, in Sect. 7 on page 87, we define relative versions VPh and VNPh of Valiant’s complexity classes
with respect to a p-family h. For these, we have obtained some results in the spirit of Baker et al. [1].
(We remark that Emerson [13] has transfered such results to the BSS-model.) Over infinite fields, we can
construct VPh -complete and VNPh -complete families with respect to p-projection. In particular, this gives
a proof for the existence of VNP-complete families, which is independent of Valiant’s intricate reduction
for the permanent. Moreover, we can construct a p-family h satisfying VPh VNPh . We do not know
whether there exists a p-family h such that VPh VNPh .
2 Valiant’s Model
We briefly recall the main features of Valiant’s algebraic model. For detailed expositions see von zur
Gathen [15] and [9, Chap. 21].
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
In this section Ω : k X1 X2 denotes the polynomial ring over a fixed field k in countably many
variables Xi . A p-family over k is a sequence f
f n Ω of multivariate polynomials such that the
number of variables as well as the degree of f n are polynomially bounded (p-bounded) functions of n. An
example of a p-family is the permanent family PER PERn , where PERn is the permanent of an n by
n matrix with distinct indeterminate entries.
Let L f n denote the total complexity of f n , that is, the minimum number of arithmetic operations
sufficient to compute f n from the variables Xi and constants in k by a straight-line program. We
call a p-family f p-computable iff n L f n is p-bounded. The p-computable families constitute the
complexity class VP. We remark that the restriction to p-bounded degrees is a severe one: although
X 2 can be computed with only n multiplications, the corresponding sequence is not considered to be
p-computable, as the degrees grow exponentially.
A p-family f
f n is called p-definable iff there exists a p-computable family g
gn with gn k X1 Xu n such that for all n
f n X1 Xv n
e 0 ! 1 " u # n$&% v # n$
gn X1 Xv n ev n ('
1 eu n )
The set of p-definable families form the complexity class VNP. The class VP is obviously contained in
VNP, and Valiant’s hypothesis claims that this inclusion is strict. We can consider this as an algebraic
counterpart of the well-known hypothesis P NP due to Cook [12]. Let us mention the following recent
result due to the author, which reveals a close connection between these two hypotheses.
Theorem 2.1 ([8]) If Valiant’s hypothesis were false over the field k, then the nonuniform versions of the
complexity classes NC, P, NP, and PH would be equal. In particular, the polynomial hierarchy would
collapse to the second level. Hereby, we assume that k is finite or of characteristic zero; in the second
case we assume a generalized Riemann hypothesis.
We shall now define a quasi-order p called p-projection on the set Ω of families in Ω. A polynomial
f n is said to be a projection of a polynomial gm k X1 Xu , for short f n gm , iff
f n X1 * Xv n
gm a1 au (2)
for some ai k +-, X1 * Xv n/. . That is, f n can be derived from gm through substitution by indeterminates
and constants. Let us call a function t: 0120 p-bounded from above and below iff there exists some c 3 0
such that n1 4 c c t n 5 nc c for all n. We call a p-family f
f n a p-projection of g
gm , in
symbols f p g, iff there exists a function t: 0160 which is p-bounded from above and below such that
n0 8 n 9 n0 : f n
gt n (3)
We remark that our definition of p differs slightly from the one given in [26]. On the one hand, we
require the relation f n gt n to hold for sufficiently large n only. In turn, in order to guarantee transitivity
of p , we have to make sure that t n : ∞ as n ∞. For our purposes, it is convenient (but not essential)
to achieve this by requiring that t is growing at least polynomially.
Finally, a p-family g VNP is called VNP-complete (with regard to p-projection) iff any f VNP is a
p-projection of g.
Peter Bürgisser
In [26] Valiant obtained the remarkable result that the permanent family (if chark 2) and the family of
Hamilton cycle polynomials are VNP-complete. It turns out that the generating functions of several NPcomplete graph problems like Clique, factors, Hamilton cycles in planar graphs etc. are VNP-complete as
well (cf. [7]).
3 An Abstract Diagonalization Theorem
Let a quasi-ordered set Ω ; be fixed. Elements of the set Ω of sequences in Ω will be called families in
the sequel. We may formally define a quasi-order p (the abstract p-projection) on the set Ω of families
as in ( 3 on the page before). Two families f and g are said to be p-equivalent iff f p g and g p f . We
call the equivalence classes p-degrees and denote by < p the poset of all p-degrees with the partial order
induced by p . f = p g shall mean that f p g but not g p f . The join f + g of two families f g Ω is
defined as
f + g : f 0 g0 f 1 g1 f 2 g2 )
It is easy to see that the join of two p-degrees is well-defined and that it is the smallest upper bound of
these p-degrees in < p . The poset < p of p-degrees is thus a join-semilattice.
Definition 3.1 By a cylinder in Ω we shall understand a set of families of the form F > Ω , where
F ? Ωn for some n 0 . A limit of cylinders is defined as a countable intersection of cylinders. By σ-limit
set in Ω we shall understand a countable union of limits of cylinders.
We remark that countable unions and finite intersections of σ-limit sets are again σ-limit sets. In
Example 3.5 on page 78 at the end of this section, we will see that the σ-limit sets are not closed under
the formation of complements and countable intersections. Note that if Fν ? Ωnν for nν @0 , then the
cartesian product ∏ν Fν is a limit of cylinders.
Lemma 3.2
hA h
g . and , h A f
h . are σ-limit sets for all f g Ω .
Proof. It is convenient to use the abbreviation
I c n :
Note that h p
m A n1 4
m nc
g can be expressed by the following predicate
c 3 0 n0 8 n 9 n0 m : m I c n CB hn
where the quantification is over natural numbers. Thus if we set
U c n :
u Ω
then we can write
hence , h A h p g . is a σ-limit set.
On the other hand, we may write , h A f
limits of cylinders
n F n0 m I n ! c Therefore, , h A f
h . is a σ-limit set.
m : m I c n B
c ! n0
u gm .
∏ U c n/GH
n F n0
h . as the countable union over all c n0 of the following
Ω A fn
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
We remark that the order p is compatible with the join in the following sense: for all σ-limit sets LM?
Ω the set ,N f g OA f + g -L . is a σ-limit subset of Ω > Ω P via the identification Ω> ΩQR Ω > Ω P
sending f n S gn to f n gn .
We call a family f n a finite variation of a family gn iff f n gn for all but finitely many n. Note that
if f is a finite variation of g, then f and g are in the same p-degree. Subsets of Ω which are closed under
finite variation capture asymptotic properties of families f n for n ∞. (In probability theory one calls
them tail events.)
The following abstract diagonalization theorem is inspired by Schöning’s uniform diagonalization theorem [23] (see also Balcázar et al. [2]). We note that the σ-limit sets serve as a substitute for the recursively
presentable classes appearing there.
Theorem 3.3 Let LTU be σ-limit sets of Ω which are closed under finite variation. Moreover, let
f g Ω such that f VL and g WU . Then there exists h Ω satisfying h p f + g and h VLX+@U .
Proof. As L and U are σ-limit sets, we have representations L ZY i [ j L i j and U ZY i [ j U i j where
L i j and U i j are cylinders in Ω . Clearly, we may assume that L i0 \ L i1 \ and U i0 \ U i1 \ . We
denote by πn the projection Ω Ωn f ν ]^ f 0 f n _ 1 .
By induction, we are going to construct an infinite sequence b0 : 0 = a1 = b1 = a2 = b2 =` of
natural numbers such that the corresponding “mixture” h of the families f and g defined by
f ν if bs _
gν if as
hν : ba
satisfies for all i
πai h πai cL
1 iai S
ν = as for some s
ν = bs for some s
πbi h (11)
πbi U
ibi )
Let us first show that the resulting h fulfills the requirements of the theorem. It is clear that h p f + g.
Assume by contradiction that h dL . Then there exists some i such that h dL i j for all j. Choosing j ai ,
we get a contradiction to ( 11). Analogously, one shows that h eU .
Assume now that we have already constructed 0 = a1 = b1 =Zf= ai _ 1 = bi _ 1. Then the elements hν
for ν = bi _ 1 are already determined. Consider the following finite variation
f˜ :
h0 h1 hbi %
f bi %
f bi %
1 (12)
of the family f . Since f VL and L is closed under finite variation, we have f˜ VL . Therefore, f˜ VL i j
for some j. As L i j is a cylinder, there exists N such that L i j πn_ 1 πn L i j for all n 9 N. Now choose
ai : max , bi _ 1 1 j N . . Then we have
πa_ i 1 πai L
iai g?
πa_ i 1 πai L
i j L ij
Therefore, πai f˜ πai L iai . The corresponding extension of the sequence h up to index ai 1 therefore
satisfies the desired property. The index bi can be found similarly by considering the finite variation
g̃ h0 hai _ 1 gai gai ' 1 of the family g.
By induction one can easily generalize Thm. 3.3 to an arbitrary finite number of σ-limit sets.
Corollary 3.4 Let L 1 hL s be σ-limit sets of Ω which are closed under finite variation and let f i
ΩjiOL i for i 1 s. Then there exists h Ω satisfying h p f 1 +@+ f s and h VL i for all i.
Peter Bürgisser
Example 3.5 Consider Ω , 0 1 . with the natural order . We define the support of a family h Ω
as , ν A hν 0 . . The families with finite support form a σ-limit set U . We claim that the complement
of U is not a σ-limit set. In fact, otherwise, Thm. 3.3 on the page before with the constant families
f 0 kL and g 1 1U would imply the existence of a family h kLl+mU , which is absurd. This
example also shows that the σ-limit sets are not closed under the formation of countable intersections: we
have L on n L n , where L n denotes the σ-limit set L n : + m F n Ωm >J, 1 . > Ωp .
4 An Abstract Embedding Theorem
Again let a quasi-ordered set Ω be fixed and denote by p the corresponding abstract p-projection.
We extend our discussion to any quasi-order on Ω which satisfies certain compatibility conditions.
Definition 4.1 A quasi-order
f g: f
f g h : f
hA h
h g c
g . and , h A f
of Ω is called compatible, iff the following conditions are satisfied:
h . are σ-limit sets for all f g Ω .
Observe that p is a compatible quasi-ordering by Lemma 3.2 on page 76.
In the sequel, let a compatible quasi-order c on Ω be fixed. We call two families f and g c-equivalent
iff f c g and g c f . The corresponding equivalence classes are a union of certain p-degrees and called
c-degrees. f = c g shall mean that f c g, but not g c f . We say that f = p g holds strongly iff f p g and
f = c g.
Let X ? be a poset. A map ϕ: X Ω is called an embedding of X in Ω (with respect to c ) if
x ? y implies ϕ xr c ϕ y and vice versa. We call ϕ a strong embedding iff ϕ is an embedding and x ? y
implies even ϕ xr p ϕ y .
The goal of this section is to prove the following abstract embedding theorem.
Theorem 4.2 For any countable poset X ? and elements f g Ω with f = c g there is an embedding
X R, h A f = c h = c g . . If additionally f p g, then there is a strong embedding X s, h A f = p h = p g . .
The proof will be based on a sophisticated application of our abstract diagonalization theorem 3.3 on
the page before. In the next lemma, we settle the special case where X consists of one point only.
Lemma 4.3 For f g Ω with f = c g there exists h Ω such that f
may additionally achieve that f p h p g.
= c
g. If also f
g, then we
L : , h A g c h + f . and U : , h A h c f . are σ-limit sets, as c is compatible. (Observe that
, h A h+ f : , huvA g c hu . and thus L
. is a σ-limit set by the remark following Lemma 3.2
on page 76.) Moreover, L and U are closed under finite variation (use property (a) in Def. 4.1). By our
assumption f = c g we have f -L and g eU .
Theorem 3.3 on the preceding page implies the existence of some huw Ω satisfying hux p f + g and
hu -Ly+zU . Now put h : huP+ f . Using property (b) in Def. 4.1 we conclude from f c g that f p h c g.
On the other hand, since hu -Ly+JU , we have the strict inequalities f = c h = c g. Of course, if additionally
f p g, then we even get h p g.
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
We need two further auxiliary results.
Lemma 4.4 Any countable poset X ? can be embedded in a countable lattice.
Proof. For y X denote by Xy : , x X A x ? y . the initial segment of y. Let { denote the boolean
subalgebra generated by all initial segments. { is a countable lattice with respect to inclusion and the map
X 6{| y Xy obviously defines an order isomorphism.
Lemma 4.5 Let X ? be a countable lattice. Then there exists an enumeration x0 x1 x2 of X such
that each Xn : , x0 xn . is closed under taking meets: that is, x n y Xn for all x y Xn .
Proof. We may assume that X is infinite. Let ν: X 20 be any enumeration of X. We proceed recursively:
set x0 : ν _ 1 0 . Assume now that x0 xn _ 1 are already constructed. Let zn X i Xn _ 1 such that ν zn is minimal and consider the finite set
Mn :
zn n x A x Xn_
zn n x Xn_
If Mn is empty, we put xn : zn . Then Xn is obviously closed under taking meets.
Otherwise, let zn n x be a minimal element of Mn w.r.t. ? and define xn : zn n x. To show that Xn is
closed under the formation of meets, let a Xn _ 1 . We have xn n a zn n x n a zn n xu , where xu : x n a
is in Xn_ 1 by the induction hypothesis. By the minimality in Mn we see that in fact xn n a Xn .
It remains to show that x0 x1 exhaust all elements of X. If this were not the case, take z X i
, x0 x1 . with a minimum value of ν. Hence there exists n0 such that
y A ν y5= ν z . ?},
x0 h xn0 .
Therefore, we have zn z and Mn 0/ for all n 3 n0 . It is easy to check that Mn ' 1 ? Mn ir, xn . for n 3 n0 .
Thus we would obtain a infinite strictly descending chain of subsets in the finite set Mn0 , which is absurd.
Proof. (of Thm. 4.2 on the preceding page) Let X ? be a countable poset and assume that f = p g holds
strongly. (The case where we only know that f = c g can be settled similarly.)
By the Lemmas 4.4 and 4.5 we may assume that X ? is a lattice and that x0 x1 is an enumeration
of X such that each Xn , x0 xn . is closed under the formation of meets.
By induction on n, we shall construct maps ϕn : Xn Ω satisfying ϕn A Xn% 1 ϕn _ 1 and such that the
following two properties are satisfied:
(a) f
= p
x Xn ϕn x strongly
(b) For all x y y1 ys
]+ x Xn ϕn xr=
g strongly .
Xn we have
ϕn x5
ϕn y S ϕn x5
ϕn y1 N+@+ ϕn ys gq
y1 +@+ ys
Peter Bürgisser
The induction start where n 0 is guaranteed by Lemma 4.3 on page 78. Now let n 3 0 and assume
that x0 xn _ 1 satisfying the claim are already constructed. To simplify notation we write ϕ : ϕn_ 1 ,
A : Xn_ 1 , and z : xn . Let a1 a p denote the maximal elements of A which are smaller than z and
b1 * bq be the minimal elements of A which are bigger than z. Thus for all x y A the relation x ? z
implies x ? ai for some i and z ? y implies b j ? y for some j.
We are going to distinguish several cases.
Case 1: p 9 1 q 9 1.
We set u : ϕ a1 ~+mP+ ϕ a p and o : ϕ b1 n n bq (note that this is well defined, as A is closed
under taking meets). Clearly u p o. For x A and y y1 h ys r As we define the set
U y
if z
y1 +@+ ys, s
hA h
ϕ y1 x++ ϕ ys (17)
1, and we define
L x! y
h A ϕ x5
h + u + ϕ y1 x+@+ ϕ ys .
if x ? z + y1 +@(+ ys , s 9 0. All these sets U y hL x ! y are σ-limits and closed under finite variation. There is
at most a finite number of them.
We claim that u lies in none of the sets L x ! y. Otherwise, we would have ϕ x5 c u + ϕ y1 x++ ϕ ys which implied by (b) that x ? a1 ++ a p + y1 +@(+ ys ? z + y1 +@+ ys , contradicting our assumption.
In the same way one sees that o lies in none of the sets U y .
By Cor. 3.4 on page 77 of the abstract diagonalization theorem, there is some h which lies in none of
the sets U y and L x ! y and such that h p u + o p o. We extend now the map ϕ ϕn_ 1 to Xn by setting
ϕn z : h + u. Then condition (a) of the inductive claim is obviously satisfied. Moreover, we have
ϕ ai r
ϕn z r
o ϕ b j
for all i j, which, together with the inductive hypothesis, shows that x ? y implies ϕn x5 p ϕn y for all
x y Xn . To prove the second part of the claim (b) assume that ϕn z ] c ϕ y1 €+J(+ ϕ ys . If we had z ?
y1 +J+ ys , then we would obtain the contradiction h eU y , Similarly, ϕ xr c ϕn z €+ ϕ y1 €+J+ ϕ ys implies x ? z + y1 +@+ ys , since h dL x ! y . This proves part (b) of the claim.
Case 2: p 9 1 q
By Lemma 4.3 on page 78 there exists gu such that + x A ϕ x= p gu~= p g holds strongly. We set u :
ϕ a1 ~+mP+ ϕ a p but now we define o : gu . For the sets U y and L x ! y introduced as above we have
u WL x ! y and o ‚U y . By Cor. 3.4 on page 77 there is some h lying in none of the U y hL x ! y and such
that h p u + o p o, and we define ϕn z : h + u. Then condition (a) of the claim remains valid, as
+ x Xn p g u and gux= p g strongly holds. The remaining conditions can be checked as in Case 1.
Case 3: p
0 q 9 1.
By Lemma 4.3 on page 78 there exists f u such that f = p f ux= p n x A holds strongly. We take u : f u and
o : ϕ b1 n n bq . The sets U y and L x ! y are defined as before, but using the element u f u . We proceed
now similarly as before.
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
Case 4: p
0 q
By Lemma 4.3 on page 78 there exist f u gu satisfying f
Take u : f u , o : gu , and proceed similarly as before.
= p
f u€=
x A
and +
x Aϕ xg=
g strongly.
5 Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
In this section, we apply our previous results to the setting of Valiant. Let Ω : k X1 X2 denote the
polynomial ring over a fixed field k in countably many variables Xi and consider the projection , which
is a quasi-order on Ω. (Recall that f g iff f can be obtained from g by a substitution of its variables by
variables or constants in k.) The corresponding quasi-order p on Ω is the usual p-projection.
To avoid confusions, we remark that in the future symbols like f g h will be used to denote either
polynomials or sequences of polynomials; it will always be clear from the context what is meant.
We introduce the concept of oracle computations. Let a polynomial g k X1 Xs be given. We
consider straight-line programs which, beside the usual arithmetic operations, have the ability to evaluate
the “oracle polynomial” g at previously computed values at unit cost. This can easily be formalized
by considering straight-line programs Γ of type , N o . , where the symbol o stands for the oracle
operation of arity s.
Definition 5.1 The oracle complexity Lg f 1 ft of a set of polynomials f 1 * ft Ω with respect to
the oracle polynomial g is the minimum number of arithmetic operations and evaluations of g (at
previously computed values) that are sufficient to compute the f j from the indeterminates Xi and constants
in k.
We introduce next the notion of c-reduction, which can be seen as an analogue of the polynomial
Turing reduction for Valiant’s setting. (c is an acronym for computation.) One might also interpret the
p-projection as an analogue of the polynomial many-one reduction, however, the p-projection is much
Definition 5.2 Let f f n , g gn 5 Ω . We call f a c-reduction (or polynomial oracle reduction) of
g, shortly f c g, iff there is a p-bounded function t: 0Wƒ0 such that the map n Lgt # n$ f n is p-bounded.
It easy to check that
is a quasi-order of Ω . Note that for a p-family f we have f
Lemma 5.3 The c-reduction
0 iff f is
is a compatible quasi-order on Ω .
Proof. The verification of conditions (a) and (b) of Def. 4.1 on page 78 is straightforward. Condition (c)
will be shown similarly as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 on page 76. We can express h c g by the following
c 8 n m : m nc c B Lgm hn g nc c
If we write
V c n :
then we have , h A h c
c ∏n V u Ω
m nc
c : Lgm u g nc
c n , which shows that this is a σ-limit set.
Peter Bürgisser
On the other hand, we may write , h A f c h . as the countable union over all c of the following limits
of cylinders
Ωm >J, v Ω A Lv f n g nc c . > Ω G
n m „ nc ' c
Corollary 5.4 The set of p-families as well as the classes VP and VNP are σ-limit sets.
Proof. We leave it to the reader to check that the set of p-families is a σ-limit. Let g be VNP-complete
w.r.t. p-projection. We have VP , f Ω|A f c 0 . n
and VNP , f Ω|A f p g . . Thus we may
conclude from Lemma 5.3 on the page before and the fact that the p-projection is compatible, that both
of these sets are σ-limits.
Let us call a p-degree or a c-degree p-definable iff it contains a p-definable family. Note that a pdefinable p-degree consists of p-definable families only, whereas a p-definable c-degree might also contain families which are not in VNP. This is because f c g and g VNP might not imply that f VNP.
We denote by -< p the set of p-degrees of p-definable families and by -< c the set of c-degrees of
p-definable families.
Remark 5.5
1. The poset -< p has a unique maximal p-degree which consists of the VNP-complete
families with respect to p-projection. Any family f n of constants (i.e., f n k for all n) constitutes
a minimal p-degree in -< p , and these are all the minimal p-degrees in -< p . (Hence -< p has at
least the cardinality of the continuum.)
2. The poset -< c has a unique maximal c-degree which consists of the VNP-complete families with
respect to c-reduction. The complexity class VP forms the unique minimal c-degree in -< c .
Valiant’s hypothesis “VNP VP” means that -< c consists of more than one element.
The main result of this section is analogous to that of Ladner’s work [18]. It follows now easily from
our abstract embedding theorem 4.2 on page 78.
Theorem 5.6 Any countable poset can be embedded in the poset
then any countable poset can be embedded in the poset -< c .
Note that the result on -<
If Valiant’s hypothesis is true,
is unconditional due to Remark 5.5.1.
Corollary 5.7 If Valiant’s hypothesis is true, then there is a p-definable family which is neither p-computable
nor VNP-complete with respect to c-reduction.
We finally show that an analogue of Schöning’s general minimal pair theorem [24] holds in Valiant’s
setting. We call a pair of families ϕ ψ Ω a minimal pair for VP iff ϕ and ψ are not contained in VP
h VP
8 h Ω : h c ϕ B h c ψ q
Theorem 5.8 Assume that L†? Ω is a σ-limit set containing VP which is closed under finite variation,
and let f g Ω‡iOL . Then there exist ϕ ψ Ω‡iOL such that ϕ p f , ψ p g, and such that ϕ ψ is a
minimal pair for VP.
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
Proof. Let L
i [ j L i j with cylinders L i j satisfying L i j \ L i j ' 1. By induction, we will construct a
sequence 0 a10 = a11 = a12 = a13 = a14 = a15 = a20 =H= a25 =o of natural numbers satisfying the
requirements below. We define families ϕ and ψ corresponding to the sequence ai j 1„ i ! 0„ j „ 5 ! by setting
ϕν :
if i : ai0 ν = ai1
ψν :
if i : ai3 ν = ai4
The requirements are:
πai1 ϕ 1
maxm „
2ai2 πai1 L
πai4 ψ
maxm „
ai4 L 5
2ai5 ai '
iai1 L f m g ai2
πai4 L
iai4 gm g ai5
10 ˆ
As in the proof of the abstract diagonalization theorem 3.3 on page 77, one can show that it is possible
to construct a sequence ai j satisfying all these requirements. (Only conditions (0) and (3) require some
Let us show that ϕ ψ have the desired properties. It is clear that ϕ p f and ψ p g. Moreover, we have
ϕ ψ L due to conditions (0) and (3). It remains to prove that ϕ ψ is a minimal pair. So let us assume
that h c ϕ and h c ψ for some h Ω . Then there exist p-bounded functions u v w: 0e‰0 satisfying
Lϕu# n$ hn r w n Š Lψv # n$ hn g w n ‹
It suffices to verify that L hn g nw n for sufficiently large n.
We are going to distinguish two cases. Suppose first that ai2 n = ai5 . We may assume that a j0 u n r= a j1 for some j, since otherwise ϕu n 0 and we are done. Thus ϕu n f u n . For sufficiently
large n we have by condition (5) that u n g 2n = 2ai5 ai ' 10 . This implies that j i, hence u n g= ai1 .
Therefore, using condition (1), we have L f u n 5 ai2 n. We conclude that indeed
L hn r Lϕu# n$ hn L ϕu n The discussion of the other case where ai5
n = ai '
nw n ‹
is similar and left to the reader.
By applying the theorem to L
VP and choosing f g to be VNP-complete we obtain the following
corollary. (Note that VP is a σ-limit set by Corollary 5.4 on the page before.)
Corollary 5.9 There exists a minimal pair ϕ ψ for VP in VNP, provided VP
6 A Specific Family neither Complete nor p-Computable
For 1 i = j n let Xi j be distinct indeterminates and set X ji : Xi j . Moreover, let q be a power of the
prime p. The cut enumerator Cutn is the following multivariate polynomial over the finite field Œ q
Cutqn :
∑ ∏
S i A ! j B
q_ 1
Xi j
where the sum is over all cuts S , A B . of the complete graph Kn on the set of nodes n : , 1 2 n . .
(A cut of a graph is a partition of its set of nodes into two nonempty subsets.) It is easy to see that
Cutq : Cutn is a p-definable family.
Peter Bürgisser
To motivate this definition, consider a complete graph Kn n En endowed with a weight function
w: En M0 . We define the weight w S of a cut S , A B . as the sum of the weights of all edges separated
by S. Let c s denote the number of cuts of weight s. (Notice that the wi j are interpreted here as additive
weights, whereas the Xi j above are viewed as multiplicative weights.) Under the substitution Xi j xi j :
T wi j , T being a formal variable, the cut polynomial Cutn becomes
Cutqn x ∑ T q_
1 w S
∑ c s
mod p T q_
1 s
which can be interpreted as the generating function of the sequence c s mod p s .
The main result of this section states that Cutq is an explicit example of a p-family, which is neither
p-computable nor complete in VNP. For the definition of the complexity classes Mod p NP poly see below.
Theorem 6.1 The family of cut enumerators Cutq over a finite field Œ q is neither p-computable nor VNPcomplete with respect to c-reduction, provided Mod p NP ? P poly. The latter condition is satisfied if the
polynomial hierarchy does not collapse at the second level.
The proof of this theorem requires two auxiliary results. The first of them states that the cut polynomial
Cutn x can be evaluated over Œ q by boolean circuits of polynomial size. The reader should be aware
that this does not necessarily imply that the cut polynomial can also be evaluated by arithmetic circuits of
p-bounded size (i.e., the p-computability of the family Cutq ).
Lemma 6.2 To a symmetric matrix x Œ nq  n we assign the graph G x on the set of nodes n by requiring
that , i j . is an edge iff xi j 0. Then we have
Cutqn x
2N x (_
1 mod p
where N x is the number of connected components of G x . In particular, the value Cutn x can be
computed from a symmetric x zŒ nq  n in polynomial time by a Turing machine.
Proof. For any nonzero λ zŒ q we have λq_ 1 1 by Fermat’s theorem. Therefore, a partition , A B . of
n contributes to Cutn x either zero or one. The contribution is one iff xi j 0 for all i A, j B, which is
the case iff none of the nodes of A is connected with any node in B in the graph G x . This in turn means
that A and B are both a union of certain connected components of the graph G x . The number of such
partitions clearly equals 2N x (_ 1 1, where N x is the number of connected components of G x . This
proves the lemma.
It is now time to recall a few facts from discrete complexity theory. For a prime number p the class
Mod p NP is defined as the set of languages , x 1, 0 1 . Ž A ϕ xŠ 1 mod p . , where ϕ: , 0 1 . Ž s0 is a
function in #P (cf. Cai and Hemachandra [10]). This generalizes the class parity polynomial time  P introduced by Papadimitriou and Zachos [22]. We remark that if ϕ: , 0 1 .‘Ž ƒ0 is #P-complete with respect
to parsimonious reductions, then the corresponding language , x A ϕ xO 1 mod p . is Mod p NP-complete
(with respect to polynomial many-one reductions). We denote by ’r poly the nonuniform version of the
complexity class ’ , cf. Karp and Lipton [17].
The counting problem #C UT is the following: given a complete graph Kn with a weight function
w: En s0 and s @0 , what is the number of cuts of weight s? Hereby, we assume the edge weights
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
to be encoded in unary. The related decision problem Mod p C UT just asks for the residue class modulo p
of the number of cuts of weight s. This problem is clearly in the class Mod p NP.
It is well known that the computation of a cut of maximal weight of a given graph is NP-hard. By
a straightforward modification of the proof of this fact given in Papadimitriou [21, p. 191], one can
strengthen this as follows. We will provide the detailed proof of this claim at the end of this section.
Lemma 6.3 #C UT is #P-complete with respect to parsimonious reductions. Thus Mod p C UT is Mod p NPcomplete.
Proof. (of Thm. 6.1 on the preceding page) Let L be a language in Mod p NP, say L , x J, 0 1 .‘Ž A ϕ x]
1 mod p . , where ϕ: , 0 1 .‘Ž M0 is in the class #P. In [8] it is shown that there exists a p-definable family
f n over Œ p such that f n zŒ p X1 Xn and
n 8 x m, 0 1 .
Assume now that Cutq is VNP-complete over Œ
ϕ x mod p
: fn x
with respect to c-reduction. Then we have f n g
Cutt # n$
Cutq ,
hence there is a p-bounded function t: 01M0 such that L
f n is p-bounded. Lemma 6.2 on the page
before tells us that Cutt n can be evaluated over Œ q by boolean circuits of p-bounded size in n. Hence,
by simulating straight-line programs by boolean circuits, we can design for each n a boolean circuit Cn of
p-bounded size in n, which computes f n x from x zŒ nq . This implies that the language L is contained in
P poly. We therefore arrive at the conclusion Mod p NP ? P poly.
For fixed m n 9 1 consider a field extension K Œ q ξ of Œ q of degree q 1 m n2G . To an instance
w: En M0 of #C UT satisfying max w m we assign the symmetric matrix x K n  n defined by xi j : ξwi j .
Then we have by ( 29 on the preceding page)
Cutqn x ∑ c s
mod p ξ q_
1 s
where c s is the number of cuts in Kn of weight s. The
coefficients c s mod p are uniquely determined
by Cutn x since the above summation is over s = m n2G .
Assume now that Cutq is p-computable over Œ q . Hence for each n there is a straight-line program Γn
of p-bounded size in n, which computes Cutn X from constants in Œ q and the indeterminates Xi j in the
polynomial ring Œ q Xi j A 1 i j n . By the universal property of the polynomial ring, Γn will compute
Cutn x in the Œ q -algebra K from the same constants and x K n  n . We may simulate this computation by
a boolean circuit of p-bounded size, since the arithmetic operations in K can be simulated by p-bounded
circuits. Here it is important to note that the degree of the field extension K ‘Œ q is p-bounded, as m is
assumed to be encoded in unary (see the definition of #C UT). In this way, we could solve the Mod p C UT
problem in nonuniform polynomial time. As Mod p C UT is Mod p NP-complete by Lemma 6.3, this would
imply that Mod p NP ? P poly.
It remains to show that Mod p NP ? P poly implies the collapse of the polynomial hierarchy at the
second level. By a well-known result of Karp and Lipton [17] this collapse would be a consequence of
the inclusion NP poly ? P poly. Therefore, it is sufficient to prove that
NP poly ? Mod p NP poly
This follows from a well known randomized reduction due to Valiant and Vazirani [29]. (For details
see [8].)
Peter Bürgisser
We remark that one can prove the absolute statement that Cutq is not VNP-complete with respect to
p-projection. It would be interesting to find out whether Cut2 , interpreted as family over the rationals, is
We supply now the proof of Lemma 6.3 on the preceding page. Consider the auxiliary counting problem
#NAESAT which is defined as follows: given a set of boolean variables and a set of clauses each consisting
of exactly three literals, compute N, where 2N equals the number of truth assignments of the variables
such that in none of the clauses all three literals have the same truth value. (Note that the latter number
must always be even!)
Lemma 6.4 There is a parsimonious reduction from #S AT to #NAESAT.
Proof. The reduction from C IRCUIT S AT to NAE S AT given in Example 8.3 (p. 163) and Thm. 9.3
(p. 187) of Papadimitriou [21] is easily checked to be parsimonious. On the other hand, S AT can be
parsimoniously reduced to C IRCUIT S AT in an obvious way.
To prove Lemma 6.3 on the page before it suffices now to show the next lemma.
Lemma 6.5 There is a parsimonious reduction from #NAESAT to #C UT.
Proof. We slightly modify the reduction from NAESAT to M AX C UT from Papadimitriou [21, Thm. 9.5,
p. 191] in order to make it parsimonious.
Let be given a set of variables x1 xn and a set of clauses C1 Cm each consisting of exactly three
literals. We may assume that in no clause all literals are equal since otherwise the formula is not satisfiable
in the sense of NAESAT. Moreover, we may remove the clauses which contain a variable and its negation
since these are always satisfiable in the sense of NAESAT. Let m3 denote the number of clauses with three
different literals and m2 be the number of clauses in which two literals coincide. We have m m2 m3 .
Let G be the complete graph having as nodes the variables xi and its negations “ xi . We define the
weight function of G as follows. The horizontal edges , xi P“ xi . have the weight m 1. The remaining
edges edges e , u v . (the nonhorizontal ones) have as weight the number of clauses C j in which both of
the literals u and v appear. If we express this event by e ? C j , we may write for such nonhorizontal edges
w e
A”, C j A e ? C j . A•
Finally, we put s : m 1 n m2 2m3 . Note that the weight of each edge is at most m 1. Thus we
may encode the edge weights in unary.
Let S be a cut of G and denote by – h the set of horizontal edges separated by S, and by – the set of
nonhorizontal edges separated by S. We have
w S
w e
1 ™A –
e — h ˜ —
1 n
∑ Aš,N e C j ŠA e ?
e —
1 ›A –
∑ Aš,N e C j ŠA e z–| e ?
jœ 1
m2 2m3 Cj.
Equality holds if and only if S separates all xi from “ xi and if S separates the literals of any clause. This
is exactly the case if S defines a truth assignment in the sense of NAESAT. (The cut S separates the true
literals from the false ones.) This proves that the number of satisfying truth assignments is exactly twice
the number of cuts of weight s in G.
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
7 Relativized Complexity Classes
Our investigations here are inspired by the well-known results of Baker, Gill, and Solovay [1] on relativations of the classical P-NP question.
Relative versions of the complexity classes VP and VNP can be defined as follows.
Definition 7.1 Let h be a p-family. VPh consists of all p-families f such that f c h. VNPh is the set of
all p-families f f n which can be obtained from some g gn g VPh in the sense of ( 1 on page 75).
We call the families in VPh and VNPh p-computable and p-definable relative to h, respectively.
Note that VPh and VNPh specialize to VP and VNP, respectively, if h is p-computable. We remark that
VPh is closed under c-reduction and VNPh is closed under p-projection.
Our first goal is to establish the existence of complete families for the complexity classes VPh and
VNPh . In particular, this gives a proof for the existence of VNP-complete families, which is independent
of Valiant’s intricate reduction for the permanent. The idea is to use a generalization of the concept of
generic computations (cf. [9, Chap. 9]). In order to avoid an exponential growth of degrees, we combine
this with an auxiliary result on the computation of homogeneous components (Prop. 7.2), which works by
evaluation and interpolation, and requires that k contains sufficiently many points. In the sequel, we will
therefore assume that k is an infinite field.
It is useful to introduce the following auxiliary notion. Let h f 1 ft be polynomials over the field k.
We define the h-complexity  h f 1 ft as the minimum number of multiplications and evaluations of h
that are sufficient to compute all f i from the indeterminates and constants in k (we do not allow divisions).
Note that for h X1 X2 this specializes to the multiplicative (or nonscalar) complexity. We further remark
that if h is a projection of hu , then we have Lhž Lh as well as  hž 1 h .
The h-complexity may be characterized in a way similar to the multiplicative complexity. Let us define
an h-computation sequence of length r on X1 * Xn as a sequence of polynomials g _ n g _ n' 1 h gr such
that g _ n 1 g _ n ' 1 X1 g0 Xn , and such that we have
ρ_ 1
h ∑ j œŸ_
n αρ1 j g j ρ_ 1
n αρs j g j G
∑ j œŸ_
for all 1 ρ r and some αρσ j in k. We say that such a sequence computes f 1 h ft iff all f i are
contained in the k-linear hull of g _ n gr .
In what follows, we will assume that X1 X2 is a projection of h, in which case we say that h contains the
multiplication. Then it is not hard to see that the h-complexity r of f 1 h ft equals the minimum length
of an h-computation sequence which computes all f i . Moreover, the complexity Lh and the h-complexity r
are polynomially related as follows: we have r Lh f 1 * ft 2s n 1 S r 1 sr2 , when s is the
number of variables of h.
Proposition 7.2 Let f be a polynomial in a1 am and X1 Xn having degree at most d 9 1 in the
X-variables. We denote by f δ the homogeneous part of f of degree δ with respect to the X-variables.
Then we have
/, f
A δ d . g} 1 d degh ‘
f ‹
Proof. We will use the abbreviation f „ d : ∑δ „ d f δ and write D : deg h. Let gρ ρ FŸ_ n be an hcomputation sequence of length r :  h f as in ( 35) which computes f . We define a related sequence
uρ ρ FŸ_ n by setting uρ : gρ for n ρ 0, and for ρ 3 0
h vρ1 vρs „ d
Peter Bürgisser
ρ_ 1
where vρσ ∑ j œ:_ n αρσ j u j . It is easy to check that uρ gρ„ d for all ρ.
The homogeneous parts of f (w.r.t. X) are a k-linear combination of the homogeneous parts of the gρ .
Therefore, it suffices to prove that all homogeneous parts of uρ up to degree d can be computed from the
homogeneous parts of u _ n uρ _ 1 up to degree d by some k-linear operations and 1 dD evaluations
of h.
The polynomial wρ : h vρ1 vρs has degree at most dD. By definition, uρ
wρ for δ d. We
have for λ k that
∑ λδwρ wρ λX h ∑ λδvρ1 h ∑ λδvρs GZ
δ „ dD
δ„ d
δ„ d
Hence we can compute wρ λX from the vρσ and thus from the u j for j = ρ, δ d by k-linear operations
and just one evaluation of h. We can thus compute the homogeneous parts of wρ as a k-linear combination
of wρ λX for 1 dD different values of λ k (interpolation).
In the sequel, we will use the abbreviations X µ : X1 1
set deg 0 : ∞ for the zero polynomial.
Xn n and A µ A : ∑ µi for µ z0
Moreover, we
Definition 7.3 Let a polynomial h k X1 h Xs of degree D be given.
(a) We define the generic h-computation Gρ ρ FŸ_ n on X1 h Xn over k recursively as follows: G _
1, G _ n' 1 : X1 h G0 : Xn , and for all ρ 3 0 we set
ρ_ 1
h ∑ j œ:_
ρ_ 1
n aρ1 j G j ∑ j œŸ_ n aρs j G j G
E ρ_ 1
bρ h ∑ j œ:_ n aρ1 j G j0 n
ρ_ 1
∑ j œŸ_
n aρs j G j0 GH
Here the aρσ j and bρ denote different indeterminates and G j0 is the constant term of G j with respect
to the X-variables. We write Gρ ∑µ Gρµ X µ , where Gρµ depends only on the a and b-variables.
(b) The nth generic polynomial computed relative to h is defined as
Cn h :
µ „ n ρ œ:_ n
cρ Gρµ X µ
Here the cρ denote additional indeterminates. Thus Cn h is the sum of the X-homogeneous parts
up to degree n of ∑nρ œŸ_ n cρ Gρ .
(c) The nth generic polynomial defined relative to h is
Dn h :
∑ dv ∑ n% v Cn h S a b c X1 Xv ev '
vœ 0
1 en )
e 0 ! 1"
where the dv denote additional indeterminates. (Note that the Xv '
1 h
Xn are substituted by 0 or 1.)
The following technical lemma summarizes some of the properties of h-generic computations as well
as of the polynomials Cn h and Dn h . Recall that h hu means that h is a projection of hu .
Lemma 7.4 We have for ρ 3 0 and µ
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
(a) Gρ0
bρ .
(b) Gρµ depends on at most sρ n
 h
G1 Gρ 5 sρ n
(d) deg Gρµ
ρ_ 1 2 ρ 1
ρ variables.
2Dρ A µ A .
(e) Cn h and Dn h are polynomials in at most 2sn3
2Dn2 n 3.
 h
Cn h rH 1
Dn f 2sn2
2 variables and have degree at most
4n .
(g) If we abbreviate the a b c-variables occuring in Cn h by Z1 h Zw , we have
k X1 Xn vA deg f
n :
f g n .
Cn h f z X ŠA z kw .
(h) h Cn h if degh n. Moreover Cn h g Dn h .
(i) For all n nu and h hu we have Cn h g Cnž hu and Dn h r Dnž hu .
Proof. Claims (a), (b), and (c) follow by straightforward calculations.
We will prove Claim (d) by induction on ρ. We remark first that deg Gρµ
now ρ 3 0 be fixed and put
ρ_ 1
Vσ : ∑µ Vσµ X µ : ∑ j œ:_ n aρσ j G j
This estimate is also true for µ
0 and all µ. Let
2D ρ 1 ™A µ A
0, since deg G j0
By the induction hypothesis we have for all µ
0 for ρ
1. What we have to do is to prove the estimate
0 : deg Hµ
2Dρ A µ A
for the polynomial H : ∑µ Hµ X µ : h V1 * Vs . Clearly, it is sufficient to verify this for the power
products h X1e1 Xses of degree at most D. In this case, we have H V1e1 Vses , and we obtain
∑ ∏ ∏ Vσµσ ε
where the sum runs over all systems of maps µσ : , 1 2 eσ .
ν. Using ( 43) we conclude that for ν 0
σ œ 1 εœ 1
∑σ ∑ε 2 2D ρ 1 ›A µσ ε ›A G
2 ∑σ eσ 2D ρ 1 ∑σ ∑ε A µσ ε ™A
2D 2D ρ 1 ›A ν A
1 2Dρ A ν A
s satisfying ∑σ ∑ε µσ ε 90
Peter Bürgisser
which proves Claim (d).
Claim (e) follows immediately from the Claims (b) and (d), whereas Claim (f) is a consequence of
Claim (c) and Prop. 7.2 on page 87.
To show Claim (g) assume f k X1 Xn such that  h f g n. There is an h-computation sequence
gρ of length n which computes f , say
ρ αρ1 j g j h ∑ j¢
ρ αρs j g j )
and f ∑nρ œŸ_ n γρ gρ, with αρσ j γρ k. Thus the substitution aρσ j αρσ j , bρ gρ X 0 sends Gρ to
gρ. If we additionally substitute the cρ by the γρ , then the polynomial Cn h is mapped to f , provided that
deg f n.
(h) Cn h Š Dn h is obtained by substituting dn 1 and dv 0 if v = n. To show that h Cn h consider the substitution ϕ which maps X1 and c1 to 1, sends the a1 ! σ ! _ n ' 1 to Xσ for 1 σ s, maps b1 to
h 0 0 , and sends all the remaining a-variables and c-variables to 0. All other variables shall remain
invariant under ϕ. G1 is mapped to h h X1 * Xs under ϕ. We have degX G1 n as deg h n. From
this it easily follows that Cn h is mapped to h under ϕ.
Before proving Claim (i) it is useful to make the following general observation. Let A : k a1 am X1 h Xn and consider a substitution (k-algebra morphism) ϕ: A A which fixes the X-variables and
such that ϕ ai  k +k, a1 h am . . Let f δ denote the homogeneous part of f A with respect to the
X-variables. Then we have ϕ f δ ϕ f δ . If σ: A A is another substitution which leaves the avariables invariant and such that σ Xi g k +k, X1 Xn . , then we have ϕ σ f σ ϕ f for all f A.
(i) We show first that Cn h ‡ Cnž h for n nu . Let Gρu denote the generic hu -computation on
X1 h Xnž , and Gρ be the generic h-computation on X1 Xn. The substitution ϕ which maps aρσ j
to 0 for all nu n = j 0 and which leaves all other a-variables and the b-variables invariant sends Gρu
to Gρ (up to a renaming of the variables). This can be proven by induction on ρ 3 0. Note that Gρu Gρ
Gρ0 by our general observation, as ϕ fixes the X-variables. By additionally requiring
implies Gρ0
cρ 0 for either nu n = ρ 0 or ρ 3 n we get
ϕ ∑nρž œ:_
cρ Gρu ∑nρ œ:_
n cρ Gρ
Since ϕ leaves the X-variables invariant, it commutes with taking homogeneous parts with respect to the
X-variables. Thus ϕ Cnž hu£
Cn h .
A slight modification of the reasoning before yields a substitution ϕ which leaves the X-variables invariant and such that
ϕ Cnž hu S Z u X 1 X nž _
X1 Xn G
Cn h f Z X1 h Xn 1
where Z u , Z stand for the corresponding a b c-variables. This implies by our general observation
ϕ Cnž hu S Z u X 1 P X nž _ n X1 * Xu eu ' 1 h en Cn h S Z X1 * Xu eu ' 1 h en G
for 0 u n and ei e, 0 1 . . If we extend ϕ by sending dnž _ n ' u to du for 0 u n and mapping the
remaining d’s to zero, we get ϕ Dnž hu£
Dn h . Hence Dn h g Dnž hu( .
Assume now h hu and let Gρ and Gρu be the corresponding generic computations on X1 Xn. It
is not hard to see that there exists a substitution which only changes the a-variables and that maps all Gρu
to Gρ . From this one concludes as above that Cn h g Cn hu£ and Dn h g Dn hu& .
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
We will interpret families of polynomials f m ! n with double indices as sequences of polynomials by
enumerating pairs m n gd0 2 according to m n : m m n S m n 1 2.
We can now state the first result of this section.
Theorem 7.5 Let h hn be a p-family such that any hn contains the multiplication. Then the doubleindexed families Cn hm and Dn hm are VPh -complete, resp. VNPh -complete with regard to p-projection.
Proof. By Lemma 7.4 on page 88(e) both families Cn hm and Dn hm are p-families. Part (f) of that
lemma implies that Cn hm is p-computable relative to h.
Assume f j g VPh , where f j is a polynomial in u j variables. By definition, there exists a p-bounded
function m: 0o‰0 such that  hm # j $ f j is p-bounded in j. Let n j denote the maximum of u j , deg f j ,
and  hm # j $ f j . It is clear that n j is p-bounded in j. We denote the a b c-variables in Cn j hm j by
Z1 Zw j . From Lemma 7.4 on page 88(g) it follows that f j Cn j hm j S z X for a suitable choice of
z kw j . Thus f j is a projection of Cn j hm j , and we have proved the VPh -completeness of Cn hm .
Let now q j be a p-definable family relative to h, say
q j X1 Xv j ∑
e 0 ! 1 " u # j $&% v # j $
j f j X1 Xv ev j (' 1 h
j ‹
where the family f j is p-computable relative to h. From before we know that for each j
fj X
Cn j hm j f
z X (50)
for p-bounded m j S n j and some z kw j . Therefore, we see that q j can be obtained from Dn j hm j by the substitution dv j 1, dv 0 for d v j , and Zi zi for all i. This shows that q j is a pprojection of Dn hm .
It remains to prove that Dn hm is p-definable relative to h. Let us abbreviate the a b c-variables
occuring in Cn hm by Z1 Zw and define
gm ! n :
∑ dv E1 Ev Cn hm f Z X1 h Xv Ev '
1 h
En )
vœ 0
where E1 En are new indeterminates. As Cn hm is p-computable relative to h, so is gm ! n . The
following equality
Dn hm (52)
∑ gm ! n Z X1 h Xn e1 en e 0 ! 1" n
proves that indeed Dn hm g VNPh .
We call a p-family hn monotone, iff hn is a projection of hn '
for all n.
Corollary 7.6 (a) If h is monotone and h0 contains the multiplication, then Cn hn and Dn hn are
VPh -complete, resp. VNPh -complete with respect to p-projection.
(b) For any p-family h there exist VPh -complete and VNPh -complete families with respect to p-projection.
Peter Bürgisser
Proof. (a) This is an immediate consequence of Thm. 7.5 on the page before and the monotonicity of
Cn h and Dn h expressed in Lemma 7.4 on page 88(i).
(b) Let h hm be any p-family and U V W be new indeterminates. The polynomials h̃m : Uhm
1 U VW contain the multiplication and the p-family h̃
h̃m satisfies VPh̃
VPh . Now apply
Thm. 7.5 on the page before.
While there are many natural examples of VNP-complete families (generating functions of NP-complete
graph problems, cf. [7]), we don’t know of any interesting example of a VP-complete family. The family
of determinants is a possible candidate (see [9, Problem 21.3]).
The next result is inspired by Baker, Gill, and Solovay [1]. Its proof is based on Thm. 7.5 on the
preceding page combined with some diagonalization argument.
Theorem 7.7 There exists a p-family h such that VPh
VNPh .
Proof. First note the following: By Lemma 7.4 on page 88(e) the degree as well as the number of
variables of Dn h are bounded from above by p n : 2n4 5n 2, provided the number of variables
and the degree of the polynomial h are bounded by n.
By induction, we are going to construct a monotone sequence of polynomials h hn such that the
number of variables as well as the degree of hn are bounded from above by n for n 9 2. We define mi : i
and hi : X1 X2 for i 2. Assume we have already constructed h0 hmt (t 9 2). We set mt ' 1 : p mt and define h j : hmt for mt = j = mt ' 1 and put hmt ¤ 1 : Dmt hmt . By Lemma 7.4 on page 88(h) we
have hmt hmt ¤ 1 which guarantees the monotonicity. Moreover, the degree and the number of variables
of hmt ¤ 1 are bounded by mt ' 1 p mt .
We claim that Dn hn is a p-projection of h. In fact, let n 9 2 be given, say mt n = mt ' 1 . The
monotonicity of Dn h expressed in Lemma 7.4 on page 88(i) implies that
Dn hn g Dmt ¤
hmt ¤
hmt ¤
But mt ' 2 p p mt p p n and the composition of p with itself is clearly p-bounded. This shows
the claim.
On the other hand, we know from Cor. 7.6 on the preceding page(a) that Dn hn is VNPh -complete.
As Dn hn is also contained in VPh , it follows that VPh VNPh .
Up to now we have not succeeded in establishing a p-family h such that VPh VNPh . A promising
approach for this is as follows (compare Bennett and Gill [4]). For each n choose independently hn k X1 Xn of degree most n at random according to some probability distribution. Since the classes
, h A VP
VPh and VNPh are invariant under finite variation of h, the event –
VNPh . is a so-called
tail event. Kolmogorov’s zero-one law (cf. Feller [14, Chap. 4]) implies therefore that Prob –zrm, 0 1 . .
We conjecture that this probability is one if the hn are chosen with independent 0 1-coefficients.
Thanks go to Michael Clausen for encouraging me to investigate these questions. I am grateful to Steve
Smale for inviting me to the Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the City University of Hong
Kong, where this work was completed.
On the Structure of Valiant’s Complexity Classes
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