NGWA SM The Groundwater Association NGWA SUPPORTS S.1642 AND H.R. 3533 THE SAVINGS ACT The Savings Act aims to reduce federal, state, and local costs of providing quality drinking water to millions of Americans residing in rural communities by facilitating greater use of well water systems as a cost-effective alternative to traditional, centralized, drinking water systems. The latest EPA Drinking Water Needs survey indicates more than $384 billion in investment needed in drinking water infrastructure over the next 20 years. With more than 42 million Americans relying on domestically supplied drinking water from groundwater, the potential benefits to them and those who operate farm-based and small businesses are significant. 2016 Groundwater Fly-In The Water Supply Cost Savings Act Issue: The Water Supply Cost Savings Act is bipartisan legislation introduced in the House and Senate to promote resources and assistance for rural communities. The legislation has three objectives: 1)To require USDA and EPA to create a drinking water technical clearinghouse to provide resources on cost-effective, alternative drinking water systems 2)To establish a self-certification process of local governments or nonprofit organizations serving 500 persons or fewer that wells or well systems were considered when applying for a grant for federal assistance 3)To direct USDA and EPA to report to Congress no later than three years after the law’s enactment on the use of alternative drinking water systems. H.R. 3533 has been introduced in the House by Representatives Richard Hanna (R-New York) and Jim Cooper (D-Tennessee). In the Senate, Senators John Boozman (R-Arizona), Jon Tester (D-Montana), and Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) sponsored companion legislation, S. 1642. The legislation is also supported by the Water Systems Council and the Water Quality Association. NGWA position: The Savings Act represents an important opportunity to promote assistance for cost-effective water infrastructure systems for small communities. Please consider cosponsoring H.R. 3533 or S. 1642. For more information visit: NGWA.ORG CONTACT: LAUREN SCHAPKER NGWA GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR 202 888.9151 OR LSCHAPKER@NGWA.ORG