Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series IS THE "SURGE" WORKING? SOME NEW FACTS Michael Greenstone Working Paper 07-24 September 14,2007 Revised: Sept. 18, 2007 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge trom the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIIT Libraries Is The "Surge" Working? Some New Facts^ Michael Greenstone Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brookings Institution National Bureau of Economic Research Previous Version: September 14, 2007 This Version: September 18, 2007 am grateful comments from David Autor, Dana Calvo, David Card, Eric Chaney, Janet Currie, Andrew Dailey, Mark Duggan, Hans Fless, Daniel Greenstone, Lawrence Katz, Jeffrey Kling, Enrico Moretti, James Poterba, Matthew Rudolph, Adam Sohn, Frank Vannerson, Vivek Varma, and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen. I especially thank Eric Chaney for alerting me to the existence of Iraqi government bonds. Abigail Friedman, Elizabeth Greenwood, and Henry Swift provided outstanding research assistance. Finally, I thank Katherine Ozment for her * I for valuable insights, support errors. and encouragement at each stage of this project. I am responsible for any Is "The Surge" Working? Some New Facts* ABSTRACT There is a paucity of facts about the effects of the recent mihtary "Surge" on conditions in Iraq and whether it is paving the way for a stable Iraq. Selective, anecdotal and incomplete analyses abound. Policy makers and defense planners must decide which measures of success or failure are most important, but until now paper applies reliable few, if modem any, systematic analyses were available on which to base those decisions. statistical techniques to a and widely-cited sources new data to assess the Surge's file This derived from more than a dozen of the most impact on three key dimensions: the functioning of the Iraqi state (including civilian casualties); military casualties; and financial markets' assessment of Iraq's future. The new and unusually rigorous findings presented here should help inform current evaluations of the Surge and provide a basis for better decision making about future strategy. The analysis reveals mixed evidence on has improved insofar as civilian the Surge's effect on key trends in Iraq. The security situation have declined without any concurrent increase in casualties among coalition and Iraqi troops. However, other areas, such as oil production and the number of trained Iraqi Security Forces have shown no improvement or declined. Evaluating such conflicting indicators is fatalities challenging. There is, however, another way to assess the Surge. This paper shows how data from world financial markets can be used to shed light on the central question of whether the Surge has increased or diminished the prospect of today's Iraq surviving into the fiature. In particular, I examine the price of Iraqi state bonds, which the Iraqi govermnent is currently servicing, on world financial markets. After the Surge, there was a sharp decline in the price of those bonds, relative to ahemative bonds. This decline signals a 40% date, the Surge increase in the market's expectation that Iraq will default. is failing to pave the way toward a stable Iraq and Michael Greenstone Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics 50 Memorial Drive, E52-359 MA 02142 Cambridge, and Brookings Institution and NBER Email: may This finding suggests in fact be undermining it. that, to "We need Tony Snow, war Is the in Iraq a surge of facts." Press Secretary for President George worth its The cost? rationales for the W. Bush, war include July 12, 2007 that it plays a central role in protecting the nation against threats from al-Qaeda, ensuring a reliable supply of oil to the world market, preventing a humanitarian crisis in Iraq, and ensuring the future of a sovereign soldiers providing an environment that allows for a stable Middle East, As of September Iraqi state. have been wounded and 3,735 have been killed in the course V 2007, approximately 27,662 US of the war's prosecution. The US has spent about $403 biUion (Sunshine 2007) to date on the war and related estimated that its ultimate costs could exceed $2 triUion (Bilmes and Stiglitz 2006). about the war in Iraq There and whether is it is activities, centered on whether the Surge is is and The has been it current debate working. a paucity of facts about the effects of the recent military "Surge" on conditions in Iraq paving the way for a stable Selective, anecdotal Iraq. and incomplete analyses abound. Policy makers and defense planners must decide which measures of success or failure are most important, but, until now, few paper applies reliable if modem any systematic analyses were available on which statistical techniques to a and widely-cited sources new data to assess the Surge's file to base those decisions. This derived from more than a dozen of the most impact on three key dimensions: the functioning of the Iraqi state (including civilian casuahies); military casuahies; and financial markets' assessment of Iraq's fliture. The new and unusually rigorous findings presented here should help inform evaluations of the Surge and provide a basis for better decision making about The central challenge for this analysis absence of the Surge. In the ideal, there Surge took place and another Surge's causal impacts. As in which it to is identical Iraqs compares outcomes in the period after the Surge's initiation. variables were trending upwards or downwards in — one These two Iraqs could be compared a feasible alternative, this paper Surge to the same outcomes fiiture strategy. determine what would have happened in Iraq in the would be two completely did not. current In to in which the determine the in the period before the some cases the outcome advance of the Surge. In order to avoid confounding these pre-existing trends with the effect of the Surge, this paper tests for changes in these trends. The state. analysis shows mixed evidence on Perhaps the crudest expression of the security situation a substantial reduction in civilian fatalities in and there may be an increase On not in Baghdad). weeks the Surge's effect on the current functioning of the Iraqi after the in the Baghdad and in Iraq is the rate the rest of Iraq. number of hours of electricity of civilian fatalities. find Further, there isn't a decline available to Iraqi consumers (although the less positive side, the size of the Iraqi Security Force w^as about Surge began than would have been predicted by trends prior the analysis finds that after the Surge oil production didn't increase and I to the Surge. may have 10% lower 25 Additionally, decreased. Oil is Iraq's primary source of income. The second category of outcomes examines coalition soldiers and number of casualties suffered by of a decline in the troops in Iraq The These first Iraqi state. The Iraqi Security Forces. coalition number of non-fatal was increasing and analysis indicates that the Surge had Iraqi Security casualties per was decisions about extraordinarily challenging. how to diminished the prospect of a functioning is Since the number of US emerge. on the current functioning of the proceed in Iraq based on such conflicting indicators many of however, another way to assess the Surge. government even some evidence is For example, does the positive news on security outweigh the negative financial markets can be used to shed light the Iraqi impact on the noteworthy. benchmarks)? In the face of this uncertainty, analyst judgment and is, soldiers. the Surge's effect findings about Iraqi Security Forces (or the failures on There US is little to create the conditions necessary for a stable Iraq to two categories provide mixed evidence on Making sound Force troops. There day among in this period, these findings are stated purpose of the Surge by the impact of the Surge on casualties suffered both the politics 18 congressionally may play too This paper shows how mandated large a role. data from world on the central question of whether the Surge has increased or Iraq. In particular, I examine the price of Iraqi currently servicing on world financial markets. ' state bonds that Importantly, these bonds trade on world financial markets; for example, hedge funds hold a substantial fraction of them and their price In a novel paper. Chancy (2007) uses variation in prices of these Iraqi bonds during the January 2006 through August 2006 period to assess the most effective pacification policies in Iraq. This paper has several important findings but perhaps the most important ones are that sectarian violence is associated with declines in the prices of these bonds, while signs of political progress in Iraq are associated with increases in bond prices. ' on the secondary market markets is quoted is in that traders' only concern There correct projections. that these markets isn't Bloomberg's financial data is room to make profitable decisions and for personal biases in this setting. have a good track record The appeal of using services. financial this necessarily requires Consequently, it making isn't surprising predicting uncertain future events (Wolfers and Zitzewitz at 2004). Overall, the way for the bond market findings fail to emergence of a stable Iraq and may support the view that the Surge be undermining in fact 40% increase in the expected aimual probability of default. helping to pave the After the Surge, the Iraqi it. bonds' yield increased by 115 to 170 basis points, relative to comparison bonds. approximate is This translates into an In other words, the world financial markets are saying that Iraq's prospects declined after the Surge. Examining bond yields to learn about the effectiveness of the Surge requires several assumptions, including that financial markets efficiently and accurately aggregate public and private information from diverse sources. movements even in Further, bond yields the meaning of reflect domestic this US exercise politics. Democrat after controlling for the probability that a does not eliminate the domestic politics explanation, but There are several caveats to that predates the invasion paper is I this analysis that would be undermined if the find that the increases in default risk remain will be elected President in 2008. it documented substantially weakens the case bear highlighting. First, due to the This finding for it. absence of data of Iraq, the analysis can only inform the question of the Surge's efficacy. This not directly informative about the broader question of the impact of the Iraq war. data on the current functioning of Iraq fail to cover many outcomes that would be both of and potentially more informative than the available ones. Third, even among the available legitimate questions about quality and reliability. This is Second, the great interest data, there are especially the case with the civilian casualty data. The remainder of Surge. Section III briefly the paper proceeds as follows. describes the data file Section II provides a brief background on the compiled for the analysis (there discussion in the Data Appendix) and IV outlines the statistical models. Section VI concludes. is Section a much more V discusses the results. extensive II. This section has initiation 14, tiiree goals. of the military strategy that 2007 as the starting date implementation on the ground On Background on the Surge First, is known provides a brief review of the factors that led to the Second, as the Surge. of the Surge. Third, provides it it motivates the choice of February some details regarding the Surge's in Iraq. January 10, 2007, President Bush announced that the number of troops deployed in Iraq would be increased by roughly 30,000. The manpower necessary Baghdad.' it so that the The theory being US that stated short run goal of this troop increase was was centered military could reduce the sectarian violence that by improving security, the Surge could achieve to provide the in ultimate goal of its providing the Iraqi government the opportunity to grow and govern more effectively, ultimately leading to a stable Iraq. (See Figure 1 for a map of Iraq and Baghdad's central physical location and large population share.) The President enunciated this goal and priority for success in Iraq is security, especially in occurs within 30 miles of the capital. shaking the confidence of cemented by the all Iraqis" motivation (Bush 2007). is splitting violence of said, "The most urgent into sectarian enclaves shift in policy that 10, was 2007. sectarian conflict that the Surge aims to control has an extensive history in Iraq. Saddam Hussein's Sunni dominated government would focus on attacking Shi'a and followed as General David Petraeus replaced General George manifestation. In late 2003, following the " Baghdad This focus represented a Casey as commander of Multi-National Forces-Iraq on February The when he Baghdad. Eighty percent of Iraq's sectarian violence This violence shift in leadership that its US to leverage political control (al-Khalidi euphemism just one was growing that against Shiites and Kurdish Iraqis invasion in that year, a Sunni insurgency The is & Tarmer 2006). The Kurds are not part of the problems involving sectarian violence in Kurdish areas - as well as sectarian violence against Kurds in South and Central Iraq - are not to be discounted, the main source of sectarian displacement are attacks on Surinis and Shi'a by Shi'a and Sunni radical groups respectively" (al"In Iraq today, the term 'sectarian violence' current explosion in sectarian Khalidi & Tanner, 2006). strife. And is a while past and for Shi'a-Surmi violence. fiiture Over violence. few the next On March 2, years, there were several key events in Baghdad wounded 100. By mid-2005, Sunni and regularly being discovered throughout Iraq (al-Khalidi bomb in Kadhimiya, a predominantly Shi'a October, an attack in at mosque a Shi'a Baghdad Attacks," 2005; al-Khalidi mostly Sunni prisoners held in the & Shi'a Islam. The bombing is in day of Ramadan killed 87 people ("Scores killed first Interior Ministry building levels. in Samarra on February 22, 2006 raised The Golden Mosque viewed by some observers where they had "apparently & Tanner, 2006). "Golden Mosque" new concerns about the sectarian violence to September of the same year, a Tanner, 2006). In November, American soldiers found 173 basement of an the Al-Askariya In of Baghdad, killed more than 100 people; while, been abused by the largely Shi'a police force" (al-Khalidi The bombing of at the Shi'a victims of execution-style killings were & Tanner, 2006). district on the in Hilla Almost simultaneously, suicide bombers and wounded 200 (Pacific Disaster Management killed at least 58 people Information Network, 2004). car underscored the increasing sectarian 2004, during the Shiite festival of Ashoura, two bombings near shrines in Karbala, a city holy to Shi'a Muslims, killed 85 and Kazimiya shrine that is one of the holiest as a tipping point that initiated a new sites in equilibrium with higher levels of sectarian violence. The bombing and at that aftermath also helped to crystallize the view that the at clearing insurgents fi^om difficult areas over to the Iraqi security forces. Over time, it became effectively protect these neighborhoods after the services that It is would improve that the ^ it The military's strategy in were not able clear that the Iraqi security forces to Further, the ISF's efforts to build local raids. Bush increased number of US and Coalition Troops number of US troops was 162,000 US and neighborhoods and then turning those areas the quality of life within the neighborhoods were also failing. in this context that President the time series of the that US time was not succeeding. Until then, the US's strategy in Baghdad largely consisted of conducting aimed raids its in January August 2007.^ vertical line in Figure 2 is drawn vertical line occur after the initiation the number of troops in Iraq since May in Iraq. Figure 2 reports 2003. The figure documents 2007 was 132,000 and has increased every month since then so The figure also makes to intersect the January of the Surge. clear that the 2007 data points. US accounts for the vast All points to the right of the majority of the coalition: the US share ranges from a low of 82% in December 2003 to a high of 93% in August 2007. These additional troops allowed the military to initiate a new achieving security in Baghdad. This strategy has two major components and Operation Phantom Thunder. strategy that was focused on —Operation Enforcing Together, these operations aim to stabilize areas by insurgent groups and stopping violence, then maintaining this initial stability first the Law"* removing over a period of time before giving the Iraqi Security Forces complete responsibility for them. Operation Enforcing the Law became operational on February 14, 2007. Multi-National Division- Baghdad, Major General Joseph 77^/5 new plan Fil, The commander of described this operation: involves three basic parts: clear, control within each of the security districts in the Iraqi capital and is to retain. The first objective clear out extremist elements neighborhood by neighborhood in an effort to protect the population. And after an area is cleared, we 're moving to what we call the control operation. Together with our Iraqi counterparts, we 'II maintain a full-time presence on the sti-eets, and we '11 do this by building and maintaining joint security stations throughout the city. [ ... J. An area moves into the retain phase when the Iraqi security forces are fully responsible for the day-today security mission. At this point, coalition forces begin to move out of the neighborhood and into locations where they can respond to requests for assistance as needed. During these three phrases, efforts will be ongoing to stimulate local economies by creating employment opportunities, initiating reconstruction projects and improving the infrastructure. (Press Conference with Maj. Gen. Joseph FilJr., 2007) This plan requires not just the raids calculated to break characteristic down insurgent groups and the resources that were of military operations pre-2007, but also a force that remains in the cleared area until it is secure and the Iraqi Security forces are sufficiently large and well-trained to control the area on their own. The second piece of the Surge 15, 2007. This operation's goal is to strategy. Operation Phantom Thunder, became operational on June stem the flow of weapons and insurgents in and out of Baghdad (Kagan, July 2007). According to General Odiemo, Operation Phantom Thunder and the smaller operations that fall under it "are intended to eliminate accelerants to Baghdad violence from enemy support zones in the belts that ring the city" with the goal of enabling the Iraqi government to function and move towards "* stabilizing the country politically (Press Operation Enforcing the Law is the official Baghdad Security Plan (BSP) and has been Officially Named," 2007). name for Operation Conference with Lt. Gen. Ray Odiemo, Fardh Al-Qanoon which is also known as the Law and Order ("Baghdad Security Plan referred to as Operation 2007). Regions within these belts^ are targeted because of their established insurgent strongholds, placement along major roads and make them In lines of communication, proximity vulnerable to destabilizing forces that might summary, this move Baghdad, and other factors to into or out of the capital that city. paper defines the Surge as the addition of the 30,000 extra troops and the implementation of Operations Enforcing the the Surge constitutes a major shift in US Law and Phantom Thunder. As this section has documented, military policy in Iraq that aims to reduce the sectarian violence centered in Baghdad with the hope that this will allow the Iraqi government to grow, govern more effectively, and ultimately become a functioning independent country. The remainder of paper this assesses whether the Surge's initiation on February 14, 2007 affected the functioning of the Iraqi state, coalition casualties, and the world financial market's prediction about the prospects for a stable Iraq. > III. The data about file used many of them from to Data and Summary Statistics conduct the analysis comes firom more than a dozen data sources. the Brooking Institution's Iraq Index, which has played an instrumental providing valuable information about the war in Iraq for several years. Weekly the Department of State's Iraq my own. In general, I Status Report (IWSR). I grouped The number of civilian fatalities, the size of Iraqi involves functioning of the Iraqi discovered some other data sources on coalition fatalities, non-fatal The outer casualties, and Tarmiyah (one), Buhriz (two), Yusifiyah (eight), Fallujah (nine) and Karmah (ten)" All of the original end of this paper. form the basis of the subsequent analysis state. The variables in this category include the is military casuahies. Iraqi Security Forces fatalities. ring [of the belt around Baghdad] runs position), clockwise to al US by Security Forces, crude oil production, and hours of The second category electricity available to Iraqis. ' at the into three categories that categories. first role in collected the data series used in this analysis from their original sources sources are detailed in the extensive Data Appendix are learned Other data series were found in following up on the citations found in the Iraq Index and the Weekly Status Report. The data I These variables include The third category is the from Taji (north of Baghdad between the 11 or 12 o'clock Besmaya (three), Salman Pak (five), Mahmudiyah (six), Sadr (Kagan, July 2007). world financial markets' assessment of the future of the Iraqi state. bond issued are the prices and yields of the Iraqi government in The key variables for this category January 2006 that pays coupons twice a year and matures in 2028. Table presents 1 summary statistics on a number of outcome variables. values of several dependent variables at key dates. over three time periods. continues through the samples begin 1 .5 In the "All" and B presents In the "1.5 Years Prior" and "1 variables earliest observation and Year Prior" columns, the year before the initiation of the Surge and continue through the 1 reports the means of some important column, the sample begins with the one. last available Panel A Panel last available observation. Finally, the collection of this data file has taken hundreds writing documentation for these files and will post them on of person-hours. my web site as I am in the process soon as possible to of facilitate future research on the Iraq war. IV. Methodology The central challenge for this analysis functioning of the Iraqi state. another Iraq in which the US what would have happened is The hypothetical to ideal for this study did not initiate a Surge. in Iraq determine the causal impact of the Surge on the without the Surge. would be a parallel universe with This parallel would provide a counterfactual for It would then be straightforward to compare the variables of interest in the current Iraq and in the parallel Iraq to assess the causal impacts of the Surge. In the absence of this impractical ideal, this paper compares outcome variables before and after the Surge began. Surge in Iraq is The basic idea simple: the best available counterfactual for what happened after the is what was happening variables were trending upwards or in Iraq before the initiation downwards in of the Surge. In some cases the outcome advance of the Surge. To avoid confounding these pre- existing trends with the Surge, the paper tests for changes in these trends. * The appeal of classical experiments without a parallel universe. and control groups are is By randomly that they reveal the causal The key idea impact of an intervention is (e.g., a that new it is drug) assigning the treatment, classical experiments guarantee that the treatment identical so that ex-post comparisons reveal casual impacts. possible to estimate the Surge's causal impacts only Surge indeed a vaUd counterfactual for post-Surge Iraq is This paper implements two "mean to as the the Surge. For example, in an examination of the tests y, where y is = ao + P mean l(Surge), + an indicator variable equal to change in the outcome The subsequent civilian fatalities per day, this after the Surge is equal. after approach assumption Its is after the Surge. following equation: 1 t indicates a on or for days day or week. The variable of interest is 1 (Surge) which February 14, 2007. The parameter p measures the after Thus relative to the period before the Surge. fatality rate, a positive estimate referred £„ outcome variable and the fitting the first is whether the variable's mean changed tests for number of Iraqi model involves shift that Iraq prior to the after controlling for pre-existing trends. of fatalities per day, besides the Surge, are constant before and Specifically, the (1) — of the variables examined. The whether the mean number of fatalities per day before and that all determinants is — holds statistical tests for all model." This approach simply shift untestable assumption if tiie of P would indicate that this rate in the case of the daily Iraqi civilian was higher in the period after the Surge. analysis reports on estimates of P and a heteroskedastic consistent standard error.' A shortcoming of the mean shift model is that in the presence of pre-existing trends, the estimated A P will reflect the trend and any independent impact of the Surge. trend break model allows existing trend in the variable and then tests whether this trend changes. Consequently, method than the mean Specifically, (2) y, t The 2007) + P((/- February 14, The variable variable {{t ' I and it (t - February - February trend and an indicator variable equal to interest is p 1 14, for days 14, 14, 2007) on or 2007)* l(5wrge),) + 2007) * after Newey-West standard is a time trend \(Surge) ,) February measures the average slope change in the outcome also experiment with a more robust estimate the following equation: are as before. 14, 2007).** is model. = a + 5 (r- February where y and February I shift it for a pre- is £„ (i.e., equals it on the interaction of the time 14, 2007. The parameter of that occurred after the errors that allow for unspecified heteroskedasticy Surge began. and autocorrelation with 3 lags. These standard errors were very similar to the purely heteroskedastic-consistent ones. ^ For example, it equals -1 on February 13, 2007 and -2 on February 14, 2007, 1 on Febmary 15, 2007, 2 on Febmary 16, 2007, etc. Febmary 12, 2007. Going forward, it equals on The key assumption needed for this method controlHng for the pre-existing trend determinants of the outcome. As outcome the in to identify the causal effect a robustness check, I variable, the Surge will also report of the Surge is the only is that after change in the on models that add month fixed effects to allow for seasonality in the outcomes. The parameter 8 provides an opportunity equation Specifically, a rejection (1). rejection of the fail to mean to test the validity support the validity of the mean model specified shift in of the null hypothesis of a zero pre-period trend would lead to a model. The subsequent analysis uses shift of the mean shift cases where the data this test to identify model. In these cases, the trend break model's results are the preferred ones. Another reason months for the Surge time.' that this to become model fully operational In the subsequent analysis, available data file, which is appealing in the context of the Surge is I war is it typically at least 5 months no exception. There appears to after Wars February may precise. On 14, (t - February treat observations took several 14, 2007) grows in the 2007. be a trade-off between bias and precision. the other hand, however, conditions have be inappropriate to it and the are not conducted in stable environments, the set of days prior to the Surge used as a counterfactual more that allows the impact of the Surge to increase over report p times the largest value of Finally, one other issue merits attention. Iraq and is On the one hand, as larger, the resulting estimates become changed quickly throughout the war, and from long before the Surge as useful in it forming a valid counterfactual for what happened during the Surge. I The the experimented with several first is 1 start dates for the analysis year before the Surge's initiation and the second bombing of the Askariya shrine in Samarra on February 22, crystallize the sectarian violence instigated associated with a marked increase Specifically, the new is 1.5 in violence in Iraq. The former predates 2006 by a week. This bombing helped It seems plausible later (perhaps June). 10 to assume that this period The longer pre-period allows troops began arriving in February 2007, but the full weren't stationed in Iraq until several months years before. by the insurgents through fomenting a cycle of reprisals; the correct counter-factual for the period after the Surge. ' and will present two throughout the paper. for a more to it is forms precise complement of about 30,000 troops estimation of the outcomes in a pre-period where the overall level of violence was lower. bombing of the Askariya results from the shorter Since the shrine in Samarra changed the political and security dynamics substantially, the year pre-period are emphasized, but results based on both pre-periods are 1 presented for completeness. V. Results This section is divided into three subsections. has affected the current functioning of the Iraqi coalition and The state. first subsection examines whether the Surge The second examines Iraqi security forces that are prosecuting the war. The human the final subsection cost on the examines the impact of the Surge on the yields and the implied default probabilities of Iraqi bonds. A. Functioning of the Iraqi State Table 2 reports the impact of the Surge on the daily number of Civilian Fatalities. Iraqi civilians using the Iraq the entries and their Panel shift model A meaning Body Count data set. of tables will be structured similarly, so are described in detail here. reports the estimated shift in the in equation (2). The subsequent fatalities Its standard error is reported below indicates that the null hypothesis that the estimate ** means that the null can be rejected at the 1% mean number of is it per day (P) from the fatalities in parentheses. A * equal to zero can be rejected at the level. mean next to the entry 5% For the entries that don't have either a level, while * or a **, it isn't possible to reject the null hypothesis at conventional significance levels. Panel B reports results from fitting the trend break with available civilian casualty data began. So, the first entry in equation that the The latest day the corresponding standard Consequently, the entry reports the estimated change in the number of civilian per day by July 17, 2007 due to the change in trend break after the Surge's means (2). July 17, 2007 and this corresponds to the 153"* day after the Surge two rows present 153 multiplied by the estimate of p with error in parentheses. fatalities is model specified Surge is associated with a reduction in fatalities. 11 initiation. A negative The row entry in the "Pre-trend" reports the estimate of the coefficient 5 with estimated its standard error below in parentheses. This provides an opportunity to assess whether there was a trend in A daily fatalities in the period leading up to the initiation of the Surge. positive parameter estimate As noted above, a indicates that fatalities per day were increasing before the Surge. rejection of the null hypothesis of a zero pre-trend means that results from the trend break model are more reliable. The Column table has three sets of columns. when in column (lb) is that the sample begins 1 interest since the Surge's activities and (3b) report on the remainder of Iraq. Now turning to the results for These all results indicate that there the Surge than there judged to overall mean of be civilian would have been statistically different were concentrated in Baghdad only. This Baghdad. Finally, columns (3a) of Iraq, shift it is was evident that there model, leading me to concentrate were approximately 56-61 fewer if the pre-trend had continued.'" from zero by conventional criteria. a strong fatalities upward mean of the dependent pre-trend. on the trend break per day 153 days after These estimates would easily be This is a very high fraction of the the dependent variable, but daily fatality counts were quite high in the last before the Surge. For example, the may - mean This undermines the validity of the results. is all 365 days, prior to the Surge. Columns year, or (2a) and (2b) conduct the analogous analysis with data on fatalities per day from be of especial the sample per day and the sample begins 1.5 years, or 548 days, before the Surge's initiation. The fatalities in Iraq only difference (la) reports results variable in the last month before few weeks the Surge was 92.9 civilian deaths per day. Notably in the case of this dependent variable, the choice of start date for the sample doesn't affect the The second and It is noteworthy results in a meaningful way. third sets of columns reveal that the decline outside the "squirt" theory that the Surge '° The inclusion of month fixed of Baghdad is would push violence 60% in civilian fatalities. and -64.9 It is of this decline occurs in Baghdad. also statistically significant. This result contradicts to other parts effects in the trend break specification in impact on the predicted decline (43.9), respectively. that roughly of Iraq. columns (la) and (lb) has no substantive In particular, the coefficients (standard errors) are -76.5 (28.0) evident that the inclusion of estimates. 12 month fixed effects decreases the precision of the Figure 3 provides an opportunity to better understand the whole country resuhs from the sample that begins 1 independent 7-day periods The The squares year before the Surge. figure also presents the fitted values line at t= 0, which is most square (e.g., the left is initiation the average over days evident. is Most Table in notably, there is 2. unlikely that that this a sharp is ft is certainly possible that Baghdad and Iraq In the entire story. more many some of downward break in trend after the Finally, the source for these data civilian casualties, so their in civilian fatalities after the numbers (i.e., is associated with an important generally, but the sharpness of the results makes respects, this result confirms the popular theory it of rate. uses only the most reliable reports on likely understate the true number of civiUan casualties, perhaps Consequently, this section's estimates likley understate the impact of the Surge on total recent cross sectional survey conducted in Iraq suggests that the Iraq substantially understate total civilian casualties substantially.'" casualties revealed Importantly, the trends in civilian unlikely to reveal the impact of the Surge on the exact " The website also publishes is Body Count numbers from the survey match up well with the trends from Iraq Body Count. a data file methodologies suggests that the Iraq Body Count data icasulties data file in these results are due to the reported domestic policing that putting more cops on the beat reduces the crime is a vertical is , increases in migration out of this analysis -359). , decline in civilian fatalities. " may = upward trend Overall, the civilian fatality results demonstrate that the Surge A t Specifically, the of the Surge. The figure provides compelling evidence of a decline Surge's initiation. fatalities. =-365 through over the date that the Surge began. pre-period substantially so. t fatalities from the estimation of the trend break model. There This figure explains the source of the results fatalities in the number of represent the average daily that more recent data collected the icasualties data set for all of is available: Iraq, and it it file is on civilian likely to number of fatalities. be more reliable. An So afthough fatalities, this examination of the One advantage of the includes data through 191 days after February 14, 2007. produces results that are qualitatively very similar I to those in t =191 and its standard error is -52.6 (23.7) and -67.8 (27,1) from and (lb) specifications, respectively. '^ A nationwide household survey of 1,849 households conducted between May and July 2006 suggests that about 655,000 more Iraqis died than would have been predicted by pre-War trends between March 2003 and the time of the survey (Bumham, Lafta, Doocy, and Roberts 2006). This estimate is roughly 10 times larger than the estimate from Iraq Body Count. Importantly, the percentage increase in fatalities between a similar survey conducted in 2004 and the 2006 survey closely follow the trends in the Iraq Body County data. Table 2. Specifically, the post-trend evaluated at the All of Iraq column (la) 13 measurement error should not undermine the paper's impact of the Surge on trends in ability to detect the civilian fatalities. Size of Iraqi Security Forces. Another important indicator of the functioning of the the nimiber of members of the Iraqi Security Force (ISF). For this paper's purposes, the ISF the number of the personnel of the Army, Air Force, and Navy. police, national police, other security forces This variable Table 3 reports the regression trend, I is measured weekly, although results. Since there is it is Iraqi state is is defined as working for the Ministry, missing for several weeks. of a pre-existing upward clear evidence focus on the trend break model results. Specifically, this model indicates that ISF personnel were increased by about 2,000 per week The prior to the Surge. results show that there was a downward trend break after the Surge such that there were 25,000 - 28,000 fewer ISF troops 25 weeks would have been had the pre-trend continued. number of ISF personnel was about 10% '^ These estimates suggest less than that later than there 25 weeks after the Surge the would have been predicted by pre-existing trends. ''' Figure 4 displays this result graphically. Crude Oil Production. Table 4 and Figure production per day, which in this period. There reported in the table. is is 5 present the results for millions measured weekly. The mean production little evidence that the Surge affected However, versions of these same indicate declines in oil production of roughly 20%, oil is of barrels of crude oil about 2.1 million barrels per day production from the specifications specifications that include relative to pre-existing trends. month fixed effect Specifically, the point estimates (standard errors) from versions of the columns (1) and (2) trend break specifications that include month fixed effects are -0.4454 (0.0708) Hours of Electricity per Day. Most war began, electricity and -0.3707 (0.0697). electricity generation takes place outside producing regions have been reluctant to fully share electricity of Baghdad; and, since the with the capital borne out in the means of the dependent variables. The average of hours of electricity per day in city. Baghdad is This is around '^ The point estimates (standard errors) from versions of the columns (1) and (2) trend break specifications that add month fixed effects are -30,997 (4,619) and -14,648 (6,397), respectively. '" Figure 4 is an excellent example of how the mean shift model can confound pre-existing trends with the true impact of the Surge. A simple comparison of pre and post mean ISF personnel levels would lead to the conclusion that the Surge increased troop levels (in fact, this is the conclusion from the mean shift model). The figure helps to underscore that this conclusion is unlikely to be valid because of the sharp upward pre-period trend. 14 6 to 6.5 relative to about unavailable). 1 1 in the country as a Before describing the electricity whole (separate data results, non-Baghdad region alone for the is note that the reliability of these data have been called into I question on several occasions and that they are missing for 1 1 of the 25 weeks in the period after the Surge began (Levey and Zavis 2007). Table 5 and Figure 6 repoil the association between the Surge and average hours of electricity available per day in Baghdad and The the pre-Surge period. meaningful change that the in from the preferred trend break model show results Surge was associated with a weeks 11 of the 25 post-Surge weaker little hours of electricity per day in Baghdad. However, the results for Baghdad. The meaning of these Iraq are Both dependent variables are trending downwards the entire country. for versions 20%-25% (i.e., May 8, evidence of a of Iraq indicate increase in hours of electricity for Iraqis living outside tempered by the results is all in fact that the electricity data is unavailable for 2007 through July of columns (2a) and (2b) Further, the results for all of 31, 2007). that include month fixed effects. Specifically, the point estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, are 1.74 (0.73) and 0.56 (1.00) respectively. B. Military Casualties Coalition Fatalities. 186 days after the Surge's day in the longer outside of Table 6 reports on the impact of the Surge on coalition initiation. sample and 2.77 For all of Iraq, there in the shorter sample. Baghdad were roughly 0.85 and Surge. This trend break results find is partially However, the estimates little The mean numbers 1.85, respectively. in the period preceding the Surge, so the trend break The was an average of 2.66 model is It is more fatalities coalition fatalities per for daily fatalities inside appropriate. meaningful evidence of a change in daily fatalities after the it difficult to detect are also sensitive to sample choice. For example, the point estimate 1.5 years before the Surge, while 15 and evident that fatalities were increasing because the estimates are imprecise, which makes zero in the sample that begins through it is -0.9 in the is change. essentially sample that begins 1 year Notably, the overall result before.'^ outside of Baghdad. Overall, Iraq. it Many of these is due findings, especially the noisiness appears that the Surge had However, since the number of troops (e.g., fataUties to a statistically significant decline in coalition fatalities little of the data, are evident impact on the number of coalition in this in Figure 7. per day in fatalities period increased substantially, the daily fatality rate per 100,000 soldiers) declined. US Non-Fatal Casualties. There are separate results for all Table 7 reports on the number of wounded soldiers per day in Iraq. non-fatal casualties, casualties that prevent soldiers action within 3 days, and casuahies that allow soldiers to return within 3 days. from returning Over the samples, to there are 18-19 non-fatal casualties per day, with slightly less than half resulting in soldiers' inability to return For to action within 3 days. casualties was increasing The trend break per day among US three dependent variables, there all results suggest that there is a accompanying Figure by '^ As in the number of non-fatal the less serious casuahies. the indicates a smaller decline number of troops casualties is shown and one 20% graphically in that is statistically if the outcome in Iraq. Table 8 and Figure 9 present results on the estimated impact of number of Iraqi Security Force trends in this variable, so neither This with the fatality data, these findings would be stronger Iraqi Security Force Fatalities. the Surge on the among The longer sample 8. indistinguishable from zero. variable were normalized modest decline In the shorter and preferred sample, the point estimate implies an almost reduction that occurs, just about entirely, the evidence that the incidence of these advance of the Surge. in troops. is Fatalities per day. model can be rejected in advance. There is little evidence of pre-Surge Both models and samples fail to find evidence of a meaningful change in the number of fatalities per day. The inclusion of month fixed effects does not C. '' alter this conclusion. World Financial Markets' Assessment The point of Iraq's Future estimates (standard errors) from the trend break versions of columns (la) and (lb) are 0.564 (0.543) and -0.405 (0.744), respectively. '* The inclusion of month fixed effects causes the point estimate (standard error) to increase to -3.06 (1.31) in column (la). In (lb), the estimate becomes -2.76 (1.31). Thus, this richer model finds a decline in the rate at which soldiers are wounded in both samples. 16 The ultimate purpose of Thus emerge. far, the paper has the Surge is documented to create the conditions that will allow for a stable Iraq to that the Surge has been effective situation in Iraq without an appreciable increase in casualties some among other indicators of the current functioning of the Iraqi state Iraqi Security Forces) mixed evidence on have the impact of the Surge no readily available model achieving its show improvements. Thus, failed to and coalition (e.g., oil improving the security at Iraqi troops. However, production and the number of produced to this point, this exercise has on the current functioning of the Further, there is whether the Surge is Iraqi state. that synthesizes these conflicting results to determine ultimate goal of improving the prospects for an autonomous Iraq. This subsection shows that data from world financial markets can be used to transparently shed light on the central question of whether the Surge has altered the prospects exist in the fiiture. by the Iraqi In particular, I examine the prices of Iraqi state bonds that are currently government and of credit default swaps for those bonds. " The goal changed the world financial market's predictions about the probability Thus, bonds. that a functioning Iraq will if taken is that Iraq to infer would being serviced how default Iraq's future prospects from the many variables analyzed above and the numerous ones amenable methodological approach. Background. Before analyzing these time bonds, some details on assume that how bonds on these subsection solves the problem of trying to draw an inference about literally, this to this paper's the Surge series, it is . informative to know the history of the Iraqi on secondary bond markets, and why are priced world financial markets can , that are not it efficiently aggregate the available information is reasonable to on Iraq's future. Prior to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, Iraq issued about $130 billion in debt. After the Gulf war, the country defaulted on this debt. When were spread around the world. The " the Paris US led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003, the holders of this debt Club held claims of approximately S40 billion; Persian Gulf Exchange but decided that this market was a local one with poor any results. For example, the market only meets twice a week and trading appears to be very thin. As evidence of this the total dollar value of all trading in February 2007 was less than $5 million and only 45 of the 94 had any shares traded. Further, I was able to obtain data on a time series for an index but 1 was unable to determine how the index was constructed, which companies were included, and I also considered using data from the Iraqi Stock liquidity and whether it that it would be was ever reconstituted. government failure of the on the Iraqi bonds). Iraqi difficult to interpret Finally, in principle, (in contrast, a failure it is possible that shareholders wouldn't be damaged by of the Iraqi govermnent would almost certainly lead 17 to a a defauh creditors had another $65 billion; and the remainder was in the hands of commercial creditors (Chaney 2007). After the end of combat operations in $1000 in the existing in Iraqi bonds so May 2003, the US government brokered a deal bonds for $200 worth of new bonds for those creditors who held that the new Iraqi govenmient would not be hamstrung by US debt relief agreement, the Iraqi government issued roughly $2.66 billion in in this debt. dollar to $35 million at least As exchange a result of this denominated notes These new bonds pay fixed coupons of 2.9% twice a year and have a maturity of January 2006. January 15, 2028. Once there is these bonds were issued, they entered the world financial markets. All indications are that a liquid and competitive market for them. For example, they began markets on January 20, 2006, and their prices and yields are reported A trader at JP Morgan said that As much as 90% may have gone from in to trade on world financial Bloomberg's financial services database. engineering firms etc., i.e., the original holders (banks, trading companies, not investment fiinds) to investment fijnds. And of that [the bond are] are about evenly split between hedge funds and "real money" accounts (maybe slightly more in "real money "). [Quoted in Chaney (2007), page 4] Further there has been substantial trading of these bonds; about $4.1 billion of these bonds were traded in the first quarter of 2006, when they were issued, and roughly $1.6 billion in the second quarter (Chaney 2007). Finally, the average bid-ask spread as a percentage of the average of the bid and the ask price has been just 0.6% over the course of the bonds' trading Why would history. the world financial market's assessment of the value of these bonds be informative about the Surge's impact on Iraq's prospects? The reason is that owning a bond entitles the holder to a stream of payments. In the case of the Iraqi bond, each $100 efface value of these bonds entitles holders to receive $2.90 on January on the 15"' of every January and July through January 15, 2028 plus an additional $100 15, 2028. In a liquid market, the current value or price of a bond's stream of payments depends on the perceived default risk and the yield curve. The former captures the probability that a bond's issuer will stop making the scheduled payments before the maturity 18 date. An increase in the probability of default would reduce a bond's measures the value, because the bondholder's expected riskless interest rate (e.g., present and the scheduled payments. US Treasury bills) at payments will have declined. The latter each of the time intervals between the Here, an increase in the yield curve would reduce the bond's value because the future payments would be more heavily discounted and therefore less valuable today. '* Secondary bond markets aggregate the available information on the probability of default and future values of the yield curve to determine the value of bonds (or their scheduled set of payments). Since the initiation of trading, the price of a $100 face value Iraqi bond has ranged between $56.18 and $73.98. The lower prices reflect periods higher or the yield curve was higher. participants to reach an agreement Prices and Yields where the market's perception of the probability of default was Thus, the secondary bond market provides a venue for market on the expected probability of defauh and the yield curve. of Iraqi Bonds. With this background, I now turn to a comparison of how the difference or spread between the yields of the Iraqi state bonds and three alternative bonds changed after the Surge began. Each of the alternative bonds is intended to serve as a control to avoid confounding the impact of the Surge with other drivers of defauh risk or Qatari bond due Qatar's economy in is 2030 with a 9.6% coupon alternative for changes in yields due to generally. least The appeal of this The first as an alternative alternative is a is that, like Iraq, heavily dependent on oil revenues, so, in addition to having a similar maturity date, this will at least partially adjust for The second rate. shifts in the yield curve. The maturity date one dimension. changes in the probability of default due to changes in bond is the Lehman Emerging Market Bond Index macroeconomic for this index Yields, which adjusts factors that affect default risk of developing countries was 2020 on August 27, 2007, so The Qatari bond and Lehman Index partially coincides with the oil prices. subprime mortgage lending it isn't a perfect match on at are also appealing, because the Surge period crisis that caused a "flight to quality" for US treasuries. '* Since the Iraqi bonds are denominated in US currency, fluctuations in the value of the Iraqi currency do not affect prices. 19 The third alternative bond is the US Indexed Treasury Bond due Inflation a nearly identical maturity date to the Iraqi bond and impact of the Surge with changes is 2028. This bond has in used as an alternative to avoid confounding the in the yield curve. Figure 10 graphs these three spreads daily where days are again normalized so that day zero February The spread between 2007. 14, Figure 10, since its One key yield is difference between it bond every point in time. is Thus, this all relevant information Bush announced February 14, the Surge 2007. Further, there December, and is it is on January possible that the rest of the paper, line is drawn) The I is little will bond is that is is reflected in the asset's price traders t = is and are predictable. no perfect start date for the analysis. 2007, but the Surge's activities didn't begin until that the military were aware of -50. It is had begun planning for the Surge To account this plarming. apparent that the choice of start emphasize results that compare spreads to the last available yields in our data file at figure reveals that the spread It t between the at t = (which is in for all of date isn't where the Iraqi bond and increased by 153 basis points Interestingly, the increase in spread is vertical =191 (August 24, 2007). all three alternatives when the Qatari bond and 114 and 170 basis points when the comparisons are the Lehman index and respectively. " There outcome variables variation in the spreads during this 50 day period.'^ For consistency with substantially in the period after the Surge. alternative 10, some evidence these potential start dates, the graph begins with important because there the right axis of theory implies that pre-existing trends in prices do not predict future Since financial markets are forward looking, there President shown on is not necessary to control for pre-existing trends in prices. This Further, the current prices reflect any future events that affect prices prices. late US bond prices (or yields) and the other because financial markets are forward looking and at the substantially lower than the others. markets theory implies that efficient bond and the Iraqi is US grew is the bond, almost entirely driven by an increase in the yields of t = -50 (December 26, 2006) and t = -35 (January two day's after President Bush's speech announcing the Surge. It may be appropriate to attribute this decline to the Surge. However, even if this is the case, it is swamped by the increase in spreads that occur after the Surge is initiated; so attributing this to the Surge would not affect the qualitative results. 12, is a decline in spreads of about 20 basis points between 2007) where the latter is 20 the Iraq bonds, which increased by 1 74 basis points in the yields of the bonds began trading. alternatives."" Notably, these are easily the largest spreads since the Iraqi The changes in this period, rather than increase in the spreads appears to be due to genuine increases in the market's expectation of a default (and not due to changes in oil prices, the supply of capital to developing countries or changes in With a few assumptions, the yield curve). market's expected default If rate. is it we assume possible to back out an estimate of the change in the that the market for these bonds that the expected default rate is constant across periods"', then following following relation: the is coupon rate as a percentage and g asset, (1+0* number of periods the left-hand side is The right-hand asset's yield. (i.e. of the face value, ^° and An /- et. al (1989) we derive the is the probability of not defaulting in each period, is / (!+'•)" +'")') the risk-free interest rate, r coupon recovered is C is the yield of the risky in the case of a default. The the expected present discounted value of a dollar's worth of risky asset held to maturity. side is Under the certainty equivalent of the payoffs of the risky asset, discounted perfect competition, these The software Mathematica i, coupons),/? y^c^ (1+0" J the proportion of the face value plus the is Ma perfectly competitive and < \^ Here, n is for each day.^" The is by the risky must be equal. used to solve this yield series of the Iraqi equation for p, given different observations of bond is used for r n, and the yield of the 20-year is to conduct a cash flow analysis of the value of the Iraqi bond with and t = 191 yield curves. This exercise demonstrates that changes in the yield curve have little impact on the value of the Iraqi bond in this period. This finding is not surprising in light of the flat and roughly constant yield the t alternative approach to inferring the role = curve over this period. "' This method for inferring the expected default risk requires the assumption that the probability of default is This assumption is likely to cause the numbers in Figure 1 1 to understate the expected constant in each period. default rate in the next surviving until 2028 given what we know is few years (because if the Iraqi government survives until 2027, then the probability of surely higher than the probability that Iraq survives from today until one year from today). Thus, the probability of default approximated using this fonnula is now, likely to be an underestimate of the probability that Iraq survives from today to one year from today or other periods closer to the present. "' There are a variety of ways to account for the fact that each day that passes reduces the number of days until the next coupon, and thus increases the probability that the next coupon will be redeemed (as well as reduces the amount by which we should be discounting the coupon). For example, in the above formula, / can be replaced by (d-124.5)/182.5, where d is the number of days until the bond's due date and 182.5 is half of a year. Such a substitution is computationally unfavorable. I created similar series by rounding the expression (d-J 82.5)/] 82.5 and substituting it for t in the numerator or both the numerator and denominator. One problem that arises is that when 21 Treasury bond used for is i. The bond pays coupons every 6 months at a rate of 2.9%. After the invasion of Iraq, the Paris Club decided to reduce Iraq's sovereign debt by 80%. Assuming that a similar deal will be offered to future governments of Iraq should the current one Figure payments per plots the annual probability 1 1 After the Surge begins, market didn't believed it is that it never 5.65% and 6.10% this rises to that the probability that Iraq will default Credit Default from a relatively new on Swap Premiums for in default risk the seller on its and the yield curve provided by Series, in the premium each period bond increased Iraqi Bonds. risk The results are striking. even in the early is is = 0.2. two coupon The annual 5.75% at t = days of the Surge the Perhaps even more notable, the the end of the period. clear conclusion This is an approximately world financial markets believe that the after the Surge's initiation. To supplement these results, I now turn to data These instruments provide a direct and therefore mitigate concerns about confounding change above analysis. In a credit default swap, the purchaser pays the until either defauh occurs or the swap contract matures. In exchange, In essence, these credit default obligation. premiums) that obligated to buy back from the buyer the defaulted is To its 1-p' (because there are days before the Surge and financial instrument, credit default swaps. measure of the market's expected default seller a fixed is use a recovery rate of g Iraq's future prospects. 8.14% by The increase in the expected default rate. in the low again implying would improve expected annual default probability 40% of default, which we year), against the date relative to the Surge's initiation. probability of a default ranges between 0. fail, bond at its par value if the issuer defaults swaps are insurance against default for buyers that are sellers. further explore the impact of the surge for 5-year credit default which is swaps for the Iraqi on default bond and risk, the I CDX collected data on prices (i.e. Emerging Market Diversified an index of 5 -year credit default swaps for an index of bonds from emerging markets." About 75% of the constituent credit default swaps are sold on government issued debt and the remainder made, the equation has multiple solutions for p that are real and between and 1 (one solution is very close to what we get making no substitution). In light of this finding, I decided not to make any adjustment for the number of days to the next coupon (of course, I adjust for the number of coupons remaining). However, none of the adjustments change the basic message of the graph. "^ The index is reconstituted every 6 months, which can cause relatively minor jumps as bonds are added and subtracted at the reconstitution dates. I focus on 5-year CDS prices because a private conversation with a Lehman Brothers trader indicated that these are the most liquid CDS products. such a substitution is is implausible, the other 22 from private companies located are LLC, The in emerging countries. The index a consortium of 16 investment banks, and Markit constructed by is Group Limited, CDS a provider of independent data."'* Market year costs 1% full line in Figure 12 plots the spread in the prices between the Iraqi 1 The CDS index. It is of the face value of the bond. apparent that the spread CDS and the Emerging For example, the price of a is substantial. CDS varied between 514 and 530, while the index's varied between 73 and 88 basis points between = CO indices are priced in basis points per year, so a price of 100 basis points implies that insurance against default for t Index t for Iraq = -50 and This underscores that the expected default rate of the Iraqi bonds was very high, even by emerging 0. market standards. The high price of the Iraqi CDS poses a challenge for determining the impact of the surge, especially in the context of the subprime mortgage crisis that unfolded over part of this period and raised the expected default rate of all risky bonds. prices similar to the Iraqi CDS I was unable price prior to the Surge. Venezuela) had idiosyncratic shocks to default strategy CDS is to use the prices. It is it Further, some of risk in this period.'^ Thus, evident, however, that the perfect counterfactual for Iraq increases from is falls below the 14, 2007 Both time series I is believe the most defensible as a counterfactual for Iraqi unavailable. to 676 basis points on August 24, level at the initiation of the Surge. the evolution of the spread and the implied annual defauh rate in Figure '* CDS a dramatic increase in the spread after the Surge began. 436 basis points on February 2007. Further, the spread never bonds with the higher priced ones (e.g., Emerging Market index (which includes Venezuela) Returning to Figure 12, there Specifically, to identify individual sovereign came from Markit which aggregates 1 1 is The similarity between striking."^ Markit's data on GDP from several investment banks and then clean data from over 85 dealing firms. prices are the most reliable available, because they collect trading data the data to create this time-series. '^ aimed at nationalizing large sectors of the oil sector in this period. This has led to Exxon and Conoco Phillips, which have refused to agree to Venezuela's terms. The outcome of this dispute is currently unknown but expensive litigation- in international courts and the seizing of Venezuelan owned refineries in the US are possible outcomes. The bond market has interpreted these events negatively and the price of Venezuela instituted legislation a dispute with CDS "* for It is Venezuelan bonds has increased dramatically. possible to infer the expected default probabilities from the few assumptions CDS premiums for the Iraqi state recovery rate upon a default) (O'Kane and Tumbull 2003). bonds with a These calculations indicate that the expected defauh rate increased by about 50% from 6.68% on February 14, 2007 to 10.13% on August 24, 1997. This increase is similar in magnitude to the estimated 40% increase in the expected default rate from the yields on the Iraqi bond yields. It is noteworthy that during this same period the expected default rates for Qatar and (e.g., the 23 What The defauh factors determine the financial market's expected probabihty risk is a function of at least two factors. The second in Iraq. is the continued presence of the US projected stability in Iraq and domestic are due to domestic US politics, The US which are unrelated Iraqi bonds? the current and projected future stability first is military, If the politics. of default for the which movements to the current is likely a function of current and in default risk in and projected Figures 1 1 stability in Iraq, and 12 then this exercise cannot be used to judge the Surge. With mind, this issue in spreads occurs around t = important to highlight that a substantial portion of the increase in the it is which 150, is the Administration released their "Initial July 14, 2007. Two big events occurred right around then. First, Benchmark Assessment Report" on Surge had led to substantial progress toward meeting that the benchmarks for progress in Iraq. Iraqi state. While it may have that the causal factor here was This event provided new many of the new 1 1 2*. This failed to find 8 congressionally mandated information on the current functioning of the strengthened the case for withdrawing the July US troops from Iraq, it is evident information, not a shift in domestic politics. Second, the Senate Democrats tried to force a vote on a resolution that would have withdrawn troops from Iraq. Supporters of the resolution failed to overcome the filibuster, but the cloture motion did receive 52 votes (on July 18*), enough to pass the resolution if it had vote is a political event. However, it decided along party lines and did not the market concluded that the default risk is alter policy surprised the market. US would if it did, was almost it is unclear whether way to assess whether internal This graph is US politics elected president in 2008.'' Egypt increased from 0.23% to The estimated coefficient 0.26% and 0.98% may not form the to on the contract price 1.04%, respectively. caused the is 15.9 and if a Democrat would easily be These two comparisons were the ones best counterfactual for Iraq. is offered through which is a marketplace for numerous prediction These prediction markets have an impressive track record of aggregating disperse information into forecasts about future events (Surowiecki 2004; Wolfers and Zitzewizt 2004). The contract efficient on derived from a regression of the spread against a constant and the price of a prediction market contract that pays $100 markets. entirely seems unclear. provided to me. However, they "' Even The outcome of this stay for a shorter or longer period of time so the impact increase in the implied annual default risk of Iraqi bonds. is to a vote. unclear whether the outcome of a vote that Figure 12 provides a more quantitative CDS come 24 judged to be statistically different from zero by conventional positively associated with this variable."** The dashed difference between the full line and dashed line component of the spread that cannot be explained Since Democrats a proxy for the probability that the this analysis, due to changes The was from t US to t = by the contract seems reasonable US I cannot assume the conservative assumption that CDS and the This difference is the market contract that the prediction military presence in Iraq. its movements is For the in this variable are entirely spread increased dramatically but the predicted spread CDS about the 2008 Presidential election. 88% 191 accounts for about how worth considering of the increase the Surge could test the different possibilities. combatants in Iraq (e.g., the US One in the military's spread in this period new in the largely unrelated to expected default expected default risk is in the residual rate.^° This result due to changes in for this explanation.^' worsen expectations about alliances with the Sunnis Over the relevant sample, t =-50 through t = 191, on t = was $56.3 and it was $58.0 on t = 191. is For example, the increase possibility is that the Surge " ^' to US politics, but it substantially weakens the case It is is price. will substantially reduce does not eliminate the possibility that the increase domestic so the spread line plots the predicted default rate the estimated residual. Put another way, the increase in the flat. 3), domestic issues."' in expectations = make it striking finding is that the actual essentially changes in I of general and the leading Democratic presidential candidates in particular are in aggressively calling for leaving Iraq, purpose of is criteria (t-statistic Iraq's future even though hardened the positions of the may deepen the value of the contract ranges Shi'a's resentments) from $53.0 to $59. 0. Its value In practice, this assumption implies that the possibility that the public's assessment of the degree of stability in Democrat will be elected President in 2008. This assumption is almost certainly for Democrat Presidential candidates seems based on dissatisfaction with the allows me to stack the deck in favor of the hypothesis that domestic political factors are Iraq affects the probability that a incorrect, because War in Iraq. some of the support However, it the source of movements in the expected default rate. ^^ This result is nearly identical with alternative models (e.g., estimating the parameters with data from the period before the Surge only, including the current price of the contract and three lags, and modeling the contract price with a cubic polynomial). of the increase '' I If t = -50 is used as the starting date, then the increase in the residual accounts for about 66% in the spread. also investigated using data on contracts that Democrats will hold a majority in the Senate and House in 2008. For example, there were a number of periods lasting several days with zero trades. Overall, mean daily volume for the senate and house contracts are 2.4 and 0.3 contracts, respectively, compared to 68.4 for the presidential contracts. The point is that the thinness of these markets These contracts are undermines the thinly traded during this period. credibility of an exercise using these data (although using them doesn't affect the qualitative findings). 25 and that this has situation lowered the prospects for a stable have not been followed by meaningful the depth of the political problem in Iraq revelation of the magnitude of this problem President will remove The first US troops sooner than of these possibilities is is Iraq. Another is that the Thus, the Surge political gains. greater than previously may have improvements in the security may have was recognized. revealed that Further, the increased the probability that Congress or a new was expected. consistent with the Surge directly undermining the prospects for a stable Iraq, while the other suggests that the Surge allowed for a clearer picture about the future. Regardless of which explanation is correct, the Surge the spread between the prices for declined. The same CDS most noteworthy finding from for the Iraqi true for the implied annual probability is this analysis is that after the bonds and the emerging markets index never of default in Figure 1 1 . Thus to date, financial markets have never believed that the Surge will increase the prospects for a stable Iraq in fact and may be undermining them. Before proceeding to the conclusion, thus world it is important to make clear a link that has been unstated This subsection's analysis implicitly equates a default on the Iraqi bonds with a failure of the far. Surge to achieve complete its goals. state failure. extraordinary. It is even as a stable Indeed, governments have defaulted on sovereign debt before without However, the difficult to political political and security imagine a scenario and security environment in is situation in Iraq which the Iraqi and its neighborhood government defaults on its is bonds achieved.^" VI. Conclusions There and whether it is is a paucity of facts about the effects of the recent military "Surge" on conditions in Iraq paving the way for a stable Iraq. Selective, anecdotal and incomplete analyses abound. Policy makers and defense planners must decide which measures of success or failure are most important, but until ^' now few if any systematic analyses were available on which to base those decisions. This paper A so called "soft" or "hard" partition of the current Iraq doesn't imply a default. include an oil revenue sharing agreement that would commit to servicing the debt. 26 Such a scenario could well 8 applies modem reliable and widely-cited sources The analysis situation has of trained Iraqi Security to coalition may There and civilian fatalities concern is room to effect on key trends areas, such as oil production is challenging and uncertain. in and the number profitable decisions on the and for personal biases in this setting it how appeal of using financial markets this necessarily requires and this data from world central question of whether the Surge has increased or An Iraq. Moreover, role. however, another way to assess the Surge. This paper has shown make security have declined without any concurrent increase allow analyst judgment and politics to play too large a is, The in Iraq. making is that traders' only correct projections. There therefore isn't surprising that financial markets have a track record of predicting future events. I examine the price of Iraqi state bonds, world financial markets. After the Surge, there to alternative bonds. toward a stable Iraq and assessments that is which the fail to may This finding suggests in fact that, to date, the be undermining new data it. is that In many 40% Surge respects, in the market's is it failing to is facts available. expected pave the way consistent with recent many of the 1 (GAO 2007).^^ on the Surge's impact. Further, the new facts It is straightforward to can be used to aid decision the future of the Surge. Most of these benchmarks progress in Iraq becomes new on currently servicing, is find that the Surge has led to substantial progress in meeting This paper has produced a series of making about government a sharp decline in the price of the Iraqi bonds, relative congressionally mandated benchmarks for progress in Iraq update these facts as Iraqi This decline signaled an increase of approximately annual probability of default. point on three key dimensions. Forces have shown no improvement or declined. Making sound decisions about diminished the prospect of a functioning ^^ derived from more than a dozen of the most However, other Iraqi troops. financial markets can be used to shed light good file proceed in Iraq based on such conflicting indicators uncertainty isn't data to assess the Surge's impact improved insofar as among new mixed evidence on the Surge's reveals casualties how techniques to a statistical is are measures of political progress. Notably, Chaney (2007) found that political associated with increases in the price of the Iraqi bonds in the January world financial markets appear - August 2006 to believe that political progress is crucial for a stable Iraq to 27 period. The emerge. More broadly, the paper shows that even in unconventional wars, analyze important outcomes to learn about the war's success. that Finally like world financial markets may be a useful new source of information 28 it is feasible to Chaney (2007), measure and it highlights to judge a war's success. REFERENCES Ashraf and Victor Tanner, "Sectarian Violence: Radical Groups Drive Internal Displacement in Iraq," The Brookings Institution (2006). al-KJialidi, . "Baghdad Security Plan Officially Named," American Forces Press Service . 1 8 Feb. 2007. Bilmes, Linda, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. "Encore: Iraq Hemorrhage." Milken Institute Review, December 2006: 76-83. Bumham, Gilbert, Riaydh Lafta, Shannon Doocy, and Les Roberts. 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Volume 18(2), Spring 2004. 30 from DATA APPENDIX This data appendix provides information on the data sources for this paper. It includes separate subsections on each of the outcome variables analyzed. I. Iraqi Security Forces Weekly Troop Strength makeup of data on the size and Weekly State's Iraq of "pillars" the Status Report US the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) (IWSR). policy in comes from the Department of This report provides updates on the progress toward eight The Iraq. http://www.state.gOv/p/nea/rIs/i-pt/iraqstatus/ weekly were reports downloaded from . Each report contains a slide entitled "[2.] Transition Iraq to Security Self-Reliance - Iraqi Security The slide contains a chart that shows the number of persons trained and equipped in each division of the ISF. At the bottom of the slide, an "as of date is given (e.g. "Data as of February 5, 2007"). This date is recorded in the variable isf_date. The number of days that this date is later than February 14, 2007 is given in elec_count. Forces". Three parts constitute the Ministry of the Interior's forces: Police, National Police, and Other Ministry of These are recorded in the variables police, nat_police, and other_moi, respectively. the Interior Forces. Before July 7, 2006, National Police and Other Ministry of the Interior Forces were combined in Other Ministry of the Interior Forces observations. Army, Air Force, and Navy. These An Three parts constitute the Ministry of Defense's forces: are recorded in the variables army, navy, important characteristic of the data is that the and air_force, respectively. Ministry of the Interior numbers do include unauthorized absence personnel, whereas the Ministry of Defense numbers do not include unauthorized Mol numbers absence personnel. Thus, the they include force members who have been equipped and are inflated above the actual strength of the force because trained but have left the force without permission. These numbers do not include what the IWSR estimates as Army numbers personnel working in 27 ministries. 144,000 facilities protection services include Special Operations Forces and Support Forces. The IWSR lists its "DoD source as Iraq Weekly Status Report" or "DoD Input to Iraq Weekly Status Report". Observations that are exact duplicates (including isf_date) were discarded. What follows is a list observations that have changed dates or been eliminated and the reasons: — there were two observations observation for 1 for 12/28/2005, kept the one that was not identical to the 2/7/2005 (presumably, they forgot to update the numbers and the second observation was reported more recently) ~ replaced the first observation for 7/7/2006 with the second because the second had more detail as to how Mol was reported more recently) ~ replaced the first forces were broken down and was otherwise identical (and observation for 9/13/2006 with the second because the second was more recently reported 31 of other ~ moved the first the second observation for 9/18/2006 to the ~ removed the observation for 2/20/2007 because and they were ~ there week of 9/20/2006 and discarded observation in the it was identical to that for 2/19/2007 same week were two observations for 3/5/2007, kept the one that was not identical to the observation for 2/20/2005 and 2/19/2005 (presumably, they forgot to update the numbers and the second observation was reported more recently) ~ all dates 6/13/2007 and beyond are extrapolated (one week behind the date of the report) ~ moved the observation for 6/19/2006 to the 6/26/2006 II. to the week of 6/21/2006 and the observation for week of 6/28/2006 Oil production Weekly oil production data comes directly from the Department of State's Iraq Weekly Status Report (IWSR), which provides updates on the progress toward eight "pillars" of the US policy in Iraq. The weekly reports were downloaded from http://www.state.gOv/p/nea/rls/ipt/iraqstatus/ . Each report contains a slide entitled "[5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy - Crude Oil Production". The slide contains a chart with an entry for each of the last nine weeks and the current week. Each entry is the weekly average of millions of barrels per day of crude oil produced. The current week's entry is also reproduced beneath the chart. When there was a conflict between the text and the chart, the number given on the chart was used. There were two instances of this: the observation for 9/10/06 should be 2.37 (from chart in weekly report), but it is given as 2.47 in the actual weekly report, the observation for 7/22/07 should be 2.10, but it is given as 2.06 in the actual weekly report. The IWSR lists its source as "Department of State, NEA-1-ECON, 202-647-9885". III. Electricity availability comes directly from the Department of State's Iraq Weekly Status Report (IWSR), which provides updates on the progress toward eight "pillars" of the US policy in Iraq. The weekly reports were downloaded from http://www.state.gOv/p/nea/rls/rpt/iraqstatus/ Electricity availability data . Each report contains a slide entitled "[4.] Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential - Electricity Overview". This slide contains a line graph of the daily load served and estimated demanded in megawatt-hours (MWh). It also contains several bullet points that provide additional figures. One such figure is the average of available hours of electricity in Baghdad and nationwide over the past week (exact dates for which are given.) Services IWSR name and phone number. The point-ofThe IWSR stopped reporting this number after May 7, 2007, though the slide and graph are still present. It was resumed on July 3 1 2007 with a caveat "Average hours of power via electricity grid after meeting The gives as its source a point-of-contact consisting of a contact changes from time to time; in 2007 it read , demand for essential services." 32 "POC Bob Means a (202) 647-9815". IV. Weekly United States Forces Wounded The US wounded data were downloaded from From the website: The Department of Defense does not release the names of the wounded, nor do they provide details on how and when soldiers are wounded. Therefore, we are not able to provide a list for each and every wounded soldier. The DoD does provide a weekly summary, and returned We to action within 72 stating updated totals for the number wounded hours and the number wounded not returned to action. arrive at a weekly total by subtracting the methodology is not precise because it new total from the previous weeks. This does not account for possible restatements of total from previous week. The Department of Defense also maintains a separate list detailing the number of wounded by month and ser-vice branch. We transfer these totals to our database each month and provide the same data in html format. There are some inconsistencies in this reporting - numbers in this chart boimce back and forth from one month to the next. While compiling items for our news section, we often find articles about wounded servicemen and we have provided an archive of these articles. Within this list you may find multiple mentions of the same person, as well as references since succumbed to their wounds. to soldiers who have The number of wounded who were returned to duty within 72 hours and the number of wounded who were unable to return with 72 hours are downloaded from the website. These two variables are also summed to obtain the total This "flow" data comes from differences a quasi-weekly basis. may reflect soldiers wounded each week. in the stock variables reported by the Department of Defense on One problem with these series is that changes who were wounded in the previous week and from week to week number of wounded in these variables revisions in the from previous weeks. The latter is the variable of interest, while the former adds measurement The measurement error is unlikely to serve as a source of bias, because it seems likely to have been soldiers error. constant before and after the Surge. V. Coalition Fatalities Daily data on coalition deaths We downloaded the data from comes from which lists each death individually. We then aggregated the data by, day. iCasualties follows a rigorous recording methodology. A US death is recorded when one of four events news story or obituary that reports the death of a US service member is released (this must also be confirmed by the DoD), (2) Centcom or the Multi-National Force in Iraq (MNF) releases the name of a soldier who has died (Centcom releases must be confirmed by the DoD), (3) the DoD itself releases the name of a soldier who has died, (4) the name of a soldier not already recorded appears in the weekly updated Department of Records listing of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) fatalities. occurs: (1) a 33 UK fatalities are recorded when the Ministry of Defense confirms that a soldier has died. American, non-British fatalities, the iCasualties website For non- states: Deaths for non English speaking countries prove to be the most difficult for gathering information. Here we rely on our readers to point us in the right direction and try (often in vain) to translate announcements into the bits of information we need for documentation. Complete documentation of's methodology is VI. Yields for Inflation-Indexed Treasury Bond Due 2028 The us2028 for series available at . was downloaded from The Fed denotes this series the 30- Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, due on as DTP30A28. It contains daily yields for . 4/15/2028. VII. United States Treasury Yield Curve United States yield curve data comes from the U.S. Treasury's website. Nominal rates were downloaded from The yield rates are constant maturity rates. yield curve. According . This means that they are interpolated from an estimate of the to the Treasury's website, "The Treasury yield curve is estimated daily using a cubic spline model. Inputs to the model are primarily bid-side yields for on-the-run Treasury securities." In this way, the Treasury provides yields for the following maturities: 10, 20, and 30 years. Furthermore, we If the rate for a particular maturity linearly interpolated rates that was not reported, we 1, 3 and 6 months and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, were not reported by the Treasury. created a line running through the nearest For example, if the 7and the 10-year rate was given as 7%, then we assigned (2/3) * 4% + (1/3) * and (2/3) * 4% + (1/3) * 7% = 6% to the 9-year rate. maturities on either side of the missing maturity and read the rate off of this line. year rate was given as 7% = 5% to the 4% 8-year rate and Lehman Emerging Markets Index Bond Price and Yield Time Series Data from Bloomberg Financial Data Service. VIII. Iraqi, Qatari, We downloaded daily prices and yields for an Iraqi state bond due in 2028 (annual coupon of 5.8%) and a bond (annual coupon of 9.75%) due in 2030 from the Bloomberg financial data service. Both the and Qatari bonds are denominated in US dollars. The CUSIP for the Iraq bond is EF2306852 and it Qatari Iraqi is EC2682416 for the Qatar bond. We also obtained a times series of prices and yields for the US Lehman Emerging Markets Bond Index from Bloomberg. The Lehman Index includes fixed and floating-rate US dollar denominated debt fi-om emerging markets. It had a maturity of March 5, 2020 as of August 27, 2007 when the data used in the analysis was downloaded. IX. Coalition Troop Levels 34 The monthly comes from data for troop strength TROOP STRENGTH IRAQ SINCE MAY the Brookings Iraq Index table titled "COALITION 2003." The August 27, 2007, version of the Index was accessed at The table was assembled by Brookings from a variety of news sources (a list is available in the footnotes of the Iraq Index). IN . X. Civilian Fatalities from Our primary source on civilian fatalities comes from the (IBC) website. The Hamit Dardagan and John Sloboda. It is important to note upfront that the website is partisan that is, anti-war but their methodology is conservative and seeks to provide an accurate lower bound for the number of civilian deaths reported. for data principal researchers are — — The data were downloaded from Documentation of the IBC's methodology is available at http://www.iraqbodvcount.0rg/background.php#methods and it is briefly summarized here. . which civilian deaths occurred separately. To create a daily time from incidents occurring on the same day. For some incidents, the date was uncertain. In such cases we always chose the most recent possible date of the incident that was listed in The database records each series, we summed incident in the deaths the website. IBC collects news A updated website, full From each from a variety of trusted news sources with internet access. Currently, they use news source is one widely cited or referenced by other sources, with a daily archives of stories, and fully public English- language access. stories 38 such sources. trusted acceptable news story in which Iraqi civilians were reported as killed, time, and location of the incident, as well as the military target (as stated IBC extracts the date, by military sources), the weapon(s) used, and the number of civilian deaths (in two measures as described below). IBC records the deaths from an incident if and only if there are at least two news sources that report the incident. there are two news sources reporting an incident, two measures are constructed, reportedminimum and reportedmaximiim. In reportedmaximiim, the highest number of civilian deaths from any of the Once reporting sources is recorded. Unless a news source reports a lower number of deaths, the reportedminimum is equal to reportedmaximiim. If multiple numbers are reported, the lowest is entered as reportedminimum. This can be zero if "zero deaths" is reported. However, a wording like "unable to confirm any civilian deaths" is not a report of zero deaths and thus is not entered in either column. Moreover, when the report does not mention civilians specifically, this number is entered in the reportedmaximum variable but zero is entered into the reportedminimum variable unless the proportion of civilian deaths is given or a similar detail is given.) If a "family" is reported killed, this is entered as three deaths. also adds old incidents or hospital counts as much as 4 years old retroactively, which two issues. First, in order to update the database, we must integrate old and new incidents. This is done using the identifier provided by IBC. IBC does not specify that this identifier is unique, but a computer-based check reveals that very few incidents with the same identifier have a different value for the location field between the two data snapshots that we looked at. Those values that are different are raises usually just reworded or more- or less-specific locations. The second issue is that the fact that IBC adds old incidents retroactively may represent inaccuracies in the more current data. Comparing data gathered on 7/9/2007 and 8/21/2007 yields the following results. 35 These are the cumulative incidents added between these two datasets that are hsted as occurring BEFORE the date given. 6/1/2003 -> 21 1/1/2004 -> 21 6/1/2004 -> 21 1/1/2005 -> 31 6/1/2005 -> 54 1/1/2006 -> 179 6/1/2006 -> 802 1/1/2007 -> 1312 6/1/2007 -> 1689 analysis is conducted with the mean of reportedminimum and reportedmaximiim. reportedminimiim over the course of the entire database (which begins on March 21, 2003 The mean of The per day, while the mean of reportedmaximum is ) is 41.6 deaths 45.4 deaths per day. Thus, the differences are small and 9% of the mean of reportedminimum and reportedmaximiim. Moreover, they 59.6% of the days in the period from the first day of the database (January 1, 2003). average about equivalent on are coded a variable that differentiates between incidents in Baghdad and those not in Baghdad. This was coded as 1 if the location field includes "Baghdad" (but not "near Baghdad" or "20 km north of Baghdad") in its value and otherwise. I variable XI. Civilian Fatalities from The counting fatalities web site also publishes a database of civilian casualties. Their methodology for Body Count's methodology, so the paper's analysis Nevertheless, I estimated the mean shift and trend break appears less rigorous than the Iraq concentrates on the results using the IBC data.^"* models with these data and this led to results that are qualitatively very similar to the results from the IBC. These results are described in detail in the section of this paper that examines civilian casualties. The icasualties data contains the following disclaimer: The numbers compiled here are not definitive, but they do provide a good baseline for measuring daily reportedfatalities. No one should be surprised that monthly deaths tolls from hospitals and morgues prove to be higher than what we have compiled - it should be understood by all that the actual level of violence is higher than what the press is able to report. Complete documentation of iCasualties. org's methodology ''' For example, the icasualties web Iraqi Body Count." site is available at . contains the following disclaimer: "For a detail The 36 list of Iraqi Deaths please see Table 1 : Summary Statistics A. Key Statistics Number of US Soldiers Number of US Soldiers Number of Iraqi Number of Iraqi Iraqi Iraqi Iraqi About in Iraq, in Iraq, Iraq and the Surge February 2007 August 2007 135,000 162,000 Security Forces, February 14, 2007 Security Forces, August 8, 323,180 2007 359,700 Bond Yield January 10, 2007 Bond Yield February 14, 2007 Bond Yield August 27, 2007 9.60% 9.58% 11.32% Means Calculated Over Alternative Time Periods Mean Daily Iraqi Civilian Fatalities B. (Baghdad only) (Outside Baghdad Only) Mean Number of Iraqi Security Forces Mean Millions of Barrels per Day Crude Average Hours of Electricity per Day Average Hours of Electricity per Day Mean in Production Baghdad in All of Iraq Daily Coalition Fatalities Mean Iraqi Soldiers (serious wound) wound) Soldiers (not serious Bond Yield Standard Deviation of Iraqi Bond Yield Yield - Qatari Yield) Standard Deviation of (Iraqi Yield - Qatari Yield) Mean of (Iraqi Notes: Panel A reports on the value of some of the Year Prior 1.5 65.26 73.83 26.54 40.93 45.32 18.15 24.33 28.51 279,019 283,474 308,562 2.07 2.07 2.11 6.54 6.52 6.12 1 11.24 Baghdad Only Outside Baghdad Only Mean Daily Wounded US Mean Daily Wounded US Years Prior All 44.70 10.77 2.37 2.67 2.77 6.60 0.80 0.89 1.77 1.86 1.88 7.57 7.54 8.24 9.26 10.65 10.94 9.62% 0.59% 9.66% 0.56% 3.63% 0.60% 3.66% 0.59% subsequent dependent variables at some key dates. Panel B means of some of the variable over three time periods. In the "All" column, the sample begins with the earliest observation and continues through the last available one. In the "1 .5 Years Prior" and "1 Year Prior" calculates columns, the samples begin 1.5 and 1 year before the initiation of the Surge and continue through the observation. 37 last available u u ob o c o 3 CO a ^ >. "2 o -u - m o o o n CO o o o o Ov <N O o O o o o : On <u oo 3: w: ^ -a o c y o CO (U n. c/5 o o d O fi ij •a oo dd ID T3 •" O O JD a" o M CO a S= • c ° o On On 5r- — o (N >^' u — CO oo ' ON ON O O O <N o o dd oo o o d -^ CO CN S =« c 00 ^- o w c 23 '5b C O o "^ oo NC On O o 1/-1 - - o '^ d£ o d 0) XI i B *- ,S o '*• 00 -t3 c o o om o o o o d > G * o On O d in '3- O •JJ ss en a> an o •" 3 OS o u •S ^ a; « O II en t« a> ^ §i c c 2^ -a (/I JJ IS O CO 'C u o CO > •73 V5 -a '5b u .2^ Da "5. c s oJ ao H o c c CO 3 ^ Hm C3 I a: oa i^ 0) T3 -a _r — « > xs CI, il; D 01 U c« • dO t:o c C c '-S en CO « u D. ,o c >-< en CO 3 — =CO ^ ^ 3 c O O n. w 1> n, c fc C/3 _ H -a !- frt O CB < S 2 c '5 CO Q op ' ; u to (U C/3 J= s 2 C/] ^ u a o * ^ o o lZ Ui ,o ^4— «u w o •a a> > 'H T3 .^ t. n P J T3 lU 3 E: £ t^ o u g r5 c« —u , - o ^ g a. u J3 g £ S ^ 3 o <2 •a "S « " <u c i: <u 'OC M — u o C != CO - O. 9- OB- — (N U i> OH ---^ ON ^•S ^ (u ^ i: f<1 aj c CQ u o b^ o li, v-> CN oo r- u-i ^ o •^ — ^ ^ oo ^ (N OO — OO ON OO "^ O - II ^ ° S'S § a c3 3 C <u a- c -3 <u .3 " <^ -5 -s 00 t: 'r 00 > 3 O .£ -S — 'C s o u ^2 o c/2 1 t-i '-^ * oo t^ 00 g On ON ^ ON r^ ON oo' . 1/-, ^ — ^ m oo 00 ON o On NO O t S I a o u 3 .S o a Bwe > o M ^« cd •c e CS U 55 £ 02 « S-o ^ c 00 cd a- < - [^ oj H n -a S 3 C tfi t- •2 S ^ ^ "^ 3 rt ,Si GO >>- o "3 „ S '55 « 3 u ^ g o O a „ — Uo 3 Ci.'-3 a .aS u w V- ,p i£ .3 Qi "3 "H c^ ^ c/5 a -a 3 s u t-- — oo I ^ C II - O a^ U o „ e 3: c Id O 1) o B. g C ^° t:5 300 o S 5 i> '^ <u •a c -a T3 1) H 2 u 3 O 3 cfl a- t? "cS o > 0. Q m (D S: a. I 2Z tH (1> Table 4: Estimated Impact of Surge on Millions of Barrels per Day of Crude Oil Production Measured Weekly (Based on Data through 25 Weeks After the Surge) t A. Mean Shift B. -78 t = -52 Model l(Surge) R-squared = Statistic 0.001 -0.066 (0.033) (0.035) 0.0000 0.0288 Trend Break Model Post-Trend Evaluated at t = 25 -0.1827 -0.0063 (0.0973) (0.1208) 0.002 -0.002 (0.001) (0.002) Statistic 0.0465 0.0540 Mean of Dependent Variable 2.07 2.11 103 78 Pre-Trend R-squared J^ Notes: The entries report estimation results from the fitting of equations (1) and (2) for crude oil production measured in millions of barrels per week (so t references a week). Heteroskedastic-consistent standard errors are reported in parentheses. The Surge is defined to begin on February 14, 2007. These data are derived from the Department of State's Iraq Weekly Status Report. Details on the data sources are reported in the Data Appendix. * significant at 1 -percent level, significant at 5-percent level. 40 1 5: Estimated Impact of Surge on Average Hours of Electricity per Day Available (Based on Data through 25 Weeks After the Surge) Table t Baghdad Only = -52 = -78 t 1 Mean Shift B. All of Iraq t = -78 t = -52 (2a) -0.814** -0.364 -0.81* -0.28 (0.323) (0.301) (0.38) (0.38) 0.0214 0.01 0.0303 0.007 (2b) Model (Surge) R-squared Baghdad and All of Iraq (lb) (la) A. in Statistic 1 Trend Break Model Post-Trend Evaluated at t = 25 Pre-Trend R-squared Statistic Mean of Dependent Variable N 1.584 -0.377 2.47** 2.53* (0.888) (0.949) (0.86) (0.98) -0.035** -0.015 -0.045** -0.049** (0.010) (0.013) (0.007) (0.01 1) 0.1553 0.031 0.3650 0.254 6.52 6.12 11.23 10.77 89 64 88 63 Notes: The entries report estimation results from the fitting of equations (1) and (2) for hours of electricity per day in measured weekly (so t references a week). Heteroskedastic-consistent standard errors are reported in parentheses. The Surge is defined to begin on February 14, 2007. Note, these data are unavailable for the weeks t = 12 through t = 22. There are also a few other weeks missing. More details on the data are contained in the Data Appendix. Iraq ** significant at 1 -percent level, * significant at 5-percent level. 41 1 CO •a * O vo 00 o— oo ^ ts 5to « -O cS § o -2 C3 O 2^ ,^ M « U o o o o 00 00 ON f~~ ON "* dd d £ o d r00 o o CnI 5-2 CO c « o — 00 ST O o o d m dd 00 90 d " S — S 01 aj O Da NO * ^ ITj * r- On "* r- ^ d * 00 rN) NO NO <N dd d d d u-l 00 d dd r- (N d NO ON <N d o NO '^ 00 f^ "^ a ON pa * — <N m O ~: d o ^^ CNl o o d §1 ^ 3 -a t/J CS a- §^ O V3 eg j: ~ c a- — ^ O fN * On NO XI m — ^ 5 ON ^^ 9 d. O * — — ^ -^ od r<-i o 00 NO 01 "^ o. ^.B 'S 'o o o 00 'Ti * — NO — rtN (N 00 <N o dd 1/^ O NO O V~i CnI o d NO m s o « o U crt g ,2 !3 a o C 00 I X o g •o u J en <u I •n NO 00 S £ es 0^ S -< C 1) T3 _« C 1 ca iS c« B > •0 u •a e C/!) T3 ^-^ a> 00 3 1— 3 a" C/5 - (k w b (U , oa -0 CS w 1 ac H H GO oa a. _3 ^^ § w 2: H "ca > W 0. „M C Q. -a 3 a- Q 0. ST S: c« cS -K --^ !£ c ^ C u o tH _; CO CO Q^ 0) „ "H § a c c " ^"S trt CS C iZ CO 2z < V 'C _o O - c > „c nn. "S Z I S 3 o. (30 on H o e o o o o p — : „ 8 o O X O o d .S2 . X c ^X > o o o d ON OO o -^ o o _; ON <N vo r^ O d — ~« o d m 00 O oo — ro rn * r-- >^ VO OS 3 1/3 B O u •c ° o S U-1 < ^? M o d * SB O d CM r^ D £; -a "^ <u " !§ ,2 .3 oo c n. Si s oc ^ ,o O o„ o d Z "^ C — tN O— d f-^ o d in ^ P D m * 3 — , . V3 )^ XU § i '-0 w ^^ r- NO O d a! a o^ <N irl d o d rNi m o< u-i ir~) 3 •S •a <U *- *. X>i O § o (D ° 2 00 "O c B > o c c O 0) ^ "1) g > ~ ;: o * On •u 00 ^ * r— (^ — O _; O d t-- On O o6 IIP x-S-^o <u 13 § .o X c . § 3 > t^ 3 X) .2 p. ca ae o o s O >- X c ° C8 c o -a X > <u 'S a. 0) ffl-a O c -o -a H c X o- H -^ 9J a 03 IJ . 3 D „ C3 C 2 C" o _, o « on < - a: ffl a. PJ a. c3 T3 I — o 3 o -a _>. O '3 "O 2 (U . o ^' g — a P 00 ca U i E a o u 00 < >, (0 Q 00 J3 3 s .•£ 00 3 3 o <-^ s •a ea c CO ^ •* o. _c ^ -o r- 00 o oo Ov OO On O O o O — _: _; 0^ ON Oo o o o o d o ON [ ly^ »n to S O o ca 3 u O cr <u p tu ^> •n — oo ^ 1 U^ 00 oo ^ ii II >0 00 rON _; _: o o o — 00 ON ~ "^ o •" o o d rj o ca > o t c NC r- >B -o 1) ID ca -o 0) s Cl, m e ^ ca C « U >< c tS •H ^ cau 3 « 'en c <u C O o. 2i O a. c o < op o a tn 13 ^ ca > o c cd o o QJ < - S -S en n. Ji -a S3 (U Si H 3 ca > -a 1) .1 ca c o o ca en Ji ca o u u. ^ T3 ca tn D ca O 2 S ca CO ci 'w 5 U aj o c « K en c T3 la Q u ^ co s C c aj eu c c/n -a 3 b -a ca •a u s Z Z 0) c op Figure 1: 1997 Population of Iraq and Its Govemorates Population 5.D0D,3DD;o7.CC-: .OCC 2.DDD.DD3;o5.CCC .OCQ El.D0D,DDD:o2.0C': .OCC Bec« P-codes: I.CCC.OOO UN OCHA Population: Center for Humanitarian Cocperaticn (1997-census) Source: pcodes population.pdf . recent Iraqi Census. 45 1997 is the most — o o o_ o' as o o o o o o o o o o o" o' in 00 \ — o o ^- ^^ . * . o o o o' o \ <rj «,„^ -n. oo. ^ ^""^-^-^ ^'-. * ^if""' Br 4. - "h. L o o . J^ , *' •* 5 o. B^ '^^y -o.^ •^^. "-~-^ 4 .-'' > ' * 1 •* * Z!^ m' ^^'^^ ^^. Jt!^^ *cr^ • .> '^--^ " t ^ ^ -. o o •' o T3 . - ' ' ^o. ^> -:=M """^ ^ p --* ^-^^ ' ' o \ B^.^ ^ o^. % . V" W"""'^ . 'o. ^,-^ ^,,,--»''''^ P"""'^ J '^ B z <u 3 op E O O OS O O o" 00 1 o o o o o o o o in nI- sdoojx ^^z- ^ o o o > *-> 1 en & n (U a J5 ri S O S 6 IS o ^9f \. ^-/ T 1* D U i T £ \^ U % 4o 1! *• 2 f ~^ " iy5 -a (U ti. ca .;-* ^ *• <2 > % f . t^ o o fN ^ D ^"*~~~~"~-^-f o O O 11 y- su i ' *" en a^ , •s J* ^ f^'^^ f V £? c- ^^"*--.,^ . " ' 1/3 o' o o o » ,' £P o' ^ ' « *- o o o B,^^ ', u o o o ^ -,"• ^^^^^ .c 1 o o (N o o o o o o ^o. 4- : Figure 3: Daily Fatalities of Iraqi Civilians from 1 Year Before the Surge Began through 153 Days After the Surge Began -400 -200 Day Notes: The data points are the average daily of the Surge through 153 days fatalities against a constant, a days after February 14, 200 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) fatalities after the Surge. per The week in the period beginning one year before the initiation line is the fitted values from a regression of daily coalition time trend, and the interaction of the time trend and an indicator variable equal to 2007. See Table 2 and the text for fiirther details. 47 1 for Figure 4: Number of Iraqi Security Forces from 1 Year Before the Surge Began through 25 Weeks After the Surge Began -60 -40 -20 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) 20 Week Notes: The data points are the number of Iraqi Security Forces measured weekly in the period beginning one year before the initiation of the Surge through the number of Iraqi Security indicator variable equal to 1 1 86 days after the Surge. The line is the fitted values from a regression of Forces against a constant, a time trend, and the interaction of the time trend and an for days after February 14, 2007. 48 See Table 3 and the text for further details. Figure 5: Millions of Barrels of Oil Produced per through 25 Weeks Day (Measured Weekly) from 1 Year Before the Surge Began After the Surge Began -40 -20 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) 20 Week Notes: The data points are the barrels (in millions) of beginning one year before the oil produced per day (measured weekly) in the period of the Surge through 1 86 days after the Surge. The line is the fitted values millions) of oil produced per day (measured weekly) against a constant, a time initiation from a regression of the barrels (in and the interaction of the time trend and an indicator variable equal Table 4 and the text for further details. trend, 49 to 1 for days after February 14, 2007. See 6: Hours per Day (Measured Weekly) of Electricity in Baghdad and All of Iraq from Year Before Began through 25 Weeks After the Surge Began A. Baghdad Figure D a CO (t) 00 CO w " TO Q Q-CD o J) LU in 3 o CM - -60 -40 -20 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) Week B. All of Iraq 51- _ CO CO ' Q L_ 0} Q. _0) o '^ LU o CO o I 00 - -60 -40 -20 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) Week 50 20 the Surge Figure 7: Daily Fatalities of Coalition Soldiers from 1 Year Before the Surge through 186 Days After the Surge Began -400 -200 Day 200 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) Notes: The data points are the average daily of coalition soldiers per week beginning one year from a regression of daily coalition fatalities against a constant, a time trend, and the interaction of the time trend and an indicator variable equal to 1 for days after February 14, 2007. See Table 6 and the text for further details. fatalities before the initiation of the Surge through 186 days after the Surge. The line 51 is in the period the fitted value Figure 8: Daily Wounded US Soldiers from -400 1 Year Before the Surge through 182 Days After the Surge Began -200 Day 200 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) Notes: The data points are the average daily non-fatal casualties per the initiation of the Surge through 186 days after the Surge. The week in the period beginning one year before line is the fitted value from a regression of daily and an indicator coalition non-fatal casualties against a constant, a time trend, and the interaction of the time trend variable equal to 1 for days after February 14, 2007. See Table 7 and the 52 text for fiirther details. Figure 9: Daily Fatalities of Iraqi Security Forces from 1 Year Before the Surge through 189 Days After the Surge Began -400 -200 Day Notes: The data points are the average daily of the Surge through 189 days 200 Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) fatalities after the Surge. The per week in the period beginning one year before the initiation line is the fitted value from a regression of daily Iraqi security force fatalities against a constant, a time trend, and the interaction of the time trend and an indicator variable equal to 1 for days after February 14, 2007. See Table 8 and the text for further 53 details. ^ 11 en 'm~ ^ *-< ^ 0) 1 1 ^ « ^^•^ T3 M U U >- >- oo X o Tt w oi c »— 0) (U hJ T3 Q •T3 Da 3 ^— C O U5 3 H o T3 s O tN nJ ID 6X) <U C o Q tf u > -a a 3 m c o CQ S u ca T3 G CO O cs 3 rt C3 C3 T-5 •n T5 oa oa c« ^ C t—^ c o & '$ (U OJ OJ CQ CQ •o oa T3 03 aj i^ 03 i) O. 1 1 PP?A n) u< )-H ^ C/3 (/5 IT I— (1> Ui DO T3 n) k. c C (l> S CT c OJ o> n) Iu c o •n a T1 2 c (l> (1> pa c VJ J D rr Q 52 T3 CQ T3 c c cy c o ,g (Tl lU -a c 00 (N c s w X rt (IJ ix u. on in •1 * Figure 11: The Implied Annual Default Rate of Iraqi State Bonds CO o If) ri % Q o fe c c: < E to o IT) O -50 50 Day Notes: This graph is 100 150 200 Relative to Begninning of Surge (February 14) derived from the yield series of the Iraqi bond due in 2028. annual default rate of Iraqi state bonds. A value of .06 means that there the text for technical details. 55 is a 6% The y-axis reports the implied chance of a default per year. See Figure 12: The Role of Domestic Iraqi US Politics on the Spread Between 5-Year Credit Default Swap Premiums for Bonds and an Index of Emerging Market Bonds Q) O T r 50 100 150 Day Relative to Beginning of Surge (February 14) 1 CD -50 Q. CO CDS_Spread Fitted Notes: The 200 values full line plots the spread between the credit default swap premiums for the Iraqi bonds and an Index of Emerging Market bonds. The dashed line reports the fitted value from a regression of the default probability against a constant and the price of a contract that pays $100 if a Democrat is elected president in 2008. The contract prices were downloaded from the web site Specifically, it is based on the contact with the name "PRESIDENT.DEM2008" that is described as "Democratic Party Candidate to Win 2008 Presidential Election". See the text for fiirther details. 56