Instrument states J. Requirement description ACS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. Relevant SMOV activities Aliveness and functional test Relevant SMOV proposals N.A. Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Aliveness and functional test as well as subsequent normal operations confirmed that the requirement is satisfied. - 1 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Detector states J. Requirement description ACS entry into each of the defined detector states shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. Relevant SMOV activities Aliveness and functional test Relevant SMOV proposals All Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Aliveness and functional test as well as subsequent normal operations confirmed that the requirement is satisfied. - 2 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Command and data interfaces J. Requirement description ACS command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. Relevant SMOV activities All Relevant SMOV proposals All Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Normal operations have confirmed compliance with this requirement. - 3 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Load and dump on-board memory J. Requirement description The ability to load and dump on-board memory shall be demonstrated. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-02 Relevant SMOV proposals 9002 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The capability of the ACS to dump the CS memory has been successfully verified via special commanding. - 4 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Science data buffer check J. Requirement description The ability to read and write data from and to the science data buffer shall be demonstrated. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-03 Relevant SMOV proposals 9003 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The ACS science buffer RAM was checked for bit flips during SAA passages through special commanding. A total of 268 Mbit (i.e. four times a standard WFC image) were dumped and only four bits were found to be affected. - 5 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Moving mechanisms J. Requirement description The performance of the cal/coronagraph Door, M3 Fold Mechanism, Im1 and M1 Alignment and Focus Corrector Mechanisms, WFC/HFC Filter Wheels 1 and 2, SBC Filter Wheel, and WFC and HRC CCD shutters shall be verified. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-05, ACS-16 Relevant SMOV proposals 9005, 9016 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The correct functioning of all moving parts (calibration door, filter wheels, M3 fold mechanisms, focus corrector mechanism, shutters, etc.) has been verified through specific proposals (see above) and in the course of standard operations. - 6 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Calibration lamps and LED J. Requirement description The functionality of the ACS Tungsten calibration Lamps and Pre-Flash LED shall be verified. Operation of the deuterium lamp shall be deferred for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-05, ACS-32 Relevant SMOV proposals 9005, 9032 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Calibration lamps were tested in orbit and illumination levels were found to be consistent with those obtained in ground vacuum tests. The capability of the CCD arrays to be pre-flashed so as to mitigate CTE degradation has been demonstrated. The Deuterium lamp has been tested as expected. - 7 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Functionality of the detectors J. Requirement description Functionality of all three ACS detectors shall be demonstrated through normal SMOV operations. This shall include the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time, data readout (including compressed data), and, for the CCD, readout of a single subarray and selection of gain settings. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-05, ACS-08 Relevant SMOV proposals 9005, 9008 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion All three detectors were shown to operate nominally. Readout through all amplifiers, with different gain settings and of select subarrays of various size and location were successful. The saturation levels meet the expectations. Compression proved successful and is now routinely used for dark and bias - 8 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 CCD temperature set point J. Requirement description The ability of the TEC to cool and stably control the CCD shall be tested at a small number of temperature set points, in order to determine the coldest stable operating point, which is the final setting desired. The requirement is that this point be at least as cold as -80C. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-06 Relevant SMOV proposals 9006 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The operating temperatures were set at -80C for the HRC and -77C for the WFC and were reached in 1.5 hr and 3 hr, respectively. They are stable to within 0.1 C. The -77C operating temperature for the WFC was set so as to decrease the load on the TEC in the absence of the ASCS. - 9 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 UV contamination monitoring J. Requirement description ACS operations shall minimize risk of contamination of optics by materials outgassed internally or externally during SM. ACS Cal Door shall be used to provide protection while the OTA is viewing the bright earth during SMOV program. A contamination monitoring program shall begin as early as possible after the SM. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-10 Relevant SMOV proposals 9010 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion ACS calibration door was shut during SM. No bright earth observations were executed in SMOV phase. UV monitoring programme started early on in SMOV to verify contamination level. No evidence of contamination has been seen so far. - 10 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 SBC operations delay J. Requirement description High voltage operation of the ACS SBC MAMA detector shall be delayed for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-10 Relevant SMOV proposals 9010 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The activation of the SBC high voltage was suitably delayed to reduce any risks of contamination. - 11 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 ACS to FGS alignment J. Requirement description The location of a reference ACS HRC camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/- 1 arcsec in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arcmin in aperture rotation angle. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-11 Relevant SMOV proposals 9011 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The accuracy on the location of the ACS apertures was achieved and surpassed, with uncertainties of 0.05 arcsec in the V2-V3 reference system and 3 arcmin in aperture rotation angle. - 12 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Coronographic mask and finger J. Requirement description The relative positions of the ACS coronagraphic field masks and Fastie finger, determined during ground test, shall be confirmed. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-12 Relevant SMOV proposals 9012 Requirement status Partialy satisfied Discussion Due to gravity release, the Fastie finger is no longer exactly aligned with the coronographic mask. Observations of very bright object might be affected by higher than expected scattered light. The Cycle 11 calibration program is evaluating the impact. - 13 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Coronographic acquisition J. Requirement description The ability of the FSW to perform isolated point source acquisition onto the coronagraphic spots shall be demonstrated with the ACS HRC detector. Successful execution of these acquisitions will also demonstrate the ability of the FSW to calculate the centroid of target positions and to perform automated telescope pointing. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-12 Relevant SMOV proposals 9012 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Point source acquisition is performed as expected by the FSW. - 14 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Corrector fine alignment J. Requirement description The encircled energy and image diameter shall be measured over a grid of focus and tilt positions for both IM1 and M1 correctors. These measurements will be used to set the nominal corrector positions. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-13, ACS-14 Relevant SMOV proposals 9013, 9014 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion By adjusting the IM1 and M1 corrector mechanisms the image quality of the WFC and HRC was brought to the required level. - 15 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Image quality J. Requirement description The image quality of the detectors over the full field shall be measured via broad and narrow band imaging of stars. The requirement for encircled energy in the WFC and HRC is 75% within a diameter of 0.25 arcsec, through the F502N filter. For the SBC is 30% within a diameter of 0.10 arcsec, through the Lyman alpha filter. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-15, ACS-23 Relevant SMOV proposals 9015, 9023 Requirement status Satisfied (WFC, HRC), Partialy satisfied (SBC) Discussion The encircled energy is as follows: WFC: 80% within 0.25 arcsec diam in F502N HRC: 80% within 0.25 arcsec diam in F502N SBC: 25% within 0.10 arcsec diam in F122M - 16 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Coronograph repeatibility J. Requirement description The internal stability of ACS from coronagraphic field stop to HRC detector shall be monitored. The image shifts shall be compared to the specified stability of 0.12 HRC pixels RMS over 1300 s and +/- 0.20 HRC pixels over a three hour period. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-16 Relevant SMOV proposals 9016 Requirement status Satisfied, Partially satisfied Discussion The stability requirements have been met. Typical image shift is < 0.09 HRC pixel rms in 2400 s, but drift rates of up to 6 mas between acquisitions were seen. Solution: execute target acquisition with coronograph in place and do not shutter between alignments. Commanding implementation in progress. - 17 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Pointing stability J. Requirement description The pointing and throughput stability of the OTA-ACS combination shall be measured over several orbits to: 1. Confirm that the typical Thermal environment after SM3B does not cause unacceptable image drifts. 2. Determine ACS image quality and pointing stability before and after the start of NCS operation. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-17 Relevant SMOV proposals 9017 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Operational constraints imposed the test to be executed after NCS activation, thus point 2. could not be verified by design. The nominal jitter is 3 mas. Smooth drift rates of up to 6 mas per hour have been detected, which are similar to those seen in other SIs, probably due to the FGS. - 18 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Point spread function J. Requirement description The ACS Point Spread Function (PSF) in normal imaging and coronagraphic modes shall be measured. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-23, ACS-25 Relevant SMOV proposals 9023, 9025 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The PSF has been characterized for all cameras in most imaging modes, including coronography. The measured PSFs compare well, in general, with the pre-launch expectations. - 19 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Geometric distortion J. Requirement description The plate scale, orientation and geometric distortion shall be measured for each of the ACS channels by imaging an astrometric field. Relative location of each aperture in the FGS frame shall also be determined with these measurements. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-27, ACS-28 Relevant SMOV proposals 9027, 9028 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Through the observation of dense stellar fields, the platescale and geometric distortion have been assessed for all three cameras (accuracy < 0.05 pixel rms). The location of the apertures with respect to the FGS reference frame is now accurate to within 0.05 arcsec. - 20 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Dark rate and annealing J. Requirement description Dark rate and read noise and CTE for each CCD detector shall be measured, as well as dark rate for the SBC MAMA detector. The hot pixel creation rate shall be assessed and the efficacy of the hot annealing cycle shall be demonstrated. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-05, ACS-22, ACS-31 Relevant SMOV proposals 9005, 8947, 9022, 9031 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Detector performances (dark rate, read noise and CTE) have been constantly monitored throughout SMOV. Each annealing cycle removes ~60% of hot pixel in WFC and ~80% of hot pixel in HRC. The installation of the ACSC is expected to reduce the dark rate by one order of magnitude. - 21 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Instrument sensitivity J. Requirement description Instrument sensitivity vs. wavelength shall be measured for a subset of ACS modes. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. As part of this process, UV sensitivity measurements shall be obtained as early as possible, to enable early trending of UV sensitivity. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-20, ACS-10 Relevant SMOV proposals 9020, 9010 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion The sensitivity of all three cameras with all filters in most instrument modes has been tested on standard stars. A UV monitoring programme has been started to identify any sensitivity decrease at UV wavelengths (none seen so far). - 22 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Polarization calibration J. Requirement description The instrumental polarization as function of wavelength shall be measured for both WFC and HRC channels. Relevant SMOV activities N.A. Relevant SMOV proposals N.A. Requirement status N.A. Discussion It was decided, before launch, to defer this activity to the Cycle 11 calibration period. It should be noted that a TOO Proposal required us to implement this proposal on a fast track as a Cycle 11 Interim calibration program. - 23 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Flat field stability J. Requirement description The flat field uniformity per pixel and cosmetic defects shall be measured for each detector. The ability to determine the residual variations using the ACS internal calibration sources shall be demonstrated. The difference between sky flats and internal flats and temporal stability of the flat field correction shall be assessed. Relevant SMOV activities ACS-18, ACS-19, ACS-24 Relevant SMOV proposals 9018, 9019, 9024 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Flat field uniformity has been verified for all three detectors, differences from the ground calibration have been characterized and internal flats are now used to monitor variations. The first generation flat field are good to ~1%. Second generation sky flats will be generated on ~6 month timescale when enough deep imaging proposals have accumulated to achieve required S/N. - 24 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 Early release observations J. Requirement description SMOV activities shall include early release observations with at least ACS and NICMOS science instruments. The resulting science data products shall be released into the public domain to demonstrate the improved HST capabilities. Relevant SMOV activities ERO-01 Relevant SMOV proposals 8992 Requirement status Satisfied Discussion Astounding astronomical images have been collected and released, which have had impressive resonance both in the media and in the astronomical community worldwide. These data have shown that the ACS can improve by an order of magnitude the discovery efficiency of the HST. - 25 - Guido De Marchi – SMOV 3B closeout review – 30.09.2002 ACS Status ˜ The ACS group has performed above and beyond expectations during SM3B/SMOV – ACS finished SMOV ahead of schedule • Moved program up ~3 weeks: enabled by effective planning – Key science enabled • WFC flats & zero-points installed during SMOV • Bias and daily dark program operational since April • Geometric calibration characterized during SMOV • Initial image quality assessment completed • Image stability verified – Science operations started in record time – High impact ERO program – OPUS/CALACS performed with no major errors • Majority of fixes to support calibration ACS Group key players Mark Clampin ACS Group Lead Guido DeMarchi Instrument Scientist (SISD) Ron Gilliland Instrument Scientist (SISD) Chris O’Dea Instrument Scientist (SISD) William Sparks Instrument Scientist (SISD) [Deputy] Roland van der Marel Instrument Scientist (SISD) George Hartig Instrument Scientist (NISD) Ralph Bohlin Instrument Scientist (NISD) Max Mutchler Data Analyst (SISD) Jennifer Mack Data Analyst (SISD) Doug van Orsow Data Analyst (SISD) Cheryl Pavlovsky Data Analyst (SISD) Colin Cox Senior Software Analyst (SISD) John Krist Senior Optical Analyst (SISD) Warren hack Programmer (SSG) Alan Welty Commanding (ESS) Tom Wheeler Engineering (ESS) Alison Vick Program Coordinator Beth Pierello Program Coordinator ST-ECF (Walsh, Pasquali, Pirzkal) Grism Support ACS IDT key players SBC Image Quality Flux Arc s e c -2 (relative to total stellar flux) Coronagraph Performance 10 -2 1.8" Spot Azimuthal Me d ian Profiles F435W F814W 10 -4 Direct (no coronagraph) 10 -6 C o ronagraph only 10 -8 Co ronagraph - star 10 -10 0 2 4 Arcsec 6 8 Flat fields Photometric response for a given star is now the same to ~1% for any position in the WFC field of view. ˜ ˜ Quality of flat fielding is shown in 47 Tuc CMD Annealing WFC 60000 40000 20000 0 0 30 60 90 Days since March 30th 120 150 2500 2000 Hot Pixels with e/s > 0.08 Hot Pixels with e/s > 0.04 80000 1500 HRC 1000 500 0 0 30 60 90 Days since March 30th 120 150