COS SMOV Morning Update 24 July 2009

COS SMOV Morning Update
24 July 2009
• Recent activity
– Schedule
– Analysis
• Upcoming Ops Requests:
– FUV focus adjustments (implement by Sat)
– NUV OSM2 encoder positions (implement by late Mon evening)
• Upcoming Uplinks
– For USE OFFSET (genslew)
• Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
Recent Activity
• Mon 20 July (Day 201):
– 11484 visit 1 (FUV Optical Alignment – G130M)
– 11469 visit 94 (NUV Focus Sweep)
• Tues 21 July (Day 202):
11484 visit 2 (FUV Optical Alignment – G160M)
11479 visit 1 (NUV Quicklook Sensitivity)
11496 visits 1, 3 (NUV Lamp 2 check; GET)
11478 visit 1 (NUV Flats)
• Wed 22 July (Day 203):
– 11484 visit 3 (FUV Optical Alignment – G140L)
– 11474 visit 50 (NUV Initial External Wavecals) – GS Acq FAILED
– 11470 visits 1, 2, 3 (NUV Initial Internal Wavecals – M gratings)
• Thurs 23 July (Day 204):
– 11470 visit 4 (NUV Initial Internal Wavecals – G230L)
– 11478 visits 2-11 (NUV Flats)
– 11466 visits 13, 15, 16 (NUV Darks)
• Fri 24 July (Day 205):
– 11478 visits 12-18 (NUV Flats)
Recent Activity
• 11484: FUV Optical Alignment
– Analysis in progress
– We anticipate requirement to adjust FUV focus position for all three
gratings; ops request to be submitted Fri afternoon for implementation
for use on Sat afternoon (206:17:04:53 )
• 11479: NUV Quicklook Sensitivity
– Initial analysis indicates sensitivity of all four gratings is nominal
– G185M, G225M, and G230L at or slightly above predicted (TV and
ETC) values
– G285M slightly below ground-values
• 11496: PTNe Lamp 2 check; Grating Efficiency Test
– Lamp 2 nominal
– GET results consistent with most recent ground test and continuing
trends for G225M and G285M (consistent with 11479 above)
Recent Activity
• 11470: NUV Initial Internal Wavecals
– Initial analysis has determined wavelength ranges recorded on detector
for all NUV grating central wavelength settings
• Also used data from 11496 lamp 2 testing
– Most stripe B ranges are consistent with OP-01 values; some stripe
A/C ranges differ from predicted by 2 or more encoder steps
– Analysis on Friday will determine whether any default encoder positions
in mech table should be updated
• Ops request required for any update
• Must be implemented by early Tues morning: 209:05:05:22 UT
• Planned delivery by Monday 10 a.m. EDT
• 11474: Initial External Wavecals
– Visit 50 – GS Acq FAILED; no science data
– Next visits in program can proceed as planned starting next Tuesday
– Visit 50 re-delivered as Visit 70 to be executed on 215 or 222 SMS
• Program 11478: NUV Flats
– Completion of first set of 18 flats on Thursday; additional set of 18
will be obtained next week
– Quicklook examination indicates all nominal so far; analysis will
commence next week
Upcoming Uplinks (Ops Requests)
• Day 205: Fri 24-26 July (not yet submitted)
– Ops request for FUV focus adjustments
• will be submitted on Fri aft
• Required for use in program 11484 visit 5 on Sat afternoon: 206:17:04:53
• NOTE: planned opportunity for uplink as visit 4: 206:13:30:31
• Day 208: Mon 27 July (not yet submitted)
– Ops request for possible OSM2 encoder position adjustments
• will be submitted on Monday morning, if necessary
• Required for use in program 11474 visit 1 early Tues morning:
Upcoming Uplinks (for genslew)
• Day 205-207: Fri-Sun 24-26 July (submitted)
– USE OFFSET 11469G for 11469 visit 12 (executes Fri afternoon)
– USE OFFSET 11484G for 11484 visit 5 (executes Sat afternoon)
– USE OFFSET 11484H for 11484 visit 6 (executes early Sun morning)
• Day 208: Mon 27 July (not yet submitted)
– USE OFFSET 11487E for 11487 visit 50 (executes late Sun evening)
• Day 209: Tues 28 July (not yet submitted)
– USE OFFSET 11474A for 11474 visit 1 (executes early Tues morning)
– USE OFFSET 11474B for 11474 visit 2 (executes Tues morning)
– USE OFFSET 11474C for 11474 visit 3 (executes Tues afternoon)
• Day 210: Wed 29 July (not yet submitted)
– USE OFFSET 11474K for 11474 visit 74 (executes early Wed morning)
• Day 212: Fri 31 July (not yet submitted)
– USE OFFSET 11487A for 11487 visit 1 (executes Fri morning)
– USE OFFSET 11487B for 11487 visit 3 (executes Fri evening)
** ALL of the above USE OFFSETS will use same (V2,V3) offset **
Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
• Day 205: Fri 24 July
– 11466: 2 visits of 20 (COS05) NUV darks
• 1146617 205:13:01:45 - 205:14:05:33
• 1146614 205:16:21:30 - 205:17:23:04
– 11469 visit 12 (COS09) COS NUV Fine Optical Alignment
• Use same astrometric target as 11469 visit 93, 5, 97, 9, 99, 95, and 94
• Apply uplinked offset (USE OFFSET 11469G) to blind pointing position
to approximately center target in PSA; use ACQ/IMAGE to precisely
center target;
• Obtain MIRRORA images with PSA and both MIRRORs; BOA and
MIRRORA for quick verification of focus
• 1146912 205:18:20:46 - 205:20:10:03
• Final planned COS SMOV NUV Optical Alignment activity
Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
• Day 206: Sat 25 July
– 11484: visit 4,5 (of 6) (COS26) FUV Optical Alignment
• Use possible new focus settings uplinked via real-time ops prior to visit 5
• Visit performs verification exposures for G130M and G160M focus position
using target in LMC; get-ahead FUV target acquisition testing
• Apply uplinked offset (USE OFFSET 11484G) to blind pointing position to
approximately center target in PSA; use ACQ/SEARCH, ACQ/PEAKXD,
and ACQ/PEAKD with NUV to precisely center target;
• 1148404 206:13:30:31 - 206:13:54:04 (focus uplink placeholder)
• 1148405 206:17:04:53 - 207:00:02:03
• Day 207: Sun 26 July
– 11484: visit 6 (of 6) (COS26) FUV Optical Alignment
• Visit performs verification exposures for G140L (and briefer checks of
G130M/G160M) focus position using QSO target; additional get-ahead
FUV target acquisition testing
• Apply uplinked offset (USE OFFSET 11484H) to blind pointing position to
approximately center target in PSA; use ACQ/SEARCH, ACQ/PEAKXD,
and ACQ/PEAKD with NUV to precisely center target;
• 1148406 207:06:49:32 - 207:11:59:47
Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
• Day 208: Mon 27 July
– 11487: visit 50 (1of 5) (COS29) FUV External Wavecals
• Apply uplinked offset (USE OFFSET 11487E) to blind pointing position to
approximately center target in PSA; use ACQ/SEARCH, ACQ/PEAKXD,
and ACQ/PEAKD with NUV to precisely center target;
• This visit observes NGC330-B37, a target with many absorption lines that
has been observed with STIS; observations will be used to provide a quicklook assessment of the post optical alignment spectral range available with
each FUV grating and the PSA. This information will be combined with the
results of program 11485 to determine the magnitude of any OSM1 encoder
adjustment required before the primary external wavelength calibration
(Visits 01 and 03 of this program, 11487) can be executed. Also conducts
FP-POS wavelength range evaluations and additional OSM drift
• 1148750 208:02:27:08 - 208:05:50:51
Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
• Day 208: Mon 27 July
– 11485: visit 1 (of 1) (COS27) FUV Initial Internal Wavecals
• Internal PtNe wavecal exposures with default lamp 1 and G130M, G160M,
and G140L; all central wavelengths observed at FP-POS=3 with sufficient
duration (120 sec) to establish wavecal spectrum templates;
• Default central wavelengths observed with all FP-POS in sequence and FPPOS=3 exposures also at beginning and end to evaluate FP-POS-related
drift characteristics; one long-duration (1800-sec) flashed exposure for drift
evaluation in each visit;
• This information will be combined with the results of program 11487 visit
50 to determine the magnitude of any OSM1 encoder adjustment required
before the primary external wavelength calibration (Visits 01 and 03 of
program 11487) executes.
• 1148501 208:06:00:11 - 208:13:24:38
– 11496: visit 2 (last of 3) (COS27) Internal PtNe Lamp 2 Tests
• PtNe Lamp 2 Verification (FUV) – obtain one exposure at default central
wavelength with each FUV grating
• 1149602 208:13:33:23 - 208:13:59:05
Upcoming COS SMOV Timeline
• Day 208: Mon 28 July
– 11478: visit 19-28 (of at least 36) (COS18) NUV Internal Flats
• Second increment of 18 visits will be executed this week; 1800-sec
exposures with deuterium lamp 1 and G185M at cenwaves 1835, 1850, and
1864 (one per visit) to build up flat
• 1147819 208:14:34:12 - 208:15:16:45
• 1147820 208:16:13:48 - 208:16:58:32
• 1147821 208:17:52:47 - 208:18:35:45
• 1147822 208:18:35:45 - 208:19:32:22
• 1147823 208:19:38:57 - 208:20:30:33
• 1147824 208:20:30:33 - 208:21:18:36
• 1147825 208:21:31:27 - 208:22:15:15
• 1147826 208:22:15:15 - 208:22:59:03
• 1147827 208:22:59:03 - 208:23:42:51
• 1147828 208:23:59:08 - 209:00:49:56