SMOV Status & Planning Meeting Notes 6/05/09 Summary

SMOV Status & Planning Meeting Notes
Notes provided by Burley (, Biagetti (, and others as
With some very minor exceptions, the Observatory subsytems and science
instruments continue operating nominally and according to plan. The Safing subsystem has
determined the need to swap out the 2-gyro Safing sequence for a normal 3-gyro one. The COS
NUV Fold Test has been run and the FUV high-voltage ramp-up has begun. A corruption of COS
time-code telemetry is now understood and will be corrected. Also, the possible occurrence of
COS FUV high-voltage transients, and the operational response to them, was discussed. The
second FGS AMA adjustment, for S-curve optimization, has been successfully completed with
resultant improvement in the S-curves. The ACS team proposes using the two remaining
Optimization Campaign iterations to troubleshoot a minor voltage anomaly. The STIS-to-FGS
alignment analysis looks very good.
- Observatory Status
 HSTAR 11864; GSSUNAP (Sun Aperature test error counter) Limit violation
@155/22:23z. See OR 18489-0 under Safing.
Nominal (SKrol)
TCS (JAbel)
 Working to put together a STIS MEB presentation tomorrow.
 No concern moving forward for next 24 hours.
 Nominal
 Report on OR 18489-0 : Type 2 slews under the 3-gyro control mode are
causing counts in the Sun/Aperture Safing test.
 This test was developed for the TGS mode, and its limits were tailored for the
sun constraints imposed for TGS.
 The test should be disabled until its limits can be reviewed for 3-gyro
 Execute Part A.1 of COP 7.45.
 This test was added as part of 2-gyro mode.
 Would have gone to Inertial Hold and Closed the AD.
Safing will review other tests.
For more details, see attached Sun-Aperture test counts MM 05jun09
 Status: Nominal
SI Status
 WFC3; Protect Operate, waiting for BEA end.
 Engineering
 Briefing at 11:00. Charts in HST Systems Management page, under
Ops Briefing
o Note: Briefing was very helpful to management. Agreed to
proceed as planned, with ORs signoff being done Monday
after the SMOV MM.
 Nothing to add
Engineering. SSwain.
 Issue; HV left on thru SAA (in next week’s SMS).
 Expecting a redelivery of SMS/159 today.
 Cause was human error, even though it passed multiple eyes.
 LQSTime2 appears to have been reset causing corruption of time
 Under investigation.
 Can be fixed with a time-code update.
o JBacinski will do an OR to tell the NCCS1 to update the
timecode. Automatically done as part of turn-on.
o We have a CCL, but not a ROP or COP.
o Solution being tested in ESTIF today.
 Should not reoccur. JBacinski will HSTAR.
Flash Report (from last evening)The COS NUV fold test was completed
today at 155 18:43. A fold analysis performed using the engineering
telemetry indicated the detector is performing as expected. The data
from today’s test was compared with subsystem TV fold data collected in
1996 (see attached
Please note that the sampling rate of the engineering data is poor and
conclusive evidences of detector performance is pending the science
data analysis. Additionally the VE/EV ratio was calculated to be ~98%,
another good indication of detector health. The NUV functional test
proposal (11467) is scheduled to start tomorrow evening.
The FUV HV was enabled today @155 21:06, but not ramped, the DCE
memory was dumped and will be reviewed by the PI. All voltages,
currents and temperatures were as expected. The FUV detector is
scheduled to be ramped to HVlow tomorrow @156 16:55:20. Ops
request 18490-0 has been written to clear COS event flag 3 to allow
tomorrow’s FUV HV commanding to proceed as planned. JBacinski
OR 18490 to clear COS EFlag 3 before 1655z Approved.
Forward Plan
 FUV initial turnon visit 2 of 13 at 1655z will also require an OR to
clear the event flag set at the end of this visit, and before next
visit tomorrow at 1930z.
Science. TKeyes.
 COS NUV Fold Test [program 11355, visit 5 (COS07)] completed
nominally on Thursday
o data successfully received via fast-track on Wed evening
o fold test centroid and width varied by ~1% from SMGT (4/09)
– better than variation in pre-integration testing
o test performed with detector at 13C. Previous testing
showed little variation with temperature (11-44 C); increased
count rate consistent with going from purge to vacuum
 COS FUV HV Turn-on [program 11356, visit 1 of 13 (COS23)]
completed nominally on Thursday
o data successfully received via fast-track on Wed evening
o HV brought to minimum level (-2500 v)
o currents are normal on both segments
o circuitry providing voltage for the QE enhancement grids is
o talk back on the rear field accelerating voltage is normal for
present voltage
 NUV pressure steady in 3.9-4.1 microtorr range; NUV detector
temperature steady at 20C commencing shortly after competion of
fold test
 All NUV event flags are cleared and is now placed in normal
operation (see upcoming events below)
 Following execution of COS DIB self-test on 26 May (visits 13,14 of
program 11354 (COS03)] a COS time code update was not
o LQSTIME2 vale in all datasets subsequent to this date are
incorrect, and spacecraft time is approximately 4 days earlier
than actual observation date
o a total of 9 datasets are affected (all exposures from visits 8,
10, 12 of 11354, visits 3, 4, 5 of 11355, and visit 1 of 11356)
- no impact on SMOV activities, analysis, or timeline
o an ops request to perform a COS time code update will be
executed Fri morning
 We (STScI, IDT) recommend ops request to clear event flag 3 to
allow continuation with next step (11356, visit 2) in FUV HV turn-on
Upcoming Activities
visit 2 (of 13) of FUV HV ramp-up on Fri
NUV functional test on Fri evening
NUV dark visits 1,2,3 (of 11) on Sat
Visit 3 (of 13) of FUV HV ramp-up on Sat
Visit 4 (of 13) of FUV HV ramp-up on Sun
NUV dark visits 4,5,6,7 (of 11) on Sun
For more details see attached
COS FUV High-Voltage Transients
o David Sahnow presented the attached COS HV Transients
o The detector has a history of h-v transients which can be
severe enough to inhibit detector operations.
 Likelihood / frequency is unknown.
 Contingency Proposal 11893 will be used to recover
HV after a Transient.
 All hardware nominal
 AMA Move #2 was successfully executed earlier this morning
 For the resulting S-Curves, see the attached S-Curves_GSIDS7G9000476_after_AMA_Move2
 There were 4 successful Acquisitions and 2 successful ReAcquisitions. 2
additional Acquisitions awaiting telemetry dump – no indications of failure
 There was 1 new Acquisitions with the FGS 3 problem Guide Star: 155:19:24
– FL with no problem
Forward Plan:
 11 GSACQs
 ITS Test and Reference S-Curve observations for AMA Move #2
 If needed, AMA Move #3 information will be presented at Saturday’s
SMOV meeting
 Flash Report;
 The 2nd FGS2R2 AMA Move was executed 156/09:39–09:52. The
subsequent ITS test for move verification is scheduled to take place
156/14:38-14:46 but is will not have R/T telemetry support. The FOT
should be dumping the engineering recorder data at ~ 156/20:10.
This will include all the target ‘A’ TRANS mode astrometry for
defining Sunday evening’s 3rd move, if required. Sample S-Curves
will be captured from the first S-Curves in R/T TLM and a follow-on
flash report will be distributed sometime after 16:20 (12:20 EDT)
today. I extend my thanks to the FOT staff as well as the Goodrich
personnel that supported this morning’s efforts. DCrain
Charts provided by ECheung giving results of Iteration 2.
 Safe to run in normal operations – no likely scenario seen which
would REQUIRE us to solve the VOD riddle.
 Because we have already met our performance goals, iterations 3
and 4 which are presently in the SMS, serve no purpose (other than
confirming iterations 1 and 2) other than to explore this issue.
 Is something different happening in sub-array mode?
 Sembach asked if we are absolutely certain it is safe?
o Lowering voltage by 1V
For more details, see attached 090605 ACS-R Optimization
Campaign Iteration 2
Following the morning meeting KSembach expressed reservations
about the commanding, and it was decided to give the ACS time
more time to try to understand the problem and consider this test
during iteration 4 instead of iteration 3.
o ECheung, OLupie and others consider the risk of this test to
be ZERO, not minimal.
o Risk calculus may change when WFC3 is up.
Science. LSmith
 Linda reported on the ACS SBC dark current analysis
o Five 1000-s dark frames were obtained on May 31st and
have now been analyzed by Colin Cox.
o The dark current was measured to be ~6x10-5 cts/s/pix
which, although extremely low, is six times higher than
 This can be explained by the fact that SBC has been
switched on since it was recovered and is operating
at a higher temperature than normal.
o See attached SBC_060509 for additional SBC fold analysis
Science. Charles Proffitt
 STIS to FGS alignment results initial results are very good, and very
close to old results, and well within requirements.
o Agreed that additional alignment updates not necessary for
 Lamp test results all look good.
 HITM1 lamp shows no missing exposures or late turn-ons.
 HITM2 exposures also look good, analysis ongoing.
 Have to use CCD Housing temperature as surrogate for detector
o 7% dark rate increase per degree.
o Running TEC flat out.
 Next STIS FUV MAMA visit (3 or 4) today at 2056z. Event flag will
be set at end of visit and requires clearing before 4th and final visit on
158 /1942z
 For more details, see attached smov_stis_science_04june2009
 Status: No change
P&S Status
Calendar/SMS builds
 SMS159
 delivery today to correct COS/SAA interaction (see above)
 May have 7 more slews which could have caused problems with Sun
Aperture test, if it had not been disabled.
SMS166 being built
 Contains replanned ACS activities due to curtailed Optimization
o Some activities will go into the SMS173
Very high data-volumes (reported yesterday) are confined to a oneto-day period
PACOR (BPatel)
 From June 4 (8am) to June 5 (8am), Pacor-A received two events with fasttrack observations. The data was processed and delivered to OPUS without
any problems. BPatel
 Fast-tracked data for COS proposals 11355 and 11356, as well as ACS
proposal 11372 .
 Data for COS proposal 11356 will be fast-tracked late today, and data for
proposals 11350 (STIS) and 11467 (COS) coming overnight.
 Yesterday we learned that exposure start and end times for at least some of
the COS exposures are incorrect, which will require reprocessing of the
affected COS science data, as well as reprocessing engineering data to
reproduce jitter files which use the bad times from the science headers.
 Nominal