7A Diffusion in domains with switching boundaries In the analysis of narrow escape problems in Sec. 7.2, we assumed that the holes in the boundary of the domain were always open. However, if we view each pore as a stochastically gated ion channel, for example, then one has the problem of analyzing the diffusion equation in a domain with a (partially) randomly switching boundary. As a simple example, consider the diffusion equation on a finite interval with randomly switching boundary conditions at the two ends. This type of piecewise deterministic PDE has been analyzed by Lawley et al. [7] using the theory of random iterative systems. These authors assumed that the left-hand boundary is Dirichlet, and the right-hand boundary switches randomly between inhomogeneous Dirichlet and either Neumann or Dirichlet. In both cases they showed that the solution of the stochastic PDE converges in distribution to a random variable whose expectation satisfies a deterministic system of PDEs whose solution is a linear function of x. They also found that the gradient of the solution is a much more complicated function of parameters in the case of the Dirichlet-Neumann switching problem. Mathematically speaking, we can view diffusion in a randomly switching environment as an example of a stochastic hybrid system involving a piecewise deterministic PDE. We will exploit this interpretation in order to present an alternative approach to analyzing the diffusion equation with switching boundary conditions, based on discretizing space and constructing the Chapman-Kolmogorov (CK) equation for the resulting finite-dimensional stochastic hybrid system [5]. We show how the CK equation can be used to determine the dynamics of the expectation of the stochastic field, thus recovering the results of Lawley et al. [7]. We then construct a hierarchy of equations for the rth moments, which take the form of r-dimensional parabolic PDEs that couple to lower order moments at the boundaries. The rth moments of the stochastic PDE determine the statistics of r non-interacting Brownian particles; although the particles are non-interacting, statistical correlations arise due to the fact that they all move in the same randomly switching environment. 7A.1 Piecewise deterministic PDE Consider a single Brownian particle drift-diffusing in the finite interval [0, L] with a fixed absorbing boundary at x = 0 and a randomly switching gate at x = L; the right-hand boundary randomly switches between absorbing and reflecting. In order to keep track of the boundary state, we introduce the discrete random variable n(t) ∈ {0, 1} such that √ (7A.1) dX(t) = −Φ 0 (X)dt + 2DdW (t), where Φ(x) is a potential energy function, with an inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at x = L if n(t) = 0 and a reflecting boundary at x = L if n(t) = 1. Assume that transitions between the two states are given by the two-state Markov process 1 β 0 1 (7A.2) α with fixed transition rates α, β . One way to analyze the given system, is to view it as a piecewise SDE and to consider the differential Chapman-Kolmogorov (CK) equation for the joint probability density pn (x,t) = E[p(x,t)1n(t)=n ]. This takes the form ∂ pn (x,t) ∂ ∂ 2 pn (x,t) + ∑ Anm pm (x,t), = [Φ 0 (x)pn (x,t)] + D ∂t ∂x ∂ x2 m=0,1 with A the matrix A= −β α β −α . (7A.3) (7A.4) Equation (7A.3) is supplemented by the joint boundary conditions p0 (0,t) = p1 (0,t) = 0, −Φ 0 (L)p1 (L,t) − D p0 (L,t) = η, for some constant η, and the initial condition ∂ p1 (x,t) = 0, ∂ x x=L pn (x, 0) = δ (x − y)ρn , where ρn is the stationary measure of the ergodic two-state Markov process generated by the matrix A, ∑ Anm ρm = 0, ρ0 = m=0,1 α , α +β ρ1 = β . α +β (7A.5) Equation (7A.3), and its higher-dimensional analog, is the starting point for analyzing the escape of a single particle from a bounded domain with switching gates in the boundary [5, 6]. From this single-particle perspective, one could equally well interpret the source of the switching to be changes in the conformational state of the particle, rather than the gate(s), such that it can only pass through a gate when in one of the two states, see Fig. 7A.1. (In this case, the diffusivity of the particle could also depend on n.) However, this equivalence breaks down when there are multiple particles. Even when the particles are non-interacting, statistical correlations arise due to the fact that they all move in the same randomly switching environment; such correlations would not occur if each particle independently switched between different conformational states with fixed gates. In order to explore the multi-particle case, it is necessary to consider an alternative formulation of the problem, in which equation (7A.3) is replaced by a piecewise deterministic diffusion equation: ∂u ∂ 2u =D 2, ∂t ∂x x ∈ [0, L],t > 0 with u satisfying the boundary conditions 2 (7A.6a) n(t) = 0 n(t) = 1 (a) β α (b) β α Fig. 7A.1: (a) Switching gate and (b) switching conformational state. u(0,t) = 0, u(L,t) = η > 0 for n = 0, ∂x u(L,t) = 0 for n = 1. (7A.6b) For simplicity we have dropped the drift term V 0 (x). One can view a numerical solution of equation (7A.6a) up to some time t as determining the probability density u(x,t) conditioned on a single realization {n(s), 0 ≤ s < t} of the stochastic gate. Thus the conditional probability density u(x,t) can be interpreted as determining the density of multiple particles moving in the same random environment. Each realization of the gate will typically generate a different solution u(x,t) so that u(x,t) is a random field variable. The relationship between the single particle and multi-particle perspectives is then established by averaging over realizations of the stochastic gate: pn (x,t)dx = E[u(x,t)1n(t)=n ]. (7A.7) This immediately raises the question about the interpretation of higher-order moments of the random field variable u. Following [4], we discretize space and construct the differential CK equation for the resulting finite-dimensional stochastic hybrid system. The first step is to spatially discretize the piecewise deterministic PDE (7A.6a) using a finite-difference scheme. One of the nice features of this discretization is that we can incorporate the boundary conditions into the resulting discrete Laplacian. Introduce the lattice spacing a such that (N + 1)a = L for integer N, and let u j = u(a j), j = 0, . . . , N + 1. Then we obtain the piecewise deterministic ODE dui = dt N ∑ ∆inj u j + ηa δi,N δn,0 , i = 1, . . . , N, j=1 ηa = ηD0 a2 (7A.8) for n = 0, 1. Away from the boundaries (i 6= 1, N), ∆inj is given by the discrete Laplacian D ∆inj = 2 [δi, j+1 + δi, j−1 − 2δi, j ]. (7A.9a) a 3 On the left-hand absorbing boundary we have u0 = 0, whereas on the right-hand boundary we have uN+1 = η for n = 0, uN+1 − uN−1 = 0 for n = 1. These can be implemented by taking ∆10j = D [δ j,2 − 2δ j,1 ], a2 ∆N0 j = D [δN−1, j − 2δN, j ], a2 ∆11j = D [δ j,2 − 2δ j,1 ] a2 (7A.9b) and 2D [δN−1, j − δN, j ]. a2 Let u(t) = (u1 (t), . . . , uN (t)) and introduce the probability density ∆N1 j = Prob{u(t) ∈ (u, u + du), n(t) = n} = pn (u,t)du, (7A.9c) (7A.10) where we have dropped the explicit dependence on initial conditions. The probability density evolves according to the following differential CK equation for the stochastic hybrid system (7A.8), see also Sec. 7.4, " ! # N N ∂ pn ∂ =−∑ ∑ ∆inj u j + ηa δi,N δn,0 pn (u,t) + ∑ Anm pm (u,t), ∂t i=1 ∂ ui j=1 m=0,1 (7A.11) where A is the matrix −β α A= . (7A.12) β −α The left nullspace of the matrix A is spanned by the vector 1 ψ= , 1 and the right nullspace is spanned by 1 α ρ0 . = ρ≡ ρ1 α +β β (7A.13) (7A.14) A simple application of the Perron-Frobenius theorem shows that the two state Markov process with master equation dPn (t) = ∑ Anm Pm (t) ∂t m=0,1 is ergodic with limt→∞ Pn (t) = ρn . 4 (7A.15) 7A.2 Moment equations and particle perspective Since the drift terms in the CK equation (7A.11) are linear in the u j , it follows that we can obtain a closed set of equations for the moment hierarchy. First-order moments Let vn,k (t) = E[uk (t)1n(t)=n ] = Z pn (u,t)uk (t)du. (7A.16) Multiplying both sides of the CK equation (7A.11) by uk (t) and integrating with respect to u gives (after integrating by parts and using that pn (u,t) → 0 as u → ∞ by the maximum principle) dvn,k = dt N ∑ ∆knj vn, j + ηa ρ0 δk,N δn,0 + ∑ j=1 Anm vm,k . (7A.17) m=0,1 We have assumed that the initial discrete state is distributed according to the stationary distribution ρn so that Z pn (u,t)du = ρn . If we now retake the continuum limit a → 0 and set Vn (x,t) = E[u(x,t)1n(t)=n ], (7A.18) then we obtain the system of equations ∂ 2V0 ∂V0 = D 2 − βV0 + αV1 ∂t ∂x ∂V1 ∂ 2V1 = D 2 + βV0 − αV1 ∂t ∂x (7A.19a) (7A.19b) with V0 (0,t) = V1 (0,t) = 0, V0 (L,t) = ρ0 η > 0, ∂xV1 (L,t) = 0. (7A.20) To see why these are the correct boundary conditions, note that if n(t) = 0 and x = L, then u(x,t) = η with probability one, and thus V0 (L,t) = E[u(L,t)1n(t)=0 ] = ηP(n(t) = 0) = ηρ0 . Deriving the other boundary conditions is similar. It is now straightforward to recover the result of Lawley et al. [7] by determining the steady-state solution of equations (7A.19a) and (7A.19b). First, note that 5 E[u(x,t)] = V0 (x,t) +V1 (x,t), (7A.21) Since equations equations (7A.19a) and (7A.19b) have a globally attracting steadystate, it follows that lim E[u(x,t)] = V (x) ≡ t→∞ ∑ Vn (x), (7A.22) n=0,1 where Vn (x) ≡ limt→∞ Vn (x,t). Adding equations (7A.19a) and (7A.19b) and using the boundary conditions in equation (7A.20) gives d 2V = 0, dx2 V (0) = 0, and κ = V1 (L). Hence, V (x) = V (L) = ρ0 η + κ, (7A.23) x [ρ0 η + κ], L with d 2V1 β − (α + β )V1 = − x(ρ0 η + κ) 2 dx L and V1 (0) = 0, ∂xV1 (L) = 0. It follows that V1 (x) = ae−ξ x + beξ x + with ξ = p (7A.24) ρ1 (ρ0 η + κ)x, L α + β . The boundary conditions imply that a = −b, 2ξ a cosh(ξ L) = ρ1 (ρ0 η + κ), L which yields the solution 1 sinh(ξ x) x V1 (x) = ρ1 (ρ0 η + κ) − + . ξ L cosh(ξ L) L (7A.25) Finally, we obtain κ by setting x = L: κ = ρ1 (ρ0 η + κ) 1 − (ξ L)−1 tanh(ξ L) , which can be rearranged to yield κ = ρ1 ρ0 η and thus [7] V (x) = 1 − (ξ L)−1 tanh(ξ L) ρ0 + ρ1 (ξ L)−1 tanh(ξ L) x η . L 1 + (ρ1 /ρ0 )(ξ L)−1 tanh(ξ L) In the limit ξ → ∞ (fast switching), 6 (7A.26) V (x) = x η. L Second-order moments Let vn,kl (t) = E[uk (t)ul (t)1n(t)=n ] = Z pn (u,t)uk (t)ul (t)du. (7A.27) Multiplying both sides of the CK equation (7A.11) by uk (t)ul (t) and integrating with respect to u gives (after integration by parts) dvn,kl = dt h i n n ∆ v + ∆ v ∑ k j n, jl l j n, jk + ηa δn,0 vn,k δl,N + vn,l δk,N + N j=1 ∑ Anm vm,kl . m=0,1 (7A.28) If we now retake the continuum limit a → 0, we obtain a system of equations for the equal-time two-point correlations Cn (x, y,t) = E[u(x,t)u(y,t)1n(t)=n ], (7A.29) given by ∂ 2C0 ∂ 2C0 ∂C0 = D 2 + D0 − βC0 + αC1 ∂t ∂x ∂ y2 ∂C1 ∂ 2C1 ∂ 2C1 = D 2 + D1 + βC0 − αC1 . ∂t ∂x ∂ y2 (7A.30a) (7A.30b) The two-point correlations couple to the first-order moments via the boundary conditions: C0 (0, y,t) = C0 (x, 0,t) = C1 (x, 0,t) = C1 (0, y,t) = 0 (7A.31a) and C0 (L, y,t) = ηV0 (y,t), C0 (x, L,t) = ηV0 (x,t), ∂xC1 (L, y,t) = ∂yC1 (x, L,t) = 0. (7A.31b) As in the case of the first-moment equations, we can solve for the steady-state correlations explicitly. Define lim E[u(x,t)u(y,t)] = C(x, y) ≡ t→∞ ∑ Cn (x, y), n=0,1 where Cn (x, y) = limt→∞ Cn (x, y,t). Adding equations (7A.30a) and (7A.30b) then gives ∂ 2C ∂ 2C + 2 = 0, (7A.32) ∂ x2 ∂y 7 with boundary conditions C(0, y) = C(x, 0) = 0 (7A.33a) and C(L, y) = ηV0 (y) +C1 (L, y), C(x, L) = ηV0 (x) +C1 (x, L). (7A.33b) Using separation of variables, we have C(x, y) = f (x)g(y) with f 00 (x) g00 (y) =− = ±µ 2 f (x) g(y) for a constant µ. The general solution is A0 xy + ∑ An [sinh(nπx/L) sin(nπy/L) + sin(nπx/L) sinh(nπy/L)]. L2 n>0 (7A.34) The 2nd-order moment C1 satisfies the equation C(x, y) = ∂ 2C1 ∂ 2C1 + − (α + β )C1 (x, y) = −βC(x, y) ∂ x2 ∂ y2 (7A.35) with C1 (x, 0) = C1 (0, y) = 0, ∂xC1 (L, y) = ∂yC1 (x, L) = 0. The general solution of C1 is C1 (x, y) = ρ1C(x, y) + B0 [y sinh(ξ x) + x sinh(ξ y)] p + ∑n>0 Bn sinh( (nπ/L)2 + ξ 2 x) sin(nπy/L) p + ∑n>0 Bn sin(nπx/L) sinh( (nπ/L)2 + ξ 2 y), (7A.36) From the boundary conditions (7A.33b), ρ0C(L, y) = ηV0 (y) + B0 [y sinh(ξ L) + L sinh(ξ y)] p + ∑n>0 Bn sinh( (nπ/L)2 + ξ 2 L) sin(nπy/L). Equating terms on the two sides of this equation and using equations (7A.25) and (7A.26) to give ρ1 sinh(ξ y) y V0 (y) = (ρ0 η + κ) + ρ0 , ξ L cosh(ξ L) L we find that ρ0 A0 = ηρ0 (ρ0 η + κ) + B0 L sinh(ξ L), ρ1 η(ρ0 η + κ) + B0 L = 0, ξ L cosh(ξ L) and 8 (7A.37a) (7A.37b) q ρ0 An sinh(nπ) = Bn sinh( (nπ/L)2 + ξ 2 L), n > 0. (7A.37c) The first two equations determine A0 , B0 and the remaining equations determine Bn in terms of An . The final step is to determine the coefficients An , n > 0 using the other boundary condition ∂xC1 (L, y) = 0. (By symmetry the boundary conditions at y = L are automatically satisfied.) After some algebra, one finds that [4] L γm Am + ∑ Γmn An = −Λm , 2 n>0 m > 0, (7A.38) where Γmn nmπ 2 sinh(nπ) sinh(nπ) n+m+1 = (−1) ρ1 + ρ0 , L2 (nπ/L)2 + (mπ/L)2 (nπ/L)2 + ξ 2 + (mπ/L)2 and Λm = (B0 ξ cosh(ξ L) + ρ1 A0 /L2 ) L2 mπ/L (−1)m+1 + (−1)m+1 B0 2 sinh(ξ L). mπ ξ + (mπ/L)2 Introducing the change of coefficients (for n > 0) bn = sinh(nπ)An , A Fig. 7A.1: Plot of C(x, x) for L = η = 1, ξ = 10, and various values ρ0 = 0.75, 0.5, or 0.25. The Fourier series representation of C(x, x) is truncated after 200 terms. A 50,000-dimensional version of the infinite dimensional system found in equation (7A.39) is solved to estimate the Fourier coefficients. 9 equation (7A.38) can be rewritten as bm + ∑ (−1)n+m+1 γbm A n>0 where γbm = 1 2 i h ρ n ρ0 n 1 bn = − Λm , + A n2 + m2 n2 + (ξ L/π)2 + m2 m (7A.39) h i p p ρ1 πcoth(mπ) + ρ0 π 2 + (ξ L/m)2 cotanh( (mπ)2 + (ξ L)2 ) . If we assume that the infinite-dimensional matrix equation (7A.39) has a unique bm ∼ 1/m2 for large m and thus solution, then taking the limit m → ∞ shows that A Am ∼ e−mπ /m2 for large m. In Figure 7A.1 we plot estimates of C(x, x) by truncating its Fourier series expansion in equation (7A.34), where the coefficients are estimated by solving a truncated version of equation (7A.39). We find that the numerical solution converges to a unique solution, except for a small boundary layer around x = L, which shrinks as more terms in our numerical approximation scheme are included. Higher-order moments Equations for rth order moments r > 2 can be obtained in a similar fashion. Let (r) vn,k1 ...kr (t) = E[uk1 (t) . . . ukr (t)1n(t)=n ] = Z pn (u,t)uk1 (t) . . . ukr (t)du. (7A.40) Multiplying both sides of the CK equation (7A.11) by uk1 (t) . . . ukr (t) and integrating with respect to u gives (after integration by parts) (r) dvn,k1 ...kr dt (r) (r−1) = ∑rl=1 ∑Nj=1 ∆knl j vn,k1 ...kl−1 jkl+1 ...kr + ηa δn,0 ∑rl=1 vn,k1 ...kl−1 kl+1 ...kr δkl ,N (r) + ∑m=0,1 Anm vm,k1 ...kr . If we now retake the continuum limit a → 0, we obtain a system of equations for the equal-time r-point correlations (r) Cn (x, y) = E[u(x1 ,t)u(x2 ,t) . . . u(xr ,t)1n(t)=n ], (7A.41) given by (r) ∂C0 ∂t (r) ∂C1 ∂t (r) ∂ 2C0 (r) (r) − βC0 + αC1 2 ∂ x l=1 l r = D0 ∑ (r) ∂ 2C0 (r) (r) + βC0 − αC1 2 l=1 ∂ xl r (7A.42a) = D1 ∑ 10 (7A.42b) The r-point correlations couple to the (r − 1)-order moments via the boundary conditions: (r) (r) (r) = ∂xl C1 (x1 , . . . , xr ,t) = 0, = C1 (x1 , . . . , xr ,t) C0 (x1 , . . . , xr ,t) xl =0 xl =0 xl =L and (r) C0 (x1 , . . . , xr ,t) (r−1) xl =L = ηC0 (x1 , . . . , xl−1 , xl+1 . . . , xr ,t), (7A.43a) for l = 1, . . . , r. Particle perspective We now relate the rth moments of the piecewise deterministic PDE considered above to statistics of multiple Brownian particles diffusing in a randomly switching environment. The first observation is that the first-moment equations (7A.19a) and (7A.19b) are identical in form to the CK equation (7A.3) describing a single Brownian particle diffusing under the same switching boundary conditions with Φ(x) = 0. That is, pn (x,t) = Vn (x,t). One remaining issue is the interpretation of the inhomogeneous term η from the single particle perspective. This can be addressed by noting that if we set πn (x) = 1 Vn (x), ρn η where Vn (x) is the steady-state solution of equations (7A.19a) and (7A.19b), then ∂ 2 π0 − β [π0 − π1 ], ∂ y2 ∂ 2 π1 0 = D 2 + α[π0 − π1 ] ∂y 0=D (7A.44a) (7A.44b) with boundary conditions π0 (0) = π1 (0) = 0, π0 (L) = 1, ∂y π1 (L) = 0. We recognize equations (7A.44a) and (7A.44b) as steady-state backward equations for the CK equation (7A.3) when Φ(x) = 0 and η = 0, with πn (x) corresponding to the hitting probability that the particle exits at the end x = L and n(0) = n, see also Sec. 7.6. Furthermore, let πnr (x1 , . . . , xr ) be the probability that r Brownian particles all exit at x = L given that the initial positions of the Brownian particles are x1 , . . . , xr and n(0) = n. Then 11 πnr (x1 , . . . , xr ) = 1 (r) lim Cn (x1 , . . . , xr ,t), ρn η r t→∞ (7A.45) (r) where Cn is the rth moment defined in equation (7A.41). Though the particles are non-interacting, the probability that all r particles exit at x = L is not the product of the probabilities of each particle exiting at x = L because the particles are all diffusing in the same randomly switching environment. Equation (7A.45) follows from writing down the backward equation for the joint probability density for r particles. The crucial step is determining the appropriate inhomogeneous boundary condition for the resulting r-dimensional time-independent PDE that determines the splitting probability. The boundary condition takes the form (r−1) (r) = π0 (x1 , . . . , xl−1 , xl+1 . . . , xr ), (7A.46) π0 (x1 , . . . , xr ) xl =L for l = 1, . . . , r. This ensures that if one of the particles starts on the right-hand boundary when the latter is in the state n = 0, then the particle is immediately removed and thus one just has to determine the splitting probability that the r − 1 remaining particles also exit at the right-hand boundary. Finally, performing a similar scaling to the first-moments yields the desired result. 7A.3 Stochastically gated diffusion-limited reactions Another example of a PDE with switching boundaries arises when extending the classical analysis of diffusion-limited reaction rates presented in Sec. 2.4.1 to the case that a target protein can switch between two conformational states n = 0, 1, and is only reactive in the open state n = 0. That is, the boundary of the target can be treated as randomly switching. For unbounded domains exterior to the target, this problem was first studied by Szabo et al [10], who assumed that it is irrelevant whether it is the target protein or the diffusing ligands that switch between conformational states. Although this symmetry holds for a pair of reacting particles, it breaks down when a single protein is surrounded by many ligands [11, 2, 9, 3, 8, 1]. For one of the basic simplifying assumptions of Smoluchowski theory is that one can ignore many-particle effects, namely, correlations in the dynamics of the ligands. However, correlations arise when the protein switches between reactive states, since this is simultaneously experienced by all of the ligands. In other words, all of the ligands diffuse in the same randomly switching environment. (A similar issue arises in the case of proteins escaping through a randomly switching membrane [5, 6]). On the other hand, such correlations don’t arise if the ligands are assumed to independently switch between conformational states. We will ignore the effects of correlations here. As in the case of stochastic ion channels (see Chap. 3), the switching dynamics is described by a two-state Markov process with switching rates α, β : 12 α (closed) (open). (7A.47) β We will treat the target as a fixed sphere Ω of radius a at the origin in R3 and denote the concentration of background diffusing molecules exterior to Ω by c(x,t). The associated diffusion equation takes the form ∂ c(x,t) = D∇2 c(x,t), ∂t c(x, 0) = 1, subject to the far–field boundary condition c(x,t) = 1 for x → ∞. The boundary conditions are ∂ c ∂ c = k c(a,t), if n(t) = 0, = 0, if n(t) = 1 4πa2 D on ∂ r r=a ∂ r r=a Introducing the conditional densities cn (x,t) = E[c(x,t)In(t)=n ], (7A.48) we obtain the differential Chapman-Kolmogorov (CK) equation ∂ c0 = D∇2 c0 − β c0 + αc1 , ∂t ∂ c1 = D∇2 c1 + β c0 − αc1 , ∂t (7A.49a) (7A.49b) with boundary conditions 4πa2 D ∂ c0 = kon c0 (a,t), ∂ r r=a The far-field conditions become c0 (∞) = ρ0 ≡ α , α +β ∂ c1 = 0. ∂ r r=a c1 (∞) = ρ1 ≡ β . α +β (7A.50) and the initial conditions are cn (x, 0) = ρn . Given the steady-state solution (c0 (x), c1 (x)), which exists in 3D, the stochastically-gated reaction rate is given by ∂ c0 (x) kSG = 4πa2 D . (7A.51) ∂ r r=a The calculation of kSG was originally carried out be Szabo et al. [10], and we review their analysis here. Exploiting the spherical symmetry of the problem, we set un (r) = rcn (r) such that the steady-state version of (7A.49) becomes 13 d 2 u0 − β u0 + αu1 , dr2 d 2 u1 0 = D 2 + β u0 − αu1 , dr 0=D (7A.52a) (7A.52b) with un (r) → ρn r as r → ∞. Adding equations (7A.52a) and (7A.52b) with u(r) = u0 (r) + u1 (r) yields d 2 u/dr2 = 0 with solution u(r) = A + r for the unknown constant A. Equation (7A.52a) can then be rewritten as D d 2 u0 − (α + β )u0 = −α(A + r), dr2 which has the solution −λ r u0 (r) = Γ e α + (r + A), α +β λ= r α +β . D Hence, the steady-state solution takes the form α Aα Γ −λ r e + + , r α +β r β Aβ Γ + . c1 (r) = − e−λ r + r α +β r c0 (r) = (7A.53a) (7A.53b) with two unknown constants A,Γ . The latter are determined by imposing the boundary conditions: Γ Aα Γ −λ a α Aα 4πa2 D − 2 [1 + λ a]e−λ a − 2 = kon e + + a a a α +β a and ∂ c1 Γ Aβ 0= = 2 [1 + λ a]e−λ r − 2 . ∂ r r=a a a The second equation relates Γ and A Γ [1 + λ a]e−λ a = Aβ , so that the first equation can be rewritten as kon Aβ α α +β −A 2 = + Aα + a . a 4πDa3 1 + λ a α +β Rearranging, we obtain the following expression for the constant A: kon α + β + αλ a kon αa A 1+ =− , kD (α + β ) 1+λa kD (α + β )2 with kD = 4πDa. Combining these various results, the reaction rate is 14 Γ Aα kD (α + β ) kSG = akD − 2 [1 + λ a]e−λ a − 2 = − A. a a a Finally, substituting for A yields kSG = kon kon α α + β + αλ a −1 1+ , α +β kD (α + β ) 1+λa kSG = kon kD α[1 + λ a] . kD (α + β )(1 + λ a) + kon [β + (1 + λ a)α] that is, (7A.54) Note that in the limit β → 0 (gate always open), we recover the classical result k∞ = kD kon . kD + kon Supplementary references 1. 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