Treatment Planning for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy at the New England Medical Institute of Center--Massachusetts Technology by Daniel Katz Massachusetts Institute of Technology S.B., Physics, 1994 Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 1996 © 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author........ Department of Nuclear Engineering January 19, 1996 Certified by... Robert G. Zamenhof Professor of Medical Physics, Tufts University Medical School Thesis Supervisor Certified by.. NJ Otto K. Harling Professor of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Reader Accepted by........... OCF TECQNOLOGY APR 221996 LIBRARIES Allan F. Henry I " ; Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students a I 1 Treatment at the Planning for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy New England Medical Center-Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Daniel Katz Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on January 31, 1996 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering ABSTRACT The aim of this work is the development of an improved treatment planning software for the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy trials at the New England Medical Center--Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program and to facilitate future operation of the treatment planning procedure. A detailed documentation of every step in the treatment planning procedure, starting with CT scans and leading to RBE-dose isocontours, is presented in the first part of the thesis. Several treatment plans of subjects irradiated as part of the phase-I boron neutron capture therapy dose-escalation melanoma protocols have been prepared by the author and are presented as examples. The second part of the thesis focuses on the beam monitoring software, integrating the results that are obtained from the Monte Carlo-based treatment planning code NCTPLAN into its operation. Thesis Supervisor: Robert G. Zamenhof Title: Professor of Medical Physics, Tufts University Medical School Thesis Reader: Otto K. Harling Title: Professor of Nuclear Engineering Acknowledgments _____ __ _______________ __ __ __ ______ I would like to thank the multitude of people who have helped me and supported me throughout the past year and a half at MIT. This thesis work would not have been possible if it wasn't for them. First, and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Robert Zamenhof for supervising my work on this project. He patience and understanding never ceased to amaze me. I also would like to thank Professor Otto Harling for reading my thesis in such a short notice and for just being there and pushing me to do better. I will never forget his cute holiday cards, decorated with the pictures of his grandchildren. Special thanks go to Dr. Guido Solares for his help with anything and everything relating to my work, from help with using the Mac to help with personal problems. Also, thanks to the other members of the BNCT group that have helped me both as friends and colleagues. In particular, Stead Kiger, Kent Riley, and Sam Yam. Lastly, I would like to thank my numerous friends whose moral support throughout the years will always be special to me. This research has been supported principally by U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-87ER6060. Table of Contents 2 A b stract ............................................................................................................................................. A cknow ledgm ents .............................................................................. ..................................... T able of Contents .................................................................................................... ........... 4 L ist of Figures ............................................................................................................ ......... 6 L ist of T ables ............................................................................................................ ........... 8 1 Chapter Introduction [1.1] B ackground ....................................................................................................... [1.2] A Brief Review of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Dosimetry ........ [1.3] A Description of the Beam Monitoring System at MITR-II ................ [1.4] An Outline of the Steps Involved in a BNCT Treatment Plan .......... [1.5] Thesis Objectives and Outline ....................................... ..................................... Chapter 2 [2.1] [2.2] [2.3] [2.4] [2 .5] Procedures 20 Extracting Images from the CT Scanners ......................................... 23 Importing Images to the VAX Computer ......................................... .......... 25 Extracting Tissue/Bone Boundaries ....................................... Preparations for MCNP Dose Computations ....................................... 29 S cript F iles ................................................................................................................ 30 Chapter 3 [3.1] [3.2] [3.3] [3.4] [3.5] Operational 9 11 14 15 18 NCTPLAN B ackground ............................................................................................................... 34 MCNP Dose Computations ....................................................... 34 37 Program Architecture .......................................................... NCTPLAN Results and validations ........................................ ........... 42 Sample Treatment Plans of Human Subjects ....................................... 60 Chapter 4 Beam Monitoring System ........... 93 [4.1] Description of the Existing System ....................................... 96 [4.2] Software Implementation ........................................................................ 99 ........ [4.2.1] BNCTDose - Purpose and Use ...................................... [4.2.2] LabV IEW 2@ ..................................................................... ................. 100 [4.3] Integration of NCTPLAN results and BNCTDose into the Beam ......... Montioring Software LabVIEW 2 ................................................. 101 Chapter 5 Summary and Conclusions [5 .1] S umm ary ................................................................................................................. [5.2] Recommendations for Future Work ..................................... 107 107 List of Figures Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction Dose rate vs. Depth in human head phantom ............................... 13 16 Schematic of the flow of information in a treatment plan ...... 18 Sample tumor isodose contours for a transverse plane ........... Chapter 3 NCTPLAN Transverse CT image with the corresponding materials file .... 35 3.1 3.2 Diagram of acrylic shell water-filled head phantom ................. 43 ............. 45 3.3 Thermal neutron dose rate ........................................ ........... 46 3.4 Epithermal neutron dose rate ....................................... 10 3.5 B dose rate ........................................... ................................................. 47 3.6 Total gamma dose rate ..................................... ...................... 48 . 49 3.7 Total dose rate for normal brain tissue .................................... Transverse normal brain isodose contours ................................... 53 3.8 3.9 Transverse tumor brain isodose contours ..................................... 54 3.10 Coronal normal brain isodose contours ..................................... . 55 3.11 Same as Fig. 3.9 with a midline tumor pasted ............................ 56 3.12 Gain Factor vs. 10 B concentration ...................................... ...... 57 3.13 Gain factor vs. tumor-to-normal beain 1 0 B concentration ........ 58 3.14 Percentage contribution of individual RBE dose components . 59 65 3.15 Subject V.A.'s right foot ..................................... .................... 3.16 Subject G .H's low er left leg ..................................................................... 66 ............ 67 3.17 Subject J.Y's lower left leg .......................................... 3.18 Subject P.D .'s right leg ..................................... ......................68 3.19 Subject V.A.'s normal transverse isodoses ................................... 69 3.20 Subject V.A.'s tumor transverse isodoses ..................................... 70 71 3.21 Subject V.A.'s normal sagital isodoses ....................................... 72 3.22 Subject V.A.'s tumor sagital isodoses ........................................ 3.23 Subject V.A.'s normal isodoses, 25 mm inferiorly to B.C. ....... 73 3.24 Subject V.A.'s tumor isodoses, 25 mm inferiorly to B.C. ............ 74 3.25 Subject V.A.'s normal isodoses, 25 mm superiorly to B.C. ...... 75 3.26 Subject V.A.'s tumor isodoses, 25 mm superiorly to B.C. .......... 76 3.27 Subject G.H. normal isodoses, 42 mm inferiorly to B.C ............. 77 3.28 Subject G.H. tumor isodoses, 42 mm inferiorly to B.C. ................ 78 3.29 Same as Fig. 3.29 with dose to nodule at top .............................. 79 3.30 Subject G.H. normal isodoses, 75 mm inferiorly to B.C............... 80 . 81 3.31 Subject G.H. tumor isodoses, 42 mm inferiorly to B.C. .......... 3.32 Same as Fig. 3.1 with dose to nodule at right hand side ............. 82 3.33 Subject J.Y. normal transverse isodoses 34 mm supriorly to B.C. 83 3.34 Subject J.Y. tumor transverse isodoses 34 mm supriorly to B.C. 84 85 3.35 Same as Fig. 3.34 with dose to nodule at left hand side ....... 3.36 Same as Fig. 3.34 with dose to nodule at top ................................. 86 3.37 Subject J.Y. normal transverse isodoses 40 mm supriorly to B.C. 87 3.38 Subject J.Y. normal transverse isodoses 40 mm supriorly to B.C. 88 3.39 Same as Fig 3.38 with dose to nodule at upper right hand ....... 89 90 3.40 Subject P.D. normal transverse isodoses through B.C ............. 91 3.41 Subject P.D. tumor transverse isodoses through B.C ............. 3.42 Same as 3.42 with dose to nodule (isn't visible on CT scan) ........ 92 Chapter 4 Beam Monitoring System 96 4.1 A typical beam monitor screen display ........................................ ..... . 98 4.2 The second separate screen display ......................................... 4.3 BN CTD OSEVI front panel ....................................................................... ... 104 105 4.4 BNCTDOSEVI portion of schematic ..................................... List of Tables 3.1 Com pund RBE Factors ....................................................................................... 3.2 Summary of average 10B concentrations of subjects V.A., G.H., and J.Y ............................................................. ................................. ....... 49 61 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Background Following the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick in 1932, Gordon Locher, a biophysicist on the staff of the Bartol Research Institute in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, proposed the principle of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). The basic idea behind boron neutron capture The idea is to deliver to the cancer patient therapy is elegant and simple. a non-toxic boron-containing drug that is taken up only in tumor cells and Thermal neutrons (0 to 0.1eV) then expose the patient to a neutron beam. produce very little radiobiological effect but they interact with the boron to produce short range ionizing a-particles. Thus, the tumor is selectively irradiated while the normal tissue is spared. This is a fundamental advantage of binary therapies. The two modes of the 1 0B(n,a) 7 Li reaction are presented below: - "He+7Li + 2.79 Me V (6%) -- 4He+ Li* + 2.31MeV (94%) 'oB+l n -_ [1'B*] 7Li + y(0.48MeV) The main products of the above reaction are highly energetic ions, whose range in tissue is about 10 microns. The 1o B(n,a) 7 Li reaction yields high LET (Linear Energy Transfer) particles which deposit their energy within about a cell's diameter, making them ideal for tumor cell killing. High LET is advantageous in that it does not depend as much on the oxygen content of the cell (and the production of oxygen radicals) as low LET radiation, such as x-rays, does. The biological damage caused by high LET radiation is greater per unit dose resulting in higher Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE). The reason 10 B is used for neutron capture therapy is due to its high cross section for thermal neutrons (3800 barns) and non-toxicity to tissue. Also, about 20% of all naturally occurring boron is the non radioactive form used for BNCT. Although, thermal neutrons are used for the reaction, their poor penetration in tissue renders them useful only for superficial tumors. Thus, an epithermal neutron beam (1 to 10,000 eV) has been devised. The epithermal neutrons penetrate the tissue, and only after they slow down and become thermalized they interact with reaction. 10 B to produce the desired The success of BNCT is dependent upon selective localization of the boronated drug in tumor and the delivery of thermal neutrons to the desired target depth. Thus, considerable research effort has been put into building better epithermal neutron beams. England Medical Center--Massachusetts On going research at the New Institute of Technology program and other sites has also been dealing with new challenges in micro- and macrodosimetry, boron compound synthesis, cellular localization, and evaluation of its effects on normal and tumor tissues. 10 1.2 A Brief Review of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Dosimetry Neutron capture therapy dosimetry is complex in that it must take into account contribution from different radiation components. components These dose include: * Thermal neutron dose, principally resulting from 14 N(n,p) 14 C thermal neutron capture reactions, * Epithermal neutron dose, principally resulting from 1H(n,n')IH epithermal neutron scattering reactions, * Tissue induced gamma dose, principally resulting from lH(n, y) 2 H thermal neutron capture reactions, * 10 B dose, resulting from IOB(n,a) 7 Li thermal neutron capture reactions, * Fast neutron dose, principally resulting from 1H(n,n')IH fast neutron scattering reactions, but possibly including significant amounts of recoil reactions on other tissue elements, such as carbon and oxygen, * Reactor core gamma dose, principally resulting from gamma rays originating in the uranium fission process in the reactor's core (core gamma dose), and * Neutron induced gamma dose, resulting from gamma rays produced by the capture and inelastic scattering of neutrons by the structural materials surrounding the beam line (structure-induced gammas) [1,2,3] * Gammas originating from capture of neutrons in the structural components of the beam The above dose components pose different radiation transport characteristics and their dependencies on tissue inhomogeneities vary greatly. Since most of the tumor dose and a significant fraction of the normal tissue dose relies on the 10B(n,a) 7 Li reaction, the dosimetry of BNCT requires not only a detailed analysis of the radiation field produced in tissue by the incident neutron beam, but also an accurate knowledge of the concentration and distribution of 10 B in tissue. Our group has been investigating the dosimetry of neutron capture therapy for several years and significant progress has been made in the quantification of [4,5,6]. 10 B in tissue The complexity BNCT Dosimetry relative to conventional radiotherapy is illustrated by Figure 1.1 [7], which provides the dose versus depth for all major components in a BNCT type irradiation. concentration of 30 ppm and a healthy tissue are assumed for this computation. 10 B A tumor 10 B concentration of 7.5 ppm These levels of boron are reasonable examples of what is actually attainable in vivo for a boron delivering compound such as boronated phenylalanine [8,9]. Each radiation dose component is weighted by an appropriate relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Each component of the dose has been assigned an RBE value as shown in Figure 1.1. by our group for the past few years [10]. These values have been used RBE's are dependent on the radiation quality, dose level, number of fractions, dose rate, and the biological end point [11]. The complex radiation field that exists in BNCT has necessitated the use of a sophisticated treatment planning strategy - one that allows for the dissection of the various radiation components and the display of resulting isodose data on existing diagnostic imaging data. This is necessary to provide accurate dosimetric information to correlate with resulting pathological observations and assessment of the quality of BNCT treatment plans. A brief summary of a detailed manuscript describing the existing treatment planning procedure at the interinstitutional BNCT 12 Central Axis Experimentally Measured Dose Distribution M67 Beam, 5 MW 20 ----------- Exp Gamma RBE Dose Rate (RBE-cGy/min) Exp Th RBE Dose Rate (RBE-cGy/min) Exp Fast N RBE Dose Rate (RBE-cGy/min) ---- Exp B-10 RBE Dose Rate (RBE-cGy/min) -- +-- Exp Total RBE Dose Rate (RBE-cGy/min) 15 10 C,, 0, © 3! 5 2 4 6 8 10 12 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 1.1. The measured dose rate versus depth components in a human head phantom assuming 30ppm 10 B concentration in tumor. The various dose components, including total dose to tumor, and the background doses from fast neutrons, photons, and nitrogen capture of thermal neutrons are shown separately. 13 research program between New England Medical Center and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is presented later in this chapter and elswhere in this thesis [12]. 1.3 Description of the Beam Monitoring System at MITR-II An on-line beam monitoring system has been developed and installed on the MITR-II medical beam [13]. The purpose of this system is to insure that the correct dose is delivered to the patient and that no significant changes in beam intensity, energy, or spatial distribution can Since the dosimetry of BNCT is quite occur without immediate detection. complicated a number of different detectors are used. These detectors need to be sensitive to gamma rays, epithermal neutrons, and thermal neutrons. In order to determine the dose to tumor and normal tissue, precise measurements of neutron fluence, gamma dose, and 10B concentration are very important. This must be done by complete dosimetric characterization using realistic head phantoms [7,14]. The beam monitoring system also indicates any changes in beam characteristics from those which existed when the beam was fully dosimetrically characterized and calibrated. The beam monitoring system, including the radiation detectors, the readout and display system, procedures for calibration, and the performance of the entire beam monitor system are discussed in some detail in another paper [15]. The focus of this thesis will be on the beam monitoring software system. As discussed in reference [13], various fission chamber detectors are used for monitoring the beam. These detectors feed their signals to 14 a counter data acquisition board in a Macintosh IIci computer. The computer, using a versatile data acquisition and processing program called LabVIEW 2 [16], is used to display on a 17" color monitor the detector count rates, integral counts, dose calibration factors, target counts, percentage of target counts, and irradiation time. The application program that was created using LabVIEW 2 is called the beam monitor Virtual Instrument (VI). Through the use of an audible alarm and a visual warning, the beam monitor VI helps insure that the target number of beam monitor counts is not exceeded and that the proper dose is delivered. Numerical and analog graphical displays of the count rates and total counts are presented on the CRT on the screen, and the software has been programmed to detect discrepancies in the detector counts that can be caused by beam non-uniformity, asymmetry or intensity. The beam monitor outputs are directly related to patient dose through intercalibration with the phantom dosimetry measurements as discussed above. These doses are computed on-line by the BNCTDOSE VI that has been added to the beam monitor VI. More details on the modifications are presented in Chapter 4. 1.4 An Outline of the Steps Involved in a BNCT Treatment Plan A treatment planning technique has been developed in our group to provide the ability to incorporate the various dose components of the complex radiation field that is produced in a BNCT irradiation [17]. Using a dedicated program for BNCT treatment planning, NCTPLAN, our group has developed the ability to superimpose dose isocontours on diagnostic 15 images of the human anatomy. NCTPLAN is described in more detail in Chapter 3. NCTPLAN Monte Carlo Treatment Planning for BNCT CT or MRI scans Monte Carlo Simulation (MCNP) Figure between therapy Medical Experimental Normalization 1.2. Schematic representation of the flow of information the functional modules of NCTPLAN, the neutron capture treatment planning program devised by the New England Center--Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program. NCTPLAN constructs a mathematical model of any body part using the anatomic geometry and tissue type data obtained from CT scans by assigning a material type of either bone, air or soft tissue to a given three dimensional voxel (lcm 3 ). Tumor region and specified manually by the operator. 10 B concentrations are Then, NCTPLAN transfers the details of the model, a so called materials file, to a Monte Carlo based radiation 16 transport code called MCNP. MCNP simulates the irradiation of the model by an epithermal neutron beam, whose properties are identical to the MITR-II epithermal neutron beam - currently, the M67 beam. All the dose components of the voxels are computed independently and the resulting dose file is transferred back to NCTPLAN for generation of dose iscontours. These dose isocontours can be generated for an arbitrary plane and superimposed on the reformatted CT scan images for ease of evaluation. Figure 1.3 shows an example of tumor brain RBE-isodose contours computed by MCNP and displayed by NCTPLAN for a parallel-opposed irradiation of the head. Our thanks to patient S.M. for volunteering for the CT scanning procedure that was necessary to produce the CT scan data used for Figure 1.3 and other figures in this work. 17 ·_^ · I__ Subject: Test Date: 6195 Beam: M67115 cr Orientation: P-OTumor PPM: 40.( Normal PPM: 10. Normalization: 2: # Fractions: 1 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: BNL -: MIT BNCT Figure 1.3. Tumor isodose contours computed by NCTPLAN in a transverse plane through head of subject using lateral parallel-opposed irradiation with M67 epithermal neutron beam. Assumed 10 B concentrations are 10 ppm in normal brain tissue and 40 ppm in tumor. 1.5 Thesis Objectives and Outline The aim of this work is the development of an improved treatment planning software for the boron neutron capture therapy trials at the New England Medical Center--Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program and to facilitate the future operation of the treatment planning procedure. A detailed documentation of every step in the treatment planning procedure, starting with CT scans and leading to RBE-dose isocontours, is presented in the first part of the thesis. 18 Several treatment plans of subjects irradiated as part of the phase-I boron neutron capture therapy dose-escalation melanoma protocol have been prepared by the author and are presented as examples of the use of NCTPLAN. The second part of the thesis focuses on the on-line beam monitoring system. The aim of the modified beam monitor software is to eliminate the need for the use of BNCTDose, a MathCAD based dose calculating program, and KleidaGraph for fitting a double exponential (of a predetermined shape) to the blood uptake curve in order to determine the instantaneous blood concentration during an irradiation. The improved beam monitoring software automates the task of calculating the instantaneous blood concentration which is inputted into the dosimetry equations to calculate new irradiation times, and target monitor unit counts. Simulated runs of the modified software, beam monitor virtual instrument, are also presented. Chapter 2 describes the operational procedures involved in a treatment plan. Chapter 3 discusses NCTPLAN in detail. Chapter 4 gives an overview of the beam monitoring system and describes the modifications done to the software. Chapter 5 presents some results from the modifications done and discusses future improvement to the New England Medical Center--Massachusetts planning procedure. 19 Institute of Technology treatment Operational Procedures Chapter 2 2.1 Extracting Images from the CT Scanners The first step in every treatment plan of a BNCT experimental subject is to obtain either a Computer Tomography (CT) scan or a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) of the area to be treated. At the New England Medical Center--Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program a thin-slice CT image data is used to create the input file to MCNP. Up to 250 contiguous 2mm CT scans of the subject's relevant body part are acquired using one of the three General Electric Advantage-HS CT scanner with helical spanning capability. The technique factors that are employed are 120 kVp, 100mA, 1 second helical scan, gantry angle set at zero, and a hardware zoom factor of 1 for larger body parts and 2 for heads [10]. No contrast is used because that would interfere with the quantitative method that is employed to determine tissue type. Following a CT scan of the subject, the images are transferred to a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Station 5000 via an ethernet communication link. 1. The procedure is as follows: Log into the DEC station named ANTARES (Internet Protocol address: username: mcnp password: 2. ***** Telnet over to one of the GE scanners (which ever one the optical disk is inserted in) by typing: 20 (for ctroom3 scanner; telnet and refer to the other two CT scanners, ctrooml and ctroom3 respectively) 3. The machine will prompt you for a username and a password: username: genesis password: 4. ***** To extract the images from the GE scanner to the scanner's public directory enter the command, srt_copy EE SS II where EE is the exam number (e.g. 6047) SS is the series number (e.g. 2) and II is the image range that you wish to copy (e.g. 1-123). If there are any problems with the image transfer you can view the optical disk (under select drive - optical disk) in the CT scanner room. if the images are being extracted directly from the optical disk and not from the hard drive in the GE scanner than follow the image range with "-o", e.g. srt_copy 6047 2 1 1-123 -o). The CRT display will then show the images being extracted, giving a message such as Extracting image E6047S211.CT for each image requested. per image. This process takes approximately 5 seconds For reference, the image data are stored on the CT scanner's hard drive in the public directory /usr/g/insite/tmp. To check if there is enough room on ANTARES one can type df (>30,000,000 bits are necessary for these images). The above procedure is also possible from the Radiation Oncology's SRT system node STEREO. 21 After the images are brought over to A fast the DEC station they need to be decompressed and unpacked. program has been written to do this. The output of the program is images that are in the format expected by the SRT (Stereotactic Radio Therapy) system. A script program has been written to transfer the images from the CT scanner to the DEC station. To invoke it one needs to log onto ANTARES and type the following: cd geprogs ge_copy ctroom3 (ctroom3 is an alias to the CT scanner in room three) This runs a script that invokes file transfer protocol, FTP, to transfer the public files to the DEC station. The resulting files are put in directory ANTARES/usr/users/images/boron/new_images and are always names "gect.CT#", where # is the sequence of the image in the series. Now, if one would like to list the file one can type, tapext-nemc G -1 To decompress the files and convert them to SRT format, tapext-nemc G -I ANTA RES/usr/users/images/boron/new_images/<name>. -s 0-122 Note that the list of images should specify numbers that are one less than the image sequence numbers. In the above example there are 123 images that are numbered 1-123 in the series. The result of the above command will be in two files, e.g.: <name>_01.10.96.0.header - contains specs for the CT scan <name>_01.10.96.0.img - contains all images in a single file. The images are stored in a row wise, first image to last, 512x512 pixels,16 bit format. Data values in the .img file are 0-4095, representing the CT numbers offset by 1024 (i.e., -1024 to 3071). 22 2.2 Importing Images to the VAX Computer The SRT image files are now located on the DEC station and need to be transferred to the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 3900 microcomputer where NCTPLAN is currently located. On the VAX, the images are first converted to the format that is used by the Image Analysis Lab (IAL). VAX. To start the image transfer one needs to log onto the This can be done from ANTARES by typing: telnet (or telnet username: bnct password: ***** Once logged in, the user is located in the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BORON] directory (also known as device $3$DIA40). Now, before starting the image transfer, it is wise to check if there is enough room on the VAX storage device. This can be done with the command: show dev d, which gives a listing of the different devices (disks) and the space available on each. After making sure that there is enough space on the current disk (or changing to a different disk using the set default <device-name> command), new directories need to be created for the new subject's images. This can be done the following way: $ create/dir [.subject_name] $ create/dir [.subject_name0] The first is a directory for the execution and script files that are specific for the subject. The second directory is for the patient images. directories will be created automatically in $3$DIA40:[BORON]. verified by typing more /etc/hosts. 23 These This can be Now, the following will transfer the files to VAX (node Rigel): $ cd [.subject_name] $ ftp Multinet ... connection opened antares ftp server ... ready login: mcnp> password: *****> cd/us r/users/imag es/bo ro n/new_ ima g es/> get <name>_01.10.96.0. header to local file (on the VAX): dub0:[img.boron<name>_01.10.96.header>> binary get <name>_01. 10.96.0. img to local file (on the VAX): dub0:[img.boron<name>_01.I0.l96.img Now, it is possible to convert the files to the Image Analysis Lab's .bin format. This is first done by modifying the command procedure in the file CONVERT_SUBJECT_NAME.COM to reflect the names of the new input file and the starting binary output file, *.BIN. Also, since this is an execution file you should be in the subject_name directory, but for the output directory that you use in the subject_name0 directory. you need to use To do the above, first copy CONVERT_SUBJECT_NAME.COM to the new subdirectory that you just created by typing $ copy [000000.previoussubject name] [000000.subject_name] 24 $ tpu $ rename *.srt *.img $ submit convert_subject_name (or @convert_subject_nane) This is a batch job that takes about five minutes to complete (for about 125 images). You will be notified when the job is completed and a log file in the home directory called CONVERT_SUBJECT_NAME.LOG will show the output. The result will be files in the following form: <subj ect_name>001 .bin <subject_name> 123.bin Once in a while it is important to erase old copies of files in the directories. This can be done with the purge command. Now, the images are ready to be used by the Image Analysis Lab's Image Executive program, IMEXEC, to extract the boundaries between the different tissue type and prepare the MCNP input materials file. 2.3 Extracting Tissue/Bone Boundaries The input required by MCNP is a list of cells (called voxels) whose content of each cell is specified in terms of the percentages occupied by air, tissue, tumor, or bone. Each tissue type can take on a cell volume fraction value of either 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%, which yields all together 56 different materials. Since there are dense objects present in the field besides the object of study, and because normal and tumor tissue are not easily distinguished, boundaries must be determined between the object (subject or phantom) and air, and between normal tissue and tumor tissue. The program IMEXEC is used to draw these boundaries, as well as to 25 determine the cell composition list. Object/air boundaries are determined automatically once a starting point is specified and tumor/tissue boundaries are drawn manually by hand using a mouse. Tissue/bone boundaries are not explicitly obtained, but are computed implicitly from a threshold value. These boundaries are used by NCTPLAN to (1) generate an "icon" (i.e., a line drawing which stacks the object contours from all CT slices at the viewing angle), and (2) identify the points where the beam enters and exits the object. beam plot. The latter are shown both in icon and in one dimensional Tumor boundaries are used only to tell where the tumor is when analyzing the slices for their cell component with IMEXEC. Two IMEXEC script files (also called playback files) are used to find the object boundaries. The first script file invokes the second, so the operator need only be aware of their combined operation. The result is a single "boundary file" containing all the boundaries, e.g., SUBJECT_NAME.BND, or MEDHP.BND for the medium head phantom. The scripts are just list of instructions that are fed in sequence to IMEXEC which direct it through various menus, selecting the desired commands and options. Thus, the operation of the scripts can be duplicated from the terminal by keying in one command at a time. The script files BOUNDI.PLA and BOUND2.PLA are specific to a subject and need to be modified to accept other image sequences. Using the TPU editor that's available on the VAX computer, one will need to change the threshold, the starting file name (first image showing the object), and the boundary file name for each subject. After modifying the above files the scripts can be invoked from IMEXEC in the following way: 26 $ IMEXEC /X initialization menu) I (enters 7 Y 8 BOUNDI.PLA E (selects option to enable/disable playback mode) (turns on the playback options) (selects option to change the playback file name) (specifies the playback file) (exits the menu and starts the playback file) After a few seconds an image will appear on the monitor with the Boundary Trace menu on the terminal window. At the bottom of the screen you will see a diagram indicating the four functions that are accessible through the mouse buttons. The program will be waiting for the user to move the mouse (a cursor will track it on the screen) and to push a button indicating the selection of the user. Move the cursor to the left of the object and press the "Auto start right" button and then the "Return to menu" button. If the computer doesn't get the boundary the first time, try again with a new starting point. If the image has more than one boundary that needs to be drawn type G_optimize start and then shift+B. When the boundary tracing menu reappears, type * at the prompt for "Selection:". This will repeat the playback file for the next image. for all images this way. Get the boundaries Once the procedure has been mastered the process can be made faster by typing IMEXEC /b. This will surpress menus. Once the boundaries have all been completed they can be read back for approval with a script file similar to that contained in the command procedure SHOW_MEDHP.COM. To run such a procedure, first modify the file to reflect the current subject and associated files. Then. save as SHOW_SUBJECT_NAME.COM and execute the following way: $ @SHOVW_SUBJECT_NAME_BOUND x 27 or enter the commands one at a time from the terminal keyboard. If boundaries need to be deleted use a text editor (such as TPU or EDT) to eliminate them from the boundary file. A copy of all the script files mentioned above is included at the end of this chapter. If an image is found where the boundary needs to be fixed (i.e. image #8), than go through the following command sequence: $ IMEXEC /x I 9 Y 10 subject_name8.bnd E R subject_nameO08.bin E S B BF subject_name8.bnd IT or MT (depending on whether you want to do a Manual Trace or auto trace) WB E E To fix the file subject_name.bnd replace the portion that corresponds to image #8 with the new boundary file: subject_name8.bnd. done using the TPU editor in the following way: $ TPU subject_name.bnd PF4 (command) find subject_name008 PF7 (mark) PF8 (delete) PF4 include 28 This can be subject_name8.bnd PF4 save file CTRL- Y Now, the boundary file is ready to be used as the basis for making the materials file and for the icon in NCTPLAN. 2.4 Preparations for MCNP Dose Computations To prepare the materials file that is used in the MCNP dose calculations follow the command sequence in Since this file needs the beam direction as input and threshold between bone and soft tissue, it is best to modify it with the help of the medical physicist. To obtain the threshold type: $ IMEXEC /x R V T Once the beam direction has been specified and put in to, the use can run the script file automatically by typing: $ @analyze_subject_name.corn x This takes about 25 minutes to run. materials The output of this procedure is the file, subject_name.mea. A fast (TI) link between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the New England Medical Center facilitates the file transfer procedure. to transfer the materials file follow the command sequence described here forth: 29 $ boron $ ftp (this changes to the MCNP input data directory) (this is the host address of the MIT site) After the remote system prompts you for a login, type anonymous. Use you full e-mail address as the password. an anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This is the accepted standard for You are now connected to MIT. In order to move the materials file to MIT type the following, > > > > > cd pub cd NEMC put subject_name.mea ls quit The results of the MCNP runs are put in the subject_name directory with the .elr extensions, representing the dose input file to NCTPLAN. Script Files 2.5 * subject_namel.pla C R 9 subj ect_name0000.bin I 9 Y 10 subject_name.bnd S B 2 M IP 1 5 2 L 30 7 Y 8 su bj ec t_n ame 2. pl a * subject_name2.pla R IR S B IT WB 11 0 I 7 R I 7 Y Sshowsubj m $ bnd to bnd subject_name.bnd * $ $ $ $ $ subject_name set output_rate=0:0:1 set noon set verify IMEXEC /x ! Initialize Measurements'? I File name subject_name.mea 31 E ! Exit initialize S ! Scene segmentation B ! Boundary algorithms BF ! Boundary file name subjectname.bnd OB E ! Exit boundary algorithms E ! Exit scene segmentation P ! Special Procedures N ! NCTPLAN menu I ! Base file name s ubj ect_name00000. bin 2 ! X-Y scale (mm/pixel) 0.47 3 ! First slice (slice #65 is the center in this case) 4 4 ! Number of slices to analyze 123 7 ! Air/Tissue threshold 20 I Bone/Tissue threshold 80 Central voxel X 10 Central voxel Y Display central voxel Specify beam direction Display beam direction -25.29 55.67 0.0 -25.59 -26.10 0.0 ! Display beam direction it It n 32 ! X,Y,Z of entry ! X,Y,Z of exit C 6.0 6.0 S O E E E Specify boron con centration Normal tissue Tumor Auto analyze stack Output data file Exit 33 Chapter 3 3.1 NCTPLAN Background NCTPLAN is a Monte Carlo based treatment planning code written for boron neutron capture therapy at the New Englasnd Medical Center-Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program. This code has been used to plan the treatments of four experimental subjects up to date ["8]. The importance of having a good treatment planning code is not only to optimize the dose delivery to tumor, but also to provide a dosimetricpathologic correlation in those subjects that do not survive the experimental therapy. This will allow for a better understanding of the dose response properties of this new radiation modality to be better understood. Since the radiation field of a BNCT treatment consists of four distinct dose components that possess different radiation transport characteristics it is important to use a Monte Carlo simulation which yields accurate results. Accuracy is of paramount importance resulting in long computation times in the initial study. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the concept that went into the design of NCTPLAN, present illustrative applications and sample treatment plans of experimental subjects, and finally, to document a user's manual for the program. 34 3.2 MCNP Dose Computations IMEXEC has a build in feature that works in conjunction with NCTPLAN to produce a volume-weighted materials file. This material file assigns each of the 11,025 cells (21x21x25 cm) a material number from 1 to 56 which corresponds to the different mixtures of tumor, normal tissue, bone, and air. Figure 3.1a shows a transverse CT image of a pateint's head through the plane of the orbits. Figure 3.1b shows the corresponding material image as automatically computed by NCTPLAN. It should be noted that the gray scale used in in Fig 3.1b represents material's numbers, and thus does not correlate with the x ray linear attenuation coefficient gray scale used in Figure3.1a. 0% 4 (a) (b) Figure 3.1 a) 2 mm thick transverse CT scan image through the plane of the orbits. Gray-scale corresponds to X-ray linear attenuation coefficients. b) Corresponding transverse "material" image. 56-level gray scale corresponds to material numbers (each material consisting of a defined proportion of air, normal soft tissue, tumor tissue, and bone). 35 When the treatment plans are computed for the brain, tumor and normal tissue have the same elemental composition of average "brain", but differ by their assigned concentrations of 1 0 B. When treatment plans are computed for other parts of the body, such as limbs, tumor and soft tissues are assumed to have an elemental composition of "muscle", which is also modified for the different assigned concentrations of 10 B. There is no significant difference in the radiation transport properties between brain and muscle tissue, except that brain has a considerably lower nitrogen content relative to muscle. This affects the thermal neutron dose, which is lower due to less 14 N(n,p) 1 4 C reactions. The explicit inclusion of 10 B in the Monte Carlo model has previously been shown to be potentially important with respect to correcting for depression of thermal neutron flux, and, therefore, 10 B dose and thermal neutron dose [15]. R.G. Zamenhof et. al. showed that along a 35 eV monoenergetic epithermal electron beam there is approximately a 0.4% depression in thermal neutron flux per each incremental +1 ppm of 10 B. If the normal brain contained 20 ppm of 10 B during irradiation, the true and thermal neutron doses would be lowered by up to 8% [10]. Thus, it is important to include the effect of 10B in the soft tissue material formulation. A materials file provides the MCNP program with 11,025 1 cm 3 cells whose X-Y-Z oordinates and material content are specified, and the beam entry and exit points. A short Fortran program was written to convert these data points into the standard format required by Monte Carlo code. The Monte carlo simulation code used for the BNCT treatment planning is MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle transport), version 4a, installed on a Sun Sparc Workstation 670MP running 4 processors in parallel. code, which was originally developed for weapons research at the Los 36 This Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) [19], is probably the most sophisticated code of its kind from the perspective of the physics employed and a large development and support staff at the LANL. neutron/photon code. MCNP is a coupled That is, it has the capability to handle photon production by neutron interaction without requiring the generation of a photon source and independent photon transport simulation. This code uses pointwise continuous energy cross section data from various sources at the moment of any specific neutron or photon interaction. The actual energy of the particle determines the interpolated cross section. The energy density of the cross section data is such that interpolation between points results in less than a 1% discrepancy in reproducing the experimental cross section data. A beam source was computed from Monte Carlo runs simulating the MITR-II's reactor core and all relevant surrounding structures [20]. This source was than used to calculate the transport of neutrons and photons through the filter elements of the epithermal beam line and 15 cm diameter beam delimiter resulting in a final 15 cm diameter epithermal neutron beam source located at 1 cm above the uppermost location of the subject's body part [21]. This simulates the present "M67" epithermal neutron beam that has been employed for clinical studies. To compute absorbed doses in tissue, a feature of MCNP was used which allows arbitrary nuclear reaction rates to be computed as part of the simulation (e.g. heat production by neutrons and photons). This feature allows the computation of the integral products of the neutron or photon flux spectra and energy dependent fluenc-to-KERMA (Kinetc Energy Released in MAtter) conversion factor corresponding to each material either explicitly or implicitly specified in the model [22]. 37 A more detailed description of the Monte carlo simulation that is used with NCTPLAN is available in reference [10]. 3.3 Program Architecture The MCNP output files resulting from the required Monte Carlo simulations are stripped of most of the output data since it is not required by the present application and are combined into one file that constitutes the NCTPLAN input dose file (usually subject_name.elr). NCTPLAN can generate one-dimensional dose profiles along any arbitrary axis, two-dimensional isodose contours in any arbitrary plane, various figures-of-merit specifically designed for BNCT treatment planning, and other visual displays of combined dose and CT image data. One- dimensional data presentation is accompanied on the computer screen by a realistic three-dimensional "icon" of the body part being examined, showing the orientation of the cartesian coordinate system, the direction of the incident neutron beam(s), and the axis along which graphical data are displayed. This icon is an actual three-dimensional surface rendered image of the relevant body part constructed of contours automatically derived from the original CT images. To facilitate treatment planning, two- dimensional isodose contour displays are precisely superimposed on corresponding reformated CT images. The images preserve the original high-resolution of the CT scans thus maintaining visibility of small anatomical structures. Automatic isocontouring is extremely difficult when the raw data reside in a coarse spatial matrix such as the 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm cell structure used. Consequently, the first of two stages of data processing 38 prior to isocontouring involves the interpolation of the raw dose-rate data onto a much finer 1 mm x 1 mm x 1 mm matrix. interpolation in three dimensions. This is achieved by linear Each coarse dose-rate value is ascribed to the geometrical center of its original 1 cm 3 cell. by straight lines called "primary interpolators". Such centers are joined A new 1 mm 3 voxel is selected and a "web" of primary interpolators is constructed using nine contiguous cells centered on the new 1 mm 3 voxel. A line is constructed which is the shortest line passing through the new 1 mm 3 voxel and two of the nearest primary interpolators; this line is called a "secondary interpolator". The value of this voxel is then calculated by linear interpolation along the primary interpolators, to obtain the values of the intersection points of the secondary interpolator with the two primary interpolators, and then along the secondary interpolator to obtain the final value of the 1 mm 3 voxel. The resulting interpolated three-dimensional dose matrices are processed using a three-dimensional Fourier transform and a ramp type frequency-space filter function having a cut-off at 0.5 cycles/mm. This process "irons out" some of the high spatial dose gradients caused by a combination of the statistical fluctuations in the Monte Carlo calculated doses and the interpolation process itself. It was found from experience that the isocontouring algorithms that are applied to the two-dimensional dose arrays did not perform well in the absence of this maneuver. Voxels that are outside the "skin" of voxels defining the outer surface of the model contain dose values that are only virtual, since with no tissue present there is no dose per se despite the existence of computed neutron and photon flux values. If these virtual dose values were allowed to remain the isocontouring process would be greatly complicated, 39 producing isodose contours running from inside the model into the space outside, with no possibility for contour closure. To avoid this problem the second stage of data processing allows these virtual dose values to remain during the interpolation of the coarse dose data into the 1 mm 3 voxels, but prior to isocontouring all virtual dose values are set to zero. This approach is not used in the case of cells representing internal voids, since what may appear in a CT image as an internal void may in fact contain low-density tissue for which it may be important to obtain an estimate of dose. The isocontouring algorithm employed is in the category of heuristic search algorithms, which were found to be more immune to "getting lost" in regions of low dose gradient due to the residual random noise in the dose data. Flux-to-KERMA conversion factor files used to convert neutron and photon fluxes to dose-rates are based on KERMA values for soft tissue (average brain or muscle, with specified concentrations of B-10) even if the dose location happens to correspond to bone or a soft tissue/bone mixture. It is the dose to the osteocytes and other cells within the mineralized bone matrix that is probably of greater clinical importance than the dose to the mineralized bone matrix per se. Automatic isocontouring is extremely difficult when the raw data reside in a coarse spatial matrix such as the 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm cell structure used. Consequently, the first of two stages of data preprocessing prior to isocontouring involves the interpolation of the raw dose-rate data onto a much finer 1 mm x 1 mm x 1 mm matrix. interpolation in three dimensions. This is achieved by linear Each coarse dose-rate value is ascribed to the geometrical center of its original 1 cm 3 cell. by straight lines called "primary interpolators". Such centers are joined A new 1 mm 3 voxel is selected and a "web" of primary interpolators is constructed using nine 40 contiguous cells centered on the new 1 mm 3 voxel. A line is constructed which is the shortest line passing through the new 1 mm 3 voxel and two of the nearest primary interpolators; this line is called a "secondary interpolator". The value of this voxel is then calculated by linear interpolation along the primary interpolators, to obtain the values of the intersection points of the secondary interpolator with the two primary interpolators, and then along the secondary interpolator to obtain the final value of the 1 mm 3 voxel. The resulting interpolated three-dimensional dose matrices are processed using a three-dimensional Fourier transform and a ramp type frequency-space filter function having a cut-off at 0.5 cycles/mm. This process "irons out" some of the high spatial dose gradients caused by a combination of the statistical fluctuations in the Monte Carlo calculated doses and the interpolation process itself. It was found from experience that the isocontouring algorithms that are applied to the two-dimensional dose arrays did not perform well in the absence of this maneuver. Voxels that are outside the "skin" of voxels defining the outer surface of the model contain dose values that are only virtual, since with no tissue present there is no dose per se computed neutron and photon flux values. despite the existence of If these virtual dose values were allowed to remain the isocontouring process would be greatly complicated, producing isodose contours running from inside the model into the space outside, with no possibility for contour closure. To avoid this problem the second stage of data processing allows these virtual dose values to remain during the interpolation of the coarse dose data into the 1 mm 3 voxels, but prior to isocontouring all virtual dose values are set to zero. This approach is not used in the case of cells representing internal 41 voids, since what may appear in a CT image as an internal void may in fact contain low-density tissue for which it may be important to obtain an estimate of dose. The isocontouring algorithm employed is in the category of heuristic search algorithms, which were found to be more immune to "getting lost" in regions of low dose gradient due to the residual random noise in the dose data. Flux-to-KERMA conversion factor files used to convert neutron and photon fluxes to dose-rates are based on KERMA values for soft tissue (average brain or muscle, with specified concentrations of B-10) even if the dose location happens to correspond to bone or a soft tissue/bone mixture. It is the dose to the osteocytes and other cells within the mineralized bone matrix that is probably of greater clinical importance than the dose to the mineralized bone matrix per se. 3.4 NCTPLAN Results and Validation The results of NCTPLAN must be validated using experimental mixed field dosimetry methods. The method of in-phantom paired ionization [23] techniques was applied by Rogus [7] to the dosimetry of the M67 epithermal beam at the MITR-II Research Reactor. An acrylic shell water- filled calibration phantom has been used for experimental validation of the computationally derived dose distribution. routine beam calibrations. This phantom is still used for A diagram of the acryllic shell water-filled calibration is presented in Figure 3.2. The design and specification of this phantom are described in Harling [24]. The experimental phantom was scanned in a CT scanner at the New England Medical Center and the images were processed as described above. 42 A monte Carlo model was MITR-II M67 Epithermal Neutron Beam I TE /CG Io IYI H , 1`~H20 L-i 11I LI'i Figure 3.2 Diagram of water and Lucite calibration phantom used for experimental validation of computationally derived dose distributions and for routine beam calibration. Arrows indicate orientation of the neutron beam during irradiation. automatically constructed, the MCNP code was used to calculate the three dimensional dose matrix for the model, and NCTPLAN was used to process and display the resulting doses. The copmputed dose rates along the central axis of the experimental beam were used then compared to the experimentally measured values. Minor linear adjustments were made to 43 the computed individual dose components to provide a better absolute agreement with the experimental rsults, but no modifications were made to the shapes of the computed dose vs. depth curves. Figures 3.3-3.7 show comparisons between the calculated and measured central axis physical dose rate vs. depth data in the calibration phantom specified for muscle. Note that the total dose components in Figure 3.7 are not weighted by RBE factors, as they would for an actual treatment plan. A good fit to the experimentally derived dose rate data is achieved with some adjustments (multiplicative factors are described within the captions). A possible reason for that is that the actual dose rates at the subject irradiation position are influenced by factors such as the actual number of fuel elements used, their precise position, degree of fuel burnup, control blade height, etc., which are represented by their averages in the MCNP model of the reactor core. To illustrate the use of the NCTPLAN treatment planning program, a treatment plan was obtained for a glioblastoma patient. The biodistribution of the BPA boron compound assumed for this patient is based upon actual boron analyses of tumor and blood biopsy specimens that were obtained from a number of patients following intravenous [25]. The administration of BPA-Fructose 10B concentrations at time of neutron irradiation are assumed to be 40 ppm in tumor and 10 ppm in Compound-RBE (C-RBE) factors are applied blood and normal brain tissue. to each of the dose components. C-RBE factors are experimentally derived and are the products of the "intrinsic" RBE and the "compound factor" [10]. Compound factors modify the intrinsic RBEs to account for differences in microdosimetry, based on 10 B distribution and cellular microanatomy [26]. The values are presented in Table 31. 44 0.4 . 0.3 0.2 0 a, 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 3.3 Thermal neutron dose rate with a 0.87x absolute adjustment factor applied to the NCTPLAN data. 45 1.5 S1 0 z ro.5 0.5 0 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 3.4 Epithermal and fast neutron dose rate with a 0.75x absolute adjustment factor applied to the NCTPLAN data. 46 C 4 S3 02 1 0 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 3.5 1 0 B dose rate assuming 10 ppm 1 0 B concentration with a 0.87x absolute adjustment factor applied to the NCTPLAN data. 47 03 a, 2 C, 0 1 0 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 3.6 Total gamma dose rate: phantom induced + beam-line structure-induced gammas + 0.8x beam-line structure induced gammas. The last component of the gammas is a surrogate representing the reactor core gamma component which is presently not amenable to computational derivation. 48 10 2 Central Axis Depth (cm) Figure 3.7 Total dose rate in normal brain (assuming 10 ppm of 10B) and in tumor (assuming 40 ppm of 10B). Table 3.1 Compound RBE factors used for summing dose components. The two different C-RBE values for gamma rays are based upon the assumption that cranial BNCT treatments will be delivered in either a 49 single irradiation or in four fractions (see discussion later in this section) and are derived from [27]. The C-RBE value of 3.2 for neutrons is based on experimental data in normal rat brain, and the C-RBE values for 10B dose in tumor and normal brain are based on experimental data in GS9L inracranial tumors in rats [10] and spinal cord injuries in rats [28]. The large differences in the two latter values reflect the apparently large differences in 10 B microdosimetry in the two animal models. These C-RBEs are the same as the ones used at the Brookhaven National Laboratory BNCT studies [8]. Figure 3.8 shows normal brain iso-RBE-dose (hereafter referred to as isodose) contours computed by MCNP and displayed by NCTPLAN for a parallel-opposed (POP) irradiation of the head. The plane displayed corresponds to the beam's central axis and to the widest transverse section of the brain where, in this particular subject, no gross tumor is evident. The treatment planning protocol employed at NEMC-MIT designates 95% of the absolute maximum normal tissue dose as equivalent to "100%" on the isodose display. This is based on the assumption that a dose hot-spot at a point is probably less clinically relevant that a 5% lower dose within a tissue volume of approximately 3-6 cm 3 , which would approximately be the volume of tissue receiving 90-100% of the absolute maximum dose. Figure 3.9 shows isodose contours calculated for tumor within the same anatomical plane as displayed in Figure 3.8. The tumor isodoses are normalized to the 100% normal tissue dose, i.e., to the same normalization value as in Figure 3.8. Thus, "150%" means that tumor lying under that isodose contour receives 50% more RBE dose than the 100% normal tissue value. defined It can be seen that with the M67 epithermal neutron beam and the 10B distribution parameters, tumor at the brain midline would 50 receive approximately 1.6-1.7 times more RBE dose than the defined 100% reference value in normal tissue. However, tumor located more superficially but still along the beam's central axis, could receive up to 2.3 times more RBE dose. Figure 3.10 shows normal tissue isodose contours constructed for a coronal plane through the orbits. It can be seen that in this specific example the orbits receive 70-80% of the maximum RBE-dose to normal brain. Estimates of RBE-dose to other normal structures within the brain, such as the brainstem, adenohypophysis, etc., can be obtained in a similar fashion by reconstructing the appropriate isodose and anatomical planes. The following study is taken directly from [10]. A parametric analysis was conducted to examine the tradeoff in "gain factor" by increasing the concentration of 10B 10 B in tumor and by increasing the ratio of concentrations in tumor to that in normal brain. The "gain factor" is a figure of merit defined here as the ratio of tumor RBE-dose-to-normal tissue reference RBE dose; for wherever the tumor's location happens to be. Figure 3.11 shows the same anatomical plane as shown in Figure 3.10 except that a small tumor is assumed to lie at the brain midline arbitrarily containing 80 ppm of 1 0 B. The gain factor is directly obtained by estimating from the isodose contours the RBE-dose which includes the assumed tumor. Figure 3.12 shows a plot of the gain factor vs 10B concentration for this tumor for various tumor-to-normal brain 10 B ratios. It can be seen that little additional gain ratio is accrued beyond a tumor 10B concentration of approximately 120 ppm at tumor-to-normal brain ratios of 3-4:1, which are typical for the BPA compound. Figure 3.13 the tumor-to-normal brain shows a plot of the gain factor vs various concentrations of in tumor. 51 10 B 10 B It can be seen that at tumor ratio for 10 B concentrations of 30-50 ppm (typical for the IV administered BPA compound), little additional gain factor is accrued beyond tumor-to-normal brain 10B ratios of approximately 7:1. It is evident, however, that with 10B improved boron compounds possessing higher tumor-to-normal brain ratios and/or attaining higher tumor 10 B concentrations, improvements in gain factor could be achieved. substantial One of the issues presently being debated by the NEMC-MIT BNCT group is whether the cranial BNCT protocol should involve single irradiation or multiple fractions. One frequently voiced argument favoring multiple fractions is based on the assumption that the biological effectiveness of the low LET dose component, which is principally the gamma dose, would be reduced approximately by a factor of 2 relative to single fraction irradiation, and thus increase the tumor selectivity of the dose. However, the data points in Figures 3.12 and 3.13, labelled "4 fractions," indicates that this would produce a very small impact on the gain factors. Figure 3.14 shows the contribution of the RBE weighted dose components to the total tumor RBE dose at various depths along the central axis of the epithermal neutron beam for tumor containing 40 ppm of 10 B. For a midline tumor the fractional contributions of thermal neutron, epithermal and fast neutron, gamma, and 22%, and 71%, respectively. 10B physical doses are 2.4%, 4.4%, From the NCTPLAN results it can be estimated that at brain midline the structure-induced and core-gamma dose components collectively account for approximately 60% of the total gamma dose. Therefore, if these, together with all the epithermal and fast neutron dose, could be completely eliminated from the beam the percentage of RBE dose would increase from 71% to approximately 84%. It should be emphasized that the gain factor and RBE dose component analysis as 52 10B presented apply only to the M67 beam at MITR-II, and only for the specifically defined cranial anatomy, and tumor size, shape, and location. •, ,k:^•l-. "T'^•.-,I- NJE-Mc-MIT BNCT Date: 6/95 Beam: M67/15 Orientation: P-C Tumor PPM: 40 Normal PPM: 1 Normalization: # Fractions : 1 Isodoses: Norm RBE Set: BNL 100 ~~*~;·" Figure 3.8 Normal brain isodoses computed by NCTPLAN in transverse plane through head of subject using lateral parallel-opposed irradiation with the M67 epithermal neutron beam, as indicated by the arrows. Assumed B-10 concentration is 10 ppm. 53 __ __ SlAIT DklMCT .IvlIt I LYlC., Subject: Test Date: 6195 Beam: M67/1 5 cr Orientation: P-OTumor PPM: 40.( Normal PPM: 10 Normalization: 2 # Fractions: 1 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: BNL Figure 3.9 Tumor isodoses computed by NCTPLAN in transverse plane through head of subject using lateral parallel-opposed irradiation with the M67 epithermal neutron beam, as indicated by the arrows. Assumed B-10 concentration is 40 ppm. 54 AC-MIT BNCT Subject: Test Date: 6/95 Beam: M67/15 cm Orientation: P-O-P Tumor PPM: 40.00 Normal PPM: 10.01 Normalization: 22.1 # Fractions: 1 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: BNL 00 Figure 3.10 Normal brain isodoses computed by NCTPLAN in coronal plane through head of subject (same subject and beam orientation as in figure 8) using lateral parallel-opposed irradiation with the M67 epithermal neutron beam. Assumed B-10 concentration is 10 ppm. 55 __ Vl - I· __BNCT__ Subject: Test Date: 6/95 Beam: M67/15 c Orientation: P-O Tumor PPM: 80. Normal PPM: 2( Normalization: # Fractions: 1 Isodoses: Tumo RBE Set: BNL IV C-MIT BNCT Figure 3.11 Tumor isodoses computed by NCTPLAN in a tranverse plane through the head of a subject (same subject and beam orientation as in Figure 3.8) using lateral parallel-oppoed irradiation with the M67 10 B concentrations are doubled to 20 epithermal neutron beam. Asuumed ppm in normal brain and 80 ppm in tumor. A small midline tumor has been "pasted" into the CT image. The isodoses are used to obtain the "encompassing dose" that this tumor would receive; e.g., an encompassing dose of 180% corresponds to gain factor of 1.8. 56 S400 300 200 100 ° C- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Tumor 1OB Concentration [PPM] 3.12 Gain-factor vs. 1 0 B concentration in tumor for three different 10 B tumor-to-normal brain ratios of 3:1, 10:1, and 20:1. Most of the data points are for an assumed gamma RBE of 1.0, corresponding to the delivery of BNCT in a single fratcion; additional data points at 40, 80, and 120 ppm 10B assume a gamma RBE of 0.5, corresponding to the delivery BNCT in four daily fractions. 57 __ 600 I 500 p I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ' I ' I S- -- 40 ppm X 40 ppm /4Frac -- -80 ppm + 80 ppm /4Frac - - - 120 ppm A 120 ppm /4 Frac I I z 400 --- -_ - 300 o - " 200 100 U 0 5 10 15 20 25 ' 0B Tumor-To-Normal Tissue Ratio Figure 3.13 Gain-Factor vs. tumor-to-normal brain 10 B concentrations in tumor of 40, 80, and 120 ppm. Most of the data points are for an assumed gamma RBE of 1.0, corresponding to the delivery of BNCT in a single fraction; additional data points at tumor-to-normal brain 10 B ratios of 3:1, 10:1, and 20:1 assume a gamma RBE of 0.5, corresponding to BNCT delivery in four daily fractions. 58 I] Gamma [IT Fast N B-10 Therm N 20 E Cr_ (D o0 ! cr Cz cr' U) 0o 0 I- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Central Axis Depth [cm] 7 8 Figure 3.14 Percentage contribution of the individual RBE dose components to total tumor RBE dose at various depths in the subject's head (same subject as in Figure 3.8). Single fraction irradiation (i.e. RBE=1 for gamma dose) is assumed. Tumor is assumed to contain 40 ppm of 10B. 59 3.5 Sample Treatment Plans of Human Subjects This section gives examples of actual treatment plans of Three subjects have completed the New-England Medical Center--Massachusetts Institute of Technology phase-I boron neutron capture therapy doseescalation melanoma protocol. The tumor and normal tissue 10B concentrations of patients V. A., G. H., and J. Y. represent intracellular concentrations measured by High-Resolution Quantitative Autoradiography (HRQAR) (see reference [6] for more on HRQAR) that was done on tissue biopsies. Blood values were measured by prompt-gamma thermal neutron activation analysis at the MIT Research Reactor. The blood samples and punch biopsies of normal skin and tumor tissue were taken following a test dose administration of BPA. Based on the results of a rapid 10 B blood sample taken prior to an irradiation and the shape of the assay of a 10B blood distribution curve the concentrations of boron in blood, tumor, and normal tissue are determined. Table 3.2 summarizes the results obtained using BNCTDOSE. Each entry represents the average 10B concentration during irradiation. HRQAR data for the first subject in the phase-II of the melanoma protocol, P.D., is in the process of being calculated. An estimate of 5.6 ppm blood boron concentration and a 3:1 ratio of tumor to normal tissue boron concentration have been used for the purpose of this treatment plan. These concentrations were inputed into NCTPLAN, the Monte Carlo-based treatment planning software, and were used in the calculation of various RBE-dose isocontours. The isocontours are superimposed on the CT scans. The RBE's that were used are the same as mentioned in section 3.1.2. Table 3.3 summarizes the total RBE doses that subjects V.A., G.H., & J.Y. received. Both sets of isocontours, tumor and normal tissue, are normalized to 95% of the maximum RBE-dose to normal tissue (as described previously in this chapter). Fraction #1 Fraction #2 Fraction #3 Fraction #4 2.4 ±0.2 2.5 ±0.2 2.0 ±0.1 2.2 ±0.1 Tissue 2.8 ±0.8 2.9 ±0.8 2.3 ±0.6 2.6 ±0.7 Tumor 8.5 ±1.1 9.0 ±1.1 7.1 ±0.9 7.9 ±0.9 Tumor/Norm 3.1 ±0.9 assumed the same Tumor/Blood 3.6 ±0.5 assumed the same Norm/Blood 1.2 ±0.3 assumed the same V.A. G.H. Blood 2.4 ±0.2 2.4 ±0.2 3.0 ±0.2 3.1 ±0.2 Tissue 2.7 ±0.6 2.7 ±0.6 3.5 ±0.8 3.6 ±0.8 Tumor 9.5 ±1.1 9.5 ±1.1 12.2 ±1.4 12.5 ±1.5 Tumor/Norm 3.5 ±0.9 assumed the same Tumor/Blood 4.0 ±0.6 assumed the same Norm/Blood 1.2 ±0.3 assumed the same J.Y. Blood Blood 3.3 ±0.2 5.5 ±0.3 5.3 ±0.3 7.1 ±0.4 Tissue 2.8 ±0.6 4.8 ±1.0 4.6 ±1.0 6.2 ±1.3 Tumor 7.8 ±1.0 13.3 ±1.6 12.7 ±1.6 17.1 ±2.1 Tumor/Norm 2.8 ±0.7 assumed the same Tumor/Blood 2.4 ±0.3 assumed the same Norm/Blood 0.9 ±0.2 assumed the same TABLE 3.2 : SUMMARY OF AVERAGE 10 B CONCENTRATIONS [PPM] DURING IRRADIATION IN BLOOD, NORMAL TISSUE, & TUMOR FOR BNCT SUBJECTS V.A., G.H., & J.Y. Dose (RBE-cGy) V.A. G.H. J.Y. Blood 1001 1001 1001 Normal Tissue 1021 1027 947 Tumor* 1317 1512 1389 TABLE 3.3 : TOTAL ACTUAL RBE DOSES DELIVERED TO BNCT SUBJECTS V.A., G.H., & J.Y. SUBJECT V. A. Subject V.A. presented at the Boston City Hospital with a melanoma of the plantar surface of the right foot. CT scans of the head, neck, abodomen, chest and pelvis were negative and the subject was judged in good health with the exception of the melanoma lesion on the sole of his foot. RBE-dose isocontours were calculated for the transverse plane through the foot, through the central axis of the circular 15 cm diameter neutron beam, approximately mid-way between the toe and the heel. Both normal tissue (Fig. 3.19) and tumor (Fig. 3.20) dose isocontours were calculated. Dose isocontours were also calculated for the sagital plane (Fig. 3.21, Fig. 3.22) through the center of the foot, and for transverse slices 25 mm on either side of the beam center (Figs. 3.23-3.26). The results show that in all of the above slices the maximum dose to tumor is 120% of the maximum dose to normal tissue. As expected, the dose doesn't change significantly between the above transverse slices. See Figure 3.15 for the locations of the nodules and corresponding calculation planes. 62 SUBJECT G. H. Subject G.H. came to the NEMC following several excisions of a melanoma of the lower left leg. Subject G.H. noticed two subcutaneous metastatic lesions on the lower left leg and decided to enter the NEMC-MIT BNCT phase-I trial. CT examinations of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis revealed no evidence of any other metastatic disease. Figures 3.27 and 3.28 show normal tissue and tumor dose isocontours drawn on a transverse CT section located 42 mm inferiorly from the center of the beam. The small nodule at the top of Figure 3.29 received between 80% to 110% of the maximum dose to normal tissue. Figures 3.30 and 3.31 show dose isocontours drawn on a transverse CT section located 75 mm inferiorly from the center of the beam. The large nodule that is located at the upper right hand side of Figure 3.32 received between 30-70% of the maximum dose to normal tissue. This low Figure is because the nodule is in the penumbral region of the neutron beam. Figure 3.16 depicts the lower left leg of subject G.H. SUBJECT J. Y. Subject J.Y. came to the NEMC-MIT BNCT trial after several excision attempts to remove a discolored mole on the skin of the lower left leg failed. Declining amputation, subject J.Y. became the third subject of the phase-I trials at NEMC-MIT. A work-up for distal metastases in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was negative. Three nodules were detected on the CT scans superiorly to the center of the beam. Figures 3.33 and 3.34 are dose isocontours superimposed on a transverse CT section, 34 mm superiorly from the beam center. One nodule is located at the left of the Figure and one at the top. Figure 3.35 shows that the left nodule received between 65-95% of the total dose to normal tissue. It is hard to determine from Figure 3.36 what dose the nodule at the top of the CT scan received because of the isocontour artifact. An estimate would yield 80-95% of the total dose to normal tissue. Figure 3.37 shows normal tissue dose isocontours drawn on a CT scan that is 40 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. Figure 3.38 shows the same CT scan with tumor tissue dose isocontours drawn. From Figure 3.39 it is possible to estimate the dose to the nodule at the upper right corner as being between 115-130% of the total dose to normal tissue. Figure 3.17 illustrates subject J.Y.'s lower left leg. SUBJECT P.D. Subject P.D. is the first subject at the second dose-escalation level of the melanoma protocol which increases the dose to normal tissue to 1250 RBE-cGy. Subject P.D. has a single small nodule visible at the inner part of her right leg, located a few millimiters above the knee line. An estimate of 5.6 ppm for the normal tissue boron concentration was obtained from the test dose boron blood curve. Consequently, a 16.8 ppm boron concentration was used in calculating the tumor dose isocontours (assuming a 3:1 ratio). Figure 3.40 shows normal tissue dose isocontours drawn on a transverse CT slice through the central axis of the beam. Figue 3.41 shows the tumor tissue dose isocontours drawn on the same CT scan. Although the nodule is not visible on the CT scan, Figure 3.42 yields an estimate for the dose received by the nodule of 100-125% of the maximum dose to normal tissue. The location of the nodule can be determined from Figure 3.18. CONCLUSION Three subject, V.A., G.H., and J.Y., have completed the NEMC-MIT BNCT phase-I melanoma protocol. There was clear partial response of the melanoma nodules within the irradiation field in two out of the three subjects. The low therapeutic ratio of approximately 30% higher RBE-dose to tumor than to normal tissue can be attributed to the low concentrations of boron in tumor tissue and to the suboptimal beam orientations for maximizing this ratio since the primary purpose was to obtain a well defined area of normal tissue receiving a well defined RBE-dose. This concentration ranged from 10.8 ppm for subject V.A. to 12.1 ppm for subject G.H.. ;ntral Axis E CD] Figure 3.15. Subject V.A.'s right foot 25mm dline slice wn 25mm dules Beam Width nodule 1 i Figure 3.16. Subject G.H.'s lower left leg I Beam nodule 2 nodule Figure 3.17. Subject J.Y.'s lower left leg nodule Central Axis re-wi fin m Center Beam Width Figure 3.18. Subject P.D.'s right leg 69 Patient: V.Adam Date: 7/95 Beam: M6711 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 11.51 Normal PPM: 3.74 Normalization: 7.62 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MIT NEMC-MIT BNCT 10 Figure 3.19. Subject V.A. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot. Patient: V.Adam Date: 7195 NEMC-MIT BNCT RBAm: M"R7, 1 r nm Ori entati Tumor P NormnalP Normaliz # Fracti( Isodose RBE Sel Figure 3.20. Subject V.A. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot. Patient: V.Adam Date: 7/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PR I Ti imnr DDMA- 11 c1 Figure 3.21. Subject V.A. normal tissue dose isocontours for a sagital plane through the foot. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: V.Adam I-Ml • ?JQOE Figure 3.22. Subject V.A. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a sagital plane through the foot. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: V.Adam Date: 7/95 Beam: M6711 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 11.51 Normal PPM: 3.74 Normalization: 7.62 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.23. Subject V.A. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 25 mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Normal PPM: 3.74 Normalization: 9.22 ns: 4 Patient: V.Adam Date: 7/95 Bean Orier Tum( : Tumor :MIT NEMC-MIT BNCT Figure 3.24. Subject V.A. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 25 mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. Patient: V.Adam Date: 7/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 11.51 Normal PPM: 3.74 Normalization: 7.62 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MIT NEMC-MIT BNCT 4n Figure 3.25. Subject V.A. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 25 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. Patient: V.Adam Date: 7195 Tumor PPM: 11.51 Normal PPM: 3.74 ation: 9.22 ns: 4 3: Tumor Or RI I • L.IYN~...VII I UI'-. I Figure 3.26. Subject V.A. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 25 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. Patient: G. Hinz Date: 7/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orie ntation: PRI Tumor PPM: 12.07 Norr Norr # Frc Isod, RBE i ,, ,•L , • , Figure 3.27. Subject G.H. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 42mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Figure 3.28. Subject G.H. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 42mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. Patient: G. Hinz Date: 7/95 Beam: M67 115cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 12.07 NEMC-MIT BNCT Figure 3.29. Small nodule at the top - subject G.H. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 42mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. Normal PPM: 3.45 Normalization: 10.02 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor 0DED C-CI- Kc IT IYII I Patient: G. Hinz Date: 7195 Beam: M6711 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 12.07 Normal PPM: 3.45 KlIn'IIli-? ih n- 7 d4 # Fra Isodc RBE Figure 3.30. Subject G.H. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 75 mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: G. Hinz Date: 7/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 12.07 Normal PPM: 3.45 SI•L'..%•.I :-I-J"I:^L",." 4 A rI"" IfV # Fr Isoc RBE Figure 3.31 Subject G.H. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 75 mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT Patient: G. Hinz Date: 7/95 Beam: M67 11 5cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 12.07 Normal PPM: 3.45 •_m_ ' __ u- . . . NEMC-MIT BNCT ,',,• ^, ^ Nonr # Fr Isod RBE Figure 3.32 Nodule at the upper right hand side - subject G.H. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the foot, 75 mm inferiorly to the center of the beam. Patient: J. Young Date: 7195 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 7.22 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.33 Subject J.Y. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 34 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: J. Young Date: 7/95 Beam: M671 15cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 9.1 6 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.34 Subject J.Y. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 34 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: J. Young Date: 7/95 Beam: M671 15cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 9.1 6 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.35 Noduel on left hand side - subject J.Y. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 34 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. 86 Patient: J. Young Date: 7/95 Beam: M671 15cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 9.16 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.36 Nodule at the top - subject J.Y. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 34 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: J. Young Date: 7/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 7.22 # Fractions: 4 isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.37 Subject J.Y. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 40 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: J. Young Date: 7195 Beam: M671 15cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 9.1 6 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.38 Subject J.Y. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 40 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: J. Young Date: 7/95 Beam: M6711 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 10.78 Normal PPM: 3.91 Normalization: 9.1 6 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MIT Figure 3.39 Nodule at the upper right hand side - subject J.Y. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane, 40 mm superiorly to the center of the beam. 90 Patient: P. Davin Date: 10195 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PRI Tumor PPM: 16.80 Normal PPM: 5.60 Normalization: 8.04 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Normal RBE Set: MI Figure 3.40 Subject P.D. normal tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: P.Davin Date: 1095 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 16.80 Normal PPM: 5.60 Normalization: 11.35 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MI Figure 3.41 Subject P.D. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the center of the beam. NEMC-MIT BNCT Patient: P.Davin Date: 10/95 Beam: M67/1 5cm Orientation: PR I Tumor PPM: 16.80 Normal PPM: 5.60 Normalization: 11.35 # Fractions: 4 Isodoses: Tumor RBE Set: MI NEMC-MIT BNCT Figure 3.42 Nodule not visible - subject P.D. tumor tissue dose isocontours for a transverse plane through the center of the beam. 93 Chapter 4 Beam Monitoring System 4.1 Description of the Existing System An epithermal neutron beam has been constructed and used for research and clinical trials at the MIT Research Reactor. The MITR-II medical beam, incident upon the patient, is principally comprised of either epithermal or thermal neutrons. Undesirable contaminants of thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, and gamma rays are also present in the beam and must be accounted for in the dosimetry. In tissue, the epithermal neutrons are rapidly thermalized and these slow neutrons are absorbed in produce the 10B(n, a) 7 Li capture reaction. The have a combined range in tissue of about 13 10 B to a-particles and the Li ions u m, a total kinetic energy of 2.3 MeV, and can be highly lethal to tumor cells if located in the vicinity of their nuclei. The complexity BNCT Dosimetry relative to conventional radiotherapy has been illustrated by Figure 1.1, which provides the dose versus depth for all major components in a BNCT type irradiation. A tumor 10 B concentration of 30 ppm and a healthy tissue 10 B concentration of 7.5 ppm are assumed for this computation. These levels of boron are reasonable examples of what is actually attainable in vivo for a boron delivering compound such as boronated phenylalanine. A beam monitoring system helps assure that the specified patient dose is delivered to the patient within acceptable dose tolerances of the target dose. Our approach to meeting the desired dose tolerances has included the development of a beam monitoring system which monitors and provides on-line display of the fluence of epithermal and thermal neutrons and which monitors the beam characteristics, e.g. energy distribution and spatial distribution, and indicates if these are stable (within a certain percentage specified by the user) during the irradiation. The beam monitoring system also indicates any changes in beam characteristics from those which existed when the beam was fully dosimetrically characterized and calibrated. The beam monitoring system, including the radiation detectors, the readout and display system, procedures for calibration, and the performance of the entire beam monitor system are discussed in some detail in another paper [ 29], brief description of the hardware will be presented here. Further details concerning the beam monitor system are found in two MIT masters' theses 0 31]. The epithermal neutron beam size is determined by a beam delimiter. The current size is 15 cm in diameter. Various beam detectors have been examined for sensitivity, size (need to be small as to not to perturbe the beam) and cost. Two fission counters, manufactured by TGM were selected to monitor epithermal neutrons. Since these are quite sensitive to thermal neutrons too, the two detectors were covered with thermal neutron-absorbing 6Li 2CO 3 . An unshielded fission counter or a 3He ionization chamber are used to monitor the thermal neutron flux. In order to monitor the gamma ray flux, a high-pressure argon gas filled detector is used. These detectors are quite small (a few centimeters in diameter and length), so that when placed at the edge of the beam they have a negligble effect on the beam uniformity and strength. By choosing these various detectors and placing them strategically around the beam [1], it is possible 95 so only a to monitor the intensity, coarse energy spectrum and spatial distribution of the beam. The fission counters have their signals passed through a data acquisition board in a Mac IIci computer, and the current mode detectors are first converted to a proportional frequency signal and then passed to the computer. These signals are also recorded on scalars, which can be read manually, for backup. Thus, any failures of the computer-based system (such as power supply failure on the computer) will not result in a loss of the most important data. In addition, several reactor power monitors are used as an independent monitoring system since there is a measureable correlation between reactor MW-minutes and epithermal neutron fluence. The computer uses an application of the data acquisition and processing program called LabVIEW 2® [ 32] to display on a 17" color monitor the detector count rates, integral counts, dose calibration factors, target counts, percentage of target counts, and irradiation time. The front panel display of the LabVIEW 2® Beam Monitor Virtual Instrument (VI) is shown in Figure 4.1. The Beam Monitor VI is presented in more detial in the following section. 96 Mrad Annm Figure 4.1. A typical screen display of the beam monitor virtual instrument provides count rates, integral counts, corresponding doses, target counts and doses, and irradiation time. These are displayed, color coded, in digital and analog modes. Additional information such as patient identification information is also displayed on the monitor. 4.2 Software Implementation An application program that was created using LabVIEW 2 0 is called the beam monitor virtual instrument (VI). It consists of three main parts: the front panel, the block diagram, and the icon/connector. The block diagram is a VI's source code, which is created using a graphical programming language called G. The front panel is the user interface to mmI Pannal the VI, and the icon/connector together represent the VI in a manner analogous to a subroutine call statement when the VI is used as a subVI in another VI's block diagram (not used in our case). Detector output is shown in digital as well as in analog form, color coded to each separate detector. The analog display in relative count rates on the lower left hand side of Figure 4.1 is designed for ease in rapidly diagnosing any significant changes or trends in the energy, spatial distribution, and intensity of the beam. The bar graph on the lower right hand side of the screen with an analog display showing the percent of target detector counts is particularly useful in determining when the target dose is approached. Above the latter bar graph, target counts, integrated counts and percent target are also shown in digital form. An average of the epithermal detector outputs is also calculated by the computer and this is displayed in analog form as percent of target dose near the upper right hand part of the monitor. An audible signal is provided when the target dose, based on averaged epithermal neutron counts, is reached. The information on the monitor is typically updated every 5 seconds, although this can be set to any desired interval by the programmer. This monitor display also shows the patient hospital identification number, name, and the dose calibration factors, i.e. epithermal counts per RBE-cGy. A magnetic disk record is made of the information displayed by the computer. Each patient has a separate floppy disk record of his or her irradiation. A start/pause, reset, and status check control panel are located in the upper left hand part of the monitor display. A separate monitor provides additional information on the beam and the irradiation (see Figure 4.2). At the top left hand side of the display there are virtual switches that can be used to turn off an epithermal 98 neutron beam monitor, e.g. if a beam monitor becomes erratic. The two epithermal beam monitors are used to control the length of the irradiation since the dose that needs to be delivered for this kind of therapy is primarily determined by the epithermal neutron fluence or dose. However, if one monitor should become unreliable, for any reason, this monitor could be turned off and the remaining monitor would be used to control the irradiation. On the left Figure 4.2. A separate screen display provides reactor power and beam monitor count rates compared to reference values. The display is shown on a separate monitor and presents the preset percent deviation of the epithermal monitor counts which will trigger an alarm, and the ratios of the various beam monitor count rates which provide useful information on beam symmetry and relative energy. In addition, on/off switches which can eliminate data from an epithermal beam monitor are highlighted in red. 99 hand side of the display, the reactor power planned for a specific fraction and the actual beam monitor count rates are displayed along with the expected, or reference, power and count rates. At the top right hand side the maximum preset percent deviation which will be allowed before and alarm is triggered is displayed. Below that are the ratios of all the beam monitor count rates, including the statistical error on the ratios. The latter information provides numerical indicators for beam symmetry, relative beam energy, and relative gamma ray intensity. Any variation in these ratios from the reference ratio by more than a user preset percentage (typically set at 10%), produces an alarm indication on the check status light shown on the upper left hand part of the monitor display in Figure 4.2. 4.2.1 BNCTDose - Purpose and Use A program has been written in MathCAD® to facilitate dose calculations. The original MathCAD® based dose calculation is called BNCTDose, whereas the new implementation is called BNCTDoseVI from hereon. BNCTDose takes as its inputs the irradiation start interval (the time interval subsequent to the administration of Boronphenylalanin), the pre-irradiation 10 B blood concentration interval along the test 10B blood uptake curve (corresponding to tissue biopsy time). Other dosimetric and experimental beam monitor calibration parameters are also inputed into the MathCAD® module for the purpose of updating whenever beam modifications are done - these inputs need not be updated at every irradiation. The user starts by inputting the desired maximum dose to normal tissue. The program normalizes this figure against the Monte Carlo 100 dose rate ratio that has been measured in the phantom calibration. The integral of the total dose from the four different dose components (fast neutrons, thermal neutrons, Y, and 10B) is calculated by MathCAD® everytime it is executed. During a typical irradiation the blood 10B concentration changes and this factor needs to be accounted for when target beam monitor-count calculations are performed. Originally, this meant that the user needed to look at the blood concentration vs. time curve and decide what the current blood concentration is at that point of the irradiation. One of the current modifications of BNCTDoseVI is the automation of this process of determining blood 10B concentration from a fit to the empirical data. 4.2.2 LabVIEW 2® LabVIEW 2® is a data acquisition and processing software that is used to create applications that are called virtual instruments (VIs). The application programs Beam Monitor BNCTDoseVI is comprised of two main parts: the front panel (Figure 4.3) and the block diagram (Figure 4.4). The block diagram will be wired and inserted in the beam monitor VI sequence. A seqence structure, which looks like a frame of film, consists of one or more subdiagrams, or frames, that execute sequentially. The latest beam monitor VI implementation consists of 16 main sequences, numbered from 0 to 16. This facilitates the control flow, the order of execution of the program. The data flows from frame 0 to the last frame. The first few frames control the resetting of various counters and recording of patient information. A radiation timer is implemented in the second frame and the virtual beam counters are connected to the data 101 acquisition processing board. The flow of operation is more easily seen on the schematic, but it's size prohibits its addition to this work. The best ways to modify the existing system by the creation of an independent virtual instrument, such as the BNCTDoseVI. This VI can be debugged and tested separately before wiring it to the existing beam monitor VI diagram. In this way, the existing system can still operate without the new modifications. It is quite difficult to wire the additional sequence correctly, in the right order, so extra care needs to be taken. Backups of the working beam monitor application exist in case the modified version does not work. 4.3 Integration of NCTPLAN results and BNCTDose into the Beam Monitoring Software LabVIEW 2® The previous beam monitor virtual instrument has been modified to eliminate the need for the use of BNCTDose (a MathCAD® based dose calculating program), and KaleidaGraphTM for fitting an exponential of a predetermined shape to the blood uptake curve. The purpose of KaleidaGraphTM was to determine the instantaneous blood concentration during an irradiation. The programs were setup in the following way: * A test dose of the therapeutic agent is administered and fifteen blood 10B concentration versus time data points are collected prior to administration. * These fifteen points are fitted to a double exponential curve using the program KleidaGraph and a blood 10 B concentration vs. time uptake curve is obtained. * A pre-irradiation 10B blood concentration level is determined and the blood uptake curve is scaled accordingly. 102 * The scaled concentration at the start of irradiation is inputted into BNCTDose to determine the estimated irradiation length and the calculated epithermal and thermal monitor units that need to be obtained in order to deliver the specified epithermal neutron dose. * Every few minutes the blood concentration value is determined and is re-inputted into BNCTDose to yield a new estimated irradiation length and new targets for monitor unit counts. * The last step is repeated several times during an irradiation to obtain a delivered dose that is as close to the target dose as possible. This process is quite accurate, but tedious and its automation was a vital step in insuring both an accurate and rapid dose delivery in future irradiations. The solution to the problem of repeated dose calculation is to automate it and incorporate the blood uptake curve and the BNCTDose calculations into LabVIEW 2®. To simplify the task of programming and debugging a new virtual instrument called BNCTDoseVI has been created with the intention of wiring it to the existing beam monitor virtual instrument as a frame in the existing sequence structure. A front panel for the BNCTDoseVI that consists of all the inputs and outputs of BNCTDose has been created (see Figure 4.3). These inputs include the irradiation start interval (the time interval subsequent to the administration of Boronphenylalanin), the preirradiation 10B blood concentration interval along the test 10 B blood uptake curve (corresponding to tissue biopsy time), and other inputs, such as reactor power, that will later be linked to existing beam monitor panel inputs (i.e., reactor power is a redundant input created solely for the purpose of testing the virtual instrument). Other dosimetric and experimental beam monitor calibration parameters are also shown in the front panel for the purpose of updating whenever beam modifications are 103 done - these inputs need not be updated at every irradiation. The front panel also includes digital indicators for the various parameters that BNCTDoseVI calculates in its operation. Again, these indicators are used primarily for identifying problems that might arise in operation. Some of these indicators will be directly wired to the existing beam monitor virtual instrument (i.e., EBCF1 and EBCF2 - the experimental beam calibration factors) and some will remain for future reference (i.e. MPDRtotal, the indicator for the calculated average dose rate in patient). The design of the front panel has been deliberately made compact so as to save space on the monitor screen. The current design easily fits in a 15" monitor unit, and with minor modifications, could be made to fit on the separate monitor that is used for additional information. Though, when the visual display of the fitted blood uptake curve will be included a separate monitor will need to be purchased for better clarity. All the dose calculations that were originally part of BNCTDose have been transformed to LabVIEW 2@ format, the BNCTDoseVI, using the G visual programming language. A part of the schematic of the program is enclosed at the end of this chapter for reference (Figure 4.4). A summary of the different controls and indicators and a description of each is also found at the end of this chapter. Figure 4.3 shows an example of the modified BNCTDoseVI front panel. 104 BNCTDoseUI Panel Figure 4.3 The BNCTDoseVI front panel provides several important results that are later used in the beam monitor VI. These include EBCF1, EBCF2 - the experimental beam calibration factors, and target monitor unit counts. 105 Figure 4.4 A portion of the BNCTDoseVI schematic diagram. 106 Description of the different controls and constants that are used in BNCTDoseVI Inputs MDNT: Maximum Dose to Normal Tissue for this fraction. BLCurveInterv: Interval along test 10B Blood curve - corresponding to tissue biopsy time. IrrStInterv:Estimated irradiation start interval - interval after BPA administration. BlDrawInterv: Pre-irradiation blood draw interval - interval after BPA administration. BloodConc: Pre-irradiation 10 B blood concentration. ReactorPower: Estimated neutronic reactor power. MCDR phantom: Monte Carlo Dose Rate in phantom at maximum dose point along central axis and 7.5ppm. MCDRpat_max: Monte Carlo Dose Rate in patient at maximum dose point and 7.5ppm. MCDR-pat_CA: Monte Carlo Dose Rate in patient at 2cm point along central axis and 7.5ppm. Results EstIrrLength: Estimated Irradiation Length. B_avg: Estimated averge 10 B concentration. B_avgtest: Test dose average 10B concentration. EBCFI: Experimental Beam Calibration Factor "EBCF1". EBCF2: Experimental Beam Calibration Factor "EBCF2". MCDRR: Monte Carlo Dose Rate Ratio. MUl_calc: Calculated Monitor Units for Epi #1. MU2_calc: Calculated Monitor Units for Epi #2. MU_thl: Calculated Monitor Units for Th #1. MU_th2: Calculated Monitor Units for Th #2. MU_G: Calculated Monitor Units for Gamma. BICurveValue: Test dose 10B concentration at BlCurveInterv. InitialBlO_conc: 10B concentration at the beginning of therapy. Final_Bl10conc: 10 B concentration at the end of therapy. MPDR: Estimated average dose rate at peak dose point in patient with B_avg. DR_total: Measured Dose rate at 2cm on central axis in phantom with 7.5ppm 10B concentration. 107 108 Chapter 5 Summary and Conclusions 5.1 Summary The aim of this work is to facilitate the use of the treatment planning procedure at the New England Medical Center--Massachusetts Institute of Techonology joint program in boron neutron capture therapy through an improvement to the beam monitoring software and the documentation of the other steps involved in a treatment plan. A detailed description of the existing Monte Carlo based software, NCTPLAN, is presented with examples of its various capabilities. Also, the treatment plans of four subject that have been irradaited at the MITR-II research reactor are shown. The treatment planning procedure has been modified over the past year and a half as new difficulties arose. This work presents the treatment planning procedure that is in effect for December of 1995. More modifications are being done and a more user friendly Macintosh-based program will eventually replace the current VAX/VMS-based program. The modifications to the beam monitoring software have not been completed due to technical difficulties that were encountered over the past two months. They will be completed in the next few weeks. 5.2 Recommendations for Future Work As was mentioned in the previous section, more modifications to the beam monitoring software need to be done. These will be completed in the 109 near future. Also, a Macintosh-based replacement for NCTPLAN is in the making. That is also expected to be completed within a few months. The Macintosh based system will enable eaier and faster manipulations of images using such programs as NIH Image and Adobe Photoshop. As of now, one of the biggest obstacles for an effective treatment plan is computational speed of the Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations for the last subject irradiated took on the order of a dozen hours. New, faster computers can cut down the computation times to an estimated hour. These computers are currently being purchased and tested. 110 Footnotes 1O.K.Harling, S.D. Clement, J.R. Choi, J.A. Bernard, and R.G. Zamenhof, "Neutron Beam for Neutron Capture therapy at the MIT Research Reactor," Strahlenther. Onkol. 2J.R. _,165(2/3):90 (1989). Choi, S.D. Clement, O.K. Harling, and R.G. Zamenhof, "Neutron Capture Therapy Beams at the MIT Research Reactor." In O.K. Harling, J.A. Bernard, R.G. Zamenhof (eds) Neutron Beam Design, Development, and Performance for Neutron Capture Therapy. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1990. 3S.D. Clement, J.R. Choi, R.G. Zamenhof, and O.K. Harling, "Monte Carlo Methods for Neutron Beam design for Neutron Capture Therapy at the MIT Research Reactor (MITR-II)." In O.K. Harling, J.A. Bernard, R.G. Zamenhof (eds) Neutron Beam Design, Development, and Performance for Neutron Capture Therapy. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1990. 4R.D. Rogus, "Design and dosimetry of epithermal neutron beam for clinical trials of boron neutron capture therapy at the MITR-II reactor, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994, Chap. 3. 5J-H. Richard Choi, "Development and characterization of an epithermal beam for boron neutron capture therapy at the MITR-II Research Reactor, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991, Appendix A. 6G. Solares, "High resolution alpha track autoradiography and biological studies of boron neutron capture therapy," Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991, Chaps. 6 and 8. 7R.D. Rogus, O.K. Harling, J.C. Yanch, "Mixed Field Dosimetry of Epithermal Neutron Beams for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy at the MITR-II Research Reactor," Medical Physics 21:1611-1625;1994. 8J.A. Coderre, J.D. Glass, R.G. Fairchild, U. Roy, S. Cohen, I. Fand, "Selective 111 targeting of boronphenylalanine to melanoma in BALB/c mice for neutron capture therapy." Cancer Res. 47:6377-6383, 1987. 9G.R. Solares, R.G. Zamenhof, S. Saris, D.E. Wazer, S. Kerley, M. Joyce, H. Madoc-Jones, L. Adelman, O.K. Harling, "Biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of p-borono-phenylalanine in C57BL/6 Mice with GL261 intracerebral tumors, and survival following neutron capture therapy." In B.J. Allen, D.E. Moore, B.V. Harrington (eds): Progress in Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer. New York, NY: Plenum Press, pp 475-478, 1992. 1oJ.A. Coderre, M.S. Makar, P.L. Micca, M.M. Nawrocky, H.B. Liu, D.D. Joel, D.N. Slatkin, H.I. Amols, "Derivation of Relative Biological Effectiveness for the High-LET Radiations Produced During Boron Neutron Capture Irradiation of the 9L Rat Gliosarcoma in vitro and in vivo," Intl. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 27:1121-1129, 1993. 11E.J. Hall, Radiobiologyfor the Radiologist,4 th ed. (Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994), pp. 156-162. 12 R. Zamenhof,E.Redmond II, G. Solares, D. Katz, K. Riley, S. Kiger,and O. Harling, "Monte Carlo based treatment planning for boron neutron capture therapy using custom designed models automatically generated from CT data", in press. 130.H. Harling, D.J. Moulin, J-M Chabeuf, G.R. Solares, "On-line beam monitoring for neutron capture therapy at the MIT Research Reactor." Nuc. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Res. B 101 (1995) 464-472. 14 J-H. Richard Choi, "Development and characterization of an epithermal beam for boron neutron capture therapy at the MITR-II Research Reactor, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991, Chap 6. 15 "On-line beam monitoring for neutron capture therapy at the MIT 112 Research Reactor", Otto K. Harling, Damien J. Moulin, Jean-Michel Chabeuf, Guido R. Solares, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 101 (1995) 464-472. 16 LabVIEW 2, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA. 17R.G. Zamenhof, S.D. Clement, O.K. Harling, J.F. Brenner, D.E. Wazer, H. Madoc-Jones, and J.C. Yanch, "Monte Carlo based dosimetry and treatment planning for neutron capture therapy of brain tumors." In Neutron Beam Design, Development and Performance for Neutron Capture Therapy. New York, NY, Plenum Press. ' 8H. Madoc-Jones, R. Zamenhof, G. Solares, O. Harling, C-S. Yam, K. Riley, S. Kiger, D. Wazer, G. Rogers, and M. Atkins, "A Phase-I Dose-Escalation Trial of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Subjects with Metastatic Subcutaneous Melanoma of the Extremities." 19J.F. Briesmesiter, MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Code Version 4A. LA-12625-M Los Alamos National Laboratory; November, 1993. 20E.L. Redmond II, J.C. Yanch, O.K. Harling, "Monte Carlo Simulation of the MIT Research Reactor," Nuclear Technologies, 106:1-14, 1994. 21O.K. Harling, R.G. Zamehnof, G.R. Solares, D.E. Wazer, R.D. Rogus, J.-M. Chabeuf, C.S. Yam, J.A. Bernard, G. Cano, T. DiPetrillo, H. Madoc-Jones, "Preparation for Phase-I Clinical Trials of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy at the MIT Reactor and the New England Medical Center," Rad. Onc. Inv. 2:109-118, 1994. 22 International Commission on Radiological Protection I.C.R.U Report #13, Neutron Fluence, Neutron Spectra, and KERMA. NEW York, NY: Pergamon Press; 1969. 23 F. Attix,"Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry," New York, NY, 1986. 24 0.K. Harling, K.A. Roberts, D.J. Moulin, R.D. Rogus, "Head Phantoms for Neutron 113 Capture Therapy," Medical Physics. 22:579-583, 1995. 25J.A. Coderre, R. Bergland, M. Chadha, A.D. Chanana, E.Elowitz, D.D. Joel, H.B. Liu, D.N. Slatkin, L. Wielpolski, "BNCT of Glioblastoma Multiforme Using BPA-Fructose and Epithermal Neutrons," Proc. 6 th Intl. Symp. on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Kobe, Japan, Oct.30-Nov.4, 1994. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Co., in press. 26C.S. Yam, G.R. Solares, R.G. Zamenhof, "A Novel Approach to the Microdosimetry of Neutron Capture therapy: Part II. Validation of the 2D Approach to the Microdosimetry of Neutron Capture Therapy as a Surrogate of a full 3D Approach," Radiation Research, in press. 27L.E. Kun, "The Brain and Spinal Cord," in W.T. Moss, J.D. Cox, eds., Radiation Oncology: Rationale, Technique, Results, St. Louis, MO, C.V. Mosby Co., 1989. 28G.M. Morris, J.A. Coderre, J.W. Hopewell, P.L. Micca, M.M., H.B. Liu, A. Bywaters, "Assessment of the Reponse of the Central Nervous System to Boron Neutron Captiure therapy Using a Rat Spinal Cord Model," Radiotherapy and Oncology 30:249-255, 1994 29"On-line beam monitoring for neutron capture therapy at the MIT Research Reactor", Otto K. Harling, Damien J. Moulin, Jean-Michel Chabeuf, Guido R. Solares, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 101 (1995) 464472. 2D.J. Moulin, M.S. Thesis, Department of Nuclear engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1991. 31J.-M.N. Chabeuf, M.S. Thesis, Department of Nuclear engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1993. 32LabVIEW 2, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA. 114