September 20: Jesus’ Ascension
How did the Apostles feel once Jesus was no longer physically with them? What did they do or try to do?
October 4: The Apostles
What do you know about Jesus’ apostles (names, professions, stories)? Why was it important that the apostles formed a community,
traveled in pairs? How can you act as an apostle in your life?
October 18 – RETREAT: Pentecost: the gift of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit goes by many names and images. When you imagine the “Holy Spirit”, what images come to mind? Have you ever
felt the presence of the Holy Spirit? Have you ever prayed to the Holy Spirit? If you change the image of God that you usually hold,
does that change your relationship with God?
November 1: St. Peter, the Leader of the Church
Why is Peter considered the “rock”? Why did Jesus choose Peter? Peter denied Jesus 3 times when Jesus was arrested by the
Romans. Do you think Jesus regretted choosing him to be the foundation stone of His Church? How do you think Peter felt when he
was chosen to the foundation of the Church? How would you feel?
November 15: St. Peter’s Mission
What made the apostles so brave in their teachings? What other gifts of the Holy Spirit helped the apostles in their work? Why doing
the right thing sometimes gets one in trouble?
December 6: St. Paul’s Conversion
Who was Paul/Saul? When did Paul start believing in Jesus? Jesus asks Paul: “why are you hurting me”? Why/how did Jesus feel hurt
or persecuted by Paul? Why is Paul so important for the Church?
December 20: St. Paul’s Mission
Why does St. Paul think that Love/Charity is the most important feeling or Gift of the Holy Spirit? What does this mean to you? Are
you being able to put Love/charity first in your life?
January 24 and February 7: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: AWE, REVERENCE & WISDOM – 1 & 2
How do you think people feel when their decision to follow Christ is questioned by their loved ones? Have there been moments
when you were not feeling quite right about something? Have you been able to depend on the Holy Spirit to help you choose right?
What REALLY makes you happy and/or peaceful, calm? Does it make you happy and calm for a short or really long time? Have you
ever learned something that made you happy? Have you learned something about God, Jesus, or the Church that has made you
happy? Do you think that nuns and priests are happy? Why?
March 6 & 20: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: TOLERANCE – 1 & 2
If you had to pick out the most important thing you did this week, what might it be? What acts of charity/love have you done
recently? In what ways may acts of charity/love change your life?
Can you think of a time when you were hurt? Did it affect the way you treat other people? Have you seen someone hurting or in
need? How did you feel (did you want to help him/her? No? Why not? Were you able to help?) Is tolerance (that is, accepting people
who is different from you) and charity the same thing?
April 3 and 17: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: STRENGTH (courage) In what ways do Christians show strength (and courage)? Can you think of moments when you needed to face a challenge or
overcome a difficulty? How did you gather strength to do so? In what ways can we gather strength to do what God expects from us?
May 1 and 15: Pentecost Re-visited: Going Forth with the Gifts of the Spirit