A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF THE DEEP-DRAFT DREDGING OF COAL PORTS ON THE EAST AND GULF COASTS OF THE UNITED STATES by Stephen C. Graves* Mel Horwitch* Edward H. Bowman** October 20, 1983 1496-83 *The Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology **The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF THE DEEP-DRAFT DREDGING OF COAL PORTS ON THE EAST AND GULF COASTS OF THE UNITED STATES by Stephen C. Graves, The Sloan School, MIT Mel Horwitch, The Sloan School, MIT Edward I. Bowman, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania October 20, 1983 PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS Executive Summary This study deals with the question of whether U.S. society as a whole should invest in large-scale coal port development. The analysis takes a total system perspective with regard to costs and benefits. The analysis does not try to attribute the costs or benefits of dredging to the various parties involved in the coal trade. Rather, the analysis assumes that society, as a whole, will both pay the costs and receive the benefits from dredging. The study focuses specifically on the question of whether U.S. society should finance the deep-draft dredging of coal ports on the East and/or Gulf Coasts so that newly dredged ports can accommodate fully loaded, large (over 100,000 deadweight tons) coal-carrying colliers in order to export coal to Western Europe. Although keeping in mind the great complexity of the coal-port issue, involving economic, logistical, and political factors as well as others, the core of this analysis is based on a large number of different simulations --in effect, scenarios-- using a mathematical programming model to perform the various analyses. For each simulation the model "optimizes" the United States-to-Western Europe coal trade for a given demand level and ocean transportation cost structure. Considering only the ocean transportation costs and port dredging costs, the model finds the least-cost solution for satisfying export demand. Although the analysis is based on a relatively simple model, we argue that the strength of the model is that it clearly focuses upon the key tradeoff in the coal-port issue, namely the cost of dredging versus the potential reduction in ocean transportation costs. The major set of simulations included the ports of Baltimore, Hampton Roads, Mobile, and New Orleans. In addition, a special set of runs also -i- l1 included the Port of New York. For our various demand scenarios we aggregated the demand centers into two major and representative clusters: Northwest Europe (Rotterdam) and Mediterranean Europe (Taranto, Italy). The most striking aspect of our conclusions is the robustness of two solutions: feet. no dredging (the status quo) or dredge only Hampton Roads to 55 If one is somewhat conservative regarding demand projections and requires a relatively high hurdle rate for a societal return-on-investment, then a no-dredging option makes a great deal of sense for American society as a whole. But if one believes that coal demand will ultimately increase at a medium or high rate or that we can accept a relatively lower societal return-on-investment, then dredging only Hampton Roads is the clear choice for a wide range of alternatives. Moreover, if one assumes that the long- term growth of U.S. coal exports will continue, then dredging Hampton Roads may also make sense as an "insurance policy," since this solution is also economically sound under a wide number of conditions. no deep-water coal port at present. The United States has Even when we include the option of dredging the Port of New York in our analysis, the solution of dredging solely Hampton Roads to 55 feet emerges as optimal under a number of likely conditions. The study lends support to those recommending caution in approaching coal-port development. There was no justification for dredging all deep- draft options simultaneously. In fact, what is very clear is that the con- current dredging of more than one port is unwise unless one supports the most optimistic projections for coal-export demand or relatively low real interest rates over the long run. Moreover, under no condition that we examined does it make sense to dredge either of the Gulf ports --Mobile or New Orleans-- before dredging Hampton Roads or Baltimore. -ii- Acknowledgements In the course of doing the initial field research and later data collection, model building, and simulations for this report we were extremely fortunate to have the cooperation and/or support of many organizations. We must particularly thank several helpful officials, analysts, or managers in the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, the Norfolk and Western Railroad, A. T. Massey Company, Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring Company, the Port of New Orleans Authority, the U.S. Corps of Engineers in Washington and its District Offices for Baltimore, Mobile, New Orleans, and Norfolk-Hampton Roads, the City of New York, the New York Port Authority, Shell Coal International, R. S. Platou, IEA Coal Research, the International Bulk Journal, and the Center for Energy Policy Research at MIT. Of course, we take full and sole responsiblity for our analysis and its conclusions. -iii- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Executive Summary i Acknowledgements iii iv Table of Contents List of Tables V Section I. Introduction 1 The Model 7 A. Orientation of the Analysis 7 B. A General Discussion of the Model 8 C. Formulation of the Model Section II. Section III. Data Used in the Analysis: and Discussion Section V. Sources, Assumptions, 17 A. Demand 17 B. Port Data: Cost of Capital, Capacity, and Dredging Costs 18 Ocean Transportation Cost Savings 20 C. Section IV. 13 Model Runs with Hampton Roads, Baltimore, Mobile, and New Orleans 25 A. Overview of Model Runs 25 B. An Illustration 25 Model Runs that Include the Port of New York 29 Section VI. Conclusion 31 Tables 36 References 77 -iv- LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Trends in U.S. Coal Production and Exports 2. U.S. Bituminous Coal Exports, 1973-1981 3. U.S. Coal Exports: Comparison of EIA Projections With Other Projections, 1985-2000 4. Survey of World Ports With Existing and Planned Operating Channel Depths in Excess of 45 Feet 5. Cost Estimates: 6A. U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports-Projections 6B. U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports From Selected Deep-Draft Navigation Projects Over 45 Feet U.S. Ports in 1981 7. Projected U.S. Steam Coal Exports From East Coast and Gulf Ports: 8. 1990 Projected U.S. Steam Coal Exports From East Coast and Gulf Ports: 2000 9. U.S. Coal Export Demand Scenarios 10. Port Capacities 11. U.S. Coal Shipments 12. Dredging Depth Options and Costs 13. Ocean Transport Assumptions 14. General Relationships Between Port Draft and Ship Size 15. Assumptions Regarding the Relationships Between Port Draft and Ship Size That Are Used in the Model 16. Assumptions for Transportation Costs of R.S. Platou LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 17. Ocean Transportation Cost: Hampton Roads-Rotterdam Under "Low Cost Savings" Case 18. Ocean Transportation Cost: Hampton Roads-Rotterdam Under "High Cost Savings" Case 19. Ocean Transportation Cost: Hampton Roads-Taranto, Italy Under "Low Cost Savings" Case 20. Ocean Transportation Cost: Hampton Roads-Taranto, Italy Under "High Cost Savings" Case 21. Ocean Transportation Cost: New Orleans-Rotterdam Under "Low Cost Savings" Case 22. Ocean Transportation Cost: New Orleans-Rotterdam Under "High Cost Savings" Case 23. Ocean Transportation Cost: New Orleans-Taranto, I taly Under "Low Cost Savings" Case 24. Ocean Transportation Cost: New Orleans-Taranto, I taly Under "High Cost Savings" Case 25. Ocean Transportation Costs 26. Results of Model Runs 27. A Summary of Dredging Solutions in Tables 26A - 26G 28. Model Runs That Include the Port of New York 29. Dredging Solutions Under Various Transportation Cost Savings for the Port of New York Over Hampton Roads 30. Cost Breakdown for Four Dredging Cases -vi- Section I Introduction The spectacular rise of the world's seaborne coal trade in the late 1970's and early 1980's is one of the most dramatic recent trends in the whole field of energy. Signalling a new public awareness of this development, the World Coal Study in mid-1980 called attention to the emergence of a growing coal export market --describing coal as a "bridge to the future"-- and predicted that world coal production would have to increase 2.5 to 3 times between 1977 and 2000 to meet world energy requirements. This overall growth, according to that report, would result in a 15-fold rise in the world steam coal trade during that 23-year period. (World Coal Study, 1980A and 1980B). The prospect of the huge coal export market that the World Coal Study identified has created a new set of challenges, opportunities, and threats for the U.S. coal industry and for U.S. society as a whole. One major issue that arose as a result of the surge in coal exports, and one that is still with us today, is coal-port development. There are at least two related major aspects of the coal-port expansion issue: (1) a possible lack of capacity to meet near-term and long-term U.S. coal-export demand and (2) a possible loss of world market share in the long-term. U.S. society now faces the difficult and controversial tasks of evaluating the capability of its present infrastructure for the export of coal and of determining the societal cost-benefit of and strategy for investing in coal-port expansion. This study focuses on an important part of the overall coal-port societal-cost-benefit issue. The study deals with the specific question of whether U.S. society, as a whole, should finance the deep-draft dredging of coal ports on the East and/or Gulf Coasts so that newly-dredged ports can accommodate fully-loaded, large* coal-carrying colliers for exporting U.S. coal to Europe.** At present, no U.S. coal port can handle a fully-loaded, large collier from berthside. The coal-port issue is clearly a richly multifaceted one. The complexity of the issue is due to several factors, including the apparent suddenness of the growth of the world seaborne coal trade, the uncertainty that now surrounds its future demand-growth pattern, the long-term nature of important outcomes, and the wide array of nonmarket stakeholders who have attempted, or may attempt in the future, to influence coal-port policy making. The abrupt surge in coal exports can be illustrated by a few statistics. Worldwide, the total coal trade in 1960 was about 113.3 million short-tons, in 1970 about 186.4 million short-tons, in 1979 about 252.4 million short-tons, and in 1980 about 282 million short-tons (ICE Report, page 24; H. P. Drewry, page 11). In other words, between 1960 and 1970, the world coal trade increased by practically two-thirds, and between 1970 and 1980 it grew again by over 50 percent. Indeed, from 1979 to 1980, the world coal trade increased by about 11 percent. The cause of this spectacular rise in the 1970's was the tremendous increase in the world steam coal trade. In 1970, steam coal accounted for about 19 percent of the world *"Large" is defined as over 100,000 DWT. DWT is a "deadweight ton" and is approximately the volume of a metric ton; it is used to describe the carrying capacity of colliers. **In this study, we do not deal with the question of who should pay for the deepening and maintenace of coal ports. Therefore, for example, we do not address the issue of devising an optimal user-fee policy. For a useful discussion of that issue, see U.S. Department of Energy, May, 1983. -2- seaborne coal trade; in 1980, this figure had grown to 38 percent (H. P. Drewry, page 13). A parallel pattern can be discerned for U.S. coal exports, as seen in Table 1. Annual U.S. coal exports practically doubled between 1960 and 1970, and grew by over another 50 percent in the next 11 years. Although the growth pattern is uneven, export coal's share of total U.S. production has tended to increase: percent in 1982. 8.7 percent in 1960, 11.8 percent in 1970, and 13 As seen in Table 2, the proportion of metallurgical coal has declined during the 1970's and early 1980's, as steam coa's share of U.S. coal exports has risen. Note especially the dramatic increase from 1979 to 1980 of steam coal exports and its share of total experts, and an even more spectacular increase from 1980 to 1981, when steam coal captured about 40 percent of total U.S. coal exports. This growth of both the world coal trade and of U.S. coal exports, especially steam coal exports, in the long term is expected to continue. One typical projection has the total world seaborne coal trade growing from 205.7 million short-tons in 1980, of which 78.1 million short-tons or 38.0 percent is steam coal, to 469.7 million short-tons in 1990, of which 282.7 or 60.2 percent is steam coal (H. P. Drewry, page 20). Similarly, dramatic growth rates for U.S. coal exports have been projected, as seen in Table 3. Forecasts for 1990 range from 99 million short-tons to 152 million shorttons. (U.S. coal exports in 1982 were about 105 million short-tons and are estimated at only 74 million short-tons for 1983.) the Recovery is Heating Up Slowly," 1983.) -3- (Evered, 1983; "For Coal The issue of U.S. coal-port capacity quickly emerged as a public policy issue during 1979 and 1980, with the great rise of U.S. coal exports. The rapid expansion of coal exports at that time appeared to exceed the capacity of coal ports on the East Coast. Queues of ships, at times as many as 90, waited to enter the ports, incurring demurrage charges as highl as $15,000 per ship per day. However, by late 1981, more effective scheduling procedures had essentially eliminated these lines. Still, due to both this bottleneck experience and the growth projections of U.S. coal-export demand, proposals emerged, and continue to emerge, for expanding and dredging a number of U.S. coal ports. The general argument usually put forth for dredging coal ports is that in order for the United States to export coal to its full potential, it must be able to accommodate large coal-carrying vessels and take advantage of the resulting cost savings. As one study stated, "Whether the U.S. captures an 18 percent (at present) or a potential 38 percent share of this market will depend upon how quickly it can develop its ports, thus demonstrating its commitment to expand steam coal exports and enabling coal exporters to negotiate long-term supply contracts with leading importing nations in Western Europe and the Pacific Basin." (U.S. House, Port Development, March, 1982, page 24.) According to this report and others, large coal colliers are accounting for a greater share of the coal seaborne trade due to the economics of marine transportation. The transportation cost savings of shipping coal in an 150,000 DWT ship instead of an 80,000 DWT vessel are estimated by some to be as high as 40 percent, representing perhaps per ton in the delivered cost of coal. 6 to $8 Moreover, other coal-exporting -4- nations are dredging ports or have deep-water ports, as do certain importing countries. Table 4 provides a survey of deep-water ports. Table 5 provides a listing of the proposed U.S. deep-draft navigation projects, estimated to cost in total over 2 billion. The coal-port question is also an intensely political and controversial issue, with several ports competing for federal funds. A major part of the debate is over the level and share of federal funding (U.S. Department of Energy, May, 1983). Coal-port development seems to involve public relations as much as economic analysis and has even become intertwined with general issues related to economic recovery, international trade, and national industrial policy. As one representative pro-dredging argument states: In light of these trends and conditions, the future of port development in the United States is at a crossroads. The U.S. has a unique opportunity to expand its steam coal exports with the potential of emerging as the leading exporter of steam coal through the balance of the century. Continued expansion of coal exports offers the potential for an export-led domestic economic recovery, including the prospect of permanent equilibrium in our international trade balance as early as 1995 through targeted trade pattern stabilization. Port development will generate thousands of new obs in the domestic economy and increase private income and governmental tax revenues at all levels. It will provide the needed impetus for revitalization of our domestic transportation system by contributing to capital investment in rail, port, and pipeline improvements. However, in order to realize these national and regional economic benefits, the U.S. must act expeditiously within the next 3 to 5 years to develop deep-draft ports in response to work, coal market demand and international maritime operating requirements. It must do so in an era of Federal budgetary limits. The accomplishment of this objective will require an unprecedented level of governmental and private sector cooperation in port development. If the national system of deep-draft commercial ports is to meet the challenge of increased international trade and foreign waterborne commerce (particularly in dry-bulk commodities such as coal and grain), then the interrelated processes of deep-draft navigation improvement, project authorization and environmental assessment and regulatory review of new and existing deep-draft channels on both a port- and system-wide basis must be streamlined through meaningful procedural reform. (U.S. House, Port Development, March, 1982, page 25.) -5- In spite of the rhetoric, however, a careful assessment of the coal-port issue from a societywide and total systems cost perspective still remains to be done. Irrespective of who pays --government, users, or both-- U.S. society as a whole still should attempt to determine whether such an investment or at what level such an investment makes sense. We aim to take a societal cost-benefit perspective in beginning to provide at least partial answers to these questions. We will try to use such a perspective in focusing specifically on the coal-port dredging issue as it relates to the East and Gulf Coasts. -6- Section II The Model A. Orientation of the Analysis To address the key issues of developing large deep-water coal ports, which basically deals with the specific choice of dredging a port or set of ports to some level of depth or not dredging at all, we have used a mathematical programming model to perform a set of analyses. The examination takes a societal view and attempts to determine which, if any, of the most likely dredging options can be economically justified. The study is restricted to considering the export market for coal from the East and/or Gulf Coasts to Western Europe. For this export market, the model determines, under various demand and cost scenarios, the most cost-effective solution, taking into account the dredging options, for shipping coal to Europe from the East and/or Gulf Coasts of United States. The analysis takes a total system perspective with regard to costs and benefits. Unlike several studies (e.g. U.S. Department of Energy, May, 1983), the analysis does not try to attribute the costs or benefits of dredging to the various parties involved in the coal trade. Rather, the analysis assumes that society, as a whole, will both pay the costs and receive the benefits from dredging. -7- B. A General Discussion of the Model To further describe the analysis, we need to introduce, at least qualitatively, the model that underlies the analysis. A more formal presentation of the model is given later. The model addresses an optimization problem of the following form: Minimize "Total Annual Trans-Atlantic Shipping Costs Plus Annualized Dredging and Maintenance Costs" Subject to: Satisfying a given Western European demand for U.S. coal - both steam and metallurgical. Without exceeding given expected port throughput capacities at the U.S. ports. And ensuring that each U.S. port handles a given minimal amount of export coal. The key inputs to the model are as follows: (a) Per ton ocean shipping costs from each U.S. port to European demand centers for each possible depth at the U.S. port. (b) The dredging cost and annual maintenance cost for each dredging option at each port. The one-time dredging cost is annualized by a capital cost rate that must also be an input. (c) Expected annual demand for U.S. coal (steam and metallurgical) at each European demand center. (d) Expected coal-handling capacity, measured in short-tons per year, at each port that will be available for satisfying European demand. (e) Expected minimum annual volume of export coal to Europe to be handled by each port. The outputs from the model are: (a) Specification for each port of the most cost-effective dredging decision (e.g., no dredging, dredge to 50 feet, or dredge to 55 feet). -8- (b) Specification of the most cost-effective flow of coal that satisfies the demand and capacity constraints of the model. That is, for each demand center the model specifies how much will be shipped to the demand center from each U.S. port. While this model is reasonably straightforward, we are well aware that there are more complex representations available. Yet, after extensive discussions and consideration, we would contend that such increasingly complex models are of little additional value in considering the question of dredging. Moreover, our model has the advantage of focusing on the most important aspects of coal port development. In particular, with our model we can show under what circumstances the transportation benefits from deeper ports the costs of dredging. ustify This seems to us to be the key economic tradeoff in the dredging controversy. We offer the following observations with regard to the model, its assumptions, and our use of the model: (a) The model "optimizes" the U.S.-to-Europe coal trade for a given demand and transportation cost structure. Consequently, the analysis does not consist of one run of the model and one solution. Rather, we use the model as an analytical tool for looking at a wide range of possible scenarios. For instance, a key input parameter that is varied is total European demand for U.S. coal. We consider our various demand levels corresponding to a series of forecasts that range from low-growth projections for 1990 up to the most optimistic forecasts for 2000. (b) The model itself is a static, single-period model that "optimizes" over a one-year snapshot. effect, represents one scenario. -9- Each model run, in For instance, one run might II represent the best forecasts for year 1995. Clearly, though, the question of dredging is a dynamic, multi-year decision problem. Indeed, some dredging proponents would say the question is not whether to dredge, but when to dredge. We could have formulated and developed a multi-period model rather than a static, single-period model. However, we viewed such a task as not being worth the substantial effort that would be required to develop a dynamic model. Moreover, such an effort may even unnecessarily complicate our main task. By running our static model under a diverse array of possible scenarios we believe that we accomplish, at least partially, a dynamic analysis and sufficiently approximate such a more complex examination. Indeed, as will be seen, the results of our various simulations do suggest at what points in the near future and under what circumstances various dredging options become economically feasible. In fact, the likely set of options narrows considerably and, as also will be seen, there actually seems to be really only two "robust" solutions under a wide range of conditions. (c) With our model, we attempt to minimize the total cost of dredging plus the total ocean transportation cost for moving coal from the U.S. to Europe. No other costs are considered. Consequently, in determining how the coal should optimally flow to Europe, for cost reasons, we always prefer to ship from the closer East Coast ports rather than the Gulf Coast ports, and prefer to ship from a dredged East Coast port rather than a -10- nondredged East Coast port. In essence, we assume that the price of coal at the U.S. port, prior to shipment, is the same for all ports under consideration. (This could easily be changed to differentiate the price of coal according to port of embarkation.) In addition, we do not distinguish between types of coal, e.g., low-sulfur vs. high-sulfur. The model, though, due to the port capacity restrictions* and due to the variety of dredging options (i.e., a dredged Gulf Coast port might be preferred to a nondredged East Coast port), does not allocate all of the coal demand to the East Coast ports. (d) In the model, we assume that the domestic U.S. logistical infrastructure for moving coal from the mine to the port has sufficient capacity and will not restrict the coal throughput at any of the ports. Rather, the only constraint at each port is the coal-handling capacity of that port's coal facilities. (e) Similarly, we assume that both the European ports and the European coal logistical infrastructure provide no constraints to the movement of coal. Hence, if a U.S. port is dredged to 55 feet, then we assume that all coal that is shipped from that port to Europe goes to European ports that are at least 55 feet deep and can be transported efficiently to the ultimate user. Consequently, we assume that we can fully exploit the potential *The concept of port capacity is somewhat ambiguous, especially at a port like New Orleans where extensive midstreaming is possible. Essentially, we use the general categories for capacity of "existing," "underway," and "planned," measured in tons per year, as given in the literature on coalport development. -11- 11 benefits from dredging a U.S. port; that is, the dredged U.S. port receives the largest ship possible and achieves the greatest transportation savings for the coal that it ships. In effect, we act as if Europe is fully-dredged and able to capture the benefits of large vessels. dredging policy be. We then ask what should the U.S. Therefore, if anything, there is an implicit bias in favor of dredging, at least in the construction of this model. (f) We also assume no fleet constraints on the size and type of ships for moviIg coal. All coal shipped from a U.S. port is assumed to be shipped on the largest possible class of ship that can enter the U.S. port (e.g., a Panamax vessel for a port with a 40-foot draft), and hence goes at the lowest possible cost. Again, it should be noted that this assumption also implicitly is biased in favor of dredging. (g) The analysis does not consider any non-coal benefits from dredging, such as lower shipping costs for other commodities. This is consistent with the view that the coal trade to Europe is the primary ustification for dredging the ports of the East Coast and Gulf Coast (Another recent study that takes a similar position is U.S. Department of Energy, May, 1983). (h) We assume that there are no benefits from dredging for U.S. coal going to non-European destinations. However, we have reduced the throughput capacity at each port by an amount corresponding to the expected volume of coal going to non-European destinations. We believe this assumption to be reasonable, since the coal volume from the ports under consideration to -12- non-European destinations, with the exception of Japan, is small in nature and is unlikely to go in deep-draft ships due to port and demand constraints on the receiving end. The lack of benefits for the Japanese coal is less clear, although we offer two comments. Firstly, from the East Coast and Gulf Coast, any deep-draft ship could not go through the Panama Canal and must make a much longer trip around Cape Horn. Secondly, many experts expect that West Coast ports will handle most of the projected growth in the Japanese steam coal trade. In summary, we have taken a perspective that focuses on what we believe to be the key tradeoff: the cost of dredging versus the ocean transportation savings of moving coal from the United States to Europe in large coal-carrying colliers. The preceding observations and assumptions are made primarily to highlight this tradeoff. C. Formulation of the Model In this section, we formulate the model in mathematical terms as a mixed-integer linear program. To formulate the model, we need to introduce the following notation: Indices: i Will denote a port in United States; k Will index the dredging options at a particular port, e.g., k = 1 : do nothing k = 2 : dredge to 50' = : dredge to 55'; k 3 -13- 1l = 1 may index the demand j Will denote a demand center, e.g., for coal in Spain; I Is the number of U.S. ports under consideration; Ki Is the number of dredging options at Port i; J Is the number of demand centers. Decision Variables Yik = 0,1 Binary decision variable to denote whether Option k at Port i is chosen. xijk Continuous decision variable to denote the amount of coal going to Demand Center j from Port i, assuming that Option k is chosen for Port i (i.e., Yik = 1). - If Yik = O, then xijk = 0 for all j. Parameters: Dj Demand requirements (annual) for Demand Center j. Sik Annual throughput capacity of coal at Port i under Option k; (this should reflect expected coal-handling facilities at Port i). Li Minimum annual volume of coal that must be shipped from Port i. Fik Annualized fixed cost for dredging Option k at Port i. This cost includes the annualization of the dredging cost plus the annual maintenance cost. To annualize the dredging cost, we multiply the one-time dredging cost by an assumed cost-of-capital percentage, which is parametrically varied. Cijk Variable ocean-transportation cost (/ton) for shipping coal to Demand Center from Port i where dredging Option k is chosen at Port i. This cost depends on the size of ship that can access Port i under Option k. Now the model formulation is a mixed-integer linear program and can be stated as follows: I (1) Min K Z EC i=1 k=l J ikYik j=l -14- C i jki) jk subject to I K (2) x DJ for J=1,2,...,J il k=l1 (3) i Xijk - SikYik J K j=k < 0 i for i=l,2,...,I for i=1,2,...,I Ki (5) Yik = X for i=1,2,...,I k=l (6) Yik = 0, 1; xiJk 0 for all i, , k. Explanation of formulation for each equation: (1) Objective function is annualized fixed costs plus variable costs. (2) This ensures that we satisfy demand requirements for all demand centers. (3) This ensures that we do not exceed capacity at a particular port. Also, it forces xijk to be zero, if Yik = 0. (4) This ensures that each port ships a minimal amount of coal, as specified by Li. (5) This ensures that exactly one option is chosen for each port (including a "do nothing" option). (6) Variable type specification. Yik are binary decision variables, while xijk are non-negative continuous variables. The model is analogous to the standard model for a "capacitated warehouse location problem" (CWLP) as treated in the management science literature. (See, for example, Akinc and Khumawala, 1977 and Geoffrion and McBride, 1978.) In a CWLP, the intent is to find the optimal warehouse locations from a set of candidate warehouse locations, and then to determine which customers are served by which warehouses. -15- An optimal solution minimizes the fixed cost of operating the warehouses, plus the variable cost of satisfying customer demand from the various warehouses. Each warehouse has a capacity limit on how much demand it can handle, and all customer demand must be satisfied. The model proposed here by (1) - (6) is very similar to a CWLP. At each port, the dredging options correspond to the candidate warehouse locations. The demand centers for coal are the warehouses' customers. The allocation of coal demand to ports is made so that all demand is satisfied, the capacity at each port is not exceeded, and the annual costs (fixed and variable) are minimized. We have implemented an adaptation of the solution procedure given by Akinc and Khumawala, 1977 to solve the model (1) - (6). This solution procedure is a branch-and-bound procedure in which bounds are generated by solving a network-problem relaxation to the original problem (1) - (6). -16- Section III Data Used in the Analysis: Sources, Assumptions, and Discussion Our analysis uses various categories of data, including estimates and assumptions of coal-export demand in Europe, estimates of U.S. coal-port capacities, estimates of dredging costs at five ports (Hampton Roads, Baltimore, Mobile, New Orleans, and, as a special case, the Port of New York), ocean-transportation cost estimates, and cost-of-capital estimates. What follows is a discussion of our data, the data sources, assumptions concerning these data, and a description regarding the various data scenarios used. A. Demand Tables 6 through 9 deal with our demand projections. Our initial source for metallurgical demand projections are the actual 1981 metallurgical coal export figures broken down by destination of shipment (International Coal Review, February 12, 1982). As seen in Table 6A, for our base case we increased 1981 metallurgical coal exports to Europe by ten percent. As seen in Tables 7 and 8, the steam coal demand projections are based on the forecasts of the Interim Interagency Coal Export (ICE) Task Force Report of January, 1981. Basically, the low, medium, and high projections were calculated by taking the most likely steam coal import forecasts for 1990 and 2000 of each European coal-importing nation, and then multiplying by the bottom, top, and mid-U.S. steam coal market share projections for each country (ICE Report, January, 1981, pages 47, 48). We then generate a set of demand scenarios by combining various estimates of metallurgical and steam coal demand. -17- For these demand III scenarios we aggregated the demand centers into two major and representative demand clusters: Europe. Northwest Europe and Mediterranean We use this aggregration because we are only concerned with the Trans-Atlantic cost savings that result from dredging, and because the geographic demand profile, as reflected broadly in terms of transportation costs and coal-port location, appears to fit such a two-region pattern. Tables 9-A through 9-G list the various demand scenarios for U.S. coal exports that are used in our analysis in order of increasing magnitude. Generally, most coal-export forecasts generated by responsible analysts are approximated in one or another of these projections. Please note that we ignore Far East demand in most of these projections. Currently, as much as 30 million short-tons per year go to the Far East. However, we do take account of expected Far East demand in our port capacity assumptions and demand projections. B. Port Data: Cost of Capital, Capacity, and Dredging Costs In characterizing the ports, we need to address the following issues: the cost of capital, port capacity, forced throughput at each port, dredging options, and investment and maintenance costs. For the cost of capital, we used the following set of interest rates: 7.5 percent (which corresponds to the Corps of Engineers' interest rate), 10 percent (intermediate value), 12 percent (treasury bond), and 15 percent (an approximate private sector investment hurdle rate). Table 10 provides the port capacity figures used in this analysis. As noted before, the capacity figures are highly fluid; -18- and, as can be seen on Table 10, there can be a significant disparity between the various reference sources. Much of this disparity is due to differences in definition of the capacity categories. Also, different sources accept different levels of credibility in listing capacity-expansion plans. The three categories used in this study are existing, underway, and planned. We generally use the categories existing plus underway as a "base case". But other port capacity projections are also used in some of our model simulations. We also are aware that planned port capacity may actually be very dependent on port dredging decisions. However, in our model simulations, we ignore this possible relationship and assume that the port capacity figures used in each of the various simulations will occur regardless of dredging decisions. We make this assumption in order to avoid generating results that choose dredging only because the dredging option may be the only way to achieve the stipulated port capacity for a simulation. The model, if left totally unconstrained with regard to capacity and throughput, would automatically allocate coal throughput to the least costly port. Therefore, one or more ports could possibly ship no coal at all under certain scenarios. For political, behavioral, and practical reasons (and possibly economic ones would emerge as well under more detailed case-by-case scrutiny), such a situation is obviously unrealistic. In order to avoid such a circumstance, as seen in Table 11, we have constrained our model by forcing a certain amount of coal equal to European coal export shipments in 1981 as a minimum bound through each of the four primary coal ports under consideration -- IIampton Roads, Baltimore, Mobile, and New Orleans. -19- Except for New Orleans, which shipped only 3.8 million short-tons in 1980, the total amount of coal shipped through each port in 1980 was about the same as in 1981. The coal shipped from these four ports to non-European destinations was primarily metallurgical coal for Japan. These non-European shipments were subtracted from the capacity projections at each port in order to give an effective capacity available for European demand. Table 12 provides the investment and annual maintenance cost data for each dredging option (e.g. 45 feet, 50 feet, and 55 feet) for each of the four ports*. C. Ocean Transportation Cost Savings To calculate ocean transportation cost savings resulting from using a larger vessel, we need to know the distance traveled, the speed of the ship or the number of days at sea, the relationship between draft and ship size, and the various component cost factors that make up total transportation costs. We have used two representative European destinations, Rotterdam in the northwest and Taranto, Italy in Mediterranean Europe. We assign to each European country either the Rotterdam rate or the Taranto rate as is indicated in Table 13. We assume that the round-trip voyage period to Taranto is 5.5 days more than to Rotterdam. (This additional time increment is based on a one-way voyage length from Rotterdam to Taranto of about 990 nautical miles and an average speed of 14.5 knots.) (H. P. Drewry, page 98.) *Please note that Baltimore is authorized to be dredged only to a depth of 50 feet. -20- In Table 14, we indicate the general relationship between draft and ship size. In Table 15, we list the specific relationship that we will assume in our model. The derivation of ocean transportation costs is initially based on the figures of the Norwegian shipping firm, R. S. Platou, and we subsequently modified these figures using various assumptions. The figures and derivations have also been compared to other published figures, especially those of shipping consulting firm, H. P. Drewry. A key aspect of the debate over ocean transportation cost savings, from the use of large coal-carrying colliers involves determining the size of benefits due to economies of scale that would result from using big ships. High savings would mean full economies of scale, both at sea and in loading and unloading in port. Dutch Shell basically subscribe to this view. Analysts at Royal (Royal Dutch Shell Telex of May 6, 1982, and discussions in London in June, 1982.) On the other hand, both R. S. Platou and H. P. Drewry forecast lower cost savings due primarily to an inability to obtain economies of scale in port (R. S. Platou slides and discussions with R. S. Platou analysts at MIT in 1982). H. P. Drewry also has identified alternate cost-savings scenarios. (H. P. Drewry, pages 89-104.) In any event, as will be seen, we can manipulate R. S. Platou's format so that, like Shell's figures, high cost savings are generated. Other aspects of our data base are worth noting. For example, because R. S. Platou's construction and labor costs are based on Norwegian industry figures, they are high relative to many other data sources. Or, to take another example which has the opposite effect, we may have overstated the savings from dredging since (as seen in the -21- Royal Dutch Shell costs) it may often have been cheaper to light load a big ship (such as a 160,000-DWT collier), rather than fully load a smaller, but still large, vessel (such as a 120,000 DWT collier) at a particular draft (Royal Dutch Shell Telex of May 6, 1982 and discussions in London). But we believe these and possibly other specific or idiosyncratic aspects of our data base or data assumptions will have little influence on our general findings because of the wide range of simulations that were run. R. S. Platou's original assumptions are given in Table 16. For R. S. Platou, fuel and diesel oil costs depend primarily on days in transit, the ship's speed, and size of ship; harbor fees depend only on size of ship; operating and capital costs depend on total number of voyage days, which is days in transit plus days in port, and on size of ship. Therefore, the number of days in port affects only operating and capital costs. In deriving our set of various ocean transportation costs, we assume for a given size of ship that the harbor fee is fixed, that operating and capital costs are directly proportional to voyage days (which equal days at sea plus days in port), and that fuel and diesel oil costs remain the same for Rotterdam but will increase in proportion to total voyage days for going to Taranto. Table 17 is R. S. Platou's original calculation of the ocean transportation costs for the voyage from Hampton Roads to Rotterdam. It represents a "low cost savings" scenario. To obtain a "high cost savings" scenario for the Hampton RoadsRotterdam route for, say, a 120,000 DWT vessel, as seen in Table 18, we assume that there will be port-handling economies of scale for the -22- larger collier. In particular, we assume that the time to unload/load a collier is independent of the collier's size. Accordingly, a ship on the Hampton Roads-Rotterdam route spends 29 voyage days no matter what the ship's size. unchanged. We leave fuel oil, diesel oil, and harbor costs But we now reduce operating and capital costs by 29/32 since the number of voyage days is reduced from 32 to 29. This contrasts with the assumptions of R. S. Platou, as represented in the "low cost savings" scenario in Table 17, where the assumption is.that the rate for load/unloading is constant for all size ships so that a larger ship requires more days in port. In fact, the whole issue of whether there are significant economies of scale for days in port, which affects operating and capital costs figures, is a key point of debate between those analysts, such as at R. S. Platou, who tend to downplay the advantages of large coal-carrying colliers and emphasize the lack of significant economies of scale for load/unloading in port and those, such as at Royal Dutch Shell, who tend to assume significant economies of scale for load/unloading in port. (R. S. Platou slides and Telex from Royal Dutch Shell of June 5, 1982.) Let us now look at another example. In order to.decide the "low cost savings" for the Hampton Roads-Taranto voyage for, say, a 120,000 DWT ship, we leave.harbor costs unchanged, but the voyage length is now 37.5 days (5.5 days more days at sea than to Rotterdam). Therefore, fuel oil, diesel oil, operating, and capital costs need to include costs for the additional 5.5 days at sea over the costs for the "low cost savings" Hampton Roads-Rotterdam voyage. are seen on Table 19. The results Tables 17 through 24 provide the derivations -23- for "low" and "high cost savings" rates from both the East Coast (Hampton Roads) and the Gulf (New Orleans) to either Northwest Europe (Rotterdam) or Mediterranean Europe (Taranto). We assume that the ocean transportation costs from Baltimore would be approximately the same as from Hampton Roads and that the shipping costs from Mobile would be approximately the same as from New Orleans. Table 25 summarizes the results of these derivations. We note here that the critical input to our study is not the absolute ocean transportation costs, but rather the relative savings in ocean transportation costs due to the use of larger colliers. These relative savings will dictate whether the costs of dredging can be justified. Hence, in this light, the "low-savings" scenario implies a $2.10 per short-ton savings from dredging a 40-foot draft to a 55-foot draft for shipments from the East Coast to Northwest Europe (Rotterdam); the "high-savings" scenario gives a $3.38 per short-ton savings. A similar interpretation applies for the other cases. -24- Section IV Model Runs With Hampton Roads, Baltimore, Mobile, and New Orleans A. Overview of Model Runs We are now ready to run our model, but first let us offer some comments. We will run the model under various scenarios and will change assumptions concerning demand, cost of capital, port capacity, The model will select the most and/or ocean transportation costs. cost-effective route and will select the most cost-effective dredging options where appropriate. For each scenario, we also attempt to assess the sensitivity of the solution to the cost parameters. First, for each simulation we indicate the "Investment Range," that is, the percentage that all investment and maintenance costs can be increased before the no-dredging solution (i.e. the status quo) is preferred to the stated optimal dredging policy. Second, we generate a "Breakeven Capital Cost" percentage, which is the upper limit of the cost of capital for the preferred dredging solution. Any cost of capital percentage exceeding the breakeven implies that the no-dredging solution is preferred. Tables 26-A through 26-G list the results of our model runs. B. An Illustration In order to help understand our results, we offer an illustration. Let us consider the first case in Table 26-B; here we -25- take demand to be level B (from Table 9-B: 20 percent growth for metallurgical coal; and midpoint projections for steam coal for 2000 from the ICE Report) and the ocean transportation costs to be the "low-savings" case (from Table 25). is 90.8 million short-tons per year. Total European demand, therefore, The port capacities (in million short-tons per year) from Table 10 are: Hampton Roads 126.8 Baltimore 53.6 Mobile 20.0 New Orleans 111.0 We also assume that a portion of this capacity must be used for non-European coal demand, where the amount is set equal to the 1981 levels (from Table 11). This leaves an effective port capacity (in million short-tons per year) for coal exports to Europe as follows: Hampton Roads 105.7 Baltimore 48.5 Mobile 18.0 New Orleans 105.5 Clearly, there is more-than-adequate port capacity to meet the demand level for this illustrative case. Now, for each port we force a certain amount of the European exports through that port, according to 1981 shipments (from Table 11). In total, 48.6 million short-tons are forced through the four ports; the remaining demand of 42.2 million short-tons are allocated -26- to the ports by the model. If no dredging occurs, the model assigns the demand as follows: Destination To Northwest Europe From Hampton Roads Mediterranean Europe 39.8 Total 33.3 73.1 Baltimore 7.8 0 7.8 Mobile 1.5 0 1.5 New Orleans 8.4 0 8.4 Total 57.5 The average cost is rates. 33.3 90.8 10.02 per ton, assuming the "low-savings" We note that the demand assigned to Baltimore, Mobile, and New Orleans occurs only due to the constraint that requires a minimal level of throughput at these ports. If we did not have this constraint, Hampton Roads will supply all demand. When dredging is permitted, the model finds that the dredging of HIampton Roads from 45 feet to 55 feet can be justified provided that the hurdle rate (the capital cost) for the investment is less than 14.2 percent. Otherwise, no dredging is the best solution. When Hampton Roads is dredged, the assignment of demand does not change from the no-dredging case. To see why we can justify the dredging of Hampton Roads, consider the cost savings. There will be a savings of .88 per short-ton (9.11 minus 8.23) for the 39.8 million short-tons that go to -27- Northwest Europe; similarly, there will be a savings of 1.19 per short-ton (10.52 minus 9.33) for the 33.3 million short-tons that go to Mediterranean Europe. are In total, the transportation cost savings 74.7 million per year. The one-time cost to dredge Hampton Roads is $480 million, with an annual maintenance cost of $6.7 million. At an annual capital cost of 14.2 percent, the annualized cost of dredging, including maintenance, is 74.7 million. Hence, below this capital cost the benefits of dredging outweigh the costs, and vice-versa for a higher capital cost. We must emphasize that in this analysis we view the ocean transportation cost savings as the only benefit from dredging. But one can incorporate other quantifiable benefits from dredging into this analysis in a relatively straightforward manner. Table 27 summarizes these results. Note especially the prevalence of the no-dredging solution for low demand conditions and the choice of dredging Hampton Roads to 55 feet under a wide range of conditions. In Section VI we will discuss the implications of these results. -28- Section V Model Runs that Include the Port of New York We also ran a special set of simulations that included coal-port plans for the Port of New York (i.e. the proposed coal port of New York City and the proposed coal port of the New York Port Authority). We decided to generate an entirely separate set of simulations that included the Port of New York because, although the Port of New York options were emerging at the time of our analysis and were generating interest, they also appeared much more uncertain, incomplete, and speculative than the plans for the other four ports that we studied.* From an overall perspective, moreover, it may be useful to see how the inclusion of a fifth port with somewhat different characteristics affects the solutions of our analysis. Based on discussions with relevant officials in the New York Port Authority and the City of New York, the following assumptions for the Port of New York coal ports were made: the investment cost for dredging is million; the annual maintenance cost is 200 5 million; and the annual capacity of the two Port of New York coal ports for export coal is 30 million short-tons. We also assumed that if no dredging takes place, then no coal ports at the Port of New York would be constructed, and, hence, no coal exports from this port would occur. For transportation rates, we performed two sets of analyses based on our assumptions for transportation rates -- the first set assumed that if the New York harbor is dredged, then the cross-Atlantic *Indeed, these proposed port plans for the Port of New York were later abandoned. But these plans, or similar plans, for the Port of New York may someday reappear. -29- rates would be comparable to those from Hampton Roads dredged to 55 feet. This set only considered the case of "medium" transportation savings. Tables 28-A through 28-G list the results of this set of runs. In the second set of model runs, the assumptions were the same as in Table 28 except that now the Port of New York is assumed to have a transportation cost savings over Hampton Roads at 55 feet of anywhere from no cost savings per ton to a savings of $4.00 per ton. results of this set of the model runs. Table 29 lists the Note especially the continued strength of the no-dredging solution at the low demand levels, and the solution of dredging solely Hampton Roads to 55 feet at the low savings levels. The implications of these results are discussed in Section VI. -30- Section VI Conclusion Before discussing the implications of our results and our general conclusions, we want to reiterate that our societal cost-benefit examination of the coal-port dredging question did not use a complex analytical model. Rather we explicitly chose to rely on a relatively simple model that would clearly highlight what we believe to be the key tradeoff: the cost of dredging versus the possible ocean transportation cost savings. Our results lead to a number of implications and general conclusions. Certainly, the analysis lends support to those recommending caution in approaching the funding of coal-port development (recent examples of other studies taking a similar position include Evered, 1983, U.S. Department of Energy, May, 1983, and U.S. General Accounting Office, August, 1983). Above all, we found that we could not justify dredging simultaneously all dredging options. This is because of the interdependence of the various ports. must share demand or compete for demand. They In fact, it is only when we reach a relatively high demand projection, Demand D, that our model indicates that the optimal course of action is to dredge more than one port. Moreover, such a solution is only generated when capital costs are lowered to ten percent and transportation cost savings are "medium." Perhaps even more striking is the robustness of two solutions: dredging (the status quo) or dredge only Hampton Roads to 55 feet. no As seen on Table 27, if one is both somewhat conservative regarding demand projections (thereby adhering to Demand A) and also requires a relatively high hurdle rate for a societal return-on-investment, then a no-dredging option for the European coal market makes a great deal of sense for American society as a whole. -31- 1I But if one believes that European demand for U.S. coal will ultimately increase at least to Demand B or that we can accept a lower societal return-on- investment, then dredging only Hampton Roads to 55 feet is the clear choice for a wide range of alternatives. We should also note that Hampton Roads is preferred over Baltimore because Hampton Roads has more capacity and is a deeper port. In order to gain some perspective on the robustness of the solutions resulting from our analysis, let us look at our results from a total annual cost and annual savings viewpoint, as seen in Table 30. This table gives the cost consequences for the no-dredging case, and three dredging options over the seven demand cases. The three dredging options are to dredge Hampton Roads to 55 feet; dredge Hampton Roads to 55 feet and Baltimore to 50 feet; and dredge Hampton Roads to 55 feet and New Orleans to 55 feet. The ocean transportation costs are derived assuming the "medium savings" rates. Using Table 30, we can make some observations on the robustness of the various options. Dredging Hampton Roads yields a reduction in ocean transportation costs of 66 million per year over the no-dredging option for the lowest demand case (Demand A: 60.5 million short-tons per year). Savings in ocean transportation costs increase to $170 million per year for the highest demand case (Demand G: 207.5 million short-tons per year). Dredging Baltimore in addition to Hampton Roads gives some additional savings in ocean transportation costs: an additional $8 million per year for the lowest demand case, increasing to an additional for the highest demand case. 44 million per year Hence, the incremental investment ($302 million) in dredging Baltimore would seem justifiable only if demand projections were 160 million short-tons per year (i.e., Demand E) or -32- higher. Dredging New Orleans in addition to Hampton Roads is viable only for the highest demand cases (i.e., Demand F and Demand G). Annual demand has to be on the order of 200 million short-tons per year before the incremental savings in ocean transportation costs from dredging New Orleans (in addition to Hampton Roads) can even cover the additional annual maintenance costs for New Orleans, let alone provide a meaningful return on the required investment to perform the dredging. Furthermore, one can also support the dredging of Hampton Roads on grounds that are not explicitly considered in the model. First, the whole coal-port development issue is a long-term and complex one and should be evaluated as a long-term and multifaceted investment. Such huge development projects tend to take longer to be constructed than original projections indicate, although they also tend to cost more than originally estimated (Merrow, et.al., July, 1979). Although coal export demand, for example, may be disappointingly low in, say, 1990, it may grow rapidly during the 1990's and, therefore, be rather high in, say, the year 2000. In other words, while there may be fluctuations in demand, we must emphasize possible long-term patterns of demand. However, we must be careful not to choose solutions that are far from those that can be economically societal cost-benefit basis. ustified on a A recent study, for example, by maintaining the current ratio of shipments of coal exports by ports, advocates dredging New Orleans (Greer, 1983). This solution -dredging solely New Orleans-- was never preferred in any of our simulations.* *Although we "force" a certain amount of coal through each of the four existing coal ports that we studied to account for political, logistical, and economic realities, we do not require the long-term maintenance of a specific ratio of coal-export shipments by ports. -33- Another feature of the whole coal-export question is that the United States now has no deep-water coal port. It may be prudent to have at least one such port to serve the European coal market in order to capture the benefits of a growth in demand at some point in the future and also to gain experience in using such facilities. According to our analysis, dredging Hampton Roads to 55 feet is the clear choice for at least the East Coast and Gulf region for accomplishing such broad policy goals. Even when we include the Port of New York in our analysis and then run our model, the solution of dredging Hampton Roads to 55 feet emerges as optimal under a number of likely conditions. As seen in Tables 28-A through 28-G, this solution is optimal at least through Demand C. As seen in Table 29, when the Port of New York has no cost savings over Hampton Roads, then the dredging of Hampton Roads to 55 feet seems to dominate the dredging of New York. (But then New York dominates Baltimore.) However, when the Port of New York has some transportation savings over Hampton Roads, it is less clear. It seems that if the savings are from t1.00 to 2.00 per ton, then the Port of New York is either preferred to Hampton Roads or can be justified along with Hampton Roads for several of the low demand scenarios. When savings are more than $2.00 per ton, then the Port of New York is preferred, although typically both can be justified. This study deals with a specific issue in one industry. However, at a more general level, the way we structured the coal-port dredging question --presenting a small number of variables and nominally simple alternatives in formulating the problem and our model-- has highlighted some of the classical problems of such society-wide policy issues as "national industrial policy". We have actually found that such phenomena involve -34- alternative sets of different formulations, different answers, and different beneficiaries. To focus once more on the specific issue at hand -- coal-port development on the East and Gulf Coasts, what is very clear and what emerges unambiguously is that the concurrent dredging of more than one port is unwise unless one supports the most optimistic projections for coal-export demand or relatively low real interest rates over the long run. Moreover, under no condition that we examined, does it make sense to dredge either of the Gulf ports --Mobile or New Orleans-- before dredging Hampton Roads or Baltimore. -35- Table 1 Trends in U.S. Coal Production and Exports (Million Short-Tons) Total Production Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 (estimated) SOURCES: 434.3 420.4 439.0 477.2 504.2 527.0 546.8 564.9 556.7 571.0 612.7 560.9 602.5 598.6 610.0 654.6 684.9 697.2 670.2 781.1 829.7 820.1 833.0 Total Exports Percentage Exports of Total 38.0 36.4 41.2 51.3 50.9 52.2 50.8 51.0 52.0 57.9 72.4 58.0 57.2 54.0 61.1 66.8 60.6 54.7 41.0 66.4 91.7 112.5 108.0 8.7% 8.7% 9.4% 10.8% 10.1% 9.9% 9.1% 9.0% 9.3% 10.1% 11.8% 10.3% 9.5% 9.0% 10.0% 10.2% 8.8% 7.8% 6.1% 8.5% 11.1% 13.7% 13.0% U.S. Department of Energy, Quarterly Coal Report: January March, 1982, DOE/EIA-0121 (82/10) (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, August, 1982), page 63; personal communication with U.S. Department of Energy on January 13, 1983. -36- Table 2 U.S. Bituminous Coal Exports, 1973-1981 (Million Short-Tons) Year Metallurgical Coal Exports_ Steam Coal Exports Total Exports Steam Coal as a Percentage of Total Exports 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 42.6 51.6 51.6 47.8 41.9 29.8 50.7 63.1 65.2 10.3 8.3 14.1 11.6 11.8 10.0 14.1 26.8 45.0 52.9 59.9 65.7 59.4 53.7 39.8 64.8 89.9 110.2 19.5% 13.6% 21.5% 19.5% 22.0% 25.1% 21.8% 29.8% 40.8% SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Coal Exports: Projections and Documentation, #DOE/ElA-0137 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, March, 1982), page 5. -37- H ,-a) Hu~ cO c o 00 U) Z ZZ -4 r-UC4 H 0 d CU E CO 0 N 000 ZZN a c.r HC zzC1 o4 0 0 a) EH H -4 -4 co w 4.) 0 (a H C d ) C C) CH a V) zzo.q LfXUo0 c u 0 Ca zzz zzz r-q H3c3~ -4 U 0 ¢ z Cd a 00 4.) 0 co (U .' a 0 z N n co d .,4 H E-- 0 -4 o 0 a) 0 U M aCO Co c; M p -. (a O Uca el U o .1- 4.1 a ,4 0 -4 Co O C co C-' Z z o z z 4 z a O 0, '-4 -J 0 d'J-4 u 4 I-4E co p O H z z - z z d co 0 -4 C W P< ( ( H < %o- i r-4 HD q U: CO -U M H 10 0 a. 14 o "C4- r."-t 5)- (1q H; 4 0 p :3 a) 0 12 (a 0a r-q 00 p n4 a.' r. 4-4 14 ) M oo-4: Ho C r-qre O O r.Co1 o ¢ Zl n o C o n Z 4i , a -4 4- a) o 7O rlO H O n Co O C4 O0 OCO ) .Do- OO 1u O' HHir- z z to CO a 0 aH 0U (a P., co -H i3 04 d co rco 0 4. O a:o %DC 00cn O00co c) O I Lf) D un .4 r H 5zz a() 4.) Q 4 oo 4) c 0 0 O 0 5.4 4-4 CL "g o4 N H O a) cO ) 4 r-i > d Cd cd a (a 04 (a a) pt HaJ a)o ;I 0 OL Z;r CU ' O a, wwH c Coo Cq4C O -~-- 00 u'nuCO -4 H:: ¢ C > (C C O O o .. ,.-4 I' 04 I0' .DOr- HH4 C r- t C4 rH--i C4 0 a) p4 O 0 U o 0 0 w r4 -4 O co C , 0 0 4-j 4.) (a z 4-e O,-4 -4 0 00 O -4 4U a) C) 0 Fd W O H c) * 4.) 4 eo C p 4 H V p. r- H (a 0 W H CJ e a .4 a .74 0 p b0 0 _ a.) r-4 H 5-4 -74 M '4 ( a0 O ao H a H 4.) aI) r4 0 (a -H 00 0 Cd 0 U a co (, Zb r4 co H >1 0 00 4 HCo' ZH 4 b1 aO Co ta 4.) C4 0 W -4 a) aC C, r a4 I-i '1-4 CU 0 -4 a U p.4 r-A H co O¢ 0 N Ca O 04 z H W rn 44 0 w O Eno a a) 0 C) 4-) 0 a) d 0 CL 4) 04 a p. . 4) a .4i co U) ·C H C) ,. .0 c4 O ,.4 a 0 04i 05 p 4 0 (aa) 'A 3D C a o 0 '4 co 0 0 CO '-U -I a ,4. (a a (4 (- a co COH co 0 o 4) :2-4 0 0 -4 ·(a40 , C)0 P., Co ": - vl tew n 0 .7 0 = 1Z4 PL4 "r4 (a cM II ,4w a 4.) as - 4 r4 II OH a 00 4-' U u 4c Pi a1) .0 (12 0 O (a .a~aO )H 4.) a cf ol a) II 54 09 ao H 4 aOo c :E 4 4 a 38- P: P00 z II *.u 1111 II H- z :c v) Table 4 Survey of World Ports with Existing and Planned Operating Channel Depths in Excess of 45 Feet Maximum Draft in Feet Port Japan: Kimitsu Kashima Muroran Kawasaki Mizushima Fukuyama Chiba Tobata Kakogana Oita United Kingdom: Hunterston Port Talbot Redcar The Netherlands: Rotterdam Proposed IJmulden Federal Republic of Germany: Wilhelmshaven Hamberg France: Le Harve Proposed Marseille Dunkerque Proposed Nates St-Nazaire Fos Italy: Taranto SOURCE: Port Belgium: Antwerp Finland: Port Sweden: Goteborg Oxelosund Denmark: Aabenraa Stignaes Spain: Barcelona Gijon-Musel Sagunto Carboneras Yugoslavia: RiJeka Australia: Abbots Point Hay Paint Newcastle Port Kembla Gladstone South Africa: Richards Bay Proposed Canada: Quebec City Vancouver Prince Rupert Poland: Gdansk U.S.S.R.: Vostochnyy 59.04 57.00 52.48 67.00 52.48 52.48 55.76 57.00 52.48 79.00 95.12 46.97 52.97 68.00 72.00 52.00 47.00 47.00 45.92 52.48 61.00 45.92 75.44 51.00 57.00 52.00 Maximum Draft in Feet 54.00 51.00 56.00 72.00 55.00 49.00 127.00 50.00 49.00 55.00 51.00 72.00 56.00 54.00 53.00 54.00 56.00 75.00 48.00 65.00 65.00 50.00 50.00 U.S. Congress House, Port Development, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, Report 97-454, Port I (Washington, D.C.: House Committee on Marine and Fisheries, March 9, 1982), page 28. -39- 11 a) H 4i co 4 ed c e - a) oo rs C * * 'I L) - I r-ib -H 5 * * Ln I 4i o a) Q) zn. w 44 S cY' bO w a) z 3 V a) ,---{ o ao d 0 - ao o Q H ' o uL ' * 4 * CY) aJ a) z P, rPcto C r- a) 0 H * o 0 o %rl u- o o: ,--{ cl nCA * N H * c i U, I I I N I I - * N ca o a Z o 1-, r-4 11-4 C', aco l H 0 H co 4- 0 H p , a) -i 0 bo 4.. H H a) rco 0 a' _/ Lo o a a U, o a H- 0 CO C4 N N 0 C) C, ,4 0 C.) 0 '-i A a) p[a 4) nr co a) o 0Pn a) o 4i 4i 4i co r4i Io 0 U, U, k p 04 1-4 UV) U) U) U OU, U, U,'0~~~~~c~ a a U, O -H o 4 d 4- U, - , _ 4j c-4 -I. _ 5 0 4jo 0 o o w o0 4 I U -It -* 0 a' 0 a' I I o o0 'IO I'O to. .1px o 4. PL4 0 ,.--I O p ',- O O ) 0 > .4 (M % 0 ) ) .d 0o 0 H ¢ co m o c co -a) 1.4 0 - 0 z 0 a) Z -40- 0 t a) H ¢ C' 0 0 w c H a i- Co 8. 0 pd r -i O 0 4o . V Table 6A U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports - Projections (Million Short-Tons) Base Year 1981 Austria Bel/Lux Denmark Finland France Greece Ireland Italy The Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom West Germany 10% 0 3.3 .4 0 5.3 0 3.0 .4 0 4.8 .1 .3 6.6 2.8 .3 2.7 20% 0 3.6 .5 0 5.8 .1 .1 1.9 .3 7.3 3.1 .3 3.0 1.2 2.1 2.1 .4 7.9 3.4 .4 3.2 1.3 2.3 2.3 Total 25.9 28.5 31.2 Japan 21.9 1.1 1.9 Table 6B U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports to Europe from Selected U.S. Ports in 1981 (Million Short-Tons) Baltimore Hampton Roads Mobile New Orleans 4.1 12.6 1.3 2.8 Total 20.8 SOURCE: International Coal Review, February 12, 1982. -41- 111 Table 7 Projected U.S. Steam Coal Exports From East Coast and Gulf Ports: 1990 (Million Short-Tons) Low Medium High Austria 0 1.0 2.0 Bel/Lux 2.6 3.8 5.1 Denmark .8 2.8 4.8 Finland 1.4 1.8 2.1 France 2.9 4.2 5.7 Greece .4 1.0 1.6 Ireland .4 .8 1.2 3.9 5.9 7.8 The Netherlands .8 1.9 3.0 Norway .2 .3 .4 Italy Spain 1.8 2.7 3.6 Sweden 0 1.7 3.3 .8 1.0 1.2 1.6 3.1 4.7 17.6 32.0 46.5 United Kingdom West Germany SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy, (Draft) Interim Report of the Interagency Coal Export Task Force, January, 1981, pages 47, 48. -42- Table 8 Projected U.S. Steam Coal Exports from East Coast and Gulf Ports: 2000 (Million Short-Tons) Low Medium -_ Austria Bel/Lux Denmark Finland France Greece Ireland Italy The Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom West Germany SOURCE: 2.6 4.9 2.2 3.3 9.2 1.2 1.3 8.8 4.4 0 1.4 2.2 2.6 4.6 .3 .4 7.5 1.8 .5 6.0 5.1 8.4 2.2 3.9 13.7 2.0 2.1 10.0 0 1 6.6 4.1 1.3 5.9 8.8 7.0 1.3 7.2 8.1 1.5 11.7 34.2 59.6 84.2 .9 U.S. Department of Energy, (Draft) Interim Report of the Interagency of Coal Export Task Force, (ICE Report), pages 47, 48. -43- Table 9 U.S. Coal Exports Demand Scenarios (Million Short-Tons) Demand A 9-A Metallurgical Coal Northwest Europe Mediterranean Europe Assumptions: Steam Coal Total 19.2 17.5 36.7 9.3 14.5 23.8 28.5 32.0 60.5 - 10% growth for Metallurgical Coal - Midpoint projections for 1990 from ICE Report Demand B 9-B Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 36.5 57.5 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 23.1 33.3 31.2 59.6 90.8 Assumptions: - 20% growth for Metallurgical Coal - MidpoinL projections for 2000 from ICE Report Demand C 9-C Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 51.6 72.6 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 32.6 42.8 31.2 84.2 115.4 Assumptions: - High-range Steam Coal projections for 2000 from ICE Report Steam Coal. -44- Table 9 (cont.) Demand D 9-D Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 67.4 88.4 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 42.6 52.8 31.2 110.0 141.2 Assumptions: - Steam Coal increased by about 25 million short-tons over Demand C. Demand E 9-E Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 82.7 103.7 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 52.3 62.5 31.2 135.0 166.2 Assumptions: Steam coal is increased by 25 million short-tons over Demand D. Higher steam coal projections for U.S. coal to western Europe, which is comparable to U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Coal Exports: Projections and Documentation, March, 1982 (133 million short-tons for the year 2000), page 23 and ICE Report on page 102 (145 million short-tons for Europe in 2000). -45- Table 9 (cont.) Demand F 9-F Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 99.0 120.0 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 61.0 71.2 31.2 160.0 191,2 Assumptions: Steam coal is increased by 25 million short-tons over Demand E. Demand G 9-G Metallurgical Coal Steam Coal Total Northwest Europe 21.0 109.1 130.1 Mediterranean Europe 10.2 67.2 77.4 31.2 176.3 207.5 Assumptions: "Best case" steam coal projections for U.S. exports to Europe for Ray Long, Constraints on International Trade in Coal, draft report (London: IEA Coal Research, May, 1982), page 83. Converted 160 million metric tons to 176.3 million short-tons. -46- Table 10 Port Capacity (Million Short-Tons Per Year) Existing** Underway** Hampton Roads 61.8 (61.8)* 16.0 (17.0)* Baltimore 16.6 (16.6)* 22.0 (22.0)* 15.0 5.0 (11.0)* 4.0 (14.0)* 11.0 Mobile New Orleans 16.0 15.0 (18.0)* SOURCE: (55.0)* Planned 49.0 (37.0)* (6.0) (0)* 80.0 (41.0)* U.S. Congress, House, Port Development, pages 86-87. * The categorization and estimation of port capacity is somewhat idiosyncratic and variable. For example, contrast the capacity figures in parenthesis, which are from the U.S. Maritime Administration (U.S. Maritime Administration, "Loading Terminals", pages 62-63), with the U.S. House figures. ** Base Case: Existing plus Underway -47- Table 11 1981 Coal Shipments (Million Short-Tons) European-Bound Total Coal Coal "Forced" Total Coal Exports to Through Port in Shipped Non-Europe Model as a Minimum 1981 1981 Export Level Hampton Roads 52.0 21.1 30.9 Baltimore 12.9 5.1 7.8 3.5 2.0 1.5 13.9 5.5 8.4 Mobile New Orleans SOURCE: International Coal Review, February 12, 1982. -48- Table 12 Dredging Depth Options and Costs (Millions of 1981 U.S. Dollars) Depth to be Dredged 45 Feet Port 50 Feet Hampton Roads: Investment cost Annual maintenance cost Baltimore: Investment cost Annual maintenance cost 151 Mobile: Investment cost Annual maintenance cost 244 .9 1.5 New Orleans: Investment cost Annual maintenance cost SOURCE: 225 36 55 Feet 310 4.3 480 6.7 301.5 1.8 NA * NA * 305 407 2.5 1.9 322 71 435 113 Discussion and telephone interviews with officials in the appropriate U.S. Corps of Engineers District Offices for each of the four ports. All numbers are as of October, 1981. *Baltimore is only authorized to dredge up to 50 feet. -49- Table 13 Ocean Transport Assumptions Comparable Rate Austria Bel/Lux Denmark Finland France Greece Ireland Italy The Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom West Germany T R T T R T R T R T R T R R T = Taranto, Italy R = Rotterdam We assume that all countries will have 55 feet draft coal ports and will therefore, be able to receive as large a colliers that can be loaded and shipped from a fully dredged (i.e. 55 feet) U.S. port on the East and Gulf coasts. -50- Table 14 General Relationships Between Port Draft and Ship Size Port Draft Ship Size 40 feet 60,000 - 70,000 DT 45 feet 75,000 - 90,000 DWT 50 feet 100,000 - 120,000 DWT 55 feet 130,000 - 175,000 DWT · SOURCE: H. P. Drewry, pages 73, 90; discussions with R. S. Platou and slides of R. S. Platou. -51- Table 15 Assumptions Regarding the Relationships Between Port Draft and Ship Size That Are Used in the Model Port Draft Ship Size 40 feet 64,000 DWT (Panamax) 42 feet 75,000 DWT (Panamax) 45 feet 90,000 DWT (Coal Collier) 50 feet 120,000 DWT (Bulk) 55 feet 160,000 DWT (Coal Collier) -52- co o N 0 o) 0 O O o u) c 0 t% o )k oN H u O 0 CV) z "i -ii. 0j -HN4 o o C) 0 C) 0 , a LI 00 H r',0 C 0 4- C) 0U, o o o0 UC n . oi cO 0 . H -- -J u 0 -H CY o CO ' H O o N 0 r_ PH N H r ) N C1 44 44a 0 0 CD o '.0 0 o ei -' 0 H C X 00 rH0C i o> 4- cr ICl rCZ Or g OO o ^ 1 )-- P*V nt \0 c3DJ -r- H V o C))^ zu co N 0 o0 0 , 1 N . C) W0 en, H 0 l O < cC) rl . H 0 rC - N H-I o r. H co NI H 4i cZ4 to 4) H Co a _ 1 P co NT r _ ;3 . .44i tkl 0 Co o O. ·o 4- 00 -4o gd 0 0 0 0n H o g ^ H 0 O 0 H E O ~.) D 0 * W p :O O 4) 4-t 0k Co C ° 4) 4 u0o kHV Co 0 o4V 4 N ° 4) -53- Q N H 04 co ¢ to o 40 o .i H u * 4 4 4 4 0 4 ° Co 0 a) O C14 a' o o C :o oN H a o o o0 0 oo P CO cU 0 ' 0 'A N r-. H I 0; f N 0 Cl, 00 0 10 o a) Nt o W-4 HO-i 4~-4 (M P N ZS 0 A 0 C: 0 Co 0 C) C,) al co o u 0 3N 0 o I CO -t CI N Q) )d 0 Q cO O . O' Cl CU cn ,-I C d ak) ·a o a) d 4 c 4-' 4-h 0 (a W4 K F- o) Co 0 ic (2) Co O CU 0 0 o' CU 0 0 uJ I- co CU o CU H 1. C %O I .a O C> C' 0 C) 1-4 U 0 C 0 4j 0 w- r-q o e u~ 0 4-h Co a) T4 CU co 4-h d Co 0 0 H 0 -4h rr 0 I4 4-h Co o 00 C,) C'-) C> I0 Ia, a U, O 0 0 LO P cO ol o0 11 4o I..4 o 1-4 -W Cd H CU 0 0 0n H CCl CU 0 (U I-O W CH N O) ECl, 41 C,) '-4 Ht r- ~ ~~~~rN s D a) O C vDo .fW 0 CO 0 a' O P Co r-E-4 0 44 0 u 4-4 I I 4 a) 4Co O 4C 4' rH a, H V o 0 O Cd P a) 0)v 0 O U) IPC) PL4 co co 0 U -q 4i co CU to 0 E-h ~ P 4 .K CU U c o * 00 94 I ccd CU e *d cc 0)0 Hi C U.,. Ql44~I C 4 ,4 Cxr 3 3 ,I Id co 0 0) 10 co 0 P.4 0 54- O >,- ,4 *f'4 Co 9 CU W 0 0 Co 0 if H 4-' 0 0 o 0 4' 4' o rq o 1C C .n iCo C o (O C % O . o * L, co 1oCD o O H H < o CoC a, p 40, Co4ca, Co Co 0 0 (a uco 0 t Cd 0 w o - -4 C C S4 1 - ! cC Cl c o Iu rv 0 I 1H i ° I co i O e -4 H -I O ca a Co ' 0 -H 4) co d .'-4 Co~~~~~~~~o C,, co ,0 (1) 9 4.J co 0 0 u 0o o co :.54 p 0 O ~ o 3 Co o I '-4 H rl H Cr) cv C, -w * < * a, H 0 Uf) 41) CL (a ::D H Cd w E4 4 0 % K) 0 ai C, 0 O E OCD C3 4i L. 0 I a C" CN C H H C UV W ro Cli D 0 ! 4i S u C_ N - o '.0 o0 0a E.- O KZ O 4C 0 au ' aVI0 co , k P J O 0 d CO S i 0 - Cw ' H 4 K O Co Co 0 · o I o K H ' H 0 H CS) ted co ) 0 H co P4 0 u -55- 0 > 0 C K CY sC o '.0 a- 0 o ,- o rHO '.00 U Co i o cn .a c I 0d02 4) 4i Hs U o) Co -4 o H O H . e' ) l X r) a a 0 C. cuI co H 0 0 4i 4)H Aa 0 4.1 , C H U V a a el I o· IT, Ca n C c 02 a I4* o OcU o u' CD 4-4 cI )* o ~- OQ 4JJ o r 0o oa - tA en Ua- o w 4a >) t C II 10 -4 Co M r-i a'a 0 4) 4.1 4-i H2 0 0 0 C) Cd Cr5-4 O cc 0 O 10 0 3S D H ,0 M 4-i ON . 0 rq 0 0 . H H r4 c * 4) L)w0 0 .d~ ° 4U .U~~~ Oh~~ W) W rln.. . un < OE ,w C, - t a, d O 0 u 0 -, 4.i .W +' o 0 04 CD oo 0 O C ~~~~ a~ H CdnE 0 P4 'J 0 4 · · .1(3 I 4.i 44J 0i 4Jl4 w co co i 0H . 4 a) H (L 4- 0) .0 0 20 0 cJ 0 0 43 -c 5o 4 .4) CD CO 0 ag 0 H ,W cU 0 n L . Z4 '-M 4 4oi . d ,O A,=. .0 1d . v HO 4 4c W ° co N o %D 00 4 o o o O u ^ , uo o H) O %D 4 cN o * 4N 0 o o o C) o r a00 u co O U, U, H - Q) E) 1(1) co 0 0 pd Cd co as Vn CLC 9 co -4 0 p O U o o o o u o u H r E4 H Cd 0 .aa H .0 0 c X 0 u U 94 Cd oD 4 0 co .1-I 4 H 0 0 :D d 10 I-, .1- F: co 3D 4. pd C, im W 0 cor p E-- o cnI I- -H H * U, -T %O oC o0 U, O t o o c c,H 04 o 0 ,oH 4 0 0 H o o ) o4. 0 4J o 0 W 4 o · orq 0 U, CU Kc Kc -K Lr) 00 E-4 0 0 JJ ck 4 I C, Q 4C aU , o 00 4-I o H c P o u0 0 co ed CD O'~ C) 1 0 rO r-, \C , cr H an % CD cn o C r oC r- .( a 10 , ,-I F-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o -i41 C oIl K Q a) 02 0 a) r-N co $4 u H H co 0 :3 CDXe S e e , 0 ,-- 0' VI X~~~~~~~~~o ,- CD-' ~ ,- I e-4 0 D' N4 "o 0 "4 :M 4) za) Cd r 4H W la 0 n co 0 oN co H ci0 0 0 o ,-) 0 a) H Co W 'CO *1 sk a, 4-i t 0 0 4-i N r. Cr P 4-i 9 0 JJ I xmf ol H -Ln In C* "I . 1. . -I 0 0 ' -~d C c H C , r_ "' as <~~~~~qo 0. '\0 No 'c U ~o~~J~J ~~U 4~ V E-0 I a) o- Ho IA i i 0 , ::c -d 0 00 H w-4 N 4J o O e 02 H 4 " dKK ca O C 0 H 4)r C NL O td co Od N O 1 O 0 0 0 c c 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~c.\ OD ~ r I ar o '.o~ 0~ O 'o ~ 00 rr- n4 -0 0 o '-C) C) co % X oa \o o o co \o n hi ~4J w co a) 0 w u U C4 (A 0 i)Cn rC -. ~~ ~ C14's HC i0 rl rs o H Le C C4 I -I ~ ~ CD El co 10 Sd U) C, -0Ia N c o O c 0 ) ~ V ~ , r4 ~ ' C ~ ~ ~ -~~I I a O o< rFn Lo C O O ON Co u 0 C0 .14 co (N (N a) (/ -0 -W r-4 0 H aa Cd 4J 0 co \0 U 0 C) 0 '-4 U :D u 0 0 n o u~ 0 ,- ~ 0'b~~~ U') Ln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <) 0W~0 ,- E-4 -a 0 1-O 0 'H 0 0 .q co (, p 4-i 0 CI p E-4 Hl 0 .0 0 d Ocd IO-Ito " )I H 'Hl -TP CDl cc in O C n a i Q I *{ 5. 4 c 0 co 0) 0 O' C) 4c 'H c CO O ,4 r -4 c 4 4 0 1-4 0 I 0 H cO ' :4 r 0 - 00 4 CO 4 O0 0O o ° O0 o _0 ' o - C O C co ) 4' P-i O04 0 H 40 0 CO Poi 0 0 4 0 0 E-CC4 Po 4- 0 U -59- 0 > 0 K 4 4' Co o > H ( * 0 o HLo o OOC 0 oC o r- r * C- 0 C" $- 0 c, c ,-o -i o 0i(a)u oH u 0 3t H 0 >1 14 H 0 0 co IC K 4) cc co 0 -I I 0 o co * 0 4)04) co d4 H 'q U) o o c_ O 0o t~ Q I O C)U4i m i Q- Q.-I 0 n o W cc 4) cn 4) ('I ^ 0 0 4) z1 Cc P 1-: W rn z oOP\05 r c o 0 . - 0 oo o cocO H E-4 H o *- 4 4 .. cc U) '-4 d Eq u 44 Co 0 Q 0 10 4.)4 0 ::D 4-i 0 OC C) 4 H 2 4) 0 4) 0 o 0 p %.0 cc H 0 cl -I ,- c ,.o CO cc> 0, co O $ HH Cd 4H ) o 4H 44 o 4C ac0 t0 0 s-I~ Hi ,d .. 0 O o ,-I 4) z Pc 4o cd o 4-i4 I 4) 4) i 0 M C o P "A o0 1J o c,) O H 00 0 u a) cl 1-' - oc5 E-l 3 aw o) 4i co 0 u 0 cc 0 P. 4 4e-4 : 4) n H o 0 -I 0 E4P 0 H 49 4' 4' -60- 0(.J klC O co C. o o O O% 0\ H O0 C) -41 >1 co H 0 4i '-4 0 -. C 0 IK CO w I -H 0 0) U oo ti I o CD co o)o C co c 1-4 ( 5 In) 0l z H 0 I 0o -t c 0 C,, co --0 4 d a o u (= C9 d = 4-r t.r4 5c, 0CD) -H H 0 k 0 aP C I:: - P> P Q .. o H O0 d 'd 4 0 0 E: C O00 o H ' H j'j I a d0 o H C4. o H o 51 W 5,4 0 4 4 I o . -O o Ord O 0 0 0 04 0 0) 0 > c 0)g 4c -61- Table 25 Ocean Transportation Costs (Dollars Destination: Per Short-Ton) Northwest Europe (Rotterdam) "Low Cost Savings Scenarios* "High Savings" Savings" Mediterranean Europe (Taranto) "Low Savings" "High Savings" 25-A East Coast Size (DWT) Draft (Feet) 64,000 75,000 90,000 40 42 45 50 55 120,000 160,000 8.66 8.23 10.33 9.51 8.64 8.12 6.95 12.06 11.11 10.52 9.99 9.33 12.06 11.11 9.88 9.26 7.62 12.43 11.41 10.79 10.26 9.61 12.43 11.41 10.32 9.71 8.33 14.19 13.24 12.22 11.61 10.74 14.19 13.24 11.57 10.87 9.00 10.33 9.51 9.11 25-B Gulf Coast Size (DWT) 64,000 75,000 90,000 120,000 160,000 Draft (Feet) 40 42 45 50 55 *We will also take the midpoints of these rates for a third set of rates, which we term "Medium Savings." -62- Table 26 Results of Model Runs 26-A Assumptions: Port Capacity: Demand: A Transportation Cost: Capital Cost 15% 12% 10% 7.5% Existing and Underway "Low Savings" Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton* with Without Dredging Dredging HR - 55' 10.22 10.26 10.26 10.26 10.26 Investment** Range 5.5% Breakeven Capital Cost = 8%*** Transportation Cost - "Medium Savings" Capital Cost 15% 12% 10% 7.5% Dredging Decisions HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' Breakeven Capital Cost Transportation Cost Capital Cost 15% 7.5% = = Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging 10.04 9.88 9.69 10.06 10.06 10.06 10.06 Investment Range 1.8% 19.7% 53.3% 12.2% "High Savings" Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging HR - 55' HR - 55' 9.74 9.15 9.86 9.86 Investment Range 9.1% 101.2% Breakeven Capital Cost = 16.5% * - Cost/ton is the total Trans-Atlantic transportation cost plus annualized investment plus maintenance costs for new dredging divided by total tons of coal shipped. ** - Investment Range is the maximum percent that the dredging investment plus maintenance costs may increase before the no dredgiag option is preferred. *** - Breakeven Capital Cost is the lowest capital cost at which a dredging decision is preferred to a no-dredging option. -63- Table 26 (contd.) 26-B Demand: B Port Capacity: Existing, Underway and Planned (and for all remaining cases) Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Capital Cost Dredging Decisions 15% 12 10% 7.5% HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging - 9.91 9.80 9.67 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.02 Investment Range 16.1% 35.6% 74.8% Breakeven Capital Cost = 14.2% Transportation Cost = "Medium Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging HR - 55' HR - 55' 9.48 9.08 9.81 9.81 Investment Range 38.0% 154.4% Breakeven Capital Cost = 21.2% Transportation Cost = "High Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging HR - 55' 8.88 9.58 HR - 55' 8.48 9.58 Breakeven Capital-Cost = 28.3% -64- Investment Range 81.1% 233.8% Table 26 (contd.) 26-C Demand: C Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Cost/Ton Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions With Dredging Without Dredging Investment Range HR - 55' 9.76 9.94 26% HR - 55' 9.45 9.94 132% Breakeven Capital Cost = 19.3% Transportation Cost Capital Cost 15% 7.5% = "Medium Savings" Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range HR - 55' 9.15 9.72 83.5% HR - 55' 8.84 9.72 238.0% Breakeven Capital Cost = 28.7% Transportation Cost = "High Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% -~~~~~~~ Dredging Decisions ~~Cost/Ton With Dredging Without Dredging Investment Range HR - 55' 8.52 9.48 141% HR - 55' 8.21 9.48 344% Breakeven Capital Cost = 38.1% -65- Table 26 (contd.) 26-D Demand: D Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Cost/Ton Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions With Dredging Without Dredging Investment Range HR - 55' 9.73 9.94 39% HR - 55' 9.47 9.94 156% Breakeven Capital Cost = 21.4% Transportation Cost Capital Cost "Medium Savings" Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range 15% HR - 55' 9.17 9.74 102% 12% HR - 55' 9.07 9.74 147% 10% HR - 55', B - 45' 8.99 9.74 148% HR - 55', B - 50' 8.88 9.74 179% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for Transportation Cost Capital Cost = HR - 55' 31.8% = "High Savings" Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range 15% HR - 55' 8.61 9.53 165% 12% HR - 55', B - 45' 8.48 9.53 177% 10% HR - 55', B - 45' 8.39 9.53 227% HR - 55', B - 50' 8.27 9.53 264% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55' = 42.1% -66- Table 26 (contd.) 26-E Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Capital Cost Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range 15% HR - 55' 9.79 10.00 43% 12% HR - 55', B - 50' 9.69 10.00 50% 10% HR - 55', B - 50' 9.59 10.00 77% HR - 55', B - 50' 9.48 10.00 129% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55' Transportation Cost Capital Cost 15% 7.5% = = 22% "Medium Savings" Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton Without With Dredging Dredging Investment Range HR - 55', B - 50' 9.26 9.82 73% HR - 55', B - 50' 8.91 9.82 224% Breakeven Capital Cost = 26.8% Transportation Cost = "High Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton Without With Dredging Dredging HR - 55', B - 50' 8.70 9.63 124% HR - 55', B - 50' 8.34 9.63 320% Bieakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55', B - 50' = 35.0% -67- `-`~'I~""""""""""""""" Investment Range Table 26 (contd.) 26-F Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Capital Cost Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range 15% HR - 55' 10.19 10.38 46% 12% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 50' 10.09 10.38 39% 10% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 55' 9.98 10.38 59% 9.82 10.38 HR - 55', B - 50' M - 55' Breakeven Capital Cost = for HR-55', B-50', M-55' = 16.5% 107% 7.5% Transportation Cost Capital Cost = Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions 15% HR- 12% 10% 7.5% "Medium Savings" 55', B - 50' Investment Range 9.72 10.22 76% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 50' 9.54 10.22 85% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 55' 9.41 10.22 118% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 55' 9.25 10.22 183% Breakeven Capital Cost = for HR-55', B-50', M-55' = 23.1% Transportation Cost = "High Savings" Capital Cost 15% Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range HR - 55', B - 50', M - 55' 9.16 10.06 90% HR - 55', B - 50', M - 55' Breakeven Capital Cost = 29.5% 8.69 10.06 260% 7.5% -68- .1--l' --I - .1-1- - - l'' ,~---------- - , -- -- ------- - --- - --- - .1.I- - - - 26-G Transportation Cost = "Low Savings" Capital Cost Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Dredging Decisions Investment Range 15% HR - 55', NO - 45' 10.32 10.58 36% 12% B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' 10.21 10.58 47% 10% B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' 10.11 10.58 68% B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' 9.99 10.58 103% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' = 20.3% Transportation Cost = "Medium Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' 9.83 10.43 64% B - 50', HR - 55', NO - 45' 9.46 10.43 167% Breakeven Capital Cost 28.1% Transportation Cost = "High Savings" Capital Cost 15% 7.5% Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range HR - 55', NO - 55' 9.19 10.28 88% HR - 55', NO - 55' 8.86 10.28 156% Breakeven Capital Cost = 41.3% -69- Table 27 A Smunmary of Dredging Solutions in Tables 26A - 26G Demand Levels and Transportation Cost Savings Levels Demand and Transportation Capital Cost Levels 15% A A A B B B C C C D D - "Low Savings" "Medium Savings" "High Savings" "Low Savings" "Medium Savings" "High Savings" "Low Savings" "Medium Savings" "High Savings" "Low Savings" "Medium Savings" 12% HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' HR - 55' D - "High Savings" HR - 55' E - "Low Savings" HR - 55' E - "Medium Savings" HR B HR B HR E - "High Savings" F - "Low Savings" - 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' F - "Medium Savings" HR - 55' B - 50' F - "High Savings" HR B M HR NO - 55' 50' 55' 55' 45' B HR NO HR NO - 50' 55' 45' 55' 55' G - "Low Savings" G - "Medium Savings" G - "High Savings" 10% -70- HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR - 55 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' HR B HR B HR B HR B HR B M HR B M HR B M B HR NO B HR NO HR NO - 55' 45' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 50' 55' 50' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 45' 50' 55' 45' 55' 55' 9 t HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR B HR B HR B HR B HR B HR B M HR B M HR B M B HR ' NO B HR NO HR NO - 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 45' 55' 45' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 55' 50' 55' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 45' 50' 55' 45' 55' 55' 7.5% HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR B HR B HR B HR B HR B HR B M HR B M HR B M B HR NO B HR NO HR NO - 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 55' 50' 55' 55' 50' 55' 50' 55' 45' 50' 55' 45' 55' 55' Table 28 Model Runs that Include the Port of New York Assumptions: - Transportation Savings for the Port of New York are Comparable to Hampton Roads - Ocean Transportation Cost: "Medium Savings" for all runs 28-A Demand A: Capital Cost Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging 15% 7.5% HR - 55' - 10.06 9.68 10.06 Investment Range 53% Breakeven Capital Cost = 12.2% 28-B Demand: Capital Cost 15% 7.5% B Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range HR - 55' 9.48 9.81 38% HR - 55' 9.08 9.81 154% Breakeven Capital Cost 21.2% -71- II' Table 28 (contd) 28-C Demand: C Capital Cost Dredging Decisions 15% 7.5% Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range HR - 55' 9.15 9.72 83% HR - 55' 8.84 9.72 238% Breakeven Capital Cost = 28.7% 28-D Demand: Capital Cost D Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range 15% HR - 55' 9.17 9.74 102% 12% HR - 55', NY - 68' 9.03 9.74 107% 10% HR - 55', NY - 68' 8.93 9.74 142% HR - 55', NY - 68' 8.81 9.74 208% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55', NYC - 68' = 26.7% -72- Table 28 (contd) 28-E Demand: E Capital Cost Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range 15% HR - 55', NY - 68' 9.14 9.82 99% 12% HR - 55', NY - 68' 9.01 9.82 143% 10% HR - 55', NY - 68' 8.93 9.82 184% HR - 55', NY - 68', B - 45' 8.83 9.82 220% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55', NY - 68' = 31.7% 28-F Demand: Capital Cost F Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton Without With Dredging Dredging Investment Range 15% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 45' 9.20 10.22 142% 12% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50' 9.05 10.22 170% 10% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50' 8.95 10.22 218% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50' 8.82 10.22 307% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50' -73- 34.8% Table 28 (contd) 28-G Demand: Capital Cost G Dredging Decisions Cost/Ton With Without Dredging Dredging Investment Range 15% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50' 9.43 10.43 130% 12% HR - 55', NYC - 68' B - 50', M - 55' 9.28 10.43 130% 10% HR - 55', NYC - 68' B - 50', M - 55' 9.15 10.43 172% HR - 55', NYC - 68', B - 50', M - 55' 8.98 10.43 250% 7.5% Breakeven Capital Cost for HR - 55', NYC - 68' M - 55', B - 50' = 30.0% -74- Table 29 Dredging Solutions Under Various Transportation Cost Savings for the Port of New York Over Hampton Roads Assumptions: - Transportation Savings = "Medi.um" - Include Port of New York Port of New York Transportation Savings Over Hampton Roads Save 0 Save $.50/Ton Save tl.00Ton Save $2.00/Ton Demand = A 15% NO DRE DGING Save 4 .00/Ton NY NY 12% HR HR NYC NY NY 10% HR HR HR NY NY 7.5% HR HR HR Both Both 15% HR NY NY NY NY 12% HR HR NY NY NY 10% HR HR Both Both Both 7.5% HR HR Both Both Both 15% HR HR HR Both Both 12% HR HR Both Both Both 10% HR HR Both Both Both 7.5% HR HR Both Both Both 15% HR Bot h Both Both Both 12% Both Bot]h Both Both Both 10% Both Bot h Both Both Both 7.5% Both Bot)h Both Both Both Demand = B Demand = C Demand = D -75- . ,_ _ 4c e I 4c C., 02 4c VI1 Le) on LI o -t v 0 C)J 4) 4' 4C ,-. ~40' l*; U, If) H U a a, w0_ r a) '-4 H 10 0 9 0 4 q-) 0 * 0 -4a ,4 H 0Id 0 p 4' U 0 4t Cl Hi -I Ln rN H .HV) - C4 H r- o lH H -H 4)J Cd 4i p q Cd ) p C r r- s * Lr) uH H d 4) -'I H r- H 0 .4 Cd u 0 Ca 0 H 0 4) O H U, H 1-- H 0' co Cl 0O r- O 0" C: c Hv co n co cn Hl) r-I Hn 0" 0 Cl -H H EPk z Ul id 4' 4' 0) Q a, * O 0\ 0 0_ -! ,H 111 _ 4' C) 4N-1 O 0 0 E- ¢o 0 0 ,--I d 0 d a) u 4 0 0 *0 I a) t 0 0 H '4 4-i 0d ¢) q as O co U, H Co- Cl oo 0 u :0 ct 0o d 1-20 '4 4-I 4) .4 kl 4) HIdra H9I o, I i p O cr w 10c4) aj 4) s9pz 0 _ Z,u-i Un _ Z,U '. n o> U, ~ UU, , U , Un Un 4-iK P -76- 4) References Akinc, U. and B. Khumawala, "An Efficient Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem," Management Science, Vol. 23, No. 6 (February, 1977), pp. 585-594. Coal Week International, January 12, 1983. "Commission Releases Dravo Report Which Reviews Coal Port," WW/S World Ports, April/May, 1982. Dunbar, Frederick, "The Coal Boom: April/May, 1982, pp. 41-44. Will it Last?," WWS/World Ports, Evered, J. Erich, "Statement Before the U.S. House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries," Subcommittee on Merchant Marine, April 21, 1983. "For Coal the Recovery is Heating Up Slowly", Business Week, August 1, 1983, pp. 89-90. Geoffrion, A. and R. McBride, "Lagrangean Relaxation Applied to Capacitated Facility Location Problems," AIIE Transactions, Vol. 10, No. 1 (March, 1978), pp. 40-47. Greer, Boyce I., The Effect of Port User Fees on U.S. Coal Exports, #E-83-04 (Cambridge, MA: Energy and Environmental Policy Center, JFK School of Government, Harvard University, March, 1983). H. P. Drewry, Ltd., Ocean Shipping of Coal: See Transportation Methods, Constraints and Costs, (London: HPD Shipping Publications, 1981). ICF, Inc., Potential Role of Appalachian Producers in the Steam Coal Export Market: Task #1 - International Steam Coal Trade Analysis prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission, November, 1981. ICF, Inc. and J. P. Coal Associates, Market Guide for Steam Coal Exports from Appalachian, prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission, March, 162. International Coal Review, National Coal Association, February 12, 1982. Long, R. A., Contraints on International Trade in Coal, Draft Report No. G3/92 (London: IEA Coal Research, May, 1982). Madison, Christopher, "Money for Deeper U.S. Coal Ports - Needed or Just More Pork Barrel," National Journal, February 7, 1981, pp. 225-228. Merrow, Edward W., Stephen W. Chapel, and Christopher Worthing, A Review of Cost Estimation in New Technologies: Implications for Energy Process Plants, #R-2483-DOW (Santa Monica, Cal.: The Rand Corporation, July, 1979). -77- ---- ---------------- Ill References (contd.) National Coal Association, NCA News Release of June 25, 1982. New York City and New York Port Authority, discussions with various officials in the spring and summer of 1982. R. S. Platou, various slides and discussions at MIT in 1982. Royal Dutch Shell, Telexes of May 6 and June 5, 1982 and discussions in London in June, 1982. U.S. Congress, House, Port Development, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, Report 97-454, Part I (Washington, D.C.: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, March 9, 1982). U.S. Congress, Senate, National Harbors Improvement and Maintenance Act of 1981, Report of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, 97th Congress, 1st Session, Calendar No. 418, Report No. 97-301 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1981). U.S. Corps of Engineers, discussions with officials at district offices for Baltimore, Mobile, New Orleans, and Norfolk-Hampton Roads in the Spring and Summer of 1982. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administrations, Coal Distribution: January-December, 1981, #DOE/ETA-0125(81/4Q) (Washington, D.C.: Energy Information Administration, April, 1982). U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administrations, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Port Deepening and User Fees: Impact on U.S. Coal Exports, #DOE/EIA-0400 (Washington, D.C.: Energy Information Administration, May, 1983). U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Office of Coal Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Quarterly Coal Report: January-March, 1982, #DOE/EIA-0121 (82/1Q) (Washington, D.C.: Energy Information Administration, August, 1982). U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, personal discussion with Ms. Mary Hutlzer, head of Data Analysis and Forecasting Branch on. January 13, 1983. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric, and Other Fuels, U.S. Coal Exports: Projections and Documentation, #DOE/EIA-0317 (Washington, D.C.: Energy Information Administration, March, 1982). U.S. Department of Energy, Interagency Coal Export Task Force, (Draft) Interim Report of the Interagency Coal Export Task Force, January, 1981. (Also known as the "ICE Report .) -78- References (contd.) U.S. General General Accounting Office, Prospects for Long-Term Steam Coal Exports to European and Pacific Rim Markets, #GAO/NSIAD-83-08 (Washington, D.C., General Accounting Office, August 4, 1983). U.S. Maritime Administration, "Loading Terminals: WWS/World Ports, April/May 1982, pp. 61-65. Existing and Potential," "Unveil Coal Industry Plan Which May End Impasse Over Port User Fees," WWS/World Ports, April/May, 1982, p. 49. U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, Coal Exports and Port Development: A Technical Memorandum, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, April, 981). Waters, W. G., II, "Transportation and Market Prospects in the World Coal Trade," The Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 18, No. 2 (1982), pp. 139-167. World Coal Study, Coal-Bridge to the Future (Cambridge Mass: 1980). (1980A). Ballinger, World Coal Study, Fugure Coal Propects: Country and Regional Assessments (Cambridge, Mass: Ballionger, 1980).(1980B). -79- 1---^1----------111_1__1______