Diana Allen Department of Earth Sciences Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada Workshop on Climate Change Risk Assessments Climate-Change Impacts Research Group – October 30, 2008 Aquifer-Stream Interactions • Aquifers are recharged by directly by precipitation and indirectly by interaction with surface water. • Some aquifers have a strong interaction with surface waters. • Indirect recharge occurs where water enters the aquifer (losing stream) • Discharge to the stream from the aquifer can also occur (gaining streams) From Winter et al., 1998 Interaction with a River (Leith and Whitfield, 1998) Sustaining Low Flows • In BC, unglacierized catchments tend to show low flows during late summer. – In low elevation coastal regions, summer is the main low flow time of the year, – in snow-dominated mountain or interior regions, latesummer is the secondary low flow period (besides winter low flow due to freezing and storage of precipitation as snow). • During summer low flow conditions it can be expected that stream flows are mainly fed by groundwater. If low flows are sustained by groundwater, then any changes to the groundwater system (particularly recharge and use) can affect low flows Climate Change Models and Regional Forecasts Since 1990, the has been increasing spatial resolution of global climate models (GCMs) IPCC (2007) 4th Assessment Report gives the most up-to-date climate change model results Source: IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007 Observed temperature (top) and modeled temperature (bottom) Observed (top) and modeled precipitation (bottom) Source: IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007 Global Climate Models Source: IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007 Scenarios and Model Uncertainty Multi-Model Global Predictions Source: IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007 Changes are annual means for the SRES A1B scenario (mid-line) for the period 2080 to 2099 relative to 1980 to 1999. Predicted Changes for North America Source: IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007 Climate Change Projections for the Pacific Northwest Changes in Annual Mean Temperature Precipitation 2020s Low + 1.1ºF (0.6ºC) -9% Average + 2.2ºF (1.2ºC) +1% High + 3.4ºF (1.9ºC) +12% 2040s Low + 1.6ºF (0.9ºC) -11% Average + 3.5ºF (2.0ºC) +2% High + 5.2ºF (2.9ºC) +12% 2080s Low + 2.8ºF (1.6ºC) -10% Average + 5.9ºF (3.3ºC) +4% High + 9.7ºF (5.4ºC) +20% Source: Climate Change Group, University of Washington Summary of Predicted Climate Change in BC • Average annual temperature in BC may increase by 1ºC to 4ºC. • Average annual precipitation may increase by 10 to 20 percent, but could decrease by up to 10%. • Many small glaciers in southern BC may disappear. • Some interior rivers may dry up during the summer and early fall. No predictions for groundwater conditions because these require site-specific models 1. Problem Definition 1. Threat – change in groundwater levels (due to climate change) and consequent impacts 1. on ability to sustain groundwater levels 2. on low flows The case study: the Grand Forks aquifer in southcentral British Columbia, Canada Attempt to quantify impact of climate change on seasonal groundwater levels within an aquifer that is strongly influenced by surface water. Grand Forks Valley N E W S Granby River City of Grand Forks BC Kettle River Washington State Observation well - monthly measurements - good connection to river water levels Modelling Approach aquifer geological model numerical model Climate model river discharge river flow models downscaling precipitation and temperature weather generation recharge model (spatially distributed) scenario simulations 2. Management Objective 1. There really wasn’t one for this case study. This was not a risk assessment project. 2. There might have been though. We could have had a management objective of maintaining some minimum groundwater level in the aquifer or some minimum baseflow in Kettle River during summer under the following conditions: 1. Climate change 2. Groundwater extraction 3. Indicators of Risk 1. We had no performance measures in respect of trying to determine how the impact to the groundwater level might have been minimized under climate change and pumping conditions. We only looked at climate change, to understand the system. 2. However, we could have used magnitude of groundwater level decline alone or to infer declines in baseflow during summer. 3. We did have performance measures in respect of trying to calibrate the numerical groundwater model how well the model reproduced the groundwater levels under the current climate scenario 4. Management Options 1. None considered in this study, but we could have looked at different future pumping scenarios to determine which one would have the smallest impact on groundwater levels or low flows. In our study we held the pumping rates constant so as to isolate the climate change impact on the groundwater system. 5. Uncertainties that were Analyzed Quantitatively 1. Downscaled climate data – how well did the downscaled climate data match the historic climate data? 2. How well did the recharge match the observed recharge – semi-quantitative 3. How well did the calculated groundwater levels match the observed groundwater levels under current climate conditions 4. We did not consider the uncertainty in the following: 1. The GCM used 2. The future scenario used 6. Taking Uncertainties into Account 1. Normally, a sensitivity analysis is carried out when modeling to look at the potential range of properties that could be used in the model and what effect varying those properties has on the model outcome. 2. This is a matter of course in groundwater modeling – • we vary recharge to see what happens to the groundwater levels • we vary the aquifer properties to see what happens the sensitivity analysis had been done previously during the construction of the model, but no sensitivity analysis was undertaken in respect of the climate change study. 7. Description of the System’s Processes 1. We built a groundwater model and used it to quantify how future climate change might impact groundwater levels. The following series of slides show the stages of model development GEOLOGIC MODEL: 1) Standardize litholog database 2) Reclassify / simplify (database-level geologic interpretation) 1) Interpret hydrostratigraphy generalize Construct layer model in GMS - uniform hydraulic properties (homogeneous) 3D litholog database reduced to 5 material classes Cross-section layout (selection of boreholes) and interpretation Cross-section interpretation (layer extent, lenses) Bedrock surface model (bottom of valley sediment fill) Deep sands (probably more extensive in reality) Clay / Till (deep, mostly unknown sediments) Silt / silty sands (lacustrine deposits, with fluvial sediments) Sands (“aquifer”) (fluvial & glaciofluvial sediments) Gravels (“aquifer”) (most recent fluvial sediments) MODEL CONSTRUCTION: 3D MODFLOW Recharge applied in a distributed fashion to top active layer Specified head for rivers RECHARGE MODELING: There were 2 steps to derive recharge estimates: Generation of Climate Scenarios Mapping Distributed Direct Recharge Historical climate data included daily, monthly and annual summaries. Daily climate data from CGCM1 (GHG+A1) (current, 2020’s, 2050’s) were downscaled using 2 methods: - Environment Canada (principal-component knearest neighbour method (PCA k-nn). - Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM) CGCM1 downscaling results: Precipitation Temperature CGCM1 downscaling results: Precipitation Temperature CLIMATE SCENARIOS FROM GCMs: LARS-WG Weather Generator Climate scenario daily weather Recharge model (calibrated to local weather) (perturb local weather) Groundwater flow model Calibration of LARS-WG RECHARGE ESTIMATION: • Determined recharge zones based on soil and aquifer properties and depth of water • Used the HELP 1-D recharge model produce estimates of recharge for each recharge zone • We included irrigation return flow in irrigation districts • Recharge linked to the model using a GIS HELP recharge model - one dimensional flow - 64 percolation columns - “better than guessing recharge” Recharge “zones” Irrigation return flow “zones” (irrigated fields) increase recharge to aquifer under irrigated fields Pumping from production wells estimated from water usage in summer only RESULTS Mean annual recharge at present climate % changes in future climate scenarios HYDROLOGY AND RIVER MODELING: 1. Analysis of hydrometric data 2. Used BRANCH to model stage-discharge relation at different locations along the Kettle and Granby Rivers 3. Downscaled GCM climate data using PCA k-nn method to derive hydrographs of daily discharge for climate change scenarios: Current (simulated) 2010-2039 2040-2069 Daily discharge derived from downscaled GCM earlier peak flow longer low flow higher flow in winter (more snowmelt / rain) lower baseflow CALIBRATION RESULTS: Overall model error <6% RMS 2010-2039 Difference in water levels between historical and future climate scenarios May 11 June 29 Aug 29 Nov 1 2040-2069 Exchange with the River (no pumping) - historical climate - pumping reduces outflow to river in summer (less baseflow) (pumping) Floodplain Non-pumping Pumping Change in Groundwater Storage with Climate Big Y Irrigation District Change in Groundwater Storage with climate Non-pumping Pumping 8. Analysis of the Sensitivity of Conclusions • How sensitive are our conclusions in respect of: • Assumptions – Fundamentally we assume that the statistical relationships, linking observed time series to GCM variables, will remain valid under future climate conditions. – Because we only used one GCM - that it is representative of potential future climate – That our selection of downscaling method was correct 8. Analysis of the Sensitivity of Conclusions • Parameter values – for historical model – Historical climate is well represented – pretty confident due to weather generation match – Modeled recharge is accurate – we only used one model – uncertain – Aquifer geology is correct – as best we could do – Aquifer properties are correct – could be an order of magnitude off – River stage is accurate • Generally we are confident in these numbers to within 6% of observed groundwater levels 8. Analysis of the Sensitivity of Conclusions • Parameter values – for future model – Future climate – based on only one GCM, one scenario for that GCM, and one downscaling method • Total potential error could be significant, but we did not evaluate different possibilities Thank you