This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. Your use of this material constitutes acceptance of that license and the conditions of use of materials on this site. Copyright 2006, The Johns Hopkins University and William Brieger. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license rights granted. Materials provided “AS IS”; no representations or warranties provided. User assumes all responsibility for use, and all liability related thereto, and must independently review all materials for accuracy and efficacy. May contain materials owned by others. User is responsible for obtaining permissions for use from third parties as needed. Process Models and PRECEDE William R. Brieger, MPH, CHES, DrPh Johns Hopkins University 1 Section A Process Models 2 Process Models Ù Field theory—unfreezing behavior Ù Stages of change – Transtheoretical model Ù Adoption of innovations 3 The Next Step in Force Field Analysis Ù Field theory Ù Steps toward reaching the goal in force field analysis Ù Need to “unfreeze” the old behavior Ù Eventually “refreeze” as a new habit 4 Process Models Field Theory Ù Unfreezing – A conscious recognition that an existing behavior may no longer be functional or that a new behavior is needed Ù Evaluation – An effort to understand and consider the implications of the change Continued 5 Process Models Field Theory Ù Goal setting – A decision on trying to change the nature of the behavior involved and the circumstances under which the behavior will be performed Continued 6 Process Models Field Theory Ù Trial/action – An effort is made to enact the new behavior/refrain from the old behavior and at the same time, the person is taking cognizance of the problems and benefits encountered Continued 7 Process Models Field Theory Ù Re-freezing – The new learning has become a habit or so much a routine part of an individual’s on-going behavior as to be taken for granted, selfsustaining 8 Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change Ù Precontemplation: No intention to adopt behaviour in foreseeable future Ù Contemplation: Not currently, but thinking about it, may intend Ù Preparation: Seeking information, acquiring resources and skills needed to carry out the behaviour Continued 9 Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change Ù Action: Carrying out the behavior for some time Ù Maintenance: Have taken the action for a considerable period of time 10 Stages for Bed Net Use Pre-contemplation Not thinking about buying a net Contemplation Considering insect nuisance, seeking information and advice about where to buy Getting money together; plan when will visit shop; actually purchases Sleeps under net nightly for some weeks Has slept under net for whole rainy season Feels hot in dry season, stops sleeping under net Preparation Action Maintenance Relapse 11 12 Stages of Change Can Be Measured Source: CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 13 Out-of-School Adolescents in Southwestern Nigeria el ap se R an ce M ai nt en Ac ti o n on te m p. .. C on te m pl at io n Pr ep ar at io n 100 80 60 40 20 0 Pr eC Percent Stages of Change in Condom Use Stage Rural Female Rural Male Urban Female Urban Male 14 Section B Diffusion/Adopter Characteristics 15 Diffusion of Innovations Ù Innovation as a product or idea Ù Adoption as the process of individual behavior change Ù Importance of networks and information flow in a community 16 Diffusion 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Innovators early adopt Early maj. Fate maj. Late adopters 17 Adopter Characteristics Ù Innovators – Actively seek new information – Willing to take risks – Have access to information and expertise outside the confines of the community – Characteristics such as age, beliefs, occupation at edge or outside “normal” for community Continued 18 Adopter Characteristics Ù Early adopters – Seek out new information, belong to organizations with a national base, either are or have access to technical experts, have higher incomes, generally younger, accept risks. Continued 19 Adopter Characteristics Ù The majority – Receptive to new ideas, but do not seek them, belong to local groups, not national associations, source of information that are valued are opinion leaders in the early adopter group, generally average income. Continued 20 Adopter Characteristics Ù Late adopters – Complacent, possibly skeptical, neighbors and mass media are sources of information, wait to see if others are successful with the innovation, older, security minded, lower incomes. 21 Communal bed net soaking 22 Factors that Influence Adoption Ù Characteristics of the innovation – Cultural congruence – Complexity/simplicity – Benefits perceived – “Trialability” (logistics) – Competition/ alternatives 23 Factors that Influence Adoption Ù Adopter factors – Personal attributes: Age, gender, education, etc – Personality: Assertiveness, submissiveness Continued Factors that Influence Adoption Ù Communication factors – Type of media: Indigenous, mass/electronic – Familiarity with/perceptions of available media 25 Communication Factors Considered Radio Use in Rural Nigeria Ù Education—higher education = more listening Ù Gender – Males listen to specific programs and news – Females have it on as background Continued 26 Communication Factors Considered Radio Use in Rural Nigeria Ù Electricity—Listen more if town has electricity; batteries costly on regular basis Ù Message recall—more of outbreak type—yellow fever; ORT, EPI more from clinic 27 More Factors that Influence Adoption Ù Change agent characteristics – Homophily/heterophily— similar/different – Flaskerund and Liu (1991) found that when clients and therapists shared a common language or ethnic origin, more sessions were held – Personal attributes: Cultural competence, listening skills, etc 28 Cumulative Adoption Curve Guinea Worm Filter Sales Peaked Early 29 Adoption of SSS/ORT 30 Safer Sexual Behaviors Ù MMWR 40(46): 792–794, 1991 Ù Homosexual-bisexual men and condom use Ù Proportion in each stage remained the same over time—but there was some progress and some relapse 31 32 Factors Influencing Movement among Stages Ù Self efficacy – Confidence that one can practice safer sexual behavior even in difficult circumstances, such as when under the influence of drugs or alcohol or in the company of a new sex partner – Odds ratio (OR) = 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.1–2.0 Continued 33 Factors Influencing Movement among Stages Ù Perceived peer support – OR= 1.4; 95% CI = 1.0–2.0 © Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., Courtesy of Photoshare 34 Relapse Behavior Ù AIDS rising again in San Francisco, sounding warning – The Sun: Saturday, July 1, 2000: Page 3A Ù Epidemiology – The percentage of HIV-positive cases at anonymous testing centers nearly tripled between 1997 and 1999 to reach 3.7 percent Continued 35 Relapse Behavior Ù Behavior – Gay men in San Francisco who reported always using a condom during sex fell from 70 percent in 1994 to 54 percent in 1999 Ù Antecedent – New AIDS drugs have made the disease seem less threatening 36 Section C The PRECEDE Framework 37 The Acronym Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Predisposing Reinforcing and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation 38 The PRECEDE Framework An Integration of Theories Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Quality of life diagnosis Health/epidemiological diagnosis Behavioral diagnoses Educational diagnoses Administrative/strategy diagnosis Evaluation process 39 Precede/Proceed: Full Picture of a Model Phase 5 Administrative and policy diagnosis Phase 4 Educational and organizational diagnosis Health Promotion Predisposing factors Health education Policy regulation organization Phase 6 Implementation Reinforcing factors Phase1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Social Behavioral and Epidemiological diagnosis diagnosis environmental diagnosis Behavior and Lifestyle Health Enabling factors Quality of Life Environment Phase 7 Phase 8 Process evaluation Impact evaluation Phase 9 Outcome evaluation 40 Guinea Worm Disease Analysis Using PRECEDE Ù Quality of life – Lower economic production, missed school, and reduced opportunities Ù Epidemiological diagnosis – Prevalence of disease, disability, and secondary infections Continued 41 Guinea Worm Disease Analysis Using PRECEDE Ù Behavioral diagnoses – Wading in water with open ulcer – Drinking water with infected cyclops – Alternatively: Filtering water to prevent 42 Educational Diagnosis Predisposing Factors (Cognitive/Affective Determinants) Ù Knowledge of guinea worm cause and prevention Ù Attitude about water quality, purity: “Water has no enemy” Ù Perceived efficacy: Filter cannot remove something already in the body Ù Knowledge of correct use steps Ù Preference viz: Alternative ways of “cleaning” water 43 Enabling Factors Resources and Skills Needed Ù Skills: Ability to follow correct use steps Ù Supply: Easily available Ù Cost: Price of a bottle of beer Ù Time: Not take too long but is repetitive 44 Reinforcing Factors Social Influences, Feedback Mechanisms Ù Use promoted by village health workers who were selected by villagers Ù Neighbors may purchase and use Continued 45 Reinforcing Factors Social Influences, Feedback Mechanisms Ù Husbands may/may not buy Ù Visible results removing dirt/debris 46 Predisposing Factors Integrating Theoretical Concepts into Educational Diagnosis Ù HBM – Knowledge as a modifying factor – Perceived threat and its components of perceived susceptibility and severity Continued 47 Predisposing Factors Integrating Theoretical Concepts into Educational Diagnosis Ù SLT – Self-efficacy expectations – Outcome and value expectancies Ù TRA – Attitudes towards the behavior 48 Integrating: Reinforcing Factors Ù HBM – Cues to action as advice from significant others and observations of what is happening to others – Family structure and social group memberships as modifying factors Continued 49 Integrating: Reinforcing Factors Ù SLT – Social aspects of the environment – Observational learning of key others—For example, peers, family members Ù TRA – Attitude toward reference groups – Perception of social norms 50 Integrating: Enabling Factors Ù HBM – Barriers/facilitators as logistical factors – Economic status, occupation as modifying factors Continued 51 Integrating: Enabling Factors Ù SLT – Economic and political aspects of the environment – Skills as a person characteristic Ù TRA – Not explicitly stated 52 Strategy Diagnosis Matching Antecedent Factors with Strategies Ù Communication strategies – Predisposing factors – Mass, interpersonal media, counseling, values clarification Ù Social support strategies – Reinforcing factors – Support groups, peer education, family counseling Continued 53 Strategy Diagnosis Matching Antecedent Factors with Strategies Ù Resource development strategies – Enabling factors – Skills training, community development, advocacy 54 55 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Ù SIDS educational campaign Ù “Back to Sleep” Source: First Candle/SIDS Alliance, 800-221-7437 56 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Ù Based on evidence that the behavior of placing an infant on its back for sleeping reduces risk of SIDS Ù Next need to analyze the behavior Source: First Candle/SIDS Alliance, 800-221-7437 57 Admin Diag Ed Diag Communication: ‘Back to Sleep’ media campaign provided info on sleeping position Predisposing: ÙNorms, accepted practices to let infants sleep on stomach ÙAttitude that sleeping on stomach is best Social Support: ÙMedia campaign used physicians and nurses as authority figures ÙStaff Training so model proper way to put infant to sleep Reinforcing: ÙAdvice from family, friends, hospital staff. ÙGrandmother in home ÙObserving hospital staff put baby on back ÙInfant’s own responses to sleeping position Developmental: NA Enabling: Not Applicable Beh Diag Sleeping Position Prior – 30-70% parents place infants on stomach to sleep After – reductions to 24% Decay within months Differential: less effective if mother age 20-29, Afr Am, low income, inner-city, live south, mid-Atlan Epid Diag Post-hoc application of PRECEDE to SIDS Program SIDS Most common age 1-12 months. Eval: reduced 38% after intervention Non-Behavioral: Age of child, maternal age, cold weather, low birth weight 58 59 Educational Diagnosis and Breast Self-Examination Ù Predisposing factors – High levels of self-confidence to perform BSE – Awareness of mammography as a backup diagnostic tool – Knowledge of risk factor— especially parity Continued 60 Educational Diagnosis and Breast Self-Examination Ù Predisposing factors – Desire to seek reconstruction of the breast should surgery be necessary – Education level: higher the level the more likely Continued 61 Educational Diagnosis and Breast Self-Examination Ù Enabling factors – Skill in doing BSE at right time of month – Adequate time to do BSE Ù Reinforcing Factors – Messages from clinicians – Influence of skills teacher 62 Integrating PRECEDE and Stages Childhood Diarrhea Ù Precontemplative – Diarrhea has started in child but is not recognized as serious yet by parent/caregiver Continued 63 Integrating PRECEDE and Stages Childhood Diarrhea Ù Educational diagnosis – Focus on predisposing factors such as knowledge of diarrhea disease, dangers and recognition of symptoms, attitude toward seriousness, and value in taking action instead of passive observing 64 Precede and Stages Ù Contemplative – Parent considers option to help child, seeks advice Ù Educational diagnosis – Again, look at predisposing factors, including knowledge of options and procedures as well as perception of personal capabilities to undertake ORT Continued 65 Precede and Stages – Consider role of reinforcers: Social norms and support from potential advice givers Ù Planning and action – The parent/caregiver begins to prepare appropriate home fluids and feedings Continued 66 Precede and Stages Ù Educational diagnosis – Enabling factors, such as skills and availability of fluids and foods, are important here – Reinforcing factors: Who else in household approves or not Continued 67 Precede and Stages Ù Maintenance – Parent continues to provide ORT throughout diarrhea episode and extra food afterwards – Parent uses ORT next time child has a diarrhea illness Continued 68 Precede and Stages Ù Educational diagnosis – Attention on reinforcing factors such as family support, attitude of spouse and elders, health worker encouragement, and other parents to serve as models 69 Programming Implications Ù Putting diagnostic abilities to test – Multiple antecedent factors – Various segments of the population – Different levels/stages of change Ù Multi-strategy approach 70