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Section C
Psychological/Psychiatric Approach
Psychological/Psychiatric Approach
Construct new world view so that the mind can safely navigate the
new realities
Evidence-Based Treatments
Conditions set by APA, 1996
-  Manual-based
-  Sample characteristics detailed
-  Tested in a randomized clinical trial
-  At least two different investigatory teams must demonstrate
intervention effects
Evidence-Based Treatments
Conditions set by APA, 1996
-  Manual-based
-  Sample characteristics detailed
-  Tested in a randomized clinical trial
-  At least two different investigatory teams must demonstrate
intervention effects
Current Knowledge
Anxiety (GAD, OCD, SAD)
-  Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
-  Psychodynamic—may be effective after 2+ years
Depression (MDD)
-  Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
-  Medication
-  Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Conduct problems (ODD, CD)
-  Parent training
-  Behavioral programs
-  Multi-level, intensive (primarily for adolescents)
Example: IPT for Depression
Brief, time-limited
Focus on current interpersonal issues
-  Regardless of underlying cause of depression
Four problem areas
1.  Grief due to death
2.  Interpersonal disputes
3.  Role transitions
4.  Interpersonal deficits (e.g., maintaining relationships,
communicating feelings)
IPT Training: Northern Uganda
Photo: Laura Murray
Example: TF-CBT for PTSD
Brief, time-limited
Focus on trauma-related symptoms
-  Research shows decrease in trauma, anxiety, depression,
externalizing problems
Psychoeducation and relaxation
Feeling identification
Linking thoughts/feelings/behaviors
Telling the trauma story
Restructuring unhelpful thoughts
Where Do Thoughts Come From?
Photo: Laura Murray
Photos: Laura Murray
CBT Triangle
Photo: Laura Murray
Where We Are Now
Large number of evidence-based treatments for a wide range of
disorders in adults and children
Increasing numbers of cross-cultural studies
Increasing number of randomized controlled trials
Need to understand what happens after the research is done