STATION BULLETIN 236 Field Crops for Pump Irrigation at Harney Branch Experiment Station, 1920 to 1927 Fig 1. Mammoth Russian sunflowers. Yield 51.2 tons green weight. Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State Agricultural College CORVALLIS REGENTS OF OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE HON. J. K. WEATNEUFOSD, President Hoa. K. E. WILSON, Secretary Hon. B. F. IRVINE, Treasurer HON. I. L. PATTERSON, Governor Hoa. Sasi A. KOZER, Secretary of State I-LON. C. A. HOWARD, Superintendent of Public Instruction HON. GEORGE A. PALMITER, Master of State Grange HON. HARRY BAILEY How. Gso. M. CORNWALL How. E. B. Ar.oritc HON. JEFFERSON MYERS How. J. F. YATE HON. H. J. ELLIOTT Albany Corvallis Portland Salem Salem Salem Hood River Lakeview Portland Pendleton Portland Corvallis Perrydale STAFF OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION President Director Editor E. T. REED, B.S., A.B Plant Pathologist H. P. Batas, AR, S.M F. D. BAILEY, M.S...Asst. Pathologist, Insecticide and Fungicide Rd., U. S. Dept. of Agri. Assistant Agricultural Economist W. H. BELriEN, M.A Associate in Farm Management N. S. BESSE, M.S Dairy Husbandman P. M. BRANOT, B.S., A.M Assistant Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agri. P. BRIERLEY, M.S Horticulturist (Vegetable Gardening) A. C. BOUQUET, P.S Associate Agronomist E. N. PRESSMAN, M.S Horticulturist, Hood River Br. Exp. Station, Hood River G. G. BROWN, B.S Horticulturist in Charge W. S. BRowN, A.B., M.S Assistant Chemist D. E. BULLtS, B.S Assistant in Farm Management A. S. BunstEa, lvI.S Supt. Hood River Branch Eap. Station, Hood River LEROY C}{TLDS, A.B Bacteriologist C. V. COP5ON, M.S Supt. Umatilla Branch Exp. Station, Hermiston H. K. DEAN, B.S Assistant Veterinarian C. N. DONHAM, MS., D.V.M Assistant Poultry Pathologist E. M. DIcKINsON, D.V.M Associate Agricultural Economist W. H. DREE5EN Ph.D Assistant Plant Pathologist, U. S. Dent. of Agri. T. P. DYKSTRA, M S Asst. Animal Hushandman, East Ore. Br. Exp. Sta., Union E. M. EDWARDS, B.S Supt. John Jacob Astor Br. Exp. Station, Astoria A. E. ENOBRETSON, B.S Jr. Plant Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agri. L. N. GOODDINO, BA. B.S Associate Bacteriologist W. V. HALVERSEN, Pi.D W. J. Katut, D.Sc., LL.D J. T. JARDINE, B.S . Chemist B. HAAG, Ph.D .Associate Horticulturist Pomology Horticulturist (Physiology K. H. HARVEY, Ph.D Assistant Agronomist B. D. HILL, M.S Scientific Assistant Seed Lab., U. S. Dept. of Agri. (Seed Analyst) BERTHA C. RITE, B.A Asst. to Supt. of Harney Valley Branch Exp. Station, Burns N. K. HUTCHINSON, B.S Agronomist G. N. Hvstot', P.S Poultry Pathologist W. T. JoINsoN, ES., D.V.M Associate Dairy Husbandman I. N. JONEs, Ph.D Chemist J. S. JONES, M.S Agricultural Engineer C. \V. EARLE, M.S Poultry Husbandman F. L. KNOWLTON, P.S Assistant in Farm Management C. W. KUHLMAN, M.S Poultry Husbandman in Charge A. C. LUNN, B.S Assistant Veterinarian A. M. MCCAPE5, D.V.M Plant Pathologist M. B. MCKAY, M.S Junior Agronomist J. F. MARTIN, P.S Asst. to Supt. of Sherman County Branch Exp. Station. Moro G. A. MITCHELL, P.S Associate Agricultural Economist E. It. MITIELMAN, Ph.D Entomologist DON C. MOTE, M.S Agricultural Economist M. N. NELSON, Ph.D Animal Husbandnian 0. M. NELSON, P.S B. K. NORRIS, P.S Assistant to Supt. cit Southern Oregon Branch Exp. Station, Talent Assistant Animal Husbandrnan A. W. OLIvER, B.S Animal Husbandrnan L. PorER, M.S Chief, Department of Soils W. L. PowEtts, Ph.D Supt. Southern Oregon Br. Exp. Station, Talent C. PEIMER, M.S Chemist Ti. H. ROBtNON, A.B., M.S Associate in Soils (FertilIty) C. V. RUZE1c, B.S H. A. SCHOTSI, M.S Asst. Agronomist, Forage Crops Investigation, U. S. Dept. of Agri. Associate Horticulturist (Pomotogy) C. E. SCHUSTER, M.S H. HARTMAN, M.S H. D. SCUDDEIt, P.S H. E. SELBY, B.S 0. SHATTUCK, M.S J. N. SIIAW, D.V.M J. E. Sistssorcs, M.S P. T. SIRIM5, D.V.M V. E. SMITH B. E. STEPHENS, B.S N. K. STEPHENSON Ph.D B. G. THOMPSON, Si.S E. F. TORGEUSON, B.S A. \VALISES, B.S C. F. IVDIITAKER, B.S E. H. WIEGAND, P.S JOSEPH WILCOX, P.S Maut, WILSON, B.S T1ORT. WITIIYCOSIRE, B.S S. H. ZELLER, Ph.D Chief in Farm Management Associate in Farm Management Supt. Harney Valley Branch Exp. Station, Burns Assistant Veterinarian Assistant Bacteriologist Veterinarian Laboratory Technician, Poultry Pathology Supt. Sherman County Pr. Exp. Station, Moro Associate Soils Specialist Assistant Entomologist Assistant in Soils (Soil Survey) 5isst. Agronomist, Eastern Ore. Branch Exp. Station, Union Assistant Chemist Horticulturist (Horticultural Products) Assistant in Entomology Home Economist Supt. Eastern Ore. Branch Exp. Station., Union Plant Pathologist CONTENTS Pages Suggestions for Pump Irrigators Summary Introduction Cereals Wheat Spring oats Spring barley Legumes Experiments with legumes Alfalfa Canadian field peas Combination crops Clovers Root and Tuber Crops Potatoes Duty of Water Experiments Duty of water experiments with Federation spring wheat in 6 7-8 9-11 11-14 11-13 13 13-14 14-17 15 15 15-16 16-17 17 17-18 17-18 18-20 rotation 18-19 Duty of water experiments with Canadian field peas 19 Duty of water experiments with Early Ohio potatoes 19 Duty of water experiments with Grimm alfalfa -------_--_----_ 20 Fertilizer Experiments 2025 Fertilizer experiments under irrigation 20 Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Federation spring wheat in rotation 20 Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Federation spring wheat continuous Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Canadian field peas Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Mammoth Russian sunflowers Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Grimm alfalfa Appendix: Tables showing Monthly and Annual Average Climatic Conditions at the Barney Branch Experiment Station, 1920- 21 21-22 22-23 24-25 1927, as follows: Precipitation Evaporation Wind Maximum temperatures Minimum temperatures Mean temperatures Frost-free period 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 SUGGESTIONS FOR PUMP IRRIGATORS When starting a farm project to be irrigated by pumping, do not attempt to irrigate too much. Ten to twenty acres the first season is usually enough except for experienced irrigators. Make a contour map of the proposed project, includieg the entire area that will eventually be brought under irrigation from the well. Locate the well so that you can irrigate the major portion of the area with the least amount of flume, ditches, and loss of time. Decide on the system of distribution best suited to the soil type and topography of the land. FIT THE LAND FOR IRRIGATION. This is the MOST IMPORTANT operation in the entire project. Land properly fitted will produce large returns with moderate applications of water. It will enable the irrigator to handle the maximum amount of land in a given period of time. Land that is not properly leveled is not likely to produce returns that will justify irrigation by pumping. Never sow a permanent crop, such as alfalfa, upon new land that has just been fitted for irrigation. If there has been much soil moved in leveling, the land will settle to such an extent that it will be impossible to apply water uniformly, or economically. To allow for settling, one of the annual crops like grain or peas should be grown on land that is to receive its first irrigation. Any of the cereals, field peas, or root crops may be used. Peas and grains are especially valuable on new land. In many instances, if this is not possible, it will probably be better to fit the land and then give it a trial irrigation aed relevel before putting in the crop. While this is expensive, it is cheaper than the production of a poor, uneven crop over a period of years. Where possible do not irrigate a growing crop until after it shades the ground. It is far better to irrigate before sowing than to have to 'irrigate the crop up." 10. Frequent, light irrigations give more uniform growth and much better returns than heavy irrigations at long intervals. 6 SUMMARY Irrigation by pumping has developed rapidly at the Harney Branch Experiment Station during the past eight years. The principal lines of investigation are as follows: Varietal experiments with cereals, legumes, and root and tuber crops. Duty of water experiments with cereals, legumes, root and tuber crops. (3)Fertilizer experiments with cereals, legumes, and sunflowers. Combination experiments with cereals and legumes. Cost of production experiments with cereals, legumes, and potatoes. Spring wheat is a standard crop in Harney Valley on irrigated land. Federation is the leading variety. Dicklow wheat yields wel but matures too late. Major and Onas are promising wheats under irrigation. Winter wheats are reasonably sure producers under irrigation. They help in the distribution of labor and use of water, and allow greater use of the pump. Turkey red and Hybrid 128 are standard varieties. Turkey hybrid 63 established a record of 96.8 bushels in 1927. Spring oats yield well and are an excellent feed for horses, cattle, and sheep. They do not produce as many pounds an acre as wheat or barley. They do not have to be rolled, ground, or chopped before feeding. They should be treated with formaldehyde and sowed from April 15 to 25 at the rate of three bushels per acre. They require 12 to 14 inches of water. There are several good varieties. Swedish Select, Golden Rain, Early Mountain, and Idamine are good varieties, while Markton, Three-grain, and West- ern Wonder are among the leaders in recent tests. Markton is practically immune to smut and does not require treatment. = Spring barley is a good crop to grow under irrigation. It yields well and can be sowed later than any other cereal. Trebi and Hannchen are the leading varieties. Grimm alfalfa and Kaiser field peas are the leading legumes. Grimm alfalfa is the hardiest, highest yielding variety grown on this Station. It produces an excellent quality of hay. Cossack ranks second. Alfaifa can be sowed any time after April 25. Ten to fifteen pounds per acre should be sowed on a fine, firm seedbed. Full stands produce high yields. Alfalfa seed should be sowed shallow. Grimm holds the record yield of 9.7 tons of cured hay in two cuttings. Canadian field peas are very hardy, inoculate readily, and may be grown in combination with any of the cereals for soiling, en7 silage, or hay. They can be hogged or sheeped off or cured for 1 seed. The field pea is the best legume to use in the short rota- tion. Kaiser is the standard variety. It may be sowed early in April. Two bushels of inoculated seed per acre give the best results. Peas and oats are the leading combination crop for ensilage and hay. Peas and beardless barley are preferred for hogging off. Clovers, as forage producers, have been less satisfactory at this Station due to the difficulty experienced in obtaining good stands. Prospects for producing seed crops with White Dutch and Alsike clovers are good. Yields of half sugar mangels and sugar beets have been low due to difficulty in obtaining good stands. Occasional good yields of carrots, rutabagas, and turnips have been recorded. Potatoes have proved a successful crop. Early Ohio is the best variety to grow in Harney Valley. Potatoes should be treated with corrosive sublimate. Potatoes may be planted on the Valley floor from April 25 to June 15, in I - rows 36 inches apart, 14 to 16 inches apart in the row. Duty of water is one of the most important experiments conducted on this Station. Without some additional water to supplement the annual precipitation, successful farming in Harney Valley is very difficult with present methods and crops. Profitable crops may be grown with 12 to 18 acre-inches of water applied at the right time. Intervals between irrigation applications should not normally exceed fifteen days. Twelve acre-inches plus the addition of manure gave the best returns with spring wheat. The maximum irrigation of 14 acre-inches produced the highest average yield of potatoes, 243.5 bushels; the second best yield, I 202.1 bushels, was obtained with an average irrigation of 1( inches plus the addition of manure. Twelve acre-inches of water applied to alfalfa in three irrigations, produced the most economic returns. Fertilizers have not made pronounced increases in crop yields. Manure has proved to be the most efficient fertilizer with spring - wheat. Manure and superphosphate have made small increases with the mammoth Russian sunflowers and field peas. It is absolutely essential to level the land properly before the crop is planted. Irregular land can not be cropped profitably with pumped water. - Field Crops for Pump Irrigation at Harney Branch Experiment Station 1920 to 1927 By OBIL SHATTUCK, Superintendent, and Roy B. HUTCHISON, Assistant INTRODUCTION Irrigation by pumping has been extensively tried at the Harney Branch Experiment Station during the past eight years. In 1919 only ten acres were being partly irrigated. Since that time the area has been enlarged to 40 acres regularly watered and new equipment has been installed. New pumping plant. The pumping plant was campletely remodeled. A pit 8 x 8 x 9 feet and a belt incline were dug and walled up with treated 3 x 12 inch plank. A new six-inch horizontal centrifugal pump, with a 20-foot section of six-inch intake pipe and new six-inch check and gate valves with a six-inch discharge pipe, was installed, replacing the original four-inch pump. A 15 horse-power semi-Diesel "Y" oil engine is the power unit. Fig. 2. Pumping plant at Harney Branch Experiment Station delivering one secondfoot of water. 9 10 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 Work of the Station. The principal lines of irrigation investigation being carried on at this Station include: Varietal experiments with Cereals, such as winter and spring wheat, spring oats, and barley Legumes, such as alfalfa, clovers, and Canadian field peas alone and with spring grain. Tuber and root crops, including potatoes, half sugar mangels, sugar beets and limited tests with other roots. Duty of water experiments, with Federation wheat, Canadian field peas, early Ohio potatoes, and Grimm alfalfa. Fertilizer experiments, with Federation wheat, Canadian field peas, Mammoth Russian sunflowers, and Grimm alfalfa. Cost of production experiments with varioi.ts crops. Climatic data. Properly to interpret these results the reader should know the extreme climatic conditions as they occurred during the period of years over which these experiments were conducted. Tables A to G in the Appendix give the annual and average records, together with the fourteen-year average for the years 1914 to 1927 for comparison. Precipitation. The average precipitation for the eight-year period 1920 to 1927 inclusive is 8.96 inches, which is .64 inch above the fourteen-year average. Precipitation during the growing season is limited and is often in such small showers that it cannot reach the plant roots. Low summer rainfall makes it difficult to get winter cereals started in the fall without irrigation. Data on precipitation are reported in Table A. Evaporation. During the seven-year period 1920 to 1927, over which these data were taken, the average evaporation was 43.67 inches which is .14 inch more than the thirteen-year average, no data having been recorded in 1923. The data on evaporation are reported in Table B. Wind. During the period 1920 to 1927 inclusive the average wind velocity was .2 mile per hour below the fourteen-year average. The data on wind velocity are reported in Table C. Temperature. The temperature recorded for the various periods of study at this Station show but little variation. The data on the average maximum, minimum, mean, and annual temperatures are reported in tables D, E, and F inclusive. Frost-free period. The Harney Valley, being a high, level area surround- ed by mountains, has a very short frost-free period as measured by the number of days between the last spring record when the minimum temperature is 29 F. or less and the first fall record. The average for the years 1920 to 1927 inclusive is 64 days, and for the fourteen-year period, 57 days. FIELD CROPS FOR Pusr IRRIGATION 11 At this altitude (4000 or more feet in elevation), killing of crops rarely occurs until the minimum of 290 F. is reached. Yields obtained at this Station during the past fourteen years furnish conclusive evidence that frost is not the most important limiting factor in the production of the regular farm crops, although it sometimes seriously handicaps the production of the fall sown cereals. The data on the frost-free period are reported in Table G. CEREALS Spring and \vinter wheats, spring oats, and barley are important as grain crops in the high irrigated areas and are indispensable in the cropping system. All are used as seed and as feed for stock. Some good milling wheat is' now being shipped out. Comparisons of yields from the leading or standard varieties of the different cereal varietal trials are shown in Table I. While not strictly comparable this table shows Federation wheat to produce more pounds of grain per acre than any of the others. Trebi spring barley is next, then Hybrid 128 wheat, and lowest is spring oats. In more limited trials both Hybrid 128 and Turkey Red winter wheat and Threegrain and Markton oats make a somewhat better showing. TABI.E I. COMPARISON OF THE YIELDS IN POUNDS OF GRAIN PER ACRE FROM WINTER WHEAT AND FROM SPRING WHEAT, OATS, AND BARLEY USING TI-IE COMMON OR STANDARD VARIETIES FOR THE YEARS WHEN ALL WERE GROWN Federation spring wheat Trebi spring barley Hybrid 128 winter wheat Swedish Select spring oats ------- . .. 1920 1921 1923 4974 3230 2136 3757 3054 3518 3486 2035 4410 3379 2442 3021 1924 1925 1922 2418 2928 3804 1757 3389 3826 3042 3510 4224 2806 1946 2554 Average 3598 3183 3140 2687 Wheat. Both spring and winter whcat arc needed in the irrigated cropping system with pumped water. Well cleaned seed is important. Smut control is obtained by thor- ough treatment of the seed with two ounces of copper carbonate dust per bushel of grain. Spring wheat. Spring wheat has proved to be one of the most de- pendable crops during the past eight years. It has produced good yields, except during 1926 when grasshoppers ruined the crop. Federation has been and continues to be the leading variety of spring wheat grown under irrigation. It is an excellent yielder, is beardless, has a very stiff straw and stands up well. It matures moderately early, has fair milling quality and is readily salable. It has a tendency to shatter if allowed to get overripe, bitt this can be controlled by harvesting the crop at the proper time Dicklow proved a good yielder, but matured too late to be successfully grown in Harney Valley. It was generally injured by the early fall frosts. For this reason it was dropped from the irrigation experiment in 1926. 12 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 All varieties of spring wheat were sown early in April at the rate of 129 pounds per acre. Twelve to 14 acre-inches of water were applied in three irrigations. The annual and average yields of spring wheat for the years 1920 to 1927 inclusive are reported in Table II. TABLE II. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF IRRIGATED SPRING T THE ITARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT W}-IEATS GROWN STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 INCLUSIVE Aver- Perage cent omit- of CI. No. 4734 Variety Federation .. 2826-1 White Bobs ._.._.. 4733 Hard Federation 4158 Marquis ._.._.. ------6255 Red Bobs ------4981 White Federation 3663 1697 6228 4984 6221 4986 Dicklow ,-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre-. ting Feder1920 1921 1922 1923 82.9 64.0 55.1 64.0 60.0 77.1 65.0 54.9 50.9 33.7 28.5 36.0 31.1 23.3 45.4 36.4 Baart Oudebaard Major' ------------Onas ---- -------._..Canberra .-.._ ... New Zealand 4728 Sunset ._.._..__........._ . .. 50.3 29.2 25.6 30.8 32.7 27.7 47.1 73.5 52.5 48.1 51.8 61.6 49.7 74.8 65.8 65.6 71.3 52.1 65.3 45.5 1924 1925 1926 1927 1926 ation 4ft3 40.3 32.9 63.4 50.7 50.8 57.3 51.9 100 75.8 66.4 76.5 75.1 65.7 95.8 80.1 '84.0 102.2 99.3 81.8 91.6 65.0 30.5 36.2 32.9 44.3 34.8 38.8 50.2 40.3 39.5 39.5 32.9 48.8 40.4 31.3 43.2 34.5 31.5 43.6 47.8 41.3 53.0 50.4 42.0 44.1 27.3 4.7 6.9 44 * 3.7 49.9 7.3 45.3 58.7 62.1 62.5 51.2 6.9 5.0 6.2 3.1 4.8 41.1 58.6 44.4 38.9 44.8 44.0 35.8 55.4 45.9 51.9 57.7 56.1 46.2 49.6 36.7 Note: The low yields in 1926 were due to grasshopper injury. These were omitted from the average. Fall watering and fall planting enable the farmer to handle more acres with his labor, irrigation system and equipment. Acres fall planted and growing well do not interfere with spring work. Winter wheat which matures early does not require as much summer or total irrigation. Probably three-fourths as much water will pro- duce the crop. The earlier harvest further distributes the use of labor and mach.inery and allows for summer sowing of legumes on the stubble. Winier wheat. \Vinter wheats generally do not yield an average of as much as Federation spring wheat. They produce as good yields when uninjured by the late spring frosts. Table III shows comparative yields from separate varietal trials. It often happens that due to lack of early fall rainfall it is necessary to irrigate before sowing fall wheat in order to get it to germinate and tiller or stool out before the winter season sets in. The time saved by fall planting is an important factor where the spring season is late and the early sowing of crops is essential to success. Winter wheat should be sowed as early as possible after the first of August, so that the crop will have a chance to emerge and tiller before going into the winter. It is important that all wheat be treated with copper carbonate, 2 ounces per bushel, before being sowed. Indicates variety not grown. To be 13 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION effective, the treatment must be thorough. For this early sowing it is often necessary to carry seed over from the preceding year. The annual and average yields of winter wheats are reported in Table IV. OF IMPORTANT WINTER AND SPRING WHEATS FOR YEARS WHEN ALL WERE ON TRIAL ,-Yields by years in bushels per acre- Aver1920 Hybrid 28 winter wheat .. Turkey Red winter wheat ..._...._..... Federation spring wheat._.._.._...._....._... Marquis spring wheat ._.._.._...._..._.. 35.6 1921 58.1 70.0 50.9 36.0 43.0 82.9 64.0 1923 1924 1927 age 40.7 66.3 73.5 51.8 50.7 47.7 40.3 70.4 67.5 63.4 57.3 51.1 58.9 62.2 .30.5 47.9 TABLE IV. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF IRRIGATED WINTER WHEATS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION DURING THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 INCLUSIVE PerAver- cent age CI. No. Variety 512 Washington Hybrid 128 1558 Turkey Red 6225 4463 Clark Blackhull Martin Amber ........ ,-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre1920 1921 1922 1923 35.6 43.0 58.1 70.0 18.8 40.7 66.3 30.0 80.0 74.6 67.2 15.1 .... of 0 nit- Hy- ting brid 1924 1925 1926 1927 1926 128 70.4 67.5 76.9 65.7 47.5 58.9 40.4 60.8 56.5 50.6 71.3 100 115.3 84.4 111.1 113.0 101.2 110.6 50.7 47.7 25.2 42.0 47.2 35.4 58.5 54.7 57.1 00 00 00 .... 47.6 G. White 326 49.1 White Odessa ._.._.._... Wash. Hyb. 63 ._...._ . .......... .. 62.3 00 80.2 Note: Indicates variety not grown. 1926 yields completely ruined by grasshoppers. These yields were omitted from the average. 4655 Spring oats. Spring oats have always produced good average yields when grown under irrigation. They do not produce as many pounds per acre as either wheat or barley, and for this reason they are not highly recommended as an irrigated crop. As a horse feed, oats are very satisfactory and do not generally have to be rolled, ground, or chopped as do the other cereals, thus saving considerable time and expense. There are several varieties of oats, all of which are hardy and good yielders. Swedish Select and Silvermine have long been standard varieties in the irrigated sections. Markton, which is immune to covered smut, Golden Rain, and Three-grain are all excellent varieties. Oats should be sowed any time after the middle of April at three bushels per acre on irrigated land. Oats should be treated with formaldehyde before sowing. The annual and average yields of spring oats are reported in Table V. Spring barley. Spring barley is a good crop to grow under irriga- tion, and may be sowed later than any of the other cereals and still mature. It is a good feed and is readily eaten by all classes of livestock. Spring barley should always be treated with formaldehyde before sowing. It can be sowed on irrigated land at any time from May 1 to May 20, at the rate of 2 to 2 bushels per acre. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 14 TABLE V. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF IRRIGATED SPRING OATS GROWN AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 INCLUSIVE Per- C.I. No. 134 720 708 724 Aver- cent age of omit- Swed-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre- ting ish 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1926 Select Variety Swedish ...___._.. 117.4 Silverniine ... --------- ... 106.8 Fulghum .._.... Rustless Selection 87.9 127.3 81.3 _. Golden Rain ._ P.S.C.Hulless 493 2036 1834 625 841 Early Mountain . Idamine .___.._ Sixty Day -------------- Nebraska No. 21 . 63.6 61.8 48.2 70.8 61.8 ............. 91.7 52.4 96.4 55.5 87.7 75.9 61.5 85.2 67.5 60.8 66.5 39.8 00 00 00 79.8 74.7 68.2 42.9 72.2 97.1 46.3 57.3 66.9 00 00 00 00 00 50.2 84.3 75.0 86.6 22.1 47.9 85.2 82.6 66.7 91.3 92.0 105.4 82.5 90.2 00 92.1 00 81.1 61.0 94.4 48.5 83.4 55.8 103.8 64.6 101.4 74.2 86.6 121.4 69.0 112.1 557-1 Three-grain ................................ 2053 1951 Markton .. Western Wonder Note: Indicates crop not grown. and not included in the averag. 68.2 . 00 85.2 77.9 * 80.7 90.6 74.8 00 103.7 80.7 77.9 62.5 86.2 62.9 83.3 82.9 81.5 60.0 76.6 92.7 92.3 82.0 100 96.6 77.5 106.7 75.0 108.6 108.0 106.2 73.2 90.3 121.9 121.2 107.8 1926 yields entirely destroyed by grasshoppers Trebi and Hannchen barley have been the leading varieties at this Station for several years. Trebi is a blue, beard,ed, six-row barley with a stiff straw and stands up well under irrigation. It seems to be rather susceptible to smut. Hannchcn is a white, two-row, bearded barley with a straw that is rather weak and that will lodge if heavily irrigated. Both of these varieties have produced more than one hundred bushels per acre in some special tests. The annual and average yields of spring barley, are reported in Tabtc VI. TABLE VI. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF IRRIGATED SPRING BARLEY GROWN AT THF. HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION DURING THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 INCLUSIVE Average Per- omit- cent CI. No. 936 531 -Year grown and yield, bushels per acre- ting Variety Trebi 1920 ............ I-Iannchen ... 67.3 63.0 1921 73.3 55.0 Note: Indicates crop not grown. and not included in averages. 1922 1923 70.4 60.0 of 1924 1925 1926 1927 1926 Trebi 36.6 37.4 70.6 74.4 00 00 79.7 73.5 66.3 100 60.6 91.3 1926 yields entirely ruined by grasshoppers LEGUMES Legumes are of vital importance in the irrigated cropping system. More forage is needed and legume forage is best. Legume seed crops are in demand and will stand higher freight rates than grain. Legumes improve the soil's capacity to hold and use water and always increase yields of succeeding crops. Legumes pay in themselves, reduce the work required in the rotation, make good field yields, increase the yields of other crops, and make the use of water more efficient. 15 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION Experiments with legumes. Alfalfa is the leading legume at this Station. The Canadian field peas are very hardy and rank second to alfalfa. The experiments with clovers are inconclusive. It has been very difficult to obtain good stands. Sweet clover, alsike, ladino, and common white clover should do well. Alfalfa. Of all of the varieties grown at this Station, Grimm has proved best, with Cossack second. Grimm is the hardiest, highest yielding variety and the quality of forage produced is excellent. It has always produced the highest tonnage, except in 1926 when a non-uniforOn irrigation resulted in material reduction in yields. Grimm alfalfa holds the record yields of 9.2 tons of thoroughly cured hay established in 1923, and of 9.7 tons established in 1927. Only two crops per year are harvested at this Station. Alfalfa may he sowed at any lime from April 25 until June 15. It requires a fine, firm, seed-bed, and should not be covered more than one inch. It should be sowed at the rate of 10 to 15 pounds per acre since high yields are obtained only from full stands. Alfalfa seed should be inoculated with pure culture before sowing. The annual and average yields of alfalfa are reported in Table VII. TABLE VII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF HAY IN TONS PER ACRE FROM ALFALFA VARIETIES SOWED IN 1920 AND GROWN UNDER IRRIGATION AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1921 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Percent of Variety Grimm ........ ......._ ....Cossack ._..... -------- Dakota Diamond Martin's Acclimatized Liscoim Tut-kestan ...... Note: 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Average Grimm 7.01 6.25 6.24 6.25 7.22 7.05 7.05 7.00 6.86 6.86 7.90 7.64 7.15 7.40 6.85 6.85 - 5.75 5.76 8.05 7.85 7.70 7.03 7.70 7.40 7.57 7.05 6.80 7.02 6.98 6.88 5.45 5.75 6.50 5.70 5.90 6.05 7.56 7.38 7.25 6.99 100 96.5 6.95 6.85 6.91 6.75 6.71 95.3 93.1 92.5 92.1 6.90 6.95 6.68 The low yield of Gri,nm alfalfa in 1926 is due to non-uniform irrigation. Canadian field peas. Canadian field peas have made an excellent showing at this Station during the past several years. The crop is very hardy, the vines rarely ever being damaged by frost. While there is danger of frost injury to blossoms and young pods that will cause the loss of an occasional crop of seed, there is no danger of the loss of an ensilage or hay crop. The Canadian field pea is one of the best legumes to grow in a short rotation as it inoculates readily and the straw decays in a very short time when plowed under. Cereals grown on field pea sod make remarkable yields. The crop adapts itself to a variety of uses. It can, be matured for seed, or grown in combination with any of the cereals for ensilage, or cured. for hay. As the Canadian field pea is very hardy, it should be sowed early. The seed should be inoculated. It is sowed with a regular grain drill through the large openings, at the rate of two bushels per acre when seeded alone. 16 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 The yields of Canadian field peas will be reported in the projects on which they are grown; namely, the duty of water, fertilizer, and combination crop experiments (tables VIII, XI, and XVI). Combination crops. Dairyingi is essential to most successful irrigation farming. Annual crops that can be used f&r several purposes, such as ensilage, soiling, and hay, must be considered. Other lines closely allied to dairy farming are lamb and hog raising. The combination crop offers a fair solution of the problem. Legumes grown with grain are at once beneficial to both stock and soil. The Canadian field pea is one of the best legumes to use in combination cropping. When grown with a cereal, the combination produces a rich feed easily harvested and one that is consumed readily by all classes of livestock. Fig. 3. Fall irrigation before seeding. Combination border and check method. Field peas sowed with oats, wheat, or barley can be cut green for soiling or ensilage, matured for seed, or cured for hay. They can be hogged or sheeped off, thus eliminating the cost of harvesting, and at the same time producing "top quality" mutton or pork. Flesh produced from this combination is firm, sweet, and "marbled." Field peas can be sowed as early as any of the spring cereals. When grown in combination with one of the cereals, each crop should be sowed alone. They should never be mixed before sowing. It is a good plan to drill the peas first about four inches deep and then drill the cereal slightly shallower. The following rates of sowing give good returns. Combination Peas and oats Peas and wheat Peas and barley Peas alone .... Legume Cereal 1.5 bushels 1.5 bushels 1.5 bushels 2.0 bushels 3.0 bushels 1.5 bushels 1.5 bushels 0.0 bushels FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION 17 The annual and average yields of combination crops, both green and dry weights, are reported in Table VIII. TABLE VIII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF COMBINATION CROPS, GIVING BOTH GREEN AND DRY WEIGHTS IN TONS PER ACRE 1924 Crop combination Green Peas and oats..._..... 19.6 Peas and wheat .. 14.0 Peas and barley... 14.7 15.3 1925 1926 1927 .-Averae--, Green Dry Green Dry Green Dry Green 12.4 11.6 10.5 14.2 5.0 7.8 7.9 5.2 10.2 2.1 8.5 9.0 9.1 9.5 4.0 12.1 10.6 9.9 12.3 50 4.6 2.0 2.8 3.2 Peas alone _.._...._ 4.6 Note: Low yields in 1926 are due to grasshopper injury. 50 percent mature before it was harvested. 4.1 4.6 3.1 JJry 3.7 3.7 4.0 3.6 In 1927 the crop was Clovers. To date, success with the clovers has been limited. Red and sweet clovers have returned fair yields, but it has been difficult to obtain good stands. Good stands of White Dutch, or of lawn clover and alsike, have been obtained at different times but without regularity. There seems to be a possibility of producing alsike and White Dutch clover seed in this section since both varieties mature seed readily at this Station. ROOT AND TUBER CROPS Of the several crops of this group grown at this Station potatoes have been the most successful. Some difficulty has been experienced in obtaining full stands of half sugar mangels and sugar beets. Some good yields of rutabagas, carrots, and cowhorn turnips have been obtained, but these experiments were not conducted over a period of years. One-half acre of sugar beets yielded at the rate of 6.4 tons. The average yield of one acre of half sugar mangels was 9.2 tons. Potatoes. The main potato grown at this Station is the Early Ohio. While no claim is made that the Valley floor of Harney county is well adapted to growing potatoes, some good results have been obtained over a period of years. The Early Ohio potato has held the record at this Station for the past several years. The first record yield of 319.6 bushels an acre was established in 1923 and the latest record of 343.0 bushels, was established in 1926. Potatoes should be treated with corrosive sublimate. Full treatment directions may be obtained from the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at Corvallis. They are then planted whole or are cut into blocky seed pieces, saving the blossom-end in one seed piece. After cutting, it is a good plan to sprinkle sulfur or land plaster over the cut potatoes. This soon callouses them over and acts as a preservative and possibly a stimulant. Potatoes should be cut in blocky pieces, weighing two to three ounces each, the latter being best for early planting. Planting in rows 36 inches apart with the plants 11 to 16 inches apart in the row will give satisfactory results. Potatoes may be planted from April 25 to June 15. It is better to plant a large piece, such as 2 to 3 ounces, rather early, taking a chance on the late spring frost, than it is to plant small pieces late and get caught with the early fall frost. Plants from large seed pieces usually 18 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 come up again after a frost. Potatoes make a good early recovery, but the fall frost stops all growth. Thick stands on rich irrigated land tend to minimize hollow heart. Harney county can well consider certain varieties for seed uses, such as Early Ohio, Earliest of All, or Idaho Rural and Irish Cobbler. TABLE IX. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELD AND ACREAGE OF EARLY OHIO POTATOES GROWN UNDER IRRIGATION FOR THE YEARS 1922 TO 1927 Variety Early Ohio ------------ Early Ohio Early Ohio ... Early Ohio._ Early Ohio __. ....... Year grown Acreage 1922 .1 ... -------- _...._ ...........1923 ..... _ ----_... 1924 1925 1926 Early Ohio ------------------------_...._.._ -----------------1927 Six-year average Average yield bushels an acre 1.2 3.9 7.6 190.5 228.8 206.8 102.8 208.8 119.6 2.35 176.2 .4 .9 DUTY OF WATER EXPERIMENTS The duty of water experiments constitute one of the major projects at the Station. There are thousands of acres of land in Barney county for which there will never be gravity water. It is of ultimate importance to the community that the available gravity water be used economically, so that it may be utilized on the largest possible area of land. Such economy is still more important to those pumping irrigation water, since pumped water is expensive and any waste of water will increase the cost of production. In these experiments as planned by Dr. W. L. Powers, of the Soils Department, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, the water is applied to each crop at three different rates, with the fourth plot receiving an average irrigation plus manure at the rate of 12 tons per acre. The minimum irrigation was planned to be just enough to produce a fair crop and make the crop suffer to some extent; the average irrigation to produce a first class crop without wasting any water; the maximum irrigation to be heavy enough to injure the crop, either by the amount applied or by delaying maturity to such an extent that the crop is injured by frost. The average irrigation plus a 12-ton application of manure was expected to increase the returns per unit of water; that is, it should produce increased yields without the use of additional water. This experiment is being conducted in duplicated one twentieth-acre plots with each crop. This makes a total of eight one-twentieth acre plots used with each crop. Federation wheat, field peas, Early Ohio potatoes, and Grimm alfalfa are grown in this experiment. Duty of water experiments with Federation spring wheat in rotation. Eight one-twentieth acre plots are seeded to Federation wheat as early as possible each year, at the rate of 129 pounds per acre. No test was made in 1925. Considering cost of irrigation water and distribution, the 12-inch total application has proved most economical. Manure is beginning to show favorable results. FIELD CROPS FOR PuiviP IRRIGATION 19 The annual and average yields and the amount of water applied are reported in Table X. TABLE X. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YTELDS AND AMOUNTS OF WATER APPLIED TO FEDERATION SPRING WHEAT AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1921 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Acre-inches applied 12 15 18 15 ,-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 1927 33.3 35.2 30.7 31.3 69.1 71.8 87.8 80.3 40.7 41.9 42.4 47.4 28.0 22.2 54.9 52.8 57.2 74.9 40.9 With nianure 48.3 48.3 48.1 18.0 19.8 Average 44.5 45.4 47.4 50.3 Duty of water experiments with Canadian field peas. Eight onetwentieth acre plots are sowed to Kaiser field peas at the rate of 137 pounds per acre early in April each season. The peas are inoculated with pure culture before sowing. The frost ruined the seed crop in 1922 and 1925. The 18-inch total irrigation has produced the heaviest yield. So far, manure has not increased the yields. The annual and average yields and the amount of water applied are reported in Table XI. TABLE XI. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS AND AMOUNTS OF WATER APPLIED TO KAISER FIELD PEAS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1921 TO 1927 Acre-inches applied 12 15 is is With manure ,-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre 1921 1923 1924 1926 1927 Average 45.1 42.7 40.3 28.5 25.0 25.4 31.7 21.4 24.3 22.6 37.5 28.5 22.0 39-7 49.9 44.4 33.2 35.1 36.6 32.2 29.9 33.1 39.2 31.1 Duty of water experiments with Early Ohio potatoes. Eight onetwentieth acre plots are planted to Early Ohio potatoes each year during the latter part of May, or early Tune, at 700 to 1,000 pounds per acre, in rows 36 inches apart and about 16 inches apart in the row. These potatoes were treated with hot and with cold formaldehyde, neither of which proved to be satisfactory. The low yields obtained in 1925 are due to the fact that the crop was produced on Grimm alfalfa sod and the alfalfa volunteered to such an extent that it almost choked out the potatoes. The heavier applications of water produced substantially better yields. Manure also produced good increases. The annual and average yields and the amount of water applied are reported in Table XII. TABLE XII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIEI.DS AND AMOUNT OF \VATER APPLIED TO EARLY 01-110 POTATOES AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1923 TO 1926, INCLUSIVE Acre-inches applied 6 10 14 10 With manure -Year grown and yield, bushels per acre-, 1923 1924 1925 1926 Average 140.2 217.1 291.8 266.1 131.7 198.6 278.3 210.3 47.0 61.8 84.0 50.1 238.4 225.0 319.8 281.7 139.3 175.6 243.5 202.1 20 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 Duty of water experiments with Grimm alfalfa. Eight one-twentieth acre plots are sowed to Grimm alfalfa every fifth year at the rate of 21 pounds per acre, late in May. The seed is inoculated with pure culture before sowing. The increase in yield does not appear to justify using manure on alfalfa, or using more than 12 inches of water. The annual and average yields and amount of water applied are reported in Table XIII. TABLE XIII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS AND AMOUNT OF WATER APPLIED TO GRIMM ALFALFA AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1921 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Year grown and yield, tons cured hay per acre, Acre-inches applied 12 18 24 18 ....._..._.._.. ... With manure . 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Average 1.15 1,25 1.14 1.56 6.45 7.58 7.68 8.25 7.15 7.60 7.60 8.25 8.59 7.55 1.0 1.0 5.3 8.13 7.58 8.10 8.13 5.25 5.55 5.85 5.68 8.65 7,75 1.0 1.0 5.60 5.90 5.55 Note: The full 24 inches of water have not, as yet, been applied. FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS Fertilizer experiments under irrigation. In order to find out whether or not any of the principal plant food elements were unfavorably low in the soil, a fertilizer experiment was started in 1919 in cooperation with the Soils Department of the Agricultural Experiment Station and is being continued to date, A chemical analysis of the Station soil showed it to be low in phosphorus. The following crops are being grown in the fertilizer experiment: Federatior spring wheatin rotation. Federation spring wheatcontinuous. Canadian field peasvariety, Kaiser. Mammoth Russian sunflowers. Grimm alfalfa. This experiment consists of five one-half-acre blocks, each containing ten one-twentieth acre plots. One block is seeded to each crop each season, with the exception of alfalfa, which is sowed every fifth year. The fifth block is sowed to Federation wheat continuous. The crops on the remaining four blocks constitute a rotation of wheat, peas, sunflowers, and Grimm alfalfa four years. Manure seems to be the best all-round fertilizer, with manure and superphosphate second. The results obtained from this experiment are not entirely satisfactory and the experiment will be reorganized. Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Federation spring wheat in rotation. Ten one-twentieth acre plots of Federation spring wheat are sowed as early as possible each year at the rate of 129 pounds per acre. Fifteen acre-inches of water are applied in three five-inch irrigations. The wheat was so badly injured by frost in 1924 that this block was harvested for hay. The results of this experiment are reported in Table XIV. Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Federation spring wheat continuous. Ten one-twentieth acre plots are sowed to Federation spring wheat as early as possible each year at the rate of 129 pounds per acre. 21 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION TABLE XIV. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF FEDERATION SPRING WHEAT IN THE FERTILIZER EXPERIMENT AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1921 TO 1923 AND 1925 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Plot Treatment, pounds per acre No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j-Year grown and yield, bushels per acr&1921 1922 1923 1925 1926 1927 Average Superphosphate, 200 lbs......_...._ ........... 57.2 41.1 86.1 56.9 68.9 58.4 67.2 70.3 80.0 47.2 48.0 48.4 52.5 50.8 84.0 75.9 56.5 80.7 79.5 79.5 Check, no treatment Sodium nitrate, 100 lbs..__..__...._...... Sulfur, 100 lbs.....- Potassium sulfate, 160 lbs. Check, no treatment _. ivianure, 12 tons per acre .. Manure, 12 tons, Superphosphate 200 lbs-------------_._ Superphosphate, 200 lbs. Sodium nitrate 100 lbs. Superphosphate, 200 lbs. Sodium nitrate, 100 lbs. Potassium sulfate, 160 lbs...._ Note: 30.8 27.3 28.0 45.9 46.3 45.7 39.8 77.7 82.2 27.3 44.1 62.3 20.8 24.0 22.6 22.6 21.7 26.0 43.8 49.8 48.4 49.2 53.1 62.2 66.0 80.5 62.3 41.2 41.9 62.1 55.3 78.7 40.3 22.2 44.9 53.5 56.0 80.8 46.9 23.0 45.3 55.3 72.1 77.3 30.1 38.1 30.9 34.7 49.1 444 The iow yields in 1926 are due to grasshopper injury. This block receives the regular application of commercial fertilizers, but does not enter into the rotation with any legume. It is cropped continuously to wheat. Fifteen acre-inches of water are applied in three five-inch applications. In this series, manure again demonstrates its value in comparison with the commercial fertilizers. Due to high initial costs and very high freight rates, it is doubtful whether any of the commercial fertilizers will be able to compete with good barnyard manure for many years in Harney Valley. The annual and average yields and fertilizers applied are reported in Table XV. TABLE XV. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF FEDERATION SPRING WHEAT CONTINUOUS IN THE FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1922 TO 1927 INCLUSIVE Plot Treatment, pounds an acre 1. Superphosphate, 200 pounds -- ....._.._... 2 Check, no treatment 3 Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds 4 Sulfur, 100 lbs................ 5 Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds 6 Check, no treatment ._.._..._... ..... No. 7 8 9 10 Manure, 12 tons per acre ......._...._ Manure, 12 tons, ,-Year grown and yield, bushels per acre-, 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Average 43.2 40.0 46.0 44.8 52.0 43.0 55.3 43.8 45.8 54.2 22.7 20.5 15.8 20.1 24.9 32.6 28.9 52.2 56.7 76.3 81.2 26.3 27.7 25.6 28.7 35.4 45.9 54.3 14.3 15.0 41.5 14.3 18.7 44.3 47.7 47.3 60.1 35.0 137 46.7 29.0 37.7 Superphosphate, 200 pounds .... 61.2 66.5 31.9 50.8 36.3 61.8 Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds 58.0 77.0 23.1 38.2 27.0 62.5 Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds 54.0 76.6 33.0 53.6 37.0 61.5 Note: I..ow yields in 1926 are due to grasshopper injury. 31.9 30.7 33.7 34.1 39.2 41.7 52.9 51.4 47.6 52.6 Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Canadian field peas. Ten onetwentieth acre plots are sowed to Kaiser field peas as early as possible each year at 137 pounds per acre. All peas are inoculated with pure culture before sowing. Fifteen acre-inches of water are applied in three five-inch irrigations. Occasionally the seed crop is ruined by frost. 22 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 When this occurs, the yields are reported in tons as hay. The results obtained on this experiment to date are not entirely satisfactory, as the slope of some of the plots was such as to cause irregular irrigation. Manure and manure plus superphosphate appear to have made slight gains. The annual and average yields of seed and hay are reported in Table xv'. TABLE XVI. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF CANADIAN FIELD PEAS IN THE FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1926, INCLUSIVE Plot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,-Yield, bushels per acre-, ,--Yield, tons per acre-, Treatment, pounds an acre 1921 Superphosphate, 200 pounds.. 19.3 Check, no treatment_._......_ 26.0 Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds.. 23.0 Sulfur, 100 pounds .. ............ 32.6 Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds 32.0 Check, no treatment ....... 29.3 Manure, 12 tons per acre..._. 36.0 Manure, 12 tons Superphosphate 200 pounds.... 43.3 Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds.. 40.0 Superphosphate, ZOO pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds '41.0 1923 1926 Average 1920 35.3 35.7 31.5 31.8 26.6 40,2 35.0 31.7 35.0 31.0 40.7 39.3 46.0 2.9 3.3 2.8 46.0 28.8 32.2 28.5 35.0 32.6 38.5 39.0 39.6 51.0 37.8 42.3 1924 1925 Average 3.1 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.1 4.3 2.8 3.0 2.9 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.2 4.9 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.9 44.6 3.5 4.9 3.5 4.0 52.7 43.5 2.8 4.5 4.0 3.8 55.7 46.3 2.5 4.4 3.9 3.6 3.1 2.2 II Fig. 4. 1-lareesting Mammoth Russian sunflowers at the I-Iarney Branch Experiment Station. Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Mammoth Russian sunflowers. At the beginning of this experiment half sugar mangels and sugar beets were used as the cultivated crops. Due to unsatisfactory stands, sunflowers were substituted in 1923 and were grown up to and including 1927. The sunflower is used as a substitute for corn as an ensilage crop. Remarkable yields have been obtained over a period of years. in this 23 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION experiment, manure has again demonstrated its value as a fertilizer. Thirty acre-inches of water are applied in ten 3-inch irrigations. For the past five years, ten one-twentieth acre plots have been sown to Mammoth Russian sunflowers from the middle to the latter part of May at the rate. of 30 pounds per acre in rows 21 inches apart. As we do not have a silo at the Station, the sunflowers were fed whole to the station horses and cows. The heads, leaves, and upper two-thirds of the stalks were consumed readily by the horses and cows. Manure shows most pronounced increase in yield. The annual and average yields are reported in Table XVII. Fig. 5. Peas and oats for ensilage. Yield 21.0 tons, green weight. TABLE XVII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF MAMMOTH RUSSIAN SUNFLOWERS IN THE FERTILIZER ExpERIMENTS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR TIlE YEARS 1923 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Plot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year grown and yield, tons per acre Treatment, pounds an acre Superphosphate, 200 pounds Check, no treatment ._ Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Sulfur, 100 pounds ._.._ Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds Check, no treatment Manure, 12 tons per acre Manure, 12 tons Superphosphate, 200 pounds Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Potassium sulfate 160 pounds 1923 1924 35.4 39.6 39.6 39.7 42.8 41.4 42.6 42.8 46.7 48.0 36.0 43.0 50.0 56.7 41.4 46.8 44.8 green weight 1925 1926 1927 Average 35.0 39.0 39.8 42.2 40.4 37.4 48.0 31.2 36.4 34.1 32.0 31.0 31.9 40.3 39.6 37.6 40.0 47.0 44.0 49.4 54.0 36.8 39.9 40.3 39.4 40.2 42.0 48.3 47.3 51.2 40.8 54.0 46.9 39.2 39.4 38.7 51.2 43.1 36.4 37.6 41.1 49.6 41.9 Irrigated fertilizer experiments with Grimm alfalfa. Ten one-twentieth acre plots were sowed to Grimm alfalfa in June, 1919, at the rate of 24 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 236 Fig. 6. Kaiser field peas. Fig. 7. Average height of half.acre block 7 feet. Threshing at the Harney Branch Experiment Station. 25 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION 25 pounds per acre. Eighteen inches of water are applied annually. All plots emerged with good stands. This crop was plowed under in the fall of 1922 and alfalfa was sowed on the second block in 1923. This stand was choked out by weeds and the entire block was plowed under and reseeded in the spring of 1924. The results obtained from this experiment are not satisfactory or conclusive. The experiment will be relocated. There may be slight increases from sulfur. The annual and average yields are reported in Table XVIII. TABLE XVIII. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE YIELDS OF GRIMM ALFALFA IN THE FERTILIZER EXPERIMENT AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1919 TO 1922, AND 1924 TO 1927 Plot No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Treatment, pounds an acre Superphosphate, 200 pounds __.._ .5 Check, no treatment -------------_. ---- 6 Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds.._-------- 7 Sulfur, 100 pounds -.6 Potassium sulfate, 160 pounds.....---- 9 Check, no treatment _.___ .8 Manure, 12 tons per acre 1.0 8 i\Iaxiure, 12 tons Superphosphate, 200 pounds 9 Superphosphate, 200 pounds 10 Years grown and yield in tons per acre cured hay 1919 1920 1921 1922 1924 1925 1926 Average Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds ... Superphosphate, 200 pounds Sodium nitrate, 100 pounds Potassum sulfate, 160 pounds .. 43 6.1 4.4 4.2 4.5 5.4 5.6 5.7 4.3 6.1 4.2 4.0 5.6 5.3 6.6 5.3 5.6 6.1 6.1 5.9 5.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.5 4.4 4.6 5.8 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.5 4.1 4.4 4.3 3.6 3.7 4.1 5.2 5.1 5.2 6.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 .9 4.5 4.9 5.3 1.0 5.8 5.7 4.0 1.1 4.6 4.9 4.9 1.0 5.9 5.1 3.9 1.0 4.9 4.9 4.4 1.0 6.6 6.2 4.1 APPENDIX PRECIPITATION TABLE A. MONTHLY ANNUAL AND AVERAGE PRECIPITATION FOR THE EIGHT YEARS, 1920 TO 1927, AND THE FOURTEEN-YEAR AVERAGE AT TI-IE HARNEY BRANd-I EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1914 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Year January February MaccIt April 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 195 1926 1927 ....... - ......_ .35 1.46 .95 47 .43 .96 .99 .82 .80 Fight-year average Fourteen-year average .81 April 1 to Augurt 31, inclusive. .02 .71 .97 .75 .09 1.27 1.07 .86 1.10 .98 1.03 .09 .18 .17 .77 .90 May July August .60 .29 .50 .96 .01 1.06 .06 .44 .45 .26 1.06 1.03 1.12 .29 .66 .44 1.77 1.05 .78 .87 .72 .97 2.96 1.83 .43 .31 .47 .80 .69 1.37 1.06 .82 .57 .48 .88 1.94 .20 1.56 1.15 .82 2.21 .53 1.16 1.52 .02 .34 .19 1.67 .53 .05 .01 .33 .00 .14 .46 .01 .54 .47 .95 .87 .95 .91 .64 .62 .19 .23 .31 .51 1.87 .36 .86 .06 Septem- Octo- Novern- DecemGrowing ber ber ber ber Annual season June .18 .42 1.03 .01 .39 .21 T .61 .86 .38 .88 1.38 1.26 .45 1.51 .44 2.00 1.16 1.07 .57 1.06 .86 8.56 9.02 8.72 8.44 6.30 11.20 9.26 10.14 2.21 2.69 1.75 4.65 .28 4.25 2.33 3.66 8.96 8.32 2.73 2.62 c tTl >4 H 27 FIELD CROPS FOR PUMP IRRIGATION EVAPORATION TABLE B. MONTHLY, TOTAL AND AVERAGE EVAPORATION BY MONTHS FOR THE MONTHS APR9L TO OCTOBER. INCLUSIVE, AT THE TIARNEY BRANCI-0 EXPERiMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE, AND AVERAGE MONTHLY AND TOTAL EVAPORATION FOR THE SAME MONTHS FOR TI-IF YEARS 9914 TO 1927, EXCEPT 1923 Month and amount of evaporation August September October Total 5124 4.948 6.671 6.900 4.445 5.715 3.730 2.226 2.849 3.024 4.028 2.300 2,687 2,425 44.616 41.143 44.947 8.008 5.362 2.791 43.669 8.115 5.768 2.830 43.527 Year April May June July 1920 1921 1922 l94 4.318 3.636 3.217 5.226 3.915 4.070 3.378 S.600 6.092 5.950 8.552 5.286 6.199 5.159 6.593 6.080 8.869 9.893 6.358 8.504 6.276 9.482 9.330 9.210 10.848 9.392 10.057 8.063 8.273 8.208 8.006 9.058 7.499 8.256 6.758 Seven-year average Thirteen-year average 3.966 6.548 7.510 9.483 3.968 6.246 7.585 9.389 1925 1926 1927 54.505 39.195 45.488 35.789 WIND TABLE C. AVERAGE MONTHLY AND ANNUAL WIND VELOCITY, TOGETHER WITH THE EIGHT- AND FOURTEENYEAR AVERAGES AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 AND 1914 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Year January February March 3.7 30 7.6 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 3.3 1.9 2.5 4.5 2.7 2.1 3.8 2.1 3.1 3.4 3.8 2.8 3.0 3.4 2.9 2.3 197 Eight-year average Fourteen-year average 3.9 .. May June July August 6.3 7.4 5.8 4.9 5.2 5.3 4.2 3.9 4.4 3.9 3.7 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.4 4.4 2.9 3.2 2.8 3.4 3.7 2.8 4.1 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.6 4.1 3.7 4.8 5.5 4.7 3.4 4.3 5.1 6.3 4.4 4.0 4.3 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.4 4.4 3.4 4.8 2.9 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.7 4.3 4.7 3.8 4.0 5.7 5.1 5.2 4.5 4.9 5.5 3.8 4.8 4.4 3.5 Septem- Octo- Novem- December ber ber ber Annual April 4.3. 5.5 3.1 3.7 4.6 2.2 3.2 3.8 4.7 2.7 3.6 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.5 3.4 1.7 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.6 2.9 3.2 5.1 4.2 3.2 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.7 4.5 3.9 3.6 3.6 4.0 3.4 3.8 3.7 2.8 2.9 3.8 4.0 1.4 2.9 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES TABLE D. AVERAGE MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MAXIMIM TEMPERATURES. TOGETHER WITH THE EIGHT- AND FOURTEEN-YEAR AVERAGES AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 AND 1914 TO 1927, INCLUS1VE Year January February March 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 35 33 23 35 33 35 35 Eight-yeai- average ----------- 33 33 Fourteen-year average 34 April May June 44 37 32 37 47 45 43 37 48 47 36 52 47 56 58 48 54 55 66 73 65 77 51 67 66 78 81 69 69 76 84 63 40 49 49 58 59 68 68 39 58 62 61 66 55 70 81 July 86 87 87 87 87 NovemAverage August September October ber December annual 85 86 76 86 72 69 72 79 58 68 52 60 62 65 63 61 62 90 85 83 85 75 87 83 76 70 70 68 77 77 88 87 84 85 72 73 91 63 43 35 52 34 52 45 46 38 24 37 26 38 33 33 58 59 53 60 61 61 62 58 33 33 59 59 51 49 47 47 AVERAGE MINIMUM TEMPERATURES TABLE E. AVERAGE MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MINIMUM TEMPERATURES, TOGETHER WITH THE EIGHT- AND FOURTEEN-YEAR AVERAGES AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 AND 1914 TO .1927, INCLUSIVE Year January February March Apiil 25 28 25 1920 1921 1922 1923 13 11 20 -6 16 10 1924 1925 1926 1927 4 13 26 25 12 27 15 21 27 24 32 33 28 10 10 19 22 22 28 29 Eight-year average Fourteen-year average -__- 12 11 17 24 21 14 21 21 24 25 29 May June 29 36 32 36 34 39 33 34 38 42 34 34 July August September October 27 26 23 22 33 36 32 35 17 20 22 22 27 35 27 29 27 26 25 25 33 33 27 26 43 41 43 42 43 39 41 44 40 27 40 39 44 44 42 42 38 37 42 13 her December annual 36 30 41 43 44 44 42 48 48 43 40 Average Novem- 17 15 10 12 4 22 14 28 27 24 F 31 30 8 29 23 13 21 11 28 27 29 - 28 26 (') 0 "1 0 AVERAGE MEAN TEMPERATURES TABLE F. AVERAGE MEAN MONTHLY AND ANNUAL TEMPERATURES, TOGETI-IER WITH THE EIGHT- AND FOURTEEN-YEAR AVERAGES AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION FOR THE YEARS 1920 TO 1927 AND 1914 TO 1927, INCLUSIVE Year May June 38 41 35 43 43 46 49 47 50 50 54 51 55 59 60 54 59 59 63 42 48 42 43 51 51 January February March April 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 24 25 8 25 18 Eight-year average Fourteen-year average 22 21 32 25 21 24 37 35 35 24 23 25 - 36 38 26 37 29 34 40 42 37 30 28 36 36 51 56 Novem- II . July August September October ber December Average 42 36 63 63 60 65 62 59 64 65 66 65 65 69 69 65 61 48 52 46 43 44 45 44 59 58 66 65 63 63 52 53 43 43 62 64 54 49 53 57 54 52 40 33 37 26 36 25 27 19 25 34 34 15 30 39 24 20 39 35 34 23 22 43 43 39 44 43 46 46 43 43 43 \0 30 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETiN 236 FROST-FREE PERIOD TABLE G. DATE OF LAST SPRING FROST AND FIRST FALL FROST OF 29° F. OR LESS, WITH THE TEMPERATURE, AND ANNUAL FROST-FREE PERIODS AT THE HARNEY BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATION Year --Last frost in spring Date Temperatui-e June 27 29° F. July 2 28° June 23 21° june 14 29° July 7 29° June 11 27° June 16 28° May 29 22° Eight-year average 1920 to 1927 Fourteen-rear average 1914 to 1927 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 .----First frost in fall-Date July 22 September 10 September 6 Seutember 18 August 21 August 15 September 3 August 31 Temperature 29° F. 23° 29° 22° 22° 27° 27° 25° Frost-f ccc period (clays) 24 43 14 95 43 64 78 93 64 57