Math Circle Contest October 9, 2002 Have fun and good luck! Make sure your answers pass the “little sister” test! (1) LINEOLAND In Lineoland there is an infinite train line, with stations numbered by the integers. A “leg” of a train journey consists of a trip between adjacent stations. The length of a trip is the number of legs you travel. ...... -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....... 1a) Starting at station 0, how many trips of length 5 end at station 3? 1b) Starting at station 0, how many trips of length 101 end at station 3? 1c) Make a conjecture about the number of trips which start at station 0 and have length “n”, where n is any counting number. Your trips must start at station 0, but they may end anywhere. For example, there are four trips of length 2: one ending at station 2, one ending at station –2, and two ending at station 0. 1d) Prove your conjecture in (1c). (2) SLOTHLAND On his way back from Pentagonia, Abramo visits Slothland, inhabited by anthropomorphic sloths. Abramo wishes to introduce the card game of Poker to these 3toed inhabitants. As you might expect, in sloth card games a “hand” consists of only 3 cards, although they do use a standard 52 card deck with 4 suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades) and 13 denominations (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, J,Q,K,A). Abramo has been dealing himself some practice hands and now has questions about how to rank the different possibilities. Here are the possible 3-card hands which Abramo is considering: (i) A pair (exactly two cards of the same denomination, e.g. 2 Jacks.) (ii) Three of a kind (e.g. 3 Jacks.) (iii) Straight (3 cards in successive denominations but not all of the same suit, e.g. 9,10,J where one is a diamond and two are clubs.) (iv) Flush (3 cards of the same suit, but not of successive denominations, e.g. 4, 7, 8 of hearts.) (v) Straight-flush (A hand which is both a straight and a flush.) How should Abramo rank these 3-card hands so that less likely hands are more valuable? "!$# !!%'&)(+*,#-!."!(+/10 !32546/17 89/:<;>=?@%A(B/1!C("?DE0 =?4GFHDE#I(CD5FJ 37KFJ!LF1M !N(+/1!(O4PQ?DR*+0 &S="0 &T/T="UQ!2V="0V(&1W'X(/1!N*/1=?2Y:Z[F\&1^]K3!&FJO0'F F1M !L0' 7_UQ!/I4`*/1=?2aQ="0bFJ& FJMX(FI(+/1!c="0 &T="2 !FJM !LQdD^*+0 6e (+0 2fF1M !L0' 7_UQ!/I4 k_ :mlSM !30VF1M !n(+/T!C(_="&-*=?o+!0pUbDaF1M !LFJM ! */T="2fQ=?0'F1&-FJM (FSg(CDK0fFJM!hUi0 2X(+/jD 46/T7_ "(q k rts e{z uwv5x-y 0^46/TF1 0X(F1!?D+}X;m="@%{~&46/T7_ "(_2 ^!3&10Y~F\#-+/1%a46/SF1M !h46"?#\=?0 *&TMX(+Q!+q | strs k u v5x-y e s z MX(F*R!&n#\/10*'lSM !a&TMX(+Q!K=?0W' !3&TFJ=?0=?&cLl(Q?DR*+0Y:fZ[FMX(+&_( M +"!+:c&h(K7a(FTFJ!3/+4m4(3FC};m="@%{~&L46+/17_ "((+0$UQ!7^2 =dX!2&1V(+&FJf37KFJ! F1M !h(+/T!C(_+4&1M (+i!3&S#\=?FJMaM "!3&I="0p=dF M !0 3!1dDK;>=?@%' : !+~"iC(+?Yn[ 3¡{¢>FJM ! 46/T7_ "(KFJMX(£FN(+"?#\&c &hFJp+7K ^FJ!_FJM!K(/1!C(p+4 (p&1M (+i!#\=dFJM¤0 !M +"!_*=do!30 k (+0 2 e : ¥ ¦i§$¨ ="*/1!L^F#\M (F="&IFJM!N3/1/T!©F46+/17_ "(46/\n[ 3¡{¢©: ¥ ªm§ ¥X¬^§$­ ;m/1«o+!ND+ /\46/17_g(46/\n[ 3¡{¢©: (+0D+)2 OFJM!&1(+7K!h46/n[ 3¡R®^}{F1M !h46/17 g(_FJM (F7 F1!&\FJM !(+/1!(4 &TMX(+Q!&S#\=?F1M¯$M"!3&@