Law Monash Law Faculty’s 20th Lucinda Lecture “Legislative Intention” The speaker The Honourable Justice Stephen Gageler, The High Court of Australia Stephen John Gageler was appointed to the High Court in October 2012. At the time of his appointment he was SolicitorGeneral of Australia. He is a graduate of the Australian National University and has post-graduate qualifications from Harvard University. He was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1989 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2000. Before his appointment as Solicitor-General in 2008, he practised as a barrister extensively throughout Australia, principally in constitutional law, administrative law and commercial law. Lucinda Lectures The SS Lucinda was a steam paddle vessel which occupies a sentimental place in Australian constitutional history. It was on board the Lucinda, during a three-day cruise on the Hawkesbury River from 27 to 29 March 1891, that the drafting committee of the National Australasian Convention made important revisions to the earliest drafts of the Constitution. Professor La Nauze in The Making of the Australian Constitution stated: ‘[T]he evolving text of the Constitution was at its best after the Lucinda revisions.’ This lecture series is named after the Lucinda and seeks to canvass fundamental issues in Australian constitutional law. Patron The Honourable Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Lieutenant Governor of Victoria Conveners Professor HP Lee, Sir John Latham Chair of Law Monash Law Faculty Professor Marilyn Pittard, Associate Dean International and Engagement, Monash Law Faculty Date: Monday 15 September, 2014 Time: 1– 2 pm Venue:Monash University, Clayton Campus H1 / Menzies Building (Building 11) Cost: Free RSVP: Wednesday 10 September, 2014 or (03) 9905 2630 (Unfortunately there is no reserved seating for this event.) Lucinda Lectures and speakers 1993 The Australian Crown: Its creation and demise Professor George Winterton 1994 Judicial reasoning’s and responsibilities in constitutional cases Mr Dennis Rose 1995 AUSTRALIA TowardsCHINA 2001INDIA — Minimalism, or metamorphism? ITALY MALAYSIA monarchism SOUTH AFRICA The Hon. Sir Anthony Mason AC KBE GBM QC, Chief Justice, High Court of Australia, 1987–1995 1996 Social conflict and constitutional interpretation Emeritus Professor Leslie Zines AO 1997 The Australian Constitution: A centenary assessment The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, High Court of Australia, 1996–2009 1998 Maintaining public confidence in the judiciary The Hon. Justice Susan Kenny, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria 1997–1998, Federal Court of Australia 1999 The Australian Constitution: Adaptability, change and conflict Professor Geoffrey Lindell 2000 Australian citizenship: Past, present and future The Rt Hon. Sir Ninian Stephen KG AK GCMG GCVO KBE PC QC, Governor General of Australia, 1982–1989 2001 The shape of representative democracy The Hon. Murray Gleeson, Chief Justice, High Court of Australia, 1998–2008 2002 Sir Isaac Isaacs and the workings of the Australian Constitution The Rt Hon. Sir Zelman Cowen AK GCMG GCVO QC PC, Governor General of Australia, 1977–1982 2003 ...such other federal courts as the Parliament creates: A hundred years of evolution The Hon. Michael Black AC QC, Chief Justice, Federal Court of Australia, 1991–2010 2004 What separation of powers? The Hon. Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Supreme Court of Victoria 2005 Judges under fire – How far can the critics go? The Hon. Ronald Sackville AO, Federal Court of Australia, 1994–2008 2006 Concerning judicial method fifty years on The Hon. Justice Kenneth Hayne AC, High Court of Australia 2007 Protecting rights in a federation The Hon. Justice Pamela Tate, Solicitor-General for Victoria, 2003–2010 2008 The parameters of constitutional change The Hon. Sir Gerard Brennan AC KBE QC, Chief Justice, High Court of Australia, 1995–1998 2009 S ection 92: Markets, protectionism and proportionality — Australian and European perspectives The Hon. Justice Susan Kiefel AC, High Court of Australia 2011 Interpreting the constitution – Words, history and change The Hon. Justice Robert French AC, Chief Justice, High Court of Australia 2013 Section 80 – The great constitutional tautology The Hon. Justice Virginia Bell AC, High Court of Australia