ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS IN THE AFTERGLOW OF A HELIUM DISCHADGE by LAWRENCE GOULD B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1950) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGI January, 1954 Signature redacted Signature Department/ Physics, January 11, 1954 Signature redacted Certified Signature redactedTheis Accepted by............ .*.............. Spevi ............ Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS IN THE AFTERGLOW OF A HELIUM DISCHARGE by LAWRENCE GOULD Submitted to the Department of Physics on January 11, 1954 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT A microwave method previously reported for determining the collision probability for momentum transfer of slow electrons has been modified so that a variation in average electron energy from 0.012 to 3 electron volts may be obtained. Measurements of the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the electron conductivity are performed in the afterglow of a pulsed helium discharge in a microwave resonant cavity. The collision probability can then be inter- preted from the conductivity measurements, provided that the experimental conditions are such that the electron energy distribution function is known. The electron conductivity measurements are obtained by measuring the ratio of the microwave power transmitted through a cavity to the power incident as a function of signal frequency in the vicinity of cavity resonance. The method described involves balancing the transmitted and incident signals to zero at the cavity resonance ii. after they have passed through two separate receiving systems. The change in frequency from resonance and the corresponding change in attenuation necessary to rebalance the two signals gives the required data which will plot as a straight line whose slope yields the desired information. The average electron energy is varied by applying a microwave electric field in the afterglow, and, under appropriate assumptions, the average electron energy is determined theoretically from this field. Measurements from 0.012 to 0.068 electron volts are also obtained by varying the gas temperature from 950K to 400 0K. The electron conductivity in the afterglow is studied as a function of experimental parameters and the effects of pressure, electron energy, impurities in the gas, ambipolar diffusion, non-uniform heating electric fields, and energy gradients are investigated. The important result of this investigation is that the value of the collision probability for mementum transfer in helium is 18.3 2/0 cm2 /cm3 per mm Hg from 0 to 0.75 electron volts and increases slowly to a peak value of 19.2 + 20/o at 2.2 electron volts. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Sanborn C. Brown Associate Professor of Physics ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation for the continued guidance and encouragement by his thesis supervisor, Professor S. C. Brown. The assistance generously given by all members of the Microwave Gas Discharge Group, in particular, Mr. J. J. McCarthy and Mr. J. E. Coyle is gratefully acknowledged. This investigation would not have been possible without the generous financial assistance and excellent laboratory facilities supplied by the Physics Department and the Research Laboratory of Electronics. l' I- a. umiin a - ' , , a2 - a.Ilma 1ismi ea iii. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES................................................ v CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................... 1 CHAPTER II ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY IN THE AFTERGLOW....,...... 7 II-1. Electron Energy Distribution Function....... 9 11-2. Electron Density Distribution........... .... 12 11-3. Electron Conductivity Ratio for Constant Collision Cross Section.............. CHAPTER III 22 THEORY OF ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS....... 29 III-1. Electron Conductivity by the Transmission Method...... ....... ....... ..........g....... 29 111-2. Electron Conductivity by the Resonance Method..... ... ... ...................... 35 111-3. Comparison of Methods...................... 36 CHAPTER IV APPARATUS AND PR.D.............. 42 IV-l. Measuring Mode.............................. 42 IV-2. Power Measuring Section.................... 46 IV-3. Frequency Measuring Section................ 52 IV-4. Breakdown Mode. 53 IV-5. Heating IV-6. Timing Apparatus for Transient Measurements. 55 IV-7. Vacuum System and Gas Supply................ 57 IV-8. Microwave Cavities................. 60 d................. 54 iv. Page CHAPTER V RESULTS................ .. . ............ 65 V-1. Effect of Impurities on Conductivity V-2. Thermal Conductivity Measurements.............. 71 V-3. Heating Field Conductivity Measurements...... 75 V-4. Density Decay Measurements..................... 84 V-5. Proposals for Future Work.............. ... 93 APPENDIX I AVERAGE ELECTRON ENERGY DURING THE AFTERGLOW....... 95 APPENDIX II SOLUTION OF SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION BY RELAXATION METHOD................................. BIBLIOGRAPH...................... BIOGRAPHICAL ............................. SKETCH...................................... 102 105 107 V. LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Electron Density vs Position for Various Values of h...... 17 2.2 Electron Pressure vs Position for Various Values of h..... 18 2.3 Electron Density vs Position for Various Values of Teo/Tg and h = 1 for Vacuum Cavity........................ 2.4 20 Electron Density vs Position for Various Values of Teo/Tg and h = 1 for Quartz Bottle........................ 21 /T 23 2.5 Electron Conductivity Ratio vs T 2.6 Electron Temperature vs Position.......................... 27 3.1 Equivalent Circuit for a Resonant Cavity.................. 30 3.2a Percent Error in Conductivity Ratio vs Conductivity Ratio ..................... for 10 db Overcoupled..................................... 38 3.2b Percent Error in Conductivity Ratio vs Conductivity Ratio for 10 db Undercoupled................................. 39 4.1 General Block Diagram of Experimental Equipment........... 43 4.2 Ratio of Transmitted to Incident Power as a Function of 4.3 Experimental Arrangement for Measuring Conductivity....... 47 4.4 Waveguide 4.5 Double Waveguide Directional Coupler...................... 50 4.6 Transition Unit from Mixer to I.F. Amplifier.............. 51 4.7 Timing Apparatus for Transient Operation................. 56 4.8 Block Diagram of Vacuum System and Gas Supply............ Mixer........................................... 48 58 vi. Page Figure 4.9 Cross Section of Copper Vacuum Cavity................... 61 4.10 Cross Section of Double Copper Cavity................... 64 5.1 Conductivity Ratio vs ?ressure........................... 67 5.2 Conductivity Ratio vs Time in Afterglow................. 68 1 Cr as a Function of Cavity Experimental Data of, o 5.3 Temperature.............................................. 72 5.4 5.5 Conductivity Ratio vs Time in Afterglow at T = 770K...... 74 1 ar as a Function of Electron Experimental Data of 7 Temperature at Center of Quartz Bottle................... 76 5.6 The Values of Il and 13 vs a............................. 79 5.7 Collision Cross Section as a Function of Electron 5.8 Conductivity Ratio as a Function of Electron Temperature at Center of Vacuum Cavity............................... 83 5.9 Experimental Data of DaPo vs Pressure.................... 86 5.10 Electron Density vs Time in Afterglow.................... 87 5.11 Electron Density vs Time in Afterglow for Double Cavity.. 92 1. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION One of the important parameters in studying the interaction between electron and gas molecules is the effective cross section for elastic collisions between an electron and a single gas molecule which depends only upon the atomic structure of the molecule and the kinetic energy of the free electron. This fundamental parameter, designated by qc and expressed in units of area per molecule, can be determined by measuring one of several related quantities. For a particular gas, when the gas density is given and the electron energy distribu. tion function and the energy dependence of qc can be assumed, some of the useful quantities which can be derived are the mean free path the collision frequency (), (i), and the effective area for electron collision with all the atoms in a unit volume at unit pressure The last quantity, expressed in the units cm2 /cm3 normalized to 00C. -l per mm Hg or cm per mm Hg has been designated by the symbol P c and called the collision probability. qC = 0.283 x 10-16 P The relation between qc and Pc is when c.g.s. system of units is used. Monoenergetic beam methods have been utilized by Brode,1 Ramsauer,2, Kollath, and Normand5 for measuring the collision prob- ability as a function of electron energy. Basically, these methods measure the decrease in electron beam current due to scattering in the gas as the beam traverses through a given distance. The fractional decrease in beam current is directly related to P., 2. However, stray electric fields, contact potentials, and the inability to obtain strictly monoenergetic beams at low energies are inherent difficulties of this method which have prevented reliable measurements below 0.5 volts. For example, the data published by Normand5 give curves showing practically identical shapes for energy dependence of P as those published by Ramsauer and Kollath4 but with a 0.4 volt shift of the voltage scale. Because of the uncertainty in low energy measurements, the curves published by Brode summarizing the accepted results of various workers do not include data below an electron energy of about 0.5 volts. By considering the diffraction effects of the electron 6 wave interacting with the potential field of the atom, Allis and Morse calculated theoretical curves for the energy dependence of Pc, when values were assigned to the constants of the potential field in such a manner as to produce the best fit with the experimuntal data known at that time. The shapes of their theoretical curves showed remarkable good agreement with the experimental plots, thus confirming their explanation of the "Ramsauer effect". There is some uncertainty in the theoretical curves as the electron energy approaches zero, because both the magnitude of P and the slope at the low energy limit depend critically upon the values chosen for the potential constants in obtaining the empirical fit at higher energies. For example, the tentative thermal value of the collision probability as indicated by their theoretical curve for helium is 20 cm2 /cmA per mm Hg and the indicated slope of Pc versus energy is slightly negative. . 3 Measurements of the diffusion of a swarm of electrons through a gas under the influence of a constant electric field can provide information about the collision cross sections of atoms and molecules toward slow electrons. performed by Townsend and Bailey, Huxley and Zaazou.9 Measurements of this type have been Wahlin, and more recently, by In this method, data of the average energy of and the drift velocity of electrons in the d.c. field are used to calculate the collision probability for as low a mean energy as 1/15 e.v. Huxley and Zaazou carried out their calculations for the assump- tion of a constant collision probability using both a Maxwell and a Druyvesteyn electron energy distribution function. However, in order to obtain definite information about the collision probability, the electron distribution function must be known. The dependence of the distribution function on the variation of the collision probability with electron energy renders the results somewhat difficult to interpret, since the velocity variation of the collision probability is itself the desired quantity. However, if the collision probability were known, the diffusion technique could be employed to obtain information about attachment and the loss of energy by rotational and vibrational excitations in collisions between slow electrons and gas molecules. Interest in extending the energy range of measured collision probability values to room temperature and below is enhanced by the requirements of experiments in ionized plasmas where the collision probability is an important parameter in the application of distribution 4. theory and in determining experimental limits for certain techniques. Margenau and Adler10 have used microwave measurements of the high frequency conductivity of the positive column in a mercury discharge to evaluate the mean free path for average electron energies between about 0.6 and 1.1 volts. These authors restricted their discussion to a Maxwellian electron energy distribution function but treated both the cases of constant collision probability and of constant collision frequency. Phelps, Fundingsland, and Brown1 1 have described a microwave method for determining the probability of collision by measuring the conductivity of a decaying plasma after the electrons reach thermal equilibrium with the gas. Both the micro- wave method and the diffusion method measure the probability of collision for momentum transfer12 denoted by Pm. Pm and Pc is Fm r Pc The relation between 2 f 10 ()(1 0 r f f 0 - cos e)sin 9 de d( 1()sin 9 de d$ 0 where 1(e)sin e dO d$ is the probability that, on collision, the electron is scattered into the solid angle, sin 8 d8 do, about (. The momentum transfer collision probability takes into account the fact that the effectiveness of collisions in resisting current flow increases as the scattering angle increases. The electron beam experi- ment determines a total collision probability, since electrons are lost to the beam if they suffer any angular deflection greater than 5. the angular aperture of the detector. In general, Pm differs appreciably from Pc only when there is a pronounced concentration of scattering in either the background or forward directions. is a constant, independent of 0, Pm and P are equal. If I (0) For sufficiently slow electrons, the scattering is independent of angle so, in such cases, Pm need not be distinguished from Pe. For most gases the total collision probability is greater than the collision probability for momentum transfer, except in helium, where for an electron energy less than 10 e.v., Pm is less than Pc and for an electron energy greater than 10 e.v., Pc is larger than Pm. The values of Pm calcu- lated from measurements of the distribution in angle of the scattered electrons usually differ from the total collision probabilities by a few percent at electron energies below 5 e.v. The object of this thesis is to measure the collision probability for momentum transfer as a function of electron energy in helium over as wide an energy range as possible using the microwave method. The technique described in this thesis enables the average electron energy to be varied over a range of 0.012 to 3.3 electron volts by a combination of thermal heating and cooling, and electrical heating of the electrons. An electronic field applied in the after- glow of a pulsed helium discharge is used to increase the average electron energy. The electron conductivity in the afterglow was studied as a function of experimental parameters and the effects of pressure, electron energy, impurities in the gas, ambipolar diffusion, non-uniform heating fields, and energy gradients were investigated. 6. The condition that the collision frequency be less than the radian frequency is maintained throughout the experiment, so that the electron energy distribution function is known independent of the variation of Pm with electron energy. This enabled an expression for Pm to be found from the experimental data. In Chapter II the theoretical expression for the electron conductivity in terms of the collision probability is discussed taking into account the distribution of electron velocity and the spatial distribution of the average energy and the electron density. The theory of the microwave measurements of electron conductivity is discussed in Chapter III. The apparatus and measuring procedure is described in Chapter IV and the experimental results are summarized in Chapter V. 7. CHAPTER II ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY IN THE AFTERGLOW 13 Margenau has given a general theory for the behavior of electrons in a gas under the action of a high frequency field when only elastic collisions need be considered. From his results the complex electron conductivity, oc, may be written as a c'= a 2 1+-j (, me =rr+Jai o /= .rne2 2 = J/E = -* ( m/o) jvT 3df0 f 1 + (m))2 0 d (2.1) 21 Here n is the electron density, e and m are the electronic charge and mass, o is the radian frequency of the applied field, f0 is the first term in the spherical harmonic expansion of the normalized electron velocity distribution function for electrons of velocity, v, colliding with neutral atoms. The collision frequency for momentum transfer, , is related to the probability of collision for momentum transfer, Pm , by m = Pmpov, where p0 is the pressure normalized to zero degrees centigrade. In a microwave cavity, the quantity which is measured4 is the electron conductivity averaged with respect to the measuring electric field over the volume of the cavity and is given by the relation fvacE dV ac = r + Ja E dV V (2.2) 8. Since Vm is generally a complicated function of velocity, Eq. (2.1) is difficult to manipulate mathematically. The assumption that 2m( o over the velocity range covered by the distribution function, f , simplifies the mathematics. The ratio of the real part of the conductivity to the imaginary part divided by the pressure, designated by , is obtained by combining Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) yielding - fn ~1 Cr Pi for the case 2 a2 . V r 00 J 1 Q0lCO f f0d v-Vd EdV (23) J Dn3 dfodE Cf V 0 dv E~dV When the electron distribution function is independent of position in the cavity, the quantity e is independent of the spatial variation of electron density and, hence, of averaging with respect to the measuring field. For this case, measurements of as a function of energy can offer information about the velocity dependence of Pm or f . For the more complicated case where f0 is a function of position in the cavity, the spatial variation of the electron density and the measuring field must be known before any information about Pm or f may be obtained. Equation (2.3) and the associated conductivity measurements are used in this experiment to obtain the velocity dependence of P over as wide a range of velocity as possible with the present microwave technique. Therefore, the experimental conditions must be arranged so that the electron energy distribution function is known. 9. II-1. Electron Energy Distribution Function In the afterglow of a pulsed discharge, the electrons whose average energy is high during the discharge lose their energy through elastic collisions with the gas atoms. Eventually the electrons reach energy equilibrium with the gas atoms and have a distribution function which is Maxwellian with an electron temperature, Te, the same as the gas temperature, Tg . The time required for the electrons to reach equilibrium with the gas atoms can be estimated from average electron considerations. The rate of this energy loss is equal to the product of the fractional energy loss per collision, which is assumed to be 2m/M for monatomic gases, the average excess energy, u - u , and the collision frequency, m d(- For helium, M mp0 u ) .u4) and Pm is approximately constant from five electron volts energy to thermal energy. From Eq. (2.4) one finds that the time required for electrons in helium to cool within 20/0 of thermal energies is 100/p0 microseconds. In the range of one to ten mm Hg pressure, conductivity measurements performed at least one millisecond after the discharge has ceased insures energy equilibrium between electrons and gas atoms. By thermally heating and cooling the cavity, the electron temperature may be varied over a range of 770K to 7000K and the distribution function will be Maxwellian over this temperature range. 10. Application of an electric field in a plasma can also increase the average electron energy. In general, the energy distribution func- tion and, hence, the average energy will depend upon a balance between the energy gained from the field and the energy lost due to recoil with the gas and to energy transported to the walls by diffusion, conduction, and convection currents for the case where the electron energy is a function of position. Energy losses due to inelastic collisions, attachment, and recombination will be neglected. Margenau1 3 has shown the steady state distribution function for electrons in an atomic gas in the absence of inelastic collisions and large 2 m diffusion losses to be Maxwellian under the assumption that 2 2 2 The equivalent electron temperature is given by 2 T e =T g + (e)E( (2.5) 6=2xk where Eh is the applied heating field. However, in a microwave cavity the heating field is a function of position and deviations from Eq. (2.5) due to energy gradients may become important. The expression for the average energy when the energy is a function of position is derived in Appendix I and is given by T = T + a E+ a 0= and 6mMok b = . where . (nVT) + F 6mP (2.6) 11. An effective temperature, Te, is defined in terms of the average electron energy by i = 2 2 kT e . It is seen that the first two terms which represent thermal energy and energy gained from the field are identical with those in Eq. (2.5). The term containing V . (nVTe) represents the change in energy due to conduction and convection of energy from regions of high energy to regions of low energy. tion (2.6) is derived under the assumption that P Equa- is constant, which The is applicable to helium as a good approximation at low energies. last term F, whose expression in terms of n and Te is given in Appendix I, represents the energy lost due to the diffusion of electrons in a space charge field. Calculations show that this energy loss term is negligible compared to the other terms in Eq. (2.6) and, hence, will be neglected. The importance of the energy conduction and convection term determines whether the distribution function changes from that given by Ma genau. This will be discussed more completely later in the chapter. In order to interpret Eq. (2.3), one must have knowledge not only of the energy distribution function, but also the density distribution. The temperature spatial distribution given by Eq. (2.5) will be used as a first approximation to determine the electron density distribution when the average energy is a function of position. It will be assumed that the dominant electron density loss mechanism is ambipolar diffusion. 12. 11-2. Electron Density Distribution The correct density distribution can be obtained from solving the problem of ambipolar diffusion taking into account the spatial variation of electron energy. The equations15 governing the diffusion of electrons in a space charge field, E, are =- VD n_ - pESn_ = -.VD+n+ + p+Esn+ F and F (2.8) ](2.9) Q. = where (2.7) are the electron and positive ion particle currents, n- and n+ the electron and positive ion concentrations, D+ and p+ are the positive ion diffusion coefficient and mobility, D_ and _-are the electron diffusion coefficient and mobility defined by Dn 47Nrv2dv =f Jn~ -d - 4/ (2.10) (2.11) drv. 0 For the distribution function defined by Eq. (2.5), D_ and p_ are In solving Eqs. (2.7), (2.9), and (2.9) the usual assumptions of ambipolar diffusion are made, i.e. F + functions of position. 13. and n+ = n. n Eliminating E - from Eqs. (2.7) and (2.8) one finds p._DV D n (2.12) p+ +p Since + - and D+ and + are essentially independent of position, Eq. (2.12) becomes -D [V n + D- .t (2.13) In order to evaluate Eas. (2.10) and (2.11), the velocity variation of m= cp 0 Vm must be known. 'The simplest assumption is that ,valthough any power series in v may be manipulated equally as well in the following treatment. The ratio of V D~n/p_ in Eq. (2.13) is obtained from Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11) using the above assumption for m' V D n k -- = - T -h/2n h/ (2.14) e Combining Eqs. (2.9), (2.13), and (2.14) and using the relation D+/ + = kT /e, one obtains VT1-h/2n - - D+V.V n + Lt / TT-h/2 (2.15) J 14. It is assumed that the variation of density with time has the form n = n e t (2.16) and, hence, Eq. (2.15) becomes T T (1 + T) 2n + (2 - + n )Vn . 9 ( = 0. )2 g g g (2.17) + T The problem consists of solving Eq. (2.17) for its characteristic functions corresponding to the proper boundary conditions, proper spatial variation of Te, and a given value of h. In general, the characteristic function corresponding to the lowest characteristic value is the important physical solution. solved for two different cavities. Equation (2.17) will be One is a copper vacuum cavity, a rectangular parallelepiped in shape, in which the plasma fills the entire cavity and the other is also a cavity of the same shape, but the plasma is contained in a quartz cubic bottle concentric with the cavity. The dimensions of the cavities are the same as those described in Section IV-8. The applied electric field has a spatial configura- tion corresponding to the fundamental mode of the cavity and, for a rectangular cavity, is a function of only two coordinates. The boundary conditions for the vacuum cavity are that the electron density vanish along the walls of dimensions A, B, and C and for the quartz bottle the density vanish along the walls of dimension d. 15. The solution of Eq. (2.17) will be obtained first for the Expanding Eq. (2.17) one has vacuum cavity. 2n j~ + x2 2 + 2 2 R in + ?R +2-h/2 1 + R ly 4y Sz nj + a2 R + 1 n + R1-h)( R 2( C 2 z) + (2.18) R = w = 1 + a cos2 TB where and ada M 6nru k 2 (e 2 oh = 0.24 Eoh Cos at 3000 megacycles for helium. Equation (2.18) may be separated by setting n = ncm(y,z)p(x). The solution for p(x) is p(x) = cos (2.19) A and the equation for m(y,z) is g +2g where m + k j +)u + + -)2 u w = y/B, 2-h/2 =R z/C, + g (-h/2) (S& 2 C') A = 7.16 cm, (2.20) g = (B/C) 2 %OR k - g(2/2 1 + R' ju 1 + R aw 1+ R = + Vm = 0 4)2 aU B = 7.88 cm, + + 7-)B A C = 6.48 cm. I- 16. Since Eq. (2.20) is non-separable, there exist very few convenient mathematical techniques for solving it. The method of approach which has been chosen consists of transforming Eq. (2.17) to a difference equation which is solved using a relaxation technique. is described in Appendix II. The method The results are best depicted by plotting m(w,u) as a function of w for u = 0. Since the geometry is roughly symmetrical around the z-axis of the cavity, m(w,u) has approximately the same shape in any plane through the axis. results are shown in Fig. 2.1. The The curves depict m(w,0) for various values of h for Teo, the electron temperature at the center of the cavity, equal to 4T . The curves are compared with a cosine distribu- tion which is the solution of Eq. (2.17) when the temperature distribution is independent of position. For larger ratios of T,/T , the deviation from a cosine distribution increases. The shape of the curves in Fig. 2.1 for the various values of h is readily explainable. The non-uniformity of the electron energy gives rise to a larger electron diffusion coefficient at the center of the cavity than near the walls. The assumption of a quasi-equilibrium state for ambipolar diffusion necessitates a change in the density distribution to compensate for the rapid diffusion at the center and, hence, a peak in the density distribution towards the walls is possible. As the value of h decreases, the diffusion coefficient becomes a more rapid function of energy, having an increasingly larger value at the center, and a higher peaked distribution is necessary to balance this effect. Figure 2.2 shows a plot of the electron pressure, nT,, 1.8 1.6 h = -I 1.4 h=0 1.2 1.0 0.8 _ 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.6 0 0 OSINE 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 w ( u= 0) FIG. 2.1 - ELECTRON DENSITY VS. POSITION FOR VARIOUS VALUES OF h -4 \.0 0-8 -- Tg 0 /T 4 0.4 H 2 C OSINE 0.2 0. 0 (.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 W (USO) FIG. 22 PRESSURE VERSUS ELECTRON VALUES OF H POSITION FOR VARIOUS I-i 19. represented by m(wO)T values of h and Teo /T , as a function of w for u = 0 for different 4. It is seen that the curves for nTe are very much alike, indicating that despite the peaked density distribution, the electron pressure remains approximately the same. In Fig. 2.3, curves of m(w,0) are shown as a function of w when h = 1, i.e. P constant, for a range of T /T from 4 to 11. The curves point out the increase in the peaked density distribution as the electron temperature increases. From the results shown, it is obvious that for any calculations involving the density averaged over the volume of the cavity it is necessary to use the proper density distribution. A similar calculation was performed for the cavity containing a cubic quartz bottle of dimension d. The equations are identical except for the following changes in Eq. (2.20) w 7ry/d, = 1 u = rz/d, g = 1 (-h/2)a 1 ++R2 + A = 6.90 cm, ) + ( d D (2.21) 2 B =7.51 cm, C = 6.28 cm. The results are shown in Fig. 2.4 for h = 1 and TeT = 11 and 81. d =2.82 cm, Since the non-uniformity of the heating field is small over the volume of the quartz bottle, the deviation of the curves from a cosine is negligible. Hence, over this region of electron temperature, a cosine distribution is sufficiently accurate for representing the density distribution provided that ambipolar diffusion is the dominant loss mechanism. .8- 1.4 IA 1.1t- - -Te/T LO = | -Tjo TIt =6 o/Tj 4 T.6-- Os 0.4-- C OSIN E - O-Z 0 0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5 w (UzO) FIG. 23 ELECTRON OF TO/TI DENSITY AND Hal VERSUS POSITION FOR VARIOUS VALUES FOR VACUUM CAVITY 0' 1.2 1--1.0 81 - -_Tr T_ 0.8 0.6 0.4 COSINE DISTRIBUTION-"" - 0.2 0 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 W (U=O) FIG 2.4 ELECTRON VALUES DENSITY OF T /TW VERSUS AND POSITION FOR Hul FOR QUARTZ VARIOUS BOT TLE tNj 22. II-3. Electron Conductivity Ratio for Constant Collision Cross Section When the electron distribution function is Maxwellian, the conductivity ratio given by Eq. (2.3) becomes T 1/2 ) 12E2dV S n( V )-- V(2.22) nE dV V P 2kT -9 -r where 1/2 for the case when the collision cross section is constant. The solu- tion of Eq. (2.22) is considered when a heating field is present in the copper vacuum cavity for three different cases. If energy gradients are negligible, two solutions of the equation are possible, depending upon whether the density distribution is cosinesoidal or a peaked distribution as predicted by the theory of ambipolar diffusion in a non-uniform field. The solutions are indicated in Case 1 and Case 2, where Case 1 is for a cosine density distribution and Case 2 is for a peaked density distribution. When energy gradients are important, the solution of the equation is indicated in Case 3, using a peaked density distribution. Case 1 The density distribution is assumed to be n = nocos 0 A and the electron temperature is defined by Te = T where f(y,z) = cos2 for 0 /0 kbl- Cos2 l + af(yzI) according to Eq. (2.5). as a function of TeT cos The results are shown in Fig. 2.5. B cos C 3.5 3.0ENERGY DISTRIBUTION -UNIFORM 2d5 N xNo CO S7TX COSmCOS A ~ i1Z C 2.0N a N, Co SX m (YZ) 1.5- I.0 04 a 6 10 1P VERSUS T ,VTv 14 TO/ Tb F IG. 2.5 ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY 0 24. The density distribution is taken to be the solution of Case 2 Eq. (2.17) of the form n = n jrm(y,z), cos which should be the correct distribution if the theory of ambipolar diffusion in nonuniform fields is valid. Also the electron temperature is Te= T9l + af(y.z)] . The results are shown in Fig. 2.5. calculations for Cases 1 and 2 were done numerically. The The difference in percent between the two cases is given by percent difference in (2.23) = 5.1(T /T ) 1/20/0 so that at Teo = 10T , the difference in is 160/0. Hence, an appreciable error cani be introduced into the interpretation of the conductivity measurements if the proper density distribution is not The curve for ? as a function of electron temperature, for used. the case when the electron temperature is uniform, i.e. independent of position and, hence, averaging with respect to the density distribution and the measuring field configuration, is also shcwn in Fig. 2.5 for comparison with Cases 1 and 2. It is necessary to calculate the conditions when energy Case 3 gradients become important and have a measurable influence on the The equation for g using Eqs. (2.6) and (2.22) is values of ? . o T C/2 B/2 I . + af + (n Y) 1/2 2 m(y,Z) cos m(y,z)cos 2 0 0 dy dz (2 .24) C/2 S~B/2 B dy dz lpr""25. where b = 6 and coo E = Cos2 mIn evaluating the above equation, it is assumed that (1) the electron distribution function is still Maxwellian but with a perturbed temperature given by Eq. (2.6), (2) the peaked density distribution is unaffected by the change in electron distribution function, and (3) for a first order approximation the unperturbed expression for Te is substituted into IV. (nVTe/T ) Under these conditions the equation for term in Eq. (2.24). 0 e becomes C/2 (1 + af)l/2 (yz) + b 2 2 1/2 M(y-Z) 2p (1 + af) 0 * 2p Cos 2 + B/2 which is treated as a perturbation (2.25) dy dz (1 + af)1 where B/2 K C/2 = m(y,Z)cos2 0 dy dz. 0 The above equation must be solved numerically. For T /T greater than 10, the solution of Eq. (2.25) is approximately T (g) + (2.26) g p0 26. where p(T /Tg) is the solution of Eq. (2.22) for case 2. Below 2 T /T = 10, the correction factor, 3/p , decreases becoming zero at T /T = 1. At a pressure of about 10 mm Hg, the influence of energy eo g gradients becomes important and the value of Q increases. The fact that the presence of energy gradients produces an increase in V may be contrary to what one would expect. Ordinarily, for helium, an increase in is associated with an increase in electron average energy, but also depends upon the averaging with respect to the density distribution and measuring electric field configuration. Inasmuch as the effect of energy gradients is to conduct energy from the center of the cavity to the walls, the net result is not only a decrease of energy in the center but also a tendency towards a more uniform energy distribution over the entire cavity. Figure 2.6a shows the electron temperature as a function of position when energy gradients have no influence. Figure 2.6b shows the electron temperature con- figuration when energy gradients are important. Although the electron temperature at the center of the cavity decreases, the values of are shifted towards the values of e for a uniform temperature distribution. Figure 2.5 depicts the effect clearly. Similar calculations on the importance of energy gradients have also been performed for the quartz bottle enclosed in a cavity. For this case the evaluation of Eq. (2.24) can be done analytically, yielding the following expression valid for a greater than 10 00.93al/2 Jl + 0.03 p0 (2.27) A (A) I __ 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0 0 I- 0.4 B) 0.4 I0.2 0.2 0 0 03 02 0.1 0.4 0.5 0 w w (u0) F IG. 2.6 ELECTRON 0.2 oj TEMPERATURE VERSUS 0.3 (U,0) POSITION 0.4 0.5 28. T a = Te g . where At a pressure of 1 mm Hg or below, the perturbation term becomes important. It should be remembered that the condition of is imposed throughout the discussion. If ao 0.03 2 2 m , the relation between the pressure and the electron temperature for a frequency of 3000 megacycles and 9 m e 1/2 = (2.28) PO '- Te Therefore, in the vacuum cavity, 1500 K is approximately the maximum temperature that can be measured before energy gradients have an important influence and still maintain the condition of Eq. (2.28). In the quartz bottle, 25,000 K is approximately the maximum temperature. Accordingly, from the above discussion, it is evident that the conductivity measurements should be taken in a quartz bottle so that a wide range of electron energy can be obtained without introducing complicated correction factors into the theory. L 29. CHAPTER III THOEBI OF ELECTRON CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Methods of measuring the complex admittance and electron density of a discharge are discussed in a series of articles by Brown and Rose.16 17 Resonance curves obtained by means of standing wave measurements give the data necessary for determining these quantities. A simpler and more precise technique for obtaining the discharge characteristics will be considered here. The method consists of measuring the ratio of the power transmitted through a microwave cavity to the power incident as a function of signal frequency in the vicinity of the cavity resonance. By proper choice of variables, the data will plot as a straight line whose slope yields the desired information. This fact reduces the data necessary and enhances the accuracy of the measurements. Both methods will be discussed and a comparison between them will be made. III-1. Electron Conductivill by the Transmission Method A microwave cavity containinq a discharge may be represented by the equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.1. A detailed discussion of the general equivalence and the significance of the various quantities in Fig. 3.1 are given in Part I of Brown and Rose. 16 The empty cavity conductance and susceptance are presented by g and b, and g. represents the conductance of the line and of the input coupling. Since the present technique involves measuring the transmitted power, 30. 4 KmtIJ~mm~ 4 I 4 I Q FIG. 3.1 I Equivalent Circuit for a Resonant Cavity 31. If the influence of the output loop and line has to be considered. a very small output coupling is utilized, it may be represented by g , which is the conductance of the output line reflected back into the cavity. The power transmitted through the cavity is represented by the power absorbed in gn and is designated by Pt. this analysis is to find an expression for P The object of as a function of the equivalent circuit parameters and the incident power Pa* If cavity methods apply, the discharge admittance is given by1 9 E dV V (3.1) gd + jbd where or + J/E is the complex conductivity of the ionized plasma, J is the current density, and the integrals are to be taken over the whole volume containing the measuring field E. Since the electrons are much more mobile than the ions, the conductivity at high frequencies is due solely to their presence. The imaginary part ja of a gives rise to the discharge susceptance jbd and the shift in cavity resonance. ance gd' The real part ar lowers the Q through the conduct- In general, the quantities of interest are the electron density obtained from a measurement of bd and the ratio of the real part of the electron conductivity to the imaginary part, Cr obtained from a measurement of gd/bd. i' The cavity method is applicable only under the restriction that the absolute magnitude of the electron 32. current be smaller than the displacement current, or that the conductivity of the discharge Ji o< w (( The normalized impedance of the cavity and discharge terminating the line at PP' in Fig. 3.1 is Z = where g Pa = + g 12) g + gn + gd and bt = b = g (i -ir2) where 1 tion coefficient. + jbt + bd. The power absorbed is is the magnitude of the complex reflec- The complex reflection coefficient is related to the impedance by the expression (3.3) = (z-1)/(Z+l). [(g Pa +b g (, + 1)gt + 11 + The absorbed power is obtained by combining Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3). + + b2( 1g + 1) 2* Pa represents the power that is dissipated in g and g whereas the power dissipated in gn represents the power transmitted through the cavity. The power transmitted is related to the power absorbed through the expression 33. 21 2 gU P 9 P g bti g -1 gj + bt) (g 2 ( + (3 5) 2 represents the fraction of the where the factor gt/(g2 + bt) + hg 8 and gn 9 represents that fraction of absorbed power dissipated in g the power dissipated in g which is dissipated in g . Combining Eqs. (3.4) and (3.5) yields P 4g P '2 + 1)gt + 1 2+ b2( + 1)22 (3.6) where b (CO - ) + bd '3,7) co0 is the empty cavity resonant frequency and p is a dimensionless quantity which depends upon the degree of coupling. The cavity resonance frequency with a plasma present, is defined by setting bt = 0 in Eq. (3.7) and is denoted by o, 0 determined by 0o bo o 20 (3.8) , I . 34 Since it is assumed that the presence of a discharge disturbs the (o, cavity characteristics only slightly, that is (o' - co) near the resonant frequency 1o, Eq. (3.7) becomes =. (3.9) bd 0 0) Under these conditions, Eq. (3.6) takes the following form P2 2( P If = 2 + 1)2 1+ +1)+1 2 . 2 [(l (3.10) + 1)gt + 1] is plotted as a function of x2, the square root of the reciprocal of the slope of the line, represented by a is i ~ -+ l)g + 1 (3.11) p(--+ 1) The difference between the value of a with and without a discharge is a = --- and also a 9(3.13) 2(a - (3.12) 35. Thus from a measurement of P /P as a function of frequency for a cavity with and without a discharge, it is possible to obtain the ratio of discharge conductance to discharge susceptance and the resonant frequency shift due to the presence of the discharge. From Eq. (3.1) one finds that the ratio of the real part of the electron conductivity to the imaginary part, %o/a, averaged with respect to the measuring field, is equal to the ratio of gd/bdo 111-2. Electron Conductivity by the Resonance Method Measurements of the standing wave ratio as a function of frequency in the vicinity of the cavity resonance determines the resonance curve. The conductance g is obtained from a measurement of the db standing wave ratio on resonance, R0 , and the db standing wave ratio far from resonance, R.O. R = 20 log( This is expressed as follows ) undercoupled case (3.14a) ) overcoupled case (3.14b) + 1 g R = 20 log( 9 R.= 20 log g A measurement of R (3.14c) . with and without a plasma present and the knowledge of R.0 yields the value of gd From Eq. (3.8) we have 36. 2P(c -o) 0 bd The ratio of gd b which is equal to -bd = / (ao - o )2p - (3.15) is given by the expression . (3.16) The coupling coefficient 0 is determined from the resonance curve and is assumed to be independent of the discharge characteristics. (1 It is given by the following relation (3.17) )t Q g(l + 0 where Qu is the unloaded Q of the cavity. 111-3. Comparison of Methods Let us compare the accuracy of the two methods as a function of experimental parameters. a I ad3.18) ( -- is r C 2(oo o ) tion for For the transmission method, the equa- where ad is the value of a with a discharge and a. the value without a discharge. The fractional error in a is obtained from Eq. (3.18) by the usual technique and by a simple transformation one has 37. %o ad ad -1 r a 1--- 0i ad -- -"I ~ 0 For the resonance wave method, the equation for - r_ where g (1 - o' /ci is (3.20) 9 is the value of the total conductance with a discharge present and g0 is the value without a discharge. For the fractional error in 0cr0., one obtains A (ai 9t a 9~ 0 gt g r g0 ai 9t 0 _ . (3.21) Equations (3.19) and (3.21) will be compared assuming the following typical experimental conditions. and an Rea = 40 db. ratio is + 10/o, The microwave cavity has a Qu = 5000 The accuracy in measuring a, P, and standing wave 10/o, and + 0.2 db respectively. for (co0 - o) 0 the transmission method is + 0.01 megacycle and for the resonance curve method + 0.03 megacycle. Figures 3.2 a and 3.2b show the percent error for both methods as a function of rr/at and various values of 10 db OVERCOUPLED 14 5Mc - 12 -- - TRANSMISSION METHOD RESONANCE CURVE METHOD 10 et z 25Mc 8 bj b- ti15 5MC 50M c, 4 25Mc -f q 2 50MCT C I 0.05 I 0.10 I I 0.15 0.20 I 0.25 Q30 1r FIG. 3.2 a - PERCENT ERROR IN CONDUCTIVITY FOR 10 4b OVERCOUPLED RATIO VS CONDUCTIVITY 10 db UNDERCOUPLED 12 TRANSMISSION METHOD - at 10 k -- -- RESONANCE CURVE METHOD - SOMc 2 8 F_- 25Mc w- F~ ~~.-- -- 4 5 Mc - --- 2 ) 0' 50m 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 025 0.30 a.. FIG. 3.2b - PERCENT ERROR IN CONDUCTIVITY RATIO VS. CONDUCTIVITY FOR 10 J6 UNDERCOUPLED 40. frequency shift in megacycles (a' - o), i.e. electron density, for 0 0 the cases of 10 db overcoupled and 10 db undercoupled. It is evident that the transmission method is more accurate in the latter case while the opposite is true for the overcoupled case. For the values considered, the transmission case is more accurate than the resonance curve method by a factor of two under optimum conditions. The experimental data were taken in the region of the electron density where the error in cy/cri is less than + 20/0. The advantages of the transmission method are the following. Plotting the experimental data as a straight line eliminates the necessity of taking time consuming resonance curves and adds to the accuracy and simplicity of the method. Since the transmission method is more accurate when the cavity is very much undercoupled, the perturbation due to the coupling on the cavity characteristics will be small. To the contrary, the resonance curve method has its greatest sensitivity when the cavity is overcoupled, and the coupling perturbation may become important. In order to eliminate the possibility of disturbing the discharge with the measuring signal for the case when the measuring signal is not used to maintain the dis- charge, it is necessary to operate with a low level signal. This can be done conveniently since a null method is employed with the transmission method as described in Chapter IV and a lower signal to noise ratio may be tolerated than with the resonance curve method. The problem of the effect of the slotted section and probe insertion on the measurements is no longer encountered. Unfortunately, the knowledge of a and P is insufficient for determining the value of the electric field, E, in the microwave According to Rose and Brown, cavity. 20 the electric field at resonance is given by E2 where P ao (3.22) aou is the power absorbed at resonance. be computed for the cavity in question. The quantity V must If measurements are made of the reflected power at resonance, denoted by Pro, and off resonance, denoted by Prea , the electric field can be determined. the relation Pr 1 - Combining a with Eqs. (3.4), (3.11) and (3.17), the electric field is given by 2 E 0 r Pto I a P ro P _ P Pra --. I (3.23) Hence with this additional information concerning the reflected power, it is possible to obtain all the desired cavity characteristics using the transmission method. 42. CHAPTER IV APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE The apparatus and procedure utilized for obtaining electron conductivity and electron density measurements in the afterglow of a discharge are described in this chapter. The theory of electron conductivity measurements was discussed in Chapter III. The microwave cavity used in this experiment is a rectangular parallelepiped in shape and is designed to resonate in its three fundamental modes at wavelengths of 9.6, 10.0, and 10.6 cms. The 9.6 cm mode is used to produce a pulse discharge in helium of variable pulse length. The 10.0 cm mode is used to increase the electron average energy in the afterglow, and the 10.6 cm mode is used to measure the characteristics of the plasma. The apparatus and procedure associated with each mode will be discussed separately and will be referred to as the breakdown mode, heating mode, and measuring mode. The general block diagram of the experimental microwave equipment is shown in Fig. 4.1. 7/8" coaxial transmission line is used throughout except where noted. IV-l. Measuring Mode A continuous wave tunable magnetron (Raytheon, Qk59) designated as number one in Fig. 4.1 supplies power to a coaxial line. A power divider provides a continuously variable control over the 43. M.L PULSED MAMNETRON d O. ML.4 .L. Dit wAAVEMETER PULSEDMMGNEERON SECTION .C.ro~~.c. O~tPOLEMEAER NG TASIN BR BRDI CTDGE M P.C.ND.LOOP ED DVIERRU ] P.D RON PADRDVIE FIG. 4.1 - GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT ICTT 44. fraction of power incident on the cavity, unused power being dissipated in a matched load. A known fraction of power is coupled from the line by a directional coupler to a power measuring thermistor and associate measuring bridge. In order to obtain microwave signals of the order of microwatts incident on the cavity, an attenuation of 60 db exists between the cavity and the directional coupler. This attenuation is obtained by using a 20 db attenuator in conjunction with a directional coupler as shown in the block diagram. A direc- tional coupler before the cavity samples a portion of the incident power, which is transmitted to the power measuring section. An out- put loop on the cavity, adjusted for maximum power output for this mode, transmits the output signal to the power measuring section. In all the measurements obtained, the value of the measuring electric field is less than 0.1 volt/cm, so that the perturbation of the field on the plasma characteristics is negligible. The general measuring procedure consists of the following. Samples of the incident and output signals are transmitted through two separate superheterodyne receiving systems. The two signals are introduced to a push-pull input of an oscilloscope and their signal levels adjusted for a null deflection. The ratio of the incident power to the transmitted power as a function of frequency in the neighborhood of cavity resonance is shown in Fig. 4.2. The frequency of the signal is adjusted so that Pt is a maximum and o may be determined. At this frequency, the input and output signals are balanced for a null deflection on the oscilloscope by adjusting the 0 z rn L~ouanbaad jo uo1~cpufl 0 01 TRANSMITTED POWER INCIDENT POWER ia sv .ZvWd :tuoppqj- o;. p~q~l~. ttj o &v 3011 ODJJ 46. gain of the two receiving systems. the quantity J is equal to one. At this point, by definition, When the attenuation in the receiving system of the transmitted power is decreased, the frequency must be changed to some value a) There exists another frequency true. in order to have a null signal. I for which the same conditions hold The value of x is given byo - and the decrease in attenuation between (P /P ) is obtained from and (P t/P). If the attenuation is changed by 3 db, *6 will have the value of two. By changing the value of the attenuation and measuring the proper frequency changes, a complete set of data may be obtained. The sections for measuring input and output power and frequency will be considered in the following. A block diagram for this section of the equipment is shown in Fig. 4.3. IV-2. Power Measuring Section The microwave signals from the cavity are transmitted through a double 10 cm band waveguide mixer unit in which the two signals have separate mixers but utilize the same local oscillator. The signals proceed through separate intermediate frequency amplifiers, video amplifiers, and cathode followers and are connected to a balanced input of a Techtronix Model 512 cathode ray oscilloscope. The double waveguide mixer unit consists of two waveguide mixers into which the local oscillator signal is inserted through a double waveguide directional coupler. the mixer is shown in Fig. 4.4. A detailed cross section of Each mixer contains two matched 1N23B POWER MEASURING SECTION -' |AT TENUATOR LOCAL, OSCILLATOR + cr I-. II~iI. ID I- F r|- PAD 0 I.F CA MIXER trj -- TRANSITION CRO. UNIT -- L.O. SWEEP -RGE INPUT COUPLER ci- PAD RECEIVER ZJ SIGNAL GENERATOR crINCIDENT: MAGIC T' SIGNAL i FREQUENCY MEASURING SECTION 0 48. *1 FIG. 4.4 Waveguids Mixer 49. crystals which are matched to the guide by wedges as shown. The two crystals serve a two-fold purpose of increasing the mixer sensitivity and enabling the mixer to be matched to the guide by means of symmetry. The mixer was designed using the results of Hope who had constructed a balanced waveguide mixer of similar design. The i.f. signals are brought out from the mixer by a split rod whose sections are insulated from one another. The double waveguide directional coupler is actually two directional couplers combined having only one matched load and local oscillator input. It has been designed22 to have a coupling of 15 db and a directivity of 25 db. double directional coupler is shown in Fig. 4.5. A sketch of the The crossed coupling slots enable the low value of coupling to be obtained. The slots are so located that the power transmitted through them will be in phase in one direction and out of phase in the other direction. The above characteristics are obtained by using slots 0.125" wide and 1.56" long with the distance between the centers of the crossed slots being 1.86". A resistance card (USKON 9-112) is used for the matched load. The i.f. signals from the crystals are added together through a transition unit from the mixer to the i.f. amplifier. The transition unit is shown in Fig. 4.6 and is designed so that the LC network resonates at the i.f. amplifier frequency, which for this case is 40 megacycles. The d.c. crystal current is measured from the terminals marked "to meter". The i.f. amplifiers are type TAI-ISE and have been modified so that the bandwidths are of the order of one FIG. 4.5 - / \\\ -/VL / \_ %Q Double Waveguide Directional Coupler 50. H 0 L O-3O0 c 0.01 C+ 0 TO CRYSTAL 0.0 -1 0.01 47*~ TO METER STR TO IF STRIP Z-, 0.01 C L 11 ~J1 H 0 52. half megacycle. Since transient measurements are being performed, 23 the local oscillator is frequency modulated by the oscilloscope sweep, which is externally triggered. The more rapidly the plasma characteristics change with time in the afterglow of the pulsed discharge, the shorter the sweep must be so that the plasma characteristics are essentially constant over the sweep time. For a given sweep time, a minimum bandwidth of the receiver system is necessary so that the signal is not distorted as it traverses the receiving system. For the case of a receiver bandwidth of about one half megacycle, the minimum sweep time allowable is approximately two microseconds which is sufficient for all the measurements performed in this experiment. Another important criterion is that the amplifiers be adjusted so that their bandwidths and i.f. frequencies are essentially identical. This is necessary in order to balance the signals to zero over the bandwidth of the receiver. A precision waveguide attenuator, calibrated24 to a precision of + 0.05 db, is inserted in the section of guide containing the transmitted power and is used IV-3. 6 . to produce the desired change in Frequena Measuring Section The frequency is measured by means of a standard cavity wavemeter using a superheterodyne receiver on the output to denote the wavemeter resonance. Rather than measuring the signal frequencies directly, it is more accurate and convenient to measure the difference between the signal frequency and the resonance frequency. A sample 53. of the incident signal is transmitted through a magic tee into the wavemeter. The side arms of the magic tee contain crystals which are matched to the tee by double stub tuners. The crystals are connected to a General Radio signal generator, operating in the megacycle region. The signal generator, coupled with the magic tee, is utilized to amplitude modulate 2 5 the measuring signal before it arrives at the wavemeter. With no amplitude modulation, the wavemeter is adjusted for the frequency at which the transmitted power is a maximum, which corresponds to co 0 in Fig. 4.2. When the frequency is at a value x), the signal to the wavemeter is amplitude modulated so that the first side band is transmitted through the wavemeter. quency gives the difference co - ca. The modulating fre- In a similar manner, is obtained and their sum gives the appropriate value of x. I- 0 If the wavemeter is adjusted exactly to the cavity resonance, the two readings will be identical. If they are not similar, their difference divided by two yields the deviation of the wavemeter reading from the true resonance. Thus an accurate determination of the resonance frequency is possible within + 10 k.c. IV-1.4. Breakdown Mode A high power tunable pulse magnetron (Raytheon 2J54) designated as number four in Fig. 4.1 supplying 100 kw peak power is used to produce a two microsecond discharge in the cavity. A model 12 modulator unit supplies the high voltage pulse to the magnetron. A power divider in the line varies the power incident on the cavity. 54.0 A low power tunable magnetron (QK61), supplying 100 watts peak power is introduced through a waveguide directional coupler of the type discussed in Section IV-2 and is designated as number three. The magnetron is pulsed for a duration varying between 0.1 millisecond and 6 milliseconds. A well regulated pulsed voltage supply is used to modulate the magnetron output. The stability of the pulse is measured by the stability of the output of a wavemeter in the line. A directional coupler before the cavity samples power from both magnetrons so that the pulse forms can be viewed on a transient superheterodyne receiver. The waveguide directional coupler provides a certain degree of isolation between the two magnetrons so that the operation of one will not affect the operation of the other. After the high power magnetron produces a discharge in the cavity, the low power magnetron is applied and the frequency and power incident on the cavity is adjusted so that the ionization in the cavity increases slightly. The low power magnetron helps in stabilizing the discharge so that accurate measurements in the afterglow can be performed. The combination of both magnetrons facilitates controlling the electron density during the discharge to any value desired over a range of 10 to 10 0 electrons per c.c. IV-5. -Heating Mode A continuous wave tunable magnetron (Raytheon, QK60) designated as number two in Fig. 4.1 supplies power to a coaxial line system similar to that for the measuring mode. The cavity characteristics 55. are measured by the resonance method and, hence, a slotted section in the line is used to take standing wave ratio measurements. An output loop connected to a matched load is adjusted so that it only couples out the power in the heating mode. By changing the coupling between the cavity and the matched load, an additional loss is reflected back into the cavity so that Qu for this mode, measured at the input terminals of the cavity decreases. A decrease in Qu from 5000 to 200 is easily obtained by this method. In the afterglow of a discharge, the electric field in the cavity, for a constant incident power, will be a function of electron density. If an electric field is applied to the cavity, its magnitude has a maximum value for a particular density corresponding to the frequency of the field and decreases for larger and smaller densities. It is desirable that the electric field remain constant for a sufficiently long period of time so that the electron may reach equilibrium with the electric field. For the applied fields used in this experiment, the time necessary for equilibrium is of the order of one tenths of milliseconds. QU i of the order of several hundreds allow the electric field to remain constant for the order of milliseconds thus insuring equilibrium with the field. ,IV-6. Timing Apparatus for Transient Measurements In order to perform afterglow measurements, it is necessary that the apparatus have the proper timing mechanism. Figure 4.7 shows a block diagram of the apparatus giving the proper triggers and pulses 56. SYNC. SIGNAL POWtA MEASRING SECTION TIMM00 TRHHIER 1102 GENERATOR TRIGGE" NO I ELAT L ONE TRANSIENT NECEIVER MARKER SENERATOR OSCILLOSCOPE TRISGER AMPLIFIER PULSE UNIT MA E E -- NO 4 O 3 FIG. 4.7 - TIMING APPA RATUS FOR TRANSIENT OPERATION 57. for transient operation. A timing generator, synchronized with a 120, 60, 30, or 20 c.p.s. signal, supplies two triggers designated by numbers one and two. Trigger no. 1 is transmitted through a variable delay line, which can delay the trigger up to a time of 50 m.s. for the 20 c.p.s. repetition rate. The delayed trigger is used to trigger the sweep of the oscilloscope in the power measuring section of the measuring mode and to trigger the oscilloscope of the transient receiver for the heating mode. The delayed trigger is also placed on the vertical plates of a Dumont Type 304 oscilloscope. The undelayed trigger no. 1 triggers a marker generator whose markers are superimposed upon the delayed trigger on the oscilloscope screen. Thus the time at which the transient receivers are operative is determined by setting the delayed trigger on the appropriate marker. In addition trigger no. 1 is transmitted through a trigger amplifier which provides the proper shape and magnitude of trigger for the model 12 modulator of the high power pulsed magnetron no. 4. Trigger no. 2 initiates a pulse forming unit which provides a variable pulse up to 6 milliseconds in length to the regulated power supply of the low power magnetron no. 3. Trigger no. 2 can be delayed with respect to trigger no. 1 so that the magnetron no. 3 will be in operation after the high power magnetron has produced a discharge in the cavity. IV-7, Vacuum System and Gas Supply A block diagram of the vacuum system is shown in Fig. 4.8. 58. M.cLEO SAME OIL DIFFUSIOW METAL VALVE LITER EETALALALLE TR LLIDQ.UIEA LVAL ALSAK METALVALV METAL VALVE FIG. 4.8 - VACUUM SYSTEM AND GAS SUPPLY 59. A standard forepump and three stage oil diffusion pump are used in conjunction with metal valves wherever necessary. The helium pressure is measured by a McLeod gauge which is calibrated to an accuracy of + 10/o over a range of 0.01 to 20 mm Hg. A liter pyrex flask is placed near the cavity in order to minimize the fluctuations in the gas pressure. For studies in helium, an activated charcoal trap cooled by liquid nitrogen is used. In order to obtain as pure helium as possible, it is necessary to produce the helium and store it directly on the vacuum system. The method for producing the helium is as follows. A "fritted" glass filter with one end having a break-off seal is placed in a liquid helium Dewar flask and is connected to the main vacuum system by a metal valve. A liter pyrex bottle connected to the cavity side of the system by another valve, serves as a reservoir for the helium. After the system is baked, a vacuum of about 10 mm Hg is obtained when the system is isolated from the pumps, liquid helium is placed in the Dewar flask. When the "fritted" glass filter is completely immersed in the liquid helium, the break-off seal is broken and helium evaporates into the system. After filling the system with helium, the valve between the glass filter and the system is closed and the glass filter must be sealed off from the system before the liquid helium evaporates below the glass filter. This is necessary because the valve does not produce a complete cut off and there would be a danger of air diffusing into the system. Hence, a forepump is connected to this part of the vacuum system in order to maintain a vacuum of 60. 10- mm Hg in this region. The purity of the helium is such that consistent measurements can be obtained and appears to be independent of the presence of the activated charcoal trap. IV-8. Microwave Cavities Three types of cavities were used during the course of the experiment. All the cavities were vacuum tight and capable of being outgassed at 430 C. This necessitated using high temperature solder whenever necessary. Each cavity will be described separately. A copper vacuum cavity was constructed with glass bubble inserts so that the coupling loops used for coupling power in or out of the cavity might be varied externally. cavity is shown in Fig. 4.9. A cross section of the The cavity is rectangular parallelepiped in shape and has inside dimensions of 2.82" x 2.55" x 3.10". 0.F.H.C. copper was used throughout the .construction. The main base of cavity (1) was milled out of a solid copper bar in order to minimize the number of joints to be made vacuum tight. brazed to the base in two operations. The end plates (2) were The first operation used gold- copper solder (melting point at 960 0 C) and the second operation used gold-nickel solder (m.p. at 950 C). The pumping lead consisted of 20 mil kovar tubing (3) which was brazed into a copper tubing (4). After the brazing of the cavity was completed, glass tubing was sealed to the kovar which connected the cavity to the vacuum system. The pumping lead was brazed to the main base using BT solder (m.p. at 780 0C). The coupling assembly is the following. A kovar sleeve (5) 61. TO VACUUM SYSTEM GLASS 7 COUPLING LOOP HOLDER (COPPER) T4 COPPER GLASS FOR COUPLING LOOPS ARC WELD/ COPPER-GOLD SOLDER FIG. 4.9 - CROSS -SECTION NICKEL- GOLD SOLDER OF COPPER VACUUM CAVITY 62. was brazed to the cavity with BT solder. After this operation, a kovar fitting (6) with a hemispherical glass bubble sealed at one end was inserted into the kovar sleeve so that the other end made a tight fit with the sleeve. joint was vacuum tight. without a single failure. This end was arc-welded so that the This operation has been highly successful A coupling loop holder (7) was formed as shown so that the coupling loops could be screwed into place. The holder was held firmly to the cavity with screws and could be removed when the cavity was baked. were used on the cavity. Four such coupling assemblies The use of three solders reflected the inexperience of the writer at the time of fabrication. A similar construction, using only one type of solder, which was built at a later date will be discussed shortly. Another type of cavity used was of a simpler construction. It consisted of a quartz bottle which was attached to the vacuum system, enclosed in a microwave cavity of the same shape as the previous one. a side. The quartz bottle was cubical in shape and 1.18" on The wall thickness was 1 millimeter. dimensions were 2.47" x 2.71" x 2.96". The cavity inside It was constructed of brass plates, soft-soldered together except for one side which was held in place by screws. This is necessary so that the quartz bottle may be introduced into the cavity. The bottle was positioned so that its center coincided with the center of the cavity. The cavity was silver plated on the inside and finished in a high polish so that a high Q was obtained. 63. The third cavity consisted of a double O.F.H.C. copper vacuum cavity in which the two cavities were separated by a fine copper mesh. A cross section of the cavity is shown in Fig. 4.10. The coupling assemblies are not shown on the sketch. The copper mesh decouples the two cavities so that the electromagnetic interaction between them is negligible. The inside dimensions of the two cavities are the same as the vacuum cavity discussed in the first part of the section. The main base (1) was fabricated from a single plate of copper 1/2" thick which had deep V-shaped grooves so that the plate could be bent into the shape of a box. the bottom of Fig. 4.10. This is shown in In the process of bending the plate, the copper mesh was slid into place and the joining corners were held together with copper screws. brazing. Thus only one of the four sides required The end plates (2) were fitted into place in addition to the pumping lead and the fittings for the coupling mechanism. whole assembly was held together with stainless steel jigs. The Gold- copper solder wire and gaskets were used throughout the assembly whenever necessary. In this way, the entire cavity could be success- fully brazed with gold-copper solder in one operation so that the cavity was vacuum tight. After the brazing processi the glass bubble assemblies were placed into position and arc-welded, thus completing the cavity. 64. / PUMPING LEAD 2 // COPPER MESH I HOLE FOR COUPLING MECHANISM CROSS-SECTION OF CAVITY GROOVE FOR MESH HOLES FOR COUPLING MECHANISMS SKETCH OF PLATE BEFORE BENDING FIG. 4.10 - CROSS-SECTION FOR DOUBLE CAVITY 65. CHAPTER V RESULTS The theory of electron conductivity measurements and the apparatus and procedure associated with the measurements have been described in the previous chapters. The results and interpretation of the measurements performed in the three cavities, described in Section IV-8, will be presented in this chapter. The important result obtained is the value of the collision probability for momentum transfer over a range of electron energy from 0 to 3 electron volts. The value of the collision probability in helium is 18.3 + 20/o from 0 to 0.75 e.v. and increases slowly to a peak value of 19.2 + 20/o at 2.2 e.v. V-1. Effect of Impurities on Conductivity Measurements During the initial stages of the experiment, measurements of Po C-i, as a function of pressure were taken at room temperature and at pressures below 15 mm Hg to verify that ( was independent of pressure and to check the performance of the measuring apparatus. Under these conditions, E should be independent of electron density distribution and measuring field configuration, and according to Eq. (2.3), independent of gas pressure. The helium samples used were flasks of reagent grade gas from Air Reduction Company. of these measurements showed that ? The results was not only a function of 66. pressure but also a function of time in the afterglow. tion of The varia- for two different gas samples is shown in Fig. 5.1. typical curve for A as a function of time is shown in Fig. 5.2. The values of e in Fig. in Fig. 5.2. Inasmuch as one of the objectives of the experiment 5.1 are averages of data similar to those was to obtain as accurate measurements of e as possible, it was necessary to eliminate or control the cause of the above effects. The experimental data seemed to indicate that the anomalies in the data were produced by impurities present in the helium. The im- purities in the gas sample according to Air Reduction specifications are N2 , 02, A, and carbon bearing gases, present at least one part in 105. In order to verify this hypothesis, helium was produced by the method described in Section IV-7. The impurity content27in 7 the helium was probably less than 1 part in 10 and will be referred to as "pure" helium in the discussions to follow. The results of the measurements in "pure" helium are shown in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2. is seen that It eis independent of pressure and time in the afterglow as predicted, thus verifying that impurities produced the discrepancy in the measurements. The mechanism by which the impurities can effect higher values of is not definitely established. Since the pressure of impurities is much smaller than the pressure of helium, the value of Pm is determined by the helium atoms. (2.3), a change in Therefore, according to Eq. when impurities are present can only be produced by a change in the electron velocity distribution function. The GAS SAMPLE (I) *1GAS 0.0170 SAMPLE (2) 0.0160F4 c.- PURE" 00150 5 I 0 z 0 0 HELIUM x 0.0140 0 2 4 PRESSURE FIG. 5.1 CONDUCTIVITY l0 8 6 (MM RATIO 12 HG) VERSUS PRESSURE -ZJ QOl8I- N MM HG ( P, a 7.5 ) HELIUM -BOTTLE 0.017- a Q1060 F 4 0.015- e t, I- , "PURE" / 0 II II HELIUM ( P, a 7.0 MM HG) 0 ()Q I0 0 U 0.014F- 0 I 0 I I I I I 4 I I II 8 I I II 12 I I TIME FIG. 5.2 CONDUCTIVITY 16 II .! 20 I 24 I I 28 I I 32 I w (MILLISECONDS) RATIO VERSUS TIME IN AFTERGLOW (11) 69. introduction of fast electrons into the plasma or the removal of more slow electrons than fast ones can produce higher values of average electron energy, and hence higher values of Pm constant, energy. e , since for is proportional to the square root of the average Helium metastables produced during the discharge can ionize those impurities whose ionization potential is less than the energy of the metastable level. Imprisoned resonance radiation of helium, which has a wavelength of 5300 A, can also ionize impurities. The energy of the electrons produced by both of the reactions is of the order of 5 to 10 electron volts. The balance between the total elec- tron energy introduced into the afterglow by these processes and the total energy lost by elastic collisions with the gas will determine the importance of the reactions. However, a quantitative analy- sis to check which phenomenon is important would require a knowledge of the type and number of impurities, the number of metastables or the intensity of the imprisoned radiation, and the rates of the reactions. ment. Unfortunately, these factors were not known in the experi- Moreover, if the ionization of impurities either in the after- glow or during the discharge is important, the concentration of the impurity ion may be of the same order of magnitude as the electron density. Under such conditions, recombination of electrons and impurity ions can be an important electron loss mechanism. Indeed, measurements of electron density as a function of time in bottle helium at pressures below 15 mm Hg yielded curves which indicated a recombination phenomenon at high electron densities and a diffusion 70. phenomenon at low electron densities. Above 15 mm Hg, the density decay curves gave straight lines on reciprocal density versus time plots, yielding recombination coefficients of the order of 10 to 107 cc/ion-sec, which are the same order of magnitude as the recombination coefficients of N2 and 02 measured by Biondi.2 8 29 Theory and experiment 28 indicate that the recombination coefficient varies inversely as the electron energy. Under this condition, a greater number of slow electrons will recombine than fast ones, thus shifting the average electron energy to a higher value. This shift will be counteracted by elastic collisions which tend to maintain the electron distribution function Maxwellian in equilibrium with the gas atoms. The experimental data were not sufficient to give a consistent-indication of which mechanism might be the dominant one. Indeed, all three mechanisms might be equally important considering the heterogeneous mixture of impurities present in the helium gas samples. Careful measurements under controlled conditions would be necessary to separate the various processes. The rate of change of and electron density with time and their dependency on pressure for helium with known amounts of different impurities can give insight to the processes producing this effect. Regardless of the mechanisms involved, it is still important to eliminate the effect whenever possible so that false values of e are not measured. 71. V-2, Thermal Conductivity Measurements Measurements of as a function of gas temperature and pressure were obtained in the copper vacuum cavity. Provisions were made for cooling the cavity at dry ice (1950K) and liquid air (770K) temperatures and for heating the cavity from room temperature to 40000. During the measurements all the 7/8" coaxial lines entering the cavity were filled with one atmosphere of dry nitrogen to prevent the condensation of water vapor in the coaxial linesat the low temperatures and the oxidation of the lines at the high temperatures. The results are shown in Fig. 5.3. Included in the figure is a sketch of the cavity showing the relative positions of the coupling lines for the measuring mode and the pulsed breakdown The crosses represent the experimental points and the solid line represents the theoretical curve for equal to 18.3 cm2/cm 3 per mm Hg. case of Pm constant, when Pm is constant and According to Eq. (2.3), for the is given by m r(3) w ri(5/2) 2kT m ( 5 . 1 ) mode. It is seen that the experimental points agree with the above equation over the range of 770K to 4000 K. Above 1000K, the values of 4 obtained are higher than the theoretical curve. It is believed that impurities liberated from the walls of the cavity at the higher temperatures produced the higher values of C. At a given temperature - x 0.026- x x x -x 0.024- 0.0220.020- x xxx 0.018- EXPERIMENTAL POINTS THEORETICAL CURVE FOR PM 18.3 x x 0.016 TO VACUUM SYSTEM 0.014- 0.012 -10 MEASUF ING INPU T 10.5 Cw MEASURING OUTPUT 0.010 0.008 COPPER VACL UM CAVITY PULSED BREAKDOWN 9.5 CM 0.004 0002 0 SI too t 200 I I 300 i 400 i i 500 t 6UU rwU awO TEMPERATURE OF CAVITY (OK) FIG. 5.3 - EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF Er- AS A FUNCTION OF CAVITY TEMPERATURE Po 0 -i - 73.* the value of g could be lowered by outgassing the cavity for several days at a temperature of 4300C. In addition, the plasma character- istics drifted slowly during the measuring time, indicating that impurities were constantly being introduced into the gas. At 7000K the plasma characteristics drifted so rapidly that accurate measurements were difficult to obtain. The direction of the drift was always such as to decrease the electron density due to a more rapid electron decay and a lower initial density for a constant amount of microwave power absorbed in the cavity. Both facts indicate an increasing amount of impurities in the discharge. The data for P as a function of time in the afterglow at 770K are shown in Fig. 5.4. for pressures of 6.7 and 12.8 mm Hg normalized to 000. A large variation of p with time is observed which has an asymptotic value of 0.0765 for pressure. at 770K. , which is independent of It is this value which is taken to be the correct one for At liquid air temperature, the cavity can behave as a trap for any impurities that may be liberated from the walls during the pulsed discharge and for any impurities in the gas. tion of ( with time is to be expected. Thus the varia- It should be noted that the value of i at the lower pressure is higher than the value of e at the higher pressure, contrary to the results shown in Fig. 5.1 where increases with pressure. However, the data in Fig. 5.1 were obtained under the condition that the ratio of the impurity pressure to the helium pressure is constant. Hence, the ratio can vary from one gas sample to the other, whereas when the cavity behaved as a trap, this e 0.011 0 0 .O,01- : 6.7 MM HG F *A P. =12. 8 MM HG T =77 OK !a- 0.0090 0.008-0 U 0.007 T 0 I I II 4 Ii II 8 IE II I2 iI TIME FIG. 5.4 CONDUCTIVITY II II II 20 16 (MILLISECONDS) Ii II 24 i I 28 RATIO VERSUS TIME IN AFTERGLOW AT T=77*K 32 75. condition need not have been the case. Therefore, in order to interpret the electron conductivity measurements properly, it is important that care be taken to determine whether any impurities present have any appreciable effect. values of P V-3 If this is not done, erroneous as a function of temperature can be obtained. Heating Field Conductivity Measurements Measurements of e as a function of the heating electric field were obtained for the case of the quartz bottle enclosed in the cavity. The electric field was measured according to the usual microwave techniques.20 Transient operation was used to measure the Q of the heating mode at the same time in the afterglow as when the electron conductivity measurements were taken. Even though the Q of the heating mode was of the order of 200 or so, a change in Q of 10 to 200/o was obtained for electron densities of the order of 108 electrons/cc at a gas pressure of 5 mm Hg. results for e The averaged experimental as a function of the electron temperature and the electric field at the center of the quartz bottle are shown in Fig. 5.5. The scatter in data is + 20/o. The relation between the elec- tron temperature and the electric field is given by Eq. (2.5) which, 2 -C for helium, is Teo = Tg (1 + 0.24 EOh) where the field is in volts/cm. The subscript zero represents quantities evaluated at the center of the cavity. Included in Fig. 5.5 is a sketch of the cavity and bottle showing the relative positions of the coupling lines for the measurirg, heating, and breakdown modes. L 0.12 EXPERIMENTAL CURVE -THEORETICAL CURVE FOR Pm -18.3 x x x xx POWER SERIES APPROXIMATION - - 0.10 - -- 0. 08 -'MEASURING TO VACUUM OUTPUT HEATING FIELD INPUT 0 .06 MAT CHED LO AD HEATING FIELD OUTPUT 0.04 -MEASURING INPUT 10.5 CM PULSED BREAKDOWN 9.5 CM 0.02 I 0 QUARTZ BOTTLE I ' zuuu I I FIG. 5.5 -EXPERIMENTAL I I I I 6000 I DATA OF I I 10,000 -- ar - I I I I I I I I I i II I II I II i I i I 14,000 18,000 22,000 26,000 Te o (*K) AS A FUNCTION OF ELECTRON TEMPERATURE AT CENTER OF QUARTZ BOTTLE -.21 a) S 77. The relation between ( and Pm depends upon the spatial distribution of the electron density and the electric field, since the velocity distribution function depends upon position. The electric field configuration is assumed to be that of the fundamental mode. When a dielectric is inserted into a microwave cavity, the change in the resonant frequency of the cavity will be a first order effect, while the change in electric field will be a second order effect. 1 9 Since the quartz bottle introduces only a 30/o shift in the resonant frequency, the perturbation of the electric field is negligible. In addition, the electron density distribution is assumed to be cosinesoidal, characteristic of ambipolar diffusion. Density decay curves with zero electric field yield straight lines on a semilog plot of density versus time, indicating ambipolar diffusion as According to the theory of ambipolar the dominant loss mechanism. diffusion in non-uniform fields, outlined in Chapter II, the deviation of the density distribution from a cosine distribution in the quartz bottle is negligible over the range of electric fields used in the experiment. If a power series in velocity is assumed for Pm, the collision probability, of the form Pm = b 1 + b2v + b3V2 + b v3 + ... (5.2) Eq. (2.3) becomes = SA I5 s=1 (5.3) r 78. where 2hT Am (2 2 'r/2 s/2 f T )E1 2dV ( ) 2 s/2 r( ol'(5/2) S= f s/2 2 ir/2 ( + a cos 0.393u cos 0.449w) I-- 0938 5 fnE 2dV dV 3 (cos w cos u cos o.393u dw du) V a'= 0.241 E and T = 300 0K. when The expression I can be calculated analytically when s is an even number and must be calculated numerically when s is an odd number. I is a function only of the electric field, Eoh. The expressions for I2 and I are I2 1 + 0.86a; The expressions for I I = 1 + 1.73a + 0.754a2. and I3 are shown in Fig. 5.6. (5.4) When Pm is equal to 18.3 and constant, i.e. s equal to one, the plot of f as a function of Teo , and hence a, is shown in Fig. 5.5 as the dotted curve. It is seen that the experimental and the theoretical curves agree up to a temperature of 4000 0 K. At low electron energies, both the thermal and the heating field measurements yield the same value for Pm. This indicates that the higher values of e obtained in the thermal measurements above 400 0K are not the true values, but are probably L 8 6 t-44 0 (0-2 2 0 10 '0405 20 40 30 50 60 70 tsu EA FIG. 5.6 THE VALUES OF 1, AND 12 VERSUS 0 -13 F 80. due to impurities. For a more accurate determination of the velocity dependence of Pm, the experimental curve for e terms of a series in 18 . can be expressed in The coefficients, A, are determined from the experimental curve in Fig. 5.5. The series approximation for using four terms is found to be the expression = 1.47 x 10-2I The values of b - 9.4l x 10-12 + 8.66 x l0-513 - 9.76 x 10-I4. (5.5) can be obtained from the values of A , according to Eq. (5.3), giving the following expression for Pm Pm = 18.5 - 7.38 x 10~ 9 v + 3.96 x 10-16 2 - 2.4 x 10-24v (5.6) where v is in cm/sec. A plot of the momentum transfer cross section as a func- tion of electron velocity in square root of volts is shown as the solid curve in Fig. 5.7. This plot is compared with the total col- lision cross section data of Normand5 using the d.c. method. Below a velocity of 1.5 square root of volts, Normand's data have an oscillatory behavior. Since the microwave method cannot distinguish such a behavior, the curve shown in Fig. 5.6 is an average of Normand's data. In addition, the momentum transfer cross section for the d.c. method is derived by using Normand's data and the angular distribution data of Ramsauer and Kollath.3 0 It is seen that there is good agreement between the microwave method and the d.c. method. 1-- 04 20 I 2 2 2 15V- U MOMENTUM TRANSFER CROSS SECTION MICROWAVE METHOD U w 0 0 1o0k TOTAL COLLISION GROSS SECTION DC METHOD (NORMAND) MOMENTUM TRANSFER CROSS SECTION DC METHOD (NORMAND, RAMSAUER B KOLLATH) 0 0 U z 0 5k 0 0 I 0.5 I 1.0 I 1.5 2.0 I I 2.5 3.0 IVOLTS FIG. 5.7 - COLLISION CROSS SECTION AS A FUNCTION OF ELECTRON VELOCITY 82. Measurements of P as a function of heating field were also obtained in the copper vacuum cavity. Fig. 5.8. points. The results are shown in The experimental data are represented by the crosses and The dotted curves are theoretical results for e corresponding to Case 3 in Section 11-3 in which the effects of energy gradients are included. It is seen that the predicted increase in e due to the importance of energy gradients is evident from the data at 5 mm Hg. At T = 3300 0 K, the difference between the theoretical curves for p = 5mm and 10 mm is 120/o. The experimental data verify that the density distribution predicted from the theory of ambipolar diffusion in non-uniform fields is the proper one. In general, interpretation of measurements in the vacuum cavity would be rather difficult for gases in which P is not known. A knowledge of PM is necessary in order to calculate the proper density distribution for the evaluation of ? . A method of successive approximations can be used in which a cosine distribution is assumed for the density and a first order approximation is obtained for Pm from the measurements of Q . This velocity variation for Pm is used to calculate a second order approximation for the density distribution. This process is continued until self consistent expressions for P and density distribu- tion are obtained. This procedure is tedious and cumbersome and not nearly as direct as are the corresponding measurements in the quartz bottle. 00 0.035 0 00- @ -0- 0.030F-00 0 e -- .0- oe- o Ale oo 0.025 4 0 5.0 MMHG 0 = ()Pe =10 MM HG 0.020 THEORETICAL CURVES 0.051I 0 t'00 Ta FIG. 5.8 RATIO CONDUCTIVITY AT CENTER 2100 1500 900 OF I 2700 I 3300 (* K ) 0 - .0 -0 AS A FUNCTION VACUUM CAITY OF ELECTRON TEMPERATURE S4* V-4. -Density Deay Measurements During the course of measuring () as a function of time in the afterglow, the data of the shift in the resonant frequency of the cavity, and hence, the electron density as a function of time are also obtained. Density decay curves were taken in tank helium, The bottle helium, and "pure" helium, in the copper vacuum cavity. decay curves in tank helium and bottle helium below 15 mm Hg gave straight lines on a semilog plot of density versus time only over a portion of the decay curve at late times. At earlier times, the decay curves were characteristic of recombination higher modes. 31 or diffusion of At pressures above 15 mm Hg, it was found that plots of 1/n versus t were linear, which indicated that a recombination process was taking place. The values of the recombination coefficients obtained are of the order of 5 x 10~7 to 10- cc/ion-sec, where the values varied from one gas sample to the other and appeared to be a function of the electron density during the discharge. An adequate explanation of these characteristics is not known, mainly because of the lack of knowledge of the nature and amount of impurities present. The values of the ambipolar diffusion coefficients times pressure, Dap0, for tank helium and bottle helium, obtained at + 2 - the late times are shown in Fig. 5.8. The Da o for He2 is 780 cm 0 2 12 mm Hg/sec12 and Dapo for He+ is 490 cm -mm Hg/sec as shown on the graph. The discrepancy between the measured values of Dapo and the value of D p for He above 3 mm Hg is believed due to attachment of electrons to impurities. k The presence of 02 of the order of one . 85 part in 104 or 10-5 can give rise to the measured discrepancies. The amount of impurities is not necessarily the same for the data shown for the tank and bottle helium over the pressure range and, hence, only general trends can be predicted from the data. Measurements of DaPo as a function of pressure for "pure" helium are also shown in Fig. 5.9. were used. Two different breakdown conditions The crosses represent data taken with short breakdown pulses (1 is) while the points represent data taken with long breakdown pulses (several milliseconds). The data for the short break- down pulses agree with the measurements of Phelps. 3 2 At high pressures, He2 is the dominant ion and at low pressures, He + is the dominant ion. The discrepancy between the Da po for long and short pulses can best be seen from a comparison of the density decay curves for the two pulses. Typical decay curves for long and short pulses are shown in Fig. 5.10 in which the frequency shift in megacycles is plotted as a function of time on a semilog plot. The characteristic difference between the two curves is the large production of electrons due to metastable-metastable collisions for the long pulse discharge. The time constant for the loss of electrons through ambipolar diffusion TD 1 a- A2 A2 p (5.6) where Da is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient of He2 since the . pressure is greater than 2 mm Hg so that the dominant ion is He2 /\ is the characteristic diffusion length of the container. L The time is tooj TANK HELIUM - soo It00 BOTTLE N C%4 U HELIUM 8001 .. "PURE" 400- I 0 I 2 I I 4 I PRESSURE FIG. 5.9 EXPERIMENTAL I I I DATA X SHORT PULSE * LONG PULSE I (MM OF I 12 10 8 6 HELIUM I I 14 HG) Dap VERSUS PRESSURE 0) S - 40 3020 +-SHORT PULSE (P, 8.I M M HG) lo76 LONG PULSE (P, 282 MM HG) 54S3- 0 8 16 TIME FIG. 5.10 ELECTRON 32 24 40 48 56 (MILLISECONDS) DENSITY VERSUS TIME IN AFTERGLOW Co pr 88 constant for the production of electrons through metastablemetastable collisions is 2 D(M 2Cp 2 2 30) + 0.2p (5.7) where Dm is the metastable diffusion coefficient of the triplet metastable atom since the pressure is sufficiently high so that the triplet metastable atom is dominant over the singlet metastable atom. cm 2/sec. 33 The The triplet metastable diffusion coefficient is P 2 term Cp represents the destruction of metastables by three body -3. 2 collisions with two neutral atoms and is equal to 0.42p sec . The factor of two in the time constant arises from the fact that it takes two metastables to produce one electron. For the short pulse decay curves, where the metastable concentration is small and, hence, the electron production by metastable-metastable collisions is small, the decay of electrons is dominantly a loss by diffusion and the time constant for this case is given by Eq. (5.6). The data in Fig. 5.9, represented by the crosses, verify this conclusion, yielding a value of DaPo independent of pressure (for pressures greater than 2 mm Hg) concurring with the measurements of Phelps. For the long pulse decay curves, where the metastable concentration is large and, hence, the electron production by metastable-metastable collisions is appreciable, the decay of electrons is a balance between the rate of loss by diffusion and the rate of production by metastable collisions. At early times in the O9 afterglow, the rate of production is larger than the rate of loss of electrons, producing the increase in electron concentration. At later times, the rate of loss becomes larger than the rate of production of electrons, but* if the decay time of diffusion is of the same order as the decay time of production, the ratio of the rate of loss to the rate of production remains approximately constant over the measuring time. The equation for the rate of change of electron density with time is - Dn where a = a 2 at -i+2M 2 (5.8) YD +i is the ionization frequency per unit metastable concentration. The time variation of M, the metastable concentration is -t/T M = M e(5.9) At late times in the afterglow, Dan//\2 is greater than a M2so that the electron density is assumed to have the form n n e~ (5.10) . Substituting Eqs. (5.9) and (5.10) into (5.8), one finds a M2 1l -T D aiM e T D m D(5.11) no r 90. If T is of the order of TD within 100/o or so, then for example at pO = 5 mm Hg, 2/T 2 2 = 100 and l/T = 90 using /N = 1.7 cm. The time factor in Eq. (5.11) has the form e-lot which will decrease to l/e of its value in 100 milliseconds. Therefore, in Fig. 5.10 over the time interval of 25 ms to 50 me, the decay time 1/T remains roughly constant for the long pulse decay curve. The effect of the metastables will be to decrease the values of 1/T and accordingly cause lower values of Da p to be measured. The true value of DaPo can be obtained only by waiting a sufficiently long time so that the rate of production of electrons is negligible compared to the rate of loss by diffusion. The data for the Dapo measured using long breakdown pulses are shown in Fig. 5.9 and are represented by dots. It is seen that these values of Dapo are lower than the Da p He+ and cover a range from 600 to 750 cm 2 /sec-mm Hg. 2 for The lower values of DaPo corresponded to the presence of a larger value of metastable concentration. In order to present additional proof that the lower values of Da 0 which were measured can be attributed to the presence of metastables, the following experiment was attempted. If the meta- stable concentration could be decreased by properly irradiating the plasma, then the Dapo should increase. The triplet metastable atom is difficult to de-excite by radiation since radiative transitions from the triplet to the singlet state are forbidden, but it is possible if the radiation can ionize the triplet metastable atom. A double cavity as described in Section IV-8 was constructed. If 91. cavity one is operated in a steady state discharge, while cavity two is operated in a pulsed discharge, the wire mesh separating the two cavities allows all the radiation from cavity one to traverse into cavity two. Under these circumstances, the steady state discharge radiation has the possibility of not only quenching but also producing metastables in the afterglow of cavity two. The experiment was performed to see which of the two effects is important. At a pressure range of 5 to 10 mm Hg, it was found that the radiation from cavity one increased the electron density in the afterglow of cavity two and also decreased the value of Da o. For example at 8.0 mm Hg, the Dapo changed from 710 to 605 cm2/sec-mm Hg while the electron density increased by 200/o. If the number of metastables produced is greater than the number of metastables quenched, the metastable concentration in cavity two will increase. The increase in metastable concentration produces an increase in the electron density and decreases the apparent Dap0 measured according to the discussion in the previous paragraphs. At higher pressures, the opposite effect occurs, for the electron density in cavity two decreases when a steady state discharge is in cavity one. Typical decay curves at pressures of 21 and 47 mm Hg are shown in Fig. 5.11. Both the decay curves with and without radiation applied are shown. At these pressures, the number of metastables quenched is much larger than the number of metastables produced in cavity two, so that the decrease in metastable concentration produces a decrease in electron density. The experiment is useful from a qualitative point of view, - 10 MM HG 8 -21 NO ADIATION 76- P, = 21 MM HG PLUS RADIATION W400 P, =47 MM HG NO RADIATION 3- z z P. P47 MM HG PLUS RADIATION 4 9 12 16 TIME FIG. 5.11 ELECTRON DENSITY 20 24 28 30 (MILLISECONDS) VERSUS TIME IN AFTERGLOW FOR DOUBLE CAVITY 34 93. although nothing quantitative can be obtained from the measurements. V-5. Proposals for Future Work The results reported in this thesis show that the velocity variation of the collision probability for momentum transfer can be obtained over a range of 0 to 3 e.v. electron energy. The method used is applicable not only for helium but for any gas as long as the experimental conditions are such that the electron energy can be related to the applied electric field. This means that effects'of impurities, energy conduction through gradients, changes in electron density through non-uniform heating, and for molecular gases, energy losses through vibrational and rotational excitations must all be negligible. For molecular gases, where vibrational and rotational excitations are important, a measurement of the ratio m/M can be obtained. From the thermal measurements of the electron conductivity information on the collision probability can be obtained. Measure- ments of the electron conductivity as a function of electric field, coupled with a knowledge of the collision probability can determine the ratio, m/M. The deviation of m/M from the actual ratio of masses gives a measure of the importance of inelastic collisions at low electron energies. The mechanism by which impurities increase the average energy in a helium afterglow should be investigated. By introducing controlled amounts of impurities, while measuring the rate of change of electron density and average energy with time, an insight into 94. the important mechanisms involved may be obtained. Different gases, such as N2 , 02, A, whose ionization potential is less than the energy of the helium metastable state, should be utilized. In such an experiment, the electron conductivity ratio would be used as a detector of average electron energy. In fact, in any gas where the collision probability is known, the electron conductivity ratio can be used as a measure of the average energy. r 95. APPENDIX I AVERAGE ELECTRON ENERGY DURING THE AFTERGLOW An expression for the average energy in the afterglow will be derived. According to the standard technique, f is expanded into spherical harmonics and into a Fourier series in time, i.e. . v v f= f+ 0 V f0 f0 + f e ~t0 ej0 and 0~~ 1+ i + ... f= f + e + (1) From the Boltzmann Transport Equation, a set of four equations is 0l , f and fl, assuming the following mechanisms: obtained for f0 , a) diffusion of electrons in a space charge field, E0 b) application of a small high frequency field, Eh, which is a function of position c) electrons undergo elastic collisions only d) the collision frequency is less than the radian frequency, 2 9 m < 2 Calculations show that f is negligible in our region of investiga0 tion but becomes important when the oscillation amplitude limit is approached, i.e. /u)=A . The three basic equations for the dis- tribution function under the assumptions that f is negligible, 96. jo)f are + 0 0f+ 0 1 + t. 3 -f-- =0 0) f (JO) + (j + where G = G 2 [eo Lv l S 3 C')G (2) 1 edv 0 E0 - 6E= Eh 1 = 00 ( e (real + m M 6f+ 6 Eq. (2) is the density equation, Eq. (3) = (4) + V (m 0 M1 m M + kT Z M 43v ' ( fF , and is the d.c. current equa- tion, and Eq. (4) is the a.c. current equation. The only quantity varying with time will be the electron density, so that in Eq. (2) C fV,?t may be replaced by (On/at)(fg/n). The equation for the - average electron energy u the condition that P = my2 /2 is obtained from Eq. (2) under is constant, which is a good approximation for helium over the energy range of interest. Equation (2) is multiplied by 4rv3dv and integrated from 0 to O. %In - ad G dv v + V.H - 0 where H J 0 7rv4fdv. 0 I r 917. Integrating by parts the last term in Eq. (5), we find @0 a; + .H Gdv = 0. + (6) 0 The terms in the above equation will be evaluated separately. Using m= v/1 where f is the mean free path and independent Eq. (4) and becomes Gd of velocity, the term 0 fee JGdv 0 0 V df0 E 02 E C of2vFe21 ) + \ Mvf0t dv ;602 kT 0 0 4rv dv 2 4r2d +()T )+ =f Gd 2n [I-v2 A M 1 22 m- a -. where (j + ( E) 0 ** Eof0 I +I * 1 (7) 47rv 2 dv. The term I represents the energy lost to the space charge field, E0 and will be treated as a perturbation term in Eq. (7). It will now 2 2 2 2 ) and, (ME)/42 kT + be shown that I is small compared to hence, can be neglected. I will be evaluated using Eq. (3) and assuming f6 to be Maxwellian with a temperature, Te. I = - 5 2 iiE 02Vf0+ 0 e 2dfO )d d(vE 0)dv (8) F 98. df0 Substituting d ef, we have = - d(v2)e M MI2 ~ 6 ; Assuming E eE Vn n+kTi e e~ (9) eE 2 kT en j* E is of the form D 0 T n D ) (10) . a K D kT Substituting E0 into Eq. (9) and using- - Vn 2 n - I= we find , Ke (11) ^100D , D Since D 1 D and I becomes MI2kT Da V 2 n 6m D (12) 2 00 2n f 0LGdv = M [ 2 MF -V -2 3kT + ( M) 2 ) To a first approximation '2kT e 2 kT + (1) m 2 4Cd , so that Eq. (7) is 2 2)( 40i D Vn 1 - MQ2 D- n 2) 9m -A(-) . (13) 11 r 99. For an approximate evaluation of the perturbation term for helium, 0 0/400p2, D^ 100 D andassume Vn/n = tan M/m ~,ooo, 22 2 1/40 a /\ considering a one dimensional case and 1 cm. ~A A The perturbation term becomes approximately )Vl2 2 x 10- 2 n 2 D 2 x A Over a pressure range of 1 to 10 mm Hg and up to distance x ^ / , M 9m the perturbation term is negligible compared to one and, hence, will be neglected in the remainder of the derivation. The next term in Eq. (6) which is to be evaluated is H, which is defined in Eq. (5). , tion for f IWe have, assuming a Maxwellian distribu- 0 (fg+o +-.0 f dv H R eE 00 0 eE 0 k (15) 0)2 2 3 . kTe'' Next we evaluate the product v Fwhere particle flow defined by r = J f0dv. F is the d.c. The result is 0 2eE Usin 1 + )m. ((16) th= Using the relation v = v , r n multiply Eq. (16) by 3wr/S and 100. subtract from Eq. (15), yielding -. 3T - eE jo v f- 2 n) - +)(v ( (17) +V) (Vn). ( H - ( e The terms containing E H - v cancel and the remaining expression is ~v vViij v- (18) vn + ;n V - : Vvn. 8 (V Cancelling terms in the above equation, we find the following expression for H H = V r - vn v. (19) Combining Eqs. (13) and (19) into Eq. (6) using the continuity equation i n/gt = -'7. , we have 9L v + u=kT+( ) nv(v)- . (v) +31. (20) In order to evaluate the last two terms in the bracket, assume F= u -VDan and from Eq. (16) D_ = kT + () 2 ME 2 R . (D n , we have for the above equation +( -)v 2 Dn + 3VDan .7i (21) 101. Using the same assumptions and limits as in the evaluation of the perturbation term in Eq. (13), it can be shown that in the above equation the last two terms in the bracket are small compared to the first term for the case where the energy spatial distribution is determined by the heating field distribution. The last two terms in the bracket are proportional to the term F introduced in Eq. (2.6). Therefore, the expression for the average energy including the effects of energy gradients can be written as kT + (e) u . + n u) (22) 46 or in terms of an equivalent temperature T = T + a F + ; . (nVT.) where a 0 M 6m= 2 k and b= M 6mP2ii . 0 (23) 102. APPENDIX II SOLUTION OF SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION BY RELAXATION METHOD A solution of the following differential equation is desired35 + g + j- + k 0-- +9= 0 (1) The characteristic where m, g, j, k, and 9 are functions of w and u. . value, P, for the equation is contained in the expression for R Equation (1) may be transformed to the following difference equation by approximating the first and second derivatives at a point w,u in terms of the values of the function at a distance h from w,u by the following relations 9 m -m(w + h~u) - 2m(wu) + m(w h2 w2 - h,u) (2) M- mw + hu) - m(w - hu) 2h m(w + h,u) + l + h(Wu m(w,u + h) + m(w,u - h) + m(w - h,u) [ - (w, ) With these transformations, Eq. (1) becomes g + 1 k(w,u) g - k(w,u) + 2 (w,u)m(w,u) = 0. (3) 103. The problem consists of calculating the proper function m and value p that will satisfy Eq. (3) over the region of interest. The boundary conditions are that m vanish along the border of a rectangle with sides B and C. Symmetry considerations can narrow the region in which Eq. (3) must be solved. The following technique is used. The region of interest is divided into a network of points separated by a distance h. As a first approximation to the function, it is assumed that m(w,u) = cos irw cos ru. Values of m(w,u) are assigned to each part in the net and an arbitrary value for A is chosen. The residual, R0 , at any point is calculated in the following manner. If Eq. (3) is written as m(w + h,u)a(w,u) + m(w - h,u)b(w,u) + m(w,u + h)c(w,u) + m(w,u - h)d(w,u) + m(w,u)e(w,u) = 0 (4) then the residual at a point wu is defined as R0 (w,u) = m(w + h,u)a(w,u) + m(w - h,u)b(w,u) + m(w,u + h)c(w,u) + m(w,u - h)d(w,u) - e(w,u)m(w,u). (5) The object of the calculation is to reduce all the residuals to zero simultaneously for this occurs when the proper eigenfunction and eigenvalue are used. If, for example, the residual at (wu) is 104. made to vanish by decreasing m(wu) by the amount F%(w,u)/e(wu), a change in the neighboring residuals must be made. shown that the general rule is as follows. It can be When the function m at a given point is decreased or increased by a quantity & , the residual of a neighboring point must be decreased or increased by an amount ).I where 'fL is the coefficient of the given point in the difference equation for the neighboring point and is evaluated at the neighboring point. After relaxing the residuals somewhat, a new value of p is obtained by averaging the values of P calculated from Eq. (5) for every point. This new value of 0 is used to calculate new residuals which have to be relaxed. This process is continued until 0 and m(w,u) are essentially independent of the relaxation method and hence the residuals are small. It is advisable to begin with a net containing a few points and increase the number of points until an asymptotic value for 0 and m(wu) is reached. 105. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. R. B. Brode, Rev. Mod. Phys. 5, 257 (1933). 2. C. Ramsauer, Ann. d. Physik .A, 3. C. Ramsauer, Ann. d. Physik 66, 545 (1921). 4. C. Ramsauer and R. Kollath, Handbuch der Physik (Julius 513 (1921). Springer, Berlin, 1933) Volume XXII/2, p. 243. 5. C. E. Normand, Phys. Rev. 2 , 1217 (1930). 6. W. P. Allis and P. M. Morse, Zeit. f. Phys. 20., 567 (1931). 7. J. M. Townsend and E. P. Bailey, Phil. Mag. _46, 657 (1923). 8. G. Wahlin, Phys. Rev. 9. L. G. H. Huxley and A. A. 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