lnstructions for Accessing HR Salary Reserve Account lnformation April 2009 Iælr Ek Ed;r Yiæ Hirtoo' Fl)¡:'c: Mdv¡sñd .. m Fl!firdemá Èldp r -. { mr9*ff**7.bc-êdu./psP.flRSgpRoDr:EMPLOWÊrPf-l-OCAJ3¡.tEBLIB-PIpp-SC-HOMÊPAGE'F¡'ldFomulùJScdPi-APPHP?PLfnàm'=HC Éçlo7d of?AcL€.: --.V. ..r' --' SeÍ S€rriæ Rèdlllng Bcûetlts !) Posnþn Ll¡añalemerd sá up HFìlús !9qld¡l ì. a':a;.:. <1,gor.ir="tiân3l De'roloFñ.n'r 1¡!rnaâ6 Wodddæ Admltrlslrâil@ Pryô!lorNoñAmñ€ ;'"iìîi::çrÌ¡-,';:i r i:;: '--.:!? *.-:ì¡'F.ry:-liï, .. : . -.,1:: \ .:L L . 5ú.cÈ!tron Þj!nr'ñ9 lnd Èta,rr r-!âr!!.æ.r l ?rì.1ìrrrl!''!I n3 e/ûhñ crgtñE!!r!n bÚ49.È lo. ccaÉÉit. !ió !lrlts :j-,lir!'ii È a. \r-. llr c'êÂlrcn sllob : 13¡rrlL rrja- i:r -.,:ì:n 3t rirì,1 I .: Rèaoffig1ool9 F¡èoÞte100le gg eusloñ BctndRds . Log into Peoplesoft HR through Agora. . Once you are logged in follow the path: Organizational Development>Maintain Positions/Budgets>BG Reserve Accou nt E;lc f.dÈ Vie H¡Iþry Eæhrrfs n Mod v¡3¡.d E$ FÞm ,i ¡ hp(¡r'm7.bcdu/pÐ.#RagPFOD./€WLOYEE/Pf-LOGL¡<tEC-tlSC,EC-RÊSERVE-ICCT,GSLrold.fàtr=PORIAI ROOT-OaJÊ-.HC rdmá Eplr6 OTAAGLJE' L!qv-YilrLd-9-Y! I ¡en I "!,t, Selt Seõlæ Enler añy lrl'omalon Bhèfu Payrcll lðr Norlh Am€d€ OrganEaüonal Dælo9meût 'r Pos¡üon Mæâgeñffi .? MalnËlñ PogllloneJÊudOêts - .: .,.:ijl r¡.,f!¡ìF f iì::rlr-tr1 ll;¡-q - .ri.ì f !t:j¡!l!_¡ El !i1!rt t -. Fl¡.r1!r¡t fì!¡ili:ú Êil:rrìt..-. !þu haæ âñd t lcx Search Leæ felds bleñk tor a llsl ot ãll uãlues Àccdd codêr bêqtns wtlh ¡leFffi Þegiñswlh kcñpth: Þegtnswffi 6r X v ß F3. çLc-99-ãç!l LJ 'su-s-ealçllç rltsaâ klo Set up HRUS lôltoaldlsl Reporüñg Tools Pe0ptêTools ElC Cústom BC ltrcfü Rdew M7.bÉ.edù ú¡ (t Now, P¡ñly suñrry. }j' F a Thu:53'F |} Fd.s. F È . In theAccount Code search box enter in the firstfive numbers of the HR Salary Reserve you wish to access. (This should be the department id number that corresponds to the Dean's or Vice President's Office for your respective school or division.) . Check the Include History box . Click Search Hittq, -!, ô {htÞliJtÛas7.b<.du/Fp.gREgpmD./EMpLoyEEpr_LoaLr</Bc_Msc.Bc-RÉsEw€-Accr.cBL?PotraLPÀ&M-PTCMV=ac-RESENE(al| - g Monvi*.d 5l F'Ðñtd.fr6 Eplo.6 E¡lê Edñ Ve or?AGL€N-oy-r¡l¡ll.s sotr soMæ Rê@ürg Aêcount RG3êru. y€u hde and cllck S€ard Eder any ldomdon ãêñ Payroí lof Nôú M9ñ6 Or0ãid6dOælo0m6 .7 Po3üon Hônatémd Accdmcde: ÈFffi &scdPM: bclúoffiry Po3¡ñoñe/ÊsdOeß 4ðd{ )f dnl. i-.ì..'rr-I ì t'I!1 ,r1 1lì:. t :9l !!t,'¡:i! - Pr't.i!rrù F!\ì,:Ìnl'-i1lì æ9lnsffi Þègh3wä àSh3wm - Search Leæe flelds blâñk lor a llsl ol ell velues E¡ Sa:Js Sqârch clltFrìa Rcsults Fç¡ . *,,n,n the Search Results select an HR Salary Reserve Aa"#;.'du . Note: .Account Code ending in: . !lgt! I "!ì zool RqFlclsqãrch ¡fllo sêr uÞ ÈFMS wdHsl Rcæñng Tæ13 P6plêTooÉ BCe3Em EIC l{èrn Rdêú I 51100 = MarkeVEquity Reserve . 51430 = Turnover Reserve (for Budget Pilots only) . 53120 = Probationary Reserve I' NæPâñrvsuñôv r1'F Thú: 5¡' F t Fri, $' f Ê Eil€ * Edit liw & I'Bc Fgvorite Iools tlelP :.¡l,- -.rlage- Fe-eN€Account Tgols- oraAcL€' !ùejf{ j¿rld-sl¿r I Þ C- SellSeruice Recruififig I OA17-51 Pa}{oll lor North Americâ OrganÞaûonal Oevelopmeil = Pôsltion Llanaqemènt ReseæAæount ? i'l€lñlain Fiscål Pos i1¡ofts.fEudgets ,.t:1 I il I r]] al.tl.t'f] LA:j-itr Year: 1 I I quslql]r.:-Ê_Fa-cLe I ";.; 0ûDOrrl Salarr. Aclnìin FT Exerììpt l-37o-1oel7-511oc'Doo1 trft rr:t;-,: ¡,1t?: 2trOS Eslp tl9.i19J20CB !;lI ?,:ti :: :-ìr] :iri?r'i J: Act¡on Oate: DSt19.¡2008 f-tll lì1i. lì r1 1: ¿ ¡- ' ,,, ;ì rì ,_ I tj | ' I! ì:Ì r ,l ' ! : P€rmanenl Detrease Temporary Adjuslrnents: Å f iriSl-lr'Ðrrt itr:'-'lr t-''!' 52.A7A_Oû Previous Reseße Balance: N*v Reserve Balance: 52_A7a-OO Pemanent Adjustments: s-157.599.Ot1 sû.oo so.00 r:.ri.li:r::I Salary Supporl Siatl FT ¡.Jon f37ú-'1Btrotr-sl43ODOO'1 lul 7 to I (L'lRP 44.3561. .-.r,r'n"+'nt: per reclass Reserve Action üsûnent rt as tor a: Permenent lñcreese tortñe Positaon t¡umben oouueae:: Acfion r.¿as Pertomed by Operatoc HAGGARTY t¡ame: Joseph 1,.1 Haggar\. lntefaced to GL: / Trustcd s¡tÊs I Protccted Moder \¿ On \ 1OO7o . On the first screen you w¡ll see the most recent action to take place within this account. . On this page you wi¡l be able to view the remaining balance, the previous ba¡ance, the charge or cred¡t to the account, the account the money was transferred to or from, the reason for the action, and when the action was processed . To see all historical actions that have taken place within this account click on the "View All" link in the top right section of the page. . To see individual historical actions, you can scroll through them us¡ng the arrows at the top right sect¡on of the page.