Elastography Using Optical Coherence Tomography: Development and Validation of a Novel Technique by Alexandra H. Chau SB. Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 2004 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author: Signature redacted Department of Mechanical Engineering August 6, 2004 Signature redacted Certified by: B B el Brett Boumna Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School Member of the Faculty of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology Thesis Supervisor Certified by: _Signature redacted Mohammad Kaazempur-Mofrad 'Rincipal Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Reader Signature redacted Accepted by: Ain Sonin Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Ih MASSACHUSETS NIN OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 0 5 2005 LIBRARIES E ARCHIVES 2 Elastography Using Optical Coherence Tomography: Development and Validation of a Novel Technique by Alexandra H. Chau Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 6, 2004 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by an accumulation of lipid and fibrous tissue in the arterial wall. Postmortem studies have characterized rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaques by the presence of a large lipid-rich core covered by a thin fibrous cap. Studies employing finite element analysis (FEA) based on ex vivo plaque geometry have found that most plaques rupture at sites of high circumferential stress, thus diagnosis of plaque vulnerability may be enhanced by probing the mechanical behavior of individual plaques. Elastography is a method of strain imaging in which an image sequence of the artery undergoing deformation is acquired, pixel motion is estimated between each frame, and the resulting velocity field is used to calculate strain. In this thesis, optical coherence tomography (OCT), a high-resolution optical imaging modality, is investigated as a basis for FEA and elastography of atherosclerotic plaques. FEA was performed using plaque geometries derived from both histology and OCT images of -the same plaque. Patterns of mechanical stress and strain distributions computed from OCT-based models were compared with those from histology-based models, the current gold standard for FEA. The results indicate that the vascular structure and composition determined by OCT provides an adequate basis for investigating the biomechanical factors relevant to atherosclerosis. A new variational algorithm was developed for OCT elastography that improves upon the conventional algorithm by incorporating strain smoothness and incompressibility constraints into the estimation algorithm. In simulated OCT images, the variational algorithm offers significant improvement in velocity and strain accuracy over the conventional algorithm, particularly in the presence of image noise. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) phantoms of homogeneous and heterogeneous elastic modulus distribution were developed for further testing of the variational algorithm. Testing with the phantoms indicated that motion- and strain-induced decorrelation between images presents a practical challenge to the implementation of OCT elastography. Analysis of the 3 experimental results led to the identification of potential improvements to the elastography algorithm that may increase accuracy. These improvements may include relaxation of the strain smoothness constraint to incorporate strain discontinuities at boundaries of elastic modulus in heterogeneous regions, and enforcement of geometry compatibility to prevent the estimation of non-physical velocity fields. Thesis Supervisor: Brett Bouma Title: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School Member of the Faculty of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology 4 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Brett Bouma, for sharing his guidance and insight and for always being very supportive. At MIT, Mohammad KaazempurMofrad has lent his expertise and made invaluable contributions to this work. I have also benefited from insightful discussions with both Gary Tearney at MGH and Roger Kamm at MIT. Ray Chan has taught me volumes over the past three years, and I would not have been able to complete this work without him. The Wellman Optical Diagnostics Group is full of kind, intelligent researchers who are always willing to help, and I am indebted to Nicusor Iftimia, Milen Shishkov, Seemantini Nadkarni, and Briain MacNeill for all their technical assistance. A portion of this work was done in conjunction with Chiraag Dharia, an undergraduate summer student from the University of Iowa. Finally, I appreciate the influence of friends and family in my life. I would like to thank Baris Erkmen for his friendship, encouragement and help. My brother, Phu, has motivated me throughout my education. Most importantly, I am very grateful to my parents, Peter and Kim, who have consistently shown their love, support, and confidence in me. 5 6 Table of Contents 1 IN TR OD UC TION ............................................................................................................................. 15 1.1 M OTIVATION.............................................................................................................................. 15 1.2 PATHOLOGY OF A THEROSCLEROSIS ......................................................................................... 15 1.2.1 Initiation............................................................................................................................... 16 1.2.2 Progressionand rupture...................................................................................................... 17 1.2.3 Plaquestability..................................................................................................................... 18 BIOMECHANICS OF PLAQUE RUPTURE........................................................................................ 19 1.3 1.3.1 Finite element analysis........................................................................................................ 19 1.3.2 Materialproperties.............................................................................................................. 20 1.4 ELASTOGRAPHY AS A MEANS OF PROBING BIOMECHANICS...................................................... 21 1.5 THESIS GOALS............................................................................................................................ 22 2 OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY............................................................................. 25 2.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 25 2.2 THEORY ..................................................................................................................................... 25 2.2.1 Coherent interferometry....................................................................................................... 25 2.2.2 Low coherence interferometry.......................................................................................... 27 2.2.3 Tissue scatteringand speckle ........................................................................................... 31 2.2.4 Detection and demodulation.............................................................................................. 32 2.2.5 Sensitivity.............................................................................................................................. 36 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 39 2.3.1 Source and interferometer.................................................................................................... 39 2.3.2 Reference arm scanning ....................................................................................................... 39 2.3.3 Planarimaging..................................................................................................................... 40 2.3.4 Catheter-basedimaging....................................................................................................... 41 2.3.5 Signal acquisition................................................................................................................. 43 2.4 IMAGING BASED CHALLENGES TO ELASTOGRAPHY................................................................... 44 2.5 SPECTRAL METHODS FOR OCT............................................................................................... 45 2.5.1 SD-O CT ................................................................................................................................ 45 2 .5 .2 FD .................................................................................................................................... 47 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 48 2.6 3 OCT AS A BASIS FOR FINITE ELEMENT MODELING..................................................... 3.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 51 51 7 3 .2 M ETH OD S................................................................................................................................... 5 3 3.2.1 OCT imaging........................................................................................................................ 53 3.2.2 Histologyprocessing and registration................................................................................ 53 3.2.3 Segmentation ........................................................................................................................ 54 3.2.4 Finite element analysis......................................................................................................... 54 3 .3 R ESU LTS .................................................................................................................................... 57 3.3.1 3.4 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................... 66 3 .5 S U MM A RY .................................................................................................................................. 4 68 ELASTO GRAPHY ........................................................................................................................... 69 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 69 4.2 VELOCIMETRY ........................................................................................................................... 70 4.2.1 Conventional elastography................................................................................................... 70 4.2.2 A variationalframeworkforincorporationofprior knowledge ........................................... 73 4.2.3 Numericalsolution to variationalenergy minimization ....................................................... 74 4.2.4 Multi-resolutionapproach.................................................................................................... 78 4.3 STRAIN CALCULATION ............................................................................................................... 79 4.3.1 Small strains......................................................................................................................... 79 4.3.2 Large strains........................................................................................................................81 4 .4 1. S U M M A R Y ..................................................................................................................................8 3 ELASTOGRAPHY VALIDATION IN SIMULATION ................................................................ 85 4.5 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 85 4 .6 M ETH O DS ...................................................................................................................................8 5 4.6.1 Simulation of OCT images.................................................................................................... 85 4.6.2 Elastography......................................................................................................................... 91 4 .7 4.8 R ESU LTS .................................................................................................................................... 95 4.7.1 Parameter selection .............................................................................................................. 95 4.7.2 Strain resolution................................................................................................................. 110 4.7.3 Modulus sensitivity ............................................................................................................. 114 4.7.4 Strain sensitivity ................................................................................................................. 117 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 120 ELASTOGRAPHY VALIDATION IN PHANTOMS ................................................................. 123 5 8 Sensitivity analysis................................................................................................................ 62 5.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 123 5.2 POLYVINYL ALCOHOL (PVA) .................................................................................................. 123 5 .3 M E T H OD S ................................................................................................................................. 12 4 5.3.1 Phantom construction......................................................................................................... 124 5.3.2 Loading experiments........................................................................................................... 126 5.3.3 Numerical modeling ........................................................................................................... 128 5.3.4 Elastography....................................................................................................................... 129 RESULTS AND DiscussION ....................................................................................................... 129 5.4 5.4.1 P VA phantom parameters................................................................................................... 129 5.4.2 Planarphantomstretching................................................................................................. 131 5.4.3 Cylindricalphantom inflation............................................................................................. 136 DiscuSSION ............................................................................................................................. 149 5.5 5.6 6 5.5.1 D ecorrelation...................................................................................................................... 149 5.5.2 Motion artifacts .................................................................................................................. 150 5.5.3 Energyfunction................................................................................................................... 151 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 152 SUM M ARY AND FUTURE W ORK ............................................................................................ 155 10 List of Figures 1-1: PATHOGENESIS OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS................................................................................... 16 FIGURE 1-2: ELASTOGRAPHY BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 22 FIGURE 2-1: SCHEMATIC OF A MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER .................................................................. 26 FIGURE 2-2: SCATTERING EVENTS IN TISSUE ................................................................................................. 32 FIGURE 2-3: ELECTRONIC DEMODULATION ................................................................................................ 34 FIGURE 2-4: SCHEMATIC OF THE RAPID SCANNING OPTICAL DELAY LINE 40 FIGURE (RSOD)..................................... FIGURE 2-5: SCHEMATIC OF THE XY SCANNER FOR PLANAR IMAGING....................................................... 41 FIGURE 2-6: SCHEMATIC OF THE ROTARY JUNCTION WITH ATTACHED CATHETER..................................... 42 FIGURE 2-7: CATHETER SCHEM ATIC .............................................................................................................. 42 FIGURE 2-8: DISTAL OPTICS OF THE CATHETER'S INNER CORE .................................................................. 43 FIGURE 2-9: SCHEMATIC OF SPECTRAL DOMAIN OCT (SD-OCT) .............................................................. FIGURE 2-10: SCHEMATIC OF OPTICAL FREQUENCY DOMAIN IMAGING (OFDI).......................................... 46 47 FIGURE 3-1: FINITE ELEMENT MODELING PROCESS FOR A LIPID RICH CORONARY PLAQUE CROSS-SECTION... 56 FIGURE 3-2: LIPID RICH PLAQUE HISTOLOGY, STRESS, AND STRAIN AS A FUNCTION OF ANGLE.................. 59 FIGURE 3-3: CALCIFIED PLAQUE IMAGES ................................................................ 60 FIGURE 3-4: CALCIFIED PLAQUE EFFECTIVE STRESS AND CYCLIC STRAIN ................................................. 61 OCT AND HISTOLOGY FIGURE 3-5: CALCIFIED PLAQUE HISTOLOGY, STRESS, AND STRAIN AS A FUNCTION OF ANGLE ..................... 62 FIGURE 3-6: SEGMENTATION SENSITIVITY FOR THE LIPID RICH PLAQUE ..................................................... 64 FIGURE 3-7: SEGMENTATION SENSITIVITY FOR CALCIFIED PLAQUE ............................................................. 65 FIGURE 4-1: CONVENTIONAL VELOCIMETRY ............................................................................................... 71 FIGURE 4-2: A MULTI-RESOLUTION APPROACH TO ELASTOGRAPHY ........................................................... 78 FIGU RE 4-3: NORM AL STRA IN ....................................................................................................................... 79 FIG U RE 4-4 : SH EAR STRA IN ........................................................................................................................... 80 FIGURE 4-5: L ARGE DEFORM ATION ............................................................................................................... 81 OCT IMAGES............................................................................... 87 FIGURE 5-2: FINITE ELEMENT MESH FOR SIMULATION................................................................................ 88 FIGURE 5-1: GEOMETRY OF SIMULATED FIGURE 5-3: OCT POINT SPREAD FIGURE 5-4: SIMULATED FUNCTION .............................................................................................. 90 O CT IM AGE ........................................................................................................... 91 FIGURE 5-5: TRUE AXIAL DISPLACEMENT AND STRAIN FOR THE STIFF 0.5 MM DIAMETER INCLUSION ........... 93 FIGURE 5-6: TRUE AXIAL DISPLACEMENT AND STRAIN FOR THE COMPLIANT 0.5 MM DIAMETER INCLUSION. 94 FIGURE 5-7: SIMULATED IMAGES OF STIFF INCLUSION WITH NOISE ............................................................ 96 FIGURE 5-8: MAXIMUM CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION W IN DO W SIZE S ..................................................................................................................................... 97 11 FIGURE 5-9: CONVENTIONAL ALGORITHM VELOCITY FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION W IN DO W SIZ E S ..................................................................................................................................... 99 FIGURE 5-10: CONVENTIONAL ALGORITHM STRAIN FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION WINDOW S IZE S .................................................................................................................................................. 10 0 FIGURE 5-11: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM VELOCITY FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION WIN D OW SIZE S ................................................................................................................................... 10 1 FIGURE 5-12: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM STRAIN FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION WINDOW S IZ E S .................................................................................................................................................. FIGURE 5-13: 10 2 CONVENTIONAL AND VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM VELOCITY RMS ERROR FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION W INDOW SIZES........................................................................................ 103 FIGURE 5-14: CONVENTIONAL AND VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM STRAIN RMS ERROR FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND CORRELATION WINDOW SIZES........................................................................................ FIGURE 104 5-15: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM VELOCITY FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND WEIGHTING PA R A M ETER V A LU ES .......................................................................................................................... 10 6 FIGURE 5-16: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM VELOCITY RMS ERROR FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND W EIGHTIN G PARAM ETER VALUES....................................................................................................... 107 FIGURE 5-17: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM STRAIN FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND WEIGHTING PARAMETER V AL U E S .............................................................................................................................................. 10 8 FIGURE 5-18: VARIATIONAL ALGORITHM STRAIN RMS ERROR FOR VARYING NOISE LEVELS AND WEIGHTING PA RA M ETER V A LU ES.......................................................................................................................... 10 9 FIGURE 5-19: SIMULATED IMAGES OF VARYING DIAMETER INCLUSIONS ..................................................... 110 FIGURE 5-20: VELOCITY FOR STIFF INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER .................................................... I11 I11 FIGURE 5-21: AXIAL STRAIN FOR STIFF INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER .............................................. FIGURE 5-22: STRAIN CNR FOR STIFF INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER ................................................ 112 FIGURE 5-23: VELOCITY FOR COMPLIANT INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER .......................................... 113 FIGURE 5-24: AXIAL STRAIN FOR COMPLIANT INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER .................................... 113 FIGURE 5-25: STRAIN CNR FOR COMPLIANT FIGURE 5-26: VELOCITY FOR 0.5 FIGURE 5-27: AXIAL STRAIN FOR FIGURE 5-28: STRAIN CNR FOR FIGURE 5-29: INCLUSIONS OF VARYING DIAMETER...................................... 114 MM DIAMETER INCLUSIONS OF VARYING STIFFNESS ................................ 115 0.5 MM DIAMETER INCLUSIONS OF VARYING STIFFNESS .......................... 116 MM DIAMETER INCLUSIONS OF VARYING STIFFNESS............................ 117 0.5 VELOCITY AND AXIAL STRAIN FOR A COMPLIANT INCLUSION WITH VARYING APPLIED STRAIN M A GN ITU DE ....................................................................................................................................... 1 18 FIGURE 5-30: STRAIN CNR FOR A COMPLIANT INCLUSION WITH VARYING APPLIED STRAIN MAGNITUDE ... 119 FIGURE 6-1: PHOTOGRAPH OF HETEROGENEOUS CYLINDRICAL PHANTOM .................................................. 126 FIGURE 6-2: SCHEMATIC OF PLANAR PHANTOM STRETCHING APPARATUS .................................................. 127 FIGURE 6-3: SCHEMATIC OF CYLINDRICAL PHANTOM INFLATION APPARATUS ............................................ 128 FIGURE 6-4: DEPENDENCE OF PVA STIFFNESS ON SOLUTION CONCENTRATION .......................................... 130 12 FIGURE 6-5: FIGURE 6-6: OCT IMAGES OF PVA PHANTOMS COMPARED TO HUMAN AORTA ........................................... DEPENDENCE OF PVA STIFFNESS ON NUMBER OF FREEZE-THAW CYCLES ............................... 130 131 132 FIGURE 6-7: PLANAR HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM ......................................................................................... FIGURE 6-8: CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR STATIC HOMOGENEOUS PLANAR PHANTOM ........................ 133 FIGURE 6-9: CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR THE STRETCHED HOMOGENEOUS PLANAR PHANTOM.......... 134 FIGURE 6-10: STRETCHED PLANAR HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM VELOCITY FROM ELASTOGRAPHY ............... 135 FIGURE 6-11: STRETCHED PLANAR HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM STRAIN FROM ELASTOGRAPHY.................... 136 OCT IMAGES 138 FIGURE 6-12: OF HOMOGENOUS PHANTOM INFLATION........................................................... FIGURE 6-13: UNDEFORMED FEA MESH OF HOMOGENOUS CYLINDRICAL PHANTOM .................................. FIGURE 6-14: PHANTOM FEA MODEL BOUNDARIES OVERLAID ONTO CORRESPONDING OCT IMAGES ........ FIGURE 6-15: INFLATED HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM PREDICTED VELOCITY FROM FEA ............................... 139 140 141 FIGURE 6-16: INFLATED HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM PREDICTED STRAIN FROM FEA .................................... 142 FIGURE 6-17: INFLATED HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM VELOCITY FROM ELASTOGRAPHY ................................ 143 FIGURE 6-18: INFLATED HOMOGENEOUS PHANTOM STRAIN FROM ELASTOGRAPHY .................................... 144 FIGURE 6-19: INFLATED HETEROGENEOUS PHANTOM IMAGES..................................................................... 144 FIGURE 6-20: INFLATED HETEROGENEOUS PHANTOM VELOCITY FROM FEA ............................................... 146 FIGURE 6-21: INFLATED HETEROGENEOUS PHANTOM STRAIN FROM FEA ................................................... 147 FIGURE 6-22: INFLATED HETEROGENEOUS PHANTOM VELOCITY FROM ELASTOGRAPHY ............................. 148 FIGURE 6-23: INFLATED HETEROGENEOUS PHANTOM STRAIN FROM ELASTOGRAPHY ................................. 149 13 14 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Motivation Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in industrialized nations. In the United States, there are an estimated 64 million people with CVD. CVD was responsible for approximately 38.5% of all deaths in the U.S. in 2001, with 54% of those deaths attributed to coronary heart disease. Both coronary heart disease and strokes are often caused by atherosclerosis, an inflammatory disease of the arteries, which directly or indirectly accounts for nearly three-fourths of all deaths from CVD [1]. 1.2 Pathology of Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is characterized by an accumulation of lipid and fibrous tissue in large and medium-sized arteries. In all stages of the disease: initiation, progression, and rupture of plaques, chronic inflammation is present, resulting from the interaction between modified lipoproteins, monocyte-derived macrophages, T cells, and the normal cellular elements of the arterial wall. The inflammatory process can eventually lead to the formation of lesions, or plaques, which may occlude the lumen. Advanced lesions may lead to plaque rupture and thrombosis, and may ultimately result in myocardial infarction and stroke (Figure 1-1). 15 A AN Endoehad per-meb"Y LetAacyt mraow~ Endothefa adhesion aucct Loukocyl* a, adhosico C Macrophaga Smooth-muscle migraton Foamcg formatdion TCafl activation Opragalio of phateles arwf try of Iatkoctn D eccumufaton Formation of "ncroc oro Fibrouscap formation Plaque rip- Thinnng of fibrous cap Hemorrhage from plaque m *rwe ** Figure 1-1: Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. A) Endothelial dysfunction, B) Fatty-streak formation, C) Advanced lesion formation, D) Unstable plaque rupture. (Taken from [21.) 1.2.1 Initiation The first step in atherosclerosis is the development of a fatty streak. The endothelium, the innermost layer of the artery that contacts the blood, is normally resistant to adhesion by leukocytes. Under certain circumstances, endothelial dysfunction occurs, characterized by increased endothelial permeability, platelet aggregation, leukocyte adhesion, and generation of cytokines. Leukocytes then begin to attach to the endothelial cells, a mechanism in which vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) plays a significant role. Many of the risk factors for atherosclerosis are also risk factors for endothelial dysfunction: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and positive family history of premature atherosclerosis [2, 3]. Atherosclerotic lesions develop at certain sites of the arterial tree, including branches, bifurcations, and curvatures - all regions that experience altered blood flow patterns, including shear stress and increased turbulence [2]. Some regions of the arterial tree seem to be protected from 16 atherosclerosis - usually regions with orderly blood flow, resulting in laminar shear stress. This may be explained by the existence of genes with potentially "atheroprotective" properties that contain shear-stress response elements within their promoter regions, such as superoxide dimutase, which limits VCAM-l expression and other inflammatory pathways [4]. Once leukocytes have adhered to the endothelial wall, they enter the intima through endothelial cell tight junctions. This process is enhanced by the presence of chemoattractant cytokines that recruit leukocytes into the intima, such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). Inside the intima, these monocytes acquire morphological characteristics of macrophages. They increase expression of scavenger receptors for modified lipoproteins, enabling them to internalize these modified lipoproteins. Lipoproteins accumulate in the macrophage as droplets in the cytoplasm, giving rise to a complex known as a foam cell, for its foamy appearance under a microscope. Development and accumulation of macrophages is enhanced by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) [5]. 1.2.2 Progression and rupture It was previously believed that the development of a fatty streak into an atherosclerotic lesion was a continuous process. Macrophages in the fatty streak were thought to release growth factors that stimulated smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation. As SMCs accumulated in the plaque, they synthesized an abundant extracellular matrix, leading to the development of the fibrous cap [6]. However, clinical observations have shown that atherosclerotic lesion stenoses develop discontinuously [7], caused by physical disruption of plaque, followed by thrombosis, leading to the sudden expansion of the lesion. Three types of physical plaque disruption have been identified: superficial erosion of endothelial cells, microhemorrhaging within the plaque, and fracture of the plaque cap [8]. Superficial erosion of endothelial cells can form the nidus of a platelet thrombus by uncovering subendothelial collagen and factors promoting platelet adhesion and activation. Superficial erosion is common and usually asymptotic [5]. 17 Disruption of microvessels in the atheromatous lesion may also contribute to plaque progression. Lesions may develop microvascular channels as a result of neoangiogenesis. These microvessels are fragile and prone to micro-hemorrhage, which leads to thrombosis in situ. This, in turn, leads to thrombin generation, which can stimulate SMC migration and proliferation. Activated platelets also release growth factors that stimulate more collagen synthesis by SMCs, potentially leading to a growth spurt of the plaque [5]. The most common mechanism of plaque disruption is fracture of the fibrous cap. Activated macrophages in the atheroma can produce proteolytic enzymes that degrade the collagen in the fibrous cap covering the plaque. The cap then becomes thin, weak, and susceptible to rupture. Fissure of the cap allows thrombogenic materials in the lesion's core to come into contact with coagulation factors in the blood, resulting in thrombus formation [9]. Three-quarters of acute myocardial infarctions are caused by a ruptured fibrous cap, yet rupture may be clinically silent. In these cases, the thrombus is not completely occlusive, and in the resulting healing process, the plaque may evolve from a fatty lesion to a more fibrous and stenotic plaque. 1.2.3 Plaque stability Histopathologic examinations have shown that there is substantial variation in the size of lipid pools and the thickness of fibrous caps. Different combinations of cap thickness and core size may occur, with different clinical outcomes. The most clinically stable plaques are fibrous plaques, with dense fibrous tissue and small amounts of lipid. Stable plaques feature an abundance of SMCs embedded in a dense collagen matrix, giving the plaque a thick fibrous cap [10]. These lesions can remain clinically silent or in the long term can lead to stable angina pectoris. Vulnerable plaques are histologically characterized as having large lipid pools and thin fibrous caps. Postmortem studies have identified one type of vulnerable plaque, the thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA), as the culprit lesion in approximately 80% of sudden cardiac deaths [11-13]. The TCFA is typically a minimally occlusive plaque characterized histologically by the following features: 1) a thin fibrous cap, 2) a large necrotic core, and 3) the presence of activated macrophages at the shoulder region of the plaque [14, 15]. Macrophage activity can lead 18 to degradation of the structural integrity of the fibrous cap, making the plaque most likely to rupture at the shoulder region. These plaques are considered to be "rupture prone" because they are often found underlying coronary thrombosis at autopsy [2, 16]. There are multiple paths to acute coronary events [15, 17, 18]. One is where the plaque becomes progressively occlusive, initiating ishchemic processes in the myocardium. Alternatively, the plaque may be only mildly or moderately stenotic but may still fissure. The resulting thrombus may repair, leaving increased stenosis, or may be totally and fatally occlusive. Seventy percent of high grade stenoses have had a prior disruption that healed [19], indicating that a large number of plaque ruptures are clinically silent. Studies have noted that plaque fissure is often a critical aspect of acute cardiac events [19, 20], suggesting the importance of studying the biomechanics of plaque rupture. 1.3 Biomechanics of Plaque Rupture 1.3.1 Finite element analysis Investigation of the biomechanics of atherosclerotic lesions has relied on finite element analysis (FEA) for computing stress and strain in idealized vascular crosssections [21, 22] or histology derived realistic geometry sections [23-25]. A 1989 study comparing FEA and histology found a connection between mechanical loading of the vessel and plaque rupture [22]. More specifically, FEA suggests that plaque rupture is highly dependent on circumferential tensile stress in the fibrous cap, and that most plaques rupture at sites of high circumferential stress [16, 22, 24, 26, 27], typically in the shoulder region of the cap [22, 24, 26]. Conversely, a stiff region in a plaque lesion tends to mask the tissue behind it, thereby reducing stress and strain. Using an IVUS-based model for rupture prediction [28], a 1993 study imaged and modeled 16 in vitro coronary arteries. An angioplasty balloon was inserted into each and inflated until rupture. Histological comparison with FEA showed that 17 of 18 fractures occurred in segments with high stress, and 82% occurred at the location of high stress. No correlation was found between pressure and peak stress, but this was attributed to the low resolution of IVUS. 19 Stress distribution depends on not only local plaque geometry, but also the curvature and flexure of the artery [29]. As it beats, the heart can reversibly increase in size due to volume loading of the circulation, lengthening and curving the coronary arteries and increasing mean arterial pressure. It is even possible for an in vivo artery to be axially stretched and also increase in cross-sectional area. A shortcoming of current cardiovascular FEA is that most studies do not account for these effects. 1.3.2 Material properties The reliability and accuracy of prior FEA studies of coronary plaque biomechanics is suspect for two primary reasons. First, plaque tissues are characterized using uniaxial tension tests, while in vivo, the tissues are subjected to biaxial stress. Additionally, elastic modulus values for plaque tissue components have not been reliably characterized and estimates in the literature vary widely. Plaque modulus values are difficult to measure accurately for many reasons. Tissue must be harvested and analyzed immediately after death to avoid the confounding effect of autolysis. In most cases, autopsy results in a delay of 24-48 hours. Because of the coronaries' small size, is it quite difficult to obtain a uniform piece of tissue suitable for mechanical testing. Typically, testing requires samples that are at least 0.5 mm wide and 3 mm or more long. To avoid dehydration, the tissue needs to be tested while immersed, which means the setup needs to be transparent in order to see fiduciary markings. Another confounding factor is that uniaxial test data has shown that the tissue does not stretch smoothly and finally tear, rather there is a series of localized internal fractures before the final failure [30, 31]. The choice of material model may also impact the accuracy of plaque FEA studies. Soft tissue is generally considered to be incompressible [29], and tension tests show that tissue behaves nonlinearly, i.e., the incremental modulus increases with elongation. The modulus is determined by the presence of the elastin, collagen, and smooth muscle cells [32]. Rubber elasticity is a good model for elastin, but it is not as suitable for collagen. Additionally, because of the orientation of the molecular components, most tissues behave anisotropically, which is usually not taken into account. An alternative approach is to model the extracellular matrix as a soft matrix with 20 embedded reinforcing fibers, like a composite material, to account for anisotropy [33]. Fortunately, if the biological tissue is studied on an appropriate size scale with a quick loading, it can be approximated as linear, elastic, and isotropic, greatly simplifying analysis. 1.4 Elastography as a Means of Probing Biomechanics The mechanical properties of a biological tissue depend on the distribution and structural organization of its molecular building blocks; thus pathological tissues have different mechanical properties from their normal tissue counterparts. For this reason, palpation has long been used as a clinical method for detecting pathological tissues, such as breast lesions. When a physician applies a mechanical load, using manual compression to the breast, she feels a lesion as a hard lump because the stiffness of the lesion is typically greater than that of the surrounding normal tissue [34]. Being able to detect the stiffness of a tissue can theoretically enable detection of pathological tissues even when normal and pathological tissues cannot be distinguished visually, either by eye or through traditional imaging modalities. Tissue stiffness, which depends on both the elastic modulus and the geometry of the tissue, determines how much strain the tissue will undergo when a load is applied. Thus, a method of strain imaging would allow indirect observation of the elastic modulus distribution, providing a basis for diagnosis of pathological tissues [34]. Elastography is the process of estimating strain maps, or elastograms, from images of a tissue undergoing deformation [34], as shown in Figure 1-2. The first step is to image the response of the tissue to an applied load [35, 36]. The applied load can be considered static if the data acquisition time is small compared to loading time. Next, image processing techniques for motion and strain estimation are used to produce elastograms. The elastogram is an image of the strain present in the tissue, and it serves as a way to visualize the tissue stiffness. In conventional elastography, strains are small (<1%) and the constitutive equation is linear. In reality, tissue incompressibility results in a 3D strain field, but thus far, elastographic strains have mainly been calculated in the axial direction. 21 Image acquisition of tissue undergoing deformation Motion estimation Strain estimation c> Elastogram Figure 1-2: Elastography block diagram. Applications of elastography to date include in vivo imaging of breast tissue for detection of cancerous lesions and for strain based classification of tissue composition [34]. In typical applications, imaging is performed with ultrasound or MRI while the breast tissue is externally loaded. Elastography has also been applied to atherosclerotic plaque imaging in vivo with intravascular ultrasound, using intrinsic blood pressure as the loading condition. An elastogram of an atherosclerotic plaque can potentially enable identification of different plaque components and high strain regions [37]. Elastography can be further used in conjunction with an iterative finite element analysis scheme to estimate elastic modulus and stress distribution [38]. As areas of stress concentration are predisposed to rupture, this method would be useful in diagnosing vulnerable plaques. 1.5 Thesis Goals The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of a relatively new imaging modality, optical coherence tomography (OCT), as a means for characterizing the biomechanics of atherosclerosis. OCT is the optical analog of ultrasound imaging but it provides significantly higher spatial resolution (10x - 100x) and tissue contrast, enabling a more precise characterization of tissue microstructure. OCT has previously been demonstrated as a highly sensitive intravascular imaging modality in vivo, capable of characterizing the structure and composition of normal vessels and atherosclerotic plaques [39, 40]. Thus, OCT has potential as a basis for FEA of in vivo arterial geometry, as well as a high resolution basis for elastography. The principles of OCT imaging are described in Chapter 2, while Chapter 3 demonstrates the first use of OCT-based FEA of atherosclerotic plaques and shows its validity by comparison with histology-based FEA. 22 The remaining chapters focus on the use of OCT for elastography. Chapter 4 reviews conventional methods used in ultrasound elastography and describes a novel robust velocimetry algorithm appropriate for OCT. Validation of the new algorithm using simulated OCT images is presented in Chapter 5 and using customized phantoms of known mechanical properties in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 provides a summary and conclusion for this thesis research. 23 24 Chapter 2: Optical Coherence Tomography 2.1 Introduction Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a highly sensitive, non-contact interferometric imaging modality capable of providing cross-sectional images of the internal microstructure of living tissue at high resolution (3-10 pIm axially x 25 ptm laterally), with a penetration depth of 2-3 mm. OCT has been applied to retinal, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal imaging, and is particularly attractive because it is relatively non-invasive and has a resolution approaching that of histological sectioning. In this chapter we first present a theoretical description of OCT, following the derivations of Hee [41] and Schmitt [42]. Next is a description of the implementation of the OCT system used for subsequent experiments. We then discuss OCT imaging in the context of elastography, as well as some of the challenges faced in OCT-based elastography. Finally we preview spectral OCT techniques, currently in development, that may help solve these challenges. 2.2 Theory 2.2.1 Coherent interferometry Optical coherence tomography is essentially an optical interferometric ranging system. A common and simple implementation utilizes a Michelson interferometer . (Figure 2-1). The light source is split into a reference field, ER, and a sample field, Es The reference field reflects off the reference mirror while the sample field scatters off the sample. The reference beam and the reflected sample beam, Es', recombine on the surface of the photodetector. A compensator may be placed in the sample arm of the interferometer to correct for the pathlength difference arising from the fact that the 25 reference field travels through the beam splitter three times, while the sample field travels through the beam splitter only once. Reference Mirror I _ A Sample ER (t) 'R Broadband Light Source Es(t) IS HHH E0 (t) Detector Figure 2-1: Schematic of a Michelson interferometer. Broadband light is emitted from the source, where it is split into the reference and sample beams. After reflecting off the reference mirror and sample, the beams recombine at the detector. The reference mirror is translated to enable scanning of the reference beam pathlength, thus probing different depths in the sample. To analyze the output of the interferometer at the detector, first consider the case of a perfectly reflecting mirror in the sample arm. For monochromatic light, the reference and sample fields can be expressed as phasors: ER= ARexp [-j (2,3R1R - wt)] (2.1) and , Es = As exp -j (20s/s - wt) (2.2) where A is the amplitude, j is the propagation constant, I is the distance from the beam splitter to the reflector, and w is the optical frequency of the light source. The intensity of the field impinging on the detector is 26 ID (Er + E) + Is)+ Re EE) , = 0.5(R (2.3) where IR and I's are the mean intensities of the reference and reflected sample fields, respectively. The interferometric term can also be expressed as Re{E*Es} = ARAs cos (20RlR (2.4) -20sl). In free space, the propagation constants in the reference and sample arms are equal, yielding O= OS = 27r A (2.5) and thus (2.6) Re{E*Es= ARAs cos 27rj , where A 1 = R - ls is the pathlength difference between the reference and sample beams. The optical intensity impinging on the detector and the resulting photocurrent varies sinusoidally with a phase determined by the pathlength mismatch. Since all the interference information is contained in this term, the following analysis will neglect the DC components corresponding to the sample and reference mean intensities. 2.2.2 Low coherence interferometry Considering the case of a low coherence light source consisting of a finite bandwidth of frequencies, the reference and sample fields can be redefined as ER (W) = AR (w)exp[-(23R -0 W) R ) (2.7) and Es (w) = As (w)exp [-j(20s (w) Is - wt)]. (2.8) 27 The intensity of the interference signal at the detector can be found by summing the interference due to each monochromatic wave component ID oc Ref -_ c E,(w)Es (w-- dw {f ,} (2.9) S (w) exp [-jA# (w)] TOO 271 = Re AR (w)As (w) where S(w) (2.10) and AO (w)=- 2 0R (w) 1R- 20s (w) Is. (2.11) In the case of spectrally uniform reflectors in both fields, S (w) is equivalent to the power spectrum of the light source. Now consider that the reference and sample arms are in nondispersive media. . Assume the spectrum of the light source is S (W - w 0 ) with center frequency w, Assuming identical propagation constants, Taylor expansion around the center frequency yields () = Os (w) = 0 (O ) + ( (2.12) )(P - LO ) OR Substitution into (2.11) gives A&(w) = 3(w 0 )(2A 1) + (2 (w 0)(w - w1)(2A I) (2.13) The integral in (2.9) becomes ID O Re exp[--JoWATrp S (W - wO)exp[--j(Lo - Wo) A d(L) ),(2.14) where Ar, is the phase delay mismatch defined as ATr (w0 ) (2A1) _2A1l WO Vp and A7, is the group delay mismatch defined as 28 (2.15) (wo)(2A1) AT9 = 2A. V = (2.16) Thus the center frequency phase velocity is P (2.17) W and the group velocity is 1 V =( (2.18) . In this case of perfect reflectors in both arms of the interferometer, the intensity hitting the photodetector is the autocorrelation of the source. Equation (2.14) illustrates that the autocorrelation is simply the inverse Fourier transform of the power spectral density, as the Wiener-Khinchin theorem states. Thus the sensitivity of the interferometer to path length difference depends on the shape and width of the spectrum of the light source. From equation (2.14) it is evident that the interferometric term consists of a carrier and an envelope. The carrier oscillates with increasing path length mismatch 2A l at a spatial frequency of 0 (wo). The envelope is the inverse Fourier transform of the source spectrum, and it determines the axial point spread function of the interferometer. Now consider a light source with a Gaussian power spectrum I2 S (W- wo) = 2 a eP ( - 2 (2.19) 2U2 which has been normalized to unit power = 1, S (W) (2.20) is the standard deviation power spectral where wo is the center frequency and 2o- bandwidth of the source. Substitution into (2.14) gives Ioc Re exp _ 2 20- I exp joATP i (2.21) 29 Thus the interferometric term has a Gaussian envelope with a standard deviation temporal width 2o, (seconds) that is inversely proportional to the power spectral bandwidth 2 2u = -. (2.22) 0- Thus the envelope falls off quickly as the group delay mismatch Ar, increases and is modulated by interference fringes that oscillate with increasing phase delay mismatch AT,. Equation (2.21) thus shows the axial resolving properties of the OCT system. Interference fringes are formed at the detector only when the sample and reference are matched sufficiently so that the group delay mismatch falls within the Gaussian envelope. In free space, with the phase velocity and the group velocity both equal to the speed of light, c, the axial resolution of the OCT system is given by AlFWHM 21n2 A] ~ O.44 (2.23) A2 AA (2.24) where AA is the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the source spectrum. Thus a wider bandwidth source provides higher resolution images. In two-dimensional imaging, a cross-sectional image is built up from multiple axial scans, so the resolving properties of the optics used for beam scanning and focusing onto the sample must also be considered. As reported by Kempe and Rudolph [43], the transverse point-spread function is not affected by the temporal coherence of the light source for coherence times greater than approximately 20 fs. Thus when the bandwidth of the source is not too broad, the axial and transverse resolutions can be treated independently. The transverse resolution is determined by the size of the spot where the laser has been focused onto the tissue. Using a larger NA lens creates a smaller spot size, but the Rayleigh range (the depth through which the laser remains focused) decreases as well. Using an objective with a smaller NA increases the ranging depth while increasing the spot size. 30 2.2.3 Tissue scattering and speckle The above analysis is assumed to be true when the sample is treated as an ideal mirror; i.e. reflection off the sample only introduces a time delay into the sample beam while the amplitude and coherence remain unchanged. While this is generally unrealistic for a real sample, treating the sample as a series of flat reflectors can provide a satisfactory description of OCT imaging, in which the interference signal is expressed as a convolution D (lR R(1) 9 exp 2 WsA (2.25) where R (Is,) is the fraction of power reflected from a layer at depth Is, in the sample, and the pathlength mismatch of the sample beam relative to the reference beam is Al'-i a= R -i S' Unfortunately, biological tissues rarely conform to this model well. Tissues consist of a collagen and elastin matrix filled with cells, blood vessels, nerves, and other structures. These components range in size from 100 nm to several mm. The refractive index in tissue is inhomogeneous, so light that is focused into the tissue scatters at various angles [44, 45]. Figure 2-2 shows the scattering events that may happen in the tissue. The effect on the temporal and spatial coherence of the sample beam due to all these scattering events is under continued investigation. The analysis provided here uses a single-backscatter model that accounts for two of the possible scattering reactions: total loss of coherence and no loss at all. 31 Reference 0 0 Source0 (iii a) Detetor(i) Detecto) (iii b) inge(baksctte Single backscatter Extinction by absorption or wide-angle scatter (iii a) Large-scale index variations (iii b) Multiple forward scatter (ii) Figure 2-2: Scattering events in tissue. (Taken from [44].) Studies of the effect of other scattering events have shown that low-angle multiple forward scattered light degrades both resolution and contrast, but wide-angle scattered light only degrades contrast with minimal effect on resolution [46, 47]. Additionally, the maximum depth that can be probed by OCT is limited by the single-scattering coefficient and the mean scattering angle of the tissue. Lastly, the light source's coherence time determines the width of the axial point-spread function and the size scale of the speckle generated by multiple scattering. 2.2.4 Detection and demodulation Light impinging on the detector creates a photocurrent. A transimpedance amplifier converts the current i into a voltage v = iR with a gain of R. Equation (2.21) illustrates that the interferometric signal consists of a carrier signal modulated by the axial point spread function envelope. Scanning of the reference mirror maps the point spread function from a function of A l to a function time by 32 A l = -v~t (2.26) where time t = 0 occurs when the path lengths are matched and increasing t indicates that the reference path length is increasing. From equation (2.15), the electric signal has a carrier frequency of v D (2.27) VP where the tilde denotes the electronic frequency counterpart of the corresponding optical frequency. Assuming free space propagation, =v fD A0 (2.28) This can also be interpreted as the Doppler shift caused by the moving reference mirror. With a broadband source, the frequency range becomes - 2v Af = Af 2v (2.29) A2 Once the interferometric signal is detected, it is demodulated to obtain the envelope, thus extracting the depth-resolved reflectivity of the sample. Demodulation can be performed either electronically, with subsequent acquisition of the demodulated electrical signal, or digitally, where the interference signal is acquired first and demodulation occurs in software. One method of electronic demodulation is through envelope detection, which entails rectification of the signal followed by low-pass filtering (Figure 2-3). Assuming a carrier frequency of D with an envelope A (t), the electrical current signal coming from the photodetector can be represented as x(t) = A(t)cos(at). (2.30) 33 First the signal is rectified, using half-wave rectification. When the voltage across the capacitor is positive, the diode allows current to pass, charging the capacitor. When the voltage drops, the diode circuit becomes essentially open and the capacitor loses charge through the resistor. The output signal from this circuit tracks the envelope with ripples, which can be filtered with a low pass filter. R C VR t 1 0 -1 I I I 1 .5r 1 (t)RM t -V 0.5 .A 0 1L 3 4 I I 5 - 6 Time [s] - - 7 8 9 Figure 2-3: Electronic demodulation. A half-wave rectification circuit (top) is used to demodulate a cosine carrier signal subjected to amplitude modulation (center). The output of the circuit (bottom) tracks the envelope shape with ripples that can be removed with a low pass filter. Software demodulation may be performed using the Hilbert transform. The Hilbert transform is used to convert a real signal into an analytic signal, i.e. a signal that has no negative frequency components. A real signal A cos (wt + 34 #) can be converted to a positive-frequency complete sinusoid by generating a phase-quadrature component A sin (wt + #) to serve as the imaginary part: A exp [i (wt + 0)] = A cos (wt + #) + JA sin (wt + #). This is accomplished using the Hilbert transform y (t) = (2.31) 7 {x}, which simply introduces a phase shift of - 7/2 at positive frequencies and r/2 at negative frequencies. Combining the original real signal with the Hilbert transform yields the complex analytic signal z (t) = x (t) + j-4 {x}. To see how this applies to demodulation, consider the interferometric signal x(t) = A(t)cos(Dt) = A (2.32) 7r/2 phase shifts, the Hilbert transform is = A(t) 2 exp jLat j + exp -jLt + j- - y (t = ' Applying the 2 (exp[t] + exp [-jLt]). 2 (-j exp [jDt] + jexp [-jct]) 2 = A(t) sin (it). (2.33) The analytic signal is then z (t) = A (t) cos (0t) + A (t) j sin (st) (2.34) SA (t)exp[ILt]. The envelope is now just the magnitude of the analytic signal z (t): A(t) = (t). (2.35) A main feature of each of these methods of demodulation is that neither requires exact knowledge of the carrier frequency. This is particularly advantageous because the carrier frequency in the OCT signal may not be constant due to nonlinear motion of the reference mirror. 35 2.2.5 Sensitivity The sensitivity, or signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), of the interferometric signal is a measure of the minimum detectable reflectivity of the OCT system. The SNR is defined as SNR= signal power ( 1.- ' noise variance From equation (2.3), the photocurrent at the detector is hil PR + PS + 77I ReE*Es RZd + (2.37) , = where q is the quantum efficiency of the detector, e is the charge of an electron, hV is the photon energy, i1 is the impedance of free space, idak is the dark current of the photodetector, andPR and P are the reference and sample field powers, defined as P = A|/2ro. The peak current occurs when the third term, the correlation term, is maximized and is equivalent to (2.38) V . =S The signal power is then Pn = (iR Plignal hV _1_12 (2.39) ()2 P Noise sources are modeled as wide-sense stationary (WSS) stochastic processes. A WSS process p (t) has a constant mean E [p(t)] = (p (t)) = m, (2.40) and a statistical autocorrelation R, (t1 , t2 ) = E (p (t) - m,)(p (t2 ) - m, 36 = (p (ti) p (t )) 2 -n2 (2.41) that is a function of -r= t2- t1 only. By the Wiener-Khinchin theorem, a WSS process has a power spectral density S, (w) = f R, (r) exp [-jwt]dr . (2.42) Now the signal to noise ratio can be written as Psignal SN=var [n (t)] P gnal Pignal Rn (0) f'0Sn (Lo dt,17 2.3 where S, (w) is the power spectral density of the noise in the signal. Noise in the OCT signal comes from three sources: thermal noise, relative intensity noise, and shot noise. Thermal noise is generated as heat dissipated by the feedback resistor of the transimpedance amplifer. Relative intensity noise (RIN) describes any noise source with a power spectral density that scales with mean photocurrent power. Sources include power fluctuations from the source and mechanical motion of optical mounts. By selecting the reference arm power and the electronic components appropriately, thermal noise and RIN can be almost eliminated so that shot noise is the dominant noise source. Shot noise is due to fluctuations in current at the photodetector caused by the quantized nature of light and charge. The photodetector emits charge at a mean rate governed by the impinging optical power, but the time between specific emissions is random. Shot noise is a white noise process with mean (i) and spectral density S, () = e (i). (2.44) Thus shot noise power is proportional to electron charge and the square root of the photocurrent power (i)2 In the shot noise limit, the noise spectral density is given by S,, (w) = e (i) R 2 (2.45) because the variance scales as R 2 when the current goes through the transimpedance amplifier. Thus the noise density is given by 37 Noise = rje2e-PR2BW, hv (2.46) Signal o Noise SNR r, P s . where B W is the bandwidth of the detection electronics. The SNR is then given by hiu 2BW, (2.47) Rearranging (2.47) shows the relationship between SNR, resolution, sample power, and speed of imaging is SNR x BW = constant. (2.48) The bandwidth B W is essentially equal to the electronic bandwidth Af used for detection of the interferometric signal. Electronic bandwidth is linearly related to the reference mirror scanning velocity v, and the light source's wavelength bandwidth AA, which yields BW - Af oc v, AA. (2.49) Since the axial resolution is inversely proportional to the spectral bandwidth of the source, BW - Afc a V. Al (2.50) Thus SNR oc A V8 (2.51) which can be alternatively rewritten SNR c P xresolution smp"e speed (2.52) Thus there is an inherent tradeoff between image quality, resolution, power, and imaging speed. 38 2.3 Implementation 2.3.1 Source and interferometer In addition to a short temporal coherence length, a suitable light source for OCT imaging requires both emission in the near infrared and high irradiance. Emission in the near infrared is necessary because the light in this spectral range adequately penetrates into tissue. Attenuation of the OCT signal with depth in tissue is determined by both scattering and absorption. The blue and ultraviolet spectral ranges are not appropriate because of the short mean scattering length in tissue at these wavelengths, which would limit OCT imaging to only superficial layers on the order of a hundred microns thick. At longer wavelengths, scattering is reduced and absorption, primarily that of water, becomes dominant. The greatest light penetration depths have been achieved using sources with emission wavelengths of approximately 1300 and 1600 nm [48, 49]. Note that the optimal source for an imaging application is not entirely determined by penetration depth - backscatter contrast is also somewhat dependent on wavelength and affects contrast between tissue components in OCT images. High irradiance is necessary to achieve a wide dynamic range and high detection sensitivity to image weakly scattering structures within the tissue. From equation (2.25), it is evident that the interference signal is proportional to the square root of the power reflected from the sample. A dynamic range of 90dB can be attained with a source power of a few hundred microwatts. The OCT system used for these experiments utilizes a source with a 1310 nm center wavelength and 100 nm spectral bandwidth. This wavelength was chosen because it provides adequate penetration and contrast in cardiac tissue [49, 50] while also affording readily available, high-performance optical components originally developed for the telecommunications industry. 2.3.2 Reference arm scanning An important consideration in designing an OCT system is how to rapidly scan the reference arm pathlength. A rapid scanning optical delay line (RSOD) provides a means to probe depths of up to 3 mm at a repetition rate of 2 kHz (Figure 2-4). The 39 RSOD allows independent control of the group and phase delay, advantageous because the phase delay can be chosen to select an appropriate interferometric fringe frequency, while the group delay can be adjusted to provide adequate ranging depth and scanning speed. Group delay arises from the rotation of the scanning mirror, while phase delay is determined by the offset between the mirror's axis of rotation and the focus of the lens. The RSOD design is also advantageous because it allows control of group velocity dispersion through adjustment of the separation between the lens and diffraction grating. This capability is particularly important for applications requiring a fiber optic catheter probe. GRATING d L AXIS OF ROTATION SCANNING MIRROR Figure 2-4: Schematic of the rapid scanning optical delay line (RSOD). Light from the system is incident on the diffraction grating. Diffracted light travels through the lens to the scanning mirror, where it is reflected back to the system. (Taken from [511.) 2.3.3 Planar imaging Imaging of flat samples is performed using the XY scanner shown in Figure 2-5. The sample arm light travels through an optical fiber to the scanning head where it is collimated by a lens. The collimated light then reflects off a mirror mounted on a galvanometer to a low NA objective, through which it is focused onto the sample. As the galvanometer changes the angle of the mirror, the beam focus is scanned across the sample. In this way, the sample beam is swept across the sample to provide 2D crosssectional images. The speed of the galvanometer is set for imaging at 4 frames per second with 500 A-lines per frame. 40 Galvanometer Fiber optic input Collimator -Objective Sample tissue Figure 2-5: Schematic of the XY scanner for planar imaging. Light from the system is collimated and reflected off a galvanometer-mounted mirror, where it is focused by a low NA objective onto the sample. Rotation of the galvanometer scans the beam across the sample's surface. 2.3.4 Catheter-based imaging Imaging of cylindrical samples with a narrow lumen diameter is made possible through a custom built catheter connected to an optical rotary junction [52]. Light from the sample arm of the interferometer first travels into the rotary junction, then into the catheter. The rotary junction (Figure 2-7) allows an optical coupling between the OCT interferometer and the rotating catheter. Coupling is achieved through free space with a pair of lenses forming a telecentric telescope. One lens is fixed to the non-rotating optical fiber and acts as a collimating lens, while the second lens is attached to a short length of optical fiber that is connectorized at the distal end. The lens/fiber combination is mounted in a cylindrical steel tube held by bearings. The tube is aligned so that the rotation axis of the bearings is coaxial with the optical beam from the first, stationary lens. A computer controlled motor is connected to the bearing-mounted tube to provide continuous, 41 velocity controlled rotation. The distal connector of the rotating fiber allows rapid interchange of catheters. FIXED END ROTATING END - TRANSPARENT SHEATH WITH MNORAL GUIDEWIRE 12cm Figure 2-6: Schematic of the rotary junction with attached catheter. The rotational coupler allows an optical connection between the fixed fiber input and the rotation catheter core. The catheter itself (Figure 2-7) consists of a flexible, rotating inner sleeve that fits loosely inside a stationary outer sheath. The catheter must be flexible to allow it to bend as it navigates the lumen of the sample (e.g. snaking through the coronary tree). The outer sheath is stationary and the exterior is smooth, providing for safe passage through the sample. The sleeve itself consists of an optical fiber enclosed in a torque carrying coil. Torque applied at the proximal end of the inner sleeve is transmitted through the length of the sleeve to rotate the distal optics. The proximal end of the catheter is connected to the rotary junction. Pullback i I . Optical beam I Inner core Transparent sheath Distal optics Figure 2-7: Catheter schematic. The inner core rotates within the stationary transparent sheath. Pullback of the core may be performed simultaneously to achieve helical scans of a cylindrical sample. The optics at the distal end of the catheter (Figure 2-8) focus the beam onto the sample at the proper angle [53]. The fiber is attached to a gradient-index (GRIN) lens. 42 The pitch of the lens is chosen to yield the required Gaussian beam parameters. The confocal parameter and the spot size are chosen so that the spot size of the beam is comparable to the axial OCT resolution while maintaining an appropriate working distance (-3 mm). A right angle prism is attached to the distal surface of the GRIN lens to redirect the beam perpendicular to the axis of the catheter. UV-curing optical epoxy is used to secure the optics. Fiber Epxoxy GRIN Lew-; Pwn Figure 2-8: Distal optics of the catheter's inner core. A GRIN lens and prism are used to focus and direct the sample beam onto the surface of the sample. Images are acquired by rotating the catheter within the sample while scanning the reference arm of the interferometer as usual. As the catheter spins, the beam is focused onto the surface of the tissue and scanned circumferentially. In this system, the motor speed is chosen to acquire 4 frames per second with 500 A-lines per frame. 2.3.5 Signal acquisition For the experiments to be presented, either the electronically demodulated signal data is collected at a sampling rate of 500 kHz, or the interferometric fringe signal is collected at 5 MHz. All signal acquisition is performed using a National Instruments DAQ board (Model #6110). 43 2.4 Imaging-based Challenges to Elastography OCT elastography focuses on tracking each image's speckle pattern from frame to frame. It is based on a frozen speckle model, which assumes that the sample deformation is sufficiently small and the imaging rate is sufficiently fast that the speckle pattern over a small spatial region remains unchanged from frame to frame except for a translation. Thus elastography essentially tracks the displacement of small stationary patches in the image. Decorrelation of the speckle patterns between imaging frames presents a challenge to elastography. Speckle decorrelation can be caused by Brownian motion of reflecting particles in the sample. In a viscoelastic medium, suspended particles undergo Brownian motion, which is directly related to the viscoelastic properties of the medium [54]. Thus even under static conditions, the underlying reflector distribution may change, resulting in changes in the OCT speckle pattern. Biological tissues behave viscoelastically, so it is important that the imaging rate be fast enough that Brownian motion does not induce large inter-frame displacement. A greater source of speckle decorrelation is strain induced movement of the reflecting particles. Very large inter-frame strains violate the frozen speckle model, so image acquisition rates must therefore be chosen appropriately for a given strain rate. Additionally, recall from equation (2.25) that the signal at the detector is the convolution of the reflectance in the sample with the axial PSF of the OCT system. Thus the relationship between the movement of reflecting particles and the movement of the speckle pattern is not necessarily direct, leading to potentially more inaccuracies in the displacement estimates. OCT's limited depth range and depth penetration present additional challenges for elastography. In the case of inflation of cylindrical samples imaged through a catheter, applied strains may be large enough to cause the sample to move out of the image's field of view, making motion tracking impossible. This is particularly problematic for elastic coronary blood vessels, which undergo large strains during the cardiac cycle. Increasing the depth range of OCT is possible but compromises detection sensitivity. The image penetration depth within tissue is limited by scattering and absorption of light. While the 44 penetration depth of OCT in normal coronary arteries exceeds the typical wall thickness, in severely atherosclerotic vessels, both attenuation and wall thickness are increased. In these cases, OCT is unable to visualize the outer portion of the vessel wall and accurate elastography may be challenged. Finally, motion artifacts can give rise to significant challenges for elastography. In catheter-based imaging, motion artifacts can arise from nonuniform rotation of the rotary junction motor, movement of the catheter inside the vessel, and movement of the imaging core inside the catheter. The scanning beam in planar imaging has fewer degrees of freedom than the catheter, so the image sequence is relatively free of motion artifacts. 2.5 Spectral Methods for OCT New developments in OCT technology hold the potential to alleviate imaging based challenges to elastography, mainly by increasing imaging speed. Spectral OCT methods increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the imaging system, and the resulting gain can be used to increase the imaging acquisition rate. Instead of scanning the reference arm and collecting the fringe pattern corresponding to each sample depth sequentially in time, it is possible to interrogate the entire depth profile all at once. Keeping the reference arm pathlength constant, the spectral density at the detection arm is acquired. The Fourier transform of this signal gives the same depth profile information as that of the envelope in time domain OCT. There are two methods of spectral OCT. In spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) the spectral density at the detection arm of the interferometer is measured using a spectrometer. In optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI), a monochromatic, wavelength-swept source is used with a single photodetector to acquire the detector arm's spectral density. 2.5.1 SD-OCT In SD-OCT (Figure 2-9), light from the interferometer is directed to a grating, which separates the light into its frequency components. The separated light is then focused onto a detector array, where the signal for each frequency component is acquired. 45 Reference arm Broadband Source CMirror Sample armPrb Grating Detector Sample I Array tissue Figure 2-9: Schematic of spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT). A broadband light source is split into a stationary reference arm and a sample arm. The combined light reflected from each arm is dispersed by a grating, and the resulting spectrum is imaged onto a detector array. To establish the relationship between SNR in SD-OCT and time domain OCT, consider the case of M detectors. The shot noise per detector is proportional to the reference arm power times the detector bandwidth. Total noise is determined by the sum of the shot noise for each detector. The reference power at detector i is i,ref = 1 I M (2.53) ref Thus the total shot noise for the detector array is SD2n 2 NoisesD = 2 m E,i= Pe BW 21e2 (Pref E, (MF=M BWJ M (2.54) = 7e P,f B W E, M I = NoiseTD M Since the signal in SD-OCT remains the same, the SNR is M times greater. The SNR increase is a result of reduced shot noise. Recall that shot noise is white and proportional to the optical power and that the best theoretical SNR is achieved when the detection is shot-noise limited. By replacing the single element detector in time 46 domain OCT with a spectroscopic multi-element detector, shot noise can be reduced significantly. Each element of the detector array reads only a small portion of the spectral width of the signal. The optical power on each element is inversely proportional to the number of detector elements, so the shot noise density per element is reduced. Since the signal is not affected, the SNR increases by the number of elements in the detector array. 2.5.2 OFDI OFDI uses a wavelength-tunable light source and a single photodetector (Figure 2-10). As the source is rapidly swept through multiple wavelengths, the interference information for each wavelength is simultaneously acquired. Both SD-OCT and OFDI offer the benefit of high speed imaging, but OFDI offers a few more advantages for imaging at 1300 nm. OFDI has greater ranging depth (>4 mm) than SD-OCT (2 mm). Dual-balanced detection and polarization diversity are more easily and cheaply implemented in OFDI. Finally, OFDI is less sensitive to phase instabilities caused by catheter motion. OFDI is particularly promising because it is possible to increase imaging speed and depth penetration simultaneously. Since increasing imaging speed can significantly reduce motion artifacts, OFDI is attractive for elastography. Referenc a arm Swept source Mirror Coupler Photodetector Probe Sample arm Sample tissue Processor Figure 2-10: Schematic of optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI). The reference and sample arm path lengths are held constant, while the wavelength of the monochromatic source is swept and interference is detected by the photodetector. The possible depth range in OFDI is given by 47 Az = where 6A = AA/N, N(2.55) 4n6A is the sampling wavelength interval, and N, is the number of samples within FWHM range of the spectrum AA [55]. The sampling interval is chosen to be smaller than the instantaneous linewidth of the source because otherwise, the amplitude of the coherence function decays with z, which causes a decrease in sensitivity as the depth increases. The narrow linewidth of a swept laser typically provides superior spectral resolution than the grating-based spectrometer used in SDOCT, leading to higher sensitivity as a function of depth and larger usable depth range. A large difference in optical pathlength will cause a high frequency in the spectrum and, according to the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate must be at least twice this frequency. For z = zmax the period of the cosine fringes is Ak = w/nzmm . Thus the spectrometer needs to be able to measure a period of at least Ak/2. Similar to the noise analysis for SD-OCT, OFDI's signal to noise ratio is also M times greater than that of TD-OCT, where M is the number of samples within the FWHM of the source spectrum. OFDI has been demonstrated using a novel swept laser developed by Yun et al. with a tuning rate of 15.7 kHz [56]. The laser generates cw polarized light with a center frequency of 1320 nm and an average output power of 6 mW, with an incident power to the sample of 3 mW. The FWHM of the spectral source is 63.5 nm, corresponding to axial resolution of 12.1 ptm. The narrow linewidth of the laser (0.06 nm) gives a possible 6.4 mm ranging depth; however the limited sampling rate of the current hardware implementation allows only a 3.8 mm depth range. The OFDI system acquires 5 mm wide images at 30 frames/second (520 A-lines per frame), with a sensitivity of 110 dB. 2.6 Summary OCT is an interferometric ranging system capable of high speed imaging at a high resolution of less than 10 ptm. This high resolution makes OCT an ideal candidate for elastographic strain imaging, though there may be challenges. The frozen speckle assumption, vital to elastography, can be violated by Brownian motion within the sample, 48 high inter-frame strain, and motion artifacts of the imaging system. New spectral methods for OCT in development may help alleviate these problems by providing faster imaging rates and thus reducing the magnitude of motion between frames due to all three effects. 49 50 Chapter 3: OCT as a Basis for Finite Element Modeling 3.1 Introduction Investigation of the biomechanics of atherosclerosis has relied upon finite element analysis for computing stress and strain distributions in idealized vascular cross-sections [21, 22] or more realistic morphology derived from histology of autopsy specimens [23, 25, 57]. While these studies have provided important insight into disease progression and acute events, several pressing questions remain that cannot be addressed with a retrospective, ex vivo methodology. In addition, a non-destructive means for determining vascular structure and composition would facilitate the investigation of biomechanical response to new interventional strategies. The current gold standard for determining plaque geometry and composition is histology. Although histology provides excellent resolution and, through the application of tissue-specific stains, can provide clear delineation of tissue composition, histology processing is known to cause geometry artifacts. During processing, non-uniform tissue shrinkage can give rise to distortion and warping of vascular geometry. Additionally, since histology processing requires manipulation of tissue sections as thin as 5-10 gm, further warping, folding, and tearing of the tissue section is common. These artifacts are difficult to characterize and limit the accuracy of geometric models for biomechanical analyses. A more attractive approach would be to base model construction on a noninvasive imaging modality. Although angiography is routinely used for detecting coronary stenoses and for directing intravascular intervention, it is limited to the visualization of the vascular lumen and does not provide information regarding the structure of the vessel wall. Magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomography (CT) imaging have been increasingly used for evaluating vascular structure but lack sufficient resolution (~ 500 x 1000 pm for in vivo MR [58], ~ 600 x 600 pm for CT [59]) for construction of detailed finite element models which incorporate local variations in 51 plaque composition. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is used routinely for assessing vascular structure and stent deployment but is limited to a resolution of -100 x 300 pm and provides limited contrast between typical plaque tissue components. An IVUS-based model was developed to predict rupture during in vitro balloon angioplasty [28]. IVUS images of 16 coronary specimens were digitized and outlined to create the structural models. An angioplasty balloon was inserted in each specimen and inflated until rupture occurred. Histologic confirmation of rupture location showed that 17 of 18 fractures occurred in segments having high stress and 82% of these fractures occurred at locations of high stress. No correlation was found, however, between predicted peak stress and balloon pressure at fracture. The lack of correlation was attributed to the low resolution of IVUS and its inability to detect local variations in material composition. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a recently developed optical analog of IVUS that provides high-resolution (10 x 25 pm) cross-sectional images of human tissue [60, 61]. Studies conducted ex vivo have demonstrated that this new imaging modality is capable of accurately characterizing the structure and composition of normal vessels and atherosclerotic plaque [40, 62, 63]. OCT catheters, suitable for intravascular application, have recently been developed and applied for imaging coronary arteries in patients. In vivo OCT imaging is facilitated by an 8 to 10 cc saline flush to allow clear visualization of the vessel wall [39]. Potential applications of OCT-based finite element modeling include patient-specific modeling and diagnosis and studies of disease progression and treatment efficacy. With its ability to provide high-resolution images of plaque structure in vivo, OCT is ideally suited for investigating plaque biomechanics using finite element modeling. However, the major drawback of OCT as a basis for modeling is the limited depth penetration inherent to the modality, which is often not sufficient to visualize through the entire thickness of the vessel wall. Thus, ambiguities in external structure identification can result, which can compromise the accuracy of the finite element analysis. In this chapter, we determine the geometry of excised human coronary vessels using both OCT imaging and the conventional histology method. Using these geometries, we construct finite element models and then compare stress and strain distributions in order to assess the feasibility of OCT as a basis for finite element analysis. Finally, we 52 investigate the effect of OCT's limited depth penetration and subsequent outer contour ambiguity by examining the sensitivity of stress and strain distributions to perturbations in outer contour geometry. 3.2 Methods 3.2.1 OCT imaging Excised coronary arteries were collected from autopsies and stored in PBS at 4'C until imaging occurred, within 72 hours. The OCT catheter had a diameter of 1.0 mm and, through rotation and longitudinal displacement (pullback) of the internal components, provided cross-sectional images of the entire length of the vessel segments. The catheter pullback rate was 0.5 mm/s, and the frame rate of the OCT system was 4 Hz (500 angular pixels x 250 radial pixels). The axial resolution was 10 pm and the transverse resolution was 25 pm. A visible light beam coincident with the infrared imaging beam was used to determine the longitudinal location of the imaging site. Ink marks were placed at imaging sites of interest for longitudinal registration with histology. In addition, a narrow diameter thread was placed between the catheter sheath and the lumen. An ink mark was applied to the vessel to denote the thread location in histology. Visualization of the thread on OCT and the ink mark in histology permitted rotational orientation of the two data sets. An example OCT image of a lipid rich plaque is shown in Figure 3-1, A. 3.2.2 Histology processing and registration After imaging, the vessels were fixed in formalin and cut into segments for histology processing. Arteries with significant calcium content were decalcified as necessary. The vessels were embedded in paraffin and sliced into 4 pm sections for staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or Movat's pentachrome. Histology slides were registered first with the ink marks made during imaging. Fine registration was accomplished using morphologic landmarks in the vessel wall such as calcium crystals and nodules, eccentric stenoses and lipid rich cores (Figure 3-1, A and B). 53 3.2.3 Segmentation Histology segmentation (Figure 3-1,D) was performed by a vascular pathologist. OCT segmentation was performed by expert OCT readers who were blinded to the results from histology (Figure 3-1,C). Criteria for characterizing tissue types by OCT have been established previously [40]. Fibrous plaque is identified by homogeneous signal rich regions. Lipid rich plaques are characterized by signal poor regions with diffuse borders, and calcific plaques exhibit signal poor regions with distinct borders. As the infrared OCT beam propagates through the lumen and into the tissue, it experiences attenuation through scattering and absorption. In heavily diseased arterial segments where the vessel wall thickness has significantly increased, attenuation can limit the ability of OCT to characterize deep structures near the adventitial surface of the vessels. In these cases, accurate segmentation of the full arterial cross-section can be challenging. Three OCT readers independently determined segmentations and the discrepancy between the results was used as a basis for assessing the impact of attenuation on mechanical modeling. 3.2.4 Finite element analysis Vessel contours from segmentation were imported into ADINA (Watertown, MA), a commercial finite element software package. A structured finite element mesh was created using 2D plane strain elements. The element edge length was approximately 30 pm, which, based on grid convergence studies, was sufficiently small. Each segmented region was assigned uniform isotropic material properties. All regions were given rubberlike Mooney-Rivlin material properties [64, 65], as defined by the strain energy density function W = D (eD2(13) _ 1), (3.1) where W is the strain energy density, D, and D2 are material constants, and I, is the first invariant of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. The product D1 *D 2 is proportional to the elastic modulus of the material, while D 2 is related to the strain-stiffening behavior of the material. The actual values used were taken from previous literature [66] (Table 3-1) in which values for fibrous plaque and calcification were calculated from previously 54 published uniaxial test data [67], lipid properties were adapted from previously published lipid data [68], and arterial wall properties were taken directly from a previous study [69]. Table 3-1: Material properties for atherosclerotic plaques Material Fibrous plaque Arterial Wall Lipid Calcium Di [Pa] 5105.3 2644.7 50 18,804.5 D2 13 8.365 5 20 The boundary conditions consisted of a fixed node on the right side of the outer boundary of the vessel and a point 180 degrees away that is free to move in one direction only (, E and F). A pressure load was applied to the lumen of the vessel in 24 steps over the range of 0 to 16 kPa (0 to 120 mmHg). 55 B Excised coronary OCT imaging D OCT IMAGING vs HISTOLOGY LIPID FIBROUS PLAQUE ARTERIAL WALL EZ F Y Y FINITE ELEMENT MODELING Z P1 free fixed P2 fixed fixed MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE STRESS [kPal A 343.344 MINIMUM )K 0.001532 11 115 13 H MAXIMUM A 984.966 MINIMUM )K 0.002731 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS CYCLIC STRAIN .......... 1%* I 2.760 1.800 0.840 MAXIMUM A7.486 MINIMUM )K -2.609 Figure 3-1: Finite element modeling process for a lipid rich coronary plaque cross-section. The OCT (A) and histology (B) images are segmented (C,D) into lipid rich, fibrous plaque, and arterial wall regions. Each segmented image is used to create an undeformed finite element mesh (OCT mesh (E), with closeup (F)). Application of an internal pressure load results in stress at systolic pressure (G,H) and cyclic strain (I,J) distributions. Results for the OCT-based model are shown in the left column; results for the histology-based model are shown in the right column. 56 3.3 Results The results of two example cases are presented. The first case is that of a lipid rich plaque (Figure 3-1). Note that even though the OCT and histology images exhibit a close correspondence, they do not have identical geometry. In the OCT image, the lumen boundary is smooth with no jagged edges, but in the histology geometry there are many sharp edges in the lumen, particularly between the 5 and 6 o'clock position and the 10 and 11 o'clock position. Not coincidentally, this is also where the thin tissue section has folded upon itself during histology processing, as evidenced by the dark radial bands through the vessel wall at those locations (and to a lesser extent at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions). The folding may also explain why the artery appears to be more ellipsoid in histology than in OCT. The finite element meshes were inflated to systolic pressure and effective stress was examined (Figure 3-1, G and H). The two stress distributions are qualitatively similar, with corresponding regions of high and low stresses. As expected, the lipid pool exhibits low stresses because it is a very compliant material and thus cannot carry much load. Being the stiffest material, the fibrous plaque carries most of the pressure load and therefore has higher stresses than the arterial wall and the lipid. High stresses are found in the fibrous cap covering the lipid pool, because the thin cap has to carry the share of the load that the lipid cannot support. High stresses are also found near the 5 o'clock position due to the curvature of the region. In both cases, this is the most kinked region of the lumen, naturally leading to focal stress concentrations. Although the maximum stress in the histology-based model is higher than in the OCT case (985 vs. 343 kPa), its location corresponds to a portion of the lumen that was folded in histology. This geometry artifact causes an erroneously high focal stress concentration in the histology-based model. If these artifactual maximum stress magnitudes are not considered, the stress distributions are similar between the OCT and histology models, a fact which is more easily appreciated by examining the stress distribution on a sector by sector basis. Each model was divided into fifty angular sectors centered at the centroid of the lumen. The mean stress, as well as the 25th and 75th percentiles of stress were calculated for each sector and 57 plotted, along with the "unwrapped" geometry, as a function of angle (Figure 3-2, B). The mean stress, as well as the spread, are indeed similar throughout the cross section. Cyclic strain, the difference in maximum principal strain between systolic and diastolic pressures (120 and 80 mm Hg), was also examined (Figure 3-1, I and J). Again the overall strain distribution is qualitatively similar for both models with higher strains occurring in the lipid pool because it is compliant and displaces easily. Regions of the lipid pool border with the greatest curvature are expected to correspond to locations of highest strain. In this example, the histology-based model depicts a lipid pool having a border with significantly higher curvature than in the OCT model. The strain at this location was found to be 100% higher in the histology case compared with the OCT case. Despite these differences, the overall strain distributions are similar (Figure 3-2,C). 58 A 200 I Histology OCT 150 -- I I -x- CL-e U) CD 50 - (D 0 0 -- Histology - - OCT - -3 -2 -1 0 0 [rad] 1 2 3 Figure 3-2: Lipid rich plaque histology, stress, and strain as a function of angle. The "unwrapped" histology image (A), mean effective stress (B), and mean cyclic strain (C). Mean values for histology are plotted with x's, OCT values with solid circles. Errorbars indicate the 2 5th and 7 5th pecntil values. The second example is that of a calcified plaque (Figure 3-3). The calcified region appears in the third quadrant. In the histology image, there is a small fold in the tissue at the 2 and 5 o'clock positions, and the tissue has undergone some tearing and separation of layers. 59 CALCIFIED REGION FIBROUS PLAQUE ARTERIAL WALL Figure 3-3: Calcified plaque OCT and histology images. An OCT image (A) and its corresponding histology section (B) are segmented into regions of calcium, fibrous plaque, and arterial wall (C and D). Typically, portions of the vessel cross-section with greater thickness should exhibit lower peak stress due to a distribution of the applied pressure load over a greater area. Correspondingly, high stresses in the calcified plaque model (Figure 3-4, A and B) are observed at the regions where the model vessel wall is thinnest overall - from 12 to 5 o'clock. Within the thin walled region, there are focal stress concentrations at the sharp corners of the mesh at 12, 1, and 5 o'clock in the histology model, and at 12 and 5 o'clock in the OCT model. Another curvature based stress concentration occurs at 10 o'clock. While the maximum stress in the histology-based model is nearly 300% greater than that of OCT-based model, the overall similarity of the stress distribution as a function of angle (Figure 3-5, B) suggests that these maxima are merely outliers. 60 Elevated cyclic strain levels (Figure 3-4, E and F) occur again in the thinnest part of the artery. Because it is so stiff, the calcified region exhibits very little strain. Additionally, the part of the artery that lies beyond the calcified region is "shielded" from the load by the calcium nodule, and thus also sees little strain. Strain distributions are similar between the two models (Figure 3-5,C). ( A EFFECTIVE STRESS [kPa] I 153 100 46 CYCLIC STRAIN [%] 3.067 2.000 0.933 Figure 3-4: Calcified plaque effective stress and cyclic strain. The left column shows results for the OCT-based finite element model, while the right column shows results for the histology-based model. Effective stress is depicted in the first row, cyclic strain in the second. 61 50 -x- 0- 40o- Histology OCT 300( 20 0 0 = 10 0 w n Histology OCT - 3 --- 0 -3 -2 -1 0 0 [rad] 1 2 3 Figure 3-5: Calcified plaque histology, stress, and strain as a function of angle. The "unwrapped" histology image (A), mean effective stress (B), and mean cyclic strain (C). Error bars indicate the 2 5 'h and 7 5 th percentile. 3.3.1 Sensitivity analysis The finite depth of penetration of OCT imaging poses a potential limitation for accurate modeling of vessel biomechanical properties. As the infrared OCT beam propagates into the tissue from the lumen, it experiences attenuation. Although the depth of penetration is sufficient to visualize the entire cross-section of normal human coronaries, it is frequently difficult to identify the adventitial structure in heavily diseased vessels. To investigate the potential impact of ambiguous segmentation on the modeling 62 of biomechanical properties, a segmentation sensitivity analysis was performed. Each OCT image was given to two trained, non-pathologist OCT readers, and the resulting segmentation lines were used to create new finite element meshes. For the lipid rich case, the alternate OCT readers found the plaque boundary to have a slightly different shape, and they were unable to determine an outer boundary for the arterial wall. Thus one new model was created using the alternate plaque boundary, keeping all other boundaries the same (Figure 3-6, A). A second model was created where the outer arterial wall boundary was taken to be a constant offset version of the plaque boundary (Figure 3-6 C). The stress fields (Figure 3-6, D, E, and F) are remarkably similar in distribution and magnitude. The maximum stress of the alternate plaque model is 1% less than the original OCT-based model, while the maximum stress of the constant offset outer boundary model is only 2% higher than that of the original OCT-based model. The strain fields (Figure 3-6, G, H, and I) are similar as well, with the maximum strain differing by +0.5% and -1% for the alternate plaque and outer boundary models, respectively. One difference in the strain distribution can be seen within the lipid pool. The alternate plaque boundary model does not have a region of elevated strain in the center of the lipid pool as the other two models do. This reduced strain is expected, as the increased wall thickness results in greater stiffness overall. 63 ALTERNATE PLAQUE D ALTERNATE OUTER BOUNDARY ORIGINAL MODEL E MAXIMUM A 339.779 MINIMUM )K 0.000733 F MAXIMUM A 343.344 MINIMUM * 0.001532 EFFECTIVE STRESS [kPa] MAXIMUM A 350.170 MINIMUM * 0.003844 115 75 35 Ii H CYCLIC STRAIN MAXIMUM A 4.118 MINIMUM * -1.666 MAXIMUM A 4.076 MINIMUM * -1.598 [0] 2.760 1.800 0.840 Figure 3-6: Segmentation sensitivity for the lipid rich plaque. The left most column depicts an alternate plaque boundary model (blue line in the segmented OCT image (A)), the center column depicts the original model (B) , and the right column depicts a constant offset outer boundary model (black line in the segmented OCT image (C)). The second row depicts effective stress while the third row depicts cyclic strain. The same sensitivity analysis was performed for the calcified plaque. In this case, the alternate OCT readers found the calcified region to be smaller than the pathologist had indicated. They also indicated the fibrous plaque region as smaller, and they were unable to completely determine the outer arterial wall boundary. A new model was 64 constructed using alternate calcium nodule and fibrous plaque boundaries as drawn by the OCT readers (Figure 3-7, B). The alternate arterial wall boundary was chosen to be a constant offset of the fibrous plaque boundary, with the offset distance approximated from the wall thickness measured in the first quadrant of the image. ORIGINAL MODEL ALTERNATE SEGMENTATION I. ( EFFECTIVE STRESS [kPa] D MAXIMUM 600.812 MINIMUM )K0.02055 153 100 46 CYCLIC STRAIN [%] 3.067 2.000 0.933 Figure 3-7: Segmentation sensitivity for calcified plaque. The left column depicts the original model's segmentation (A), effective stress (C), and cyclic strain (E) results. In the right column, the alternate segmentation is shown in red (B), and the stress (D) and strain (F) fields are displayed. 65 Despite the significant change in model geometry, the overall stress distribution (Figure 3-7, B and C) does not change drastically in regions of interest. Regions of elevated and low stress still correspond and the locations of stress concentrations remain the same. The maximum stress differs by 10% and the maximum strain differs by 9%. The cyclic strain distributions (Figure 3-7, E and F) also exhibit modest differences. These results are not surprising despite the different shape of the calcified region and the decreased thickness of the arterial wall beyond. The calcified region is very stiff and thus has a "shielding" effect on the material around and behind it. 3.4 Discussion In this study we have demonstrated the first use of OCT for finite element analysis. OCT-based modeling and the accepted histology-based modeling methods provide similar stress and strain distributions, but can yield disparate stress and strain magnitudes. These higher focal stress concentrations can arise from artificial sharp edges in the histology images that arise from nonuniform warping and folding of the tissue during histology processing. Despite ambiguities in the segmentation of adventitial structure due to OCT signal attenuation, the resulting discrepancy in predicted cyclic strain was found to be modest for the vessel sections examined in this study. Much of the stress variation and the maximum values of stress and strain tend to occur near the inner lumen of the vessel and are therefore only slightly influenced by changes in outer geometry. This is most striking in the case of calcified plaque. Since calcium has a high stiffness, it has a stabilizing effect on the surrounding tissue [66] and acts to shield the adventitial regions from much of the mechanical load. It is also important to note that most acute myocardial infarctions are the result of an intimal disruption of a thin-capped, lipid rich plaque. Assessing the strain distribution near the lumen is therefore the most relevant goal for identifying and investigating vulnerable plaque. The validity of finite element analysis in general is limited by the accuracy of the specific material model. Biological tissues are anisotropic and exhibit strain-stiffening behavior. 66 Strain stiffening was incorporated into the analysis by using the Mooney- Rivlin material model, but anisotropy was not accounted for in this study and should be included in future similar studies. Another limitation of the modeling applied in this study is that each tissue component was assigned a single modulus value. Although a more accurate model would address the natural heterogeneity of biological tissues, the measurement of modulus values for specific tissue types is challenging on even a macroscopic level and there is significant variation in the values assigned to vascular tissue in the literature. A recent study, however, has shown that stress fields are remarkably robust to variations in elastic modulus [70]. Another limitation of this study is that the potential effect of residual stress was not considered. When an excised arterial segment is cut, it springs open, suggesting that in the uncut configuration, the artery is not in a stress-free state. Due to the lack of an accurate model to quantify the residual stress in an artery [71], it is difficult to assess the impact of residual stress on resulting stress and strain fields. Nevertheless, studies have shown that the inclusion of residual stress tends to decrease the absolute magnitude of the resulting stresses and make the stress and strain distributions more uniform [72, 73]. A recent study found that the cyclic strain distribution remains relatively unchanged by the inclusion of residual stress [74]. In this study, the omission of residual stress should not affect the comparison of OCT and histology-based finite element modeling. Similar to most previous studies of vascular biomechanics, these results are based on two-dimensional analyses using the plane strain assumption. This assumption is valid if the vessel is either constrained longitudinally or if the longitudinal dimension is sufficiently large so that longitudinal strains are negligible. This may not be the case in vivo, as some segments of coronary vessels can undergo extension and high curvature during the cardiac cycle. Longitudinal variations in plaque geometry might also significantly alter stress and strain fields. OCT-based finite element analysis is particularly attractive since, through longitudinal pullback of the catheter during imaging, 3D images can be readily obtained. A similar 3D reconstruction based on histology slides would require a large number of histology slides, and would thus be prohibitively expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the utility of using OCT images for finite element analysis of atherosclerotic plaques. This study can be extended by imaging 67 the excised vessels undergoing inflation. The OCT- and histology-based finite element analyses can then be evaluated by comparing how well each analysis predicts the final arterial shape at a given pressure. Furthermore, finite element modeling of vessels inflated either in vivo or through an ex vivo experimental setup can be used to estimate patient-specific elastic modulus if the mechanical load and resulting deformation is known. Elastography is a method of strain imaging where sequential images of a tissue being deformed are used to estimate the strains in the tissue [35]. Thus an iterative reconstruction method can be used with OCT elastography [75] to estimate the elastic modulus of real tissue [38, 76]. 3.5 Summary Finite element analysis of coronary vasculature is a useful method to gain understanding of the biomechanical factors relevant to atherosclerosis. In this chapter we have presented the first use of OCT, an intravascular optical imaging modality, as a basis for finite element analysis. Comparison with the traditional histology-based method shows that OCT-based models exhibit similar stress and strain distributions. The results of a segmentation sensitivity analysis show that the stress and strain predictions are not significantly affected by segmentation ambiguities associated with OCT signal attenuation. Since OCT can be performed in vivo and at multiple time points, our results suggest that OCT-based finite element analysis may be a powerful tool for investigating coronary atherosclerosis, detecting vulnerable plaque and monitoring response to therapy in living subjects. 68 Chapter 4: Elastography 4.1 Introduction Elastography is a method of probing the biomechanical response of a tissue through analysis of an image sequence of the tissue undergoing deformation. Elastography consists of two steps: motion tracking, or velocimetry, to estimate the interframe displacement, and strain calculation. The resulting strain image is called an elastogram, and it provides information about the mechanical response of the tissue to the given load under given boundary conditions. First described by Ophir et al. in 1991, elastography was developed as a noninvasive method of breast cancer detection [35]. In the breast, cancerous cells are often indistinguishable from normal fatty tissue in MR and ultrasound images. An elastogram would enable detection of the cancerous lesion based on its elevated mechanical stiffness. Elastography has been applied to coronary blood vessels, using IVUS as the imaging modality [37]. In IVUS elastography, one-dimensional A-lines from a single short-axis cross-section are acquired as the artery pulsates over the cardiac cycle. Consecutive A-lines in time, corresponding to the same circumferential vessel location, are selected starting from a cardiac phase with minimal catheter motion artifacts. Arterial tissue displacements as a function of the luminal pressure change are estimated with cross-correlation analysis, and the corresponding one-dimensional strains are computed from the tissue velocity gradient. In current practice, IVUS elastography is capable of acquiring approximately 500 angles per revolution, with an imaging depth of ~7.5 mm, and a spatial resolution of 200 pm for axial strains (oriented along each A-line). The spatial resolution of IVUS elastography is a significant limitation since vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques have structural components (e.g. fibrous caps) on the order of 50200 tm in dimension. OCT imaging has an order of magnitude higher spatial resolution and significantly enhanced soft tissue contrast relative to IVUS [39], at the cost of reduced 69 imaging depths. Vascular OCT elastography has the potential to provide high-resolution characterization of strains in tissue lying within 1-1.5 mm of the lumen interface, which is the region most susceptible to plaque disruption. Successful development of intravascular OCT elastography requires robust arterial tissue velocimetry. High accuracy in the velocity estimation is critical for subsequent strain and elastic modulus estimates. The primary challenges to implementing OCT elastography are incomplete imaging of the adventitial portions of significantly diseased vessels due to limited depth of penetration and rapid noise- and strain-induced decorrelation of intensity patterns between consecutive image frames due to the short optical wavelength of OCT. Unfortunately, however, OCT elastography is challenging because the short optical wavelengths used result in rapid noise- and strain-induced decorrelation of intensity patterns between consecutive image frames. This chapter describes the methods used in conventional IVUS elastography, as the basis for a novel method of robust OCT elastography. 4.2 Velocimetry 4.2.1 Conventional elastography Velocimetry in conventional elastography uses a block-matching approach based on a single pair of A-lines. The first A-line is divided into overlapping reference blocks, while the second A-line, consecutive in time, is divided into search blocks. For each reference block, the similarity with each search block is calculated, resulting in a ID correlation function. The relative offset distance of the search block yielding the maximum similarity gives the displacement of the reference block (Figure 4-1). Since displacement can equivalently be expressed as velocity (with units of displacement per frame) both terms will be used interchangeably. 70 2 - --- --- - original -- -. 0 50 100 n delayed 150 200 30- ~0 .5 - - ------ - 0 005 100 50 0 Lag 50 100 Figure 4-1: Conventional velocimetry. Conventional velocimetry compares a "reference" A-line with a consecutive "search" A-line (top). A reference block, indicated by solid blue circles, is defined within the reference A-line. Correlation coefficients are calculated between the reference block and identically sized search blocks in the search A-line as a function of lag, the displacement between the reference and search block positions (bottom). Here, the lag corresponding to the maximum correlation coefficient is 5, corresponding to the delay between the reference and search A-lines. There are a number of similarity measures available for the block-matching technique, including correlation (equivalent to covariance), correlation coefficient (equivalent to normalized covariance), sum of squared differences (SSD), sum of absolute differences (SAD), and others. Viola and Walker have found that in ultrasound elastography, certain similarity measures give more accurate velocity estimates than others, with the most accurate being correlation coefficient and SSD [77]. In this work, correlation coefficients because they can be quickly computed using Fast Fourier Transforms. While conventional elastography has traditionally been performed only in the axial direction, it is possible to take advantage of OCT's high transverse resolution by extending the block-matching approach to two dimensions. For an M x N sub-block and a reference position (x, y), the correlation coefficient, p, is calculated as 71 M/2 N/2 ( (1 PX, (U7 v) 7 P ( s S IM/2 -M2 -N/2 2 f PR 2 (-R f dd2 dx dy N/2 -M2 -N/2 X1 M12 N12 (2-U, ff(IS - V) - /ptS)2 dx'dy' -M12 -N12 where i x'- x, # = y- IR and 1 are the reference and search block intensities, and u and v are the horizontal and vertical displacements of the search block relative to the reference block. The velocity estimate can then be expressed as {i (x, y) v (x, y)j =arg max p. (U, v). [u (4.2) vJ This block-matching approach to velocimetry hinges upon a "frozen speckle" assumption, in which strain between the reference and search A-lines is assumed to be small enough that, over the length of the search block, the two speckle patterns are nearly identical, except for a simple translation. For real tissues containing ensembles of scatterers undergoing non-rigid deformation, the coherent impulse response from each scatterer produces interference patterns in the backscattered signal which may not simply translate between sequential images in time. This is particularly true for OCT images, where displacements may easily be the same order of magnitude as the PSF. The resulting speckle pattern motion may not directly reflect the motion of the underlying tissue, causing rapid speckle decorrelation between image pairs. Under realistic circumstances, imaging noise and decorrelation not only reduce the correlation value at the true displacement within the correlation surface, but also introduce jitter which shifts the location of correlation peaks in addition to multiple local maxima or false peaks whose values can exceed the correlation at the true displacement. These false peaks lead to an inaccurate velocity field using correlation alone, necessitating the development of more robust velocimetry methods. 72 4.2.2 A variational framework for incorporation of prior knowledge Strategies for improving velocity estimation include image sequence blurring for noise suppression, the use of larger correlation windows, and smoothing of velocity fields after estimation by correlation maximization. Based on observations, these strategies may lead to limited improvements in velocity and strain estimates while compromising the spatial resolution advantage of OCT for elastography. Image sequence blurring can remove not only noise, but also fine image features that may be useful in motion tracking. Large correlation windows reduce the ability to track fine changes in the velocity field and may also lead to a violation of the frozen speckle model. Filtering of velocities or strains either with median-filters or other smoothing kernels operates on the measurements after they have already been made. These filtering techniques therefore cannot make use of information present within the underlying correlation function to improve velocity and strain estimates. A better approach to estimation would allow for data-driven velocity filtering during the correlation maximization process itself. One such scheme is the variational method described below. The velocity estimation problem is posed as a variational energy minimization in order to exploit velocity information present within the correlation functions while adding robustness to estimation by incorporating prior knowledge about velocity fields in the pulsating arterial wall. In this approach, image smoothing is avoided to preserve all available information from the full-resolution data. The overall of variational energy functional is E (v (x, y)) = aED (v(x, y)) + bEs (v (x, y)) + cE, (v (x, y)). This energy depends on the unknown velocity field v = [u (x, y) (4.3) v (x, y) and is a weighted combination of three terms: a data fidelity term, ED(v), a strain field smoothness term, Es(v), and an incompressibility term, E(v). The functional forms for each of these terms are: ED (V (X, Y)) = ffpX1 (v (x, y)) dxdy (4.4) 73 f Es (v (x, y)) E, (v (x, y)) V2v (X, y)1 2 dxdy (4.5) ff V -v (x, y)| dxdy. (4.6) Minimizing the data fidelity term in the absence of the strain smoothness and tissue incompressibility terms is equivalent to the correlation function maximization of equation (4.2) and results in velocity estimates that are identical to those from conventional velocimetry. The strain smoothness and tissue incompressibility terms constrain velocity estimation to penalize deviations from prior knowledge about tissue biomechanics. The strain smoothness term forces the second derivative of the arterial velocity field to vary smoothly over the wall whereas the incompressibility model couples the behavior of the u and v velocity fields so that points inside the wall do not deviate far from incompressibility. By using this energy functional, information in correlation functions from neighboring reference locations is effectively combined to confer robustness to decorrelation, false peaks, and poorly defined regions of elevated correlation coefficient values. The desired velocity field estimate will minimize the overall variational energy: ir (x, y) = arg min V(X'Y)+~(X'Y) {aED (v (x, y)) + bEs (v (x, y)) + cE, (v (x, y))} (4.7) v(X'Y)] 4.2.3 Numerical solution to variational energy minimization In order to obtain a numerical solution to the energy minimization problem, the image and velocity fields are discretized by sampling the continuous fields from a set of regularly-spaced points defined on a rectilinear grid. For example, the discretized reference image, iR , is expressed as IR (Ax,4y) 74 IR(2A x, Ay).. where Ax and Ay specify the spacing of the rectilinear grid. The continuous expression in equation (4.7) can then be discretized to obtain: V = argmin{aED (V) + bEs (V) + cE, (V)}, V=[ (4.9) ;, where the discrete velocity components in the column and row directions are represented respectively as the lexicographically-ordered column vectors fj[ikjI v= (4.10) V[ikjk] Here k is the lexicographical index of the k"h reference location of interest, [i, jk] are the row and column coordinates of this location within the reference image matrix IR [i, i], and U [i, J] and V [i, J] are the discretized velocity fields. The discrete data fidelity term is: ED (V) - Pk [V [k] , i[k]] (4.11) k where the correlation coefficient function in the discrete domain is M/2 N/2 Z Z [n - V[k],n - iiis m=-M/2 n=-N/2 Pk [V [k], i [k]] = M/2 [k]] N/2 Tr (IT [sn], " YR)(R *" AR (4.12) m=-M/2 n=-N/2 1 x FM/2 N/2 n=ENTr M=-M12 [k],I -/2[k]] -[s (is [ -i[k], f -i [k]] s n=-N/2 for reference image lR [i, j] and search image is [i, J]. The discretized strain smoothness and incompressibility terms are respectively Es (V)= T DD+ T D2Dn+ 22 i T DD r2+ +i 2c (4.13) 75 and E (V) = diTDT Drf + VjD TDfn +iTT DjDii + ni TDDT D + TDT1c D ii f V + _iTDT D (4.14) ri where D 2r and D 2 c are second-order row- and column-difference matrices which operate on velocities from neighboring locations in column vectors i and ii. Matrices Dir and DIC are the corresponding first-order row- and column-difference operators. In the case of the lexicographically-ordered velocity vectors generated from 2D velocity fields defined on an M x N rectangular domain, the first-order row-difference operator Dir and first-order column-difference operator DIC are defined as follows: D 1 (M-1)N Dir= (4.15) . Dl(M-1)N with -1 1 -1 1 (4.16) Dl(M-1)N -1 1 and -I IM MI -I, D -C M I (4.17) . -I, I M where Dl(M-I)N IM is an (M - 1) x N first-order difference matrix and IM is an M x M identity matrix. To minimize equation (4.9), its first variation is derived to obtain the Euler equations 76 + a + cfI T DTDcifi = 0 b (DD2 r + DID 2 c) + c (DTDir +DDTic) (4.18) cVTDD 1rD 1C V=0 + b (D D 2 r + D D 2C) + c (DTDir + DTDjc) Zi + a &ir where the first variations of the data fidelity terms are defined as k i[] a8 (4.19) afi[k] DE1 and _ D [ [k If[k]] Op AD (4.20) &V [k] The Euler equations in equation (4.18) can be solved iteratively by forming the evolution a a DED [i t Of -itl]-______ + cDTDi1 + Au = ' 1r 1 OED ' 1--1 1 ' V1r (fi t - equations, (v - (4.21) cD Dii-1 + AV = where A = [b (DT D2 r + DLD 2 C)+ c(DTDi + D TDj )1and T 1 is the time-step taken at each iteration. Rearranging to solve for the updated velocity estimate at time t yields the matrix-vector equations i t = (TA + I)' KIt" Ta -a Vt = (TA + I)-' Ht - Ta DED Li" H' t -1 Iftlt-11 [ rtl _' AE ED A ' TDT -rDi _ TCDT .] Dlft -CD DD1ri t-1 (4.22) -] 77 At steady-state, the time derivatives disappear and the resulting velocity estimates satisfy equation (4.21). The final velocity estimates are obtained by assigning an initial guess and iterating over equation (4.22) until the maximum change in the velocity field magnitude is less than 0.01%. 4.2.4 Multi-resolution approach The solution of equation (4.22) will always converge to a local minimum in the variational energy function. The unknown velocity field must therefore be initialized close to the global minimum in order to ensure good global convergence properties. In order to achieve this, a multi-resolution approach to elastography is used (Figure 4-2). Pixels in the full resolution reference and search images are averaged together in 5x5 blocks to obtain a low-resolution image sequence from which an initial low-resolution estimate of the velocity field is obtained by correlation maximization in equations (4.1) and (4.2). This estimate is used to initialize the variational method applied in the lowresolution domain. The robust low-resolution velocity estimates are then mapped into the high-resolution domain and are used to define the high-resolution search region for computing the full-resolution correlation functions at each reference position of interest. The low-resolution estimates from the variational method also serve as a good initial guess for iterative estimation of velocity fields from the full-resolution correlation functions. The resulting full-resolution velocity estimates are then used for strain calculations. Input full reout OCT ssequence Low-resolution equence Full-resolution Fu-resolution > Low-resolution correlation Lwrslto Low-resolution method Full-resolution variational method Output full resolution velocities Figure 4-2: A multi-resolution approach to elastography. Each original image is averaged in 5x5 blocks to create a pair of low-resolution images. Velocity estimates from the low-resolution image pair are used as an initial guess for high-resolution velocimetry. 78 4.3 Strain Calculation Strain, a measure of deformation, is defined as the motion of points in the sample relative to the motion of other points in the sample. Strain depends not only on the stiffness of the material and the load applied to it, but also on the geometry and boundary conditions of the particular sample. Typical engineering materials undergo small strains of less than 5%, but biological tissues may be subjected to much higher strains. 4.3.1 Small strains The normal strain component is defined as the fractional change in the original length of a line. Consider the body in Figure 4-3. X2 E 0/F-------------------------C 0 C Figure 4-3: Normal strain. The original geometry is shown as a solid configuration is shown as a dotted line. line, while the deformed The normal strain at point 0 along the x-axis is o'C'i-OC = OC ,(4.23) and similarly, the normal strain along the y-axis is OF= (4.24) Normal strains are positive when the body elongates and negative when the body contracts. 79 Shear strain is defined as the tangent of the change in angle between two originally perpendicular axes (Figure 4-4). Shear strain is positive when the first and third quadrants become smaller and negative when they become larger. X2 AL E E ,of 0 C -10 xi Figure 4-4: Shear strain. The original geometry is shown as a solid line, while the deformed configuration is shown as a dotted line. For small shear strains (less than 0.01), it is sufficient to define shear strain in terms of the change in angle itself (in radians) instead of the tangent of the angle change. Thus in the figure, shear strain at point 0 is = Z COE - Z C'O'E' - 2 - Z C'O'E'. (4.25) In the continuum limit, equations (4.23), (4.24), and (4.25) become Ex E Y lim AX--4O Ax i ylim AY-0 Ay(4.27) +(ov/ay)AyV--Ay ax, AY , (4.26) ay and 7, = lim AJ-0 2 AY-0 80 7F 2 (Ov/Ox)A x Ax (Ou/Oy)Ay Ay =- Ov Ox (4.28) In indicial notation, these can be expressed I -9 + , 2 Ox3 Oxi (4.29) . where Y, = 2Ei 4.3.2 Large strains Since biological tissues are not limited to strains under 5%, an alternate large strain definition is needed to provide a more general analysis of deformation. Consider the large deformation in Figure 4-5. X2 XX Figure 4-5: Large deformation. The original geometry is shown as a solid line, while the deformed configuration is shown as a dotted line. The relationship between the initial and final positions is x = X + u, (4.30) where X is a point in the reference configuration, x is the same point in the deformed configuration, and u is the displacement between the two points. Considering now an infinitesimal piece of the material, the deformation gradient tensor F can be defined to map from the initial configuration to the deformed configuration: 81 dx = FdX (4.31) or Ox1 dx I dx2 dx 3 Ox 2 1X Ox1 (Ox 1 OX 2 OX3 dX Ox 2 Ox 2 dX X2 Ox3 Ox3 XI aX2 . (4.32) 3X Ox3 dX 3 X3 The deformation gradient tensor can be concisely expressed using indicial notation 9xi Ox. (4.33) OX* Taking the derivative of equation (4.30), OX Ox x Ou O9X au (4.34) OX The deformation gradient tensor can be rewritten in indicial notation as FO =,+a, (4.35) axi where the first term on the right hand side is the Kronecker delta function. However, the deformation gradient cannot be used as a robust measure of large strain because it includes rigid body rotations. Instead, a strain measure is sought that is independent of rigid body rotation, such as the Green-Lagrange strain tensor, E - 2 (F TF - I). Each strain component can be expressed in indicial notation as 82 (4.36) - + "OUk IF& + aOlk I6ki 6i , ' 2 I6ki6+096bak z + 09 x j 6k au~ U+aUkOaUk _ 6 22 ax x19x(4.37) 39 1 6 -- 6 22 + U Ou ll+ 2u xxi 3 _ k a+l aOO x axi2 x x 3 2 9xi ax 231 This strain definition is valid for both large and small displacements and strains. Applying equation (4.37) to a small strain case, the final term becomes a negligible higher order term, leaving E + O, 2 axi (4.38) ax which is identical to the small strain definition of equation (4.29). 4.4 Summary In this chapter, we have described the conventional block-matching approach to velocimetry and a new robust velocimetry algorithm that builds upon block-matching by incorporating the additional constraints of strain smoothness and tissue incompressibility. We have also described suitable small and large strain definitions for calculating strain in biological tissue. 83 84 Chapter 5: Elastography Validation in Simulation 5.1 Introduction Simulated image data provides an ideal framework for initial validation of the variational motion tracking algorithm because it provides a means of testing algorithm performance under ideal conditions. In simulation, the basic characteristics of OCT imaging are retained while confounding real-world effects, such as imaging noise and motion artifacts, are not. Validation in simulation is advantageous over validation in phantoms because simulations can be performed with significant variations in geometry, boundary, and loading conditions that would be difficult and time-consuming to reproduce in phantoms. In this chapter, simulated OCT images are used to assess the accuracy of the algorithm, as well as its sensitivity to stiffness, geometry, and applied strain. The simulation consists of a two-dimensional rectangular block with an embedded circular inclusion subjected to a displacement load. To measure the strain resolution, the inclusion diameter is reduced until the inclusion can no longer be distinguished from the surrounding material in the elastogram. Strain sensitivity is measured by varying the ratio of the inclusion stiffness to the background stiffness. Different strain levels are also applied to determine the maximum strain detectable by the algorithm. 5.2 Methods 5.2.1 Simulation of OCT images OCT imaging was modeled as the convolution of discrete scatterers in the sample with a coherent point spread function (PSF) derived from measurements of a functional OCT system [42, 78]. First, an FEA model of the simulated geometry, boundary conditions, and load was created. Next, a "tissue field" was generated to represent the reflectivity of scatterers in the simulated tissue. Multiple frames of tissue motion were 85 simulated by warping the tissue field according to displacement results from the FEA model. Convolution of each frame with the PSF simulated the photodetector output of the OCT system, which was then demodulated, resulting in the final image sequence. Finite element analysis The FEA model consisted of a two-dimensional rectangular block with an embedded circular inclusion (Figure 5-1). The block's elastic modulus value was 1, while the inclusion modulus value was varied for each simulation. The diameter of the inclusion was also varied, but in all simulations, the top edge of the inclusion was located 1.5 mm from the top edge of the block. Note that the simulated image encompasses only a portion of the entire FEA model's area; this is necessary to ensure that the image simulates an inclusion in an "infinite" medium. The center point of the bottom edge of the block was fixed in all dimensions, while points elsewhere on the bottom edge were free to move horizontally. A downward displacement load was applied to the top surface of the block. Over five time steps, the block was compressed by 0.15 mm for a total of 4.3% gross strain. Thus each time step induced ~ 0.86% strain relative to the initial geometry. 86 1.50 mm 0.50 mm 3.25 mm 3.50 mm 3.25 mm Figure 5-1: Geometry of simulated OCT images. Two-dimensional finite element models of a rectangular block with a circular inclusion of different elastic modulus values were created. In each model, the block dimensions and the distance between the top of the inclusion and the top of the block remained constant. The diameter and modulus of the inclusion was varied in each simulation. A displacement load was applied to the top surface of the block, while the bottom surface was constrained in the center and free to move horizontally elsewhere. The blue dotted line encloses the image simulation region. Both the block and the inclusion were modeled as nearly incompressible (v = 0.495) linear elastic materials. For each simulation, the stiffness in the inclusion was chosen to represent either lipid or calcium in a background matrix of fibrous plaque. According to available literature, the stiffness ratio of lipid to fibrous plaque is approximately 0.0001, while the stiffness ratio of calcium to fibrous plaque is approximately 5 [66]. For the remainder of this chapter, the term "compliant simulation" will refer to simulations with an inclusion to background stiffness ratio of 0.0001, while "stiff simulation" will refer to simulations with a stiffness ratio of 5. FEA was performed using ADINA 8.0 (Watertown, MA). The geometry was meshed using 9-node, quadrilateral, 2D, plane strain elements. The mesh density, defined by the edge length of each element, was 0.025 mm in and around the inclusion and 0.1 mm in the background region, resulting in approximately 3200 elements and 13,000 nodes for each model (Figure 5-2). Solution of each FEA model was performed by the 87 ADINA solver with run time on the order of seconds, and the resulting nodal displacements were saved in a text file. I Figure 5-2: Finite element mesh for simulation. The background region is shown in blue and the inclusion is shown in red. Tissue scatterer field The tissue field is a matrix representing the reflectivity of the simulated material. Because the PSF is defined only in the axial direction, the lateral resolution of the tissue field need not be finer than the lateral resolution of an OCT image and was set at 25 pItm. The axial pixel size of the tissue field was arbitrarily set at 1 pm. The tissue field was generated from a uniform probability distribution, with different variances used for the background block and the inclusion to give different scattering properties. For the block material, the variance was 50, and for the inclusion, the variance was 2, resulting in a 5:1 mean reflectivity ratio. These values were arbitrarily chosen to provide high contrast in the final demodulated image and have minimal effect on the velocimetry results, due to the use of correlation coefficients as the similarity measure. Since the correlation coefficient is calculated by subtracting the mean from each image, only the intensity distribution is important, not the actual intensity magnitude. 88 Simulation of tissue movement To simulate tissue movement, the tissue field was warped according to the displacements from FEA. Before warping, the tissue field was upsampled axially by a factor of 10 and laterally by a factor of 2 to provide for smoother, more accurate warping results. The high resolution tissue field was then warped according to G'(x, y) = G(x - u(x, y), y - v (x, y)) (5.1) where G is the original image, G' is the warped image, x and y are the image coordinates, and u (x, y) and v (x, y) are the horizontal and vertical displacement fields. Starting from the initial tissue field, a warped tissue field was created for each time step of the FEA model, resulting in a six frame sequence of the tissue field undergoing axial compression. Following warping, each tissue field was laterally downsampled back to the original pixel size of 25 tm. Axial downsampling was not performed because the increased resolution provides for more accurate results in the convolution step. This tissue field sequence, with a pixel size of 0.1 tm by 25 tm, was used for convolution with the PSF. Convolution with the point spread function The axial PSF for the OCT system was measured by imaging a perfectly reflecting surface and observing the acquired fringe pattern. The simulated PSF was modeled as a sinusoid modulated by a Gaussian, with the Gaussian variance chosen to match the measured PSF (Figure 5-3). 89 1 0.8 - Measured Simulated - 0.6 -.. ~0.2CD 0 . .. . . . . ... 0.2 Z -0.4 - - -0 .6 -0 .8 -1 -30 ---. ---....-.-.. - - - -20 --.. -10 0 Delay [mm] 10 20 30 Figure 5-3: OCT point spread function. The PSF of the OCT system was measured by imaging a mirror, while the simulated PSF was generated by fitting a Gaussian-modulated sinusoid to the measured points. In this simulation, all light impinging on the sample was assumed to be perfectly reflected. Light attenuation was modeled by multiplying each tissue frame by an axially decaying exponential. Each tissue field frame was convolved with the PSF to yield a sequence of simulated fringes, and each simulated frame was then axially downsampled to the original pixel size of 1 tm by 25 tm. The Hilbert transform was used to demodulate each frame (Figure 5-4). 90 I I I Figure 5-4: Simulated OCT image. A simulated image of an embedded circular inclusion of 0.5 mm diameter. 5.2.2 Elastography Velocity and strain fields were calculated from the simulated image pairs and compared with the true velocity and strain. Noise was added to the images to compare the performance of the conventional and variational algorithms in response to image noise. Noisy images were also used to investigate the effect of algorithm parameters: the correlation window size for both algorithms and the weighting parameters, a, b, and c, in equation (4.7) of the variational algorithm. Using selected parameters, simulated images were used to probe strain resolution, modulus sensitivity, and strain sensitivity. True velocity and strain "True" velocities were taken directly from the output displacements of the FEA model. For consistency with elastography derived velocities, the true velocities were converted into units of pixels by scaling by the reciprocal of the image pixel size. Note that positive v velocity indicates downward motion, while positive u velocity corresponds to motion towards the right. Because strains are small (<5%), the small strain definition was appropriately used to calculate linear axial strain by simply taking the first derivative of the axial velocity in the axial direction. Under the applied loading conditions, the magnitude of the vertical displacements is much larger than that of the horizontal displacements, so only vertical displacements and strains were used for assessing algorithm performance. 91 The displacement and strain fields of the stiff 0.5 mm diameter inclusion, subjected to an applied gross strain of -0.86%, are shown in Figure 5-5. Horizontal displacements are subpixel in magnitude and symmetric about the vertical center line. Throughout the image, vertical downward motion is observed, with the highest magnitude at the top of the image, closest to the application site of the displacement load. The smallest displacements occur at the bottom of the image, closest to the vertically constrained bottom edge. In the strain field, far away from the inclusion, nearly axially uniform strain of -0.86% is observed, as would be expected if no inclusion were present. The stiff inclusion experiences very low strain, but its presence creates a distinctive "X" pattern of reduced strain in the background material. 92 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 Figure 5-5: True axial displacement and strain for the stiff 0.5 mm diameter inclusion. The horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocity fields are displayed in image pixel units (1 pm axially and 25 pm laterally). Positive displacement indicates downward motion. Axial strain (C) is displayed as percent elongation. Displacement and strain fields for the compliant 0.5 mm diameter inclusion are shown in Figure 5-6. Horizontal displacements are symmetric about the vertical center line. The same vertical displacement gradient seen in the stiff inclusion is present, except that the inclusion and the material above and below it experience elevated downward 93 motion. The axial strain field exhibits axial strains of approximately -0.86% far away from the inclusion, with very high strains within the inclusion itself. 0.6 0.4 10.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 - I4 25 1L 120 15 I C I I 10 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 i f Figure 5-6: True axial displacement and strain for the compliant 0.5 mm diameter inclusion. The horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocity fields are displayed in image pixel units (1 gm axially and 25 gm laterally). Positive displacement indicates downward motion. Axial strain (C) is displayed as percent elongation. 94 Performance metrics The accuracy of each elastography algorithm was assessed by calculating the root-mean-square (RMS) errors for the velocity and strain as 2 iN RMS, = ( N -6)(5.2) and RMS, = -Z(& (5.3) -)2 respectively, where N is the total number of image pixels, vi and i9 are the estimated and Zi are the estimated and real axial strains at and real axial velocities at pixel i, and E& pixel i. To quantitatively assess whether differing strain in an inclusion is distinguishable from the background strain, the strain contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) was calculated as mean (Einclusion) mean (Ebackground (5.4) std dev (Ebackground ) N - where Einclusion is the axial strain in the inclusion and Ebackground is the axial strain in the background region. If the CNR is greater than 1, the difference in strain between the inclusion and the background is greater than the strain noise level in the background, and it is reasonable to expect that the inclusion is detectable. 5.3 Results 5.3.1 Parameter selection The stiff 0.5 mm diameter inclusion was used to investigate the effect of the correlation window size and weighting parameters on the accuracy of the velocity and strain estimates in the presence of image noise. Only the first frame pair was considered, corresponding to a gross downward strain of -0.86 %. 95 Multiplicative noise was added to each image of the frame pair according to G where G,7 L = G+n*G (5.5) is the noisy image, G is the original image, and n is a uniformly distributed random variable with zero mean and variance o-. The original noise free image and two noise levels, o- = 0.001 and o- 0.005, were used (Figure 5-7). Figure 5-7: Simulated images of stiff inclusion with noise. The original simulated image with no noise (A) has a 0.5 mm inclusion diameter and an inclusion to background stiffness ratio of 5. Multiplicative Gaussian noise with variances of 0.001 (B) and 0.005 (C) were added to each image of the frame pair. Correlation window size For each pair of images, correlation coefficients were calculated for each of four correlation window sizes: 21 x 7, 41 x 7, 61 x 7, and 81 x 7 pixels (length x width). The maximum correlation coefficient of each reference block is plotted in Figure 5-8. As expected, correlation coefficients decrease with increasing image noise. As the window size increases, maximum correlation coefficients decrease negligibly. As a measure of image noise, the average maximum correlation coefficient is calculated for each frame pair. In the noise free case, this average is p cases, the averages are p 96 - - 0.84 and p - 0.57. 0.97, and in the intermediate and noisiest 1 0.9 -ea 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 5-8: Maximum correlation coefficients for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Correlation coefficients were calculated from images with no added noise in the first column, added noise with variance 0.001 in the second column, and added noise with variance 0.005 in the third column. Progressively larger correlation window sizes are used in each row (size in pixels: 21 x 7 (row 1), 41 x 7 (row 2), 61 x 7 (row 3) and 81 x 7 (row 4)). Conventional elastography Velocities were calculated using the conventional elastography method of maximizing correlation only (Figure 5-9). In the noise free image pair, the velocity field is qualitatively accurate for all window sizes, and quantitatively, the velocity RMS error is less than 5% for all window sizes. Velocity estimates in the intermediate noise case appear similar to those of the noise free case, but the velocity field is less smooth overall. Using the smallest correlation window size, erroneous values appear in the velocity field, 97 but as window size becomes larger, the velocity field becomes smoother. The same trend is more pronounced in the noisiest frame pair, where the largest correlation window results in a smoother velocity field than the smallest window. This results in a velocity field that is peppered with incorrect values. Noise in the image pair can create false peaks in the correlation surface, leading to incorrect velocity estimates. The use of a larger correlation window averages out the effect of noise, reducing the occurrence of false peaks and leading to a smoother velocity field. However, as correlation window size increases, effective velocity resolution decreases as the window becomes too large to detect velocity gradients within the window. Thus, when choosing the optimal correlation window size, there is a tradeoff between using a larger window for noise suppression and a smaller window for high velocity resolution. 98 I -_-26 I 28 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Figure 5-9: Conventional algorithm velocity for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Axial velocity fields were estimated using the conventional elastography algorithm for noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Correlation window size increases with each row (size in pixels: 21 x 7 (row 1), 41 x 7 (row 2), 61 x 7 (row 3), and 81 x 7 (row 4)). While the velocity estimates are qualitatively accurate using the conventional elastography algorithm, the axial strain estimates (Figure 5-10) are not. Because the axial strain is the derivative of the velocity field, any noise present in the velocity image is augmented in the strain image. Thus, by producing smoother velocity estimates, larger correlation windows also produce smoother, more accurate axial strain estimates. In the noise free image pair, the contrasting strain of the stiff inclusion is discernible from the background strain when the smallest window is used, and the contrast increases as the 99 window size becomes larger. The intermediate noise frame pair follows the same trend, though the strain contrast is lessened. Strain contrast in the noisiest image pair is never sufficient to determine the presence and location of the stiff inclusion. 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 - -- 0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 - - - -2 Figure 5-10: Conventional algorithm strain for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Axial strains were calculated as the derivative of axial velocity for noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Correlation window size increases with each row (size in pixels: 21 x 7 (row 1), 41 x 7 (row 2), 61 x 7 (row 3), and 81 x 7 (row 4)). Variational algorithm Using the same image pairs, the effect of correlation window size on the velocity and strain accuracy of the variational algorithm was investigated. The weighting parameters of equation (4.7) were arbitrarily chosen to be a = 1, b = 20, and c = 0.1. 100 The resulting velocity fields are qualitatively similar to the true velocity field (Figure 5-11). Increasing the correlation window size does not significantly affect the smoothness of the velocity field, suggesting that the side constraints incorporated into the variational energy function have more impact for noise suppression than the correlation window size. 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Figure 5-11: Variational algorithm velocity for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Axial velocity estimates were calculated using the variational algorithm from noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Correlation window size increases with each row (size in pixels: 21 x 7 (row 1), 41 x 7 (row 2), 61 x 7 (row 3), and 81 x 7 (row 4)). The smoother velocity fields estimated by the variational algorithm also lead to smoother and more accurate axial strain estimates. Similar to the velocity estimates, the 101 strain fields are not sensitive to variations in correlation window size. In the noise-free and intermediate noise level cases, the "X" pattern of low strain found in the true strain field appears in the variational estimate. This characteristic strain pattern is absent in the strain fields from the conventional motion tracking algorithm. C --- ..- 0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1. Figure 5-12: Variational algorithm strain for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Axial strains from the variational algorithm were estimated for noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Correlation window size increases with each row (size in pixels: 21 x 7 (row 1), 41 x 7 (row 2), 61 x 7 (row 3), and 81 x 7 (row 4)). Comparison of velocity RMS errors (Figure 5-13) confirms that for each noise level, error in the conventional algorithm results decreases as the correlation window size becomes larger, but results from the variational algorithm are independent of window 102 size. For all noise levels, velocity RMS errors are consistently smaller for the variational algorithm than for the conventional algorithm. 45 -e- p - 0.97 - ...... -.-.-. .-.-.-.-.-..-.-.--.-.-..-.-.-.--e -p~0.84 40 --. -e- p - 35 - 0) 30 - p- - -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -. -. --. . . . ... . . . 25 -. 20 --. . -. -...-.... --.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.- 0 0 - 15 -~~~. -. .--... . . . -.--.--. ..--. .. -- p- 0.57 . - - -p -$- -0 0.57 0 97 . 0 84 . 10 5 U 20 30 40 50 60 70 Correlation window length [pixels] 80 90 Figure 5-13: Conventional and variational algorithm velocity RMS error for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Increasing correlation window length decreases velocity RMS error for velocities calculated using the conventional algorithm (denoted by circles), while the variational algorithm's velocity RMS errors (denoted by diamonds) are independent of the correlation window size. The strain RMS error exhibits a similar trend (Figure 5-14). For the conventional algorithm, the noisiest images result in the noisiest strain field, and increasing the correlation window size decreases the strain RMS error. Strain errors from the variational algorithm are consistently lower than errors from the conventional algorithm. 103 14000 -- ~~~ 12000 10000 0.97 ep~ 0.84 _ 0.57 0.97 0.84 0.57 - 0 - 0 -P 8000 Cl) 6000 - -- - - Cc 4000 2000 04 20 30 40 50 60 70 Correlation window length [pixels] 80 90 Figure 5-14: Conventional and variational algorithm strain RMS error for varying noise levels and correlation window sizes. Increasing the correlation window length decreases strain RMS error for the conventional algorithm (denoted by circles) but has no effect on strain RMS error for the variational algorithm (denoted by diamonds). Weighting parameters The three image pairs were also used to investigate the performance of the variational algorithm with different weighting parameters, using a correlation window size of 81 x 7 pixels. Five sets of weighting parameters were used, one in which all terms were given equal weight, three in which a single term was emphasized, and one in which the two side constraint terms were emphasized over the data fidelity term (Table 5-1). Table 5-1: Weighting parameters used for the variational algorithm in the presence of noise. Data fidelity a 1 5 1 1 1 104 Strain smoothness b 1 1 5 1 5 Incompressibility c 1 1 1 5 5 The smoothness of the resulting velocity fields is highly dependent on the ratio of the weighting parameters (Figure 5-15). When the data fidelity weighting parameter, a, is greater than the two side constraint parameters, the velocity field exhibits noise, due to an increased dependence on correlation maxima. A high b value, corresponding to the strain smoothness term, results in a smoother velocity field, but when the incompressibility term is emphasized (high c value), more dramatic velocity smoothing occurs. The circular shape of the inclusion is seen in the velocity fields with low incompressibility weighting, but it becomes more ellipsoid when c is increased. 105 I 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Figure 5-15: Variational algorithm velocity for varying noise levels and weighting parameter values. The variational algorithm was used to calculate velocity for noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Each row features a different ratio of weighting parameter values (a:b:c): 1:1:1 (row 1), 5:1:1 (row 2), 1:5:1 (row 3), 1:1:5 (row 4), and 1:5:5 (row5). In the variational algorithm, velocity RMS error depends on both the weighting parameter values and the degree of noise present (Figure 5-16). For the noisiest images, a 106 high weight on the incompressibility term decreases velocity error due to its dramatic smoothing effect. However, in less noisy images, high incompressibility increases the velocity error by smoothing over already correct velocity values. The strain smoothness term, by providing only moderate smoothing of the velocity field, decreases error for images of all noise levels. 2.8 -- -- .-. - .--. .- .2 .4 -.. -........ --.. ............. 2.p -. --. --. p - 0.9 7 p~084 0 .5 7 - - 2.6-- -- -0 C', C.) 1 .2 -- 1 1:1:1 --- - - - - - - - -- -5:1:1 - - -- ---. . -- -- - --.. -- ----. 1:5:1 1:1:5 ---.. ..--- 1 .4 - - -..-.-. .-. .-. .-. ..--. .......-. ..-. -0 1 .6 -.. . . . . . .--. 1:5:5 Parameter ratio [a:b:c] Figure 5-16: Variational algorithm velocity RMS error for varying noise levels and weighting parameter values. Velocity RMS error of the variational algorithm is dependent on the weighting parameter values. Similar trends are exhibited in the strain fields (Figure 5-17). When the data fidelity term has the highest weight, the strain results are very noisy. Emphasis of the strain smoothness term results in less noisy, more accurate strain fields, but emphasis of the incompressibility term results in very smooth strain fields. 107 -0.2 r7 - - -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.2 Figure 5-17: Variational algorithm strain for varying noise levels and weighting parameter values. The variational algorithm was used to calculate strain for noise-free images (first column) and images with noise variances of 0.001 (second column) and 0.005 (third column). Each row features a different ratio of weighting parameter values (a:b:c): 1:1:1 (row 1), 5:1:1 (row 2), 1:5:1 (row 3), 1:1:5 (row 4), and 1:5:5 (row5). The strain RMS error confirms these findings (Figure 5-18). In low noise images, the moderate smoothing provided by a high b value results in the lowest strain error, 108 while noisy images benefit most from the increased smoothing provided by the incompressibility term. 140 ............. 120.............. 120 - - ...... - -- ------------~0.57 --.--.---------. .-.----... - "'1 00 20 p - 0.97 p ~ 0.84 1::151: :511:1:5 1:5:5 Parameter ratio [a:b:c] Figure 5-18: Variational algorithm strain RMS error for varying noise levels and weighting parameter values. Strain RMS error of the variational algorithm is dependent on the weighting parameter values. For the noisiest images, the incompressibility weighting parameter, with its strong velocity and strain smoothing effect, has the greatest effect on velocity and strain accuracy. In the absence of image noise, however, high incompressibility leads to smooth, erroneous velocity and strain estimates. 'When little image noise is present, emphasis on the strain smoothness term provides for the most accurate results. In the remaining experiments of this chapter, noise-free images were used to investigate strain resolution, modulus sensitivity, and strain sensitivity. The same parameters of the previous section (a =1, b =20 , and c =0.1) were used. The high b value was appropriate for the noise-free images, and the low c value prevented smoothing over small gradients in the velocity and strain fields that might indicate the presence of a small inclusion. 109 5.3.2 Strain resolution One method of measuring strain resolution is to determine the smallest inclusion size that can be detected in the strain image. Two series of simulated images were used, one stiff and one compliant, each consisting of six images with a single inclusion, ranging in diameter from 0.075 to 0.5 mm (Figure 5-19). Figure 5-19: Simulated images of varying diameter inclusions. Stiff and compliant inclusions were simulated with varying diameter inclusions: 0.075 mm (A), 0.1 mm (B), 0.125 mm (C), 0.15 mm (D), 0.25 mm (E), and 0.5 mm (F). Stiffness does not affect image appearance, thus only stiff simulations are shown in the figure. The presence of the stiff inclusion is difficult to determine by visual inspection of the velocity fields alone (Figure 5-20). In fact, the inclusion is only distinguishable at the largest diameter of 0.5 mm. 110 U 28 26 24 22 20 18 14 12 10 Figure 5-20: Velocity for stiff inclusions of varying diameter. Inclusion diameters are 0.075 mm (A), 0.1 mm (B), 0.125 mm (C), 0.15 mm (D), 0.25 mm (E), and 0.5 mm (F). Only the largest diameter inclusion is detectable by inspection the velocity field alone. The presence of the stiff inclusion is more easily detected by visually inspecting the axial strain estimates (Figure 5-21). High strain at the inclusion location and the characteristic "X" pattern in the background strain are both evident at inclusion diameters of 0.15 mm and larger. -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.2 Figure 5-21: Axial strain for stiff inclusions of varying diameter. Inclusion diameters are 0.075 mm (A), 0.1 mm (B), 0.125 mm (C), 0.15 mm (D), 0.25 mm (E), and 0.5 mm (F). The inclusion can be distinguished at diameters of 0.15 mm and larger. 111 A plot of the strain CNR vs. inclusion diameter (Figure 5-22) shows the same trend. For a strain CNR of less than 0.5, the inclusion strain is not visually distinguishable from the surrounding strain, but for a CNR greater than 1, the inclusion strain is clearly distinguishable. 3 - -~~. .. .-. .-. ----- 2.5P-- -. 2 ..-... zc 1.5 . . . . .-. . .-. ..... . -. 1 0.5 F 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Inclusion diameter [mm] 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 5-22: Strain CNR for stiff inclusions of varying diameter. For a strain CNR greater than 1, the inclusion is detectable in the strain image. In the compliant inclusion velocity fields, the inclusion is distinguishable from the background at a minimum diameter of 0.25 mm (Figure 5-23). 112 28 26 I 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Figure 5-23: Velocity for compliant inclusions of varying diameter. Inclusion diameters are 0.075 mm (A), 0.1 mm (B), 0.125 mm (C), 0.15 mm (D), 0.25 mm (E), and 0.5 mm (F). The inclusion can be detected at diameters of 0.25 mm and larger. In the strain field, however, the compliant inclusion appears as a high strain region for all diameters (Figure 5-24). -0.2 -0.4 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 -2.2 Figure 5-24: Axial strain for compliant inclusions of varying diameter. Inclusion diameters are 0.075 mm (A), 0.1 mm (B), 0.125 mm (C), 0.15 mm (D), 0.25 mm (E), and 0.5 mm (F). High strain in the inclusion is detectable at all diameters. 113 Strain CNR for the compliant inclusion is always greater than 1, confirming the visually observed result that the inclusion strain is distinguishable from the background for all inclusion diameters. 5 4 cc0 ................ . .. .. ... .. ... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ................ 3.5 3 .. . .. ... .. .... ... . ....... ... 4.5 ......... ............ ... ....... ....... ....... .......... ....... 2.5E 2 ................ ....... ........ 1.51F ....... 1 10 ....... ....... ............... ....... 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Inclusion diameter [mm] 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 5-25: Strain CNR for compliant inclusions of varying diameter. For a strain CNR greater than 1, the inclusion is detectable in the strain image. Strain resolution depends on both the size and stiffness of the inclusion. In simulations of a stiff inclusion, the inclusion can only be distinguished from the background material in the strain field at a diameter of 0.25 mm. However, the compliant inclusion can be distinguished at a diameter as small as 0.075 mm. This seeming discrepancy is due to the stiffness ratio of the stiff inclusion being close to unity compared to that of the compliant inclusion, which results in a small strain difference between the stiff inclusion and its background compared to the difference between the compliant inclusion and its background. 5.3.3 Modulus sensitivity The sensitivity of the variational algorithm to stiffness ratio was probed using simulated images featuring inclusions of varying modulus value. Four simulations were 114 performed, each with a 0.5 mm diameter inclusion of modulus value 0.5, 0.75, 1.25, or 1.5. Except for the most compliant inclusion, the velocity fields for each simulation do not suggest the presence of an embedded inclusion (Figure 5-26). The most compliant inclusion manifests as a region of elevated downward velocity. 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Figure 5-26: Velocity for 0.5 mm diameter inclusions of varying stiffness. Velocity fields were calculated for 0.5 mm diameter inclusions of varying stiffness ratios: 0.5 (A), 0.75 (B), 1.25 (C), and 1.5 (D). In the axial strain field (Figure 5-27), the compliant inclusion is discernible for a stiffness ratio of 0.5. The stiff inclusion of modulus value 1.5 exhibits low strain that is marginally distinguishable from the background strain, though the characteristic "X" pattern is absent. 115 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.2 Figure 5-27: Axial strain for 0.5 mm diameter inclusions of varying stiffness. Strain fields were calculated for 0.5 mm diameter inclusions of varying stiffness ratios: 0.5 (A), 0.75 (B), 1.25 (C), and 1.5 (D). Examination of the strain CNR corroborates this finding (Figure 5-28). For the most compliant case, in which the inclusion is identifiable, the CNR is greater than 1.2. However, for the stiffest inclusion, the CNR is approximately 0.9, and the inclusion strain does not significantly stand out from the background. 116 1.3 . 1 .2 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .1 .. .. . . . . . . . . . 0 0 .9 z -- - -.-.----.-.-.--- -.--.-.- CO0.7 0.5 - - - - --.-.- -.-- --.- - - - - --.- -.-.-.-.- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - 0.6 -- - 0.4 0.3 0.5 1 Stiffness ratio (inclusion/background) 1.5 Figure 5-28: Strain CNR for 0.5 mm diameter inclusions of varying stiffness. For a strain CNR greater than 1, the inclusion is detectable in the strain image. The stiffest inclusion, with a strain CNR of 0.9, is only marginally distinguishable from the surrounding material. 5.3.4 Strain sensitivity The ability to distinguish inclusion strain from background strain depends not only on the inclusion's size and stiffness, but also on the magnitude of the applied strain. This strain sensitivity was investigated using simulated images of the complaint 0.15 mm diameter inclusion at applied downward gross strains of 0.86%, 1.72%, 2.58%, 3.44%, and 4.3%. As applied strain increases, the inclusion becomes more easily identifiable in the velocity and strain fields (Figure 5-29). 117 24 -0.5 22 20 4L 18 16 -1.5 50 -1 45 -1.5 40 -2 35 -2.5 -3 70 -2 60 -3 50 -4 100 90 -3 80 -4 70 -5 120 -3 110 -4 100 -5 90 -6 80 Figure 5-29: Velocity and axial strain for a compliant inclusion with varying applied strain magnitude. Velocities (first column) and axial strains (second column) are estimated for a 0.15 mm compliant inclusion subjected to varying applied strain magnitudes: 0.86% (row 1), 1.72% (row 2), 2.58% (row 3), 3.44% (row 4), and 4.3% (row 5). 118 However, the strain CNR (Figure 5-30) does not exhibit a similar increase with increasing applied strain magnitude, due to the fact that different applied strains are being compared. Recall from equation (5.4) that CNR is calculated as the difference in mean strains of the inclusion and background divided by the standard deviation of the background strain. As the applied strain increases, the variance of the background strain also increases as a matter of course. The difference in mean strains increases as well, but not as rapidly as the background strain variance. Additionally, the denominator of the CNR is meant to be a measure of "noise", but in this case, the background strain is not a normally distributed noise process, nor is it independently distributed. In fact, this "noise" is actually skewed away from the mean value of the inclusion strain, making the inclusion even more distinguishable. For these reasons, while the CNR is useful for measuring strain contrast for varying inclusion size and modulus value at a given strain level, it is not an ideal measure for comparing strain contrast between different strain levels. 1.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 35 Gross applied strain [%]) 4 45 5 Figure 5-30: Strain CNR for a compliant inclusion with varying applied strain magnitude. Strain CNR for an inclusion diameter of 0.15 mm decreases with increasing applied strain, despite the fact that visual strain contrast actually increases. 119 5.4 Summary Analysis of simulated OCT images shows that the variational motion tracking algorithm offers significant improvements in velocity and strain accuracy over the conventional elastography algorithm, particularly when image noise is present. Correlation window size is a common parameter to both algorithms; in conventional elastography increasing the window size decreases velocity and strain errors, but in the variational algorithm, window size has minimal effect on accuracy. The weighting parameters of the variational energy function wield much greater influence on velocity and strain accuracy. Placing a heavy weight on the data fidelity term is most similar to using the conventional algorithm and results in the most inaccurate velocity and strain fields. Increasing the weighting on the strain smoothness term has a subtle smoothing effect on both velocities and strains, resulting in the most accurate estimates in images with low noise. When the incompressibility term is emphasized, more dramatic smoothing occurs in the velocity and strain estimates, resulting in improved accuracy for the noisiest images. The variational algorithm builds directly upon the conventional algorithm by incorporating assumptions about tissue motion, which are necessary for OCT elastography. Using these side constraints, the variational algorithm is capable of estimating velocity in cases where the conventional approach would surely fail. However, the disadvantage of the variational algorithm is that optimization of three additional parameters is required, a task made more complex by the optimal parameters' dependence on image quality. Simulated OCT images also provide a framework for probing strain resolution, modulus sensitivity, and strain sensitivity. In the variational algorithm, strain resolution depends on the size of the feature being tracked as well as the stiffness ratio of the feature to the surrounding material. For simulated stiff inclusions, with an inclusion to background stiffness ratio of five, the smallest detectable inclusion is 0.25 mm, but compliant inclusions, with stiffness ratio of 0.0001, are detectable as small as 0.075 mm. For a relatively large inclusion diameter of 0.5 mm, the algorithm can detect differences in modulus values as small as 50% in either direction (either stiffer or more compliant). Thus there is a tradeoff between the smallest detectable size of a feature and its stiffness 120 ratio. For intravascular elastography, this tradeoff may not be a serious limitation. While it may not be possible to detect small developing lesions, vulnerable lesions consisting of large, very compliant lipid pools should still be distinguishable. Thus, as a diagnostic tool, intravascular elastography may prove viable. 121 122 Chapter 6: Elastography Validation in Phantoms 6.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, simulated OCT images were used to evaluate the performance of the variational motion tracking algorithm. However, simulated images utilize a simplified OCT model and provide for ideal imaging conditions, neglecting effects such as imaging noise and motion artifacts. Real-world validation of the elastography algorithm is still necessary and is best performed using phantoms of known material properties for which velocity and strain can be predicted. This chapter describes the use of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a phantom material appropriate for OCT elastography. Phantom construction and experimentation is described. FEA is used to predict phantom velocity and strain, and elastography and FEA results are compared. Finally, limitations regarding accuracy are discussed and possible algorithm improvements are suggested. 6.2 Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) An ideal phantom material for OCT elastography must have appropriate optical scattering properties for OCT imaging and sufficient mechanical strength to sustain applied loads. Commonly used phantom materials include agar and gelatin, ideal for their easily adjustable imaging properties and their 3D deformation patterns, which mimic the incompressible behavior of biological soft tissues [79]. However, these materials exhibit low tensile strength, making them unsuitable for phantoms representing vascular tissue, which are subjected to tensile loads. As an alternative, this chapter explores the use of a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogel, which has suitable mechanical strength and controllable optical scattering properties. PVA has many desirable characteristics for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. It becomes a physically crosslinked hydrogel when prepared through 123 repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, and gels crosslinked in this manner exhibit a high degree of swelling in water, a rubbery and elastic nature, and high mechanical strength. These properties are controllable through the concentration of the aqueous solution, temperature and time of freezing and thawing, and the number of freeze-thaw cycles [80]. The gel structure of PVA consists of three distinct phases: a water phase with low PVA concentration, an amorphous phase, and a crystalline phase. When placed in the freezer, the water in the PVA solution freezes, with an accompanying large volume expansion. This leads to the formation of large pores in the cross linked hyrdogel. Optical scattering of the hydrogel results from fluctuations in refractive index due to these pores [81]. 6.3 Methods Planar and cylindrical phantoms were constructed. Planar phantoms were used to investigate the effect of varying phantom parameters and for elastography of phantoms subjected to stretching. Cylindrical phantoms were inflated for elastography experiments. 6.3.1 Phantom construction Phantoms were constructed using LentiKat@Liquid (geniaLab@, Germany), a commercially available preparation of PVA. LentiKat@Liquid was diluted in water and boiled at 100'C for at least 20 minutes, while being stirred periodically. The hot solution was poured into either a planar or cylindrical mold, sealed with wax paper to prevent evaporation, and left to sit at room temperature for several hours to allow any air bubbles in the solution to rise. Each phantom was subjected to at least two freeze/thaw cycles, where each cycle consisted of 12 hours in a -20'C freezer followed by 12 hours in a 4'C refrigerator. PVA phantom parameters LentiKat@Liquid is an aqueous solution of 10% PVA and various proprietary additives. Preliminary experiments were conducted to determine the effect of solution concentration and number of freeze-thaw cycles on the resulting elastic modulus and 124 optical properties of the hydrogel. Elastic modulus was determined via a tension test performed on the Pyris Diamond Thermomechanical Analyzer (TMA) (PerkinElmer, Norwalk, CT). Optical scattering was qualitatively assessed by visual inspection of OCT images. Phantoms were constructed in a planar geometry to facilitate imaging and modulus measurements. First a series of homogeneous phantoms was created with a range of solution concentrations to determine the effect on stiffness and optical scattering. A suitable concentration was chosen and another series of phantoms was created with a varying number of freeze-thaw cycles. These results were used to determine an acceptable combination of solution concentration and freeze-thaw cycles for the creation of phantoms of suitable mechanical integrity and optical properties. Planar geometry Planar phantoms were easily constructed using a planar phantom mold created by gluing glass slides onto sheet metal to create wide, shallow channels. Prepared PVA solution was poured into the channels, and the mold was covered with another piece of sheet metal and sealed with wax tape to prevent evaporation. After completion of the freeze-thaw cycles, the resulting phantoms were rectangular sheets 1 mm high, 1 cm wide, and 8 cm long. Planar phantoms were used to test the phantom construction parameters and for stretching experiments. While only homogeneous phantoms were used for these experiments, heterogeneous phantoms can easily be created by embedding different materials in the PVA solution prior to the start of freezing. Cylindrical geometry Cylindrical phantoms were used to simulate vascular geometry and loading conditions. Cylindrical phantom molds, consisting of two concentric stainless steel tubes held in place by acrylic end caps, were used to create each phantom. The inner and outer diameters of the resulting phantom were determined by the diameter of the stainless steel tubing. The inner diameter ranged from 0.127 to 0.165 cm, and the outer diameter ranged from 0.269 to 0.381 cm, yielding a wall thickness range of 0.104 to 0.254 cm. Heterogeneous phantoms can be easily constructed by inserting materials of different elastic modulus into the phantom wall prior to the first freeze/thaw cycle. In 125 these experiments, heterogeneous phantoms were created by inserting an optical fiber into the wall. After the freeze/thaw cycles were completed, the optical fiber was removed, leaving a hollow cylinder in the phantom wall. To model a compliant inclusion, either water or a UV curing adhesive was injected into the cylinder prior to the inflation experiment (Figure 6-1). Subsequent exposure to UV light cured the adhesive, transforming the compliant inclusion phantom into one with a stiff inclusion. Figure 6-1: Photograph of heterogeneous cylindrical phantom. Heterogeneous phantoms were made by inserting an optical fiber into the phantom wall before the first freeze/thaw cycle. After the PVA was fully cured, the fiber was pulled out of the wail and the remaining gap was filled with water or UV curing adhesive to create an inclusion of differing material properties. In the figure, blue water is injected into the phantom, highlighting the shape and location of the inclusion. 6.3.2 Loading experiments Planar phantoms were stretched at a predefined displacement rate, while cylindrical phantoms were inflated with an intraluminal pressure load. Planar phantom stretching Two computer controlled stages were used to stretch the planar phantoms. Each end of the phantom was secured onto a stage, and the stages were simultaneously moved in opposite directions at identical speeds. The XY OCT scanner was used to acquire images of the deformation. This is an ideal setup for elastography validation for two reasons: 1) the strain rate can be directly and precisely controlled by the motorized stage speed, and 2) both the XY scanner and the phantom can be securely fastened to a stable surface, reducing the possibility of motion artifacts. A static phantom image sequence (with no applied strain) was used to assess the possible effect of Brownian motion on the validity of the frozen speckle model. Different stretching rates were used to assess limitations in strain rate with respect to imaging speed. 126 Phantom Figure 6-2: Schematic of planar phantom stretching apparatus. Each end of the planar sample is secured to a motorized stage, and strain is applied by moving the stages in opposite directions at equal velocity. The XY OCT scanner acquires images of the deformation. Cylindrical phantom inflation Each cylindrical phantom was imaged while undergoing inflation (Figure 6-3), mimicking the deformation pattern of a coronary artery. Each end of the phantom was stretched onto a barbed tubing connector. One connector was attached to a water reservoir that was manually raised and lowered to control the phantom's intraluminal pressure. The OCT catheter was inserted into the phantom through the other connector. For simplicity, intraluminal pressure was applied linearly, rather than using a physiological time-varying pressure function. Intraluminal pressure was simultaneously measured during imaging using a manometer and images and pressure data were recorded by the OCT system. 127 Water reservoir Digital Pressure Meter (Change height to change pressure) OCT system (Acquires images and pressure readings) Silicon tubing 44 Valve Barbed connector Phantom OCT catheter Figure 6-3: Schematic of cylindrical phantom inflation apparatus. The cylindrical phantom is stretched onto barbed connectors, forming a watertight seal. The water reservoir is raised to increase the intraluminal pressure and inflate the phantom. The OCT system acquires OCT images and digital pressure readings simultaneously. 6.3.3 Numerical modeling FEA was used to find the "true" velocity and strain for the cylindrical phantom, similar to the methodology presented in Chapter 3. First, the phantom geometry was manually extracted from the initial image of the inflation sequence to create the finite element mesh. The PVA was modeled as a linear elastic material, and each mesh element was assigned a single, experimentally measured Young's modulus and a Poisson's ratio of 0.495. The boundary conditions were a pair of nodes at 3 and 9 o'clock constrained to horizontal motion only as well as a pair of nodes at 12 and 6 o'clock constrained to vertical motion. These boundary conditions allowed the mesh to expand outward from the center of the lumen. The finite element displacements were output to a text file. Velocity estimates from elastography describe motion relative to the catheter position, which does not always coincide with the stationary reference point in the FEA model. Thus, to facilitate comparisons between the FEA-predicted and elastography128 A estimated velocities, the FEA velocities were transformed to describe motion relative to the catheter position. 6.3.4 Elastography Elastography was performed on each image sequence using the variational algorithm. The correlation window for the planar stretching experiments was 81 pixels long by 7 pixels wide, while the correlation window for cylindrical inflation experiments was 61 pixels long and 61 pixels wide. The weighting parameters for all experiments were a - 1, b = 30, and c = 20. High values for b and c were chosen because of the presence of image noise. The Green-Lagrange strain tensor was calculated for each image sequence, and its eigenvalues were calculated, yielding principal strains. 6.4 Results and Discussion 6.4.1 PVA phantom parameters To investigate the relationship between phantom stiffness and PVA concentration, a series of planar phantoms was created with PVA concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. Each phantom was subjected to two freeze-thaw cycles, and the elastic modulus of each was measured. As PVA concentration increases, the stiffness of the resulting hydrogel also increases (Figure 6-4). 129 300 250 - co C, 200 E 150 - . . . . ... . . ..--..-.-.-. . .--.. - 0 0> 100 0- 50 n 0 20 40 60 PVA concentration [%] 80 100 Figure 6-4: Dependence of PVA stiffness on solution concentration. The elastic modulus of the PVA hydrogel increases with increasing PVA concentration. Each planar phantom was then imaged with OCT (Figure 6-5) to observe the dependence of the optical scattering properties on concentration. A denser speckle pattern is seen with the 40% PVA solution than with the 80% solution. Light attenuation also increases as concentration increases. Figure 6-5: OCT images of PVA phantoms compared to human aorta. In OCT images, 40% PVA (A) has a denser speckle structure than 80% PVA (B). The speckle pattern of PVA is similar to that of human aorta (C). High PVA concentration produces high mechanical stiffness but results in low OCT signal penetration depth. Conversely, low PVA concentration results in very long penetration depths, but mechanical stiffness is low. Therefore, as a compromise, 60% PVA concentration was used in the remaining experiments. 130 Using a 60% concentration solution, the number of freeze-thaw cycles in phantom preparation was varied to determine the effect on the elastic modulus (Figure 6-6). With an increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles, the phantom becomes stiffer, but the effect is gradual. Since each cycle requires 24 hours and the number of cycles does not significantly affect stiffness, the remaining experiments were conducted with the minimum two freeze-thaw cycles. 150 CZ o 100 --.............. .................. E 0 50' 0 2 6 4 Freeze thaw cycles [#] 8 10 Figure 6-6: Dependence of PVA stiffness on number of freeze-thaw cycles. As the number of freezethaw cycles increases, PVA stiffness gradually increases. While PVA phantom construction seems to be a simple process, it is not easily reproducible experimentally. For a single batch of LentiKat@Liquid solution, several phantom molds were filled and subjected to identical freezing and thawing conditions. However, within each batch, some phantoms failed to form a hydrogel, while others became too stiff or exhibited too much light attenuation to be useful for OCT elastography. The results presented in this section provide a general guideline for phantom construction parameters, but the process has low yield overall, requiring significant trial and error to construct suitable phantoms. 6.4.2 Planar phantom stretching A planar homogeneous phantom (Figure 6-7) was used to investigate the effect of Brownian motion in the sample and the relationship between strain rate and imaging speed. The phantom was imaged under static conditions and at various stretching rates. 131 Figure 6-7: Planar homogeneous phantom. The planar homogeneous phantom was imaged at no load and while being stretched equally from both the left and right ends. To investigate the effect of Brownian motion, the phantom was imaged under static conditions. Correlation coefficients were then calculated between the first frame and each subsequent frame to determine the rate of image decorrelation due to both intrinsic motion of the phantom material and imaging noise. Three regions in the initial image were defined, and the mean maximum correlation coefficient was calculated for each region (Figure 6-8). The blue region maintains a high correlation coefficient over the entire 40 frame image sequence (10 seconds) because of its location near the top of the phantom. Correlation windows in this region include the strongly reflecting air/phantom interface and thus remain well correlated through the entire sequence. The green and red regions display faster decorrelation rates because their correlation windows do not contain any large, sharply defined features. Correlation values in the red region are lower than those in the green region, due to its lower depth and higher signal attenuation. Imaging noise competes with the low signal magnitude in the red region to rapidly decorrelate the images, but the effect is less severe in the green region. In the first 2 seconds of imaging, all correlation coefficients remain above 0.9, suggesting that the frozen speckle model is not violated by Brownian motion at an imaging speed of 4 fps. 132 1 B S095 0 0 0.85 0 2 6 4 8 10 Time [s] Figure 6-8: Correlation coefficients for static homogeneous planar phantom. The homogeneous planar phantom was imaged as it was held static. Maximum correlation coefficients were calculated and averaged for the blue, red, and green regions (A). The average maximum correlation coefficient for each region is plotted in (B). Applying strain to the phantom may increase the magnitude of Brownian motion, so the same analysis was performed while the phantom was being stretched at various rates. The phantom was stretched at stage speeds of 100 and 200 tm/sec, corresponding to 1 and 2 pixels per frame, per stage, respectively. Note that the separation distance between the two stages is larger than the imaging site, so the maximum velocity within the OCT images is less than 1 pixel per frame. These speeds were chosen because slower speeds correspond to very small interframe velocities, which are difficult to track, and higher speeds are likely to suffer from rapid decorrelation. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the first frame and each subsequent frame for a total of 8 frames (Figure 6-9). In both cases, the blue region has the highest correlation coefficients, followed by the green and red regions. Additionally, 133 correlation coefficients decay more rapidly when the phantom is subjected to the faster stretch rate. Coefficients remain high for the first several frames, suggesting that deformation rates of 1 to 2 pixels per frame are acceptable for elastography. 1 B 0.9 100 gm/s 200 gm/s -- ........................... 0.8 0. . . . ..... . . . . . . . 0.51 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time [s] Figure 6-9: Correlation coefficients for the stretched homogeneous planar phantom. The homogenous phantom was imaged as it was being stretched from both ends at 100 and 200 pm/s. Maximum correlation coefficients were calculated and averaged for the blue, red, and green regions (A). The average maximum correlation coefficient for each region is plotted in (B). The variational elastography algorithm was tested on a single frame pair (frames 4 and 5) of the 100 gm/sec sequence. The OCT image spans the central 1 cm of the entire 5 cm length of the phantom (measured between the two stages). Thus the horizontal velocity at the edges of the image is expected to be 0.2 pixels in magnitude, and a velocity of zero is expected at the center. As the phantom was stretched, tension caused the phantom to vertically compress and rise slightly from its initial position, with the bottom edge of the phantom undergoing higher magnitude vertical motion than the top edge. The elastography-estimated velocity fields (Figure 6-10) are a poor match for the 134 predicted velocities. Horizontal velocities are generally in the correct direction, but the magnitudes are lower than expected. The vertical velocity correctly indicates that the phantom moves upward. However, in both cases, the velocity fields vary nonlinearly and indicate nonphysical motion for a homogeneous phantom. For example, the right side of the horizontal velocity field features two regions of high magnitude motion towards the right separated by a region of lower magnitude motion to the right. This would indicate that a portion of the phantom folded upon itself, which is not possible given the loading condition. 0.04 0.02 0 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.1 0.1 5 0.2 0.2 5 0.3 0.3 5 Figure 6-10: Stretched planar homogeneous phantom velocity from elastography. Horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocity fields are shown in pixel units. The principal strain fields from elastography are also inaccurate (Figure 6-11). The first principal strain field corresponds to horizontal extensional strain, which is predicted to be uniform in magnitude. Instead, the estimated strain field is nearly uniform overall in magnitude and sign, with pockets of high strain throughout. This strain field also indicates nonphysical motion, where high strain areas are stretched more than the 135 adjacent material. Similar nonphysical strains are seen in the second principal strain field, which corresponds to vertical compressive strain. 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 Figure 6-11: Stretched planar homogeneous phantom strain from elastography. The first principal strain (A) is extensional strain in the horizontal direction, while the second principal strain (B) is compressive strain in the vertical direction. The strain fields are shown as percentages. The failure of the variational elastography algorithm may be due to the homogeneity of the PVA phantom's speckle structure. The lack of well defined features in the speckle pattern makes motion tracking particularly difficult. Additionally, phantom motion is large compared to the OCT optical wavelength, so the speckle pattern may not translate linearly with the scatterers in the tissue. 6.4.3 Cylindrical phantom inflation Elastography performed on cylindrical phantoms may yield better results than the planar phantom because the phantom geometry is small enough and the correlation 136 window is large enough that the strongly reflecting air/phantom and water/phantom boundaries boost correlation coefficients at all points in the image. Homogeneous phantom A homogeneous cylindrical phantom was inflated from 10.5 to 23.3 mmHg while being simultaneously imaged for eleven frames (Figure 6-12). The first and fourth frames of the image sequence were chosen for velocity estimation, corresponding to a pressure change of 3.5 mmHg. 137 25 D 10 0 2 4 6 Frame 8 .. . . . 2 0 -.. . . . . . . . . . ... 10 12 Figure 6-12: OCT images of homogenous phantom inflation. The phantom was inflated from 10.5 mmHg (A) to 23.3 mmHg (C). Elastography was performed using the first and fourth frames (B), corresponding to a pressure change of 3.5 mmHg. Intraluminal pressure rises nearly linearly throughout the inflation sequence (D). Numericalvelocity and strain The phantom geometry from the initial image was used to create a 2D finite element mesh (Figure 6-13). Plane strain elements were used with mesh density defined by an edge length of 0.05 mm. The boundary conditions were chosen to allow radial expansion of the mesh from the lumen centroid. The FEA model was inflated to an internal pressure load of 3.5 mmHg. 138 z _Y U2 U 3 Figure 6-13: Undeformed FEA mesh of homogenous cylindrical phantom. The mesh boundary conditions ensure that the phantom expands radially outward from the lumen centroid when the model is subjected to an internal pressure load. To verify the model geometry, the pre- and post-inflation boundaries of the FEA model were overlaid onto the corresponding OCT images (Figure 6-14). The inflated FEA geometry shows close agreement with the OCT image of the inflated phantom. 139 I Figure 6-14: Phantom FEA model boundaries overlaid onto corresponding OCT images. The initial FEA model boundary (shown in blue) was derived from the initial phantom OCT image (A). The inflated FEA model boundary (shown in red) matches the OCT image of the inflated phantom (B). Velocity results from FEA show that the phantom motion is predominantly radially outward (Figure 6-15). 140 I 6 I 4 3 2 0 1 2 Figure 6-15: Inflated homogeneous phantom predicted velocity from FEA. Horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocities predicted by FEA show that the phantom expands radially outward (C). The FEA-predicted principal strain fields were calculated (Figure 6-16). The first principal strain is tensile hoop strain and decreases with increasing radius. The second principal strain is compressive radial strain, which also decreases in magnitude with increasing radius. 141 I I 40 5 35 1 0 1 30 2350 10 5 25 Figure 6-16: Inflated homogeneous phantom predicted strain from FEA. The first principal strain is tensile hoop strain (A), and the second principal strain is compressive radial strain (B). Strains are shown as percentages. Elastography The variational elastography algorithm was used to estimate velocities in the phantom (Figure 6-17). Velocities are qualitatively accurate and point in the correct direction, but the velocity magnitudes are underestimated. The root-mean-square error, calculated for the velocity magnitude, is 37%. 142 I 3 I 3 2 2 0 1 0 1 2 Figure 6-17: Inflated homogeneous phantom velocity from elastography. Horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocities indicate that the phantom expands radially outward (C). The strain fields are also inaccurate (Figure 6-18). The concentric ring pattern seen in the FEA predicted strains is not present in the estimated strain fields. Furthermore, both strain fields are positive, erroneously indicating that the phantom is increasing in volume. 143 60 10 50 5 40 0 30 5 20 10 10 Figure 6-18: Inflated homogeneous phantom strain from elastography. The first (A) and second (B) principal strains are both positive, indicating that the phantom increases in volume as it inflates. Heterogeneous phantom A heterogeneous phantom with a water-filled inclusion was also imaged under intraluminal pressure for a total pressure change of 1.5 mmHg (Figure 6-19). At another cross-sectional location of the phantom, the wall between the inclusion and the lumen had broken, so water was able to freely flow between the two cavities. -Nod Figure 6-19: Inflated heterogeneous phantom images. The first frame was imaged at 1.2 mmHg (A), while the second frame was imaged at 2.7 mmHg. 144 Numerical prediction The phantom was modeled using the geometry of the initial OCT frame. The inclusion was treated as a second lumen and assigned a pressure load equal to that of the true lumen. The mesh density and boundary conditions were similar to the example in the previous section. FEA predicted velocities indicate that the phantom moves radially outward (Figure 6-20). Additionally, vertical velocity magnitudes immediately surrounding the inclusion are higher than the corresponding velocities on the opposite wall of the lumen because the inclusion's compliance does not withstand the intraluminal pressure load well. 145 4. 3 4 31 2 1 11 2 10 0 2 2 3 4 4 3 Figure 6-20: Inflated heterogeneous phantom velocity from FEA. The horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocity fields reflect the phantom's radially outward motion (C). Strains predicted by FEA (Figure 6-21) show the effect of the inclusion on the phantom's deformation. The tensile hoop strain surrounding the inclusion is elevated because there are only two thin strips of phantom material available to maintain the structural integrity of the phantom in the region. Similarly, the compressive radial strain is high near the inclusion because there is less material to absorb the intraluminal pressure load. 146 A70 5 60 1 0 50 1 5 40 20 30 25 20 30 10 35 Figure 6-21: Inflated heterogeneous phantom strain from FEA. Tensile hoop stress (A) and compressive radial stress (B) are elevated in the region surrounding the inclusion. Elastography The variational elastography algorithm was applied to the image pair to estimate velocities (Figure 6-22). The velocity field appears qualitatively accurate, but it is not quantitatively accurate, with a velocity magnitude error of 39%. 147 22 1.5 1.5 11 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1 .5 2 Figure 6-22: Inflated heterogeneous phantom velocity from elastography. Horizontal (A) and vertical (B) velocities indicate radial outward motion (C). The estimated strain field (Figure 6-23) is inaccurate. High magnitude tensile hoop strain, which is expected near the inclusion, occurs in the opposite wall of the lumen instead. The compressive radial strain field does show high magnitude strain near the inclusion, but it also shows tensile radial strain in other parts of the phantom wall. Tensile hoop and radial strains occur simultaneously at many locations in the figure, suggesting that the phantom is increasing in volume. 148 I I 50 40 10 5 400 30 20 5 1 0 15 Figure 6-23: Inflated heterogeneous phantom strain from elastography. The first (A) and second (B) principal strains are both positive at many locations, a nonphysical result indicating that the phantom volume is increasing. 6.5 Discussion The examples shown in this chapter illustrate the challenges to applying OCT elastography to real imaging data. The planar phantom results are inaccurate, possibly because the PVA speckle structure is too homogeneous for accurate motion tracking. Results from the cylindrical phantom are more accurate because the presence of the air/phantom and water/phantom boundaries provides distinct structures that facilitate motion tracking. However, in all cases, the velocity and strain fields are often nonphysical and violate geometric compatibility constraints. Improvements to both the algorithm and the imaging hardware may be necessary before OCT elastography can be performed in real imaging applications. 6.5.1 Decorrelation Requirements for the size scale of the underlying tissue structure are interrelated with the magnitude of applied strain relative to the imaging speed and Brownian motion. The applied strain needs to be large enough to track, but not so large that the speckle pattern becomes completely decorrelated. Unfortunately, the small size of the OCT PSF relative to the underlying motion makes speckle tracking difficult as speckle patterns may change dramatically even for a small motion. The presence of larger scattering structures 149 may improve elastography estimates by creating a more stable speckle pattern. Fortunately, diseased arteries generally have less homogeneous structure than the PVA phantoms. Despite decorrelation effects, there are a few steps that may improve velocity estimation. Strongly reflecting image boundaries are easy to track, and incorporating velocity estimates at boundaries as a constraint in the variational energy function may improve the accuracy of the algorithm. Additionally, frame averaging and image blurring may stabilize rapidly decorrelating speckle patterns by emphasizing large structures in the image and features that persist for several frames. 6.5.2 Motion artifacts Catheterized imaging may prove to be problematic for elastography because of the presence of motion artifacts. Typically, the catheter is not constrained within the lumen of the sample, and the rotational motion of the core inside the flexible catheter sheath may cause the entire sheath and core assembly to wobble within the lumen crosssection. This non-stationary frame of reference manifests in the image sequence as shifted A-lines. For example, imaging a perfectly cylindrical sample with the catheter in the center of the lumen would result in a perfect circle in the image. However, a sudden movement of the catheter for a portion of the acquisition time would result in an image featuring a shifted sector in an otherwise perfect circle. Similarly, the free space between the outer diameter of the imaging core and the inner diameter of the sheath may cause the same type of motion artifact. Artifacts caused by core movement within the sheath are distinguishable from sheath movement in the sample by the visual presence of the A-line shift in the sheath portion of the image. That is, a sudden movement of the core inside the sheath can cause the entire A-line to suddenly "jump" closer to or farther from the center of the image. Because the sheath is visible in the image, it may be possible to correct for this artifact by shifting A-lines so that the sheath image matches some predetermined sheath geometry. Another, more damaging artifact arises from the non-uniform rotation of the catheter. Under the ideal conditions of uniform rotation and properly calibrated rotation speed, each A-line depicts the same location from frame to frame. If the rotational speed 150 I" is uniform but not correctly calibrated, the image will appear to precess. At small precession rates, this artifact does not significantly affect motion tracking accuracy. However, the effect of non-uniform rotation rate is far more dramatic. For example, if the rotation rate were too slow for a portion of one frame, five consecutive A-lines may depict the same region that three A-lines depicted in the previous frame, and vice versa for an increase in rotation rate. Over an image sequence, this manifests as false circumferential motion, where sectors of the image appear to move back and forth circumferentially in a non-physical manner. 6.5.3 Energy function Further improvements can be made to the variational algorithm by adding and modifying terms in the energy function. For example, the strain smoothness term is calculated at all points in the image, encouraging a smooth strain field throughout the image. Real tissues, however, have piecewise continuous strain fields, with discontinuities occurring at the locations where the underlying tissue stiffness changes. Imposing the strain smoothness term over the entire image makes it difficult to detect regions of inhomogeneous stiffness. A more sophisticated refinement to the energy function would be to incorporate a strain "edge" field to specify boundary locations over which the strain smoothness term should not be calculated. This edge field would become an argument of the energy functional, so minimization would occur over both the velocity field and the edge field. The variational algorithm can also be made more robust by adding more prior information to the energy function. Boundary movement is relatively easy to estimate and can be incorporated into the energy function. Often the general direction and approximate magnitude of the loading conditions are known, and this information can be incorporated into the energy functional as a second data fidelity term by penalizing deviations from the expected principal strain directions. Geometry compatibility is a very strong prior that can be incorporated into the variational energy function to improve velocity estimation accuracy. This could be accomplished by introducing a deformable mesh to ensure geometry compatibility at every point, thus requiring a one-to-one mapping between material points at time t to 151 material points at time t + At. Instead of estimating velocities at each image pixel, the image would be subdivided into a mesh, with each term of the energy function redefined in terms of the mesh node coordinates. In this scheme, the strain smoothness term would be automatically enforced by compatibility of the mesh geometry, and the modified data fidelity term would be based on correlation between the image data in each original mesh element and the image data in the corresponding deformed mesh element. 6.6 Summary PVA can be used to create phantoms with suitable optical scattering and mechanical properties for validation of OCT elastography in both planar and cylindrical geometries. A high concentration of PVA results in phantoms with high stiffness and strong light attenuation. Conversely, low PVA concentration phantoms have low mechanical stability and are highly optically scattering throughout their cross-section. A 60% concentration of LentiKat@Liquid, a readily available commercial preparation of PVA, subjected to two freeze-thaw cycles of 24 hours each provides an ideal compromise between mechanical stiffness and light attenuation. Phantoms were constructed in planar and cylindrical geometries for validation of the variational elastography algorithm. Analysis of a stretched planar phantom showed that despite noise and Brownian motion, high correlation coefficients can be obtained when low strain rates are applied. Velocity estimates for the stretched planar phantom, however, were inaccurate and nonphysical, possibly due to the lack of well-defined features in the speckle structure. A homogeneous and a heterogeneous cylindrical phantom were inflated with intraluminal pressure. FEA models were created for the cylindrical phantoms to predict velocity and strain. Velocity and strain estimates from elastography appeared qualitatively accurate, but they still described a nonphysical result. There are several possible ways of improving the velocity and strain estimates from elastography. Speckle decorrelation may be reduced by imaging samples and biological tissues with large, distinct features and by using frame averaging or image blurring to emphasize large features in the speckle pattern. Several modifications can be made to the variational energy function to improve estimation. An edge field can be 152 added so that strain smoothness is enforced over distinct regions instead of over the whole image, reducing the possibility of smoothing over regions of inhomogeneous stiffness. Velocity at boundaries, which is easy to estimate, can be incorporated into the energy function. In cases where loading conditions are known, approximate strain directions can be predicted and used to create a second data fidelity term. Finally, a deformable mesh framework can be used to enforce geometry compatibility, which would prevent estimation of nonphysical velocity and strain estimates. 153 154 Chapter 7: Summary and Future Work Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in industrialized nations, with half of those deaths attributed to coronary heart disease. Atherosclerosis, an inflammatory disease of the arteries, can cause heart attack and death through the rupture of vulnerable plaques, which are characterized by the presence of a large lipid pool covered by a thin fibrous cap. Rupture of the fibrous cap releases thrombogenic materials from the lesion's core into the lumen, where they come into contact with coagulation factors in the blood, forming a thrombus. Finite element analysis of vulnerable plaques have shown that the thin fibrous cap is subjected to high stresses and strains, making it likely to rupture. Diagnosis of vulnerable plaque may be enhanced by utilizing information about the biomechanical behavior of an individual plaque. Elastography, a method of strain imaging, provides a way to probe the biomechanics of a plaque. OCT imaging is a recently developed imaging modality that is the optical analog of ultrasound imaging, but utilizes light instead of sound. The use of optical frequencies results in higher resolution images than ultrasound, at the expense of decreased depth penetration. Ex vivo studies have shown that OCT is capable of characterizing the structure and composition of normal and diseased arteries, and intravascular OCT catheters have been developed and applied for imaging coronary arteries in vivo. In Chapter 3, OCT imaging was used as a basis for finite element analysis of realistic plaque geometries. Two plaques, one lipid-rich and one calcific, were first imaged with OCT and then processed with histology. Each OCT and histology image was segmented into distinct regions classified as fibrous plaque, lipid, calcium, or arterial wall, and finite element meshes were created from the segmentation boundaries. Additionally, since OCT's limited depth penetration makes segmentation of the outer regions of the OCT images difficult, multiple OCT readers were used to segment the images, and multiple FEA models were created from each image. Material properties were assigned using values taken from previously published literature, and a pressure load was applied to the lumen of each mesh, ramping from 0 to 120 mmHg. Stress and 155 strain results from OCT-based models were compared to "true" stress and strain from the histology-derived models. OCT- and histology-based FEA result in similar stress and strain fields, even when different OCT segmentation outer boundaries were used, suggesting that the most biomechanically relevant geometry is near the lumen and thus OCT's limited depth penetration is not a significantly limiting factor. Additionally, the histology-based models occasionally suffered from artificially high stress concentrations caused by sharp corners in the histology image due to folding of the histology sample during processing. OCT is an ideal basis for FEA modeling because it does not introduce artifacts similar to those found in histology and because it can be used repeatedly in vivo, allowing for studies of disease progression and treatment efficacy from a biomechanics standpoint. The focus of Chapter 4 was the use OCT imaging as a basis for elastography. Elastography entails imaging a sample undergoing deformation, tracking pixel motion through each frame of the image sequence, and finally calculating strain. Conventional motion tracking relies on maximizing correlation coefficients between sub-regions of consecutive image frames, which assumes the validity of a frozen speckle model. In the frozen speckle model, the displacement between sub-blocks of the two image frames is small enough that the two speckle patterns retain the same distribution and are related by a simple translation. This assumption is frequently violated in OCT because displacement magnitudes are frequently on the same order or greater than the OCT PSF. Additionally, imaging noise and Brownian motion can cause strain-independent image decorrelation. A novel variational approach was described for OCT elastography in which the velocity fields are estimated by minimizing a variational energy function. The energy function features three terms: 1) a data fidelity term for maximizing correlation, 2) an incompressibility term to ensure that the sample deforms incompressibly, and 3) a strain smoothness term to ensure the strain field varies smoothly. Once velocities are estimated, strains are calculated using either the linear small strain definition or the rotation invariant Green-Lagrange strain tensor for large deformations. Validation of the variational motion tracking algorithm was performed using simulated images in Chapter 5 and phantoms in Chapter 6. Simulated images were used for initial validation because they provide a means for testing the algorithm under ideal 156 conditions, imaging noise, motion artifacts, and Brownian motion are all neglected in the simulation. Simulations also allow precise control and easy variation of geometry, boundary, and loading conditions, while conducting the same experiments in phantoms would be difficult and time consuming. The simulation model featured a block with an inclusion of varying diameter and stiffness. First, a single pair of images was used with varying levels of added noise to compare the performance of both algorithms under different noise conditions and with different parameter values. The conventional elastography algorithm has poor performance for images with any added noise, while the variational algorithm is able to estimate velocities and strains for even the noisiest image pair. Results from variation of the weighting parameters show that emphasizing the incompressibility and strain smoothness terms over the data fidelity term is very useful for noisy images, but performs too much smoothing for noise-free images. Simulated images were also used to probe strain resolution, modulus resolution, and strain sensitivity of the elastography algorithm under ideal conditions. There exists a tradeoff between the smallest detectable inclusion size and its stiffness ratio. For a relatively large inclusion of 500 pm diameter, modulus sensitivity is quite high, with modulus values of 50% and 150% of the background modulus being detectable. As the inclusion size becomes smaller, the stiffness ratio must be further away from 1 before the inclusion is detectable. As a diagnostic tool for atherosclerosis, an elastography algorithm with these limitations should be sufficient to detect vulnerable plaques that are the most clinically relevant, i.e. when they contain a large, compliant lipid pool. However, OCT elastography may not be sensitive enough for ongoing studies of gradual disease progression. Finally, elastography validation was performed using phantoms. PVA was used to construct phantoms of known mechanical properties in planar and cylindrical geometries. Correlation coefficients for a planar phantom both at rest and being stretched were calculated to determine the effects on image decorrelation of image noise, Brownian motion, and applied strain. For the static phantom, initial-to-final frame correlation coefficients remain high over several seconds, suggesting that the levels of image noise and Brownian motion present are acceptable. When strain is applied, correlation coefficients drop within the first second, with a greater decrease in the faster stretch rate, 157 indicating that relatively slow strain rates are necessary for elastography. Velocity and strain fields estimated from the stretched planar phantom qualitatively show the correct trends overall, but indicate nonphysical motion. Two cylindrical phantoms, one homogeneous and one heterogeneous, were inflated with intraluminal pressure. FEA was used to predict velocity and strain for comparison with the elastography results. In both cases, the velocity estimates are qualitatively correct, benefiting from the presence of the strongly reflecting air/phantom boundary in the image. However, estimated strain fields do not match the predicted strain fields and in fact, the strain fields indicate that the phantom is increasing in volume, a physically impossible result. While the variational elastography algorithm offers significant improvement over the conventional algorithm in velocity and strain accuracy, there are many possible measures to further improve the algorithm. Speckle decorrelation, which affects the data fidelity term of the variational energy function, can be improved by applying elastography to samples with larger, more distinct speckle features, or by utilizing frame averaging or image blurring to emphasize large or persistent features in the existing speckle pattern. The side constraint terms in the variational energy function can also be modified to improve the algorithm. The addition of an edge field over which strain smoothness is not enforced would increase the probability of detecting smaller regions of differing strain, thus increasing modulus sensitivity. The incorporation into the energy function of velocity estimates at boundaries, which are easy to obtain, may also improve velocity accuracy. Additionally, in many cases, loading conditions are known, so approximate strain directions can be predicted and added to the energy function to improve estimation. Finally, geometry compatibility may be enforced by using a deformable mesh framework, preventing the estimation of nonphysical velocity and strain fields. This thesis has demonstrated that OCT elastography has potential as a viable method of probing cardiovascular tissue mechanics. However, many obstacles need to be overcome first. For more relevant assessment of algorithm performance, future experiments should be performed on either diseased arteries or phantoms with scattering properties more similar to diseased arteries, which have larger macrostructures than PVA 158 phantoms. Additionally, two important improvements could be made to the variational energy function: the addition of the edge term for strain smoothing and the enforcement of geometry compatibility. The presence of the edge term is crucial for detecting the plaque components of a diseased artery, such as lipid pools and calcium nodules. Geometry compatibility would improve estimation accuracy by preventing the estimation of smooth but nonphysical velocity fields. With these improvements, OCT elastography may become a useful tool for the study of atherosclerosis. 159 160 References [1] American Heart Association, "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics --- 2004 Update," American Heart Association, Dallas, Tex. 2003. [2] R. 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