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An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Lauren A. Turner
Thesis Advisor: Pam Leidig-Farmen
Ball State University
Muncie, IN
May 2001
Graduation Date: May 9,2009
I would like to thank Ball State University journalism and the Honors College for giving
me the opportunity to do a project like this. This piece will certainly be a great addition to my
portfolio and will help me in seeking a job in the future. I would also like to thank my advisor,
Pam Leidig-Farmen, for teaching me all the skills I used in this project and for advising me. You
were always very honest with me, which made me a better designer. Finally, I would like to
thank my family and friends for all the support they have given me during my college career.
Ecochic is a print and online publication that strives to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.
With articles on beauty, fashion and cooking, everyone is sure to find something they will enjoy.
Creator and publisher Ali Turner's mission is to let women know that a responsible, sustainable
life is an attainable life, and that going green doesn't mean spending green. Keep it stylish. Keep
it simple. Keep it ecochic.
Artist's Statement
The Idea
When I was deciding what I wanted to do for my thesis project, I decided to do
something creative. After all, I was only taking three classes, and none of them offered me the
chance to apply what I have learned on a larger scale. I wanted to do something that would both
impress future employers and meet my desire for creativity. After much consideration, I decided
to produce a magazine. I had taken a magazine design class my junior year, and it was one of my
most interesting classes at Ball State. One of my favorite professors, Pam Leidig-Farmen, had
taught the class, and I knew I wanted to have her as my thesis advisor. Luckily, she said yes
before we left for Christmas break. I had my advisor; I had only to pick a topic for my
publication, which was also an easy choice.
Living an eco-friendly lifestyle has been an interest of mine for two years. For my
magazine design class, a partner and I created a 28-page magazine dedicated to the 'green'
movement. I enjoyed writing the content for our magazine, Vert, and grew very attached to the
cause. This time, however, I would be creating this publication without a partner, which is quite
an undertaking. The absence of a partner was not a terrible thing, though. For this project, I was
able to make all editorial and design decisions. My product would have a cohesive look that
showcased my abilities and creative mind. I had my idea, but it was time to get my vision
After meeting with Dr. Emert, I decided that in addition to my publication, I needed to
create a web site for my magazine. I have limited web experience, but the chance to learn how to
use Web programs would be beneficial in my field. I decided to shrink my planned 32-page
magazine to a 28-page magazine and use the stories I had written for those pages as additional
web content.
The Process
The ftrst week of class was my 'planning phase.' There are many things new publications
must do in order to launch a magazine. For any publication, the publishers have to define their
target audience. I had to decide for whom I wanted to write and design. After much
consideration, I decided to target people like me: 18-30-year old women who have a strong
interest in fashion, beauty and the environment. I wanted the publication to be relevant for those
who are just starting their sustainable lifestyle or for seasoned environmentalists.
My target audience influenced every decision I made. The design, color scheme, editorial
content, advertisements, and featured products all had to appeal to this age group. Before I began
designing my magazine, I needed to create a style sheet. Style sheets include all the typefaces,
colors and section titles of the publication and serve as a guide to designers. Developing a style
sheet ensures that the magazine will have a cohesive look and makes the placement process easy.
I decided to use a mix of serif (didot) and sans serif (Helvetica neue) typefaces to create a feeling
of modern simplicity and vintage charm. My color palette included soft neutrals and pastels that
would reflect the natural and modern design I had planned.
The most tedious part of producing any publication is the writing and editing process. I
had to inject my personality into the publication, but could not just make a magazine for me. I
needed to meet the needs of my audience and ensure that they would be entertained and informed
by what I had to say. I decided to have four sections in my publication: Style, Beauty, Nouveau
(trends) and Try This. I also planned a feature article about having an eco-friendly wedding. The
content was fun to write about, and my interest in the topic kept me on task. Writing the articles
took two weeks.
By the end of January, I had hit my stride. My enthusiasm and passion for my project was
what propelled me to produce good work. As the weeks went on, however, work began piling up.
My easy class schedule was not so easy, and my internship at Nuvo in Indianapolis was taking up
most of my free time. I knew that I needed to take a few days to catch up on work and focus on
other things besides this project. A few days, though, turned into a couple of weeks. I was
behind. There was no doubt about it.
I knew that in order to complete this project, I had to make the most out of my spring
break. Instead of going to the beach, I spent most of my time on my couch working on this
project. The nine days, however, were invaluable, and by the time I came back to campus, I had
designed 20 pages. Although I wasn't as far along as I wanted to be, I was making good
Throughout the design process, I met with my advisor once a week to go over my
designs. Her feedback was excellent and encouraging. It was an honor to have someone I respect
so much tell me I was doing something right. I learned a great deal from her about design during
this project. She helped me make my designs 'breathe' and 'flow.' The most important tips I got
from her were about my text size and placement. The things she told me inspired many of my
text treatments, and I think that the text is one of the most modem things about my project. With
her help, I finished my magazine in early April. However, I still had a web site to create.
I've only made two web sites in my college career, neither of which was of the caliber I
wanted to achieve in this project. I decided I had to do something different. Most magazine sites
reflect the design of the magazine. While mine has the same typefaces and text treatments, there
is one big difference. After doing some web research, I found that web pages that have black
backgrounds use far less battery power. As any ecochic girl knows, using less battery power
equals less charging. Less charging equals less energy. Less energy equals saving the world.
Therefore, I decided that my web site would have a black background, something used rarely in
publication design.
Because I had cut four pages of content from my print version, much of my web content
was already produced. I decided, however, to include some articles from the print edition. Most
magazine web sites offer print content and exclusive online content on their web pages. I also
pulled some articles from other 'green' web sites. These articles were well written and had the
same voice my own work had.
In order to design my web site, I had to create a template to follow. Using iWeb, an
Apple Web program, I designed my template and inserted pictures, articles, and hyperlinks.
After deciding on my template, creating the Web site was a matter of copying, pasting, and
publishing. The web site's 36 pages were not difficult to create, but did take a lot oftime. The
work is tedious and sometimes boring. Despite these issues, I had finished my web site by the
last week of classes and was ready to turn in my project.
Sixteen weeks was not a lot of time for one person to create a full publication and web
site. I had to practice good time management skills in order to stay on top of my work. After 16
weeks, though, I have produced a work that has made me proud. If I had 32 weeks, my
publication may have been better, but the satisfaction of meeting a tight deadline was half the joy
of the project. I was able to test my boundaries and creative skills. I was able to have an idea and
see it come to life. I was able to be an editor, writer, designer and publisher. Many students do
not have this opportunity. I am lucky to have had an experience that, I believe, will set me above
my peers in my job search. Most of all, I am proud of myself, and that is the best assessment I
could ever get.
ge out of
r Wardrobe
Special Section
Beauty Insi
Ten Easy Tips for (;Uillg
C),(, P Il
Rf'cess iOll - Proof Style
The J('\\ eln Box
1..1' \llilll:d
The Eco- Beauty Insider
On the Plait'
The Eco-Soc ia lite
Top 3 (
Briel(· Guide
'f' II
On the "-l11t'11'
Pu iisher
Ali Turner
Gr-eative Advisor
Pam Lei Ig-Farmen
Did you know that Web pages
with black backgrounds can
save hundreds of megawatt
hours a year?
Now you do.
Every little bit
nelA.J art;c/eS /;nKs ;dea.s ....lA.J,..;te ba.cK
wedd;":}s are a .'Jreal' oCcaS;on . all, cvyth;,,:} thal' COMb;neS caKe, dane;":}, and chaMf'a:Jne ;S all r'3ht ..v;th Mel whal' Many'f'eof'le don't th;nK
abotd on th;s dey 01' bl;ss, ho..vever, ;S the MaSS;Ve
aMoUnt 01' ..vaste thal' ;S creal'ed. I obSerVed th;s /?rst
hand ..vhen MY older S;Ster, Sr;tiany', .'Jot Marr;ed. 5he had
the f'eriect :June t.Vedd;":}, btd the ecolO.'];cal -/'ootf'r;nt
..vas lar.'Je enou.'Jh to Set uf' a sMail country. I'll have
to adM;t, there ..vere SOMe th''':}s thal' She d,d ..vel/. 5he rented
cloth no/K;nS, ta6le ..vear and cha;r CCN'erS. 5he Ke?t her boufu~ts 01' ar6-h"c..ial
f'eon-'eS, and notv they decoral'e her hOMe. 5he o?ted otd 01' ;nd;v;dual f'r;nted MenUS
and Save the dal'e cards. EVen thou.'Jh these deta,'/s saved reS ourCeS, her uSe 01' 5ty-
rol'oaM f'la(es,f'last;c ctdlery and non-loea/ -/'ood and bevef"a:Je cho;ces tvaS enou.'Jh
to MaKe any' .'Jreen .'J;rl s:?u;rM. Just Knotv, -/'tdure br;deS, thal' .'J0;":} .'Jreen on your
..vedd;":} dey does not e:?ual sacr;/?ced beat.dy. ChecK otd th;s Month's -/'ea(ure, • 4n
Eco-Ch;c 4-/'-/'a;r," to .'Jet 61's and tr;cfS -/'or MaK;":} your b'3 dey the best ;t can be,
-/'or you and the f'lanet.
P.S. -rh's />?onth's
.f'c¥or;te? -r;.,;s neCKlace
Saundra;l?je.r. J
art.f'to<I we.£Ir S .Co/>? .
Eat your
Meat -filled diets
leave a larger
ecological footprint, Not good,
Paper or plastic? Neither!
If only shopping for a few
Not ont;; Illhat
pesKY junk m II disiterns, bring your own
sappear, bu a u e
reusable tote , Shopping
amount of paper 'II
be saved,
.... for the entire week? Bring
along a large, cardboard
Opt for bamboo
ro ucts ins ead of
box for easy cart -tohose ma e from
trunk transportation,
non -re ewable
reso rces . Go for
a booshees and
was cloths inste
o synthetic .8 'c options. They are ecofriendly and du~ . lei
I • • • • • •
• • •
• .
Check online shopping
sites like cralQslist or Ebay
for reuse d deaIs . V'Intage
... '.... .
. " . : is always in style.
6 Line dry bed linens. .....
.. ................ ..
Avoid using overnight shipping.
The expedited services adds up
to twice as much fossil fuel waste.
Use old mason jars to create
see- hro gh sto age for cotton
balls, O-Tlps , other bath room necessities.
Rather than drinkin ottled w ter, u a nice, re sable cup for
your- H20 needS. Stainless steel will last, an you won't have to wo ry abo
s che lcals ha" c n leak from plas ic ' ottie ,
,((eceSS,"on taK,"n:J a toll on your tAJa/let? ;aKe our adv,"ce to Ma>(J>"7,"Ze your wardrobe.
by 41," ;urner
'rd 1= hcn SilCU'"1I I'1 I'-t. Co?
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tel u'1ro ,:tlCI..!icIffS
Fnnge skirts and dresses
J;r '~i erYl tIB! IS ~€8ng rei; lifo ~ tn, v~ 'vri'r ~lClS -83 ,
tr:~ o:CCl.9':J'81 S9 Jal If' r· x • ')ea:s b " 1 ~~:
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lias se
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ca-nYJS, loc"o;:; prO'vlj0 ~~tte"',s aboun In9 Vlni8g", ~o
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gy, :::C'rl!empol
(0 rove Uet tre r::. t c: '"nOUr Tof fashion [orwar IrOny.
Prqj ec.t ~unu.;'o/ c.hO/Y/j? Leanne Marshall blcues
runu.!'o/S u.;,"th her ec.o-I"r,"endly deS'"3nS ,
,y /!I," lurner
:::; 68011 iiv ' 0f =!r8VC"':) Project hl lnway t?3furc:>ct 'p;~ntl"()
designos r'crn 8i'Ounlj ti,p (,Cl.fl1r; 'r ' rl'<:o ere! 'liA \;'\, Ic, Y 'ivert
1, _ear. e tv1 o'sh II, d PCirT1cJr'd ' Odsej josl~l. sr w:I-, All eye f'j
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af ,(I cottC 'l to I (edt ,t 8 r ' 3 p'ece IUI 'VvJY ::; ...oIec: or
C6rm8flts rargeCi irr; .1 ilatural lOPS ,S,,(j sc-..albi=€d skirts "0 A \". xJdr 9
dress (co; ,pie e v'itl-' ucckets) <3,,' I a sea bIl J€' . r it~Sn3,d's [jless
f ler fa' ncs ~ I en iI e 0' ,ry sxamr,le of Ildll .rQ :, Ie USE;".r ne'
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I""IS Y skir aGO IJIX'ty t'y'IJ8.S and gre surA to F.yoff re c ekJes illS
St ,lrnm""
i\larshal r.€gar 2C'Ni:lg \". ',n sne was 12 yeal S ,v i i--lf:r !Irst
IJoject<: .:( stumes f,-, her :i'k"'· p:f n c s FI orr I It 'l:," 0 1 ,
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Sa'i h;:ne seo Ir8" ./';n I!d ilfilier h.:: pJtelltiai irl tro ['(Ius rj' After
IJ[ adJatio'
. Iv < a c.a r88r as a (dr8ut :; J8SlJ :er OL.t rlGI/er
(;lave .Jp on t.,(' C"0,-,rn of t~a'v1ng IICf own rash.on 111'8
M rsh II Me eel t, OAg01, '1 ,,-cor) grri l lie: './ t£u'!rrlE; -'j I~ 'J
I I e ill ~ local fclshion SC6ne alst ell was feat .lprJ . local
aShlOr ) -::hows as "n UU Jno LOmrn~) c eSI( 'It]C 3 1:d gRrnerc-d e list
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jot) An pursJed tashi\ n dvsicf' 'ull ' I'le SI e narr-Ied "er I C,N
Ii Ie _8a, In I.
ill t ,8 takA Of I-rLjoct Runway Marst1 I;s'ne 'c)''=-''.'
::If -!
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i'Y"( I"-'SS'O 10 t;dve H'le plrlilGi, .Ifle ld"
at Ci ' il~,e -J C' lfJJ. OL.t Ma:-::lal 's 08SI_, nS,.~slt
"cr ::;n IriS sturu or bout'.ll, ,e,
Portlar,(1')r cl SeA 18
hOM hair ?rociuct.s t.o na/l
,Polish, t.he eco-f'riendly
cOMMunit.y has you c.CJo/ered
-I'roM head t.° t. oe .
by /{/i -rurner
Skin and Body
,J ice Beauty uses only the freshe l- oueezed erga ie
,,-lice concentrates 8S ItS I)asa'" 8'lcl 'outs 3 I:rPe'l Ar:.ple
Golloc 1011 thaI's formula ed 10 I~) Ol'e t8 lllC! rmprOve sl·.Ir,
tone <3no tex~ure And yOL thougl- :IC:Sf Juice was 01 I'; fer
(5hOtUn JU'Ce Beauty's Hl'l'le Eye COnC.e.nCrate- 5"'phora .# 3'i)
nn:'aki"iSl T~ in < a~air.
LaV:3r I
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The cc IL c _r ::;--;:.r =;-- ! - r I' ?
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r eel by ceetlltles SUCh as l::Ourtnev C G<, Evar .1- I'.'
iI . 60' J l T'Osay Lunan I t IObl ck IS g'86 r 0 0 58 · ;kiS
n3l.rral furtrer comoonng 01:'1081 '!I.::llm,ng Cargo asCI Ul>
alps rYcxjl JC ..,; tn,. tlA "8':P eV8 c
Jeis .oJ eXC03:" n~v.8Up "I'. r ber'e Kc PS IS '3 t"r;O}1 'I t\· "t' l'1'Yj<
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chffi\<:s all ()
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hE: I)lJ C aS8C1 T , ,~t:.!' cr.3 ~r :fPS 3
by AI; -rurner
;:rOM the ?ro?oSa/ t,o • :r do," MaKe SUre
your blj da; doesn t ha/e a blj ;fr7,Pa.c.t,
~I +it lr )iattrp./Vs , - ~k sse:; tl, : ][i _"... [.f/as <:> .:ovel y rJa, l-Je r.arr+".'r dRay Trasr
':'o2r' (p f')?, =; F ('r' I' 'I ,_ ,,:.:.,' -~,rl-- r i ~. rp-1. ~ - n t nC(Jr rJOlak, sc":rsl,,' 'e-sIXns Ie r,ah,[s Ir, U
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::j'" r .d l II nq r 'e'i .', -I"J{ , ts r:c-\",Y )1: ' : ,;::',UI . It N_ S E1lv' :d~ 'S on r-t" I nlr J In
d'ltSl 'J _:i "'S;·'" ' 1E{ -jre,arTI ql(.\) , \\uJ',J' 1 11arthews C,c:J: er'l pIOV~ ' IT1cry cl!:''Ver to.: I'~S
n '-r I:":.",,,, =f Nt:; !(J I ~~ "" Ter ,el, ::in(l ~) jll-'
" . 1'_ ",', :l .s IJ.<=,: In I;' j I' KI t" u .'r, L.lif '/'.111 ::O~J;Ji s alovv1n(j O'108S ~o onjOY dn;:, JIlCI
(7 J' t:'Ecr' 3.1:.'.'IT :X! vC ; Ie! 'Ilell tl,q J,:r, ,L\ltrCiugn nu everytl Ing can 1)(> green use meSA
'_II()I '.H 'C-l :"'lj.\I lestrfl'O t ~ 1I'=I',t8r, -t1(~rlohi", .1nrract 0 the, !edrjilQ riAl!
Adopt a "less IS more' n e tall y Am ugl-, an Ol(j tc::T:1118 I' 8']"91) 83'.'S , 1;C, t,lg GI'
:-r:' IYXllf , ' .:;co ,h cll: II, [, 1.(113': :)-1,~u1r1 :crY.,:, Gr, grCf'r, anrl fx:NC ('e'EI-I"A, ~<rna Iltlinat
C 'I,,-! 11' ,r.) : ces f;-1r ';:' .' ffr ((,;,-1 W:TS r e ,' '8~ uests pqU~ 1,=.;;;::; f(Yl(j ''Y,:H (JiSf'll:S i'1ncJ telNS'
pl'1r'c ~,er " 9 :; F'::",,'.".:,r roe:'L"t. : iii. l'I~ve ~,-) 11; or -hvp ' ) tr,e t'VC;1 I' It'i' 'I lec,.)r,flur S ,1",11 h8\jP
tn [, r-r .!i') i r,l :r'-'41E(1 icr :l ·,r,,' tl r "_ f I ' (JQ:';'tS 'J1 A -:r:;,;:;.c, tl'J-:,j r<,SOUI :es ,/,/11 1'E.:
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-::m-"'-Yr'I'c:.s I l;" 'I"'er,o-; )ftf-rF- ' llr.s~ ,r II .: <'!! l aflr',\o::iStedal,=.ITIC'I.80["l 'J;Pj,! I'J jl)
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IJ r' ( '-I .3 ''\1 a' SI : ' t1 If' :"..;teg, J jf !:NI'I J rcilVI, I ,all ' leol .;:s ::if" J tat, ' -r,El'~S 1J'11C!
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1t )m th e get go ";) S(..I ~ Ib' J wtXJOlr(1Ir vlia: on
"-'t"" -:::Il'-/"',O!JeS T--::,:nerc it IS cfl CCleglC us 'Ja.Si"O ct ,~,.g r";r Res:
-q:crr , thar ,-; 1:;S/ IfI', tT cr'.::' 8~-! <O,T IlIJe h8"1 F::::-r a ::. )A'S~-I rJ'-!(J 0[" ~ III a-kind r ,"JISt
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r;OrfW'lun:C"rlor RS'/Ps anrl nks 'r) ~rlrlf' 1/\'8\!:j,'-g regis qp,TI/VIste::! Jrnl~, p _I' ~ r II Blryy I 11 J1. r In,-I , kr 'OVvS 3. 1-111~ "'ir /'v0
ab::lUlg(ESI~' eJdl!9 r'Vlta'ons Ti'll' ncalcc'ln[JE1n y l-:ar =Ir "ldkes
Its C8 00r irJITiI iX'FA:, rosr consume waste nie'! ~r8 'Tld'J8 I'r
Ilouse , E:1lmna~n Q :;nir:J)fl~ , ar,] '.:.)rTll~lIlsrl.2d 'lvrh Terns , nC)'Ilers
or gr3SS Clilt,l rg~· . Tnose Inv,tatlons are rUSh::, un ClUC', bro.
r:eSl ot all , not
Find the perfect double-duty. green location Allne,ug
i may SElv'fT. 1t·,S!! 'Nr.ere tre nuptl Is take placo h _5 LtH.. ':) (I e
WIII Ire:; envr-rf;'l(?rY I ~ doos Cool<J8-C Itt 1" oorjlng ~act0nes '
,jrov' j(' a en- 3[0[:' .3 hOI:; for or:d3S 0 It ('~en pi J.I rasources
from 'g f·: 'hay f,' ~ ces 1\...0 I "XiI .-:0 onses These ",5t [) IshrY']or"S
,etir 1 p'ov{h.~ stnn r)-1[f'rir 9 ?1l fivrls l is S ~ki'-Ig ?ioIV Y
r:ersonal cho:ces Er ~I Y Ar , :e-son, rutty)r of E'~o r~h -:;' ./8(lj,n s
i' Idr erltiigr'
?007) recomr'le I-1S ScJL'clOrtlng Ii (" I
as flurants. f'or 1 AI S If lall jr'f1a'k Ijld gc; ''I making 'hSIYi
Y(,UI 'NecidllIQ Incorr.,o'atI1g 'ilJ\)! cnmm nt,! Irto +18
wb'Ckling Wlil ,) ;:lke f(lr a mar-:lOr. bft. e'f=e ~nc Find your 01 rs
will de te a -c.:d c",usc
In ~dE-r to m .~If'TYZe. gr8€I' r.'· 'klltld'
r,el/'/S ,CJX)k sa\!";
l:J'IOt-Jt> r \J;:,' r,t 1)8 &:r"lcl 0 ask qJ8stions &' SUIt.: t,) cnec~
In£: venue's rocyc I~g pOley ar IJ cornr oJ InC) vac CBS Tre
:rOWll r" . Unon Siatic-r' . Ma::thews C00ks rlxsptiJr, ve"-IUe,
su Moo r~l OBSJe Or ' l eeo conSCIOL.;S V'iajolrlg 'ile (Jef
vvas ~xtre l- uy oxcrteo aoout making , free r'1Ige rTl0al ." Snadoan
sa (1 Som8 paces , howevAI'. may not be ae accorrllrt()Crill)\,!
.f rtv:n.J8 IS n o! \AJ1lllnp :0 00 81 her, pcrhaos Its .IrTl8 to seou:
otrer IOC3t:CY.1S
Wear 'green' attire Ano€-c ,n Y'/ _ that oenn the 50Ali<10
Ci"1D FJ;lu"~ 0: II", - t'lshion inc SIrV lays :.:ne 0: tr"v lArgest Dol UL.~ ts
in ' ~ \ c: 1"1 T "IJ\"lite VV6ckJr,g IT,av be thlO: e h~::rn , but ,n crder
to h ve the OE''13ct, '.M-II e, masFprcx:Jucec r- I/Vr', p:lStlcrjOS,
,I dies anrJrJyPs InL ·S lie l;S8(! Tla,c:.e cjlr:·rncals no~ or,lv 'j J
1I:e 8n ron men': IJUt also el da g;r e wO('.Prs trat ~om8 , to
iac t \l1/.1t'
Wltrl sec rct ling - ~E:! "'Pi: t 1/'13 !rilrrg -Iress jon" j;sr"l:SS
tr,e II...Xl 0' a \, rtage Or ,ee 1/'/01 1 gONn S!,.: "(" Ity vlntage
Sll(' -,S ,jre a 9'cCiI pi ee t() stAr: 'l'OLII'
r:::r, .3tn &; in 'he hp f'
a '~Iary C'. Aul I '1..:US .81r! a '11 :rni"€' c - , resses ' a \'I'Oul i ~d f
t"le (,'CC3;:ilOn Web Sll88 11:,8 Er'CClt}'I~ • (,ori IJuy n ~ I,-~
.)/lce WOIIl o'esses f 1m to - 08819'18'S SU t as .AIVlf f\ \~ , -"1
and I azalO ar sells Ire' l 21 slasl sJ pro'F If a neN dress sa
ust. :::;c.nsdtJf' optll1g for 11atul.j hOEfS, suell as 3.[,';' 01!"ir rar e
"18 ',JboQ of thE) lin 8::3l'18.k i ci't?SS is well I<nO' in . tU1 ooon
rnincleiJ ., rio i- Dar 18'" ran rYElvent Ihs clutterc!O Close! ooom
M~ hev,,Is Cc"k CI1C() irAQ
'I r ndes!Tlslos 0 sell or [ JOfFitr
rnei' dresses to second na'l(j S~10p~ Srajc" n n s known ITIa'lV
bll. j I oar' 6.':: whn IlaY8 resold thpj' dreS$I38 :lnl fit3 . VIfr.8n
(Ief't) Shcdoan d;,sted the heI'p of'loc.o/ 1l000;,sts to create these 6eatd;.f't.tI,
Irdana.--yO<Vn 1l0<Jer c.rr~S.
(to,P Ief't) ..,-;", 0rcJe 00/ PlanrerS
• 'relr dresses a:::; a gru p
'WJesrnaos, 0"9 sa n,
"~pr 8' Tl05 of t ,ur rnOr o:.y l)del< 001 ' forget. [IOl h "
::; rc ri o J 'r,::: enVlronl lont :3 Tavo r y r P !DOSlno en
le-N 1'0 ~...
to .J I, -':L ~T lrner :x os
l:r8 oe,,- : IOvverS :Iosc :) 'If me. If l lSil It) 'rash 'k)v'R. . av" n
r~oral- ne n o r"-'E oaSiS IfIA' .r, i:1'8 t'lXIC , no bioJegr'-:tiI:Jl..; e,
Clnd --;n:;.qtL l"lo'e l .'Ast 'j Co Sicler .lSlr 'l::! po ed : I ar s a ~
c,'r tt.:r;:,ieces J'st d Od m son .als or ? I 1l.e oov";'s (flake;
!lice AI .-'Ina'ive to r;:Jeli i'''nal pcb.
[' 11 1'1 stop thAr. . · thr: 91 -.~., IOC3 t rr, J-.Jc,,; ' Ire
the IIX '[('r Ei r- ~ 'n-' I . I';:,el'. S · d~ 'JeU
'" a:e a g'P t a~stl~ iGor',:)r -"ueSlS?'
Rec.y Ie elfl re,;urpose a 'Tluch as possible Mro gn
'Arlat llc:pC€rs at ,. L wedel n~ is . \.tell oan Of olar ....lrg C'. " I
W -ClinG 1;\i"lEt naone:1,-, to It-,e d')ccr a er t 8 cel ~ nny
s JUS: q~," mr)(x~ant Re'l: T;=Jt)le rc:;ns 'Ia c',~r s. ,'r,nA and
SllVe(\; sr ~ 10 prO\,1 e
loucn 01 class I ' I rid try:. 'l()"lC cr
P8~tc or ~\1O-C8rn raw.'Ore As) cr sdE'! h;)l'/ t,,) c!isr:cre 'lft
CJ' .1:n
. E . S Jre te '39\ !r&\ c/l'8rer r "'2I1l" tIC'!" 8"<1r b,X I is
nanc:e-: rt JXBStle, ,IT. Ie br.avP<") 1 A ~"C!Tefr"", S' <::,,8"'3
HtpL.rr sed v"8C! n ,1€o::rti:-nS ' .n·
bc"n seo f
' t)8
Find a double-duty location
Find a natural spa for pampering
Send eco-friendly invitations
Decorate with keepsakes
Research local, seasonal flowers
Arrange carpools for guests
Decide on an organic menu
Go digital with photography
Register for sustainable gifts
Tell guests to forego wrapping
Shop for vintage attire
.. ..
Wear organic makeup
Create a large menu board
Plan an eco-travel honeymoon
Rent linens and tableware
Enjoy your day!
PhotoS courtesy
or C,'rcle Dty
PlannerS, Br,lter l'1atth~ and
JeSS,"ca Str,"c/:land
3 A cItIes
Maf,'n:} a MoVe? Plan,'n:} a tr~? CheCK out these jreen hot spots,
Ed,'ted AI,' fUrner, /'rOM Popular Sc,'ence
How the Ranking VVorks
s:;oras I,.., 'lII,(<5
2%-8231 la; 81
i:1 :
(7f3:J 228 6466("-11
"/s plik.."'e W1
r r.;.::,eCIC!
Bectricity (E; 70 points):'"
, r-I w"L
i8S a'e
':. ::>corti pun 3 k,c orciN
sources "-I lUI ",."n
, ! . i,'.E:1 f ' '~II as tr
lf1g tt~r energl 'i'~m ie ~ r/'" 100
&,jar _'i()(TBSS an hyeJr",
offer fig ifCcnIJ\'.= or lasiCl"1r[So uMlSt I~
p)lv "II
JUICes h'<::8 I( Y)' r ' j('!\.;nt~
-" r 0'1,,11
8dar panelS
Portland Oregon
.A 11811ca::; [Cr' glPt3n -::: [; '1% Il all Hair c<: powor
comes trom renSN8 It::; SOllie S, a CLiB er of
:t1e worKforcE commutes l)y l')lke, CBe-cx)(l1 )f'
u ,Ire tr nscnw 101- i3n cJ It has :.:>:: b Ilintr'gs
cer ~ed ov h e l S G'ePn Su,k 1 C Got.; \(>1
: 7 ,1
Tr.31lsporta lOll . 6 4
G een Llvmq 4.8
ec\ Ilnq Pe [ " I,V.:1 4 .8
Othe r top contend ers
- n
!0arl:;J.'~I_, ..J,
SI Paul \A/\/
r kian,), CA.
Sur rlyVa.t;:,
Hcoluil J '-!
Pol' v\ trth TA
G.71 (JiJ(!
'ge, MA
a:(kb)~ C~
Ele- In : 7 "~
Tr,(1;)pt'. (lllJn 7 .4
Gret:!n Uvi17y 2 .
Recyclmc Perspective 2 .3
Sea'tte. lilA
Ausrill IX
BOSTon, Massacnusetts
b )sror. f1EC r-,fE:.ll-:lir,ar\
f~ I CU nr In!o:~
p r;s tor:: r,en \:1
(flu '
a cl f8ItIIZ~. 't e
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f )O'Iv'~ . t I .s· 1 -:. II ,."ga·h'at1s' \'\1(111, ot gent.r 1')1S wi 1\ r1'" t
An j 8g iiaticl WC,JU 1-'03 tel '~e I=re k::I0\",r of 'p V8" ar j t-,1I,1gS
i'l (0 C npos'
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Ity: 5.7
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Gree LJVI~ 3 4
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.V:,' .J' j)C' ~T(l,<e In envirc n _r
V'ss Beau awl HeAlth ." In 260 !Jdlj. ,
re p,(l lJo~~tes ~ er r W f(,~~J 8'15 r
t't I Jrtller SErtSlbillvS 0: 0::,,1- nir'J
foods fe'f easy e 11"'11 i:( cr cc.ltt..:rar ·
ing h-r p rT :lly foe JS I L~I ';'
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expl;:1Ir")~ 'n aquasi .:jl.;,n·
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i"ver,1" r ':1~<Istlno ~ 8";
'1 'tel 'l1101 1
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u - .~ '" r8V\
'T)over ner,t ir, rer rew book 'Raw FOC<l U',::? Fnrce
En.:>rgy Enter a Totally N .w S(latospre8 or Weigh
T . ' j~/ll-es"/18 ~.(-"Jrr. "I'~,!.,:c .
:.tu,e. dCC~SIUIt. df1U lu . ot -ce.atlvE (:.lOtp I';-=:I
fro 8'Jrhor .1 .fClm~ 3'lCl r \.J1-3ins as :or, t :eSEn S
na:.!f3 SC)lulI0:::::: to rc ,:;ncs tr,e ,-,n<fJ '~'1 "8al1n
0-113tl S OT cast il\.r. ,:~"'okw:=Jfe r {)Ii} ' J Ot7Sfc' r,e
0-1' n erTilSS'c>1l'''' r.a J5e I fJ/
n", trriV81 d'ld hOV'I
If) conve1 'lIners to 18 ca JSt,"
Na'B'd Rose cove's 'he oaSII.;s
'tlii' ccnsumng
-y,trr.!ElcJl'v I) Jr Id ; OS 011
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r 'YJulcj fl16,~e
to :, _. st f.:x.ds ora'
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, ;91, ro:.1 'e·n
i3re ,j.. ( :\:)1181
r, "TIc'l 'iy : J'1C. ion
1 750-ml bottle organic Cabernet
1/4 cup minced shallots
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature
2 teaspoons golden brown sugar
1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme
1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary
2 pounds ground organic beef
Boil wine, shallots, rosemary and thyme in
a saucepan until reduced to 3/4 cup. Remove from heat. Add 1 tablespoon butter
and brown sugar; whisk until butter melts
and sugar dissolves. While cooking, heat
Mix organic beef, salt and pepper, and a
th ird of the remain ing wine mixture into
a bowl. Divide meat into four portions.
Brush grill with olive oil. Grill until brown
(about 3 minutes). Turn burgers and brush
with wine mixture. Continue cooking until
desired temperature/color, brushing with
wine mixture. Place sliceed blue cheese
on burger after last turn and allow cheese
to melt.
Grill the buns until golden. Add tomato
slices and arugula. Dress burgers to liking
, 1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Olive oil
Blue cheese - enough for four slices, one per
4 organic hamburger buns
8 large vine-ripened tomato slices
2 cups arugula
Cupcake ingredients:
12 cupcake paper liners
8 oz of organic white chocolate chips
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup canned, unsweetened organic
coconut milk
3 large egg whites
Meringue Buttercream ingredients:
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
5 large egg whites
Pinch cream of tartar
1 pound (4 sticks unsalted butter, cut into
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons rose water
Preheat over to 325 degrees. Line muffin tins with liners.
Melt white chocolate chips in double boiler over simmering
water. Melt until silky smooth.
Whisk flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl.
With an electric mixer, beat sugar, butter and vanilla until
blended. Stir in melted chocolate. Alternate adding the dry
ingredients and coconut milk until combined. In a separate
bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gently fold egg
whites into cupcake batter until completely combined.
Place 1/3 cup of mixture into each liner and bake 25-30
minutes. Cool completely before frosting.
For buttercream, bring sugar and water to a boil over medium heat. Use a candy thermometer to monitor temperature. Heat syrup to 210 degrees. At that time, beat egg
whites on low speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar, then
beat until stiff peaks form. When the syrup reaches 240
degrees, pour sugar down the side of the bowl into the egg
whites. Continue to mix until the bowl reaches room temperature. Add pieces of butter one by one. Add vanilla and
rose water. Beat until mixture is smooth and shiny.
You'Ve 30ne 3reen ;n MoSt areaS c:rf' your /;.f'e. Not.<.J, be an eCo-SoC.J'a/;te.
by A/;
I '
does it take to make Il light bulb?
th nit h ul ,1M r lity is.
hUe your
km prodUCI i
n n~
rid 1"kC'
, jm