1990 COLUMBIA BASIN RICULTURAL RESEARCH Special Report 860 Agricultural Experiment Station • Oregon State University in cooperation with Agricultural Research Service • USDA COLUMBIA BASIN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH JUNE, 1990 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ron Rickman, Chairman Pamela Zwer Hal Collins Wakar Uddin Acknowledgement is made to Carol Brehaut, Gloria Eidam, and Pat Frank, for typing 1661MR 6/92 305 1125 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Off-Station Research Plot Locations 5 Publications 6 Pacific Northwest Winter and Spring Wheat Cultivar Descriptions. Development of Winter Barley Varieties 10 18 Club Wheat Improvement Program 20 Breeding for Resistance to the Russian Wheat Aphid Club Wheat Improvement Program 23 Hard White Wheat for Oregon and Current Research on Disease Resistance Response of Wheat Yields to Fungicides Applied as Seed Treatments or in-row Bands Response of Barley Yields to Fungicide Seed Treatments A Summary of Jointed Goatgrass Cultural and Chemical Control in Wheat - 1990 28 35 43 49 1990 Summary of Cheatgrass Control in Winter Cereals 52 Green Foxtail Herbicide Resistance in Mint 56 Performance of a Deep Furrow Opener for Placement of Seed and Fertilizer Maximum Daily Temperatures During Reproduction and Green Pea Yield 58 63 Precipitation Summary - Pendleton 66 Precipitation Summary Moro 67 Growing Degree Day Summaries 68 DISCLAIMER: These papers report on research only. Mention of a specific proprietary product does not constitute a recommendation by the U. S. Department of Agriculture or Oregon State University, and does not imply their approval to the exclusion of other suitable products. ii INTRODUCTION Staffs of the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARCOregon State University; Pendleton and Sherman Stations) and the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center (USDA-Agricultural Research Service; Pendleton) are proud to present results of their research. This bulletin contains a representative sample of the work in progress at these Centers. A collection of bulletins over a three-year period will give a more complete assessment of the productivity and applicability of research conducted on behalf of producers in eastern Oregon and comparable agricultural regions. Changes in staffing, programming, and facilities at these Centers during the past year are summarized below. Promotions and Awards Scott Case was promoted by OSU from the rank of Research Assistant to Senior Research Assistant. Don Rydrych was distinguished with an award for completing 25 years of service to OSU. Within the USDA Joseph Pikul, Jr. and Phaedra Hawkins were promoted and Rich Greenwalt and Les Ekin were awarded merit salary increases in recognition of the consistently high quality of their work. Merit cash awards were given to Maralyn Horn and Theresa Miglioretto and performance awards to Betty Klepper, Ron Rickman, and Dale Wilkins. Rich Greenwalt and Tami Toll both received cash awards for valuable suggestions which saved money and time in doing the work of the station. Staff Changes New OSU staff members include Robert Correa (Facilities and Equipment Manager), Karen Morrow (Experimental Biology Aide), and Kathleen Van Wagoner (Experimental Biology Aide). Kelly Thomas resigned as Research Assistant. For the USDA staff, three temporary employees, Kami Albert, Robert Quaempts, and Heather Westersund, worked for an 8-week period last summer on a special ARS program for Research Apprentices in Agriculture. Other temporary (3 to 6 month) employees for USDA and OSU included Jim Jerome, Theresa Miglioretto, Kim Richards, Darrell Johnson, Heidi Bornstedt, Gina Meengs, Stanley Krajewski, and Kathy Ward. New Projects A project to compare the morphological and phenological development of club and common wheat cultivars was initiated in collaboration between local staff and two visiting foreign scientists. Betty Klepper and Don Rydrych began a new project to compare the root system development of several grassy weeds and crop plants. Dale Wilkins and several other staff members started a new project to find out if chisel-type tillage operations in frozen planted soil would enhance over winter infiltration and thus decrease runoff on sloping lands planted to cereals. Paul Rasmussen and Hal Collins undertook a special project to review the literature of longterm impacts of management on soil properties for the LISA project. Tom Chastain initiated new studies on dwarf bunt of wheat, planting quality of pre-harvest sprouted wheat seed, Russian wheat aphid insecticides, and started work to determine the feasibility of small-red spring lentils, winter lentils, and white lupine as rotation crops. Cooperators on these projects included Betty Klepper, Richard Smiley, Dale Wilkins, Don Rydrych, Brian Tuck, and Mike Stoltz. 1 Facilities Improvements to OSU facilities included renovation of offices, storage, and sidewalks at the Sherman Station, and of the basement in the OSU Office Building at Pendleton, to convert it into an agronomy research laboratory. Additional work was performed on roadways at both Stations, and to the windbreak trees at Pendleton. Special emphasis during 1989 and 1990 was placed on improving research and support equipment. Major purchases included the following used equipment: two J.D. HZ grain drills, rod weeders, plot sprayer, 2.5 T truck, and D-4 tractor. New equipment included a Hege plot combine, to be stationed at Moro, and computer systems for the agronomy program and the main office at Pendleton. An older computer and truck were transferred from Pendleton to Moro to improve research efficiency at both Stations, and to introduce the capacity for electronic mail between the Stations. Work was completed on the new facility which will allow our microbiologist to handle radioisotopes and other specialized chemicals that can't be handled in our main building. The old USDA greenhouse was converted into a solar drying room to allow rapid air-drying of large samples and to conserve on energy required to operate drying ovens. The new rootwashing laboratory was insulated and plumbing was installed to improve safe access to water lines. Training The USDA and OSU staffs jointly taught a class for Saturday Academy on agricultural soils in the Fall of 1989. The class was attended by about a dozen local students. OSU employees participating in training classes at BMCC included Gloria Eidam, Don Rydrych, Karl Rhinhart, and Stan Krajewski. Muriel Wilson participated in a workshop on secretarial effectiveness. Don Rydrych participated in a People-to-People International tour of weed science programs and facilities in Hungary, Poland, and the U.S.S.R. Several USDA staff took courses in computer science at Blue Mountain Community College, including Les Ekin, Doug Nelson, Carol Brehaut, Pat Frank, Daryl Haasch, Betty Klepper, Tami Toll, Katherine Skirvin, Dale Wilkins, Sharron Wart, and Clyde Douglas. Pesticide training was taken by Dale Wilkins, Bob Ramig, Larry Baarstad, and Daryl Haasch. Dale Wilkins also took a course, "Motivating Engineering Abilities for Effective Design" through the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Larry Baarstad attended a course on how to organize and manage a preventive maintenance program put on by Washington State University. One-third of the staff updated their Red Cross First Aid training and all eligible staff received an update of CPR training. An 8-hour course in Defensive Driving was put on at the station and was attended by most of the staff. Larry Baarstad presented a special safety seminar on crane safety for about half of the staff. Visitors Two foreign postdoctoral scientists, Dr. Aurora Sombrero from Spain and Dr. Shigenori Morita from the University of Tokyo, completed their postdoctoral year and returned to their home countries. Monika Wimmer from West Germany spent three months working with Hal Collins, Joseph Pikul and John Zuzel on a project to clarify the role of microbial products in the aggregate stability of surface soils. Distinguished visitors hosted by staff at the Center included William G. Chace, Jr., and Robert Reginato (Director and Assoc. Director, USDA-ARS, Pacific West Area, Albany, CA), Craig Morris (Director, Western Wheat Quality Lab, Pullman, WA), John Sullivan, (Director, Wheat Marketing Center, Portland), Gary Lee (Director, Idaho Agr. Expt. Stn., Moscow), Roy Arnold (Dean, OSU Coll. of Agr. Sci.), Thayne Dutson (Dir., Oregon Agr. Expt. Stn.), Ernie Smith (Dir. Oregon Extension Service), Mike Burke (Dir. of OSU Academic Programs), Van Volk and Kelvin Koong (Assoc. Directors, OSU Coll. of Agr. Sci.), Mike Smith (Univ. of Idaho), Geoffry Kew (Australia), John Purchase (South Africa), Armin Werner (Univ. of Bonn, Federal Republic, Germany), Pete Thomson and Terry Higg (Washington D.C.), Ken and Carole Wetherby (Australia), Karim Ammar, Khelifa M'Hedhbi, M. Ben Salem, Amor Yahyosi, Raouf Cherif (Tunisia), Andres Encinas (Mexico), a delegation of four from Korea, Doug Whitelock (New Zealand), S. Prihar (India). Department Heads who visited the Centers included Sheldon Ladd (OSUCrop Science), Benno Warkentin (OSU-Soil Science), and Stella Coakley (OSUBotany & Plant Pathology). Other visitors included numerous representatives of equipment and chemical companies, news media, and faculty and staff from research and extension programs in Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Visiting scientists included Lloyd Elliott, Dave Bezdicek, Ann Kennedy, John Kraft, Keith Saxton, and Alex Ogg from Washington, and Warren Kronstad, Chris Mundt, Floyd Bolton, Russ Karow, Arnold Appleby, and Jim Vomocil from Oregon. We also conducted workshops for the technical staff of the USDA-Soil Conservation Service, and for McGregor Co. Seminars The seminar series at the Center was coordinated by Joseph Pikul. Seminars included the following speakers and subjects: Don Rydrych (crop management in the U.S.S.R. and crop production in Hungary and Poland), Frank Young (introduction and summary of the Pacific Northwest IPM project), Mathias Kolding (what's new from the Hermiston cereal breeding program), Dale Wilkins (influence of seed placement on winter wheat development), John Zuzel (surface residue effects on infiltration), Clinton Reeder (political and marketing activities of the Oregon wheat industry), Pamela Zwer (the club wheats and Russian wheat aphids), Marshall Gannett (ground water investigations in the Ontario, Oregon area), Vince Vermeul (quantifying soil macroporosity in tilled soil), Allen Busacca (geologic history and soils of the Palouse and channeled scablands - recent advances), John Sullivan (soft white wheat quality and marketing), Rick Miller (vegetation changes in the Great Basin), John Zuzel (frozen soil, runoff and erosion research in northeast Oregon), Joseph Pikul (heat and water flux in a diurnally freezing and thawing soil), Tom Chastain (effect of sodium hypochlorite on dwarf bunt teliospore viability and wheat seed quality), Hal Collins (influence of crop residue management on heterotrophic bacterial diversity in wheat rhizospheres), Joseph Pikul (effect of fall chisel tillage on water infiltration in frozen soil), Ron Rickman (cover crop utilization in the Pacific Northwest), Paul Rasmussen (long-term fertilization, crop residue and tillage studies 1931-present, Pendleton, OR), Clyde Douglas (straw loading rate and field placement effects on decomposition of wheat straw with different nitrogen contents), Sue Waldman (logical organization and implementation of a crop model), Betty Klepper (phyllome developmental patterns in winter wheat), Ron Rickman (dry matter creation and distribution in a development driven winter wheat model), and special travel talks on Spain with Aurora Sombrero, and on Antarctica with Doug Nelson. Liaison Committees The Pendleton and Sherman Station Liaison Committees have region-wide representation and provide guidance in decisions on staffing, programming and facilities and equipment improvement at the Stations. Membership is by 3 appointment by the Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and also, at Pendleton, by the Director of the Pacific West Area, USDA-ARS. These committees provide a primary communication linkage among growers and industry and the research staff and their parent institutions. The Committee Chairman and OSU and USDA administrators encourage and welcome your concerns and suggestions for improvements needed in any aspect of the research centers or their staffs. The Pendleton Station Liaison Committee, led by Chairman John Rea (Touchet, WA.: 509-394-2430), met on January 15, 1990. The Sherman Station Liaison Committee, led by Chairman Steve Anderson (Arlington: 503-454-2513), held meetings on June 15, 1989 and January 8, 1990. Expressions of Appreciation The staff wishes to express their appreciation to individuals, associations and corporations who have given special assistance for the operation of experimental plots on or associated with the Center during 1989-1990. The Oregon Wheat Commission continues to provide the critical support upon which many of the Center's projects are founded. Thanks are also given to those who donated equipment for long-term use by the Center (George Moreau, Kaye McAtee, and John Rea), funds and/or chemicals (Monsanto Chem. Co., Nor-Am Chem. Co., MSD-AGVET, CIBA-GEIGY, duPont, Wilbur-Ellis Co., Sandoz Chem. Co., and Sherman Farm Chemicals), or loaned equipment or facilities (John Rea, Tremayne Rea, Frank Tubbs, Soil Conservation Service, and the Agric. Engineering Dept., Washington State Univ.). We also acknowledge those who donated labor, supplies, equipment or funding for the Pendleton Field Day (Umatilla County Ag Lender's Assoc. [Pacific Security, U.S. Bank, Inland Empire Bank, First Interstate Bank, Farm Credit Services], Wheatland Insurance, Farm Chemicals of Athena, Pendleton Grain Growers, Pendleton Senior Center, Main Street Cowboys, Umatilla County Wheat Growers League, Farm Equipment Headquarters, Inc., Morrow County Grain Growers, Frank Tubbs, and Larry Coppock), the Moro Field Day (Monsanto, Mid-Columbia Producers, Inc., PureGro, Sherman Farm Chemicals, Condon Grain Growers, Sherman County School District, and Lean To [Kathy Neihart]), and the OSU Alumni Picnic (Safeway Stores and Dwight Wolfe). Cooperative research plots at the Center were operated by Floyd Bolton, Warren Kronstad, Patrick Hayes, Chris Mundt, Russ Karow, Ann Kennedy, Keith Saxton, and the Soil Conservation Service. We also thank the SCS District Conservationists in Oregon and Washington for their assistance. Additionally, we are very thankful for the ever-present assistance from the Extension Service personnel in all counties of the region, and especially from Umatilla, Union, Sherman, Morrow, Gilliam, Wallowa, and Wasco Counties and from Columbia and Walla Walla Counties in Washington. We also wish to thank the 60 or more farmers who have allowed us to work on their property during the past year, and who have often gone the extra mile by performing field operations, loaning equipment, donating chemicals, and adjusting their practices to accommodate our plots. The locations of these outlying sites are shown on the map that follows. We truly appreciated the support and encouragement of growers, organizations, and businesses with a mission common to ours; to serve in the best manner possible the crop production needs of our region. We welcome your suggestions on how we may continue to improve our attempts to reach this goal. Richard Smiley Superintendent OSU-CBARC Betty Klepper Research Leader USDA-ARS-CPCRC 4 OFF-STATION RESEARCH PLOT LOCATIONS •••• Washington – Oregon Eastern Border Counties GRANT • • WHITMAN ADAMS * • • • •,* -Pn FRANKL IN • GARFIELD'. s• • COLUMB IA .1, • • YAKIMA WALLA WALLA SKAMAN I A • BENTON A • • • ;)ASOTIN • • • KLICKITAT 11000 • • • ` ,RIVER i• %, s s 1 '5, WASCO 1 I__ • le wALLowA : • t, • I L LA 110111 *mOxii * • % •••• • • --I _, .. , ti t- , 1 • 1*** PAZ `, 5 HERMAN' , GILLIAM "I. fr- - - -1 I ,1 • s_ • • • • •_, • is • UNION " ----- ._ ,__ .s i WHEELER JEFFERSON , r—' -1—. 1 GILLIAM, OREGON Jordon Maley Louis Rucker MORROW, OREGON Eric Anderson Charles Anderson Frank Anderson Doug Drake Tad Miller Ken Peck Lyle Peck Keith Rea Joe Rietmann SHERMAN, OREGON Les Gray Pat McNab Bill Todd UMATILLA, OREGON Glenn Broigotti Dutch Clark Larry Coppock Dick Goodwin Wes Grilley 1 1 GRANT UMATILLA, OREGON (con't) Doug Harper Jim Harris Bob Johns Maurice Johns Sheldon Kirk K. C. Loiland Frank Mader Don Mills Bob Newtson Larry Newtson Alan Pinkerton Fred Price Clint Reeder Leon Reese Sherman Reese Fred Rice Bob Schmidtgall Carl Schuenning Gunder Terjeson Glenn Thorne Mike Thorne Ken Thompson Stan Timmerman Dwight Wolfe Don Woodward 5 UNION, OREGON Bob Broigotti John Cuthbert Bernal Hug Kent Hug Kurt Von Blockland Bill Weatherspoon Gil Weatherspoon WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON Donald Meiners WALLOWA, OREGON Stu Coleman George Marshall WASCO, OREGON Van Harth WHITMAN, WASHINGTON Jon M. Whitman PUBLICATIONS Chastain, T. G. 1989. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on dwarf bunt teliospore viability and wheat seed quality. Agron. Abstr. p. 149. Chastain, T. G. and D. F. Grabe. 1989. Spring establishment of orchard-grass seed crops with cereal companion crops. Crops Sci. 29:466-471. Chastain, T. G. and D. F. Grabe. 1989. Spring establishment of turf-type tall fescue seed crops with cereal companion crops. Agron. J. 81:488-493. Collins, H. P., C. L. Douglas, Jr., and R. W. Smiley. 1989. Influences of crop residue management on heterotrophic bacterial diversity in wheat rhizospheres. Agron. Abstr. p. 212. Douglas, C. L. Jr. 1989. Straw loading rate and field placement effects on decomposition of wheat straw with different nitrogen contents. Agron. Abstrs. p. 213. Douglas, C. L. Jr., P. E. Rasmussen, and R. R. Allmaras. 1989. Cutting height, yield level, and equipment modification effects on residue distribution by combines. Trans. ASAE 32:1258-1262. Dunfield, T. G., A. D. Brede, and T. G. Chastain. 1989. Control of ergot in Kentucky bluegrass seed production. Fungic. Nematicide Tests. 44:247. pp. 87-88. Klepper, B. and R. W. Rickman. 1989. Phyllome developmental patterns in winter wheat. Agron. Abstr. p. 18. Klepper, Betty. Root growth and water uptake. 1990. In (B. A. Stewart and D. R. Nielsen, Eds.) Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Amer. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI. pp. 281-322. Klepper, Betty, Aurora Sombrero, Shigenori Morita, Dale Wilkins, Ron Rickman, and Pamela Zwer. 1989. Stand establishment in club and common wheats. pp. 40-42. In 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res. Spec. Rept. No. 840. Kraft, J. M. and D. E. Wilkins, 1989. The effects of pathogen numbers and tillage on root disease, root length and seed yields in green peas. Plant Disease 73:884-887. Morita, S., C. L. Douglas, B. L. Klepper, R. W. Rickman, A. Sombrero, and D. E. Wilkins. 1989. Root system development of common and club wheats. In Columbia Basin Agric. Res., Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Spec. Rept. 840. Morrison, J. E. Jr., R. R. Allen, D. E. Wilkins, G. M. Powell, R. Grisso, D. C. Erbach, L. P. Herndon, D. L. Murray, G. E. Formanek, D. L. Pfost, M. M. Herron and D. J. Baumert. 1989. Expert system for selecting conservation planting machines: Planting. Trans. ASAE 32:397-401. 6 Newcomb, G. B., R. E. Ingham, R. W. Smiley, and J. A. Pinkerton. 1989. Effects of nematicide treatment on Heterodera avenae and wheat yield in northeast Oregon (abstract). J. Nematol. 21:576. Peterson, C. M., Betty Klepper, and R. W. Rickman. 1989. The contributions of seed reserves to seedling development of winter wheat. Agron. J. 81:245-251. Pikul, J.L. Jr. and J. F. Zuzel. 1990. Heat and water flux in a diurnally In K. R. Cooley (ed.) Frozen soil freezing and thawing soil. p. 113-119. impacts on agricultural, range, and forest lands. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Spokane, WA, March 21-22, 1990. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Special Report 90-1. Hanover, NH. Pikul, J. L. Jr., J. F. Zuzel, and D. E. Wilkins. 1989. Fall Tillage to improve water infiltration in frozen soil. p. 89-91. In 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res. Spec. Rept. No. 840. Pikul, J. L. Jr., J. F. Zuzel, and D. E. Wilkins. 1989. Effect of fall chisel on water infiltration in frozen soil. Agron. Abstr. p. 290. Ramig, R. E. 1989. Variability of crop-year precipitation. pp. 92-100. In 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res., Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Spec. Rept. 840. Rasmussen, P. E., R. W. Smiley, and H. P. Collins. 1989. Long-term (1931present) fertilizer, residue management, and tillage studies at Pendleton, Oregon. Agron. Abstr. p. 250. Rasmussen, P. E. and C. R. Rhode. 1989. Soil Acidification by NH4-N fertilization with conventional and stubble mulch tillage in a wheat/fallow system. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53:119-122. Rasmussen, P. E., C. R. Rohde, and R. W. Smiley. 1989. Improving grain yield: 60-years of progress. p. 11-13. In 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res. Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Spec. Rept. 840. Rasmussen, P. E., H. P. Collins, and R. W. Smiley. 1989. Long-term management effects on soil productivity and crop yield in semi-arid regions of eastern Oregon. Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Bull. 675. 57 p. Rickman, R. W., Paul E. Rasmussen, Harold P. Collins, and David Granatstein. 1989. Cover crop utilization in the Pacific Northwest. Agron. Abstr. p. 292. Rickman, R. W. and B. Klepper. 1989. Dry matter creation and distribution in a development-driven wheat model. Agron. Abstr. p. 21. Rydrych, D. J. 1989. Weed control technology in Eastern Oregon. In Proc. of 38th Oregon Soc. of Weed Sci., Oregon State Univ. Ext. Serv., Clackamas, OR. pp. 89-92. Rydrych, D. J. 1990. Downy brome control in winter wheat with clomazone. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science, Reno (Sparks), Nevada. March 1315. 7 Rydrych, D. J. 1990. Weed control in crops in the Soviet Union. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science. Reno (Sparks), Nevada. March 13-15. Rydrych, D. J. 1989. Weed control and crop production in Russia. In Proc. of 39th Washington State Weed Conf. Washington State University, Yakima, WA. pp. 113-119. Rydrych, D. J. 1990. Kochia control in spring wheat. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science. Reno (Sparks), Nevada. March 13-15. Rydrych, D. J. 1990. Jointed goatgrass cultural and chemical control in winter wheat. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science, Reno (Sparks), Nevada. March 13-15. Rydrych, D. J. 1989. Kochia - A potential problem in cereals. pp. 87-88. 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res., Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Spec. Rpt. 840. In Rydrych, D. J. 1989. New concepts in weed control. Oregon Wheat. Vol 40, No. 3, Pendleton, Or. p.9. Smiley, R., D. Wilkins, W. Uddin, S. Ott, K. Rhinhart, and S. Case. 1989. Rhizoctonia root rot of wheat and barley. pp. 68-79. In: 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res., Oregon Agric. Expt. Stn. Spec. Rept. 840. Smiley, R. W., W. Uddin, and K. Rhinhart. 1989. Rhizoctonia root rot of barley affected by timing of glyphosate application (abstract). Phytopathology 79:1217. Smiley, R. W. 1989. Biology of soilborne pathogens causing patch diseases of turfgrasses. p. 55-60. In H. Takatoh (ed.) Proc. 6th Int. Turfgrass Res. Conf. (Tokyo). 458 pp. Sombrero, A., P. K. Zwer, B. Klepper, and R. Rickman. 1989. Comparison of club and common wheat yield components at two locations, Pendleton and Moro. pp. 4651. In 1989 Columbia Basin Agric. Res. Spec. Rept. No. 840. Veseth, R. and D. J. Wysocki. 1989. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook. PNW Extension Publication, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. Waldman, Sue and R. W. Rickman. 1989. Logical organization and implementation of a crop model. Agron. Abstr. p. 2 5. Wilkins, Dale E., Marshall R. Haferkamp, and David C. Ganskopp. 1990. Power requirements of an imprinter and rangeland drill. J. Range Management 43:273274. Wilkins, D. E. 1989. Adjustments in current tillage equipment and operations for improving surface residue retention. In Proc. 8th Annual Inland Empire Conservation Farming Conf., Pullman, WA. Wilkins, D. E., B. Klepper, and R. W. Rickman. 1989. Measurement of wheat seedling response to tillage. Trans. ASAE. 32:795-799. Wysocki, D. J. 1989. Leopard Spots in Eastern Oregon. Sharpshooter, Oregon Society of Soil Scientists Newsletter, 12(3):1. 8 Wysocki, D. J. 1989. National Non-Point Source (NPS) Conference. Conservation Tracks, SWCS Oregon Chapter Newsletter, 2(2):4-6. Wysocki, D. J. 1989. Runoff and Erosion Events in the Inland Northwest. STEEP Extension Conservation Farming Update, Fall 1989, p. 17-18. Improving Water Infiltration in Frozen Soil. 1989. Wysocki, D. J. Extension Conservation Farming Update, Summer 1989, p. 13-14. STEEP Wysocki, D. J. 1989. Inversion -- A Weed Control Technique in Dryland Cereals. STEEP Extension Conservation Farming Update, Spring 1989, p. 14-15. Wysocki, D. J. and D. J. Rydrych. 1989. "Inversion" - A weed control technique in dryland cereals. In D. F. Wysocki (ed.) Steep Extension Conservation Farming Update. 1989. pp. 13-14. How Much Straw do You Produce? 1989. Wysocki, D. J. Conservation Farming Update, Summer 1989, p. 7-8. STEEP Extension Zuzel, J. F. and J. L. Pikul, Jr. 1990. Frozen soil, runoff, and soil erosion research in northeastern Oregon. In Proc. Int. Symposium Frozen Soil Impacts on Agricultural, Range and Forest Lands., CRREL Special Report 90-1. Hanover, NH. pp. 4-10. Tillage and 1990. Zuzel, J. F., J. L. Pikul, Jr., and P. E. Rasmussen. fertilizer effects on water infiltration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:205-208. Zuzel, J. F. and J. L. Pikul, Jr. 1989. Surface effects on infiltration, runoff and erosion. EOS 70:1114. 9 PACIFIC NORTHWEST WINTER AND SPRING WHEAT CULTIVAR DESCRIPTIONS P. K. Zwer, K. J. Morrow, and K. H. Van Wagoners INTRODUCTION The club wheat improvement program conducts yield trials comparing cultivars and advanced breeding lines in diverse environments around northeastern Oregon. Six on-farm locations, located near Athena, Arlington, Helix, Heppner, LaGrande, and Lexington, as well as the Pendleton and Sherman Experiment Stations were selected to represent the agronomic zones. Data, such as agronomic characteristics, disease reactions, and yield, are collected at each site. Information gathered from this program as well as other sources is compiled and presented in this paper to assist in the selection of winter and spring cultivars for this region. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three yield trials, assessing winter grain, advanced club wheat, and spring grain, were sown at the eight locations around northeastern Oregon. Additional preliminary tests and the Western Regional Soft White Winter Wheat Yield Test were conducted at the Pendleton and Sherman Experiment Station. Table 1 shows the sowing and harvesting dates for the winter and spring grain yield trials. The experiments were planted with a Hege drill at a seeding rate of 20 to 22 seeds ft-2 . The plots, composed of five rows with 12 inch centers, measured 80 ft2 . Data were collected for plant height, grain yield, and test weight. Table 1. Sowing and harvest dates for the winter and spring wheat and triticale yield trials, 1988-89. Winter trials Harvested Location Sown Arlington Athena Helix Heppner LaGrande Lexington Moro Pendleton October 12 October 8 October 11 October 6 September 30 October 6 October 4 October 8 July 18 August 11 August 3 August 4 August 29 July 19 July 25 July 24 Sown Spring trials Harvested March 28 March 31 March 30 March 27 April 10 March 27 March 29 March 24 July 18 August 11 August 3 August 4 August 29 July 19 July 25 July 24 1 Assistant professor, experimental biology aide, and experimental biology aide, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 10 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The winter yield trials were dusted into dry soil during late September and early October at Arlington, Athena, Helix, Heppner, and Lexington. Seedling emergence was uniform at Athena and Heppner, whereas seedlings emerged differentially at Arlington, Helix, and Lexington. Inconsistent soil moisture conditions at Moro and Pendleton, also resulted in non-uniform emergence. Soil moisture, sowing conditions, and seedling emergence were excellent at LaGrande. Despite the dry sowing conditions at most locations, good plant stands were established at Athena, Heppner, Lexington, and Pendleton. Poor stand establishment resulted in lower yields at Moro, prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) and gopher damage reduced yields at Arlington, and extensive downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) infestation at Helix resulted in unrepresentative yield estimates. The Helix winter grain yield data for 1989 are not presented for this reason. Table 2. 1988-89 winter grain yield trial data for seven locations in northeastern Oregon. Line or Cultivar Location Moro Pendleton Lexington LaGrande Heppner Athena Arlington 2 Test Test Test Test Test Test Test 3 Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Htl wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Location ave. yield common wheat HARD RED Andrews Batum Hatton ORCR8313 Wanser 21 24 27 27 25 57 55 62 59 60 19 17 20 20 14 28 33 40 32 41 59 53 60 61 60 76 71 71 76 75 23 21 23 27 26 60 55 63 61 60 23 21 23 25 21 32 35 42 35 41 53 99 54 96 58 92 57 103 57 92 31 31 36 34 37 60 58 62 61 60 47 46 38 50 41 30 31 37 29 36 60 58 64 61 63 57 67 53 48 48 32 32 39 33 41 61 59 64 63 62 54 59 61 57 50 54 54 51 54 49 SOFT WHITE Basin Cashup Daws Dusty Hill 81 22 25 24 23 24 56 56 56 53 55 23 19 18 20 20 25 28 29 30 33 56 59 58 57 57 83 84 79 75 80 20 24 25 23 26 57 56 57 57 59 29 22 26 32 33 27 32 31 32 34 53 53 56 53 53 107 116 107 104 106 27 27 29 30 33 59 59 59 61 60 47 42 48 45 51 24 29 32 28 31 60 60 59 59 58 59 65 62 58 68 27 30 32 30 32 62 60 61 60 60 57 53 58 71 60 58 57 57 58 60 Lewjain Madsen Malcolm Oveson Stephens 24 25 26 26 22 54 55 55 56 52 22 21 21 24 21 30 32 30 32 30 56 56 56 57 53 80 81 83 84 79 24 23 27 24 25 56 58 57 58 55 28 31 32 29 33 30 33 34 35 33 50 102 52 97 51 108 53 100 53 104 29 33 32 31 33 60 59 58 59 59 45 50 52 50 52 29 31 30 31 30 59 60 59 57 59 65 60 60 56 59 32 32 33 33 32 60 61 62 59 60 63 66 72 62 61 58 58 61 58 58 58 57 57 60 59 41 46 51 52 45 28 29 28 23 27 59 59 59 58 59 61 60 61 18 63 32 33 32 31 33 59 59 59 60 61 61 61 60 64 60 54 55 58 58 58 61 60 club wheat Crew Mundt-Mix `' Hyak OR855 Tres 21 21 24 27 21 52 50 50 62 54 16 19 15 60 20 32 32 30 29 33 58 57 56 60 58 77 83 79 84 84 22 20 22 22 21 54 52 56 60 55 26 24 26 30 24 34 32 32 31 34 52 97 54 90 53 112 53 100 56 111 31 30 32 29 30 triticale5 Flora Whitman 28 42 27 38 48 24 36 41 83 43 49 79 26 44 19 34 50 26 32 41 101 43 48 118 31 45 51 31 52 54 31 48 74 37 51 51 33 50 69 44 54 68 Nursery ave. 25 55 22 32 56 79 24 56 27 34 53 103 31 58 47 30 59 58 33 60 61 1 Height expressed as inches. 2 3 Test weight expressed as pounds per bushel. • Yield expressed as bushels per acre. 4 A mixture of equal proportions of Faro-Jacmar-Tres-Tyee. 5 Triticale yields were determined using 60 pounds per bushel. 11 Plant height, grain yield, and test weight were collected for the winter grain entries and are presented in Table 2 for the 1988-1989 growing season. The entries represent cultivars from three wheat market classes, hard red, soft white, and club, as well as triticale. Two advanced breeding lines presently being considered for cultivar release, a soft common (OR830801) and a club (0R855), are also included in the data summarization. Long term yield averages for this same group of cultivars are shown in Table 3. Agronomic characteristics and disease reactions are summarized in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Table 3. Yield averages for winter grains grown in diverse agronomic zones from 1985-89. Arlington Line or Cultivar #Yrs l Yld 2 Athena Location LaGrande Heppner Helix Lexington Moro Pendleton #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld common wheat HARD RED 2 2 2 2 2 30 33 34 35 29 2 2 2 2 2 74 73 69 78 66 1 1 1 1 1 35 51 47 45 43 2 2 2 2 2 41 37 39 44 36 2 2 2 2 2 102 103 98 113 92 2 2 2 2 2 46 49 42 49 40 2 4 3 4 3 51 55 46 48 41 2 3 3 4 4 59 68 59 69 54 Basin Cashup Daws Dusty Hill 81 2 2 5 5 5 33 32 .•5 37 36 2 2 3 3 3 76 80 80 76 80 1 1 2 2 2 43 39 59 66 67 2 2 5 5 5 43 37 38 41 40 2 2 5 5 5 113 119 94 95 94 2 2 5 5 5 47 47 51 50 51 3 3 5 5 5 60 63 52 56 51 2 2 4 4 4 74 72 71 78 73 Lewjain Madsen Malcolm OR830801 Oveson Stephens 4 2 5 38 34 36 3 2 3 80 80 83 2 1 2 63 41 66 4 2 5 40 42 41 4 2 5 99 109 93 4 2 5 52 48 55 5 5 34 38 3 3 81 79 2 2 67 66 5 5 41 43 5 5 89 86 5 5 51 58 4 4 5 2 5 5 54 54 55 71 49 54 3 4 5 2 5 5 78 73 76 70 62 73 89 104 112 106 92 5 2 2 3 5 48 48 48 51 51 5 2 4 4 5 51 59 51 43 52 4 1 4 3 5 71 61 67 78 72 108 118 2 1 49 54 2 1 69 51 1 1 69 68 Andrews Batum Hatton ORCR8313 Wanser SOFT WHITE club wheat Crew 5 Mundt-Mix 32 Hyak 2 OR855 3 Tres 5 34 33 32 54 30 3 2 2 3 3 74 79 74 82 82 3 2 2 3 3 65 46 45 64 67 5 2 2 3 5 Flora Whitman 1 2 3 34 39 42 42 34 5 2 2 3 5 triticale4 2 1 35 24 2 1 78 79 2 55 2 1 36 26 Number of years tested. • Yield expressed as bushels per acre. A mixture of equal proportions of Faro-Jacmar-Tres-Tyee. 4 Triticale yields were determined using 60 pounds per bushel. 12 2 1 Table 4. Agronomic characteristics for selected winter cultivars in Oregon.7 Cultivar Released Year State r Emergence index 2 2 Winterhardiness Maturity Height 3 Lodging4 resistance Test 2 weight Chaff s color Head type COMMON WHITE Basin 61985 Cashup 61985 1976 Daws 1984 Dusty Hill 81 1981 Pr Pr WA WA OR 6 7 4 5 5 6 8 8 5 5 Midseason Midseason Midseason Mid-late Midseason SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-MT R R R MR R 8 8 6 7 7 W W W W W Awned Awned Awned Awned Awned John Lewjain Madsen Malcolm Nugaines 1984 1982 1988 1987 1961 WA WA WA OR WA 6 6 5 5 5 7 6 4 4 7 Midseason Late Midseason Early-mid Midseason SD-M SD-M SD-MT SD-M SD-M R MR R R R 7 7 7 7 8 W W W W W Awned Awned Awned Awned Awned Oveson Sprague Stephens Yamhill 1987 1973 1977 1969 OR WA OR OR 5 6 5 7 4 7 4 4 Mid-late Early-mid Early-mid Midseason SD-MT SD-M SD-M MT-T MR MS R MR 7 7 7 7 W W-B W W Awned Awned Awned Awnletted Crew Faro Hyak Jacmar 1981 1976 1988 1978 WA OR WA Pr 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 Midseason Early-mid Early-mid Early-mid SD-MT SD-MT SD-MT SD-M MR R MR R 6 5 6 5 W-B B W B Awnless Awnless Awnletted Awnletted Moro Tres Tyee 1965 1984 1979 OR WA WA 8 5 5 5 5 6 Early-mid Midseason Midseason MT SD-M SD-MT MS R R 5 7 5 B W W Awnless Awnletted Awnless 1985 1979 1965 1978 WA WA WA ID 5 6 6 6 7 9 9 8 Mid-late Mid-late Midseason Early-mid SD-SM MT M MT R MR MS R 6 8 8 8 W W B - Awned Awned Awned Awned CLUB HARD RED Batum Hatton Wanser Weston WA = Washington, OR = Oregon, ID = Idaho, Pr = Private. 2 Scale of 1 to 10, poor to excellent. 3 SD = semidwarf, SM = short-medium, M = medium, MT = medium-tall, T = tall. 4 R = resistant, MR = moderately resistant, MS = moderately susceptible. 5 W = white, B = brown. 6 Information provided by developer, Columbia Basin Seeds. 7 Table compiled by R. Karow, Extension Cereal Specialist, OSU. Extensive spring rains in early March delayed sowing the spring grain yield trials two to three weeks. Favorable soil moisture resulted in excellent stand establishments in Arlington, Athena, Helix, LaGrande, Lexington, and Moro. Wet sowing conditions at Heppner resulted in differential seedling emergence, primarily in the tractor tire tracks. Poor seedling emergence also occurred in Pendleton, where the experiment was sown into wet soil which crusted. 13 Table 5. Disease reactions for commonly grown winter wheats in Oregon.7 Cultivar Rust Bunt Flag Stripe Leaf Common Dwarf smut Cephalosporium2Septoria Foot3 rot Take all Snow mold COMMON WHITE Basin 4 Cashup 4 Caws Dusty Hill 81 R1 R MR MR MR R R MS MS MR R R R R R MR S S S S John Lewjain Madsen Malcolm Nugaines MS R R MR MR S MS R MR S S R S R R S MR S S S Oveson Sprague Stephens Yamhill R S MR MS S S MS MR MR S R S Crew s Faro Hyak Jacmar MR-S S R S MR S R S Moro Tres 6 Tyee MS MR-S S R MR T MS R R MS MS S MR MR MS MS MR MS S S -S S S S S MS MS -T R MS MS S S -S S R S S MS MS MS S MR T S S S S S R S - S MS R T S S S S MS MT MR -MR MS MS MR S S S S S MS MR MR S S MS R MR S MR S S S MR MS MS -MS S S S MS S MR S MR MR MR R S S MR S S MR S MR MS MS T MS S S MS R R R -- S MS MR MS MS S S MS MT CLUB MS MT HARD RED Batum Hatton Wanser Weston S S S MS 1 R = resistant, MR = moderately resistant, MS = moderately susceptible, S = Susceptible, T = tolerant, MT = moderately tolerant, -- = reaction unknown. 2 Resistance to cephalosporium stripe seems to vary with environment. Resistance may be due to morphological growth patterns rather than true genetic resistance. 3 Pseudocercosporella foot rot. 4 5 6 Information provided by developer, Columbia Basin Seeds. Crew is a multiline variety composed of ten separate lines, some of which are rust susceptible. Tres is moderately resistant to powdery mildew. A stripe rust race in parts of eastern Oregon and Washington has overcome Tres' stripe rust resistance. 7 Table compiled by R. Karow, Extension Cereal Specialist, OSU. The spring grain yield data for the 1988-1989 growing season are presented in Table 6. Three wheat market classes (hard red, hard white, and soft white) and triticale were included as entries in the yield trial. Three cultivars were grown for the first time in the Oregon regional yield tests: Klasic, Wakanz, and Wadual. Long term yield averages for the spring grain entries are summarized in Table 7. Agronomic characteristics and disease reactions are presented in Tables 8 and 9, respectively. 14 Table 6. 1989 spring grain yield test data for eight locations in northeastern Oregon. Location LaGrande Heppner Lexington Moro Pendleton Location Test Ht wt Yld ave. yield Test Ht wt Yld Test Ht wt Yld Test Ht wt Yld Test Ht wt Yld Bronze Chief Dirkwin Edwall Klasic Kodiak 22 20 19 20 16 56 53 63 59 55 21 17 12 22 20 29 33 30 23 20 56 53 54 57 54 62 63 62 76 65 23 25 25 20 15 58 55 56 59 56 35 42 39 32 31 19 19 20 19 15 58 55 57 60 55 17 16 21 18 20 30 37 34 25 22 48 42 46 52 46 59 64 58 71 59 21 22 22 21 16 56 51 54 58 51 26 25 25 28 26 25 28 28 21 18 58 56 56 62 56 47 54 54 55 49 24 32 28 21 17 60 58 59 64 60 35 61 47 43 35 38 43 40 43 38 McKay OR4870316 OR4870355 OR4870400 OR4870456 21 21 23 22 20 60 54 56 66 68 20 20 21 22 22 32 29 34 33 27 56 52 58 55 61 64 67 69 64 69 25 24 26 25 22 59 59 60 59 61 37 41 43 38 37 22 18 21 20 18 56 54 59 59 60 16 16 16 16 17 33 31 38 36 31 48 49 51 54 55 56 59 64 65 81 24 21 25 25 21 54 53 53 53 57 25 23 27 27 24 28 24 33 27 26 58 60 60 58 62 46 50 49 41 55 29 25 27 32 24 59 61 61 61 63 46 40 41 56 35 39 40 41 41 43 OR4870475 OR4870503 OR4870570 ORS8413 ORS8501 20 22 22 22 22 65 51 54 56 58 20 20 19 21 21 24 33 32 31 33 56 58 51 55 59 66 59 61 70 65 20 27 26 25 25 57 56 58 59 60 36 40 40 43 42 18 21 21 22 21 58 58 57 59 60 22 18 18 21 17 27 35 32 33 37 51 48 49 46 55 74 65 63 74 75 18 23 22 21 22 52 53 53 55 55 29 24 26 24 25 23 28 27 28 28 59 58 57 66 61 56 48 48 57 45 22 30 29 24 30 62 60 60 59 62 33 52 50 41 69 42 41 41 44 45 ORS8510 Owens Penawawa Twin Wadual 23 22 21 21 25 57 53 64 57 56 22 20 19 12 23 29 34 31 33 35 58 55 57 53 56 65 64 66 60 63 25 27 24 24 25 59 56 56 56 58 39 40 36 41 37 22 22 19 17 22 59 57 57 55 58 21 19 14 17 17 33 35 35 35 35 50 46 49 45 52 65 62 75 68 64 23 22 20 20 27 56 53 54 37 57 24 24 26 19 26 28 28 26 26 30 61 57 58 55 59 56 47 56 53 49 28 29 27 30 32 61 59 60 58 61 45 52 50 59 56 42 41 43 41 42 Wakanz Wampum Waverly Westbred 906R Yecoro Rojo 21 21 21 25 20 52 61 54 59 56 22 15 18 22 19 30 36 32 30 23 55 51 55 57 59 73 59 69 70 70 24 25 27 24 19 57 58 58 59 60 46 37 43 41 33 20 21 20 20 18 57 54 56 61 60 23 16 15 21 22 34 39 34 34 24 51 48 45 53 51 72 56 63 68 74 22 25 24 22 18 53 50 49 58 57 31 22 26 28 28 26 29 27 28 24 60 58 58 60 61 59 48 59 51 51 30 34 31 28 21 62 58 60 62 62 72 54 63 49 43 50 38 45 44 43 Grace Juan Karl Nutricale 31 33 25 33 59 57 47 46 21 26 24 23 42 46 33 52 42 46 49 45 43 58 68 42 34 36 27 46 46 50 51 48 35 47 42 40 30 28 22 33 48 49 49 48 13 16 17 15 45 45 35 45 39 45 40 39 36 65 71 36 34 35 28 40 43 44 43 44 23 27 30 24 38 38 28 42 47 51 51 49 45 60 56 42 42 36 28 49 49 52 54 49 59 49 52 43 34 44 45 33 Nursery ave. 21 57 20 30 56 64 Line or Cultivar Athena Helix Arlington 2 Test Htl wt Yld 3 Test Ht wt Yld Test Ht wt Yld COMMON WHEAT Triticale4 24 58 39 20 58 18 1 Height expressed as inches. 2 Test weight expressed as pounds per bushel. 3 Yield expressed as bushels per acre. 4 Triticale yields were determined using 60 pounds per bushel. 15 33 49 65 22 53 26 27 59 51 27 61 49 Table 7. Yield averages for spring grains grown in diverse agronomic zones from 1985-89. Arlington Line or Cultivar Lexington Moro #Yrs Pendleton Yld #Yrs Yld2 2 5 4 1 2 28 27 22 22 29 2 3 2 1 2 59 63 62 76 59 2 2 1 1 2 36 45 39 32 30 2 3 2 1 2 49 24 25 18 30 2 5 4 1 2 66 63 52 71 65 2 5 4 1 2 33 38 33 28 30 2 5 4 1 2 51 41 38 55 51 1 4 4 1 1 35 52 49 43 35 McKay Owens Penawawa Twin Wadual 5 5 3 5 1 25 28 24 26 23 3 3 2 3 1 62 62 66 64 63 2 2 1 2 1 40 45 36 47 37 3 3 2 3 1 26 27 22 27 17 5 5 4 5 1 54 63 62 66 64 5 5 3 5 1 32 36 34 36 26 5 5 4 5 1 40 40 37 44 49 4 4 4 4 1 45 50 51 35 56 Wakanz Wampum Waverly Westbred 906R Yecora Rojo 1 4 4 3 5 22 21 24 29 26 1 2 2 3 3 73 61 66 61 61 1 1 1 2 2 46 37 43 37 32 1 2 2 3 3 23 21 20 30 31 1 4 4 3 3 72 54 55 70 69 1 4 4 3 5 31 31 32 38 35 4 4 4 5 5 37 31 39 37 36 4 4 4 4 4 56 48 54 46 41 2 2 2 2 27 34 32 27 2 2 2 2 46 62 64 43 2 2 2 2 48 60 44 44 2 2 2 2 21 30 29 20 2 2 2 2 49 71 74 47 2 2 2 2 34 38 39 31 2 2 2 2 46 57 54 41 1 1 1 1 59 49 52 43 Triticale3 Grace Juan Karl Nutricale 3 Location LaGrande Heppner Helix #Yrs 1 COMMON WHEAT Bronze Chief Dirkwin Edwall Klasic Kodiac 2 Athena #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld #Yrs Yld Yld Number of years tested. • Yield expressed as bushels per acre. Triticale yields were determined using 60 pounds per bushel. Table 8. Agronomic characteristics for selected spring cultivars in Oregon.6 Cultivar Released Year State r Maturity SOFT WHITE COMMON Dirkwin Edwall Owens Penawawa Twin Wadual Wakanz 1978 1984 1981 1985 1971 1988 1988 ID WA ID WA ID WA WA Early-mid Early-mid Midseason Midseason Mid-late Midseason Midseason HARD RED COMMON Bronze Chief Kodiak McKay Spillman Westbred 906R Westbred 926 Yecora Rojo 1985 1985 1981 1989 1982 1987 1975 Pr Pr ID WA Pr Pr CA Early Early Midseason Midseason Early-mid Early-mid Early Lodging3 resistance Test `` weight color SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M MR R R R R R 6 7 8 8 5 9 8 W W W W W W W Awnless Awned Awned Awned Awnless Awned Awned SD-M SD-S SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-M SD-S R R R R R R R 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 B W W W W W W Awned Awned Awned Awned Awned Awned Awned Height2 1 CA = California, ID = Idaho, OR = Oregon, WA = Washington, Pr = Private. 2 SD = semidwarf, S = short, SM = short-medium, M = medium, MT = medium-tall, T = tall. 3 R = resistant, MR = moderately resistant, MS = moderately susceptible. 4 Scale of 1 to 10, poor to excellent. 5 W = white, B = brown. 6 Data taken from C. R. Rohde and Washington State Crop Improvement Assn. 16 Head type Table 9. Disease reactions for selected spring wheat cultivars in Oregon and Washington.1 Cultivar Ru st 2 Leaf Stripe Stem SOFT WHITE COMMON Dirkwin Edwall Owens Penawawa R MR R MR VS MR S MR R R R R Twin Wadual Wakanz R MR MR S MR MR -MR MR Bronze Chief Kodiak McKay Spillman MR MS R R MS MS R R R MS R R Westbred 906R Westbred 926 Yecora Rojo R R S R R R R HARD RED COMMON 1 Data collected from C. R. Rohde and Washington State Crop Improvement Assn. 2 R = resistant, MR = moderately resistant, MS = moderately susceptible, S = susceptible, and VS = very susceptible. CONCLUSION The regional testing program, conducted by the club wheat improvement program, provides yield data and agronomic characteristics for winter and spring grain cultivars as well as advanced breeding lines. The entries are grown in several diverse northeastern Oregon agronomic zones, characterized by differences in precipitation, soil depth, and growing degree days. The yield trials are conducted to compare the performance of new cultivars and advanced breeding lines to standard cultivars over this range of environments. 17 DEVELOPMENT OF WINTER BARLEY VARIETIES P.M. Hayes, A.E. Corey, and R. W. Smiley' Multiple-use winter barley varieties with consistently high yield potential and quality are an economically attractive cereal crop alternative for the Columbia Basin. The immediate objective is the development of varieties, both two and six-row, competitive in yield with leading feed varieties that have sufficient malting quality for the export market. A longer term objective is the development of winter malting barley varieties with malting quality meeting the specifications of the United States industry. At this time, there are no winter barley varieties in the United States that meet either export or domestic use criteria. Despite the name, "Wintermalt" has little or no malting quality. A good malt barley is a good feed barley, but the reverse is not the case; hence the multiple-use designation. The Winter Barley Elite Trial (WBELT) consists of advanced lines undergoing at least two years testing prior to entry in the Western Regional Winter Barley Nursery (WRWBN). These advanced lines are compared to check varieties in terms of yield, maturity, height, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and quality. After two years of testing in the WRWBN, a line can be considered for release as a variety. Current entries in the WBELT were developed by M. Verhoeven and A. Corey. Lines emerging from the doubled haploid, molecular marker assisted selection, and cold tolerance research programs will be evaluated at Pendleton beginning in 1990/1991. As shown in Table 1, yields in the WBELT fall into a relatively narrow range, with Steptoe not competitive as a fall-seeded barley. Overall, test weights are acceptable, but the plump and thin data indicate problems with kernel size. To meet malting specifications, progress needs to be made in maximizing kernel filling in the 6-rows. Current 2-row barley lines (eg.1861016), with uniformly larger grain, readily satisfy kernel plumpness requirements. However, there is a tendency for the industry to favor 6-row. To satisfy typical contract specifications, a malting barley producer must meet minimum kernel size requirements, not exceed tolerances for skinned and broken grain, and not exceed a specified protein ceiling. The maximum allowable protein will vary, but will probably fall in the 14% range. Current experimental lines in the WBELT have acceptable protein, but most are deficient in % extract, a characteristic that typically shows a modest negative correlation with protein. 1 Assistant professor and senior research assistant, Crop Science Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331; and superintendent and professor, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. This research was supported, in part by grants from the American Malting Barley Association, Inc.; Busch Agricultural Resources, Inc., and Great Western Malting Co. 18 Overall, the advanced lines are shorter than the checks; coupled with greater straw strength, this should reduce lodging in high yielding environments. However, in areas where moisture is likely to be limiting, the reduction in plant height cannot be carried to extremes. Experimental lines in the WBELT show considerable variation in maturity. Lines 1861016 and 1861112, for example, are approximately two weeks earlier than Hesk and Maturity differences may well dictate adaptation to a particular Scio. production area and must be kept in mind when comparing average yields. Two recent Tri-State winter barley releases are "812" (Idaho) and Data on 812 appears under the designation "Hundred" (Washington). "79AB812". The variety Hundred will be included in future experiments. Nine OSU/Corvallis lines are currently entered in the Western Regional Winter Barley Nursery and within the next two years release of one or more is envisioned. Table 1. Pendleton 3 year Summary - 1987, 1988, & 1989 Yield lbs/A SCIO BOYER HESK SHOWIN STEPTOE WINTERMALT 79AB812 ORWM 8407 1861016 1861018 1861167 1861112 1861118 1861119 ORWF 8410 ORWF 8413 ORWF 8414 1861042 1861125 1861147 1861029 1861155 1861130 1861148 4937.3 * 5446.8 5044.3 * 5313.4 * 4735.8 5200.5 * 5480.5 5228.2 5612.0 5140.2 5155.7 * 5325.6 * 5581.4 * 4879.2 5468.5 5074.2 4905.6 4921.0 * 5520.7 5347.2 5291.8 5486.4 5526.9 5322.2 Test wt lbs/bu Height cm 49 47 48 46 50 51 50 51 54 50 51 49 51 50 49 48 51 49 47 49 49 50 50 50 113 115 98 93 107 113 97 83 100 98 100 90 93 103 74 89 95 100 83 96 101 99 111 93 * 2 years of data 19 Plump 49 40 41 28 75 68 58 42 91 60 62 70 75 74 38 31 58 78 61 44 50 67 64 66 Thin 21 31 33 42 10 11 20 30 2 15 13 12 8 9 30 37 17 6 16 22 18 12 15 13 CLUB WHEAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM P. K. Zwer, K. J. Morrow, and K. H. Van Wagoner' The two primary goals of the club wheat improvement program are to develop excellent quality, high yielding disease and pest resistant club wheat cultivars and to provide data for cultivars and advanced breeding lines grown in diverse agronomic zones throughout northeastern Oregon. Several projects were initiated this past year to address research components important to these overall goals. Disease and pest resistance A vast effort was directed toward assessing genetic resources as well as advanced breeding lines for resistance or tolerance to stripe rust, Rhizoctonia root rot, strawbreaker foot rot, and the Russian wheat aphid. The headrow nursery, composed of 6,480 rows, was inoculated with three pathotypes of Puccinia striiformis, CDL-20, CDL-27, and CDL-29. The uniform infection provided an excellent field evaluation for stripe rust resistance in the advanced breeding nursery as well as F, progenies generated from crosses between stripe rust resistant common wheat resources and adapted club wheat lines. The data were utilized to select breeding lines with resistance as well as advancing material into the yield testing program. This process will continue on a yearly basis. A cooperative experiment with Dr. R. W. Smiley, designed to characterize winter wheat genetic resources for tolerance to Rhizoctonia root rot, was sown at two locations. Autoclaved millet seed infested with Rhizoctonia solani was sown into 10-foot strips, providing a uniformly inoculated treatment. Paired rows of the 216 and 432 entries sown at Pendleton and Moro, respectively, were planted into non-inoculated and inoculated soil. The two treatments had four replications. Tolerance was estimated by dividing the cultivar's yield in the inoculated plot by the yield in the non-inoculated plot. Differences between treatments were observed for height, maturity, and yield. Several lines, however, were identified with small yield differences in the two treatments, indicating tolerance to the pathogen. The seedling evaluations for Russian wheat aphid resistance were productive. The objectives outlined for this project are to identify effective sources of resistance or tolerance to the Oregon RWA biotype, to conduct inheritance studies, and to incorporate resistance into adapted club wheat cultivars. A seedling evaluation procedure, similar to the one developed by South African scientists, was conducted in the greenhouse. Genetic resources, possessing tolerant reactions, were identified in the initial evaluation. The seedling assessments will continue so that additional sources of resistance or tolerance are identified. Genetic studies are underway to determine the inheritance of the tolerant resources. The crosses made for the genetic study are also useful in the general breeding program. 1 Assistant professor, experimental biology aide, and experimental biology aide, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 20 Breeding program The field crossing program resulted in 280 crosses in 1989. The crosses represent combinations to improve disease and pest resistance, quality, yield,and develop a spring-habit club. Extensive notes were taken in the headrow nursery, resulting in a reduction of 6,480 to 2,160 rows. Early generation populations, primarily F2 seed, was harvested this summer, resulting in 192 early generation plots for 1990. Additional club wheat selections, F3 and F4 selected bulks, were harvested from populations developed by Dr. W. Kronstad. Additional studies concerning the inheritance of the club and common spike, genotype x environment interactions as related to milling and baking quality, the Western regional stripe rust assessment nursery, and Michigan State University winterhardy early generation populations were advanced for another year. Four preliminary club wheat yield trials, each composed of 40 entries and three replications, were harvested at Pendleton. An advanced club wheat yield trial which assessed 50 entries in three replications was harvested at Pendleton and Moro. Several excellent advanced club wheat lines were identified and moved into 1990 advanced and regional yield tests. Table 1 summarizes yield data and height for several advanced breeding lines included in the regional club yield tests. Two preliminary yield trials, composed of 30 entries and three replications, were sown at Pendleton for the 1990 field season. Two advanced yield trials, composed of 30 entries and three replications and one club mixture yield trial, composed of 30 entries and three replications, were planted at Pendleton and Moro. An advanced club breeding line, OR855, is being considered for release. The parentage is Paha//Sel 72-330/Daws. The release will be dependent on the results from adult-plant disease reactions with the Tres pathotype (CDL-41) of Puccinia striiformis. Table 1. 1989 agronomic data for advanced club wheat breeding lines. Arlington Helix Heppner 2 Test Test Location Pendleton Moro Lexington ave. Test Test Test Test Location yield Selection Htl wt Yld 3Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld Ht wt Yld 86-315 86-636 87-955 24 24 57 59 26 29 22 22 57 60 28 19 23 23 60 60 25 26 29 30 58 60 49 48 28 28 27 61 61 63 66 71 59 39 31 38 62 63 63 97 98 113 49 49 86 87-911 87-1040 87-1043 87-1072 22 51 20 21 60 24 21 55 23 28 56 40 27 31 28 30 59 59 59 63 59 61 62 62 36 45 42 40 60 62 62 63 99 81 89 111 44 71 76 87 87-1260 Stephens Tres 23 25 22 54 49 53 12 21 21 20 24 21 58 57 59 22 30 23 20 24 22 57 56 57 25 26 23 29 31 30 58 55 58 47 46 45 24 29 29 62 59 59 47 53 54 38 35 40 63 60 61 108 97 101 44 46 45 1 Height expressed as inches. 2 Test weight expressed as pounds per bushel. 3 Yield expressed as bushels per acre. 21 Club and common wheat comparison An experiment in cooperation with Dr. R. Rickman, Dr. E. Klepper, and Dr. A. Sombrero was finalized in 1989. This two-year study contrasted several morphological characteristics associated with emergence, stand establishment, plant development, and maturity in two club (Tres and OR8218) and two common (Stephens and Hill 81) wheat selections. The experiments, sown at the Pendleton and Sherman Field Stations, were sampled at the 3-leaf, 5-leaf, boot, and anthesis. Harvest samples, measuring one meter, were collected to determine plant number, spike number, kernel number, and kernel weight. Another sample was collected to compile detailed information concerning the spike, spikelets, and kernel number. The data are presently being analyzed and results developed into papers. Quality Advanced breeding lines and cultivars (110 samples) were sent to the Western Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking assessment. Sixty samples from the regional winter wheat and club wheat yield trial representing two locations were also sent for evaluation. Several comparisons and associations were explored to determine differences and similarities in club and soft white common wheat quality. Quality assessments, conducted in cooperation with the Western Wheat Quality Laboratory, provided data for cultivars grown in a range of locations and years. Six years of data for flour yield, flour ash, milling score, flour protein, mixograph absorption, cookie diameter, cake volume, and sponge cake score were analyzed for six cultivars. The materials represented a very small subset of club and common wheat cultivars grown together in yield trial experiments across northeastern Oregon. Statistical differences were found between the cultivars for flour yield, milling score, and mixograph absorption. Differences between this group of club and common wheat cultivars appeared to primarily be flour yield and mixograph absorption. This information will be used in conjunction with additional studies to establish the basis for superior quality attributes. A study to determine associations between soft wheat milling and baking quality and the HMW-glutenin subunits was undertaken. Club and soft white winter wheat cultivars were characterized for HMW-glutenin subunit alleles by Dr. D. Kasarda at the ARS Western Regional Center. Elgin, an excellent quality club wheat cultivar grown in the 1950's, and Tres, a recent club wheat cultivar release, possessed the poor bread-making alleles, 2, 6, and 12. Club and soft common wheat cultivars possessed many of the poor bread-making alleles, however some alleles asssociated with good bread-making qualities were identified in combination. Club and soft common cultivars, however, did not possess the 5 and 10 subunits which are almost always associated with good bread-making qualities. Further studies will characterize a greater diversity of club and common wheat cultivars and lines, possessing combinations of poor and good soft wheat quality with HMW-subunits, so that associations can be established between good and poor milling and baking quality. 22 BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO THE RUSSIAN WHEAT APHID CLUB WHEAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM P. K. Zwerl The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxis Mordvilko, is indigenous to southern Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and countries bordering the Mediterranean. However, in 1980 the aphid was identified for the first time on the North American continent in Mexico (Gilchrist et al, 1984). By 1986 the herbivore reached Texas, spreading to New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado (Hatchett et al, 1987). The aphid continued to disseminate and was identified in Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon in 1987. The Russian wheat aphid (RWA) is now established in the eastern Oregon soft white winter wheat producing region, encompassing Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman, Malheur, Baker, Union, and Grant Counties. Significant yield and quality losses due to the RWA have been documented throughout the world (Peairs, 1987, du Toit and Walters, 1984). The aphid induces stunted growth, white, yellow, and purple leaf streaks, leaf curling, head trapping, and sterility. The leaf rolling protects or partially protects the insect from parasites, predators, and contact insecticides. Economically feasible controls are limited. Presently farmers in the western United States are spraying large areas with systemic insecticides. In terms of economic viability and environmental safety, genetic resistance remains an important approach to RWA control. A program, assessing genetic resources for RWA resistance and tolerance, was initiated within the club wheat improvement program in 1988. The project objectives are 1) to identify effective sources of resistance or tolerance to the Oregon RWA biotype, 2) to conduct inheritance studies, and 3) to incorporate resistance or tolerance into adapted club wheat cultivars. This paper presents the initial results from evaluating genetic resources for varying levels of plant tolerance to the RWA. MATERIALS AND METHODS The genetic resources chosen for this study represented a diverse group selected as parents in the crossing program, carried as advanced breeding lines in the club wheat improvement program, or identified by South African scientists as tolerant to the RWA. A seedling evaluation procedure, similar to the procedure developed by South African scientists (du Toit, 1987), was conducted in the greenhouse from October 1988 to May 1989 at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Pendleton, Oregon. Aphids, grown on susceptible seedlings sown in four inch plastic pots and confined by a plastic cylinder, were increased and transferred onto test materials. Ten genotypes were sown in a wooden flat and compared with the resistant and susceptible checks, Appaloosa 1 Assistant professor, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 23 (oats) and Gus (barley), respectively. Twelve seedlings per genotype were infested when the third leaf emerged by gently placing three to five aphids near the seedling at the soil surface. The insects migrated immediately into the first leaf whorl of the plant. The flats containing the seedlings were placed into insect cages constructed specifically for the RWA assessment. The cages, measuring 239x62x61 cm., were constructed from wood framing and covered with a finely woven polyester material, allowing excellent ventilation. The seedlings were subjected to RWA infestation for 21 days before symptom evaluation. The procedure required five weeks from the time seeds were sown until symptom assessment. The numerical evaluation scale presented in Table 1 was developed by South African researchers and used to describe symptom differences between genotypes (du Toit, 1987) in this study. Table 1. Symptom evaluation scale for RWA damage assessments. Seedling Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Symptoms No chlorosis, flat leaf Small chlorotic spots, flat leaf More prominent and frequent chlorotic spots, flat leaf Chlorotic spots and midveinal stripe, rolled leaf Extensive chlorosis, tightly rolled leaf Extensive chlorosis and necrosis, tightly rolled leaf RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data, collected from the evaluation of the 995 cultivars and advanced breeding lines, are summarized in Table 2. A small percentage, 0.4% and 1.6%, of the total group was found to have tolerant symptom assessments of 2 and 3, respectively, whereas 98% or 975 lines were characterized as susceptible. The histogram in Figure 1 illustrates the skewed distribution toward susceptible genotypes. Although most entries were susceptible, 20 lines were identified with varying tolerance levels. Table 3 presents the tolerant lines identified in this study. Two Triticum aestivum lines, PI137739 and PI294994, and two Triticum monococcum lines, SA544 and SA836, provided excellent seedling protection to the biotype of Diuraphis noxia present in Oregon. South African scientists previously characterized the material as tolerant to the RWA in their country (du Toit, 1987, du Toit and Van Niekerk, 1985). The data confirmed the effectiveness of tolerance in Oregon. Fifteen advanced breeding lines and PI262660 exhibited intermediate symptom expression. Although 15 advanced breeding lines and PI262660 developed less chlorosis and leaf rolling than susceptible lines, the material was not as exceptional as the tolerant lines SA544, SA836, PI137739, and PI294994. PI262660 was also a tolerant selection identified in South Africa. Thus genetic resources, possessing tolerant reactions, were identified in the initial evaluation. In light of the research conducted at CBARC, PI294994 was submitted in the First Uniform RWA Seedling Screening Test, coordinated by Dr. J. Quick at Colorado State University. The study conducted at eight locations in the western USA confirmed the tolerance in PI294994. The mean scores over all locations for 24 0 a cn as CI) 25 Table 2. Levels of tolerance to the RWA in seedling evaluations. Seedling Score No. Lines 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 0.4 1.6 8.4 50.3 39.3 100 4 16 84 500 391 995 Table 3. Tolerant lines identified in the RWA evaluation. Species Seedling # Lines Score Line or parentage 2 2 T. monoccocum SA544 SA836 T. aestivum PI137739 PI294994 PI262660 OR8030 C588-5E-03WS/Stephens YMH/HYS/5/AUHMINN/HK/3/38MA/4/YMH/ERA - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 T. compactum RBS/YMH/3/EG//PI178383/2*YMH PAHA//SEL 72-330/DAWS UNKNOWN YMH/TOB//BEZ/3/SPN//63-189-66-7/BEZ YMH//7C/MORO KOL/MIC//FARO 2 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 chlorosis and leaf rolling were 3.1 and 1.5, respectively. The chlorosis rating was based on a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 exhibited no chlorosis and 9 was extensive. The leaf rolling was characterized with a scale from 1 to 3, where 1 displayed no rolling, 2 showed leaf folding, and 3 exhibited rolling. The Uniform RWA Seedling Test confirmed PI294994 was tolerant in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas, USA as well as Alberta, Canada. PI137739, a hard white spring, PI294994, a hard red winter, and PI262660, a hard white winter, represent genetic resources from Iran, Russia, and Bulgaria, respectively. The advanced breeding lines, presented in Table 3, represent soft white winter club and common wheat. Although the lines possess diverse parentages, Yamhill was utilized as a parent in four of the nine crosses. Yamhill was not evaluated in this study. 26 Inheritance studies conducted by du Toit (1989) provided important information concerning genetic diversity and gene action for PI137739 and PI262660. Greenhouse experiments evaluating backcross, F2, and F3 seedlings showed the tolerance in each line was conferred by a single, dominant gene which differed in PI137739 and PI262660. The genes were designated as Dnl in PI137739 and Dn2 in PI262660. The simply inherited genes, conferring tolerance to the RWA, can be transferred into adapted material using a backcross program. Plant breeding strategies incorporating multiple major genes for a polygenic resistance should be implemented, providing the basis for a more durable resistance. Genetic resources tolerant to the RWA biotype present in South Africa were also found to be effective in Oregon. In addition to the assessments at CBARC, PI294994 exhibited resistance at seven additional locations in western USA and Several advanced breeding lines possessed intermediate Alberta, Canada. resistance when challenged with Diuraphis noxis. This material will be reevaluated in replicated experiments, confirming effective resistance for the improvement of club wheat cultivars. LITERATURE CITED Du Toit, F. 1987. Resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) to Diuraphis noxia (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Cereal Res. Commun. 15:175-179. Du Toit, F. 1988. Another source of Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) resistance in Triticum aestivum. Cereal Res. Commun. 16:105-106. Du Toit, F. 1989. Inheritance of resistance in two Triticum aestivum lines to Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae). J. Econ. Entomol. 82:1251-1253. Du Toit, F and H. A. Van Niekerk. 1985. Resistance in Triticum species to the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Cereal Res. Commun. 13:371-378. Du Toit, F. and M. C. Walters. 1984. Damage assessment and economic threshold values for chemical control of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) on winter wheat, pp. 58-62. In M.G. Walters (ed.), Progress in Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Mordv.) research in the Republic of South Africa. Tech Commun. Dep. Agric. S. Afr. 191. Gilchrist, L. I., R. Rodriguez, and P. A. Burnett. 1983. The extent of Freestate streak and Diuraphis noxia in Mexico. pp. 157-163. In Barley yellow dwarf Proc. Workshop, CIMMYT, Mexico. 6-8 December 1983. United Nations Development Programme and CIMMYT, CIMMYT, Mexico. Hatchett, J. H., K. J. Starks, J. A. Webster. 1987. Insect and mite pests of wheat. pp. 625-675. In Wheat and Wheat Improvement. Agronomy Monograph, no. 13. ASA,CSSA,SSSA, Madison, WI. Peairs, F. B. 1987. Aphids in small grains. Colorado State University Coop. Ext. no. 5.568. 27 HARD WHITE WHEAT FOR OREGON AND CURRENT RESEARCH ON DISEASE RESISTANCE W. E. Kronstad, N. H. Scott, C. S. Love, S. E. Rowe, D. Kelly, R. Knight, M. Moore, M. C. Verhoeven1 Increased interest in the production of Hard White Winter Wheat (HWW), has come about with greater competition for markets and the realization of the potential domestic and international demand for such wheat. Major advantages of HWW over Hard Red Wheat (HRW), would include: 1) higher extraction rates (75 percent for HRW, 77 to 78 percent for HWW), 2) . wholewheat baked productions more aesthetically appealing, 3) milling standards based on color specification by some countries, 4) bran of HWW is potentially more valuable, 5) HWW might be marketable as a premium or identitypreserved product, and 6) greater diversification in complementing the growing of other market classes (e.g. softwhite). Additional advantages for the Pacific Northwest (PNW) would be: 1) diversity of climatic conditions for the growing of different market classes of wheat, 2) white wheat is already produced, 3) transportation advantages particularly to the Asian Rim countries, and 4) Oregon State University's international program where HWW lines are potentially available for the growers in the PNW. The major disadvantage of growing HWW in the PNW would be: 1) the handling and marketing of new market class of wheat and potential contamination of soft white wheat, and 2) as with all white wheat, the greater potential for sprouting problems. Current Interest A number of wheat breeding programs in the United States and Canada are now focusing their efforts on developing HWW cultivars. The University of California at Davis released the Hard White Spring Variety 'Classic' and a breeding program in Canada recently announced the release of a Hard White Spring Wheat. Other programs in Montana and Kansas are also close to releasing HWW varieties. Also other states and private breeding programs have initiated programs as well to develop HWW varieties. Hard White Varieties are not new to the PNW. Several varieties including Burt were often regarded as being hard or semihard. However, largely due to the potential contamination of HWW with the SWW, wheat breeders in the PNW have been reluctant to develop and release HWW varieties even though as part of their breeding effort such wheats have emerged. In addition to the potential markets for HWW, several factors have surfaced that have prompted the wheat breeders at OSU to take a hard look at the development of HWW. Recently the Australian Standard White Wheat has competed successfully against SWW from the PNW for the noodle market in Asia and the flat bread in the Middle East. This type of Australian wheat when compared to SWW tends to have 1) higher water absorption capacity, 2) 1 Professor, senior instructor, research assistant, research assistant, biological aide, senior research assistant, senior research assistant, Crop Science Department, Oregon State University, and instructor, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. 28 a minimum viscosity of at least 40 on a McMichael Viscometer, 3) flour protein of 9 to 11 percent, and 4) a Farinograph peak time of less than 4 minutes. This type of flour is also of interest to the Pendleton Flour Mills for their frozen pancake and waffle flours. Thus these semi-hard white wheats could also find a place in the domestic marketplace. Current Status Crop Science Department's wheat breeding project became involved with the International Cereal Research Center (CIMMYT) in 1971, to enhance germplasm of both winter and spring wheat. The approach has been to systematically cross winter and spring wheats to exchange desired genetic factors for yield, disease resistance, milling and baking properties, etc. for the improvement of both types of wheat. The resulting improved wheat germplasm is then distributed through an international network of cooperators which involves over 125 breeding programs. In return, the OSU program receives advanced genetic materials from these countries (e.g. Russian aphid resistant lines, enhanced protein material, other sources of disease resistance). As a consequence of this probing of both the winter and spring gene pools, the resulting progeny represent nearly all the current market classes of wheat grown in the United States. In addition, promising semi-hard and HWW selections have emerged. Since the focus of the OSU domestic programs is on the development of SWW, Club and HRW cultivars, the semi-hard and HWW selections are sent to international cooperators or recycled through the breeding program as parental material. Based on the demands of their respective countries, many of the international cooperators actually preferred the HWWs which in turn reflects the desire of certain export markets. When it appeared that HWW might be a viable approach to diversify, thus becoming more competitive in the marketplace, OSU's breeding program was expanded to take further advantage of the OSU-CIMMYT international program. As HWW lines emerged in the program, they were put into preliminary and advanced replicated yield trials. These trials were established in 1987-88 and 1988-89 at the Rugg site near Adams, at the Sherman Branch Experiment Station at Moro and on the Chambers Farm in the Willamette Valley. There were 76 entries in the Hard White Replicated Advanced Nursery and 53 in the Hard White Replicated Preliminary Nursery in the 198889 growing season. In addition, there were 163 entries in the non-replicated preliminary yield trials grown at the three locations which included Soft, Semi-hard and Hard White Wheats this past year. Data for those lines which exceeded Stephens and had other promising traits are provided in Tables 1-4. In Tables 1 and 2, data for semi-hard white wheats are provided which have been found to be acceptable quality-wise by the Pendleton Flour Mills for their frozen pancake and waffles. A summary of yield data for the most promising HWW selections in comparison to Stephens is presented in Tables 3 and 4. These 23 selections were the best of the 76 entries evaluated over the three locations when grown in two different nurseries. The question remains, is the development of semi-hard and HWW a viable option for the wheat growers in the PNW? Unfortunately, due to budget constraints and the uncertainty of funding for the international program with CIMMYT, the HWW program was discontinued this year. The more promising lines were planted in the crossing blocks to be hybridized with soft white lines. Three semi-hard white lines, which were found to have acceptable milling and baking properties by the Pendleton Flour Mills for specific end product uses, are still in the testing program. 29 Table 1. Two year averages for selections from the semi-hard white winter wheat program, Oregon State University Selection Variety Corvallis Moro Stephens Hill 81 Malcolm OR8500305P OR8502288H OR8500374H OR8500378H OR8505311P OR860049 OR860341 OR860471 OR860701 94.0 84.8 103.1 65.9 97.2 79.4 81.7 103.7 88.1 107.2 97.6 98.3 75.5 64.9 71.6 62.5 69.7 65.9 51.0 68.1 69.7 72.6 65.9 68.8 115.9 86.3 114.7 93.7 100.1 84.5 91.0 95.6 98.7 114.3 104.9 105.3 91.7 67.1 100.4 Location averages Pendleton average 95.1 78.6 96.5 74.0 89.0 76.6 74.6 89.1 85.5 98.0 89.4 90.8 Table 2. Two year averages for important quality characteristics of semihard white winter wheat selections, Oregon State University Variety Hardiness Farinograph water Flour absorption % NIRS Viscosity protein % Stephens Hill 81 Malcolm 55.7 56.4 55.7 9.2 9.8 9.0 41.8 44.5 48.0 27 27 23 Ave. SWW varieties 55.9 9.3 44.8 26 58.7 59.4 58.2 61.7 57.8 60.5 62.6 60.8 61.8 9.0 9.8 9.1 9.7 8.3 9.1 10.8 10.0 9.4 54.5 49.0 41.5 50.0 48.0 33.5 88.5 58.5 53.5 18 83 67 91 20 88 92 86 65 60.4 9.5 54.1 68 OR8500374H OR8505311P OR8500378H OR8550305P OR8502288H OR860049 OR860341 OR860471 OR860701 Ave. semi-HWW selections 30 Table 3. Two year summary of grain yield of hard white winter wheat grown at three locations in 1987-88 and 1988-89, Oregon State University Entry Stephens ORCW8423 ORCW8623 OR8400114P OR8400115H OR8401142S OR8401161H OR8401711P OR860123 OR860126 OR860127 OR860764 OR860794 OR861599 Corvallis Bu/A Moro Bu/A Rugg Bu/A 118.2 117.5 120.0 123.8 129.0 114.0 120.8 115.3 124.2 125.0 129.0 116.0 129.2 127.5 71.1 62.0 73.0 67.4 72.1 75.4 65.7 64.0 68.0 68.0 68.3 68.6 63.2 71.5 93.4 109.2 117.2 114.0 103.2 100.8 107.5 111.0 96.8 113.2 105.2 117.2 113.6 105.5 Selection average 94.2 96.2 103.4 101.8 101.4 96.7 98.0 96.8 96.3 102.1 100.8 100.6 102.0 101.5 Table 4. Summary of the grain yield of hard white selections grown in the HWRPN at three locations in 1989, Oregon State University HWRPN Stephens OR870805 OR870809 OR870849 OR870852 OR870944 OR871121 OR871143 OR871144 Corvallis Moro Pendleton 119.8 133.7 130.4 120.4 136.3 132.8 124.5 131.2 134.7 63.1 53.8 48.6 52.3 50.1 46.3 56.0 57.3 55.0 136.2 139.3 132.2 128.6 136.6 133.7 125.8 132.0 136.5 If semi-hard and HWW cultivars are to be a reality for the PNW, all segments of the industry must come to some kind of agreement. The potential risks are many, and the ever changing abiotic and biotic stresses combined with the need to maintain and market an excellent quality product requires a major breeding effort be devoted to the SWW and HRW. With limited resources, it would appear to be a more prudent approach to concentrate on improving one or two market class rather than diluting the research effort by focusing on several different market classes. What is clear is that greater attention must be paid to marketing the wheats on the basis of quality regardless of the market class and end product use. Current Disease Work on Strawbreaker Foot Rot and Cephalosporium stripe Strawbreaker foot rot, causal agent Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton, is a serious disease of winter wheat in the Two main pathotypes of P. herpotrichoides have been Pacific Northwest. identified based on colony morphology and host specificity. The wheat types (W-types), which form colonies in culture which have smooth, even margins, are more pathogenic to wheat than to either barley or rye. The 31 rye types (R-types), which produce colonies in culture with feathery margins, are equally pathogenic to wheat, barley, and rye. P. herpotrichoides sporulates on infested residue and infected hosts from late autumn to early spring during periods of cool, moist weather. Splashing conidia penetrate leaf sheaths at or near the soil line. Lesions, which are distinct, elliptical, and dark-colored, develop on leaf sheaths and stems, and may eventually girdle the stem, weakening or killing the tiller. Strawbreaker foot rot reduces kernel size and number and causes lodging or death of tillers and plants. Strawbreaker foot rot is favored by early seeding, high soil moisture, a dense canopy, and recurrent host crops. Disease severity is reduced in spring wheat and in late-seeded winter wheat because the plants are exposed to infection for a shorter period of time. Rotations are effective in controlling the disease, but only when susceptible cereals are not grown for a period of at least two years. In areas where economically feasible, cerbendazim (MBC) and other benzimidizole fungicides such as benomyl and thiabendazole, have been used to control the disease. In Europe, the development of MBC-resistant isolates of P. herpotrichoides following extensive fungicide use has been well documented. The recent appearance of MBC-resistant types in the Pacific Northwest may be due to the increasing reliance on fungicides to control strawbreaker foot rot in earlyseeded winter wheat. Isolates of both W-type and R-type P. herpotrichoides may be either sensitive or resistant to MBC fungicides. However, there is apparently no difference between MBC-sensitive and MBC-resistant types in cultural or conidial morphology, or in pathogenicity to cereals. As MBC-resistant isolates become more common, which appears to be the trend in the Pacific Northwest, fungicides become less effective, and disease control by alternative means, especially the use of resistant varieties, becomes more important. Currently, although there are no highly resistant commercial winter wheat cultivars available for use in the Pacific Northwest, Cerco, and two other recent Washington State University releases, Hyak and Madsen, offer a moderate level of resistance. In Europe, resistance from the lines VPM-1 and Capelle-Desprez, which are highly resistant and resistant, respectively, have been used effectively. The cereals breeding program in the Department of Crop Science has intensified efforts to breed resistant soft white winter wheat utilizing resistance sources such as VPM-1, CapelleDesprez, and the recent English release, Rendezvous. Rendezvous, which is an awnless, semi-dwarf, soft white winter wheat, has been used extensively in the OSU breeding program because in addition to excellent resistance to strawbreaker foot rot, this line also has resistance to many foliar pathogens including Septoria tritici blotch, leaf rust, and stripe rust. At the present time, 31 F, 85 F, and 162 F segregating populations with Rendezvous in the background, as well as over 400 populations containing other sources of resistance, are being evaluated for growth characteristics and pest resistance in field trials near Pendleton and Corvallis. Beginning in the 1990-1991 growing season, the post promising FV and F± selections will be evaluated for resistance to strawbreaker foot rot in an inoculated field trial. The entries in this trial, which are inoculated with a conidial suspension washed from artificially-infested oat kernels, will be evaluated on the basis of disease severity and yield under inoculated and non-inoculated conditions. In addition, a small number of the most promising lines will be evaluated for seedling response to foot rot in the greenhouse. Cephalosporium gramineum (Nisikado and Ikata), the causal agent of Cephalosporium stripe, is a soil-borne fungus, surviving between hosts as a saprophyate in infested crop residue on or near the soil surface. Fallsown cereals become infected through roots which have been predisposed by freeze stress, or become infected through roots which have been predisposed 32 by freeze stress, or injured by soil frost heaving or insects. Although barley, oats, and rye are damaged by Cephalosporium stripe, winter wheat is the most susceptible of the cereals grown in the Pacific Northwest, where in some areas the disease is a major limiting factor to grain yield. Cephalosporium stripe infection is heavily influenced by the environment, with disease severity varying widely from year to year depending on several environmental factors. Excessive winter soil moisture favors 1) spore production by the fungus, 2) aids dispersal of fungal propagules, 3) increases soil frost heaving with a corresponding increase in disease severity, and 4) prolongs survival of the fungus in infested host debris. In addition to soil moisture, soil pH also influences the incidence of Cephalosporium stripe. Low soil pH aids survival of the fungus in infested host debris, and increases the incidence and severity of Cephalosporium stripe, especially in susceptible cultivars. The disease is controlled by deep plowing, refuse burning, crop rotation, and delayed seeding. Resistance in wheat has been identified by several workers, and cultivars with moderate levels of resistance are However, no highly available in Kansas, Montana, Washington, and Oregon. resistant commercial cultivars adapted to the Pacific Northwest currently exist. The OSU cereals breeding project is continuing to test advanced breeding lines from our own breeding program, as well as sources from other breeding programs in the region, for resistance to Cephalosporium stripe. Research in 1990 includes the establishment of a replicated screening nursery near Helix on a site farmed by Bob Johns, and a greenhouse seedling assay of the lines included in the field trial. The screening nursery, sown 11 October 1989, was established on the north-facing slope. The field is adjacent to a field of Malcolm which experienced a severe epiphytotic of Clephalosporium stripe in the 1988-89 growing season. The 40 lines included in the trial include check varieties which differ in their disease response from very susceptible (Stephens), to moderately resistant (Luke), and advanced lines from breeding programs in Oregon, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and Utah. The lines in the nursery from the OSU breeding program contain resistance sources such as P1 178383, Luke, and Lewjain. In addition to five F populations selected from F populations obtained from Don Mathre at Montana State University in 1987 were included in the nursery. These populations utilize the resistance sources P1 278212, Cl 07638, and Lenore. Disease severity will be assessed when the plants reach Feekes growth stage 10 (boot). During the winter of 1990, a greenhouse seedling assay adapted from a procedure developed at Michigan State University by Van Wert et al. (Plant Disease 68:1036-1038) will be used to determine the seedling reaction of each of the lines included in the field trial. Results from the field trial and the greenhouse seedling assay, which have been shown to be highly correlated in previous trials, will be used to identify possible sources of resistance to be used as parents in the winter wheat breeding program at Oregon State University. Russian Wheat Aphid Research Due to the international involvement of OSU in wheat germplasm enhancement program, and a fortuitous trip to South Africa by John Leffel, a county agent in Washington County, lines of wheat resistant to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) were acquired three years ago. These lines have been crossed with varieties like Stephens, Hill 81 and Malcolm using both backcrossing and toperossing. The good news is that the researchers in South Africa have determined that the resistance is simply inherited and is controlled by one or a few dominant genes. From a breeding standpoint this makes selection for resistance in segregating progeny much easier. Unfortunately, even after three crosses back to adapted material it has 33 been difficult to find good agronomic type plants as there appear to be undesirable traits associated with the RWA resistant genes. In the more promising crosses, a single seed descent method is being used to obtain two and possibly three generations per year thus reducing the time necessary to develop resistant varieties. The dilemma facing breeders is how much of the limited research budget should be directed toward breeding for RWA resistance. It is apparent that the RWA is a major problem on spring wheats, but appears to be a lesser problem on winter planted materials. Since it takes 10 to 12 years to develop a new variety of winter wheat, breeders must second guess if the RWA will become a major limiting factor to wheat production. To ignore it and find that it is a problem several years down the road and then start a breeding program would also be irresponsible on the part of the breeders. Thus, this is a dilemma in which cereal breeders now find themselves. 34 RESPONSE OF WHEAT YIELDS TO FUNGICIDES APPLIED AS SEED TREATMENTS OR IN-ROW BANDS Richard Smiley, Wakar Uddin, Sandra Ott, Dale Wilkins, Karl Rhinhart, and Scott Casel SYNOPSIS Fungicides were evaluated for improving the yield of winter wheat in eastern Oregon. Nineteen fungicides or fungicide mixtures were applied either as seed treatments or as bands below or with the seed. Thirteen field experiments were performed at four sites from 1986 to 1989. Three test sites were located in Umatilla County and one was in Sherman County. Most tests were on fields managed with conventional tillage, but one fungicide mixture was evaluated in both conventional and no-till seedbeds at two sites. Fungicides either failed to improve yields of winter wheat or were inconsistent from site to site and/or year to year. The most consistent treatment tested was a combination of metalaxyl with other fungicides. It was the only mixture tested that did not cause a reduction in yield in at least of the tests. Take-all, Rhizoctonia root rot, and Pythium root rot were abundant in these tests but foliar diseases occurred only occasionally and the smuts were not present. Fungicides seldom reduced the amount or intensity of any disease in the studies we report here. Seed treatments are generally applied to complement genetic resistance in an integrated strategy to control of smut diseases. The fungicides currently used for this purpose (Vitavax 34 and 200) did not cause significant reductions in yields of winter wheat. In view of their importance for controlling smut diseases, continued use of Vitavax 34 and 200 is supported by our results. However, it should be recognized that an economic response to such treatments is unlikely when smuts are not present in damaging amounts. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiments were conducted at the four locations summarized in Table 1. Experiments at the Thompson farm and the Moro and Pendleton Experiment Station sites were performed on fields that had long histories of 2-yr wheat/fallow rotations, using stubble mulch tillage systems that retain moderate amounts of plant residue on or near the soil surface. One experiment at the Thompson Farm, during 1988, was performed on a field that had been fallowed for two years after a crop of winter wheat. Experiments at the Wolfe Farm were performed on a field that had been utilized for no-till, annual recrop winter barley for 4 to 5 1 Superintendent and professor, research assistant, and biological aide, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR 97801; agricultural engineer, USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, Pendleton, OR 97801; research assistant and research assistant, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR 97801 and Moro, OR 97039. 35 consecutive years before being plowed, study. Conventional tillage (moldboard and/or field cultivator or rod weeder) experiments at all locations, except for Thompson sites during 1986/87. disked, and seeded to wheat for this or chisel plow followed by offset disk was used to prepare the seedbed for the no-till treatment at the Wolfe and Table 1. Experimental sites for seed treatment studies: 1986-1989. Test site Thompson Farm Wolfe Farm Pendleton Exp. Stn. Sherman Exp. Stn. Location 15 mi N Pendleton 8 mi SW Pendleton 9 mi NE Pendleton .5 mi SE Moro Agronomic zone 5-yr Mean precip. So i l pH 5 5 2 4 12 13 15 10 6.3 6.8 5.4 5.1 Aqueous suspensions of the fungicides listed in Table 2 were applied to seeds to deliver the desired treatment rates. All seed was planted within one week after treatment. Seed Treatment Studies Three experiments were performed at the Wolfe, Thompson and Moro sites during 1986-1987. Experimental design at each site was a randomized complete block with 4 or 5 replications for each of the 14 treatments described in Table 3. Plots were 8 x 50 ft and contained six rows of plants spaced at 16-in intervals. 'Stephens' winter wheat (70 lbs/ac) was planted in early October 1986, using a John Deere model HZ drill equipped with Wilkins slit openers. Liquid urea was dispensed 2-in below the seed at the rate of 50 lb N/ac at the Wolfe and Thompson sites, and 40 lb N/ac at Moro. Detailed measurements of seedling growth and diseases were made during the fall, spring and summer. Yield components were measured at maturity by harvesting the center four rows of each plot. Only the grain yield data will be presented in this report. Two additional experiments with winter wheat were performed during 19871988. The experiments were randomized complete blocks with 6 and 10 replications for each of the six treatments (five fungicides and a nontreated control) at the Wolfe and Thompson farms, respectively. Six treatments described in Table 4 were delivered side by side simultaneously through different openers on the 6-row drill. Plots were 300 ft long. Plots were planted during mid October 1987, using the same seeding rate and drill described earlier. Urea and thiosol were applied to deliver 50 lb N and 12 lb S/ac. Each 300-ft row was harvested individually with a plot combine. Four experiments (2 sites x 2 cereals) were established to examine the effect of a seed treatment mixture on wheat in contrasting plant residue management systems. During the autumn of 1986 replicated (4 to 5 times) plots of no-till as well as conventional tillage (moldboard plow plus disk) were 36 Table 2. Common name, trade name, and formulation of fungicides used for seed treatment and banded-placement studies. Common name Trade name benodanilb Benefit captan Captan carboxin Vitavax 34 carboxin + thiram Vitavax 200 chloroneb FloPro D flutolanilb furmecycloxb imazalil FloPro IMZ iprodioneb Rovral metalaxyl Apron prochlorazb Prochloraz propiconazoleb Tilt quintozene (PCNB) Terraclor tolclofos-methyl bRizolex triadimenol Baytan Formulationa 50W 50W 34F 20+20F 65W 50W 500E 30F 30F 35W 50W 3.6E 24F 250F 30F a Active ingredient in the commercial wettable powder (W), flowable (F), or emulsifiable (E) formulation, expressed in either percent or grams/liter. b Not registered for use as a seed treatment on small grains in Oregon. established as 16 x 100 ft main plots at the Wolfe and Thompson farms. Wheat seed was either treated with a mixture of carboxin + thiram + iprodione + chloroneb, or left untreated. The fungicide treatments were planted as 8 x 100 ft subplots paired within each tillage treatment, as described in Table 5. The sites, previous crops, seed drill, planting date and rate, and fertilizer rates were as described above. Plots were harvested with a plot combine. Fungicide Placement Studies Reports from Australia indicate that several root diseases are suppressed more by placement of fungicides below or with the seed rather than on it. Experiments to test this concept were performed on two fields at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center at Pendleton during 1988-1989. One experiment was performed on a wheat/fallow rotation. Fallow was prepared with twisted-shank chisels followed by a sweep and then a rod weeder. Fertilizer delivering 80 lb N/ac and 5 lb S/ac was broadcast during September, 1988. Two other experiments were on a field of annual no-till spring barley. 'Stephens' winter wheat commercially treated with Vitavax 200 and Lindane was planted at the rate of 80 lb/ac. The fungicides for the banded placement treatments (see Table 6) were prepared by adsorbing them onto uniformly sized fertilizer granules. The fertilizer had an N-P-K-S-Fe ratio of 7-7-7-11-11. The fertilizer was applied at 11 lb N/ac. Controls consisted of a non-fertilized and also a fertilizer-without-fungicide treatment. 37 Two experiments on the conventional and no-till fields were randomized complete block designs with 6 or 10 replications for each of 10 treatments. Plots measuring 5 x 45 ft or 5 x 100 ft contained five rows of plants spaced at 10-in intervals. Wheat seed was planted at 1-in depth into dry soil on October 7, 1988, using a 10-ft wide Great Plains drill equipped with 11 doubledisk openers. The center opener was blocked and different treatments were delivered from each half of the drill during each pass through the experimental area. The fungicide and fertilizer treatments were placed in bands 1/2-in below the seed. Seedling emergence in dry soil was delayed until November 22. A plot combine was used to determine grain yields. A third experiment was conducted to compare fungicide placements below or between seed rows of the Yielder no-till drill. A 2 x 3 factorial design with eight replicates was used to investigate two fungicide placements and three fungicide chemicals. Each plot measured 10 x 100 ft. The 10-ft wide drill had paired rows spaced 5-in apart with 15-in between pairs. The fungicides were placed either 1/2-in below the seed (1-in depth) in each row, or were deep banded between the paired rows (2.5-in below and 2.5-in beside the seed placement). Wheat seed was planted on October 18, 1988 and seedling emergence occurred on November 30. Grain yields were measured from samples collected with a plot combine. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION All fungicides and their mixtures failed to significantly improve wheat yields in all tests (Tables 3-6). Some fungicides even tended to cause a slight decrease in yield. A summary of all tests is presented in Table 7. A few fungicide mixtures provided overall yield increases of 6 to 8 percent, but were also noted for the inconsistency in response that was omnipresent in these studies. This can be illustrated with two examples. The average yield increase of 6 percent reported (Table 7) for the captan + triadimenol (Captan + Baytan) treatment was derived from three tests in which the yield was increased by 7 and 22 percent, or reduced by 11 percent. Likewise, the average yield increase of 8 percent reported for the carboxin + thiram + imazalil (Vitavax 200 + FloPro IMZ) treatment was derived from tests in which the yield was increased by 11 and 18 percent, or reduced by 6 percent. Three fungicide mixtures provided yields that were at least equal to the nontreated controls every time these mixtures were evaluated as seed treatments (Table 7). Metalaxyl was notable as the common ingredient in each of these mixtures. In particular, metalaxyl (active against Pvthium species), in combination with fungicides that suppress Rhizoctonia spp., provided the only consistently positive yield responses throughout this study. Metalaxyl performed very well in combination with carboxin + thiram, flutolanil, or tolclofos-methyl. Even with this consistency, however, the overall yield increase from the nine tests containing these mixtures was only 1 to 3 percent. At an average yield of 50 bu/ac and wheat prices of $4.00/bu, a 2 percent increase represents an additional profit of about $4.00/acre. It is also noteworthy that when used alone, metalaxyl and all other fungicides were less consistent and often less effective than mixtures containing metalaxyl plus one or more other fungicides (Table 7). For instance, metalaxyl alone actually reduced the yields in three of the four tests where this was evaluated. Root diseases were common on winter wheat at each experimental site. Rhizoctonia root rot was the dominant disease at each site, and appeared to be 38 the only disease occurring at the Sherman Experiment Station at Moro. A complex of Rhizoctonia root rot and take-all was dominant at the Wolfe farm and a complex of Rhizoctonia and Pythium root rots dominated at the Thompson farm. Foliar diseases were rarely encountered in these studies, and smut diseases did not Occur. Table 3. Influence of seed treatments on yield of winter wheat at three experimental sites during 1986/1987. Treatment and rate (oz active ingredient/100 lbs seed) Wolfe nontreated control 27.7 52.3 17.6 carboxin (0.86) + quintozene (0.86) + iprodione (0.86) + benodanil (3.32) + furmecyclox (1.04) + prochloraz (0.34) + tolclofos methyl (1.04) 25.4 30.8 30.9 28.4 30.8 22.0 24.1 49.7 48.3 44.3 47.2 49.0 49.4 46.1 19.2 20.5 16.7 17.0 18.9 21.6 16.5 carboxin + thiram (0.86 + 0.86) + metalaxyl (0.53) + imazilil (0.08) + iprodione + chloroneb (1.32 + 1.44) 28.1 29.6 30.8 30.8 50.8 55.2 49.4 43.9 18.9 18.1 20.8 18.1 captan + triadimenol (0.99 + 0.43) 29.6 46.8 21.4 captan + propiconazole (0.99 + 0.05) Significance of F ratio 30.9 NS' 50.1 NS 16.9 NS Grain yield (bu/ac) Thompson Moro a NS = not statistically significant at p< 0.10. Table 4. Influence of seed treatments on grain yield of winter wheat at two experimental sites during 1987-1988. Winter wheat Grain yield (bu/ac) Treatment and rate (oz a.i./100 lb seed) nontreated control carboxin (0.86) carboxin (1.72) carboxin + thiram (1.33 + 1.33) + metalaxyl (0.35) + metalaxyl + quintozene (0.35 + 0.99) Significance of F ratio a Not statistically significant at p<0.10. 39 Thompson Wolfe 30.2 29.5 30.1 29.3 60.7 60.5 60.6 60.4 30.3 29.9 60.4 60.5 NS' NS Table 5. Influence of a seed treatment on grain yield (bu/ac) of wheat produced in soils prepared by two primary tillage systems at two sites during 1986/1987. Experimental site and test species Wolfe farm Thompson farm a Tillage system Plow/Disk No-till NF F NF F a 31.9 29.7 28.2 31.6 15.4 14.9 24.7 24.5 Significance of F ratio Tillage Fungicide FxT NS NS NS NS .01 .01 (F) - fungicidal seed treatment containing carboxin + thiram + iprodione + chloroneb at the application rate described in Table 3; (NF) nontreated seed. b Not statistically significant at p<0.10. Table 6. Grain yields (bu/ac) of winter wheat when the Great Plains or Yielder drill were used to plant the seed and to deliver bands of fungicides and a fertilizer into conventional or no-till seedbeds. Yielder drill: No-till Great Plains drill Treatment and rate (oz a.i./ac) Conventional No-till Below seed Between rows non-fertilized control fertilizer carrier control' flutolanil (1.05) (2.10) metalaxyl (1.05) (2.10) tolclofos-methyl (1.05) (2.10) metalaxyl + flutolanil (2.10 + 2.10) metalaxyl + tolclofos-methyl (2.10 + 2.10) Significance of F ratio LSD (0.05) 87.7 98.9 96.5 99.5 97.7 97.1 97.4 97.4 99.2 73.5 76.1 77.7 77.0 75.3 77.0 77.8 77.6 77.0 100.4 76.6 0.01 6.1 0.01 2.3 93.2 94.9 93.1 94.8 94.5 94.7 NSb NS ' The fertilizer-carrier control (10 lb N/ac, as 7-7-7) serves as the basis for comparison of all treatments, since all fungicides were applied on this carrier. b Not statistically significant at p<0.10. 40 Table 7. Summary of winter wheat yields in 13 experiments with 19 fungicide seed treatments or banded treatments. Treatment No. of tests Successful testsa % Yield changeb carboxin + quintozene + iprodione + benodanil + furmecyclox + prochloraz + tolclofos methyl 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 0 - 1 7 - 3 -4 4 -1 -13 carboxin + thiram + metalaxyl + imazalil + iprodione + chloroneb + metalaxyl + quintozene 5 5 3 7 2 3 5 2 5 1 0 3 8 0 - 1 captan + triadimenol 3 2 6 captan + propiconazole 3 1 1 flutolanil 6 5 0 tolclofos-methyl 6 4 0 metalaxyl + flutolanil + tolclofos-methyl 4 2 2 1 2 2 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 a Number of experiments in which the gr ain yield from the specified seed treatment was numerically equal to or greater than the yield derived from planting untreated seed. Individual tests are reported in Tables 3-6. b Net change in yield derived from each seed treatment, with respect to the nontreated control, and averaged over the total number of tests performed for each treatment. Seed treatments had little impact on the incidence or severity of Rhizoctonia root rot. The banded application of fungicides below or beside the seed, rather than on it, led to higher efficiencies in disease control. Nevertheless, the banded placements also failed to generate a yield response related to the suppression of root rot. Our results confirmed that triadimenol suppresses the occurrence of take-all, as has been reported elsewhere on wheat. Another important observation was that the placement of a starter fertilizer below the seed at planting (Table 6) provided a much stronger yield response than any of the fungicides. This response was larger than we anticipated on the basis of previous nitrogen and sulfur placement studies performed at Pendleton. The fertilizer used in this study contained nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, sulfur and iron. Additional tests of wheat responses to more complex fertilizer sources appears warranted. We also found that fungicides are not likely to perform any better on no-till seedbeds than on those that are prepared with conventional tillage (Table 5). 41 SELECTED REFERENCES Douglas, C. L., Jr., R. W. Rickman, J. F. Zuzel, and B. L. Klepper. 1988. Criteria for delineation of agronomic zones in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 43:415-418. Smiley, R. W, D. E. Wilkins, and E. L. Klepper. 1990. Impact of fungicide seed treatments on Rhizoctonia root rot, take-all, eyespot, and growth of winter wheat. Plant Disease 74:in press. Smiley, R. W., W. Uddin, S. M. Ott, and K. E. L. Rhinhart. Influence of flutolanil and tolclofos-methyl on root and culm diseases of winter wheat. Plant Disease 74:in press. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express appreciation for assistance provided by Gustafson, Inc., Julie Biddle, Sandra Ott, Daniel Goldman, Wakar Uddin, Karl Rhinhart, Scott Case, Tami Toll, Daryl Haasch, Donald Wysocki, Dwight Wolfe, Kenneth Thompson, John Rea, and the Hermiston Agr. Res. and Extn. Ctr. Financial assistance from the Oregon Wheat Commission, Gustafson, Inc., and Ciba-Geigy Corp. was truly appreciated. These studies were performed as components of Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Project 268, USDA-CSRS-Western Regional Competitive IPM Project 161, and the USDA-CSRS-Pacific Northwest STEEP Program. 42 RESPONSE OF BARLEY YIELDS TO FUNGICIDE SEED TREATMENTS Richard Smiley, Wakar Uddin, Sandra Ott, Dale Wilkins, Karl Rhinhart, and Scott Casel SYNOPSIS Fungicide seed treatments were evaluated for improving grain yields of barley. Thirteen field experiments were performed on fall- and spring-planted crops at five eastern Oregon sites from 1986 to 1988. Four test sites were located in Umatilla County and one was in Sherman County. Up to 14 fungicides or fungicide mixtures were tested on conventionally tilled fields. One mixture was also evaluated in a comparison of conventional and no-till seedbeds at two sites. The yield of fall-planted barley was either unchanged or was reduced by fungicides. The yield of spring barley was increased by more than 10 percent by several fungicidal mixtures, but the most promising mixtures contained fungicides that are not currently registered for use on small grains. Take-all and Rhizoctonia root rot were abundant in these tests, but foliar diseases occurred only occasionally and the smuts were not present. Fungicides seldom reduced the amount or intensity of any disease in these studies. A principal reason for application of seed treatments to barley is to control smuts. In the absence of smut the most commonly used fungicides (Vitavax 34 and 200) caused an overall reduction (3 - 5 percent) in the yield of fallplanted barley. We conclude that an economic response to such treatments is unlikely in the absence of damaging amounts of smut. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiments were conducted at the five locations summarized in Table 1. Experiments at the Thompson farm and the Moro and Pendleton Experiment Station sites were performed on fields that had long histories of 2-yr wheat/fallow rotations, using stubble mulch tillage systems that retain moderate amounts of plant residue on or near the soil surface. One experiment at the Thompson Farm, during 1988, was performed on a field that had been fallowed for two years after a crop of winter wheat. Experiments at the Wolfe Farm were performed on a field that had been utilized for no-till, annual recrop winter barley for 4 to 5 consecutive years before being plowed, disked, and seeded for these studies. The experiment at Hermiston was on an irrigated, conventionally tilled field that had been used to produce consecutive crops of winter wheat. 1 Superintendent and professor, research assistant, and biological aide, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR 97801; agricultural engineer, USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, Pendleton, OR 97801; research assistant and research assistant, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR 97801 and Moro, OR 97039. 43 Table 1. Experimental sites for seed treatment studies: 1986-1989. Agronomic zone Location Test site Thompson Farm Wolfe Farm Pendleton Exp. Stn. Hermiston Exp. Stn. Sherman Exp. Stn . 15 mi N Pendleton 8 mi SW Pendleton 9 mi NE Pendleton 1 mi S Hermiston .5 mi SE Moro 5 5 2 6 4 5-yr Mean precip. Soil pH 6.3 6.8 5.4 6.6 5.1 12 13 15 9 10 Conventional tillage (moldboard or chisel plow followed by offset disk and/or field cultivator or rod weeder) was used to prepare the seedbed for experiments at all locations, except for the no-till treatment comparisons at the Wolfe and Thompson sites during 1986/87. Aqueous suspensions of the fungicides listed in Table 2 were applied to seeds to deliver the desired treatment rates. All seed was planted within one week after treatment. Table 2. Common name, trade name, and formulation of fungicides used for seed treatment and banded-placement studies. Common name benodanilb captan carboxin carboxin + thiram chloroneb furmecycloxb imazalil iprodioneb metalaxyl prochlorazb propiconazoleb quintozene (PCNB) tolclofos-methylb triadimenol Trade name Formulation' Benefit Cap tan Vitavax 34 Vitavax 200 FloPro D 50W 50W 34F 20+20F 65W 500E 30F 30F 35W 50W 3.6E 24F 250F 30F FloPro IMZ Rovral Apron Prochloraz Tilt Terraclor Rizolex Baytan a Active ingredient in the commercial wettable powder (W), flowable (F), or emulsifiable (E) formulation, expressed in either percent or grams/liter. b Not registered for use as a seed treatment on small grains in Oregon. 44 Fall-Planted Barley Fungicide evaluation experiments were performed at the Wolfe, Thompson and Moro sites during 1986-1987. Experimental design at each site was a randomized complete block with 4 or 5 replications for each of the 14 treatments described in Table 3. Plots were 8 x 50 ft and contained six rows of plants spaced at 16in intervals. 'Steptoe' barley (70 lbs/ac) was planted in early October 1986, using a John Deere model HZ drill equipped with Wilkins slit openers. Liquid urea was dispensed 2-in below the seed at the rate of 50 lb N/ac at the Wolfe and Thompson sites, and 40 lb N/ac at Moro. Detailed measurements of seedling growth and diseases were made during the fall, spring and summer. Yield components were measured at maturity by harvesting the center four rows of each plot. Only the grain yield data will be presented in this report. Two experiments (2 sites x2 cereals) were established to examine the effect of a fungicidal seed treatment mixture on barley in contrasting plant residue management systems. During the autumn of 1986 replicated (4 to 5 times) plots of non-tilled as well as conventionally tilled (moldboard plow plus disk) soil were established as 16 x 100 ft main plots at the Wolfe and Thompson farms. Barley was either treated with a mixture of carboxin + thiram + iprodione + chloroneb, or left untreated. The fungicide treatments were planted as 8 x 100 ft subplots paired within each tillage treatment. The sites, previous crops, seed drill, planting and fertilizer rates, and other features were as described above. Spring-Planted Barley Four experiments were performed at the Wolfe, Thompson, Hermiston, and Moro sites during 1987. Experimental designs were randomized complete blocks with four replications for each of 8 to 14 treatments (7 to 13 fungicides or mixtures plus a nontreated control) described in Table 3. Plots were 8 x 50 ft and contained six rows of plants spaced at 16-in intervals. The seed (70 lb/ac) was planted in early March using a John Deere model HZ drill equipped with Wilkins slit openers. Liquid urea was dispensed 2.5-in below the seed at the rate of 50 lb N/ac at the Wolfe and Thompson sites, 60 lb N/ac at Hermiston, and 40 lb N/ac at Moro. During April seedlings were removed from each plot for assessments of diseases on the roots and foliage. Grain yields were measured by threshing four rows of plants in each plot. A truck load of wheat seed in Walla Walla County was accidently treated twice with carboxin during 1986. The doubly treated seed was planted next to seed treated with the normal rate of carboxin. The double-rate of carboxin appeared to reduce the severity of Rhizoctonia root rot and, therefore, deserved further evaluation in replicated plots. We compared the single and double rates on spring barley at two locations during 1988. The plots consisted of complete blocks with 6 and 10 replications for each of the six treatments (five fungicides or mixtures, and a nontreated control) at the Wolfe and Thompson sites, respectively. Treatments described in Table 5 were established as 300 ft long individual rows, with the six treatments being delivered side by side simultaneously through different openers on the 6-row drill. Plots were planted during early March, using the same seeding rate and drill described earlier. Urea and thiosol were applied to deliver 50 lb N and 12 lb S/ac. Each row was harvested individually with a plot combine. 45 Table 3. Influence of seed treatments on grain yield (bu/ac) of barley at four experimental sites during 1986/1987. Moro Fall-planted barley Wolfe Thompson Moro 44.6 24.3 48.3 58.4 22.7 73.3 63.1 NTa NT 75.9 78.2 76.1 53.0 48.7 NT NT 54.0 46.2 NT 20.7 26.9 18.0 20.6 23.6 19.1 21.9 40.2 45.6 40.2 32.4 41.3 38.2 39.2 64.1 61.2 51.9 59.6 59.9 55.9 55.9 22.1 23.9 21.8 22.2 22.1 21.5 24.4 46.7 47.0 38.6 36.1 74.5 69.8 77.1 74.6 47.3 NT 45.0 50.0 21.2 18.6 19.8 23.3 36.6 42.5 43.4 39.7 63.1 62.8 63.3 56.7 22.3 20.7 21.7 21.9 captan + triadimenol (0.99 + 0.43) 43.4 NT NT 18.7 43.7 61.2 20.3 captan + propiconazol (0.99 + 0.05) 32.8 NT NT 21.0 42.0 58.4 20.6 0.01 8.9 NSb NS NS NS NS NS Spring-planted barle y Thompson Hermiston Treatment and rate (oz active ingredient/100 lbs seed) Wolfe nontreated control 38.4 63.3 carboxin (0.86) + quintozene (0.86) + iprodione (0.86) + benodanil (3.32) + furmecyclox (1.04) + prochloraz (0.34) + tolclofos methyl (1 04) 42.8 40.1 41.6 44.9 44.5 52.7 47.7 carboxin + thiram (0.86 + 0.86) + metalaxyl (0.53) + imazalil (0.08) + iprodione + chloroneb (1.32 + 1.44) Significance of F ratio LSD .05 a Not tested. b Not statistically significant at p<0.10. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION Fungicides caused a significant improvement in the yield of barley in only one of 13 tests (Tables 3-5). This occurred on spring barley at the Wolfe site (Table 3). More importantly, seed treatments on fall-planted barley often resulted in a net reduction in grain yield (Tables 3 and 4). Fungicide mixtures that exhibited promise in one or two test sites, or in one year, were not consistent from location to location or year to year. This inconsistency is summarized in Table 6. Tests also indicated that fungicides are not likely to perform any better on non-tilled seedbeds than on those that are prepared with conventional tillage (Table 4). The most promising potential for yield improvement with fungicides was found with spring barley. Several fungicide mixtures provided important increases in yield (Tables 3 and 5), although there was again an inconsistency from site to site and/or year to year (Table 6). The treatments that showed the highest additional yields are not currently registered for use on small grains. Our observation that fungicides were more effective on spring barley than on fallplanted barley coincides with our observations that Rhizoctonia root rot is more severe on spring wheat and barley than on the fall-seeded crops. In view of the short residual activity of most seed treatment fungicides, and the shorter growing season for cereals planted during the spring, it seems logical that seed treatments should be most efficient on cereals planted during the spring. Although the amount of crop damage caused by soilborne pathogens is not known with certainty, the results of soil fumigation tests on a wheat-fallow rotation at the Thompson farm, using methyl bromide + chloropicrin, provides an insight into crop losses that are possible in wheat stands that look "normal". We measured 32 percent and 6 percent increases in yields of spring and winter wheats, respectively, on plots that had been fumigated two years earlier. 46 Table 4. Influence of a seed treatment on grain yield (bu/ac) of fall-planted barley produced in soils prepared by two primary tillage systems at two sites during 1986/1987. Experimental site and test species Wolfe farm Thompson farm Tillage system No-till Plow/Disk Fa NF F NF 37.0 59.8 40.3 56.4 18.4 52.0 15.8 52.0 Significance of F ratio Tillage Fungicide FxT .01 .08 NS NS .03 NS a (F) = fungicidal seed treatment containing carboxin + thiram + iprodione + chloroneb at the application rate described in Table 4; (NF) seed. nontreated b Not statistically significant at p<0.10. Table 5. Influence of seed treatments on grain yield of spring barley at two experimental sites during 1988. Treatment and rate (oz a.i./100 lb seed) Grain yield (bu/ac) nontreated control carboxin (0.86) carboxin (1.72) carboxin + thiram (1.33 + 1.33) + metalaxyl (0.35) + metalaxyl + quintozene (0.35 + 0.99) Significance of F ratio a Not statistically significant at p<0.10. 47 Thompson Wolfe 49.9 51.6 50.0 49.5 30.4 27.2 20.9 30.0 54.2 47.4 16.8 19.3 NSa NS Table 6. Summary of spring- and fall-planted barley yields in 13 experiments with 13 fungicidal seed treatments. Treatment Fall plantings Spring plantings Successful % Yield No. of % Yield No. of Successful change tests tests changeb tests tests' carboxin + quintozene + iprodione + benodanil + furmecyclox + prochloraz + tolclofos methyl 8 4 2 2 4 4 3 5 4 1 1 3 3 3 - 1 6 - 9 1 14 11 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 - 3 2 -11 -11 - 5 -10 - 5 carboxin + thiram + metalaxyl + imazalil + iprodione + chloroneb + metalaxyl + quintozene 6 5 4 4 2 4 3 3 2 0 5 - 5 1 5 -21 3 3 3 7 0 1 1 1 3 - - - - captan + triadimenol 2 1 - 5 3 1 - 5 captan + propiconazol 2 0 -14 3 1 - 7 5 4 2 1 a Number of experiments in which the grain yield from the specified seed treatment was numerically equal to or greater than the yield derived from planting untreated seed. Individual tests are reported in Tables 3, 4 and 5. b Net change in yield derived from each seed treatment, with respect to the nontreated control, and averaged over the total number of tests performed for each treatment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express appreciation for assistance provided by Gustafson, Inc., Julie Biddle, Sandra Ott, Daniel Goldman, Wakar Uddin, Karl Rhinhart, Scott Case, Tami Toll, Daryl Haasch, Donald Wysocki, Dwight Wolfe, Kenneth Thompson, John Rea, and the Hermiston Agr. Res. and Extn. Ctr. Financial assistance from the Oregon Wheat Commission, Gustafson, Inc., and Ciba-Geigy Corp. was truly appreciated. These studies were performed as components of Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Project 268, USDA-CSRS-Western Regional Competitive IPM Project 161, and the USDA-CSRS-Pacific Northwest STEEP Program. SELECTED REFERENCES Douglas, C. L. Jr., R. W. Rickman, J. F. Zuzel, and B. L. Klepper. 1988. Criteria for delineation of agronomic zones in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 43:415-418. Smiley, R. W. and D. E. Wilkins. 1990. Response of Rhizoctonia root rot and growth and yield of barley to fungicide seed treatments. Plant Disease 74:submitted. 48 A SUMMARY OF JOINTED GOATGRASS CULTURAL AND CHEMICAL CONTROL IN WHEAT - 1990 D.J. Rydrychl INTRODUCTION Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindricum) is a recent invader in the wheat producing areas of the Pacific Northwest and eastern Oregon. Jointed goatgrass can be found in 8 of our eastern Oregon counties and at all elevations. It has become established along roadsides, waterways, fence lines, and in cultivated fields. It is spread by seed in contaminated seed lots, by trucks and combines, and by runoff water along natural drainageways. It is estimated that there are 50,000 acres of goatgrass (partial to total) sites scattered throughout the eight counties in eastern Oregon. Goatgrass is difficult to contain because of dormant seed, early shattering, and it has the same growth habit as winter grains. We have no registered effective chemical control of goatgrass at the present time. Control levels of 70-85 percent gave been obtained by fall application of two new herbicides. These control levels are not high enough for field sanitation and eradication, therefore these control levels must be matched to proper management and crop rotation to be successful. There are several cultural methods that have been tested in research plots in eastern Oregon. They include, crop rotations, spring planted grains or crops, perennial crops such as alfalfa, perennial grass, and In addition, tillage systems such as double fallow have been legumes. highly successful for goatgrass control. Field burning tests have shown that goatgrass seed populations can be dramatically reduced in re-crop grain management. The use of no-till has also improved the efficiency of goatgrass control by the use of selective herbicides such as trifluralin and metribuzin. The research in eastern Oregon was conducted to explore combinations of cultural and chemical systems that could be used by farmers Some of the for goatgrass suppression, seed reduction, and eradication. results of the tests are recorded in the tables. METHODS A series of experiments were established at the Pendleton Station to test the effectiveness of cultural and chemical treatments on goatgrass. A split-plot experimental design was used with four replications on a Walla Walla silt loam soil, (pH 6.2, OM 1.9 percent). Plot size averaged 24' x 100' in an area that was contaminated with jointed goatgrass seed. Cultural sub-plots included no-till, double fallow, wheat-fallow, annual grain crop, and spring grain. Data were collected on seed populations, weed control, rotation interactions, crop tolerance, and yield potential. The data are recorded in Table 1 and 2. 1 Professor of agronomy, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 49 Table 1. Goatgrass cultural control using field burning and rotations OSU-CBARC Pendleton, Oregon - 1990 Treatment )Time Seedbed Goatgrass Prep. Control Broadleaf Cheatgrass Control Control Crop Grain Injury Yield lb/A Wheat-Fallow2+ Tycor PPS 3 Wheat-Fallow + Tycor PPS Wheat-Annual Crop + Tycor PPS Wheat-Annual Crop + Tycor PPS Fall burn 4 88 99 100 0 5030 None 65 95 100 0 4500 Fall burn 85 92 100 0 3290 38 90 100 0 1460 None 1 Note: Tycor is not registered in Oregon for wheat at this time. 2Winter wheat (Stephens) - Planted - 12 October 88 3 Tycor - Pre-plant surface (Inversion) - 10 October 88 4 Fall Burn - Stubble burned September 1988 Table 2. Goatgrass cultural and chemical control in cereals - 1990 OSU - CBARC - Pendleton, Oregon Treatment 1Time Goatgrass Cheatgrass Control Control z Wheat-Fallow2+ Tycor PPS 3 Wheat-Fallow Wheat-Annual Crop 4+ Tycor PPS Double Fallow + Tycor PPS Double Fallow Grain Control Injury Yield lb/A 88 100 100 0 5030 18 85 35 0 4400 85 99 100 3290 70 40 95 100 92 100 88 0 0 0 0 0 4820 0 Wheat-Annual Crop Broadleaf Crop 100 1460 6690 6400 No-Till + Tycor PPS 99 99 100 No-till + Metribuzin PPS 98 98 99 0 4700 90 92 75 4550 100 100 0 0 0 No-Till Spring Crop 1 Note: Tycor is not registered in Oregon for wheat at this time. 2 Fall Wheat (Stephens) planted 12 October 88 3 Chemicals - 10 October 88 - Pre-plant surface Plots - 24' x 100' 4 Spring wheat (Dirkwin) planted 15 April 89 50 2370 RESULTS Fall Burning The effect of fall burning on goatgrass seed production is recorded in Table 1. The use of fall stubble burning is limited by conservation considerations. However, these tests were only conducted on the worst rotations such as wheat-fallow in a stubble mulch culture and in the annual crop rotation. Fall burning had a great impact on the annual crop rotation because yield was reduced over 50 percent in the non-burned plots. Both systems had Tycor applied in the crop for selective goatgrass control. Tycor efficiency was greatly improved in the burned plots. Burning had less impact on the wheat-fallow rotation but Tycor was influenced by the system and fewer goatgrass seedlings were observed in the non-chemical plots as well. Tillage Practices Double fallow had the most profound effect on goatgrass seed production (Table 2) with or without the use of Tycor. Yields of 6690 lb/A were produced on four replications in the double fallow plots that had Tycor added for goatgrass. However, the effect of double fallow is such that a Tycor treatment would not be necessary in the crop year except for improved efficiency. No-till gave the next best level of goatgrass control in a wheatfallow rotation. Goatgrass, surprisingly is controlled by both Tycor or metribuzin. Metribuzin was not effective for groatrass in any other rotation. No-till has also been effective in reducing goatgrass seed populations after the third crop year without the use of Tycor. However, chemical treatments would probably be necessary in a no-till rotation for the best crop management. SUMMARY The most effectual cultural control for goatgrass control is spring planted crops. Double fallow has proved to be over 92 percent effective on goatgrass control without the use of selective herbicides. No-till can be up to 98 percent effective on goatgrass competition and both Tycor and metribuzin work in the system. The worst goatgrass rotation was annual crop wheat. The wheat-fallow rotation was also poor when evaluating the effect of goatgrass competition. However, the use of field burning did help the goatgrass control in the annual crop and wheat-fallow systems and did improve the activity of Tycor in each case. Several of these management systems when combined with a chemical control gave good jointed goatgrass control. Total eradication would not be possible unless a long term spring crop rotation was included in the management. Several new goatgrass herbicides are being evaluated for selective goatgrass control in wheat and barley. However, any chemical treatment will not be 100% effective on goatgrass because of the seed dormancy factor. However, chemical controls combined with tillage and cultural methods are good enough for good goatgrass seed reduction in eastern Oregon cropland. 51 1990 SUMMARY OF CHEATGRASS CONTROL IN WINTER CEREALS D.J. Rydrychl INTRODUCTION Grass weed control in cereals has become one of the primary objectives of the weed research project at Pendleton. Several new chemical formulations have been tested since the 1980 registration of metribuzin (Sencor or Lexone) in an effort to improve crop safety and increase the level of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) control in the cereals. In addition, some new concepts have been introduced that will allow the use of nonselective herbicides that can not be used in a conventional manner. One of these programs called "Inversion" was successfully established in 1988 using Cheat-stop. Cheat-stop is applied as a pre-plant surface treatment that is sprayed ahead of the planter unit so that natural safety bands are created to protect the winter cereal crop from chemical injury. The "Inversion" system was developed by the weed project at Pendleton. Several new compounds are being evaluated that can supplement Cheat-stop and allow a wider selection of herbicides so that cheat grass can not become resistant to a single compound. Field experiments have been conducted since 1980 in a wheat-fallow rotation at several locations in Eastern Oregon for the evaluation of new concepts and new chemical herbicides for selective cheatgrass control in cereals. The results of some of these tests are recorded in Tables 1 and 2. METHODS A series of experiments was established at the Pendleton Station in 1989 to summarize the results of research conducted in preliminary screening investigations. Split-plot experimental designs were used with three replications on Walla Walla silt loam soil (pH 6.2, OM 1.9%). Stephens winter wheat was planted in areas highly infested with cheatgrass. Data was collected on weed control, crop yield, and crop safety. Materials were applied with a plot sprayer with total volume of 20 GPA at 30 PSI using flat-fan nozzles (8002). Efficacy data and weed control readings were tabulated in May, 1989, and yields were taken in July 1989. The results of the tests are recorded in Tables 1 and 2. RESULTS The most important application concepts that have been successful after numerous tests are shown in Table 1. Cheat-stop, metribuzin clomazone, and Hoelon all had good crop safety when using the "Inversion" system or pre-plant surface technique. The "RELAY" system, which is a split application technique, has proven to be highly effective for selective cheatgrass control in cereals. The "RELAY" test using Finesse as a pre-plant surface (PPS) treatment in the fall, followed by a post-emergence treatment with metribuzin in the spring was highly effective for cheatgrass with good crop safety. 1 Professor of agronomy, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 52 0 tn a) 0 a) 4-) 0 I-1 •:4 (1) (1) -r-i 4 3 H H .r4 0 0 0 0 0 l0 •cr in co H 10 cP Ul U) ri 0 0 0 0 0 0 co cv N n2 el 10 CD CD C) Ch U) 01 In •*, (c) in aJ LA in Ln Lc) >4 0 0 4-) 4-) a) H H a) P4 $4 0 IoM • • . 4.4 0:1 r-I 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 C.) g 0 a) H el 0 I C.) 0:1 C.) 0 cd ri CD U) V) CO Ch Ch CO Ch ts• Ch Ch Ch )-1 01 0000 CD CD CD Ch 0 0 0 r-I r-I dP 0 g 0 0 rn co PI N U2 cd ,1 fa ecs as $4 0 4.) ri a) 0 4•) a) al 0 a) 4-) g 00 W C.) ch* O c) c) Ul el Li) r- r- Ch CO CO 4") N ON • + • + 4 N, a) 0 V Z U) 0 t.T1 ri ri a) 4.) 0 4-) 0 a) 4.1 H ri (1) .•-•." .-1 6-1 1000100 01 01 01 0 a) X/ 1-1 In 4.4 "- • N 0a 0 el U) Ul el I • . • I C) 0 • • • • • • H I I H H 4-) 4-) 4) u) I 0 0 0 1 441:14(:14 (a4Na44124u) ...-. 4) u) a0 a) a) g fa..--.. -I-1 a) cr2 N H P4 0 04 0 a) a) CD fa, -fa g 0 -r-1 g g s---,-1 -ri 0 a) o) U1 V g a) g V 0 (1) EA 0 O 1:14 r14 44 1:14 1-14 tai I I kN 4-)N00+ ulONN (1)4)0 1 A 0 it g W a) A . • CO 4.) 1/40 a) 0 00 co Es] fh 0 n CO 0 C) fq U) U) 0 V) Ul rA CV CV U) LI) crl ri) >I 1-1 U) co 0 01 •:), 0 -P 1 W 0 4-) U) 0 (L) 0 g co 0 1-I ca • u) 4 4) V 0 0 01 a) 0 g -1 N k 1-3 "P m A H 'd 9-1 H $4 0 -1-) $4 -P N A 4.4 al400 a) a a) 4-) Z g 0 +0 ,-.1 3-1 WEI 0 4.) -.-I g 0 0 Ul Z -1-1 0 0 a) 24 0 )• 0 0 H a) + k 0 C.) '0 V a) -P 1-1 H a) g 4-) ›, ›-, CU g • (1) C..) 0 0 • r1 W H E-1 W 0 C..) Z lc • M N Z * * 3 C) 53 0.) 4i a) el 3 '0 W rCI a) (I) 4.) td 4.) 4.) g 0 0 -I-I $04 W (1) $.4 rEJ E-1 E-1 (1) $.4 a) u) O.% a) V 0 0) 0 (1) 0 (c1H4 4) ffi A 4 >I rl ko 000000000 l's• N g-I 0 0 el 1/40 cyL co I-I r••• LI/ H 01 cr LC1 LC) to VD Ln 11) LO 000 00001-11-11/4000 000 0x1%0 %(:) Ln 4-) ▪ 0 4) rE) a$4 00cho -rC.) H as C.) CO C.) 1-1 Q4 CQ 4-4 co as ci) 0 rn co rn ri cc) - Zrz4Z ccl CO 44 CO a) 0 CO rd 4-) oV, cd g 0 0 3.4 CCI 00 CO 01 0 01 01 cr CO 01 01 0 in 0 0 0 01 01 01 01 o) 0 r- LC/ LC/ co a) oN 0 k0 CO 01 al CO N 0 0 44 r1 co H U) gi 0 $4 tn 4..) do ol GI al ch 0 o -1-) (CI 0 0 Cel LO 1.0 N M N • • • -I- • H 0 E-1 o o • -F -F co 00(100LO \O • • • • • • • 1 1 r-I N r-I r-I 4-) 4-) 4-) 4-) 4-) 1 cl) VI a 00000 o I 04 al f 4 124 134 fa4 aaaaaa P 1 a I I N $.4 N • + 4) W I) W o 9-I P 03 4.) '' a) -zt,--- .4. 44 A O - 4.) 44 0 O 0 4-) g C.) O (NI U) cn 0) z .4. ..... H I a) GI H i co ---% P0 U) .0 4 0 •-1 • g 0 W 44 4.4 (cl O 1,4 .4 -.-I al 04C 1 U Ul Z a) H 4-) $4 co .4 ko cl ...... a) Ch > W 0 9-1 4.) ca 9-1 .0 4-) 4-) al Z 0 IT W 1-i 0 0 -4-1 N O W A Z i.14Z H N • U) I-I co CO H 0 ooce)Loor- o I I LI) LO • • • H - a) 9-1 )4 0 (1) ;T.1 ZOg 0 0 A N H •rl (cl )4 g 0 -P 1.1 H 4-) H N + + 0 0 0 I A $4 $4 0 .0 $4 $4 I M rtj 0 • -1 0 0 4.) • -1 0 0 0 •zr W 4-) 0 W )4 0 C.) (c) )4 g ›, W >1 C.) 4-) >1 E-I C.) W a) El • W U Z * **Z****3 C.) 54 W 0 rd a) H I -P L I/ -P 0 , P ( 1) •zt, 4.1 CD 4) U) u) A Ii-i co Ia• 3 trl cs) 9-4 0 Pr fa4 P H H 01 W d '0 a) r0 I-I )4 W W 4-) ml Itt 4-) 4-) g 0 -P RS ui ••••I $4 - W W CO — 0 )4 $.4 Z 1-1 ale H ...- ...... * The compounds clomazone and Tycor are very effective for the PPS (Inversion) technique but are not registered for use in Oregon at this time. However, there are several compounds (Table 1) that can be used for successful cheatgrass control in cereals. In addition, Tycor, and metribuzin are effective as post-emergence treatments for cheatgrass after germination and emergence. Hoelon has excellent crop safety and when combined with a companion has good cheatgrass and broadleaf weed activity. The screening trials are recorded in Table 2. Several new compounds look promising for future registration. Acetochlor and clomazone are two excellent soil applied herbicides that have fair crop safety with excellent cheatgrass activity. Compound C4243 was not as successful in these tests but it has the potential for good cheatgrass activity. The compound was used as a post-emergence treatment in this study but there is too much foliar activity. Tests in 1990 have shown that C4243 has excellent crop safety and cheatgrass activity when applied pre-plant surface (PPS). SUMMARY There are several new products that have excellent effectiveness against cheatgrass that could be registered for use in the winter cereals. Most of the compounds can be used only as pre-plant surface treatments (clomazone, Acetochlor, C4243) however, Tycor can be applied with any method from soil application to post-emergence. Tycor and clomazone are the only herbicides that are also effective on other grasses such as ripgut and goatgrass brome (Bromus diandrus), bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa), (Aegilops cylindrica). The research data also shows that the application techniques such as "Inversion" and "RELAY" can be used much more in eastern Oregon for grass and broadleaf weed control in cereals. The RELAY system can be used commercially now by using compounds that have federal registration. Other new concepts are also being investigated such as using biotechnology and soil bacteria for cheatgrass control in cereals. This new technology will not be available for several years so we will have to depend on conventional treatments such as were discussed in this paper. 55 GREEN FOXTAIL HERBICIDE RESISTANCE IN MINT Donald J. Rydrychl INTRODUCTION Weed control in peppermint has come a long way from the days of hand weeding, crop rotations, and the use of animals such as weeder geese. Early research in Umatilla County was devoted to the reduction of labor intensive weed control methods that were common in the industry. Experiments were conducted on area mint farms to test the activity of diuron (Karmex) and terbacil (Sinbar) on annual weeds such as green foxtail (Setaria viridis), barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), witchgrass (Panicum capillare), prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola), kochia (Kochia scoparia), marestail (Erigeron canadensis), pigweed (Amaranthyus retroflexus) and many other species. The use of diuron was effective on broadleaf weeds but grass weed control was erratic. Tests in the late 1960's showed that terbacil was very effective on annual grasses in mint with good crop safety. Terbacil (Sinbar) was eventually registered in mint and was used for many years in the management programs. Repeated use of a herbicide over a period of years can be risky because of a possible natural buildup of weed resistance to the herbicide. This is exactly what happened with the grass species, green foxtail in the Stanfield area. Green foxtail became resistant to terbacil in the 1980's and no longer could be controlled. It was this problem that led to a research project in mint in 1988 to find a replacement herbicide for green foxtail control. METHODS Established stands of peppermint were selected that had heavy stands of green foxtail. Trials were established on dormant peppermint on February 18, 1988 using a randomized block design, with three replications. Plots were 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. Carrier volume was 20 GPA delivered at 30 PSI using flat fan nozzles. Herbicides were applied on dormant peppermint on February 18, 1988 for the soil active herbicides such as diuron and terbacil. Weeds such as green foxtail, kochia, marestail, and prickly lettuce were dormant. A post-emergence treatment (Fusilade) was applied in May, 1988 when green foxtail had three to five leaves and broadleaf weeds were established. Fusilade is not active on broadleaf weeds so manual removal was used for these species. Visual evaluations were conducted on green foxtail control in June, 1988 and repeat evaluaThe results of the green foxtail tests are tions were made in 1989. recorded in Table 1. RESULTS Several compounds showed good green foxtail control in peppermint for the entire season. Prodiamine, napropamide (Devrinol), oryzalin (Surflan) and diuron all gave good foxtail control when applied in the dormant season. Fusilade gave excellent green foxtail control in peppermint when applied post-emergence. However, terbacil (Sinbar) was very weak on foxtail. 1 Professor of agronomy, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 56 Table 1. Treatment Fusilade Prowl Prodiamine Devrinol Cinch Surflan Diuron terbacil Control Green Foxtail Herbicide Stanfield, Oregon - 1988 Resistance OSU, Broadleaf Control Rate Treatment* Time Foxtail Control lb/A .75 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 % % May Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 97 53 99 99 35 89 99 28 0 0 57 99 93 73 96 99 100 0 *Feb - 18 Feb 88 - Peppermint - Dormant Weeds: Green foxtail; Marestail (PL); Lochia (KO). - CBARC, Mint Injury % MT,PL,KO MT,PL,KO MT,KO MT,KO MT,KO KO MT,PL,KO 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 (MT); Prickly lettuce May - 10 May 88 - Peppermint 4"-6" tall Green foxtail - 3 to 5 leaf Broadleaf weeds - 6 to 8 leaf, 3"-6" dia. Although terbacil gave excellent control of broadleaf weeds (Table 1), it was very weak on foxtail. This was not the case when terbacil was first used in peppermint in the 1960's. However, repeated use of terbacil in the same area for many years allowed green foxtail to develop resistance to the product. The only products that are registered for use in peppermint in Oregon include Devrinol, terbacil, and diuron. The compounds fusilade, prowl, prodiamine, cinch, oryzalin are not registered for peppermint at this time. The compounds napropamide (Devrinol) could be used as a substitute for terbacil (Sinbar) to overcome the herbicide resistance in a normal crop management rotation. This is the first documented case of a naturally occurring green foxtail biotype that has become resistant to terbacil in eastern Oregon. Terbacil and diuron are both photosynthetic inhibitors and work on a single site within the plant. The best management program in peppermint would include a variety of weed control methods and a variety of selective herbicides. This management combined with crop rotation and tillage will prevent resistant weeds, such green foxtail from becoming an economic problem in peppermint. 57 PERFORMANCE OF A DEEP FURROW OPENER FOR PLACEMENT OF SEED AND FERTILIZER D. E. Wilkins and D. A. Haaschl INTRODUCTION Placement of fertilizer at the time of seeding wheat has the advantages of reducing the number of trips over the field, maintaining a maximum of crop residue on the soil surface and reducing soil water loss through less soil disturbance. Each tillage operation that disturbs the soil profile containing stored water and brings some of that soil to the surface results in loss of valuable soil water. Soil disturbance also buries crop residue and therefore reduces the effectiveness of residue for erosion control. The value of fertilizer placement for small grain production in eastern Washington and northeastern Oregon has been well documented (Hyde, et al., 1987; Koehler et al., 1987; Rasmussen, 1983; Rasmussen and Wilkins, 1982). Placement is especially important for spring seeded cereals in conservation tillage systems as compared to conventional tillage systems because cooler soil temperatures, higher soil moisture, and decomposition of surface residue reduce the availability of nutrients to crop plants (Koehler et al., 1987). Placement of the fertilizer in relation to the seed depends on the type and concentration of fertilizer, soil type, soil temperature and the soil water content. Placing 22 kg/ha of urea ammonium phosphate solution 0.5 cm below the seed in a light soil followed by hot weather reduced and delayed emergence (Rasmussen et al., 1980). For eastern Washington and northeastern Oregon the fertilizer band should be approximately 5 cm below the seed for fall seeded wheat (Parsons and Koehler, 1984; Babowicz et al., 1985; Wilkins et al., 1984; Payton et al., 1985). Separation between seed and fertilizer in spring seeded cereals is not as critical as in the fall because the seedbed is usually cool and moist. Several openers have been developed to place fertilizer below seed (Hyde et al., 1987). One type of opener developed by Wilkins (1988) minimizes the soil disturbance by making two furrows. The first furrow, in which fertilizer is placed, is very narrow. A second and wider furrow is made directly over the fertilizer furrow. Experimental results indicated this type of opener had promise for seeding small grains in the Columbia Plateau (Wilkins et al., 1985). A commercial opener made by S and M Manufacturing Co. and distributed by Stoess Manufacturing Co., Washtucna, Washington uses the two furrow concept. The objective of this research was to evaluate seed and fertilizer separation, stand establishment and early growth of winter wheat seeded with a drill equipped with double furrow opener points made by S and M. 1 Agricultural engineer and engineering technician, USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 58 MATERIALS AND METHODS Double furrow opener points made by S and M (Figure 1) were mounted on a John Deere HZ model deep furrow grain drill that had row spacings of 41 cm. 'Stephens' winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was seeded (90 kg/ha) with this drill September 26, 1989 on the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center near Pendleton, Oregon. The soil was a Walla Walla silt loam (coarse-silty, mixed, mesic, Typic Haploxeroll) that had been chemically fallowed for one year. The preceding crop was winter wheat that left approximately 6000 kg/ha of crop residue on the soil surface. Liquid fertilizer (urea ammonium nitrate, URAN (32-0-0)) was applied at seeding time through these opener points at the rate of 80 kg/ha of N. Figure 1. S and M Manufacturing Co. grain drill opener point. 59 Stand counts, gravimetric soil water content at time of plant emergence, seed and fertilizer placement and early plant development were determined for two rows at each of four locations in the field. Three of these locations had liquid URAN injected through the opener points and the fourth had no fertilizer applied. Stand counts were taken from one meter in each observation row. December 21, 1989 plants were excavated from 1/2 m of the observation rows, taken to the laboratory, and evaluated for main stem and tiller development, above ground plant dry weight, and plant height as described by Wilkins et al., 1989. The location of the seed and fertilizer were determined by analysis of soil cores. Two 5 cm square and 14 cm deep soil cores sectioned in 2 cm increments were taken in each row and composited. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the soil and plant measurements are shown in Tables 1 and 2. As soil water content increased the depth of seed placement increased. Fertilizer placement was not influenced by soil water content at time of seeding. This indicates the opener was running at a constant depth and the amount of back filling of the fertilizer furrow with soil was a function of soil water content. The high water content soil (11.2 percent) did not flow into the fertilizer furrow as readily as the dry soil and therefore the mean seed depth increased as soil water content increased. Although this phenomena is ideal for reducing seedling damage from fertilizer toxicity in dry conditions, the 4.4 cm separation between seed and fertilizer was less than the recommended 5 cm or greater (Babowicz et al., 1985; Parsons and Koehler, 1984; Payton et al., 1985). Table 1. Placement of seed and fertilizer with S and M opener points Mean seed Mean Soil Mean Fertilizer water seed fertilizer & fertilizer separation Location injected content depth depth 9.5 9.3 9.9 11.2 no yes yes yes 1 2 3 4 Cm 5.8 3.6 5.4 5.6 - 4.7 3.6 2.8 8.3 9.0 8.4 Table 2. Response of early seedling development to seed and fertilizer placement by S & M opener points Location 1 2 3 4 Stand Plant height % cm 66 56 53 59 Haun Above ground Tiller present T2 T1 TO - - 5.8 3.6 5.4 5.6 14.3 12.5 12.3 13.3 60 9 7 0 5 % 67 53 59 65 - plant dry weight g/plant - 88 42 61 65 .12 .07 .10 .10 Early plant development was stressed as a result of marginal soil water for emergence, hot soil temperatures subsequent to seeding and the close proximity of seed to the fertilizer band. The average daily maximum 2.5 cm soil temperature At the Columbia Basin Agricultural Experiment Station was 82°F for the first two weeks following seeding. Banding fertilizer below seed with S and M opener points reduced emergence, delayed early growth and reduced early tillering (Table 1). Because of the marginal soil water in the seed zone, stand establishment was low (53 to 66 percent). The best stand establishment occurred where no fertilizer was injected. The percent of plants with Tl and T2 tillers in rows with injected fertilizer increased as soil water content in the seed zone (top 10 cm) increased from 9.3 to 11.2 percent. The differences in the percent of T2 tillers is primarily due to the difference in stage of plant development. T2 tillers first appear after plants reach a main stem Haun value of 3.5 (Klepper et al., 1982). Many of the plants in the fertilized rows had Haun values less than 3.5 and therefore would not be mature enough to have T2 tillers. The slight depression in early growth and tillering from placement of fertilizer with S and M opener points is not expected to result in any significant reduction in yield. There is evidence that seeding with this opener when the soil water is marginal for germination and emergence of wheat and the mean maximum 2.5 cm soil temperature during emergence exceeds 80°F following planting some seedling stress may occur. This stress will increase as the soil becomes drier, soil temperature increases above 80°F and the soil becomes lighter. Further testing and evaluation is recommended because this test was for only one season and soil. REFERENCES CITED Babowicz, R. J., G. M. Hyde and J. B. Simpson. 1983. Fertilizer effects under simulated no-till conditions. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engr. Paper No. 831025. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI 49085. Hyde, G. M., D. E. Wilkins, K. Saxton, J. Hammel, G. Swanson, R. Hermanson, E. Dowding, J. Simpson and C. Peterson. 1987. Reduced tillage seeding equipment development. In (L. E. Elliott, ed.) STEEP-Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. pp. 41-56. Klepper, Betty, R. W. Rickman, and C. M. Peterson. 1982. Quantitative characterization of seedling development in small cereal grains. Agron. J. 74:789-792. Koehler, F. E., V. L. Cochran, and P. E. Rasmussen. 1987. Fertilizer placement, Nutrient flow, and crop response in conservation tillage. In (L. E. Elliott, ed.) STEEP-Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. pp. 57-65. Parsons, B. and F. Koehler. 1984. Fertilizer use by spring wheat as affected by placement. Proceedings, Thirty-fifth Annual Northwest Fertilizer Conf. Payton, D. M., G. M. Hyde and J. B. Simpson. 1985. Equipment and methods for no-tillage wheat planting. Trans. of the ASAE 28(5):1419-1424, 1429. Rasmussen, P. E. 1983. Winter wheat response to nitrogen fertilizer in notill annual cropping and conventional tillage wheat-fallow rotation. In 1983 Research Report - Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Special Report 680, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Rasmussen, P. E. and D. E. Wilkins. 1982. Wheat response to rate and placement of fertilizer in reduced tillage systems. Proceedings, PendletonWalla Walla Fertilizer Conf. Jan. 1982. Pendleton, OR. 61 1988. Apparatus for placement of fertilizer below seed Wilkins, D. E. with minimum soil disturbance. U.S. Patent number 4,765,263. Wilkins, D. E., B. Klepper and R. W. Rickman. 1989. Measuring wheat seedling response to tillage and seeding systems. Trans. of the ASAE 32(3):795-800. Wilkins, D. E., P. E. Rasmussen and D. A. Haasch. 1984. Influence of speed on placement of seed and fertilizer with USDA modified opener. In 1984 Research Report - Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Special Report 713, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Wilkins, D. E., P. E. Rasmussen, W. Warn and D. A. Haasch. 1985. New grain drill opener for placement of seed and fertilizer. In 1985 Research Report - Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Special Report 738, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. 62 MAXIMUM DAILY TEMPERATURES DURING REPRODUCTION AND GREEN PEA YIELD R. E. Ramig and F. V. Pumphrey1 Temperature and pea growth has attracted the attention of producers, processors, and researchers for decades. At first thought doing research with temperature seems rather futile, since temperature in a pea field is nearly impossible to control beyond adjusting the planting date. On second thought, knowledge of temperature effects provides insight on which environmental conditions are most influential on pea growth and yield. A review of published information reveals that growing season temperatures have a very dominant influence on pea yield. Wang (1982) concluded that 75 percent of the year-to-year variation in pea yields in Wisconsin was due to temperatures during seedling growth and during reproduction. Warm springs and cool summers produced the higher yields. In Australia, Ridge and Rye (1985), found 68 percent of variation in dry pea yield was attributed to frosts during first bloom and high temperature during flowering. Locally, analysis of rainfall, temperature, and green pea yields indicated 65 percent of the year-to-year variation in yield was caused by seasonal variations in rainfall and maximum daily air temperatures during reproduction (Pumphrey et al., 1979). Maximum daily temperatures of 80° to 81° from prior to blooming until harvest are optimum for green pea production. Mean daily temperatures during the reproductive stage of growth are not indicative of the influence of temperature on pea yield. The earlier investigation of seasonal rainfall and temperatures aroused interest as to how stressful maximum air temperatures during the reproductive stage of growth were to pea yields. Modern statistical procedures and computers provided means of analyzing many years of daily temperatures and green pea yields. The objective of this manuscript is therefore, to report the quantitative relationship of maximum air temperature between bloom and harvest and yield depression of green peas. Green pea yields from 1945 through 1988 were collected from three locations -- Koehler Betts Farm northeast of the Columbia Basin Research Center, Crowe research farm approximately two miles southwest of Weston, Oregon, and the Columbia Basin Research Center. Yields were omitted for the years 1947, 1966 and 1987 because of late spring frost damage to peas. Daily maximum air temperatures occurring at the Columbia Basin Research Center during the reproductive stage of growth (May 10 to harvest) were used. Degree days occurring 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, tween degree days occurring pea yield were established coefficients were fitted to air temperatures during the each year above ten base temperatures (69, 72, and 96) were accumulated. The relationship beannually above each base temperature and green using simple regression analysis. Regression a curve expressing the effect of maximum daily reproductive growth stage on green pea yield. 1 Soil scientist, USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, and professor emeritus, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. 63 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Maximum daily air temperatures above 80-81°F greatly reduced green pea yields. The adverse effect of a degree-day of temperature increased exponentially as the maximum air temperature increased (Figure 1). This analysis indicates the reduction in yield was 13, 22, and 35 pounds per acre per day when daily temperatures of 85, 90, or 95°F occurred. Sufficient data was not available to provide a reliable analysis of the effect of a 100°F temperature; the best estimate using Figure 1 would be a yield reduction of over 55 pounds per acre per day. How often did various maximum daily temperatures occur during the 41 years used in this study? A temperature of 90°F occurred every year (Table 1). A temperature of 99°F or higher occurred 18 years in the 41 years. 40 30 20 10 0 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 MAXIMUM DAILY AIR TEMPERATURE (•F) Fig. 1. Decrease in yield of green peas as the maximum daily air temperature from bloom (May 10) to harvest increased. 64 Table 1. Number of years maximum daily air temperatures between May 10 and green pea harvest exceeded the base temperature at the Pendleton Experiment Station, 1945-19881/ Base Temperature (:)F, Years No. 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 41 41 41 41 37 30 18 1/ Omits 1947, 1966, and 1987. No pea harvest; late spring frost. Total years with data = 41. This information encourages growing early maturing varieties and utilizing the cooler part of the pea growing season. Continued careful planning is needed between green pea growers and processors to minimize the pea reproductive growth stage occurring during the warmer part of the growing season. Dry pea producers have more flexibility in deciding planting dates than the green pea producers. Early maturing and heat tolerant traits should be utilized as much as possible in pea breeding programs that are developing varieties for the Palouse Region. Pumphrey and Ramig (1977) published a procedure for estimating yields of green peas for processing. The prediction required October through March and expected April through June precipitation. It assumed average excess heat from bloom to harvest. This report finds that the heat stress effect is exponential and refines the estimation of the heat stress effect on yield of green peas. These heat stress-yield relationships should aid processors in estimating pea yields from daily temperatures as the growing season progresses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appreciation is given to F. Ball, Kohler Betts, W. DeWitt (deceased), L. G. Ekin, T. R. Horning (deceased), M. M. Oveson (deceased), and H. M. Waddoups who also collected data analyzed in this study. REFERENCES 1. Pumphrey, F. V., R. E. Ramig, and R. R. Allmaras. 1979. Field response of peas (Pisum sativum L.) to precipitation and temperature. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:548-550. 2. Ridge, R. E. and D. L. Rye. 1985. The effects of temperature and frost at flowering on the yield of peas grown in a Mediterranean environment. Field Crops Res. 12:339-346. 3. Wang, J. Y. 1962. The influence of seasonal temperature ranges on pea production. Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 80:436-448. 4. Pumphrey, F. V. and R. E. Ramig. 1977. Green pea yields, rainfall, and excess heat. pp 1-5. In 1977 Columbia Basin Agricultural Research, Special Report 485, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. 65 PRECIPITATION SUMMARY - PENDLETON C3ARC - Pendleton Station - Pendleton, Oregon (Crop year basis, ie; September 1 through August 31 of following year.) Crop Yr. Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Total 60 Year .47 16.38 .34 Average .77 1.37 2.00 2.10 1.93 1.54 1.72 1.50 1.39 1.24 1968-69 .83 1.36 2.71 2.65 2.62 .78 .43 2.31 1.26 .75 .06 0 15.76 1969-70 .65 1.41 .44 2.39 5.23 1.50 1.87 1.05 .62 .85 .11 .05 16.17 1970-71 1.02 1.40 2.22 1.02 1.44 .77 1.28 1.65 1.66 3.14 .63 .33 16.56 1971-72 1.42 1.72 3.14 3.93 1.15 1.70 2.11 1.35 1.50 .91 .76 .35 20.04 1972-73 .49 .66 1.14 2.47 .89 .89 1.27 .58 1.03 .12 0 .09 9.63 1973-74 1.77 1.24 5.86 4.40 1.29 2.00 1.50 3.64 .38 .33 1.30 0 23.71 1974-75 .02 .35 1.56 1.76 3.73 1.68 .97 1.72 .68 .69 .05 1.38 14.59 1975-76 0 2.16 1.47 3.40 2.13 1.09 1.69 1.65 1.21 .58 .04 2.58 18.00 1976-77 .44 .53 .47 .59 .90 .57 1.72 .46 1.70 .31 .12 2.21 10.02 1977-78 1.54 .69 1.79 3.19 2.27 1.71 1.40 3.50 .81 1.27 .59 1.37 20.13 1978-79 1.61 0 1.68 2.28 1.31 1.54 1.74 1.82 1.15 .18 .12 2.08 15.51 1979-80 .17 2.56 2.31 1.05 2.85 1.55 2.12 1.20 2.45 1.42 .23 .18 18.09 1980-81 1.24 2.96 1.81 1.99 1.26 2.31 2.30 1.29 2.30 2.12 .40 .02 20.00 1981-82 1.51 1.62 2.41 3.27 2.61 1.86 1.99 1.54 .48 1.12 1.02 .50 19.93 1982-83 1.68 2.68 1.46 2.69 1.63 2.97 3.90 1.23 2.08 1.92 1.00 .68 23.92 1983-84 .82 .91 2.79 3.44 .99 2.56 3.23 2.37 2.11 2.05 .05 1.25 22.57 1984-85 .98 1.18 3.43 1.96 .69 1.49 1.33 .65 .89 1.42 .05 .98 15.05 1985-86 1.54 1.34 2.66 1.27 2.38 3.04 1.94 .83 1.79 .09 .61 .19 17.68 1986-87 1.87 .91 3.41 .95 2.08 1.31 1.85 .83 1.63 .62 .47 .06 15.99 1987-88 .04 0 1.44 1.61 2.60 .32 1.65 2.59 1.79 .94 0 0 12.98 1988-89 .40 .08 3.65 1.10 2.86 1.55 2.95 1.94 2.19 .33 .15 1.19 18.39 *1989-90 .24 1.00 1.65 0.49 1.43 .63 1.89 20 Year Average .97 1.20 2.26 2.24 2.05 1.62 1.94 1.61 1.42 1.00 .39 .77 17.45 *Not included in 60 or 20 year average figures. 66 PRECIPITATION SUMMARY - MORO (Crop year CBARC - Sherman Station - Moro, Oregon September 1 through August 31 of following year.) basis, ie; Crop Yr. Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 80 Year Average .61 .90 1.71 1.69 1.63 1.17 .99 .76 .83 .69 .22 .28 11.47 1968-69 .40 1.04 2.67 2.09 1.93 .44 .63 .84 .84 1.99 0 0 12.87 1969-70 .52 .76 .53 2.00 3.96 1.27 .88 .38 .33 .22 0 0 10.85 1970-71 .13 .68 2.36 1.21 1.63 .12 1.28 .84 .93 .81 .20 .09 10.28 1971-72 1.36 .45 1.50 1.03 2.25 .26 1.44 .40 .45 1.70 .07 .55 11.46 1972-73 .57 .43 .83 1.60 1.09 .34 .40 .21 .34 .25 0 .07 6.13 1973-74 .90 .85 3.70 3.99 1.29 .97 1.30 1.18 .38 .02 .41 0 14.99 1974-75 0 .37 1.02 1.39 2.01 1.47 1.25 .46 .53 .84 .40 1.26 11.00 1975-76 0 1.17 1.34 1.26 1.25 .93 .95 1.06 .14 .06 .79 1.06 10.01 1976-77 .04 .10 .43 .20 .18 .63 .50 .08 2.70 .28 .37 .90 6.41 1977-78 .88 .22 2.00 3.22 2.80 1.31 .74 1.42 .43 .44 .59 1.32 15.37 1978-79 .33 .01 .79 .69 1.59 1.54 .99 1.06 .28 .10 .07 1.12 8.57 1979-80 .53 2.59 2.23 .65 3.41 1.83 .94 .89 1.27 1.37 .16 .11 15.98 1980-81 .42 .79 1.73 2.95 1.52 1.22 .65 .41 1.06 1.15 .20 0 12.10 1981-82 .92 .82 1.99 4.73 1.10 .72 .55 1.45 .37 1.15 .21 .40 14.41 1982-83 1.42 1.96 1.08 1.89 1.40 2.43 2.74 .61 1.96 .39 .80 .60 17.28 1983-84 .52 .62 2.45 2.31 .17 1.07 2.34 1.32 .89 1.09 .17 0 12.95 1984-85 .53 .86 3.18 .41 .27 .97 .44 .14 .63 .92 .05 .14 8.54 1985-86 1.11 1.09 1.19 1.12 1.84 2.39 .98 .34 .35 .06 .54 .07 11.08 1986-87 1.52 .45 1.53 .78 1.68 1.10 1.54 .28 .99 .29 .78 .11 11.05 1987-88 .07 .01 .66 3.23 1.60 .21 1.25 2.21 .55 1.02 .04 0 10.85 1988-89 .56 .02 2.51 .22 1.33 .77 1.91 .84 .91 .08 .11 .50 9.76 *1989-90 .07 .59 .96 .48 1.91 .17 .76 20 Year Average .61 .73 1.70 1.76 1.63 1.05 1.13 .78 .78 .68 .28 .40 12.10 May *Not included in 80 or 20 year average figures. 67 Tota CUMULATIVE GROWING DEGREE DAYS 4000 0' 3500- MORO 30002500200015001000- 1988-1989 1989-1990 1948-1984 - 500 - O N D J F J M A M J A 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 O s 0 N D J F IA 68 A M J J A