1 05 E5 5 r)o;79 PRONG BINDER -Unbound issue >, Does not circulate TA V. teal 1996 Oregon County and State Agricultural Estimates Special Report 790 / Revised May 1997 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE 1996 Oregon County and State Agricultural Estimates Prepared by Sandy Sears Economic Information Assistant Oregon State University The following pages report preliminary estimates for the value of sales and agricultural production for the 1996 crop year. Also reported are revised numbers for 1995 and 1994. Preliminary or first estimates are revised as updated information is received by our office. Estimates are collected and organized through Oregon State University Extension Service personnel. Once county information is complete, state totals are tabulated for this special report. "Other farm income," particularly farm forestry or small woodlot products, is included in these agricultural estimates. Farm forestry has become quite significant over the years, reaching $390.9 million (pg. 9). Use caution when comparing these agricultural estimates with the Department of Forestry numbers, as such comparisons may lead to the double counting of sales. This report is designed to provide a quick overview of Oregon's agriculture for this past year. The Extension Service maintains detailed information for Oregon and United States agriculture. Commodity Data Sheets are published throughout the year, reporting major agricultural commodities produced in Oregon. These contain a county-level breakdown of production, data on other Northwest states or other states important to the specific commodity, and total figures for the United States. Commodity Data Sheets are published by groupings: grains and hay, field crops, tree fruits and nuts, small fruits and berries, vegetable and truck crops, specialty products, livestock and poultry. If you are interested in more information contained in the Commodity Data Sheets, contact: Economic Information Office Agricultural & Resource Economics Oregon State University 219 Ballard Extension Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-3601 541-737-6126 A special thank you to Larry Burt for organizing the data collection from the County Extension agents, and to all the County Extension agents for assisting our office with the development of estimates for acreage; yields; prices; and number of cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry. • • AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY SALES OREGON, 1996p Poultry 3% Other Animal Products 3% Grains 10% Dairy Products 7% Hay & Forage 4% Cattle & Calves 10% Grass & Legume Seeds 10% Specialty Products 1% Field Crops 9% Nursery & Greenhouse Crops 12% • Tree Fruits & Nuts 5% Small Woodlots & Christmas Trees 15% All Crops 77% All Livestock 23% 1996p Sales By Commodity Thousand Dollars Grains Hay & Forage Grass & Legume Seeds Field Crops Tree Fruits & Nuts Small Fruits & Berries Vegetable & Truck Crops Small Woodlots and Christmas Trees Nursery & Greenhouse Crops Specialty Products ALL CROPS $ 2,515,077 Cattle & Calves Dairy Products Poultry Other Animal Products • 339,450 218,716 84,826 93,428 ALL LIVESTOCK $ 736,420 ALL CROPS & LIVESTOCK p=preliminary 321,743 142,315 316,712 281,677 169,529 96,323 261,241 480,589 408,146 36,802 $ 3,251,497 Source: Economic Information Office, Oregon State University March 27, 1997 1 Gross Farm & Ranch Sales by County & District 1996p Benton Clackam Lan Linn Marion Multno ah Polk Washin on Yamhill Cystriot'1 tat p Columbia Coos Curry Lin Tillamook' District 2 Doug Jack n Josephine Gilliam Hood Hrar ].:Shermart Wheeler District 4 Faker Malheur Union Wallowa DI Crootc 16"" Debate Grant Harney Lake Di 1 87,880 243,552 128,520 211,623 441,515 48,987 90,890 187,743 168,311 78,181 198,926 104,479 173,080 363,241 47,227 71,541 170,453 140,357 9,699 44,626 24,041 38,543 78,274 1,760 19,349 17,290 27,954 1,347,485 261,536 1,609,021 12,001 34,725 37,511 19,808 17,674 8,371 5,415 4,491 19,258 3,645 1,289 63,703 17,416 39,216 56,769 23,453 18,963 72,074 130,090 97,801 227,891 66,714 69,549 22,738 20,294 19,943 9,813 87,008 89,492 32,551 159,001 50,050 209,051 29,149 53,393 103,006 36,684 234,083 49,972 1,964 3,156 1,522 14,770 6,796 40,598 7,149 3,919 32,305 54,915 117,776 43,480 274,681 57,121 5,883 508,251 77,910 586,161 13,666 130,514 35,079 16,351 24,150 59,948 8,389 11,114 37,816 190,462 43,468 27,465 195,610 103,601 299,211 18,535 10,288 8,032 9,311 44,603 62,059 21,812 17,632 15,110 11,412 27,585 11,485 41,881 20,417 36,167 25,398 19,444 36,896 56,088 103,940 42,229 174,640 145,522 320,162 $ 2,515,077 $ 736,420 $ 3,251,497 Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. 2 March 28, 1997 Gross Farm & Ranch Sales by Commodity Group 1995r-1996p Grain. 333,769 321,743 -3.6 128,372 142,315 10.9 Grass a nd LegumeSee ds 239,808 316,712 32.1 Field Gres 275,317 281,677 2.3 167,501 169,529 1.2 83,741 96,323 15.0 244,466 261,241 6.9 940,294 925,537 -1.6 2,413,268 2,515,077 4.2 Cattle and Cal 340,293 339,450 -0.2 Products 216,589 218,716 1.0 81,800 84,826 3.7 89,119 93,428 4.8 727,801 736,420 1.2 $ 3,141,069 $ 3,251,497 3.5 ay Sila TreeF • d Nuts Small:f=ruits and Berries all Vegetabl Crops Produce eggs d Poul tr Other Animal Animal luets AEI L e took at d Pou Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. 3 March 28, 1997 Oregon's Leading Agricultural Commodities Ranked by Gross Dollar Sales Farm Forest Produ Cattle & Calves Nursery Crops 4 heat dairy PProdu Potatoes 6 7 Peren ni Alfalfa Hay 9 Christmas T 10 Tall Fescue GreenhouseCrop 12 Winter Pears 13 Dry Onions 1 4 Peppermint fo r 15 C hicken Eggs an nual Ryegraas 1 7 Sweet Pro Broilers Sheep & s 20 Sweet Cherries 21 Snap Bears,Prot 390,879 339,450 306,524 283,562 218,716 422,021 340,293 299,023 296,955 216,543 441,325 376,683 269,530 221,578 218,662 139,413 118,438 101,140 89,710 88,054 136,218 82,395 94,908 85,517 41,857 120,428 78,321 83,293 75,289 28,048 86,253 62,840 60,830 60,285 50,513 83,417 47,596 54,177 57,883 47,885 67,050 38,135 83,698 50,770 45,693 41,394 38,245 34,109 32,110 29,214 52,433 35,372 33,760 25,782 23,161 57,077 35,628 33,325 18,500 32,997 26,793 23,166 22,334 21,186 20,954 26,171 28,018 26,841 21,203 17,209 24,877 26,891 30,827 19,329 16,126 20,831 18,126 18,117 17,928 17,589 23,822 35,424 9,319 17,673 13,870 22,658 17,514 18,113 18,095 9,575 17,493 17,485 16,911 16,216 15,718 13,955 19,065 16,755 15,923 11,938 13,152 16,758 15,118 12,664 11,770 Grapes Sly !Grass,& Grain 9 -Red:1R r 40:0 Ohl n 15,370 15,309 14,367 12,547 11,413 13,410 13,440 14,235 14,250 9,833 3,520 9,126 12,339 19,735 8,202 41 Hogs Pigs 42 Blueberries. Corn:for. Grain Watermelons Orchardgras s 11,355 10,981 10,173 9,762 9,752 9,599 6,893 9,616 7,692 13,690 10,200 9,080 6,528 5,988 11,887 1 2 2 Hops Strawberri oS Su a 26 Appl es 27 Hazelnuts Cranberries 2 2 Horses & Mules r 0 Marion & 1 Other y 32 Pears Vegetable Fl er Seed Green Peas 35 All kentuc lueg 4 • Oregon's Leading Agricultural Commodities Ranked by Gross Dollar Sales (Cont'd) 46 lea d 47 48 Alfalfa' 49 quah 0 Oats 8,278 8,177 7,506 7,224 6,647 8,981 7,700 7,311 5,562 5,611 5,659 7,286 6,684 4,876 5,466 sad Bla clrberr 6,228 6,223 6,053 5,537 5,362 4,866 4,592 5,230 3,895 3,747 5,300 4,647 3,692 3,753 4,700 a Boysenberries TartSild Carrotamf h Sugarbeata'fiCitSeed 5,205 5,160 4,749 4,353 4,331 3,773 3,750 5,066 4,632 5,460 3,765 3,853 2,066 1,948 6,928 4,315 4,110 3,964 3,744 3,704 2,933 1,127 3,444 3,813 4,602 2,477 957 2,851 2,273 4,804 3,590 3,467 3,446 3,155 3,132 4,160 2,675 3,255 2,790 1,540 6,035 4,327 3,125 5,897 3,810 2,861 2,455 2,264 2,251 2,113 1,539 2,316 2,358 3,072 1,102 444 1,350 2,355 3,074 1,313 fitottifikl1411,,, 2,002 1,880 1,770 1,729 1,636 1,616 1,920 1,408 1,473 1,487 2,122 1,709 1,395 2,067 1,904 Rhu barb 1,611 1,443 1,413 1,398 1,284 1,438 1,435 1,463 1,548 1,166 1,577 1,380 1,890 1,525 1,628 1,087 1,004 1,930 800 1,246 864 110,081 115,443 77,815 $ 3,251,497 $ 3,141,069 $ 2,997,839 Pig 52 pN 53 Red Clover 4 : westgeornuF, h 5 QFescu e 56 59 62 6,3 00j000icotet Hay Silage Tomatoes Oil 4 Canola 65 66 67 111 68is, Cauliflower, Pro Peaches f Pee Cucumbers, 70 Black 71 7 73 11:144 111 75 117w lg,78 79. 80 To 1.!1.E) fie1010000,„„ tElefive" rPrssed -tt iaadi Id toot00010e -.6: :Ctibbagii Iseetsopro,. B# '''et7:"'. Oil Sal Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. 5 March 28, 1997 Oregon Agricultural Preliminary Estimates, 1996 Acres ains 941,050 114,850 33,350 23,900 1,740 Oa Coth, Other rain Bushels 70 63 94 187 1,114,890 65,686,200 7,224,000 3,128,900 4,469,200 Alfalfa hay Ot her hay a 415,950 640,700 28,850 35,800 Per Bushel 4.40 3.23 2.54 2.98 80,508,300 Tons Hay and for Corn silag e Other forage Bushels 4.5 2.2 26.9 Tons 1,871,710 1,438,860 776,748 seed • 458,746 $000 $289,164 23,361 7,935 13,307 210 98 91 84 76 $283,562 21,186 6,647 10,173 175 $321,743 Per Ton $105.00 73.30 21.60 $196,536 105,419 16,820 28,384 51 17 31 $347,159 Pounds 8,530 13,090 19,620 7,550 12,960 9,480 85,710 4,750 125,800 135,330 21,080 14,846 Percent $333,977 1,121,300 Grass tilt it Alfalfaseed Be ntgrass sees All Kentucky Blu r Crimson clover do Redover Red ol s Ch wings fescue Talld fescue f fescue Annual rgyeraggs rasase Perennial Orchaldgrass $ la tter seeds $000 700 492 870 790 420 830 1,450 670 1,870 1,440 930 Thousand Pounds 5,975 6,446 17,113 5,995 5,500 7,828 124,224 3,171 235,405 194,197 19,653 5,947 631,454 • $101,140 17,493 5,205 18,477 $142,315 Per Hundredweight $125.60 215.14 91.80 72.00 110.10 68.50 70.90 63.10 17.60 60.70 49.60 $7,506 13,868 15,718 4,315 6,053 5,362 88,054 2,002 41,394 118,438 9,752 4,250 $316,712 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $7,506 13,868 15,718 4,315 6,053 5,362 88,054 2,002 41,394 118,438 9,752 4,250 $316,712 • • Oregon Agricultural Preliminary Estimates, 1996 (continued) Value oduction Acres Pe{ pa nint Ic r oi l Ho ps u arbeets fors u ola V ile flow Id crop 64,065 52,850 8,490 17,550 4,650 12,970 3,051 9,529 17,145 Units Thousand Units Per Unit 470 cwt 73 lbs 1400 lbs 25.8 ton 17.5 cwt 2060 lbs 2590 lbs 29,841 3,872 11,880 452 81 26,745 7,893 $5.10 15.55 1.95 46.40 27.70 0.14 0.55 190,300 milHEtzeihu linter e min* Other 27,960 12,028 11,200 9,680 4,930 1,218 2,380 5,976 3,133 78,505 Pe rc 01 so ld 21,585 126.8 28.0 3,569 47680 212 2190 15.6 ir''"' $000 Percent $000 $151,394 60,285 23,166 20,954 2,251 3,744 4,331 16,911 10,622 92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $139,413 $293,658 1540 lbs 10.5 ton 2.5 ton 369 bxs 9.7 ton 174 bxs .9 ton 2.6 ton value„ $0.42 $18,126 496.00 1043.36 5.85 367.00 16.40 264.00 982.00 62,840 29,214 20,831 17,485 3,467 578 15,309 1,679 $169,529 60,285 23,166 20,954 2,251 3,744 4,331 16,911 10,622 $281,677 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $18,126 62,840 29,214 20,831 17,485 3,467 578 15,309 1,679 $169,529 Oregon Agricultural Preliminary Estimates, 1996 ll fruits b blackberries Red raspberries Cranberries: 11Blueberries Black raspbe :01 Other- berries Subt sweet corn, processes na p eesec Green peas Broccoli, proc Cauliflower, processed; CabilthberePpoi Freshi*Neetioorn pthe!freehlyegete der vegetables nd truck crop Subto I Nurs Farm for Christm as Greenhou Bulb tithe $13 Ui • Acres 5,285 4,960 3,895 1,826 2,080 1,185 1,305 9,167 lbs 5,552 lbs 4,020 lbs 171 bbl 7,622 lbs 1,660 lbs 48,447 27,540 15,640 312.3 15,854 1,964 Per Unit $0.461 0.865 0.802 58.010 0.693 0.160 20,536 21,040 48,540 24,070 37,535 2,620 1,710 1,900 2,530 13,107 (continued) $000 $22,334 23,812 12,547 18,117 10,981 3,132 5,400 Percent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $96,323 570 cwt 9.3 ton 6.2 ton 1.9 ton 5.9 ton 5.3 ton 9.4 ton 122 cwt 11,947 451 150 72 15.6 9.1 17.8 307.8 $5.10 84.90 178.20 225.70 400.20 394.70 176.95 18.00 $000 $22,334 23,812 12,547 18,117 10,981 3,132 5,400 $96,323 $60,830 38,245 26,793 16,216 6,228 3,590 3,155 5,537 76,635 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $60,830 11,725 24,012 100 24,012 164,777 $261,241 1,515 2,149 $306,524 390,879 89,710 87,191 15,370 36,801 NA $926,475 6,740 1260 tree Total all crops sales, preliminary estimate for 1996: 8,507 • $10.60 38,245 26,793 16,216 6,228 3,590 3,155 5,537 76,635 $261,241 100 100 100 99 100 100 $306,524 390,879 89,710 86,253 15,370 36,801 $925,537 $2,515,077 Oregon Agricultural Preliminary Estimates, 1996 (continued) Head aca Hogs an pigs Sheep and Iarr b Dairy pro acts :'. Broilers . Chicken 11Wool Honey Other misce ll areo u 1,297,300 63,000 407,450 94,100 2,668,000 layers 361,700 shorn 51,200 females 51,100 hives 127,300 Units 91,200 head 15,478,000 cwt 21,110,000 head 59,990,000 dozen 2,406,000 lbs 202,150 pelts $000$ 339,450 11,355 32,110 218,716 34,109 50,513 1,087 8,177 1,880 17,928 21,095 Total livestock and poultry sales for 1996: Total agricultural sales, preliminary estimate for 1996: 736,420 $3,251,497 March 28, 1997 Oregon Gross Farm Sales (000$) 1995r Al n al Strlall 1,946 1,117 1,617 1,852 5,215 405 4,763 11,662 8,145 36,722 168 7 175 19 423 82 524 21,465 97 44,937 32,314 110,485 20,002 52 229,352 2,247 19,139 18,460 7,474 47,320 713 228 112 560 5,214 12,054 795 19,676 333,769 0 SOU 1,653 2,101 1,336 5,979 6,086 282 2,852 3,389 3,142 26,820 81 459 200 23 85 57 905 1,701 1,388 674 3,763 492 138 10,303 533 12,153 1,719 357 25,695 2,658 5,858 2,669 4,649 15,834 3,480 3,794 786 5,242 4,268 21,291 16,494 55,355 128,372 17,662 5,656 12,345 90,596 44,479 115 23,076 8,306 14,326 216,561 113 6,541 1,053 2,244 4,192 8,466 5,420 10,825 2,149 37,950 10,455 652 274 7,887 7,125 1,595 12,101 1,524 14,431 77,684 57,200 378 63 26 - 378 89 20 1,212 106 17,893 1,028 301 126 20,133 127 318 82 - 59,134 290 34,664 1,948 300 43 5,569 45,441 6,197 215 21,151 64 6,177 80,811 88,555 3,733 4,970 41,687 515 5,194 10,843 589 655 60 10,224 56,918 1,104 479 10,179 2,631 348 420 46 5,907 16,255 29,957 30 6,432 59,400 420 239,808 275,317 167,501 113 96 205 739 15,043 1,467 2,845 25,528 5,534 1,761 15,887 3,839 72,643 226 435 7,624 1,587 70 46 9,988 454 80 49 583 291 117 119 527 - 83,741 8,964 16,818 11,428 9,319 68,949 8,925 2,665 7,246 10,687 145,001 10 261 60 34,275 132,075 63,940 26,185 135,396 37,493 15,633 111,956 70,830 627,783 12,370 32,035 32,430 17,545 60 21,427 70 8,632 461 124,439 1,708 55,276 803 21,620 692 22,685 3,203 99,581 25 55 3,090 11,422 2,400 40 38,588 14,000 210 2,268 4,970 50,275 26,793 6,880 38,820 575 176 11,013 20 9,370 39,016 27,838 570 3,850 2,575 6,720 2,275 5,940 2,750 13,490 2,200 6,510 33,860 244,466 940,294 Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. 72,833 179,246 106,019 149,750 334,058 53,680 65,762 172,142 126,924 1,260,414 12,687 33,912 40,347 19,155 21,642 8,805 136,548 60,486 42,518 25,210 128,214 22,509 62,805 106,081 33,230 232,552 45,565 5,443 508,185 15,518 111,564 48,944 22,228 198,254 19,271 9,228 8,386 8,123 40,334 76,792 19,519 181,653 2,413,268 2,231 5,421 6,986 5,884 8,840 743 3,295 2,755 4,260 40,415 1,628 2,596 4,627 1,385 975 4,305 15,516 12,221 8,002 1,484 21,707 3,379 540 13,970 1,416 29,904 6,376 4,068 59,653 22,889 51,137 7,581 12,419 94,026 14,385 6,005 11,047 19,821 9,980 31,859 15,879 108,976 340,293 5,600 5,620 6,577 13,750 40,610 504 9,589 13,213 11,392 106,855 2,050 2,337 10,018 469 105 62,621 77,600 278 1,507 6,007 7,792 451 26,959 7,181 6,431 18,480 3,853 336 7,251 70,942 41 41 931 3,987 21 4,939 302 356 658 2,087 10,077 4,851 4,851 12,164 219 2,403 30 8,898 997 11,520 1,027 216,589 81,800 1,178 5,731 4,205 12,712 7,646 546 2,104 2,990 3,764 40,876 2,203 531 2,400 1,655 462 862 8,113 4,983 3,643 1,380 10,006 114 667 1,613 113 5,738 1,408 328 9,981 625 1,729 825 1,301 4,480 1,142 9,902 443 813 854 1,892 617 15,663 89,119 9,460 43,731 24,949 38,777 75,576 1,793 18,841 19,294 26,667 259,088 5,881 5,505 17,045 3,509 1,542 67,788 101,270 18,413 17,139 8,892 44,444 3,493 1,509 15,583 6,380 35,998 7,784 4,396 75,143 25,601 62,943 8,406 13,720 110,670 15,746 18,310 11,520 20,634 10,834 43,646 16,496 137,186 727,801 82,293 222,977 130,968 188,527 409,634 55,473 84,603 191,436 153,591 1,519,502 18,568 39,417 57,392 22,664 23,184 76,593 237,818 78,899 59,657 34,102 172,658 26,002 64,314 121,664 39,610 268,550 53,349 9,839 583,328 41,119 174,507 57,350 35,948 308,924 35,017 27,538 19,906 28,757 51,168 120,438 36,015 318,839 • • Oregon Gross Farm Sales (000$) 1996p Tree Field :f ro 2,082 2,063 22,671 1,439 2,875 8,249 1,745 1,946 15,980 2,019 5,933 115,196 6,288 7,258 65,745 541 248 154 5,132 3,363 27,056 12,646 3,906 12,911 9,620 3,492 20,654 41,512 31,084 288,616 88 144 321 68 7 192 - 27 151 126 151 68 905 191 1,705 92 392 1,474 200 86 846 669 292 4,025 28,047 476 138 56 180 35,493 10,575 199 36,076 177 100,526 14,987 6,646 21,144 2,009 47 380 221,389 6,983 28,784 1,729 2,902 24,518 7,507 6,414 6,546 2,883 4,173 4,965 3,637 60 37,758 16,929 10,647 1,120 3,991 71 304 5,401 100 53 911 657 5,964 46 7,246 4,785 9,889 9,955 21,392 929 18,144 20,264 60,588 10,106 321,743 142,315 316,712 mall nuts l ales 6,556 1,752 8,132 11,338 34,110 648 7,842 2,380 2,063 74,821 275 - 866 3,594 4,148 1,957 7,170 251 5,887 8,969 11,362 44,204 275 25 99 124 126 40,107 320 54,715 172 66 95,506 4,725 47,920 11,717 297 64,659 10,588 2,210 377 14,848 18,259 10 46,292 281,677 55 1,353 42,154 1,611 45,118 331 50,156 597 51 2,242 24,410 29 26 77,787 .Vegetable Sp' cr+r 717 16,338 1,605 3,079 28,247 5,010 1,965 14,903 4,632 76,496 301 504 13,412 4,511 118 46 18,892 382 86 61 529 9,223 16,646 11,023 9,588 69,338 8,912 3,252 8,446 12,063 148,491 10 582 60 60 712 1,376 662 699 2,737 286 98 55 13,935 22 45,471 234 59,695 42,934 160 102 43,196 810 406 646 1,200 1,846 519 5,600 519 169,529 96,323 6,410 261,241 SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. :0 prod. crops 34,003 148,033 59,900 23,970 145,085 31,463 17,044 106,292 76,471 642,261 11,602 32,802 23,814 15,270 17,345 8,199 109,032 61,590 24,482 19,435 105,507 31 2,660 2,002 60 9,474 2,003 1,471 17,701 4,310 575 8,400 7,290 20,575 1,955 2,273 6,172 2,644 2,235 12,453 2,729 30,461 925,537 78,181 198,926 104,479 173,080 363,241 47,227 71,541 170,453 140,357 1,347,485 12,001 34,725 37,511 19,808 17,674 8,371 130,090 66,714 69,549 22,738 159,001 29,149 53,393 103,006 36,684 234,083 49,972 1,964 508,251 13,666 130,514 35,079 16,351 195,610 18,535 10,288 8,032 9,311 44,603 62,059 21,812 174,640 2,515,077 eS products 2,154 6,237 5,064 4,774 6,511 5,775 5,467 13,356 7,943 42,336 718 455 2,960 10,462 2,381 11,375 3,868 12,387 37,066 107,157 1,201 1,952 2,000 1,838 4,948 11,956 1,406 546 700 137 3,080 59,481 13,335 75,910 10,768 156 10,640 1,509 2,394 6,007 23,802 7,672 3,041 540 312 13,132 1,345 34,154 450 5,738 3,661 61,611 762 21,006 2,524 47,025 10,732 7,408 112 9,940 85,379 13,368 16,406 277 2,702 6,005 10,964 26,630 10,414 28,070 10,868 19,768 118,257 13,847 339,450 218,716 Ail Eggsani mal 77 28,290 7,383 6,550 19,835 3,844 351 7,140 73,470 43 - 43 931 3,996 21 4,948 5,336 5,336 23 1,006 1,029 84,826 1,231 6,498 4,372 13,170 8,160 587 2,083 3,183 4,559 43,843 2,262 610 2,354 1,693 452 1,142 8,513 8,439 3,798 1,391 13,628 115 670 1,638 115 5,994 1,411 258 10,201 620 2,191 869 1,174 4,854 949 6,403 425 955 1,071 1,937 649 12,389 93,428 9,699 44,626 24,041 38,543 78,274 1,760 19,349 17,290 27,954 261,536 5,415 4,491 19,258 3,645 1,289 63,703 97,801 20,294 19,943 9,813 50,050 3,156 1,522 14,770 6,796 40,598 7,149 3,919 77,910 24,150 59,948 8,389 11,114 103,601 17,632 15,110 11,412 27,585 11,485 41,881 20,417 145,522 736,420 Tot 87,880 243,552 128,520 211,623 441,515 48,987 90,890 187,743 168,311 1,609,021 17,416 39,216 56,769 23,453 18,963 72,074 227,891 87,008 89,492 32,551 209,051 32,305 54,915 117,776 43,480 274,681 57,121 5,883 586,161 37,816 190,462 43,468 27,465 299,211 36,167 25,398 19,444 36,896 56,088 103,940 42,229 320,162 3,251,497 March 28, 1997 Harvested Acreage Summary Oregon Counties, 1995r 5,000 4,300 4,400 5,500 13,900 1,300 16,700 34,100 24,300 109,500 Ctatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook District2 10,050 34,850 31,900 8,430 31,850 24,900 24,300 191,450 27,250 70,800 5,800 300 19,500 42,270 28,900 18,530 28,400 27,170 207,950 418,700 5,075 1,040 6,320 9,950 17,578 285 5,311 710 1,276 47,545 674 4,878 4,040 1,692 7,798 120 5,652 8,191 10,207 43,252 175 4,140 425 710 6,180 1,410 455 4,100 990 18,585 10,935 6,712 8,840 9,430 39,275 3,725 2,680 6,380 7,465 95,442 1,350 1,800 300 100 2,450 100 580 290 250 7,220 68,109 63,200 81,075 243,132 185,231 13,040 93,148 101,201 100,058 948,194 4,460 15,646 21,550 2,440 3,575 7,245 54,916 0 500 100 0 0 0 600 4,400 12,950 20,050 1,800 3,500 7,200 49,900 0 250 0 0 0 0 250 0 400 0 0 0 0 400 0 40 40 0 0 0 80 50 116 1,280 405 25 15 1,891 0 360 60 0 10 20 450 10 1,030 20 235 40 10 1,345 200 1,700 600 2,500 38,800 36,400 13,350 88,550 200 265 0 465 10 60 0 70 1,186 8,110 450 9,746 125 15 10 150 510 455 305 1,270 240 100 100 440 108,980 300 158,700 136,410 310,300 64,820 400 779,910 5,700 2,600 41,050 9,900 49,750 10,500 10,900 130,400 470 0 380 0 6,685 0 0 7,535 460 0 15,030 160 26,620 290 70 42,630 50 13,562 1,190 15 3,232 5,851 0 23,900 0 64 30 0 35 0 0 129 0 30 8,540 0 39,675 200 0 48,445 0 10 0 0 250 20 0 280 115,660 16,566 224,920 146,485 436,547 81,681 11,370 1,033,229 7,800 48,900 53,900 27,000 137,600 71,950 83,650 39,800 46,000 241,400 0 7,800 8,280 250 16,330 2,120 32,750 10,700 640 46,210 0 355 695 0 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 530 20 13,550 0 0 10 0 10 81,870 186,455 113,915 73,910 456,150 2,100 700 700 4,100 13,100 36,800 4,400 61,900 34,800 29,400 33,500 102,000 16,700 75,800 106,000 398,200 520 0 0 400 6,350 0 0 7,270 9,532 2,357 400 0 9,496 12,770 80 34,635 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 0 1,980 0 0 2,170 0 210 0 0 265 300 0 775 47,142 32,667 34,813 106,500 47,891 125,670 110,480 505,163 1,092,010 1,116,400 450,550 171,490 78,241 20,755 161,327 10,070 SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. Estimates are not included for many specialty crops, pasture, and rangeland. 12 41,271 47,105 14,81 103,191W 3,100,8A March 28, 1997 Harvested Acreage Summary Oregon Counties, 1996p 5,100 3,900 4,300 5,200 13,750 1,500 14,450 33,100 22,750 104,050 Cie Ln nn Marion Muftnom Polk Washini Yamhill D Cu Lino Tillamook Distr• ict Douglas Jason: addephirt Gilliam Hood R Morrow Sherman Umatil VVhee I Ha Jefferso 1<lameth • Lake_i; 4 10,950 34,960 32,100 8,720 32,600 25,350 25,000 191,280 27,550 69,000 5,000 350 19,600 42,550 27,700 19,530 27,000 31,920 207,500 423,660 5,063 1,070 6,250 10,085 17,327 300 6,313 1,160 1,878 49,446 640 4,926 4,175 1,818 7,860 120 5,682 8,380 10,381 43,982 180 4,110 425 695 6,225 1,390 475 3,785 1,000 18,285 10,500 6,337 7,270 9,287 38,675 3,670 3,388 7,278 8,193 94,598 1,400 1,880 320 120 2,500 100 580 290 250 7,440 68,793 63,043 80,690 243,485 182,887 12,430 93,038 101,223 103,372 948,961 0 500 100 0 0 0 600 5,300 10,400 20,000 1,850 3,500 9,750 50,800 0 130 0 0 0 0 130 0 200 0 0 0 0 200 0 40 40 0 0 0 80 55 116 1,337 464 25 15 2,012 0 900 60 0 10 0 970 10 1,040 20 235 40 20 1,365 5,365 13,326 21,557 2,549 3,575 9,785 56,157 700 1,700 600 3,000 38,850 35,650 13,250 87,750 200 255 0 455 15 55 0 70 1,155 7,030 475 8,660 110 15 10 135 458 435 305 1,198 250 130 100 480 41,738 45,270 14,740 101,748 113,680 200 152,900 122,020 340,750 69,090 400 799,040 5,400 2,900 40,500 1,900 53,100 9,900 11,100 124,800 200 0 230 0 7,090 0 0 7,520 460 0 18,740 270 38,610 240 70 58,390 50 13,545 817 15 3,341 6,896 0 24,664 0 64 30 0 10 0 0 104 0 30 8,723 0 43,588 220 0 52,561 0 119,790 10 16,749 0 221,940 0 124,205 380 486,869 20 86,366 0 11,570 410 1,067,489 9,800 58,900 41,700 23,300 133,700 71,900 91,600 34,600 46,000 244,100 0 7,800 7,061 250 15,111 2,970 32,020 11,400 90 46,480 0 365 538 0 903 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,180 800 170 13,150 10 0 10 84,670 202,865 96,109 69,810 453,454 3,800 1,150 350 4,800 17,500 42,300 4,600 74,500 35,100 31,600 36,500 105,000 16,150 72,000 110,000 406,350 120 120 0 400 11,230 0 0 11,870 10,496 1,800 400 0 9,938 13,000 80 35,714 0 0 216 0 0 0 0 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,300 0 144 0 0 230 325 0 699 49,816 34,814 37,466 110,200 57,048 127,625 114,680 531,649 1,114,890 1,121,300 458,746 190,300 78,505 20,536 164,777 SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. Estimates are not included for many specialty crops, pasture, and rangeland. 13 10,404 3,159,458 March 28, 1997 • © 1997 Oregon State University. This publication may be photocopied or reprinted in its entirety for non-commercial purposes. The Oregon State University Extension Service educates Oregonians by delivering research-based, objective information to help them solve problems, develop leadership, and manage resources wisely. Extension's agriculture program provides education, training, and technical assistance to people with agriculturally related needs and interests. Major program emphases include food and fiber production, farm business management, marketing and processing of agricultural products, resource use and conservation, and environmental preservation and improvement. This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties. Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials—without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, and disabled veteran or Vietnam-era of the Education Amendments of 1972, and veteran status—as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer. a