AN ABSTRACT OF TRE THESIS OF for (Degree) (Naine) (Majcr) Date Thesis T i tie IJ; J 1'1Q 9 ..... Funct IOnS U Abstract Approved. (Major Professor) Many formulas for inechanial quadrature of differential equatIons and continuous functions have been developed hut very little has been done toward irrational functions where the integrand becomes infinite or vanishes1 The object of this thesis is to develop formulas for mechanical quadrature of irrational functions of the followwhere \,íO(J() The function f(x) Ing three types: Type A function The the first order, Type B, has a role of 0(x) f(x) vG(x) where G(x) has a zero of the first order. The function f(x) = -/G(x) where 0(x) has two poles Type C, first order, of the the Newton-Cotesfbrmulas can he applied to these types of functions after making a transformation, the present formulas are more convenient because they are developed for these particular cases where the infinite ordinate or vertical tangent lie at either or both ends of the interval. FORMULAS FOR MECRANICAL QUADRATURE OF IRRATIONAL FIJNCTIONS by MABEL ELLEN YOUNGBERG A THESIS submitted to the OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE July 1937 APPROVED: Head of Mathematics Department, In Charge of Major TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter Introduction I. i Chapter II. Development of Formulas Section I. 3 Formulas of Newton-Cotes 3 Section II. Derivation of New Formulas 8 Type A, f(x) = /(x) where 9(x) has a pole of io the first order, 1, Four-point Formulas 10 2, Five-point Formulas 12 3, Six-point Formulas 12 4, Seven-point Formula 12 5 Eight-point Formula 13 Type B, f(x) = /9(x) where 9(x) has a zero of the first order 13 i, Four-point Formulas 13 2, Five-point Formulas 14 3, Six-point Formulas 15 4. Seven-point Formula 15 Type C, f(x) = V9(x) where 9(x) has two poles of the first order 15 1, Three-point Formula 15 2, Five-point Formula 16 3. Seven-point Formula 16 Chapter III, Comparison of Results Obtained by Formula and by Integration for Certain Examìles Appendix, Table of Formulas Bibliography 17 i vii ACKNOWLEDGIVIENT The writer wishes to express her sincere thanks to Dr, W, E Mime, Head of the Mathematics Department, who suggested this topic and directed the work done on it, FORMIJLAS FOR !V1ECHPNICAL QUADRATURE OF IRRATIONAL FOiTCTIONS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The problem of mechanical quadrature or nwnerical Integration has become one of great interest today in many fields of science on account of Its practical and time saving value1 Often it is desirable to find the integral of a ftriction by nwiierical integration because eIther, the general formula can not be found; difficult to apply, or, if found, it is very The first attempt to answer the prob- lem of numerical integration was made by Sir Isaac Newton1 (3) He followed through the developments and applications of the subject to a degree of detail which has been difficult to surpass, Therefore, his work has been the basis for many of the later developments1 The formulas for mechanical quadrature are usually developed by eIther of the following methods: (1) the (4) method of differences, or (2) the method of ordinates1 Although these methods are equal in importance, they differ greatly In appearance1 The latter has an advantage in that the calculation of a difference table is not required, There aro many formulas and methods which have con- tributed to this specialized field of mathematics, Ariong 2 those who have directed their interest toward the numerical (2) solution of differential equations are Runge, Heun, Kutta, Nystrori, Moulton, and J, C1 Adams, Still others have directed their attention to quadrature formulas for continuo's functions by one of the above mentIoned methods, Some of the outstanding accomplishments in this branch of numerical integration are due to Newton, Cotes, Euler, Gregory and (1) Steffensen1 Up to the present time, however, very little has been done toward the numerical integration of irrational functions where the integrand becomes infinite as in the case of i// x or vanishes as in /x at x = O It is the purpose of this thesis to develop mechanical quadrature forrriulas for such functions, 3 CHAPTER II DEVELOPMENT OF FORMUIS L Section Formulas of Newton-Cotes Before taking up the ruietIod T 3f development of the let us consider the basis for formulas of this thesis, the Newton-Cotes formulas Let F(s) denote a given continuous function of s in the interval (a, b), which may he expressed In this manner, (b \ F(s)ds, tía Although Newton-Cotes formulas can be applied to any closed interval (a, b), it is convenient to make a change of variable so that the relationship between the original variable s and the new variable x is given by the expres- sion s(b-a)x+a, (1) By direct substitution of the original limits (a, h) in (1) we have the new limits (1) that ds = (b - a)clx, i), (O, and F(s) = FÒ It also follows - a)x + a] from which we shall call 1(x) for conveniences Therefore, we have (2)('b F(s)ds \ Ja ('i -.7 F[(b (b - a) - a)x + aJ d.x (b - a) JO I JO f()dx. 4 N We will now derive the forimila for' Ch \ Ja f(x)dx since Jo F(s)ds can be found by (2), A change of variable does not affect the continuity of a function, since f(x) is continuous, let us Therefore, assume that it can be approximately represented by a poly- nomial in z of cicgroe n, expressed as P(x) By the rules of integration, the desired integral or the function f(x) with respect to z in the interval (0, 1) approximately is equal to the integral of the approximating polynomial with Hence we have respect to x in the interval, (i (3) Ci P(x)dx f(x)clx \ Jo = + Remainder, o where the right hand part of the equation may he approxi- mately represented in this manner ('i (4) In t P(x)dx (4), Y. is val (O, 1) + Remainder + A1Y1 + - the ordinate corresponding to x (y1 = f.(xj), where i 1, 2 - A1 is the undetermined coefficient of Y1 (0, 1) whence is f From \ - . V - in the inter- n), and where Also the interval subdivided into n equal segments of length h, i/n, (3) and (4), we have by direct substitution ('i (5) - - f(x)dx = A0Y + AY1 + A Jo Y -----+ + By letting f(x) in the above equation take on the following values i, x,x2, - - - - x', a set of n siimiltaneous 5 equations in A are now obtained by direct integration1 (6jdz1=A0+Ai+A+A3+ -------1x = 1/2 = c + + = 1/3 = h2A1 + 2hA Jo ----- + 3I + 3h2A3 + - - + +n2h2Ant 2. xndJ Jo n+1 = hA + 2hA + 3hA3 + -- z, Before solving these simultaneous equations Cor the A's we will eliminate the factor h from each equation, and at the same time substitute for it, its value 1/n, We then obtain (7) 1A0+A1+A+ ------------A1 + 2A A1 + 22A + 3A3 + - 32A3 + --------- n2A 3 A1 + 2A + - n + flnA - In order that the A's in these n simultaneous equations may be uniquely determined, the determinant dents of the A's must not equal zero, this determinante of the coeffi- Let us next study (8) D 1 1 1 o o O i 2 12 22 i 2 1-1 3-n 32_ ------- in O 33 n3 3r nfl We will evaluate D by the first column, Since all of the elements are O except the first, we have (9) D = i 1 2 12. 22 i 2 3-------n 32 33 ----- n3 This cofactor,D, is a well known determinant of Vander- monde type and can be expressed in this manner, (10) D, Because D, (n 0, - 1); ----- 2 14, and therefore by (9) D 0, the A's can he determined, It will he convenient to write (6) in the following manner, (11) 1A0+A+A+ -----------= x0A0 + 1 _L xA1 + x2A + x2A + XnÌA + x1A1 + wherex00x,x ------------x2A xA + - + X riA + ------ --------- -j. Let us assume that P(x) = x0)(.x - ( P,(x) = (x - x,jx - x1)(x -x) ----- (x -x), X + = a10x1 P(X) P1(x) , X (x -X) x0)(x - ------ + - - - + a° -x), -(x or or 'i' a1x' + P(x) = azoXl2 + xc). - (Lx - ---- = (x 1n + a aa'. )(x - - - o - - or x n +a flfl-i ----------- + n -i-a. We will now multiply the left hand members of (6) by in reverse order, the coefficients of P0(x) (12) an° This gives us ---------------------fa° n3 2 n-1 on the left hand side, while on the right we get A0P0(x0) + A1P0(c1) which reduces to A o P,(x o ), + - -+ AnP(Xn) - since P o (x1) = O, P o () O.- -, in the equation for P0(z), we have By setting x P0(x) = (x - x1)(x0 - x1) ----------- Therefore from (i2t, we obtain a° a1 A0 + - - - x1)(x0 (x O -x) - + fl+] 2 . - - -(x0-x) (x0 - Similarly, we get Aafl i +a_1+ i :i. P1(x1) Afla'1+a1 ,+ ----- i n P (xc) The exact value of the A's can now be found by sub- stituting in the values X0 = O, x1 , - - - -, x 1, and the values of the a's1 These values of the A's are then substituted in the integral formula (5), which gives the desired formula for the numerical integration of the function1 By this procedure the following Newton-Cotes formulas are developed: r2h + 4Y1 + = o jf(x)dx 4h ('4h f()cIx = (7Y + 32Y1 + 12Y' + 32Y + 7y4), o ('6h f(x)dx = 6h 840 (41Y0 + 216Y1 + 2'7Y + 272Y3 + 27Y4 S + 216Y5 + Section IL, 4iY)1 Derivation of new formulas, In this section, formulas for mechanical quadrature of irrational functions, where the integrand becomes infinite as (a) in the case of i/i/i.x2 at in v' at .x O, = of i/1/ 1, at x = O, and (b) in the case and where the integrand vanishes as are developed for the interval O nh, The Newton-Cotes formulas will fail for tIese three irrational functions unless a transformation is made, because in case (a) there is an infinite ordinate, two infinite ordinates and in (c) in (b) there are one vertical tangent, To bring out the difficulties encountered when using a Newton-Cotes formula for one of these irrational functions, io fi we will apply it to case i T (a), j cix o v Expressing x as x 9)(x), where .i(x) is a holomophic Ci function, we have dx, Let us now make the trans- )o\/xq)(x) 52 formation x then dx = 2sds, 2sds We get Jo/szÇ's2.j ¡1 2ds ¡ = / t J 0V 1? (s 2 which is continuous within the closed interval because of the definition ofI4(x), which becomes ÇJ(s2)by the transformation, Still greater difficulties, however, arise culations because x1 must be determined from in the formulas, Section I, It is due to the 5 n the cal- before Yj can be found, inconvenience of the Newton-Cotes formulas, for these three mentioned types of functions that the writer of this thesis has derived the following formulas, Only the first formula in each type will he completely derived due to similarity in development of the rest, Type A1 f(x) v'e(x) where 8(x) has a pole of the first order, i, Four-point formula, Let f(x) represent a function in x where lin / x f(x) C X in the interval O to h, (In case the not be at an end of the interval, make a it infinite ordinate should would he necessary to change of variable, Section I, i, before completing the derivation), 11 We now assume that Ti f(x) may he approximately rep- resented within the interval by a polynomial in x of degree 3, thus \/ P3(x) + Remainder1 f(x) Then it follows by Section I, and (4) that (3) "h + Remainder f(x)dx (1) Ap0 where Ap1 + Ap + A3q3 f(x) and A1 the undetermined coefficients, (x) = -/T Replacing + by cp(x) 1, x, z2, x respectively, in (1) we obtain by direct integration the following four siniul- taneous equations which must he satisfied by the A'S, - Ihcìx 2V h Jovx ('h (h xdz jOV'x - .h /h h2 = A0 + A, + A O + hA1 + = O + hA1 + A3 2hA + 3hA3, 4h2A + g 5 9hA3, and ('h jo = ..h = O + h 3A1 + 8h 3A + 2 7h .&3 1 x After the elimination of a factor h, h2, and h3, respectively, from the last three equations above and the from all four equations, it is found 315 that the determinant of the coefficients of the A's is not common factor equal to zero by Section I, (8) and (9) , Hence, there is 12 one solution which uniquely determines the A's, These A!S can be found by solving the 4 simultaneous equations in (2) the method used by the writer Section (li) through I, - or by the method given in (1.3). A360 A322 = -108 It follows - A0 356 by the substitution of the above values of the A's in (1) that Ch I (356p0 + 360Pa - 1O8 f(x)dx + 22cp3), Jo which is the desired four-point formula of degree 3 for the interval O to h, We also have by the above method formulas where the 0-2h intervals are Type A, 2, and 0-*3h. See Appendix, Section II, 1. Five-point Formulas. The five-point formulas for the intervals O to nh, where n 1, II, Type A, 3, 2, ,3, 4 are listed in the Appendix, Section 2. Six-point Formulas. The six-point formulas for the intervals O to nh, where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are listed in the Appendix, Section II, Type A, 4, 3. Seven-point Formula. The seven-point formula for the interval O Lo 6h is given in the Appendix, Section II, Type A, 4. 13 Eight-point Formula, 5, The eight-point formula for the interval O to 7h is given in the Appendix, Section II, Type A, 5, f(x) = VG(x) where 9(x) has a zero of the first Type B, order, Four-point formula, 1, Let f(x) represent a function in x where hm xC f(x)/'/i - C in the interval O to h, where the interval The vanishing ordi- is the result of a change of variable, nate of the function then lies at one end of the interval, O, may he approximately repre- We now assume that f(x)/ sented withiñ this interval by a polynomial in x of degree 3, thus = P(x) Remainder, + and by the rules of integration rh (1) f(x)d.x JO = N \/5 ReplacIng by cp(x) + Remainder + A1p1 + A = A0p0 where p(x) is equal to P(x)dx + Ap f(x)//, 1, x', x, x3 respectively, we obtain by direct integration the following four simultaneous equations which must he satisfied by the A's, rh_ i/.xdx (2) - = 2hJh .10 3 2h/ :x\/i-dx = j. = = A0 + A + bA, + A2 + A3 -f. 2hA, + 3h&3 14 x2/ix 2h3/E 2h\/h = O + h2A = O + hA1 + 4h2A + 9h2A3 + 8h3A, + 27h3A3, From the last tiwee equations above the factor h, h2, and h3, respectively, are removed and a coimnon factor 2hV 945 from all four equations1 The determinant of the coef- ficients of the A's is not equal to zero since it is of the Vandermonde type, Section i, (9), Hence the A's are uniquely determined by either method mentioned in the development of previous formula, A = 13, A = -66, A1 = 282, A0 = 86, These values substituted in equation (1), gives 2hV' jf(x)dx 860 + - + l3p3), which is the desired four-point formula for the interval O to h, In a similar manner the complete list of formulas for this type are developed, 1, See Appendix, Section II, Type B, for the four-point formulas for the interval O to nh, where n = 2, 1, 2, 3, Five-point Formulas. The five-point formulas for the intervals O to nh where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 are listed in the Appendix, Section II, Type B, 2, 15 3, Six-point Formulas. The six-point formulas for the interval O to nh where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are listed in the Appendix, Section II, Type B, 3, 4. Seven-point Formula1 The seven-point formula for the interval O to 6h is listed in the Appendix, Section II, Type B, Type C, 4, 9(x) where e(x) has two poles of the 1(x) first order, Let us represent 1(x) by a function in x where in the interval (-1, 1), 1(x) = In case the infinite ordinates do not lie at the ends of the interval, a change of variable must be made. 1, Three-point formula, Let us assume that f(x) may be approximately represented by a polinomial of degree 2 in x, pN) Remainder, + We will now take the integral between (-1, 1), which gives (x)d ( J P(x)d + Remainder J-i. Ap(_1) (1) + A0p(0) + A1p(1), where the p's are the values of p(x) at the middle snd ends of the interval, and the A's the undetermined coefficients, Replacing p(.x) by 1, x', x respectively we obtain by 16 direct integration the following three simultaneous equations which must he satisfied by the A's, pi A_1 + A0 + A1 dx j-i Vii'i J-1 x Vi-x ri clx j1 \/1X A_1+O = 2 + A1 That the determinant of the coefficients cf tho A's is not equal to zero, can be easily shown by expanding the determinant by the element in the first row and second column, Therefore, the A's can be uniquely determined by the method of elimination which gives us A -1 -' A0 - -7t A By substituting these values of the A's in (1) we get (x) dx (-1) + 2(0) + The development of the five-point and nine-point formu- las is similar to the above steps, in the Appendix, Type C, 2 and 3, These formulas are listed 17 CHAPTER III COMPARISON OF RESULTS OBTAINED BY FORMULA AND BY INTEGRATION FOR CERTAIN EXAMPLES To illustrate the value of these formulas, let us apply them to examples of each type considered in Chapter II, Section II. In all of the examples except the last we will apply the Newton-Cotes five-point formula for that part of the interval which is closed because we know that it is accurate to the seventh decimal place for these examples, and the new formulas for the ends of the interval where the infinite or vertical tangents occur, Type A. cl Example To find( I. j-i ____ , where there is an infinite Vi-s ordinate at each end of the interval. By direct integration, we get 1, 1 3.1415926 arc sin x - J-1 - 1 2. By formula, where f(x) = Vi-x2 Vi ç(x) = Vi-x2 = 1 Vi+x and the interval is divided ' in this manner we get, by using the formulas Sec. Sec. III Sec. Type A 2 j Sec, I 2 II Type A I 2 2, -.g -1 Sec I o indicated in each subdivision of the interval above, the following result: cp'S .7071068 .7254763 .7453560 .7669649 .7905694 .1 .9 .8 .7 .6 Multipliers 250 416 24 224 31 2/T .9272945 = x x2 fo .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 1.2500000 1.1547005 1.0910894 1.0482848 1.0206207 7 32 12 32 7 .442146432 x x2 .2 .1 0. -.1 1.0206207 1.0050378 7 1.0050378 32 12 32 "06207 7 1, J. '_d... -4 rT, - i .40271068 - .Z I 'I The fir3t two intervals are multiplied by 2 because the function is symmetrical, methods differs by .0000001. The result found by these two 19 Find the value of the elliptic integral xample II ri Kl ,wherek22 V(1-2)(i-kx2) ,Jo From Die elliptischen Funktionen von Jacobi, 1, Mime-Thompson, we have K = 1.8540747 i By formula, where f(x) = 2. p(.x) V(i2)(1-k2x) ' and the interval is - sub- y'(1+)(i-k4x) divided so that from .4, O - we will use Newton- Cotes formula, 2, Section I, and frein .4- will use formula 4, 1., we Type A, Section II in reverse ordinate is at the upper order, since the infinite limit, f(:x) Xj o i. .1 .2 .3 .4 Multipliers '7 1.0075518 1.0309826 1.0726983 1.1375393 32 12 32 77 ç ( .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .ç_:, i. .417340582 (X) .8811343 .8728716 .8730378 .8826775 .9038769 .9405128 1. = 4,764 36,936 -11,610 79,440 -23,895 93,096 46,494 27 X i .436737284 225,225 Total 1.854077866 20 The results found by these two metbods differ by .000003 16. Type B. ('1 Example I. y1_x2 To find clx, J where there is a .1_1 vertical tangent at each end of the interval. 1. By integration, we obtain (il X i \/1_x2dxVi_x+arcsjnxI j-1 J-1 1.57079633 2. By formula, where f(x) = Vi-x2, (x) i/i-t-x and the interval is divided in this manner we get, by using the indicated formulas in each subdivision of the interval the following result. 21 'ultipliers p(x) 1.41421.356 1. .9 .8 .7 70 1.37840488 1.34164079 1.30384048 1.26491106 .6 Product 864 552 1568 411 "-V 10,395 .22364840597 x 2 f(x) .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .80000000 .86602540 .91651514 .95393920 .97979590 7 32 12 32 7 4 = .363088014 = .397313088 f(x) .97979590 .99498744 1. .99498744 .97979590 .2 .1 0. .1 .2 7 32 12 32 il X 90 Total 1.57078593 The first two intervals are multiplied by 2 because function is syl!mletrical, the The results of the two methods differ by .0000104. Type Example 1, I Find 1 Ç _____________ V(1-x)(1-k2x) 1 , when k2 = By Mime-Thompson's table, we get fi - /(1_ )(1k2x) 2K = 3.7081494 22 By formula 3, Type C, Section II where 2, i = v(1_kdx2) (p(x) p1 -1. - .75 - .5 - 25 0. .25 .5 .75 i. 1.4142135 1.1795356 1.0690449 1. 01600 10 1.0000000 1.0160010 1.0690449 1.1795356 1.4142135 , we obtain this result, Multipliers 69 176 -126 336 -280 336 -126 176 69 Total = 3.70863184 These results differ by .00048244 By the comparison of the results from the two methods we seo that the results are very similar, The amount of work required in using those formulas may be greatly simplified by using a calculating machine and by tabulating the results in a manner similar to that above, i APPENDIX TABLE OF FORMFJLAS Section I Newton-Cotes Fon-nulas 1, Three-point Formula (; 2, + 4Y1 + Y). Five-point Formula '4h f(x)ftx = 3, (7y0 + 32Y1 + 12Y + 32Y3 + Seven-point Formula r6h 6h f(x)d.x = 840 (41Y + 216Y1 + 27Y + 272Y3 + 27Y4 + 216Y5 + 41Y). ii Section II Derived Fornn.ilas e(x), where 9(x) has a pole of the first Type A, 1(x) order, 1, Four-point Formulas, rh f(x)dx \ (356 q0 + 36O, - lOBcp + 22p3) Jo 2h f(x)dx (244q,0 + 360cp1 + l8q + Jo - r3h f(x)dx = 2 V3h (3q, Jo 2, + + 45q,1 + Five-point Formulas, f(x)dx o v-Ti-. lO2Sq, 945 l252cp1 + - + 238q, - 43(p4), ('2h Jo - /J? - ('4h Jo (195q 315 jo L -39' f(x)dx = 2 V'±.. (355q,0 + 945 f(x)d.x 2 1/4h (250 + 56q,3 114)I + 3O6q,1 + 54q, + 4l6p1 + 24cp + 31q,4). + 84cp - + iii 31 S1-po1nt Formu.las, ('h f(x)dx I j 10,395 (1O,932p + lS,48'7cp - + 6,O48cp3 ('2h f(x)dx (3,80'7p 2IB8C4 + 343p) e - l,409q,; + 6,9l4cp 1S395 1 + C3h f(x)dx _V3h + - (2p82 ' 36cp + 3,465 - 4144 + (2,694q0 + 4,BS6p + l,b54cp C4h \ J0 f(x)cix E'5h J f(x)dx o 2079 + 56p5)e 6lq + (972cp0 + 3,0243 296p 1q395 + + 46O + 4Op l,6BSp + + 4, Seven-point Formula, (16h '\ j o f(x)clx 2V6h 225,225 (46,494 + 93,096cL1 + 7944Op -ul6lOcp4 + 36,936 + 4,764p) 5 Eight-point Forrriala 7h f(x)dx - f (B'7,86?,656(p0 - 28,378,350 540'02'7,726p1 + 1,5?l,254,44Ocp, + + 22'439'416'e - 1,334,B?4,?B6cp - 55,542,195cp.r), f(x) = /è(x) where 9(x) has a zero of first order, Type B1 1, 236O483l6O(4 Four-point Forniulas, Çh = 2 (869e + 2829 66p 139) + 945 Jo 2h 2h' (449 945 I + 4OBp' + 1869 - 893), o ¡'3h 2hV3h (2p0 + 9 = 2 + 189 + 693)P Five-point Formulas, ___ ¡'h f(x)clx jo - (1,7159e + 6,9129 10395 + 994Ç3 - r 2h f(x)dx = 2hV2h (4909e 10,395 - 2,öl4cp 17794)1 + 4,4649i + 2,0829 J - 112pm + 694)1 '3h f(x)dx = hV' 1155 ( (1059a + 7029 o j - 2794)! + 1026 + 50493 V I' 4h 8ht4h 10,395 f(x)dx (70 + 3 + 864 1,568 + 552 + 4llq,4)i Six-point Formulas, f(x)dx I = 675,675 (103,436cp0 + 489'475p1 J - 243,80O + 145'°00Ç3 -Sl7OO(4 2h i j f(x)d-x = 4h/2h (15,611 675,675 + 13h =- 225,225 + 8:O39p5), + 146,65O Z. - 64,525w + - (18,558 + 314p5)t 146,475 + + l8O,9OOp - 14,8504 4h 8hJ f(x)dx - 675,675 117,450 + 1,917(p5 (5,422p0 + 5l,8OO(p ) + 44,6OOcp. + + 3lO75q - 93'200(pa vi (5h f(x)dx 4,, (2,o36 27,027 o + 11,725 + 21400Ç + l24OOcp5 + 34lOO(4 + 8429Q5)I Seven-point Formula, C6h 12hvi f(x)dx J + lO,728p 225,225 0 + + 2376Ocp3 + + Type C, 1(x) v'G(x), where 9(x) + 5,562q). has two poles of the first order, Three-point Formula, 1, fil = 1 J 2, Five-poInt cl ((-i) (x) Forirrila dx = 6 5, + 2tp(0) + i/l-x {(-l) + 2(-.5) + 2(.5) + Nine-point Formula il p(x)dx \ j-1 Vi-x2 L_ [69-1 630 + l?6p(-.?ö) 28O(0) l26(-.5) + 336p(-25) - l26p(.5) + l'76(.75) + 69cp(l)]. + 336cp(p25) BIBLI OGRAPIfY Bennett, Albert A, "The Interpolational Polynomial", Bulletin of National Research Council, No, 92, pp, 11-51, 1933, Encykiopadie Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band II, 3; Heft 2, Leipsiz and Berlin: B.G, Teubner, Fraser, D,C,, Newton's InterpolatIon Formulas, 2nd Edition, London: Layton, 1927, Mime-Thompson, L,M, The Calculus of Finite Differences, p. 176, London: MacMillan and Co,, 1933, Mime, W,E,, Step-by-Step Methods of Integration, Bulletin of National Researeh Council, No1 92, pp, 71-87, 1933.