Job Search Models Jesús Fernández-Villaverde University of Pennsylvania February 12, 2016 Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 1 / 27 Introduction Motivation We want to have dynamic models of the job market. Examples of questions we are interested in: 1 Why is there unemployment? 2 Why does unemployment ‡uctuate over the business cycle? 3 Why does unemployment ‡uctuate in the lower frequencies? 4 Why are unemployment rates di¤erent across countries? 5 Is the unemployment level e¢ cient? 6 What are the e¤ects of labor market regulation? 7 What are the e¤ects of UI? 8 What determines the distribution of jobs and wages? Equilibrium models of unemployment. Labor market frictions. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 2 / 27 Introduction Search Models We will begin with a simple model of job search. Matching is costly. Think about getting a date. We can bring our intuition to the job market. Why? Useful to illustrate many ideas and for policy analysis. Contributions of: 1 Stigler (1961). 2 McCall (1970). Static problem versus sequential. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 3 / 27 Stigler’s Model Stigler’s Model Risk-neutral agent. Easier to think as an agent asking for bids. Samples o¤ers i.i.d. from F (w ) . Decide ex-ante how many o¤ers n she is going to ask for. Each o¤er has a cost c. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 4 / 27 Stigler’s Model Optimal Number of O¤ers Remember that: Mn = E min (w1, w2 , ..., wn ) = Then, gain of additional o¤er is: Gn = Mn = Z ∞ 1 (1 Mn F (w )) n 1 dw 0 = = Z ∞ Z0 ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ (1 F (w ))n dw 0 (1 F (w ))n dw (1 F (w ))n 0 (1 F (w )) n 1 dw Z ∞ 1 (1 F (w )) dw 0 (1 F (w ))n 1 F (w ) dw 0 Then Gn is a decreasing function with limn !∞ Gn = 0. Optimal rule: set n such that Gn c > Gn +1 . Basic problem of static decisions: What if I get the lowest possible price in my …rst o¤er? Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 5 / 27 McCall’s Model McCall’s Model An agent searches for a job, taking market conditions as given. Preferences: ∞ E ∑ βt xt t =0 where xt = = w if employed = z if unemployed Interpretation of w and z. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 6 / 27 McCall’s Model Job O¤ers An unemployed agent gets every period one o¤er i.i.d. from distribution F (w ) . O¤er can be rejected (unemployed next period) or accepted (wage posting by …rms). No recall of o¤ers (no restrictive because of stationarity of the problem). Job last forever (neither quitting nor …ring). Undirected search (alternative: directed search). Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 7 / 27 McCall’s Model Bellman Equations Value function of employed agent: W (w ) = w + βW (w ) Clearly: W (w ) = w 1 β. Value function of unemployed agent: U =z+β Z ∞ max fU, W (w )g dF (w ) U =z+β Z ∞ max U, Then: 0 0 w 1 β dF (w ) Lebesgue integral: discrete and continuous components. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 8 / 27 McCall’s Model Reservation Wage Property There exist a reservation wage wR W (wR ) = U = such that if w otherwise. wR 1 β wR the worker should accept the o¤er and reject Then: wR = T (wR ) = (1 β) z + β Z ∞ 0 max fwR , w g dF (w ) that is a contraction (that is, limN !∞ T N (w0 ) = wR and wR is unique). Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 9 / 27 McCall’s Model Characterizing Strategy I Note: wR 1 β =z+β Z wR 0 =z+β wR Adding wR wR 1 Z wR 0 Z wR Z ∞ wR w , 0 1 dF (w ) + Z ∞ wR β 1 β dF (w ) ) dF (w ) = β β wR 1 Z ∞ wR w dF (w ) + β dF (w ) ) 1 β β wR 1 z=β dF (w ) 0 R∞ wR max Z ∞ βw wR 1 wR dF (w ) β dF (w ) to both sides: wR Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) z= β 1 β Z ∞ wR Job Search (w wR ) dF (w ) February 12, 2016 10 / 27 McCall’s Model Characterizing Strategy II Interpretation = wR z | {z } Cost of Search one more time β 1 | β Z ∞ wR (w wR ) dF (w ) {z } Expected Gain of one more search Sequential nature of the problem. Note that g (wR ) = β 1 g 0 (wR ) = g 00 (wR ) = Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) β β 1 β 1 Z ∞ β β (w wR (1 f (wR ) Job Search wR ) dF (w ) F (wR )) < 0 0 February 12, 2016 11 / 27 McCall’s Model Characterizing Strategy III Integrating by parts Z ∞ (w wR wR ) dF (w ) = Then: wR Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) z= β 1 β Z ∞ Z ∞ (1 F (w )) dw wR (1 F (w )) dw wR Job Search February 12, 2016 12 / 27 McCall’s Model Characterizing Strategy IV Note that wR z = = = = β 1 β β 1 β 1 β β β 1 β Z Z wR 0 ∞ (w (w Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) β 1 β β β 1 β wdF (w ) 1 0 Ew 1 Z wR (w wR ) dF (w ) Z wR (w wR ) dF (w ) 0 wR ) dF (w ) wR ) dF (w ) 0 Z ∞ β wR ) dF (w ) + (w wR β β 1 Z ∞ wR wR β β 1 Job Search β Z wR 0 β Z 0 wR 0 (w (w wR ) dF (w ) wR ) dF (w ) February 12, 2016 13 / 27 McCall’s Model Characterizing Strategy V Now: wR (1 z= β 1 β 1 z ) = βEw β) (wR wR Ew β z = β (Ew β β wR 1 βwR z) β β β Z Z wR 0 wR Z wR 0 (w 0 (w (w wR ) dF (w ) ) wR ) dF (w ) ) wR ) dF (w ) Rw R wR Integrating by parts 0 R (w wR ) dF (w ) = F (w ) dw and 0 then: Z wR wR z = β (Ew z ) + β F (w ) dw 0 Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 14 / 27 McCall’s Model Comparative Statics Factors that a¤ect search strategy: 1 2 3 Value of unemployment z. Unemployment insurance: length and generosity of unemployment insurance vary greatly across countries. US replacement rate is 34%. Germany, France, and Italy the replacement rate is about 67%, with duration well beyond the …rst year of unemployment. Distribution ofR o¤ers. Let Fe (wR) be a mean-preserving spread of w w F (w ). Then 0 R Fe (w ) dw > 0 R F (w ) dw for all wR and w eR > wR . Minimum Wages: If the minimum wage is so high that it makes certain jobs unpro…table, less jobs are o¤ered and job …nding rates decline. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 15 / 27 McCall’s Model Problems Rothschild (1973): Where does the distribution F (w ) come from? Diamond (1971): Why is the distribution not degenerate?. Intuition: 1 2 3 4 5 In a model such as the previous one, workers follow a reservation wage strategy. Hence, …rms do not gain anything out of posting any w > wR . At the same time, …rms will never hire anyone if they post w < wR . Therefore, F (w ) will have a unit mass at wR . (Rothschild’s Paradox). Moreover (Diamond’s Paradox): wR z = β (Ew wR z) + β z = β (wR wR = z Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search Z wR 0 F (w ) dw ) z) ) February 12, 2016 16 / 27 McCall’s Model Answers 1 Exogenously given: di¤erent productivity opportunities. 2 Endogenous: 1 Lucas and Prescott model of islands economy. 2 Bargaining. 3 Directed search. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 17 / 27 Islands Models Lucas and Prescott (1974) Continuum of workers. Workers are risk neutral. A large number of separated labor markets (islands). There is a …rm in each island subject to productivity shocks. Wage is determined competitively in each island. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 18 / 27 Islands Models Firms Each island has an aggregate production function: θf (n ) where θ is a productivity shock, n is labor, and f has decreasing returns to scale. θ evolve according to kernel π θ, θ 0 . There is a stationary distribution of θ. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 19 / 27 Islands Models Worker At the beginning of the period, worker observes: 1 Productivity θ. 2 Amount of worker on the island x. 3 Distribution of islands in the economy Ψ (θ, x ) . They decide whether or not to move: 1 If it stays, workers will get wage w (θ, x ) . 2 If it moves, it does not work this period and picks which island to move to. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 20 / 27 Islands Models Equilibrium within the Island Firms maximize: w (θ, x ) = θf 0 (n (θ, x )) Markets clear: n (θ, x ) Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) x + arrivals Job Search February 12, 2016 21 / 27 Islands Models Value Function for the Worker The Bellman equation for the worker is given by: v (θ, x ) = max βvu , w (θ, x ) + β Z v θ0, x 0 d θ where vu is the value of search. Three cases: 1 v (θ, x ) = βvu : some workers are leaving the market. 2 v (θ, x ) > βvu : no worker is leaving the market. Some may or may not arrive. 3 v (θ, x ) < βvu : cannot happen. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 22 / 27 Islands Models Case 2 No worker is leaving but some workers are arriving: vu = Z v θ0, x 0 d θ Thus: v (θ, x ) = θf 0 (n (θ, x )) + βvu . No worker is leaving and no workers are arriving: v (θ, x ) = θf 0 (n (θ, x )) + β Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Z v θ0, x 0 d θ Job Search θf 0 (n (θ, x )) + βvu February 12, 2016 23 / 27 Islands Models A New Expression Putting all these cases together: v (θ, x ) = max βvu , θf 0 (n (θ, x )) + min βvu , β Z v θ0, x 0 d θ Functional equation on v (θ, x ) . Unique solution. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 24 / 27 Islands Models Evolution of the Labor Force Some agents leave the market. Then x 0 = n (θ, x ) solves: 0 θf (n (θ, x )) + β Z v θ 0 , x 0 d θ = βvu No worker is leaving but some will arrive next period. Then x 0 solves: Z v θ 0 , x 0 d θ = vu No worker is leaving and no workers will arrive next period. Then: x0 = x Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 25 / 27 Islands Models Stationary Distribution The evolution of (θ, x ) is then governed by a function Γ θ 0 , x 0 θ, x that embodies the equations above. Then the stationary distribution solves: Ψ (θ, x ) = Z Γ θ 0 , x 0 θ, x Ψ (θ, x ) d θ From the stationary distribution we can …nd vu . Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 26 / 27 Islands Models Álvarez and Veracierto (1999) Now, instead of going to their favorite island, unemployed workers search for a new job randomly. Every period they …nd one island from distribution Ψ (θ, x ) . They decide whether to accept it or reject it. Endogenous distribution of wage o¤ers. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (PENN) Job Search February 12, 2016 27 / 27