Inference Jesús Fernández-Villaverde University of Pennsylvania 1 A Model with Sticky Price and Sticky Wage • Household j ∈ [0, 1] maximizes utility function: ´1− 1 ³ ´1+γ j j σ j 1−ξ ∞ G C N X t η Mt t t t E0 β − + 1 1 + γ 1 − ξ P 1 − t t=0 σ ³ 0 < β < 1 is the discount factor, σ > 0 the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, ξ > 1 the elasticity of money holdings, and γ > 0 the inverse of the elasticity of labor supply with respect to real wages. 2 • Subject the budget constrain given by: j j j PtCt + Mt − Mt−1 + X j j Qt(ht+τ )Dt (ht+τ ) + Bt+1 Rt ht+τ j j j j j j = Wt Nt + Πt + Tt + Dt + Bt , j j j where Πt are firms’ profits, Tt are nominal transfers, Dt (ht+τ ) dej notes holdings of contingent bonds, Bt+1 denotes holdings of an unj contingent bonds, and Wt is the hourly nominal wage. 3 Technology • Intermediate Goods producer i ∈ [0, 1] use the following production function: " Z 1³ δ Yti = AtKsr ij Nt 0 ´ φ−1 φ dj # 1−δ φ φ−1 Atis a technology factor, which is common to the whole economy. ij Nt is the amount of hours of type j labor used by intermediate good producer i. φ > 1 is the elasticity of substitution between different types of labor, and 0 > δ > 1 is the capital share of output. The production function is concave in the labor aggregate, and we assume that capital is fixed in the short run at a level Ksr . 4 • Final good: Yt = "Z 1³ 0 ´ εt−1 i εt Yt # di εt εt −1 εt > 1 the elasticity of substitution between intermediate goods, Λt = εt/ (εt − 1) price markup. There is a shock to the elasticity of substitution, εt. 5 Final Goods Price Setting • Final good producers are competitive and maximize profits. • The input demand functions associated with this problem are Yti = " #−εt i Pt Yt Pt ∀i, • The zero profit condition ⇒ the price of the final good Pt = "Z 1 0 # Pti1−εt di 6 1 1−εt Intermediate Goods Producers Problem • Operate in a monopolistic competition environment. They maximize profits taking as given all prices and wages but their own price. • The profit maximization problem of the intermediate good producers is divided n o into two stages: In the first stage, given all wages, firms choose ij Nt to obtain the optimal labor mix. Hence, the demand of j∈[0,1] producer i for type of labor j is 1 j −φ " i # 1−δ W Yt ij Nt = t Wt At 7 ∀j, • Where the aggregate wage Wt can be expressed as Wt = "Z 1³ 0 ´ j 1−φ Wt dj 8 # 1 1−φ . • In the second stage, they set prices. They can reset their price only when they receive a stochastic signal to do so. This signal is received with probability 1 − θp. • If they can change the price, they choose the price that maximizes: Et ∞ X τ =0 subject to i i θτp Qt+τ Pt Yt+τ − Wt+τ t i = Yt+τ " Pti Pt+τ #−εt+τ 9 Yt+τ à i Yt+τ At+τ ! ∀i, τ 1 1−δ • The solution is: i,∗ t+τ Pt τ i i Et θp Qt − ΛtM Ct Yt = 0, Pt+τ τ =0 ∞ X • The evolution of the aggregate price level is: h 1−εt Pt = θp (Pt−1) i 1 1−εt 1−εt ∗ + (1 − θp) (Pt ) 10 Consumers problem • Intertemporal susbstitution Equation GtCt − σ1 Pt − σ1 = βEt{Gt+1Ct+1Rt } Pt+1 • Demand for money, at a given interest rate, always satisfied. 11 Wage Setting Problem • Consumers operate in a monopolistic competition environment. They maximize utility given all wages, but their own. They reset wages if signal to do so. They receive the signal with probability (1 − θw ). As before, the signal is independent across intermediate good producers and past history of signals. j,∗ • If they can change their wage, they choose the wage, Wt , that maximizes: j,∗ ∞ ³ ´γ X − σ1 Wt ∗j ∗j τ Et (βθw ) Gt+τ Ct+τ − ϑ Nt+τ Nt+τ = 0 Pt+τ τ =0 12 subject to 1 j,∗ −φ Z 1 à i ! 1−δ Yt+τ W ∗j di Nt+τ = t Wt+τ At+τ 0 • The evolution of the aggregate wage level is: h ∀j, τ i 1 1−φ 1−φ 1−φ Wt = θw Wt−1 + (1 − θw ) (Wt∗) . 13 Fiscal and Monetary Policy • On the fiscal side, the government cannot run deficits or surpluses, so its budget constraint is Z 1 0 T (ht, j)dj = M(ht) − M(ht−1), • On the Monetary side, as suggested by Taylor (1993), we assume that the monetary authority conducts monetary policy using the nominal interest rate, through a Taylor rule. µ r rt = t−1 r r ¶ρ µ ¶γ à !γ y r πt π yt π 14 y emst Dynamics at + (1 − δ)nt − yt = 0 mct − (wt − pt) + yt − nt = 0 1 ct + γnt − gt − mrst = 0 σ h i ρr rt−1 + (1 − ρr ) γ π π t + γ y yt + mst − rt = 0 −yt + ct = 0 wt − pt − (wt−1 − pt−1 − ∆wt + π t) = 0 15 Et [−σrt + σπ t+1 − σgt+1 + σgt − ct + ct+1] = 0 Et [κpmct + κpµt − π t + βπ t+1] = 0 Et [κw mrst − κw (wt − pt) − ∆wt + β∆wt+1] = 0 16 where at = ρaat−1 + εat µt = εµt mst = εmst gt = ρg gt−1 + εgt and κp = (1 − δ)(1 − θpβ)(1 − θp)/(θp(1 + δ(ε̄ − 1))) κw = (1 − θw )(1 − βθw )/ [θw (1 + φγ)] 17 Solve the Model (Uhlig Algorithm) • Derive the system: 0 = Ast + Bst−1 + Cet + Dzt 0 = Et[F st+1 + Gst + Hst−1 + Jet+1 + Ket + Lzt+1 + M zt] zt+1 = N zt + εt+1 εt+1 ∼ N (0, Σ) • st = (wt − pt, rt, π t, ∆wt, yt)0 is the endogenous state, et = (nt, mct, mrst, ct) are endogenous variables, and zt = (at, mst, µt, gt)0 is the exogenous state. 18 • N = ρa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ρg • Solution st = P P st−1 + QQzt et = RRst−1 + SSzt 19 Writing the Solution in State Space Form • Transition equation à st zt ! = à P P QQ ∗ N 0 N à st zt ! st = à à st−1 zt−1 !à ! =F • Measurement equation I 0 0 0 !à st zt st−1 zt−1 ! ! + à Q I ! εt = + Gεt =H à st zt ! • Evaluate the Likelihood function using the Kalman Filter. 20 • Apply Metropolis-Hastings Algorigthm to get a draw from the posterior. • Compute moments and marginal likelihood. 21 1 1−θp 1 1−θw Prior Distribution gamma(2, 1) + 1 gamma(3, 1) + 1 γπ normal(1.5, 0.25) γy normal(0.125, 0.125) ρr uniform[0, 1) σ −1 gamma(2, 1.25) γ normal(1, 0.5) ρa uniform[0, 1) ρg uniform[0, 1) σ a(%) uniform[0, 1) σ m(%) uniform[0, 1) 22 σ λ(%) uniform[0, 1) σ g (%) uniform[0, 1) Mean/std 3.00 (1.42) 4.00 (1.71) 1.5 (0.25) 0.125 (0.125) 0.5 (0.28) 2.5 (1.76) 1.0 (0.5) 0.5 (0.28) 0.5 (0.28) 50.0 (28.0) 50.0 (28.0) 50.0 (28.0) 50.0 (28.0) Algorithm (gencoeffsehl.m) Step 0 Read data (usadefl1d.txt) Step 1 Intial value for θ0, N and set j = 1. Step 2 Evaluate f (Y T |θ0) and π(θ0) and make sure f (Y T |θ0), π(θ0) > 0 (a) Given θ0 evaluate prior π(θ0) (priorehl.m) (b) Given θ0: Uligh algorithm to solve the model (modelehl.m and solve2.m) (c) Kalman Filter to evaluate f (Y T |θ0) (likeliehl.m) 23 Step 3 θ∗j = θj−1 + ε ∼ N (0, Σε) and u from Unif orm[0, 1] (a) Given θ∗j evaluate prior π(θ∗j ) (priorehl.m) (b) Given θ∗j : Uligh algorithm to solve the model (modelehl.m and solve2.m) (c) Kalman Filter to evaluate f (Y T |θ∗j ) (likeliehl.m) ³ Step 4 If u ≤ α θj−1, θ∗j θj−1 otherwise. ´ = min ³ ´ f (Y T |θ∗)π θ∗ j j f (Y T |θ j−1 )π (θ j−1 ) Step 5 If j ≤ N then j à j + 1 and got to 3. 24 then θj = θ∗j , θj = ,1 Prior Mean (Std) 1 1−θp 1 1−θw gamma(2, 1) + 1 γπ normal(1.5, 0.25) γy normal(0.125, 0.125) ρr uniform[0, 1) σ −1 gamma(2, 1.25) γ normal(1, 0.5) ρa uniform[0, 1) ρg uniform[0, 1) σ a(%) uniform[0, 1) 3.00 (1.42) gamma(3, 1) + 1 σ m(%) uniform[0, 1) σ λ(%) uniform[0, 1) σ g (%) uniform[0, 1) 4.00 (Std) 4.37 (0.35) 2.72 (1.71) (0.27) 1.5 1.08 (0.25) (0.09) 0.125 0.26 (0.125) 0.5 (0.28) 2.5 (0.06) 0.74 (0.02) 8.33 (1.76) (2.50) 1.0 1.74 (0.5) (0.29) 0.5 0.74 (0.28) 0.5 (0.28) 50.0 25 Mean of Posterior (0.05) 0.82 (0.03) 3.88 (28.0) (1.09) 50.0 0.33 (28.0) (0.02) 50.0 31.67 50.0 11.88 (28.0) (28.0) (5.32) (3.28)