AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Daniel Stewart Summers in for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 10, 1978 presented on Mathematic s Title: ON THE PICARD GROUP OF BRANCHED COVERINGS OF CP2 Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved: Arnold Kas The Picard group is investigated for a certain class of nonsingular surfaces: two sheeted branched coverings of CP2. While I confine the study to double coverings, the results apply to coverings of any degree. The approach is to describe the Picard group in terms of properties of the branch curve. The Picard group of a higher dimensional covering of complex projective space has a simple description. Let CPn IT W denote a covering, branched over a nonsingular hypersurface, and let denote the line bundle of a hyper plane Picard group of H in CPn. If n > 3, [H] the is infinite cyclic, and generated by ir*[H]. This is a consequence of the topology of W, and therefore is inde- pendent of the branch locus. Let ir W CP2 denote a double covering, branched over a nonsingular curve in CP2. The line bundle Tr4c[H] can always be taken as a generator of the Picard group. Additional generators arise when an irreducible curve in CP2 has reducible inverse image in the double cover. Some of these curves are in one-to-one correspondence with divisors on the branch curve possessing special properties. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of such divisors. More information is obtained by observing that these divisors correspond to square roots on the Jacobian Variety of the branch curve. Relations between these square roots on the Jacobian Variety provide interesting linear equivalence relations between curves on the double cover. On the Picard Group of Branched Coverings of CP2 by Daniel Stewart Summers A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed August 1978 Commencement June 1979 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Signature redacted for privacy. Chairman of Department of Mathematics Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for August 10, 1978 Daniel Stewart Summers ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It gives me great pleasure to express my gratitude to Professor Arnold Kas for his time, patience and encouraging confidence in this young mathematician. I am especially thankful for the inspiring mathematical ability Professor Kas has shared with the students at Oregon State University. I am indebted to Professor H. C. Clemens whose interest and insight has made a lasting contribution to my education as well as this dissertation. My special thanks and admiration goes to Professor Kennan T. Smith for his contribution to a successful completion of my graduate studies. Having had the good fortune of being associated with excellent teachers and committee members, I take this opportunity to thank Professors Aldo Andreotti, David Butler, Ronald Guenther, John Lee, Bent Petersen and Don Solmon. Above all, I offer my devoted thanks to a loving wife Anne, my greatest collaborator. To Anne TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter INTRODUCTION 1 DIVISORS AND LINE BUNDLES 4 SIMPLICIAL HOMOLOGY AND COHOMOLOGY GROUPS 8 ADDITIONAL TOPOLOGICAL AND NUMERICAL INVARIANTS THE SHEAF Tr 21 CYw 27 THE PICARD GROUP 35 APPLICATIONS 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 ON THE PICARD GROUP OF BRANCHED COVERINGS OF CPz INTRODUCTION In this paper, we study several properties of a certain class of complex algebraic varieties culminating in an investigation of their Picard group. These varieties are double coverings of complex projective n-space CPn branched over a nonsingular hypersurface. Already, this setting is sufficiently complicated, however, the techniques involved can be expanded to study cyclic, branched coverings of more general varieties. The overall theme of this investigation is to exploit the heavy dependence a covering has to its branch locus. We relate properties of the covering to properties of the branch locus which are often simpler or known. An extra effort is made to maintain a self contained exposition. Often well known facts are discussed or stated. This also serves to fix notation. The first four sections are devoted to computing various topo- logical and numerical invariants of these varieties. In keeping with the theme, they are stated in terms of properties of the branch locus. It is not surprising that a large set of invariants are similar to that of both CPn and the branch locus. 2 These invariants become useful when the investigation of the Picard group is undertaken in Section 5. For example, if is a double covering of CPA, topology of W, for n>3 Tr :W CPn it is shown, as a result of the the Picard group of W is infinite cyclic. If n 2 the situation is complicated. Consequently, most of Section 5 is devoted to the case when W is a surface. The problem of describing the Picard group of a particular covering divides naturally into two problems--generators and relations. Generators arise when irreducible curves in CP2 have reducible inverse image in W. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for their existence. There are difficulties relating all of these curves to the branch locus. This forces one to further divide the problem by considering two types of curves. The two types are determined by singling out those for which their only singularities are locally irreducible. The existence of the first type of curves, that is, irreducible curves with reducible inverse image and which have only locally irreducible singularities, can be completely characterized by certain divisors on the branch locus. The remaining curves evade such a characterization. The problem of describing the linear equivalence relations among the inverse image of these curves suffers the same fate. It is shown that the linear equivalence relations between the curves of the 3 first type can be reduced to linear equivalence relations between divisors on the branch locus. There remains a very interesting question as to whether all the generators and relations can be described in terms of the branch locus. This problem is discussed throughout Section 5. The results here, go a long way toward describing the Picard group and in a few special cases, describe it completely. The techniques developed also provide a useful way of producing coverings with 'large' Picard group, and have some interesting applications to the classification of surfaces. 4 1. DIVISORS AND LINE BUNDLES We begin by reviewing some definitions and well known facts about divisors and line bundles. Let W be a nonsingular complex algebraic variety. A Weil divisor of W is an element of the group Div W = free abelian group generated by the irreducible subvarieties of codimension one. Every meromorphic function f on W defines a divisor (f) = (f) 0 where set of denotes the zero set of (f)0 f. (f) -(f)00 f and (f)00 denotes the polar The subgroup Div = divisors of meromorphic functions on W, is called the group of divisors linearly equivalent to zero. The quotient Pic W = Div W Div W is called the Picard Group of W. by 5 There is a sheaf theoretic formulation of the above groups, and is equivalent when is nonsingular. Define W = sheaf of germs of local holomorphic functions on W. (y) = sheaf of germs of local nowhere zero holomorphic functions on W. ti.rr = sheaf of germs of local meromorphic functions on W that are not identically zero on any component of W. A Cartier divisor is a section of the sheaf some covering 9,6 = (U.) tion {f.} I of dm* ety that is, for W, D can be represented by a collec- of meromorphic functions f.I f if. E r(U.rTh U., 01'0. When W on U. I such that is nonsingular there is an iso- morphism - Div W r(w, given by f ordX(f) X X codim 1 providing a natural equivalence between Weil and Cartier divisors. There is a short exact sequence of sheaves on W (1.1) 0 -Dt* 0. 6 From the short exact sequence (1.1) we obtain a long exact sequence of cohomoiogy groups o r(w, g*) r(w, l'rt* ) r(w, QC) The last zero is because H1(W,111*) Thus each divisor when W is algebraic. =0 defines a ("6-bundle D o. (5t'*) 5D, or alternatively a complex line bundle we shall denote by [D]. The line bundle is the trivial line bundle if and only if D [D] is a divisor of a mero- morphic function. Also, every line bundle is the line bundle of a divisor. In other words Div W Pic W - Div W r(w, -- H 1 mey*). imr (w, yrt,* ) There are advantages to both formulations. The varieties studied here will be nonsingular, so we need not distinguish between Weil and Cartier divisors. Let V be another complex algebraic variety and Tr :V holomorphic. These groups are natural in the sense, that if we define similar sheafs on o r(v, 6v*) Tr*i 0 -' r(w, CY*) V then the diagram r(v, -)1*) TT* r(w,11t* ) r(v,061) Hi(v, o'*) Tri ir*I r(w, 00') Hl(w, 04) o 0 W 7 commutes. Quite often the symbol back of divisors Tr* :H1(W, Tr* I (W, has multiple uses, e. g. , pull pull back 01 line bundles r(v o(1"), ) etc. H1 (V, e"="), Tr* The correct context will always be clear, for example, we distinguish between a divisor responding line bundle TT* D or D and its cor- so there is no ambiguity in writing [D], Tr*. [D]. There is another short exact sequence of sheaves on W z o ey* o, and a long exact sequence of cohomology groups, a portion of which is 1 H (W, Or*) Hl(W, eV) The homomorphism c1 :H1 (W, (30) its first Chern class c1(), Each divisor D c1 2 H (W, Z) H2(W, Z) assigns a line bundle and has the following interpretation. on W determined a homology class. Identifying ech and Singular cohomology, the Poincare dual of this homology class is c1[D]. The image of the Neron-Severi Group of The dimension of H1 (W, el/*) H2 (W, Z) is called W. H1 (W, (91) is sometimes called the irregu- larity' of W and denoted by the symbol Picard Group of W in q. In case q = 0 the is isomorphic to the Neron-Severi Group of W. This shall be the case for the algebraic varieties studied here. lActually the irregularity is defined by by Serre Duality dim H (W, y) = dim H(w, 1 0 q = dim H (W,Q 1), but 1 ). See Section 3. 8 SIMPLICIAL HOMOLOGY AND COHOMO LOGY GROUPS 2. In this section the simplicial homology and cohomology groups are computed for double covers of CPn branched along a nonsingu- lar hypersurface. Let Let [H] B be a nonsingular hyper surface of degree denote the line bundle of a hyperplane hypersurface H is defined by the zeros of a section B the 2d-fold tensor product of [H], 2d in CPn. CPA. The in s of [2dH], and there is a commutative diagram \ X2 [2dH] [dH] 7T where X2 CP is the squaring map. Define W = X2-1 ° s(CPn). It is clear W is nonsingular and algebraic. The restruction of W gives a double covering over, W locus and B Tr. We shall call B = Tr-1(B) W that the ramification the branch locus of the covering 7 :W CPn. Repeating this construction we have a similar commulative diagram t CPn branched along B. More- Tr :W is endowed with a natural involution cr:W commutes with TF 9 - Xd X2 [dF1]--e[2dH1 71.2d CPn where Xd is the power map. As above, this gives a commu- dth tative diagram of nonsingular varieties (2. 1) W CP Here Tr along d B and branched along is that IAT° is a cyclic covering of degree W g W° Tr2d: WI CPn branched is a cyclic covering of degree 2d The advantage of studying B. d W° along with W can be regarded as a nonsingular hypersurface in defined by the zeros of the homogeneous polynomial 2d pn. z z ) f = 0 defines B in -f(z where n+1 0' CPn+1 n Since algebraic varieties admit simplicial triangulations we have the following lemma Lemma (2.2). There are simplicial complexes ct with subcomplexes simplicial maps s Tr and ki and respectively together with and s:'" o- satisfying the 10 following properties. There are homeomorphisms CP1I, (Here the symbol 1336 and lk B denotes the space of X, ) The following diagrams commute (3) For every simplex such that Let s Tr AE (A') = A X there is a simplex . denote the identity map on W. The kernal of the 1 homomorphism 1 w* - H (W, Z) cr will be denoted by H,(W, Z)+, F1(W, Z) that is, the 0--invariant subgroup of Z). We use familiar notation found in simplicial homology theory. For example, the simplicial maps s and s a- induce homo- morphisms of simplicial chain complexes 74 and morphisms of homology groups o-*. The notation Z) and Z), plicial complexes H*(W, Z) and and the homo- being the homology groups of the sim- and j3c, H,,(CPn, Z). Tr cro, are used synonymously with 11 Theorem (2.3). Tr ! :H*(CPn, Z) There exists an injective homomorphism such that the following diagram corn- H (W' Z)+ mutes ,+ (2.4) 2 H*(W, Z) H: (CPn, Z) H 2 F14,(CPn, Z), where the horizontal maps are multiplication by 2. Proof. First of all we shall define on the chain level. Tr In this one case we will use the same symbol Tr for a homomor- phism of simplicial chain complexes as well as a homomorphism of homology. Define Tr! :C q(g,Z) C (1,Z) by .) where Tr#Ail = A. A: 1 (2. 2), and it is clear homology groups i The existence of . 1 also apparent 7! boundary map a (,6+o- A!) Tr1 #1 is guaranteed by Lemma is independent of any choice of A! is a homomorphism and commutes with the . Therefore, we have a homomorphism of 1/4(, Z) ott, z). . It isI 12 To establish the commuting of diagram (2.4) let a q-cycle representing [4J] E H( Then Z). (A.'+o- Tr f(Lp) = be 1. ') # and Tr !NJ) Tr# Ls 1+7 # i # 0 o- # i ) = 24J. represent [0] E H(', Z)+. Thus Conversely, let 0 = we can write 0 - cr for some q+1-chain 0 = 0co then and Tr Tr ! # (0) = r+cr Al ) i # i = 0 + o- = 20 + 0(cr . cp. Lett. = Tr A # 13 Therefore Tr is multiplication by 2. Tr, Finally, we show that q-cycle representing [4,] Tr is injective. Let E H (X, Z), (A where is a q+1-chain. Suppose ci9 be a and suppose r A I) Id-c# 892 ya. Each simplex is the co = a sum ay, = follows say + o- A # Cr Li # Ai', is a q-face of some is a q-face of either the same simplex or or not (recall belongs to depending upon whether It 'ya . o- #a' It I corresponds to the ramification locus of the covering). Therefore we can write 21-1 + (v+cr = where 8p 0. Let -p cp v) p and note we still have Now 24i Tr# 0 1T 141 = Tritac01 = al.(21-1-1-v+ =2 Therefore Li 0Tr aTrel (34 (ri+v) bounds. This completes the theorem. No' = Tr 14 Theorem (2. 5). is a surjection. F1*(CPn, Z) Tr*: F1* (W, Z) Proof. Let [] E H (W, Z) be represented by cycle Tr () = #1 2a.Ai + 71(0 = 1 1 The can be written (A!+cr A I) 1 cr.A.. cx.(6!+o- A t) 1 #1 1 A.1 / E 6C, Now the chain = A is a cycle and Trio = E Therefore Tr* is onto. By the Poinca/4 duality theorem there is an isomorphism D: Z) H2n-q(W, Z). It is defined by the formula that is, by cap product with the fundamental class Explicitly, for any 2n-simplex q-face of A and let Fq(A) A let F (A) p.W E H2n(W, Z). denote the front denote the back q-face of A. 15 is a q-cocycle representing W E Now if represents the fundamental class p. W Hcl(W, Z) E H2n (W, Z) q (A.)> and then F2n-q(L.)]. Using such duality isomorphisms, the composition D-1 H2n-q(cpn, CP H (CPn, Z) Tr* ----PH 2n-q (W, Z)PH (W, Z) gives, a priori, a second homomorphism H (CPn, Z) Theorem (2. 6). =D Tr ! Proof. W Tr*o H (W, Z). D1 CP is the unique 2n-cycle representing If i N. CP n E H2n(k Z) then p. W E H 2n(ge, Z) is uniquely represented 1 where again by CrliC/A fr Tr A ' # i --- : A i . i 1c=0 Letting have be a q-cocycle representing W E Hcl(X, Z) we 16 1 DwTr*[] = (-1)q[ <TT q 2n-q (k (o-k,6!)> # , ,).1 t k=0 i 1 = (-1)cl[q(Tr a-# # 1.)> F2n-q(crk # i k=0 i 1 <,F (.6.)> q = (-1)cl[ k a-#(F 2n-q ( .)!] 1 i k=0 q = Tr ID CPn Therefore [] -1 D = DW ° Tr* Tr (A.)> -F2n-q(L.)] ! as desired. CP As for the other coverings in (2.1) we get similar injections (TT 2d )! = D (Tr 2d D ) cpn and (Tr d) ! = D (d )* Tr commutative diagrams 1-1*(W (Tr2d)* Z + )d 2 2d H (W )+ 2d Tr2 , Z) Z) D-1 and 17 7F1*(WI, Z)+d F1*(WI, (Trd)* Z) 1-1*(W, Z) In this context . H(W'Z)+2d is the subgroup of invariant under the action of the cyclic group of order from the covering of d F-1(Wl, Z) CPn; 1T 2d-W and 1-1*(WI, Z)+ F1*(WI, Z) 2d induced is the subgroup invariant under the action of the cyclic group of order induced from the covering Trd:W' -4' W. Corollary (2.7). The homomorphisms Tr*: H*(CPn, Z) (Tr 2d)* : H*(CPn, (h1 d) : 1-1* ( W, Z ) H* (W, Z) H*(WI, Z) H* ( W , Z ) are injections. Theorem (2. 8). The homology groups H (W', Z) F1,,,,(W, Z) and have no torsion. Proof. First of all a nonsingular hypersurface in Ord), Z) Pn+1. H*(W, Z) has no torsion because W' Secondly, as we have noted, Z) is 18 is injective. Therefore Theorem (2. 9). = 1w' H (W, Z)+ H (W, Z) Proof. Recall W' C T2d has no torsion. H (W, Z) n+ CP1 for all The automorphism . extends to an automorphism of n. q CPn+1 T :WI WI, by the formula t"(zo z n:z n+1) = (z 0 -z:e2Trii2d n 0 zn+1 ) Hence we have a commutative diagram WI C i >CPn+1 T wi c_L.cpr1+1 The corresponding commutative diagram of homology groups is H (WI, Z) (CPn+1, Z) TC1* H (W1, i* H (CP n+1 ,Z) By the Lefschetz Hyperplane Theorem q < n. Observe planes. It follows is an isomorphism for is holomorphic and takes hyperplanes to hyper _n+ 1 , Z). induces the identity on H (CP- 19 -1 Therefore H q = i* T* 0 , ° 1 * = 1 W* Theorem (2. 8) there is equality for fact (Trd) q < n which proves q < n. By Poincarg Duality and for (W', Z) = H (W', Z)+2d q for q i n. This together with the is injective and the involution on W is induced from T ! implies the theorem is true for W. Combining these facts together, we have the following description of the homology groups of double coverings of CPn branched along a nonsingular hyper surface (2. 10) Tr ! :H q(CPn, Z) '=' H (W, Z), q : Tr ! Hn(CPn, Z) :-=' Hn(W, [H*(W, Z)+] We can find dim H (W, Z) X(W) From the pair = n Z)+, H*(CPn, Z) Tr* : H* (W , Z) if q is surjective, 2F1*(CPn, Z). from the Euler-Poincarg characteristic (W, Bw) there is long exact sequence of homology groups from which we conclude X(W) = X(W, Bw) + X(Bw). By Lefschetz Duality X(W, Bw) = x(W-Bw). Substituting we have X(W) = X(W-Bw) + x(B ). 20 Since W - B is a covering space of CPn - B x(Mw) = 2x(CPn-B). Therefore X(W) = 2X(CPn-B) + x(Bw) = 2x(CPn-B) + x(B) = 2X(CPn) - X(B) = 2(n+1) - X(B) can also be computed from the highest Chern class of W X(W) which we compute in the next section. We conclude this section with Theorem (2.11). If dim W > 2 then W is simply connected. Proof. Recall the cyclic, branched covering (2.1). Let Trd(x) Trd: W' in W x E Bw'. Every closed path in W with endpoints at is the image of a closed path in W' with endpoints at x. Hence the map of pointed spaces Trd (AT', x) (W, Trd(x)) induces a surjection of fundamental groups (Tr Again, since W' d)* Tr 1 (W 1) Tr1(W). is a nonsingular hypersurface in CPn+1, W' is simply connected if n > 2. Therefore Tr1(W) = 0. 21 3. ADDITIONAL TOPOLOGICAL AND NUMERICAL INVARIANTS Let be a compact Kahler Manifold. X Let 'II and "E',3-( denote the holomorphic cotangent bundle and conjugate holomorphic cotangent bundle of X respectively. Introduce the following sheaves on X A' sheaf of germs of local differentiable sections of the vector bundle XPT, <. ® P sheaf of germs of local holomorphic sections of the vector bundle XPT*x* = sheaf of germs of local holomorphic p-forms on X. Note 0 C2 is by definition the sheaf 0/ , that is, the sheaf of germs of local holomorphic functions on X. Some well known results from Hodge Theory are: The vector spaces Hq(X, ) are finite dimensional and vanish if p+q > n. (X, P) HP(X, cl). (Serre Duality) Hq(X, OP) is dual to (Hodge Decomposition) Hr(X, C)prq.r Hcl(X, OP) HP(X,Oq) is computed by the complex (rAP'*,-5-) It is convenient to define the numbers hP' q := dim Hq(X, OP). example, (2) and (4) imply the useful fact of OP. For 22 q = h '0 = h0 ' 1 = 1/2 dim Hi(X, C). = dim H1(X, In particular, for the branched double covering and (2.10) implies H 1(W, 0)' = n > 2. This situation was if 0 this CPn, W Tr mentioned in Section 1. We develope it further. Consider the short exact sequence of sheaves on W o where z el* Or o is the constant sheaf of integers and Z CY* is the sheaf of germs of local nowhere zero holomorphic functions on W. There is a similar short exact sequence of sheaves on CPn. From each we get long exact sequences of cohomology groups, and from a portion of these long exact sequences we get a commutative diagram H1(W,) H1 7i* 7* (W,*) H2(W, Z) I H(cpn, 0, .c, Tr* 1 Hi(CPfl, I Tr* H2(CPn, Z) ) H2(W, CY) F12(CPn, By the above result, this reduces to (3.1) 0 0 -"'" Hl(W,&*) Hz(W, Z) Tr* Tr* H2(W, CY) I Hi(CPfl, lY''t.) 1" H2(CP, Z) I H2(CPfl, -.- 23 Lemma (3. 2). ,,,, :HI (CPn , a * ) Tr* HI (W,&*) is an injection. Proof. This follows from the above diagram and the fact H2(CPn, Z) TT* is injective. H2(W, Z) Now we compute the total Chern class of Tr :W singular hypersurface of degree Suppose where again branched along a non- is double covering of CPn, CPn W, 2d. p E Bw. We can choose local coordinates defined locally by centered at ... Sn ' and local coordinates. with defined locally by and such that 13 2.1' zn = 0; 1 zn Bw centered at Tr Tr(p) E B I '' n with = 0; B has the local descrip- tion ,... Trrg l. Let TW and CPn and p the map T CP n .. ' 7n-1, n2 'i'' ' ) . denote the holomorphic tangent bundles of W respectively. There is a short exact sequence of sheaves 0 where xf ' - " z n-1'7n) = (2- Ctrw) (thr),,, 01(Tr*T ) ---` A 0 CPn is supported on B.W In terms of local coordinates at 24 (thr),,,, : 0(Tw)p 6(11-*T ) C Pn p is given by n- n a z. ) p 1--- il J j=1 a. a 3 az. ,.. + 2a nnz azn) p a J There is another exact sequence of sheaves 0 --* 6([Bw.]) ---' a([2Bw]) --'" where F is concentrated on 0 Bw. In terms of local coordinates, the first map is defined at each stalk over (a)p I---*. (a 7) np pE by BW . This implies the quotient sheaf 3" is isomorphic to ,s, . Since these sheaves are coherent, the Chern character is defined. From the two exact sequences we get ch e[2Bw] = ch (Y[Bw] + ch 47 ch( 017r*T ) = ch( eTw) + chi:4- CPn Eliminating ch A we obtain the formula ch(CYT ) W = ch( e r *T ) + ch(MB W ]) CPn iT - ch(ei[2B W ]). 25 The corresponding total Chern class is )c([B ])c([2B ) = c(rr*T c(T CPn If we let hn denote the dual cohomology class of a hyperplane in CPn we have c(T since (1+Tr*.h )n+1(1+thr*hn)(1+2thr*h ) Tr* [d1-11 = [B )1 by Theorem (2.3) and Lemma (3. 2). ], Next we relate the Canonical Bundle of W to the canonical bundle of line bundle CPn. By definition, the canonical bundle of W Xn'T).. defines a divisor w If is a meromorphic section of co on W and [K] = K XnT* a meromorphic n-form on CPn. We can pull morphic n-form 1, Tr (p ) . . . 7r*cp on z 1"n z centered at , zn)dz1A...A dzn Tr* cp = 22" f(2.. . n go 2 . n )dz 1A. . Ad'n Therefore we have the following formula of divisors Kw = Tr*K CP n +B W . be back to a mero- EB . Let then In terms of local coordinates W. centered at p E Bw and 49 = f(z 1, . C2n is the . 26 Therefore (3. 3) [Kw] = Tr*[-(n+1)H] (8) Tr*[dH] = 7*[(d-n- 1)H]. and (3.4) hn' ° = dim Fl°(W, On) = dim AW, aTr*[(d-n- 1)H]). 27 THE SHEAF Tr * aw 4. We continue our investigation of double coverings with nonsingular branch locus down functor Tr* in B Tr CPn :w CPn. We can apply the push to the structure sheaf 0.W of W and obtain the sheaf Tr * aw on CPn. * 01w is locally free. xE CPn and suppose Lemma (4. 1). Proof. Let Tr Then there is a small neighborhood branch locus B. such that is evenly covered by U rw, IT * Crw) Now suppose = r (Tr xE with local coordinates U' 01w) = and IT Tr- 1(x) series rw, 0, cPn zl' .. zn centered at BW x CP n). x and local coordinates such that of )4* r(u, Ce B. We can choose a neighborhood U such that Zi, of B ... ,Z"n is defined locally by 'In = 0, is given locally by (2' 1 , Any U Therefore Tr- '(U). -1 defined locally by zn = 0, centered at does not belong to the x - . . . , n) h' f E r(u, Tr* (..9'w ) = r (Tr1 U , aw) 2 (T1' . . . ' n- 1 ' a'n) . can be expressed as a power x is 28 CO a (21)2'.e n f(2") = =0 where '2' = (2'1' . . , 21n-1). Let 00 a fo(Z) = 2.e )-1) ( n 1=0 00 fl() = 4.12 a2.e +1(z )zn . .Q=0 It follows f(21) = f (11,12) + n f1 0 n ZZ) = f0(z) + n -f 1(z). The F(Tr-1U, which proves Let I Tr 01w 6w) r(u, 63e CPn )st Znr(U, is locally free. denote the trivial line bundle on Theorem (4. 2). ), CPn Tr* &147..--=- (5V(I means Whitney sum of line bundles. [-d111), CPn. where the direct sum 29 Proof. Since is locally free, it is the sheaf of germs Tr. 1;,'w of local holomorphic sections of a vector bundle The involution of E, of P. 9.A,= W defines a vector bundle involution o-:W (U.)1 11= such that E E cr is the direct sum of the eigensubspaces and each fibre of E To see that of rank two. E is a Whitney sum of line bundles let be a covering of CPn by coordinate neighborhoods {g.}. is defined by the 6/1.-cocycle given by a collection {6-\.} Locally CT is of holomorphic functions U. X C U. X C2 1 1 satisfying A2 =1 U.XCZ i A = g. .o. 1 13 13 onUU. 1 There is a holomorphic change of coordinates, after possibly choosing a smaller open covering of A i is a diagonal matrix consisting of the eigenvalues of is sheet interchanging the eigenvalues are , cisely, there is a collection {Ti.N t 1=1 T. e F(U., GL(2, C)) 1. such that on each fibre CPn, and 1 such that 1 T.& T.1 = A = 1 1 1 01 {.1 - Since -1. More pre- of local sections 1 (1. o- 30 - for all x E U., 1 < i < N. Let g:.13 = U. 1 , 1 1 of then at each point T.g..T.1 we have U. Ag jA.- 1 = AT igiiT;lA -1 = cr 1 1 13 j -1 T.3 -1 = T.g..T j 1 g:j This implies 61* ED is a diagonal matrix for each Therefore, the structure group of X E U. (Th U.. to g:.(x) (1*. This is equivalent to E E can be reduced being the Whitney sum of two line bundles. Let and Ll L2 consider their pull back to denote these two line bundles. We shall W. The new local coordinates are simi- lar to those we used above: 1, z1, such U. that= 0 defines ... , in Tr-1(U.) in U. ,z Bw in Tr -1(U.), Z n defines =0 and 1. Tr(zz ) = (z 1 .. ... z n-1' (z n 1' ) ). B in 31 Recall from the proof of Lemma (4.1) that in these coordinates the local sections in F(Tr 1U, 0' have the form ) f(zi) Hence the Ti f (zi). n 1 1 = {g! -cocycle Tr + TT} Therefore, one of these line bundles, say pulled back to W; has the form is trivial when L 1, and the other is the dual to the line bundle of the divisorB W' that is, Tr*L2 = [-B] = Tr*[-d1-1]. Since Tr* is injective this proves the theorem. Corollary (4.3). Proof. dim Ho(W, O'Tr*[mF1]) The functor 7,1/4 = (m+n ) = H0 (CP n bk. Tr 0 Tr*[mH]). By the projection formula The refore (m-d+n). does not effect cohomology so H 0(W, .0/ Tr*[mH]) Tr + eTr*[mH] = Oi[mH] CS) Tr, 8(w 32 Tr, 9'(I [mH] (Yrr*[mH] 431 e[(rn-d)H]. It follows dim HO(CPn, Let f IT* 0/Tr4c[mli]) = (m+n) + m-d+n) be the homogeneous polynomial of degree defines the branch locus B. that be the covering of Let CU= (U.)n1 1 1= . by affine open sets U.1 = {(z 0 CP 2d -z n )1 z. 0}. The CU-cocycle defines the line bundle [mH] on CPn. If we regard 31 is a z./z. 31 31 as a function on ir-1(U.r-N U.) then {(z./z.)"} {(z./z.)na} 3 1 Tr -.1 a-cocycle representing the line bundle There are holomorphic functions h. (z /z., and s h.13 /h. (z. /z.)d 3 since 1 root on Tr-1(U.) we shall call If m Ni f z 0 1 .quare Let n Tr* [rriFI] on h. /z.) = f(z 0 /z i' z 1 f(z /z z 0 N/ f a form of degree n Tr' (U) such that /z.) n /z.) has a holomorphic denote the collection d on {h.}, and W. is a positive integer then by the above discussion homo- geneous forms of degree m define sections of Corollary (4.4). Every section of homogeneous form of the type Tr*[m1-1] Tr*[mH]. is defined by a 33 if m > d RN/ f + Q if m < d, where R and Q are homogeneous polynomials in degree CPn of m-d and m respectively. Proof. As R and vary we get a subspace of sections of Q dimension (m+n) (m-d+n) AW,(Yrr*[mH]). So by Corollary (4.3) this subspace must be all of Corollary (4.3) also provides a way of computing the topological index of W when n = 2. The quadratic form, induced from the intersection pairing on H2(W, R), and p- has p+ negative eigenvalues. The index positive eigenvalues T(W) is defined to be the signature of this quadratic form , T(W) = p + -p . Using the highest Chern class of W one computes dim H2 (W,R) = p+ + p- = 2 + (2d-1)(2d-2). By the Hodge index theorem [Hirzebruch; 5] p+ = 2h20 + 1. 34 dim H()(W, eYTr*[(d-3)H]), so by Corollary (4.3) By (3.4), h2' 2 0 = 1 (d-1)(d-2). Combining, we arrive at the formula h T(W) = 2 -2d2. An alternate method of computing the index of W is by Hirzebruch's index theorem [Hirzebruch; 51 using the Chern classes of W which we have computed: T(W) = 12 (c1-2c2), or by the G-signature theorem given in [Hirzebruch; 6]. Additional properties of branched coverings of CPn which includes a useful characterization of the Hodge filtration of W can be found in [C. H. Clemens; 2]. 35 5. THE PICARD GROUP In this section we investigate the Picard group of W where Tr W branched over a smooth is a double covering of CPn, CPn hypersurface B of degree 2d. From diagram (3.1) we have an injection (5.1) Hl(W, HZ(W, Z) Cygt) and by (2.10) H2(W, Z) This implies Pic W Z if n> 3. Z and is generated by Tr*[--1] if n > 3. Therefore, for topological reasons, the Picard group of these branched double covers have a simple description if dim W > 3. On the other hand, we have found that the rank of large when W Pic W H2 (W, Z) can be is a surface. There is of course no guarantee that is large on this basis alone. The approach taken here is to describe the Picard group of W in terms of properties of the branch curve because specifying a branch curve covering Tr :W CP, B B. This is a natural idea completely determines the therein, one expects special properties of the surface W to reflect themselves in special of the branch curve B. We have seen this is so for the topology of W, and because of 36 (5. 1) some of the topological properties of the covering CP2 Tr : W will be useful here. Fix such a double covering and involution B with a branch locus Let us agree to write the group opera- W. o- :W CP2, Tr :W tion of line bundles additively, thus if L and L' L + L' bundles, we write are two line instead of L 03) L'. Suppose line bundle on W such that L is a By (5. 1) we can regard L cr* L = L. as a cohomology class. By Theorem (2.3) the homomorphism o Tr* ! is Tr* Since H2(W' Z)+ H2(W' H2(W, Z)+, H2 (W, Z)+ Tr L E H2(W, Z) is multiplication by Z)+ 2. Dual to this which is also multiplication by 2. we have 2L = Tr* o Tr L Tr*[mli.] for some integer m. Using the intersection pairing on H2(W, Z) 4L = (Tr*[mH])2 = 2[mFI] = 2m2 Therefore m is divisible by 2. This implies because there is no torsion in H2(W, Z). L = Tr*[(m/2)H] Thus we have shown Lemma (5.2). Every o--invariant line bundle on W is the pull back of a line bundle on CP2. If L is an arbitrary line bundle on W we get a cr-invariant line bundle by forming the sum L + o-* L. Therefore, character izing 37 the Picard group of W divides into two problems: (1) Describing the irreducible curves in CP image in W, which have a reducible inverse and (2) finding the linear equivalence relations among the components of their pre-images. Generators. By Lemma (3.2) and the above discussion we can always take Tr*[1-1] to be a generator of Pic W. We will character- ize the existence of additional generators. Let C be an irreducible curve in CP2. Lemma (5.3). A necessary condition that -1 Tr (C) is reducible is that the local intersection (C Proof. Suppose xEB B)x = 0 mod 2 for all x E B. Tr*(C) = A + A* where 0-*(A) = A*. and set y = Tr-1(x). Then (C B) = (Tr*C B ) Wy = (A BW)y + (A* B W) y = 2(A BW)y since (A B W) y = (cr*A 0-*B W) y = (A* B W) y . Let 38 j:B Let CP2 denote the inclusion of in B CP2. If C is a curve in CP2 (not necessarily irreducible) that satisfies (C B)x = 0 mod 2 for all x B we can define the following effec- E tive divisor 1 D= 2 XEB Thus 2D = j*C. On the other hand, an effective divisor ZD j*mH (-I D which satisfies denotes linear equivalence of divisors) implies the existence of a curve in CP2 satisfying the necessary conditions of Lemma (5. 3 ). There is some classical language that is useful here, called residuation [Basset; 1]. D on Definition (5.4). A divisor residual, written res [ID] = 0 if divisor of degree m in CP2. we say D is residual to D' D If D if B is said to have zero is the restriction of a and D' are divisors on res [D+DI] = 0. We state some basic properties of divisors on language of residuation: (a) If res [D] = 0 and resn[D1 = 0 then resm+n[D+DI] = 0. B using the 39 (b) If res [D] = 0 and is an integer then reskm[kD] = 0. k The subscript m in the definition, referring to the degree of the plane divisor, is not always important. So in some cases m suppressed. Thus res[D] = 0 simply means is is cut out on D B by a divisor of CP2. We now turn to sufficient conditions. Let Cm be an irreducible curve of degree m in CP2 such that (C m B) x = 0 mod 2 for all x E / 1(C 2 m The sum B. B) x x XEB can be regarded as either a divisor DB on on C B or a divisor D . Recall the construction of the covering W branched along \ B. X2 (5. 5) [CM] Tr [2d1-1] s CP2 where W= s -1 X2 is a section of [2d1-1] which defines B and s(CP2). Letting i:C CP2 denote the inclusion of we can restrict diagram (5.5) to C 111 C in CP2rn 40 x2 i*[2dF-1] Cm Theorem (5. 6). [D rr*(C is reducible if and only if ) = Proof. If [DC] = i*[dH] then there is a homogeneous rn polynomial of degree vanishes on d which when restricted to CP2 in such that i*[dEl] = (constant). s X2 ° rr*(C ) Conversely, if s': C i*[dFl] is reducible. rr*(C such that ) = A + A*, sI(C ) then there is a section A. Now A defines a divisor on the zero section of iqdH]. By identifying section of C and Tn. and nowhere else. Hence, this polynomial D defines a section s' :C Therefore, C iqd1-1], with the zero C the line bundle of this divisor is clearly equal to i*[dFl]. rn We can use this theorem to provide sufficient conditions for the existence of such curves. We state the conditions in terms of divisors on the branch curve B. Let obtained by restricting a hyperplane HB H in denote the divisor on B CP to B. 41 Let D be a divisor on Theorem (5. 7). B of degree md such that resm[2D] = 0 ((m-d)H (D) > (dHB-D) > for C 0. ). ((d-m)HB). Then there is a curve component of res[D] but C of degree at most m such that each has reducible inverse image. We abbreviate (D) dim FI°(B, CY[D]). Proof. Conditions (i) and (ii) imply that linearly equivalent to D, D, or a divisor is effective and there is a curve degree m satisfying (1) D = 2 (C B) x of C (2) not all com- x XEB ponents of C are multiple curves. Condition (iii) says there is a polynomial that vanishes on CP on C. CI' D and that Q of degree 1 D1 = 2 C, say (C-C1 B)x x and apply the xEB theorem to D1. This is why the conclusion asserts the curve has degree at most m. The existence of the polynomial where i:C -4" CP2 in does not vanish identically Q If however Q vanishes on some component of then we define d Q implies [D] = igc[d1-1] is an inclusion. Therefore by Theorem (5.6) 42 each component of the curve reducible inverse image in (of degree at most m) has C W. There are some interesting observations from Theorem (5. 6) and Theorem (5.7). First of all, if the conditions of Theorem (5. 6) are satisfied for a curve C, then the only irreducible curves in CP deg C < 2d. This does not mean that have reducible inverse image in W must have degree at most There is a way of 2d. characterizing all irreducible curves in CP2 that have reducible inverse image. Let g be a homogeneous polynomial of degree m that defines an irreducible curve such that CP2 in C reducible. Write Tr*C = A + A*. Note that Now A meets A* defines a section defines s :C meets C iqd1--1] = md. B. If A A* = md then as in Theorem (5. 6) (A* -s). Hence m = deg C < 2d. In general A -A* > md, on = A* B A in at least md points (counting multiplicities), that is, over the points where A is Tr*C so we define the following divisor C: E= 1 (A A*) yE TT Tr(y) (C - B The divisor is nonzero if and only if A meets A* away from the E 43 ramification locus defines a section of B . If it is nonzero, neither nor A* i*[dI-11. Suppose the branch curve polynomial A B is defined by a homogeneous of degree 2d, and let R be a homogeneous poly- f so that R nomial of sufficiently large degree, say on the divisor E. vanished We will use Theorem (5. 6) to obtain a relation between the polynomials g, f and R. The idea is to form a new double covering such that the degree of C is less than the degree of branch locus. There is commutative diagram of holomorphic maps between the total spaces of line bundles (5.8) [dH] X2 [(c11-/ )H] I 1 X2 AZ [2dE1]-> [2(d+f )H] The map X2 [cu-]] has been defined in Section 1. The map [(d+f )1-]] is given locally by a collection 1Z. U. X C U. X C by (z,R(z0/z where U. = {(z 0 n )1z. 0}. mutes with projection to CP2. zn/z.)-t) It is clear diagram (5.8) also corn- 44 A-0 We can form a double covering 'if: W the reducible curve t of degree CP2 branched along defined by the zeros of 2(f +d) R f. This covering is different from the other coverings we have considered in that W is a singular algebraic variety, however, it possesses many of the properties that the nonsingular double coverings have. In particular, Theorem (5. 6) is applicable. If is as above, then C reducible in A,-1 C) = Tr C. R(Tr Therefore is Ti*C Write i'f*C = A + A*. Note that we can form the W. divisor 1 D ", (C B) x. x xE B We can apply Theorem (5. 6) and conclude there is a homogeneous polynomial Let Q F of degree dig Q meets B. CP2 that vanishes on be the unique effective divisor on is defined by Q = 0; D+F in Since that is, such that is the other points where F res2(d+1 )[2(D+F)] = B D. 0 and resm[2D] = 0 it follows res2(d+i )-m[2F] = 0. Therefore, there is a homogeneous polynomial h of degree 2(d+f )-m such that h = 0 defines 2F on B. Lemma (5. 9). We have plying h and Q gh = R2f - Q2, after possibly multi- by some appropriate complex numbers. 45 Proof. Since also defines 2(D+F) gh defines 0 on 2(D+F) on /1. and Qz = 0 it follows some linear combination of 13 the two vanished identically on B. Since '13/ is defined by R2f = 0 and deg gh = deg Qz = deg R2f we get the desired equation. Theorem (5.10). If that ) is an irreducible curve in CP2 such C is reducible and singularities away from deg C < 2d, B, C has only locally irreducible then one of the following holds. and neither of the two components of Tr-1(C) is linearly equivalent to a divisor pulled back from CP2. deg C 2d, and both components of equivalent to Tr-1(C) is linearly 7* dH. Proof. By Lemma (5.9) there is an equation relating (5.11) and g gh = R2f - Q2 Examination of (5.11) implies if singularities away from (5.12) so f deg g < 2d. B then gh C deg R f- Q2 has only locally irreducible 0. Hence 46 If deg C = 2d, and (5. 12) becomes deg h = 0 then g = f - Q2 are defined by zeros of It follows the two components of Tr-1(C) "if-Q and Therefore by Corollary (4.4) if deg C = 2d NI f + Q. then each component of Tr-1(C) is linearly equivalent to Tr*dH. This proves (ii). Next assume m = deg C < 2d. In this case, conditions of Theorem (5. 6) because d that vanished on is a polynomial of degree Q 1 D= (CB)x satisfies the C x. As pointed out above, xE B when this condition is satisfied, the two components of meet only on the ramification locus in B W. -1 Tr (C) Thus A A* = md (5. 13) 2m2 = [Tr*C]2 = (A+A*)2 = 2A2 - 2A A* Assume, for a contradiction, that either A or A* is linearly equivalent to the pull back of a divisor on CP2. Now the rank of the subgroup of cr-invariant line bundles on W Hence mA nA*, but A2 = A*2 and both A and effective, so we can conclude A -I A*, A2 = A A*. A* are which in turn implies But this together with (5. 13) forces we have assumed is less than 2d. is one. deg C = 2d which 47 We can say more about the singular set of these curves. Corollary (5. 14). Suppose Theorem (5. 10), then that is C satisfies the hypothesis of C is nonsingular at each point of B cm C, is totally tangent to the branch locus B. C is a homogeneous polynomial in CP2 Proof. If F denote (8F/8z0' 'BF/az aFiaz2). Thus let vF F is nonsingular if vF B and never vanishes. Again let f(zo z1, z2) = 0 define in C define By Lemma (5.9) we have an equation CP2. gh = f Applying V g(zo'z1,z2) - Q2 we have gvh + hvg = vf - 2QvQ. At each point of B rm C this becomes hvg = vf because since B Q=g=0 on B r--N C. Therefore, Vg 0 on B rm C is nonsingular. When we relax the assumption that a curve irreducible singularities away from B C has only locally there is no bound on the degree of C. We shall investigate this situation, but first we discuss 48 another interesting observation of Theorem (5.6) and Theorem (5.7). Suppose is a divisor on the branch curve D that B There is a satisfies conditions (1), (ii) and (iii) of Theorem (5.7). certain symmetry to these conditions, because the divisor '15= D dHB - also satisfies conditions (i), (ii), and (iii). Therefore, to the divisor -1 m such that ".., curve there corresponds a curve D TT is reducible and to (C) e..., D there corresponds a -1 "., of degree at most 2d-m such that C of degree at most C (C) Tr is reducible. We make the following definition. Definition (5.15). Suppose and C such that each irreducible component of inverse image in D= 2 (C B) x W. We say x and xEB divisors on CI C are curves in CP2 and C' is residual to C' C 1 D' = 2 (C' B)x x has reducible if the divisors are residual XEB B, that is res[D+DI] = 0. According to this definition C and C".., are residual curves. This observation and language will be useful when relations are discussed. We return to the general case of describing the irreducible curves in CP2 such that their inverse image is reducible. It may happen that a totally tangent curve of arbitrarily large degree may possess reducible singularities (e.g. double points) that forces 49 -1 Tr (C) to be reducible. ><D (5. 16) >CD 3 LTr even odd Topologically, the singularity creates a loop in C which 'winds round' the branch curve an odd number of times (see diagram (5. 16)). More precisely, suppose C is irreducible, C Tr*C = A + A*, and does not satisfy the conditions of theorem (5. 6). As we have pointed out, when this occurs A meets fication locus (A A*) by 2, 0-(y) I0 BW' If (A A*) 0 A* for y so the additional contribution to away from the ramiB then A A* is divisible so we can write (5.17) A A* = md + 2X Theorem (5. 18). Let (and hence A*) . be as above and suppose that C is not linearly equivalent to the pull back of a divisor on CP2. Then X> 1 (m2 -2md). A 50 Proof. By the Nakai-Moisizon criterion [Hartshorne; 4], the ramification locus Bw is ample. Clearly (A-A*) Bw = 0, so by the Hodge index theorem 0 > (A-A*)2 = 2A2 - 2A .A*, with equality if and only if A -I A* (since (5.13) A2 = By H1 (W, icy) = 0). m2 - A A*. Combining this with (5. 17) we get > 4 (m2-2md). We have given necessary and sufficient conditions for the Pic W. The previous theorem existence of additional generators of enables us to divide them into two types. Those arising from curves satisfying the conditions of Theorem (5.6) constitutes the first type. By Theorem (5.7) these relate nicely to the branch curve. The other type arises from factors of polynomials of the form R2f - Q2, and we may assume they have degree greater than the degree of the branch locus. Relating the second type of curves to the branch locus may require more than simple conditions similar to those in Theorem (5.7). Relations. Suppose C and C are irreducible plane curves satisfying the conditions of Theorem (5.6). Then C and to reducible divisors in W. We can write Tr*(C) = A + A* Tr*C = A + A*. a' lift and There is of course no natural way to distinguish A 51 from likewise for except that A* = o-*A, A* and A A*. Nevertheless, we can specify linear equivalence relations between the divisors and A*. In some cases, they are determined A, A*, A by linear equivalence relations between the divisors 1 D= 1 B)x x and (C = xEB and C Proof. Suppose Q The polynomial 2D + 2D".' C be as above. If /o' Tr*dH. defines g=0 defines the branch curve polynomial B. then, after possibly relabeling, we have =0 A+ f=0 on x xE B Theorem (5.19). Let resd [DC +DHC 2 ', B) (C of degree g h B. C, defines h=0 resd[Dc+De] = 0 If that vanished precisely on d of degree 2d and C there is a D C + C vanished precisely on hence after possibly multiplying and h Q by appropriate constatns we have gh = f - Q2 Using this, we can label the components of that if Tr*(C) = A + A* then A is defined by Also, we can arrange it so Tr*(C) = A + A* h = N/ f + Q = 0. Thus A+A Tr*C g and Z in such a way \If+ Q = 0. is defined by is defined in W by the zeros of 52 f + Q. But NI if + Q defines a section of Therefore 7*[d1-1]. A + A -1 Tr*dH. According to Definition (5. 15), nJ C and C are residual curves. We have proven there is a relation between the inverse image of residual curves. As an example, suppose a two sheeted covering of CP2 Tr :W CP2 is branched along a smooth quartic curve B4. A quartic always admits a bitangent L. L must satisfy the conditions of Theorem (5. 6) because it is simply connected. This implies there is a plain conic passing through the points p1 and pz where L is tangent to through six other points of curve C totally tangent to is a residual curve to Tr*(L) = A + A* and B4 B4. say p3, 54 This conic also passes p8. There is a cubic at the points p3, p8 and C L. Now Theorem (5. 19) implies we can write Tr*C = B + B* A+B As pointed out above, a curve and there is a relation Tr*2H C of degree m that satisfies the conditions of Theorem (5.6) has a residual curve of degree at most 2d-m. This implies we need only consider such curves of degree up to half the degree of the branch curve. To view the problem of describing all linear equivalence relations in W, let Bw W be the inclusion of the ramification 53 locus in W. The restriction of line bundles on W to B gives a homomorphism p.* : Pic W --' Pic Bw . is the identity on Since the involution o-:W W of line bundles of the form L - cr*L p.*. Pic W {L the subgroup is contained in the kernel of Because of this, we shall mean by (5. 20) B the homomorphism 11* Pic B L} The precise form of the kernel of p.* . is unknown. As a starting point, I make the following conjecture and then investigate to what extent it is true. Conjecture. The homomorphism la* in (5.20) is injective. A convenient way of looking at this is to return to the use of divisors. We can choose a set of divisors {A1, , AN} of W so that the line bundles [A1], , [AN] and Tr*[H] form a basis of Pic W. We can also choose Al, , AN to be very ample. There is a positive integer mi assigned to each A. because 54 Tr*m.H - A. A+ I for 1< i < N. Thus every divisor divisor of the form Ai in W is linearly equivalent to a a.A. - miT*H; I and since 1 we may replace the coefficients + m:frItH - D '2AL-12 by a. 1. So we write II EA. - mTr*H mod{E-T*E} D 1. where is either E Suppose D r, -o-*D. but 1 or 0. is a divisor and [D] E ker IL*. We claim D To see this, observe r must be zero because fore line bundles in the kernel of for some integer D + cr*D -i2 ri-r*H 0 [I* versely, a skew invariant line bundle -z (D+cr*D)Tr*FI = Zr. There- are skew invariant. ConL satisfies 41* L = 11* ( L - o-*L ) = 0 and so determines a point of order 2 in Pic0 B . To show is an injection, one must show that skew invariant line bundles, not of the form L - IT* L, restricts to nontrivial half-periods in Pic0 Bw. Define a skew invariant divisor to be a divisor [D] = -0-*[D]. If D D such that is a skew invariant divisor then clearly 55 By replacing D by its linear equivalent representative D Tr*H = 0. it follows E .A. - mir*H modulo{E-o-*E} 11 Tr*H - mr*H ir*H EA 0 = D-1r*F1 = - /71. E 2M.. 1 I. This motivates the following definition. Define the group 1 1. Provided at least one of the m. I., a.m. = 0 mod 2} 1 I. are odd, we have an exact sequence ZN o 2ZN where the first map is aN) I-' /(al' Z 2Z ii aA. I-- (al' ... , aN) and the second airni Note that )4 /241 is isomorphic to i Pic W skew {L-cr*L} Pic W cr*. {L-cr*L} (5.21) the skew invariant subgroup of the involution Pic W We have a homomorphism. {L-cr*L} 2 PicoB 56 given by / A. )1c Its image is contained in the half-periods of Pic0 B . At this point, we mention a topological analogue of (5.21). Recall that H2(W' Z)+ denotes the 0--invariant subgroup of H2(W' Z). It is useful to define the skew invariant classes as elements of H2(W' Z)+ Z2 Now there is a way of assigning to each skew invariant class an element of Hi(B, Z2), which topologically can be identified with the points of order PicoB. Interestingly, the point of order 2 in will be zero if and only if the class is of the form t - cr* 2 . This is done as follows. Let {D} be the pencil in S SEUre CP2 spanned by the branch locus D 0 = B and the divisor D00=2C, where is a nonsingular curve of degree C transversally. If C d that meets is sufficiently general the pencil has irre- ducible singular fibres Dt, consisting of only one ordinary , Dt l r node. Associated to the singular fibres are so called vanishing cycles Nil in B that generate H1 (B "Z) where each of the vanishing 57 Ei, ... , Er cycles bound 2-cells CP2. in Corresponding to this pencil, there is a pencil W, 50 = Bw and spanned by actually parameterized by a two sheeted covering branched over 0 and ---'' CP], The covering is defined by co is a Lefschetz pencil. {-DI } SE CP 1 Proof. The ramification locus the form s and NI f polynomial Q 1r-1C 1 is defined by the zeros of B is defined by the zeros of a homogeneous (regarded as a form on W). If (so, s1) E CP 1 -s = s N./f - s0Q are members of this 2 2 Dt = tif - t0Q2 where (t0 : t1) = (s0 :s ) Now and = s Nil* + s Q pencil lying over 0 D 1 1 bs has one ordinary node if and only if Tr- 1( C ) CP1 (s 0' s2). Lemma (5.22). 1Y in 2 (s0 : s1) then ,.....r.,1 S E....r- This pencil is 1(C). = Tr - -61c {ffs} is nonsingular, we conclude Dt {ffs} does. Also, since 1 is a Lefschetz ,...1-'.,, s Et..... pencil. This pencil has singular fibres 5s s 1 lying over t DD . tr -s 1/ '' The 2-cells r r r' 5- sr E1, . Z ri lift to 2-cells 58 with the same vanishing cycles B and (using the isomorphism between {N.} The skew invariant classes can be represented by B). r.-r!). I I cycles of the form The homomorphism Tr* : H2(W, Z) is onto by F-12(CP2, Z) Theorem (2.5), and H2(W, Z)+ maps isomorphically onto by Theorem (2.3). This implies the homomorphism 2H2(CP2, Z) Tr*. H2(W, Z) 2 Cit) H2(W' Z) H2(CP, Z2) Z2 is a surjection. Using the pencil {Ds} s Ear 1 ' C. H. Clemens [3] has proven there is an exact sequence (5. 23) 0 a H2(W' Hl(BW' Z2) where the injection a is given by jep 2 jett. /24, > Tr Z2 H (W Z)+ 2 Returning to the group Z) H2 (CP2 ' Z2 ) 0 ' {Yi} I {r-r}. we clearly have an injection H2(W, Z) 2 Z2 + H (W, Z) This homomorphism is given by first forming the line bundle associated to a representative divisor in , then assigning to this 59 line bundle its first Chern class in H2(W, Z). Lemma (5. 24). Using the duality between Z) H2(W' H2(W' a.A If and H2(W,'Z)d- 1 1 satisfies II ce.Af It follows Tr ® Z2' TL,. a.m. = 0 mod 2 I then Tr*4mH. sends the homology class of homology class of a curve of degree in H2(W Z) is contained in the kernel of /24 the image of Proof. Z) Z2 2m iAi in CP2, to the which is zero H2(CP2' Z2). Thus, there is a topological way of assigning to each skew invariant line bundle a point of order two in Pic0 B if and only if the line bundle is of the form L-o-*L. which is zero It is an open question whether the homomorphism (5.21) is dual to the homomorphism a. We can summarize the entire problem via the homomorphism in (5.2 1). The problem of finding generators reduces to finding half-periods in the image of (5. 21), and the problem of describing 60 relations reduces to describing the kernel of (5.21). The results given here deliver a partial answer to each, their greatest asset being their constructive nature. 61 APPLICATIONS 6. The direct application of the results in Section 5 depends of course on how much is known about the branch curve. To illustrate how the geometry of the branch locus relates to curves on the surface W we will apply these results to a double covering branched along a smooth quartic curve. In this case, much is known about the branch curve. Also, some properties of the branch locus translate to intrinsic properties of the surface. For example, we will give a criterion for a double covering branched over a nonsingular sextic to be elliptic. Before giving these examples, we introduce some additional structure of Riemann surfaces. Let C be a Riemann surface of genus Jacobian variety of C g > 2. We define the to be 1 H (C,C1) -= group of line bundles on C Hl(C, Z) of degree zero. J(C) Choose a basis . . CA) of Abelian differentials for O.) 1' C and consider the complex torus obtained by forming the quotient of by the lattice A consisting of the vectors (k) 1' ' wg E H1 (C Z). Cg 62 After choosing a base point b0 in C, Abels theorem and the Riemann-Roch theorem implies every line bundle in J(C) is the line bundle of a divisor of the form P1 + g bO Using this P representation of line bundles, we get an isomorphism J(C) Cg /A given by P.1.0) [p1+ +pg-g bo] The usefulness of J(C) l' b i=1 P. b0 g . includes an imbedding J(C) given by rP =( (A)1,..., bo which extends to the r th b0 on C(r) wo.) 5 symmetric product =p. where rP by iP(Pi) can be identified with effective divisors of degree C. J(C) also has the structure of a principally polarized Abelian variety whose polarization explicitly defines the Riemann theta 63 function C. of B (with respect to Its zero locus defines a periodic divisor on which defines a divisor 8 in A) VC), Cg called the theta divisor. The concluding examples will depend upon some facts pertaining to Riemann's solution to the Jacobi inversion problem, which relates properties of the theta divisor to special effective divisors on C. A detailed treatment can be found in [Lewittes; 7]. These facts center around the existence of a pointin b0 called a Riemann depending only upon the base point bo, J(C), constant. For a given If 8, e that e eE J(C) we have then there is a unique divisor D E C(g) such C(g-1) such . I11( D) Ljo If eE8 that there is an effective divisor e = 4J(D) and f(D) +16b DE equals the multiplicity 0 of (3) 6 at e. -2Xb0 where = eE6 By (2) and (3) if effective divisor D K is a canonical divisor on is a half-period in VC), of degree g-1 such that the basis of periods, the half-periods in of 4E then there is an 2D is a canonical Such divisors are called theta characteristics. Relative to divisor. where C. E and 5 are 1Xg J(C) are given by e = ro vectors whose entries are either 0 1/2. A theta characteristic is even or odd depending upon whether is even or odd. Some additional results found in [7] are 64 The multiplicity of 0 at an even (resp. odd) half-period is even (resp. odd). All the odd half-periods lie on 0 2g-1(2g - 1) Let Tr :W B4 CP2 and there are of them. CP2 be a nonsingular quartic curve in a double covering branched along B4. and We shall con- sider the class of curves that satisfy the conditions of Theorem (5.6) that lead to additional generators of Pic W. First we make a reduction. According to the remarks which follow Theorem (5.7) we need not consider cubic curves because they are residual to lines. Every conic that satisfies the required conditions also has a residual curve. In fact, in this case, a one dimensional family of residual conics that contains a degenerate one, consisting of two lines. So again we have reduced the problem to studying totally tangent lines to Bitangents of B4 B4. are in one-to-one correspondence with effective square roots of a canonical divisor, i. e. theta character is- tics. A result of Lewittes [7] states a Riemann surface of genus 3 has an even theta characteristic if and only if it is hyperelliptic. A plane quartic is never hyperelliptic, so we conclude B4 has only odd theta characteristics. By property (5) above, there are 22(23-1) = 28 odd theta characteristics; and therefore 28 bitangents 65 of The 28 bitangents lift to 56 exceptional curves B4. E. 1" E 28' in E* 28 E* 1' W. Let us consider the linear equivalence relations among these exceptional curves. We have the obvious E. + El< 1 1 1<i -J E. + E* 3 < 28 3 giving 27 relations. Next suppose that among the 28 half-periods 28 {e.}. corresponding to the 28 odd theta characteristics, we have a 1=1 relation e. 11 in + e. + e.13 + e. =0 12 Then by property (2) we have J(C). 4 ) k= 1 Thus D. 11 + D. 12 + D. 13 + D. 14 = 0. 4 Lk - canonical divisor of B4 2H. 4 are residual curves, By Theorem (5.19) the bitangents 11 14 and therefore give rise to a relation between E. 11 . 14 11 14 A computation shows there are precisely 19 such independent relations 28 between {e.}.1=1 . Therefore we have 66 p = rank Pic W > 56 - 27 - 19 = But since W is rational, it is well known p -= 8. Therefore we have given an explicit description of the entire Picard group of For a second application, let CP2 Tr :W covering branched along a nonsingular sextic B6' W. be a double W is a Kummer surface. Proposition (6. 1). If has an even theta characteristic, B6 then W is an elliptic surface. Proof. An even theta characteristic corresponds to halfcanonical divisor D such that (D) is even, so in particular i(D) > 2. By Theorem (5.7) there is a totally tangent cubic curve such that write Tr*(C) is reducible. C has a residual curve C. We can Tr*C = A + A* and ir*ei = A + A*; we have a relation A + A and by Theorem (5. 19) Using the intersection pairing on Tr*3H. W and formulas (5.13) we have (A)2 = 2 (Tr*3H)2 - A A* =9-9 = 0, and similarly (A*)2 = 0, (Av)2 =0 and (Z*)2 = 0. Next, 67 18 = (Tr*3H)2 - (A+Z)2 = " + (A) (A)2 + 2A 2 = 2A so A -A = 9. Next, 18 = (ir*3 H)2 = (A+A*) Tr*3H = 2A Tr*3H and 9 = A Tr*3H =A = (Av44) A -A* A A' = 9 + A Z* Therefore A A* = 0. These intersection numbers imply (1) A is linearly equivalent to A* because (A -./t6ii* )2 Hodge index theorem, implies (2) A A =0 and 'X* ftd CP1. A* because = 0. H(W,d) 1 have arithmetic genus equal to one. There- fore, the linear system spanned by 4 :W so by th.e is numerically equivalent to A*. This is linearly equivalent to Both A and fibration (A-Z*) Tr*H = 0 A and Z* defines an elliptic 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY A. B. Basset, A Treatise on the Geometry of Surfaces, Deighton Bell and Company, Cambridge, 1910. C. H. Clemens, The General Theory of Double Solids (to appear). C. H. Clemens, On Double Coverings of Simply Connected Algebraic Surfaces (to appear). R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977. F. Hirzebruch, Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Third Enlarged Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1966. F. Hirzebruch, The Signature of Ramified Coverings, in Global Analysis, pp. 254-265, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1969. J. Lewittes, Rieman.n Surfaces and the Theta Function, Acta Math. 111 (1964), 37-61.