Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch
Julie Miller, MSW
Ph.D. Student
Boston College
MSW, University of California, Berkeley; BS, Northeastern University
Research Interests
Primary: Gerontology; aging of Millennial generation; impact of demographic changes in homes,
workplaces, and community spaces; service-learning in higher education
Secondary: Technology and society, disabilities, death & dying
Awards and Fellowships
Social Work Doctoral Fellowship: Boston College
Big Ideas Award: UC Berkeley
Rose Kleiner Memorial Award in Gerontology: UC Berkeley
“100 most Influential Seniors” Award at Northeastern University
Teaching Experience
Lecturer, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University:
Human Services Professions: survey course using service-learning; Human Services Internship: facilitate
internship experience for undergraduate human services majors
Master Teacher, NU GLOBAL, College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University:
Design, spearhead, and oversee the inclusion of service-learning within The American Classroom, a
program for international students
Student Program Director, Public Service Center & School of Social Welfare, UC Berkeley: Oversee
community organizing internship experiences of undergraduates; lead recitation sessions for linked
community organizing class
Service-Learning Teaching Assistant, School of Arts and Sciences, Northeastern University:
Service-Learning Teaching Assistant for Politics of Poverty course in African American Studies for two
semesters; Inclusion, Equity, Diversity course in Education program for one semester
Research Experience
Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab: Deliver informative presentations and
write issue briefs for sponsor companies, facilitate focus groups, design surveys, collaborate with
community organizations, coordinate ongoing groups for 85+ older adults and high school students
Research Assistant, University of Connecticut Center on Aging: Assisted with Money Follows the Person
Initiative; conducted phone and in-person interviews, assisted with data entry
Research Assistant & Yoga Instructor, Kaiser Permanente: Monitored intervention consistency for
MsFLASH exercise intervention study; served as a substitute yoga instructor for intervention classes
Miller, J., Gardinier, L. (2016). Cultural gatekeepers and professional coaches: learning from supervisors of
international service-learning students. Invited Chapter to The Other Side: What Community Partners and
Members Gain, Lose and Learn from Campus Collaborations. Springer Publishing Company: New York,
NY. (Manuscript)
Miller, J., Ellis, D, D’Ambrosio, D, Coughlin, J. (2016). Caregiving at the crossroads: Stress and the
sandwich generation. (Manuscript)
Miller, J., Lee, C., D’Ambrosio, L., Ellis, D., Coughlin, J. (2016). Grandma’s Taking an Uber: The Sharing
Economy Meets the 85+. MIT AgeLab Issue Brief.
Coughlin, J., Miller, J. (2016). Are You Listening to Me? Communication Strategies Professional Advisors
Can Learn From Caring Professionals. MIT AgeLab Issue Brief.
Miller, J. (2015). Engaging Millennials in Financial Planning for a Long Road Ahead. MIT AgeLab Issue
Miller, J., Kostka, I., Brown, L. (2015). Bridging cultures, languages, and generations through oral history
projects. (Manuscript)
Miller, J., Berkey, B., Griffin, R. (2015). Preparing international students for a competitive job market:
challenges and opportunities. In Bista, K., & Foster, C. (Eds.), Campus support services, programs, and
policies for international students (pp. 122-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Miller, J., Kostka, I. (2015). Bridging Cultures and Generations: An Exploration of Intergenerational and
Intercultural Oral History Projects with English Language Learners. In A.J. Wurr & J. Perren (Eds.)
Learning the language of global citizenship: Strengthening Service-Learning in TESOL (pp. 79-107).
Champaign: IL. Common Ground Publishers.
Miller, J. (2014). Introducing service-learning in international student education: In response to John Eby
on “Why service-learning is bad.” Currents in Teaching and Learning. 7(1) 143-155.
Miller, J., Berkey, B., Griffin, R. (2014). International students in American pathway programs: Learning
English and culture through service-learning. Journal of International Students. 5(4) 334-352.
Miller, J. (2014). Engaging millennials in financial planning for a long road ahead. MIT AgeLab Issue
Miller, J., Coughlin, J. (2013) Walking in my shoes: Understanding generational mental models through
metaphorical marketing techniques. MIT AgeLab Issue Brief.
Special Experiences
Producer and Documentarian, “Vibrant Aging” and “Vibrant Aging: Despite Everything:”
edited, and produced two short films exploring the concept of vibrant aging; nationally screened films and
hosted discussions based on films for human service professionals, researchers, and students
International Teaching Assistant, Human Services Program, Northeastern University:
Assisted with
five discreet faculty-led international service-learning programs for undergraduate students focused on
social change and sustainable international NGO development in India, West Africa, Costa Rica, Zambia
Selected Presentations
Lee, C., Miller, J. (February 2016). Grandma’s Taking an Uber: The Sharing Economy and the Oldest Old.
The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Workshop
Presenter: The Future of Platforms as Sites of Work, Collaboration and Trust. San Francisco, CA.
Miller, J., Kostka, I. (November 2015). Cultivating communities of practice with international students
using intergenerational oral history projects. International Association for Research in Service-Learning
National Conference, Boston, MA.
Miller, J. (February 2015). 19 Going on 90: Spanning Generations Through an Aging Workshop Series.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Conference, Nashville, TN.
Miller, J., Berkey, B., Griffin, R. (October 2014). Examining the American Dream: Using Service-Learning
as a Tool for Language-Learning, Culture-Exploration, and Professional Development with ESOL
International Students on American Campuses, International Association for Research in Service-Learning
National Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, J., Gardinier, L. (October 2014). Cultural Gatekeepers and Professional Coaches: Learning from
Supervisors of International Service-Learning Students. International Association for Research in ServiceLearning National Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, J., D’Ambrosio, L., Coughlin, C. (March 2014). Forecasting the Aging Future of Generation Y.
American Society on Aging Conference, San Diego, CA.
Miller, J. (March 2014). Keynote Speech: Exploring New Frontiers in Aging & Technology. UC Berkeley
School of Social Welfare, Berkeley, CA.
Miller, J. (May 2013). Screening and Discussion with the Producer: “Vibrant Aging” Film Series
Aging Brain Center Division of Gerontology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Roslindale, MA.
D’Ambrosio, L., Miller, J. (April 2013). Keynote Speech: A Tough Decision in Later Life: Older Adults
and Driving. Roger Williams Law School, Bristol, RI.
D’Ambrosio, L., Miller, J. (January 2013). Keynote Speech: Fourth Annual Ian S. Oppenheim WOW
Program. National Elder Law Foundation, Dallas, TX.
Miller, J. (September 2012). Keynote Speech: Promoting “Vibrant Aging” in AHEPA Living
Communities, AHEPA Management Company Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, J. (April 2012). Conference Presentation: “Vibrant Aging: Despite Everything”
UC Berkeley Fourth Annual Poverty and Homelessness Symposium, Berkeley, CA.
Miller, J., Arbore, P. (March 2012). Breaking the Ice: Deepening Connections and Building Vibrant
Communities. American Society on Aging National Conference, Washington, D.C.
Miller, J. (November 2011). Screening and Discussion with the Producer: “Vibrant Aging: The Original
Film.” The Poetics of Aging Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, J. (October 2011). Colloquium Keynote Speech and Film Screening: “Vibrant Aging.” UC Berkeley
School of Social Welfare, Berkeley, CA.
Career Goals
I am committed to teaching, translational research, and social change through interdisciplinary
Founding Service-Learning Coordinator, NU GLOBAL, The College of Professional Studies at
Northeastern University: Taught over 400 students across 30 course sections, led over 400 lectures,
partnered with over 25 community organizations, supervised over 25 undergraduate Service-Learning
Teaching Assistants and 10 faculty members