A Comparison of Two Methods of Assessing Waist Girth in Males and Females An Honors Creative Project (Horns 499) By Taryn E. Lilley Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May 7 2004 Expected Date of Graduation: May 8 2004 ~~r,( '~" \': "\ .; Table of Contents Abstract Acknow ledgements III. Introduction IV. Methods V. Results VI. Discussion VII. Appendix A a. Recruitment Flyer b. Informed Consent Form c. Critical T value table VIII. Appendix B a. Results ordered by subject numbered b. Results ordered by BMI classification c. Results ordered by gender d. Results ordered by age e. Results ordered by waist girth 1 f. Results ordered by waist girth 2 g. Statistical results tables I. II. The purpose ofthis study is to detennine ifthere is a significant variance between the results of two differing methods of detennining waist girth measurements and how this variance impacts a subject's disease risk stratification. Past research has shown a correlation between the absolute waist girth measurement and an increased risk for cardiovascular and metabolic disease. The standard measurement used for detennining waist girth uses the narrowest location between the xyphoid process (tip ofthe sternum) and the umbilicus (belly button). Recent guidelines published by the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) have altered the procedures for locating the waist girth measurement. This measurement requires the professional to measure the subject at the level of the iliac crest (top most point of the ilium or hip bone). The waists of one hundred one subjects were assessed at the two sites described above. In addition, the height, weight, age and gender of each subject were recorded. Comparisons were made among the subjects by dividing them into categories according BMI classification, gender, and age. Two-tail t-tests were then perfonned in order to declare statistical significance and draw conclusions from the study results. The subjects were risk was also evaluated strictly based upon the waist girth measurement and discussion of the validity and accuracy of the detenninations produced by each site followed. This study is up for presentation at the Midwest and/or national ACSM conferences in the fall of 2004. Acknowledgements -I want to thank Mr. Joshua Dobbs for giving me the idea for this project, allowing me to take it over, and advising me through it. He was very helpful in brushing up my technical skills and devising methods for subject recruitment. -In addition I would like to thank the lab assistants who were also helpful in the subject recruitment process -I would also like to thank the one hundred one subjects who participated in my study. Without them this creative project could not have occurred. -I would also like to thank Robert Andrew Blough for helping me with the statistical analysis required for the completion of the study. Introduction The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a significant variance between the results of two differing methods of determining waist girth measurements and how this variance impacts a subject's disease risk stratification. There are numerous published assessment guidelines available to health and fitness professionals. This makes it important for professionals to know what variances can occur between the different measuring methods when selecting one set of guidelines over another. Past research has shown a correlation between the absolute waist girth measurement and an increased risk for cardiovascular and metabolic disease. The standard measurement used for determining waist girth uses the narrowest location between the xyphoid process (tip of the sternum) and the umbilicus (belly button). This measurement is referred to as waist girth measurement 1 on the data tables. Recent guidelines published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have altered the procedures for locating the waist girth measurement. This measurement requires the professional to measure the subject at the level of the iliac crest (top most point of the ilium or hip bone). This measurement is referred to as waist girth measurement 2 on the data tables. This change in protocol was made in an attempt to reduce measurement variability between individuals and within individuals that have had a significant change in waist size (intersubject variability). It may also help to provide more consistency between multiple professionals measuring the same subject (reduction of intertester variability). Methods Subjects were recruited by posting flyers (see example of said flyer in Appendix A) around the Ball State University Campus, through e-mails, and personal discussion with potential 2 clients. Clients were personally recruited in the Adult Fitness Laboratory through the adult exercise program and in the Undergraduate Exercise Science Laboratory during open lab hours. All subjects were required to be over the age of eighteen at the time of measurement. Participants were also required to be free of disabilities or diseases that might affect the accurate assessment of waist girth. Examples of such diseases include any diseases that involve excessive curvature of the spine. Females who were pregnant during the time of subject recruitment were also excluded from the study. Subject data was stored in a secure location at all times. The subject's name, age, and gender were recorded and a number was randomly assigned to himlher upon arrival. Each subject was then informed of the potential risks and benefits of participation in the study. The potential risks of involvement in this study were slight. Some clients may have found the sensation of the tape measure around their waist to be uncomfortable, but this discomfort was typically more from a societal/aesthetic standpoint than a physical one. A tension regulated tape measure was used, meaning that consistent pressure was applied to the torso while collecting waist girth measurements. All measures occurred behind a closed door in order to ensure subject privacy. The potential benefits of participation were knowledge of current height, weight, waist circumference, and disease risk classification for each subject. Prior to any data collection the informed consent document (see consent form in Appendix A) was reviewed thoroughly by each subject and all subject questions were answered prior to obtaining their signature. Using standardized techniques, subjects were assessed in the areas of height, weight, and waist circumference during one visit to the Undergraduate or Adult Fitness Laboratories. The duration of these visits was approximately ten minutes. The height and weight measurement devices which were used included a wall-mounted stadiometer and a medical balance scale. The 3 two scales were standardized using a predetennined weight. Subject height and weight were assessed while wearing minimal attire after having removed shoes and any heavy objects from pockets or elsewhere on the person. The waist measurement device was a standard tension regulated medical tape measure. 1his device was kept with me at all times, so the same tape measure was used for every subject. Each subject was measured at each of the two possible waist measurement sites. All waist measurements occurred on bare skin. Each subject's height and weight were then used to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI). 1his calculation is used to summarize the relationship between an individual's height and weight. The risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease has been shown to rise with increases in Body Mass Index and waist circumference. Subject BMI values were compared with established nonns in order to detennine their level of disease risk. The level of disease risk was then reported to each individual. Results I was able to recruit one hundred one subjects over a two month period of time. Sixtyone subjects were females and forty subjects were males. Fifty-five subjects were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four years, two subjects were between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-nine years, eleven subjects were between the ages of forty and fifty-nine years, twenty seven subjects were between the ages of sixty and seventy-nine years, and six subjects were between the ages of eighty and ninety-nine years. Each subject's disease risk was assessed based upon his/her waist circumference measurements. A waist circumference greater than 100 cm places a person at increased risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases according to the American College of Sports Medicine 4 (ACSM) guidelines. Using this guideline fifteen of the subjects were assessed as having an increased risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases according to the standard site. All of these subjects were also found to be at increased risk at the USDA site. Six additional subjects were also found to be at increased disease risk according to the USDA. Each subject was also classified according to the BMI calculations and hislher disease risk was assessed. Forty nine subjects were classified as normal with no increased risk of suffering from a cardiovascular or metabolic disease. Thirty five subjects were classified as overweight with a slightly increased risk of suffering from a cardiovascular or metabolic disease, and seventeen subjects were classified as obese with a greatly increased risk of suffering from a cardiovascular or metabolic disease. The two different waist girth measurements of the subjects were then assessed using two tail t-tests"', which were performed on a TI -83 calculator, in order to determine if a significant difference exists between the two sites. Among the forty-nine subjects who fell under the normal BMI classification there was a significant difference between the two waist girth measurements. t There was also a significant difference between the two waist girth measurements among the thirty-five subjects who fell into the overweight BMI category. However, the seventeen subjects who were categorized as obese according to their BMI did NOT produce a significant difference between the two waist girth measurements. The differences between the two waist girth values among the subjects in the normal BMI category were then compared to the differences between the two waist girth values among the • All of the following statistical data is summarized in the tables which are located in Appendix B t All significant findings reported in this paper are at the .01 level unless otherwise specified. This means that I can be 99% certain that the values are significant. 5 subjects in the overweight BMI category.: This comparison was found to be significant at the .05 level. This means that I can be 95% certain that there is a significant difference between the differences in the normal BMI category and those in the overweight BMI category. The differences in the normal BMI category were additionally compared to the differences in the obese BMI category, and there was NOT a significant difference between the differences in these two categories. Lastly, the differences in the overweight BMI category were compared to the differences in the obese BMI category. This comparison was also found to be significant at the .05 level. It follows from this information that I can 95% certain that this comparison is significant. Following the BMI comparisons, more two tail t-tests were run in order to determine if variances occurred among the members of each gender and the subjects in each of the five age groups. Among the female subjects there was a significant difference between the two waist girth measurement sites. The male subjects, however, did NOT produce a significant difference between the two waist girth measurement sites. The subjects who ranged in age from eighteen to twenty-four years produced a determination which declares a significant difference between the two waist girth sites. This age group was, in fact the only age group to produce significant results. The results for the subjects in each of the additional four age group categories were determined to be insignificant according to set statistical standards. : These statistics were performed in order to examine whether or not there were greater differences in larger BMI classification categories. 6 Discussion In the previous section I presented a lot of potentially confusing statistical infonnation. Now I have the opportunity to explain the previously mentioned infonnation in much simpler tenns. For those subjects in the nonnal and overweight BMI categories the waist is significantly larger at the top most point of the ilium or hip bone (USDA site) than it is at the narrowest point between the umbilicus and the xyphoid process or tip of the sternum (standard measurement site). For those subjects in the obese BMI category the waist is not significantly larger at the USDA site. On average subjects in the overweight BMI category had a significantly larger difference between the two measurement sites than the subjects who fell into either the nonnal or obese categories. While the comparison of the differences between the waist girth sites for the subjects in the obese and normal BMI categories was not found to have statistical significance. the differences for the obese subjects were on average smaller. The lack of statistical significance could also be due to the fact that there were substantially fewer subjects in the study who fell under the obese category than subjects who fell into the nonnal category. From the results I received. it appears that the USDA waist site becomes larger as a person gains weight until they reach the point of obesity in which case the standard site begins to catch up in size to the USDA site causing a smaller difference between the two sites. In some instances the standard site was even found to be larger than the USDA site. It may be beneficial to perfonn a study in which the same numbers of subjects are recruited in each BMI category in order to detennine whether or not the previous statement continues to be correct. The next results to appear in the above section were those that looked at the gender of the subjects. The study detennined that females are significantly larger at the USDA site than the 7 standard site. However, the male subjects produced similar results for both waist girth measurement sites. So it can be concluded that males will be less affected by a change in the standard measurement site, than females. Ofthe six subjects added to the at risk category by the USDA standard, five were females. The final comparisons that were made were based upon the age of the subject. Subjects ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-four years had much greater girths at the USDA site. The subjects ranging in age from twenty-five to thirty-nine years showed numbers that were nearly the same. However, both subjects in this age group were male, so that probably had a large influence upon the results. The remaining three age groups did not have data that was statistically significant. The two sets of numbers for the subjects who were between the ages of forty and fifty-nine years produced similar numbers between the two sites. However, the subjects between the ages of sixty and seventy-nine years and eighty and ninety-nine years produced average differences of 4.722 cm and 5.750 cm respectively. This is not a small average difference. The lack of statistical significance found between the two measurement sites among the subjects in these age categories could be attributed to the small numbers of subjects who were at these ages during the time of the study, especially in the eighty to ninety-nine years of age category. Therefore, it could be beneficial to measure more subjects from these age group categories in order to determine if the lack of significance truly was due to the low number of subjects. It may also be beneficial to perform a follow up study in which equal numbers of subjects were recruited from each age category to see if there are trends in the differences between the two waist girth measurement sites with increasing age. 8 When looking at this study as a whole it is important to remember that the main purpose for the existence of waist girth measurement techniques is to give a health and fitness professional the ability to assess a person's risk for cardiovascular or metabolic diseases. As stated previously, the USDA measurement site added six more subjects to the list of subjects who were at risk according to the standard measurement site. The data also shows that only one of the subjects who were placed at increased risk by both measurement sites was assessed as overweight by the BMI classification system. All other subjects who were deemed to be at risk according to the standard measurement site fell into the obese BMI category. However, there were three subjects in the overweight BMI category who were determined to be at risk by only the USDA measurement site. This means that the new site is labeling more people from the overweight category as being at increased risk for disease. This study cannot conclude whether or not this is a positive outcome. In order to properly assess these results a longitudinal study would have to be performed. In such a study those who were deemed to be at risk only by the USDA site could be monitored over the years in an effort to determine ifthe subjects are in fact at an increased risk or if they were wrongfully placed into this category. Overall I feel that this was a beneficial study which proved that the two waist girth measurement sites being discussed are not interchangeable. It is possible that more accurate risk stratification could corne about as the result of the institution of this new site. However, simply because the site is easier for professionals to locate, does not mean that it is a better site. Further research will have to be done before professionals could consider making the USDA site a new standard for waist girth measurement. • en IX SUBJECTS NEEDED!!! For the study: A comparison of two methods of assessing waist girth in males and females. Your tel1-mil1ute visit to the human performal1ce lab can help determine if there is a difference between two waist measurement protocols. Measures will il1clude height, weight, al1d waist circumferences at two levels. '-' You will be given your Body Mass Index (an assessment of your body weight in relatiol1 to your height), and disease risk classification (based on your body fat distriblltion). To learn more or set up an appointment please contact Josh Dobbs at 285-3435, jdobbs@bsu.edu or Taryn Lilley at 214-0782, telilley@bsu.edu A Comparison of Two Methods of Assessing Waist Girth in Males and Females The purpose of this research study is to determine if differences exist between two differing methods of measuring waist girth. Trained personnel, using standardized techniques, will assess you in the areas of height, weight, and waist circumference during one visit to the Human Performance Lab. The duration of these assessments will be approximately 10 minutes. The height and weight measurement devices will include the use of a wall-mounted stadiometer and a medical balance scale. Your height and weight will be assessed while wearing minimal attire (i.e. shorts and t-shirt). The waist measurement device will be standard medical tape measure. It is extremely unlikely that any subject will experience any physical discomfort during these measurements. Waist girth measures will be collected using two different anatomical landmark protocols. One protocol uses the narrowest portion of the torso between the zyphoid process (tip of the sternum) and the umbilicus (belly button) to determine waist measurement location. The other protocol uses the circumference of the torso just superior to the iliac crest (top of the hip bone) to determine waist measurement location. All waist measures will occur on the bare skin, so please inform the technician if you have sensitivities or discomforts that would be exacerbated by having your waist girth measured. The potential benefits of participation are knowledge of your current height, weight, waist circumference, and disease risk classification. Your height and weight will be used to calculate your Body Mass Index (used to summarize the relationship between your height and weight). The risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease has been shown to rise with increases in Body Mass Index and waist circumference. You values.will be compared with established norms and your level of disease risk will be reported to you. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the study at anytime for any reason without penalty or prejudice from the investigator. Your name will not be used in any presentation of the data or results from the study and all data and results will be treated with strict confidentiality. For one's rights as a research subject, the following person may be contacted: Ms. Sandra Smith, Coordinator of Research Compliance, Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (765) 285-5070. I, , agree to participate in this research project entitled, "a comparison of two methods of assessing waist girth in males and females." I have had the study explained to me and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I have read the description of this project and give my consent to participate. I understand that I will receive a copy of this consent form to keep for future reference. Participant Signature Investigator Signature Principal Investigator: Joshua A. Dobbs, MS, Associate Coordinator Adult Physical Fitness Program Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 Telephone: (765) 285-1140 Email: jdobbs@bsu.edu Created 9/29/03 Date Date BlE C . Critical values of t. Level of Significance for Two· Tail Test df 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . .OS .01 12.706 4.303 3.182 2.776 2.571 2.447 2.365 2.306 2.262 2.228 2.201 2.179 2.160 2.145 2.131 2.120 2.110 ,2.101 2.093 2.086 2.080 2.074 2.069 63.657 9.925 5.841 4.604 4.032 3.707 3.499 3.355 3.250 3.169 3.106 3.055 3.012 2.977 2.947 2.921 2.898 2.878 2.861 . 2.845 2.831 2.819 2.807 df 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 40 45 . SO 55 60 70 80 90 100 120 200 500 1000 :-0 .OS .07 2.064 2.060 2.056 2.052 2.797 2.787 2.779 2.771 2.763 2.756 2.750 2.724 2.704 2.690 2.678 2.048 2.045 2.042· 2.030 2.021 2.014 2.009 2.004 2.000 1.994 1.990 1.987 1.984 1.980 1.972 '.965 1.962 1.960 2.668 2.660 2.648 2.639 2.632 2.626 2.617 2.601 2.586 2.581 2.576 .. • . . . . . . . . . en-IX I-I·' Subject numberlName 1 Waist Girth Study Results ~-; ~ '---r .. .. .I I 1 - iI. L J +-- i. f t. I __ ""-17-' 18 19_ f----..,.- -20 1--21 22 -23 I 1 Calculated Waist Waist I O-if-fe-re-n-ce Gender I Age I Height (in) I Height (em) I Height (m) I Weight (Ibs) IWeight (kg) BMI Girth #1 Girth #2 i of 2 waist . (kg/m A 2) (em) (em) I girths em.ale'. 79! 65.5 166.37 1.6637 .. 162 173.636364126.6037~.1_80..,~.I.' ___.~. 14.5_ Fell1.§lle+_~1... _J3.£. __ 162.56 1.6256 1_ .-128 I 58.181818 ! 22.01709j_~6__L ___69 1 _ _3__ ~ Male ! 25 65;85 166.37 1.6637 r 173 1 78.636364128.41014 !.. 88 89 I 1 L~Male 21 d_)2 - - 182.~.? _ _1.8288 141~t-64.~18182119.230981 69- ~._79:.51,_ 1.~ LFemal~~~_ 64162.56 1.6256! 146 166.363636 25.11324., 78.5 !_.?~_. t_o.:.~ ___ l£emalel 221. 66 . 167.64 1.6764 I . 144 I 65.454545 23.29081 I-- 70.5 I 75.5 5 1f=E3.rT1a.I~~.r 21.L64.5.... ·.~.... ·. 163.83 _.J.63831~ 1o~_149.090909118.2~i602! . 65.5 !"::"'72-1-'.-6.5_, ijf_emale I 19~~3.'5__ _1..6J..29....j 1.612~ 117 I 53.181818.. i 2..(}.4.4.31ZJ.! 67 !.. _.J~. ~I.._3.__ . Female 1 22 I 68.5 ! 173.99 L1.7399 T 118 153.636364 Ll7.71784I 64 ; 69 i 5 I FemaleL 2U 67.5 171.45 1 1.7145 162 173.6363641_25.050561 76 1_ 80-,--4'-J.J0. ale I 20 I 69.5 1.76.53 11.7653 202 91.818182' 29.464. ..8.6.5 4=.90 j 3.5 j, Male I 24 72.5 166 75.454545 22.25061 j 76 L 78 I 2 d184.15 I 1.8415 q='emaler21~ -63.5+- 161.29 11.6129 .. 134 60.909091 _23.413551-6~.5 I 70 L 1.5'-Female! 23 63.5 161.29 1.6129 ~_ 134 69.909091 23.41355 68.5 ~ 70 I 1.5 +-.Male IJ~I 68.5 __ j73.99 1.7399 184 83.636364 27.627821 881 96 I 8_ 159 I Fe. male. I' 19 _ _65 165.1 1 1.651 1 72.272727 26.. 51431 I 77 I 88 I 11 I Female I 21 1l---,6S- 165.1 1.651 144 65.454545 24.01296 68 70 2 IFemale-2"1 6~ 157.48 1.5748 151 I 68.636364 iZi.67601 I 74 83----==O. e.m.ale 21 64 162.56 I 1.6256 I 146.5 1 66.5909091 25.19925 I 70 83 13 Fem.a.l.e. 22 65 j 165.1 . 1.651 156.5 .71.136364 .26.09742 68 81.5 13.5 i Female[-- 21 62 157.48 1.5748' 121 I 55 22.17746 61 70---9 fFemale 21 6~ 162.56 _1.6256 _ 136f--E31.818182+¥3.39316 70 75.5 I~ ! Female 22 68.5 L 173.99 1.7399 140 163.636364 j 21.02116 68 74 I 6 Male I 18 1 _.. _()9 I __ _ 1.7526 140 I 6]. ()3636iJ 20.71761 j 7td.5 _ 77 3.5-' LMa~ldu21_1_, 73 . t 185.42 1.8542.J 194 : 88.181818[25.648731 _82 __~ __ _ '. Female j_~J 62 157.48 1...!:5748~5----l.1 56.8181821 22.9106 67.~ 70.5 ~ 3 _ Male 1 20 I 68.5 173.99 . 11.7399 I 170. i 77.272727 I 25.5257 ~. 81 . I 861 5 .__Male j 62 I 73 I 185.42_1 T8542 174 ~79.090909f23.004~~ ri8.5- j 82 i-3-.-5__, Female I 52' 66 . 167.64 I 1.67641 .125. i 56.818182 20.21771 t .68.1 71 T 3 Fema...le 58 I-64,S .-r-.t. 16..3.83 I 1.63831 -135~161.363636.+-2.2-:-86.253. i - 6 9 - 1 - ' 7 2 T - 3 -Male 43-r-72 ~---:r82.88 i 1.8288 I - 207 I 94.090909 I 28-:-13295 ! 96 199 I 3 - ·Femaf~--651.. 68.51173.9911.73991 161 L73.1818f8T24.174341--S5 -r-99 - , 1 Male i 59 I --6-r--1 170.181-:-7018 I 170 I i7.272727126.68144-189-r-'91--t-2-~··~ --, I r I t l 1?~.~.11 I 1 I I ~ r r r d ICalculated Waist Waist Difference 8MI Girth #1 Girth #2 of 2 waist _ __ _ ,(lsgImI\2) (em) (em) girths 61~?2J 157.48 I 1.5748 I 135 161.363636 124.743451 74 76 2 77 7272 L 1 . 72 I. _. _70-:51 ... 79.. 07_ 1... 7.9.07 I - 1'71 .. 73 3973. 94..-l _[ -2_ 65 1_.-22 ! 18_2.88 1_1.~2~~.J_ 215· 97.727273 29.2202'11 96_ _1 100 I 4 69 '_.1.. 7526 140 ..4 20.71761... ' ... 69.5 i__ 71.5. 1.- 2 70!=69.5 LJ26~538:1.7653 I 167 J75.909091~4.35885_, 92 1_ _ 91___ 1 _ _ _ __ I Subject number I Name I Age IHeight (in) I Height (em) Height (m) wei g. ht (lb. s) Weigh.t (kg) Gender Female I 34 35 ~e-.-.l I-~·-- 37 38 'I_'~Q....... 1 R r. t 44 46 L 484i~ 49 50 _~3_~ -~~~ .. 57 . =_5~~1 59 -t-- 6.~ I. 1.8288.. J._ 1.6764 -1 1.6637 I 1.7526 1.6764. :1. ..j j ~.63.63636 2791126.81818 167 1175.909091 73.636364 205 93.181818 124 _1 56.363636 16~, ~ 1T42 I 13.7.91832/' 117_.J1?_L--L.__£._ 27.01086, __ ~9 98 -1 ?6.60372! 72 I J3..8 I _ 16 r 30,33~ --.1Q2_1 104: .__2__.__ I 20.05597 1_61 I _§~ J_~_ -l --+ 213 196.818182133.93487~' 197 , 89.545455136.10711 1 l1<L-L~3 M.. a.,e .. I 66.5 ! 1.68.....91 1.... 6891 I' In _1 __111 I 9 Female -~H 62 I 15!.~8 1.5748, _ 102 Male ~ 69 , 175.26 ' 1.7526 I 182=r82.727273 26.9329 I 97.5 96.5 ~-1 --f1ale ..-. 61._. '-..- 71 180.~~ .-1-.'1.8034 _ 202-, 91.818182 28.23219~ 101 165 I 4-_Male 31 ~ 70 t 177.8 L1.778 172 78.181818 24.73103i----:82 I 83 . 1 63160.02- l_u1J;?QO~J 150 68.18181~26__ 6~6~7L-91 I 94.5 _}.5 -Female '--81Male 64.!-- 69 " 175.?~1 1.7526'1 305 1138.63636145.13481 134 ,_141 . 7 : Female 78 _ 63 16Q.02 _ IJ.6002 __ 206 193.6363641 36:5675~J 90 -104 I _1.i.._ I Female 79 ,-=:t=1-2= 157.4811.5748 161 .73.181818 29.50886 89 98 I 9 rFemale.. -8?rl ..•. _._. 60.5 .. _..153.67_11.53671 138 62.!27273 I 26.56307 87 97_~ ,I Female ~8_+ 60 _ 152.4 l 1.524 _~ 117 53.181818 22.89777 72 74 __ j___ Female 66 -I-- 63.5 161.29 1.6129: 202 91.818182 35.29505 ' 9 6 100 4 r64. I I 'I' i e-~~] t56~ ==r _1... t175._.i~. ~ale Female Maie . ....... M.ale..... 1 .. 63 .. 1'.,__.?~ ..18.2.88 . _. [ t\o1~e_, 67 ___ 66 I 167 .64 __ rl . _.Fema. Ier._. 2=L.J_65:§._'1 166.37 I M~le.__ 541. ..69. I 175.26 ! Femal~1 52 ;__ ~ 167.64 __ I .. II i ~iU -1. ' 64 63... 65 66 , -~·-·------I ~ -2-----I ~:~:::-l· ;~ 16~5 Female 7~ Male I 82 + LI I' ~! ~:_'~-11~:---L~--' 23.484964 I 71 .~u U 1_52.4 _ 1.524 I 1~ 54.545455 167.64 P·6764' 202 I 91.818182132.67182 112 I 110 . -2 -157.48 1... 574.8 183 183..181818.33.54112_1..88 .1 93. __-1 _~ 85_ _ ~ 6.Q-]···· 152.4 1..§~4-..'.... 118 ! 53.636364 i 23.093481 _ 74_1. 8~~J 10 63 . 6 9 - [ 175.26 1.7526 203 92.272727 I 30.04054! 102 I 105 I -71· 69~-1-176.5~~653ul~0~ JJ12._2'1'.2727]}9.609861- 101 1~L::.~860 1 7 4 . ' . 187.96 I 1.8796 I 2911 132.272?~J 37.44031 I 121 1 127~1_ 6 I 22.1 59.51151.~.LJ 1.5113 I 1~4_u I 56.363§.3§ i 24.67731_7~_ i _~_L_·a··c--..-_-1 62 I· 66 I 167.64 I 1.6764 22S--l102.272J3 r 36.391881116 107 Lu- 9 , 70 i 66 167.64, 1.6764 158.5 I 72.045455 ! 25.63606 I 84 87 ! 3 J ~malei~o-=-I _Fema~ Male Male u!viJlle Female Male Male 1_~~~;~ ., ~~~;! I. -1~; I;~~f~~~-I ;;~~~~_ I I' 66 62 I ~l·. j-.-..~--:-5c-- i.. I !I' !I -J__ T I I Subject number! Name 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 1_. f~:~:::-j+S~~{Fl ~:~:;:t ~::~;: :n~ ~!~-! :~:~~~~~! r;~~~~- ~ ::--~!J35 ~. ~ I __ ~~~__~ I - 88 - 89 ~~ ------00 ~ce.male I 1.7018_1_.~85 ~1 t. 18 I 67 I 170. HI I 184,090909129.035681 _ 86 87 .1 __ ... _ lFemale 19 I 67 I 170.18 I 1.7018 I 190 I 86.36363(31 ~9.82043[ 85 1 ~ 15 _ lFema'e I JiCL_6(3~ ~ 167.64 i 1.6764' 125 56.818182 20.21771 i 64 ! _ _(3~_J ___ 4 i Female 19 I 6 6 ! 167.64 I 1.6764 145 65.909091 23.45255 78 80.5 I 2~ JFemale 18 I 65 165.1 I 1.651 140 I 63.636364 23.34593 I .72 80 I 8 '1 Female I .. 20 ... 1.... 61 . ..154.94 1.5494 150 . 6.8.181818 2.8.40151 , - 72 -16 1 fF-ema.le r -21 ·ir-:-67- t-170.18 . -1.7018 -1851.1'.84.0909091]9.03568 .86 1:_. ~I~ 5 I Male 41 76 I 193.04 1.9304 265 120.45455 I 32.324261 107 .~~. ~ 108 i__ Male 20 72 1_ 182.88 H.8288 .. _ 72.727273 .. . .77.51 Female 22 ~_~ 157.48 1_ 1.5748 1_ 140 1 6~.636364 25.659881 75.8?_.L-z IMaieL 19 .. 71 I 180.34 1.8034 I 150 168.181818 20.9645 I 74 75.5 I 1.5 I Male 19 71 . 5 181.61 1_1.8161 185 181.090909125.495851 87.5 .. .. _.1_ _ Female~ .~-1-~62.~+- 158.7~1 1.5875 110 [50 19.84004 66 _!6~_LJO.5 ~emale I .n~~~~f._6~1_171.45 1 1.7145 135 161.363636 20.87546 71.5 78 I 6.5 5858 I~ale 18. 71 , 180.341 1.8034 175 79.545455 24.4 1 86 ~._~ Male ~. _ 72 I 182.88 1.8288 150 68. 181818 t-"20.38619j 76 1 - 76 I~ 0 Male. 20 L. 68,5 L 173.99 1.7399 I 220 100 33.03326 102 108 6 uFemale+"""591 _n s6l- 167.64 1.6764 i . 159 172.272727 I 25.71693 t 82.5 88.5 6 _.Maje~J ~1~n6.?~5 171.45 1.7.~}65 1 75j)?.5144U- -9~ 95.5 -2.5 ~~male i 22 I 70 1 177.8 I 1.778 I 1f3~_JJ6.3636~£3J_24.!~~ nr~87 _12 Mal~_l 21 I.. 74 ...~ 187.96 i 1.8796 .1 .... 185 I 84.0909..09 1.23.,80226 I.. 90 96 6 Mal~-1 -21-1-- 75 . 1-190.5 I 1.905 270 1122.72727'IE.81825 1 f 2 118 =~~-6 j. I 1~ I l:: J- --J . ~i 1. 881-~ 21.74527~4.5f~.~ I .~ 3.~ I ~ ~.~.8.8.5 I~ t ... r--g-193 ~4 ~~·t 95._l t~:r~1 98 -1- Calculated 8MI (kg/mA 2) I 78 79 80 1-----81 82 83 84 85 :~ Waist Girth #1 (em) 164.090909125.843161 73 Height (in) Height (em) Height (m) Weight (Ibs) Weight (kg) r.1- --~~ t. Age 1 ~,~"-~~ I~~ Waist Difference Girth #2 of2 waist (em) girths 86 I 62 157.48 I 1.5748 i 14f i. 84 1 11 ,Female TFemaJ~ 75 1 (34.5 .-!.63.8~ lJ·6}83 L 167 ! !5:909091J28.2~17~J ~_~ ~ 1 n -87- !_4~._~ I Female 64j .... 6 U 160~ 1.6002 L190 J 86.363636133.727361 101 : 100 I -1 TFemaleT 18 -65 -165.1J -:r:-651-~i -- f25-~ !56.818182120.84458r 71 1 78.51--r.s-}]=emalel 21 61~25±~-155.575 11.55575 117 ' 53.181818! 21.972i1l ~-. 62 I 70~r_.8·5 __ _ l_Femal~l. 20 1..-f3:6.2~ . 168.275 11.682751 ~._ 117 [53.181818118.78123J~~L 66.5 L } - 1 ,Female 18 1 .. 63 160.02 I 1.6002-1 .120 154.545455121.301491. 71 I 741 .3 Gender i ---r 1~rl ·'·10111 -r mal~_ ..20 _ i.__ 6. .5... 5. 21! 68 £e. Male -Male - 21 i--= T.L-..166.37 .11 . . 663.7.1 1_ 172.72 [.-1.7272 I 16j--117O.1811.7018T .~.200 155 .. -1.1. 90.909.091 32:.84409. i 70.454545 I 23.61695 148 - -167,272727123.22854 I 99 73 '3 f--_l04 75 74 I 1 ~_ 2 1 Waist Girth Study Results ordered according to 8MI I I ·--~C:::-a-:-lc-u~la-te~d~-:-:W-:-a-:-is--t----'I----=-W:aist IGender I Age I Height (in) IHeight (em) IHeight (m)IWeight (Ibs) IWeight (kg) (1<~~l2 ~~~~~1 ~~~2 ~ub'ect!---------'I---'-I · 1 nU~berlName ~--~ ~ -1 ---731 r--... +-_~_. 4 ·1 ...J3~J _.-t_.4~J I-p...}_79_ I ..1~_j .§l~_J 8 1 "'_ _17.. ~ . .~. o 71 _§l.0-= R 87' .. 23.J 74 I M .. 57 -1-' ~ ~_ ss- ._. 72.._ 2 2 !.-=l 12 L-l 1- .•. ~ Ud t iD =- 54 n-__ --=~EL~] 28 r 75 1, d-·}(~l· f01.l t-i--8~-·+ I 1 1~~:~:::I~f=r=~~:;-1 ~~;::; . I ~:~;:; +-~-~~-1~;:~~~~~: J 1~:~~~~~ Difference Of~;~jst 6~:5 ~ -~}- 5 Femalei--W- -6ff25-r168.275j 1.68275 I 117 153.181818 18.78123 -63:5 66.5- 3 rMal~J ·21-_?~_1 182.88 1.8288 141.5164.31.8182 19.23098 69 r- 70.5 ·1.5 rFemalel~ 62.5J 158.75L1J5~7§_J 110 50 19.84004 66 __ : 76.5 10. I F.e.m.ale.~_.52 66 I 167.64 I. 1.6764 I 124 l.. 5.6.363636. 61 63 2 IFemale L 19-r 66 I 167.64 ! 1.6764 i 125 ! 56.81818~ ~0.2!J71. r--6~ 68 4 . E~rn~l~t _ 52 __66_[ 167. 64 1.6764 W25_.06.818182 2o.21X!1 1- 68 71 3 I. Mal~~~_ .. _u~4_ 182.88 __ 1.8288 1 ___1?()__ ~_68.181~~~0.38619 7~__ 76 0 1Female 19 63.5 I 161.29 1.6129 i 117 153.181818 20.44317 67 70 3 emale. .~ -- 69 I.·. 175.26 1.7526. j 140 163.636364 20.71761 69.5 .71-?_ 2 . [ Male 18 69 I 175.26 I 1.7526: 140 63.636364 20.71761 73.5 77 3.5 i Female 18 65 .~. 165.1 1.651 I 125 156.818182 20.84458 71 78.5 7.5 iFemale. 20-6'f51 171.45 , 1.71451 135 j 61.363636 20.87546 71.5 786:5 Male 19 I 71 180.34 1.8034 i 150 .68.181818 20.9645 74 75.5 1.5 i rfemale.1.2 i - 68.5 I 173.99 1.7399 I~ 140 63.636364 21.02116 68 74 6 : Female 18---"1 63 I 160.02 I 1.6002 I 120 54.545455 21.30149 71 74 3 Female· 76 64 I 162.56 I 1.6256 i 125 i 56.818182 21.50106 74-~ 9 Malei20 72 I. 182.88 i 1.8288 I 160 72.727273 ?1.74527 74.5 77.5 31 Female 61.25 I 1.55575 117 53.181818 21.97271 62 .... 70.5 Female I 21 64 I 162.56 1.6256 I 128 58.181818 22.01709 66 69 3 Femalil 21 62 I 157.48 1.5748 I 121 55 22.17746 61 -to- 9 Male 24 72.5· 184.15 1.8415 166 75.454545 22.25061 7§ 78 2 Female l-_58_._64~ 163.83 : 163B~_ 1}~_ _61.363636 22.86253 69 -7"2--- ,Female I 88 .. 60 ! 152.4 i 1.524 I.. 117 53.181818 22.89777 72 74 2 Femal~ i~J 62 I 157.48 I 1.5748L~~~_]J56.818182 2.2.9106 c~i5- 7Q:5 1i-~- 3 .. Male 1 62 I 73 I 185.42 ! 1.8542 i 174 179.090909-23.00453 78.5 82-- -----0: FEm~_~le~r 85--t __ 69_-=J~_1?2.~i-=-1 ..524 118153.636364 23.09348 ~- 74:--84--- 10 Female 22 6 0 162.5611.6256 1 135 : 61.363636 23.22115 69 171.5 ! 2.5 :~M~le·- 211 -6~ -170.18 T-1.7018f 14S-T6'7:27272723.2285i. __ . . r 3 7 4 .J. ____ ! I I 1 I I J 1_ I I IF. r-~ 1 +. 155.57~I 1_ t---8.~ L- I ! . -;j-::" r ~:~l~ ~~--i- -~~ +-\6l5~<!.-+-\~:56f+--~1~-r~~:~~~;~! ~;:;:~~~ 7~25 i 7~05_i- ~ -t-f322 i 14 80 ~:}~!t Mf A I 21 I 64 lFeiflalC:?1J 63.5 .FemaleL_ 23 ",1' 63.5 ]Ee~1~ 66 IFemale 74, 60__ I : Male "I 21 1 6 8 I"u ! Female f 2~"u, 1 1~_,I,e +-female 1FerTlale rF~male 96 I lFerl!ale luMa1e _ 35 38 L"Ma~eu t", 70 1 Male I 18 L p'emale, 22 Malel31 I Female 61 10 - o . 5-..---1, 19 V I I ru3i 95i f-EI~H __. _.=-=---t _ . 67 I ~C 25 I 86 I '::.JU ~~~l~.:J G ~~1.J 1 ! -~~-!!-~ q 162.56! 1.6256 136 I 61.818182 23.39316 70 .5 5, !§1.29 1_1.6129uf134 160J)09091 23.41355~8~5_,_70 1.~_ 161.29] 1.6129 1_134.6Q.909091 23.41355_()8.5 ...... 70 1.5 167.64 .,,1~64_1 145 L~?909091 23.45255_~_ 80.5 2.5 __ 152.4 uJ 1.524 I 120 i 54545455 23.4849 f--~4 ___ :_11u .?_._ 172.72 I 1.7272 ",155 ! 70.454545 23.61695 73 75 74 ___,', -" 1 _ 84.09090,9, 23.80226, 90, _ _ 9 6 621 65 165.1 i 1.651 1 144 I 65.454545 24.01296 68 2 18" 641 . 162.56 I 1.6256 i 140 I 63.636364 24.08119 f - - . 68 73 5 ~~_'~-701 177.8 ]1J78__ 168 76.363636 24.1558~~ 75 87_f2 65 I 68.5 L_.!Z3.9~l-1.7399 I 161 73.181818 24 ..17434_85 _ 99 14 72_ui 70.5u 1 179.07 !._JJ9.Q7 I __171 ! 77.727273 24.23973 94 __~2 -2 I' L 1.~.9~-L1.819~[~-185 -1 L I 1,1", I r59~ 70 i t,20, , "II __ 17~.53 69.5 71 .. I, i 621" I 1.76531 180.34 1.8034 i !?1·..!L_!·5113' 177.8 I 1.778 157.48 1.5748 167" ._" ;75.90,9091 175 ~ 79.545455 124-' 56.363636 172 78.181818 135 61.363636 24.358,85 24.45858 24.6?lTt-24.73103 24.74345 67.5" -+---1,7,,1.45 ,I,' 1,.714,5,' 162 I 73.636364 25.05056 64 J __ 162.56!U1.6?§61 146 ! 66.363636~5.1132I· 64 1 162.56 I 1.6256 I 146.5 166.590909 25.19925 ~aIE!-+--19J nJ1:?_L181.61 i 1.8161 I 185 184.090909 25.49§..85 I Male_I 62 I 67,5_ 1 171.45 T 1.7145 165 _.. 75 25.51445" !_~_~Ie 20 I 6.8.5 t173.99 I 1.7399 . __ 170 i7.272727 255257 , Male .. ' 70 66 I 167.64 1.6764 I 158.5 72.045455 2?...63606 21 73 185.42 1.8542 I 194 88.181818 25.64873 Male Female '-:22'" , 6 2 157.48' 1.57481 140 63.636364 2-5.65988 Female i. n?9 n_ 66 16i.64-1~1.6764 1--- 159 72.272727 25.71?.§l3 I 75 I 66.5 168.91 1.6891 162 73.636364 25.80962 Female'BEf'l 62 157.481 1.5748 I 141_ 164.090909 25.84316 65 i 165.1 15-6.5 Female! 19 i 65 I 165.1 u1 1.651 I 159 172.272727 26.51431 Feinal~I-~8i--I-' ~0.5 . [153J37 1.5367[ __ 138162.727273 26.56307 Femal~tl 65.5 1 166.37 I 1.6637 i162 L73.636364 26.60372 I~!"'l,','a~e+---7,',9 65.5 I 166.37 ! ",1.6637-r,-162- '1, 73:636,3~~64 26.66372 !,Femal,e, iFemale ! Female 57_11 ?1, J r _L I 1~malel-22iu 1 rl~5!._ L=- r ~~~~~e f-~r~L~~ - 1~~6:~~-~L~~~~+=--~~6 ,-Male I_~u 69 T-=t75.26 I 1.7526! 182 ·1 73 t-26~9329- i --84-81.5 88 97 88 95 87 72 80.5 ~~:~~~~~f*~~~:f-~~ I 82.727273 97 5 88 2 83 8 83 1 76-2-- 76 80 78.5 79 70 83 87.5 88.5.' 98 95.5 81 86 u__ 84_u 87 82 91 75 ,82 82.5 --88.5 _ 84-100 171.13~~,26.097426877 __ 1 ! 92 86 75 82 74 97.5 -t 9~.5 'T' "-96~5 t--.- 4 0.5 13 1 -2.55 3 9 7 6 16 -- 11 13.5 I 11 i 0__ 16 ! -.I --I = 14~- 2 35 -1 ~~i~ o ..... I _--j 31 ! V 471 w 3~ ~.-.~;~ ~_. G H ·r-=i 36- 3 !j 1 -1~1 T 52=1 f--_~.J?3 ! ia-· 62 42 84 o ~··WO_ 70 E -_ 98 . 44 'E. ---- Male l i I 1. n+ I n-- lu I f 1 99 55 45 66 ,--51 64 39 50 67 ... 1~6_ r 167.64 [ 1.6764 I 167 I 75.90909f 27.01086 99 98 -1 18 68.5! 173.99 • 1.7399 184 183.63636427.62782 88 96 8 {femCile 2f 62]_157.4Sr-1.57481 151 6R6~6364~27.67601 74 8~ 9_ _ ! Male r---43 - 1 - 72 I 182.88 i 1.8288 207 94.090909 28.13295 96 ..... 99 tMa1e-6171-r 1aO.34 1.8034 ... 202 t91.818182~?8.23219 101 105 4 Female ~ 6~.5 163.83 L 1.6383L_16l.......JJ5.909091 28.28179 83 87 4 Female I 20j--"61 154.94 i 1.5494 il?O_! 68.181818 28...40151 72 88-r- 16 t ~ale +-25~ ~5 . 166.37 I 1.6637 I 173 ! 78.636364?8.41014 88 89 1 __ f_emale 18 1_ 67 1~!~.o'!~1~n1:7018 i_. 185 I 84.090909_ 2~.o.~568 86 87 __....1 JFel'Jl.a~". __,2!_J 67 170.1~J1.7018 I 185 84.09090~ r-29.03568 86 91_ 5 ~ale 65 I 72 182.88 1 1.8288 i 215 97.727273 29.22021 96 1 4 I M a i e f f i o 69.5 1 176.53 I 1.7653 202 91.818182 29.464 86.53.5 rFemale ·-i9 62 157.48 1 1.5748 161 73.181818 29.50886 899 Male I 71 ... 69.5 176.53 I. 1.7653 203 92.272727 29.609_86_ 101 109 8 Female. 19 I 67 170.18 I 1.7018 190 86.363636 29.82043 85 100 15 j Male i 63 69 175.26 I 1.7526 203 92.272727 30.04054 102 105 ~.. __ 1 Male . ~J 69 175.261 1.7526 205 93.181818 30.33651 102 104 2 I Male I 411 76 . 193.04 t 1.9304 265! 120.45455 32.32426 107 108 1 L_Male- 1821 66 167.64 J:!:..6764 ~ 2021-91.818182 32 ..§7182 112 110 -2 I L. . Femaie 20_ 1....65.5 I 166.37 I 1.6637 I 200 90.909091 32.84409 99 104 5 j ~Male20-~_ 68.5 173.99 i 1.7399 I 220 100 _33.0~326 102 108 6 ~ 'Female, 60 I 62 157.48 1.5748! 183 83.181818 33.54112 88 93 5 64. 63160.02 I 1.6002 190 86.363636 33.72736f()1 100 ·1 \'Female ." . ·1 r 75 . 190.5 I 1.905 I 270 . 122.72727 33.81825 112 118 I Male I 64 ..... _ 66.5 I 1~8.~. I.. f." 213 96.818182 3.3.93-4.-C-=87_:- 113-1-- 110 -3 ~ 66 . 63.5 161.29.-L 1..§129_lt 202 ! 91.818182 3~.295Q5 96 100 4 IFemale1 54 62 j 157.48 I 1.5748 197_1_~9.545455 36.10711 102 111 ..... _~"._ t Male 62 I 66 I 167.64 I 1.6764 I 225 ,102.27273 36.39188 116 107 I -9 I k Male ---- I 1._F._el"rlale[-7 .. 8_ ..j. Male 6Q . I_~ale ! 63 fi_. Male 64. I r I I 63 __I . . .~1..6._.0.02! 1... 600.2 .. i .. 206 .. T93.636364 36.5675§ . 90 74 t~87.96 I 1.879~ ~~1 ,132.2727337.44931,-- 121 72 1__,1.8,2__88_ i, !:.!3~88 I.. 279 1126.81818 37-g1~32 117 69 175.26 1.7526: 305 1138.63636 45.1348 134 L- ! 104 127 121 141! 14 6 4 7 Waist Girth Study Results according to Gender Subject: number9 7 73 89 43 29 79 8 37 71 90 23 74 57 72 2 21 30 11 5411 26 61 75 , 6 81 :/ 22 13 14 80 58 17 76 96 1 'I Gender Age Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 22 21 20 19 52 Height (in) Height (cm) Height (m) Weight (Ibs) Weight (kg) 173.99 -- .-- --" 163.83 168.275 158.75 167.64 68.5 64.5 66.25 62.5 66 66 66 63.5 69 65 67.5 68.5 63 64 61.25 64 62 18 76 21 21 21 , 1.7399 1.6383 1.68275 1.5875 1.6764 88! Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 21 21 19 -~- - - -,~. 60 :-- 62 ~:~::ilJ!· 23 19 74 21 18 22 . c- _6~:? _: 66 60 65 64 70 152.4 !§?:56_~ __ ~ 167.64 i 165.1 162':56 161.29 161.29 167.64 152.4 165.1 162.56 177.8" -,. Waist Girth #2 (cm) 69 118: 53.636364 17.717839 64 72 108 49.090909 ' 18.290021 65.5 117 53.181818 18.781228 63.5 66.5 76.5 110 50 19.84004 66 ... -.-_. ,.--63 124 56.363636 . 20.055971· 61 ._-- .71 125 56.818182 20.217713 68 125 56.818182 64 . 53.181818 67 117 • 63.636364 69.5 : 56.818182 71 ---, _.. 61.363636 71.5 63.636364 68 -'~~ 54::545455 71 -56.818182 74 53.181818 62 66 58.181818 22.017089 -,-_. -'----.---' 122.177464. 61 , 55 --.---,----,---- ---"" --' .--, ._.--. ! 61.363636 ' 22.862527 _ 69 --;-53.181818;22.897773 1 72 ~~56.81'8182 22.916663:-67.5 - - --- .. 53.636364 : 23.093481 74 ~T6T~63636:~,23.22f1~~~ _ 69 .L,.~ 71.5 : 65.454545 ' 23.290805 70.5 75.5 63.636364 23.345932: 72 --61.818182 . 23.393'158. 70 75.5 ,60.-909091 ; 23~413548· 68.5 70 60.909091 23.413548 68.5 70 -_. --'" 65.909091 23.452547 78 80.5 120 54.545455 23.484895. 64 71 70 144 65.454545 24.012958 68 73 140 63.636364 24.081192 68 168 76.363636 . 24.155892 75 87 - - ' " --- 85 Waist Girth #1 (cm) - Fe.!TIale~.I ...~ -._s.8_~r-64.5 Female Female Female Calculated BMI (kg/m"2) --~- Difference of 2 waist girths 5 6.5 3 10.5 2 3 4 3 2 7.5 6.5 6 3 9 8.5 3 9 3 2 3 10 2.-5 5 8 5.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 7 2 5 12 32 65 34 10 5 19 86 94 56 68 20 16 53 1 41 49 18 69 82 77 83 52 78 99 60 70 55 45 51 4 92 24 87 85 12 28 101 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female -._" Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female ---,'--------,Female Female Female - .-----.,~-- I 68.5 59.5 62 1.7399 1.5113 1.5748 ..- 81 ,1. 2 1 ' .--.. 75 20 8 21 79 19 20 -.-60 . 64 66 54 - ,--~--,~- - 85 75 74 76 78.5 70 75 82.5 84 73 68 77 87 80.5 72 91 74 83 161' 124 135 162 146 . ' 73.181818 56.363636 61.363636 73.636364 66.363636 66.590909 63.636364 72.272727 . 73.636364 . 141 64.090909 . 156.5 ... '-71.136364 159 72.272727 138 . 62.727273 162 . 73.636364 162 . 73.636364 ._--- -.- _., 150 68.181818 151 167 ---150 185 - , 23 ~ .~-,,' - -~ .---~--- , ------~-- Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 65 22 61 20 57 21 22 59 75 86 22 19 87 79 101 96 10'2- ,- 78 .. I 21 19 18 19 20 24 62 21 90---; 72 72 69 71 72 72.5 73 67 182.88 182.88 175.26 ._180.34 182.88 184.15 185.42 170.18 1.8288 1.8288 1.7526 1.8034 1.8288 1.8415 1.8542 1.7018 .. 150· 68.181818 140 63.636364 -_. 150. 68.181818 160 72.727273 166 75.454545 174 79.090909 148 67.272727 .~------. 19.230976 20.386194 20.717614 20.964497 21.745274 22.250612 23.004533 23.228544 69 76 73.5 74 74.5 76 78.5 73 99 83 76 80 79 83 82 88.5 100 84 81.5 88 97 95 88 94.5 83 -87 88 87 91 98 100 104 93 100 100 111 164 70.5 76 77 75.5 77.5 78 82 74 14 8 2 4 0.5 13 7 6 16 11 13.5 11 10 14.5 16 3.5 9 4 16 1 5 9 15 5 5 -1 4 9 14 1.5 o 3.5 1.5 3 2 3.5 1 100 97 35 38 91 48 88 95 27 67 25 33 46 40 15 31 47 3 36 11 63 62 42 84 59 93 98 44 66 64 39 50 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male I 21 21 72 70 18 31 1 62 20 70 21 59 52 67 18 43 61 25 '~'··65--·' 20 68 71 70 71.5 67.5 68.5 66 1.7272 1.8796 1.7907 1.7653-- 155 185 171 167 70.454545 84~<i90909 77.727273 • 75.909091 • 23.616947 73 '23.802259 90 24.239729 94 24.358848' 92 1.8034i75~' ·:-'79.·545~f5'5"7 24.45858 -8e 1.778 172, 78.181818 .24.731033 82 . .1 _ -1.8161 185 84.090909 25.495852 87.5 1,. 171.45 1.7145 165 75 25.514454 98 .--- .. _.-- -. --173.99 1.7399 170 77.272727 25.5257 81 167 :64 1.6764 158.5 72'-045455'-; 2'5.63606 84 185.42 1.8542 194 88.181818 25.648732 82 170.18 77.272727 ' 26.681436 ' 89 -- _ . 175.26 , 82.727273 . 26.932898. 97.5 167.64-~··'- ._,75.909091 27.010865' 99 -...----. - ---.--173.99 83.636364 , 27.627817 88 18i8B~ 94.090909128-:132948 96 180.34 , 91.818182 i 28.232189 101 166.37 -rj8~636364-:-28.410141 88 'T82.88~T-'-~-'--' 97.7~72!t129..:.2'?Q211 - 96 176.53 • 91.818182 : 29.463996 i 86.5 - - - 75 96 92 97 88 83 88.5 95.5 86 87 ,- - "-~~- ___ ~ _____ --~---. _ _ _ _ . _ _"_.__ ~_J_.. _ __ _ 105 89 100 90 2 6 -2 5 2 -2.5 5 3 9 2 -1 -1 8 3 4 1 4 3.5 ~:::~-~~-- ~~::~-'-----~ ,,--=,~~-~~-r~r.~~-;~~t~~~~;;-~- ~~.}~-- ~~;'~'-:, ~ Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 54 41 - 82 20 21 64 62 60 63 64 - 175.26 --193.04 167.64 173.9~f-f90~5 168.91 167.64 187.96 182.88 175.26 ,93.181818 ,120.45455 ---:----9f818182 100 122.72727 96.818182 102.27273 132.27273 126.81818 138.63636 30.336506' 32.324259 2 -_._---.---,.-----.----- 1.8796· 1.8288 1.7526 1 -2 32-:-6j18:2~rt~ '33.033259 1 331f18249 1 33.934871' 36.39'1883' 37.44031 ' 37.918321 ' 45.134802 102 112 113 116 121 117 134 6 6 110 107 127 121 141 -3 -9 6 4 7 Waist Girth Study Results ordered according to Age . - Subject number 24 71 74 81 76 91 15 77 89 79 92 8 87 26 80 88 16 78 73 37 90 85 10 27 82 11 99 93 7 4 72 2 21 ! - - Gender Age I Height (in): Male Female Female Female Female Male Male Female Female Female Male Female Male Female 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 69 65 63 65 64 71 68.5 67 62.5 66 Male Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Female Female 19 9 .. 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 Fem~Ie."_I_ __ " - _pd_~ n_ Height (cm) Height (m)! Weight (Ibs)! Weight (kg) 175.26 165.1 160.02 165.1 162.56 180.34 173.99 170.18 158.75 167.64-_.182.88 161.29 180.34 157.48 ~ - 1.7526 1.651 1.6002 1.651 1.6256 1.8034 1.7399 .1.5875 1.6764 -._.1.8288 -~- 167:El~~ 67 66.25 69 67.5 "-72 -'67.5 68.5 61 69.5 65.5 68.5 64.5 72 61.25 64 62 ~ 17D45 173.99 154.94 176.53 166.37 173.99 163.83 .182.88 155.575 162.56 157.48 .~- ---.~--.--- -~-- _ .J..~ 78.5 74 80 73 88 2 88 96 87 76.5 68 76 70 75.5 70.5 80.5 88.5 8 86 66 64 76 67 74 67.5 65.909-091: 2},__ 525,47 ~ 78 84.090909 25.495852! 87.5 -72.272727 26-:-5f43()8' - 77 86.363636~29.820429! 85 53.181818 18.7812i8:~ 63.5 63.636364 ! 20.717614· 69.5 .--. 61.363636 "---' 20.875463! 71.5 72.727273 21.745274 73.636364'2'5.050555 .:1" ___ • _ ! _, • • 88 -'15399: 1.5494 1 .7653 1.6637 1.7399 1.6383 -1.8288 1.55575 1.6256 1.5748 ~ ! 7?.272i27 68.181818 91.818182 90.909091 100 49.090909 64.318182 53.181818 58.181818 55 25:5257 .~ 28.401513 29.463996 --- . 32.844094 -" 33.033259 18.290021 19.230976 21.972707 22.017089 22.177464 , 65.5 69 62 66 61 1 10.5 4 o 3 1.5 3 2.5 1 11 2 77.5 6.5 3 80 86 4 5 88 16 3.5 -~--- 1.7145 8 5 15 3 ,_ ~'..f-~ 160 i 162 179 ! 150 202! -._. -_. 200 -220 108 141.5 117 128 121 Difference , of 2 waist irths 3.5 7.5 3 71 71 72 68 86 - ~---.----- - 145~ 185 159 190 117 .~~- ! - 181.61 16-5.1 170.18 68.275 175.26 171.45 182.88 I -- - ~ BMI ka/m"2 63.636364 ·20.717614 ..----._.-... 56.818182 20.844582 54.545455 21.301492 63.636364 23.345932 63.636364 24.081192 79.545455 24.45858 83.636364 27.627817 84.090909 29.035681 50 19.84004 56.818182 ! 20.217713 .---. - -68.181818 20.386194 ! 53.181818 . 20.443173~· 68.181818 20.964497' • 56.818182 .22.910603 140 125 120 140 140 175 184 185 110 125 150 117 150 125 1~7018 'Calculated 90 104 108 72 70.5 70.5 69 70 5 6 6.5 1.5 8.5 3 9 101 I 2.2. J 13 100 97 67 21 Male -,FemaleT 21 64 Female 21 63.5 68 21 Male 74 Male -.- 21 Female 21 65 -21 64 Female 21 73 Male -- .. Female -'--2162 Female 21 67 21 Male 75 Female 22 68.5 22 68.5 Female Female 22 64 Female 22 66 Female 22 70 L.,. ~ F"E!.male 22 59:5 _,_ ,Female 22 62 ----Female 22 65 .-.-- -Female 23 63'~_L Female 23 65.5 Male 24-72~5 - 17 19 25 18 83 98 9 23 75 6 96 65 86 20 14 41 12 3 48 84 31 43 29 46 42 45 5 30 94 33 60 64 -~ i Male Male Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Female Male 25 31 41 43 52 52 52 54 54 57 58 59 59 60 60 65.5 70 76 72 66 66 69 69 62 64 64.5 66 67 62 74 170.18 162.56 -. 161.29 172.72 187.96 165.1 -. 162.56 185.42 157.48 170.18 190.5 173.99 173.99 ~,- -~-- 1.7018 1.6256 ---"--- .. .. 1.6129 1.7272 ' 1.8796 --- --' 1.651 1.6256 1.8542 1.5748 1.7018 1.905 1.73_9~ . 1.7399 1.6256 1.6764 1.778 -~~-"'~ - - 151 3 157.48 165.1 1_()j...:?9 166.37 --- -.~ - ~--- 166.37 -- -----177.8 193.04 182.88 167.64 167.64 175.26 175.26 162.56 163.83 167.64 170.18 157.48 187.96 2.5 5 12 8 7 13.5 1.5 16 2 99 63 71 96.5 104 111 79 72 88.5 91 93 127 3 2 3 -1 2 9 0.5 3 6 2 5 6 , 1.6129 1.6637 184~15---1:841 -~----. 73 90 68 70 82 74 86 112 64 68 69 70.5 75 162 --166 1.6637 1.778 1 5.5 1.5 75.5 70 75 96 70 83 91 83 91 118 69 74 71.5 75.5 87 83 82 - _..• 81.5 70 88 78 2 6 2 13 9 9 5 6 5 6 . 78.636364 • 28.410141 78~18·f8f8i24.j31b33 . : 120.45455 : 32.324259 . .. ' ..I 94.090909 i 28.132948 , ._-------" 56.363636 • 20.055971 ' 56.818182'-20.217713' 82.727273 26.932898 ---_ ....-- . 93.181818 . 30.336506 89.545455 36.10711 . 66.363636 25.113243 61.363636 22.862527 72.272727 25.716931 77.272727 26.681436 83.181818 33.541123 132.27273 . 37.44031 - - - -.. - 1.5748 1.8796 197 146 135 159 170 183 291 78.5 69 82.5 89 88 121 34 47 28 95 66 62 39 70 44 50 32 36 55 40 38 67 63 35 58 56 69 57 51 1 52 49 59 61 68 53 54 Female 61 62 -Male _~___ l'J___ 62 73 Male .__ 62 67.5 Male Male 62 66 63 69 Male - ""--63 72 Male 64 63 Female 64 66.5 Male Male 64§~ _j 68.5 Female 65 65 72Male Female 66 63.5 Male 67 66 Male 70 69.5 Male 70 66 "---<-- Male 71 69.5 i Male 72 70.5 Female -74-60 75 66~5 • -- •. -Ii--Female 75 64.5 i___ ----- ____ I Female 76 64 iFemale --78 - -63 -t .. -. Female 79 65.5 Female --79 -62 Fef!1ale 1__ 81 _I 63 Male 82 66 Female 85 60 62 Female 86 Female 87 60.5 Female 88 60 157.48 189}4 185.42 - M____ 171.45 167.64 175.26 182.88 160.02 168.91 175.26 173.99 -182.88 .._-----161.29 167 .64 61.363636 : 24.743451 -.- ,------------_._._----- --"~"-.- -~. -- - 91.81~1Q2_~28.23~1~_ 79.090909 75 102.27?73 92.272727 126.81818 : 86.363636 96.818182 138.63636 73.181818 ;-97.-727273 91.818182 23.004533 _.. _. 25.514454 36.391883 i •-- 30.04054 - 37.918321 190 33.727363' 213 33.934871 30~ 45.134802 161 24.17434 215 29.220211 202 35.29505 --~75.90969T i-i7~01 086575.909091-' 24.358848 : 72.045455 25.63606 ----._-""._.---- ----,--"--92.272727 29.609857 77.727273-;24.2397291 --54-:-545455 - 23.484895-1 1 25.80962 162 -'73.636364 ---------, ----I 167 i 75.909091 i 28.281792 i 125 '56.818182 21.5010641 206 93.636364 . ______ 36.567562[___ ,__ •• __ "-. ___ .. _____ _ 73.636364 26.603716 73.18fs18 ' 29.508857 - •i -- - - + :-Fe-m8le ~- 74 101 78.5 98 116 102 117 101 113 134 85 96 96 99 ---_._,--- 76 105 82 95.5 107 105 121 100 110 141 99 100 100 98 97 87 109 92 --~--------,---- ----- i 160.0~ i 1.6002 1.6764 1.524 1.5748 1.5367 1.524 141 138 11 -1 5 3 8 -2 7 ~ 167.64 152.4 157.48 153.67 152.4 4 -1 -3 7 14 4 4 16 4 9 14 14.5 9 3.5 -~---.-r------- -- 2 4 3.5 -2.5 -9 3 112 74 73 87 72 -2 97 74 10 11 10 2 Waist Girth Study Results ordered According to Waist Girth - 1 ~ Subject number 21 43 72 73 79 9 58 7 89 2 8 26 76 17 23 20 29 13 14 4 75 30 37 22 19 6 71 74 90 81 82 41 54 I Gender Age Female Female Female Female' Female Female Female Female Female 21 52 21 20 19 22 Calculated Height (in) Height (cm) Height (m) Weight (Ibs) Weight (kg) BMI I 62 66 61.25 66.25 66 68.5 60 64.5 62.5 Female c· . , Female 157.48 167.64 155.575 168.275 167.64 173.99 152.4 163.83 158.75 162.56 161.29 157.48 162.56 165.1 173.99 165.1 167.64 161.29 161.29 1.5748 1.6764 1.55575 1.68275 1.6764 1.7399 1.524 1.6383 121 124 117 117 125 118 120 108 110 128 117 125 140 144 140 156.5 55 56.363636 53.181818 , 53.181818 56.818182 53.636364 54.545455 ,49.090909 - 50 19.8400458.181818' 22.017089 53.181818'20.443173 --- ---". - ._~_. --. ~- 154.94 166.37 152.4 .~- -- -- 1.7145 1.651 1.5494 1.6637 1.524 144 125 120 135 140 150 162 117 -'- 1 - ..- 68 68 68 68.5 - -~ - 72 76.5 69 70 - - 7~35 ,,-~.- -_. 63.636364 71.136364 56.818182 .60.909091 - , 60:909091 ----.64.318182 19.230976 '61.363636 ;23.221149 61 .36·3636'22~862527 63.636364' 20.717614 -_. . 61.818182 23.393158 ---_.66.590909 25.199247 65.454545 23.290805 ---56.818182 20.844582 54.545455' 21.301492 61.363636 20.875463 63.636364 23.345932 68.181818 28.401513 73.636364 26.603716 53.181818 22.897773 I 66 65 63 67.5 65 61 65.5 60 66 66 67 :~~}j~~~~~~~~6~ ~~~; ~6~~5- ----.. 65.454545 24.012958 68 _--- .. 4 5 7 64 64 64 65.5 - 64 64.5 69 64 64 - Waist Difference Girth #2 . of 2 waist irths 9 2 8.5 3 Waist Girth #1 20.217713 17.717839 23.484895 18.290021 ~-.~- Female Female Female Female. 20 ..... ___ i. __ Female' 18 Female 20 23 Female Female 88 I 70 74 81.5 71 70 -~68.5 i6 . 69 69 69 69.5 70 70 70.5 71 71 71.5 72 72 72 72 70.5 71.5 72 71.5 75.5 83 75.5 78.5 74 78 80 88 88 74 '.- 6.5 10.5 3 3 3 5 2 6 13.5 ---3 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 3 2 5.5 13 5 7.5 3 6.5 8 16 16 2 Male 19 71 Female 21 62 Female 61 62 Female 76 64 Female 85 60 72 20 Male Female 22 70 59,5 Female 22 Female 22 62 72 Male 19 67.5 Female _ 20 _.. 72.5 Male 24 65_.. Female 19 Female: 19 , 66 Female 57-' 64 73 Male ! 62 Female ) -7965.5 Male 20 ,__~ale 21 Male 31 Female 59 Female ~ 1_' _____-:-___ ' Male 70 75 19 65 71 Male 18 67 Female 18 21 67 Female 69.5 20 Male 60,5 87 Female 71.5 Male 19 68.5 18 Male - - -- 1 88 -LUI\<:;: r 1111\<:;:, lUI' .~---------~ - --- --.------~-----. .___ - - W',' __ _ - 168.91 170.18 173.99 ---180.34 170~18 170.18176.53 153.67 181.61 173.99 ." - - - 1.7018 1.7018 1.7653 1.5367 1.8161 1.7399 - ~. - -~-- ~ --- -- I _---" - ~~"-~~~--- 27 25 48 94 69 67 56 78 32 91 77 83 11 53 15 74 73 67.272727' 23.228544 75 ; 70.454545.23.616947 73 ,--, ---84 25.84316 73 -! 64.090909 -_. 77 : 63.636364 20.717614 73.5 - 68::1'81818'7 '0,964497 74 75.5 2 -_. 83 68.636364 27.676008 74 : 61.363636 24.743451 74 76 56.818182 21.501064 74 83 ,___ _ ... _ .w., ,__ 53.636364 23.093481 74 84 72.727273 21.745274 74.5 77.5 76.363636 24.155892 75 87 56.363636 -24.6773 75 83 63.636364 25.659875 75 82 68.181818 20.386194 76 76 73.636364; 25.050555 76 80 - 75.454545 22.250612 76 78 72.272727.26.514308 77 88 -, -65.909091 • 23.452547 78 80.5 l,66:363'636 . .?5.,1132';f3 -'-78.5 79 '79.090909 23.004533 78.5 82 . 73.636364 : 26.603716 80.5 95 -~77.2i272i-+-25:5257 8 f - 86 _______ ,_88.181818J..?5.64~X3.?, 82 91 78.18181.B1.?4.731033 82 83 72.272727 25.716931 82.5 88.5 ._-- -.-----._,--,75.909091 28.281792 83 87 -72.045455 25.63606 84 87 ---. - -----. _.73.636364 i 25.80962 84 100 86.363636 29.820429 85 100 190 -----. --.----161 '73.181818 24.17434 85 99 ------.- _.175 ; 79.545455 24.45858 86 88 185 '84.090909' 29.035681 86 87 185 84.090909 29.035681 86 91 --202 91.818182 29.463996 86.5 90 138 62.72727326.563067 87 97 ._._.-185 84.090909·25.495852 87.5 88.5 184 83.636364 27.627817 88 96 148 155 141 140 101 100 68 24 87 18 34 57 61 85 96 65 86 92 10 12 16 80 5 28 _ __ ~ ___ ' _ ' W __ 1 2 11 3.5 1.5 9 2 9 10 3 12 8 7 o 4 2 11 2.5 0.5 3.5 14.5 5 9 1 6 4 3 16 15 14 2 1 5 3.5 10 1 8 3 60 33 52 97 51 49 38 35 31 36 55 46 95 99 40 47 70 63 93 42 45 62 166.37 173 i 78.636364128.410141 157.48 183-: 83js181a: 33.541123 77.272727 i 26.681436 -170.18- " -.. ---157.48 ! 73.181818.29.508857 187.96 r-84~690909- 23.802259' 160.02 '93.636364 36.567562 160.02 68.181818,26.626866 176.53 . 75.909091-'24.358848 179.07 77.727273 24.239729 182.88 94.090909 28.132948 -' 182.88 97.727273,29.220211 161.29 91.818182 35.29505 .. 175.26 82.727273 -26.932898 171.45 75 25.514454 -. __ ._-166.37 90.909091 i 32.844094 ._- .---.. _.- --- . 167.64 75.909091 ,27.010865 180.34 , 2 0 2 60:-62-; 176.53 173.99 175.26 ~-----~ ~~ Female Female Male Male --- - " - ~------~ --~-- - ~--- ~-- -. -157.48- Male Male Male 63 60 64 72 74 69 ' - 167.64 182.88 187.96 1~.26 1~ 44 66 --- - 102 107 112 112 113 116 117 121 98 59 50 -- - 84 39 64 - 88 88 89-89 90 90 91 92 94 96 96 96 97.5 98 99 .---- -----.'-,._99 101 101 101 102 102 -- 102 --- 1 5 2 9 6 14 3.5 5 89 93 91 98 96 104 94.5 97 92 -2 99 100 100 3 4 4 96.5 95.5 -1 -2.5 5 104 -1 4 -1 98 105 100 109 108 104 111 8 6 2 9 3 1 6 105 108 118 110 110 107 121 127 141 : -2 -3 -9 4 6 7 Waist Girth Study Results ordered according to waist girth 2 _-- -------_._---, Subject number _ --- 9 2 21 8 17 13 14 72 26 4 58 29 75 37 7 30 76 23 74 54 101 100 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female - -_.Female Male Femaie: Fema-Ie-- 19 22 21 21 19 21 21 23 21 Female Female 22 9 21 74 52 ! 66 66.25 66 68.5 64 62 63.5 65 63.5 63.5 61.25 62 72 60 66 167.64 168.275 167.64 173.99 162.56 157.48 161.29 165.1 161.29 161.29 155.575 157.48 _.182.88 152.4 167.64 ---,162.56 - --~-----~- - 1.7399 1.6256 1.5748 1.6129 1.651 1.6129 1.6129 1.55575 --_.-_ ... 1.5748 1.8288 '--.--1.524 1.6764 --" 1.6256 - I Female Male Female Male Female Male Male 124 117 125 118 128 121 117 144 134 134 117 125 . 56.3636364' 53.1818182 56.8181818' 20.217713 53.6363636 17.717839 58.1818182 22.017089 55 22.177464' 53.1818182 20.443173 65.4545455 24.012958 60.9090909 23.413548 60.9090909 . 23.413548 53.1818182 21.972707 56.8181818 22.910603. '64.3-181818 19.230976 . 54.5454545 . 23.484895: 56.818181 --. 61.3636364 23.221149 -----63.6363636.20.717614, 49.0909091 18.290021. -- - -- 140 108 -~--,.- __3.~" __I.~~_=__~~?6.~~~ .~2.86252} Female Female Female 22 6 "-"-,---------- _.. Calculated BMI Height (in) Height (cm)' Height (m)' Weight (lbs) : Weight (kg) Gender 43 73 79 87 34 92 89 24 85 ----" 19 61 19 19 18 20 71 62 72 62.5 --69 72 170.18 172.72 162.56 167.64 180.34 157.48 182.88 158.75 175.26 182.88 1.6256 1.6764 1.8034 1.5748 1.8288 1.5875 1.7526 1.8288 140 140 120 117 148 155 136 144 150 135 150 110 140 160 ·63.6363636' 24.081192 63.6363636 21.021165 ------' - -, 54.5454545 21.301492 53.1818182: 22.897773' "67.2727273'23.228544 ---,,------70.4545455.. 23.616947 -61.8181818 23.393158 .65.4545455 23.290805 68.1818182 20.964497 61.3636364' 24.743451 . 68.1818182 20.386194 50 19.84004 63.6363636 20.717614 72.7272727 21.745274. --~- -----~- - - Waist Girth #1 64 64 66 61 67 68 68.5 68.5 62 67.5 69 64 68 69 69.5 65.5 69 68 68 71 72 73 73 70 70.5 74 74 76 66 73.5 74.5 Waist Girth #2 Difference of 2 waist irths 2 3 4 5 69 70 70 70 70 70 70.5 70.5 70.5 71 71 71.5 71.5 72 72 73 74 74 74 74 75 75.5 75.5 75.5 76 76 76.5 77 77.5 3 9 3 2 1.5 1.5 8.5 3 1.5 7 - 3 2.5 2 6.5 3 5 6 3 2 1 2 5.5 5 1.5 2 o 10.5 3.5 3 90 12 71 5 81 10 80 20 86 28 19 18 57 65 48 68 61 27 96 69 67 77 82 41 16 91 94 88 Female Male Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Female Female Female Male ' Female Female Male -Fe~male ' 22 62 21 21 67.5 72.5 65 64 65 67.5 66 65 62 73 64 62 64 59.5 70 62 171.45 184.15 165.1 'f62~56 165.1 171.45 167.64 165.1 157.48 185.42 162.56 157.48 - 162.56 151.13 177.8 157.48 135 61.3636364 20.875463 71.5 166 75.4545455 22.250612 76 "25 56.8181818 20.844582 71 146 66.3636364 25.113243 78.5 .-" --"1.6~1 140 63.6363636; 23.345932 72 1.7145 162 73.6363636 25.050555 76 1.6764 45 65.9090909' 23.452547 78 1.651 156.5 71.1363636 26.097416 68 1.5748 140 63.6363636 25.659875' 75 1.8542 174 79.0909091 i 23.004533 78.5 1.6256 146.5 66.5909091 25.199247 70 1.5748 151 '68.6363636 27.676008 74 1 2 5 ' 56.8181818 21.501064 74 1.6256 . -,-' ---,. 1.5113 124 56.3636364. 24.6773 75 - 1.778) ,_ 1 78.1818182 24.731033 82 141 64.0909091 25.84316 73 -.---,----, _j~2.! 11~ , 53.6363636~3.q~~481 i 74 170 i 77.2727273 25.5257 81 173.99 177.8 ---f68-76.3636364' 24-: 155892 75 "163.83 167 75.9090909 28.281792 83 f58.5~:72~645454525.63606-r~84 167.64 --- 170.18 185 : 84.0909091 29.035681 86 f54.9~f--· 150 ;-68:1818182: 28.401 72 16-6.37 162-'-- '73.6363636T26.§9~?1!?L __Z~_ _ 77 165.1 159 72.2727273 i 26.514308: f80~34 175 79.545454S: 24.4~.s58 ~~_. 167.64 159 72.2727273 i 25.716931' 82.5 181 185 i 84.0909091 25.495852"--' 87.5 166.37 1.6637 173 78.6363636 28.410141' 88 -" "--- -------,---176.53 1.7653 202 91.8181818 29.463996 86.5 185.42 1.8542--:--- 194 88.1818182 '25.648732 82-' 170.18 1.7018 185 '84.0909091 29.035681 86 170.18 1.7018 170, 77.2727273 26.681436 89 _.. --- _.... . 179.07 1.7907 171 77.7272727 24.239729 94 157.48 1.5748 183 83.1818182 33.541123 88 160.02 1.6002 150 68.1818182 26.626866 91 166.37 1.6637 162 73.6363636 26.603716 80.5 - - " * --" 1.7145 1.8415 1.651 1.6256 .- ~ ~ -¥ - - "--~".- - ~ ---.-~---. "-~ ~ --"""-- :J - - --~- Female Male -- ~- --.----~--.-~"--". __ ~O 68.5 ~.- --,--'." -~ r __ 3 11 25 83 J 33 J 35 60 49 1 C F F ( ...<: Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female, Female Female 21 21 59 72 60 81 79 73 67 67 70.5 62 63 65.5 , ~.---- " _. 78 78 78.5 79 80 80 80.5 81.5 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88.5 88.-5 89 90 91 91 91 92 93 94.5 95 ~ 6.5 2 7.5 0.5 8 4 2.5 13.5 7 3.5 13 9 9 8 1 11 10 5 12 4 3 1 16 16 11 2 6 1 1 3.5 9 5 2 -2 5 3.5 14.5 62 18 21 52 87 70 79 67 65 43 67.5 68.5 74 69 60.5 69.5 62 66 68.5 72 171.45 173.99 187.96 175.26 153~67 - - 176.53 ,157.48 .. 167.64 173.99 182.88 ~ ~ ---', ~- 19 65 66 98 16575 25.514454 88 1 8 4 ' 83.6363636 27.627817 90 185 84.0909091 23.802259 97.5 182 82.7272727 26.932898 f38 62.7272727'. 26.563067 87 92 167 75.9090909 24.358848 89 161 73.1818182 29.508857 99 167 75.9090909 27.010865 _... ---85 161 73.1818182 24.17434 96 207 ,94.0909091 28.132948 84 73.6363636 25.80962 86.3636364 ' 29.820429 85 97.7272727 29.220211 96 --"-- ._---91.8181818, 35.29505' 96 _. '86.3636364 33.727363 101 --_. "------ ... 93.6363636 • 36.567562 90 90.9090909 32.844094 99 ----... - -93.1818182 30.336506 102 '" 91.81Sf81if'28.232189 101 --------"- 92.2727273 30.04054 102 102.272727 36.391883' 116 100 . 33.033259 102 . 120.454545. 3i324259 107 .. --203 92.2727273 29.609857 101 -202 '91.8181818 32.6i182~ 112 213 96':~f181-818 33:934871 113 -- . 197 89.5454545 36.10711 102 270 122.727273 '33.81-8249 112 279 126.818182 37.918321 117 121 291 132.272727 37.44031 305 138.636364 45.134802 134 ~ ~.- ~ ----~"--~"-- Female Female ___ ,~4 Female 78 20 Female -54 Male 61 Male Male i 63 --. Male 62 ~ ----~-.-----,--. -- _____ "-;-' 44 167.64 :-~1'68~91~ 157.48 190.5 182.88 187.96 175.26 - 72 74 69 1.8796 1.7526 ~--.-- _ ______ .i ~-- _ _ _ "__ _ -~----- 63 59 Female Male Male Male Male -.-~ - .~~_"___ 84 45 98 39 64 50 -'7 1.7145 1.7399 1.8796 1.7526 1.5367 1.7653 1.5748 1.6764 1.7399 1.8288 . Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Male ~ 95 15 97 46 53 38 52 40 32 31 56 78 36 55 70 51 99 42 47 62 66 93 -~-- . • . __ -- -4 __ _ - 95.5 96 96 96.5 97 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 104 104 104 105 105 107 108 108 109 110 110 111 118 121 127 141 -2.5 8 6 -1 10 5 9 -1 14 3 16 15 4 4 -1 14 5 2 4 3 -9 6 1 8 -2 -3 9 6 4 6 7 Summary of Statistical Data Amon ~ Groups Group Normal BMI Overweight BMI Obese BMI Female Male a es 18-24 25-39 ages 40-59 ages 60-79 ages 80-99 Total # of subjects in group 49 35 17 61 40 55 2 11 27 6 Mean Waist Girth #1 (cm) 72.09 84.69 106.71 75.18 93.1 74.98 85 86.59 94.63 84.83 Mean Waist Girth #2 (cm) 76.5 91.31 110.06 81.86 95.55 80.63 86 89.36 99.35 90.58 Calculated t value 2.821 3.362 0.8496 3.409 0.7053 2.815 0.2357 0.4066 1.131 0.7046 Degrees of Freedom (dF) 96 65 32 118 78 108 2 20 52 10 Critical t value* 2.629 2.654 2.737 2.626 2.642 2.622 9.925 2.845 2.673 3.169 Statistically ant? YES YES NO YES NO YES NO NO NO NO *AII critical t-values were obtained from the table in Appendix A. The above t values are reported with a .01 level of significance. This means that I can be 99% sure that the values are significant. The critical t values for a .05 level of significance did not affect the Significance of any of the data in this table therefore they are not reported Summary of Statistical Data Between Groups Groups being compared Average Average Difference for Difference for 1st Group 2nd Group Calculated t value Degrees of Critical t Freedom (dF) value 0.1 Critical t value 0.5 Statistically Significant? Normal BMI vs Overweight BMI 4.408 6.629 2.164 52 2.673 2.007 YES (0.5) Normal BMI Obese BMI 4.408 3.353 0.7826 21 2.831 Does not affec significance NO 6.629 3.353 2.104 33 2.737 2.036 YES (0.5) VS Overweight BMI vs Obese BMI All critical t-values were obtained from the table in Appendix A. The t-values which were reported with a .01 level of Significance determine that I can be 99% sure that statistical Significance exists The t-values which were reported with a .05 level of Significance determine that I can be 95% sure that statistical Significance exists BA TAT E UN lYE RSITY ACADE:VIIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF AC.>\DE:VIIC RESEARCH A'JD SPONSORED PROGRAMS L Muncie, Indiana 47306-0155 Phone: 765-285-1600 Fax: 765-285-1624 INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOAR.D TO: Joshua Dobbs Human Performance Laboratory FR.OM: Jerrell Cassady, Chair Institutional Review Board DATE: October 17, 2003 R.E: Human Subjects Protocol-IRB # 04·98 The Institutional Review Board has recently approved your project titled A Comparison of Two Methods of Assessing Waist Girth in Males and Females as originally submitted as an expedited stUdy, Such approval is in force from 10/1612003to 10/1512004. It is the responsibility of the P.I. and/or faculty supervisor to inform the IRB: • • • • • when the project is completed, or if the project is to be extended beyond the approved end date, if the project is modified, if the project encounters problems, if the project is discontinued. Any of the above notifications should be addressed in writing to the Institutional Review Board, c/o the Office of Academic Research &Sponsored Programs (2100 Riverside Avenue). Please reference the above identification number in any communication to the IRB regarding this project. Be sure to allow sufficient time for extended approvals.